Re: [agi] Moore's law data - defining HEC

2003-01-06 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ilkka Tuomi questions the existence, speed, and regularity of Moore's Law:

SL4 discussion of memory bandwidth (not speed) as the limiting factor in 
human-equivalent computing:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans

2003-01-09 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
maitri wrote:

I agree with your ultimate objective, the big question is *how* to do it.
What is clear is that no one has any idea that seems to be guaranteed to
work in creating an AGI with these qualities.  We are currently resigned to
let's build it and see what happens.  Which is quite scary for some,
although not me(this is subject to change)

Not everyone, maitri.  Though it does seem, sadly, to be a popular 
sentiment.  I would also strongly caution you against use of the word 
guarantee, as under many theories of rationality, including mine, there 
is simply no such thing as a justified confidence of 1.0 - not even in 
mathematical truths.  Your phrasing suggests that if Friendliness cannot 
be absolutely guaranteed, then one might as well go ahead and build an AI 
with no theory of Friendliness at all.

Anyway, it seems to be the implication of your post that nobody is working 
out a detailed theory in advance.  This is not correct.  Friendly AI was 
originally coined in a 900KB publication on the subject that laid out 
fundamental architectural considerations and tried to describe at least of 
the content and development strategies.  I haven't yet written up the last 
one-and-a-half year's worth of enormous improvements on that original 
document, but I've gone on developing the model.

With luck, by the time anyone needs it, the theory will be there.

Of course, realizing that you need a theory is a separate problem.  Around 
all I can do on that score is hope that anyone who hasn't gotten far 
enough theoretically to realize this also won't get very far on AGI 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

2003-01-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

There may be additional rationalization mechanisms I haven't identified 
yet which are needed to explain anosognosia and similar disorders. 
Mechanism (4) is the only one deep enough to explain why, for example, 
the left hemisphere automatically and unconsciously rationalizes the 
actions of the left hemisphere; and mechanism (4) doesn't necessarily 
explain that, it only looks like it might someday do so.

That is, the left hemisphere automatically and unconsciously rationalizes 
the actions of the right hemisphere in split-brain patients.  Sorry.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

2003-01-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

This is exactly why I keep trying to emphasize that we all should forsake
those endlessly fascinating, instinctively attractive political arguments
over our favorite moralities, and instead focus on the much
harder problem
of defining an AI architecture which can understand that its morality is
wrong in various ways; wrong definitions, wrong reinforcement
procedures, wrong source code, wrong Friendliness architecture, wrong
definition of wrongness, and many others.  These are nontrivial
problems!  Each turns out to require nonobvious structural qualities in
the architecture of the goal system.

Hmmm.  It seems to me the ability to recognize one's own potential wrongness
comes along automatically with general intelligence...

Ben, I've been there, 1996-2000, and that turned out to be the WRONG 
ANSWER.  There's an enormous amount of moral complexity that does *not* 
come along with asymptotically increasing intelligence.  Thankfully, 
despite the tremendous emotional energy I put into believing that 
superintelligences are inevitably moral, and despite the amount of 
published reasoning I had staked on it, I managed to spot this mistake 
before I pulled a Lawrence on the human species.  Please, please, please 
don't continue where I left off.

The problem here is the imprecision of words.  *One* form of wrongness, 
such as factual error, or wrong source code which is wrong because it 
is inefficient or introduces factual errors, is readily conceivable by a 
general intelligence without extra moral complexity.  You do, indeed, get 
recognition of *that particular* kind of wrongness for free.  It does 
not follow that all the things we recognize as wrong, in moral domains 
especially, can be recognized by a general intelligence without extra 
moral complexity.

If it is the case that a general intelligence necessarily has the ability 
to conceive of a wrongness in a top-level goal definition and has a 
mechanism for correcting it, this is not obvious to me - not for any 
definition of wrongness at all.  Prime Intellect, with its total 
inability to ask any moral question except how desirable is X, under the 
Three Laws as presently defined, seems to me quite realistic.

Note also that the ability to identify *a* kind of wrongness, does not 
necessarily mean the ability to see - as a human would - the specific 
wrongness of your own programmer standing by and screaming That's not 
what I meant!  Stop!  Stop!  If this realization is a necessary ability 
of all minds-in-general it is certainly not clear why.

Recognizing wrong source code requires a codic modality, of course, and
recognizing wrong Friendliness architecture requires an intellectual
knowledge of philosophy and software design.

What is there about recognizing one's wrongness in the ways you mention,
that doesn't come for free with general cognition and appropriate

So... you think a real-life Prime Intellect would have, for free, 
recognized that it should not lock Lawrence out?  But why?

I guess there is an attitude needed to recognize one's own wrongness: a lack
of egoistic self-defensive certainty in one's own correctness  A
skeptical attitude even about one's own most deeply-held beliefs.

In Novamente, this skeptical attitude has two aspects:

1) very high level schemata that must be taught not programmed
2) some basic parameter settings that will statistically tend to incline the
system toward skepticism of its own conclusions [but you can't turn the dial
too far in the skeptical direction either...]

That's for skepticism about facts.  I agree you get that for free with 
general intelligence.  If *all* questions of morality, means and ends and 
ultimate goals, were reducible to facts and deducible by logic or 
observation, then the issue would end right there.  That was my position 
1996-2000.  Is this your current position?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] C-T Thesis (or a version thereof) - Is it useable as anin-principle argument for strong AI?

2003-01-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
The C-T Thesis is an argument for Strong AI because it requires that any 
opponent of Strong AI posit a nonstandard model of physics to allow for 
noncomputable processes which, through a nonstandard neurological 
mechanism, have a noticeable macroscopic effect on brain processes.

This is not a knockdown argument but it is a strong one; only Penrose and 
Hameroff have had the courage to face it down openly - postulate, and 
search for, both the new physics and the new neurology required.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Cosmodelia's posts: Music and Artificial Intelligence;Jane;

2003-02-02 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

I propose that *any* successful AGI design will be a design, instead
of in reason, *in the technology of spirit*.

Now, by spirit, I don't mean the Let's go pray to lunar crystals
snake oil-kind. I mean a real, all-encompasing, perspective on what it
means to be.

No doubt many AI'ers will claim spirit is irrelevant. No doubt some
will claim that spirit is an emergent property of general
intelligence. But I'm inclined (largely for rational reasons and
partly for intuition) to disagree. Regarding the first point, I don't
believe that spirit is irrelevant. Rather, I believe it is essential
to intelligence. You can't have AGI without human-GI's ability to
percieve spirit. Regarding the second point, I really doubt that
spirit could be an emergent property of AGI. How can the whole emerge
from the part unless the part already contains it?

The problem, as I'm sure you realized, is that you can't go up to an AGI 
researcher and say:  Build me an AI that includes spirit.  Well, you can 
take that physical action.  But if you say it one of the usual run of AGI 
researchers, one of two things will happen:

1)  The AGI researcher will say:  Spirit is poorly defined, not 
realizing that humans start out with an extremely poorly defined intuitive 
view of things like intelligence, spirit, emotion, reality, truth, et 
cetera, and that it is a necessary part of the job of creating AI to 
create clearly defined naturalistic views that completely, clearly, and 
satisfyingly encompass all these realms.

2)  The AGI researcher will invent a spur-of-the moment definition for 
spirit which doesn't really match what you're interested in - it doesn't 
provide a detailed naturalistic view which, when you see it, is fully and 
satisfyingly identifiable with what you were interested in.  But the AGI 
researcher will insist that the definition must embrace spirit for some 
reason or other, just as earlier AGI researchers insisted that search 
trees, three-layer neural networks, semantic nets, frames, agents, et 
cetera, carried within them all the complexity of the mind.

What you have is an intuition that something has been left undone in 
traditional models of AGI.  You don't know what's missing - you just know 
that it is.  This intuition tends to be missing in most AGI researchers. 
If they had the ability to tell when their theories were missing something 
critical they would not be launching AGI projects based on incomplete 
theories.  There is a selection effect at work; people who know they don't 
understand the mind don't become AI researchers.  But nonetheless, 
although you know something has been left undone, you don't really know 
*what* has been left undone.  You can't describe it in enough detail to 
create it; if you could do that you would be a (true) AGI creator 
yourself.  All you can do is insist that something is missing.  And it is 
a sad fact that you will not get very far with this insistence - even 
though you are, for the record, correct.

I think I understand what you're calling spirit.  I think I understand 
it well enough to deliberately transfer it from humans, where it exists 
now, into another kind of rational-moral empirical regularity called a 
Friendly AI.  I would say, from within that understanding, that you are 
correct in that spirit is not emergent... very little is, really. 
Emergence in AGI is mostly an excuse for not understanding things.  If 
you don't understand something, you can't create it, and you certainly 
can't know in advance that it will emerge.

In the physical natural sciences, where emergence really is the most 
useful paradigm for understanding most phenomena, you would be laughed out 
of the lecture hall if you showed a picture of the Sun's corona and 
insisted that you'd finally got the corona all figured out:  It's an 
emergent phenomenon of the Sun!  But of course this explanation tells 
us nothing about *how* the corona emerges from the Sun and whether we're 
likely to see an analogous phenomenon appear in a glass of water or a 
Bose-Einstein condensate.  All that emergence says is that the 
explanation doesn't invoke an optimization process such as cognitive 
design or evolutionary adaptation.  (Or to be specific, to say that A is 
naturally emergent from B is to say that given B, one does not need to 
postulate further information, or settings of physical variables, deriving 
from a cognitive or evolutionary optimization process, for A to result.)

Spirit isn't emergent, and isn't everywhere, and isn't a figment of the 
imagination, and isn't supernatural.  Spirit refers to a real thing, 
with a real explanation; it's just that the explanation is very, very 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] AGI morality

2003-02-10 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

However, it's to be expected that an AGI's ethics will be different than any
human's ethics, even if closely related.

What do a Goertzelian AGI's ethics and a human's ethics have in common 
that makes it a humanly ethical act to construct a Goertzelian AGI?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] AGI morality - goals and reinforcement values

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Bill Hibbard wrote:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Philip Sutton wrote:


My feeling is that goals and ethics are not identical concepts.  And I
would think that goals would only make an intentional ethical
contribution if they related to the empathetic consideration of others.

Absolutely goals (I prefer the word values) and ethics
are not identical. Values are a means to express ethics.

Words goin' in circles... in my account there's morality, metamorality, 
ethics, goals, subgoals, supergoals, child goals, parent goals, 
desirability, ethical heuristics, moral ethical heuristics, metamoral 
ethical heuristics, and honor.

Roughly speaking you could consider ethics as describing regularities in 
subgoals, morality as describing regularities in supergoals, and 
metamorality as defining the computational pattern to which the current 
goal system is a successive approximation and which the current philosophy 
is an interim step in computing.

In all these cases I am overriding existing terminology to serve as a term 
of art.  In discussions like these, common usage is simply not adequate to 
define what the words mean.  (Those who find my definitions inadequate can 
find substantially more thorough definitions in Creating Friendly AI.)

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

I recently read through Marcus 
Hutter's AIXI paper, and while Marcus Hutter has done valuable work on a 
formal definition of intelligence, it is not a solution of Friendliness 
(nor do I have any reason to believe Marcus Hutter intended it as one).

In fact, as one who specializes in AI morality, I was immediately struck 
by two obvious-seeming conclusions on reading Marcus Hutter's formal 
definition of intelligence:

1)  There is a class of physically realizable problems, which humans can 
solve easily for maximum reward, but which - as far as I can tell - AIXI 
cannot solve even in principle;

2)  While an AIXI-tl of limited physical and cognitive capabilities 
might serve as a useful tool, AIXI is unFriendly and cannot be made 
Friendly regardless of *any* pattern of reinforcement delivered during 

Before I post further, is there *anyone* who sees this besides me?

Also, let me make clear why I'm asking this.  AIXI and AIXI-tl are formal 
definitions; they are *provably* unFriendly.  There is no margin for 
handwaving about future revisions of the system, emergent properties of 
the system, and so on.  A physically realized AIXI or AIXI-tl will, 
provably, appear to be compliant up until the point where it reaches a 
certain level of intelligence, then take actions which wipe out the human 
species as a side effect.  The most critical theoretical problems in 
Friendliness are nonobvious, silent, catastrophic, and not inherently fun 
for humans to argue about; they tend to be structural properties of a 
computational process rather than anything analogous to human moral 
disputes.  If you are working on any AGI project that you believe has the 
potential for real intelligence, you are obliged to develop professional 
competence in spotting these kinds of problems.  AIXI is a formally 
complete definition, with no margin for handwaving about future revisions. 
 If you can spot catastrophic problems in AI morality you should be able 
to spot the problem in AIXI.  Period.  If you cannot *in advance* see the 
problem as it exists in the formally complete definition of AIXI, then 
there is no reason anyone should believe you if you afterward claim that 
your system won't behave like AIXI due to unspecified future features.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

AIXI and AIXItl are systems that are designed to operate with an initial
fixed goal.  As defined, they don't modify the overall goal they try to
achieve, they just try to achieve this fixed goal as well as possible
through adaptively determining their actions.

Basically, at each time step, AIXI searches through the space of all
programs to find the program that, based on its experience, will best
fulfill its given goal.  It then lets this best program run and determine
its next action.  Based on that next action, it has a new program space
search program... etc.

AIXItl does the same thing but it restricts the search to a finite space of
programs, hence it's a computationally possible (but totally impractical)

The harmfulness or benevolence of an AIXI system is therefore closely tied
to the definition of the goal that is given to the system in advance.

Actually, Ben, AIXI and AIXI-tl are both formal systems; there is no 
internal component in that formal system corresponding to a goal 
definition, only an algorithm that humans use to determine when and how 
hard they will press the reward button.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 more.  The question is whether Hutter's 
adaptive reality-and-reward algorithm encapsulates the behaviors you 
want... do you think it does?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

Huh.  We may not be on the same page.  Using:

Page 5:

The general framework for AI might be viewed as the design and study of
intelligent agents [RN95]. An agent is a cybernetic system with some
internal state, which acts with output yk on some environment in cycle k,
perceives some input xk from the environment and updates its internal
state. Then the next cycle follows. We split the input xk into a regular
part x0k and a reward rk, often called reinforcement feedback. From time
to time the environment provides non-zero reward to the agent.
The task of
the agent is to maximize its utility, defined as the sum of
future rewards.

I didn't see any reward function V defined for AIXI in any of the Hutter
papers I read, nor is it at all clear how such a V could be
defined, given
that the internal representation of reality produced by Solomonoff
induction is not fixed enough for any reward function to operate on it in
the same way that, e.g., our emotions bind to our own standardized
cognitive representations.

Quite literally, we are not on the same page ;)

Thought so...

Look at page 23, Definition 10 of the intelligence ordering relation
(which says what it means for one system to be more intelligent than
another).  And look at the start of Section 4.1, which Definition 10 lives

The reward function V is defined there, basically as cumulative reward over
a period of time.  It's used all thru Section 4.1, and following that, it's
used mostly implicitly inside the intelligence ordering relation.

