[CTRL] America, Land of the Herded

2002-08-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

America, Land of the Herded
by Ed Lewis

The Americans are the most subserviant and well trained sheep the world has ever 
seen. The other countries of the world need to unite and stop this nation of sheep. 
--Taupo, New Zealand

One of the most disheartening bits of knowledge one can have is that of the extreme 
gullibility of the American people and the fact that even when confronted with facts, 
the lies are believed rather than the facts. This is not only in regards to the 
propaganda put forth by the government controlled media, but also in regards to the 
denial of statutes that state clearly [rare] to whom 'laws' apply.

When one can give another American the exact statute that declares - for example - 
that no American Citizen is made liable for a tax on his private and personal 
property, that only artificial entities may be taxed for privileges given and the 
Citizen makes some comment like - 'Well, I am going to pay my taxes' as if that makes 
them a great American and as if it is their duty to pay the piper, the personal battle 
to educate people becomes increasingly difficult to keep at.

How utterly brain washed the American people are. Not all, of course, as there are now 
millions who are becoming enlightened and accepting the truth. This is especially in 
regards to the federal income tax that is being collected by a foreign bank through 
horrendous frauds perpetrated against the brain washed people.

One can give those who are determined to remain in ignorance the exact jurisdiction of 
the federal government and explain to them the federal income tax is nothing more than 
a kick back to the federal government for benefits and privileges given artificial 
entities or natural by birthright Americans who through privilege are allowed earnings 
from a foreign source with which the United States has a tax treaty. Watch their faces 
and listen to their dimwitted argument that usually includes something like 'I know we 
have to pay income tax - it's the law.'

To make matters worse, many of the enlightened concerning federal [and state] income 
tax go along with property tax being placed on the property of natural by birthright 
Americans. How they believe the one and deny the other is beyond this writer. Both are 
in violation of the very philosophies this nation was founded on - the right to own 
property clear and free of government control.

Both income and property tax are property seizures without due process, with due 
process demanding that seizures of American Citizen's personal property only being 
lawfully seized temporarily as evidence of a crime or upon conviction of a crime in 
which the property is shown to be directly related.

Both are a form of direct taxation that is prohibited by the Constitution.

Both involve fiat money, which is fake money. Only gold and silver coins may be used 
as money. Because it is fake money, it cannot be used to compute any tax or in reality 
to pay any debt. CFR 31.3124 declares that this 'note' - a promise of being redeemable 
in gold or silver or an I.O.U. - cannot be used in the computation of any tax.

Your property, whether it is land and appurtenances, automobiles, pick-ups, or 
whatever, are real and solid property while the tax is based on a false premise, that 
the note [Federal Reserve Note] is redeemable in real money, defined to this day as 
silver and gold coins of given purity and weight.

Thus, when one doesn't pay a 'tax' because of knowing the law, his property is seized 
and sold for 'back taxes' by an artificial entity that hasn't any proprietary or other 
security interest in the property. Thus, the non-payment of a worthless piece or 
pieces of paper is exchanged for property that truly reflects ownership of something 
of real worth that one has traded his labor for. And, Liberty. For without the right 
to own property free and clear of government encumbrances, we are not free.

The American people have been herded like lower animals to the belief it is their 
'duty' to pay such taxes, that America would fall apart if they did not do their 
patriotic duty. How brainwashed we are. The actual patriotic duty is to NOT give up 
their property to a government. It is their patriotic duty to support the natural 
rights of man and the Constitution securing those rights, including the Bill of Rights 
and factual 'money'.

The natural rights of man and the common law of the Constitution - and the Bill of 
Rights - declare that no man's property can be taken without due process or without 
his consent. Some legislative body saying that property may be taken in the form of 
taxes is acting in an unconstitutional fashion and avoiding due process completely. 
The seizure of the land and other property is nothing more than racketeering by those 
in government enforcing such unlawful taxation.

All forms of taxation laid directly on your property and earnings are infringements 
upon your rights - your property. Thus, a true 

[CTRL] Is Saddam On CIA Payroll?

2002-08-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Is Saddam On CIA Payroll?
Now Is The Time For A Proper Investigation

By: John LeBoutillier

 From 9/11 to the Anthrax Letters to a potential new war with Iraq, there is ‘curious’ 
behavior when it comes to Saddam Hussein. Let us look at a few unanswered questions:

1) Is the FBI trying to “smoke out” Dr. Steven Hatfill by leaking detrimental 
information to the news media?

Clearly, after ten months, the FBI is desperate to make some progress on the Anthrax 
attacks of last fall. And, for some reason, they refuse to consider Iraq as a 
potential suspect/instigator in these attacks. The Star and the National Enquirer ­ 
the first targets of anthrax letters ­ had had preliminary contact with Baghdad and 
suspected that the tainted letters actually came from Iraqi agents.

Plus, lead hijacker Mohammed Atta showed up at a Florida pharmacy with a strange “skin 
condition” on his hands and was treated by the pharmacist. This came on the heels of 
Atta and his fellow soon-to-be-hijackers twice visiting a crop-dusting airfield nearby 
and asking numerous questions about the efficacy of flying those specialized planes, 
how much they could carry, how low etc.

Could Atta’s skin condition have been from handling Anthrax spores?

Could Atta - just before setting off for Maine, Boston and the World Trade Center ­ 
been the man who mailed the first ‘tainted’ letters to the National Enquirer?

This crop-dusting airfield and the pharmacy were both within 15 miles of the 
headquarters of the National Enquirer.

How coincidental is that?

Indeed, could Atta all along have been an Iraqi agent ­ more than a mere disciple of 
Osama bin Laden?

Meanwhile, the FBI has been systematically trashing Dr. Hatfill and his girlfriend 
through orchestrated leaks about the bloodhounds searching their residences. Denying 
any improper investigative techniques, the FBI merely claims Hatfill is a “person of 
interest” to them.

What a new term that is! A “person of interest.”

Yet they show very little “interest” in the truth about Mohammed Atta’s Prague visit 
with a senior Iraqi spy just 5 months before the 9/11 attacks. Why does part of the 
Bush Administration seem hell-bent not to implicate Iraq in 9/11?

2) Is ­ or was ­ Saddam Hussein on the CIA payroll? And does this explain the 
back-and-forth, the resistance ­ and the leaks ­ all designed to prevent a war with 

Twenty years ago we were coming out of the Hostage Situation in Iran. When the 
Iran-Iraq War broke out, we were officially neutral. But everyone ‘knew’ that the 
Reagan Administration ­ and CIA Director Bill Casey ­ favored Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. 
We were buddy-buddy with Saddam in those days; we hated the Ayatollah and what he had 
done to our once-staunch ally, Iran.

In 1984 President Reagan dispatched a Mid-East Special Envoy to meet with Saddam ­ 
Donald Rumsfeld. Within weeks we normalized relations with Saddam ­ despite his 
well-publicized use of lethal gas on Iranian soldiers and civilians.

Could it be that at this time the CIA ‘used’ or ‘hired’ Saddam ­ just as for decades 
the CIA paid other leaders such as Jordan’s King Hussein, The Shah and Manuel Noriega?

And could it be that the CIA ­ or some other US Government entity ­ is protecting 

How else to explain the 1991 refusal to finish Saddam off at the end of the Gulf War? 
How else to explain the refusal now to recognize Saddam’s potential role in 9/11? How 
else to explain the flurry of leaks each week to ‘counter’ new war plans against Iraq?

