My 6 meter repeater is still using a Maggiore Electronic Lab CORI 
board.  The schematic print date is 8-86.  This is a COR board with a 
diode matrix IDer on it.  It just keeps working, never needs to be 
reset, no lithium battery to change.  Kind of boring when you think 
about it, as it never needs to be fixed.

73, Joe, K1ike

skipp025 wrote:
> And to get 1970 through 1980 repeater circuit nostalgic I really 
> enjoyed building the Diode Matrix ID'er Kits offered up by 
> Hamtronics (probably the best working design), VHF-Engineering 
> (worked OK but was quirky) and Spectrum (haven't had my hands 
> on one "yet"). 

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