Re: [computer-go] Dynamic Komi's basics

2010-02-11 Thread Alain Baeckeroot

Le 11/02/2010 à 10:32, Le Hir Matthieu a écrit :

 From what I think I understood, dynamic komi is supposed to try to keep the
 game more even.
The dynamic komi is a bias in the evaluation in order to inform the bot
that the game is balanced, and prevent it beeing blinded by the false 
feeling of large win in the beginning of a high handicap game.

Else with black and 9 stones the bot would think
  i (bot) am ahead, just take it easy, this game is won, 
whereas it is not, the 9 stones are needed, and we human know that white will
slowly but inexorably catch up.

When the bot plays white, this is less a problem, as montecarlo bot will 
correctly play safer and safer as the game advances. Maybe it could help,
by reducing the risks taken?

 If the computer is black, playing at 9 handi, will the  burden komi (
 negative) be 9 x  - 7,5  ?  - 67,5 ? It sounds highly improbable.
 On the other hand, 9 handicaps are supposedly giving an advantage of 90 to
 120 points, so my natural thought would be that the bot would give itself at
 least a negative komi of that many points ?

Yes this is the idea.
The problem is to find the right balance, and not be slow when the bot aims at
being safe, and not force the bot to take unneeded risks
(you know better than me the pb slow/thick, thin/light, safe/crazy)


 I am going to play a series of high handicap games ( as white)  against
 pachIV on kgs, that explains why I'm curious to know about how this
 komi-stuff works precisely.
no idea how/if this is implemented in different bots.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Pachi/fuego GnuGo hybrid

2010-01-18 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 18/01/2010 à 10:54, Petr Baudis a écrit :
 it would be great to share other information like LD
 and semeai critical moves; perhaps GNUGo even provides interface to get
 these as well.
yes, via gtp
you can easyly see in gogui :-), and maybe more with gnugo tool (regress.pike ?)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Open source real time Go server

2010-01-18 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 18/01/2010 à 18:37, terry mcintyre a écrit :
  My pet peeve is the KGS score estimator, which is often wildly wrong.

The best thing to do would be to remove the score estimator which
prevent people from thinking.
I bet there would be much less stupid chat during games whithout it :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] (no subject)

2010-01-04 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 04/01/2010 à 14:19, Nick Wedd a écrit :

 I have discussed these extra events in the past, and received feedback 
 here;  which, unfortunately, I have forgotten.  So please, anyone who is 
 interested, make your suggestions now. 

As a spectator i would like an Hanh tournament on 19x19, not too fast 
(~30 min each). I can run one bot if needed (gnugo fuego)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] (no subject) wish hahn

2010-01-04 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 04/01/2010 à 18:09, Petr Baudis a écrit :
 I don't think Hahn tournament would be that interesting,
As a physicist i like to experiment first, and think later,
to understand what happened, which obviously was not foreseen ;-)

I believe it will reveal some hidden aspect of the stronger engines,
and for sure it will be *fun* to see stronger bots destroy weaker ones,
(MC-RAVE end-game of strong bots is boring on 19x19)

 it would
 require some extensive modifications of especially the top programs
No need to be perfect Hahn. Changing the aim to max_points seems
to be just a change in metrics, it does not looks like very complicate

 and involve a lot of work in the tournament setup as well.
This is solved by Nick Wedd

 (And, ~30 min each _is_ quite fast on 19x19. ;)
I'll help you to convince Nick to give more time to your bot :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Fuego parameter question

2009-12-06 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 06/12/2009 à 01:05, Darren Cook a écrit :
 You also need to set max_nodes quite high or Fuego will keep stopping to
 clear out its tree. I'm setting it to max_games*50, so for 8000:
   uct_param_search max_nodes 40
 According to my notes fuego uses 75M + (65M per million max_nodes). So
 15 million nodes will use about 1Gb.  (That is on 32-bit linux.)

I miss something:
max_games and max_nodes are correlated or not ?

why do you chose max_nodes = max_games*50 ?
is it boardsize dependent ?

I guess that either max_games or max_nodes should be specified, but not
both (the first reached is the limiting factor ?)

(a new param max_memory appeared recently in trunk, i suppose it is
the new human understandable limit)

So my config is stupid for fuego 0.4 :-)
 max_nodes=15.000.000 (1GB RAM on ia32)

i attached my documented config file (with all the options and documentation i 
in the list and on

# Configuration parameters for fuego
# see :
# This file contains GTP commands

#   Game rules and settings (may be changed by GUI)
# Go Param
# There is one parameter that is interesting to users:
# Timelimit is the fixed time limit in seconds to use for a move generation,
# if no time settings are used for the game. The default is 10.
go_param timelimit 99

# Change the rules used in the game.
#   What rules are used by Fuego depends only on the settings in Go Param 
go_param_rules ko_rule pos_superko

# Go Param Rules
# WARNING : Note that entering text in the rules text entry of GoGui's game 
info dialog is
#   for storing this information in the file only. It is not transmitted to 
the Go program
#   because there is no GTP standard command for setting the rules.
#   What rules are used by Fuego depends only on the settings in Go Param 
go_rules kgs

#   uct_param_player

# uct_param_player ponder
#Whether to continue the search while waiting for the opponent's move. The 
default is 0 (=no).
# If this is set to 1, uct_param_player reuse_subtree must also be enabled.
uct_param_player ponder 1

# uct_param_player reuse_subtree
#Whether to reuse the reusable part of the tree from a previous move 
generation. The default is 0 (=no).
# Setting this to 1 (=yes) is required if pondering is used, but it also gives 
a small improvement in playing
# strength if pondering is not used.
uct_param_player reuse_subtree 1

uct_param_player max_games 16000

# uct_param_player ignore_clock 1
#  Guess : take remaining time into account (to prevent time loss and try to 
use all available time for a game)
#  Guess2 :  go_param timelimit N still controls the time for each move, even 
if ignore_clock is set to 1.
uct_param_player ignore_clock 1

#   uct_param_search

# uct_param_search number_threads
#   The number of threads to use. The default is 1.
# This should be set to the number of cores or CPUs available on the system for
# maximum performance. It has been tested with up to 8 cores.
uct_param_search number_threads 2

# uct_param_search lock_free
#   Whether to enable lock-free multithreading. The default is 0 (=no).
# You should enable this on modern Intel or AMD CPUs (with IA-32 and Intel-64 
# if more than two threads are used.
# Note that without lock-free search the performance of Fuego can even decrease
# if you use more threads. The maximum number of threads that can be used
# without a decrease of performance, if the lock-free mode is not used, depends 
on the board size.
# Petr Baudis said : (it makes it) faster - there should be no strength 
difference if you
# limit games number, not time.
uct_param_search lock_free 1

# uct_param_search max_nodes(obsoleted by max_memory  after 0.4 ?)
# Determines the maximum number of nodes in the search tree, and thus the 
maximum memory to use.
# The default is 400.
# The node size is 48 bytes on 64-bit computers (and 32 bytes on 32-bit 
# Fuego maintains two search trees internally.
# You should use about 10 000 000 nodes per GB main memory that you want to 
give to Fuego on 64-bit computers
#   (and 15 000 000 per GB on 32-bit 

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-26 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 26/11/2009 à 10:08, Vlad Dumitrescu a écrit :
 On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 00:43, Darren Cook wrote:
  When I read this it reminded me of experiments I tried before to pass
  more than one piece of information up from the leaf nodes of a (min-max)
  tree. E.g. a territory estimate and an influence estimate. I gave up as
  it got too complex to handle incomparable nodes (e.g. move A gets more
  territory, less influence). I remember having a really good reason to
  want to delay reducing multiple features to a single number , but it is
  all a bit fuzzy now.
  Does this type of search have a name, and any associated research?
 It feels like something that should be covered by some mathematical
 area, but I spent half of last night searching in vain. It's possible
 that I just didn't understand what those papers said.
 One issue is that when the value at a node includes other features
 than win/loss information, then the game is no longer zero-sum and
 then maximin should be used instead of minimax. Also the linearization
 of these feature's values should be done differently for each player
 (even if we might choose to play a little recklessly ourselves, for
 the opponent we should probably use the safest line of play).

Maybe have a look at signal processing, using higher-orders statistics ?
 std-deviation = order 2 (or 1 ?)

 win by 10 with std = 100 seems much less secure than win by 5 with std=1
 but maybe this is included in modern bots (i stopped at naive MC + AMAF)

It's far in my memory, so i can't tell you much more
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 25/11/2009 à 12:39, Vlad Dumitrescu a écrit :
 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:04, Nick Wedd wrote:
  A program to play Hahn Go has no
  reason to calculate probabilities, it should just make the biggest move it
 Ah, okay, now I understand your point of view. Thanks for explaining.
 Making the largest move available is just one possible strategy to
 attain the goal of ending the game with the most points scored. A more
 general strategy is to weigh the moves' size with the risks they can
This is taken onto account in the tree.
If playing one move lead 10% of time to +10, and 90% to -20,
the resulting value is -17
(of course with the bot evaluation/playout)

 Evaluating the risks is probably just as difficult (or maybe more
 difficult) than evaluating a move's value (which is difficult enough),
 but IMHO just being greedy is not helping one's game. Might it be for
 this reason that MCTS doesn't show good results when trying to
 maximize score?
They don't try to maximise score, that's why they are not good at it :-)

Best regards
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-25 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 25/11/2009 à 15:11, Vlad Dumitrescu a écrit :
 What I am considering is a way to analyze a list of moves, each having
 in turn a value that is a list of expected outcomes and their
 respective estimated probabilities, and to sort the moves by the
 expected outcome in the context of a given risk strategy. In practice,
 this means that the strategy is an algorithm that takes an
 outcome/probability list and converts it to a number, so that it can
 be compared to the other values.
 The algorithm in the example above is a linear weighted sum. Normal MC
 programs look only at the number of positive and negative outcomes.
 These are only two possibilities. 
Yes its the mathematical expectation of the aim of the game the bot
is playing: score or win respectively correspond to the Hahn game or
Go game.

 If using a more generic approach,
 the strategy can be parametrized and optimized (both offline and
 online), hopefully resulting in a better gameplay.
I don't understand how anything could be better than the expectation,
exept if you have additional information. 
For example mogo1 does not know bulky-five-dead-shape and has lots of
problem to find it is dead (before being killed). So when playing against
mogo1 you want to bias the estimator in the branches were bulky five
appears ? Or did i totally misunderstood you ?

Best regards.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots. and KGS tournament ?

