Many thanks to all the people who have replied although we still need a lot more replies.

I particularly like the positive content of many of the replies. Why can't we recreate this sort of enthusiasm right throughout Quanta? After all I did not say I wanted Quanta to close, I said the time had come to close Quanta and that is something different. I am also on record as saying I believe Quanta could still be a vibrant organisation should the members so wish.

I was a bit surprised about the enthusiasm(?) for a £25 subscription as I wrote that with my tongue in cheek, thinking that, as Lee commented, it would separate the men from the boys. A subscription to cover costs would be somewhere between £20 and £25, but in practice could probably be lower.

I hate to disappoint some people but the idea of Quanta sponsoring a new Gold Card is a non-starter. As I understand it the components of the old Gold Cards are no longer available and the development of a new one would be a complicated and risky matter. Halfway through the last decade some of us looked at this problem with a view to helping a developer finance a gold card replacement through Quanta, but it had never been developed to the extent that we could formulate a business plan to put to Quanta.

Please keep the replies coming in,

Best Wishes,


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