2010/11/11 Frédéric DEMIANS <f.demi...@tamil.fr>:
> Thanks all for your suggestions. I have to choose another name for sure.
> Marc::Moose seems to be a reasonable choice. But I'm very tempted by a
> shorter option: MarcX, MarcX::Record, MarcX::Parser, MarcX::Reader::Isis,
> etc. Any objection?

I can't think of a better choice than MARC::Moose::, e.g., MARC::Moose::Record.
There are a lot of MARC::Something's out there, and what differentiates yours
from those appears to be Moose.  Yes, you might rewrite it in the future using
Marmoset, in which case I'd probably suggest renaming it to
That way, Moose enthusiasts could take over maintaining the Moose version.
If you catch my drift.

I'm not crazy about it necessarily.  I just can't think of anything I
like better.
Sleeping on it some more might be in order, maybe.

Just my .10 francs worth,


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