It sure seems like someone ­ or some agency ­ inside the United States Government is 
out to protect Saddam Hussein’s Iraq ­ while the rest of the government, including 
President Bush, talks of getting rid of him and his regime.

Or, is it possible that Saddam ­ from his years of secret dealings with the CIA ­ is 
now somehow blackmailing the CIA to protect him?

Yes, all this sounds ‘wild.’

But so, too, does a plot to simultaneously hijack four jets at 8 AM and dive-bomb them 
into four huge buildings in New York and Washington, DC.

We need a proper investigation of our own government’s secret dealings and 
arrangements with Iraq. From that may come the answers to these so far unanswered 

John LeBoutillier is a former U.S. Congressman and a nationally recognized political 
commentator. He has been a frequent guest on many national talk show programs and is 
author of the book Harvard Hates America. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.

John LeBoutillier can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
He keeps an archive of his articles at: JohnLeBout.com
Published in the August 20, 2002 issue of  Ether Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Ether 
-end article-

Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to 
risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm 
in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war: 

[CTRL] Mayday, Mayday! Marx lives on in America.

2002-08-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Mayday, Mayday! Marx lives on — in America.
by Deroy Murdock

Each May Day, Marxists celebrate the collective ownership of the means of production. 
Before the Berlin Wall was chiseled into bric-a-brac, May 1 brought forth red flags, 
goose-stepping soldiers and ballistic missiles strapped to mobile launchers.

These days, thankfully, such pageantry is limited to Havana and Pyongyang. Yet Marx's 
disciples may have the last laugh. Karl Marx himself would be amazed to see how much 
his ideas thrive here.

In a study entitled, Marxism, American Style, Mark Schmidt of the National Taxpayers 
Union observes that most American adults, weaned on a steady diet of anti-communism, 
would be shocked to learn the magnitude of the role that Karl Marx's utopian vision 
plays in contemporary society. Schmidt compared the German philosopher's 1848 
Communist Manifesto with the United States today. The parallels are ominous.

Marx demanded A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. This remains his most 
unsinkable concept. Americans toil beneath a tax system that punishes success with 
ever-higher tax rates. Individual taxpayers who earn more than $307,050 must surrender 
38.6 percent of their marginal incomes to Washington and even more to state and local 
governments. Ironically, Russia — where Marx's ideas reigned with deadly consequences 
— has swapped his progressive tax regime for a supply-side, 13 percent flat income tax.

Marx called for confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Affluent 
Americans who renounce their citizenship and move to lower-tax countries remain 
subject to federal taxation on U.S. income for 10 years after they depart. They also 
may not return to America. It's like a Soviet-style exit tax that shakes you down one 
more time on the way out the door, says Dan Mitchell of the conservative Heritage 

Abolition of all right of inheritance was another Marxist prescription. While 
Americans can inherit property, large estates suffer the 50 percent federal death tax. 
While it will phase out by 2010, it is scheduled to zoom back up to 55 percent in 
2011. To reduce or avoid such confiscation, Americans spent $23 billion in 1998 coping 
with estate-tax laws, economists Alicia Munnell and Henry Aaron estimate. This nearly 
equaled the $23.1 billion that the death tax generated that year.

The Communist Manifesto also counsels centralization of credit in the banks of the 
state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. Karl 
Marx, meet Alan Greenspan.

The Federal Reserve, worshipped as a cornerstone of capitalism, in fact is a 
spectacularly statist institution. It wields the power to create money and control 
interest rates and inflation. The 12-member Federal Open Market Committee is 
essentially a financial Politburo that secretly meets to fix the cost of capital.

Marx called for Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to 
public purposes. While Marx likely would frown on America's widespread private 
ownership of homes and farms, he would be delighted by the vast acreage in federal 
hands. Uncle Sam owns 62 percent of the square footage west of the Rockies and a 
whopping 87.6 percent of Nevada. Despite this massive portfolio, much of it poorly 
maintained, Washington spent $540 million in fiscal year 2001 to acquire even more 
private land.

Marx also wanted centralization of the means of communication and transport in the 
hands of the state. As Schmidt notes, Literally every new development in the 
communications industry must receive Federal Communications Commission approval or die 
without reaching the marketplace. Even my home telephone has a label that says it 
conforms to FCC regulations.

As for transit, air-traffic control remains in federal hands, as does passenger rail 
via Amtrak. The Federal Transportation Department cost taxpayers $54.8 billion in 
fiscal 2001.

Still, Schmidt adds, all this does not make America communist. This is the best place 
in the world to live, he says, but we have a strong current of collectivist ideology 
that runs just beneath the surface.

The U.S. has strayed far from the laissez-faire blueprint Thomas Jefferson, James 
Madison, George Washington and the other Founding Fathers drafted. America lacks the 
barbed wire and guard dogs that terrorized millions under scientific socialism until 
1989. Far more subtly, though, Karl Marx's ghost haunts the land of the free and the 
home of the brave.

— Mr. Murdock is a columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service.
-end article-

“When the American people wake up, they will be communist.”
-Nikita Khrushchev

We are moving toward a New World Order, the world of communism. We shall never turn 
off that road.
-Mikhail Gorbachev 1987

National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a New World Order.
-Adolf Hitler

The New Deal is plainly an attempt to 


2002-08-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/news/no-sale.htm

 Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive
 articles from Emperor's Clothes Website

 www.tenc.net * [Emperor's Clothes]

 By Steve Friess
 (c) Reuters * Posted for Fair Use Only
 [Posted 16 August 2002]

 NOTE: At this spot in the text as posted at www.tenc.net there is a
 picture, shjowing George W. Bush at the World Trade Center disaster
 site. Bush has his arm around a firefighter and is looking at him a
 bit too earnestly.

 The caption reads:
 In Greek tragedy, actors (who wore masks) were known as `hypocrites'
 and so came to mean people who were not what they pretended to be. In
 Gal. 2: 13 the Greek `hypocrisy' is translated `dissimulation' (AV),
 `lack of principle' (REB), `insincerity' ... (From Oxford Reference

 The president has merely been using firefighters and their families
 for one big photo opportunity, Mohler said. We will work actively
 to not grant him another photo op with us.* (From news article

 In the text below, the empahsis is mine.
 --Illarion Bykov

 By Steve Friess

 LAS VEGAS (Aug. 14) - *The International Association of Fire Fighters
 voted unanimously on Wednesday to boycott a national tribute to
 firefighters who died on Sept. 11, in an angry response to President
 Bush's rejection of a bill that included $340 million to fund fire

 Bush is expected to speak at the Oct. 6 ceremony in Washington D.C.,
 where the National Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation is hosting its
 annual tribute to those who died in the line of duty during the prior

 The ceremony will honor 343 firefighters who died responding to the
 Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, as well as about 100
 others who also died in the year.

 The IAFF, the umbrella organization for the nation's professional
 firefighter unions, is enraged by the president's rejection of a $5.1
 billion appropriations bill that included $150 million for equipment
 and training grants requested by some of the nation's 18,000 fire

 It also include $100 million to improve the communications systems
 for firefighters, police officers and other emergency personnel as
 well as $90 million for long-term health monitoring of emergency
 workers at the Ground Zero site where New York's World Trade Center
 towers once stood.

 Firefighters and survivors will be urged to skip the Oct. 6 event in
 protest, said R. Michael Mohler of the Virginia Professional Fire
 Fighters Local 774.

