Hi William,

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 9:37 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:

Here's a link to the sandboxed version of the Sage website:


It takes into account (most of) the issues you raised. I have not yet
made this version the live version of the Sage website. I have mostly
reorganized the home page, so you might see some issues with other
pages referenced from the home page.


> I went to the http://sagemath.org website, saw a link called "lists"
> off to the bottom left, clicked on it, and saw what you'll see in the
> attached screenshot.   That pretty much sucks as the target for
> "lists".

The link "Lists" should now get you to the (hopefully complete) list
of all Sage groups.

> [ ] New problem: try clicking on the big "Get Involved!" link.   I
> expected to come to a page that would perhaps recruit me to get
> involved, e.g., like this page http://www.goarmy.com/, but instead I
> got a page about our failed Google Summer of code 2010 application.
> Not so useful.

The link "Get Involved" is now moved to the header part. As for the
content to which it links to, that remains to be written.

> [ ] When I click on "Intro" at the top of the Sage website (in the nav
> page), I expect to get an INTROduction to Sage, but instead it's just
> the main homepage.

That link has been changed to "Home", as I think it should be.

> [ ] If you visit the Sage website, and just start scanning it, before
> even seeing download links or anything, you see "Cantor GUI".

I have removed that. You can still access links to Cantor from


> [ ] The link labeled "Quotes" on the main Sage website, is *not* what
> that label makes me expect.  Seeing that, I expect a bunch of quotes
> from famous people that maybe inspired us to make open source software
> or something.  It should be labeled "Success stories" or
> "Testimonials".

Changed as per your suggestion.

Minh Van Nguyen

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