gorman wrote: 
> 310,603,776 bytes (296MB approximately) is the size of the full FLAC
> file, clocking in at 1 hour and 3 seconds. I am not familiar with your
> calculations above, unless those lenghts are PCM lenghts for some
> reason. But basically I don't understand what you're calculating. If you
> need extra info in this regard, I'd be happy to provide anything I can.

CD quality is 44100 samples/sec.  Each channel has 1 sample - 2 channels
means 2 samples   Sample size is 16bits = 2 bytes  - so data rate is
44100*2*2 = 176400 bytes/sec
I'm mixed up this time. The data stream to player is flac - so estimate
time would be 16mins.

> In this case it's Squeezelite-X, so a squeezelite instance, set with "-b
> 16384:16384".
> Edit: I have a SB2, several Booms and a DAC32 if you would like me to
> test on other clients.

This means player has 16Mbytes input and 16Mbytes of output. So input
buffer has become full and some of output as well, and then no data
would be required for a very long time.
socketwrapper has a safety watchdog which kills a stream which hasn't
"moved" (i.e. no data processed by transcode chain to player) for a long
time. When player had small buffer sizes (e.g. SB2),  there used to be
problem with some internet stream blocking which would create zombie
process under Windows.

Can you try playing the stream on an SB2 to see if problem shows with
the smaller buffer players.

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