Re: [CODE4LIB] LCSH, Bisac, facets, hierarchy?

2016-04-14 Thread Karen Coyle
 content in one term.  Searching is exploring through overlapping
terms, and compiling a bibliography from the pearls found in the process.
This interface makes clearer what the related terms may be, given a borad
term like practical theology.  And it’s so nice that it combines the
classification structure with the subject headings.

Cindy Harper<>

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Kent Fitch
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] LCSH, Bisac, facets, hierarchy?
About ten years ago, I was wondering how to make the structure in LCSH,


at least how it was encoded in MARC subject tags more useful, so when
implementing a prototype for a new library catalogue at the National
Library of Australia, I tried using the subject tag contents to

represent a

hierarchy, then counted the number of hits against parts of that


for a given search and then represented the subject tags in a hierarchy
with hit counts.   One of the motivations was to help expose to the
searcher how works relevant to their search may have been

I'm a programmer, not a UI person, so the formatting of theresults were
fairly primitive, but that prototype from ten years ago ("Library Labs")


still running.

For example, search results for /ancient egypt/

/computer art/

/history of utah/

This prototype also explored a subject hierarchy which had been of
interest to the NLA's Assistant Director-General, Dr Warwick Cathro, over
many years, the RLG "Conspectus" hierarchy, which I guess was not unlike
BISAC in its aims.  It is shown further down the right-hand column.

Both the subject hierarchy and Conspectus were interesting, but neither
made it into the eventual production search system, Trove, implemented at
the NLA, in which subject faceting or hierarchy is absent from results

The "Library Labs" prototype is running on a small VM, so searching may


slow, and it hasnt been updated with any content since 2006..  But maybe
the way it attempted to provide subject grouping and encourage narrowing


search by LCSH or exploring using LCSH rather than the provided search
terms may trigger some more experiments.

Kent Fitch

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 3:11 AM, Mark Watkins <


sounds like there is a lot of useful metadata but somewhat scattered
amongst various fields, depending on when the item was cataloged or


Which seems to correspond to anecdotal surfing of the Harvard data.

I guess my new task is to build something that aggregates and
reconciles portions of LCSH, LCFGT, and GSAFD :).

Thanks for the additional perspective!

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] LCSH, Bisac, facets, hierarchy?

2016-04-14 Thread Karen Coyle

On 4/14/16 7:40 AM, Joseph Montibello wrote:

Real use of LCSH
would search the reference vocabulary as well as the preferred term
headings which get into bib records.  Working with LCSH bib headings alone
misses the point of a sophisticated controlled vocabulary, where much of
the terminological and semantic richness for searching is contained in
"see" and "see also" references, complex references and scope and other
kinds of notes.  The controlled vocabulary itself needs to be integrated
into search results so that searches call up not only bib records with a
matching heading but vocabulary records which can expand the user's search
vocabulary and point to related controlled terms outside those generated by
the retrieved bib records' themselves.

Are there discovery systems out there that attempt this? It would be great to use all the 
work that has gone into these vocabs to improve end-user experience, not by telling them 
to click a "see also" link but by doing that work for them in some way.

We tried that in an early version of the U of Calif's MELVYL system (I'm 
talking early 80's here). The difficulty is in trying to coordinate a 
keyword search, that can bring up a wide variety of headings in very 
different "hierarchies", and some direct linking that would make sense 
to the user. The best we could do was to combine the keywords from the 
authoritative and non-authoritative headings for retrieval, thus 
increasing both the desired retrieval but also the false drops. If you 
could isolate the subject "graphs" and present them it would be cleaner, 
but in some cases the number of different graphs retrieved would make 
for a very difficult presentation for the user.

The disconnect between keyword searching and headings is something that 
needs more analysis.


Joe Montibello, MLIS
Library Systems Manager
Dartmouth College

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] LCSH, Bisac, facets, hierarchy?

2016-04-14 Thread Karen Coyle
 content in one term.  Searching is exploring through overlapping
terms, and compiling a bibliography from the pearls found in the process.
This interface makes clearer what the related terms may be, given a borad
term like practical theology.  And it’s so nice that it combines the
classification structure with the subject headings.

Cindy Harper<>

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Kent Fitch
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] LCSH, Bisac, facets, hierarchy?
About ten years ago, I was wondering how to make the structure in LCSH,


at least how it was encoded in MARC subject tags more useful, so when
implementing a prototype for a new library catalogue at the National
Library of Australia, I tried using the subject tag contents to

represent a

hierarchy, then counted the number of hits against parts of that


for a given search and then represented the subject tags in a hierarchy
with hit counts.   One of the motivations was to help expose to the
searcher how works relevant to their search may have been

I'm a programmer, not a UI person, so the formatting of theresults were
fairly primitive, but that prototype from ten years ago ("Library Labs")


still running.

For example, search results for /ancient egypt/

/computer art/

/history of utah/

This prototype also explored a subject hierarchy which had been of
interest to the NLA's Assistant Director-General, Dr Warwick Cathro, over
many years, the RLG "Conspectus" hierarchy, which I guess was not unlike
BISAC in its aims.  It is shown further down the right-hand column.

Both the subject hierarchy and Conspectus were interesting, but neither
made it into the eventual production search system, Trove, implemented at
the NLA, in which subject faceting or hierarchy is absent from results

The "Library Labs" prototype is running on a small VM, so searching may


slow, and it hasnt been updated with any content since 2006..  But maybe
the way it attempted to provide subject grouping and encourage narrowing


search by LCSH or exploring using LCSH rather than the provided search
terms may trigger some more experiments.

Kent Fitch

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 3:11 AM, Mark Watkins <


sounds like there is a lot of useful metadata but somewhat scattered
amongst various fields, depending on when the item was cataloged or


Which seems to correspond to anecdotal surfing of the Harvard data.

I guess my new task is to build something that aggregates and
reconciles portions of LCSH, LCFGT, and GSAFD :).

Thanks for the additional perspective!

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Google can give you answers, but librarians give you the right answers

2016-04-08 Thread Karen Coyle

On 4/6/16 9:51 AM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 7:42 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:

... Libraries "do" it, but our user interfaces ignore it (honestly, does
anyone NOT think that the whole BT/NT relationship in LCSH is completely
wasted in today's systems?).  Google searches "work" best on proper nouns
that are nearly unique. You cannot do concept searches, and you cannot see
relationships between concepts. It's great for named people, organizations
and products, but not great for anything else.[1]...

Conceptually, I like the idea of using the relationships in LCSH. However,
I don't hold out much hope that anyone will make hay out of that.

The percentage of things that have decent LCSH assigned to them is small
and shrinking for the simple reason that a fewer and fewer humans have to
manage more resources.

I'm not sure what you are saying here -- that there are fewer headings 
being assigned, or that they are not as "good" as ones assigned in the 
past? Or is it that many of our resources aren't covered by library 
cataloging rules?

Automation could help (getting the needed data from
publishers might be tricky), but the only benefit I can think of for using
LCSH for automated applications is to maximize relationships with older
materials -- possibly at the expense of the "findability" of the newer

LCSH is relatively flat, the rules for constructing headings are so
Byzantine that they stymie even experienced catalogers (which contributes
to inconsistent application in terms of quality, level of analysis, and
completeness), and its ability to express concepts at all is highly
variable as it is designed by a committee on an enumerative basis.

?? Sorry, what's this "enumerative basis"?

  Add to
this that concepts in records frequently must be expressed across multiple
headings and subheadings, any type of automated assignment is going to
result in really "dirty" relationships so I can't blame ILS designers for
limiting their use of LCSH primarily to controlled keyword access.

Well, actually, there's nothing at all "controlled" about keyword 
access. It's pretty much a pot shot, or, as I've called it before, a 
form of dumpster diving for information. There is a huge disconnect 
between the results of keyword searching and the expected functionality 
(read: user service) of controlled left-anchored headings, and I 
continue to be amazed that we've been living with this disconnect for 
decades without ever coming to an agreement that we need a solution.[1] 
Instead, great effort goes into modifying the descriptive cataloging 
rules, while no major changes have been made in subject access. I find 
this to be... well, stunning, in the sense that I'm pretty much stunned 
that this is the case.


[1] See Lorcan Dempsey's approach in this slide deck: 
. It has to do with "things", which is in good part what I first found 
interesting about LoD.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Google can give you answers, but librarians give you the right answers

2016-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle

On 4/6/16 4:04 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

Instead, I think the problem to solve surrounds assisting the reader in using & 
understanding the stuff they find.

I'd like to see innovation a step before find, but I think in a sense 
we're on the same wavelength. My take is that bibliographic information 
should be the end of a process, not the beginning. Before arriving at 
bib data, there's a lot of understanding and context that needs to be 
clarified. Some of this involves authors and subjects, but not as they 
are currently represented (mainly as text strings, and without 
relationships). I think that one of the main questions a user has at the 
catalog is "Where am I?" - where am I in the knowledge universe, where 
am I in the collection of this library?

Note that Google does not give users an answer to this question because 
there is no larger context, no inherent organization. Google does not do 
knowledge organization. Libraries "do" it, but our user interfaces 
ignore it (honestly, does anyone NOT think that the whole BT/NT 
relationship in LCSH is completely wasted in today's systems?).  Google 
searches "work" best on proper nouns that are nearly unique. You cannot 
do concept searches, and you cannot see relationships between concepts. 
It's great for named people, organizations and products, but not great 
for anything else.[1] Also, without the links that fuel pagerank, the 
ranking is very unsatisfactory - cf. Google Book searches, which are 
often very unsatisfying -- and face it, if Google can't make it work, 
what are the odds that we can? We do have knowledge organization 
potential; it's a bit out of date, it hasn't been made truly actionable, 
but it's there.


[1] Except where there's a Wikipedia article using the concept term. 
Basically Wikipedia provides the only knowledge organization that Google has

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Google can give you answers, but librarians give you the right answers

2016-04-05 Thread Karen Coyle
Eric, there were studies done a few decades ago using factual questions. 
Here's a critical round-up of some of the studies:

Basically, 40-60% correct, but possibly the questions were not 
representative -- so possibly the results are really worse :(


On 4/5/16 1:11 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

  I sincerely wonder to what extent librarians give the reader
(patrons) the right -- correct -- answer to a (reference) question.
Such is a hypothesis that can be tested and measured. Please show me
non-antidotal evidence one way or the other. --ELM

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Structured Data Markup on library web sites

2016-03-29 Thread Karen Coyle
I'm using OpenLink structured data sniffer[1]. No idea how it intuits 
schema that isn't there...


On 3/29/16 9:46 AM, Kevin Ford wrote:

Huh. I didn't look at "How to read..." but I did look at the other two.

Just so we're on the same page, here are the two I found in which I 
could not detect any markup:

Interestingly, the "how to read" doesn't appear to have 

FWIW, I'm looking at the HTML itself.  You may be using a tool that is 
generating a little but of schema.  Is that accurate?

If you look at the HTML of the 2016 item you sent along, you can see 
the vocab embedded in the code:


That's probably why it generated more output.  The 2014 reviews do not 
actually include markup.


On 03/29/2016 11:36 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

That's odd. I haven't done a large survey, but every recent item that
I've looked at has had the code.

Statement Collection #1
rdfa:usesVocabulary <>
schema: <>

Statement Collection #2
rdf:type <> schema:Review
schema:name <> Bryn Mawr Classical Review
schema:itemReviewed <>
schema:author <> Robert W. Wallace
schema:reviewBody <> This book is cause
for celebration. Notwithstanding the complexity of his many source
traditions, Solon is our best attested historical figure from archaic
Greece, as sophos, poet, statesman, lawgiver, and the subject of a
biography by Plutarch.

It's possible that earlier data wasn't coded sufficiently to pick up the
details. Here's the "latin poem" one:

schema:description <> William
Fitzgerald, How to Read a Latin Poem: If You Can’t Read Latin Yet.
Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. ix, 278. ISBN
9780199657865. $35.00.

This is indeed why I wanted a "before and after" test - to see if schema
did add SEO. Now we don't know.


On 3/29/16 7:48 AM, Kevin Ford wrote:

Hi Karen,

I took a look at those bryn mawr hits and I don't see the
used in the page.  Am I missing it?  Perhaps I found the wrong thing.

If indeed it's not there, it just goes to show how using schema is not
a panacea.  Loads of factors go into search ranking, relevancy, and


On 03/24/2016 09:28 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

I worked on the addition of data to the Bryn Mawr Classical
Reviews. Although I advised doing a "before and after" test to see how
it affected retrieval, I lost touch with the folks before that could
happen. However, their reviews do show up fairly high in Google, 

the 3-5th place on page one. Try these searches:

how to read a latin poem
/From Listeners to Viewers:/
/Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town


On 3/22/16 5:44 PM, Jennifer DeJonghe wrote:


I'm looking for examples of library web sites or university web sites
that are using Structured Data / to mark up books,
locations, events, etc, on their public web sites or blogs. I'm NOT
really looking for huge linked data projects where large record sets
are marked up, but more simple SEO practices for displaying rich
snippets in search engine results.

If you have examples of library or university websites doing this,
please send me a link!

Thank you,

Jennifer DeJonghe
Librarian and Professor
Library and Information Services
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, MN

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Structured Data Markup on library web sites

2016-03-29 Thread Karen Coyle
That's odd. I haven't done a large survey, but every recent item that 
I've looked at has had the code.

Statement Collection #1 
rdfa:usesVocabulary <> 	schema: 

Statement Collection #2 
rdf:type <> 
schema:Review <>

schema:name <>  Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.03.30
schema:itemReviewed <>

schema:author <>  Robert W. Wallace
schema:reviewBody <> 	This book is cause for 
celebration. Notwithstanding the complexity of his many source 
traditions, Solon is our best attested historical figure from archaic 
Greece, as sophos, poet, statesman, lawgiver, and the subject of a 
biography by Plutarch.

It's possible that earlier data wasn't coded sufficiently to pick up the 
details. Here's the "latin poem" one:

schema:description <> 	William Fitzgerald, 
How to Read a Latin Poem: If You Can’t Read Latin Yet. Oxford; New York: 
Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. ix, 278. ISBN 9780199657865. $35.00.

This is indeed why I wanted a "before and after" test - to see if schema 
did add SEO. Now we don't know.


On 3/29/16 7:48 AM, Kevin Ford wrote:

Hi Karen,

I took a look at those bryn mawr hits and I don't see the 
used in the page.  Am I missing it?  Perhaps I found the wrong thing.

If indeed it's not there, it just goes to show how using schema is not 
a panacea.  Loads of factors go into search ranking, relevancy, and 


On 03/24/2016 09:28 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

I worked on the addition of data to the Bryn Mawr Classical
Reviews. Although I advised doing a "before and after" test to see how
it affected retrieval, I lost touch with the folks before that could
happen. However, their reviews do show up fairly high in Google, around
the 3-5th place on page one. Try these searches:

how to read a latin poem
/From Listeners to Viewers:/
/Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town


On 3/22/16 5:44 PM, Jennifer DeJonghe wrote:


I'm looking for examples of library web sites or university web sites
that are using Structured Data / to mark up books,
locations, events, etc, on their public web sites or blogs. I'm NOT
really looking for huge linked data projects where large record sets
are marked up, but more simple SEO practices for displaying rich
snippets in search engine results.

If you have examples of library or university websites doing this,
please send me a link!

Thank you,

Jennifer DeJonghe
Librarian and Professor
Library and Information Services
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, MN

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Structured Data Markup on library web sites

2016-03-24 Thread Karen Coyle
I worked on the addition of data to the Bryn Mawr Classical 
Reviews. Although I advised doing a "before and after" test to see how 
it affected retrieval, I lost touch with the folks before that could 
happen. However, their reviews do show up fairly high in Google, around 
the 3-5th place on page one. Try these searches:

how to read a latin poem
/From Listeners to Viewers:/
/Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town


On 3/22/16 5:44 PM, Jennifer DeJonghe wrote:


I'm looking for examples of library web sites or university web sites that are 
using Structured Data / to mark up books, locations, events, etc, on 
their public web sites or blogs. I'm NOT really looking for huge linked data 
projects where large record sets are marked up, but more simple SEO practices 
for displaying rich snippets in search engine results.

If you have examples of library or university websites doing this, please send 
me a link!

Thank you,

Jennifer DeJonghe
Librarian and Professor
Library and Information Services
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, MN

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] DPLA and Pop Up Archive partner to make audiovisual collections across the U.S. searchable

2015-11-18 Thread Karen Coyle
open platform 
for developers. The model supports or establishes local 
collaborations, professional networks, metadata globalization, and 
long-term sustainability. It ensures that even the smallest 
institutions have an on-ramp to participation in DPLA.

/Pop Up Archive is funded by the John S. and James L. Knight 
Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the 
Institute for Museum and Library Services. Pop Up Archive’s partner 
collections include the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, the 
Studs Terkel Radio Archive from the WFMT Radio Network, and tens of 
thousands of hours of audio from across the United States collected by 
StoryCorps, the New York Public Library, and numerous public media, 
storytelling, and oral history organizations. Learn more at 

/The Digital Public Library of America is generously supported by a 
number of foundations and government agencies, including the Alfred P. 
Sloan Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, an anonymous donor, 
the Arcadia Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Institute 
of Museum and Library Services, the John S. and James L. Knight 
Foundation, the Whiting Foundation, and the National Endowment for the 
Humanities. To find out more about DPLA, visit // 









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Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] SWIB15 – Registration Open (Semantic Web in Libraries, Hamburg, 23-25 November)

2015-08-11 Thread Karen Coyle
I just got there through the link. I did have some problems with another 
email that used https and the SWIB site was rejected by Chrome (but 
not Firefox). Try again?

kc (on the SWIB org committee)

On 8/11/15 7:27 AM, Justin Coyne wrote:

The links you provided aren't resolving.

Not Found

The requested URL /swib15/programme.php was not found on this server.


On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:18 AM, Neubert, Joachim wrote:

We are happy to invite you to this year's SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries)
conference in Hamburg, 23 - 25 November 2015.

Take a look at the programme for SWIB15 here:

You can register for the conference at

Further information and contact:

Joachim Neubert
German National Library of Economics
Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW)
Phone +49 40 428 34-462
E-Mail: j.neubert(at)

Adrian Pohl
North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center (hbz)
Phone +49 221 400 75-235
E-Mail: swib(at)



Twitter Hashtag:

Looking forward to meeting you in Hamburg,

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

[CODE4LIB] Fwd: new W3C CSV on the Web specs, now at Candidate Recommendation stage - please implement!

2015-08-03 Thread Karen Coyle
For those who have to work with output from spreadsheets. And I wonder 
if this doesn't interact with OpenRefine output as well.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: new W3C CSV on the Web specs, now at Candidate Recommendation 
stage -  please implement!

Resent-Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 14:33:21 +
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 15:32:52 +0100
From: Dan Brickley
To:, Web, 
W3C Web Schemas Task Force

Hi! Short version: Please see for the Candidate
Recommendation specs from W3C's CSV on the Web group -

Long version:

These are the 4 docs,

Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web—an abstract model for
tabular data, and how to locate metadata that enables users to better
understand what the data holds; this specification also contains
non-normative guidance on how to parse CSV files

Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data—a JSON-based format for
expressing metadata about tabular data to inform validation,
conversion, display and data entry for tabular data

Generating JSON from Tabular Data on the Web—how to convert tabular
data into JSON

Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web—how to convert tabular
data into RDF

See the blog post for more links including an extensive set of test
cases, our GitHub repo and the mailing list for feedback. Also note
that the approach takes CSV as its central stereotypical use case but
should apply to many other tabular data-sharing approaches too (e.g.
most obviously tab separated). So if you prefer tab-separated files to
comma-separated, do please take a look! The Model spec defines that
common model, the metadata document defines terminology for talking
about instances of that model, and the last two specs apply this
approach to the problem of mapping tables into JSON and/or RDF.

The group expects to satisfy the implementation goals (i.e., at least
two, independent implementations for each of the test cases) by
October 30, 2015. Please take a look, and pass this along to other
groups who may be interested.



for the CSVW WG

p.s. since I'm writing I'll indulge myself and share my personal
favourite part, which is the ability (in the csv2rdf doc) to map from
rows in a table via templates into RDF triples. This is a particularly
interesting/important facility and worth some attention. Normally I
wouldn't enthuse over (yet another) new RDF syntax but the ability to
map tabular data into triples via out-of-band mappings is very
powerful. BTW the group gave some serious consideration to applying
R2RML here (see docs and github/wiki for details), however given the
subtle differences between SQL and CSV environments we have taken a
different approach. Anyway please take a look!

Re: [CODE4LIB] Indie Preserves

2015-07-30 Thread Karen Coyle
I recommend a look at Pop Up Archive [1] - digital archiving for the 
non-archivist. It's heavily based on the archiving of sound files.


On 7/29/15 9:13 PM, Scott Carlson wrote:

Apologies for any cross-posting, and please excuse the shameless self-promotion... 
Norie Guthrie (an archivist/special collections librarian) and myself have started 
a website/blog to help DIY  born-digital music labels with the 
digital/physical preservation of their materials. We hope to provide practical 
archiving tips and solutions to those putting out music on a shoestring budget.

This past spring, we conducted a survey to understand what types of materials 
record labels were saving and how they were saving them. We hope to formally 
present on this data some time in the future.

