> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>> The thing that CGI.pm does is put in one place everything you need for
>> a simple web form.  And there's an amazing number of applications for
>> this... putting a "contact us" page on an otherwise static site comes
>> to mind immediately.
>> Sure, if you're building a complex shopping cart application, you're
>> gonna reach for Jifty or Catalyst, or at least roll your own with
>> Template Toolkit or Mason, and you'd be silly to use either CGI.pm's
>> parsing or HTML generation in those cases.
> You seem to be forgetting the case in the middle - a small dynamic site.
IMHO that is: "most sites".

>   My weapons of choice for that are CGI.pm to parse requests and
> Template Toolkit to stuff the relevant content into templates.
That's why I use CGI::Lite - no fancy HTML, only a lightweight module with
themost important features. (Gee, I am emitting WML sometimes!)

And let me add this as a side note:
IMHO a module should do what its name stands for.

Surely, when I do something with CGI, I also do HTML generation in 99% of
the time. But as the matter of fact, I also use DBI in 99% of the time, so
why not put DBI into CGI.pm, too? ;)


>> But don't throw out the simplicity of CGI.pm's basic task handling:
>> parsing the incoming parameters (including file upload), and
>> generating sticky forms and other common HTML elements.
> That's two tasks.  It should be two modules.

> I suppose you could argue that generating <FORM> tags specifically and
> all their baggage like <INPUT>s might fall under its remit (they are,
> after all, what generates the fancy requests that are CGI's bread and
> butter), but generating <H1> tags is most definitely not anything to do
> with CGI.
Also consider that handling the "input part" of CGI is very
straightforward. No matter what system/language you use, you basically do
the same thing (parse/access GET/POST, the ENV variables, etc.) On the
other hand, handling the output is much more dubious - besides setting the
content type on some other headers, there are dozens of ways to
handle/mangle the content you output. Perl5's CGI.pm provides a way, but
that is IMHO just a legacy API Perl6 has nothing to do with. Basically
everyone who use CGI.pm use ->param() - but only a few use ->h1(), for
example. (IMHO if something beyond CGI input handling must go into CGI.pm,
then that is cookie handling - but that's another story.)

Just my two cents.
- Fagzal

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