On Feb 8, 2011, at 6:35 AM, Romgo wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running puppet server version 0.25.4-2, and since Debian squeeze
> is the new stable release I would like to adapt some of my modules.
> I have a syslog-ng module, I would like to specify another template
> for my squeeze server.
> I changed my init.pp as follow :
> if ($operatingsystemrelease <= 5.0.8) {
> $syslog_template = "syslog/syslog-ng.conf.erb"
> }
> else {
> $syslog_template = "syslog/syslog-ng.conf-squeeze.erb"
> }
> [...]
>       file { "/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf":
>         ensure => present,
>         mode => 644,
>         owner => root,
>         group => root,
>         content =>  template($syslog_template),
>         notify => service[syslog-ng],
>         }
> I try this configuration thanks to the following post :
> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/33bafb3fff10171f
> But it doesn't work. My old client are still using  "syslog/syslog-
> ng.conf.erb" and I don't get any error message.
> Maybe the puppet server is too old version for using facter
> operatingsystemrelease  ?

Run "factor | grep operatingsystemrelease" on your client and see what happens. 
 If it doesn't give output, try "factor" by itself and see if you have a typo 
in the name for the fact.

I would guess that it's not giving a version number, or giving one different 
from what you expect.

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