Hi Jon,

If you are running on Linux or Mac OS/X (BSD anyone?) then db/wiki could be a symlink to a directory at a more suitable location. If you have already created the database, no problem:
1.  Make the directory for the wiki wherever you like
2.  Recursively copy db/wiki to that directory (cp -vr)
3.  Delete wiki (but not db)
4.  Symlink as required, something like cd db; ln -s <newloc> wiki

I have no idea how you'd do the same on Windows, sorry.


\Alexander Burger wrote:
Hi Jon,

I would like to try the PicoLisp wiki code on my own machine, but
I'm not sure what's the right way to launch it. Can the wiki
directory be outside the picoLisp directory? Which should be the
current directory?

I wouldn't recommend that, as most path names assume a local
installation. You could probably fix that by changing the calls to

So if you unpack "wiki.tgz" in the runtime directory, you could just
start it as

   $ ./dbg wiki/main.l lib/too.l -main -go

The problem is the initial database. For that, a file "wiki/init.l" is
included that creates a minimal set of objects (Roles and users).

So for the first start, I would recommend to do

   $ mkdir -p db/wiki
   $ ./dbg wiki/main.l lib/too.l -main wiki/init.l -go

Then connect your browser to DB maintenance page at


log in as "admin" / "admin", and create the first page manually.

I just noticed, there was an error in "wiki/init.l". The first user
didn't have the correct admin role. Please download the "wiki.tgz" once

Hope I didn't forget anything.

- Ale

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Hi Jon,<br>
If you are running on Linux or Mac OS/X (BSD anyone?) then  db/wiki
could be a symlink to a directory at a more suitable location.  If you
have already created the database, no problem:<br>
1.  Make the directory for the wiki wherever you like<br>
2.  Recursively copy db/wiki to that directory (cp -vr)<br>
3.  Delete wiki (but not db)<br>
4.  Symlink as required, something like cd db; ln -s &lt;newloc&gt; wiki<br>
I have no idea how you'd do the same on Windows, sorry.<br>
\Alexander Burger wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:20100414084432.ga12...@software-lab.de"
 <pre wrap="">Hi Jon,

 <blockquote type="cite">
   <pre wrap="">I would like to try the PicoLisp wiki code on my own machine, 
I'm not sure what's the right way to launch it. Can the wiki
directory be outside the picoLisp directory? Which should be the
current directory?
 <pre wrap=""><!---->
I wouldn't recommend that, as most path names assume a local
installation. You could probably fix that by changing the calls to

So if you unpack "wiki.tgz" in the runtime directory, you could just
start it as

  $ ./dbg wiki/main.l lib/too.l -main -go

The problem is the initial database. For that, a file "wiki/init.l" is
included that creates a minimal set of objects (Roles and users).

So for the first start, I would recommend to do

  $ mkdir -p db/wiki
  $ ./dbg wiki/main.l lib/too.l -main wiki/init.l -go

Then connect your browser to DB maintenance page at

  <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" 

log in as "admin" / "admin", and create the first page manually.

I just noticed, there was an error in "wiki/init.l". The first user
didn't have the correct admin role. Please download the "wiki.tgz" once

Hope I didn't forget anything.

- Ale

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