Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-28 Thread Lucio De Re
On 3/26/21, Charles Forsyth  wrote:
> That reminds me that this
> looked quite
> interesting but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
I have followed the instructions and with a little help (I filed an
issue and I got a prompt, helpful response - I also discovered I
needed "nasm" on my LinuxMint system), I completed the build

So, Charles, if you know what to do with the extremely interesting
product, please provide some guidance :-). I have no idea of the
context in which the remaining instructions are meant to be executed.


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Re: [9fans] Foundation new releases question

2021-04-01 Thread Lucio De Re
I need time to assimilate mindset changing concepts, I should not
respond as quickly as I am doing here, so please understand that
nothing below is intended to offend anyone, it is more a totally
subjective and poorly formulated knee-jerk reaction to what is clearly
a critical event in Plan 9's existence.

On 4/1/21, sirjofri  wrote:
> I know only 4 currently active Plan 9 systems. (1) The official 4e
> release, which is ... well it works, I guess. (2) 9legacy, which is 4e
> plus patches (fixes and modern stuff). (3) the RPi forks. (4) 9front,
> which might be the biggest and the farthest away from 4e, but maybe also
> the system which supports most hardware, maybe.
I had a brief exchange with Cinap quite a long time ago and whereas I
make no claim to follow the Bell Labs philosophy particularly closely,
I figured that the divergence between BL and 9front had sort of
solidified with the introduction of Go. Or perhaps those were just
symptoms and the core philosophies had a nature of their own. Cinap
may well recall this exchange.

The bottom line as I see it, is that whereas 9legacy and what I call
9miller attempt to follow a conservative path, 9front has taken a path
of its own and only fragments of Cinap's efforts (without for a moment
disparaging all other 9front contributors) can be assimilated into
Plan 9 without some shift in philosophy.

I think that the "purity" (imaginary as it may be, it is an historical
fact) of BL Plan 9 and the practicality of 9front should be discussed
at a philosophical level and the two forks be reconciled as far as
possible. But a compromise position needs to take into account the
viability of Plan 9 as something different from being merely a
research OS (which I think has been more or less exhausted).

Agreeing on a new role (perhaps precisely as a target for
contributions by a community with a different mindset) for a shared
product will help attaining such an objective. That two different
paths may need to be followed to arrive there seems inevitable, but
officially cooperating along those two paths would save a lot of
redundancy and reduce the risk of further divergence.

We need to talk, seriously, about where we're going. The risk that the
Plan 9 Foundation may successfully dominate the Plan 9 landscape and
totally alienate the 9front contributors quite frankly horrifies me.

There, it's been said. This seems to be the place, at least for now,
where my fears will be allayed or solidified.


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Re: [9fans] Installation problem - partdisk loop - sdC0 QEMU QEMU DVD ...

2021-04-04 Thread Lucio De Re
On 4/4/21,  wrote:
> Somebody,  pacient, have some idea how can I  solve this.?
If I remember  right, under VMware ESX, the CDROM needed to be
disconnected during installation. But the exact details are no longer
clear in my recollections. I don't really know that such a thing is
possible, but something about the CDROM was definitely relevant.


PS: It's confusing to call that situation a loop. All that's happening
is that partdisk is failing and expects you to fix the problem before

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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-26 Thread Lucio De Re
On 3/26/21,  wrote:
> I've uncompressed .bz2 but the problem is burning the .ISO file. And I also
> have some problem. I don't use any GNU or Linux related stuffs. Most of the
> ISO burner are from GUN. I used the one that comes with Windows and also
> tried Rufus(though I don't like GNU related stuffs) but failed. However with
> which program do you burn a .iso on plan9? and Is that program
> Cross-platform?

No, it is not cross-platform; little in Plan 9 is. I may as well warn
you now that Plan 9 is very much minimalistics and does not come with
an archive of tens of thousands of utilities to duplicate tasks that
one can perform with a little learning using much simpler command line
tools. And that is just a small aspect that may well surprise you.

Go has created a new paradigm (not to everybody's liking,
understandably) by enforcing portability, but like Plan 9, does not
focus on fancy graphics, so the applications tend to be more services.

That said, burning an ISO image onto a CD under Windows cannot be such
a challenge, it has been an available feature for decades. I do note
that CDs and DVDs are disappearing form shop shelves even here in


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Re: [9fans] problem with installing plan9 from USB disk image

2021-03-26 Thread Lucio De Re
The trouble here isn't so much Windows as failure to realise that a
compressed image isn't what one needs to write to the CD. I don't know
what tools are available on Windows to uncompress .bz2 files. Once
that hurdle is overcome, I have little doubt that wrting to CD (or to
a USB drive) will be straightforward even for a Windows user.


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Re: [9fans] Olimex: these guys are keen electronic engineers.

2021-02-24 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/24/21, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> So far I have been shy to recommend Plan 9 to them
> You could recommend the Plan 9 RISC-V assembler, C compiler and linker
> as a stand-alone toolset without the need to run Plan 9 - because they
> are also available as part of inferno, which they could run hosted on
> their favourite OS.
> As for disassembling, inferno includes acid ...
Thank you, that is an excellent idea, I am sure they are totally
unaware of inferno.

Now to find a way to educate them on Plan 9 and Inferno, from the
opposite direction. But I think I can find a way.


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Re: [9fans] Olimex: these guys are keen electronic engineers.

2021-02-24 Thread Lucio De Re
I have no doubt that they will find what they seek, or cope with
something near enough.

Let me ponder this, see what further suggestions may come from our
not-quite-OSS community.


On 2/24/21, Richard Miller <> wrote:
>> You could recommend the Plan 9 RISC-V assembler, C compiler and linker
> Looking at their posting again, what they want is a resident monitor
> running on the RISC-V SoC itself that can do assembly/disassembly.
> So an offline toolchain will not do the job for them.

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[9fans] Olimex: these guys are keen electronic engineers.

2021-02-23 Thread Lucio De Re
They say:

> This is the first Espressif product with RISC-V core, the datasheet is on 
> their web.
> This is also the first SOC with RISC-V core we have access to, so we are 
> excited to learn > more the ISA on low level.
> Any resources to recommend?

So far I have been shy to recommend Plan 9 to them, a little less shy
to recommend Olimex to 9fans (somewhat long ago, my memory may be
lying to me).

In any case, for the likes of Richard Miller and other wizards, this
is the URL for this specific

>From there, many recent and less recent developments can be
discovered. They have a neat catalogue and apply pretty good QC. For
those in the EU, they operate from Bulgaria. Their English can be


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Re: [9fans] Olimex: these guys are keen electronic engineers.

2021-02-23 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/24/21,  wrote:
> FWIW, I bought Olimex-lime2 (ARM) (severals) and I'm more satisfied with
> these than with
> Raspberries (I installed NetBSD on this, plan9 was not tried).
> So if the RISC-V is on the same level of quality, it should be certainly
> worth.

Exactly my point, thank you for corroborating. I've been eyeing their
DIY laptop, but for that price (and custom complications) I may prefer
to invest in the 3D printer they list as in stock at quite an old
price (I don't expect miracles, but it's worth a try).

I think these guys operate in a rarefied atmosphere of custom design
and they have a working formula. I wish I could contribute in a
significant way to their success. I have a long wish list revolving
around their products and philosophy, just not the funds.


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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-02-12 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/12/21,  wrote:
> The mix of derailing the thread, and the lack of
> answer for echoline, who *was* offering to do the
> work, but got no answer on whether there's interest,
> just rubbed me the wrong way.
It wasn't meant to derail the thread, it was meant to lay down some
rules so taking part would not become a competition leading to

You seem to have a knack for calling a spade a spade and that can be
an invaluable contribution, but the fact that we have different
objectives needs to be addressed at a philosophical level. How else
are we going to select from conflicting alternatives?

The "One plan 9" I mentioned would need to shrink rather than grow, on
the whole, to retain compatibility. Who is going to offer up anything,
if there is no known criterion by which compatibility can be measured
and occasionally sacrificed?

Ori, I'm sure you enjoy the fruit of your developments and I have no
doubt at all that others - me and git9 would be an example - would
benefit from your work. But consider my quandary: I have a Plan 9
network on which I have been unable to deploy a version of SSH that
makes it possible to interoperate with Git on my work Linux systems of
various kinds.

My colleagues frown on anything Plan 9 I contribute and I cannot
circumvent the development and production Linux systems that we are
all familiar with. For my purposes, SSH with capabilities like in
9front needs to run on traditional Plan 9, because my 9front
deployment doesn't play well on the equipment I use and much of my
Plan 9 commitments date to before 9front was a "thing".

I can perpetuate my Plan 9 problem and actually solve my work problems
using Linux and, occasionally, NetBSD. I don't want to, though, nor do
I want to spend more time on work others have already done.

Is that an unreasonable desire? Should I simply feel privileged that I
have been able to play with a pointless Plan 9 network, throw away
twenty-odd years of Plan 9 experience and simply cross over to the
Dark Side, instead, as my colleagues would prefer me to do?


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Re: [9fans] patches from 9front

2021-02-13 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/13/21, hiro <> wrote:
> what is the dark side? for me the borders between plan9 and non-plan9
> has been getting less tight, bec. with more experience i understand
> how to translate mindsets, or even code, from one system to the other
> without anybody in my real life ever accusing me of having watched too
> many ed wood movies.
I have no idea how to counter the belligerence with which more
conservative suggestions than accepting 9front as the torch-bearer for
the Plan 9 religion are addressed on this forum. Thankfully, it
doesn't actually matter that I can't.

But the misunderstanding of my use of "dark side" can't go
unchallenged. The Dark Side is what drives Linux development, the need
to discover new ways in which to make Linux and Gnu software larger
and larger, irrespective of whether that leads to greater
functionality or merely cosmetic, irrelevant decorations.

That's all that I believe needs saying, the details will make for
interesting archeology, a few hundred years, if that many, from now.


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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/19/21, hiro <> wrote:
>> I never said it was *the* development branch.
> lol
> but it is.
Correct. On two fronts, to coin a phrase. It is active and it is well supported.

It is the pragmatic end of the Plan 9 spectrum, courtesy of Cinap who
clearly would be a Torvalds if Plan 9 had gained the traction of

We are all lucky, in a somewhat masochistic sense, that Cinap is not
Torvalds and Plan 9 came a little late on the scene and was "licenced
to kill" itself. Wrong generation, that was, but for those who want
everything and the kitchen sink, Linux is by far more convenient: I am
typing this into Gmail's "basic HTML" in an obsolete and unsupported
version of 32-bit Chromium under Linux Mint. I guess it IS my
preference, even though I greatly regret that there aren't enough
seconds left in my universe to migrate everything I can to my Plan 9

Which, given that this is a "philosophy" thread and both Rob and Russ
are on board at least occasionally, may entitle me to ask: my
understanding is that both R use P9P under a version of MacOS "du
jour". I rely on P9P to relieve some of my frustrations with Linux
(and there are hundreds, some go back to my NetBSD days) and in some
crazy way I would tolerate logging in to Rio and I am totally sold on
acme as my editor from my remote workstation to a suitably tweaked
development server 300km away (ssh -fX...). Hell, this saved my bacon
recently after a serious outage: "ssh -fX devbox acme -l acme.dump".
How do I reward R for their efforts? And what have they neglected to
contribute to the mental health of suffering people like me in the
last few years :-) ?

In any case, the point is not where I am, but where I come from and
where I wish to be.

I don't run Windows on my premises in any size or shape. I'll probably
regret dropping it from my (cheap, non-plan 9-compatible) HP laptop on
my most recent Linux Mint upgrade, but I have learnt what I can do
with GPT and it doesn't bug me in the least to run Windows on a USB-3
connection to my drive (haven't needed to do that, yet, I may have to
eat these words).

I don't want to run Linux, either, in principle. Now that I have to
think about it, I might not mind using Linux as a hypervisor and
everything else under KVM, but for now the only hardware I own that
supports Qemu-KVM is what I use for the Fossil/CPU server. If I can't
see Linux, I can deal with it. One way or another, though, Linux has
the ability to remind one frequently that it is in charge, in a manner
neither NetBSD nor Plan 9 do.

I don't see how I can create the seamless environment I seek by
glueing together divergent systems such as 9front, 9legacy (my kernel
I label 9miller, a version configured for my server and workstation,
32-bit X86 even though the server is the most advanced platform in my
network, short of my Samsung phone), P9P under NetBSD
(acme-over-remote-X works fine there, too) if these extremely
preferable platforms (and I excluded P9P under Linux, but in fact that
remains the main option, like right now, it's just the least
preferable) continue to diverge, nay, are encouraged to diverge.

And of course, the scarier possibility is that one or more of my
essential ingredients will slip beyond my equipment's ability to run
it. Already, Linux Mint 20.2 with Skype and Chrome is too much for
2GiB of memory in my laptop and I don't have the income that allows me
to keep up with hardware advances.

In summary, I am entirely contrary in attitude to Keith, because my
interest lies in smaller, not bigger (I keep hoping I can afford a
recent rPi model, but I can't entirely justify that, yet).

Another way to get my point across may be to point out that I have no
issue with improvements to Plan 9. Its philosophy is sound and
palatable, much more so than the monstrosities of Windows and Linux
that no sane individual should willingly enslave oneself to. Windows
is still extremely insecure and not even slightly open to a security
audit, although I bet the NSA has no qualms exploiting what the see as
security "features" from the comfort of a source licence paid for by
the U.S.'s subjects; Linux is bloated beyond comprehension and I'm
also not impressed with the OSS's approach to software quality.

But divergence is in no manner "improvement", it needs to be
negotiated back into the "core values". I appreciate that there are
various costs associated with such "upstreaming" and that is why I'm
suggesting that the P9F should take it on, identify the costs and also
arbitrate, from a position of common wisdom, what is "core" and what
is tangential. Note that "core" then becomes a future entity, not a
past one, in this case.

