Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-16 Thread Lloyd Charles

Hi Frank
thanks for the reply I've done some more digging locally, we can get compost
or tea tested for E Coli for about $30 Aus, reasonably easy - not going to
work with tea tho - 24 hour brew then instant application dont leave enough
 Process standards alone may not get the job done, and it seems like the
 way to build a concensus that will allow compost teas in organic
 is to move to performance standards.
Agree here  - we have available to us grade A certified organic composted
manure from the local feedlot - its been thru all the hoops and passed all
the tests - and it is awful stuff - stinks to high heaven and full of
salts - its heated anearobic crap - these people have all the good equipment
to turn it and have a wide variety of other materials available to add -
from straw to vegetable cannery waste - town tip could supply tree waste -
but they wont do the job properly - they sell this stuff to conventional
farmers based on its NPK equivalent price compared to bagged fertiliser -
its cheap but low grade -the process standard in this case is almost
worthless as is the organic certification (my opinion)
 For those unclear on the distinction, time, temperature and aerobicity
 standards are process standards; verified no E. coli in the compost is a
 performance standard.
This would be not difficult to test for nor expensive ??

 Ingham and Bess both seem to feel this would work, now the question is,
 are the other quiet voices in the compost science NOSB community saying,
 why are they saying it?
Sounds like these two should be getting together but that does not seem like
much of a chance judging from the tone of Elaine's messages

Thanks again
Lloyd Charles

like to get to know you well ?

2002-11-16 Thread gideon cowen

Well , as I suggested it I suppose I had 
better start...
Format can be as people feel like contributing, but 
hopefully not too formal. Perhaps how and why people got to where they are today 
? It can also be funnot CV stylie
 Born 25/9/69 at home in Forest 
Row, Sussex, England, educated at Michael Hall steiner school for 13 years until 
they kicked me out for expressing my individuality too much. Drifted around 
doing various things like being a young co-worker in a Camphill, a motorbike 
courier, working for American Express, until I heard Peter Proctor talk about NZ 
BD at Steiner House in London. He told me about the one year BD training at 
Taruna, so went and did that. Just turned 21, had an absolute blast of a year, 
really opened my eyes to some realities of life, helped by the Moody Blues, and 
some BD grown finest 'NZ green'. 
Came back after my one year, and then 
apprenticed/worked on various BD/organic farms for a few years. then did 
three year Higher National diploma in organic ag., worked on more farms, got 
married, helped to produce three children, and ended up here in Scotland, 
running a Camphill dairy farm with 5 special needs people and 20 Ayrshire cows. 



2002-11-16 Thread Guerzon M Jambalaya

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2002-11-16 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith
Allan - Will has voiced an irritation which surely many of us feel about 
endless re-copying of previous messages in a thread;  it's very easy just to 
snip the relevant sentence, even easier to delete the entire shebang before 
making one's own contribution.  As I've commented previously, it's also 
annoying when people stick with the original subject-title even if the 
thread has wandered far away from it.  I know that you occasionally call us 
to order on these matters but wouldn't it be a good idea to make a short, 
simple list of procedural preferences (perhaps also including how to 
unsubscribe!) and publish it on BDNow, say, monthly?  Tony N-S.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*


2002-11-16 Thread barrylia

[Perhaps this was mentioned on this list a while ago?:]   

Sierra Club's Genetic Engineering Committee also may yet send gratis a 26
GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS.  I don't see the video featured on their
web site presently, but contact Laurel
Hopwood mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 08:21:33 -0800 Merla Barberie
 I will be glad to make my copy of NOT FOR SALE available to you.  I

 I think MY FATHER'S GARDEN should be in this too because it

Bullfrog Films does have a great catalog and looks like a great resource
one could even work with directly. Quite reasonable for 3 day rentals.
Usually $45 and you pay insurance and return shipping. Discounts for
teachers and grass-roots organizations.
Barry Lia \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Seattle WA 

Re: 9/11 conspiracy \ Helliwell

2002-11-16 Thread barrylia
Thanks, Steve, for answering my query. I thought maybe there was a Tanis
Helliwell connection in what you wrote below about Van Gogh. I'd heard
that this book refers to Steiner. However, having just read Helliwell's
Summer with the Leprecauns (passage where leprecaun meets Steiner is on
pp. 82-87), I feel that the phrase as per Steiner's instructions you
use below must be qualified.