If you have time, please stop by the blog:

Feel free to look us up on Twitter as well:

Scott Carlson
Metadata Coordinator
Rice University, Fondren Library

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Auto discovery of Dewey, UDC

2015-06-14 Thread Karen Coyle
Oh, dear. That's not good news:  There is no current projected date for 
the return of right now. We apologize for the inconvenience. 
Dated June 9, 2015.


On 6/12/15 10:54 AM, LeVan,Ralph wrote:

This is as close to an official statement as I can find:

I've asked around, but can't add anything to that.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Karen 
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: Auto discovery of Dewey, UDC

Hi. I tweeted this last month and got a reply that is indeed 
currently down for major work, but is intended to return. That said, it was 
intended to return a month or two ago, so the usual coding project delays are 
in action here. ;-)


On 6/12/15 7:08 AM, Sergio Letuche wrote:

seems to be dead, we have also checked this.

2015-06-12 16:57 GMT+03:00 Péter Király

Hi Sergio,

As part of eXtensible Catalog we developed a Dewey module for Drupal,
which takes a Dewey number, and use OCLC's to fetch the
textual description of the part. When it was created the service
contained only 3 levels of the classification system, since then they
went ahead, and now it is deeper.

You can find the sorce here:

Maybe it helps you.

Regarding to UDC: it is much a harder task, and when I worked with it,
I run into a blocking problem, which is that UDC was not licenced as
freely usable, and I was not able to get a licence to use it in an
open source project. There were some other problems as well: UDC
changed from time to time, and sometimes it means, that a given
classification code means this thing in a given point of time, and
that thing some years later. The MARC catalog I worked with did not
contain any information about the UDC versions, so the accuracy of the
tool was not guaranted (of course you can do some intelligent
guessing). And the last problem was, that on contrary to the Dewey
classification UDC contains sometime very lengthy descriptions instead
of one or two words. Semantically it is OK, but makes the UI design a
little bit hard, and if you want to search for the textual
description, you'll end up sometimes with a noisy result set.
Otherwise to handle the operators, the subclasses, and all the nice
things UDC provides is a very interesting challange.


2015-06-12 12:59 GMT+02:00 Sergio Letuche

thank you very much for your quick reply, dear Stefano,

i appreciate it

2015-06-12 13:47 GMT+03:00 Stefano Bargioni

Hi, Sergio:
maybe this article [1 abstract] [2 English text] can give you some basic
ideas. We added a lot of DDC info in our Koha catalog two years ago.
HTH. Stefano


On 12/giu/2015, at 12:03, Sergio Letuche


hello community!

we are facing this challenging issue. We need to complete for a vast


of records, the dewey, UDC info, has anyone had any experience with


We need some way (via modeling? mahout?) to try and discover these


based on some text, found in the records' metadata, and then auto


these values.

I would appreciate any feedback, if there is any opensource tool you


used for this purpose, or if you are aware of any best practice for


this task.


Il tuo 5x1000 al Patronato di San Girolamo della Carita' e' un gesto
semplice ma di grande valore.
Una tua firma aiutera' i sacerdoti ad essere piu' vicini alle esigenze


tutti noi.
Aiutaci a formare sacerdoti e seminaristi provenienti dai 5 continenti
indicando nella dichiarazione dei redditi il codice fiscale 97023980580.

Péter Király
software developer
GWDG, Göttingen - Europeana - eXtensible Catalog - The Code4Lib Journal

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Distribution of collections by DDC or UDC?

2015-06-12 Thread Karen Coyle
Christina, I was hoping that someone with more info would reply, but to 
my knowledge the services that do these statistical surveys are 
pay-fer so this might be considered proprietary info. Presumably 
libraries that have used these services received the results, but may 
not be allowed to share them. You might, however, have better luck on a 
list that has a higher percentage of collection development librarians. 
Unfortunately, I don't know what list that would be. Anyone?


On 5/14/15 6:47 AM, Pikas, Christina K. wrote:

This might be a bizarre question, but can anyone point to some analysis for a 
large general library, consortium, or even like WorldCat, a distribution of 
materials by class?  So say for example 10% of the collection is in the 700s, 
and half of that is in the 741s, a quarter is in 746.432...
This table:
Table 4: Subject breakdown, nonfiction print books
History and auxiliary sciences

8 percent

Engineering and technology

7 percent

Business and economics

7 percent

Language, linguistics, and literature

6 percent

Philosophy and religion

5 percent

Health and medicine

5 percent

Art and architecture

3 percent


3 percent


3 percent


3 percent


15 percent


35 percent

 From isn't really 
granular enough.
Christina K. Pikas
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Baltimore: 443.778.4812
D.C.: 240.228.4812

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] hathitrust research center workset browser

2015-06-01 Thread Karen Coyle
Right. Which is why *someone* copied all of the Google digitized books 
to the Internet Archive -- someone not associated with the library 
partners. So generally if you cannot download from HT you can find the 
same scan via Unfortunately that doesn't help with 
using the tool that ELM has alerted us to.


On 6/1/15 2:19 PM, Jimmy Ghaphery wrote:

I think we are in agreement (especially about the utility of all things
HathiTrust). My one point is that any restrictions on digitized public
domain works, as I understand it, are not related to copyright.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Terry Reese wrote:

However, the digitizing agency cannot dictate any copyright
restrictions on the digitized copies once released to the public

The digital objects have not, and as far as I understand, cannot be made
available to the public if digitized as part of the google books
digitization project.  Most institutions got very limited use, and
generally these were tied to their specific, immediate, communities.
Though, with that said each institution has slightly different terms.  For
what it's worth, the research center does not make the digital copies
available for download -- it provides tools for working with data in
aggregate (worksets) and provides a proof of concept environment
demonstrating the feasibility of creating a secured data repository with I
believe the long-term goal of providing data mining for the entire
hathitrust resources (both within and outside of the public domain).  But
even as it stands now, the tool has become a fantastic teaching tool when
talking to instructors and graduate students looking for large data sets to
work with, that also includes some pretty interesting research algori!
  thms for working with the data.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Jimmy Ghaphery
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2015 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] hathitrust research center workset browser

Thanks Eric for posting the webinar in the other thread.

I am pretty sure that digitizing something in the public domain does not
change its copyright status, at least in the U.S. The digitizing agency
certainly has the right to sell, restrict access, watermark, or even keep
the scans locked up on a thumb drive in a closet. They are not obligated to
share or to provide the digital files in a re-usable format. However, the
digitizing agency cannot dictate any copyright restrictions on the
digitized copies once released to the public.

#iamnotalawyer and welcome correction



On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Jun 1, 2015, at 10:58 AM, davesgonechina

They just informed me I need a .edu address. Having trouble
understanding the use of the term public domain here.

   Gung fhpx, naq fbhaqf ernyyl fbeg bs fghcvq!! --RYZ

Jimmy Ghaphery
Head, Digital Technologies
VCU Libraries

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] hathitrust research center workset browser

2015-05-27 Thread Karen Coyle
Eric, what happens if you access this from a non-HT institution? When I 
go to HT I am often unable to download public domain titles because they 
aren't available to members of the general public.


On 5/26/15 8:30 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

In my copious spare time I have hacked together a thing I’m calling the 
HathiTrust Research Center Workset Browser, a (fledgling) tool for doing 
“distant reading” against corpora from the HathiTrust. [1]

The idea is to: 1) create, refine, or identify a HathiTrust Research Center 
workset of interest — your corpus, 2) feed the workset’s rsync file to the 
Browser, 3) have the Browser download, index, and analyze the corpus, and 4) 
enable to reader to search, browse, and interact with the result of the 
analysis. With varying success, I have done this with a number of worksets 
ranging on topics from literature, philosophy, Rome, and cookery. The best 
working examples are the ones from Thoreau and Austen. [2, 3] The others are 
still buggy.

As a further example, the Browser can/will create reports describing the corpus 
as a whole. This analysis includes the size of a corpus measured in pages as 
well as words, date ranges, word frequencies, and selected items of interest 
based on pre-set “themes” — usage of color words, name of “great” authors, and 
a set of timeless ideas. [4] This report is based on more fundamental reports 
such as frequency tables, a “catalog”, and lists of unique words. [5, 6, 7, 8]

The whole thing is written in a combination of shell and Python scripts. It 
should run on just about any out-of-the-box Linux or Macintosh computer. Take a 
look at the code. [9] No special libraries needed. (“Famous last words.”) In 
its current state, it is very Unix-y. Everything is done from the command line. 
Lot’s of plain text files and the exploitation of STDIN and STDOUT. Like a 
Renaissance cartoon, the Browser, in its current state, is only a sketch. Only 
later will a more full-bodied, Web-based interface be created.

The next steps are numerous and listed in no priority order: putting the whole 
thing on GitHub, outputting the reports in generic formats so other things can 
easily read them, improving the terminal-based search interface, implementing a 
Web-based search interface, writing advanced programs in R that chart and graph 
analysis, provide a means for comparing  contrasting two or more items from a 
corpus, indexing the corpus with a (real) indexer such as Solr, writing a 
“cookbook” describing how to use the browser to to “kewl” things, making the 
metadata of corpora available as Linked Data, etc.

'Want to give it a try? For a limited period of time, go to the HathiTrust 
Research Center Portal, create (refine or identify) a collection of personal 
interest, use the Algorithms tool to export the collection's rsync file, and 
send the file to me. I will feed the rsync file to the Browser, and then send 
you the URL pointing to the results. [10] Let’s see what happens.

Fun with public domain content, text mining, and the definition of 


[1] HTRC Workset Browser -
[2] Thoreau -
[3] Austen -
[4] Thoreau report -
[5] Thoreau dictionary (frequency list) -
[6] usage of color words in Thoreau —
[7] unique words in the corpus -
[8] Thoreau “catalog” —
[9] source code -
   [10] HathiTrust Research Center -

Eric Lease Morgan, Librarian
University of Notre Dame

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Charlie, I don't know of any libraries that have used for 
their web site - perhaps others do. If it is used, it should be picked 
up the next time the search engines index the site. What the search 
engines do with is not guaranteed, but can be observed. It is 
not guaranteed because none of the search engines will say what they do, 
as that is considered a trade secret (especially from each other).

However, as locations and hours are important for their commercial 
customers (stores, restaurants, etc.) I would expect that to be picked 
up as a matter of course. Note that already locations and hours for some 
businesses do show in the search engines, and that is for sites that are 
not yet using, so the engines have some way of picking that 
up from the HTML. The Google side-bar knowledge graph for my local 
libraries shows  Hours 

Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm javascript:void(0)
 but I have no idea where that comes from.


On 5/6/15 5:22 AM, Charlie Morris wrote:

I'm curious, Karen, Ethan or anyone else, do you know of any examples of
libraries that have implemented or RDFa for hours data and have
noticed that Google or some other search engine has picked it up (i.e.,
correctly displaying that data as part of the search results)?  And if so,
how quickly will Google or the like pickup on changes to hours (i.e.,
shifting between semesters or unplanned changes)?

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

+1 on the RDFa and For those that don't know the library URL
off-hand, it is much easier to find a library website by Googling than it
is to go through the central university portal, and the hours will show up
at the top of the page after having been harvested by search engines.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Note that library hours is one of the possible bits of information that
could be encoded as RDFa in the library web site, thus making it possible
to derive library hours directly from the listing of hours on the web


rather than keeping a separate list. does have the elements


that hours can be encoded. This would mean that hours could show in the
display of the library's catalog entry on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Being
available directly through the search engines might be sufficient, not
necessitating creating yet-another-database for that data. uses a restaurant as its opening hours example, but much of


data would be the same for a library:

div vocab=; typeof=Restaurant
   span property=nameGreatFood/span
   div property=aggregateRating  typeof=AggregateRating
 span property=ratingValue4/span stars -
 based on span property=reviewCount250/span reviews
   div property=address  typeof=PostalAddress
 span property=streetAddress1901 Lemur Ave/span
 span property=addressLocalitySunnyvale/span,
 span property=addressRegionCA/span span
   span property=telephone(408) 714-1489/span
   a property=url href=;
   meta property=openingHours content=Mo-Sa 11:00-14:30Mon-Sat 11am


   meta property=openingHours content=Mo-Th 17:00-21:30Mon-Thu 5pm -
   meta property=openingHours content=Fr-Sa 17:00-22:00Fri-Sat 5pm -
   span property=servesCuisine
 Middle Eastern
   span property=servesCuisine
   Price Range: span property=priceRange$$/span
   Takes Reservations: Yes

It seems to me that using would get more bang for the buck --
it would get into the search engines and could also be aggregated into
whatever database is needed. As we've seen with OCLC, having a separate
listing is likely to mean that the data will be out of date.


On 5/5/15 2:19 PM, nitin arora wrote:

I can't see they distinguished between public libraries and other types


their campaign page.

They say  all libraries as far as I can see.
So I suppose then that this is true for all libraries:
Libraries offer a space anyone can enter, where money isn't exchanged,
documentation doesn't have to be shown.
Who knew fines and library/student-IDs were a thing of the past?

The only data sets I can find where they got the 17,000 number is for
public libraries:
Maybe I missed something.
There is an hours field on one of the CSVs I downloaded, etc for 2012


(the most recent I could find).

Asking 10k for something targeted for completion in June and without a
grasp on what types of libraries there are and how volatile the hours

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
The search engine may not pick it up quickly enough, but the emergency 
services in the area could get it from the RDFa as soon as it hits the web.


On 5/6/15 6:45 AM, nitin arora wrote:

I think both creating a one-off list and approaches pose
problems within the context of the original fund raising campaign's pitch.
I don't think every library can necessarily implement the latter for a
variety of reasons, not always technical.

 From the pov that a library can be a community center in a time of crisis,
I'm wondering not only how quickly a search engine would pick that up but
also, in such moments, how prioritized updating that data would be in the
first place.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Charlie Morris wrote:

I'm curious, Karen, Ethan or anyone else, do you know of any examples of
libraries that have implemented or RDFa for hours data and have
noticed that Google or some other search engine has picked it up (i.e.,
correctly displaying that data as part of the search results)?  And if so,
how quickly will Google or the like pickup on changes to hours (i.e.,
shifting between semesters or unplanned changes)?

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

+1 on the RDFa and For those that don't know the library URL
off-hand, it is much easier to find a library website by Googling than it
is to go through the central university portal, and the hours will show


at the top of the page after having been harvested by search engines.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Note that library hours is one of the possible bits of information that
could be encoded as RDFa in the library web site, thus making it


to derive library hours directly from the listing of hours on the web


rather than keeping a separate list. does have the elements


that hours can be encoded. This would mean that hours could show in the
display of the library's catalog entry on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Being
available directly through the search engines might be sufficient, not
necessitating creating yet-another-database for that data. uses a restaurant as its opening hours example, but much of


data would be the same for a library:

div vocab=; typeof=Restaurant
   span property=nameGreatFood/span
   div property=aggregateRating  typeof=AggregateRating
 span property=ratingValue4/span stars -
 based on span property=reviewCount250/span reviews
   div property=address  typeof=PostalAddress
 span property=streetAddress1901 Lemur Ave/span
 span property=addressLocalitySunnyvale/span,
 span property=addressRegionCA/span span
   span property=telephone(408) 714-1489/span
   a property=url href=;


   meta property=openingHours content=Mo-Sa 11:00-14:30Mon-Sat



   meta property=openingHours content=Mo-Th 17:00-21:30Mon-Thu

5pm -

   meta property=openingHours content=Fr-Sa 17:00-22:00Fri-Sat

5pm -

   span property=servesCuisine
 Middle Eastern
   span property=servesCuisine
   Price Range: span property=priceRange$$/span
   Takes Reservations: Yes

It seems to me that using would get more bang for the buck


it would get into the search engines and could also be aggregated into
whatever database is needed. As we've seen with OCLC, having a separate
listing is likely to mean that the data will be out of date.


On 5/5/15 2:19 PM, nitin arora wrote:

I can't see they distinguished between public libraries and other



their campaign page.

They say  all libraries as far as I can see.
So I suppose then that this is true for all libraries:
Libraries offer a space anyone can enter, where money isn't


documentation doesn't have to be shown.
Who knew fines and library/student-IDs were a thing of the past?

The only data sets I can find where they got the 17,000 number is for
public libraries:
Maybe I missed something.
There is an hours field on one of the CSVs I downloaded, etc for 2012


(the most recent I could find).

Asking 10k for something targeted for completion in June and without a
grasp on what types of libraries there are and how volatile the hours
information is (especially in crisis) ...
Sounds naive at best, sketchy at worst.

The flexible funding button says this campaign will receive all


raised even if it does not reach its goals.

The value of these places for youth cannot be underestimated.
So is the value of a quick buck ...

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:53 PM, McCanna, Terran wrote:

  I'm not at all surprised that this doesn't already exist, and even if

OCLC's was available, I'd be willing to bet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Right, but I don't think that meets any particular standard, which means 
that Google is doing a lot of text analysis when it indexes pages, 
looking for a pattern that looks like opening hours. That takes more 
cycles than having it all neatly wrapped in some known RDFa.


On 5/6/15 6:54 AM, Tajoli Zeno wrote:


Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm javascript:void(0)
 but I have no idea where that comes from.

probably because the web page
insert library hours inside

div id=library-hours /div

Zeno Tajoli

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Tom, Google will not tell you. The entirety of how Google search works 
is a trade secret. We don't know the algorithm for ranking, and we don't 
know what information they glean from web pages -- and they are unlikely 
to tell. It is a constant on the discussion list that 
developers want to know what Google/Bing/Yahoo/Yandex will do with 
specific information in the web pages, and it is a constant that the 
reps there reply: we cannot tell you that. The only way to find out is 
to code and observe.


On 5/6/15 7:00 AM, Tom Keays wrote:

I'd like to find out how and why Google is parsing this information. If you
go to the the SFPL hours page (first link in the Google results), and look
at the source code, this is all you find.
Is the ID in the DIV sufficient?  It would be nice to have a set of use
cases to work from.

Currently, I'm generating a weekly hours box by pulling JSONP from the
hours API of LibCal. I could easily output this in format (and
probably will now), but can Google pick up the information from the DOM if
it is delivered as JSON and transformed into HTML?

div id=library-hours
   table class=hours cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
   th class=todayWed/th
   td class=today9-8/td

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Charlie, I don't know of any libraries that have used for
their web site - perhaps others do. If it is used, it should be picked up
the next time the search engines index the site. What the search engines do
with is not guaranteed, but can be observed. It is not
guaranteed because none of the search engines will say what they do, as
that is considered a trade secret (especially from each other).

However, as locations and hours are important for their commercial
customers (stores, restaurants, etc.) I would expect that to be picked up
as a matter of course. Note that already locations and hours for some
businesses do show in the search engines, and that is for sites that are
not yet using, so the engines have some way of picking that up
from the HTML. The Google side-bar knowledge graph for my local libraries
shows  Hours

Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm javascript:void(0)
 but I have no idea where that comes from.


On 5/6/15 5:22 AM, Charlie Morris wrote:

I'm curious, Karen, Ethan or anyone else, do you know of any examples of
libraries that have implemented or RDFa for hours data and
noticed that Google or some other search engine has picked it up (i.e.,
correctly displaying that data as part of the search results)?  And if so,
how quickly will Google or the like pickup on changes to hours (i.e.,
shifting between semesters or unplanned changes)?

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

  +1 on the RDFa and For those that don't know the library URL

off-hand, it is much easier to find a library website by Googling than it
is to go through the central university portal, and the hours will show
at the top of the page after having been harvested by search engines.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

  Note that library hours is one of the possible bits of information that

could be encoded as RDFa in the library web site, thus making it
to derive library hours directly from the listing of hours on the web


rather than keeping a separate list. does have the elements


that hours can be encoded. This would mean that hours could show in the
display of the library's catalog entry on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Being
available directly through the search engines might be sufficient, not
necessitating creating yet-another-database for that data. uses a restaurant as its opening hours example, but much of


data would be the same for a library:

div vocab=; typeof=Restaurant
span property=nameGreatFood/span
div property=aggregateRating  typeof=AggregateRating
  span property=ratingValue4/span stars -
  based on span property=reviewCount250/span reviews
div property=address  typeof=PostalAddress
  span property=streetAddress1901 Lemur Ave/span
  span property=addressLocalitySunnyvale/span,
  span property=addressRegionCA/span span
span property=telephone(408) 714-1489/span
a property=url

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Yes, it definitely does. Which actually is a problem for Wikipedia 
because it encourages people/companies to try to get entries into WP for 
SEO purposes and so that the sidebox will show up. I spend a lot of time 
on the articles for deletion pages of WP trying to get these 
promotional pages out of the encyclopedia. A big success is when I see 
them disappear from search results. (BTW, the various ways that 
self-published authors of written crap game the system is truly 
astonishing. A+ for effort, and their skill in PR is way beyond their 
literary skills.)


On 5/6/15 8:33 AM, Bigwood, David wrote:

I have heard that at least part of the sidebox is constructed using data from 
Wikipedia, especially the structured info in the infobox there.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Karen 
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

Tom, Google will not tell you. The entirety of how Google search works is a 
trade secret. We don't know the algorithm for ranking, and we don't know what 
information they glean from web pages -- and they are unlikely to tell. It is a 
constant on the discussion list that developers want to know what 
Google/Bing/Yahoo/Yandex will do with specific information in the web pages, 
and it is a constant that the reps there reply: we cannot tell you that. The 
only way to find out is to code and observe.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
I generally find that Bing makes better use of RDFa/ than 
Google does.