2009-11-24 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 24/11/2009 à 00:24, a écrit :
 For my fast/dumb neural net engine, Antbot9x9, I coevolved the weights using 
 a similar tournament system. Each individual played a number of games against 
 all the others, round robin, and the score was the sum of points for all of 
 its games.
 Some observations/claims:
 Non-transitive effects seem more visible. Consistently overplaying garners 
 extra points from weak opponents but needlessly loses extra points against 
 strong ones. It becomes more important to play your opponent as well as the 
 board: if you think that you have him outmatched, take some risky gambles, 
 overplay. Every game in the tournament matters, right till the end of that 
 I think it could be interesting to try some bot tournaments like this. It 
 might be fun to watch. When the strongest bot was playing the weakest, even 
 near the (painfully one-sided) end of the game there would be an element of 
 suspense. The stronger bot would (or should) be trying to swindle a few last 
 extra points it didn't deserve, and the fate of the tournament could hinge on 
 - Dave Hillis

In another thread Nick Wedd wrote:

 The December KGS bot tournament will be 9x9.  I guess that if a 
 cluster-Zen competes in that (I am hoping it will), it will be 
 The existing pattern of KGS bot tournaments (see means that the January one 
 will also be 9x9, then February and March will both be 19x19.

Is there a possibility for an Hahn tournament on KGS ?
maybe with simplified rules: one point on board is one point in tournament
( (c) R.Jasiek )

If i understand what D.Hillis said, it can put in light some hidden aspects of 
bots, and should be more spectacular than the wise-sure-win style of MC *Go* 

And i guess it does not require lot of change in the code, only points 
instead of win/loss
in the evaluation function should do the trick.

I hope several strong programmers would like to participate, for fun and maybe 
several things in their code by pushing it to unusual limits.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot

A Go tounrmaent with Hahn system has been retransmeted on kgs/eurogo TV
With these rules, the actual count makes a difference (as opposed to just 

 Winning by 40.5gets 100 points
 Losing by  40.5gets   0 point


How current MCx bots can handle this kind of rules ?

The traditional safe way would ensure 60 points,
but trying crazy things (when losing) would cost a lot
if the result ends by losing by resignation or -40.5

What is the impact for chosing the best move ?
(choose the greediest amongst several with highest winning rate ?)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Elo move prediction

2009-11-19 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 19/11/2009 à 09:35, Seth Pellegrino a écrit :
 Hello all,
 I'm working on an implementation of Rémi Coulom's Elo-based move
 prediction algorithm[1], and I seem to be running into efficiency

Very simple question to start:
What is the programmation language ?
Do you use 1d representation of the board (a list) or 2d ?
 1d is much faster and i guess all efficient bots use it.

You can have a look at brown random player (from G.Farneback)
it was built to provide gtp implementation, and legal random moves.

my 2 cents.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Rated bots on KGS

2009-11-19 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 19/11/2009 à 13:10, Mark Boon a écrit :
 On Nov 19, 2009, at 1:24 AM, Nick Wedd wrote:
  So a bot which appears on KGS, gets rated as 25k, plays hundreds of  
  games, and then improves to 15k, is going to do a lot of damage to  
  the rating system.
 What happens when all those beginners that start at 25k improve, many  
 of them well beyond 15k?

afaik , there is a K factor linked to the confidence in the ranking, and
add inertia (strong dans moves slowlier)

I guess putting this K to espilon (or zillions) should solve the problem,
allowing bots to have a rank without any impact on the rest of the pool.
It might be a one line change (if bot K=0)

Also adding a question mark for bot's rank to indicate it is not so good...


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Joseki Book

2009-11-10 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 10/11/2009 à 15:56, Stefan Kaitschick a écrit :
 Ofcourse I can't say what a correct opening is.
 What I can say though, is that if bots are onto something with their strange
 openings, at this point it's by accident.
It is not by accident, it is consistent with what the bot can read.

 They really do underestimate the chances of an invader.
Maybe it is obvious for a player stronger than the bot, but i am 1 stone
weaker than zen19 and i have hard time to beat it, even if i know it will
play cosmic style.
And i find it is very strong at sacrifying something to go back to its beloved

 That goes for moyo parachute invasions as well as corner invasions.
 I think that's because the likelyhood of randomly playing  killing moves is
 greater than the chance of randomly playing shinogi moves.
 Disproving the initial hypothesis about such an invasion is an unsolved
 David Fotland made a similar comment about semeais that are incorrectly
 evaluated because the losing side can play its moves in any order
 while the winning side cannot.

I have the same problem during my games against humans :)
It seems 1d bots have more or less the same problems as 'cosmic 1d' players.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Joseki Book

2009-11-09 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 09/11/2009 à 08:04, Jessica Mullins a écrit :
 I am wondering what is the best way to build a Joseki Book? I am a student at
 Lewis  Clark College and am working with Professor Peter Drake to build a
 Joseki Book for the program Orego.
 Right now I am extracting moves from professor players and saving those into a
 database. Then if during game play a position is contained in the database,
 play the response move like the professional. I am just wondering what other
 people have done to build a Joseki Book, or if anyone knows of any papers that
 might be helpful.

I don't knwo how to build such a book, but
 Kogo's Joseki dictionnary is a huge .sgf file containging joseki + trick
 moves and punishment. Maybe it can be parsed to extract only joskis.

Gnugo includes a joseki db, with tags (joseki, hamete ...) so maybe it can
be used more easily.

my 2 cents.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Mirror Go against Zen

2009-07-23 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 23/07/2009 à 09:21, Ingo Althöfer a écrit :
 Therefore I really like the test series by Yamato (with 30 out of
 100 wins for Zen against mirror strategy)
  Can we assume that both programs are approximately equal or is MFGO
  clearly stronger (or visa versa?)
 In normal go (on KGS) Zen seems to be ahead of all other programs on
 moderate hardware. 
 Mirror go seems to be a world of its own...

gnugo --mirror   will try to play mirror go :)
maybe fun/interesting to add one on cgos ?

my 2 cents

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Mirror Go against Zen

2009-07-20 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 20/07/2009 à 15:34, Don Dailey a écrit :
 Again, I don't understand go so well, but how do you win against mirror
 It seems you must either take advantage somehow of the non-symmetry of the
 center point OR take advantage of the fact that a capture could break the
 symmetry.   Is that right?

yes there are well-know tactics to break symetry, part of them implemented
in gnugo.
- play on contact of the center stone, and after some moves you will capture
something or force your opponent to break symetry (to avoid being captured)
- ladder collision (i dont know how to do this)

There are some 9d pro games with mirror go during rather long time.

my 2 cents

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Mirror Go against Zen

2009-07-20 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 20/07/2009 à 16:01, Don Dailey a écrit :
 Ok, so I am right about this,  you take advantage of the asymmetry of
 But go programs do not KNOW they are playing mirror go
GNU Go knows if the game is mirror-go or not, and decide to break
it when a sufficent number of moves is reached

 and would have no motivation to specifically set this up.
in Torino for ICGA tournament some years ago, one go program was
playing only mirror-go and pass when playing mirror was impossible
(the student was starting his PhD and came mainly for conferences,
 he had no time to develop his program)

iirc this program lost all its games, but it was interesting to 
check games. I guess strong players / developpers will see more
things than me.

   So how is it that some equally
 strong programs have no problem while others do?
some detect symetry and know how to break it.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Slightly OT: Sound in CGoban

2009-07-16 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 16/07/2009 à 22:28, Peter Drake a écrit :
 I've recently been getting an odd distorted buzzing with every sound  
 played by CGoban3, the KGS client. This doesn't happen with other  
 applications, so I don't think it's a hardware or driver problem.
 Has anyone else encountered this?
 Peter Drake

you should to report this.
btw, if you can advocate fo a public bug tracker it would be a great
improvement for the community :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Fast ways to evaluate program strength.

2009-04-08 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 08/04/2009 à 07:28, Petri Pitkanen a écrit :
 This is nice idea and  this is to a degree what GnuGo regression test
afaik, gnugo testsuite (based on a previous one) is not totally suitable
 for MC programs, as some position are dead lost / clear win but shows
 gg misbehavior. 
Some part should be re-usable, at least as a validation of simple
known LD position for example.
Some times ago i tested a new (so weak) program on gg tests, it passed
less than 25%, when gg is above 65%.

It would nice to know the results of various programs on this suite,
and see what happens. 

Probably this would lead to filter out many tests, and help gnugo team
to improve relevancy of the test suite ?
 But as there is more than one way to skin the cat, it will not
 capture true strength of the programs. If you put Mogo to solve the
 tests from a book for example 501 opening problems, it will probably
 fail minimum of 75% of them because it has completely different style
 from what is expected from humans. This will also lead to different
 solution in connecting and capturing. MC program may reach the
 conclusion that it best option to ignore the whole connection issue.
 They often do exactly that.

Thats why its a big task to set up a test suite (and we should start
 now). Strong programs should have better results than weak ones ;-)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Black/White winning rates with random playout?

2009-01-10 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 8 janvier 2009, Nuno Milheiro a écrit :
 It seems normal to me, Blac is only one play ahead, which value is several
 points (probably 7,5 hence the komi value) given intelligent play, given
 random play the value of one more move may be only one point.
 You should try with more komi value to see which is the fair komi value for
 random play
  What's an usual winning rate for black/white from an empty 9x9 board, black
  playing first, 7.5 komi? I play 50k games when starting my program, and I
  usually get around 60% winning rate for white. This seems rather high to me,
  and I suspect a bug somewhere. Do you have any data I could compare with? I
  use random playouts, only moves that fill eyes are pruned.

This has been discussed some times ago wrt correct komi.
Aloril did some experiments with various programs, and this
tends to confirm that the komi depends on the strenght of the player.

For a random player, komi is near 1 point = mostly the advantage of
plonking one more stone on the board.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] komi for 13x13 and 19x19

2008-08-04 Thread Alain Baeckeroot

Le samedi 2 août 2008, Christoph Birk a écrit :
 On Aug 2, 2008, at 10:34 AM, Don Dailey wrote:
  Does it make sense to use a komi of 7.5 for 13x13 and 19x19 under CGOS
 I don't know about 13x13, but for 19x19 you should use 6.5.
Is'nt the komi 6.5 with japanese rules = 7.5 with chinese rules ?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] off topic: Tobacco

2008-04-08 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 8 avril 2008, Dave Dyer a écrit :
 By the way,  has anyone seen the Philip Morris commercials?   
 I believe they were forced into this as part of the extortion
 by the state attorneys general.  It's Penance for illegally
 targeting young non-smokers with Joe Camel, and promoting their
 products while denying that they were dangerous to your health.
And now they turn to third-world where no law protect people.
I saw huge brand new 4x4, painted with Malb colors, giving free
cigarettes at the outside of schools in Dakar, and organising
lots of dancing nights with free cigarettes.