 Mohler made the boycott motion before about 2,000 union leaders
 convening in Las Vegas for the IAFF's first national conference since
 Sept. 11.

 *The president has merely been using firefighters and their families
 for one big photo opportunity, Mohler said. We will work actively
 to not grant him another photo op with us.*


 Bush said Tuesday the bill was bloated by less important projects and
 a White House spokeswoman said Bush remained committed to
 firefighters and other emergency groups.

 The president is committed to our nation's first responders, White
 House spokeswoman Claire Buchan, traveling with Bush in Des Moines,
 Iowa, said.

 The firefighters' boycott vote followed anti-Bush speeches by Senate
 Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and IAFF general president Harold
 Schaitberger in which accused the president of neglecting the heroes
 of Sept. 11.

 [Note from Emperor's Clothes: Daschle was one of the recipients of
 the anthrax letters.]

 Schaitberger ridiculed as insincere Bush's videotaped remarks shown
 Monday at the conference, in which Bush expressed sympathy and
 admiration for the firefighters who responded to the Sept. 11

 *Don't lionize our fallen brothers in one breath, and then stab us in
 the back by eliminating funding for our members to fight terrorism
 and stay safe, Schaitberger said. President Bush, you are either
 with us or against us. You can't have it both ways.*

 Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat, told the firefighters: I strongly
 urge the President to reconsider. If he refuses to do so, however, I
 am prepared to do everything I can as majority leader to see that you
 get the resources you need to do your jobs safely and effectively.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects 

[CTRL] Israeli Army accused of using human shields

2002-08-17 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Israeli Army accused of using human shields

 By Ross Dunn, Herald Correspondent in Jerusalem and agencies
 August 16 2002

 A Palestinian teenager died in a hail of bullets after being
 used as a human shield in an Israeli Army operation to prevent
 what it described as a mega terrorist attack.

 The death came despite army assurances that it would stop
 the controversial practice, condemned by human rights
 groups, of using residents to protect soldiers carrying out raids
 inside Palestinian civilian areas.

 The soldiers were targeting a senior Hamas militant, Nasr
 Jarrar, 44, who, the army said, had recruited suicide bombers
 and was planning to demolish a skyscraper in central Israel.
 The army said Mr Jarrar was still active despite losing both
 legs and an arm while trying to plant a bomb last year.

 After discovering his hideout in the West Bank town of Tubas,
 Israeli soldiers surrounded the building and ordered Nidal Abu
 Muhsein, 19, to knock on the door.

 A gunfight followed, during which Mr Muhsein was killed by
 shots from inside the house, the military said. Mr Jarrar was
 decapitated when the army demolished the house with a

 The Israeli human rights group B'tselem accused the army of
 using Mr Muhsein as a human shield. The army denied the
 claim, saying it was trying to prevent civilian deaths by warning
 anyone in the house with Mr Jarrar to surrender.

--- But the Hebrew daily Ma'ariv yesterday said the practice was
 aimed at protecting the lives of the Israeli soldiers, not
 Palestinian civilians.

 The Israel Defence Forces uses the procedure when there is
 concern that a wanted man, hiding in his house, will open fire
 on soldiers ...

 Over the past two years, use of this procedure has increased,
 and innocent neighbours have been hurt on more than one
 occasion, the paper said.

 Israeli human rights groups appealed to the Supreme Court to
 halt the practice and were assured by the Attorney-General
 that the army would no longer endanger the lives of innocent
 Palestinian civilians.

 The groups are expected to lodge a new legal challenge.

 Ma'ariv spoke to several senior Israeli officers who also
 voiced their opposition. One officer was quoted as saying: It
 would be better to endanger soldiers rather than innocent
 civilians who are caught in combat through no deed of their
 own and could pay with their lives.

 A cabinet minister, Ephraim Sneh, a former military
 commander, said yesterday that although he was unsure the
 action would stand up to the test of law, there is the
 consideration that we have to prevent a large terror attack, and
 it's clear which consideration wins in this situation.

 In another move the Palestinian Finance Minister, Salam
 Fayyad, said a holding company had been established to
 consolidate Palestinian Authority assets under a single
 umbrella, a reform that meets a key US demand to overhaul
 Palestinian finances.

 Mr Fayyad, a former senior World Bank official, said that the
 Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, had given formal
 approval on Wednesday to the creation of the Palestinian
 Investment Fund, which would be under the finance minister's
 direct control.

 Mr Fayyad said the new holding company would ensure
 transparency and accountability in Palestinian financial

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] East Europeans torn by int'l court row

2002-08-17 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

   The Guardian Saturday August 17, 2002

   East Europeans torn on the rack by international court row

   Ian Traynor

   Trapped in the middle of the increasingly rancorous dispute between
   the US and the EU about international justice, the countries of
   eastern Europe are in a quandary about how to respond to the intense
   US pressure to give American citizens immunity from war crimes

   While Washington bullies, Brussels warns. From Estonia on the Baltic
   to Albania on the Adriatic, countries' hope of joining both Nato and
   the EU appear to be threatened by the row about the new International
   Criminal Court in the Hague.

   In the Balkans, where the issue of war crimes is politically potent,
   and up through central Europe to the Baltic states of the former
   Soviet Union, governments are wrestling with a hard dilemma: how to
   avoid offending the US and improve their hope of being admitted to
   Nato while toeing the west European line as candidate members of the

   Croatia is the latest target of the US campaign: the government in
   Zagreb disclosed on Wednesday that it had received a letter from the
   US embassy requesting a bilateral pact banning the extradition of
   Americans from Croatia to the Hague.

   The dilemma is particularly tough in neighbouring Bosnia, the scene of
   the worst war crimes in Europe since the Nazis, where 2,500 US
   military personnel are helping to keep the peace.

   In Serbia the Yugoslav president, Vojislav Kostunica, dismissed the US
   pressure this week and said there would be no deal. But the prime
   minister, Zoran Djindjic, may yet do Washington's bidding.

   Together with Iraq, the row about the ICC is perhaps the most serious
   of the many issues currently clouding transatlantic relations.

   Brussels bluntly warned the east Europeans this week to heed EU advice
   and avoid making concessions individually to the Americans before the
   EU agrees a common position at the end of the month.

   In eastern Europe integration with the west has been a fundamental
   foreign policy aim for the past 10 years and they regard membership of
   the EU and Nato as the twin pillars of that policy.

   But the conflicting pressures on them concerning the ICC show how
   estranged the US and Europe are becoming.

   The court, brought into being last month, is fiercely opposed by the
   Bush administration, even though the UN has agreed to waive any
   possible prosecution of Americans for a year. Washington is seeking
   individual pacts with the 77 states which have made themselves subject
   to the court to make extraditions of Americans to the Hague

   While Washington wants fast results, Brussels is playing for time.

   Reluctant to incur US displeasure, and with one eye on improving its
   chance of joining Nato in November, Romania broke rank last week to
   become the first European country - the only country bar Israel - to
   promise not to extradite Americans to the Hague.

   Neighbouring Bulgaria is also extremely wary of alienating the US, and
   was the only country to support the Americans during last month's
   peacekeeping crisis in Bosnia, when the US threatened to scupper the
   Bosnian mission unless it got its way on the ICC.

   Romania's decision is now seen to have been a foreign policy blunder,
   condemned by Brussels and regretted by the Bucharest. But the Romanian
   foreign minister, Mircea Geoana, made it clear that Bucharest was
   intimidated Washington's clear and direct request.

