> "WB2DSS" <wb2...@...> wrote:
> Hi Skipp,
> I've been following this thread, and I believe I have 
> an ID board here, SOMEPLACE!! If I can find it, do you 
> want me to send it to you so you can see what it looks like?
> I may have a manual and/or schematic, if I can locate that also.
> Let me know.
> Thanks,
> 73, 
> Rich
> Rich Poczkalski  WB2DSS
> wb2...@... 
> *************************************************  
Hi Rich, 

That would be wonderful... I'll email you direct...  The ID'er 
is so straight forward these units could be easily simplified, 
upgraded with some additional features and possibly turned into 
a clone board. 

Although this is sort of a lost in time circuit when compared to 
new faster, better layouts using small stamp/pic processors (the 
ID O'Matic being an excellent example) it's still a lot of fun to 
build and program these things. 

And to get 1970 through 1980 repeater circuit nostalgic I really 
enjoyed building the Diode Matrix ID'er Kits offered up by 
Hamtronics (probably the best working design), VHF-Engineering 
(worked OK but was quirky) and Spectrum (haven't had my hands 
on one "yet"). 

Then we move on in time toward CSC, AutoCode and Racomm Prom 
based units (anyone remember the Racomm Voice unit?). Hamtronics 
offered up a stand-alone Eprom based ID unit, of which I think 
I have one somewhere. 

Now when not talking about all the available External Repeater 
Controllers with obvious ID functions included... we have small 
stand alone ID'ers like the very cost effective (and versatle) 
ID O'Matic Units which make it difficult to ignore this fast 
forward trend in electronics. 
But it's still fun to play with the old stuff... and many times 
make it work pretty well. 


> Hi Pete, 
> Why not... the ID'er looks pretty easy to construct if anyone ever 
> wanted to build one from scratch (for fun and to use) we now have 
> most of the required information. 
> The guys have been corresponding with me direct and they've 
> sent the original ID chip to me for free reprogramming. I can 
> probably do that part by hand.  I have received diagrams and 
> some of the manual for the original GLB Unit (IDer).  I'll 
> read the chip and send you the bin/hex file and the circuit 
> information. Have a look and if it's worth it we can make up 
> an IDer as possible project. 
> cheers, 
> skipp

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