Shame on them.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Hybrid theory

2008-03-11 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 1 février 2008, David Doshay a écrit :
 This is the direction in which we are moving with SlugGo. We also
 expect it to be difficult to integrate different approaches, but this
 has always been our research direction: when there are multiple
 codes which will each give an evaluation of a situation, how does
 one design an arbitrator that makes the final decision?

I asked how one do in my lab in speach recognition. They use home made
very simple method, but deeply linked to the internal of our tools.
The good news is that the phD student is going to study a little
voting methods and alike before his the end of his thesis !
Maybe in some monthes i'll have more info :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: komi argument = silly

2008-03-07 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 7 mars 2008, Petr Baudis a écrit :
 This has nothing to do with black/white distinction. The idea is to
 dynamically adjust the komi to make UCT to aim at higher and potentially
 less sure win or lower and potentially more sure loss. Of course,
 depending on whether it takes black or white you would adjust the komi
 in the correct direction.

clear summary :)
I just don't understand why one would need to change the komi in order
to fix endgame.
When winning probability of best move is known (with a confidence interval)
just pick the move which does more points (inside this interval) would solve
the endgame problem.


computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] GNU Go is not public domain

2008-02-28 Thread Alain Baeckeroot

On we read :
 a reference point, a popular program in the public domain called Gnugo

It is open source and libre program GPL, but not public domain.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 13x13 study. Time and memory

2008-02-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 21 février 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 If you look at the table you will notice that going from level 4 to
 level 11 (which is 7 doublings  and should take 128X longer)  only takes
 59.43 X longer.

So if we plot 9X9 rank vs time, maybe we have a straight line :)
ELO vs size of the tree (or memory usage) should show the same ?

On 13x13 study it does, but there are not enough data at high level.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 13x13 study. Time and memory

2008-02-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 22 février 2008, Sylvain Gelly a écrit :
 2008/2/22, Alain Baeckeroot [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Le jeudi 21 février 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
If you look at the table you will notice that going from level 4 to
level 11 (which is 7 doublings  and should take 128X longer)  only takes
59.43 X longer.
   So if we plot 9X9 rank vs time, maybe we have a straight line :)
 It would indeed be very interesting to see that plot!

and if i remember it was Don's initial claim, that doubling thinking time
(for humans and scalable bots) will produce a fixed Elo increase, at least
until exhaustion of other resources (human fall asleep, bot fill memory ...)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 13x13 study.

2008-02-21 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 21 février 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 The study is running very well.   We have 32 computers being used so
 far,  some participants are providing 2 (or even more) computers.
 It would be great to get even more as we get into higher levels, as it
 will take a LOT of power to get a lot of games when each games takes 2
 or 3 hours or more.

Is it possible to have a indicative time and memory consumption at each
level, for 9x9 and 13x13 study ?
I guess this does not vary too much on recent hardware (factor 2 at max),
and it is interesting to extrapolate how the scalability is (im)possible.

Thanks a lot for this interesting and convincing study.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: computer-go Digest, Vol 43, Issue 8

2008-02-18 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 18 février 2008, Michael Williams a écrit :
 But as was pointed out before, these high levels of MoGo are probably still 
 not pro level, right?

On 9x9 Big_slow_Mogo is near pro level, maybe more.
6 monthes ago or so it was able to regurlarly beat pro without komi on 9x9.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] gpugo. optimisation

2008-02-13 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 13 février 2008, Florian Erhardt a écrit :
 If anyone knows where I could get SIMPLE docs explaining optimizations
 for vector cpus, that would be great.

Some basic advices and links.

Read Linux Coding Style, especially section concerning indentation and

Draw the flow char of your program, and estimate number of loops and
 significant I/O. This is incredibly useful (and needs only 5 minutes to do)

The basis of optimisation (test against zero is faster, unroll, Single
 dimension arrays are faster than multi-dimensioned arrays...)

I would add: 
* do loops where computation on X(i) does not depend on X(i-1) (or i+1).
 This is mandatory for vector processing.
* loops are small (few lines not 100 lines) so the compiler
 can understand what happens and do the correct thing.
* Move all invariant code outside the loop
* Don't believe the compiler can do everything for you (it can if the code
 is clean because _you_ know what it expects)

This one is very clear, but it uses Cray tools

Of course profile your code (gcc -pg, if you uses gcc.)

What compiler do you use ?
Last, read the compiler documentation, and take notes, at least to have an
 idea of what kind of optimisation it can(not) do.

If after all possible optimisations you reach 30 % of theoretical maximum
performance, you can be proud of your code, maybe it impossible to do better.

I know there are some crazy optimisation gurus on the list, and hope they will
give more links and advices.

my 2 cents

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: komi

2008-02-12 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 12 février 2008, David Schneider-Joseph a écrit :
 On Feb 11, 2008, at 8:42 PM, Don Dailey wrote:
  David Schneider-Joseph wrote:
 By definition,  
 komi is proportional to the value of moving first.  Likewise, by  
 definition, your skill is the amount of value you get out of a move.   
 Therefore, better players should play with higher komi.

This was observed on cgos 9x9, and discussed last year or before.
i think its on Aloril site.

Very weak program need a komi 0.5


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Fw: big_Mogo_19

2008-02-09 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 8 février 2008, terry mcintyre a écrit :
 Probably true, but I am already running into RAM
 limits with big_Mogo18 - had to halve the number of
 instances of the autotest program, and am installing
 RAM in the next few days to alleviate this problem.
 There is also the time-per-game, which will
 approximately double.
 I'd vote for moving on to 13x13
Could you give an order of magnitude of time per move (or per game)
and memory usage, needed for each level of play ?

It would be nice to plot this on the same graph, to see how it
correlates with ELO.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Hybrid theory

2008-02-02 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 2 février 2008, terry mcintyre a écrit :
 Apologies for not quoting Don Dailey's text on Borda voting --
 yahoo is doing something truly awful with quoted text, for some reason. 

It also break mail-thread, putting your post in uncorelated thread.
Maybe switch to another mail ? ;-)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Transformation between KGS ratings and Elo

2008-02-02 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 2 février 2008, Christoph Birk a écrit :
 On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
  1800 is gnugo, so this puts top programs near 1k (2d for extreme
  mogo_18) this seems reasonable to me.
 Are you confusing 19x19 and 9x9?
 The ELO/KGS table is for 19x19, while mogo_18 plays 9x9.
oops, sorry, yes everything is fine :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Hybrid theory

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 1 février 2008, David Doshay a écrit :
 This is the direction in which we are moving with SlugGo. We also
 expect it to be difficult to integrate different approaches, but this
 has always been our research direction: when there are multiple
 codes which will each give an evaluation of a situation, how does
 one design an arbitrator that makes the final decision?
There is a phD student in my lab working on such a topic in speech
recognition (use several different statistical estimators and combine
the informations to get the best one or the best tree).
This give some nice improvements:
more or less 5 engines with 25 % error, give a system which does 20% error,
and this is a huge improvement.

I'll post some references, i guess the tools and methods are more or less
well known.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Transformation between KGS ratings and Elo

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 1 février 2008, Andy a écrit :
 See below I created a table that shows the transformation from KGS ratings
 to the Elo that CGOS uses.  I set 6k=1800 because I believe that is what GNU
 3.7.10 is under both systems.  Does anyone have more data points for bots
 that play on both systems?
 Also is there an all times list for 19x19?  CS-9-17-2CPU is on top at
 2297, but I don't think that's the strongest CrazyStone.  I think other strong
 19x19 bots are not on the current list either.
 To create the table I calculated the probability for a player of rank X to
 upset a player of rank X+1.  Then I converted this to the equivalent number
 of Elo points for the same upset rate.  Finally I made a running total,
 setting 6k to 1800.  The transform could be done using calculus I suppose
 but it's been a long time since I did that!  :)
ELO  set
 rank k1 rank  6k=1800
  10k   0.80139 1,244
   9k   0.80139 1,383
   8k   0.80139 1,522
   7k   0.80139 1,661
   6k   0.80139 1,800
   5k   0.80139 1,939
   4k   0.88153 2,078
   3k   0.97168 2,231
   2k   1.05182 2,399
   1k   1.13197 2,582
   1d   1.22211 2,779
   2d   1.30226 2,990
   3d   1.30226 3,216
   4d   1.30226 3,442
   5d   1.30226 3,667
   6d   1.30226 3,893
   7d   1.30226 4,119
   8d   1.30226 4,345
   9d   1.30226 4,571

1800 is gnugo, so this puts top programs near 1k (2d for extreme
mogo_18) this seems reasonable to me.

Im surprised when i compare this scale to

Obviously there is a factor 2 between both ratings scales, (as i don't
believe mogo_18 is 9d EGF ;), but this is just not important, as far
as we know it.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] scalability study

2008-02-01 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 1 février 2008, terry mcintyre a écrit :
 Regarding the scalability study, 
 I'm very curious about that flat spot for 
 Mogo-16, 17, and 18. ( )   
I think its just lack of data
Mogo_16  =  2958+47  / -45 
Mogo_17  =  2953+86  / -78 
Mogo_18  =  2947+87  / -79 

The smooth curves gives a better feeling: there is no plateau,
just a slowdown in improvement.

Also don't forget that these games are mainly self play, so result is
less reliable than the middle of the curve (which would be even
more reliable with a more programs but thats the role of cgos 9X9 :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS study

2008-01-30 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 30 janvier 2008, David Fotland a écrit :
 3 kyu at this level is a lot for a person.  I've know club players who never
 got better than 9k, and people who study and play may still take a year or
 more to make this much improvement.
 Many club players stall somewhere between 7k and 4k and never get any

Agreed 100%
One example from one serious young guy (14yo) in my club.
I think he is clever (outside of go), and serious and he 
works on go with 2 friends of his classroom, they discovered go together
last year. They also read books and once a month or so have a 3d
player who come to teach them...

I wish i could improve as fast as they are doing, and they are
already stronger than some adults who play since years and don't improve


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
  Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:18 PM
  To: computer-go
  Subject: Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study - prior in bayeselo, and KGS
  I wish I knew how that translates to win expectancy (ELO rating.)Is
  3 kyu at this level a pretty significant improvement?
  - Don
  Hiroshi Yamashita wrote:
   Instead of playing UCT bot vs UCT bot, I am thinking about running a
   scaling experiment against humans on KGS. I'll probably start with
   2k, 8k, 16k, and 32k playouts.
   I have a result on KGS.
   AyaMC  6k (5.9k) 16po
   AyaMC2 9k (8.4k)  1po
   16po ... 2po x8 core (8sec/move on Xeon 2.66GHz)
   1po ...  5000po x2 core (2sec/move on Opteron 2.4GHz)
   (5.9k) and (8.4k) are from the graph.
   AyaMC2 has played 97 games in a day on average. (2sec/move)
   I changed program 01/19/2008, but it is not stable yet.
   On this condition, 7 days or more will be needed for stable rating.
   Hiroshi Yamashita
   computer-go mailing list
  computer-go mailing list
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Study. Nakade is difficult

2008-01-30 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 30 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 I must not understand the problem. My program has no trouble with
 nakade unless you are talking about some special case position.My
 program immediately places the stone on the magic square to protect it's
 2 eyes.I can't believe mogo doesn't do this, it would be very weak
 if it didn't.