   It was unprecedented, he said. I can't remember anything they put so
   much weight or interest into.

   In former Yugoslavia, whose atrocity-riddled succession wars in the
   1990s helped prompt the court's foundation, and have produced the
   first war crimes trial of a former head of state (Slobodan Milosevic),
   the US campaign appears to be stalling.

   Croatia, which was the first east European state to ratify the ICC
   statutes, is defying the US demand. In Washington this week its
   president, Stipe Mesic, was characteristically blunt.

   This is not good and it's getting counter-productive, he told a US
   radio interviewer. You have an established democracy fighting for
   respect for the law and at the same time demanding its citizens be
   exempted for things others have to answer for.

   Mr Kostunica, a fierce opponent of the specific war crimes tribunal
   for former Yugoslavia in the Hague, although Belgrade has ratified the
   new court's statutes, rebuffed the US on Monday.

   If the Serbs and Croats continue to defy the US, the Bosnians may
   follow. Paradoxically, the three former Yugoslav states, at war with
   one another for much of the 90s, may end up united in resisting the
   American demand, denounced last week by Human Rights Watch as

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Army accused of using human shields

2002-08-17 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/17/02 8:06:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Israeli human rights group B'tselem accused the army of
  using Mr Muhsein as a human shield. The army denied the
  claim, saying it was trying to prevent civilian deaths by warning
  anyone in the house with Mr Jarrar to surrender.

 --- But the Hebrew daily Ma'ariv yesterday said the practice was
  aimed at protecting the lives of the Israeli soldiers, not
  Palestinian civilians. 

What I thought was most interesting was the fact that the human shield was
shot in the back while walking towards the house.  This was according to
several reports I read yesterday.  It seems that Palestinian terrorists have
rifles that shoot around corners.  Fascinating.  Well you know how it is,
it's all in how you choose to defend Israel.  Prudy

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Attack on Iraq = Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine

2002-08-17 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

From: Mazin Qumsiyeh
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 10:46 AM

A Haaretz article today reports that Peres and Sharon are urging Bush to
attack Iraq.  An opinion article in Haaretz (same day) by Benvenisti (an
Israeli best selling author) paints a clear picture of why Israel is pushing
for an attack on Iraq.  Read those two to see why the scenario of war
leading to ethnic cleansing is not far fetched.  Afterall, this is what
happened between 1947-1949 and the Israeli leadership learned taht lesson
well (see details at http://palestineremembered.com ).  It is incumbent on
all of us to act to stop this before it happens.  Those in politics and the
media will not be able to say we did not know.

Reminder: Israel is the only country with known biological, chemical and
nuclear weapons and Israel is in violation of 69 UN security council
resolutions. For information on Iraq, see:

To act, use http://congress.cfl-online.org

Mazin Qumsiyeh


PM urging U.S. not to delay strike against Iraq

By Aluf Benn

Israel is pressing the United States not to defer action aimed at toppling
Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has sent messages to the U.S. administration in
recent days saying that postponing the Iraq operation will not create a
more convenient environment for action in the future. But Sharon added that
Israel would support any American action, and would respect U.S. decisions
regarding the method and the timing.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres sent a similar message yesterday during an
interview with CNN television. The problem today is not if, but when, he
said, adding that while attacking now would be quite dangerous...
postponing it would be more dangerous, as he [Saddam] will have more

But like Sharon, Peres also added a disclaimer, saying he did not want to be
seen as urging the United States to act and that America should act
according to its own judgment. Israel, he said, will be a good soldier in
the camp led by President George W. Bush.

Sharon has also repeatedly informed Bush that if Iraq were to attack Israel,
Israel would respond. During the 1991 Gulf War, the United States
effectively prevented Israel from retaliating against Iraqi missile strikes
by refusing to give it the friend-foe codes required to keep U.S. and
Israeli planes from shooting at each other. But in closed discussions
recently, Sharon told associates that he had a clear understanding with the
United States that this time, if Saddam were to attack, Israel would be
allowed to exercise its right to self-defense...



Preemptive warnings of fantastic scenarios

By Meron Benvenisti

Day after day and seemingly deliberately, someone else fans the flames of
hysteria about the possibility that an American campaign against Iraq will
bring a nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) attack on Israel. After the flaws
in the old protective kits were revealed and raised the sense of danger from
toxic gases, there followed anxieties about terrible epidemics of anthrax
and smallpox and fears of nuclear radiation.

Those fanning the anxiety are doing it in a sophisticated, indirect way,
through comments and leaks about being prepared for the threats. These are
ostensibly meant to relieve public fears and prove that the authorities are
ready for action in even the worst cases of existential danger.

After the statements about the need for mass vaccinations and issuing pills
against radiation sickness, the public should be catatonic by now. But there
seems to be no panic, and there is a distinct lukewarm response to calls to
bring protective kits to be refurbished. The decision makers seem more
anxious than the public - maybe they are afraid of future complaints about
failures, or maybe there are interests at work beyond the narrow matter of
being ready for any threats.

Public hysteria will no doubt peak when the authorities announce a
voluntary inoculation campaign, placing responsibility in the hands of the
citizens, and taking it out of the hands of the authorities, who will then
be able to say they only provided what the public wanted.

But fanning anxiety with reports of Home Front readiness are not only
about defensive measures. They are also about declarations by the Sharon
government that this time (as opposed to the Gulf War of 1991) Israel will
certainly respond to any Iraqi attack. The worse the hysterical fear of an
NBC attack - little children crying as nurses administer vaccinations on
their arms - the more the pressure will rise to stick it to Saddam
Hussein, whether it is necessary or not.

Re: [CTRL] 10 Reasons Why he wants to go to Iraq

2002-08-17 Thread Prudy L

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/16/02 2:32:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Wouldn't it be a relief if Bush just lied about sex?  Prudy

 Depends on what sex is.  Recall that Bill Jeff Blythe-Clinton -- when he
was no longer able
 to disguise nor indulge his dalliances -- turned sex into cruise missiles.

Yes, but those were the cruise missiles that came within about a half hour of
getting Osama.  Congress refused to fund any more, because they and the
Republican public were all yelling wag the dog.  Wouldn't it have been nice
if he had managed just a few more and maybe accomplished his objective? The
twin towers would still be in place and all those lives could have been
saved.  I really don't think Clinton cared about disguising his dalliances.
Why would he?  Those who voted him in didn't care, and the Republicans didn't
need sex to condemn him.  I heard someone castegating Hillary for Monica
recently.  I think it was Don Imus.   I kept trying to figure out what she
had to do with it, and I couldn't come up with much of anything.  Republicans
can.  Someday maybe they'll reward us with an explanation of their rationale.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Must Read on Vaccinations!

2002-08-17 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

New, excellent historical piece on the history of vaccinations

Bill Kalivas

The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe
the people with their own money. -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth. John Stuart Mill

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Must Read on Vaccinations! With URL

2002-08-17 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

New, excellent historical piece on the history of vaccinations.