On 5/6/15 7:33 AM, Megan O'Neill Kudzia wrote:

Hi all,

I've been experimenting with OpeningHoursSpecification, and
currently Bing is scraping our hours, but Google isn't. I am using
RDFa-lite and I've validated it using a linter (thanks Jason Ronallo!), so
I'm scratching my head as to why our hours *still* don't show up on a
google search.

I suspect part of it for us might be that we're re-branding away from
Stockwell-Mudd Libraries to Albion College Library, as it's much more
explanatory, but neither search through Google yields a nice box with hours
in it like the SFPL.

If and when I figure out the problem I'd be happy to send you an update of
what we did and what caused it to finally work properly.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Tom, Google will not tell you. The entirety of how Google search works is
a trade secret. We don't know the algorithm for ranking, and we don't know
what information they glean from web pages -- and they are unlikely to
tell. It is a constant on the discussion list that developers
want to know what Google/Bing/Yahoo/Yandex will do with specific
information in the web pages, and it is a constant that the reps there
reply: we cannot tell you that. The only way to find out is to code and


On 5/6/15 7:00 AM, Tom Keays wrote:

I'd like to find out how and why Google is parsing this information. If
go to the the SFPL hours page (first link in the Google results), and look
at the source code, this is all you find.
Is the ID in the DIV sufficient?  It would be nice to have a set of use
cases to work from.

Currently, I'm generating a weekly hours box by pulling JSONP from the
hours API of LibCal. I could easily output this in format (and
probably will now), but can Google pick up the information from the DOM if
it is delivered as JSON and transformed into HTML?

div id=library-hours
table class=hours cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
th class=todayWed/th
td class=today9-8/td

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

  Charlie, I don't know of any libraries that have used for

their web site - perhaps others do. If it is used, it should be picked
the next time the search engines index the site. What the search engines
with is not guaranteed, but can be observed. It is not
guaranteed because none of the search engines will say what they do, as
that is considered a trade secret (especially from each other).

However, as locations and hours are important for their commercial
customers (stores, restaurants, etc.) I would expect that to be picked up
as a matter of course. Note that already locations and hours for some
businesses do show in the search engines, and that is for sites that are
not yet using, so the engines have some way of picking that
from the HTML. The Google side-bar knowledge graph for my local
shows  Hours


Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm javascript:void(0)
 but I have no idea where that comes from.


On 5/6/15 5:22 AM, Charlie Morris wrote:

  I'm curious, Karen, Ethan or anyone else, do you know of any examples of

libraries that have implemented or RDFa for hours data and
noticed that Google or some other search engine has picked it up (i.e.,
correctly displaying that data as part of the search results)?  And if
how quickly will Google or the like pickup on changes to hours (i.e.,
shifting between semesters or unplanned changes)?

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Ethan Gruber

   +1 on the RDFa and For those that don't know the library

off-hand, it is much easier to find a library website by Googling than
is to go through the central university portal, and the hours will show
at the top of the page after having been harvested by search engines.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

   Note that library hours is one of the possible bits of information

could be encoded as RDFa in the library web site, thus making it
to derive library hours directly from the listing of hours on the web


  rather than keeping a separate list. does have the elements


  that hours can be encoded

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Hours

2015-05-05 Thread Karen Coyle
 and hours of operation for all libraries
in the US. We are going to track down the hours of operation for all 17,000
libraries and make that information available -- in Range and for other
developers who may want to use it.

Are the hours of public libraries really not available?

David Bigwood
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Protagonists

2015-04-14 Thread Karen Coyle

On 4/14/15 7:18 AM, Joel Marchesoni wrote:

  It is a little disappointing that I couldn't find the IMDB of the literary 

Which reflects an interesting difference between books and movies -- 
movies have credits that list characters and actors. There are a few 
books that include character lists, but not many. You can get a list of 
Harry Potter characters from the movie because that list exists in the 
movie. The movie credits can also be considered authoritative in the 
same way that the title page of a book with the title and author is. Any 
list of characters that is not from the book itself has something of an 
authority problem.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Native MarcEdit for MacOSX

2015-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle
I wish I could teleport my rarely used iMac, but in keeping with current 
technology capabilities, I'll just donate digital monetary value. This 
is definitely a worthy cause.


On 4/6/15 12:31 PM, Francis Kayiwa wrote:
Terry Reese (thanks Terry if you are reading this) has offered to 
write a Object-C version of MarcEdit. In order to this he needed 
access to a Apple Hardware. While my initial proposal on Go Fund me 
below was for a Macbook Pro, we've since realized it need not be a 
portable device. My current arithmetic puts the price of this at 
~US$1300 as opposed to the listed ~US$2400

Thanks for boosting this signal if you cannot otherwise help fund 
porting MarcEdit for the Mac OSX platform.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Native MarcEdit for MacOSX

2015-04-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Have you had one? I started out with one a while back because it was 
indeed the cheapest Mac. It seemed underpowered at the time. Plus you 
have to add a screen to it, and a keyboard, and a mouse so the price 
goes up. On the plus size, it doesn't take up much room... without the 
screen, the keyboard...


On 4/6/15 2:36 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

Better yet, get a brand-new Mac mini for what you've already raised:


On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Cary Gordon wrote:

You might want to consider picking up a MacBook on Craigslist, or
something like that. You can get a lot of only slightly vintage computer
for $5-700.


Random ad:

13 MacBook ProTurbo 2.9GHz i5 Dual-core ϟ Thunderbolt! + 500GB Storage -
$499 (Los Angeles)
make / manufacturer: Apple MacBook Pro
size / dimensions: 13
Up for sale my 13-inch Macbook Pro with free $40 case
2.3GHz Turbo 2.9Ghz
500GB Storage
4GB Ram DDR3

On Apr 6, 2015, at 12:31 PM, Francis Kayiwa wrote:

Terry Reese (thanks Terry if you are reading this) has offered to write

a Object-C version of MarcEdit. In order to this he needed access to a
Apple Hardware. While my initial proposal on Go Fund me below was for a
Macbook Pro, we've since realized it need not be a portable device. My
current arithmetic puts the price of this at ~US$1300 as opposed to the
listed ~US$2400

Thanks for boosting this signal if you cannot otherwise help fund

porting MarcEdit for the Mac OSX platform.

Your analyst has you mixed up with another patient.  Don't believe a
thing he tells you.

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] PBCore RDF Ontology Hackathon Wiki page

2015-01-05 Thread Karen Coyle

Casey, I have some suggestions:

1) Everyone should read at least the first chapters of the Allemang 
book, Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist:

2) Everyone should understand the RDF meaning of classes, properties, 
domain and range before beginning. (cf:

3) Don't lean too heavily on Protege. Protege is very OWL-oriented and 
can lead one far astray. It's easy to click on check boxes without 
knowing what they really mean. Do as much development as you can without 
using Protege, and do your development in RDFS not OWL. Later you can 
use Protege to check your work, or to complete the code.

4) Develop in ntriples or turtle but NOT rdf/xml. RDF differs from XML 
in some fundamental ways that are not obvious, and developing in rdf/xml 
masks these differences and often leads to the development of not very 
good ontologies.


On 1/5/15 9:35 AM, Casey Davis wrote:

Hi Code4Libbers,

In case you are interested in attending or staying in the know about the PBCore RDF 
ontology hackathon happening on February 7  8 before Code4Lib, check out the 
Wiki page: This is also where we 
will provide links to all documentation created during the hackathon. In case you 
are unable to join us, we will be using the hashtag #PBCoreRDF15 on the days of the 


Casey E. Davis, MLIS | Project Manager, American Archive of Public Broadcasting
WGBH Media Library and Archives | WGBH Educational Foundation | 617-300-5921 | One Guest 
Street | Boston, MA 02135

Subscribe to the American Archive blog
Follow the #AmericanArchive @amarchivepub

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] linked data and open access

2014-12-23 Thread Karen Coyle

Off the top of my head:

What linked and open provide is exactly what it says - linked=able 
to be used in combination with data from other Web resources; 
open=anyone can use the data. There are projects that are using CSV or 
XSL files, but those function as self-contained bits of data, without 
the linking, even if they are openly available.


On 12/22/14 7:30 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

And as has already been pointed out, no one has really show an impressive end 
user use for linked data, which American decision making tends to be more 
driven by.

Well, that raises an important question -- whether an 'end user use', or other 
use, do people have examples of neat/important/useful things done with linked 
data in Europe, especially that would have been harder or less likely without 
the data being modelled/distributed as linked data?

From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Brent Hanner 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] linked data and open access

There are deeper issues at work here than just the kind of obvious surface 

One of the reason Europe embraced rdf triples and linked data was timing.  The 
EU was forming its centralized information institutions the same time the idea 
of linked data to solve certain problem came about.  So they took it and ran 
with it.  In the US we have been primarily driven by the big data movement that 
gained steam shortly after.  And as has already been pointed out, no one has 
really show an impressive end user use for linked data, which American decision 
making tends to be more driven by.

Europeans can think about data and databases differently than we can here in 
the US.  In Europe a database is intellectual property, in the US only parts of 
the database that fall under copyright law are intellectual property, which for 
most databases isn't much.  You can’t copyright a fact.  So in the US once you 
release the data into the wild its usually public domain.

As for government data, the Federal and most state governments are in need of 
an overhaul that would make it possible.  If you don’t have the systems or 
people in place who can make it happen it won’t happen.  Heck the federal 
government can’t even get a single set of accounting software and what not.

So it isn’t just a lack of leadership or will, there are other things at work 
as well.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Karen Coyle
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎December‎ ‎19‎, ‎2014 ‎10‎:‎32‎ ‎AM

Yep, yep, and yep.

Plus I'd add that the lack of centralization of library direction (read:
states) is also a hindrance here. Having national leadership would be
great. Being smaller also wouldn't hurt.


On 12/19/14 6:48 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

I don’t know about y’all, but it seems to me that things like linked data and 
open access are larger trends in Europe than here in the United States. Is 
there are larger commitment to sharing in Europe when compared to the United 
States? If so, is this a factor based on the nonexistence of a national library 
in the United States? Is this your perception too? —Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] linked data and open access

2014-12-19 Thread Karen Coyle

Yep, yep, and yep.

Plus I'd add that the lack of centralization of library direction (read: 
states) is also a hindrance here. Having national leadership would be 
great. Being smaller also wouldn't hurt.


On 12/19/14 6:48 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

I don’t know about y’all, but it seems to me that things like linked data and 
open access are larger trends in Europe than here in the United States. Is 
there are larger commitment to sharing in Europe when compared to the United 
States? If so, is this a factor based on the nonexistence of a national library 
in the United States? Is this your perception too? —Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Wednesday afternoon reverie

2014-11-06 Thread Karen Coyle

Cynthia, it's been a while but I wanted to give you feedback...

Ranking on importance based on library ownership and/or circulation is 
something that I've seen discussed but not implemented -- mainly due to 
the difficulty of gathering the data from library systems. But it seems 
like an obvious way to rank results, IMO.

Too bad that one has to pay for BISAC headings. They tend to mirror the 
headings in bookstores (and ebook stores) that people might be familiar 
with. They capture fiction topics, especially, in a way to resonates 
with some users (topics like Teen Paranormal Romance).


On 10/22/14 1:25 PM, Harper, Cynthia wrote:

So I'm deleting all the Bisac subject headings (650_7|2bisacsh) from our ebook 
records - they were deemed not to be useful, especially as it would entail a 
for-fee indexing change to make them clickable.  But I'm thinking if we someday 
have a discovery system, they'll be useful as a means for broader-to-narrower 
term browsing that won't require translation to English, as would call number 

As I watch the system slowly chunk through them, I think about how library 
collections and catalogs facilitate jumping to the most specific subjects, but 
browsing is something of an afterthought.

What if we could set a ranking score for the importance of an item in browsing, based on 
circulation data - authors ranked by the relative circulation of all their works, same for series, latest 
edition of a multi-edition work given higher ranking, etc.?  Then have a means to set the threshold 
importance value you want to look at, and browse through these general Bisac terms, or the classification?  
Or have a facet for importance threshold.  I see Bisac sometimes has a broadness/narrowness facet 
(overview) - wonder how consistently that's applied, enough to be useful?

Guess those rankings would be very expensive in compute time.

Well, back to the deletions.

Cindy Harper
Electronic Services and Serials Librarian
Virginia Theological Seminary
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria VA 22304

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib stickers

2014-11-05 Thread Karen Coyle
and for those of us with mushy brains who can't remember if they 
responded previously? ... kc

On 11/4/14 4:29 PM, Riley Childs wrote:

This is a reminder to fill out the code4lib stickers response form if you are 
interested (yeah, I haven't given up yet...), I am waiting to order until I 
have 50 people on the list (or enough where I can be sure I won't be left with 
leftovers). The google form is here:
I am leaning towards a diecut sticker depending on further response. Filling 
out this form is not a commitment to purchase. Stickers will be printed by 
StickerMule and will be on demand following the initial batch. Those who 
purchase from the first batch will receive a 30% or more (depending on number 
of people who order) discount over the standard price.


Riley Childs
Charlotte United Christian Academy
IT Services Administrator
Library Services Administrator
cell: +1 (704) 497-2086
office: +1 (704) 537-0331x101
twitter: @rowdychildren
Checkout our new Online Library Catalog:

Proudly sent in plain text

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Official #teamharpy Statement on the case of Joseph Hawley Murphy vs. nina de jesus and Lisa Rabey

2014-09-21 Thread Karen Coyle
Ed - I don't know why, but that sounds quite defensive. If your CV 
emphasizes speaking engagements and writings, then what you have written 
is relevant. But please look at the notability suggestions for Wikipedia 
for people and for academics before focusing on that one piece of 
information. I believe that I carefully explained that this was only one 
piece of information, that it wasn't absolute, and that notability is 
complex. Sheesh.


On 9/20/14, 4:21 PM, Edward M. Corrado wrote:

I don't know anything about the lawsuit or what has transpired to cause it,
but since when does an H-index score make one a notable librarian? Many
notable librarians don't publish anything at all.


On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Lisa, I hadn't know about this so I just spend some time reading the items
you list below. I was primarily motivated to do so because I had never
heard of this famous librarian, Joe Murphy. (I must be in a different
conference circuit than he is.)

I also was interested because I've recently joined the hardworking group
of Wikipedians who work to distinguish between notable persons and able
self-promoters. In doing so, I've learned a lot about how self-promotion
works, especially in social media. In Wikipedia, to be considered notable,
there needs to be some reliable proof - that is, third-party references,
not provided by the individual in question. In terms of accomplishments,
for example for academics, there is a list of measures, albeit not
measurable in the scientific sense. [1]

Just for a lark, look at the Google scholar profiles for Joe Murphy, RoyT,
and for myself:

The h-index, while imprecise, is about as close as you get to something
one can cite as a measure. It's not a decision, but it is an indication.

I put this forward not as proof of anything, but to offer that reputation
is extremely hard to quantify, but should be looked at with a critical eye
and not taken for granted. It also fits in with what we already know, which
is that men promote themselves in the workplace more aggressively than
women do. In fact, in the Wikipedia group, we mainly find articles about
men whose notability is over-stated. (You can see my blog post on the
problems of notability for women. [2])

I greatly admire your stand for free speech. Beyond this, I will contact
you offline with other thoughts.


On 9/20/14, 9:16 AM, Lisa Rabey wrote:


I know many of you have already been boosting the signal, and we thank
you profusely for the help.

For those who do not know, Joe Murphy is currently suing nina and I in
$1.25M defamation case because

  From our official statement

Mr. Murphy claims that Ms. Rabey “posted the following false,
libelous and highly damaging tweet accusing the plaintiff of being a
‘sexual predator'”3. He further claims that Ms. de jesus wrote a blog
post that “makes additional false, libelous, highly damaging,
outrageous, malicious statements against the plaintiff alleging the
commission of sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women and other
forms of criminal and unlawful behaviour”4.

Both Ms. Rabey and Ms. de jesus maintain that our comments are fair
and are truthful, which we intend to establish in our defense. Neither
of us made the claims maliciously nor with any intent to damage Mr.
Murphy’s reputation.

Right now we need the following most importantly:

1. We have a call out for additional witnesses
(, which have
started to filter in more accounts of harrassment. Please, PLEASE, if
you know/seen/heard anything about the plaintiff, or know someone who
might -- please have them get in touch.

2. Share our site ( which includes
details of the case and updates. Please help us get the word out to as
many people as possible about the plaintiff's attempt to silence those
speaking up against sexual harassment and why you won't stand for it.

onations: Many, many of you have asked to help donate to fund our
mounting legal costs. We will have a donation page up soon. Even if
you cannot help financially, please share across your social networks.

We will not be silenced. We will not be shamed.

Thank you again. The outpouring of support that has been happening has
made this all very much worth while.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Official #teamharpy Statement on the case of Joseph Hawley Murphy vs. nina de jesus and Lisa Rabey

2014-09-20 Thread Karen Coyle
Lisa, I hadn't know about this so I just spend some time reading the 
items you list below. I was primarily motivated to do so because I had 
never heard of this famous librarian, Joe Murphy. (I must be in a 
different conference circuit than he is.)

I also was interested because I've recently joined the hardworking group 
of Wikipedians who work to distinguish between notable persons and able 
self-promoters. In doing so, I've learned a lot about how self-promotion 
works, especially in social media. In Wikipedia, to be considered 
notable, there needs to be some reliable proof - that is, third-party 
references, not provided by the individual in question. In terms of 
accomplishments, for example for academics, there is a list of 
measures, albeit not measurable in the scientific sense. [1]

Just for a lark, look at the Google scholar profiles for Joe Murphy, 
RoyT, and for myself:

The h-index, while imprecise, is about as close as you get to 
something one can cite as a measure. It's not a decision, but it is an 

I put this forward not as proof of anything, but to offer that 
reputation is extremely hard to quantify, but should be looked at with a 
critical eye and not taken for granted. It also fits in with what we 
already know, which is that men promote themselves in the workplace more 
aggressively than women do. In fact, in the Wikipedia group, we mainly 
find articles about men whose notability is over-stated. (You can see my 
blog post on the problems of notability for women. [2])

I greatly admire your stand for free speech. Beyond this, I will contact 
you offline with other thoughts.


On 9/20/14, 9:16 AM, Lisa Rabey wrote:


I know many of you have already been boosting the signal, and we thank
you profusely for the help.

For those who do not know, Joe Murphy is currently suing nina and I in
$1.25M defamation case because

 From our official statement

Mr. Murphy claims that Ms. Rabey “posted the following false,
libelous and highly damaging tweet accusing the plaintiff of being a
‘sexual predator'”3. He further claims that Ms. de jesus wrote a blog
post that “makes additional false, libelous, highly damaging,
outrageous, malicious statements against the plaintiff alleging the
commission of sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women and other
forms of criminal and unlawful behaviour”4.

Both Ms. Rabey and Ms. de jesus maintain that our comments are fair
and are truthful, which we intend to establish in our defense. Neither
of us made the claims maliciously nor with any intent to damage Mr.
Murphy’s reputation.

Right now we need the following most importantly:

1. We have a call out for additional witnesses
(, which have
started to filter in more accounts of harrassment. Please, PLEASE, if
you know/seen/heard anything about the plaintiff, or know someone who
might -- please have them get in touch.

2. Share our site ( which includes
details of the case and updates. Please help us get the word out to as
many people as possible about the plaintiff's attempt to silence those
speaking up against sexual harassment and why you won't stand for it.

onations: Many, many of you have asked to help donate to fund our
mounting legal costs. We will have a donation page up soon. Even if
you cannot help financially, please share across your social networks.

We will not be silenced. We will not be shamed.

Thank you again. The outpouring of support that has been happening has
made this all very much worth while.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Official #teamharpy Statement on the case of Joseph Hawley Murphy vs. nina de jesus and Lisa Rabey

2014-09-20 Thread Karen Coyle
Roy, this is pretty much in line with what I said, below: shameless 
self-promotion can be seen as a plus or at least not a minus for men, 
but few women would have replied the way you did. It does make you 
wonder how much more visible women would be if self-promotion were more 
culturally acceptable for them. Again, I refer to my blog post, which 
you may not have had time to read before posting.


On 9/20/14, 12:41 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

Just a minor point. Despite my relative index score it doesn't necessarily mean 
that I am not a shameless self-promoter, it may just mean I've been at it 
longer. Just sayin'.

On Sep 20, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Lisa, I hadn't know about this so I just spend some time reading the items you list 
below. I was primarily motivated to do so because I had never heard of this 
famous librarian, Joe Murphy. (I must be in a different conference circuit 
than he is.)

I also was interested because I've recently joined the hardworking group of Wikipedians 
who work to distinguish between notable persons and able self-promoters. In doing so, 
I've learned a lot about how self-promotion works, especially in social media. In 
Wikipedia, to be considered notable, there needs to be some reliable proof - that is, 
third-party references, not provided by the individual in question. In terms of 
accomplishments, for example for academics, there is a list of measures, 
albeit not measurable in the scientific sense. [1]

Just for a lark, look at the Google scholar profiles for Joe Murphy, RoyT, and 
for myself:

The h-index, while imprecise, is about as close as you get to something one 
can cite as a measure. It's not a decision, but it is an indication.

