Karen Coyle wrote:

What John Myers and Judith Kuhagen pointed out was different -- it was something that looks very much like the 505 Contents note, with multiple resources, and not necessarily authority controlled. It's quite a different beast, and in AACR was considered a note, not a controlled access field. It appears that in RDA the "related work" relationship can take this uncontrolled note form.
Yeah, I hear you. My understanding of the RDA/MARC/MARBI conglomerate,
is that the 'related work' relationship _can_ be an uncontrolled phrase
describing the relationship, but also CAN be a value from a coded list.
I agree that the second is far superior. I _think_, based on an earlier
thread, that at least MARC/MARBI will support that.  I find the RDA text
somewhat impenetrable, so I'm not sure what RDA says about
allowing/suggesting this.

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