Hi list !

I found this bug already mentionned in the archives of January 2007, but it was 
supposed to be fixed in 1.6.3.
Obviously it is not so, since I still have the error "No matching tables were 
found" when trying to perform a single table backup/

Dave Page wrote :
The command currently generated by pgadmin is not following a rule
described in the pg_dump documentation (the second note on the '-t'
option) :

'you must write something like -t sch.tab to select a table in a
particular schema, rather than the old locution of -n sch -t tab'

Erk - I've committed fixes to SVN for this for v1.6.3.

I usually copy the pg_dump command and correct it manually, but is there a fix 
somewhere for this ?

Thanks a lot !


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