Bill Kalivas

The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe
the people with their own money. -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth. John Stuart Mill

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Attack on Iraq = Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine

2002-08-17 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I mean what would jews know about ethnic cleansing in the 40's anyway?

on 8/17/02 8:38 AM, Jei at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Mazin Qumsiyeh
 Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 10:46 AM

 A Haaretz article today reports that Peres and Sharon are urging Bush to
 attack Iraq.  An opinion article in Haaretz (same day) by Benvenisti (an
 Israeli best selling author) paints a clear picture of why Israel is pushing
 for an attack on Iraq.  Read those two to see why the scenario of war
 leading to ethnic cleansing is not far fetched.  Afterall, this is what
 happened between 1947-1949 and the Israeli leadership learned taht lesson
 well (see details at http://palestineremembered.com ).  It is incumbent on
 all of us to act to stop this before it happens.  Those in politics and the
 media will not be able to say we did not know.

 Reminder: Israel is the only country with known biological, chemical and
 nuclear weapons and Israel is in violation of 69 UN security council
 resolutions. For information on Iraq, see:

 To act, use http://congress.cfl-online.org

 Mazin Qumsiyeh


 PM urging U.S. not to delay strike against Iraq

 By Aluf Benn

 Israel is pressing the United States not to defer action aimed at toppling
 Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has sent messages to the U.S. administration in
 recent days saying that postponing the Iraq operation will not create a
 more convenient environment for action in the future. But Sharon added that
 Israel would support any American action, and would respect U.S. decisions
 regarding the method and the timing.

 Foreign Minister Shimon Peres sent a similar message yesterday during an
 interview with CNN television. The problem today is not if, but when, he
 said, adding that while attacking now would be quite dangerous...
 postponing it would be more dangerous, as he [Saddam] will have more

 But like Sharon, Peres also added a disclaimer, saying he did not want to be
 seen as urging the United States to act and that America should act
 according to its own judgment. Israel, he said, will be a good soldier in
 the camp led by President George W. Bush.

 Sharon has also repeatedly informed Bush that if Iraq were to attack Israel,
 Israel would respond. During the 1991 Gulf War, the United States
 effectively prevented Israel from retaliating against Iraqi missile strikes
 by refusing to give it the friend-foe codes required to keep U.S. and
 Israeli planes from shooting at each other. But in closed discussions
 recently, Sharon told associates that he had a clear understanding with the
 United States that this time, if Saddam were to attack, Israel would be
 allowed to exercise its right to self-defense...



 Preemptive warnings of fantastic scenarios

 By Meron Benvenisti

 Day after day and seemingly deliberately, someone else fans the flames of
 hysteria about the possibility that an American campaign against Iraq will
 bring a nuclear-biological-chemical (NBC) attack on Israel. After the flaws
 in the old protective kits were revealed and raised the sense of danger from
 toxic gases, there followed anxieties about terrible epidemics of anthrax
 and smallpox and fears of nuclear radiation.

 Those fanning the anxiety are doing it in a sophisticated, indirect way,
 through comments and leaks about being prepared for the threats. These are
 ostensibly meant to relieve public fears and prove that the authorities are
 ready for action in even the worst cases of existential danger.

 After the statements about the need for mass vaccinations and issuing pills
 against radiation sickness, the public should be catatonic by now. But there
 seems to be no panic, and there is a distinct lukewarm response to calls to
 bring protective kits to be refurbished. The decision makers seem more
 anxious than the public - maybe they are afraid of future complaints about
 failures, or maybe there are interests at work beyond the narrow matter of
 being ready for any threats.

 Public hysteria will no doubt peak when the authorities announce a
 voluntary inoculation campaign, placing responsibility in the hands of the
 citizens, and taking it out of the hands of the authorities, who will then
 be able to say they only provided what the public wanted.

 But fanning anxiety with reports of Home Front readiness are not only
 about defensive measures. They are also about declarations by the Sharon
 government that this time (as opposed to the Gulf War of 1991) Israel will
 certainly respond to any Iraqi attack. The 

[CTRL] Collective Intelligence

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-

Books: Collective Intelligence by Pierre LevPosted by: memoid on Aug 17, 2002 - 12:01 AM

 Pierre Levy sees us as moving past an information economy into an economy based on human interactions; a social economy. While the idea may seem startling, given our current emphasis on all things monetary, his reasoning makes you stop and give careful thought to ideas you may not have considered before. As technology advances, Levy points out, it's capable of taking on more and more advanced tasks--first simple labor and now the processing of information. As these capabilities become easier and well within everyone's reach, their value declines.But the one thing that is beyond the reach of pure technology is the construction and maintenance of social interactions. What technology can do, however, is make it easier for humans to interact over greater distances and around obstacles. "Our humanity," Levy writes, "is the most precious thing we have." Levy, who is a professor in the department of hypermedia at the University of Paris, then predicts that we will take greater control of that value and everything related to it as we use technology to organize ourselves into what he calls Living Cities. Here, physical location is less important than the interactions of its members, and not surprisingly, the lack of territorialities will challenge present methods of governance. Levy insists we are in the early moments of an historical paradigm shift of the magnitude of the Renaissance. And yet he avoids wild utopianism, keeping a clear eye on the realities and challenges inherent in any great transformation, complete with ample opportunities for things to go wrong. What emerges, however, is a different way of viewing the possible future, and plenty of reasons for asking why this utopian vision isn't attainable. From Book News, Inc. L'evy (hypermedia, U. of Paris-VIII) describes a model of the emergence of a collective intelligence through the technology of cyberspace, exploring metaphysical and utopian issues related to the impact of computers on society and culture. The model draws on 10th- century Islamic mysticism. For general readers and professionals interested in computers, virtual reality, and philosophy. Originally published in French in 1995 under the title , 'Editions La D'ecouverte/, Paris. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Choice "A poetic and pleasurable read." --This text refers to the Paperback edition. New Scientist, Richard Barbrook Lévy's book is important because it advocates an alternative future for the Net. As a French intellectual, he doesn't accept free market dogmas. This approach is not simply morally preferable. It is also a precondition for any coherent analysis of what's really happening in the Net. Book Description "Collective Intelligence is incredible. Lvy's ideas shine through like a supernova at the human heart of cyberspace." -Mark Pesce, Cyberspace researcher and theorist, co-creator of VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) The number of travelers along the information superhighway is increasing at a rate of 10 percent a month. How will this communications revolution affect our culture and society? Pierre Lvy shows how the unfettered exchange of ideas in cyberspace has the potential to liberate us from the social and political hierarchies that have stood in the way of mankind's advancement. Anthropologist, historian, sociologist, and philosopher, Lvy writes with a depth of scholarship and imaginative insight rare among media critics. At once a profound historical analysis of the development of human culture and a blueprint for the future, Collective Intelligence is a visionary work. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Book Info Shows how unfettered exchange of ideas in cyberspace has the potential to liberate us from the social and political hierarchies that have stood in the way of mankind's advance. A unique contribution to the growing interest  debate on network communication and the impact on human cognition. DLC: Information technology - Social aspects. About the Author Pierre Lvy is a professor in the Department of Hypermedia at the University of Paris-VIII, scientific advisor to the TriVium company, and member of the advisory board of the Pompidou Center's Virtual Review. He holds advanced degrees in sociology, the history of science, and the sciences of information and communication, and has published numerous works in French on new technologies. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Do You Yahoo!?
A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

[CTRL] Notes and Quotes: The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Notes and Quotes: "The Rockefeller File" by Gary Allen, compiled by Victor Thorn   
August 16, 2002

NOTE: The data included in the following article pertains to the time the book was published by '76 Press in 1976. Some of the company names have changed and/or have been purchased by other companies. 

