Gah. Replying to all this time instead of just Galen, as I did three
hours ago, for my $0.02...

2010/11/11 Galen Charlton <>:
> Hi,
> 2010/11/11 Frédéric DEMIANS <>:
>> Thanks all for your suggestions. I have to choose another name for sure.
>> Marc::Moose seems to be a reasonable choice. But I'm very tempted by a
>> shorter option: MarcX, MarcX::Record, MarcX::Parser, MarcX::Reader::Isis,
>> etc. Any objection?
> Not from me, but I'm not sure if the CPAN folks will want yet another
> top-level namespace.

I was going to express the same concern. Keeping everything under
MARC:: may also make it a tiny bit easier to find the existing
alternatives for, well, parsing MARC records. I would +1 MARC::Moose.

Also, to be purely pedantic, "MARC" is an acronym for
"MAchine-Readable Cataloguing", while "Marc" is a person's name, so
where-ever it ends up, please keep it uppercase.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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