On Tue, 2009-24-03 at 08:42 -0700, Paul Hodges wrote:
> --- On Tue, 3/24/09, John Macdonald <j...@perlwolf.com> wrote:
> > The graphene logo inspires me to suggest that a carbon
> > ring be used as the logo for Parrot...

Did you mean Rakudo here ?

Parrot seems to have a logo already.

> A carbon ring also has the advantages that it's regognizable as a very
> small logo, even as just a favicon.ico, and can be reasonably if
> stylistically represented in simple ASCII art. You can even put a tail
> off the top to look like 6-ish, or if you have real art skills,
> superimpose a Pearl into the hexagon with a little "VI" (both a Roman
> numeral and a vague homage to the text editor of it's UNIX roots).
> Yes, lots of inside jokes, but that's part of the community thing....


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