“Neoconservative” is another code word for the Zionists (some Jews, some Jewish-Christians) who dominate the US Government. They’re Israel-firsters. The dominant philosophy is Trotskyism.  Dominionists is another term that covers those who put Israel first, as opposed to the US of A.  A sure sign of an Israel-first is the use of hate-based words such as “anti-semite” or “anti-Jew” or “anti-Israel” – those are all terms of semantic terrorism used to silence criticism of Judaism, its adherents or World Jewry, and US foreign policy when the someone broaches the notion that Israel is a terrorist state.


In short, talk of “freedom” and “democracy” is not much different from the “Jewish communism” of Karl Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, etc., all of who were Jewish.  “Godless Communism” was always a misnomer.


To understand the fallacy of calling someone anti-semitic, it’s helpful to understand that “semitic” refers to a group of African-Asian languages, not Jews or any religion. Arabic, Ethiopic, Hebrew are just 3 of several semitic languages.  Semantic terrorists who throw out the hate-based word “anti-semitic” are simply engaging in an offensive maneuver to stifle discussion.


These are good sites to explore:




http://www.jewishtribalreview.org/wvr.htm (When Victims Rule)






I suspect most people who are anti-Gentiles can explore the sites without dislodging any bigotry.










-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Perry Dane
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:05 PM
To: religionlaw@lists.ucla.edu
Subject: Zionist-Occupied Government


        The problem, though, is that the term "Zionist-occupied government" does not just evoke a factual claim, true or untrue.  Nor is it just an "accusation."  Rather, it is a specific anti-Semitic code phrase, which originated with certain specific, radical, anti-Semitic groups, and has, for them and others, a specific anti-Semitic meaning.   I can easily see an argument for allowing all forms of language into a forum like this, including "kike."  But, if lines are going to be drawn, then ZOG seems to me to be on the same side of the line as "kike."

        There is, of course, a larger conversation brewing here about the relationship between literal meaning and contextual understanding.    But I'll let others pick up that baton if they like.


P.S.    After I pushed the "send" button, my Eudora e-mail program just warned me that the term "Zionist-occupied government" might be considred offensive, and that I should reconsider using it in my e-mail.  Aha.

Mark Graber wrote:

The issue is strictly what
be said, not the truth value of assertions and, for better or worse,
while I think "kike" clearly crosses the line, my line is not
crossed by
calling the U.S. Government "Zionist dominated," however
mistaken I
think that may be, and however ghastly the history of that accusation

Perry Dane                                
Professor of Law

Rutgers University
School of Law  -- Camden                 
217 North Fifth Street
Camden, NJ 08102                          


Work:   (856) 225-6004
Fax:       (856) 969-7924
Home:   (610) 896-5702

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