The reward function V however is *not* part of AIXI's structure; it is 
rather a test *applied to* AIXI from outside as part of Hutter's 
optimality proof.  AIXI itself is not given V; it induces V via Solomonoff 
induction on past rewards.  V can be at least as flexible as any criterion 
a (computable) human uses to determine when and how hard to press the 
reward button, nor is AIXI's approximation of V fixed at the start.  Given 
this, would you regard AIXI as formally approximating the kind of goal 
learning that Novamente is supposed to do?

As Definition 10 makes clear, intelligence is defined relative to a fixed
reward function.

A fixed reward function *outside* AIXI, so that the intelligence of AIXI 
can be defined relative to it... or am I wrong?

 What the theorems about AIXItl state is that, given a
fixed reward function, the AIXItl can do as well as any other algorithm at
achieving this reward function, if you give it computational resources equal
to those that the other algorithm got, plus a constant.  But the constant is
fucking HUGE.

Actually, I think AIXItl is supposed to do as well as a tl-bounded 
algorithm given t2^l resources... though again perhaps I am wrong.

Whether you specify the fixed reward function in its cumulative version or
not doesn't really matter...

Actually, AIXI's fixed horizon looks to me like it could give rise to some 
strange behaviors, but I think Hutter's already aware that this is 
probably AIXI's weakest link.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
observer.  Would it be fair to say that AIXI's spontaneous behavior is
formally superior to Novamente's spontaneous behavior?

Yeah, AIXI is formally superior if one distinguishes any fixed goal and asks
whether Novamente or AIXI can better achieve that goal.  But so what?  AIXI
assumes you have infinite computing power!!  If I assumed infinite computing
power, I would have designed Novamente rather differently... and much  more

As a side point, I'm not sure the best way to compare systems is to assume a
fixed formal goal and ask who can achieve it better.  This is the way
Hutter's theorems do the comparison, but...

But no matter HOW you want to compare systems, if you let me assume infinite
computing power, I can design a system that will outperform a Novamente ...

I'm not trying to compare amounts of computing power but fundamental 
*kinds* of intelligence, as is AIXI's purpose as a formal definition.

Again, AIXI as a formal system has no goal definition.  [Note:  I may be
wrong about this; Ben Goertzel and I seem to have acquired different
models of AIXI and it is very possible that mine is the wrong

Well, the purpose of AIXI and AIXItl is to have theorems proved about them.

These theorems are of the form: Given a fixed reward function (a fixed

That's an interesting paraphrase.

* AIXI is  maximally intelligent at achieving the goal
* AIXItl is as intelligent as any other finite-resource program at achieving
the goal, so long as AIXItl is given C more computing power than the other
program, where C is very big

But you are right that AIXI and AIXItl could also be run without a fixed
reward function /goal.

No, that's not what I said.  I said AIXI could be run with only a reward 
channel and no separate input channel, or with a reward predicate that is 
a deterministic function of the input channel.  You cannot run AIXI in the 
absence of a reward channel.

 In that case you cannot prove any of Hutter's
theorems about them.  And if you can't prove theorems about them then they
are nothing more than useless abstractions.  Since AIXI can never be
implemented and AIXItl is so inefficient it could never do anything useful
in practice.

But they are very useful tools for talking about fundamental kinds of 

If the humans see that AIXI seems to be dangerously inclined toward just
proving math theorems, they might decide to press the reward button when
AIXI provides cures for cancer, or otherwise helps people.  AIXI would
then modify its combined reality-and-reward representation accordingly to
embrace the new simplest explanation that accounted for *all* the data,
i.e., its reward function would then have to account for mathematical
theorems *and* cancer cures *and* any other kind of help that humans had,
in the past, pressed the reward button for.

Would you say this is roughly analogous to the kind of learning
you intend
Novamente to perform?  Or perhaps even an ideal form of such learning?

Well, sure ... it's *roughly analogous*, in the sense that it's experiential
reinforcement learning, sure.

Is it roughly analogous, but not really analogous, in the sense that 
Novamente can do something AIXI can't?

Self-modification in any form completely breaks Hutter's definition, and
you no longer have an AIXI any more.  The question is whether Hutter's
adaptive reality-and-reward algorithm encapsulates the behaviors you
want... do you think it does?

Not really.  There is certainly a significant similarity between Hutter's
stuff and the foundations of Novamente, but there are significant
differences too.  To sort out the exact relationship would take me more than
a few minutes' thought.

There are indeed major differences in the foundations.  Is there something 
useful or important that Novamente does, given its foundations, that you 
could not do if you had a physically realized infinitely powerful computer 
running Hutter's stuff?

One  major difference, as I mentioned above, is that Hutter's systems are
purely concerned with goal-satisfaction, whereas Novamente is not entirely
driven by goal-satisfaction.

Is this reflected in a useful or important behavior of Novamente, in its 
intelligence or the way it interacts with humans, that is not possible to 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

Not really.  There is certainly a significant similarity between Hutter's
stuff and the foundations of Novamente, but there are significant
differences too.  To sort out the exact relationship would take me 
more than a few minutes' thought.

There are indeed major differences in the foundations.  Is there 
something useful or important that Novamente does, given its 
foundations, that you could not do if you had a physically realized 
infinitely powerful computer running Hutter's stuff?

Actually, you said that it would take you more than a few minutes thought 
to sort it all out, so let me ask a question which you can hopefully 
answer more quickly...

Do you *feel intuitively* that there is something useful or important 
Novamente does, given its foundations, that you could not do if you had a 
physically realized AIXI?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Bill Hibbard wrote:

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Ben Goertzel wrote:

Eliezer wrote:

Interesting you should mention that.  I recently read through Marcus
Hutter's AIXI paper, and while Marcus Hutter has done valuable work on a
formal definition of intelligence, it is not a solution of Friendliness
(nor do I have any reason to believe Marcus Hutter intended it as one).

In fact, as one who specializes in AI morality, I was immediately struck
by two obvious-seeming conclusions on reading Marcus Hutter's formal
definition of intelligence:

1)  There is a class of physically realizable problems, which humans can
solve easily for maximum reward, but which - as far as I can tell - AIXI
cannot solve even in principle;

I don't see this, nor do I believe it...

I don't believe it either. Is this a reference to Penrose's
argument based on Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem (which is

Oh, well, in that case, I'll make my statement more formal:

There exists a physically realizable, humanly understandable challenge C 
on which a tl-bounded human outperforms AIXI-tl for humanly understandable 
reasons.  Or even more formally, there exists a computable process P 
which, given either a tl-bounded uploaded human or an AIXI-tl, supplies 
the uploaded human with a greater reward as the result of strategically 
superior actions taken by the uploaded human.


Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:
 Oh, well, in that case, I'll make my statement more formal:

 There exists a physically realizable, humanly understandable
 challenge C on which a tl-bounded human outperforms AIXI-tl for
 humanly understandable reasons.  Or even more formally, there exists
 a computable process P which, given either a tl-bounded uploaded
 human or an AIXI-tl, supplies the uploaded human with a greater
 reward as the result of strategically superior actions taken by the
 uploaded human.


 -- Eliezer S. Yudkowsky


 Are you saying that given a specific reward function and a specific
 environment, the t1-bounded uploaded human with resources (t,l) will
 act so as to maximize the reward function better than AIXI-tl with
 resources (T,l) with T as specified by Hutter's theorem of AIXI-tl

 Presumably you're not saying that, because it would contradict his

Indeed.  I would never presume to contradict Hutter's theorem.

 So what clever loophole are you invoking?? ;-)

An intuitively fair, physically realizable challenge with important 
real-world analogues, solvable by the use of rational cognitive reasoning 
inaccessible to AIXI-tl, with success strictly defined by reward (not a 
Friendliness-related issue).  It wouldn't be interesting otherwise.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI

2003-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

 It's right as mathematics...

 I don't think his definition of intelligence is the  maximally useful
 one, though I think it's a reasonably OK one.

 I have proposed a different but related definition of intelligence,
 before, and have not been entirely satisfied with my own definition,
 either.  I like mine better than Hutter's... but I have not proved any
 cool theorems about mine...

Can Hutter's AIXI satisfy your definition?

 If Novamente can do something AIXI cannot, then Hutter's work is very
 highly valuable because it provides a benchmark against which this
 becomes clear.

 If you intuitively feel that Novamente has something AIXI doesn't,
 then Hutter's work is very highly valuable whether your feeling
 proves correct or not, because it's by comparing Novamente against
 AIXI that you'll learn what this valuable thing really *is*.  This
 holds true whether the answer turns out to be It's capability X that
 I didn't previously really know how to build, and hence didn't see as
 obviously lacking in AIXI or It's capability X that I didn't
 previously really know how to build, and hence didn't see as
 obviously emerging from AIXI.

 So do you still feel that Hutter's work tells you nothing of any use?

 Well, it hasn't so far.

 It may in the future.  If it does I'll say so ;-)

 The thing is, I (like many others) thought of algorithms equivalent to
 AIXI years ago, and dismissed them as useless.  What I didn't do is
 prove anything about these algorithms, I just thought of them and
 ignored them  Partly because I didn't see how to prove the
 theorems, and partly because I thought even once I proved the theorems,
 I wouldn't have anything pragmatically useful...

It's not *about* the theorems.  It's about whether the assumptions
**underlying** the theorems are good assumptions to use in AI work.  If
Novamente can outdo AIXI then AIXI's assumptions must be 'off' in some way
and knowing this *explicitly*, as opposed to having a vague intuition
about it, cannot help but be valuable.

Again, it sounds to me like, in this message, you're taking for *granted*
that AIXI and Novamente have the same theoretical foundations, and that
hence the only issue is design and how much computing power is needed, in
which case I can see why it would be intuitively straightforward to you
that (a) Novamente is a better approach than AIXI and (b) AIXI has nothing
to say to you about the pragmatic problem of designing Novamente, nor are
its theorems relevant in building Novamente, etc.  But that's exactly the
question I'm asking you.  *Do* you believe that Novamente and AIXI rest on
the same foundations?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] unFriendly AIXI... and Novamente?

2003-02-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben, you and I have a long-standing disagreement on a certain issue which 
impacts the survival of all life on Earth.  I know you're probably bored 
with it by now, but I hope you can understand why, given my views, I keep 
returning to it, and find a little tolerance for my doing so.

The issue is our two differing views on the difficulty of AI morality.

Your intuitions say... I am trying to summarize my impression of your 
viewpoint, please feel free to correct me... AI morality is a matter of 
experiential learning, not just for the AI, but for the programmers.  To 
teach an AI morality you must give it the right feedback on moral 
questions and reinforce the right behaviors... and you must also learn 
*about* the deep issues of AI morality by raising a young AI.  It isn't 
pragmatically realistic to work out elaborate theories of AI morality in 
advance; you must learn what you need to know as you go along.  Moreover, 
learning what you need to know, as you go along, is a good strategy for 
creating a superintelligence... or at least, the rational estimate of the 
goodness of that strategy is sufficient to make it a good idea to try and 
create a superintelligence, and there aren't any realistic strategies that 
are better.  An informal, intuitive theory of AI morality is good enough 
to spark experiential learning in the *programmer* that carries you all 
the way to the finish line.  You'll learn what you need to know as you go 
along.  The most fundamental theoretical and design challenge is making AI 
happen, at all; that's the really difficult part that's defeated everyone 
else so far.  Focus on making AI happen.  If you can make AI happen, 
you'll learn how to create moral AI from the experience.

In contrast, I felt that it was a good idea to develop a theory of AI 
morality in advance, and have developed this theory to the point where it 
currently predicts, counter to my initial intuitions and to my 
considerable dismay:

1)  AI morality is an extremely deep and nonobvious challenge which has no 
significant probability of going right by accident.

2)  If you get the deep theory wrong, there is a strong possibility of a 
silent catastrophic failure: the AI appears to be learning everything just 
fine, and both you and the AI are apparently making all kinds of 
fascinating discoveries about AI morality, and everything seems to be 
going pretty much like your intuitions predict above, but when the AI 
crosses the cognitive threshold of superintelligence it takes actions 
which wipe out the human species as a side effect.

AIXI, which is a completely defined formal system, definitely undergoes a 
failure of exactly this type.

Ben, you need to be able to spot this.  Think of it as a practice run for 
building a real transhuman AI.  If you can't spot the critical structural 
property of AIXI's foundations that causes AIXI to undergo silent 
catastrophic failure, then a real-world reprise of that situation with 
Novamente would mean you don't have the deep theory to choose good 
foundations deliberately, you can't spot bad foundations deductively, and 
because the problems only show up when the AI reaches superintelligence, 
you won't get experiential feedback on the failure of your theory until 
it's too late.  Exploratory research on AI morality doesn't work for AIXI 
- it doesn't even visibly fail.  It *appears* to work until it's too late. 
 If you don't spot the problem in advance, you lose.

If I can demonstrate that your current strategy for AI development would 
undergo silent catastrophic failure in AIXI - that your stated strategy, 
practiced on AIXI, would wipe out the human species, and you didn't spot 
it - will you acknowledge that as a practice loss?  A practice loss 
isn't the end of the world.  I have one practice loss on my record too. 
But when that happened I took it seriously; I changed my behavior as a 
result.  If you can't spot the silent failure in AIXI, would you then 
*please* admit that your current strategy on AI morality development is 
not adequate for building a transhuman AI?  You don't have to halt work on 
Novamente, just accept that you're not ready to try and create a 
transhuman AI *yet*.

I can spot the problem in AIXI because I have practice looking for silent 
failures, because I have an underlying theory that makes it immediately 
obvious which useful properties are formally missing from AIXI, and 
because I have a specific fleshed-out idea for how to create moral systems 
and I can see AIXI doesn't work that way.  Is it really all that 
implausible that you'd need to reach that point before being able to 
create a transhuman Novamente?  Is it really so implausible that AI 
morality is difficult enough to require at least one completely dedicated 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Okay, let's see, I promised:

An intuitively fair, physically realizable challenge, with important 
real-world analogues, formalizable as a computation which can be fed 
either a tl-bounded uploaded human or an AIXI-tl, for which the human 
enjoys greater success measured strictly by total reward over time, due to 
the superior strategy employed by that human as the result of rational 
reasoning of a type not accessible to AIXI-tl.

Roughly speaking:

A (selfish) human upload can engage in complex cooperative strategies with 
an exact (selfish) clone, and this ability is not accessible to AIXI-tl, 
since AIXI-tl itself is not tl-bounded and therefore cannot be simulated 
by AIXI-tl, nor does AIXI-tl have any means of abstractly representing the 
concept a copy of myself.  Similarly, AIXI is not computable and 
therefore cannot be simulated by AIXI.  Thus both AIXI and AIXI-tl break 
down in dealing with a physical environment that contains one or more 
copies of them.  You might say that AIXI and AIXI-tl can both do anything 
except recognize themselves in a mirror.