I put this forward not as proof of anything, but to offer that reputation is 
extremely hard to quantify, but should be looked at with a critical eye and not 
taken for granted. It also fits in with what we already know, which is that men 
promote themselves in the workplace more aggressively than women do. In fact, 
in the Wikipedia group, we mainly find articles about men whose notability is 
over-stated. (You can see my blog post on the problems of notability for women. 

I greatly admire your stand for free speech. Beyond this, I will contact you 
offline with other thoughts.


On 9/20/14, 9:16 AM, Lisa Rabey wrote:

I know many of you have already been boosting the signal, and we thank
you profusely for the help.

For those who do not know, Joe Murphy is currently suing nina and I in
$1.25M defamation case because

 From our official statement

Mr. Murphy claims that Ms. Rabey “posted the following false,
libelous and highly damaging tweet accusing the plaintiff of being a
‘sexual predator'”3. He further claims that Ms. de jesus wrote a blog
post that “makes additional false, libelous, highly damaging,
outrageous, malicious statements against the plaintiff alleging the
commission of sexual harassment and sexual abuse of women and other
forms of criminal and unlawful behaviour”4.

Both Ms. Rabey and Ms. de jesus maintain that our comments are fair
and are truthful, which we intend to establish in our defense. Neither
of us made the claims maliciously nor with any intent to damage Mr.
Murphy’s reputation.

Right now we need the following most importantly:

1. We have a call out for additional witnesses
(, which have
started to filter in more accounts of harrassment. Please, PLEASE, if
you know/seen/heard anything about the plaintiff, or know someone who
might -- please have them get in touch.

2. Share our site ( which includes
details of the case and updates. Please help us get the word out to as
many people as possible about the plaintiff's attempt to silence those
speaking up against sexual harassment and why you won't stand for it.

onations: Many, many of you have asked to help donate to fund our
mounting legal costs. We will have a donation page up soon. Even if
you cannot help financially, please share across your social networks.

We will not be silenced. We will not be shamed.

Thank you again. The outpouring of support that has been happening has
made this all very much worth while.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Privacy audits Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP

2014-08-20 Thread Karen Coyle
Thanks, Bill. I actually didn't see this (must be a tweeter I don't 
follow? Or I'm running behind).

I'll see what I can add.


On 8/20/14, 8:29 AM, William Denton wrote:

On 16 August 2014, Karen Coyle wrote:

I think a Code4lib guide to library privacy or something of that 
nature would be a valuable contribution. I'd be happy to work with 
folks on it.

I saw on Twitter that this is being built up:

I'm sure many of you knew about it but thought I'd mention it.


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] metadata for free ebook repositories

2014-08-19 Thread Karen Coyle
Authors in OL have already been linked to Wikipedia, and Wikipedia has 
been linked to VIAF, and the OCLC number, when present, has been taken 
from the MARC record. Therefore the OL record in some cases already has 
these connections.


On 8/18/14, 8:21 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:

I think what I'm looking for is a crowd-sourcing platform to add:




On 19/08/14 11:57, Karen Coyle wrote:

About 1/3 of the 1M ebooks on have full MARC records,
and you can retrieve the record via the API. There is also a secret
record format that returns not the full MARC for the hard copy (which is
what the records represent because these are digitized books) but a
record that has been modified to represent the ebook.

The MARC records for the hard copy follow the pattern:[archive identifier]/[archive

Download MARC XML 

Download MARC binary 

To get the one that represents the ebook, do:[archive identifier]/[archive

This one has an 007, the 245 $h, and a few other things.

Tom Morris did some code that helps you search for books by author and
title and retrieve a MARC record. I don't recall where his github
archive is, but I'll find out and post it here. The code is open source.
We used it for a project that added ebook records to a public library

You can also use the OPenLibrary API to select all open access ebooks.
What I'd like to see is a way to create a list or bibliography in OL
that then is imported into a program that will find MARC records for
those books. The list function is still under development, though.


On 8/18/14, 3:04 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:

There are a stack of great free ebook repositories available on the
web, things like etc, etc

What there doesn't appear to be, is high-quality AACR2 / RDA records
available for these. There are things like which are elaborate dublin
core to MARC converters, but these lack standardisation of names,
authority control (people, entities, places, etc), interlinking, etc.

It seems to me that quality metadata would greatly increase the value
/ findability / use of these projects and thus their visibility and
available sources.

Are there any projects working in this space already? Are there
suitable tools available?


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] metadata for free ebook repositories

2014-08-19 Thread Karen Coyle
It's hard to explain, but the Web-based mind of the Internet Archive 
just can't seem to grasp the role of individual library catalogs in 
helping people find books. The attitude seems to be: well, they should 
just search OL. The project I mentioned is an IMLS experiment to test 
ebook usage of these works through the addition of catalog records. 
There are lots of reasons why this is a good idea (selection, service to 
users...) but folks who don't use libraries don't and probably won't get it.

There is an on-again off-again Internet Archive project to fill in the 
missing MARC records. I was told that if someone can create a file of 
MARC records with links to IA books, that they could be loaded. If 
anyone wants to work on this, I can put you in touch with the 
appropriate person.


On 8/18/14, 5:32 PM, Dana Pearson wrote:


It seems to me that the Open Library would want to broaden use of this
great collection as much as possible.  Yet, MARC records for the 1/3  or so
items in the collection cannot be downloaded so that they could be imported
into local library systems.

Lots of users searching local libraries who might well use google and Open
Library, Internet Archive for finding ebooks less frequently.

I'll look at Tom Morris's code to see if I might automate record selection
of Open Library records compared with element of MARCXML records of this
last group of Guterberg Project additions.  Thanks for that information.


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

About 1/3 of the 1M ebooks on have full MARC records, and
you can retrieve the record via the API. There is also a secret record
format that returns not the full MARC for the hard copy (which is what the
records represent because these are digitized books) but a record that has
been modified to represent the ebook.

The MARC records for the hard copy follow the pattern:[archive identifier]/[archive

Download MARC XML
Download MARC binary

To get the one that represents the ebook, do:[archive identifier]/[archive

This one has an 007, the 245 $h, and a few other things.

Tom Morris did some code that helps you search for books by author and
title and retrieve a MARC record. I don't recall where his github archive
is, but I'll find out and post it here. The code is open source. We used it
for a project that added ebook records to a public library catalog.

You can also use the OPenLibrary API to select all open access ebooks.
What I'd like to see is a way to create a list or bibliography in OL that
then is imported into a program that will find MARC records for those
books. The list function is still under development, though.


On 8/18/14, 3:04 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:

There are a stack of great free ebook repositories available on the web,
things like etc, etc

What there doesn't appear to be, is high-quality AACR2 / RDA records
available for these. There are things like
au/meta/pg/ which are elaborate dublin core to MARC converters, but
these lack standardisation of names, authority control (people, entities,
places, etc), interlinking, etc.

It seems to me that quality metadata would greatly increase the value /
findability / use of these projects and thus their visibility and available

Are there any projects working in this space already? Are there suitable
tools available?


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] metadata for free ebook repositories

2014-08-19 Thread Karen Coyle

On 8/19/14, 2:30 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:

Authors in OL have already been linked to Wikipedia, and Wikipedia has
been linked to VIAF, and the OCLC number, when present, has been taken
from the MARC record. Therefore the OL record in some cases already has
these connections.

It's not just about authors. It's also about the work (+manifestation, +... ), 
the subject (particularly when the subject is separate work), the publisher, 
the illustrator, etc, etc.

Stuart, yes, of course. But there are few entities that we have that are 
clearly encoded beyond authors. We have never developed identifiers for 
works or manifestations (although hopefully we will); subjects, at least 
in terms of LCSH, are a mess because we don't have a viable list of 
post-coordinated subject terms. I'm not quite sure what you are getting 
at, but I would suggest that low hanging fruit is not a bad place to 
begin. Nor that we should reject some links because we can't achieve all.



Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] metadata for free ebook repositories

2014-08-18 Thread Karen Coyle
About 1/3 of the 1M ebooks on have full MARC records, 
and you can retrieve the record via the API. There is also a secret 
record format that returns not the full MARC for the hard copy (which is 
what the records represent because these are digitized books) but a 
record that has been modified to represent the ebook.

The MARC records for the hard copy follow the pattern:[archive identifier]/[archive 

Download MARC XML 

Download MARC binary 

To get the one that represents the ebook, do:[archive identifier]/[archive 

This one has an 007, the 245 $h, and a few other things.

Tom Morris did some code that helps you search for books by author and 
title and retrieve a MARC record. I don't recall where his github 
archive is, but I'll find out and post it here. The code is open source. 
We used it for a project that added ebook records to a public library 

You can also use the OPenLibrary API to select all open access ebooks. 
What I'd like to see is a way to create a list or bibliography in OL 
that then is imported into a program that will find MARC records for 
those books. The list function is still under development, though.


On 8/18/14, 3:04 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:
There are a stack of great free ebook repositories available on the 
web, things like etc, etc

What there doesn't appear to be, is high-quality AACR2 / RDA records 
available for these. There are things like which are elaborate dublin 
core to MARC converters, but these lack standardisation of names, 
authority control (people, entities, places, etc), interlinking, etc.

It seems to me that quality metadata would greatly increase the value 
/ findability / use of these projects and thus their visibility and 
available sources.

Are there any projects working in this space already? Are there 
suitable tools available?


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP (Was: Canvas Fingerprinting by AddThis)

2014-08-17 Thread Karen Coyle
:-) Well, I don't know that I would use the word adorable, but it does 
warm my heart.

I found, to my pleasure, that libraries were shredding the paper 
computer sign-up sheets every evening (or when they filled up). That was 
good. But then I found, to my displeasure, that they had a box on the 
table in the childrens' room where summer reading program kids wrote 
their name, school, and age, and that the box was not secured in any way 
from scrutiny by others. Gulp! So it's a mixed bag in most libraries. 
Plus, there's always a hoarder or two who will not get rid of obsolete 
records. One value of an audit is that timely record destruction becomes 
a *policy*.


On 8/17/14, 11:54 AM, Debra Shapiro wrote:

Conversation between 2 instructional staff at a library school:

Staff 1, “Say, I went down to our departmental library, and had to use the little 
paper slip to take out a book, because it’s summer and after hours. You have to 
fill in the book title, book bar code, and your own name  ID barcode. The fold 
the paper in half and stick it in a box. It’s got a little disclaimer on the bottom 
that the slip of paper will be destroyed as soon as the infor is entered into the 

Staff 2, “That’s adorable.”

On Aug 15, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Jason Bengtson wrote:

Generally speaking, I think  surveillance is wretched stuff. But there is a
point at which the hand wringing becomes a bit much.
Debra Shapiro
UW-Madison SLIS
Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 4282
600 N. Park St.
Madison WI 53706
608 262 9195
mobile 608 712 6368
FAX 608 263 4849

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

[CODE4LIB] Privacy audits Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP

2014-08-16 Thread Karen Coyle
Some years ago I did a few privacy audits for local public libraries, 
where they went through all of their data-gathering points (circulation, 
summer reading programs, vendors, patron letters to the library 
director...) [1] It was very useful for them to discover where data 
might leak. At the time, none of the libraries I was working with was 
terribly involved with social networking.

I think it would be good to provide libraries with more information 
about what data is gathered via social networks, along with an analysis 
of where they are putting their patrons' privacy at risk. My guess is 
that many librarians are unaware of the data gathering done behind 
something like Google Analytics -- they just see a service that they 
need. And there's no use us complaining about it if we can't give good, 
solid information about 1) what data is gathered 2) what is the 

I think a Code4lib guide to library privacy or something of that 
nature would be a valuable contribution. I'd be happy to work with folks 
on it.


On 8/16/14, 10:12 AM, Riley Childs wrote:

I think that pretty much sums up the situation ;)

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Eric
Sent: ‎8/‎16/‎2014 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP  (Was: Canvas Fingerprinting by 

I think what we want is

On Aug 16, 2014, at 12:52 PM, Riley Childs wrote:

Another question for someone who utilizes these services: What analytics does 
this provide and are the social analytics worth losing  your user's privacy? (I 
think not)
Can't we make our own non dynamic share links

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Eric
Sent: ‎8/‎16/‎2014 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP  (Was: Canvas Fingerprinting by 

So, 2 points worth discussing here.

1. I'll bet you most proxy servers are not proxying or So there wouldn't be any effect of proxying on the user tracking 
they do.

2. It really doesn't matter if you identify yourself to the catalog or not. 
You're being tracked across sites all over the internet. If you identify 
yourself to one of them, you can be identified. Note that the main concern here 
is if you use your own device to access the library's catalog.

On Aug 15, 2014, at 5:52 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

On 8/15/14, 12:07 PM, Eric Hellman wrote:

AddThis and ShareThis, on the other hand have TOS that let them use tracking 
for advertising, and that's what their business is. So, hypothetically, a teen 
could look at library catalog records for books about childbirth, and as a 
result, later be shown ads for pregnancy tests, and that would be something the 
library has permitted.

Eric, I'm wondering about the full scenario that you are envisioning. Many 
libraries use proxy servers, so individual users are not identified. (Meaning 
that an 80-yr-old man may get the ad for the pregnancy test, not the teen.) In 
addition, in many cases the machine wipes itself clean daily, replacing all 
potential user files. (Someone else can explain this MUCH better than I just 

In my public library, I do not identify myself to the use the catalog on site 
-- not even to use journal article databases, because 1) authentication takes 
place in the library system 2) the proxy server's IP is my identity for those 
services. I have no idea what exits the library when I hook my laptop to the 
open network. Shouldn't all of these factors be taken into account? Can anyone 
articulate them from the point of view of a public library?

Note: At the university here at Berkeley, no network use is allowed without an 
account, so there is no anonymous use, at least on the human side of any proxy 
server that they run. But at the public library there is no log-on. So what is 
AddThis getting in those two situations?


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

[CODE4LIB] Parking, was: Re: [CODE4LIB] Hiring strategy for a library programmer with tight budget - thoughts?

2014-08-15 Thread Karen Coyle

On 8/15/14, 10:18 AM, Joe Hourcle wrote:

  If you can offer them reduced tuition or parking (matters at some campuses)

Have you heard what it takes to get your own parking space on Berkeley 
campus? A Nobel prize. Yep, you get a parking space with a Nobel, and 
every time there's a new Nobel winner on campus, he (so far) always gets 
interviewed by the school paper about how it feels to have a guaranteed 
parking place. [1]

BTW, they are marked on campus with the letters NL ONLY - Nobel 
Laureate only.[2]



Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Parking, was: Re: [CODE4LIB] Hiring strategy for a library programmer with tight budget - thoughts?

2014-08-15 Thread Karen Coyle
Oh, they each have their own spot nearest their building, and they know 
what it is.

However, I'd pay $$ to watch two NL's duke it out over a parking space. 
Seriously. Physics vs. chemistry? Biology vs. mathematics? Mathematics 
vs. economics (!)? Wow.


On 8/15/14, 10:47 AM, Jim Gilbert(WTPL) wrote:

Please tell me there is a policy about how the arrival of two NL's at the same 
spatial and temporal coordinates occupied by a NL-spot shall be handled!! :-D

James Gilbert, BS, MLIS
Systems Librarian
Whitehall Township Public Library
3700 Mechanicsville Road
Whitehall, PA 18052
610-432-4339 ext: 203

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Karen 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 1:40 PM
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Parking, was: Re: [CODE4LIB] Hiring strategy for a library 
programmer with tight budget - thoughts?

On 8/15/14, 10:18 AM, Joe Hourcle wrote:

   If you can offer them reduced tuition or parking (matters at some

Have you heard what it takes to get your own parking space on Berkeley campus? 
A Nobel prize. Yep, you get a parking space with a Nobel, and every time 
there's a new Nobel winner on campus, he (so far) always gets interviewed by 
the school paper about how it feels to have a guaranteed parking place. [1]

BTW, they are marked on campus with the letters NL ONLY - Nobel Laureate 


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Library Privacy, RIP (Was: Canvas Fingerprinting by AddThis)

2014-08-15 Thread Karen Coyle

On 8/15/14, 12:07 PM, Eric Hellman wrote:

AddThis and ShareThis, on the other hand have TOS that let them use tracking 
for advertising, and that's what their business is. So, hypothetically, a teen 
could look at library catalog records for books about childbirth, and as a 
result, later be shown ads for pregnancy tests, and that would be something the 
library has permitted.

Eric, I'm wondering about the full scenario that you are envisioning. 
Many libraries use proxy servers, so individual users are not 
identified. (Meaning that an 80-yr-old man may get the ad for the 
pregnancy test, not the teen.) In addition, in many cases the machine 
wipes itself clean daily, replacing all potential user files. (Someone 
else can explain this MUCH better than I just did.)

In my public library, I do not identify myself to the use the catalog on 
site -- not even to use journal article databases, because 1) 
authentication takes place in the library system 2) the proxy server's 
IP is my identity for those services. I have no idea what exits the 
library when I hook my laptop to the open network. Shouldn't all of 
these factors be taken into account? Can anyone articulate them from the 
point of view of a public library?

Note: At the university here at Berkeley, no network use is allowed 
without an account, so there is no anonymous use, at least on the human 
side of any proxy server that they run. But at the public library there 
is no log-on. So what is AddThis getting in those two situations?


Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Canvas Fingerprinting by AddThis

2014-08-14 Thread Karen Coyle
Bill (others), are you running PrivacyBadger alongside AdBlock? I'm 
concerned about the confluence of decisions there, although tempted to 
try anyway.


On 8/13/14, 2:08 PM, William Denton wrote:

On 13 August 2014, Karen Coyle wrote:

*ps - I had a great cookie manager for a while, but it's no longer 
around. Cookie control in browsers actually was easier a decade ago - 
they've obviously been discouraged from including that software. If 
anyone knows of a good cookie program or plugin, I'd like to hear 
about it.

I use Cookie Monster [0] and like it.

Related:  on my work box I'm trying out the EFF's Privacy Badger [1], 
which I hope will be a success.  At home I use Disconnect [2], which 
blocks entire domains.  It's great for cutting out cookies and junk 
like AddThis, but cripes, I hadn't realized how many people pull in 
Javascript libraries from Google or Yahoo. That's a harder way of 
tracking to avoid.



Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Canvas Fingerprinting by AddThis

2014-08-13 Thread Karen Coyle
I think this would bother me more if I thought that there were a 
significant number of users who either do not use cookies at all, or who 
had some kind of effective cookie manager. I suspect that the actual 
number is very close to zero, in the .n range at best.*

I have a problem with libraries using social media at all, actually, 
since it has turned out to be such a privacy disaster. When I go to what 
I think of as a benign site (my local library, DPLA, EFF!) and see that 
they've got a FB page that gathers likes it just chills me. I realize 
that all of these organizations need to maintain a level of visibility, 
and Facebook or Tumblr or whatever is a way to do that. However, there 
is no use of social media that can be argued as being privacy-neutral. 
It's a dilemma, I know. But I hate to see libraries and others seemingly 
promoting its use.

As for web use, only Tor, and perhaps not even Tor, can give you 
something close to anonymity (except, perhaps, with the NSA). But it 
requires certain tech chops and an effort way beyond that of clearing 
out your cookies now and again, something that most people do not do.

*ps - I had a great cookie manager for a while, but it's no longer 
around. Cookie control in browsers actually was easier a decade ago - 
they've obviously been discouraged from including that software. If 
anyone knows of a good cookie program or plugin, I'd like to hear about it.

On 8/13/14, 10:22 AM, Eric Hellman wrote:

It seems that Code4Lib hasn't discussed this., though the news is 2 weeks old. It seems that 
there are libraries using social share tools from AddThis, a company that has been using 
a technology called Canvas Fingerprinting to track users.

In other words, it looks like libraries are giving away the user-privacy store.

For example, AddThis is used by my public library's Polaris catalog (BCCLS).

I'd be interested to learn how widespread this is.

Here's the article from ProPublica.

And a follow-on discussion from Princeton CITP

The research article:



Eric Hellman
President, Gluejar.Inc.
twitter: @gluejar

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] ACTION REQUESTED: Volunteer for 2015 Conference Committees

2014-08-12 Thread Karen Coyle

Hi, Tom. I guess we've got OSU as the place, but what are the dates? - kc

On 8/12/14, 3:35 PM, Tom Johnson wrote:

The 2015 Code4Lib annual conference may seem like a long way away, but it's
already time for various volunteer committees to start work on the
planning. As you know, the conference happens each year thanks to the work
of the community at large; please take the time to sign up for confrence
committees here:


*We especially need people for the Keynote Speakers and Sponsorship
committees.* These groups need to begin work ASAP and are short on

Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to help!

Tom Johnson
on behalf of the C4L15 PDX Team

Karen Coyle
m: +1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Re: [CODE4LIB] Creating a Linked Data Service

2014-08-08 Thread Karen Coyle
Also, note that Martin Malmsten, of the Norwegian National Library 
(whose catalog is a linked data catalog) always states that one of the 
advantages of LD is that the difference between inside resources and 
outside resources disappears. It's all just linked resources. It makes 
sense to start with an inside resource, since you know more about it, 
but the same technology should work for any linking, anywhere, any time.