Walter Cronkite - CBS Reports - "The Rockefellers are the epitome of the nation's permanent Establishment: governments change, economics fluctuate, foreign alliances shift - the Rockefeller's prevail." 

On September 29, 1916, the New York Times called John D. Rockefeller America's first billionaire. 

The Rockefeller's protect their money via Trusts and Foundations. Ever since 1913, when the Federal Income Tax was implemented, Congress allowed the wealthy elite to protect their money so that it wouldn't be subjected to the same enslaving taxation that hinders all the rest of us. By placing their money in Trusts and Foundations, these wealthy individuals give up "ownership" of their properties, but they ultimately retain control of it via positions on each foundation's Board of Directors. Thus, they don't have pink slips or titles because their assets are in trusts, yet they ultimately keep control while not having to pay income, probate, estate, or inheritance taxes. Pretty sneaky, huh! 

When this book was written, the Rockefeller's controlled at least 200 trusts/funds, but the number could well be in the thousands if one uncovered all the complex layers of their financial empire. Because of all these complexities, they virtually pay no taxes. In fact, in 1970 Nelson Rockefeller testified before a Judiciary Committee and stated that although his income was 33 million dollars the year before, he paid NO INCOME TAXES. If that wasn't bad enough, he then admitted that his actual income was 198 million, not 33 million. But the particulars were the same - no income taxes paid by one of the richest men in America. 

The Rockefeller Estate in Pocantico Hills consists of over 7,500 acres, has 70 miles of private roads, 75 buildings, underground bunkers with underground entranceways so the "help" can enter without being seen by the owners, and has 500 full-time employees to maintain the grounds. 

The Rockefellers own a significant portion of America's top 50 companies - IBM, Chase Manhattan, Mobil, Kodak, GE, Texas Instruments, and Exxon. 

Their money is used to control the government, big business, energy, banking, the media, religion, and education. 

John D. Rockefeller once said, "Competition is a sin." He deduced that the only efficient way to run anything was via a monopoly. 

When John D. started his oil business in 1859 as a small fry, he used bribery, coercion, violence, spies in his competitor's workplace, and a variety of financial schemes to one-up the next guy. Within 30 years, by 1890, 90% of all American crude oil was refined by his Standard Oil company. 

John D. eventually controlled two of the most valuable commodities on earth - money and fuel - thus giving him the ability to create financial or energy crisis's whenever it best suited his (or the Controllers) interests. 

Here are some of the companies that are under the Rockefeller umbrella: 

- Chase Manhattan - not the largest bank in the world, but the most influential 
- The largest controlling block of stock in at least 21 major corporations, including United Air Lines, Northwest, Long Island Lighting, and Atlantic Richfield. 
- Majority control in IBM, Mobil, Texaco, ITT, Westinghouse, Boeing, International Paper, Sperry Rand, Xerox, and National Steel. 
- Transportation companies under their corporate thumb - Penn Central, TWA, Eastern Airlines, United, Delta, Braniff, and Northwest. 
Other corporations where they have financial interest - ATT, Motorola, Honeywell, General Foods, and Burlington Industries. 

When someone owns a powerful financial institution, they can make loans to specific companies and governments, then call the shots for these entities and make them jump through hoops. If they don't toe the line, then they don't get the money. This is the jist of high-finance in a nutshell, and one of the primary reasons why we still don't have gasoline-free cars in this country. No one's loaning money (or enough of it) to the companies that are trying to find alternative-source automobiles. 

In all, the Rockefeller web envelopes 37 of the top 100 industries, 9 of the top 20 transportation firms, 1 utility company, and 3 of the 4 largest insurance companies. 

The Washington Post once described the Rockefeller's: "The power of the family fortune is beyond measure." 

Quote from the author: "Philanthropy is the essential element in the making of Rockefeller power. Philanthropy generates more power then wealth alone can provide." 

In the early 1900's, John D. Rockefeller was the most hated man in America, his reputation worse than that of Scrooge. So, what did he do? He 

[CTRL] Notes and Quotes: This Is How Our Fine Country Was Destroyed In 1913

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Notes and Quotes: This Is How Our Fine Country Was Destroyed In 1913
August 16, 2002

Compiled by Victor Thorn 

THE SHADOWS OF POWER: The Council on Foreign Relations and The American Decline 
James Perloff 
Published by: Western Island - copyright 1988 

Felix Frankfurter - United States Supreme Court Justice - "The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." 

John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City - in a March 26, 1922 speech - "The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as "international bankers." This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends." 

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt - November 21, 1933 - "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson. 

Cliques that make many of the decisions which affect our country: 

Private schools (training grounds) - Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia 
Exclusive secret societies - Skull  Bones 
Oxford - Rhodes Scholarship program 
Think tanks - Brookings Institute, Rand Corporation 

The Council on Foreign Relations - Founded in 1921 - Goals include: world government, centralized power with single authority, boundaries (national) and sovereignty eliminated, increase authority of the United Nations, an international court of justice, and elimination of the "Bill of Rights." 

International Bankers - Here is, in a nutshell, how they control the world - they loan money to governments or nations. These governments, then, in order to repay their loans, levy TAXES on their citizenry. But not only do the bankers make these loans, they also attach STRINGS to them - in other words, the government grants these bankers a privilege - a SAY in their policy. 

The most lucrative event for bankers - WAR - nothing generates more government borrowing faster than war. 

To rule a country, one must first establish a MONOPOLY over that nation's money supply by creating a CENTRAL BANK (The Federal Reserve). 

Meyer Rothschild - "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws." 

Carroll Quigley - 1966 - "Tragedy and Hope" - "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." 

The Federal Reserve - a very brief history 

1) The Panic of 1907 - this was an artificially created event where rumors were circulated that all the banks were going to go under and lose all their money - guess who started it - J. P. Morgan - one of the great influential bankers of all time. 

2) The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - creates the Federal Reserve, which now has complete control over interest rates, and also the creation of money (taking this privilege away from Congress) - they now control the size of our national money supply, which directly affects inflation, depressions, etc. 

3) Although called "FEDERAL," the Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED. 

4) It has NEVER been audited. 

5) Its policies are not subject to the President of the United States or Congress. 

6) It can create - and inflate - money at will - has the ability to relax or tighten the money supply as they see fit. 

7) Neither the Congress, the President, or the American people can issue money - only PRIVATE bankers can do it - and at a PROFIT for themselves!! 

8) The United States of America has to borrow money from THEM. 

9) To pay off the debt that we owe these private bankers (via the interest on loans), our government had to create the Income Tax (also in 1913!!). Prior to 1913, there was no income tax except for a few years during the Civil War and Reparation Period. Our government kept itself afloat by tariffs and excise taxes. 

10) Here's the ploy behind the Income Tax - the rich evade it by funneling their money into tax-free "foundations" - the rest of us get screwed because of a GRADUATED tax system - in other words, the more you make, the more the government takes - that way, it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, for people to ascend up the ladder and get into "their league." 

