At 18:24 20/11/2004 +0000, you wrote:

You are touchy David.  Maybe too much "Nome brew"  (8-)#
I was joking about your mistyping only.

OK, a typo - big deal ! Surely the Tinkerers have been adding bits of their own making ?

I thought only to make an intelligent contribution, but evidently I don't matter.

But do those who do ?

Seems to me as an outsider, more interested in the QL than Quanta that the problems can be divided in two parts.

What Quanta can and may do with it's reserves, and should it continue to exist to give committee members titles ?

How best to achieve good communication and help between users of the QL family of equipment.

The latter is not dependent on the existence or inactivity of Quanta.

A decent web site, with a range of info and links to all other resources, would not need itself to hold all files & software.
Might include a decent forum such as I have seen at PCanswers and Mozilla for example. Where threads are maintained and we don't need to wade across two pages of overblown header an superfluous quoted requoted quotes to find an insignificant response.

It could include a shielded area to which users might upload a contribution, wikpedia is clever in that way.

The survey does not need the cooperation of those that "matter", surely Geoff could legitimately mail the membership and traders could add further users.

I have more time than techno competences but would be prepared to undertake compiling the responses.

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