I would be astounded so see something like that. Unlike virtually static 
pages, images and stylesheets, that can be extended with some 
syntax-highlighted PHP code in Dreamweaver, pyramid allows to use arbitrary 
renderers (e.g. Mako or Jinja2), each having a different syntax. The folder 
with the templates which are rendererd by views is probably stored in a 
different place than static files like images snd stylesheets, so accessing 
the template files directly in a browser won't work until you startup your 
Pyramid container, because the URLs of included static files don't match. 
Also, to fill the templates with data and see how it renders tables etc. 
you have to program views.

I typically get templates from the webdesigner, then I replace e.g. table 
rows with loops in the according template language, put images and 
stylesheets somewhere in the static file folder and then I check if it 
looks like what the designer gave me when accessing the specific view in a 
browser like the users later would.

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