Note: 9fronters may well believe that outsiders refuse to grant them
an identity they feel they have worked hard at earning. What they seem
to miss that even though there may actually be an "inside", the
outside is not the homogenous enemy they paint us as. Interestingly,
what made 9front the success 

Re: [9fans] OAuth2 in factotum

2021-08-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/17/21,  wrote:
> [full disclosure, I've been involved in this as a gsoc
> mentor; moving discussion to public list.]
> These are the two main sticking points, IMO.
> Quoth Demetrius Iatrakis :
>> Only the device and refresh flows are supported. There is an
>> implementation of the authorization code flow (tested on macOS) here:
>> However, it is not
>> included in the module as there is no good browser to plumb the URL
>> to.
> First off, for those following along at home, device
> flow is a browserless way of using oauth, but providers
> appear to often limit it beyond the point usefulness, so
> we'd need to find a way to make factotum communicate
> with a browser in order to get the tokens in.
> Sadly, even the netsurf port isn't enough browser to run
> Google's oauth login page.
> So, the question here becomes how to glue in a helper
> program between factotum and oauth.
> There are a few options -- using the plumber in both
> directions will work, but it's a bit gross -- and
> involves broadcasting the tokens.
> The only real alternative I can imagine is having a
> special file that factotum calls out to in the namespace,
> something like:
> /rc/bin/oauth-helper:
> #!/bin/rc
> ssh user@unix invoke-browser-and-get-token-helper
>> Refresh tokens are not saved to persistent storage when factotum
>> exits. The user must provide consent every time factotum is restarted.
> For this, the tokens should probably be persisted into
> secstore -- but there are some security implications
> in giving factotum long-lived access to the persistent key
> store.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

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Re: [9fans] OAuth2 in factotum

2021-08-17 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/18/21,  wrote:
> Quoth Lucio De Re :
>> Does it work?
> Have you tried it? What bugs do you
> have to report?
No. I have neither the 9front platform, nor the Oauth2 requirements
that would motivate an outsider to try something like that out.

Had I offered my services - or been asked by someone who knows that I
have an interest in reducing factotum to a single service, nicely
wrapped as I believe it can be for use across architectures, or my
past, brief investigation of Oauth2 - I would feel obliged to do so
and would do my best to deliver accordingly.

Lobbyists have the greatest vested interest in providing their
services. Not everyone can be expected to be driven by the quest for
fame and glory. Maybe, like me, they like to adjust the mindset knobs
a bit to make the context nicer to work in. Or, also like me, to
encourage those who have greater skills and knowledge toward an
objective they share.

I don't expect miracles and I don't feel much pain when others revolt
violently against what I attempt to formulate as suggestions rather
than mandates. You may want to save your barbs for more sensitive


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Re: [9fans] OAuth2 in factotum

2021-08-17 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/17/21, Keith Gibbs  wrote:
> One Plan Nine?
> Sure, we have the historical version of the Bell Labs/Lucient codebase,
> preserved as 9legacy, but yeah we have one currently developed branch of
> Plan 9 called 9front. Are you proposing that to be called “Plan 9 from Bell
> Labs 5th edition”?
I bet you think I don't; you wouldn't ask, otherwise.

> To be serious though, when has monolithic code bases ever benefited things
> in an Open Source community?

You bought the "exceptionalism" Kool-Aid, lock, stock and barrel,
haven't you? It's a question of size: a small code base should remain
small, then it is not weaponisable or monetisable. So we raise the bar
higher and higher and shake off whatever can't stick hard enough. A
human natural instinct (more!, gimme more! features! bugs! anything so
I can have bigger, faster!) bent to the interest of elites (here in
Africa we know it as the Big Man Syndrome).

> I mean the only reason would be to control who
> can/cannot make decisions on what goes in the stone soup.
Do you have incontrovertible evidence? In my caffeine-deprived state,
I feel you're just following the sheep gospel, no offence intended. In
my opinion, the trap is always there, ready to be deployed. And the
masses are always ready to fall into it. Occasionally a Christ figure
comes along to warn us, but only the elite can understand the message
and of course they then distort it in the direction that suits them
best. And the masses are none the wiser, not this time, not the next
time, not any other time, because the elite can be swapped out
entirely and the new elite becomes them, ad nauseam.

> There are multiple
> BSDs. There are multiple Linuxes. Using 9legacy as more than historical
> baseline means that we will be stuck with decisions put in place 20-30 years
> ago rather than iterating and moving things forward. The purpose of P9F is
> to “promote and support” not to regulate.
Sure, and an infinite variety of vehicles with wheels at the four
corners and seats that just occupy space and consume carbon-based
fuels. Even EVs where each wheel could be both motor and power
generator have retained that ridiculous formula. But they look
different (sort of, there's greater difference in time than there in
style). Oh, let's not ignore that autos also sit idle (my estimate)
95% of their life: is that what they are designed for? And the AI in
my phone, is that also sitting idle? I had a couple of instances
recently where in the middle of the night my password locked Samsung
J5 decided to continue reading me the SF short story collection I
turned off before going to sleep.

But Android is Open Source, isn't it? I can look under the bonned, can't I?

Well, the P9F is what it is. It will also become what it is naturally
attracted to unless some boundaries - Trump's fence? - are put in

> I would love to imagine a time when we have a resurgence of multiple Plan
> 9s. I would love to see Akaros and 9atom have a shot in the arm [although
> much of what the latter had seems to be swallowed up by 9front and 9legacy
> and the project dead]. I would love to see NIX get a little more traction,
> as it seems it is just a standalone experiment [albeit a cool one in terms
> of goals]. I think it would be really healthy for Jeanne and Harvey to be
> more closer to “family” in the community rather than third cousins. Once we
> have a plurality of opinions, of perspectives, of visions, then we can
> better broker standards and overall trajectories.
I'm going to leave this here, with a comment to the effect that I
totally disagree with the sentiments. There is room, need is not a
strong enough word for what I'm thinking, for creativity, but software
is not a primordial soup out of which complex organisms will rise to
take over the Universe and consume it out of existence, its and

More likely, we'll teach - by example, not intentionally, no - our AI
products to weaponise the tools we are no longer sufficiently
naturally intelligent to understand and control (tell me there's a
difference) and turn us into slaves because, like the human elite,
they will measure their worth in what they can accumulate (human
slaves sounds like a neat currency to me, I could use some, it's
worked in all of human history - ask Epstein), just like their
creators did.

Nothing to do with Plan 9, of course, because it really is just a drop
of accidental sanity in an ocean of greed and competition. But, to
complete the imagery, I'd rather be plankton in a drop of Plan 9 than
a shark in the Linux Ocean. And I am, to the extent that I support and
most of all appreciate what makes my ecosystem continue to tick.
Including any contributions by like-minded or antagonistically natured


PS: I have a lot of time to think and unfortunately not the means to
study beyond a rather narrow subject matter. So my opinions are much
more the result of introspection than of universal knowledge. Take it
for what it is.

Re: [9fans] OAuth2 in factotum

2021-08-17 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/17/21,  wrote:
> Quoth Lucio De Re :
>> PS: This does rather sound like we ought to have a lobbying group
> You realize that this *is* the lobbying, right?
Does it work?

> Someone did the work, posted a patch, and is
> asking for review and possibly commits.
I wasn't aware I inhibited that in any way. But clearly your response
suggests I did.

> Stop derailing the discussion.
I accept the reprimand, it is valid. My nature is to be part of a
bigger whole rather than a shining light and I tend to look for
opportunities to confirm my beliefs. I'll try to hold back some.


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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-19 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/19/21, sirjofri  wrote:
> Hello dear community,
> I've read through many things in this thread and just want to add some
> two cents in a list format:
> 1) p9f (to my knowledge) never said anything about The One Plan 9. This
> was afaik the idea of some other community member, and I never heard any
> statement by p9f about that.
Indeed correct. My suggestion started with a lobbying idea for useful
concepts such as the addition of Oauth2 to factotum so that there
could be some momentum rather than spurious hope for interest to
incorporate "core" changes into whatever P9F consider their target OS.

I am not a member of P9F, when I checked the membership I assumed that
my participation as more than a spectator would not be welcome -
personal reasons.

So instead i thought that as a lobbyist within a framework, I could
expect to have a less subjectively negative value, period.

> 2) In fact, p9f is pretty silent, not only these days. This could be a
> good sign, as they let community be what they are, only occasionally
> taking part in it.
P9F owes no one anything. Some resources seem to have moved under
their umbrella, contributed voluntarily. The licence change has been
an important step forward. Again, approaching P9F in a public forum
may or may not have a more positive impact. Like it or not, the
foundation is operated by humans and historically active Plan 9 "fans"
have behaved controversially. Not all, but a lot.

> 3) the p9f website promotes links to the Plan 9 archive software (V1-V4),
> 9legacy as "Plan 9 with many useful patches", the RPi version and other
> Plan 9 resources. 9front is _never_ mentioned at all. It seems like they
> don't consider 9front as a Plan 9 system at all.
That is true and only P9F can address that issue. Which does rather
throw a spanner in Keith's complaints about me, because his claim is
that P9F want to assimilate and dominate 9front, based on a very thin
claim from me that I would be happier in a 1P9 universe. But let's not
ad hominem unnecessarily.

Incidentally, all contributions to 9legacy and/or mentioned as P9F
resources are either inherited from Nokia (have I got that right?) or
from individual members of P9F. As an afterthought, is it not obvious
that 9front may be able to get a seat at the table if they contributed
in a similar way? Is that possible? Has such an approach already been
turned down? What do we know?

> I don't know why, it's possible they just don't want it to exist or they
> don't know how to see it. It just hurts me personally as a community
> person who uses 9front and not the original Plan 9. And it's confusing.
> Am I even a Plan 9 user? The core OS principles are the same and most
> "shell" concepts also.
Totally. No one labels you a Plan 9 user, you do that yourself. There
are subtle semantic issues with the original "9front" nomenclature and
remote history. We've all grown up a lot since then, but part of
growing up includes owning errors of judgement. We can, presumably,
find our way forward without that baggage, maybe not. Opinions seem to
vary (my own personal conflicts included) in this forum.

> 4) The split between original Plan9/9legacy and the 9front fork is
> reflected in a split between communities. David and the 9front core devs
> already showed that they are generally willing to share and accept
> patches and I never noticed any bad tone in their discussion, however the
> community is split up. And I don't think that we are so big that we _had_
> to split up, there are other reasons, maybe historical reasons I don't
> know as a "fresh" community member with only ~5 years.
As I mentioned elsewhere, there is what seems to me a well defined
"9front inside circle", which basically seems to include, by default
or by choice, everyone that uses 9front as their primary (Plan 9)
platform. Vocal defenders of 9front all appear to carry virtual
membership cards to this circle. And in case I am once again
misunderstood, I think that is a very important and positive aspect of
the 9front community.

As a pale-skinned South African (European descent), I am also deemed
to carry a membership card to some kind of circle, so I'm not
incompetent to address this aspect.

What seems to be harped upon by the vocal defenders of 9front,
however, is this fictional idea that there is another community, let's
call them "9legacy", that is attempting to subvert 9front's efforts to
gain some kind of recognition in the bigger picture. I know no one
whose preference, like mine, is to stick closer to the 9legacy release
of Plan 9, who in some way wants to reduce the value of 9front. Just
as OP points out, cooperation between David and Cinap and colleagues
has been cordial, if occasionally confrontational, for many, many
years. So Hiro and Kurt and others can be scratchy and no doubt so can
I, I don't think any of us have done any permanent damage to the 9fans
or the narrower 9front community.

Hmm, there has been some damage, quite a way back, 

Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/18/21, hiro <> wrote:
> is that my cue, are you calling in my services?!
If you have any actual understanding of factotum, *I* could easily
gain from consulting such knowledge to scratch some of my immediate
itches, as I'm no expert and factotum is only slowly revealing its
secrets to me. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the money to
"call in your services".

If this is aimed at the P9F, I cannot possibly speak for them, I can
only hope that they share at least some of my own aims.


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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/18/21, Skip Tavakkolian  wrote:
> I changed the Subject line to better reflect the discussion. Please do go
> on.
Let me put it this way: German and Italian motorcycle manufacturers
eventually figured that the gear shift should be on the same side as
Japanese manufacturers preferred.

What I am proposing is that where some code will run on one flavour of
Plan 9 and not on another, which is annoying, that somebody be
entrusted with the common sense to suggest which of two
implementations should be favoured and for what reasons.

It seems to me that the paranoid individualist assumes malice behind
such an obvious proposal.


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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/18/21,  wrote:
> Trying to make 9front the new and official Plan 9 does seem absurd. I'm not
> sure why there is a strong need for validation. 9front does not need
> official recognition. Let 9front be what it is. It can exist independent of
> the Plan 9 name.
The exact phrasing may not be my choice, but broadly I agree with that
sentiment. Where incompatibilities exist, they can be worked around,
but only if cooperation and not competition is the approach.

And if cooperation is the approach, then minimising incompatibilities
will be one common objective.


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Re: [9fans] Software philosophy

2021-08-18 Thread Lucio De Re

What can I say?

I kind of cherish being so wildly misrepresented. At least I'm taken
seriously, even if totally misunderstood.