The leprecaun tells Helliwell that he'd met a human in his realm who'd
told him I've been talking with your elder scholars about getting
together a group of elementals from all castes to work with humans. We
are looking for ones who think for themselves and have curiosity and
courage. Interested? At the end of the passage and chapter, the author
calls to the leprecaun as he is disappearing in that scene Who was the
human you met almost a hundred years ago?--Steiner. Rudolph Steiner,
came the faint echo. That is the only reference to Steiner in the book.
The Steiner-character gives no instructions to the elemental Kingdom in
the book, as might be construed from the remarks below.

You do preface your remark saying Heliwell, who claims to have communion
with the elemental kingdom... She has elementals working as humans (eg
Van Gogh) and humans working with elementals (eg herself). I get the
inkling she may have heard of Rudolph via Jean Houston's work (she is
one of the people acknowledged as having helped bring the book to
fruition, but I am unfamiliar with any particulars of Houston's work
myself) or some other secondary source. The leprecaun told Helliwell
about Van Gogh. The leprecaun also takes Philippine psychic surgeons at
face value (p.45).

Certainly we work with the elementals. Indeed, Hugh Courtney's theme in
this weekend's Biodynamic Conference was our aiding the awareness of the
Christ in the realms of subnature through the use of the preps. Not to
put you on the defensive, Steve, but for the sake of clarity, I just want
to be sure that all understand that the above, and what is referred to
below, comes strictly from Helliwell, not Steiner. 
Barry Lia \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Seattle WA 

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:15:30 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   face in the Sun.  Van Gogh was an advanced being, a high level 
  incarnated in human form, he was experiencing the future, just 
  at his 
 Well, in publications of Van Gogh's letters he spoke of this, I would
have to 
 research the particular letter for an exact date.  In the Podolensky
 he speaks of the way Van Gogh drew his plants, that they look like they
 biodynamically grown.  And Tanis Heliwell, who claims to have communion
 the elemental kingdom, said that she has been told that Van Gogh was
such, a 
 high level elemental taken Human form, as per Steiner's instructions to
 elemental Kingdom due to human neglect, so they may continue their
  The future; Christ in the etheric, look at his paintings, then lets

Re: like to get to know you, well ?