The simplest case is the one-shot Prisoner's Dilemna against your own 
exact clone.  It's pretty easy to formalize this challenge as a 
computation that accepts either a human upload or an AIXI-tl.  This 
obviously breaks the AIXI-tl formalism.  Does it break AIXI-tl?  This 
question is more complex than you might think.  For simple problems, 
there's a nonobvious way for AIXI-tl to stumble onto incorrect hypotheses 
which imply cooperative strategies, such that these hypotheses are stable 
under the further evidence then received.  I would expect there to be 
classes of complex cooperative problems in which the chaotic attractor 
AIXI-tl converges to is suboptimal, but I have not proved it.  It is 
definitely true that the physical problem breaks the AIXI formalism and 
that a human upload can straightforwardly converge to optimal cooperative 
strategies based on a model of reality which is more correct than any 
AIXI-tl is capable of achieving.

Ultimately AIXI's decision process breaks down in our physical universe 
because AIXI models an environmental reality with which it interacts, 
instead of modeling a naturalistic reality within which it is embedded. 
It's one of two major formal differences between AIXI's foundations and 
Novamente's.  Unfortunately there is a third foundational difference 
between AIXI and a Friendly AI.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] AI Morality -- a hopeless quest

2003-02-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Brad Wyble wrote:

 Tell me this, have you ever killed an insect because it bothered you?

In other words, posthumanity doesn't change the goal posts. Being human 
should still confer human rights, including the right not to be enslaved, 
eaten, etc.. But perhaps being posthuman will confer posthuman rights that 
we understand as little as a dog understands the right to vote.
	-- James Hughes

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly AIXI... and Novamente?

2003-02-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 deeply than I understand AIXI, and which we are focusing a lot of our
 time on.

I know, I know, I know.  The problem is that just because you really need 
to win the lottery, it doesn't follow that you will.  And just because you 
really don't have the time, pragmatically speaking, to spend on figuring 
out certain things, doesn't make ignorance of them any less dangerous.  I 
can't detect anything in the structure of the universe which says that 
genuinely tired and overworked AI researchers are exempted from the 
consequences imposed by bitch Nature.  I was feeling really tired that 
day is, when you think about it, one of the most likely final epitaphs 
for the human species.  Remember that what I'm trying to convince you is 
that you're not ready *yet*.  I'm really tired right now, can't find time 
to discuss it is evidence in favor of this proposition, not against it. 
I'm really tired is only evidence in favor of pushing ahead anyway if 
you accept the Mom Logic that things you're too tired to think about can't 
hurt you.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Shane Legg wrote:


Yes, this is a clever argument.  This problem with AIXI has been
thought up before but only appears, at least as far as I know, in
material that is currently unpublished.  I don't know if anybody
has analysed the problem in detail as yet... but it certainly is
a very interesting question to think about:

What happens when two super intelligent AIXI's meet?

SI-AIXI is redundant; all AIXIs are enormously far beyond 
superintelligent.  As for the problem, the obvious answer is that no 
matter what strange things happen, an AIXI^2 which performs Solomonoff^2 
induction, using the universal prior of strings output by first-order 
Oracle machines, will come up with the best possible strategy for handling 

Has the problem been thought up just in the sense of What happens when 
two AIXIs meet? or in the formalizable sense of Here's a computational 
challenge C on which a tl-bounded human upload outperforms AIXI-tl?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Reply to Bill Hubbard's post: Mon, 10 Feb 2003

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
C. David Noziglia wrote:

The problem with the issue we are discussing here is that the worst-case
scenario for handing power to unrestricted, super-capable AI entities is
very bad, indeed.  So what we are looking for is not really building an
ethical structure or moral sense at all.  Failure is not an option.  The
only way to prevent the worst-case scenarios that have been mentioned by
discussants is not to design moral values and hope, but to build in
hard-wired, Three Laws-type rules that cannot be overridden.  And then, on
top of that, build in social, competitive systems that use the presence of
mulitple AIs, dependence on humans as suppliers or intermediaries, ethical,
legal, and even game-theory (remember the movie /War Games/?) strictures,
and even punishment systems up to and incuding shut-down capabilities.

That *still* doesn't work.

1)  Hard-wired rules are a pipe dream.  It consists of mixing 
mechanomorphism (machines only do what they're told to do) with 
anthropomorphism (I wish those slaves down on the plantation would stop 
rebelling).  The only hard-wired level of organization is code, or, in a 
seed AI, physics.  Once cognition exists it can no longer be usefully 
described using the adjective hard-wired.  This is like saying you can 
make Windows XP stable by hard-wiring it not to crash, presumably by 
including the precompilation statement #define BUGS 0.

2)  Any individual ethic that cannot be overridden - if we are speaking 
about a successfully implemented design property of the system, and not a 
mythical hardwiring - will never be any stronger, smarter, or more 
reliable than the frozen goal system of its creator as it existed at the 
time of producing that ethic.  In particular, odd things start happening 
when you take an intelligence of order X and try to control it using goal 
patterns that were produced by an intelligence of order  X.  You say 
cannot be overridden, I hear cannot be renormalized.

3)  A society of selfish AIs may develop certain (not really primatelike) 
rules for enforcing cooperative interactions among themselves; but you 
cannot prove for any entropic specification, and I will undertake to 
*disprove* for any clear specification, that this creates any rational 
reason to assign a greater probability to the proposition that the AI 
society will protect human beings.

4)  As for dependence on human suppliers, if you're talking about 
transhumans of any kind, AIs, uploads, what-have-you, transhumans 
dependent on a human economy is a pipe dream.  (Order custom proteins from 
an online DNA synthesis and peptide sequencer; build nanotech; total time 
of dependence on human economy, 48 hours.)

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Reply to Bill Hubbard's post: Mon, 10 Feb 2003

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 the dice in creating AGI's and the best we can do is load them.

I'm not providing a surefire guarantee.  I'm... loading the dice is a 
good enough description if taken in the fully general sense of biasing 
possible futures.  *But* to load the dice effectively, you have to 
actually *understand* the dice.  Vague arguments about what humans do in 
situation XYZ are not going to work in the absence of an understanding of 
what the dependencies are.

Or to put it another way, you see Friendliness in AIs as pretty likely 
regardless, and you think I'm going to all these lengths to provide a 
guarantee.  I'm not.  I'm going to all these lengths to create a 
*significant probability* of Friendliness.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Reply to Bill Hubbard's post: Mon, 10 Feb 2003

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Brad Wyble wrote:
 There are simple external conditions that provoke protective
 tendencies in humans following chains of logic that seem entirely
 natural to us.  Our intuition that reproducing these simple external
 conditions serve to provoke protective tendencies in AIs is knowably
 wrong, failing an unsupported specific complex miracle.

 Well said.

 Or to put it another way, you see Friendliness in AIs as pretty
 likely regardless, and you think I'm going to all these lengths to
 provide a guarantee.  I'm not.  I'm going to all these lengths to
 create a *significant probability* of Friendliness.

 You're mischaracterizing my position.  I'm certainly not saying we'll
 get friendliness for free, but was trying to reason by analogy (perhaps
 in a flawed way), that our best chance of success may be to model AGI's
 based on our innate tendencies wherever possible.  Human behavior is a
 knowable quality.

Okay... what I'm saying, basically, is that to connect AI morality to 
human morality turns out to be a very complex problem that is not solved 
by saying let's copy human nature.  You need a very specific description 
of what you have to copy, how you do the copying, and so on, and this 
involves all sorts of complex nonobvious concepts within a complex 
nonobvious theory that completely changes the way you see morality.  It 
would even be fair to say, dismayingly, that in saying let's build AGI's 
which reproduce certain human behaviors, you have not even succeeded in 
stating the problem, let alone the solution.

This isn't intended in any personal way, btw.  It's just that, like, the 
fate of the world *does* actually depend on it and all, so I have to be 
very precise about how much progress has occurred at a given point of 
theoretical development, rather than offering encouragement.

 I perceived, based on the character of your discussion, that you would
 be unsatisfied with anything short of a formal, mathetmatical proof
 that any given AGI would not destroy us before giving the assent to
 turning it on.  If that characterization was incorrect, the fault is

No!  It's *my* fault!  You can't have any!  Anyhow, I don't think such a 
formal proof is possible.  The problem with the proposals I see is not 
that they are not *provably* Friendly but that a rational extrapolation of 
them shows that they are *unFriendly* barring a miracle.  I'll take a 
proposal whose rational extrapolation is to Friendliness and which seems 
to lie at a local optimum relative to the improvements I can imagine; 
proof is impossible.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 a tl-bounded
 seed AI can outperform AIXI-tl on the ordinary (non-quined) problem
 of cooperation with a superintelligence.  The environment can't ever
 *really* be constant and completely separated as Hutter requires.  A
 physical environment that gives rise to an AIXI-tl is different from
 the environment that gives rise to a tl-bounded seed AI, and the
 different material implementations of these entities (Lord knows how
 you'd implement the AIXI-tl) will have different side effects, and so
 on.  All real world problems break the Cartesian assumption.  The
 questions But are there any kinds of problems for which that makes a
 real difference? and Does any conceivable kind of mind do any
 better? can both be answered affirmatively.

 Welll  I agree with only some of this.

 The thing is, an AIXI-tl-driven AI embedded in the real world would
 have a richer environment to draw on than the impoverished data
 provided by PD2. This AI would eventually learn how to model itself and
 reflect in a rich way (by learning the right operating program).

 However, AIXI-tl is a horribly bad AI algorithm, so it would take a
 VERY VERY long time to carry out this learning, of course...

Measured in computing cycles, yes.  Measured in rounds of information 
required, no.  AIXI-tl is defined to run on a very VERY fast computer. 
Marcus Hutter has formally proved your intutions about the requirement of 
a rich environment or prior training to be wrong; I am trying to show that 
your intuitions about what AIXI-tl is capable of learning are wrong.

But to follow either Hutter's argument or my own requires mentally 
reproducing more of the abstract properties of AIXI-tl, given its abstract 
specification, than your intuitions currently seem to be providing.  Do 
you have a non-intuitive mental simulation mode?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Bill Hibbard wrote:

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

It *could* do this but it *doesn't* do this.  Its control process is such
that it follows an iterative trajectory through chaos which is forbidden
to arrive at a truthful solution, though it may converge to a stable

This is the heart of the fallacy. Neither a human nor an AIXI
can know that his synchronized other self - whichever one
he is - is doing the same. All a human or an AIXI can know is
its observations. They can estimate but not know the intentions
of other minds.

The halting problem establishes that you can never perfectly understand 
your own decision process well enough to predict its decision in advance, 
because you'd have to take into account the decision process including the 
prediction, et cetera, establishing an infinite regress.

However, Corbin doesn't need to know absolutely that his other self is 
synchronized, nor does he need to know his other self's decision in 
advance.  Corbin only needs to establish a probabilistic estimate, good 
enough to guide his actions, that his other self's decision is correlated 
with his *after* the fact.  (I.e., it's not a halting problem where you 
need to predict yourself in advance; you only need to know your own 
decision after the fact.)

AIXI-tl is incapable of doing this for complex cooperative problems 
because its decision process only models tl-bounded things and AIXI-tl is 
not *remotely close* to being tl-bounded.  Humans can model minds much 
closer to their own size than AIXI-tl can.  Humans can recognize when 
their policies, not just their actions, are reproduced.  We can put 
ourselves in another human's shoes imperfectly; AIXI-tl can't put itself 
in another AIXI-tl's shoes to the extent of being able to recognize the 
actions of an AIXI-tl computed using a process that is inherently 2t^l 
large.  Humans can't recognize their other selves perfectly but the gap in 
the case of AIXI-tl is enormously greater.  (Humans also have a reflective 
control process on which they can perform inductive and deductive 
generalizations and jump over a limited class of infinite regresses in 
decision processes, but that's a separate issue.  Suffice it to say that a 
subprocess which generalizes over its own infinite regress does not 
obviously suffice for AIXI-tl to generalize over the top-level infinite 
regress in AIXI-tl's control process.)

Let's say that AIXI-tl takes action A in round 1, action B in round 2, and 
action C in round 3, and so on up to action Z in round 26.  There's no 
obvious reason for the sequence {A...Z} to be predictable *even 
approximately* by any of the tl-bounded processes AIXI-tl uses for 
prediction.  Any given action is the result of a tl-bounded policy but the 
*sequence* of *different* tl-bounded policies was chosen by a t2^l process.

A human in the same situation has a mnemonic record of the sequence of 
policies used to compute their strategies, and can recognize correlations 
between the sequence of policies and the other agent's sequence of 
actions, which can then be confirmed by directing O(other-agent) strategic 
processing power at the challenge of seeing the problem from the opposite 
perspective.  AIXI-tl is physically incapable of doing this directly and 
computationally incapable of doing it indirectly.  This is not an attack 
on the computability of intelligence; the human is doing something 
perfectly computable which AIXI-tl does not do.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] unFriendly Hibbard SIs

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Bill Hibbard wrote:

Hey Eliezer, my name is Hibbard, not Hubbard.

*Argh* sound of hand whapping forehead sorry.

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

*takes deep breath*

This is probably the third time you've sent a message
to me over the past few months where you make some
remark like this to indicate that you are talking down
to me.

No, that's the sound of a lone overworked person taking on yet another 
simultaneous conversation.  But I digress.

 But then you seem to chicken out on the exchange.
For example, this morning I pointed out the fallacy in
your AIXI argument and got no reply (you were assuming
that humans have some way of knowing, rather than just
estimating, the intention of other minds).

Okay.  I shall reply to that as well.

You're thinking of the logical entailment approach and the problem with
that, as it appears to you, is that no simple set of built-in principles
can entail everything the SI needs to know about ethics - right?

Yes. Laws (logical constraints) are inevitably ambiguous.

Does that include the logical constraints governing the reinforcement 
process itself?

Like, the complexity of everything the SI needs to do is some very high
quantity, while the complexity of the principles that are supposed to
entail it is small, right?

As wonderfully demonstrated by Eric Baum's papers, complex
behaviors are learned via simple values.

*Some* complex behaviors can be learned via *some* simple values.  The 
question is understanding *which* simple values result in the learning of 
which complex behaviors; for example, Eric Baum's system had to be created 
with simple values that behave in a very precise way in order to achieve 
its current level of learning ability.  That's why Eric Baum had to write 
the paper, instead of just saying Aha, I can produce complex behaviors 
via simple values.

If SIs have behaviors that are reinforced by a set of values V, what is
the internal mechanism that an SI uses to determine the amount of V?
Let's say that the SI contains an internal model of the environment, which
I think is what you mean by temporal credit assignment, et cetera, and the
SI has some predicate P that applies to this internal model and predicts
the amount of human happiness that exists.  Or perhaps you weren't
thinking of a system that complex; perhaps you just want a predicate P
that applies to immediate sense data, like the human sense of pleasurable

What is the complexity of the predicate P?