1913 - a horrible year - The Federal Reserve (a central bank) was created - this institution loaned HUGE amounts of money to the United States government. To pay off this debt, the Federal Income Tax Law was enacted, which proceeded to STEAL money from the American citizenry. But when the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, they needed to find a REASON for our government to start borrowing money from them. They found ... or CREATED ... a reason very shortly 

[CTRL] Serbia's Deadly Choppers - U.S. Firm Sold Parts to Milosevic DURING U.N. Embargo

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
copied from http://news.pacificnews.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=7671ac1b26e3f8246e24f32c24962e73
Serbia's Deadly Choppers - U.S. Firm Sold Parts to MilosevicPacific News Service, Lucy Komisar, 08/16/2002 
Bell Helicopters of Texas sold parts to Serbia during a U.N. arms embargo, a report to the war crimes trial of ex-president Slobodan Milosevic shows. The Milosevic regime, writes PNS investigative reporter Lucy Komisar, paid through a secret offshore financial network that included a byzantine web of global tax havens. At a time when Americans are concerned about U.S. corporate corruption, a tribunal in The Hague has revealed another shadowy deal with international reverberations. Bell Helicopters of Texas sold parts to Serbia during a U.N. arms embargo, when Serbia was involved in a genocidal war using helicopters. The regime of ex-president Slobodan Milosevic paid through a complex, secret offshore financial network.On June 5, 1998, Serbia paid Bell $154,785 for spare parts for helicopters. At the time, Serbia was in dire need of working helicopters to use in Kosovo. In that war, some 8,000 to 10,000 Kosovars died.During the embargo, Milosevic got what he needed -- helicopter parts, weapons, oil and millions of dollars of other supplies through an intricate network of shell companies and secret bank accounts that spread from the offshore financial center Cyprus through Greece and some 50 other countries, including the United States.The Bell sale was revealed in June by Morten Torkildsen, an investigator for the U.N. International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague. His report on the secret financial network that allowed Serbia to evade the embargo was presented as evidence at Milosevic's war crimes trial, in session now.In a telephone interview, a spokesman for Bell Helicopters in Fort Worth, Mike Cox, said, "The parts we sold were fuselage parts for civil and commercial aircraft. There were no weapons involved."Cox said Bell checked with the Commerce Department and "were told we were in compliance." However Marise Stewart, director of international government relations in Washington for Textron, which owns Bell, said: "We don't have to check with anybody. In the case of a civilian commercial aircraft or parts sale, there's no requirement for clearance or review."Was there any discussion inside Bell about the wisdom of selling the parts to Serbia, then conducting a genocidal war?"There would be no reason to discuss the advisability of a commercial civilian sale, unless you think the customer is not going to pay," said Stewart.Helicopters are civilian and military dual-use equipment. Civilian choppers can be retrofitted for military use. The Bell 206B, which carries five persons, is an observation helicopter, used by police departments. The Bell 212, which carries fifteen, is the famous Huey of the type used in the Vietnam War. It is designed as a transport but is easily and commonly converted to military use. The parts sold to Serbia were for both types of Bell helicopters."The U.S. adds arms to its Hueys," said Mark Hiznay of Human Rights Watch. "Serbia had its own weapons industry and could easily do the same."Serbia may well have changed the Hueys in just that way. Radomir Markovic, head of the Serbian State Security (SDB) branch -- the secret police -- told Hague Tribunal interrogators, "We needed to secure foreign currency reserves to provide the SDB with the equipment it needed -- guns for [SDB] helicopters." He said the equipment arrived and was installed on those helicopters.Stewart said Bell had no "legal requirements to look behind the customer's ultimate intention or motivation."The Serbs started their campaign in Kosovo in February and intensified fighting in late May. News reports noted Serbian forces used tanks and helicopters against ethnic Albanian villages. Bell signed its contract in June.There has been no admission or proof that helicopters fitted with the new spare parts were used in military operations either as gunships or to carry troops or war material. What is certain is that the Serbs went to extremes to disguise their Bell purchase. The Hague investigator, a Norwegian forensic auditor, reported that the transaction was handled by the Cyprus-based Abridge Trading Ltd. Bank documents show that Abridge's primary function was purchase of military equipment for Serbia.Abridge was part of a covert Serb network that included eight shell companies with accounts in Cyprus banks that arranged weapons shipments from firms in Israel, Russia, Germany and the United States. Investigators at the U.S. Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control believe that at least $1 billion was moved out of Yugoslavia through Cyprus Banks to global tax havens."In my career, I have never encountered or heard of an offshore finance structure this large and intricate," said Torkildsen, the auditor.Why did Serbia and Bell do the deal though this offshore company if they didn't want to hide 

[CTRL] US Asks Charities to Tender for Rebuilding Iraq

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
The media's Iraq blitz has been debated to be both complete disinformation to distract from the real military activity (the geurrilla warfare being lost by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan) AND as a way to wear down Iraq's nerves. I submit that it is to get us so used to the idea that when/if a full scale invasion occurs we are not shocked: a morally shocked public is more likely to stand up than one in which such values as pushed by the Bush administration have creeped into our psyches. I even hear that the Bush administration has already discussed Saddam's replacement. Do you think he really consulted anyone Iraqi?
copied from http://commondreams.org/headlines02/0816-03.htm

Published on Friday, August 16, 2002 in the Times of London 

US Asks Charities to Tender for Rebuilding Iraq 

by Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor, and Tim Reid in Washington

BY word and action, the Bush Administration signaled clearly yesterday that it was pressing ahead with plans to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the near future.
In spite of growing opposition abroad to an American military operation against Baghdad, Condoleezza Rice, the US National Security Advisor, said that Washington did “not have the luxury of doing nothing” and hinted broadly the Iraqi leader would be gone sooner rather than later.
Her threat coincided with moves by Washington to recruit international relief agencies to work in Iraq, possibly to provide humanitarian aid in the event of a war.
The State Department sent a letter to various charities and non-governmental organizations, inviting tenders to undertake medical care, refugee relief, shelter, water supply, education and sanitation — rebuilding that will be necessary after any military campaign.
The department is linking the bidding to a $6.6-million fund to establish at least five US relief projects in and around Iraq, the first time the US has funded such work since the beginning of the UN sanctions 12 years ago.
The reason for the preparations became clear yesterday when Ms Rice, President Bush’s closest adviser on foreign policy, said that Saddam was a threat to world security and should go. “This is an evil man who, left to his own devices, will wreak havoc on his own population, his neighbors and, if he gets weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, on all of us,” she told the BBC. “It is a very powerful moral case.”
Although she insisted that Mr Bush had not yet made a decision about military action against Iraq, she said that Washington was committed to removing the threat soon.
The fresh saber-rattling in Washington provoked outrage among opponents of the war in London. Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on foreign affairs, said “moral authority” did not justify breaking international law.
“There will be no world order if the most powerful states are entitled to remove other governments at will,” he said. “There is no doctrine of international law which justifies regime change.”
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[CTRL] Blaze allowed to burn in Wyoming

2002-08-17 Thread ulrich stuart
-Caveat Lector-
I reported that this fire was, a good FOUR weeks ago, so large that one could see it from Rawlins, Wyoming - A GOOD 350 MILES AWAY.
copied from http://www.missoulian.com/display/inn_news/news15.txt
Blaze allowed to burn in Wyoming
By the Associated Press
Western wildfires

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. - Strong winds caused a remote fire in Yellowstone National Park to grow six times in size over two days, but officials were still allowing it to burn.

The lightning-caused Phlox fire, which is blackening whitebark pine, lodgepole pine and spruce, was at 80 acres early Wednesday but grew to 480 acres by Friday morning.

The blaze, in the southeast corner of the park about 25 miles southeast of Lake Junction, was reported Aug. 10 but may have started as early as Aug. 4.

