On Apr 16, 8:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arnaud Lesauvage)
> Hi list !
> I found this bug already mentionned in the archives of January 2007, but it 
> was supposed to be fixed in 1.6.3.
> Obviously it is not so, since I still have the error "No matching tables were 
> found" when trying to perform a single table backup/
> Dave Page wrote :
> >> The command currently generated by pgadmin is not following a rule
> >> described in the pg_dump documentation (the second note on the '-t'
> >> option) :
> >> 'you must write something like -t sch.tab to select a table in a
> >> particular schema, rather than the old locution of -n sch -t tab'
> > Erk - I've committed fixes to SVN for this for v1.6.3.
> I usually copy the pg_dump command and correct it manually, but is there a 
> fix somewhere for this ?
> Thanks a lot !
> --
> Arnaud
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I second this bug - i'm experiencing the same problem trying to backup
(dump) tables with mixed case names (e.g. MyTableName). I've installed
pgAdmin v1.6.3 and attempted to backup (compressed and plain, within
pgadmin, from cmd line) some tables with mixed case names, so far
without success. I'm able to dump out all lower case named tables
(e.g. mytablename) but NOT mixed case named tables.

Example error;

C:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\1.6>pg_dump.exe -i -h localhost -p 5432 -
U postgres
 -F c -v -f "C:\temp\out.backup" -t '"AddressPoint"' -n public
pg_dump: No matching tables were found
pg_dump: *** aborted because of error

As you can see the offending table name has been double quoted, as
specified in the pgsql 8.2 docs (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/

Apologies if some form of this post has been posted to other group
members directly, may have submitted using the wrong link within
Google Groups.

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated at this point.

Many thank,
Simon Abele

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