I suspect you are talking about the Iplayer desktop used for playing downloaded programs.

Sure. So it's not a "program" then - it's a Windows Desktop or something like that, is that what you're saying?
Ah, just found some notes on it (so long since I last tried and failed to get it working).

Looks like it's not a program or app in the conventional sense (by conventional, I mean that it's not a program which appears in your START menu for example), you basically view TV programs through your browser pages, like watching a Youtube video.

Although there is some way of persuading it to download a TV programme in its entirety to play through Windows Media Player (yawn!) for those who can't get it to work.

This should be interesting seeing what the combination of Dilwyn, PC, Windows, iPlayer, Orange broadband and TV programme bandwidth can achieve in Bethesda!!!

Boradband has gone back up from 38kb/s to 1.8mb/s now so time for another go (just for a laugh to see if my day can get any worse!)

Saga to be continued................ :-)


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