On  Tue, 2 Apr 2002 at 01:44:26, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

>> Errrmmmm.... any ideas??
>About what?
>> Does anyone know if these programs will work on the Q40 or any other
>> emulators??
>QXL, Q40 and Q60 don't have a second screen either. I think the same
>is true for uQLx.
>QemuLator will most likely do the job (does anybody know what happened
>to it? The site has been down for a while now). Qlay probably, too,
>but the emulation is not as good as QemuLator.

His email - sistestATictpDOTtriesteDOTit  is still working.

However you are right - he has gone from geocities - even his docs found
by a site search have gone.
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