On Apr 8, 2009, at 4:50 AM, Noah Gift wrote:

> I get frustrated every time I setup a new virtualENV as I forgot that
> something always breaks.  I just got this today:
> http://pylonshq.com/pasties/d8768f105749c5c169094812c4e0f01a

I suspect you might have actually forgotten --no-site-packages. If you  
did indeed set it there would be a /Users/ngift/src/pylonsENV/lib/ 

Otherwise I don't know why Tempita wouldn't have been installed. Is it  

Regardless of what the problem is, in the future it would be nice if  
we provided an 'all in one' install archive. Like a pip bundle (but  
then we have to require pip), or I think zc.sourcerelease can produce  
something similar. EggFreezer also does something along these lines  
but was more of a binary distribution installer.

Something that bootstraps itself and installs everything without  
having to go through pypi, like a fully self contained go-pylons.py

Philip Jenvey

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