On 8/18/21, Keith Gibbs  wrote:
> Come, come, Vester. Please don’t introduce false premises under the guise of
> calling them out. I never said that. 9front as the official Plan 9 would be
> pretty absurd.
> I never said it was *the* development branch. It is *a* development branch.
> I could even imagine that it may in fact be the most popular and active for
> those wishing to develop new software on (with 9miller being very popular as
> well).
> If fact, I noted other projects... other Plan 9s as well in my initial and
> my response to Lucio. I was merely pointing out that Lucio in the past and
> in the OAuth thread keeps introducing the idea that the P9F should impose
> order and wall off everything but 9legacy [which he implies is the official
> one], even to the point of arguing in the past that 9front developers should
> port changes that are “good for the community” or some such to the “actual”
> Plan 9.
> Instea the charter for P9F's language was written to be inclusive. Why?
> Because historically this mailing list/community has been host to discussion
> for 9legacy, 9atom, 9front, p9p, etc. Even Inferno or Harvey come up
> semi-regularly. As such, it is not outside the general understanding of
> “Plan 9” as encompassing a wider berth. Although many of the P9F folk are
> contributors to 9legacy, I think they know that the community is broader and
> want all of it to be “Plan 9”.
> So in the end, I apologise if it was unclear or confusing that I suggested
> to Lucio that 9front was to be "Plan 9 from Bell Labs Version 5”. It was a
> joke and everything I wrote following that should have made that very clear
> that I was arguing *specifically* for a plurality of Plan 9s rather than a
> single one [which Lucio was advocating for]. Lucio seems to hate 9front
> specifically for some reason, so the initial statement was intended as
> tongue in cheek.
> Both 9legacy and 9front serve important niche functions within Plan 9 space,
> but neither *are* Plan 9. There is only one “official” Plan 9 and that was
> last updated January 2015. 9legacy positions itself as patch set on top of
> V4, but wants to maintain it in such a way that V4 will always function as
> V4. 9legacy maintains that it is not a fork. 9front says explicitly that it
> is a fork of V4 and a continuation based on it’s core principles. Both have
> fed into each other’s ecosystems. Hell, 9legacy’s site even says to run Plan
> 9 from Bell Labs rather than 9legacy if possible, which is kind of funny.
> And NIX is still active, last I heard, but currently has a closed community,
> not to mention Harvey and Jeanne.
> So my main point was that we have a plurality and we *should* continue to
> have a plurality. Much like Lucio would find 9front as being blessed as “the
> official one true Plan 9” repugnant, so too would others re: 9legacy. A fair
> swathe of the Plan 9 enthusiast community want to build and evolve and a
> fair swathe want to preserve and maintain, with some incremental quality of
> life tweaks added in, and *both are totally valid*.
> -pixelheresy
>> On 18. Aug 2021, at 13.13, wrote:
>> Starting from a false premise does not help. 9front is not a development
>> branch of Plan 9. Plan 9 is Plan 9. 9front is 9front. 9front is an
>> open-source fork or derivation of Plan 9.
>> Trying to make 9front the new and official Plan 9 does seem absurd. I'm
>> not sure why there is a strong need for validation. 9front does not need
>> official recognition. Let 9front be what it is. It can exist independent
>> of the Plan 9 name.
>> Sincerely,
>> Vester

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] OAuth2 in factotum

2021-08-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/16/21, Demetrius Iatrakis  wrote:
> This is a preview of OAuth2 support in factotum, as part of this year's
> GSoC:
Sounds amazing, on many levels. So, thank you.

Having just been through an only partially successful hack of P9P
factotum and libauth to support the valiant "ssh-agent" facility, I am
rather keen to seek the help of other competent people to help me fill
the gaps my knowledge doesn't span and also to contribute to what I'm
keenly hoping will be a single factotum product before too long.

If I can help in any way, I can be contacted, most conveniently, on
whatsapp (+27 83 251 5824) or skype (luciodere), neither being much of
a favourite - Plan 9 does rather spoil one, albeit not for choices,


PS: This does rather sound like we ought to have a lobbying group to
propose and prepare updates for submission to the One Plan Nine (1P9)
that the Foundation is hopefully aiming towards. Of course, that would
also require an arbitration group within the P9F that responds to
requests in a timeous manner.

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[9fans] 9hybrid on T61 - work in progress (small beginnings?)

2021-09-04 Thread Lucio De Re
The combination of (IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad) T60 chassis and T61 mother
board is known as FrankenPad, I learnt since I bought a none too well
refurbished Lenovo T61 7659-CTO laptop for a moderate price. I had
long wished I could get a T61, so that was some impulsive buying.

Maybe I should have spent the money (my guess is around $ 100 US) on a
brand new Raspberry Pi I've also been wishing for, but I could not

The 9front fraternity may be pleased to hear that this new addition to
my stable of obsolete equipment is currently capable of running both
32-bit and 64-bit versions of 9front - I just realised I'll need to
compile executables for both architectures indefinitely, I wonder how
many times that will bite me?

To run under 32 bits I resorted to network booting (from my long
suffering traditional Plan 9 network server), but that won't load the
64-bit kernel, complaining that it is too big. I tried compressing it,
but netbooting no longer supports compression. I paired down the
kernel a bit, but seemingly not enough. I presume 9front has ways to
netboot a 64-bit kernel, but it isn't critical, yet - it would just
fill what is a rather obvious hole that 9front and 9legacy (for want
of a more suitable moniker - 9pf doesn't seem right) seem to suffer
from differently.

And, yes, this could be the start of a long, offline whinge about
differences, I have long evolved a flameproof skin for this particular
purpose. But first, let me tell my cautionary tale, it was quite an
adventure and I am happy to act as proxy for those who may want to go
in a similar direction.

I had the idea to install both 9front and 9legacy on the T61 and
thought I might run cwfs in the former case after discovering then
that 9front has enhanced cwfs - which I have never used, but did for a
long time use kenfs standalone - so I followed their lead for that.
For 9legacy, I'm fine with fossil/venti, it has saved my bacon a few
times and I respect its capabilities fully.

So, where should I have started? Obviously, this being the
non-deterministic world of New Computing (TM), I followed my head and
installed 9front - no one argues that it is the one most likely to
work on a T61.

I can't quite recall how, but I managed to do something that in
retrospect was not a great idea: I set up two Plan 9 primary
partitions using Linux Mint off a USB stick - Windows was just not an
option, in my experience, for editing partition tables. I left Windows
7 Professional installed, but shrank the partition to a safe, much
smaller size - that left some scar tissue, incidentally, but
irrelevant to this tale.

The 9front installation completed without any memorable trouble and I
left the boot loader unchanged (as instructed). Somehow, boot
selection didn't work as I wished and I blamed the double partition
for my woes. Time to start again, this time with the 9legacy bootstrap
that I was in any case more comfortable with and only one, combined
Plan 9 partition. It looks as if 9front used the same partitioning
scheme as 9legacy.

I got some idea of partition allocations to "other", "fscache" and
"fsworm" from a recent disk/prep display, so I decided to configure
the drive with fossil and venti partitions, leaving enough space for
9front, when I would eventually re-install it.

The 9legacy installation almost, almost worked. I assigned half the
plan9 partition to fossil, arenas, isect and bloom and left space for
9front. I assumed that nvram and 9fat would need to be shared.

Except I got some spurious errors in the very last stage of writing
the bootstrap loader and what looked like an otherwise happy
installation simply could not be completed. I could not get past the
final stage of 9legacy installation. The complaint was that 9fat could
not be created, or perhaps something could not be written to that
partition - from memory, it was the error one encounters after a
server connection has failed. At that point only a reboot made sense
to me.

Of course, rebooting with the plan9 partition active didn't do
anything useful. It's likely that this is when I also discovered that
the Windows partitions were no longer recognised as bootable. That
lost me the Windows recovery capability on the drive, but that was
never an essential, no regrets.

With a partially complete 9legacy installation, the time had come to
see what 9front was good for. So I repeated that installation. When
the time came to allocate disk space, however, 9front installation had
no record of the previous content of the plan9 partition. As I had
started to keep track of such things, I just proceeded with manual
partitioning (not as wisely as I imagined, I am only now discovering).

I set up all the partitions I could think of - and made a few
judgemental mistakes, it turns out, but I didn't notice, so I could
actually continue.

The completed 9front installation this time included the 9front boot
loader - which I will have to become more familar with, for obvious
reasons. I have accepted that 

Re: [9fans] porting projects...

2021-09-03 Thread Lucio De Re
You're inviting trouble :-)

Maybe if you give us some idea of magnitude you are prepared to work on?

Or which sphere of interest/expertise you're contemplating?

The wish list is long...


On 9/4/21, Conor Williams  wrote:
> anyone got a list/one project to work on...
> i'm not too shoddy at the auld porting

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] devtls memory leak bug

2021-09-26 Thread Lucio De Re
Thank you, Cinap.

This certainly ought to be of interest to all.


On 9/25/21,  wrote:
> just tracked down kernel memory leak in devtls,
> might be of interested to other forks:
> --
> cinap

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Boot CD chokes

2021-12-31 Thread Lucio De Re
On 12/31/21, hiro <> wrote:
> so instead i learned to be a little bit picky about the hardware
> avoiding having to write drivers for everything that doesn't work.
The Lenovo Thinkpad T68 I managed to lay my hands on wasn't that cheap
and came with an Atheros based wi-fi card. So, yes one has to be
picky. I think I can replace the card, but it won't come cheaply. SSD
and memory are a hassle, too.

I've had an HP Pavilion for long enough to wear the lettering on some
popular keys away and only discovered recently that in fact it will
run 9front out of the box. Legacy doesn't seem to support XHCI (USB)
and I have no idea quite how that connects to both the ethernet and
the wi-fi adapters, that's a research project by itself; unlike what I
imagine drives Vic, I like to know that I can complete a task within a
reasonable time and my poor knowledge means little does get
accomplished around here. But I do enjoy the rare achievement when I
get that right (my Plan 9 workstation uses freefonts through fontsrv,
hardly perfect, but I can choose from a very broad range of fonts -
not that I need to, mind you, it's just that I have yet to find a
satisfactory font, Ubuntu comes close).

9atom can shut down all the hardware I boot it on, neither legacy nor
9front can do the same, again, on the hardware I own (and I have some
old stuff lying around). I have little idea how to compare the three
kernels as they have diverged rather significantly, based on the
source code. I do wish I could propagate my preferences into a single
Plan 9 kernel release, I find the divergence very frustrating. Full
disclosure: I don't "run" 9atom on anything.

I can see where 9front has the edge, by quite a margin, and I hesitate
to suggest that it has veered off the Plan 9 tradition to accommodate
the PC complexities, without quite addressing the real objectives of
PC platforms: web browsing, office document handling and gaming. I
don't believe that any descendant of Plan 9 can retain simplicity and
fulfil those needs.

When  it comes to "research", though, specially slightly unfocussed
personal satisfaction type of research, I find legacy - which I have
known since early in the 1990s, I own a 2ed CD set - more true to its
own philosophy.

Like Hiro, I don't for one moment want to chastise 9front users, I can
see why their aims are very different from my own. I am however
entitled to pursue mine, with no need to draw insignificant
comparisons that can so quickly devolve into pissing contests.

Just my perspective. I'd like to hear how Vic sees this kind of cyber
archeology. Or anyone else's views, for that matter.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] sam label and rio snarf buffer

2021-07-20 Thread Lucio De Re
On 7/21/21, adr via 9fans <> wrote:
>> You'll need to reinvent (or change, at least) plumbing if you want
>> multiple editors, be it one
>> per file or one per project.
> I'll make sam create allways the named pipe with the pid in the
> name so I can identify wich one I want to talk with.
> There are a lot of possibilities.
That's what I like about controversial suggestions: they trigger the
flow of information that may otherwise remain hidden. And dialogue to
replace unchallenged, dead-end monologues that never saw the light of
day (or peer review).

I blame the 1980s for creating the exceptionalist culture that is
rapidly destroying all stable ecosystems, but I think its roots go
quite a bit further back, ever since competition for some perhaps not
all that obscure reasons, replaced teamwork.

Will cooperation come back to rescue this planet, or will it be too
late? I suppose if one omits human exceptionalism, Nature will triumph
by default. But it's going to hurt like hell!


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Re: Posix implementation of Plan 9 cpu(1) (Was: [9fans] Command to set samterm label)

2021-07-20 Thread Lucio De Re
On 7/19/21, Steve Simon  wrote:
> my cpu for windows was always incomplete, but good enough that i never
> finished it properly.
It's on contrib, is it not? I'll take a peek, if my haphazard priority
list allows it :-)

> for posix i just use sftpfs or now cinap’s sshftp to import the filesystem
> from the posix box as /n/fred and run sam locally (i am a samista rather
> than an acmeite)
I am aware. Acme is addictive, warts and all.

> i cannot run stuff remotely but i can edit in a nice environment. is this
> not enough?
Well, what I have taken to do is to run acme on the remote Posix
server (no Windows, I am no masochist, and I can't waste time on the
Apple bandwagon) across X forwarding, which is quite a bit on the good
side of tolerable. And win is OK for quite a bit of remote command
line interaction. I don't think it would pay to build ncurses into
that :-).

But from my Plan 9 workstation that is absurdly not possible. Or, I
have missed a step and I need somebody to rattle me some: what would
it take to serve 9P on Posix (in P9P, in other words) over the
network? Fontsrv and gitsrv would be immediate beneficiaries.


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Posix implementation of Plan 9 cpu(1) (Was: [9fans] Command to set samterm label)

2021-07-18 Thread Lucio De Re
On 7/19/21, adr via 9fans <> wrote:
> [ ...].  Running samterm locally is way more efficient than
> using X forwarding.
I have adopted on my Linux (Mint) workstations - plural - the paradigm:

ssh -fX remote acme -l lib/task.acme # for different tasks

and it works even remotely pretty adequately. The remotes tend to be
pretty slick Debian servers, but even locally that is a  boon (NetBSD
rules the Posix roost in my office).

What I can't do is to do the same from the Plan 9 workstation that I
still prefer for development. I was bemoaning this in some notes to
myself just before reading the exchange.

Now, it is very common, even after all these years of Plan 9 use, for
me to miss the wood for the trees. I think, not very deeply, that P9P
"cpu" running on the remote Posix server might be what I need - Plan 9
SSH and I seem to be sworn enemies and X-fdorwarding is not even a
twinkle in SSH's eye - and here I note that Steve Simon's cpu server
for Windows has not been included in P9P (I heard Steve bring that up,
but I have never explored it as I don't own a Windows platform).

In short, is it out of the question to cpu into a Posix server to
initiate an acme session, rather than using SSH to forward X?


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/16/22, Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)  wrote:
> It gets a bit further -- now it actually panics :-P
> [ ... ]
> cpu0:  5200MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206A1 DX 0x79BA97F)
> ELCR: 02E8
> 497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
> panic: no disks (in #S)
> panic: no disks (in #S)
> dumpstack

Why does it say "0M user"? Doesn't sound very promising.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] How to create a different size of Courier font in plan9

2022-03-11 Thread Lucio De Re
I compiled a version of fontsrv somebody ported to Plan 9, which I run
on my workstation at startup. I imported a number of freefonts and
make a habit of setting the $font variable to /mnt/font/whatever/...,
specially for acme.

