At 08:42 AM 3/9/2009, you wrote:
>My repeater group is considering building split-site 6m machine.  As 
>an inter-site link, I was thinking of using some sort of VOIP 
>arrangement via the internet.  I'm curious if anyone has tried 
>something like this:
>My idea is to use a point-to-point, private link (i.e. not IRLP or 
>Echo) to pump audio and maybe even some signaling between 
>sites.  The receive site would consist of the receive radio, 
>controller (most likely an Arcom), and a PC to do the 
>encoding/streaming.  The transmit site would consist of a PC to 
>decode the audio stream, a PL decoder for TX logic, and the TX 
>radio.  The basic premise would be to take audio from the RX (PL 
>filtered), fed thru the controller, mixed with link PL, and fed to 
>the PC's audio input.  The PC then streams the audio over the 
>internet to the RX site PC, where it is decoded and fed to the TX 
>radio, which will be keyed by a PL decoder (provided the IP 
>encode/decode process hasn't mangled the PL).

If you don't want to mess with a PC at each site, you could use a 
RLC-DSP404 controller instead 
<>.  It has four 
built-in VoIP connections, one of which could be used as the link 
between the sites.  It is huge overkill, but maybe no more so than 
using a PC just to get a VoIP link.  The VoIP connections use the 
G.711 codec (64kbps), so the audio won't suffer from compression 
artifacts.  It sends VoIP packets only when there is audio to send, 
and the other end treats the presence or absence of packets like COR 
to control the transmitter at the other end.  Disclosure:  I work for 
Link Communications.


Steve Strobel
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd
Billings, MT 59101-7378
(406) 245-5002 ext 102
(406) 245-4889 (fax)

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