On  Sat, 12 Jan 2002 at 16:19:52,  Peter Graf wrote:

>happy birthday to you, Dave! :-)
>A few answers. Nasta still uses "GF" for his hardware project, so I use the
>same abbreviation from now on :-)
>Main reasons why the Q40/Q60 uses an ISA-style extension bus:
>1. No QL specific extension cards available, with use for Q40/Q60.
>2. Save hardware work.
>3. Save hardware costs.
Hear hear.   At one time I got multi I/O cards
(IDE/floppy/parallel/serial) in qty for under £10 with all cabling.
We couldn't get anywhere near that if we had to design it.
Also, for instance, I once got complete new PC keyboards for around £4
each.  Inside they had an 8749 equivalent - which would, at the time,
have cost more than the whole keyboard!

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