gorman wrote: 
> Thanks bpa! I'll use this then. I will report back anything strange
> (hopefully nothing).
> Edit: maybe you should link it on github as well?

No. It is the same as Ralpy's just with saving logging info so I'd
rather there are only Ralphy produced binaries for Windows as he is
rebuilding whole Windows setup.  Otherwise I'll have to create a github
repository, add code and another fork on the github.

> Edit2: could you please remind us what the log file is going to be
> named?

The file is called *socketwrapperdebug.log*
It will be stored in the temp file directory for the user running LMS as
detailed in the environment variable TMP (which is defined by Windows as
a designated temporary file area).

TMP is usually set to be something like
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp  - where <username> is the userid
on Windows (e.g. Admin)

It may be quicker to use Windows search facility to look for document

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