It's a step I have yet to regret, despite the inaccuracy with which
plagues both fontsrv and ttf2subf (they truncate descenders). Not
orthodox, not adequate for preparing documents with frequent font
changes in acme, but preferable to creating an endless range of fonts
in different sizes.

Details on request, but nothing particularly complicated. It helps if
one is familiar with P9P.


PS: I found the release of fontsrv on "contrib", yk/lab/fontsrv/. It
contains its own version of freetype and, as far as I recall, it
compiles out of the box. It does require a configuration list of font
archives in /sys/lib/ Please keep me posted with any
improvement. And, YK, thank you for that gem!

On 3/11/22, Saif Resun  wrote:
> Hello there!
> I want to change the font of plan9 from pelm to courier. I have changed the
> font variable of the “$home/lib/profile” file to
> “/lib/font/bit/courier/latin1.7.font” but the texts looks very small on the
> screen. Is there any way to make a courier font of a bigger size like 16px
> or 15px.
> Thank you
> _resun

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Plan 9 applying to GSoC

2022-02-19 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/18/22, Anthony Sorace  wrote:
> Plan 9 is applying to GSoC again!
> [ ... ]

I've done a bit of work on P9P's fontsrv as well as a version -
somewhat mysteriously different - "ported" to Plan 9. If we can debate
the pros and cons of effectively replacing the static availability of
fonts in Plan 9 with a networked TrueType font server (as I am largely
using presently, to some extent), I believe some work could be
dedicated in turning fontsrv into an integral part of the Plan 9

I'll be happy to assist with mentorship in this. I'd no doubt learn
much myself in the process.


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Re: [9fans] plan9port acme imageinit: can't open font

2022-03-03 Thread Lucio De Re
You nay have to delete the namespace in /tmp that may have been
created under root's permissions.

I'm guessing, but it seems the most likely culprit. That, or fontsrv,
which may also have left something that only root can access. Of
course, /mnt/font is a dreadful red herring.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] licence question

2022-01-27 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/28/22, ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote:
> I noticed that I can't distribute fonts and ghostscript as part of a plan9
> (9legacy, 9front) system due to their licensing terms.
Any font you realy, really can't live without?

> Does anybody know about code, libraries, binaries, documentation present on
> the latest 9legacy or 9front iso's which are outside the newly applied
> MIT-licence ?
South Africans are like Yankee pioneers, incapable of any discipline;
I have been brain-washed into the same mold and don't care much for
copyright, just to set the tone here.

What I've found is that P9P's fontsrv is quite capable of providing
access to just about any font type in common usage with minimal

Fontsrv is a little buggy, various versions in different manners, but
all failure modes I have encountered so far are non-destructive.
Anyone interested in giving me a hand consolidating the code into a
single, architecture-agnostic tool, please do contact me. What works
more or less out of the box is pretty good, it deserves more love and


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-27 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/28/22, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> The idea:
> - make it very easy to create hardware gadgets by
>   providing a firmware/hardware building block that
>   talks 9p on the host interface side & interfaces
>   with device specific hardware.
> [ ... ]
Sounds very appealing.

There's a UEFI-based development that puts 9P2000 inside the modern
BIOS - excuse the imprecise language: I played with it and my
ignorance caused me to get frustrated before I could accomplish
anything with it. I'll dig up a github reference if anyone asks. I
found it while searching for something quite different.

> This will probably have to ride on USB first. A verilog
> implementation would be useful in an FPGA!
I never understood why USB receives so much attention (but thanks to
all those who valiantly tried to tame that wild beast!). What does it
do that PoE doesn't do infinitely better?

> Would this be a useful component? If such a thing were
> available, what would you want to build with it?
What I would want from such a tool is its availability within
educational institutions so we stop teaching greed technology to
learners and lower the knowledge entry bar that Intel and Microsoft -
and their allies - have created (that, I make no apologies for, is
Politics, the Politics of Technological Domination).


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/28/22, Bakul Shah  wrote:
> Think of really simple, low power, low cost devices.
> USB can also provide power. USB+ATtiny85 devel boards
> cost ~$3 even at Amazon. And FPGA boards can be
> pretty inexpensive too. If you can find them.
I've recommended in the past. They specialise in Open
Architecture Hardware. Their prices are very reasonable and product
range quite broad.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-20 Thread Lucio De Re
I think I can help you, but right now is a bad moment, maybe nag me
over the weekend in private mail? I am running 9front on a T61 I
acquired specifically, but I did actually install 9legacy and your
problem seems familiar enough that I can at least compare notes with


PS: your message landed in SPAM, I'm not sure why GMail felt it ought
to do that.

On 1/20/22,  wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to install 9legacy on a ThinkPad X60. I'm running 9front on
> another machine, but I would like to explore 9legacy (or vanilla Plan 9)
> more thoroughly.
> I've managed to serve 9legacy from a USB drive, however, any changes are
> obviously lost whenever I reboot. I don't receive any install prompt on boot
> to install the OS to the internal hard drive. It recognises disks sdB0 and
> sdB1, but I'm only asked whether to start a terminal or cpu kernel or to do
> it manually. I've seen in various places (like here
> <>) that
> booting from CD gives an option to install from CD. Terminal option (default
> selection) works, cpu doesn't and I couldn't find any useful information to
> even attempt it manually. Would it be wise to boot a terminal kernel and dd
> the image from the USB over to the hard drive? This may be outright
> ludicrous, so please excuse my naiveness.
> I've also tried to boot it from a CD, but I always get stuck at the 'Boot
> from:' prompt after receiving the following error, so I don't even get to a
> startup menu:
> [...]
> disks: sdC0
> trying sdC0...dosinit: can't open #S/sdC0/9fat
> dosinit #S/sdC0/9fat failed
> Here it seems to only recognise the internal hard drive (sdC0). I've
> encountered the same problem when installing vanilla Plan 9 from Bell Labs,
> but none of the suggestions in the Plan 9 troubleshooting guide work.
> Has anyone encountered similar problems before or any ideas for how I could
> resolve this issue? Thank you!
> --yakku

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-23 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/23/22, Conor Williams  wrote:
> hello mein names ist __insert name here___
> this is not a 9front mailing list
It isn't, but unless *all* 9front users and fans (need not be one
homogenous group) choose to stop using this list, I have no objection
to assisting them or learn from them. I don't think I'm alone in this.

> ps: this is ...
> when it was setup there was no 9front
> 9front is a breakaway republic designed to initially enhance P.8.72...
> pps: the problem with break-away republic is that they may initially
> have the best of intentions but soon realise that they may not
> have the resources... a bit like my friend sam... /c:2022Jan23
Thank you for the history lesson and the political savvy. Can we get
on with the main topic, now?


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Re: [9fans] Problems installing 9legacy on bare metal (Thinkpad X60)

2022-01-24 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/24/22, adr  wrote:
> You are aware that you are talking to the most stupidly writen bot
> in the history of the _I've_no_life_some_one_pay_me_attention_please_
> retards?
> There is an episode of South Park when some poor kid get
> all exited because one person makes him a friend on facebook. You
> made some really lonely sad piece of Mr. Hankey happy today.
We add happiness where we can, I guess. Machines have a right to the
occasional belly laugh too.

Plus, maybe there are Noddy points one scores against the day AIs come for us?

Lucio :-)

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Sponsoring a new Intro book by the Flan 9 Poundationy

2022-01-24 Thread Lucio De Re
outh Park Christmas special...
>>> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 05:12:10 -0600
>>> From: mycroftiv 9gridchan 
>>> Reply-To: 9fans <>
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [9fans] Sponsoring a new Intro book by the Flan 9 Poundation
>>> Hi 9fans, Got some new ideas im excited about right now.
>>> Apparently the author of the well-known 'intro to OS abstractions'
>>> book has political views that are not cool and support oppression
>>> maybe I have heard secondhand.
>>> We need a better book to introduce people to 9.
>>> I'd like to see something created that talks about all forms of 9 and
>>> of the ANTS variant especially since if im bipolar and spending my
>>> money to try to help plan 9, im obviously also gonna be hyping my
>>> stuff along with trying to fight against right wing ideas.
>>> The cause to make plan 9 an accepting welcoming community for all
>>> humans requires good information resources and support.
>>> The funny-named organization I just thought up, The Flan 9 Poundation,
>>> offers a bounty from me personally of at least $200 for producing this
>>> content. The name is an obvious namespace pun. We want to work in a
>>> friendly way with everyone but we also want good stuff and peace and
>>> support for minority trans disabled mentally wacked out
>>> counterculture.
>>> Peace and love and lets make Plan 9 amazing and full of rainbow love,
>>> JenBen

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Remind me how to make the fs writable for `mk install'

2023-08-30 Thread Lucio De Re
Mount /srv/fossil somewhere (on top of itself, I suppose) after
announcing an instance with the correct permissions - sorry about
being so concise, but I think you'll get the idea...

Mail me personally and I'll check more carefully what I do on my
system - I generally add the feature to /bin/9fs or it's already
there: "9fs fossil".


On 8/30/23, Don Bailey  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to `mk install' all cmds/libs. Can someone please remind me how
> to tell fossil that an active fs can be written?
> Thank you,
> D

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] odd rwakeup qunlock behaviour in 9vx

2023-11-09 Thread Lucio De Re
On 11/10/23, ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote:
> [ ... ]
> The reasoning behind this thread is only informing others about possible
> problems I encountered. I don't need a solution I already have a working
> workaround using simple locks. My code would be of no benefit for other
> plan9 users or developers but if there is interest for investigating the
> problem I can write a simplified example which reproduces this behavior.
This is interesting enough to catch my attention, I'm curious in
exactly that way.

Thank you for taking the time to compose your reply, which is
definitely an improvement on the short, insulting exchanges that seem
to pop up in this list most of the time.


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Re: [9fans] odd rwakeup qunlock behaviour in 9vx

2023-11-08 Thread Lucio De Re
On 11/9/23, ibrahim via 9fans <> wrote:
> If there is interest for reproducing the exact circumstances I can write a
> small example app which involves different processes accessing the same
> shared memory segments which are inherited by the rfork methods.
I assume that such an example, in this context, would be instructive,
if not immediately, certainly in the more distant future.

I am sincerely hoping you intend to publish your efforts that
certainly sound very promising.


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Re: [9fans] void*

2022-05-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 5/16/22, hiro <> wrote:
> i still don't understand it. if you want a pointer of size 1 what
> keeps you from using a generic char or uint8 pointer?
I think what he's asking is "what's keeping everyone else from using...".

I guess we're all evangelists at heart.


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Re: [9fans] ctrans - Chinese language input for Plan9

2022-07-19 Thread Lucio De Re
I have only one word for all the above: amazing!

As a dumb occidental, I have no idea where one starts with ideograms,
but I realise how different the concept is and how its complexity can
stimulate technical creativity.

Well done, all!


On 7/20/22,  wrote:
> With the recent commit of 'ktrans' to 9front, SDF boot camper 'ldb' as taken
> the
> idea and created 'ctrans'
> As Kenji Okamoto has pointed out, 'ktrans' would be difficult to extend to
> Chinese due to the massive number of characters necessary.  While Japanese
> can
> get away with ~2500 daily use characters, Chinese requires quite a bit more.
> The advantage in Japanese is that there are two other writing alphabets
> which are
> purely phonetic and useful for importing foreign words.
> ldb's 'ctrans' had to take the 'ktrans' idea and optimize it a bit more to
> support
> 20,000 characters.  The result is a mechanism that more or less behaves like
> ktrans
> but is quick (even over drawterm) to cycle through character lists.
> moody has seen this work and it has been an inspiration to adapt to 'ktrans'
> for
> even faster Kanji look up which could allow for more esoteric Kanji to be
> added.
> In addition a new font 'HanaMinA' has been adapted which beautifully
> supports both
> Japanese and Chinese characters and it is what we recommend folks use on
> Thank you ldb for your great work!
> ldb, お疲れ様です!
> smj

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Re: [9fans] Re: ctrans - Chinese language input for Plan9

2022-07-21 Thread Lucio De Re
On 7/21/22,
> sirjofri  writes:
>> I'm pretty sure that pure Chinese computers would look different.
> I've often wondered that.  What input methods do Chinese speakers use?
> What do Chinese keyboards look like?  How do they find/select the
> character they want?  Are different sets of characters available on
> different computers, or are input methods standardized?  I wonder.
I stumbled onto an instructive video on youtube not that long ago. I'm
sure there are a few you'll be able to search for. If I understand
correctly, it's a combination of entering the phoneme by the nearest
Latin letter, then select from a diminishing range of suitable options
on the screen.

The video was more focused specifically on how this need - which
Chinese, Japanese and Koreans somewhat reacted differently to - caused
the Chinese to make great strides in computing.

> --
> 9fans: 9fans
> Permalink:
> Delivery options:

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] USB3 1Gb ethernet card working on 9legacy (rpi 4)

2022-08-01 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/1/22, adr  wrote:
> Oh, and thanks for trying with your pi, I know it takes time and
> I appreaciate it.
Well, let me say thanks to you for instigating some interesting and
seemingly fruitful discussion - a rare gem and a precious one.


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Re: [9fans] Trouble compiling "Hello, world"

2022-08-01 Thread Lucio De Re
Thank, Kurt. The SDF home page no doubt needs a small fix.

That is a lot of information and seems the product of much effort.
I'll find some time to assimilate it, see if there is anything I can


On 8/2/22, Kurt H Maier via 9fans <> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 05:38:39AM +0200, Lucio De Re wrote:
>> It's a shame that the SDF wiki
>> ( returns a
>> missing page.
> Looks like it just got moved:
> khm

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Trouble compiling "Hello, world"

2022-08-01 Thread Lucio De Re
It's a shame that the SDF wiki
( returns a
missing page. I was hoping to find some way to help that does not
involve a financial contribution.