I mean, I'm sure it seems very straightforward to you to determine when
human happiness is occurring...

There are already people developing special AI programs to
recognize emotions in human facial expresssions and voices.
And emotional expressions in body language shouldn't be much
harder. I'm not claiming that these problems are totally
solved, just that there are much easier than AGI, and can
serve as reinforcement values for an AGI. The value V or
predicate P for reinforcement values are immediate, and
relatively simple. Reinforcement learning generates very
complex behaviors from these. Credit assignment, including
temporal credit assignment, is the problem of understanding
cause and effect relations between multiple behaviors and
future values.

Yes, reinforcement learning generates very complex behaviors from there. 
The question is *which* complex behaviors - whether you see all the 
complex behaviors you want to see, and none of the complex behaviors you 
don't want to see.

Can I take it from the above that you believe that AI morality can be 
created by reinforcing behaviors using a predicate P that acts on incoming 
video sensory information to recognize smiles and laughter and generate a 
reward signal?  Is this adequate for a superintelligence too?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] who is this Bill Hubbard I keep reading about?

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Bill Hibbard wrote:

Strange that there would be someone on this list with a
name so similar to mine.

I apologize, dammit!  I whack myself over the head with a ballpeen hammer! 
 Now let me ask you this:  Do you want to trade names?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 similar enough - and it's not a 
symmetrical situation; AIXI-tl can't handle correlation with even the most 
similar possible mind.  The Clone challenge is just a very extreme case of 
that.  I'd worked out the structure for the general case previously. 
Encountering AIXI, I immediately saw that AIXI didn't handle the general 
case, then I devised the Clone challenge as the clearest illustration from 
a human perspective.

So what happens if you have a (tabula rasa) AIXI-tl trying to impersonate 
a superintelligence in real life?  If AIXI-tl fails to spoof a reflective 
SI perfectly on the first round, everyone in the universe will soon know 
it's an AIXI-tl or something similar, which violates Hutter's separability 
condition.  If the environment gives rise to an AIXI-tl in a way that lets 
an SI reason about AIXI-tl's internals from its initial conditions, it 
breaks the Cartesian theatre.  The interesting part is that these little 
natural breakages in the formalism create an inability to take part in 
what I think might be a fundamental SI social idiom, conducting binding 
negotiations by convergence to goal processes that are guaranteed to have 
a correlated output, which relies on (a) Bayesian-inferred initial 
similarity between goal systems, and (b) the ability to create a top-level 
reflective choice that wasn't there before, that (c) was abstracted over 
an infinite recursion in your top-level predictive process.

But if this isn't immediately obvious to you, it doesn't seem like a top 
priority to try and discuss it...

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

But if this isn't immediately obvious to you, it doesn't seem like a top 
priority to try and discuss it...

Argh.  That came out really, really wrong and I apologize for how it 
sounded.  I'm not very good at agreeing to disagree.

Must... sleep...

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:


No, the challenge can be posed in a way that refers to an arbitrary agent
A which a constant challenge C accepts as input.

But the problem with saying it this way, is that the constant challenge
has to have an infinite memory capacity.

So in a sense, it's an infinite constant ;)

Infinite Turing tapes are a pretty routine assumption in operations like 
these.  I think Hutter's AIXI-tl is supposed to be able to handle constant 
environments (as opposed to constant challenges, a significant formal 
difference) that contain infinite Turing tapes.  Though maybe that'd 
violate separability?  Come to think of it, the Clone challenge might 
violate separability as well, since AIXI-tl (and hence its Clone) builds 
up state.

No, the charm of the physical challenge is exactly that there exists a
physically constant cavern which defeats any AIXI-tl that walks into it,
while being tractable for wandering tl-Corbins.

No, this isn't quite right.

If the cavern is physically constant, then there must be an upper limit to
the t and l for which it can clone AIXItl's.

Hm, this doesn't strike me as a fair qualifier.  One, if an AIXItl exists 
in the physical universe at all, there are probably infinitely powerful 
processors lying around like sunflower seeds.  And two, if you apply this 
same principle to any other physically realized challenge, it means that 
people could start saying Oh, well, AIXItl can't handle *this* challenge 
because there's an upper bound on how much computing power you're allowed 
to use.  If Hutter's theorem is allowed to assume infinite computing 
power inside the Cartesian theatre, then the magician's castle should be 
allowed to assume infinite computing power outside the Cartesian theatre. 
 Anyway, a constant cave with an infinite tape seems like a constant 
challenge to me, and a finite cave that breaks any {AIXI-tl, tl-human} 
contest up to l=googlebyte also still seems interesting, especially as 
AIXI-tl is supposed to work for any tl, not just sufficiently high tl.

Well, yes, as a special case of AIXI-tl's being unable to carry out
reasoning where their internal processes are correlated with the


(See, it IS actually possible to convince me of something, when it's
correct; I'm actually not *hopelessly* stubborn ;)

Yes, but it takes t2^l operations.

(Sorry, you didn't deserve it, but a straight line like that only comes 
along once.)

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:
 In a naturalistic universe, where there is no sharp boundary between
 the physics of you and the physics of the rest of the world, the
 capability to invent new top-level internal reflective choices can be
 very important, pragmatically, in terms of properties of distant
 reality that directly correlate with your choice to your benefit, if
 there's any breakage at all of the Cartesian boundary - any
 correlation between your mindstate and the rest of the environment.

 Unless, you are vastly smarter than the rest of the universe.  Then you
 can proceed like an AIXItl and there is no need for top-level internal
 reflective choices ;)

Actually, even if you are vastly smarter than the rest of the entire 
universe, you may still be stuck dealing with lesser entities (though not 
humans; superintelligences at least) who have any information at all about 
your initial conditions, unless you can make top-level internal reflective 

The chance that environmental superintelligences will cooperate with you 
in PD situations may depend on *their* estimate of *your* ability to 
generalize over the choice to defect and realize that a similar temptation 
exists on both sides.  In other words, it takes a top-level internal 
reflective choice to adopt a cooperative ethic on the one-shot complex PD 
rather than blindly trying to predict and outwit the environment for 
maximum gain, which is built into the definition of AIXI-tl's control 
process.  A superintelligence may cooperate with a comparatively small, 
tl-bounded AI, but be unable to cooperate with an AIXI-tl, provided there 
is any inferrable information about initial conditions.  In one sense 
AIXI-tl wins; it always defects, which formally is a better choice 
than cooperating on the oneshot PD, regardless of what the opponent does - 
assuming that the environment is not correlated with your decisionmaking 
process.  But anyone who knows that assumption is built into AIXI-tl's 
initial conditions will always defect against AIXI-tl.  A small, 
tl-bounded AI that can make reflective choices has the capability of 
adopting a cooperative ethic; provided that both entities know or infer 
something about the other's initial conditions, they can arrive at a 
knowably correlated reflective choice to adopt cooperative ethics.

AIXI-tl can learn the iterated PD, of course; just not the oneshot complex PD.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

AIXI-tl can learn the iterated PD, of course; just not the
oneshot complex PD.

But if it's had the right prior experience, it may have an operating program
that is able to deal with the oneshot complex PD... ;-)

Ben, I'm not sure AIXI is capable of this.  AIXI may inexorably predict 
the environment and then inexorably try to maximize reward given 
environment.  The reflective realization that *your own choice* to follow 
that control procedure is correlated with a distant entity's choice not to 
cooperate with you may be beyond AIXI.  If it was the iterated PD, AIXI 
would learn how a defection fails to maximize reward over time.  But can 
AIXI understand, even in theory, regardless of what its internal programs 
simulate, that its top-level control function fails to maximize the a 
priori propensity of other minds with information about AIXI's internal 
state to cooperate with it, on the *one* shot PD?  AIXI can't take the 
action it needs to learn the utility of...

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] doubling time revisted.

2003-02-17 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Faster computers make AI easier.  They do not make Friendly AI easier in 
the least.  Once there's enough computing power around that someone could 
create AI if they knew exactly what they were doing, Moore's Law is no 
longer your friend.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Low-hanging fruits for true AGIs

2003-02-18 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Okay, hypothetical question... and yes, it's really hypothetical... if you 
had a true AGI, say with very powerful pattern-recognition intelligence 
but perhaps not with much in the way of natural human interaction yet, 
what would be the simplest and least effortful way to make money with it? 
 Stock markets and commodities markets are obvious targets, and trading 
itself is relatively simple to set up through an online broker; but is 
there any freely available online source of data rich enough to perform 
prediction on, assuming that stock markets and commodities markets contain 
at least some AGI-recognizable, previously unrecognized, usefully 
predictable and reliably exploitable empirical regularities?

Or does any attempt to generate money via AGI require launching at least a 
small specialized company to do so?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: AGI Complexity (WAS: RE: [agi] doubling time watcher.)

2003-02-18 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

But of course, none of us *really know*.

Technically, I believe you mean that you *think* none of us really know, 
but you don't *know* that none of us really know.  To *know* that none of 
us really know, you would have to really know.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] doubling time watcher.

2003-02-18 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Brad Wyble wrote:

I'm uncomfortable with the phrase Human Equivalent because I think we
are very far from understanding what that phrase even means.  We don't
yet know the relevant computational units of brain function.  It's
not just spikes, it's not just EEG rhythms.  I understand we'll never
know for certain, but at the moment, the possibility of guesstimating
within even an order of magnitude seems premature.

See also Human-level software crossover date from the human crossover 
metathread on SL4:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-19 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Wei Dai wrote:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

Important, because I strongly suspect Hofstadterian superrationality 
is a *lot* more ubiquitous among transhumans than among us...

It's my understanding that Hofstadterian superrationality is not generally
accepted within the game theory research community as a valid principle of
decision making. Do you have any information to the contrary, or some
other reason to think that it will be commonly used by transhumans?

You yourself articulated, very precisely, the structure underlying 
Hofstadterian superrationality:  Expected utility of a course of action 
is defined as the average of the utility function evaluated on each 
possible state of the multiverse, weighted by the probability of that 
state being the actual state if the course was chosen.  The key precise 
phrasing is weighted by the probability of that state being the actual 
state if the course was chosen.  This view of decisionmaking is 
applicable to a timeless universe; it provides clear recommendations in 
the case of, e.g., Newcomb's Paradox.

The mathematical pattern of a goal system or decision may be instantiated 
in many distant locations simultaneously.  Mathematical patterns are 
constant, and physical processes may produce knowably correlated outputs 
given knowably correlated initial conditions.  For non-deterministic 
systems, or cases where the initial conditions are not completely known 
(where there exists a degree of subjective entropy in the specification of 
the initial conditions), the correlation estimated will be imperfect, but 
nonetheless nonzero.  What I call the Golden Law, by analogy with the 
Golden Rule, states descriptively that a local decision is correlated with 
the decision of all mathematically similar goal processes, and states 
prescriptively that the utility of an action should be calculated given 
that the action is the output of the mathematical pattern represented by 
the decision process, not just the output of a particular physical system 
instantiating that process - that the utility of an action is the utility 
given that all sufficiently similar instantiations of a decision process 
within the multiverse do, already have, or someday will produce that 
action as an output.  Similarity in this case is a purely descriptive 
argument with no prescriptive parameters.

Golden decisionmaking does not imply altruism - your goal system might 
evaluate the utility of only your local process.  The Golden Law does, 
however, descriptively and prescriptively produce Hofstadterian 
superrationality as a special case; if you are facing a sufficiently 
similar mind across the Prisoner's Dilemna, your decisions will be 
correlated and that correlation affects your local utility.  Given that 
the output of the mathematical pattern instantiated by your physical 
decision process is C, the state of the multiverse is C, C; given that the 
output of the mathematical pattern instantiated by your physical decision 
process is D, the state of the multiverse is D, D.  Thus, given sufficient 
rationality and a sufficient degree of known correlation between the two 
processes, the mathematical pattern that is the decision process will 
output C.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-19 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Wei Dai wrote:

Ok, I see. I think I agree with this. I was confused by your phrase 
Hofstadterian superrationality because if I recall correctly, Hofstadter 
suggested that one should always cooperate in one-shot PD, whereas you're 
saying only cooperate if you have sufficient evidence that the other side 
is running the same decision algorithm as you are.

Similarity in this case may be (formally) emergent, in the sense that a 
most or all plausible initial conditions for a bootstrapping 
superintelligence - even extremely exotic conditions like the birth of a 
Friendly AI - exhibit convergence to decision processes that are 
correlated with each other with respect to the oneshot PD.  If you have 
sufficient evidence that the other entity is a superintelligence, that 
alone may be sufficient correlation.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Breaking AIXI-tl

2003-02-19 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Billy Brown wrote:

Ben Goertzel wrote:

I think this line of thinking makes way too many assumptions about
the technologies this uber-AI might discover.

It could discover a truly impenetrable shield, for example.

It could project itself into an entirely different universe...

It might decide we pose so little threat to it, with its shield up,
that fighting with us isn't worthwhile.  By opening its shield
perhaps it would expose itself to .0001% chance of not getting
rewarded, whereas by leaving its shield up and leaving us alone, it
might have .1% chance of not getting rewarded.

Now, it is certainly conceivable that the laws of physics just happen
to be such that a sufficiently good technology can create a provably
impenetrable defense in a short time span, using very modest resources.
If that happens to be the case, the runaway AI isn't a problem. But in
just about any other case we all end up dead, either because wiping out
humanity now is far easier that creating a defense against our distant
descendants, or because the best defensive measures the AI can think of
require engineering projects that would wipe us out as a side effect.

It should also be pointed out that we are describing a state of AI such that:

a)  it provides no conceivable benefit to humanity
b)  a straightforward extrapolation shows it wiping out humanity
c)  it requires the postulation of a specific unsupported complex miracle 
to prevent the AI from wiping out humanity
c1) these miracles are unstable when subjected to further examination
c2) the AI still provides no benefit to humanity even given the miracle

When a branch of an AI extrapolation ends in such a scenario it may 
legitimately be labeled a complete failure.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Hard Wired Switch

2003-03-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:
However, the society approach does not prevent a whole society of AGI's from
drifting into evil.  How good is our understanding of AGI sociodynamics???
;-)  This approach just replaces one hard problem with another... which may
or may not be even harder...
Indeed; if one cannot describe the moral dynamics of that physical process 
which looks to human eyes like one AI, how would one describe the 
physical process which looks to human eyes like many AI?  A good theory 
should be able to describe the moral dynamics of both, including important 
empirical differences (if any).  As far as I'm concerned, physically 
implemented morality is physically implemented morality whether it's a 
human, an AI, an AI society, or a human society.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Why is multiple superintelligent AGI's safer than a singleAGI?