On 8/8/14, 7:07 AM, Mark A. Matienzo wrote:

Per Laura's message, and what I think was the underlying idea behind Mike's
post, I think there's still a great opportunity to learn something new.
Perhaps you might want to look at WebSocket [0], and Jason Ronallo's
presentation from Code4lib 2014 [1] was a great intro. It seems like this
might be a good candidate for showing real-time availability information.



Mark A. Matienzo
Director of Technology, Digital Public Library of America

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Shaun Ellis wrote:

I don't understand the publish it and they will come mentality when it
comes to linked data.  If you can't define a clear use case for your own
data infrastructure, then I can't see how you would justify the time spent.

The making data available to the world at large is a nice byproduct, but
you can't write a use case for unknown users with unknown goals.  So,
if you have no plans to use the data in some productive way, then I'm sure
you have more pressing things to do with your time.


On 8/7/14 9:48 AM, Scott Prater wrote:

Echoing others... the use case for linked data appears to be making data
available to the world at large, unknown consumers, who may find a use
for it that you never imagined.

Name authority services (like VIAF), catalogs of public resources, map
data -- all these are good candidates for a linked data approach.

Hardware availability at your library?  Not so much.  It's hard to
imagine a case where that information would be useful outside your walls.

-- Scott

On 08/07/2014 08:09 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

I agree with others saying linked data is overkill here. If you don't
an audience in mind or a specific purpose for implementing linked data,
it's not worth it.

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Jason Stirnaman


Check out,, and

But, if you haven't yet sketched out a model for *your* data, then
the LD
stuff will just be a distraction. The information on Linked Data seems
overly complex because trying to represent data for the Semantic Web
complex - and verbose.

As others have suggested, it's never a bad idea to just do the simplest
thing that could possibly work.[1] Mark recommended writing a simple
That would be a good start to understanding your data model and to
eventually serving LD. And, you may find that it's enough for now.



Jason Stirnaman
Lead, Library Technology Services
University of Kansas Medical Center

On Aug 6, 2014, at 1:45 PM, Michael Beccaria

  I have recently had the opportunity to create a new library web page


host it on my own servers. One of the elements of the new page that I
to improve upon is providing live or near live information on technology
availability (10 of 12 laptops available, etc.). That data resides on my
ILS server and I thought it might be a good time to upgrade the
bubble gum
and duct tape solution I now have to creating a real linked data service
that would provide that availability information to the web server.

The problem is there is a lot of overly complex and complicated

information out there onlinked data and RDF and the semantic web etc.
I'm looking for a simple guide to creating a very simple linked data
service with php or python or whatever. Does such a resource exist? Any
advice on where to start?


Mike Beccaria
Systems Librarian
Head of Digital Initiative
Paul Smith's College
Become a friend of Paul Smith's Library on Facebook today!

Shaun Ellis
User Interface Developer, Digital Initiatives
Princeton University Library

“Any darn fool can get complicated. It takes genius to attain simplicity.”
-Pete Seeger

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Have file will share

2014-07-17 Thread Karen Coyle


On 7/17/14, 7:05 AM, Francis Kayiwa wrote:

Hash: SHA1


I am looking for the Ariel Receive and Full file found at the 404'ing
file in the URI below.

I've sent a message to that seems to have gone to a
bitbucket. Thanks for sending this file my way.

What is it with Library Vendors? Ugh!


- -- 
Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

[CODE4LIB] Zoia Horn - RIP

2014-07-15 Thread Karen Coyle

From her family:

Zoia died on July 12th, Saturday, around 7 am.

She was in hospice and her family was with her.

I'll do the sad update to her wikipedia page.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Is ISNI / ISO 27729:2012 a name identifier or an entity identifier?

2014-06-20 Thread Karen Coyle
I concur with Richard's analysis[1]. Each identifier type serves a 
different community. In particular, ORCID identifiers will tend to 
identify faculty and researchers whose sole output is journal articles 
-- thus who would not normally appear in a library authority file. The 
ISNI is sometimes seen as an interloper from the publishing community, 
but most likely is integrated into the publisher workflow (e.g. writing 
checks to authors).

Like Richard, I don't see anything to worry about. You can use one, 
some, or all of the identifiers based on your needs. So a faculty 
digital repository may need to used ORCIDs because there are authors who 
are only identified by those. (Repositories are beginning to require 
ORCIDs for deposit.) The same repository can also use LCNA for some 
authors -- you are in no way limited to one identifier per person or 
system. If you are hoping to pull in author data in your library catalog 
from wiki/DB/pedia, then you might favor the VIAF identifier, since this 
is being linked to the pedia world.

This seems to me to be quite similar to other data and metadata choices 
that we make: define your use case, then choose the data that meets that 

[1] One possible difference is that I would consider ORCID a viable URI 
for linked data purposes, although at the moment ORCID does not export 
its data in RDF. All of the identifiers listed below are HTTP URIs.

On 6/20/14, 7:56 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

Hi Eric,

What distinguishes one from another?

The communities behind them, the [often overlapping] communities they
are intended to serve, and the technical implementation.

As a librarian, why should I care?

I would, as a non-librarian, suggest that once you are happy with
the ‘authority’ of them, you shouldn’t have to care. Ideally, we are not
there yet, systems should be flexible and accommodating enough to link to
any appropriate authority.

I will probably get flamed for over generalisation here but - VIAF is
an aggregation of National Libraries Authority files.  - ISNI is a more
publisher focused but similar effort.  - OCID comes from and and tries to
serve individual academic institutions, their researchers and falsity

   authority control |simple identifier |Linked Data capability
   VIAF   |X|X |  X   |
   ORCID  | | X|  |
ISNI  |X| X|X |


On 20 June 2014 15:42, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:31 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

ISNI has a suite of programs that detects pseudonyms coded as name


and changes them into related name and generates related identity


It is a while since it was run and will be re-run in the next few weeks.
This should change Currer Bell into a related name of Charlotte Brontë .

Please humor me as I ask this question again. What is the difference
between ISNI and other identifiers systems (like ORCID, etc.)? What
distinguishes one from another? As a librarian, why should I care? Was as a
faculty member/scholar, why should I care? Under what context is one
identifier expected to be used instead of another? Maybe a picture/graph is
in order:

   authority control simple pointer
   VIAF   |X|  |
   ORCID  | | X|
ISNI  | |  |

Eric Lease Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Is ISNI / ISO 27729:2012 a name identifier or an entity identifier?

2014-06-20 Thread Karen Coyle

On 6/20/14, 11:38 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

In what ways does ISNI support linked data?


 accessible by a persistent URI in the form (for example)  and soon also in 
the form 

Odd. I assume that whoever wrote that on their page just forgot the 
http://; part of those strings. Right?



On 20 June 2014 18:57, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

  authority control|simple identifier |Linked Data capability
  VIAF   |X|X |  X   |
  ORCID  | |X |  |
   ISNI  |X|X |  X   |

Increasingly I like linked data, and consequently, here is clarification
and a question. ORCID does support RDF, but only barely. It can output
FOAF-like data, but not bibliographic. Moreover, it is experimental, at

   curl -L -H 'accept: application/rdf+xml'

In what ways does ISNI support linked data?

Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Is ISNI / ISO 27729:2012 a name identifier or an entity identifier?

2014-06-20 Thread Karen Coyle

On 6/20/14, 1:49 PM, Joe Hourcle wrote:

Now, it's possible that this whole we don't need to bother with
http://; thing has spilled into the CMS building community, and
they're actively stripping it out.

I actually had the editors of an ALA publication remove http://; 
whenever it preceded www because they were convinced that you only 
needed http://; when there was no www at the front of the domain 
name. I had to fight to get the http://; put back in.  (I believe the 
excuse was that it took up space.)

 From their page, I think they're
using Drupal, but the horrible block of HTML that this was in is
blatantly MS Word's 'save as HTML' foulness:

   h2span lang=EN-USa name=HowItWorks_LinkedData/aLinked 
   p class=MsoNormalspan lang=EN-USLinked data is part of the ISNI-IA’s strategy to make ISNIs 
freely available and widely diffused.nbsp; Each assigned ISNI is accessible by a persistent URI in the form (for example) nbsp;and soon also in the form;/span/p
   p class=MsoNormalspan lang=EN-USComing soon:nbsp; ISNI core metadata in RDF 
triples.nbsp; The RDF triples will be embedded in the public web pages and the format will be available via the persistent URI 
and the SRU search API./span/p
   p class=MsoNormalspan lang=EN-USnbsp;/span/p

Which is so foul that Dreamweaver has a Clean up Word HTML command in 
its menu. But you still end up with pretty bad HTML.



On 20 June 2014 18:57, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Jun 20, 2014, at 10:56 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

  authority control|simple identifier |Linked Data capability
  VIAF   |X|X |  X   |
  ORCID  | |X |  |
   ISNI  |X|X |  X   |

Increasingly I like linked data, and consequently, here is clarification
and a question. ORCID does support RDF, but only barely. It can output
FOAF-like data, but not bibliographic. Moreover, it is experimental, at

   curl -L -H 'accept: application/rdf+xml'

In what ways does ISNI support linked data?

Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] software for a glossary

2014-06-20 Thread Karen Coyle

On 6/20/14, 1:16 PM, Tom Keays wrote:

Crossing the thread over to linked author data, this item made me laugh.

The only thing worse would be:


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

Do you know of a Web-based tool or piece of desktop software that would let a 
professor post a text in a frame, then highlight words or phrases and link them 
to a glossary? A quick-and-dirty web page (possibly attached) and link below 
illustrates the idea:

Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Does 'Freedom to Read' require us to systematically privilege HTTPS over HTTP?

2014-06-16 Thread Karen Coyle

On 6/16/14, 1:49 PM, Galen Charlton wrote:
However, I think that's only part of the picture for ILSs. Other parts 
would include: * staff training on handling patron and circulation 
data * ensuring that the ILS has the ability to control (and let users 
control) how much circulation and search history data gets retained * 
ensuring that the ILS backup policy strikes the correct balance 
between having enough for disaster recovery while not keeping 
individually identifiable circ history forever * ensuring that 
contracts with ILS hosting providers and services that access patron 
data from the ILS have appropriate language concerning data retention 
and notification of subpoenas. Regards, Galen 
Echoing Galen, staff training is very important. One way to begin this 
is by having the staff do a privacy audit, where they make sure that the 
library understands the reality of its practices, and makes changes 
where it should and can. I have examples and materials at:
although these were developed mainly for public libraries.

Part of the process is setting up a chain of command for privacy issues. 
For US libraries, Mary Minow has given talks to librarians on what to do 
if law enforcement shows up at your door. According to her experience, 
they often try to find a library staff member who has access to systems 
but who isn't at a management level, and they tend to try to (and mostly 
succeed to) intimidate. Knowing the law makes a difference. So for US 
libraries, there is:


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2014-06-09 Thread Karen Coyle
Mine is bibliounitarian -- for those who believe in a single record 
model for bibliographic data, as opposed to biblioquatritarians 
(FRBR-ites) or biblioduotarians (Bibframers).


On 6/9/14, 3:30 PM, Eric Hellman wrote:

I assume you've discovered the word is usually spelled administrivia.

It's fun making up words. My latest is bibliopotheosis

On May 29, 2014, at 10:23 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

* Apparently “administratativia” is a word of my own design because a search of 
it in Google returns only postings I’ve written. No wonder my spell checker 
doesn’t like it.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] orcid and researcherid and scopus, oh my

2014-06-06 Thread Karen Coyle

On 6/4/14, 8:01 PM, Dave Caroline wrote:

You seem to have multiple so none are unique :)

Just in case this was the confusion, the U in URI stands for Uniform. 
As Jodi says, there is no requirement for uniqueness of identifiers on 
the web. In fact, non-uniqueness is a feature, not a bug. It mirrors 
reality, where you have an SSN, a library card number, a driver's 
license number, etc., and each identifies you in some context.


couple of instances where these sort of identifiers are being put into MARC

and what happens when one of the servers falls off the net or some
boss decides to modify a service, lots of data to fixup, yet again

Dave Caroline, not convinced of the linked world prophesies yet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] orcid and researcherid and scopus, oh my

2014-06-06 Thread Karen Coyle
My understand was that ISNI comes out of the publishing world -- 
primarily commercial publishing. The Wikipedia article puts it:

 The ISNI allows a single identity (such as an author's pseudonym or the imprint used by a publisher to be identified using a 
unique number. This unique number can then be linked to any of the 
numerous other identifiers that are used across the media industries to 
identify names and other forms of identity.

The interesting thing about the numbers listed by Eric is that although 
there is overlap, each has some identities that the others don't. AFAIK, 
ORCID will not include people who died before the system was developed, 
and ISNI may not include folks whose works are long out of print. Also, 
the maintenance of them differs: ISNI is assigned by an agency (as is 
LCNA), while ORCIDs are considered to be under the control of the 
identified person.


On 6/4/14, 9:20 PM, David Lowe wrote:

Been tracking the ORCiD/ISNI thing for a few months now.  Here was a nice 
graphic that I think this group will appreciate of how CU-Boulder sees ORCiDs 
across their systems from a recent ORCiD event:


Individual academics (especially grant-related folks) should get and use ORCiDs, which 
either the individual can register for or their affiliate institutions may assign in 
batches with an institutional membership.  An ISNI, in contrast, may be assigned to an 
individual, often for rights-tracking purposes, as in the case of recorded performances.  
Also ISNIs can be given to organizations (corporate bodies, in catalogerese) 
while ORCiDs are only for individuals.


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Eric 
Lease Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] orcid and researcherid and scopus, oh my

On Jun 4, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Jodi Schneider wrote:

However, I believe that ISNI is bridging between these various sources
-- certainly including LC and VIAF [1], and also ORCID [2].
[2] From
ORCID identifiers utilize a format compliant with the ISNI ISO standard.
ISNI has reserved a block of identifiers for use by ORCID, so there
will be no overlaps in assignments.

I'm glad ISNI's have been mentioned. Thank you.

I had not heard about ISNIs until very recently, and I was both embarrassed as 
well as surprised. Sure, I've read the Web pages, [1] but what are ISNIs? How 
are they different from other identifiers, and is it just my imagination or 
have they simply not become as popular here in the 'States as they are in 
Europe, and why?

[1] ISNI -


Eric M.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] orcid and researcherid and scopus, oh my

2014-06-06 Thread Karen Coyle


I do think that there is a difference between identification and the 
uses that libraries have made of authorities. Part of it is historical 
-- that libraries began using authority control before the use of 
computers. Library authority control controls the form of the display of 
the name as its way to achieve uniqueness. Some of the identifiers 
listed do not provide a preferred form of the name. Instead, they 
provide a machine-readable identifier that brings together the variant 
forms of the name that have been used in publications.

Among these is VIAF, btw. VIAF identifies a person by clustering the 
authority records for that person. These authority files have preferred 
name forms, but there is no preferred display form of the name 
associated with the VIAF identifier.

This brings up the question of whether/when identifiers can perform the 
functions that are performed today by library authority control; is a 
single form of the name needed if the person can be identified in 
another way? Catalogers, in my experience, answer Yes, users need to 
see a single form of the name. However, the world of journal articles 
simply does not provide this, and it appears that ambiguity in names 
will be resolved through identifiers rather than name forms.


On 6/4/14, 8:27 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

  * ORCID -
  * ResearcherID -
  * Scopus -
  * VIAF -
  * LC -
  * ISNI -

How have any of y'all used theses sorts of identifiers, and what problems do 
you think you will be able to solve by doing so?

Each of these identifiers are essentially keys in a table, and the table often 
points to written works. To what degree are these sorts of things intended to 
be “authority records” and to what degree are they simply expected to be 
identifiers? What’s the difference? I do know that things like ORCIDs are 
intended to be included in grant and journal submissions — so they are keys 
also pointing to things like names, addresses, affiliations, etc. If there is 
computer-readable data/information at the other end of the identifiers, then, 
the data/information could be collected to create reports, such as on-the-fly 
curriculum vitas or departmental publication reports. —ELM

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] separate list for jobs

2014-05-07 Thread Karen Coyle

On 5/7/14, 5:37 AM, Sarah Shealy wrote:

you're creating an artificial divide between us and them. No one is 
'intruding' on anyone - it's a public forum for people who work in LIBRARIES (aka - places where 
inclusion is supposed to rule) without any filtering of participants, so technically anyone with an 
email address is part of the 'ingroup'.
Yeah, Sarah! I think this is a good reminder that the attitude of if 
you don't know, you don't belong here is NOT what c4l is about. 
Instead, it should be if you don't know, let me help you learn what you 
need to know. At the same time, if someone asks a question that you 
don't have the time or patience to answer, just let it flow by -- 
someone else will catch it. You don't have to read every post to c4l, 
and you definitely are not obligated to answer questions that come to 
the list.

Delete key. The all-important delete key.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Italian lectures on semantic web and Linked Data

2014-05-07 Thread Karen Coyle

Mille grazie, Stefano! - kc

On 5/7/14, 8:32 AM, Stefano Bargioni wrote:

Hi, Karen:
the recorderd video is available at
Eric Lease Morgan starts at 36min
Giovanni Bergamin starts at 1h 30min
Stefano Bargioni starts at 2h 03min
Koha Gruppo Italiano will add 
links to ppt asap.
Thanks. Stefano

On 06/mag/2014, at 16.29, Karen Coyle wrote:

Thanks, Stefano. The time zone difference makes this pretty much impossible for 
some of us. Will the talks be recorded for later viewing?


On 5/6/14, 2:09 AM, Stefano Bargioni wrote:

Koha Gruppo Italiano is pleased to announce that you can follow the conference 
Italian lectures on semantic web and Linked Data: practical examples for 
libraries via a streaming on
starting from May 7th, 2014 9:00 AM (CET). Mostly in Italian.
The full program is available at
You are warmly welcome to participate.

PS : apologies for cross posting.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Italian lectures on semantic web and Linked Data

2014-05-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Thanks, Stefano. The time zone difference makes this pretty much 
impossible for some of us. Will the talks be recorded for later viewing?


On 5/6/14, 2:09 AM, Stefano Bargioni wrote:

Koha Gruppo Italiano is pleased to announce that you can follow the conference 
Italian lectures on semantic web and Linked Data: practical examples for 
libraries via a streaming on
starting from May 7th, 2014 9:00 AM (CET). Mostly in Italian.
The full program is available at
You are warmly welcome to participate.

PS : apologies for cross posting.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle
My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a 
bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to 
it. Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in 
some cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation
concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest once and for


At least as far as we are concerned. I think it's well past time to put the
past in the past.

That's great, Roy. That's a *lot* simpler than parsing the
recommendations, WCRR, community norms, and such at [A, B] :)

Meanwhile, we have just put nearly 200 million works records up as linked
open data. [1], [2], [3]. If that doesn't rock the library open linked data
world, then no one is paying attention.


Yes, that is really awesome. But Laura was asking about barriers to
open metadata, so damn you for going off-topic with PR around a lack
of barriers to some metadata (which, for those who have not looked
yet, have a nice ODC-BY licensing statement at the bottom of a given
Works page) :)


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] getting URIs, was: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle
Thanks, Richard. I ask because it's one of the most common questions 
that I get -- often about WorldCat, but in general about any source of 
URIs -- How do I connect my data (text forms) to their URIs? And these 
questions usually come from library or archive projects with little or 
no programming staff. So it seems like we need to be able to answer that 
question so that people can get linked up. In fact, it seems to me that 
the most pressing need right now is an easy way (or one that someone 
else can do for you at a reasonable cost) to connect the text string 
identifiers that we have to URIs. I envision something like what we 
went through when we moved from AACR name forms to AACR2 name forms, and 
libraries were able to send their MARC records to a service that 
returned the records with the new name form. In this case, though, such 
a service would return the data with the appropriate URIs added. (In the 
case of MARC, in the $0 subfield.)

It's great that the big guys like LC and OCLC are providing URIs for 
resources. But at the moment I feel like it's grapes dangling just 
beyond the reach of the folks we want to connect to. Any ideas on how to 
make this easy are welcome. And I do think that there's great potential 
for an enterprising start-up to provide an affordable service for 
libraries and archives. Of course, an open source pass in your data in 
x or y format and we'll return it with URIs embedded would be great, 
but I think it would be reasonable to charge for such a service.


On 4/30/14, 9:59 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

To unpack the several questions lurking in Karen’s question.

As to being able to use the WorldCat Works data/identifiers there is no
difference between a or b - it is ODC-BY licensed data.

Getting a Work URI may be easier for a) as they should be able to identify
the OCLC Number and hence use the linked data from it’s URI{ocn} to pick up the link to it’s work.

Tools such as xISBN can
step you towards identifier lookups and are openly available for low volume

Citation lookup is more a bib lookup feature, that you could get an OCLC
Number from. One of colleagues may be helpful on the particulars of this.

Apologies for being WorldCat specific, but Karen did ask.


On 30 April 2014 17:15, Karen Coyle wrote:

My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a
bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to it.
Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in some
cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant

This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation

concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest once and


At least as far as we are concerned. I think it's well past time to put
past in the past.

That's great, Roy. That's a *lot* simpler than parsing the
recommendations, WCRR, community norms, and such at [A, B] :)

  Meanwhile, we have just put nearly 200 million works records up as linked

open data. [1], [2], [3]. If that doesn't rock the library open linked
world, then no one is paying attention.