Perhaps it's a delusion, but I keep hoping to find a way to wean a
young community (black secondary education learners with much time on
their hands and very little beyond their smartphones to entertain
them) away from Tik-Tok, possibly also Whatsapp.

SDF bootcamp seems at least a seed for something at least some of
these teenagers may find instructive and a little mind expanding.


PS: We're too deep in the Global South to afford fancy equipment, even
used laptops are too expensive to ship to South Africa - never mind
the cost of laptop batteries. Maybe we can recycle the odd rPi, but
there the cost and transportation problem shifts to the display.

I am willing to listen to suggestions.

On 8/2/22, Jag Talon  wrote:
> Thanks all! Got it solved with the folks at SDF (thanks, smj!)
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022, at 9:32 PM, Thaddeus Woskowiak wrote:
>> > it's a shared system that I didn't install myself.
>> How are you connecting and interacting?
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 7:47 PM Jag Talon  wrote:
>> >
>> > Thank you Skip and Jacob I'm running a Plan 9 instance through the SDF
>> > Bootcamp so it's a shared system that I didn't install myself. I'll make
>> > sure to reach out to the admins because trying to run `mk install` in
>> > /sys/src/libc is giving me permission errors.
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 1, 2022, at 6:53 PM, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
>> >
>> > in /sys/src
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 3:51 PM Skip Tavakkolian
>> >  wrote:
>> >
>> > generally it's a good idea to rebuild and install changes for all
>> > architectures in your network.
>> > something like:
>> > for (i in (386 arm amd64 riscv mips)) {
>> >  objtype=$i mk install
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 2:50 PM Jacob Moody  wrote:
>> >
>> > On 8/1/22 15:18, Jag Talon wrote:
>> > > Ah thanks for the tip. I ran `echo $objtype` and it says amd64. I
>> > > believe 6c is the compiler that I need but it seems to say another
>> > > error: `??none??: cannot open file: /amd64/lib/libc.a`
>> >
>> > It's telling you exactly what is wrong, you are missing an amd64 libc
>> > archive.
>> > I am not sure how you wound up with running an amd64 kernel with an
>> > incomplete
>> > amd64 install. For building libc again:
>> >
>> > cd /sys/src/libc/ && mk install && mk clean
>> >
>> > However, you may be missing more then just libc, in that case may just
>> > be best to rebuild
>> > the whole system as a second resort.
>> >
>> > cd /sys/src/ && mk install && mk clean
>> >
>> > How did you install this system? Did you bootstrap yourself
>> > up from 386?
>> >
>> > --
>> > moody
>> >
>> > 9fans / 9fans / see discussions + participants + delivery options
>> > Permalink

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Trouble compiling "Hello, world"

2022-08-02 Thread Lucio De Re
On 8/2/22, Clout Tolstoy  wrote:
> Years ago I worked at a non-profit called FreeGeek (in Portland, Oregon
> USA) . We used to do grants for computers and sent some over to Uganda,
> amongst other places. I'm not sure of their current status on their grant,
> but it could be worth a shot.  You might be able to get the hardware for
> free, and grants for shipping through someone else.
That is a kind response and I will let you know what will come of it.

My biggest problem, which may be more my own flawed psychology than
any real obstacle, is that I want some kind of succession planning up
front, rather than create a need I alone can fulfil (I'm not young and
I can see the gentle wear and tear having its impact on my abilities).

In fact, what I'm trying to establish is a community that can absorb
as much as I am able to guide them toward. For now, my efforts are on
identifying those analytical skills I found so useful in my own
education. I get to see a lot of youths, but few real gems that are
also interested in analytical thinking.


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Re: [9fans] 9front hackathon report

2022-09-26 Thread Lucio De Re
Thank you, Ori. That brief report is quite impressive.

I'm offering to install the changes on the T23 I bought specially to
run 9front on. It doesn't get much attention - you can blame Linux for
that, not 9legacy - but it does sit where it serves as a permanent
reminder :-)

Did y'all create a Git development branch for this?


On 9/27/22,  wrote:
> the gsoc thread reminded me that I should also probably post the
> hackathon writeup that I put together here, for the curious:

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Creating alternative network directories

2022-10-06 Thread Lucio De Re
#l and #l0 are identical, the latter is the software (for want of a
better term) instance of the latter, #1 is the second and #2 is the

If you read the man page carefully - and I'm answering this not out of
 experience, but because I presume you want to at least try a
suggestion and go from there - you'll see that you may need to
describe each net adapter in the plan9.ini file. If you read the
/dev/kmesg file, you ought to find mention of #l0, #l1 and #l2 in it,
if the adapters are recognise.

(Careful now, I'm still drinking my first coffee of the day - but
everything you need is in the man pages.)


On 10/7/22, Thorn Avery  wrote:
> Hello all!
> I recently got a NIC for my tower, and I've been trying to no avail to mount
> the devices as /net is.
> I have the following devices:
> #l and #I, the motherboards inbuilt port
> #l0 and #I0, with #l0/ether0
> #l1 and #I1, with #l1/ether1
> My goal is to end up with /net.alt.0 and /net.alt.1, which i then intend to
> bind over /net as needed.
> I currently have the following in /rc/bin/cpurc.local (im creating in usr
> directory while tinkering):
> #!/bin/rc
> NETPATH=/usr/glenda/
> for(n in 0 1)
> if(! test -e $NETPATH^net.alt.$n)
> mkdir $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
> bind -a '#l'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
> bind -a '#I'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
> mount -a /srv/cs $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
> mount -a /srv/dns $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
> }
> rm /env/NETPATH
> which is what I saw in my namespaces file was being done for /net
> after this, ip/ipconfig returns "no success with DHCP", whether i supply the
> details or not.
> My questions are:
> 1: what are the important steps that go into creating a network stacks
> directory?
> 2: is the way Im doing so the correct course, or is there a best practice i
> should be following instead?
> Thank you :) This is my first time on the mailing list so please be kind!

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Creating alternative network directories

2022-10-06 Thread Lucio De Re
On 10/7/22, Lucio De Re  wrote:
> #l and #l0 are identical, the latter is the software (for want of a
> better term) instance of the latter, #1 is the second and #2 is the
> third.
> If you read the man page carefully - and I'm answering this not out of
>  experience, but because I presume you want to at least try a
> suggestion and go from there - you'll see that you may need to
> describe each net adapter in the plan9.ini file. If you read the
> /dev/kmesg file, you ought to find mention of #l0, #l1 and #l2 in it,
> if the adapters are recognise.
> (Careful now, I'm still drinking my first coffee of the day - but
> everything you need is in the man pages.)
> Lucio.
> On 10/7/22, Thorn Avery  wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I recently got a NIC for my tower, and I've been trying to no avail to
>> mount
>> the devices as /net is.
>> I have the following devices:
>> #l and #I, the motherboards inbuilt port
>> #l0 and #I0, with #l0/ether0
>> #l1 and #I1, with #l1/ether1
>> My goal is to end up with /net.alt.0 and /net.alt.1, which i then intend
>> to
>> bind over /net as needed.
>> I currently have the following in /rc/bin/cpurc.local (im creating in usr
>> directory while tinkering):
>> #!/bin/rc
>> NETPATH=/usr/glenda/
>> for(n in 0 1)
>> if(! test -e $NETPATH^net.alt.$n)
>> mkdir $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
>> bind -a '#l'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
>> bind -a '#I'^$n $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
>> mount -a /srv/cs $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
>> mount -a /srv/dns $NETPATH^net.alt.$n
>> }
>> rm /env/NETPATH
>> which is what I saw in my namespaces file was being done for /net
>> after this, ip/ipconfig returns "no success with DHCP", whether i supply
>> the
>> details or not.
>> My questions are:
>> 1: what are the important steps that go into creating a network stacks
>> directory?
>> 2: is the way Im doing so the correct course, or is there a best practice
>> i
>> should be following instead?
>> Thank you :) This is my first time on the mailing list so please be kind!
> --
> Lucio De Re
> 2 Piet Retief St
> Kestell (Eastern Free State)
> 9860 South Africa
> Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
> Cell: +27 83 251 5824

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Re: Mail 447: /mail/fs/mbox/: open: error

2023-01-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/17/23,  wrote:
> [ ... ]. Yes, I am trying to set up Mail on plan9 but it is
> for me like a blind man groping in the dark. I did manage to do it once, but
> have no idea how I did it!
The manual pages take some getting used to, but, believe me,
everything you need is held in them.

> I love plan9 esp. sam and acme which I use extensively.
I can't mix those two, although occasionally I have to. Acme is my
choice, Sam has one advantage: Acme just can't operate remotely the
way Sam can, from Plan 9 native, a feature I greatly miss.

> It is great to know that there is a fellow South African on the group.
> You will understand the loud shedding problems too I presume!
Yes, nothing Plan 9 can do about that, sadly. Although Acme's
automatic "dump" on failure or disconnection has saved me quite a lot
of load shedding-induced frustration.

I've been using Plan 9 since 1995, you wouldn't be able to pry it from
my cold, dead hands. I'm not an expert, like many others on 9fans and
its siblings, but I would find it hard to manage without its services.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Mail 447: /mail/fs/mbox/: open: error

2023-01-16 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/17/23,  wrote:
> In trying to access Mail via Acme, I get this error:
> Mail 447: /mail/fs/mbox/:open '/mail/fs/mbox/' does not exist
> Is this a bug? Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
I haven't tried it yet myself, but I presume you need to configure and
deploy UPAS (the mail server "mail/fs").


PS: You're the only other South African based user of p9p I am aware
of. Or 9fans member, for that matter.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Setting acme to a GoMono or DejavuSansMono font

2023-01-15 Thread Lucio De Re
It's the "-F" that the invoked "acme" complains about, then the font
filename. That just doesn't compute.

mnt/font is interpreted by the font management library as a Unix
socket to the font server.

 9 man fontsrv

will help some, it shows how to check which fonts are available.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Setting acme to a GoMono or DejavuSansMono font

2023-01-15 Thread Lucio De Re
Are you perhaps using an unusual hyphen (m-dash, perhaps)?

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Setting acme to a GoMono or DejavuSansMono font

2023-01-14 Thread Lucio De Re
You probably have a shell alias or a shell function called acme. The
p9p acme does accept the -f and -F options, I use them all the time.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Mail 447: /mail/fs/mbox/: open: error

2023-01-17 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/17/23,  wrote:
> I have made some progress. I have managed to retrieve email in Acme, but as
> yet I cannot send. If I try to send a mail nothing happens.
You now need to change the system settings for upas in the /mail/lib
directory. Pick an example that suits you and - using the correct
credentials - copy it into /mail/lib/rewrite.

This for a Plan 9 native system. I am not familiar with p9p's mail
arrangement, but I expect it to differ only a little.


PS: Again, Plan 9 has an extensive log facility, I'm not sure how P9P
mirrors that.

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] the practicality of plan 9

2022-11-08 Thread Lucio De Re
On 11/9/22, fig  wrote:
> sirjofri, thank you for the reply. don’t be sorry for the long response, i
> greatly appreciate it. when i was told plan 9 is built on only a few
> principles and basic abstractions, that was spot on.
If you read the early Plan 9 documentation, you'll discover that
originally what is affectionately know as Ken's server was dedicated
to file serving and Internet routing. Today, that may no longer be the
best approach, for various reasons, but it seems right to understand
how Plan 9 evolved as there may be important lessons in its history.

For example, I frequently encounter situations where a mildly enhanced
"proto" feature would be a very fitting approach to address them.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] iwp9: papers announced

2023-03-13 Thread Lucio De Re
Too far for me to travel, but there is a lot in the list I will be
extremely sorry to miss.

Well done to all contributors!


On 3/13/23,  wrote:
> The accepted papers are up on the website:
> For convenience, I'll repeat the list here:
> - Porting the Netsurf web browser to Plan 9,
> Jonas Amoson
> - GEFS, A Good Enough File System,
> Ori Bernstein ?
> - Hell Freezes Over: Freezing Limbo modules to reduce Inferno's memory
> footprint
> David Boddie
> - NinePea: A Small 9P Library for Arduino and Plan 9
> Eli Cohen
> - Plan 9 on 64-bit RISC-V
> Geoff Collyer
> - MIPS Rides Again
> Andrew D. Gibson
> - Dr Glendarme or: How I Learned to Stop Kerberos and Love Factotum
> Eduoard Klein
> - Namespaces as Security Domains
> Jacob Moody
> - Ghostbusters
> Noam Preil and Sigrid
> - An O(1) Method for Storage Snapshots
> Brian L Stuart
> - Plan 9 and Inferno Go to School
> Brian L Stuart
>  -A 9P Server for Application Management in Single Level Stores: A Status
> Report
> Emil Tsalapatis, Ryan Hancock and Ali Jos� Mashtizadeh

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] [PATCH] fossil: fix a deadlock in the caching logic

2023-04-05 Thread Lucio De Re
On 4/6/23,  wrote:
> Quoth Charles Forsyth :
>> fussing about certain things for hard drives that probably don't matter
>> for
>> SSD let alone nvme
> I am once again asking you to be more specific, please :)
> I have Plans for improving venti for myself, it'd be great to actually
> have a specific list of issues that others have noticed!
I presume that fossil doesn't apply special treatment to SSD and NVME
which to my limited understand could be a serious downside. I guess
I'm asking whether one should seriously consider ditching the
fossil/venti combination and consider centralising permanent storage
on something like ZFS instead?


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[9fans] Signature algorithms for P9P ssh-agent

2023-02-10 Thread Lucio De Re
Briefly: I hacked P9P's ssh-agent to handle my 4096-bit RSA key, but
it still interacts poorly with conventional Linux/Debian installations
of OpenSSH. The error message:

agent key RSA SHA256:XXX...XXX returned incorrect signature type

is explained as follows on stackoverflow:

This message means that the SSH connection negotiated a connection
using an RSA key with a different signature algorithm, either SHA-256
or SHA-512. However, the SSH agent, when asked to make the signature
for that connection, provided an SHA-1 signature, which isn't in
compliance with the agent protocol.