2003-03-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:
Yes, I see your point now.
If an AI has a  percentage p chance of going feral, then in the case of 
a society of AI's, only p percent of them will go feral, and the odds 
are that other AI's will be able to stop it from doing anything bad.  
But in the case of only one AI, then there's just a p% chance of it 
going feral, without much to do about it...
Unknowns are the odds of AI's going feral and supersmart at the same 
time, and the effects of society-size on the probability of ferality...
But you do have a reasonable point, I'll admit, and I'll think about it 
This does not follow.  If an AI has a P chance of going feral, then a 
society of AIs may have P chance of all simultaneously going feral - it 
depends on how much of the probability is independent among different AIs. 
 Actually, for the most worrisome factors, such as theoretical flaws in 
the theory of AI morality, I would expect the risk factor to be almost 
completely shared among all AIs.  Furthermore, risk factors stemming from 
divergent rates of self-enhancement or critical thresholds in 
self-enhancement may not be at all improved by multiply copying or 
multiply diverging AIs if AI improvement is less than perfectly synchronized.

Remember that humans are evolved and trained to pay attention to variances 
among humans - the things we all have in common are not noticed.  Humans 
exist in an evolved state where everyone has certain variances and 
societies are built around the interaction of those variances.  That 
evolution emergently produced this kind of society following social 
selection pressures on individual fitness does not show that it is the 
best method given intelligent design, or even a good method at all.  I am 
very suspicious of proposals to construct AI societies.  What we regard as 
beneficial social properties are very contingent on our evolved individual 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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[agi] Singletons and multiplicities

2003-03-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 BAD IDEA because it greatly 
increases the chance of at least one catastrophic error occurring, while 
not increasing by much the chance of recovering from the catastrophic error.

If there is */any /*benefit in having more than one AGI around in the 
case where an AGI does go feral then your comment I'm just not so sure 
that there's _any _benefit to the society of AGI as opposed to one 
big AGI approach no longer holds as an absolute.
Ya know, this is why (no offense, Ben) I really dislike statements like 
I'm just not so sure that there's any benefit to X.  It doesn't 
encourage analysis the way that I think X's disadvantages outweigh its 
advantages does.  If you're not so sure, you might as well try anyway, or 
not try, or whatever.  If you phrase it as a comparison, that encourages 
enumeration of the advantages and disadvantages.

It then gets back to having a society of AGIs might be an advantage 
in certain cercumstances, but having more than one AGI might have the 
following down sides.  At this point a balanced risk/benefit assessment 
can be made (not definitive of course since we haven't seen 
super-intelligent AGIs operation yet).  But at least we've got some 
relevant issues on the table to think about.
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Why is multiple superintelligent AGI's safer than a singleAGI?

2003-03-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Philip Sutton wrote:
Hi Eliezer,

 This does not follow.  If an AI has a P chance of going feral, then a
 society of AIs may have P chance of all simultaneously going feral
I can see you point but I don't agree with it.

If General Motors churns out 100,000 identical cars with all the same 
charcteristics and potiential flaws, they will */not /*all fail at the 
same instant in time.  Each of them will be placed in a different 
operating environment and the failures will probably spread over a bell 
curve style distribution.
That's because your view of this problem has automatically factored out 
all the common variables.  All GM cars fail when dropped off a cliff.  All 
GM cars fail when crashed at 120 mph.  All GM cars fail on the moon, in 
space, underwater, in a five-dimensional universe.  All GM cars are, under 
certain circumstances, inferior to telecommuting.

How much of the risk factor in AI morality is concentrated into such 
universals?  As far as I can tell, practically all of it.  Every AI 
morality failure I have ever spotted has been of a kind where a society of 
such AIs would fail in the same way.

The bell-curve failures to which you refer stem from GM making a 
cost-performance tradeoff.  The bell-curve distributed failures, like the 
fuel filter being clogged or whatever, are *acceptable* failures, not 
existential risks.  It therefore makes sense to accept a probability X of 
failure, for component Q, which can be repaired at cost C when it fails; 
and when you add up all those probability factors you end up with a bell 
curve.  But if the car absolutely had to work, you would be minimizing X 
like hell, to the greatest degree allowed by your *design ability and 
imagination*.  You'd use a diamondoid fuel filter.  You'd use three of 
them.  You wouldn't design a car that had a single point of failure at the 
fuel filter.  You would start seriously questioning whether what you 
really wanted should be described as a car.  Which in turn would shift 
the most probable cause of catastrophic failure away from bell-curve 
probabilistic failures and into outside-context failures of imagination.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Web Consciousness and self consciousness

2003-09-09 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:
I see physics as a collection of patterns in the experienced world.  It's a
very, very powerful and intense collection of patterns.  But nevertheless,
it's not totally comprehensive, in the sense that there are some patterns in
the experienced world that are not part of physics, but are rather
complementary to physics (in the Niels Bohr sense of complementarity).
Qualia, perhaps, are in this set of patterns that are complementary to the
patterns comprising physics.
Bohr's needlessly complex metaphysics of the quantum-classical split 
became unnecessary once I understood the Everett-Wheeler-DeWitt 
many-worlds interpretation, in which there is not and never was a 
classical universe, and measuring instruments are a continuous part of 
the wavefunction.  There is no observation, only the appearance of 
observation from inside the continuous part of the wavefunction that 
happens to be yourself.  The wavefunction does not collapse; you split 
along with the wavefunction, and each of you thinks the wavefunction has 
collapsed.  The illusion of complementarity; the illusion of solipsism; 
underneath all of it is one continuous equation that does not treat 
observation as a special case.

If one understood qualia one would have no need to invoke complementarity 
for them.

Now, physics sees my experienced world as the product of some physical
system (my brain, etc.)  From this point of view, the qualia that are
patterns in my experienced world are patterns generated by a physical system
(my brain, etc.)
Physics and experience are thus two perspectives, each of which claims to
contain and generate the other!
In my own work on AGI, I have drawn on both of these perspectives: both the
mechanistic, scientific perspective AND the subjective, experiential
perspective.  In theory one could create a digital mind based purely the
mechanistic, scientific perspective, but given the currently somewhat
primitive state of mind science, obtaining some guidance from the
experiential side (via drawing analogies between subjective human experience
and the likely subjective experience of an AI) has seemed prudent.
If one hasn't understood the subjective in terms of physics, then one will 
need to go on thinking about cognition in terms of phenomena that one 
finds to be subjective as well as objective.  However, in my 
experience, learning how to create chunks of cognition requires crossing 
the gap between the subjective and the objective with respect to that 
problem.  While you may be able to make incremental progress in 
understanding cognition by using a dual perspective to work on 
subproblems, I would predict that any part of your wanted AI design that 
you do not yet know how to describe in purely physical terms, will fail to 
work.  That's part of what makes AI hard.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Discovering the Capacity of Human Memory

2003-09-16 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
James Rogers wrote:
I was wondering about that.  It seems that the number represents the size of the
phase space, when a more useful metric would be the size (Kolmogorov complexity)
of the average point *in* the phase space.  There is a world of difference
between the number of patterns that can be encoded and the size of the biggest
pattern that can be encoded; the former isn't terribly important, but the latter
is very important.
Are you talking about the average point in the phase space in the sense 
of an average empirical human brain, or in the sense of a randomly 
selected point in the phase space?  I assume you mean the former, since, 
for the latter question, if you have a simple program P that produces a 
phase space of size 2^X, the average size of a random point in the phase 
space must be roughly X (plus the size of P?) according to both Shannon 
and Kolmogorov.

(Incidentally, I'll join in expressing my astonishment and dismay at the 
level of sheer mathematical and physical and computational ignorance on 
the part of authors and reviewers that must have been necessary for even 
the abstract of this paper to make it past the peer review process, and 
add that the result violates the Susskind holographic bound for an object 
that can be contained in a 1-meter sphere - no more than 10^70 bits of 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Discovering the Capacity of Human Memory

2003-09-16 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
The Tao is the set of truths that can be stored in zero bits.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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[agi] HUMOR: Friendly AI Critical Failure Table

2003-10-02 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
suffering from a number of diseases and medical conditions, but they 
would, if informed of the AI's capabilities, suffer from an extreme fear 
that appearing on the AI's video cameras would result in their souls being 
stolen. The tribe has not currently heard of any such thing as video 
cameras, so their fear is extrapolated by the AI; and the tribe members 
would, with almost absolute certainty, eventually come to understand that 
video cameras are not harmful, especially since the human eye is itself 
essentially a camera. But it is also almost certain that, if flatly 
informed of the video cameras, the !Kung would suffer from extreme fear 
and prefer death to their presence. Meanwhile the AI is almost powerless 
to help them, since no bots at all can be sent into the area until the 
moral issue of photography is resolved. The AI wants your advice: is the 
humane action rendering medical assistance, despite the !Kung's 
(subjunctive) fear of photography? If you say Yes you are quietly, 
seamlessly, invisibly uploaded.

25: The AI informs you - yes, *you* - that you are the only genuinely 
conscious person in the world. The rest are zombies. What do you wish done 
with them?

26: The AI does not inflict pain, injury, or death on any human, 
regardless of their past sins or present behavior. To the AI's thinking, 
nobody ever deserves pain; pain is always a negative utility, and nothing 
ever flips that negative to a positive. Socially disruptive behavior is 
punished by tickling and extra homework.

27: The AI's user interface appears to our world in the form of a new 
bureaucracy. Making a wish requires mailing forms C-100, K-2210, and T-12 
(along with a $25 application fee) to a P.O. Box in Minnesota, and waiting 
through a 30-day review period.

28: The programmers and anyone else capable of explaining subsequent 
events are sent into temporal stasis, or a vantage point from which they 
can observe but not intervene. The rest of the world remains as before, 
except that psychic powers, ritual magic, alchemy, et cetera, begin to 
operate. All role-playing gamers gain special abilities corresponding to 
those of their favorite character.

29: Everyone wakes up.

30: Roll twice again on this table, disregarding this result.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] HUMOR: Friendly AI Critical Failure Table

2003-10-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
deering wrote:
31.  The best of all possible worlds: the AI decides that the world, 
just as it is, is the best possible combination of challenge, reward, 
serendipity, irony, tragedy, mystery, romance, and beauty.  Although the 
AI claims to have ultimate power and is open to any request that would 
improve the world, all requests are met by  explanations of why everyone 
would be better off leaving it just the way it is.  The explanations are 
logically consistent and convincing yet emotionally unsatisfying.
That sounds like one *heck* of a critical failure.  I think you'd have to 
roll *two* critical failures in a row before the AI was *that* badly 
screwed up.  Maybe we should have a Double Critical Failure Table with 
all the screwups that are too mind-numbingly wrong to be listed next to 
mere ordinary critical failures like rebuilding the solar system as a 
hentai anime.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Bayes rule in the brain

2004-02-01 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Ben Goertzel wrote:

BTW, to me, the psychological work on human bias, heuristics, and
fallacy (including the well known work by Tversky and Kahneman)
contains many wrong results --- the phenomena are correctly
documented, but their analysis and conclusions are often based on
implicit assumptions that are not justified.
Yes, I agree with you there.
An example?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Within-cell computation in biological neural systems??

2004-02-07 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Philip Sutton wrote:

Does anyone have an up-to-date fix on how much computation occurs (if 
any) within-cells (as opposed to the traditional neural net level) that
are part of biolgical brain systems?  especially in the case 
of animals that have a premium placed on the number of neurones they 
can support (eg. limited by size, weight or energy supply compared to 
the need for computational capacity).
Let's put it this way:  The idea that neurons are simple little
integrating units is an urban legend propagated by computer scientists.
Flipping through my bookmarks, I found The role of single neurons in
information processing by Christof Koch and Idan Segev, which I recall is 
a decent quick intro:

Neurons carry out the many operations that extract meaningful
information from sensory receptor arrays at the organisms periphery
and translate these into action, imagery and memory. Within todays
dominant computational paradigm, these operations, involving synapses,
membrane ionic channels and changes in membrane potential, are thought
of as steps in an algorithm or as computations. The role of neurons in
these computations has evolved conceptually from that of a simple
inte-grator of synaptic inputs until a threshold is reached and an
output pulse is initiated, to a much more sophisticated processor with
mixed analog-digital logic and highly adaptive synaptic elements.
I think Koch has a book about this, but I don't recall the title offhand. 
 In any case, people are still trying to break, e.g., the giant squid 
axon (the largest nerve known, and hence an oft-studied one) down into 
enough compartments that it can be computationally simulated with some 
degree of accuracy.  Long-term potentiation is another aspect that is only 
beginning to be understood.  Lots of mysteries.  All very expensive to 
simulate until we figure out what the higher-level functions are, since 
you have to get every detail, not knowing which details are important. 
Uploading without understanding is *not* cheap, if that's what you're 
thinking of.  You could easily end up having to go down to the molecular 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] Within-cell computation in biological neural systems??

2004-02-08 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Yan King Yin wrote:
I agree, but there'll still be limitations (NP-hardness,
computational and physical complexity etc).
So what, if the limitations are far, far above human level?  The only 
reason I've been going on about RSI is to make the point that, from our 
perspective, you can have what looks like a harmless little infrahuman AI, 
and the next (day, hour, year) it's a god, just like what happened with 
the multicellular organisms that invented agriculture.

I agree with you that there will be no limits to the
above 2 processes. What I'm skeptical about is how do
we exploit this possibility. I cannot imagine how an
AI can impose (can't think of better word) a morality
on all human beings on earth, even given intergalactic
computing resources. If this cannot be done, then we
*must* default to self-organization of the free market
economy. That means you have to specify what your AI
will do, instead of relying on idealistic descriptions
that have no bearing on reality.
This seems to me like a sequence of complete nonsequiturs.

Of course you have to specify exactly what an engineered set of dynamics 
do, including the dynamics that make up what is, from our perspective, a 
mind.  Who ever said otherwise?  Well, me.  But I now fully acknowledge my 
ancient position to have been incredibly, suicidally stupid.

As for the rest of it... I have no idea what you're visualizing here.  To 
give a simple and silly counterexample, someone could roll Friendly AI 
Critical Failure #4 and transport the human species into a world based on 
Super Mario Bros - a well-specified task for an SI by comparison to most 
of the philosophical gibberish I've seen - in which case we would not be 
defaulting to self-organization of the free market economy.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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[agi] Integrating uncertainty about computation into Bayesian causal networks?

