Quoting Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu>:

We just had a discussion about 'role designators' for 'related works'
in a 700, on this list I think?


I think that a 700 "related work" would be much like what I diagrammed in my second "presentation": each resource is represented as a separate work, and the works follow authority control rules (name/title authority, meaning authoritative name and uniform title). In a future carrier, there could be more relationships designated than we have today in MARC.

What John Myers and Judith Kuhagen pointed out was different -- it was something that looks very much like the 505 Contents note, with multiple resources, and not necessarily authority controlled. It's quite a different beast, and in AACR was considered a note, not a controlled access field. It appears that in RDA the "related work" relationship can take this uncontrolled note form.

I find this odd and somewhat problematic from the point of view of system development. Perhaps I'm being too literal, but the entity-relationship model in my mind meant, well, entities and relationships. A contents note text string doesn't fit into any of the available entities (WEMI), and so I'm at bit at a loss as to how to place it in a data model.

Using something similar to individual 700 fields makes more sense to me in the case I described. This would parallel what is done in music cataloging to indicate the different works in a single published CD. It still doesn't, however, give me a way to handle non-work chapters from a book.

I guess I consider this unresolved at the moment.


Karen Coyle
kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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