Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 10/Jun/10 10:17 | Jun10:
These were from a vast quantity of QL parts I bought from a trader
living in East London, near Ilford I think. I have forgotten his name -
can anyone remember?  He died I believe in the early 90s.

Care Electronics...Ed Bruley perhaps?

No.   He was working on his own.  He bought a vast number of components
and QLs direct from Thorn-EMI after the Sinclair collapse.
He used to sell components at ZX Microfairs.
I think he lived in Gants Hill, but not sure.
He was the primary source for the vast majority of QLs and parts. Bill
Richardson based his business on his stock I believe.
Joe Atkinson? (must confess I don't know if he's still alive or not, so apologies if the suggestion causes offence).
Not him.
Silly isn't it. I met him many times, and when I bought the stuff, I visited him. There were large boxes full of QL parts everywhere.
It is what got me launched into QL hardware and repairs.


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