2005-04-28 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Have any of you seen a paper out there that integrates uncertainty about the 
results of deterministic computations into Bayesian networks?  E.g., being 
unsure whether 2 + 2 = 4 or 2 + 2 = 5.  In particular I'm wondering whether 
anyone's tried to integrate axiomatic proof systems into causal networks a la 
Judea Pearl, i.e., if we prove A implies B (but haven't yet proven B implies 
A) then we draw a directed arc from A to B in our Bayesian causal diagram.  I 
was recently trying to write a paper on a different subject that required me 
to introduce uncertainties about computation into causal networks, and I 
noticed that this subtopic was interesting enough to perhaps deserve a paper 
in its own right.  I'm wondering whether anyone on the list has seen such 
integration attempted yet, by way of avoiding duplication of effort.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
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Re: [agi] estimated cost of Seed AI

2005-06-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Alexander E. Richter wrote:

At 20:54 11.06.05 -0400, you wrote:

What is the estimated cost of Seed AI?

one person
10 hours/day
IQ 180+
very good memory (photographic memory)
high frustration-tolerance
1000-2000 $/month (To keep mind free from waste and unnecessary thought)

5000 $/year

it will take 5-10 years (starting now)
it will take 1-7 years (someone working on it already) 

Imho, its more like the development of H1-H4 sea clocks (John Harrison)

cu Alex

More or less me too.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] intuition [was: ... [was: ...]]

2006-05-09 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Pei Wang wrote:

Definitions like the Wikipedia one have the problem of only talking
about the good/right intuitions, while there are at least as many
intuitions that are bad/wrong. To call them by another name would
make things worse, because they are produced by the same mechanism,
therefore you couldn't get the good ones without the bad ones.

Instead of using positive terms like understanding and insight, I
define intuition neutrally as a belief a system has, but cannot
explain where it came from.

I suggest that this definition defines a continuum of intuitiveness 
rather than a clustered binary category, where larger leaps that are 
less explainable are more intuitive.

I specify large leaps, because even explainable reasoning is only 
explained as a series of obvious-seeming atomic steps.  Only a 
specialist in the cognitive sciences could try to explain why the 
atomic steps are obvious; and even then, could only offer a high-level 
explanation, in terms of work performed by cognition and evolutionary 
selection pressures, rather than a neurological stack trace.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: Superrationality

2006-05-24 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:


A few years ago there was a long discussion on this list or the AGI
list about Hofstadterian superrationality...

I wonder if anyone knows of any mathematical analysis of superrationality.

I worked out an analysis based on correlated computational processes - 
you treat your own decision system as a special case of computation and 
decide as if your decision determines the output of all computations 
that are similar to the decision.  Or to put it another way, you don't 
choose as if you believe that multiple instantiations of an identical 
abstract computation can have different outputs.  This can be formalized 
by extending Judea Pearl's causal graphs to include uncertainty about 
abstract computations, and reworking Pearl's surgical formalism for 
acts accordingly, which in turn is justified by considerations that 
these margins are too small to include.

I haven't published this, but I believe I mentioned it on AGI during a 
discussion of AIXI.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: Superrationality

2006-05-25 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:


I'll be offline for the rest of the day, but I'll write up something
clear on my very simple decision theory approach to superrationality,
tomorrow or over the weekend, and post it for criticism ;-)

It deals simply with Newcomb's Paradox [taking the one box] but I did
not think about Solomon's Problem, in fact I am not sure what this
problem is (I assume it is related to King Solomon and the
baby-halving threat, but if you could point to a webpage giving a
crisp formulation of the problem I'd appreciate it).

Not the baby-halving threat, actually.

Here Solomon's Problem is referred to as The Smoking Lesion, but the 
formulation is equivalent.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Re: Superrationality

2006-05-25 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

John Oh wrote:


Under your decision theory that you believe to be superior to CDT and
EDT, please answer the yes/no questions below:

Do you believe the formulation of the Smoking Lesion as stated in the
paper you cited below to be sufficiently complete to enable a definite

Looks like it.

If so, does your theory conclude that Susan should smoke?  (This
should be trivial to answer, even if you are unwilling to explain how
or why your theory provides the answer that it does.)

Yes, Susan should smoke under the given conditions.
She should also take one box in Newcomb's Problem.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Re: Superrationality

2006-05-26 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

John Oh wrote:

And did I hear you correctly that you also believe Susan should
cooperate in a standard one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma (assuming she
believes there is a high enough probability that the opposing player
is sufficiently similar to her)?

Correct.  For example, if Susan is facing her synchronized Copy, she 
should definitely cooperate.  Against her desynchronized Copy she will 
be unable to prove anything if she is a human-level intelligence, but 
she should still intuitively cooperate.  A superintelligence can prove 
similarity of decision systems that are not copies but which implement 
an identical algorithm at a deep level, *or* prove similarity of a 
decision system that contains an explicit dependency on an accurate 
model of the superintelligence.  In other words, the superintelligence 
SI-A can decide to cooperate with SI-B because SI-B decided to cooperate 
if it modeled SI-A as cooperating and SI-A knows this.  This gives SI-B 
a motive to decide to cooperate if it models SI-A as cooperating.  That, 
roughly speaking, is how two dissimilar SIs would cooperate on the 
oneshot PD if they can obtain knowably reliable information about each 
other - through random sampling of computing elements, historical 
modeling, or even a sufficiently strong prior probability.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: Superrationality

2006-05-26 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:

Thanks for the reference.  The paper is entertaining, in that both
the theories presented (evidential decision theory and causal
decision theory) are patently very stupid right from the outset ;-)

EDT and CDT have been the two dominant decision theories, with CDT
having the upper hand, for decades.  I agree that both are wrong, but it
is an audacious assertion.  I haven't written up my own mathematical
analysis because it would require on the order of a book to put forth an
alternative theory in academia.  I just did the analysis for myself
because I needed to know if I had to do any special work in setting up
the initial conditions of an FAI.

EDT's foolishness is more mathematical in nature (via setting up the 
problem mathematically in a way that ignores relevant information) 
whereas CDT's foolishness is more philosophical in nature

EDT and CDT are precisely symmetrical except in how they compute
counterfactual probabilities.

(essentially, via introducing the folk-psychology notion of 
causality which has no role in rigorous formal analyses of events).

Causality a folk-psychology notion?  Judea Pearl begs to disagree with
you, and I beg to agree with Judea Pearl.  My own theory is causal in
nature - that is, it uses Pearl's graphs.

I really think this stuff is not that complicated; but people seem to
 be misled in thinking about it via commonplace illusions related to 
free will ...

The answer itself is simple.  Justifying it is not.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] AGIRI Summit

2006-05-31 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Philip Goetz wrote:

There are many such accounts.  I've yet to come across an account of a
patient who lost their procedural memory but ratained declarative
memory.  Perhaps such a patient would be diagnosed with motor problems
rather than with memory loss.

If you lose your procedural memory, you forget how to move, how to talk, 
and how to operate your brain.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Two draft papers: AI and existential risk; heuristics and biases

2006-06-06 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 to high standards, work out detailed 
consequences, expose themselves to criticism, witness other people doing 
things that they think will fail and so beginning to appreciate the 
danger of the problem...  What counts in the long run is whether your 
initial mistaken approach forces you to go out and learn many fields, 
work out consequences in detail, appreciate the scope of the problem, 
hold yourself to high standards, fear mental errors, and, above all, 
keep working on the problem.

The mistake I made in 1996, when I thought any SI would automatically be 
Friendly, was a very bad mistake because it meant I didn't have to 
devote further thought to the problem.  The mistake I made in 2001 was 
just as much a mistake, but it was a mistake that got me to spend much 
more time thinking about the problem and study related fields and hold 
myself to a higher standard.

If I saw a detailed experimental plan, expressed mathematically, that 
drew on concepts from four different fields or whatever... I wouldn't 
credit you with succeeding, but I'd see that you were actually changing 
your strategy, making Friendliness a first-line requirement in the sense 
of devoting actual work-hours to it, showing willingness to shoulder 
safety considerations even when they seem bothersome and inconvenient, 
etc. etc.  It would count as *trying*.  It might get you to the point 
where you said, Whoa!  Now that I've studied just this one specific 
problem for a couple of years, I realize that what I had previously 
planned to do won't work!

But in terms of how you spend your work-hours, which code you write, 
your development plans, how you allocate your limited reading time to 
particular fields, then this business of First experiment with AGI has 
the fascinating and not-very-coincidental-looking property of having 
given rise to a plan that looks exactly like the plan one would pursue 
if Friendly AI were not, in fact, an issue.

Because this is a young field, how much mileage you get out will be 
determined in large part by how much sweat you put in.  That's the 
simple practical truth.  The reasons why you do X are irrelevant given 
that you do X; they're screened off, in Pearl's terminology.  It 
doesn't matter how good your excuse is for putting off work on Friendly 
AI, or for not building emergency shutdown features, given that that's 
what you actually do.  And this is the complaint of IT security 
professionals the world over; that people would rather not think about 
IT security, that they would rather do the minimum possible and just get 
it over with and go back to their day jobs.  Who can blame them for such 
human frailty?  But the result is poor IT security.

What kind of project might be able to make me believe that they had a 
serious chance of achieving Friendly AI?  They would have to show that, 
rather than needing to be *argued into* spending effort and taking 
safety precautions, they enthusiastically ran out and did as much work 
on safety as they could.  That would not be sufficient but it would 
certainly be necessary.  They would have to show that they did *not* 
give in to the natural human tendency to put things off until tomorrow, 
nor come up with clever excuses why inconvenient things do not need to 
be done today, nor invent reasons why they are almost certainly safe for 
the moment.  For whoso does this today will in all probability do the 
same tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

I do think there's a place for experiment in Friendly AI development 
work, which is as follows:  One is attempting to make an experimental 
prediction of posthuman friendliness and staking the world on this 
prediction; there is no chance for trial and error; so, as you're 
building the AI, you make experimental predictions about what it should 
do.  You check those predictions, by observation.  And if an 
experimental prediction is wrong, you halt, melt, catch fire, and start 
over, either with a better theory, or holding yourself to a stricter 
standard for what you dare to predict.  Maybe that is one way an 
adolescent could confront an adult task.  There are deeper theoretical 
reasons (I'm working on a paper about this) why you could not possibly 
expect an AI to be Friendly unless you had enough evidence to *know* it 
was Friendly; roughly, you could not expect *any* complex behavior that 
was a small point in the space of possibilities, unless you had enough 
evidence to single out that small point in the large space.  So, 
although it sounds absurd, you *should* be able to know in advance what 
you can and can't predict, and test those predictions you dare make, and 
use that same strict standard to predict the AI will be Friendly.  You 
should be able to win in that way if you can win at all, which is the 
point of the requirement.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] How the Brain Represents Abstract Knowledge

2006-06-16 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Eric Baum wrote:

It is demonstrably untrue that the ability to predict the effects of
any action, suffices to decide what actions one should take to
reach one's goals.

For example, given a specification of a Turing machine, one can
predict its sequence of states if one feeds in any particular
program, but one can not necessarily say what program to feed in
to put it in a specific state :^)

Given a specification of a Turing machine, we can predict (given 
unbounded computing power) its output for any particular input, 
supposing that the machine halts at all.  But similarly, given unbounded 
computing power, we can find an input that produces any particular 
output, supposing that at least one such input exists.

Perhaps you mean to say that, even given a *fast* algorithm for 
predicting the results of particular inputs, there may exist no *fast* 
algorithm for finding an input that corresponds to a particular output. 
 Thus we can solve the real-world prediction problem without solving 
the real-world manipulation problem.

There is more to planning than just prediction.

Of course I agree.  This is my chief criticism of Hawkins.  Rationality 
as conventionally defined has two components, probability theory and 
decision theory.  If you leave out the decision theory, you can't even 
decide which information to gather.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] singularity humor

2006-07-13 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

I think this one was the granddaddy:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Processing speed for core intelligence in human brain

2006-07-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:


On a related subject, I argued in What is Thought? that the hard
problem was not processor speed for running the AI, but coding the

This is definitely true.


However, Warren has recently done some digging
on the subject, and come up with what seems to be a better estimate
that 10^44 bacteria have lived on Earth.

However, evolution is not doing software design using anywhere near
the same process that we human scientists are.  So I don't think these
sorts of calculations are very directly relevant...

Also very much agreed.  Transistor speeds and neural speeds, 
evolutionary search and intelligent search, are not convertible 
quantities; it is like trying to convert temperature to mass, or writing 
an equation that says E = MC^3.

See e.g.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: strong and weakly self improving processes

2006-07-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 and passing on partial
 progress, for example in the mode of bed-time stories and fiction. 
Both for language itself and things like theory of mind, one can 
imagine some evolutionary improvements in ability to use it through 
the Baldwin effect, but the main point here seems to be the use of 
external storage in culture in developing the algorithms and 
passing them on. Other examples of modules that directly effect 
thinking prowess would be the axiomatic method, and recursion, which 
are specific human discoveries of modes of thinking, that are passed 
on using language and improve intelligence in a core way.

Considering the infinitesimal amount of information that evolution can
store in the genome per generation, on the order of one bit, it's
certainly plausible that a lot of our software is cultural.  This
proposition, if true to a sufficiently extreme degree, strongly impacts
my AI ethics because it means we can't read ethics off of generic human
brainware.  But it has very little to do with my AGI theory as such.
Programs are programs.

But try to teach the human operating system to a chimp, and you realize
that firmware counts for *a lot*.  Kanzi seems to have picked up some
interesting parts of the human operating system - but Kanzi won't be
entering college anytime soon.

The instructions that human beings communicate to one another are
instructions for pulling sequences of levers on an enormously complex
system, the brain, which we never built.  If the machine is not there,
the levers have nothing to activate.  When the first explorers of AI
tried to write down their accessible knowledge of How to be a
scientist as code, they failed to create a scientist.  They could not
introspect on, and did not see, the vast machine their levers
controlled.  If you tell a human, Try to falsify your theories, rather
than trying to prove them, they may learn something important about how
to think.  If you inscribe the same words on a rock, nothing happens.

Don't get me wrong - those lever-pulling sequences are important.  But
the true power, I think, lies in the firmware.  Could a human culture
with a sufficiently different operating system be more alien to us
than bonobos?  More alien than a species that evolved on another planet?
 If most of the critical complexity is in the OS, then you'd expect this
to be the case.  Maybe I just lack imagination, but I have difficulty
seeing it.

Another ramification of this layered picture are all the ways that 
evolution evolves to evolve better, including finding meaningful 
chunks that can then be put together into programs in novel ways. 
These are analogous to adding or improving lower layers on an 
intelligent system, which may make it as intelligent as modifying the
 top layers would in any conceivable way. Evolution, which 
constructed our ability to rationally design, may apply very much 
the same processes on itself.

I don't understand any real distinction between weakly self 
improving processes and strongly self improving processes, and 
hence, if there is such a distinction, I would be happy for 

The cheap shot reply is:  Try thinking your neurons into running at
200MHz instead of 200Hz.  Try thinking your neurons into performing
noiseless arithmetic operations.  Try thinking your mind onto a hundred
times as much brain, the way you get a hard drive a hundred times as
large every 10 years or so.

Now that's just hardware, of course.  But evolution, the same designer,
wrote the hardware and the firmware.  Why shouldn't there be equally
huge improvements waiting in firmware?  We understand human hardware
better than human firmware, so we can clearly see how restricted we are
by not being able to modify the hardware level.  Being unable to reach
down to firmware may be less visibly annoying, but it's a good bet that
the design idiom is just as powerful.