2002-11-16 Thread SBruno75
Born in 1958 in Brooklyn NY at Kings County Hospital, 4:30 am.  Lived off 
Church avenue then moved to Sheepshead Bay.  The only thing I ever knew about 
farms was that old MacDonald had one, eieio.  I remember some old Italian 
gardeners talking about how there were all farms where my house and friends 
houses were in Brooklyn.  That did not mean much to me then.  I moved to Sea 
Gate at the very western tip of Long Island, Coney Island was adjacent.  It 
looked out over the lower NY harbor.  On this water way we swam, fished and 
learned about scuba diving.  This was the old stomping ground of Woody 
Guthrie, the American folk song writer.  His words and music was agreat 
influence on me and my attitude toward the negligent behaviour of man.  I was 
a great fan of the undersea explorer, Jacques Cousteau.  I went to John Dewey 
High School and started to study Marine Biology there.  We did many things 
including preventing developers from buiulding on some of the last remaining 
swamps in Brooklyn.  I went on to study Marine Science at Southampton College 
and attained a BS in Marine Science, Biology.  I commercial fished for the 
years of high school and college and learned that fisherman do not want to 
listen to any advice outside of a guarantee loan officer.
By the time graduation rolled around I knew there was something terribly 
wrong with our scientific paradigm and I worked in landscaping, tree surgery, 
had a window cleaning business, and a real estate license I never used.  I 
married a farmer's daughter in 1986 and began to realize the shortcomings of 
our agricultural methods, food distribution, and the general maltreatment of 
farmers by the business sector.  I came to biodynamics in 1987-88 when I saw 
High Williams and Larry Halsey buryung cow horns in wat was to be our cow 
pasture.  I was mixing compost piles and went to see what they were doing.  
It did not strike me as strange but instead peaked my curiosty.  The neatness 
of the whole in the beautiful soil [that had been treated with Pfieffer in 
the 70's], the wonderful arrangement of the horns in the earth and the solemn 
attitude of the workers.  I asked some questions, filed the answers, and went 
back to making compost.  
That Winter I started to ttend the BD conferences in Kimberton, PA.  I heard 
Hugh Courtney speak, Will Brinton, met Hugh Lovel, and many other wonderful 
folks and farmers.  It was Courtney that most inspired me to work directly 
with the preparations and to stick with it and persevere.  I had to learn 
about soils, cropping, planting, soil preparation and all of the intracacies 
of farming.  It was great because my wife's family is twelfth generation on 
the land where we live and farm.  There is incredible energy and knowledge 
After trying to stir and spray 100 acres by hand and backpack sprayer I built 
a stirring machine with the finest hydraulic components.  I have built eight 
prototypes and now have what I consider to be state of the art.  I would only 
like to develope a more refined barrel.  I have customized a sprayer and have 
a golf bag array of spray nozzles and can get from 2-15 gallons per acre 
applications without fuss.  The machine stirs enough water for 25 acres, the 
double barrel enough for fifty.  I have been combining the work of Steiner, 
Pfieffer, and Schauberger with my own ideas and have developed five or more 
new earth healing remedies thus far.  I plan on continuing this work and 
somehow breaking in to the mainstream agricultural, horticultural, and 
municipal composting markets...that's all fffloks...sstorch


2002-11-16 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Will,

You said much that was good sense, brother. I don't think you will find any
BD feedlots, though there may be some BD farmers with cow/calf operations
that take their yearlings to the auction where feedlot buyers purchase
them. But most BD growers prefer to leave the horns on, and many avoid
vaccinations along with all the other things feedlots mandate, like hormone

The debate of germ vs. medium between Pasteur and Bechamp has been settled
in the mind of most government leaders the world around in favor of
Pasteur, even though on his death bed Pasteur acknowledged the ascendancy
of Bechamp's arguments that it is only when the medium is favorable for the
disease that the germ has any chance. Yes, there are germs. In fact, they
are ubiquitous. They are almost like God, everywhere and in all things. And
like folks do about God, everyone seems set on keeping germs out of
themselves. Only they can't. It is not so easy to be safe from the presence
of the dreaded E. coli HR 0157: 07. A couple years ago someone in the
swimming pool at Whitewater down in Atlanta evidently had a bit of diarrhea
one day and 5 other children came down with it from playing in the pool
that day. The perpetrator may have been unaware of causing the problem
because some people get only mild diarrhea from the bug, whereas it can
kill others. When I was a kid my father cautioned me about the dangers of
public swimming pools, but he also had the good sense to mention that if I
cultivated good health and didn't go swimming when I was ill I'd probably
avoid anything serious. And that was true enough as the only things I got
that were half serious were mumps, measles and chicken pox. I didn't get
anthrax and I didn't polio, though a couple people in my town had had
it--including my father. And I was vaccinated for small pox when I was
under two and didn't get that either. It wasn't until the Air Force that I
got pounded by every vaccine in the world. And I haven't the great fear of
germs that so many of my contemporaries seem to have, nor do I run to the
doctor for antibiotics when I do get some bug. So far as I can tell that
stuff is all way overdone. Now you may go to jail if you DON'T get your
kids vaccinated up one side and down the other.

