> The best way to do this is to run:
> doveadm expunge -A mailbox Trash savedbefore 30d (if you use 
> dovecot with MySQL for auth)
> or
> doveadm expunge -u u...@domain.com mailbox Trash savedbefore 
> 30d (if you use dovecot with vpopmail auth)
> Any other script, like "find -exec rm", will break user's 
> quota since is not updating maildirsize file.
> Form more information see
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Tools/Doveadm/Expunge
> and
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Plugins/Expire
> Ciao

        Ok so I tested this method with search instead of expunge to see
what would hit. if I try the first command (doveadm expunge -A mailbox Trash
savedbefore 30d), I get an error message:

# doveadm search -A mailbox Trash savedbefore 30d
doveadm(mattr): Error: User listing returned failure
doveadm: Error: Failed to iterate through some users

If I use the second option (doveadm expunge -u u...@domain.com mailbox Trash
savedbefore 30d) it works, but I have to specify the username for each user.
Is there a way to do it so that it affects all users? (which I thought the
-A would do).




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