Possibly my favorite Material feature is "Transfer queue". It's great
for bringing the music with me to another room with just a click.
However, I am having one problem with it and, of course, it only happens
when playing content from Qobuz. (Sorry, Craig...) When I transfer the
queue (in this case, a Qobuz album) to a new player, the music
immediately starts right where where it left off. But when the current
song ends, it repeats. And repeats. And repeats, as though "repeat
track" is selected (it isn't) or it has the hiccups. I have to manually
go the queue and slap it on the back by hitting the next song button.
>From then on, it proceeds through the queue as expected. I know you
don't have a streaming service to test with but the problem is easily
recreatable for me as it occurs every time. Let me know what sort of
debug info would be helpful. Thanks.

SamY's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=63495
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109624

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