Worth to see,
This example comes from Modern Famous Games (Gendai no Meikyoku), vol. 6:
 Go Seigen, II p. 59.
In the game, both players, Go Seigen and Fujisawa Kuranosuke misread this
corner. (4 points nakade can become 2 points nakade)

Also this incredible capture 16 stones, but still dead :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Scalbility study: low end

2008-01-24 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 24 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 Hi Hideki,
 No need to stop any of the weaker games since 99% of the compute time is
 consumed by the strongest half. 
 Also, only the new mogo's will be scheduled to play until they catch up
 - however their opponent will almost always be the stronger players.  
 The probability of one of them playing against an opponent in the lower
 half is low.   
 - Don

Is it planned to also add Fatman 14 15 16 ?
Or is there some impossibility ?

Also it would be nice to have an order of magnitude of memory usage
and time used for each level.

Thanks a lot for this great study 

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] out of topic: Bobby Fisher

2008-01-24 Thread Alain Baeckeroot


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is MC-UCT really scalable ... is a troll

2008-01-23 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 23 janvier 2008, ivan dubois a écrit :
 Hi Alain, 
 Sorry for being so insistant : 
You should browse the archive of the list, nearly the same discussion about
infinite and scalability happenned in 2007.

 No i just said that, unless i really understood nothing,  i read here from 
 known competent persons that MC+UCT scales infinitely , and would reach 
 play with infinite computational resources, and this is theoretically proven
 (which is not the case for classical program like our beloved GNU Go).
 This is absolutely true. Now this can also be said for a mini-max solver (my 
Don Dailey answered better than i could do, yes minimax also scales.

 So MC+UCT scales. (even against humans, martians, trolls, computers, gods 
 ... :)
 The conclusion does not follow. 
Ah ? Why not ? what is wrong in the reasonning ?
Should i think :
 It scales in theory so it does NOT scale in practice  ?

 The fact that it eventualy reaches perfect play with enough computing power
 does NOT mean that it scales well.
 Proof : A mini-max solver does reach perfect play with enough computing
 power BUT does not scale.
we dont have the same informations. For Minimax scales too, maybe the
improvement curve has a smaller slope than MC+UCT curve, but 
 Actualy, this theoritical property is a NESCESSARY condition for UCT
 to scale, but it is not a SUFFICIANT condition. The scalability of
 UCT has been proven by its outstanding results
From a pure logical point of vue 
 - Positive experiment are never a valid proof. They are only examples that
 makes one feel his theory is right.
 - Only counter example are proof that the theory is wrong.

 and Don's experiments, not by mathematics.   
Are you a troll ?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 cgos ranking page

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, Olivier Teytaud a écrit :
 Have you selected the room with bot's name as a member?
 Yes. Seemingly only public rooms are possible for bots.
 I'm interested in if someone has a solution for private rooms.
I know that Aloril is running one mogobot clone in my go teacher's
private room, so it is possible.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] New scalability study : show uncertainty ?

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, Michael Williams a écrit :
  ...  perhaps only uniformly random playouts
  will scale to perfection.
 The reason that MC/UCT scales to perfection is because of the UCT part,
 not the MC (playout) part.  People seems to forget this a lot. 
I agree on this _only_ if the UCT check all possible moves.
If not one can be limited by the quality of the playout.

Pure random-MC playout has the great advantage of being totally neutral
and unbiased.
If you use gnugo for playout, as it has systematical errors (like wrong
estimation of life and death for groups surrounded at some distance) your
playout will be biased toward a wrong solution, far from perfect. I think
Sluggo showed this very clearly.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is MC-UCT really scalable ... is a troll

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, David Fotland a écrit :
 The UCT-MC programs do particularly well against traditional programs
 because they expose the brittleness inherent in the pattern databases they
 use.  Strong humans are not so easily beaten by playing unconventional and
 somewhat inferior moves.
I think Remi posted a game of CrazyStone on 19x19 commented by one pro
who said this move is 2 dan level.
So far no go program got such analyse, and the also the huge novelty
provided by MC/UCT programs is they have a _real_ strenght with their
own style, like humans:
play solid when winning, and play hamete (tricky moves) when losing.

On kgs MC programs played hundreds (if not thousands) games against humans,
and no doubt they fully merit their rank, and no doubt they are improving.

Infinite scalability is a theoricaly proved property, so please
don't feed the troll :-)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is MC-UCT really scalable against humans?

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, Mark Boon a écrit :
 On 22-jan-08, at 11:33, Magnus Persson wrote:
  So feel free to argue that 19x19 has properties that are unique,  
  but in doing so please *specify* exactly what this means and why a  
  computer program has to deal with it to play really strong.
 Would you argue the same for 3x3 Go?
 I think there are a lot of skills involved in playing 19x19 Go that  
 one doesn't need in 9x9 Go. Mostly involving longer term planning  
 like combining corner joseki, influence and thickness and more such  
Are't these things only shortcuts for a poor human brain, only a way
to compensate their lack of reading ability.
Like in fluid dynamics, one use macroscopic description (pression, temperature,
mass, speed =patterns and josekis) to summarize a huge amount of underlying 
very simple things (molecules position and speeds = stones and mutlples semeais)
But these macroscopic representations are flawned enought to oblige
real testing in wind-tunnel or alike before launching a new protoype of plane.

In go the real strenght of a players is limited by its reading and counting
capacity, no matter how much theory he knows.

on 9X9 MC/UCT showed they are strong at reading and counting, that matters.

 Maybe it will turn out that a computer doesn't need different   
 concepts for 19x19 to play well. So far the evidence is to the  
 contrary and programmers are inclined to add more knowledge related  
 things to their program when moving to 19x19.
I think combining good fuseki ala mango (see kgs ;), with other MC/UCT 
will give a nice improvement.

We 'll see with Mogo match against professional soon :-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] orego license?

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, Peter Drake a écrit :
 The license for Orego is GPL: basically, you can do whatever you want  
 with it, but don't sell it, claim our stuff is your invention, or try  
 to prevent anyone else from using it.
You can sell GPL, but you can't prevent the owner to redristribute it freely
or sell it again ;)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Is MC-UCT really scalable ... is a troll

2008-01-22 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 janvier 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Infinite scalability is a theoricaly proved property, so please
 don't feed the troll :-)
 Are you saying that the scalability is linear between number of playouts and 
No i just said that, unless i really understood nothing,  i read here from well
known competent persons that MC+UCT scales infinitely , and would reach perfect
play with infinite computational resources, and this is theoretically proven
(which is not the case for classical program like our beloved GNU Go).

So MC+UCT scales. (even against humans, martians, trolls, computers, gods ... :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] KGS private room

2008-01-21 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 21 janvier 2008, Olivier Teytaud a écrit :
 I am trying to connect a bot to a KGS private room.
 If we set computer-go as the room, the bot comes and plays against
 its opponents.
 But if we set the name of the room, the bot comes and can be seen in the
 room, but does not play.
 Someone has already solved such an issue ?
stupid question :
I have never tested this, but is your bot allowed in this room ?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] New scalability study : show uncertainty ?

2008-01-20 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 19 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 The new scalability study is in progress.  It will be very slow going, 
 only a few games a day can be played but we are trying to get more
 computers utilized. 
 I will update the data a few times a day for all to see.   This includes
 a crosstable and ratings graphs.   The games will be made available for
 anyone who wants them.
 Although it's not on the graph itself,  Gnugo-3.7.11 level 10 is set to
 be 1800.0 ELO.The bayeselo program is used to calculate ratings.
 Results can be found here:
It would be nice to also plot uncertainty bar around the estimated rank.

I wonder if fatman trend near 13 is an artefact or if the curve shows it
has reached some limit in scalabitly.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Anchor player

2008-01-17 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 17 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 Perfect! I will adjust the level so that it plays as strong as
 possible on CGOS without taking a risk of getting into time trouble on
 modest hardware. Then I can make Mogo the anchor player.

Even if i love Mogo, and i am very impressed, i think it is a bad
idea to use it as an anchor, as it is closed source.

It can be used as a floating anchor (= a player always present,
with no changes in settings), but i really think using GNU Go or one
other open source program for the anchor is the best for the community.

my 2 cents.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Sylvain Gelly thesis in english

2008-01-13 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 13 janvier 2008, terry mcintyre a écrit :
 From: Rémi Coulom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sylvain Gelly wrote:
  Yes I did! :).It is not on my website, but will (soon?).
  However, you should not be so eager to read it :)
 Google finds it:
 Thanks, Rémi!
 Now eagerly awaiting the English translation!

It is in english since page 24. 
pages 1-23 are french summary :-)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] To French speakers: computer Go on the French Radio

2008-01-10 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 10 janvier 2008, Olivier Teytaud a écrit :
  They announce that a match will be organized between MoGo and a 
  player in March, during the Paris Go Tournament.
 It will be the
 MPI version of mogo, and
 in various board-sizes.
What will be the hardware for Mogo ?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Difficult and strong move

2008-01-08 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 8 janvier 2008, terry mcintyre a écrit :
 - Original Message 
 From: Stuart A. Yeates [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I recommend  Mathematical Go: Chilling Gets the Last Point by Elwyn
 Berlekamp and David Wolfe. The book contains a number of such
 positions, as well as an approach that allows to make as many more as
 you need.
 Most interesting! Has anyone implemented these methods for endgame
 analysis in a computer program? 

If don't remeber exactly the names, but there are some papers about
thermography applied to endgame in go game.
I think i find them in Markus Enzenbererg go bibliography.

The main feeling i had, is that it can be usefull in very end game
when the board can be divided in independant sub-boards , and that
it seemed very tough work for very small result if
we consider current state of the art in computer go.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] How to get more participation in 19x19 CGOS?

2008-01-08 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 8 janvier 2008, Don Dailey a écrit :
 On 19x19 it might be 30 minutes per side like we have now,  with 5
 minute games for the fast time control.We would probably have to
 work it out so that program like gnugo would be able to handle the fast
 time control at their standard settings.