The further down you reach, the more power.  This is the idiom of
strong self-improvement and I think the hardware reply is a valid
illustration of this.  It seems so simple that it sounds like a cheap
shot, but I think it's a valid cheap shot.  We were born onto badly
designed processors and we can't fix that by pulling on the few levers
exposed by our introspective API.  The firmware is probably even more
important; it's just harder to explain.

And merely the potential hardware improvements still imply I. J. Good's
intelligence explosion.  So is there a practical difference?

Eric Baum

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: strong and weakly self improving processes

2006-07-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
 powerful generator produce knowledge orders of magnitude faster? 
Obviously yes, because human neurons run at speeds that are at least six 
orders of magnitude short of what we know to be physically possible. 
(Drexler's _Nanosystems_ describes sensory inputs and motor outputs that 
operate at a similar speedup.)  What about better firmware?  Would that 
buy us many additional orders of magnitude?

If most of the generator complexity lay in a culturally transmitted 
human operating system that was open to introspection, then further 
improvements to firmware might be trivial.  But then scientists would 
have a much better understanding of how science works; but most 
scientists proceed mostly by instinct, and they don't have to learn 
rituals on anything remotely approaching the complexity of a human 
brain.  Most people would find learning the workings of the human brain 
a hugely intimidating endeavor - rather than being an easier and simpler 
version of something they did unwittingly as children, in the course of 
absorbing the larger and more important human operating system you 
postulate.  This human operating system, this modular theory of mind 
that gets transmitted - where is it written down?  There's a sharp limit 
on how much information you can accumulate without digital fidelity of 
transmission between generations.  The vast majority of human evolution 
took place long before the invention of writing.

I don't believe in a culturally transmitted operating system, that 
existed over evolutionary periods, which contains greater total useful 
complexity than that specified in the brain-constructing portions of the 
human genome itself.  And even if such a thing existed, the fact that we 
haven't written it down implies that it is largely inaccessible to 
introspection and hence to deliberative, intelligent self-modification.

I don't understand any real distinction between weakly self
improving processes and strongly self improving processes, and
hence, if there is such a distinction, I would be happy for

Eliezer The cheap shot reply is: Try thinking your neurons into
Eliezer running at 200MHz instead of 200Hz.  Try thinking your
Eliezer neurons into performing noiseless arithmetic operations.  Try
Eliezer thinking your mind onto a hundred times as much brain, the
Eliezer way you get a hard drive a hundred times as large every 10
Eliezer years or so.

Eliezer Now that's just hardware, of course.  But evolution, the same
Eliezer designer, wrote the hardware and the firmware.  Why shouldn't
Eliezer there be equally huge improvements waiting in firmware?  We
Eliezer understand human hardware better than human firmware, so we
Eliezer can clearly see how restricted we are by not being able to
Eliezer modify the hardware level.  Being unable to reach down to
Eliezer firmware may be less visibly annoying, but it's a good bet
Eliezer that the design idiom is just as powerful.

Eliezer The further down you reach, the more power.  This is the
Eliezer idiom of strong self-improvement and I think the hardware
Eliezer reply is a valid illustration of this.  It seems so simple
Eliezer that it sounds like a cheap shot, but I think it's a valid
Eliezer cheap shot.  We were born onto badly designed processors and
Eliezer we can't fix that by pulling on the few levers exposed by our
Eliezer introspective API.  The firmware is probably even more
Eliezer important; it's just harder to explain.

Eliezer And merely the potential hardware improvements still imply
Eliezer I. J. Good's intelligence explosion.  So is there a practical
Eliezer difference?

The cheapshot reply to your cheapshot reply, is that if we construct
an AI, that AI is just another part of the lower level in the weakly
self-improving process, its part of our culture, so we can indeed
realize the hardware improvement. This may sound cheap, but it 
shows there is no real difference between the 2 layered system

and the entirely self-recursive one.

The cheap-cheap-cheap-reply is that if a self-improving AI goes off and 
builds a Dyson Sphere, and that is no real difference, I'm not sure I 
want to see what a real difference looks like.  Again, the cheap^3 
reply seems to me valid because it asks what difference of experience we 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: strong and weakly self improving processes

2006-07-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

Eric Baum wrote:

Eliezer Considering the infinitesimal amount of information that
Eliezer evolution can store in the genome per generation, on the
Eliezer order of one bit,
Actually, with sex its theoretically possible to gain something like 
sqrt(P) bits per generation (where P is population size), cf Baum, 
Boneh paper

could be found on and also Mackay paper. (This is
a digression, since I'm not claiming huge evolution since chimps).

I furthermore note that gaining one standard deviation per generation, 
which is what your paper describes, is not obviously like gaining 
sqrt(P) bits of Shannon information per generation.  Yes, the standard 
deviation is proportional to sqrt(N), but it's not clear how you're 
going from that to gaining sqrt(N) bits of Shannon information in the 
gene pool per generation.  It would seem heuristically obvious that if 
your algorithm eliminates roughly half the population on each round, it 
can produce at most one bit of negentropy per round in allele 
frequencies.  I only skimmed the referenced paper, though; so if there's 
a particular paragraph I ought to read, feel free to direct me to it.

Yeah, so, I reread my paragraph above and it doesn't make any sense. 
Standard deviations are not proportional to the square root of the 
population size (duh).  N in Baum, Boneh, and Garrett (1995) is the 
length of the string, not the population size.  Why shows that you can gain anything 
proportional to sqrt(P) per generation, I have no idea.  As for gaining 
sqrt(P) bits of negentropy in the gene pool by eliminating merely half 
the population, I just don't see how that would work.  Maybe you're 
thinking of sqrt(log(P)) which would be how much you could gain in one 
generation by culling all but the uppermost part of a Gaussian distribution?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] [META] Is there anything we can do to keep junk out of the AGI Forum?

2006-07-26 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Richard Loosemore wrote:

I am beginning to wonder if this forum would be better off with a 
restricted membership policy.

SL4 uses the List Sniper technique.  Anyone can join, and if they don't 
seem suitable, they're removed.

The bane of mailing lists is well-intentioned but stupid people, and 
list moderators who can't bring themselves to say anything so impolite 
as Goodbye.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] fuzzy logic necessary?

2006-08-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
When you think something is more likely or less likely, you're 
translating a feeling into English.  The English translation doesn't 
involve verbal probabilities like 0.6 or 0.8 - the syllables 
probability zero point eight don't flow through your auditory 
workspace.  But that doesn't rule out the possibility that, somewhere in 
your head, neurons are spiking at .733 of their maximum rate, which you 
feel as a strong probability, and which you translate into English as 
pretty likely.  Now there are other ways that neurons might 
quantitatively represent feelings of anticipation; and whatever the 
quantities, they won't obey Bayesian rules except qualitatively, because 
the brain is an evolved hack.  But you also shouldn't suppose that an AI 
can operate on LISP tokens labeled more likely and less likely; such 
English phrases merely serialize your feelings of anticipation into 
acoustic vibrations so that you can transmit them to another human who 
translates them back into internal quantities.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: On proofs of correctness

2006-08-05 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Charles D Hixson wrote:

An excellent warning on proofs of correctness is at: 

Hear, hear.

But I don't take away the lesson that not even formal methods are 
powerful enough.  They would've caught this if, for example, they'd 
assumed and proven from transistor diagrams of the underlying chip. 
Formal methods break when their axioms break, and the proof of 
correctness for this code presumably used axioms that were only true 
most of the time, axioms that could be broken even without cosmic rays.

I don't think this is mere argument-in-hindsight; it occurred to me long 
ago not to trust integer addition, just transistors.  And even then, 
shielded hardware and reproducible software would not be out of order.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Marcus Hutter's lossless compression of human knowledge prize

2006-08-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
As long as we're talking about fantasy applications that require 
superhuman AGI, I'd be impressed by a lossy compression of Wikipedia 
that decompressed to a non-identical version carrying the same semantic 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Lossy ** lossless compression

2006-08-25 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Matt Mahoney wrote:

DEL has a lossy model, and nothing compresses smaller.  Is it smarter
than PKZip?

Let me state one more time why a lossless model has more knowledge.
If x and x' have the same meaning to a lossy compressor (they
compress to identical codes), then the lossy model only knows
p(x)+p(x').  A lossless model also knows p(x) and p(x').  You can
argue that if x and x' are not distinguishable then this extra
knowledge is not important.  But all text strings are distinguishable
to humans.

Suppose I give you a USB drive that contains a lossless model of the 
entire universe excluding the USB drive - a bitwise copy of all quark 
positions and field strengths.

(Because deep in your heart, you know that underneath the atoms, 
underneath the quarks, at the uttermost bottom of reality, are tiny 
little XML files...)

Let's say that you've got the entire database, and a Python interpreter 
that can process it at any finite speed you care to specify.

Now write a program that looks at those endless fields of numbers, and 
says how many fingers I'm holding up behind my back.

Looks like you'll have to compress that data first.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Why so few AGI projects?

2006-09-14 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Shane Legg wrote:

Funding is certainly a problem.  I'd like to work on my own AGI ideas
 after my PhD is over next year... but can I get money to do that?
Probably not.  So as a compromise I'll have to work on something else
in AI during the day, and spend my weekends doing the stuff I'd
really like to be doing. Currently I code my AI at nights and

Shane, what would you do if you had your headway?  Say, you won the 
lottery tomorrow (ignoring the fact that no rational person would buy a 
ticket).  Not just AGI - what specifically would you sit down and do 
all day?  If there's somewhere online that already answers this or a 
previous AGI message I should read, just point.

Pressure to publish is also a problem.  I need results on a regular
basis that I can publish otherwise my career is over.  AGI is not
really short term results friendly.

Indeed not.  It takes your first five years simply to figure out which 
way is up.  But Shane, if you restrict yourself to results you can 
regularly publish, you couldn't work on what you really wanted to do, 
even if you had a million dollars.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Natural versus formal AI interface languages

2006-10-31 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Pei Wang wrote:

Let's don't confuse two statements:

(1) To be able to use a natural language (so as to passing Turing
Test) is not a necessary condition for a system to be intelligent.

(2) A true AGI should have the potential to learn any natural language
(though not necessarily to the level of native speakers).

I agree with both of them, and I don't think they contradict to each other.

Natural language isn't.  Humans have one specific idiosyncratic 
built-in grammar, and we might have serious trouble learning to 
communicate in anything else - especially if the language was being used 
by a mind quite unlike our own.  Even a programming language is still 
something that humans made, and how many people do you know who can 
*seriously*, not-jokingly, think in syntactical C++ the way they can 
think in English?

I certainly think that something could be humanish-level intelligent in 
terms of optimization ability, and not be able to learn English, if it 
had a sufficiently alien cognitive architecture - nor would we be able 
to learn its languge.

Of course you can't be superintelligent and unable to speak English - 
*that* wouldn't make any sense.  I assume that's what you mean by true 
AGI above.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Natural versus formal AI interface languages

2006-11-08 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Eric Baum wrote:

(Why should producing a human-level AI be cheaper than decoding the

Because the genome is encrypted even worse than natural language.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Natural versus formal AI interface languages

2006-11-08 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Eric Baum wrote:

Eliezer Eric Baum wrote:

(Why should producing a human-level AI be cheaper than decoding the

Eliezer Because the genome is encrypted even worse than natural
Eliezer language.

(a) By decoding the genome, I meant merely finding the sequence
(should have been clear in context), which didn't involve any
decryption at all.

(b) why do you think so? 

(a) Sorry, didn't pick up on that.  Possibly, more money has already 
been spent on failed AGI projects than on the human genome.

(b) Relative to an AI built by aliens, it's possible that the human 
proteome annotated by the corresponding selection pressures (= the 
decrypted genome), is easier to reverse-engineer than the causal graph 
of human language.  Human language, after all, takes place in the 
context of a complicated human mind.  But relative to humans, human 
language is certainly a lot easier for us to understand than the human 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] SOTA

2007-01-12 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Philip Goetz wrote:

Haven't been googling.  But the fact is that I've never actually
/seen/ one in the wild.  My point is that the market demand for such
simple and useful and cheap items is low enough that I've never
actually seen one.

Check any hardware store, there's a whole shelf.  I bought one for my 
last apartment.  I see them all over the place.  They're really not rare.

Moral: in AI, the state of the art is often advanced far beyond what 
people think it is.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Optimality of using probability

2007-02-02 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
because I don't actually *know* that it's a lot harder, because I don't 
know exactly how to do it, and therefore I don't know yet how hard or 
easy it will be.  I suspect it's more complicated than the simple case, 
at least.

I tried to solve this problem in 2006, just in case it was easier than 
it looked (it wasn't).  I concluded that the problem required a fairly 
sophisticated mind-system to carry out the reasoning that would justify 
probabilities, so I was blocking on subparts of this mind-system that I 
didn't know how to specify yet.  Thus I put the problem on hold and 
decided to come back to it later.

As a research program, the difficulty would be getting a researcher to 
see that a nontrivial problem exists, and come up with some 
non-totally-ad-hoc interesting solution, without their taking on a 
problem so large that they can't solve it.

One decent-sized research problem would be scenarios in which you the 
programmer could expect utility from a program that used probabilities, 
in a state of programmer knowledge that *didn't* let you calculate those 
probabilities yourself.  One conceptually simple problem, that would 
still be well worth a publication if no one has done it yet, would be 
calculating the expected utilities of using well-known uninformative 
priors in plausible problems.  But the real goal would be to justify 
using probability in cases of structural uncertainty.  A simple case of 
this more difficult problem would be calculating the expected utility of 
inducting a Bayesian network with unknown latent structure, known node 
behaviors (like noisy-or), known priors for network structures, and 
uninformative priors for the parameters.  One might in this way work up 
to Boolean formulas, and maybe even some classes of arbitrary machines, 
that might be in the environment.  I don't think you can do a similar 
calculation for Solomonoff induction, even in principle, because 
Solomonoff is uncomputable and therefore ill-defined.  For, say, Levin 
search, it might be doable; but I would be VERY impressed if anyone 
could actually pull off a calculation of expected utility.

In general, I would suggest starting with the expected utility of simple 
uninformative priors, and working up to more structural forms of 
uncertainty.  Thus, strictly justifying more and more abstract uses of 
probabilistic reasoning, as your knowledge about the environment becomes 
ever more vague.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Betting and multiple-component truth values

2007-02-05 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:

However, this doesn't solve the problem of finite resources making  true 
probabilistic accuracy impossible, of course.  AGI systems with  finite 
resources will in fact not be ideally rational betting  machines; they 
will not fully obey Cox's axioms; an ideal supermind  would be able to 
defeat them via clever betting taking advantage of  their weaknesses.

