The Z38A instruction manual can be down loaded from

The 38 is a different puppy from the 38A, however.

More that one person has voiced the comment that Zetron is one
of those companies that has absolutely no regard for their customers.
It seems that they stock manuals only for those products currently in
production.  If you want a manual for a device that is a few years old
you are out of luck - you can't even buy one.
If anybody wants to donate PDFs for the Zetron page at repeater-builder
just go ahead and mail them in.  We've got gigabytes of storage that
are just sitting there going to waste.

At 08:22 PM 10/24/07, you wrote:
I think the ID in DTMF you are talking about is the user ID which is transmitted at the end of a transmission as the bubble up. The DTMF sequence is the user number.

If you want to have the Z38A transmit an ID every 15 minutes in Morse whether it has been active or not, put a user number in the system config with the ID you want. If you only want an ID when the system is active, put the ID in the user number with the tone you are using and put user 0 in the system ID slot.

If you set the CTCSS on transmit to terminate when the user stops transmitting, the CTCSS will continue during the ID and then drop for the rest of the squelch tail.

Let me know if you have any more questions. I have 5 of the Z38A operating in amateur repeaters.

73 - Jim  W5ZIT

Maire-Radios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what you are talking about the ID in DTMF and the time factor are all in programming. I don't have a book on the unit here but it all can be done.


----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>radiotech808
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 4:18 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Zetron 38 Panel

Hi All,

I am trying to get the Zetron 38 running on our local 2 meter
repeater (only as a temp measure) due to logic problems

What I want....

Morse ident out every 15mins as to comply with the regs, the ident
does go out but no radio tx any thoughts

Station ID

At the moment the station id is DTMF I want to chnage this to morse
once again any thoughts or ideas

Ps The 38 I have is fairly old hardware (ver 1.5) so what I am
looking for might not work ?


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