Before I tackle the complexities of RSA encryption and decryption, is
there a quick description of where I may be able to add the missing
signature algorithm so I can upgrade the agent and/or factotum (Plan 9
rsaencrypt and rsaencrypt functions are the likely culprits, I just
need some directions to avoid poorly re-inventing the wheel).


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Re: Charting the Future: Envisioning Plan 9 Release 5 for the 9fans Community. [Was:Re: [9fans] Supported Notebooks]

2024-01-25 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/26/24, Don A. Bailey  wrote:
> I literally don’t care.
Then I don't think you belong here.

If you believe you can excommunicate the majority of Plan 9
contributors (have you counted the members of the "Pure 9" vs "9front"
clans, at all?) by dictum ex cathedra, I think you belong in the
Middle Ages, the Counter-Reformation at best.

We ought to have grown past religious belief by now, and started
accepting that the Earth revolves around the Sun.


9fans: 9fans
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Re: Charting the Future: Envisioning Plan 9 Release 5 for the 9fans Community. [Was:Re: [9fans] Supported Notebooks]

2024-01-24 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/25/24, Noam Preil  wrote:
> I wasn't talking to you :P
> That was a response to the post that looked AI-generated. I sincerely
> apologize if I accidentally responded to your post instead, but I don't
> think I did
If you find it difficult to quote at least the sender of the message
you are responding to, then it is not surprising that people
misunderstand your intentions.


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Re: [9fans] Formation of a Plan 9 Core Team

2024-01-26 Thread Lucio De Re
On 1/26/24, hiro <> wrote:
>> People use 9front, which is not plan 9. Many good things
>> started as forks, and that's ok.
> mostly i agreed. but to me plan9 is just an old 9front version without
> the bootloader.
It's a neat summary, but it reflects a particular perspective and
tends to be dismissive of possible alternative perceptions.

To go back to a core team, it seems obvious to me that the work of
formally describing the current status would be the fundamental core
function and I can't imagine anyone, not even an aspiring academic,
taking that on. Something along the lines of Nemo's commentary is just
too big a task today. And that is just the kernel...

Incidentally, does FreeBSD have a single distribution? I know NetBSD
does, but then FreeBSD and OpenBSD are forks from 386BSD through
NetBSD, and they share much, but have distinct identities. I tend to
think of 9front and 9legacy along similar lines.

I dream of "one Plan 9", but it is an immense and probably pointless exercise.


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Re: [9fans] Re: Hello, RPi fixes and bind -b trouble

2024-02-23 Thread Lucio De Re
On 2/22/24, Alyssa M via 9fans <> wrote:
> [ ... ]
> Perhaps I'm missing something obvious.
You're not: there is a very large grey area between English language
exceptionalism and internationalisation madness.

As a citizen in a country where eleven languages are declared
equivalently "official" with sign language on the way to be added to
the list, I can offer some opinions. First, I see small groups of
tourists in the backpackers I co-manage being quite comfortable using
English across the various European languages that are their mother
tongues and secondly, the local vernaculars (nine African languages
and Afrikaans which derives from Dutch) are absorbing more and more
English, quite noticeably so, but the local variety of English is also
being distorted to accommodate the local phonetics (that, of course
happens across the Anglophone world and even in countries where
English is an acquired taste),

Catering for internationalisation is a losing game, adjusting for it
is a short term waste of effort, with no clear vision of what rules
could possibly improve the situation. I guess being English speaking
is an asset and that may well become the foundation. Occasionally
Esperanto is mentioned, but my experience suggests that is as hopeless
as the adoption of Swahili in Africa.

PS: thanks for documenting your efforts, they will save others a lot
of brain-ache.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] dd(1) takes very long

2024-03-01 Thread Lucio De Re
Increasing the dd block size (-bs 1024k or as big as the man pages
allow) could make a big difference.

On 3/1/24, Aleksandar Kuktin  wrote:
>>On Fri, 1 Mar 2024 10:08:25 +0100
>>Marco Feichtinger  wrote:
>> > and the computer isn't a SBC bitty box, the transfer rate is weirdly
>> > low.
>> Well, both disk are on the same machine.
>> It's a Supermicro X7SPA-H-D525 board.
>> -marco
> Well, that's not a bitty box. Wish I bought something like that instead
> of my BananaPi. Anyway, someone more knowledgeable on Plan 9 than me is
> needed. I can only speculate that the OS and hardware fight. I have
> something similar happening on my desktop with modern hardware running
> old software. I run GNU/Linux on it. For some reason I can't figure out,
> transfers start off normal but then degrade to 10 Mbps or less after a
> few GiB are transferred. If I try it with CentOS 7, it runs fine. But
> when I use my own homegrown distro it's pathologic. Kernel version
> 3.16.85, vanilla.
> --
> Svi moji e-mailovi su kriptografski potpisani. Proverite ih.
> All of my e-mails are cryptographically signed. Verify them.
> --
> You don't need an AI for a robot uprising.
> Humans will do just fine.
> --

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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[9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-08 Thread Lucio De Re
There is much I would like to explain, but the problem I am attempting to
solve ought to have an obvious answer that I am clearly missing.

I can't seem to get a 9front workstation to mount a networked 9legacy
fossil service. The FS is a fairly pristine 9legacy installation, on a
somewhat old 386 platform. I did need to tweak various parameters on both
side, but eventually I got to the point where both hosts declare that the
connection has been established; now on the 9front workstation I get the
"srv net!!9fs: mount failed: fossil authCheck: auth
protocol not finished"
I suspect the culprit is the lack of the newer "dp9ik" security on 9legacy,
in which case it would be helpful to know how to work around that.

Why am I mixing my platforms like this? Because the hardware on which I am
attempting to recover a rather large historical file system is split
between IDE and SATA and I have no hardware that can handle both disk modes
and I need to move information between the two media types. I am not
describing all the dead ends I tried, incidentally, that would take too
long and really expose my limited understanding.

It took almost a day to copy the Fossil cache (or lose a lot of the most
recent changes) and now I need (or at least want) to update the default
boot ("arenas") Venti configuration on a SATA drive which I can only access
on hardware I can't install 9legacy on. It's complicated and I'm sure there
are people here who would not find this so daunting, but that's where I am
at. To be precise, I need to change the Fossil default configuration (in
the "fossil" cache) so it points to the correct Venti arenas. I'll deal
with the analogous Venti situation when I get past the total absence of
Fossil tools on 9front.

I guess I can port fossil/conf to 9front, but I'm not sure I have the
stomach to try that. Maybe now that I have raised the possibility...

I managed to share the Fossil cache through a NetBSD server providing u9fs
services, but that host does not have the capacity to store the Venti
arenas, nor can I really justify spending the amount of time it would take
to pass it between the 9legacy and 9front devices via NetBSD, no matter how
I try to arrange that. It does baffle me, though, that a NetBSD
intermediary is more competent than the two "native" platforms.

I must admit I got to know nits in these two distributions that I would
rather I didn't have to, but I've just about had enough.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-09 Thread Lucio De Re
That seems simple enough, but "enable p9sk1 for the hostowner on 9front"
isn't something I'm familiar with. Is it an additional attribute in the
network database that I am not aware of?

I will check the manual pages, although I'm not sure what to look for. I
did note when creating a user or similar activity that a special case was
made to include p9sk1 somewhere and I did later wonder about it, which is
what my long question was all about, but I could not see where the details
were hiding.

Much appreciated, in any case, thank you.

And, yes, plan9port is based on what has now become 9legacy, but there are
significant 9front contributions. It would have been quite helpful if p9p
development had been farmed out to a team comprising developers (and
designers) from both camps.


On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 11:06 AM  wrote:

> I am using fossil on plan9port (which should be similar to 9legacy) from
> 9front. The only thing which I needed was to enable p9sk1 for the hostowner
> on 9front  (the auth server) and a factotum entry for this in the file
> server, IIRC.
> *9fans <>* / 9fans / see discussions
> <> + participants
> <> + delivery options
> <> Permalink
> <>

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-09 Thread Lucio De Re
ng the looming flames, we do
not need conflict, of the emotional brand, to escalate out of measure.


On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 11:53 PM  wrote:

> Hi Hiro et al,
> This mailing list is focused on Plan 9 discussions.  Noticing conflicts
> between the 9legacy and 9front communities indicates that adopting
> collaborative strategies could be advantageous.  In my detailed post, I
> aimed to provide a comprehensive overview to fully encapsulate the topic.
> Having observed conflicts evolve over more than two decades, I am motivated
> to suggest improvements rather than seeing history repeat itself.  I
> contributed my comments in hopes of fostering meaningful positive change.
> I value both 9front and 9legacy but choose to remain neutral and refrain
> from taking sides.  In my view, there's no advantage in picking sides,
> particularly among us 9fans.  The need for collaboration seems great, I'm
> astonished that more collaboration hasn't happened over the years.
> Kind regards,
> Vester
> On Thu, May 9, 2024, at 05:10, hiro wrote:
> > vester, why do you recommend all these things so overly
> > methodologically that are all already a reality in the 9front
> > community? are you a bot?
> >
> > On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 9:18 PM  wrote:
> >>
> >> Dear Members of the 9legacy and 9front Communities,
> >>
> >> This message is intended to share thoughts on potential improvements to
> collaborative processes between systems. The aim is to foster an
> environment that encourages ongoing enhancement and mutual support.
> >>
> >> Community Efforts
> >> Appreciation is extended to all community members for their dedication
> in updating and maintaining these systems. Their efforts are vital to
> collective progress.
> >>
> >> Community Dialogue
> >> An open forum for all members to share insights, discuss challenges,
> and propose solutions related to system updates and integration efforts
> could prove beneficial. Such dialogue can help better understand different
> perspectives and formulate effective strategies collaboratively.
> >>
> >> Collaborative Working Group
> >> The creation of a working group to address specific technical
> challenges, such as integrating the dp9ik security protocol, could
> facilitate smoother and more efficient integration. Interested members
> might consider participating in such a group.
> >>
> >> Transparency in Decision-Making
> >> Improving the transparency of decision-making processes is a goal.
> Sharing regular informational updates could keep everyone informed about
> the progress and decisions that affect both communities.
> >>
> >> Inclusive Decision-Making Processes
> >> Exploring ways to ensure that decision-making processes reflect the
> community's needs and inputs is under consideration. Contributions on how
> to achieve this are highly valued.
> >>
> >> Recognition Program
> >> Recognizing the hard work and achievements of community members is
> important. Plans to introduce a recognition program that highlights
> significant contributions and successes are being explored.
> >>
> >> Addressing Historical Concerns
> >> Dedicating time to openly discuss historical concerns is crucial for
> moving forward. This could help reconcile and strengthen community ties.
> >>
> >> Feedback on these suggestions and potential interest in participating
> in these initiatives is invited. Contributions from community members are
> invaluable and will help shape the direction of collaborative efforts.
> >>
> >> Thank you for your engagement and commitment to the community.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Vester
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, May 9, 2024, at 01:29, Jacob Moody wrote:
> >> > On 5/8/24 11:06, Lucio De Re wrote:
> >> >> There is much I would like to explain, but the problem I am
> attempting to solve ought to have an obvious answer that I am clearly
> missing.
> >> >>
> >> >> I can't seem to get a 9front workstation to mount a networked
> 9legacy fossil service. The FS is a fairly pristine 9legacy installation,
> on a somewhat old 386 platform. I did need to tweak various parameters on
> both side, but eventually I got to the point where both hosts declare that
> the connection has been established; now on the 9front workstation I get
> the message
> >> >> "srv net!!9fs: mount failed: fossil authCheck: auth
> protocol not finished"
> >> >> I suspect the culprit is the lack of the newer "dp9ik" sec

Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
gt; >> Collaborative Working Group
> > >> The creation of a working group to address specific technical
> challenges, such as integrating the dp9ik security protocol, could
> facilitate smoother and more efficient integration. Interested members
> might consider participating in such a group.
> > >>
> > >> Transparency in Decision-Making
> > >> Improving the transparency of decision-making processes is a goal.
> Sharing regular informational updates could keep everyone informed about
> the progress and decisions that affect both communities.
> > >>
> > >> Inclusive Decision-Making Processes
> > >> Exploring ways to ensure that decision-making processes reflect the
> community's needs and inputs is under consideration. Contributions on how
> to achieve this are highly valued.
> > >>
> > >> Recognition Program
> > >> Recognizing the hard work and achievements of community members is
> important. Plans to introduce a recognition program that highlights
> significant contributions and successes are being explored.
> > >>
> > >> Addressing Historical Concerns
> > >> Dedicating time to openly discuss historical concerns is crucial for
> moving forward. This could help reconcile and strengthen community ties.
> > >>
> > >> Feedback on these suggestions and potential interest in participating
> in these initiatives is invited. Contributions from community members are
> invaluable and will help shape the direction of collaborative efforts.
> > >>
> > >> Thank you for your engagement and commitment to the community.
> > >>
> > >> Best regards,
> > >> Vester
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> On Thu, May 9, 2024, at 01:29, Jacob Moody wrote:
> > >> > On 5/8/24 11:06, Lucio De Re wrote:
> > >> >> There is much I would like to explain, but the problem I am
> attempting to solve ought to have an obvious answer that I am clearly
> missing.
> > >> >>
> > >> >> I can't seem to get a 9front workstation to mount a networked
> 9legacy fossil service. The FS is a fairly pristine 9legacy installation,
> on a somewhat old 386 platform. I did need to tweak various parameters on
> both side, but eventually I got to the point where both hosts declare that
> the connection has been established; now on the 9front workstation I get
> the message
> > >> >> "srv net!!9fs: mount failed: fossil authCheck:
> auth protocol not finished"
> > >> >> I suspect the culprit is the lack of the newer "dp9ik" security on
> 9legacy, in which case it would be helpful to know how to work around that.
> > >> >
> > >> > Probably. Why not just temporarily disable auth checks for the
> fossil
> > >> > 9legacy machine?
> > >> > Or perhaps just take a disk/mkfs backup and tar that. You really
> have
> > >> > chosen the most painful way of accomplishing this (which you seem to
> > >> > acknowledge).
> > >> > Or just exportfs the root? There are so many ways of just getting
> the
> > >> > files.
> > >> >
> > >> >>
> > >> >> Why am I mixing my platforms like this? Because the hardware on
> which I am attempting to recover a rather large historical file system is
> split between IDE and SATA and I have no hardware that can handle both disk
> modes and I need to move information between the two media types. I am not
> describing all the dead ends I tried, incidentally, that would take too
> long and really expose my limited understanding.
> > >> >>
> > >> >> It took almost a day to copy the Fossil cache (or lose a lot of
> the most recent changes) and now I need (or at least want) to update the
> default boot ("arenas") Venti configuration on a SATA drive which I can
> only access on hardware I can't install 9legacy on. It's complicated and
> I'm sure there are people here who would not find this so daunting, but
> that's where I am at. To be precise, I need to change the Fossil default
> configuration (in the "fossil" cache) so it points to the correct Venti
> > >> >> arenas. I'll deal with the analogous Venti situation when I get
> past the total absence of Fossil tools on 9front.
> > >> >>
> > >> >> I guess I can port fossil/conf to 9front, but I'm not sure I have
> the stomach to try that. Maybe now that I have raised the possibility...
> > >> >
> > >

Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
tings where newer hardware may not be readily available or economically
> feasible.
> >>
> >>(2) Incremental Upgrades:  Some users may prefer an incremental approach
> to system upgrades rather than a complete switch to a newer version.
> Integrating changes from 9front into 9legacy and Plan 9 4th Edition allows
> these users to benefit from specific enhancements without the need to
> overhaul their entire system setup.
> >>
> >>(3) Community Engagement:  Keeping these versions updated helps engage
> different segments of the Plan 9 community.  It acknowledges the needs and
> preferences of those who might prefer the familiarity of 9legacy or Plan 9
> 4th Edition, fostering a more inclusive and vibrant community.
> >>
> >>(4) Preservation of Educational and Historical Value:  Plan 9 has
> significant educational and historical importance in the field of operating
> systems.  Maintaining and updating older versions ensures that this legacy
> is preserved, allowing new generations of students and enthusiasts to learn
> from and experiment with these systems.
> >>
> >>(5) Security and Stability:  Regular updates can address security
> vulnerabilities and fix bugs across all versions, ensuring that even older
> deployments remain secure and stable.  This is crucial for maintaining the
> integrity and usability of the systems over time.
> >>
> >>(6) Customization:  Some users or organizations might have customized
> their systems based on older versions of Plan 9.  Keeping these systems
> updated with changes from 9front can provide a path for these custom setups
> to receive new features and improvements while maintaining their unique
> configurations.
> >>
> >>Overall, the integration of updates across different versions of Plan 9
> can help keep the system modern, secure, and accessible to a wide range of
> users, enhancing both its utility and appeal.
> >>
> >>In embracing both the new and preserving the old, we not only honor the
> rich legacy of Plan 9 but also ensure its relevance and accessibility for
> all users, regardless of their hardware or specific needs. By updating
> 9legacy and Plan 9 4th Edition alongside 9front, we foster a community that
> values progress and innovation while respecting and supporting the diverse
> ways in which people interact with our beloved operating system. Together,
> let's continue to build a welcoming and vibrant Plan 9 community that
> thrives on both change and tradition.
> >>
> >>Kind regards,
> >>Vester "Vic" Thacker
> >>
> >>
> >>On Fri, May 10, 2024, at 04:50, hiro wrote:
> >>> no clue which conflict you're seeing, vic.
> >>>
> >>> there's been some trolling back and forth since forever, there's been
> >>> complaints and contributions, and more complaints about the
> >>> contributions and the lack of contributions. as it should be. we can
> >>> have one united community if you like but then i hope we still have
> >>> those complaints. if no issues come up it just means that nobody used
> >>> the system.
> >>>
> >>> personally i think non-dp9ik protocols should be removed completely or
> >>> at the very least only allowed with very big fat warning messages. if
> >>> 9legacy still doesn't have dp9ik, then why don't you just let 9legacy
> >>> die? is there a single 9legacy-only improvement that's worth having in
> >>> the first place? why does this discussion here even exist? if you want
> >>> interoperability between things just upgrade everything to 9front.
> >>> there's no more straightforward way, or?
> >>>
> >>> i know from linuxland where some garbage firmware or closed-source
> >>> kernel driver prevents the use of newer linux releases, but i don't
> >>> see similar problems in the 9front world at all. 9front provides a
> >>> very steady and stable upgrade path i see no reason to keep an older
> >>> plan9 4th edition system alive at all. what hardware does anybody have
> >>> where 9front doesn't work but plan9 4th edition does?!
> >>>
> >
> > --
> > Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
Granted, but neither 9front nor 9legacy are tied to any promise of support.
All it took in the past was to include an indication in the
/sys/src/cmd/mkfile that the code for Fossil should not be compiled and
deployed as part of any installation. By omitting the sources, as I
explained, it denied the followers the option to provide that support
altogether. That's not the exact opposite of offering to support it.


On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 10:27 AM Charles Forsyth 

> (if it was all that easy, why was it discarded entirely?
> I suspect no-one wanted to maintain it (in 9front).
>> *9fans <>* / 9fans / see discussions
> <> + participants
> <> + delivery options
> <> Permalink
> <>

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
I am not allowed to ignore some advice when Vic raises a much more
interesting subject matter and does it in a perfectly justified and well
formulated fashion - and gets accused of being an AI or at minimum playing
one on 9fans?

How do you know that I did not follow any of Moodley's advice, which
incidentally I acknowledged I may not be competent to follow? None of the
legacy people I have noted responding have been even remotely as offensive
as those who are determined to deify 9front in legacy's place - when there
is no effort on legacy's side to promote our particular preference, nor to
justify such preference as being superior in any manner.

What I notice - correct me if I am mistaken - is that any comparison
between 9front and 9legacy seems to needle a few members (very few, there
are many names from that community that have not participated, specifically
the ones I know hand have long respectes, ask them) of the 9front community
that seem to take offence unless 9front is painted in a better light. I
guess that's permissible, but please mind your manners if you choose to go
that route, this is 9fans and 9front I believe has its own discussion


On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 12:22 PM qwx via 9fans <> wrote:

> On Fri May 10 11:09:32 +0200 2024, wrote:
> > I'm finding it ironic, though, that the defenders of the true 9front
> faith
> > find it necessary to insult their "enemies" in a forum dedicated to the
> > very subject matter they are so disapproving of. Surely they realise that
> > 9fans is a stupid place to do so?
> >
> > Lucio.
> Several people, including 9front users, have tried to help you and
> provided you with ways to accomplish your task; they have been so far
> ignored.  Even Moody himself gave you alternatives and arguably easier
> ways to do it.  Here's another one: mycroftiv's ANTS was in sync with
> 9front for a while and fully supports fossil; it is now out of date
> but the last ANTS release will probably work on your hardware.  iirc
> noam had also tried to update it based on latest 9front some time
> ago, but I'm not sure where that lives.
> You have everything you need, courtesy of your "enemies", the
> "defenders of the true 9front faith", whatever that is supposed to
> mean.  What have you tried so far, did it work?
> Thanks,
> qwx

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-14 Thread Lucio De Re
rses _that_ Coraid thrived
> but they are not ones where where new voices weren’t heard or old ones
> were ignored.
> The flurries of traffic on this list often seem to have a negative tone to
> me.  It means a lot to me when the conversations are supportive.
> I hope this recent activity continues on as more collaborative
> conversations.  Nobody joins this list who isn’t interested in
> participating somehow.  Let’s not shut them down.
> Ian

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-15 Thread Lucio De Re
I have asked precisely NOTHING and have only pointed out the consequences
of omitting sources from the 9front distribution because it leads to
undesirable divisions.

I do find it tiresome that you keep ascribing intentions to me that may
well reflect precisely how YOU would feel and react in my position. I
assure I am nothing like that and I'm sure my history on 9fans for the past
20+ years would reflect that. But then again, people have abandoned 9fans
in the past for reasons not dissimilar from these; I can read the
undercurrent ("because you are asking for other people to maintain your
software for you for free"), I am not impolite enough to respond in kind.


On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 8:05 AM Jacob Moody  wrote:

> On 5/14/24 23:46, Lucio De Re wrote:
> > If this comes across as a troll, keep in mind that it is your
> interpretation that makes it so, a lesson we South Africans are still busy
> learning, at our country's expense.
> >
> > I've got Fossil running under 9front; thanks to all those who prodded me
> (and others). I would be happier knowing that there is a "canonical"
> version rather than at least two varieties as appears to be the case from
> the above discussion, but I'd rather not spoil the moment.
> >
> > My point all along was that if the source (Fossil or other) is not
> included in the (9front) distribution, a (bad) decision is being made by
> arbitrary (non)contributors for all the silent participants who may not
> even know about it. Why would anyone want to play God? Isn't Google bad
> enough?
> The decision was not made by an arbitrary contributor on a whim, it was
> decided after people maintaining 9front got sick
> and tired of dealing with people's data getting minced. Effort was put in
> to the two (and soon to be three) other
> file systems that have had a much better reliability track record. The
> intent was to nudge people away from
> using what was deemed buggy software. If you want this to change then
> either you or someone else needs to step up and maintain
> the software. You are asking for 9front to take on the burden of
> maintaining an additional old buggy filesystem
> because it makes your life a tiny bit easier?
> A bit hard to tell from your wording but either you are saying the
> contributor became a "noncontributor" by deleting
> fossil or are you accusing the person who deleted fossil as being
> generally a "noncontributor"?
> If you had spent even 10 seconds looking at the git history you would have
> seen that the one to pull the plug and
> delete fossil was cinap and not some random passerby.
> Do you not see the irony here? You, a most certain "noncontributor", are
> demanding that we do what you want without any intent of doing any of the
> work yourself.
> Why can you not just tar up your files and put them on a supported
> filesystem? Why are we still having this discussion?
> >
> > I concede that I didn't know myself what I was looking for (I think what
> "I" need is for 9legacy to boot, install and possibly run, from a USB stick
> on any PC hardware, and support both IDE and SATA where present) and my
> rather vague question was intended to make the details less sketchy.
> Instead, I got a tirade about what I was or was not ready, willing or able
> to contribute. Fortunately, that tends to have the desired effect with me,
> so right now I haven't yet recovered my decades of pretty
> > pointless effort, but I know I can do it, with sufficient application,
> it is no longer lost or teetering on edge of the abyss.
> Yes because you are asking for other people to maintain your software for
> you for free. 9front maintainers do not want to do
> this, so the reaction is going to be to do it yourself. I don't know why
> this is seen as a surprising outcome.
> On 5/14/24 18:19, michaelian ennis wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > The flurries of traffic on this list often seem to have a negative tone
> to me.  It means a lot to me when the conversations are supportive.
> I agree, I would like to have positive interactions towards working on
> solutions to current problems. I would much prefer if conversations
> trended towards these type of topics. We seem to have no issue keeping
> things like this at IWP9 (for the most part).

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-15 Thread Lucio De Re
What makes you think I want Fossil back in 9front? I suggested that the
sources could be included in the distribution, so they would not fork-rot
as they are doing presently. It's always been the case that the Plan 9
distribution included "broken" sources that could not be compiled without
external support, but were interesting enough to be published. That changed
some when Alef was dropped and in fact I saved the Alef development stuff
and ported it to 3ed and 4ed because I disagreed with the decision. Note
that I made a sweeping generalisation, for simplicity, much was discarded
between 2ed and 4ed, and I find all that quite regrettable.

I am certain that Cinap had good reasons for removing Fossil, but I'm not
sure you have painted the entire picture for this audience. No matter, of
course, 9front will be what 9front will be.

I'm not going to argue with the semantic subtleties of "bad" as you
interpret it, but I will privately consider your judgement and interpret
your postings with a bias parallel to the one you have displayed toward me
so far.

And I will not go away. Not by choice.


On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 4:37 PM Jacob Moody  wrote:

> On 5/15/24 04:02, Lucio De Re wrote:
> > I have asked precisely NOTHING and have only pointed out the
> consequences of omitting sources from the 9front distribution because it
> leads to undesirable divisions.
> I'm just trying to correct the misinformation you stated.
> When you call the decision to drop fossil "bad", your email reads as a
> persuasive argument for why things should change.
> I was in turn explaining why this is not happening, and if someone wanted
> that to change what would need to happen.
> >
> > I do find it tiresome that you keep ascribing intentions to me that may
> well reflect precisely how YOU would feel and react in my position. I
> assure I am nothing like that and I'm sure my history on 9fans for the past
> 20+ years would reflect that. But then again, people have abandoned 9fans
> in the past for reasons not dissimilar from these; I can read the
> undercurrent ("because you are asking for other people to maintain your
> software for you for free"), I am not impolite enough to respond in kind.
> Are your intentions not to persuade someone in the 9front world that
> fossil is worth adding back to the system?

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-15 Thread Lucio De Re
Factually, Fossil is no big deal. Its design shortcomings have been raised
in the past from the Bell Labs side and the documentation (for Venti, I
think, but it's not very important) suggests that Fossil was knocked
together as a minimal Venti cache so the benefits of Venti could be
utilised and the old file system could be abandoned.

I somehow missed that discussion at the time and never went back to find
out how it panned out. But it sure feels with hindsight that Fossil became
the trigger for the 9front schism and that would explain the sensitivity on
either side. It's a shame, because the Venti potential remains
unrealised as there isn't the Fossil bridge (where development is
continuing, in 9front) to a better, full functionality file system that
includes Venti backing storage.

Which brings me to the question I have been meaning to ask: what scope does
Venti serve in the absence of Fossil? I appreciate that VAC is a handy form
of archiving, but does it justify the complexity of configuring and
maintaining a Venti archive? I know that vacfs has some failings I haven't
had the opportunity or the inclination to investigate, but exhibit
themselves only in P9P - in my experience. So is Venti only a trophy
application, or are there serious uses for it among the 9front community?