Yes, that is really awesome. But Laura was asking about barriers to
open metadata, so damn you for going off-topic with PR around a lack
of barriers to some metadata (which, for those who have not looked
yet, have a nice ODC-BY licensing statement at the bottom of a given
Works page) :)


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] getting URIs, was: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle
Jonathan, I think we can point to some interesting benefits. If you take 
a look at what the BBC has done with their Wildlife site [1] and then 
look at the new FAO catalog [2] you can see how a page can be enhanced 
with useful data based on URIs in the bibliographic records. Imagine 
being able to add the short author bio from Wikipedia to a record 
display. etc. etc. [3] Or linking from a person as subject to the New 
York times data page for that person. [4]

Now, I know that your reply will be: but only if the vendors do it. 
Well, godammnit, we sure as hell can't wait for them - they are 
followers, not leaders. (And maybe this will give a boost to OS catalogs 
that don't have to wait for the unwieldy barge of library systems to 
make its change of direction.)

Note also that linked data is already happening in libraries in Europe, 
and the entire Europeana and DPLA are being developed as LD databases. 
This isn't some far out future nuttiness. We're actually running behind.


[2] Info:; search interface:

[3] try this out in:
[4] (R. Nixon) which links 
to page with a huge list of articles

On 4/30/14, 11:13 AM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
If you want libraries to spend money on adding URI's to their data, 
there is going to need to be some clear benefit they get from doing it 
-- and it needs to be a pretty near-term benefit, not Well, some day 
all these awesome things might happen, because linked data.

On 4/30/14 1:34 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Thanks, Richard. I ask because it's one of the most common questions
that I get -- often about WorldCat, but in general about any source of
URIs -- How do I connect my data (text forms) to their URIs? And these
questions usually come from library or archive projects with little or
no programming staff. So it seems like we need to be able to answer that
question so that people can get linked up. In fact, it seems to me that
the most pressing need right now is an easy way (or one that someone
else can do for you at a reasonable cost) to connect the text string
identifiers that we have to URIs. I envision something like what we
went through when we moved from AACR name forms to AACR2 name forms, and
libraries were able to send their MARC records to a service that
returned the records with the new name form. In this case, though, such
a service would return the data with the appropriate URIs added. (In the
case of MARC, in the $0 subfield.)

It's great that the big guys like LC and OCLC are providing URIs for
resources. But at the moment I feel like it's grapes dangling just
beyond the reach of the folks we want to connect to. Any ideas on how to
make this easy are welcome. And I do think that there's great potential
for an enterprising start-up to provide an affordable service for
libraries and archives. Of course, an open source pass in your data in
x or y format and we'll return it with URIs embedded would be great,
but I think it would be reasonable to charge for such a service.


On 4/30/14, 9:59 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

To unpack the several questions lurking in Karen’s question.

As to being able to use the WorldCat Works data/identifiers there is no
difference between a or b - it is ODC-BY licensed data.

Getting a Work URI may be easier for a) as they should be able to
the OCLC Number and hence use the linked data from it’s URI{ocn} to pick up the link to it’s work.

Tools such as xISBN
step you towards identifier lookups and are openly available for low

Citation lookup is more a bib lookup feature, that you could get an 
Number from. One of colleagues may be helpful on the particulars of 

Apologies for being WorldCat specific, but Karen did ask.


On 30 April 2014 17:15, Karen Coyle wrote:

My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a
bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to
Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in 

cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant

This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation

concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest

Re: [CODE4LIB] getting URIs, was: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle
Obviously openRefine will be used in many applications, but you've got 
to get your data TO openrefine, and you've got to do some programming to 
do that, and then to return the data to however you store it. OpenRefine 
is a great tool, but not a complete solution, IMO.


On 4/30/14, 10:47 AM, Simon Brown wrote:

What about OpenRefine?

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Thanks, Richard. I ask because it's one of the most common questions that
I get -- often about WorldCat, but in general about any source of URIs --
How do I connect my data (text forms) to their URIs? And these questions
usually come from library or archive projects with little or no programming
staff. So it seems like we need to be able to answer that question so that
people can get linked up. In fact, it seems to me that the most pressing
need right now is an easy way (or one that someone else can do for you at a
reasonable cost) to connect the text string identifiers that we have to
URIs. I envision something like what we went through when we moved from
AACR name forms to AACR2 name forms, and libraries were able to send their
MARC records to a service that returned the records with the new name form.
In this case, though, such a service would return the data with the
appropriate URIs added. (In the case of MARC, in the $0 subfield.)

It's great that the big guys like LC and OCLC are providing URIs for
resources. But at the moment I feel like it's grapes dangling just beyond
the reach of the folks we want to connect to. Any ideas on how to make this
easy are welcome. And I do think that there's great potential for an
enterprising start-up to provide an affordable service for libraries and
archives. Of course, an open source pass in your data in x or y format and
we'll return it with URIs embedded would be great, but I think it would be
reasonable to charge for such a service.


On 4/30/14, 9:59 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

To unpack the several questions lurking in Karen’s question.

As to being able to use the WorldCat Works data/identifiers there is no
difference between a or b - it is ODC-BY licensed data.

Getting a Work URI may be easier for a) as they should be able to identify
the OCLC Number and hence use the linked data from it’s URI{ocn} to pick up the link to it’s work.

Tools such as xISBN
step you towards identifier lookups and are openly available for low

Citation lookup is more a bib lookup feature, that you could get an OCLC
Number from. One of colleagues may be helpful on the particulars of this.

Apologies for being WorldCat specific, but Karen did ask.


On 30 April 2014 17:15, Karen Coyle wrote:

  My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a

bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to it.
Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in some
cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant


  This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation

concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


  Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest once



At least as far as we are concerned. I think it's well past time to put
past in the past.

  That's great, Roy. That's a *lot* simpler than parsing the

recommendations, WCRR, community norms, and such at [A, B] :)

   Meanwhile, we have just put nearly 200 million works records up as

open data. [1], [2], [3]. If that doesn't rock the library open linked
world, then no one is paying attention.


  Yes, that is really awesome. But Laura was asking about barriers to

open metadata, so damn you for going off-topic with PR around a lack
of barriers to some metadata (which, for those who have not looked
yet, have a nice ODC-BY licensing statement at the bottom of a given
Works page) :)



Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle
Roy, the question that I have is, as I say below, about DISCOVERABILITY 
of URIs, not intellectual property issues. It's great that there are 
lots of URIs for useful things out in the world, but they don't jump 
into your data store on their own through some kind of magic. To me, the 
big problem today is that of populating legacy data with useful 
identifiers. I know that some folks have worked at making connections 
between subject headings in their catalog and the URIs available through - and as I recall, it turns out to be fairly frustrating. It 
seems to be that the solution to this is that providers of URIs and 
users of URIs have to both make an effort to meet half-way, or at a 
mutally convenient location. It simply is not enough to say: Hey, look! 
I've got all of these URIs. Good luck! So let's talk about how we make 
that connection.


On 4/30/14, 1:17 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

Also, this:

OCLC identifiers, and Linked Data URIs, are always in the public domain.
Independent of the data and/or information content (which may be subject to
individual licensing terms open or otherwise) that they identify, or link
to, OCLC identifiers (e.g. OCLC Numbers, VIAF IDs, or WorldCat Work URIs)
can be treated as if they are in the public domain and can be included in
any data exposure mechanism or activity as public domain data.


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

To unpack the several questions lurking in Karen’s question.

As to being able to use the WorldCat Works data/identifiers there is no
difference between a or b - it is ODC-BY licensed data.

Getting a Work URI may be easier for a) as they should be able to identify
the OCLC Number and hence use the linked data from it’s URI{ocn} to pick up the link to it’s work.

Tools such as xISBN can
step you towards identifier lookups and are openly available for low volume

Citation lookup is more a bib lookup feature, that you could get an OCLC
Number from. One of colleagues may be helpful on the particulars of this.

Apologies for being WorldCat specific, but Karen did ask.


On 30 April 2014 17:15, Karen Coyle wrote:

My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a
bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to it.
Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in some
cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant

This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation

concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest once and


At least as far as we are concerned. I think it's well past time to put
past in the past.

That's great, Roy. That's a *lot* simpler than parsing the
recommendations, WCRR, community norms, and such at [A, B] :)

  Meanwhile, we have just put nearly 200 million works records up as


open data. [1], [2], [3]. If that doesn't rock the library open linked
world, then no one is paying attention.


Yes, that is really awesome. But Laura was asking about barriers to
open metadata, so damn you for going off-topic with PR around a lack
of barriers to some metadata (which, for those who have not looked
yet, have a nice ODC-BY licensing statement at the bottom of a given
Works page) :)


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate
Tel: +44 (0)7767 886 005

Skype: richard.wallis1
Twitter: @rjw

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] barriers to open metadata?

2014-04-30 Thread Karen Coyle

On 4/30/14, 6:37 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

In the end there may need to be reconciliation services just like we had
similar services in the card-catalog-to-digital years.
Roy, yes, that's what I'm assuming. I think we are indeed in the same 
leaky boat we were in in the 1970's when all of a sudden we realized 
that in the future we wanted our data to be digital but most of what 
we had was definitely analog. In the early days, we thought it was an 
impossible task to convert our cards to MARC, but it turned out to be 

I believe that linking our heading strings (the ones that hopefully 
resemble the prefLabel on someone's authority file) to identifiers is 
not as hard as people assume, especially if we have systems that can 
learn -- that is, that can build up cases of synonyms (e.g. Smith, 
John with title Here's my book == Smith, John J. with title Here's 
my book). This is what the AACR-AACR2 services did. OCLC surely does a 
lot of this when merging manifestations, and undoubtedly did so when 
determining what are works, and when bringing authority entries together 
for VIAF. No, you don't get 100% perfection, but we don't get that now 
with any of our services.

And for all of those who keep suggesting Open Refine -- it's like you 
walk into bakery to buy a cake and they hand you flour, eggs, milk and 
show you where the oven is. Yes, it can be done. But you want the cake 
-- if you could do and wanted to *make* a cake you wouldn't be in the 
bakery, you'd be home in your kitchen. So in case it isn't clear, I'm 
talking cake, not cake making. How are we going to provide cake to the 
library and archives masses? And, if you are feeling entrepreneurial, 
wouldn't this be a good time to open a bakery?


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Roy, the question that I have is, as I say below, about DISCOVERABILITY of
URIs, not intellectual property issues. It's great that there are lots of
URIs for useful things out in the world, but they don't jump into your data
store on their own through some kind of magic. To me, the big problem today
is that of populating legacy data with useful identifiers. I know that some
folks have worked at making connections between subject headings in their
catalog and the URIs available through - and as I recall, it
turns out to be fairly frustrating. It seems to be that the solution to
this is that providers of URIs and users of URIs have to both make an
effort to meet half-way, or at a mutally convenient location. It simply is
not enough to say: Hey, look! I've got all of these URIs. Good luck! So
let's talk about how we make that connection.


On 4/30/14, 1:17 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

Also, this:

OCLC identifiers, and Linked Data URIs, are always in the public domain.
Independent of the data and/or information content (which may be subject
individual licensing terms open or otherwise) that they identify, or link
to, OCLC identifiers (e.g. OCLC Numbers, VIAF IDs, or WorldCat Work URIs)
can be treated as if they are in the public domain and can be included in
any data exposure mechanism or activity as public domain data.


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:

  To unpack the several questions lurking in Karen’s question.

As to being able to use the WorldCat Works data/identifiers there is no
difference between a or b - it is ODC-BY licensed data.

Getting a Work URI may be easier for a) as they should be able to
the OCLC Number and hence use the linked data from it’s URI{ocn} to pick up the link to it’s work.

Tools such as xISBN
step you towards identifier lookups and are openly available for low

Citation lookup is more a bib lookup feature, that you could get an OCLC
Number from. One of colleagues may be helpful on the particulars of this.

Apologies for being WorldCat specific, but Karen did ask.


On 30 April 2014 17:15, Karen Coyle wrote:

  My question has to do with discoverability. Let's say that I have a

bibliographic database and I want to add the OCLC work identifiers to
Obviously I don't want to do it by hand. I might have ISBNs, but in some
cases I will have a regular author/title-type citation.

and let's say that I am asking this for two different institutions:
a) is an OCLC member institution
b) is not


On 4/30/14, 8:47 AM, Dan Scott wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Roy Tennant


  This has now instead become a reasonable recommendation

concerning ODC-BY licensing [3] but the confusion and uncertainty
about which records an OCLC member may redistribute remains.


  Allow me to try to put this confusion and uncertainty to rest

Re: [CODE4LIB] Enough PHP To Be Dangerous At ALA Annual

2014-04-11 Thread Karen Coyle


Good for you! I would find this more useful than about 99.2% of the 
offerings at ALA. If I were to attend the conference, I would definitely 
be there. In fact, Las Vegas is close enough that I will think about 
coming just for this.


On 4/11/14, 5:00 PM, Tim Spalding wrote:

For fun I'm throwing a day-long, almost-free introduction to PHP session
alongside the pre-conference day at ALA Annual.

It's called Enough PHP To Be Dangerous, and will be held Friday, June 27,
2014 a few blocks from the Convention Center.

Blog post is here:

It's for people who don't know much about programming. So, it's NOT FOR
YOU. You'd be bored! But you might want to tell a colleague. And if you're
interested in helping out, it would be great having another person or two
helping attendees figure out why their script won't run.

I'm doing it for fun and because I can. Conferences are ridiculously
expensive to exhibit at, so why not do a little more with it? For
simplicity's sake, I didn't hook up with LITA or anyone else; I just rented
a room and contracted for coffee and sandwiches.

If you're interested in going, or helping out, read the blog post and email


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] New Zealand Chapter

2014-04-09 Thread Karen Coyle
Really, Jay, you've got the t-shirt and the logo - what else could be 
needed? :-)

My take: reach out to a small but vibrant group; make sure it is diverse 
(type of library, type of person), and have a first meeting about how to 
have a second meeting. The first meeting may need to be folks in a 
nearby locale; the second would reach out to institutions that can add 
some support (space, time, motion).


On 4/9/14, 9:17 PM, Jay Gattuso wrote:

Hi all,

Long time listener, first time caller.

We don't have a C4L chapter over here in New Zealand, and I wondered what we 
would need to do to align the small group of Lib  / GLAM coders with the 
broader C4L group.

One of my colleagues did make this:

We are  also setting up a two day code/hack fest, focusing on our Digital 
Preservation concerns, in June.

I'd also really like to run the hackfest under a C4L banner.

Any thoughts?


Jay Gattuso | Digital Preservation Analyst | Preservation, Research and 
National Library of New Zealand | Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa
PO Box 1467 Wellington 6140 New Zealand | +64 (0)4 474 3064

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib italy

2014-03-11 Thread Karen Coyle
I happen to be in Italy at the moment, having just attended a conference 
on digital libraries here. [1] My general impression is that actual 
coding in libraries is rare, but I could ask around among librarians I 
know here and see what they say. There are some libraries that have had 
to create their own systems, and this might be a good outlet for those 
folks. It could also bring out projects that aren't well known.


On 3/10/14, 7:54 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

I wonder whether there are enough people and enough interest to organize a 
Code4Lib Italy event. Hmmm... —Eric Lease Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib italy

2014-03-11 Thread Karen Coyle
This is great. As soon as there is a group convened, we can try to find 
some way to coordinate for a meeting between US and Italy. Then, of 
course, there is the rest of the globe to cover... ;-)


On 3/11/14, 9:22 AM, Nicola Carboni wrote:

I can surely say that the interest on the topic is very high, and there is a 
community (maybe not so big as in U.S.) that would definitively participate.
I would definitively going on with this idea, also as a starting point to 
create a group of librarian/developer in Italy
I will try to forward this to some people that are interested on the topic.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: RFC 7154 - IETF Guidelines for Conduct

2014-03-03 Thread Karen Coyle
Wow. I really like the IETF policy. It's not so much a code of conduct, 
per se, but it's a great statement of who we are. I think a discussion 
along those lines for c4l would be very interesting. Where IETF has a 
statement like:

 3. IETF participants devise solutions for the global Internet that 
meet the needs of diverse technical and operational environments.

...c4l could say something about promoting solutions for all types and 
all sizes of libraries. A statement about sharing would also be nice. 
And maybe something about welcoming folks with various levels of 
technical expertise.


On 3/3/14, 10:36 PM, Peter Murray wrote:

Code4LibCon is coming up in a few weeks.  I’m sure there will be reminders 
about the community-generated code of conduct 
  I think it also useful to take a look at what just passed the IETF that 
governs their meetings.  In particular, I like how it gets past the “Thou shalt 
not” and gets to the “Thou shall”.

Peter Murray
Assistant Director, Technology Services Development
+1 678-235-2955
800.999.8558 x2955

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Welcome to Roy4Lib

2014-02-21 Thread Karen Coyle
Remember, folks, this is the Roy whose office number at the CDL was 
404. And it was true.


On 2/21/14, 3:13 PM, Roy Tennant wrote: is ALWAYS down. I mean, it just makes too much sense for it to
be in any other state.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Rosalyn Metz wrote:

it appears that is also down

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Frumkin, Jeremy wrote:

Welcome to the Roy4Lib discussion list. This list is intended to
facilitate discussion on Roy Tennant's new world library order, the role
of bacon (including kosher and vegetarian based varieties) in this
context, and the long, long, long, long, long drawn out death of MARC.

If you believe you have subscribed to this list in error, please email


admin at

Jeremy Frumkin
Assistant Dean / Chief Technology Strategist
University of Arizona Libraries

+1 520.626.7296

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes
a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction. - Albert Einstein

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [rules] Publication of the RDA Element Vocabularies

2014-01-24 Thread Karen Coyle

On 1/24/14, 6:56 AM, Jon Phipps wrote:

Thanks for reminding me that this is an academic panel discussion in front
of an audience, rather than a conversation.

Not entirely clear what you meant by that, but I do think that we have a 
very practical issue in front of us, and it's one of the things that, 
IMO, is holding back the adoption of linked data: the limitations of the 
tools in this area. As I said above, there is no reason why we should be 
working with raw URIs in our work, but few tools present the 
human-readable labels to the developer. So we are unfortunately forced 
to work directly with rdaa:P50209 even though we would prefer to be 
working with addressee of (the rdfs:label). Although we shouldn't be 
designing vocabularies to make up for the limitations of the tools, it's 
basically inevitable if we want to get things done. (There are, BTW, 
enterprise-level tools, but they are beyond the $$ of most folks on this 

I also think that rdfs:label presents us with the same problem that we 
found with SKOS that led to SKOS-XL and content as text -- there are 
times when you need to say something more about the label; more than 
what language it is in. It seems quite logical to me that you would have 
one label for experts, another for the general public; one label for 
those doing input, another for your basic UI; one label for children, 
another for adults; etc. You could do that in your application software, 
but then you aren't sharing it. That you found the need for a local 
reg:name is evidence of this, but it, too, will prove to be inadequate 
for some needs.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [rules] Publication of the RDA Element Vocabularies

2014-01-23 Thread Karen Coyle

On 1/23/14, 4:01 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:
So in my opinion, as is everything in the mail of course, this is even 
worse. Now instead of 1600 properties, you have 1600 * (number of 
languages +1) properties. And you're going to see them appearing in 
uses of the ontology. Either stick with your opaque identifiers or 
pick a language for the readable ones, and best practice would be 
English, but doing both is a disaster in the making.

Actually, it's more than that. Because, as you see below, for each 
property there are two URIs, a reg:name, and an rdfs:label. The lexical 
URI is based on the reg:name not the rdfs:label. So that makes one 
opaque identifier, one lexical identifer, and two display forms. The 
reg:name is camel case and condensed, as compared to the label, which is 
space-delimited words. Both have language designations.

The rdfs:label is written as a verb phrase, with either has or is -- 
a form that I generally find annoying in practice -- while the reg:name 
is noun-ish. I'm sympathetic to the has form in some situations, 
such as when reading a triple as a statement, but the verb-enhanced form 
would seem odd on an input form, for example. Having both could be 
useful, but since RDF doesn't recognize label types it only works in a 
closed world.

!--Property: has address of the corporate body--
rdf:Description rdf:about=;
  rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=; /
  reg:status rdf:resource=; /
  reg:name xml:lang=enaddressOfTheCorporateBody/reg:name
  rdfs:label xml:lang=enhas address of the corporate body/rdfs:label
  skos:definition xml:lang=enRelates a corporate body to the address of a 
corporate body's headquarters or offices, or an e-mail or internet address for the 
  rdf:type rdf:resource=; 
  rdfs:domain rdf:resource=; /
  rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=; 
rdf:resource=; /


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [rules] Publication of the RDA Element Vocabularies

2014-01-22 Thread Karen Coyle
 are distributed in sets
(the number of elements in each set is given in brackets):
Agent properties
Expression properties
Item properties
Manifestation properties
Work properties
Unconstrained properties

Follow the links to see details of each element set.

Questions or comments on the content of the element sets may be addressed
to the Chair of the JSC, Gordon Dunsire []. Questions
and comments on the encoding of the vocabularies or on the Open Metadata
Registry may be addressed to Diane Hillmann [].