North Carolina passed a law that a restaurant could not serve a steak
unless it was cooked at least medium well (no juice left to speak of).
Don't bother going to a steak house in North Carolina if you like a juicy
steak. But then, North Carolina passed a law making all food service wooden
chopping blocks illegal and mandating plastic ones.  For somewhere in the
neighborhood of 20 years it has been illegal to use wooden chopping blocks
in North Carolina. Scientific research however has shown that wood is
actually antibiotic as long as it is kept dry whereas the plastic is not,
and that both wood and plastic are good places to culture germs if they
aren't kept clean and dry. Of course somebody made a killing selling
plastic chopping blocks after that law passed, I have no doubt. But, I'd
also bet not a single legislator who voted for the law would acknowledge
any economic influence. I'm sure they would all claim to be on the side of
public safety, despite any evidence to the contrary.

I know, it is hamburger where this coli bug is a problem. Any time you skin
a cow that had any bacteria on their outside there will be an opportunity
for contamination of the outside of the carcass from those bacteria. All
the trimmings from the carcass will go into the hamburger and get ground
twice, which ensures the bacteria will be well distributed. But when a
steak is cut the interior of the steak is not likely to be contaminated,
and it will be subjected to some heat on the outside which is likely to
kill any E. coli on it. But to be safe North Carolina's politicos have
deprived all of the privilige to eat a rare, medium rare or medium steak in
any NC restaurant. But will they ban feedlots where the bug breeds? No way.
Their next step is to mandate irradiation of ALL meat instead. And they
will undoubtedly say it has nothing to do with political favoritism, that
it is ALL in the interest of public safety. Yeah, sure.

It's the good old story of the lady who swallowed a fly. Did she keep her
mouth shut after that experience? No way. Instead she swallowed a spider,
then a mouse, then a rat, etc. each one to cure the previous problem. It
wasn't long before she was dead. With governments like ours concocting
their one size fits all remedies we are in serious trouble. Yet so few
realize it. Most manage to keep their eyes tightly closed.

For example, if we wanted greater homeland security we should be promoting
greater regional and local self-sufficiency and raise food prices for local
grown crops by charging tarriffs on imports. This policy raised both Japan
and Germany to the second and third largest economic engines on the planet
only  a couple decades after being devastated by war. Have we taken 

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-16 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Frank,

I like what you say, though I'm likely to be more critical than you are
about the NOSB and their lack of transparancy as you call it. As far as I
can see the NOSB hasn't helped many of the very people like myself who have
pioneered the organic movement and it HAS been very helpful to industrial
interests. Truthfully, since they are a government creation I don't expect
anything else. And I don't expect the government to be helpful in taking
responsibility for our own work. They may very well interfere.

Nevertheless, I'm 100% behind you on policing ourselves and seeing that we
set high standards in both compost making and in compost tea brewing. That
is very much needed. If we do that we take the wind out of the sails of
government regulation, which I doubt will ever be a true friend. While I'm
not personally worried about getting the feared E. coli, I want every
assurance that eating anything I grow will be safe for everybody who eats

Hugh Lovel
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Re: Fw: E-Coli

2002-11-16 Thread Hugh Lovel
Frank - It's my understanding that the compost vicki used was so poor
that it technically was not compost. It most definitely was not GOOD
COMPOST THAT HAD E-COLI, but it was drawn from uncomposted materials
at a commercial compost facility. Am I off base here?

If I'm making a point, the first would be that neither you nor I
would have used compost that was that 'raw' and that, according to
Elaine, the commercial composter who was working with that material
would have turned out a finished compost well within acceptable
e-coli levels. So, in this case, the composting process itself would
have remediate what Vicki has chosen to elevate to 'problem status.'


Here's my two centavos. I think you may be right, BUT.

The feedlots may be spreading E. coli HR 0157: 07 and the government may be
running interference for them while inspecting the organic industry with a
fine toothed comb. THAT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. So the dice are loaded and the
game's rigged? So what!