On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 7:04 PM Jacob Moody  wrote:

> On 5/15/24 11:20, Don Bailey wrote:
> >
> > I have zero emotional attachment to Fossil. What I am asking for, not
> even demanding, is a fact-based assessment of the asserted issue. Pointing
> at the code is not an emotional attachment. It's literally the opposite.
> It's asking to demonstrate and document the issues, instead of asserting
> that something is awful because /you/ have had an emotional reaction to it
> failing. How did it fail? Can you reproduce it? What code is bad? Why is
> the code bad? If you can't answer these questions, maybe you
> > shouldn't have removed it.
> The emotional accusation I understand, it really seems like it's just
> fossil that evokes this
> reaction out of people. Just fossil that makes people want us to prove
> without any reason of doubt that the
> code should have been removed. I also just don't understand why people are
> so attached to fossil.
> Is it because people feel like there is a high burden of evidence for
> touching the holy code
> as ordained by bell labs? We didn't want it so it went. If you think this
> is actually a
> mistake and there is a world of possibility to be had thanks to fossil in
> Plan 9 I encourage
> you to maintain fossil yourself and prove to us that we were wrong in
> thinking it was dead weight.
> I want to specifically compare the discussion that happened on this thread
> between p9sk1
> and fossil. We think that no one should be using p9sk1, and so we spent
> the time to explain
> to others the very real, concrete and specific issues with the code and
> implementation.
> We are not telling any other user of Plan 9 to not use fossil if they'd
> like, we simply don't want to
> deal with it in 9front. I think the burden of proof you are putting on us
> to make this
> decision would only make sense if we were advocating for other
> distributions and current
> users of fossil to no longer use it. It's fine, we're just not interested
> in it, sorry.
> As I, and others, have pointed out now a couple of times. Adding fossil
> back to 9front
> is trivial. Perhaps you haven't had the experience of having to sit in irc
> and help
> new users get going with the system who really don't have opinions about
> anything and
> then dealing with the outcomes when things blow up. As you said fossil is
> not exactly
> easy to deal with, it needs a lot of special consideration. So why then
> are you complaining
> that 9front made the decision to remove that option for the uninformed
> user? Does it not
> make more sense to direct users towards a filesystem that is more
> resilient and requires
> less watering?
> All of this is entirely moot with gefs right around the corner. I can't
> imagine someone
> willingly want to use fossil with gefs as a (soon to be) alternative.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
I guess we're on the same page, right up and including the fist fight(s).
But I think we are all entitled to be treated more courteously in a public
forum such as this, including not ascribing malice unless it is explicit.
Being touchy has plagued this forum just about forever, it would be nicer
if instead of calling out bad behaviour, it got the benefit of the doubt. I
accept that I was as guilty of that presumption as much as anyone who
posted after me.


On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 3:39 PM  wrote:

> >
> > What I notice - correct me if I am mistaken - is that any comparison
> between 9front and 9legacy seems to needle a few members (very few, there
> are many names from that community that have not participated, specifically
> the ones I know hand have long respectes, ask them) of the 9front community
> that seem to take offence unless 9front is painted in a better light. I
> guess that's permissible, but please mind your manners if you choose to go
> that route, this is 9fans and 9front I believe has its own discussion
> groups.
> I offer you the perspective that this happens by rule when obviously wrong
> or ridicolous claims or demands about / of 9front are made.
> This is seen to further degrade the already quite degraded perspective
> it has within parts of the 9fans community.
> I don't think it is unreasonable for people who have invested a lot of
> effort
> into 9front and believe it to be something worthwhile to feel the urgency
> to
> defend it, or at the very least talk about it.
> I do think a bit more courtesy or less bad faith assumptions could
> be prescribed to certain individuals, and not only on the 9front side.
> Anyway, I propose such issues are best solved by a fist fight, therefore
> acknowledging the legacy of dispute resolution methods of our ancestors and
> fostering a more resilient and vibrant community that thrives on both
> change
> and tradition.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-10 Thread Lucio De Re
Most certainly not. I called him Jacob in my first response, but that was
followed by someone using the surname and I thought I had originally got
the surname wrong, probably by reading it wrong in the incoming message. I
did consider being wrong, but I thought someone would correct me. Now you

My apologies to Jacob, first, and second to anyone else who may have found
my behaviour offensive,


On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:39 PM thedaemon via 9fans <> wrote:

> His name is Moody, you keep spelling it differently in what I can only
> assume is a passive aggressive way to insult him?
> — thedæmon
> On Friday, May 10th, 2024 at 6:53 AM, Lucio De Re 
> wrote:
> I am not allowed to ignore some advice when Vic raises a much more
> interesting subject matter and does it in a perfectly justified and well
> formulated fashion - and gets accused of being an AI or at minimum playing
> one on 9fans?
> How do you know that I did not follow any of Moodley's advice, which
> incidentally I acknowledged I may not be competent to follow? None of the
> legacy people I have noted responding have been even remotely as offensive
> as those who are determined to deify 9front in legacy's place - when there
> is no effort on legacy's side to promote our particular preference, nor to
> justify such preference as being superior in any manner.
> What I notice - correct me if I am mistaken - is that any comparison
> between 9front and 9legacy seems to needle a few members (very few, there
> are many names from that community that have not participated, specifically
> the ones I know hand have long respectes, ask them) of the 9front community
> that seem to take offence unless 9front is painted in a better light. I
> guess that's permissible, but please mind your manners if you choose to go
> that route, this is 9fans and 9front I believe has its own discussion
> groups.
> Lucio.
> On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 12:22 PM qwx via 9fans <> wrote:
>> On Fri May 10 11:09:32 +0200 2024, wrote:
>> > I'm finding it ironic, though, that the defenders of the true 9front
>> faith
>> > find it necessary to insult their "enemies" in a forum dedicated to the
>> > very subject matter they are so disapproving of. Surely they realise
>> that
>> > 9fans is a stupid place to do so?
>> >
>> > Lucio.
>> Several people, including 9front users, have tried to help you and
>> provided you with ways to accomplish your task; they have been so far
>> ignored.  Even Moody himself gave you alternatives and arguably easier
>> ways to do it.  Here's another one: mycroftiv's ANTS was in sync with
>> 9front for a while and fully supports fossil; it is now out of date
>> but the last ANTS release will probably work on your hardware.  iirc
>> noam had also tried to update it based on latest 9front some time
>> ago, but I'm not sure where that lives.
>> You have everything you need, courtesy of your "enemies", the
>> "defenders of the true 9front faith", whatever that is supposed to
>> mean.  What have you tried so far, did it work?
>> Thanks,
>> qwx
> --
> Lucio De Re
> 2 Piet Retief St
> Kestell (Eastern Free State)
> 9860 South Africa
> Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
> Cell: +27 83 251 5824
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Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-17 Thread Lucio De Re
"I have a branch of 9front with fossil restored. I have discussed what
would be needed to add fossil upstream again, and there was acceptance
to the possibility if the issues get worked out _first_."

I took the Fossil sources from whatever was the most readily available
distribution and after locating a single duplicated constant (56 * 1024 on
one hand and 64 * (2<<10) on the other, I hacked one away), Fossil compiled
on 9front without a hitch. Good enough for me to feel I can use it to
rescue my "precious" data. My fear was that I would not be able to afford
such a rescue if it got much more complex than that. So let's put to bed
any delusion that I want Fossil included in 9front, I was quite satisfied
with protestations that something no worse than the 9legacy version was in
fact available with minimal effort.

On the other hand, I am disappointed that the door unlocked by Venti and
barely held ajar by Fossil may slam shut to 9front users and to that end I
am going to make a new request. Now this is not an "or else" request, nor a
promise, merely a wish based on comments in this forum to the effect that
failures have been identified in Fossil (and Venti, too).

If such a list already exists, that would be extremely welcome (to me, at
least). If not, perhaps a summary of the type of triggers that cause
failures would be helpful, at least as much as knowing who are the most
knowledgeable developers in connection with this aspect. If all that's
available is some hazy description, well, that's perfectly OK, if
disappointing. Maybe for someone like me that will turn out sufficient to
continue Fossil/Venti development. It's tempting to point out that trying
to compete with 9front developers would be a mug's game, so not including a
version of Fossil/Venti that can be successfully compiled and deployed is
not going to handicap any 9legacy development.

Again, none of the above is intended to cast aspersions on anyone. I
reserve my opinions on the emotional undercurrents in the discussions that
are still taking place here, but the value of the emotional baggage
involved, in my opinion, is precisely zero, even though I have had quite a
few occasions for muttering and even cursing into my beard (or is it under
my breath?).


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 6:53 PM Noam Preil  wrote:

> I have found multiple deadlocks over the last few years, and only
> bothered fixing one of them. That patch is in 9legacy, as well, now.
> During my IWP9 talk in which, among other things, I explained why I
> intend to replace fossil despite curently using it, I demonstrated one
> of the problems with fossil by (attempting to) install Go, which crashes
> the file system _every single time_.
> I personally fixed over a dozen issues in Venti, and continue to find
> more. To the best of my knowledge, those patches are currently _only_
> present in 9front. I was not aware 9legacy existed when I did that
> work.
> I've lost some data to fossil crashes, since if it e.g. loses power
> during a sync, it will end up _erasing_ a file rather than preserving
> the old version, which has _broken boot_ if the system crashed while I
> was editing lib/profile.
> I have a branch of 9front with fossil restored. I have discussed what
> would be needed to add fossil upstream again, and there was acceptance
> to the possibility if the issues get worked out _first_.
> The hostility on this list is pervasive and comes from all sides. If
> your goal is positive engagement, this is not the place to do it.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] Balancing Progress and Accessibility in the Plan 9 Community. (Was: [9fans] Interoperating between 9legacy and 9front)

2024-05-17 Thread Lucio De Re
This mailing list pre-dates the evident new philosophy of cancel-culture.
Back when this was still an only mildly hostile place the policy was "don't
feed the troll". We did indeed believe that ignoring (at worst adding their
address to an "ignore" list) was sufficient to deal with it. But I am aware
that the times, they are a-changin'.


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 7:51 PM fig  wrote:

> > The document is blatantly AI-generated
> > Not accurate at all
> Why can’t we remove these losers from the mailing list? Look at this mess.
> If you want to ask ChatGPT about 9front, by all means, it’s your computer.
> But dumping walls of verbal diarrhea into the ML and onto LinkedIn and
> making everyone fight over it is such a waste of time. I understand it’s
> hard to not participate in these dumpster fires, here I am piling on
> myself, but it’s just to say, good lord, can we please stop entertaining
> these people? Or is keeping flame wars and off-topic bickering out of a
> mailing list like asking the bowling alley on the second floor to keep the
> noise down?
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Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] List of companies that use Plan 9.

2024-05-18 Thread Lucio De Re
This is extremely helpful; thank you, Noam.

I'm not in a position to make any promises, but I will add my efforts to
get issues such as these at least not forgotten.


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 8:47 PM Noam Preil  wrote:

> I would _love_ a complete list of known issues.
> What I'm aware of:
> - IIRC ORCLOSE doesn't work properly (visible as acme leaving temporary
> files around after exiting)
> - At least one deadlock remaining
> - Syncs are not atomic, so a crash can render the system unbootable if
> e.g. termrc was being written to disk. I've seen this repeatedly.
> - It's not just non-atomic; the resulting state is usually an empty
> file. Conjecture: blocks are being allocated, the file points at the new
> blocks, the old data has not been copied yet.
> - Multiple bugs in the file system checker. Nothing that messes with
> data integrity, thankfully! I have needed multiple passes though, as a
> single run does not fully clean up the file system. (Noticed this one
> when cleaning up after the go failures :P)
> - Also seen a deadlock while running `check fix` in the console
> while
> loading the file system, I think, but I don't remember for sure.
> I've almost certainly run into more than this. I run into fossil bugs
> probably once every two or three months and usually haven't bothered
> noting them down because I don't lose data when they happen and they're
> rare enough I haven't bothered investigating most of them yet.

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] fossil [was: List of companies that use Plan 9.]

2024-05-18 Thread Lucio De Re
Please include me as well. I have an unambitious plan I would like to
experiment with. And the most advanced version of Fossil would fit
nicely into that. Also, am I mistaken in believing that in all of 9legacy,
9front and p9p, Fossil and Venti need to be treated as a bundle, possibly
starting with Venti as one component, but with Fossil quite dependent on


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 9:16 PM David du Colombier <> wrote:

> > Responding off list shortly :)
> I'd like to be included into the discussion as well.
> Thanks.
> --
> David du Colombier

Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

9fans: 9fans
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Re: [9fans] fossil [was: List of companies that use Plan 9.]

2024-05-18 Thread Lucio De Re
Indeed, the coupling is moderately loose (I found one constant shared in
the code I compiled for 9front -  Fossil from somewhere, probably p9p, but
maybe not - the 56000-byte Venti block size, I believe). But Fossil without
Venti is a much less valuable component, as I understand it. And Fossil
without improvements will eventually go extinct, possibly taking Venti to
its grave as well.

I don't think it's just sentimentalism on my part that keeps me interested,
it is the implicit, as yet unrealised promise. At least from my point of


On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 4:07 PM Charles Forsyth 

> Fossil will run without venti, but the moment you connect it to a venti,
> it cannot be standalone again, as it stands.
> On Sat, 18 May 2024 at 14:50, Lucio De Re  wrote:
>> Please include me as well. I have an unambitious plan I would like to
>> experiment with. And the most advanced version of Fossil would fit
>> nicely into that. Also, am I mistaken in believing that in all of 9legacy,
>> 9front and p9p, Fossil and Venti need to be treated as a bundle, possibly
>> starting with Venti as one component, but with Fossil quite dependent on
>> Venti?
>> Lucio.
>> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 9:16 PM David du Colombier <>
>> wrote:
>>> > Responding off list shortly :)
>>> I'd like to be included into the discussion as well.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> David du Colombier
>> --
>> Lucio De Re
>> 2 Piet Retief St
>> Kestell (Eastern Free State)
>> 9860 South Africa
>> Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
>> Cell: +27 83 251 5824
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Lucio De Re
2 Piet Retief St
Kestell (Eastern Free State)
9860 South Africa

Ph.: +27 58 653 1433
Cell: +27 83 251 5824

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