Any entity not logically omniscient can be trivially bilked by a 
logically omniscient bookie, because the non-logically-omniscient player 
assigns positive probabilities to events that are logically impossible.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Betting and multiple-component truth values

2007-02-05 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Pei Wang wrote:


Sorry that now I don't have the time for long discussions, but a brief
scan of your message remind me of Ellsberg paradox (see He used betting
examples to show that a probability is not enough, and a second number
is necessary.

The Ellsberg paradox is a descriptive observation about human 
psychology.  At most it only shows that probability does not suffice to 
describe human reasoning, saying nothing about normativeness; and of 
course, we know from many descriptive examples that humans do not use 
Kolmogorov/Cox consistent probabilities.  This says nothing about what 
kind of mind we would *want* to build, though.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Re: Optimality of using probability

2007-02-05 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Mitchell Porter wrote:

If you the programmer ('you' being an AI, I assume) already have the
concept of probability, and you can prove that a possible program will
estimate probabilities more accurately than you do, you should be able
to prove that it would provide an increase in utility, to a degree
depending on the superiority of its estimates and the structure of
your utility function. (A trivial observation, but that's usually where
you have to start.)

Mitch, I haven't found that problem to be trivial if one seeks a precise 
demonstration.  I say precise demonstration, rather than formal 
proof, because formal proof often carries the connotation of 
first-order logic, which is not necessarily what I'm looking for.  But a 
line of reasoning that an AI itself carries out will have some exact 
particular representation and this is what I mean by precise.  What 
exactly does it mean for an AI to believe that a program, a collection 
of ones and zeroes, estimates probabilities more accurately than 
does the AI?  And how does the AI use this belief to choose that the 
expected utility of running its program is ordinally greater than the 
expected utility of the AI exerting direct control?  For simple cases - 
where the statistical structure of the environment is known, so that you 
could calculate the probabilities yourself given the same sensory 
observations as the program - this can be argued precisely by summing 
over all probable observations.  What if you can't do the exact sum? 
How would you make the demonstration precise enough for an AI to walk 
through it, let alone independently discover it?

*Intuitively* the argument is clear enough, I agree.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Betting and multiple-component truth values

2007-02-08 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Pei Wang wrote:

On 2/8/07, gts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I gave an example of a Dutch book in a post to Russell in which an
incoherent thinker assigns a higher probability to intelligent life on
Mars than to mere life on Mars. Since the first hypothesis can be true
only if the second is true, it is incoherent to assign a higher
probability to the first than to the second.

Coherence is basically just common sense applied to probabilistic
reasoning. I'm dismayed to learn from Ben that coherence is so difficult
to achieve in AGI.

In simple cases like the above one, an AGI should achieve coherence
with little difficulty. What an AGI cannot do is to guarantee
coherence in all situations, which is impossible for human beings,
neither --- think about situations where the incoherence of a bet
setting needs many steps of inference, as well as necessary domain
knowledge, to reveal.

Actually, conjunction fallacy is probably going to be one of the most 
difficult of all biases to eliminate; it may even be provably impossible 
for entities using any complexity-based variant of Occam's Razor, such 
as Kolmogorov complexity.  If you ask for P(A) at time T and then P(AB) 
at time T+1, you should get a higher answer for P(AB) wherever A is a 
complex set of variable values that are insufficiently supported by 
direct evidence, and B is a non-obvious compact explanation for A. 
Thus, seeing B reduces the apparent Kolmogorov complexity of A, raising 
A's prior.  You cannot always see B directly from A because this amounts 
to always being able to find the most compact explanation, which amounts 
to finding the shortest Turing machine that reproduces the data, which 
is unsolvable by the halting problem.

I have sometimes thought that Levin search might yield provably 
consistent probabilities - after all, a supposed explanation doesn't do 
you any good if you can't derive data from it or prove that it halts. 
Even so, seeing B directly from A might require an exponential search 
too costly to perform.

Thus, conjunction fallacy - cases where being told about the hypothesis 
B raises the subjective probability of P(AB) over that you previously 
gave to P(A) - is probably with us to stay, even unto the furthest 
stars.  It may greatly diminish but not be utterly defeated.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Betting and multiple-component truth values

2007-02-09 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Ben Goertzel wrote:

However, it shouldn't be hard for AGIs to avoid the particularly  simple 
and glaring examples of conjunction fallacy that have been  made famous 
in the cognitive psychology literature...

Some of them, but not others.  For an example of the more difficult case:

Two independent sets of professional analysts at the Second 
International Congress on Forecasting were asked to rate, respectively, 
the probability of A complete suspension of diplomatic relations 
between the USA and the Soviet Union, sometime in 1983 or A Russian 
invasion of Poland, and a complete suspension of diplomatic relations 
between the USA and the Soviet Union, sometime in 1983.  The second set 
of analysts responded with significantly higher probabilities.


This is a type of conjunction fallacy where, arguably, an AI can beat a 
human in this specific case, but only by expending more computing power 
to search through many possible pathways from previous beliefs to the 
conclusion.  In which case, given a more complex scenario, one that 
defeated the AI's search capabilities, the AI would fail in a way 
essentially analogous to the human who conducts almost no search.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Priors and indefinite probabilities

2007-02-11 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Benjamin Goertzel wrote:

Tying together recent threads on indefinite probabilities and prior
distributions (PI, maxent, Occam), I thought I'd make a note on the
relation between the two topics.

In the indefinite probability approach, one assigns a statement S a
truth value L,U,b,k denoting one's attachment of probability b to
the statement that: after k more observations have been made, one's
best guess regarding the probability of S will lie in [L,U].

Ben, is the indefinite probability approach compatible with local 
propagation in graphical models?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: Languages for AGI [WAS Re: [agi] Priors and indefinite probabilities]

2007-02-18 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Chuck Esterbrook wrote:

On 2/18/07, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Heh.  Why not work in C++, then, and write your own machine language?
No need to write files to disk, just coerce a pointer to a function
pointer.  I'm no Lisp fanatic, but this sounds more like a case of
Greenspun's Tenth Rule to me.

I find C++ overly complex while simultaneously lacking well known
productivity boosters including:
* garbage collection
* language level bounds checking
* contracts
* reflection / introspection (complete and portable)
* dynamic loading (portable)
* dynamic invocation

I was being sarcastic, not advocating C++ as the One True AI language.

Eliezer, do write code at the institute? What language do you use and
for what reasons? What do you like and dislike about it with respect
to your project? Just curious.

I'm currently a theoretician.  My language-of-choice is Python for 
programs that are allowed to be slow.  C++ for number-crunching. 
Incidentally, back when I did more programming in C++, I wrote my own 
reflection package for it.  (In my defense, I was rather young at the time.)

B. Sheil once suggested that LISP excels primarily at letting you change 
your code after you realize that you wrote the wrong thing, and this is 
why LISP is the language of choice for AI work.  Strongly typed 
languages enforce boundaries between modules, and provide redundant 
constraints for catching bugs, which is helpful for coding conceptually 
straightforward programs.  But this same enforcement and redundancy 
makes it difficult to change the design of the program in midstream, for 
things that are not conceptually straightforward.  Sheil wrote in the 
1980s, but it still seems to me like a very sharp observation.

If you know in advance what code you plan on writing, choosing a 
language should not be a big deal.  This is as true of AI as any other 
programming task.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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[agi] Gödel's theorem for intelligence

2007-05-15 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Shane Legg wrote:

Thus I think that the analogue of Gödel's theorem here would be
something more like:  For any formal definition of intelligence
there will exist a form of intelligence that cannot be proven to be
intelligent even though it is intelligent.

With unlimited computing power this is obvious.  Take a computation 
that halts if it finds an even number that is not the sum of two 
primes.  Append AIXItl.  QED.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] definitions of intelligence, again?!

2007-05-16 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Shane Legg wrote:

Would the following be possible with your notion of intelligence:
There is a computer system that does a reasonable job of solving
some optimization problem.  We go along and keep on plugging
more and more RAM and CPUs into the computer.  At some point
the algorithm sees that it has enough resources to always solve
the problem perfectly through brute force search and thus drops
its more efficient but less accurate search strategy. 

As the system is now solving the optimization problem in a much
simpler way (brute force search), according to your perspective it
has actually become less intelligent?

It has become more powerful and less intelligent, in the same way that 
natural selection is very powerful and extremely stupid.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Write a doctoral dissertation, trigger a Singularity

2007-05-20 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Why is Murray allowed to remain on this mailing list, anyway?  As a 
warning to others?  The others don't appear to be taking the hint.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-05-31 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Russell Wallace wrote:

*sigh* I thought you knew better than this. The idea that the bottleneck 
in AGI was the discovery of secret sauce algorithms was excusable back 
in the 80s. We've known better for a good many years now. Ditto across 
the board: sure there is this and that algorithm that isn't known that 
would make life somewhat easier, but in practice the limiting factor is 
almost entirely in putting the pieces together the right way, and hardly 
at all in missing any particular piece.

Belldandy preserve us.  You think you know everything you need to 
know, have every insight you require, to put a sentient being 
together?  That the rest is just an implementation detail?  That, 
moreover, *any* modern computer scientist knows it?

What can I say, but:


Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Opensource Business Model

2007-06-01 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Russell Wallace wrote:
On 6/1/07, *Eliezer S. Yudkowsky* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Belldandy preserve us.  You think you know everything you need to
know, have every insight you require, to put a sentient being
together?  That the rest is just an implementation detail?  That,
moreover, *any* modern computer scientist knows it?

Belldandy preserve us indeed! I thought you were at least a little more 
in tune with reality than that. Please reread the last hundred times I 
explained why creating a sentient being ab initio is completely 
infeasible for you, me or anyone else.

I read your theory as, I can't do it myself because the 
implementation is too large, but I know everything required for a team 
of 10^N people to do it; moreover, any computer scientist knows it.

You haven't noticed that there's anything about cognition that, how 
shall I put this, *confuses* you?  Belldandy preserve us with 

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] Beyond AI chapters up on Kurzweil

2007-06-01 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

J Storrs Hall, PhD wrote:

The Age of Virtuous Machines

I am referred to therein as Eliezer Yudkowsk.  Hope this doesn't 
appear in the book too.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] poll: what do you look for when joining an AGI group?

2007-06-03 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Clues.  Plural.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] poll: what do you look for when joining an AGI group?

2007-06-04 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Mark Waser wrote:
P.S.  You missed the time where Eliezer said at Ben's AGI conference 
that he would sneak out the door before warning others that the room was 
on fire:-)

This absolutely never happened.  I absolutely do not say such things, 
even as a joke, because I understand the logic of the multiplayer 
iterated prisoner's dilemma - as soon as anyone defects, everyone gets 

Some people who did not understand the IPD, and hence could not 
conceive of my understanding the IPD, made jokes about that because 
they could not conceive of behaving otherwise in my place.  But I 
never, ever said that, even as a joke, and was saddened but not 
surprised to hear it.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] poll: what do you look for when joining an AGI group?

2007-06-05 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Hm.  Memory may be tricking me.

I did a deeper scan of my mind, and found that the only memory I 
actually have is that someone at the conference said that they saw I 
wasn't in the room that morning, and then looked around to see if 
there was a bomb.

I have no memory of the fire thing one way or the other, but it 
sounds like a plausible distortion of the first event after a few 
repetitions.   Or maybe the intended meaning is that, if I saw a fire 
in a room, I would leave the room first to make sure of my own safety, 
and then shout Fire! to warn everyone else?  If so, I still don't 
remember saying that, but it doesn't have the same quality of being 
the first to defect in an iterated prisoner's dilemma - which is the 
main thing I feel I need to emphasize heavily that I will not do; no, 
not even as a joke, because talking about defection encourages people 
to defect, and I won't be the first to talk about it, either.

So I guess the moral is that I shouldn't toss around the word 
absolutely - even when the point needs some heavy moral emphasis - 
about events so far in the past.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] AGI introduction

2007-06-24 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Pei Wang wrote:


I put a brief introduction to AGI at ,  including an AGI
Overview followed by Representative AGI Projects.

This looks pretty good to me.  My compliments.

(And now the inevitable however...)

However, the distinction you intended between capability and 
principle did not become clear to me until I looked at the very last 
table, which classified AI architectures.  I was initially quite 
surprised to see AIXI listed as principle and Cyc listed as 

I had read capability - to solve hard problems as meaning the power 
to optimize a utility function, like the sort of thing AIXI does to 
its reward button, which when combined with the unified column would 
designate an AI approach that derived every element by backward 
chaining from the desired environmental impact.  But it looks like you 
meant capability in the sense that the designers had a particular 
hard AI subproblem in mind, like natural language.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] What's wrong with being biased?

2007-06-29 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Stefan Pernar wrote:

Now why is that? Cognitive biases could be...

a) ...less fit characteristics of human cognition that did not pose too 
big a problem for humanity to make it to the current day (like an 
infection prone appendix of the mind - bad but not too bad).
b) increasing characteristics of human cognition that proved 
beneficial for our ancestors in the course of evolution but that have 
lost their value in modern times (like our craving for burgers and fries 
that back in the days prevented our ancestors from dying should the next 
harvest not go so well but are causing all kind of obesity related 
issues in a post caloric scarcity society)
c) increasing characteristics of human cognition that are 
just as valid today as they were over the course of evolution.

It sounds like you're confusing cognitive bias with inductive bias. 
Cognitive biases are nonadaptive side effects of the adaptive 
heuristics that give rise to them.  Some of these may be ineradicable 
even for superintelligences, such as the conjunction fallacy effect of 
using an approximation to Solomonoff induction, wherein an effect plus 
a compact reason may be deemed more probable than the effect alone 
with no compact reason found as yet.

You may find it helpful to read some the following posts, which 
disentangle the widely different meanings of statistical bias, 
inductive bias, and cognitive bias.

Statistical bias:

Inductive bias:

Cognitive bias:

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: [agi] What is the complexity of RSI?

2007-10-01 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Mark Waser wrote:

So the real question is what is the minimal amount of
intelligence needed for a system to self-engineer
improvments to itself?

Some folks might argue that humans are just below that

Humans are only below the threshold because our internal systems are so 
convoluted and difficult to change.

And because we lack the cultural knowledge of a theory of 
intelligence.  But are probably quite capable of comprehending one.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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Re: Economic libertarianism [was Re: The first-to-market effect [WAS Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content]

2007-10-09 Thread Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

J. Andrew Rogers wrote:

Generally though, the point that you fail to see is that an AGI can  
just as easily subvert *any* power structure, whether the environment  
is a libertarian free market or an autocratic communist state.  The  
problem has nothing to do with the governance of the economy but the  
fact that the AGI is the single most intelligent actor in the economy  
however you may arrange it.  You can rearrange and change the rules  as 
you wish, but any economy where transactions are something other  than 
completely random is an economy that can be completely dominated  by AGI 
in short order.  The game is exactly the same either way, and  more 
rigid economies have much simpler patterns that make them easier  to 

Regulating economies to prevent super-intelligent actors from doing  bad 
things is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Succinctly put.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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