At level 10, gnugo might need more than 10 min for some games (with lots
of possible ataris or kos).
At level 0 (with tons of really ugly moves, and only 2 stones weaker on kgs)
 5 min should be ok.

I think adding handicap to 19x19 is really a needed feature.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: language efficiency

2007-12-18 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 18 décembre 2007, Harald Korneliussen a écrit :
 Some thinking out loud here on the topic of languages and efficiency:
 I'd like to know how well MoGo would have played if you let it think
 for a week for every move. Only it seems to me that is not possible,
 because I don't think MoGo will run for a week without crashing.
 Crazystone also crashes quite a lot, 

I guess you are under windoz, you should try linux ;-)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Where and How to Test the Strong Programs?

2007-12-12 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 12 décembre 2007, Ben Lambrechts a écrit :
  How do AGA ratings compare to KGS?
 Sensei's Library is your friend ;o)

I believe this page has not been updated since last year change
on kgs ranking scale.

Kgs have the big advantage of letting some bots get a rank, which is very


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Microsoft Research Lectures: Akihiro Kishimoto

2007-12-12 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 12 décembre 2007, Harri Salakoski a écrit :
 Such comment just take my word back little it is maybe awesome but I can't
 say is it or not, as have still bugs left.
 E E E
 E E E
 For example current version(not released) goes trought 162438 nodes before
 it proofs black B2 kills(without any ordering help).

 . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . .
 B B B B B . .
 w w w . B . .
 . . . w B . .
 . . w . B . .
 A B C D E F G

with 7 empty places, should'nt it be less than 7**3 = 2187 ?

How much nodes does it uses for this ?
 B B B B B B B
 B B B B . B B
 B B B B B . B
 w w w . B B B
 . . . w B B B
 . . w . B B B
 A B C D E F G


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Gnugo rank on 9x9 on kgs

2007-12-06 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 6 décembre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
 Lavergne Thomas wrote:
  If some bot can be setup to play on kgs for enough time to get a solid
  rank and then put on cgos to get an elo rating with the same
  configuration we could find a formula to convert elo to kgs ranks.
  For sure, this is not perfect but I think is good enought.

 But most of us feel that you cannot do this with GO programs - you need
 humans.   For instance you could take GnuGo,  get a 19x19 rating and
 then play on 9x9 CGOS and use it as a reference point.However GnuGo
 was not designed to play 9x9 go.   My own program Lazarus is terrible at
 19x19 but pretty good at 9x9.   It could probably give a low kyu player
 a really good game on 9x9 but it would be easily beat at 19x19 - so it's
 not a good way to standardize.I believe GnuGo is more balanced in
 this way - but it's probably a bad idea in general to figure it this way.
 Your idea is fine for 19x19 CGOS.  
 - Don

I used 946 9x9 games of my gnugo bot on kgs:
On 9x9 it appears that gnugo _has_ the same rank as on 19x19.
So just giving standard gnugo a fixed kyu on cgos (lets say 6k like kgs)
should give rather good estimation.


PS: Here are the histograms for my ranked bots on kgs, for those who wants
to do more subtle estimation and cannot wait monthes before their bot
gathered enough games on kgs :)

(these are old games before ranking system changes, so gnugo 3.7.9 and 10
 were 13k kgs, they are now 6k)

I filtered out handicap games and unfinished, but did not check cheaters.

The tables are  #occurence #opponent_rank(kgs_old_kyu)

For komi 7 and 7.5
gg99_rank/km7$ cat black_lose_agaisnt.csv
  1 2
  1 10
  2 13
gg99_rank/km7$ cat black_wins_agaisnt.csv
  1 10
  1 12
  2 13
gg99_rank/km7$ cat white_wins_agaisnt.csv
  1 2
  3 9
  1 10
  1 11
 19 12
 44 13
  2 15
  4 16
  3 18
  2 19
  1 20
  2 21
  2 25
  2 26
  4 30
gg99_rank/km7$ cat white_lose_agaisnt.csv
  1 3d
  1 2
  5 9
  2 10
  1 11
  4 12
 47 13
  1 14
  2 16
  1 17
  2 18
  1 19
  1 21
  2 25
  6 30

For komi 0 and 0.5 :
gg99_rank/km0$ cat black_wins_agaisnt.csv
  1 5
  1 6
 13 7
 14 8
 16 9
 11 10
 34 11
 50 12
  2 14
  3 17
  1 18
  1 24
  1 30
gg99_rank/km0$ cat black_lose_agaisnt.csv
  1 3
  1 4
  2 5
  1 6
  6 7
 11 8
 17 9
  5 10
 23 11
 23 12
  1 17
  1 20
gg99_rank/km0$ cat white_wins_agaisnt.csv
 28 12
211 13
  5 25
  1 30
gg99_rank/km0$ cat white_lose_agaisnt.csv
 31 12
245 13
  1 14
  2 16
  1 17
  1 22
  4 25

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Elo and handicap matching

2007-12-04 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 4 décembre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
 The only issue is that I don't know if GnuGo is representative of 19x19
 to 9x9 go strength.   I am interested in knowing how a human 19x19
 scales down to 9x9 play.  It's well known that programs scale up poorly.

Ah yes, i forgot this :)
My personnal rule is 
- on 13x13 divide handicap by 2
- on 9x9 divide by 3

It is a bit rough, but quite good.

More subbtle attempts are summarized at:

and with and interesting observation
in the end.


 However, this data should still be quite useful.
 - Don
 Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
  Le mardi 4 décembre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :

  For 9x9 ELO works better. For 19x19 it's less clear cut.The
  handicap system appears to be a good system at 19x19 and has the very
  nice merit of allowing grossly mismatched players to compete.   I
  think the two systems can be married by adding a fixed offset per stone
  handicap to your ELO.
  Stats from official european go federation, on 150 000 games nearly solves
  the problem of doing ELO vs handicap matching.
  Just need to find one anchor, lets says gnugo , rated 6k on kgs in 
  PS i posted this link some times on the list, but nobody seems to 
  consider it is useful (except Sylvain Gelly ;-)
  I would be glad if someone could explain to me why this does not solve the
  computer-go mailing list

 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Elo and handicap matching

2007-12-04 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 4 décembre 2007, Christoph Birk a écrit :
 On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
  For 9x9 ELO works better. For 19x19 it's less clear cut.The
  handicap system appears to be a good system at 19x19 and has the very
  nice merit of allowing grossly mismatched players to compete.   I
  think the two systems can be married by adding a fixed offset per stone
  handicap to your ELO.
  Stats from official european go federation, on 150 000 games nearly solves
  the problem of doing ELO vs handicap matching.
  Just need to find one anchor, lets says gnugo , rated 6k on kgs in 
 That's nice, but on 19x19. I was interested in calibrating
 CGOS 9x9 versus some moderatly strong humans.

It is possible to download mogo games on kgs and filter dan players
games then make some stats. My estimate was more than 2d (kgs) for
mogo 1.0 some monthes ago.

My experience on 9x9 on kgs against mogo_1.0:
I was 1 kyu on kgs and mogo was significantly stronger than me: 
i lose more than 2/3 on 10 games, and the rare
victories were due to some blunder of mogo (nakade in corner, instead
of seki).


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] KGS connection

2007-11-11 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 11 novembre 2007, Stuart A. Yeates a écrit :
 On 10/11/2007, Nick Wedd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In message [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Chris Fant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
A beginner could easily run gnugo for a day or two, get a 7k rank for 
   gnugo account, then replace gnugo with an account that moves randomly 
   for a
   few moves then resigns. Play this new robot as white with handicap 6, and
   you will soon get a dan-level account.

Nick Wedd
  It is broken in the sense that even as things stand, he can persuade his
  big brother to open an account, win games, get a 2-dan rating, and then
  throw games to him.  I don't see how any system could prevent this.
 This can be done relatively easily using network algorithms.
I don't understand how any algorithm can prevent cheaters without using
some kind of trusted authentification. I think you have a gold mine in your
hand if you can do this. 

Hopefully KGS dot aim to be secured as a banking system, and won't ask
my finger prints before i can connect for a game :-)

 Essentially your throttle how much of a contribution each other player
 can make to a player's rank. This throttling would probably be done
 relative difference in the rank between players and the square of the
 size of the pool of players.
 Such a metric would actually benefit all players, by encouraging them
 to play as many different other players as possible and avoid the
 formation of player cliques. One would have to ensure that you weren't
 penalising player who always played at a certain time of day in a
 certain timezone, however.
i suspect most people plays always at a certain time of the day, in their
timezone, so currently there might be 3 cliques: Asia, Europe, and Americas.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Gnugo development and MC

2007-11-05 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 5 novembre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
 I noticed there are various Gnugo with Monte Carlo enhancements.   Will
 any of these be integrated into the the Gnugo releases?  It seems like a
 logical move.
As far as i know MonteGNU is more or less:
and currently mainly (only?) Gunnar is working on it.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Where is Mogo?

2007-10-30 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 29 octobre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
 I don't see Mogo on the server?Where is Mogo?
 However CrazyStone is there to represent the Monte Carlo programs and
 seems to be doing a very good job indeed!
 CS-8-26-2CPU is
 doing absurdly well for far, winning almost every game it plays.
 - Don

According to
this seems to say CS-8-26-2CPU is near 4 stones stronger
than GNU (even if 6/7 games is not statistically very robust

I m waiting to see how CS_H3 do ...


 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Handicap vs Elo

2007-10-30 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 29 octobre 2007, Don Dailey a écrit :
 I don't see Mogo on the server?Where is Mogo?
 However CrazyStone is there to represent the Monte Carlo programs and
 seems to be doing a very good job indeed!
 CS-8-26-2CPU is
 doing absurdly well for far, winning almost every game it plays.
 - Don

According to
this seems to say CS-8-26-2CPU is near 4 stones stronger
than GNU (even if 6/7 games is not statistically very robust

I m waiting to see how CS_H3 do ...


 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] best approach forward

2007-10-12 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 11 octobre 2007 22:31, Christoph Birk a écrit :
 On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Don Dailey wrote:
  But we had a 19x19 server and it WAS NOT interesting.  Nobody seemed
  willing to play on it.
 Maybe that has changed now.
 It was not interesting because there was only one competitive
 program on it (MoGo). Most people's programs are too weak
 at 19x19, but having MCGO, MoGo and CS would at least create
 some competition.