The truth is that as the alternative to crap food that will kill you we
need to set as high a standard as we can manage. What can we do and how
high a standard can we manage to set? This is the road to responsibility,
not blame. I can't believe how many people have their definition of
responsibility collapsed with blame, but there it is.

Vicki, Elaine, Will, etc. are not the problem. We are the ones who can do
what needs to be done. And to look to the government for help is probably a
waste of time, but some of us will do that too. I think it helps keep
government a few percent honest when people do look to it for the right
actions, so if anyone wants to do that, I think they deserve support. But
the bottom line in my book has always been growing the best food we can.


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Re: Pleomorphism/Orthopathy (was: Search for results of Elaine'stesting of bd preps)

2002-11-16 Thread Hugh Lovel
Great post!

If I follow, I think Bechamp's microzymas are called mitochondria today?

Have you followed Reich's bion research? I think you might be very interested.

The full story of science is far from told. Reich's work not only obviated Einstein's relativity theories, it overthrew most of our cherished beliefs about microbiology and genetics. Not that these beliefs aren't CLOSE to the truth, but they aren't on the money either.

Steiner revealed something very important when he talked about the need to understand counter Euclidean geometry if we were to grasp the real scientific truths about biology. How does the embryo develop? Sure the egg and sperm unite and there is one cell that divides into two, then four, etc. But pretty soon, though each cell has all the same genetic material, the cells start to differentiate. First the blastula, then the gastrula, etc. How do they know what part of their genetic codes to manifest? 

They can only know by the context around them. The individual cells are influenced by their surroundings, what is closest and what is farther, etc. Where Euclidean geometry defines a circle by its radius, and Cartesian coordinates define functions in terms of crossed number lines starting from zero, there is another way of thinking about the universe that puts everything in the context of the whole of its infinite surroundings. As long as we deal only with one way of thinking and discard the other, we err. How much we do not know, but greatly, we can be assured. This paradigm failure affects all of society.

We have the potential on this planet to develop a balanced and awesomely, beautifully, productive culture. Many  other developments of sentient beings in our wide universe have failed one way or the other, either lapsing into pure self-centered materiality or going off into spiritual fantasies.  Steiner's work was an effort to unite the two streams so our culture strikes a balanced middle path--as the Buddha likewise advocated, and as Christ and Zoroaster, and many others have tried to guide us.

We don't have to go there. In which case the Intergalactic Council isn't letting us off this planet when we trash it, as we are presently working so hard to do (both trash and get off). And I don't doubt they know how to pull our plug if they so choose.

Just think, what effect our nuclear weapons program has on the universe is not widely appreciated. That they have been allowed to have such a thing go on at all is an indication of the tollerence and hope pinned on our development. But the extent to which nuclear fission disturbs the ethers--and this affects the whole universe--is far more profound than most physicists are prepared to appreciate. 

I guess I don't usually talk in this mode, though when I am more psychically inclined I do. There IS an intergalactic council and our progress IS monitored by extraterrestrials.  Two branches of intergalactic development, known as the Reptilians (materialistic, Ahrimanic) and the Greys (fantastical, Luciferic) haunt us, trying in their limited ways to suck us into their misguided realities. Work as a banker and smoke or snort dope and you can experience the best of both extremes, right? You can advance the agenda of impoverishing the world by loaning out a hundred dollars and get a hundred ten back, ad infinitum, regardless that the world's resources are limited. Plus you can engage in fantasy about what to do with your ill-gotten gains, which you are spending on dope. Great stuff. The Intergalactic Council permits this as a means toward our development, which some will remember has been accelerated by the introduction of fire by the extraterrestrial, Prometheus, way back in Greek mythology. But we have a lot to learn.

To put it mildly, we don't know our own peril.

This post probably will require some thought on the part of those who don't just throw it away on sight. Questions will be welcome.

Hugh Lovel
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