On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 05:18:19PM +0300, Amir E. Aharoni wrote:

> My 0.02 ???: CGI.pm will be better off redesigned and cleaned up, and
> for those wanting compatibility a module called CGI5.pm can be
> written.
> It will probably be very popular, like p5 regexes ...

Hear hear!

I wonder how many people really use the HTML-generating bits of CGI.pm?
I know I never have, nor have they been used that I can remember
anywhere that I've worked, or in any of the non-work projects I've
collaborated in.  It's always been 'print "<HTML>"' or more recently
using a templating language like TT.

David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"

Computer Science is about lofty design goals and careful algorithmic
optimisation.  Sysadminning is about cleaning up the resulting mess.

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