And putting _handicap_ stones seems much more important on 19x19.
With proper handicap even a ~weak program have 50% winning chance, and
this is good for the moral of the bot ;)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Former ... inhuman MC/UCT style

2007-10-12 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 12 octobre 2007 06:10, Dave Dyer a écrit :
 Considering how monte carlo actually works, I think it's plausible
 to argue that it works best where the distance to endgame is small.
And for a player against Mogo this is very  un-human feature on 19x19.
- Fuseki is done agaisnt a 10k with vague but consistent cosmic style.
- End game is played agaisnt a high dan opponent ! and you lose ;-)

For me this is the most difficult to manage when playing mogo : i must
force myself to take a huge lead before end-game.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] IEEE Spectrum article by Deep Blue creator

2007-10-02 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 2 octobre 2007 16:46, Ian Osgood a écrit :

 I noticed that the following link was recently added to the Computer
 Go Wikipedia article. Cracking Go, by Feng-hsiung
 Hsu, IEEE Spectrum magazine, October 2007.

 He claims it should be possible to build a Go machine stronger than
 any human player.


Unless i missed something in this 4 pages article, there is nothing in it !
Just vague phrase, and assumption that brute force (ala deep blue) _may_ give 
a strong go machine.

I think classical, MC and UCT programmers have contributed much more to 
computer go than this respectable researcher.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] problems w/ 19x19 cgos server

2007-09-21 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 21 septembre 2007 21:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 If the 19x19 CGOS is going to be retired due to lack of interest,
 I wonder if there would be interest in trying out an ultra-blitz 
 version for a while: games as fast as the com. links would permit.?
 (Game storage would be an issue. Maybe they just wouldn't get stored.)
 It could be a limited time trial. It might push the front runners out 
 of their comfort zones and tempt some of those on the sidelines to
 join in. What do people think?  
 - Dave Hillis
With rather short time settings, gnugo can be the same strenght as mogo.
I guess something like 10-15 min is correct on 19X19.

Maybe a good idea is to find the time setting where these 2 bots have 50%
win against each other. This would be of great interest for other programs.

Else i bet gnugo will crush all programs in ultra blitz (at level 0 gnugo 
loses only 2 kyu on KGS compared to level 10)

 -Original Message-
 From: Don Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: computer-go
 Sent: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 1:25 pm
 Subject: Re: [computer-go] problems w/ 19x19 cgos server
 I had to take the 19x19 server down due to disk space limits on the
 boardspace server.   Almost nobody has been using it anyway.  I will
 also be archiving the 9x9 games on another site soon.
 If someone wants to host it on a unix machine that is visible I would
 consider relocating the server if there is enough interest.
 I'm wondering if a 13x13 server would be more popular.
 David Doshay is going to host a site to archive games and I will put all
 the 19x19 games that have been played on the 19x19 server there for
 future reference.
 - Don
 terry mcintyre wrote:
  Two problems with the 19x19 server.
  1) when I tried to click on a game for the 19x19 server, I got a 404 not
  found error. The same process works
  on the 9x9 links.
  Example of broken link from the Standings page:
  2) my copy of GnuGo cannot connect to the 19x19 server. This happens
  Terry McIntyre [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Binary release of MoGo

2007-09-13 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
On Monday 10 September 2007 10:37:17 Sylvain Gelly wrote:
  Is there a option like gnugo's --capture-all-dead?
  In my test(./mogo --9 --time 1),  seems mogo  passed when not  capture
  alldead stones.

 As this release is mainly for humans to play, it is set to play
 against humans, so passing as soon as the opponent passes and it is
 safe to pass.
 If you really want it not to pass, you should add a
 --playsAgainstHuman 0

 (I am not exactly sure of the exact spelling of the option and I can't
 test from here. Let me know if it does not work).

  By the way, is --time 0.1 valid?


 computer-go mailing list

Thanks for releasing binary mogo, and congratulations for your really nice 
job. I'm waiting patiently for your phd theses...

I have access to a cool cluster (50 CPU 100 Go RAM) and will asap run the 
~1500 gnugo genmove regression tests with mogo ... just to see what happens. 
I'll post the results when it is done, but i have to wait for availability...

Bonnes continuations.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] SGF parsing

2007-07-09 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 9 juillet 2007 18:46, Joshua Shriver a écrit :
 Ok found some KGS games, and they make a lot more sense. With the
 specification I can see what all of the OT, AP, TM, FF, etc commads
 are. However I don't understand the way it sets the location, so far
 nothing I've seen describes it.
 ;B[kr]  for example.
 I thought Go boards used A..x 1..y notation. Perhaps I'm wrong.

If i remeber well:

* Real life wooden Go board uses A...x without I , 1..y 
 sgf uses only letters for both coordinates (including I)

* Axes are not the same.
 for board: Ox toward East, Oy toward North
 for sgf: Ox toward south, Oy toward East

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 9x9 games wanted and the next big challenge

2007-07-08 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 8 juillet 2007 11:51, chrilly a écrit :
 If it would be really a big challenge, there would be some money.
There was a computer challenge with 1 million dollar prize during
many years, for a program abble to beat one professional choosen by the
sponsor. I don't know if it is still valid offer.

 In chess  
 nowadays there is also no money. But once it was a good business and there 
 was some considerable money for Deep Blue and on a smaller scale also for 
 Hydra, there was Don's project at MIT, one got a big Cray for Cray-Blitz, 
 Ken Thompson build a chess engine
 Its like some hobbyst engineers and hobby-pilots would try to fly to the 
Titanic was build by professionals, and Noah's arch by an amateur ;-)
(Kon Tiki is a more recent and scientific exemple of incredible amateurish

 Its probably only good for to write some academic papers. In this case its 
 even an advantage that everything is so amateuristic. The general level is 
 low and one can be the one-eyed king under blind ones.
If i remeber, last year you said something like As a professional 
programmer, i don't want to ruin my reputation with a poor go program :-)

And the state of the art is: go programs are just dumb on 19x19, lots
of research are needed, but more engeneering power would probably do nothing.
 Its clear to me that things are as they are in the West. Go is played only 
 by a small freak community. But if it is so important in China/Korea/Japan 
 why is'nt there something like Fritz and ChessBase? Or does it exist and we 
 are living in a completly other Go-world?
Some dozens of 9x9 pro games are at
There are databases of nearly 5 pro games on 19X19, this should be good
 enough for some years in computer go. 9x9 is a teaching tool, or a fun tactical
exercice, but it is not Go because of lack of strategy.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] mogobot against 5 dan pro on kgs

2007-06-15 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Hi everybody

Guojuan (5p) has played some games agaisnt mogobot on kgs.
Worth to look at, and mogobot 3.0 won some on 9x9
Congrats to mogobot team, and thanks to Guo Juan for the games :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: 9x9 vs 19x19 (was: computer-go Digest)

2007-05-22 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 22 mai 2007 01:52, Dave Dyer a écrit :
 I figured that a credible anchor player for 19x19 might
 need a lot of cycles, and need to play a lot of games
 at first, so spreading the load would be a good idea.

Maybe GNU Go 3.7.10 is _the_ good anchor player for 19x19:
- everybody use it at home for tests
- at level 10 it is fast, level 8 is slightly weaker but really much faster
- it is one of the strongest program available
- it is GPL

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 19x19 Go, scalability with time vs handicap

2007-04-22 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 22 avril 2007 22:26, Sylvain Gelly a écrit :
 Hello Daniel,

  Le dimanche 22 avril 2007 21:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
  For human players a difference of 2 kyu means that the winning ratio of the
  stronger player is almost 100%.
 Is it? Do you have some statistics? If so, that is interesting, because that
 means that neither MoGo nor GnuGo exploit well (comparing to humans) the
 handicap stones (see results of handicaps with settings which make them even
 at H0).

For kyu players 2 handicap does not mean very much.
For dan players the difference becomes more significant.
Nice stats on even game

For pro i have been told that Lee Chang Ho is 2 points stronger than one of
his favorite partner but has more than 70% victory, and he considers improving
his game play by 2 points a workload for one life :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] The physics of Go playing strength.

2007-04-09 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le lundi 9 avril 2007 14:06, Don Dailey a écrit :
  But the point is that
 as long as you can provide time and memory you will get improvement
 until perfect play is reached.
Is there any proof that heavy player converge toward the same solution as
the pure random playout ?

With infinite resource, i agree that random playout will find the best move.
But it seems that nothing is guaranted for heavy playout.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] The physics of Go playing strength.

2007-04-08 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 8 avril 2007 03:05, Don Dailey a écrit :
 A few weeks ago I announced that I was doing a long term
 scalability study with computer go on 9x9 boards.
 I have constructed a graph of the results so far:
Thanks for this interesting study.
 Feel free to interpret the data any way you please, but here
 are my own observations:
   1.  Scalability is almost linear with each doubling.
   2.  But there appears to be a very gradual fall-off with
   time - which is what one would expect (ELO
   improvements cannot be infinite so they must be
   approaching some limit.)
Could'nt the inflexion of heavy curve also mean that the advantage of
heavy play-out disappears when the number of simulation is very high ?
With huge number of simulation the heavy player could become weaker than
the light player, due to the wrong knowledge introduced in the play-out.
Sadly it seems hard to test this (12-13-14) without huge computing power,
a distributed [EMAIL PROTECTED], or a big amount of patience :-) 

   3.  The heavy-playout version scales at least as well,
   if not better, than the light play-out version.
   (You can see the rating gap between them gradually
   increase with the number of play-outs.)
between 10 and 11 the trend changes.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Big board. Temperature

2007-03-02 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 2 mars 2007 12:55, Jacques Basaldúa a écrit :
 In CGT the temperature is the difference between the value if you play
 and the value if you pass.
Thanks for your lights :)
Ok i better understand my confusion. In Go CGT-temperature applied to yose
strongly looks like ordinary points (moku).
I just found
The conclusion is much more clear for me:
The temperature of a game is also a measure of the average gain a player
can make by a gote play in it. It has the same value as the miai-value of
the play, in go terms.


 The name question should be answered by a 
 native English speaker, but I guess it is an common use of the word hot.
 Let's call it hotness ;-) 
 computer-go mailing list
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Big board. Temperature

2007-03-01 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Physics temperature is a macroscopic description (global) of the underlying
(un)-stability, so it comes to mind very quickly :)
Unfortunately the term temperature used in Computer Game theory is misleading
for physicists. CGT-temperature = value of the best move in go, this has
very little relation do with a global description of unstability.

(I propose to ban the term temperature from CGT, and replace it by value,
unless someone can explain the link with temperature in physics, and shows
some identical properties ;-)

Le jeudi 1 mars 2007 08:27, Darren Cook a écrit :
 Just trying to understand what you guys are talking about... I realize
 it is a rather small picture, but do the terminal positions of 19x19
 games between very strong players show more fractal qualities (or some
 other physics thing) than between, say, 15 kyu amateurs?
Yes. Pro games are near a limit of (un)-stability.
It seems one see the kind of physics he knows better (D.Doshay sees magnetic
transition, D.Hillis percolation and spin glass, i see fluid dynamics and
solidification ...)
The common denominator is a critical state, with sudden change in properties,
from a nearly homogeneous state.
- Beginners are under critical
- Pro near critical
- (Quasi) Random players above critical.