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [rules] Publication of the RDA Element Vocabularies

2014-01-22 Thread Karen Coyle
On 1/22/14, 3:17 PM, Robert Sanderson wrote:

 The we might change what this means argument is also problematic -- if
 you change what it means, then you should change the URI! Otherwise people
 will continue to use them incorrectly, plus the legacy data generated with
 the previous definition will suddenly change what it's saying.
Rob, absolutely right. If the semantics change, then you need a new
property. But labels can change (or more can be added). However, the
library world still equates labels with data -- that is, that our data
is one-to-one with what we display. That's a huge problem, and it's very
hard getting people to think differently about that.

I've been looking at the output of the RDA vocabularies over the last
couple of days and it IS quite difficult to do so with properties named
something like P3058. There is a strong case to be made for mnemonics,
although I also take Jon's point that when a property has a name like
dc:title it is easy for folks to assume they really know what it
means. I would still prefer something memorable at this stage.

 Finally, 1600 properties... good luck with that.
Yes. And remember, RDA was designed to be a *simpler* cataloging code.
Can you imagine if it weren't?!



 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Hamilton, Gill wrote:

 Je ne comprends pas l'anglais.
 Je ne comprends pas l'URI otherDesignationAssociatedWithTheCorporateBody


 Opaque URIs with human readable labels helps in an international context.

 Just my two yens worth :)

 Gill Hamilton
 Digital Access Manager
 National Library of Scotland
 George IV Bridge
 Edinburgh EH1 1EW, Scotland
 t: +44 (0)131 623 3770
 Skype: gill.hamilton.nls

 From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Dan
 Scott []
 Sent: 22 January 2014 21:10
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Fwd: [rules] Publication of the RDA Element

 Hi Karen:

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:
 I can't address the first points, but I can speak a bit to the question
 meaningful URIs. In the original creation of the RDA elements,
 URIs were used based on the actual RDA terminology. This resulted in URIs
 Not only that, the terminology for some elements changed over time,
 which in
 some cases meant deprecating a property that was then overly confusing
 on its name.

 Now, I agree that one possibility would have been for the JSC to develop
 meaningful but reasonably short property names. Another possibility is
 we cease looking at URIs and begin to work with labels, since URIs are
 machines and labels are for humans. Unfortunately, much RDF software
 expects you to work with the underlying URI rather than the human-facing
 label. We need to get through that stage as quickly as possible, because
 it's causing us to put effort into URI naming that would be best used
 other analysis activities.
 Thanks for responding on this front. I understand that, while the
 vocabulary was in heavy active development it might have been painful
 to adjust as elements changed, but given that this marks the actual
 publication of the vocabulary, that churn should have settled down,
 and then this part of the JSC's contribution to semantic web could
 have semantics applied at both the micro and macro level.

 I guess I see URIs as roughly parallel to API names; as long as humans
 are assembling programs, we're likely to benefit from having
 meaningful (no air quotes required) names... even if sometimes the
 meaning drifts over time and the code  APIs need to be refactored.
 Dealing with sequentially numbered alphanumeric identifiers reminds me
 rather painfully of MARC.

 For what it's worth (and it might not be worth much) curl | grep reg:name | sort |
 uniq -c shows that the reg:name property is unique across all of the
 agent properties, at least. Remnants of the earlier naming effort? If
 that pattern holds, those could have been simply used for the
 identifiers in place of P#. The most unwieldy of those appears
 to be otherDesignationAssociatedWithTheCorporateBody (which _is_
 unwieldy, certainly, but still more meaningful than

 Perhaps it's not too late?
 Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

 National Library of Scotland, Scottish Charity, No: SCO11086

 This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not
 the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your
 system. The statements and opinions expressed

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf ontologies for archival descriptions

2014-01-19 Thread Karen Coyle
There is an ontology for archival description developed by the Europeana 
project. The web site for the ontology is here:
and there are some good articles about it here and here:

Note that Europeana provides an XSD version of the ontology because that 
is what most of the contributors could handle. (The list of contributors 
is here:

Europeana shows on the linked data cloud as a major content provider.

When looking for vocabularies, you might want to have a look at the 
Linked Open Vocabularies site:
This lists all of the vocabularies in use in the LOD cloud.

You can search for properties, and a search on time or place gives 
you many options.

Note that these are properties, and there is still the question of 
values or objects. For example, if you are going to be including 
geographic places in your ontology, then you probably want to use URIs 
from the geoNames database. (


On 1/18/14, 6:39 PM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

If you were to select a set of RDF ontologies intended to be used in the linked 
data of archival descriptions, then what ontologies would you select?

For simplicity's sake, RDF ontologies are akin to the fields in MARC records or the 
entities in EAD/XML files. Articulated more accurately, they are the things denoting 
relationships between subjects and objects in RDF triples. In this light, they are akin 
to the verbs in all but the most simplistic of sentences. But if they are akin to verbs, 
then they bring with them all of the nuance and subtlety of human written language. And 
human written language, in order to be an effective human communications device, comes 
with two equally important prerequisites: 1) a writer who can speak to an intended 
audience, and 2) a reader with a certain level of intelligence. A writer who does not use 
the language of the intended audience speaks to few, and a reader who does not 
bring something to the party goes away with little understanding. Because the 
effectiveness of every writer is not perfect, and because not every reader comes to the 
party with a certain level of intelligence, wr!


  ten language is imperfect. Similarly, the ontologies of linked data are 
imperfect. There are no perfect ontologies nor absolutely correct uses of them. 
There are only best practices and common usages.

This being the case, ontologies still need to be selected in order for linked 
data to be manifested. What ontologies would you suggest be used when creating 
linked data for archival descriptions? Here are a few possibilities, listed in 
no priority order:

   * Dublin Core Terms - This ontology is rather bibliographic in
 nature, and provides a decent framework for describing much of
 the content of archival descriptions.

   * FOAF - Archival collections often originate from individual
 people. Such is the scope of FOAF, and FOAF is used by a number
 of other sets of linked data.

   * MODS - Because many archival descriptions are rooted in MARC
 records, and MODS is easily mapped from MARC.

   * - This is an up-and-coming ontology heralded by the
 600-pound gorillas in the room -- Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc.
 While the ontology has not been put into practice for very long,
 it is growing and wide ranging.

   * RDF - This ontology is necessary because linked data is
 manifested as... RDF

   * RDFS - This ontology may be necessary because the archival
 community may be creating some of its own ontologies.

   * OWL and SKOS - Both of these ontologies seem to be used to
 denote relationships between terms in other ontologies. In this
 way they are used to create classification schemes and thesauri.
 For example, they allow the implementor to denote creator in one
 ontology is the same as author in another ontology. Or they
 allow country in one ontology to be denoted as a parent
 geographic term for city in another ontology.

While some or all of these ontologies may be useful for linked data of archival 
descriptions, what might some other ontologies include? (Remember, it is often 
better to select existing ontologies rather than inventing, unless there is 
something distinctly unique about a particular domain.) For example, how about an 
ontology denoting times? Or how about one for places? FOAF is good for people, but what 
about organizations or institutions?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support

2014-01-18 Thread Karen Coyle
Roy, I'm not sure what tips you over into sarcasm mode (unless it's 
anything I say), but 1) the answer is a few posts down, albeit not in 
any detail 2) as a member-based organization that exists to serve its 
members, I would think that OCLC would want to encourage  the gathering 
of information about members needs, rather than responding to them 

The transition to a new data model, and in particular the use of 
identifiers for things, is (IMO) going to open up a lot of opportunities 
for services. This will be like the transition to MARC from cards 
(retrospective conversion) and the transition from AACR headings to 
AACR2 headings, on steroids. It's not too early to start, and one of the 
early steps is that of matching our string-based data with URIs for the 
same thing. I'd be interested in engaging in some brainstorming about 
how to make this happen as efficiently and cost effective as possible. 
(Maybe this would be a good BOF at c4l14?)


On 1/17/14, 2:10 PM, Roy Tennant wrote:

I agree that most markup would be generated on the fly from a
database, so I'm a bit unclear on what kind of tool we (OCLC) or someone
else is being asked to develop. Perhaps someone could spell it out for this
dense person? Thanks,

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Dave, my impression is that most code is being generated
programmatically out of database-driven web sites. The list of tools (not
many) is here:

As OCLC is very involved in, it would make sense to encourage
them to develop something. Looking at what they do today in WorldCat, the
big advantage that they seem to have is that they can locate URIs for names
(VIAF) and subjects (LCSH).


On 1/17/14, 10:49 AM, Bigwood, David wrote:

Is there an easy-to-use tool for microdata? I was fond of the
OCLC NJ COinS tool, but it has gone. Anything of that ilk?


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Michael J. Giarlo
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support


In that case, I wonder if you might get more mileage out of
schema.orgmicrodata instead of COinS.  There are undoubtedly more clients
out there that can make sense of HTML5 microdata than COinS, which is
really showing its age and is a niche technology.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Chad Mills


No.  I am working with our repository resources which is an eclectic
mixture of resource types.  I just want to simply embed our metadata
in our search results and record displays for other tools to use.  It
seems cheap and reasonable to do I just didn't want to limit this
feature to only certain resource types.


- Original Message -
From: Jodi Schneider
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:54:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support

Hi Chad,

Are these subscription images/video/audio that libraries have? The
original purpose of COinS, as I understand it, was to get people to
subscription copies. Depending on what you're doing (i.e. the
purpose/intended use) there might be a better standard these days.

In case it helps there's more info here:
(though it looks like the generator isn't up any longer, maybe due to
OCLC New Jersey hosting?)

Hopefully you'll get some more helpful advice from others!


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Chad Mills

  I was able to easily find and create COinS for books and journals.

I started thinking about images, video, audio, etc.  I see
references to 'info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:unknown' as a rft_val_fmt value
some places.  I


assume if I went down that road the rft.genre would have a value of
'unknown' as well.  Is there some other alternative I am missing
when handling other formats?


Chad Mills
Digital Library Architect
Ph: 848.932.5924
Fax: 848.932.1386
Cell: 732.309.8538

Rutgers University Libraries
Scholarly Communication Center
Room 409D, Alexander Library
169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support

2014-01-17 Thread Karen Coyle
The missing formats are missing because they were never defined in the 
OpenURL standard. There is a registry of formats [1] that was designed 
to be updatable, although few updates have been done. I worked on the 
document type standards that are there today, and would happily help 
develop additional types if we can get some assurance that they could be 
added to the standard. I honestly do not know what mechanism exists for 
adding new types, but if anyone is interested we could ping the 
appropriate folks at OCLC and see.


On 1/17/14, 8:36 AM, Chad Mills wrote:

I was able to easily find and create COinS for books and journals.  I started 
thinking about images, video, audio, etc.  I see references to 
'info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:unknown' as a rft_val_fmt value some places.  I would 
assume if I went down that road the rft.genre would have a value of 'unknown' 
as well.  Is there some other alternative I am missing when handling other 


Chad Mills
Digital Library Architect
Ph: 848.932.5924
Fax: 848.932.1386
Cell: 732.309.8538

Rutgers University Libraries
Scholarly Communication Center
Room 409D, Alexander Library
169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support

2014-01-17 Thread Karen Coyle
Dave, my impression is that most code is being generated 
programmatically out of database-driven web sites. The list of tools 
(not many) is here:

As OCLC is very involved in, it would make sense to encourage 
them to develop something. Looking at what they do today in WorldCat, 
the big advantage that they seem to have is that they can locate URIs 
for names (VIAF) and subjects (LCSH).


On 1/17/14, 10:49 AM, Bigwood, David wrote:

Is there an easy-to-use tool for microdata? I was fond of the OCLC 
NJ COinS tool, but it has gone. Anything of that ilk?


-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Michael 
J. Giarlo
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support


In that case, I wonder if you might get more mileage out of schema.orgmicrodata 
instead of COinS.  There are undoubtedly more clients out there that can make 
sense of HTML5 microdata than COinS, which is really showing its age and is a 
niche technology.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Chad Mills cmmi...@rci.rutgers.eduwrote:


No.  I am working with our repository resources which is an eclectic
mixture of resource types.  I just want to simply embed our metadata
in our search results and record displays for other tools to use.  It
seems cheap and reasonable to do I just didn't want to limit this
feature to only certain resource types.


- Original Message -
From: Jodi Schneider
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 12:54:43 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] COinS metadata format support

Hi Chad,

Are these subscription images/video/audio that libraries have? The
original purpose of COinS, as I understand it, was to get people to
subscription copies. Depending on what you're doing (i.e. the
purpose/intended use) there might be a better standard these days.

In case it helps there's more info here:
(though it looks like the generator isn't up any longer, maybe due to
OCLC New Jersey hosting?)

Hopefully you'll get some more helpful advice from others!


On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Chad Mills

I was able to easily find and create COinS for books and journals.
I started thinking about images, video, audio, etc.  I see
references to 'info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:unknown' as a rft_val_fmt value
some places.  I


assume if I went down that road the rft.genre would have a value of
'unknown' as well.  Is there some other alternative I am missing
when handling other formats?


Chad Mills
Digital Library Architect
Ph: 848.932.5924
Fax: 848.932.1386
Cell: 732.309.8538

Rutgers University Libraries
Scholarly Communication Center
Room 409D, Alexander Library
169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Mapping LCSH to DDC

2013-12-10 Thread Karen Coyle
I've often thought that this would be an interesting exercise if someone 
would undertake it.

Just a reminder: in theory (IN THEORY) the first subject heading in an 
LC record is the one most semantically close to the assigned subject 
classification. So perhaps a first pass with the FIRST 6xx might give a 
more refined matching. And then it would be interesting to compare that 
with the results using all 600-651's.


On 12/10/13, 1:18 PM, Edward Summers wrote:

Not a naive idea at all. If you have the stomach for it, you could extract the 
Subject Heading / Dewey combinations out of say the LC Catalog MARC data [1] to 
use as training data for some kind of clustering [2] algorithm. You might even 
be able to do something simple like keep a count of the Dewey ranges associated 
with each subject heading.

I’m kind of curious myself, so I could work on getting the subject heading / 
dewey combinations if you want?



On Dec 10, 2013, at 8:18 AM, Irina Arndt wrote:


we would like to add DDC classes to a bunch of MARC records, which contains 
only LoC Subject Headings.
Does anybody know, if a mapping between LCSH and DDC is anywhere existent (and 

I understood, that WebDewey 
 might provide such a service, but

· we are no OCLC customers or subscribers to WebDewey

· even if we were, I'm not sure, if the service matches our needs

I'm thinking of a tool, where I can upload my list of subject headings and get 
back a list, where the matching Dewey classes have been added (but a 'simple' 
csv file with LCSH terms and DDC classes would be helpful as well- I am fully 
aware, that neither LCSH nor DDC are simple at all...) . Naïve idea...?

Thanks for any clues,


Irina Arndt
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
Library System Coordinator
Amalienstr. 33
D-80799 Muenchen, Germany

Tel. +49 89 38602-254
Fax +49 89 38602-290


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Mapping LCSH to DDC

2013-12-10 Thread Karen Coyle
Yeah, Ed! I'm totally looking forward to results. Unlikely as it is, if 
there's anything I can do

and I understand about limiting to 650, but ... well, let's see how it goes.


On 12/10/13, 1:37 PM, Edward Summers wrote:

I was going to try to reduce the space a bit by focusing on 650 fields. Each 
record with a Dewey number will be a tab separated line, that will include each 
650 field in order. So something like:

305.42/0973 tab Women's rights -- United States -- History -- Sources. tab Women 
-- United States -- History — Sources tab Manuscripts, American -- Facsimiles.

I thought it might be a place to start at least … it’s running on an ec2 
instance right now :-)


On Dec 10, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

I've often thought that this would be an interesting exercise if someone would 
undertake it.

Just a reminder: in theory (IN THEORY) the first subject heading in an LC 
record is the one most semantically close to the assigned subject 
classification. So perhaps a first pass with the FIRST 6xx might give a more 
refined matching. And then it would be interesting to compare that with the 
results using all 600-651's.


On 12/10/13, 1:18 PM, Edward Summers wrote:

Not a naive idea at all. If you have the stomach for it, you could extract the 
Subject Heading / Dewey combinations out of say the LC Catalog MARC data [1] to 
use as training data for some kind of clustering [2] algorithm. You might even 
be able to do something simple like keep a count of the Dewey ranges associated 
with each subject heading.

I’m kind of curious myself, so I could work on getting the subject heading / 
dewey combinations if you want?



On Dec 10, 2013, at 8:18 AM, Irina Arndt wrote:


we would like to add DDC classes to a bunch of MARC records, which contains 
only LoC Subject Headings.
Does anybody know, if a mapping between LCSH and DDC is anywhere existent (and 

I understood, that WebDewey 
 might provide such a service, but

· we are no OCLC customers or subscribers to WebDewey

· even if we were, I'm not sure, if the service matches our needs

I'm thinking of a tool, where I can upload my list of subject headings and get 
back a list, where the matching Dewey classes have been added (but a 'simple' 
csv file with LCSH terms and DDC classes would be helpful as well- I am fully 
aware, that neither LCSH nor DDC are simple at all...) . Naïve idea...?

Thanks for any clues,


Irina Arndt
Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)
Library System Coordinator
Amalienstr. 33
D-80799 Muenchen, Germany

Tel. +49 89 38602-254
Fax +49 89 38602-290


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] transforming marc to rdf

2013-12-06 Thread Karen Coyle

On 12/5/13 8:11 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:
Where will I get the URIs from? I will get them by combining some sort 
of unique code (like an OCLC symbol) or namespace with the value of 
the MARC records' 001 fields.

You actually need 3 URIs per triple:

subject URI (which is what I believe you are creating, above)
predicate URI (the data element URI, like
object URI (the URI for the data you are providing, like

The first two MUST be URIs. The third SHOULD be a URI but can also be a 
string. However, strings, in the linked data space, do NOT LINK. If you 
only have strings in the object/value space then you can run searches 
against your data, but your data cannot link to other data. Creating 
linked data that doesn't link isn't terribly useful.

(In case this doesn't make sense to anyone reading, I have a slide deck 
that illustrates this. I've uploaded it to: )

A key first step for all of us is to start getting identifiers into our 
data, even before we start thinking about linked data. MARC records in 
systems that recognize authority control should be able to store or 
provide on output the URI of every authority-controlled entity. This 
should not be terribly difficult (ok, famous last words, I know). But if 
your vendor system can flip headings then it should also be able to 
provide a URI (especially since LC has conveniently made their URIs 
derivable from the LC record numbers).

With identifiers for things, THEN you are really linking.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Interested in enhancing call-number browse in Millennium catalog

2013-12-04 Thread Karen Coyle
cynthia, I can't help you but I can encourage you -- honestly, the call 
numbers alone (especially in LCC where the notation is not a strict 
hierarchy) are close to useless without the meanings. One might even 
make the meanings more visible than the call numbers themselves (bolder, 
placed first)... Go for it!

Next: a smart phone app that reads books on a shelf and reports what the 
call numbers mean. I'd call it Where the F am I, anyway?


On 12/3/13 6:35 PM, Harper, Cynthia wrote:

I'm thinking of trying to enhance the call-number browse pages on a
Millennium catalog with meanings of the classification ranges taken from
the LoC Classification database.

a typical call-number browse page might look like this:,-1,,E/browse,-1,,E/browse

I'd like to intersperse the call-number listing with call-number range
meanings like

BX100 - Christian denominations - Eastern churches

Has anyone tried this?  Can you point me to the API documentation for the
LC Classification?

Cindy Harper

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] book cover api

2013-12-04 Thread Karen Coyle

Open Library book covers come in S, M and L -

Of course, if what you want isn't exactly one of those...


On 12/4/13 9:34 AM, Kaile Zhu wrote:

A while ago, we had a discussion about book cover APIs.  I tried some of those 
mentioned and found they are working to some degree, but none of them would 
offer the size I want.  The flexibility of the size is just not there.  The 
size I am looking for is like this:

Anybody has found a way of implementing book cover api to your specifications 
successfully and is willing to share that with me?  Off-line if you want.  Much 
appreciation.  Thanks.

Kelly Zhu

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Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4lib 2014 Diversity Scholarships: Call for Applications

2013-11-25 Thread Karen Coyle |

On 11/25/2013 at 10:43 AM, Dan Eveland wrote:

So, by diversity you mean every single type of person except white


that believes they are actually male. Is that accurate? So... diverse
except for one category specifically excluded through these rules. Is


any other category other then this one, specific, group of people who


not qualified to receive one of these scholarships? Really, I'd like


know. Perhaps it would have been more efficient to list who cannot

get the

help they need.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Jason Ronallo


For the Code4Lib 2014 Conference, 9 scholarships have been


to promote diversity.

CLIR/DLF has sponsored 5 scholarships, EBSCO has sponsored 2
scholarships, ProQuest has sponsored 1 full scholarship, and Sumana
Harihareswara has sponsored half a scholarship which was matched by
ProQuest. All sponsors have left it up to the discretion of the
Code4Lib 2014 Scholarship Committee for how to award these



The Code4Lib Scholarship Committee will award 9 diversity


based on merit and need. Each scholarship will provide up to $1,000


cover travel costs and conference fees for a qualified attendee to
attend the 2014 Code4Lib Conference, which will be held in Raleigh,
North Carolina, from March 24 - 27, 2014.