 Or, from another angle, how do you imagine a very large board would look
 in a game between two very strong players? And would it be any different
 for 15 kyu players?
For sure. On 19x19 one can estimate players strenght by seeing a position.
15 kyu is ugly ;) (overconcentrated, hyperstatic, not mixed, very little Work
of stones/groups, ...)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Big board. Temperature

2007-03-01 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 1 mars 2007 11:51, Jason House a écrit :
 alain Baeckeroot wrote:
  (I propose to ban the term temperature from CGT, and replace it by 
  unless someone can explain the link with temperature in physics, and shows
  some identical properties ;-)

 While I bet most of us dislike the term, it seems to express an inherent 
OK. Do you have some good link which clearly explain CGT temperature ?
Nowhere i find something explaining why it is a good name,
in the sense it is alike what all physicists call temperature (= more
or less global average of underlying agitation*density).

 Renaming temperature to value will lose that.  I know that  
 when I first came across the term temperature, I had to look up what it 
 meant and then learned something.  If it was value, I never would have.
I read some papers about thermography in go, and in this papers
it was much more clear if i replace temperature with value.

Some clever temperature stuff sounds trivial if you replace it by the word
value. Like saying winning strategy = play the highest temperature point.
Also except in small yose, it is hard to have a thermometer, about
as hard as a valuemeter ;-)

I agree that using value could also be misleading, but it seems much better
name than temperature.
maybe cgtemperate, or cvalue ?

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Big board. Temperature

2007-03-01 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 1 mars 2007 12:36, Nick Wedd a écrit :
 (I propose to ban the term temperature from CGT, and replace it by value,
 unless someone can explain the link with temperature in physics, and shows
 some identical properties ;-)
 This would be confusing.  A position in CGT has a value and a 
 temperature.  If you really want to use some other word for temperature, 
 don't choose a word that already has a different meaning in the same 
Ah, this shows how much i misunderstood what i have read on the topic :-(

 By the way - I thought CGT stood for Combinatorial Game Theory.
Yes, it was big brain lag.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Big board, ++physics

2007-02-28 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 28 février 2007 16:49, Oliver Lewis a écrit :
 On 2/23/07, David Doshay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 22, Feb 2007, at 9:03 PM, alain Baeckeroot wrote:
   ... I made very slow progress to formalize this ...
   But the whole stuff is rather coherent in my mind.
  Then I envy you. I have been trying to bring what I know
  about MC in physics together with Go for over 20 years,
  and I get tripped up every time by temperature. I know
  how to deal with it properly in the physics, but I still have
  no idea at all about how to cool the MC Go simulations.
  The concept of temperature as used in CGT (combinatorial
  game theory) has not helped me.
 David - using Alain's analogy about temperature being related to mixing,
 isn't there a link with what Peter Drake calls the proximity heuristic in
 the MC playouts? A completely random MC player may be too hot and one that
 always plays next to already occupied points too cold.  In between, it
 should be possible to define a temperature parameter which controls how
 close to the existing points a random MC playout happens.  You could then
 test how strength varies with this temperature parameter.  Is this what
 either of you had in mind?

Yes :)
Beginners do not mix enought, random players mix too much.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] scalability studies with UCT

2007-02-22 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 22 février 2007 17:00, Don Dailey a écrit :
 It appears that at 9x9 Lazarus needs more play-outs to equalize with
 gnugo.  However, it also appears that at higher levels the superiority
 is even greater than in the 7x7 games.  This is non-intuitive and
 probably not really the case - I assume this is due to sampling error
 since fewer games have been played on this boardsize.  We also need to
 see the highest level lose a few games as this surely distorts the
 table significantly (you cannot get an accurate ELO rating if you don't
 win AND lose some games.)
 I may try 11x11 or 13x13 boards at a later time - focusing on lower
 levels since the longer levels are very time consuming.  I will post
 an update to this in a few days once I've gathered substantially more
Thanks for sharing your experiments.
btw, GNU Go have databases for joseki and fuseki on 9X9 and 13x13.
Maybe running with --nojosekidb --nofusekidb otpions would be better for
scale comparison.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Big board. Torus ?

2007-02-22 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 23 février 2007 01:19, Matt Gokey a écrit :
 Here is a thought experiment to test: define the board only logically 
 using a graph (nodes and neighbor nodes).  No topological shape and no 
 mesh layout over any shape is needed.  If all nodes have exactly four 
 neighbors, there is no method or algorithm that you can run to find an 
 edge.  All nodes will look equivalent.

I was partly wrong, but i maintain this board is anisotropic :
It contains squares and triangles, not equally spaced, all triangles
are on the borders.

Here is a simple algorithm to define the borders:
Starting from one node and moving to the next, you can go to the
Left, Front, Right or Back.
- Insides nodes : if you go always to the Right, in 4 steps you are back
   to the initial position.
- Near border nodes: there is one starting direction where you need only
   3 steps to go back if you always turn to the Right
- Border nodes: 9 steps.

QED number of neighbors is not enought to define the topology, (i suspect
this is well known ;-)

So i maintain it is a cylinder, with 2 borders which correspond to our
visual feeling.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Big board, ++physics

2007-02-22 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 22 février 2007 01:16, David Doshay a écrit :
 It is pretty clear to me that, if the analogy to MC simulations in  
 is of any value, the temperature of the Go game you show is hotter than
 If the temperature were at the transition temperature, then each of the
 renormalized lattices would look just like a piece that size cut from  
 original. Because the details all get smaller, the original lattice  
 is on the
 random, or hotter, side of the transition.
 Thank you very much for this work. I am mulling this over ... how to
 cool the Go simulation slightly from the pure MC that you did.

Your analogy with physics encourage me to share other physical analogies.
1/ Cooling the simulation could be done by controlling the mixing rate
and the density of stones. 
-Beginners'games are too cold, not enought mixed (=overconcentrated or
  very high viscosity, nearly solid state, not ignitable)
-Professionnal games are probably near critical state (explosive conditions,
  gaz state)
-MC-players are nearly random = too hot, too mixed, plasma state.

2/ Soap Bubbles = potential territory 
In addition to previous fluid state, i see hypothetical bubbles:
- beginners makes some (less than 10) big bubbles, and their size and place
  are early known. (still too cold and too high viscosity)
- professional can makes lots of bubbles (20+), but they are changing and
  turning very often and quickly
- nearly-random makes a foam

3/ Solidification and cristal growth often comes to mind.
Cristal growth need a seed to begin, generally it is a defect or some
impurity. In go the defect are the corners:
- they need less material to build a frontier (like soap bubbles) so corners
 are the beginning of the process of solidification or cristal growth.
- the topology of the corner (2 libs, 3 libs and 4 libs) imposes the
 size and shape of a living group.
- impurity is a captured stone/group

4/ shape/size resonance
(un)fortunately the 19x19 size is just the critical size to have problems.
-17x17 is too small, corners influence is too strong, it is quickly
  possible to take the border. (= 3 bubbles)
-21x21 is too wide, it is not possible to quickly prevent easy invasion.
 (= 4 bubbles) (a strong go player told me: both are boring to play)
-19x19 is critical, just in between, that's why it's fun (=3.1415 bubbles ;)

I made very slow progress to formalize this, except density which is rather
trivial, and a kind of temperature, but it needs a lot of go knowledge
to work (something like gnugo internals), so it is not (yet) very suitable
for a fast MC simulator.
But the whole stuff is rather coherent in my mind.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Big board. Torus ?

2007-02-21 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 21 février 2007 02:10, Antonin Lucas a écrit :
 No need for those difficulties,  you can play along this board :

I think this is not a torus, even if each vertice has 4 neighbours.
I can easily mentally transform this into a cylinder, with an rectangular 
lattice and additional connection on the borders to have 4 neighbours.

But there is still a weird border topology, all direction are not equivalent.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] CGOS: Forfeit

2007-02-20 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mardi 20 février 2007 13:10, Heikki Levanto a écrit :
 P.S. Was there a good description of what a bot should do to finish a
 game earlier - my current ones play to the bitter end, with only 1-point
 eyes left. Might as well quit earlier if I can. 

Don't play moves which would be self-atari for opponent leaves 2 points eyes,
after you have captured all dead stones.

my 2 cents.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo Go simulation

2007-02-09 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 8 février 2007 22:09, Sylvain Gelly a écrit :
  It seems i was ambiguous: I was speaking of the simulation player too.
  What i meant is a random simulation player is not biased, whereas a better
  simulation player is biased by its knowledge, and thus can give wrong
  evaluation of a position.
 I think we have to start defining what the bias. For me the bias is
 the difference between the expected value of the outcomes of playouts
 by the simulation player and the real minimax value. In this
 definition the uniform random simulation player is VERY biased and
 gnugo much less.
OK, by i used bias in common sense, to mean that the strong simulator has
preferences for some moves, and doesn't consider them equally, 
or worse doesn't consider some moves. So it will miss some good points due to
its knowledge, whereas the random player will find the move.

  A trivial example is GNU Go: its analyze is sometimes wrong.
 Of course, if not computer go would be solved :-).
  Even if it is obviously much stronger than a random player, it would give
  wrong result if used as a simulation player. 
 Hum, are you sure?
I m 100% sure of this :-) 
 I think that GnuGo with randomisation, (and much 
 faster of course) would make a very good simulation player (much
 better than any existing simulation player).
Even with randomization, GNU Go considers only a few dozen of possible moves,
and makes systematic errors. Some times ago Rémi Coulom asked for positions
illustrating computer stupidity (2006-11-22)
and GNU Go provided some nice examples where its (wrong/misunderstood) knowledge
induces a failure in play. One very impressive was GNU GO 3.6 not invading
where obviously it is possible to invade (Steven Clark 2006-11-27)

 But a weaker player than GnuGo can make an even better simulation player.
  David Doshay experiments with SlugGo showed that
  searching very deep/wide does not improve a lot the strength of the engine,
  which is bound by the underlying weaknesses of GNU Go.
 Yes, this a similar non trivial result. I think there are more
 existing experimental and theoritical analysis of this, though.
 Perhaps such an analysis already exist for MC also, it is just that I
 don't know.
  Or maybe i just understood nothing of what you explained ;)
 It was not really explanations, just thoughts. I have no the
 solution, just think that it is an interesting question, and that it
 may be discussed. May be from a strong explanation of this phenomenon
 could come new ideas.
 I understand all these counter examples, I just think that it is more
 complicated than that.

I fully agree.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] early results

2007-01-27 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 27 janvier 2007 14:07, Don Dailey a écrit :
 On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 20:18 -0800, David Doshay wrote:
  I would highly recommend that you do your testing against
  a different Go engine. Self-play is a weak indicator.
 I agree that there is a pretty good amount of in-transitivity
 with self-play.
 However there is not a practical way to test with another
 program that I can see.  You don't get reliable ELO ratings
 with programs significantly stronger or weaker. 

You can use the furiously fast and weak following programs:
gnugo-1.2   (604 ELO on cgos 9X9 , 22k on kgs)
liberty 1.0 (986 ELO , 14k)
gnugo-2.0   (1236 ELO, 10k)

They work with GTP thanks to Aloril, and are GPL licensed.

A beginner with 3 month of play is between 10-15k on kgs

For stronger one, and still very fast, gnugo 3.6 at level 0 should do it.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] early results

2007-01-27 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 27 janvier 2007 14:58, alain Baeckeroot a écrit :
 Le samedi 27 janvier 2007 14:07, Don Dailey a écrit :
  I agree that there is a pretty good amount of in-transitivity
  with self-play.

 You can use the furiously fast and weak following programs:
 gnugo-1.2 (604 ELO on cgos 9X9 , 22k on kgs)
 liberty 1.0   (986 ELO , 14k)
 gnugo-2.0 (1236 ELO, 10k)

Howerver, kgs says there is 4 stone difference between liberty-1.0 
and gnugo-2.0 but Aloril tests show that in match, the difference
is 14 stones (out of 1000 games)

More fun test results at:

Diversity seems needed for calibration of rating.
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-24 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 24 janvier 2007 19:56, Stuart A. Yeates a écrit :
 Since no one has mentioned bounding memory, a complete lookup table (a
 complete table of correct moves, perfect-hashed by board state) should do
 the trick.

With 10^170 legal position for 19x19 what would be the size of this table ?
I m afraid we cannot build it with all the matter in visible universe.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-24 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 24 janvier 2007 23:06, Jim O'Flaherty, Jr. a écrit :
 You can if you use some sort of compression scheme...involving
 multiple values per quanta. I bet there's more than enough the universe...probably just in your eyelash.  

True i forgot about fantastic quantum-computer, which so far solved only
very specific and tiny problems or quantum mechanics.

Normal quantum computer need more than 564 qubit to store the 10^170 pos,
Maybe one can do better for go with a 361 qubit computer wich behave
with go rules :)
This need some serious amount of research ...

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-24 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 25 janvier 2007 02:16, Lars Nilsson a écrit :
 On 1/24/07, alain Baeckeroot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  True i forgot about fantastic quantum-computer, which so far solved only
  very specific and tiny problems or quantum mechanics.
 In the spirit of this, lets bring the quantum computer built at U of
 Illinois that computers its answer without actually running..
 By placing our photon in a quantum superposition of running and not
 running the search algorithm, we obtained information about the answer
 even when the photon did not run the search algorithm, said graduate
 student Onur Hosten, lead author of the Nature paper. We also showed
 theoretically how to obtain the answer without ever running the
 algorithm, by using a 'chained Zeno' effect.
 That should take care of any objection like the universe would end
 before the computer finished searching the entire game-tree. ;)
 Lars Nilsson

Last paragraph begin by this sentence:
While the researchers’ optical quantum computer cannot be scaled up,...

 Kwiat’s team succeeded in counterfactually searching a four-element
 database using Grover’s quantum search algorithm.

Grover's algorithm is O(N^1/2) instead of O(N) wich might not be enought
for go.

Utilizing two coupled optical interferometers, nested within a third,
I m afraid using 3 interferometer to search a 4 bit data base is 
slightly inefficient and costly :)

If this could scale, it would need more than 500 interferometers to build
a go-enabled machine. (or 500*501/2 ?)

This is thermodynamical principe, you need an inifinetly big machine to
do something infinitely small. This is already true for current computers,
Moore law also describe the resources needed for building new more powerful
computers (money, plants, complexity of the whole stuff ...) ,not doubling
each 18 month , but regurlarly increasing, to such a point that financial
or material resource can become the limiting factor soon.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can a computer beat a human?

2007-01-24 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le jeudi 25 janvier 2007 02:16, Lars Nilsson a écrit :
 In the spirit of this, lets bring the quantum computer built at U of
 Illinois that computers its answer without actually running..
 By placing our photon in a quantum superposition of running and not
 running the search algorithm, we obtained information about the answer
 even when the photon did not run the search algorithm, said graduate
 student Onur Hosten, lead author of the Nature paper. We also showed
 theoretically how to obtain the answer without ever running the
 algorithm, by using a 'chained Zeno' effect.
 That should take care of any objection like the universe would end
 before the computer finished searching the entire game-tree. ;)

They implemented Zenbot :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] an idea... computer go program's rank vs time

2007-01-21 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 21 janvier 2007 19:02, Don Dailey a écrit :
 On Sun, 2007-01-21 at 13:34 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
  To move  
  up 200 ELO points in Go is usually not achieved by looking at more  
  positions but by acquiring new concepts. To acquire a new concept in  
  just a few hours is a rare thing. Some of these concepts would maybe  
  take years to acquire if there wasn't someone to teach it to them.
  And you can gain new insights or concepts in a single
 short study period.

Study with books or teacher can lead to quick improvement. But alone more
time can be useless, one just don't see the correct thing.

Historically, Dosaku discovered overconcentration strategy, but it 
needed 150 years to find a global counter strategy (the Shusaku kosumi).

The few games i played against mogobot on 19x19 shows that it does not
know overconcentration. And i can safely bet that increasing thinking
time will not solve this, and computer cannot reach amateur 1d without
this concept (either explicit or implicit in large patterns like Mango)

  The example you gave about studying a position for two hours and then  
  showing it to someone 600 ELO points stronger. I think in Go someone  
  who is 600 ELO points stronger can let the other player think about  
  every move for a whole day and still beat him using on average just  
  10-20 sec. per move. It doesn't scale the way it does with Chess.
 I don't believe this at all. 
You should ;)

 But it's difficult to argue about it 
 since it is extremely difficult to construct a fair experiment in this
Just play a game, analyse it carefully with all the books and internet,
try to find the mistakes, and after ask a strong dan to comment the game !
He will instantaneoulsy tell you nice things, very clearly, but you 
just have not seen that.
Also, we should keep in mind that amateur in go are just hmm amateur, and
they don't master the game, maybe not even the basis. Maybe strong dan
can efficiently analyse their own games, but for kyus even with very long
time, nothing very good will show up, kyu are limited by their knowledge
and poor reading. And programs on 19x19 are weak kyus.

 But I continue to be amazed that so many people think GO 
 cannot be approached in a methodical logical way or that the human
 mind cannot break it down with the application of time and effort.

I am amazed that people think human can do anything ;) we are not gods,
we are just humans :) (this is off-topic phylosophy, and not a troll)

 By the way,  can I assume that in world champion GO matches they use
 fast time controls because long time controls don't help in Go?
Important tournament have long thinking time, and need 2 days like in
chess. In such games, sometimes one player spend 1 hour on one move...
But they are pros, and maybe some other reasons (financial, tv ...) can
explain why some tournaments are reducing the time from 8h each to 3h.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] an idea for a new measure of a computer go program's rank.

2007-01-20 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le dimanche 21 janvier 2007 01:23, Don Dailey a écrit :
 On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 15:34 -0700, Arend Bayer wrote:
  Hi Don,
  To put another perspective on it: If I had an hour for every move in a
  tournament game, I might play good EGF 5d level instead of average EGF
  4d. That's a big difference from my perspective, but a small one when
  you compare it with the strength difference between me and a Korean
  who just became pro. 
 This is understood.  See what I said above.I don't really know how
 1 extra dan represents at this level - I think it translates to 200 or
 ELO points.   We can figure this out - what is the win expectancy of 5
 over 4 dan without handicap?
 4D   30.6% (out of 4000 games)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... Komi

2007-01-13 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le vendredi 12 janvier 2007 23:45, Chrilly a écrit :

 It would be interesting if the empirical Komi depends on the playing 
It seems that for nearly random players, the komi is close to 0 (or maybe 1
under chinese rules to compensate for 1 more stone)

Gunnar reported komi = 0.05 for brown (random except does not fill eyes) and
Aloril reported komi = 1.5 for his veryweakbot.

Also stats on even games, shows this for amateur players
Playing even game against 1 rank stronger (so give W 6.5 komi instead of 0.5)
shows very significant difference only for strong dan players, not before.

For pro, i have been told that Lee Chang Ho is 2 points stronger than one of
his opponent, and achieves nearly 70% wins against him (in even games)

I would assume,that the tempo of Black is worth more for strong  
You seem to be right :)

 But there is on the other side the law of the balance of stupity. 
 Also white loosed due too his lack of skills tempo/sente and the net effect 
 is for all playing levels the same. Monte-Carlo Go is based on this law.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Useless moves in the endgame and slow move in beginning

2007-01-13 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le mercredi 10 janvier 2007 10:32, Sylvain Gelly a écrit :
  Also on 19x19 mogos plays also some very slow moves in the beginning of
  7 handicap game.
 In 19x19, MoGo only considers local moves, near the move you 
 just played or the last move it played. It even doesn't look at other moves,
 so the slow moves are mandatory.
So placing handicap ala japanese (= on star points) would be an easy
improvement. This placement is optimal repartition of strenght on the board,
it would avoid over-concentration of handicap stones, and makes local moves
better (as global advantage is already done with handi).
But i find free placement more fun for white, even if it often gives easier
game due to black misplacement of handi (very often overconcentrated)

 I did not try something like plays globally until the xxx move then
 locally. Perhaps it should help.
Hmm its probably rather difficult to find the balance, local answer are
very often needed. Good stuff would be : when no local answer is needed,
then take initiative and play one big/global move.

 I agree there is lt to do in 19x19 :).
Mogo is already very impressive :)

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Can Go be solved???... PLEASE help!

2007-01-13 Thread alain Baeckeroot
Le samedi 13 janvier 2007 16:46, Hideki Kato a écrit :
 CM-1's processing element is not a transputer but a custom (CMOS) 1-bit 
 ALU with 4Ki bit of RAM. I know this is not essential but believe this 
 kind of correction is old men's role :-).

oops, true, my memory mixed up some old stuff :)
Also 2^12 != 65536
but still CM1 was 12d, with 16 tiny proc at each corner of the hyper cube.


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