For more information on the Code4Lib Conference, please see the
conference website:

You can see write-ups of previous Code4Lib Conferences:


To qualify for a scholarship, an applicant must be interested in
actively contributing to the mission and goals of the Code4Lib

- Four scholarships will be awarded to any woman or transgendered


- Four scholarships will be awarded to any person of Hispanic or
Latino, Black or African-American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or


Islander, or American Indian or Alaskan Native descent.
- One scholarship will be awarded to the best remaining candidate


meets any of the previously mentioned eligibility requirements.

Eligible applicants may apply based on multiple criteria, but no
applicant will receive more than one scholarship. Past winners of


Code4Lib scholarship are not eligible for a scholarship.

The scholarship recipients will be selected based upon their merit


financial needs.

Scholarship recipients are required to write and submit a brief


report to the Code4Lib 2014 Scholarships Committee by April 1, 2014


be posted to the Code4Lib wiki. The report should address: (a) what
kind of experience they had at the conference, (b) what they have
learned, (c) what suggestions they have for future attendees and
conference organizers.

All reimbursement forms and receipts must be received by May 26,



To apply, please send an email to Jason Ronallo


with the subject heading “Code4Lib 2014 Diversity Scholarship
Application” containing the following (combined into a single


PDF, if possible):

1. A brief letter of interest, which:
 - Identifies your eligibility for a diversity scholarship
 - Describes your interest in the conference and how you intend


 - Discusses your merit and needs for the scholarship
2. A résumé or CV
3. Contact information for two professional or academic references
The application deadline is Dec. 13, 2013, 5pm EST. The scholarship
committee will notify successful candidates the week of Jan. 6,



We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the Code4Lib


Diversity Scholarships.

Council on Library and Information Resources
Digital Library Federation
Sumana Harihareswara

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] Code4lib 2014 Diversity Scholarships: Call for Applications

2013-11-25 Thread Karen Coyle

On 11/25/13 12:17 PM, Matthew Sherman wrote:

I am going to reiterate my push to turn this conversation to a discussion
for funding options for everyone who wants to attend Code4Lib 2014.  I
think that will be a much better use of our time.

Agreed. Someone mentioned state scholarships that many of us didn't know 
about. I think a page on the c4l wiki for scholarship opportunities 
could be a win. People could add any that they hear about.

And I wince a bit at mentioning this, but with actual non-profit status, 
c4l might be more able to solicit donations. Or perhaps the group could 
find a non-profit partner that could help out in that regard?


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 3:13 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:

Hi all,

I can’t believe we are having this conversation again.

I have nothing to add except to say that rather than feed the troll,
you might do what I did, and turn your frustration at this thread
arising *once again* into a donation to the Ada Initiative or similar
organization. Sadly, it seems that one cannot contribute to the
diversity scholarships, as I would be happy to do so. If anybody knows
how, please let me know.

best, Erik

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] linked data recipe

2013-11-19 Thread Karen Coyle
Eric, I think this skips a step - which is the design step in which you 
create a domain model that uses linked data as its basis. RDF is not a 
serialization; it actually may require you to re-think the basic 
structure of your metadata. The reason for that is that it provides 
capabilities that record-based data models do not. Rather than starting 
with current metadata, you need to take a step back and ask: what does 
my information world look like as linked data?



On 11/19/13 5:04 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

I believe participating in the Semantic Web and providing content via the principles of 
linked data is not rocket surgery, especially for cultural heritage 
institutions -- libraries, archives, and museums. Here is a simple recipe for their 

   1. use existing metadata standards (MARC, EAD, etc.) to describe

   2. use any number of existing tools to convert the metadata to
  HTML, and save the HTML on a Web server

   3. use any number of existing tools to convert the metadata to
  RDF/XML (or some other serialization of RDF), and save the
  RDF/XML on a Web server

   4. rest, congratulate yourself, and share your experience with
  others in your domain

   5. after the first time though, go back to Step #1, but this time
  work with other people inside your domain making sure you use as
  many of the same URIs as possible

   6. after the second time through, go back to Step #1, but this
  time supplement access to your linked data with a triple store,
  thus supporting search

   7. after the third time through, go back to Step #1, but this
  time use any number of existing tools to expose the content in
  your other information systems (relational databases, OAI-PMH
  data repositories, etc.)

   8. for dessert, cogitate ways to exploit the linked data in your
  domain to discover new and additional relationships between URIs,
  and thus make the Semantic Web more of a reality

What do you think?

I am in the process of writing a guidebook on the topic of linked data and 
archives. In the guidebook I will elaborate on this recipe and provide 
instructions for its implementation. [1]

[1] guidebook -

Eric Lease Morgan
University of Notre Dame

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] linked data recipe

2013-11-19 Thread Karen Coyle
Eric, if you want to leap into the linked data world in the fastest, 
easiest way possible, then I suggest looking at microdata markup, e.g.[1] does not require you to transform your data at 
all: it only requires mark-up of your online displays. This makes sense 
because as long as your data is in local databases, it's not visible to 
the linked data universe anyway; so why not take the easy way out and 
just add linked data to your public online displays? This doesn't 
require a transformation of your entire record (some of which may not be 
suitable as linked data in any case), only those things that are 
likely to link usefully. This latter generally means things for which 
you have an identifier. And you make no changes to your database, only 
to display.

OCLC is already producing this markup in WorldCat records [2]-- not 
perfectly, of course, lots of warts, but it is a first step. However, it 
is a first step that makes more sense to me than *transforming* or 
*cross-walking* current metadata. It also, I believe, will help us 
understand what bits of our current metadata will make the transition to 
linked data, and what bits should remain as accessible documents that 
users can reach through linked data.

[1], and look at the work going on to add 
bibliographic properties at
[2] look at the linked data section of any WorldCat page for a single 
item, such 

On 11/19/13 7:54 AM, Eric Lease Morgan wrote:

On Nov 19, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Eric, I think this skips a step - which is the design step in which you
create a domain model that uses linked data as its basis. RDF is not a
serialization; it actually may require you to re-think the basic
structure of your metadata. The reason for that is that it provides
capabilities that record-based data models do not. Rather than starting
with current metadata, you need to take a step back and ask: what does
my information world look like as linked data?

I respectfully disagree. I do not think it necessary to create a domain model 
ahead of time; I do not think it is necessary for us to re-think our metadata 
structures. There already exists tools enabling us — cultural heritage 
institutions — to manifest our metadata as RDF. The manifestations may not be 
perfect, but “we need to learn to walk before we run” and the metadata 
structures we have right now will work for right now. As we mature we can 
refine our processes. I do not advocate “stepping back and asking”. I advocate 
looking forward and doing. —Eric Morgan

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] mass convert jpeg to pdf

2013-11-08 Thread Karen Coyle
+1 for the viewer concept, and I'll add that viewing  downloading meet 
different needs and should both be offered if possible. (said because of 
recently having had to download huge PDFs just to glance at a few pages).


On 11/8/13 11:10 AM, Edward Summers wrote:

It is sad to me that converting to PDF for viewing off the Web seems like the 
answer. Isn’t there a tiling viewer (like Leaflet) that could be used to render 
jpeg derivatives of the original tif files in Omeka?

For an example of using Leaflet (usually used for working with maps) in this 
way checkout NYTimes Machine Beta:


On Nov 8, 2013, at 2:00 PM, Kyle Banerjee wrote:

We are in the process of migrating our digital collections from CONTENTdm
to Omeka and are trying to figure out what to do about the compound objects
-- the vast majority of which are digitized books.

The source files are actually hi res tiffs but since ginormous objects
broken into hundreds of pieces (each of which can be well over 100MB in
size) aren't exactly friendly to use, we'd like to stitch them into
individual pdf's that can be viewed more conveniently

My game plan is to simply have a script pull the files down as jpegs which
can be fed to imagemagick which can theoretically do everything I need.
However, I've never actually done anything like this before, so I wanted to
see if there's a method that people have used for combining lots of images
into pdfs that works particularly well. Thanks,


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] display book covers

2013-11-07 Thread Karen Coyle
I wanted to mention that I pointed to the Open Library covers API 
earlier, and it so happens that was on a day when OL covers was down 
(possibly due to the disruption of the fire at the Internet Archive). So 
if you've been having trouble with OL covers, it has been reported that 
they are now available again.


On 11/7/13 6:57 AM, Brent Ferguson wrote:

LibraryThing's API may have book cover art , can't remember...

We pay for Syndetics (cover art service) (owned by Bowker) and can use that for 
our cover art outside PAC

From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of Chris 
Fitzpatrick []
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] display book covers


I think you can do this all with JS or Coffeescript.

Here's a fiddle :

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Daryl Grenz wrote:

Powell's Books provides an API ( and direct
links to their book covers by ISBN13 only.
Regarding the limit on daily use of the Google Books API, I think from
when I used it before that if you access cover links through the Dynamic
Links API ( there
is no daily limit.
- Daryl

Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 15:13:35 +
Subject: [CODE4LIB] display book covers

Hi all,

Anyone have some good resources about tools for gathering book cover

images?  I'm building that into our next catalog update, which uses
Blacklight, but I'm not necessarily looking for Rails-only approaches.  My
questions are more general:

What sources are out there?  (ex. Google Books, amazon)

Making it work?
I'm trying out Google Books at the moment, just making a call to their

API.  This can be asynchronously and loaded after the rest of the page, or
cached, perhaps even store the url in solr or a database table?

I am trying out a Google Books gem[1], which is just a wrapper for the


Other thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Adam Wead
Systems and Digital Collections Librarian
Library + Archives
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

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Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf serialization

2013-11-07 Thread Karen Coyle

Ethan, thanks, it's good to have examples.

I'd say that for simple linking SPARQL may not be necessary, perhaps 
should be avoided, but IF you need something ELSE, say a query WHERE you 
have conditions, THEN you may find that a query language is needed.


On 11/6/13 9:14 AM, Ethan Gruber wrote:

I think that the answer to #1 is that if you want or expect people to use
your endpoint that you should document how it works: the ontologies, the
models, and a variety of example SPARQL queries, ranging from simple to
complex.  The British Museum's SPARQL endpoint ( is highly touted, but how many
people actually use it?  I understand your point about SPARQL being too
complicated for an API interface, but the best examples of services built
on SPARQL are probably the ones you don't even realize are built on SPARQL
(e.g.,  So on
one hand, perhaps only the most dedicated and hardcore researchers will
venture to construct SPARQL queries for your endpoint, but on the other,
you can build some pretty visualizations based on SPARQL queries conducted
in the background from the user's interaction with a simple html/javascript
based interface.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

Hey Karen,

It's purely anecdotal (albeit anecdotes borne from working at a company
that offered, and has since abandoned, a sparql-based triple store
service), but I just don't see the interest in arbitrary SPARQL queries
against remote datasets that I do against linking to (and grabbing) known
items.  I think there are multiple reasons for this:

1) Unless you're already familiar with the dataset behind the SPARQL
endpoint, where do you even start with constructing useful queries?
2) SPARQL as a query language is a combination of being too powerful and
completely useless in practice: query timeouts are commonplace, endpoints
don't support all of 1.1, etc.  And, going back to point #1, it's hard to
know how to optimize your queries unless you are already pretty familiar
with the data
3) SPARQL is a flawed API interface from the get-go (IMHO) for the same
reason we don't offer a public SQL interface to our RDBMSes

Which isn't to say it doesn't have its uses or applications.

I just think that in most cases domain/service-specific APIs (be they
RESTful, based on the Linked Data API [0], whatever) will likely be favored
over generic SPARQL endpoints.  Are n+1 different APIs ideal?  I am pretty
sure the answer is no, but that's the future I foresee, personally.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Ross, I agree with your statement that data doesn't have to be RDF all
the way down, etc. But I'd like to hear more about why you think SPARQL
availability has less value, and if you see an alternative to SPARQL for


On 11/6/13 8:11 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

Hugh, I don't think you're in the weeds with your question (and, while I
think that named graphs can provide a solution to your particular


that doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't raise more questions or
potentially more frustrations down the line - like any new power, it can
used for good or evil and the difference might not be obvious at first).

My question for you, however, is why are you using a triple store for
   That is, why bother with the broad and general model in what I assume
is a
closed world assumption in your application?

We don't generally use XML databases (Marklogic being a notable
or MARC databases, or insert your transmission format of


databases because usually transmission formats are designed to account


lots and lots of variations and maximum flexibility, which generally is
opposite of the modeling that goes into a specific app.

I think there's a world of difference between modeling your data so it


be represented in RDF (and, possibly, available via SPARQL, but I think
there is *far* less value there) and committing to RDF all the way down.
   RDF is a generalization so multiple parties can agree on what data
but I would have a hard time swallowing the argument that


data must be RDF-native.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Hugh Cayless

  Does that work right down to the level of the individual triple though?

a large percentage of my triples are each in their own individual


won't that be chaos? I really don't know the answer, it's not a


On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:40 , Robert Sanderson


  Named Graphs are the way to solve the issue you bring up in that post,

my opinion.  You mint an identifier for the graph, and associate the
provenance and other information with that.  This then gets ingested

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf serialization

2013-11-07 Thread Karen Coyle

Ross, I think you are not alone, as per this:


On 11/6/13 8:54 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

Hey Karen,

It's purely anecdotal (albeit anecdotes borne from working at a company
that offered, and has since abandoned, a sparql-based triple store
service), but I just don't see the interest in arbitrary SPARQL queries
against remote datasets that I do against linking to (and grabbing) known
items.  I think there are multiple reasons for this:

1) Unless you're already familiar with the dataset behind the SPARQL
endpoint, where do you even start with constructing useful queries?
2) SPARQL as a query language is a combination of being too powerful and
completely useless in practice: query timeouts are commonplace, endpoints
don't support all of 1.1, etc.  And, going back to point #1, it's hard to
know how to optimize your queries unless you are already pretty familiar
with the data
3) SPARQL is a flawed API interface from the get-go (IMHO) for the same
reason we don't offer a public SQL interface to our RDBMSes

Which isn't to say it doesn't have its uses or applications.

I just think that in most cases domain/service-specific APIs (be they
RESTful, based on the Linked Data API [0], whatever) will likely be favored
over generic SPARQL endpoints.  Are n+1 different APIs ideal?  I am pretty
sure the answer is no, but that's the future I foresee, personally.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:

Ross, I agree with your statement that data doesn't have to be RDF all
the way down, etc. But I'd like to hear more about why you think SPARQL
availability has less value, and if you see an alternative to SPARQL for


On 11/6/13 8:11 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

Hugh, I don't think you're in the weeds with your question (and, while I
think that named graphs can provide a solution to your particular problem,
that doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't raise more questions or
potentially more frustrations down the line - like any new power, it can
used for good or evil and the difference might not be obvious at first).

My question for you, however, is why are you using a triple store for
   That is, why bother with the broad and general model in what I assume
is a
closed world assumption in your application?

We don't generally use XML databases (Marklogic being a notable
or MARC databases, or insert your transmission format of choice-specific
databases because usually transmission formats are designed to account for
lots and lots of variations and maximum flexibility, which generally is
opposite of the modeling that goes into a specific app.

I think there's a world of difference between modeling your data so it can
be represented in RDF (and, possibly, available via SPARQL, but I think
there is *far* less value there) and committing to RDF all the way down.
   RDF is a generalization so multiple parties can agree on what data
but I would have a hard time swallowing the argument that domain-specific
data must be RDF-native.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Hugh Cayless

  Does that work right down to the level of the individual triple though?

a large percentage of my triples are each in their own individual graphs,
won't that be chaos? I really don't know the answer, it's not a


On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:40 , Robert Sanderson wrote:

  Named Graphs are the way to solve the issue you bring up in that post,

my opinion.  You mint an identifier for the graph, and associate the
provenance and other information with that.  This then gets ingested as


4th URI into a quad store, so you don't lose the provenance information.

   @id : uri-for-graph,
   dcterms:creator : uri-for-hugh,
   @graph : [
// ... triples go here ...


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Hugh Cayless


I wrote about this a few months back at


I'd be very interested to hear what the smart folks here think!


On Nov 5, 2013, at 18:28 , Alexander Johannesen wrote:

  But the

question to every piece of meta data is *authority*, which is the part
of RDF that sucks.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf serialization

2013-11-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Ben, Yes, I copied from the browser URIs, and that was sloppy. However, 
it was the quickest thing to do, plus it was addressed to a human, not a 
machine. The URI for the LC entry is there on the page. Unfortunately, 
the VIAF URI is called Permalink -- which isn't obvious.

I guess if I want anyone to answer my emails, I need to post mistakes. 
When I post correct information, my mail goes unanswered (not even a 
thanks). So, thanks, guys.


On 11/6/13 12:47 AM, Ben Companjen wrote:


The URIs you gave get me to webpages *about* the Declaration of
Independence. I'm sure it's just a copy/paste mistake, but in this context
you want the exact right URIs of course. And by better I guess you meant
probably more widely used and probably longer lasting? :)

LOC URI for the DoI (the work) is without .html:

VIAF URI for the DoI is without trailing /:

Ben - me - about me

On 05-11-13 19:03, Karen Coyle wrote:

Eric, I found an even better URI for you for the Declaration of

Now that could be seen as being representative of the name chosen by the
LC Name Authority, but the related VIAF record, as per the VIAF
definition of itself, represents the real world thing itself. That URI is:

I noticed that this VIAF URI isn't linked from the Wikipedia page, so I
will add that.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf serialization

2013-11-06 Thread Karen Coyle
Ross, I agree with your statement that data doesn't have to be RDF all 
the way down, etc. But I'd like to hear more about why you think SPARQL 
availability has less value, and if you see an alternative to SPARQL for 


On 11/6/13 8:11 AM, Ross Singer wrote:

Hugh, I don't think you're in the weeds with your question (and, while I
think that named graphs can provide a solution to your particular problem,
that doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't raise more questions or
potentially more frustrations down the line - like any new power, it can be
used for good or evil and the difference might not be obvious at first).

My question for you, however, is why are you using a triple store for this?
  That is, why bother with the broad and general model in what I assume is a
closed world assumption in your application?

We don't generally use XML databases (Marklogic being a notable exception),
or MARC databases, or insert your transmission format of choice-specific
databases because usually transmission formats are designed to account for
lots and lots of variations and maximum flexibility, which generally is the
opposite of the modeling that goes into a specific app.

I think there's a world of difference between modeling your data so it can
be represented in RDF (and, possibly, available via SPARQL, but I think
there is *far* less value there) and committing to RDF all the way down.
  RDF is a generalization so multiple parties can agree on what data means,
but I would have a hard time swallowing the argument that domain-specific
data must be RDF-native.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Hugh Cayless wrote:

Does that work right down to the level of the individual triple though? If
a large percentage of my triples are each in their own individual graphs,
won't that be chaos? I really don't know the answer, it's not a rhetorical


On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:40 , Robert Sanderson wrote:

Named Graphs are the way to solve the issue you bring up in that post, in
my opinion.  You mint an identifier for the graph, and associate the
provenance and other information with that.  This then gets ingested as


4th URI into a quad store, so you don't lose the provenance information.

  @id : uri-for-graph,
  dcterms:creator : uri-for-hugh,
  @graph : [
   // ... triples go here ...


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Hugh Cayless


I wrote about this a few months back at

I'd be very interested to hear what the smart folks here think!


On Nov 5, 2013, at 18:28 , Alexander Johannesen wrote:

But the
question to every piece of meta data is *authority*, which is the part
of RDF that sucks.

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] rdf serialization

2013-11-05 Thread Karen Coyle

On 11/5/13 6:45 AM, Ed Summers wrote:

I'm with Ross though:

... and Karen!

I find it much to read rdf as turtle or json-ld than it is rdf/xml.

It's easier to read, but it's also easier to create *correctly*, and 
that, to me, is the key point. Folks who are used to XML have a certain 
notion of data organization in mind. Working with RDF in XML one tends 
to fall into the XML data think rather than the RDF concepts.

I have suggested (repeatedly) to LC on the BIBFRAME list that they 
should use turtle rather than RDF/XML in their examples -- because I 
suspect that they may be doing some XML think in the background. This 
seems to be the case because in some of the BIBFRAME documents the 
examples are in XML but not RDF/XML. I find this rather ... disappointing.

I also find it useful to create pseudo-code triples using whatever 
notation I find handy, as in the example I provided earlier for Eric. 
Writing out actual valid triples is a pain, but seeing your data as 
triples is very useful.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Re: [CODE4LIB] display book covers

2013-11-05 Thread Karen Coyle

Open Library's CoverStore API information is here:


On 11/5/13 7:13 AM, Adam Wead wrote:

Hi all,

Anyone have some good resources about tools for gathering book cover images?  
I'm building that into our next catalog update, which uses Blacklight, but I'm 
not necessarily looking for Rails-only approaches.  My questions are more 

What sources are out there?  (ex. Google Books, amazon)

Making it work?
I'm trying out Google Books at the moment, just making a call to their API.  
This can be asynchronously and loaded after the rest of the page, or cached, 
perhaps even store the url in solr or a database table?

I am trying out a Google Books gem[1], which is just a wrapper for the api.

Other thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Adam Wead
Systems and Digital Collections Librarian
Library + Archives
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

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Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

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