Because of its remote location, lack of threat to developed areas, the need to reduce further build-up of downed timber, and recent rainy, cooler weather, the fire is being allowed to burn.

"It's well within the parameters," park spokeswoman Cheryl Matthews said.

The Broad fire, which has burned 9,140 acres just east of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, remained 95 percent contained. The blaze broke out June 27 from lightning.

5-week-old Colorado fire triples in size

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. - Hot weather and gusts up to 30 mph hampered efforts to manage a 5-week-old wildfire that tripled in size overnight.

The 1,800-acre fire was sparked by lightning July 8 but was being allowed to burn because it was in the remote Flattops Wilderness Area, 34 miles southwest of Steamboat Springs and 125 miles west of Denver, fire information officer Sue Froeschle said.

Nearly 100 firefighters were pulled off the lines early Friday because of high winds, but had worked to protect 50 structures threatened by the blaze, Froeschle said.

"The likely scenario is the fire will pass around those structures," she said.

Rio Blanco Ranch, Trappers Lake Lodge and Trappers Lake Campground remained evacuated after the fire crept to within a half-mile of the buildings Thursday night. More than a dozen trails were closed.

Burnouts used on massive Oregon fire

GOLD BEACH, Ore. - Firefighters on the northwest flank of the massive Biscuit Fire in southwest Oregon took advantage of calm winds as they prepared to light more backfires along a containment line Friday night.

Tom Lavagnino, fire spokesman, said the fire continued to grow and all eyes were on the weather. A cooling trend is expected to begin Saturday.

Meanwhile, two firefighters were injured Friday morning when their fire engine crashed about one mile from Cavitt Creek while en route to the Tiller Fire Complex near Roseburg.

Both were taken to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, said Barbara Dougan, a spokeswoman at the Tiller Fire.

Firefighter Ryan Rose was released; Joseph Smith was admitted, but was in good condition, said Dixie Williams, a nursing supervisor.
also see:
Wildfire For Profit?
Contral, Chemtrail, or Atmospheric Research?
Oregon is burning
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[CTRL] Dueling in Fluoridia

2002-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.forward.com/issues/2002/02.08.16/news1.html

AUGUST 16, 2002
| current issue | back issues | subscribe |

Floridians Say Sharon Visit a Sop To Bushes

Plans Coincide With Gov's Race


High-profile Jewish Demo-crats are fuming over a decision by Prime Minister Sharon to
make a rare visit to the Sunshine State in the heat of a gubernatorial election 
Republican Governor Jeb Bush.

Sharon is scheduled to meet with the president's brother during a short trip to Miami 
September, two months before elections are to be held in the state that is home to the
third largest American Jewish community. His arrival was reportedly slated for 
9, one day before the Democratic gubernatorial primaries.

Following harsh criticism from Democrats who demanded Sharon also meet with their
party's candidates, Israeli officials said Tuesday that Sharon would invite the 
candidates, as well as Bush, to an Israel solidarity rally.

But Democratic elected officials and party activists continued to balk this week when 
heard Bush is to be the only candidate to meet separately with Sharon and to be called 
the podium to speak at the rally.

If it's a solidarity rally and [Bush] is on the stage, the other gubernatorial 
should be on the stage as well, said Florida state Rep. Nan Rich, a former president 
of the
National Council of Jewish Women.

Stressing the risks should Israel appear to take sides in an American election, 
with backgrounds in Jewish organizational life are demanding that Sharon give equal
treatment to all gubernatorial candidates.

He should do everything to make this as non-political as possible, Rich said.

Other activists, from across party lines, said a Sharon-Bush meeting, public or 
private, is
appropriate because it would occur well before Election Day and because Jewish voters 
not so easily swayed.

It's altogether appropriate, said the Republican mayor of Boca Raton, Steven Abrams,
about the planned meeting. It's the day before primary elections, but Governor Bush 
is not
on the ballot for the primaries. People are not going to be focused on the governor 
until the
Democrats have chosen their nominee. I suspect this is being made into an issue by the

Bush's leading Democratic challenger is former attorney general Janet Reno.

The pro-Israel rally is expected to take place at a hotel to which 1,500 to 2,000 
community leaders and members from across the state will be invited, Israel's consul
general in Miami, Miki Arbel, told the Forward.

Critics of the Sharon visit include Monte Friedkin, chairman of Palm Beach County's
Democratic party and former vice president of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, and Mitchell Ceasar, chairman of Broward County's Democratic party and
former member of the Anti-Defamation League's civil rights committee.

Those who said they were not opposed include the executive director of the National 
Democratic Council, Ira Forman, and the chairman of the local Jewish Community 
Council, Sam Dubbin.

Frankly, it would be better if [Sharon] weren't here at all, Friedkin said. If he 
is meeting
with the governor it would be a good move to reach out to the Democratic candidates and
be willing to meet privately with them as a group.

Ceasar said he had no problem with Bush meeting separately with Sharon, but he said 
in order to remove the taint of politics from the visit, no candidates from either 
side should
be present at the rally.

Before Israeli officials announced Democratic candidates would be invited to the 
rally, Rich
had accused Sharon of making the trip to boost Bush's electoral chances. It's 
motivated, Rich told the Forward last week. It is inappropriate for the prime 
minister to be
weighing in on the Florida gubernatorial race.

Rich had claimed Sharon meant to lend a hand toward the governor's re-election in order
to show the Jewish state's appreciation for the pro-Israel stance taken by the 
This is a way he can show support, Rich said.

Since then Rich has toned down her criticism. Well, we've made some progress, she 
Tuesday. Now we need to make one more stand and that is that the governor and
candidates get equal billing.

Israeli officials, who dismissed accusations that a Sharon visit would be political, 
said no
sitting prime minister had visited Florida in over a decade. Arbel said he could not
remember when the last trip had occurred.

Defending the rally, Arbel said inviting each candidate to the podium would 
politicize the
event. He said Sharon would take pains not to favor any candidate. We will do 
we can to minimize this feeling. But I'm sure we cannot completely destroy it because 
it is
a matter of perception, he said.

Declining to specify the date of Sharon's visit, Arbel said it would fall between Rosh
Hashana and Yom Kippur. He said 

[CTRL] NASA wants to read passenger minds at airports

2002-08-17 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airports
By Frank J. Murray

Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of travelers to
identify terrorists.

Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have told
Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is developing
brain- monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial firm, which it
did not identify.

Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-wave and
heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized programs to
detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat, according to
briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times.

NASA wants to use noninvasive neuro-electric sensors, imbedded in gates,
to collect tiny electric signals that all brains and hearts transmit.
Computers would apply statistical algorithms to correlate physiologic
patterns with computerized data on travel routines, criminal background and
credit information from hundreds to thousands of data sources, NASA
documents say.


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[CTRL] Loose Linques

2002-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Guests who stayed overnight in the White House from Jan. 20, 2001, to May 1, 2002

Ex-General Says Wargames Were Rigged

Vivendi considers demerger of US assets

Saudis 'should reconsider US ties'

The  Powell Doctrine:Baghdad/Jenin/My Lai
by Heather Wokusch
August 17, 2002

With the US poised to attack Iraq, it's helpful to recall what pushed  us over the 
brink last
time ... the invisible steps and the unspoken consequences.

In the fall of 1990, when the US Congress was debating going to war, Amnesty
International (AI) released an explosive report detailing how Iraqi soldiers had taken
Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and left them to die on hospital floors. Many US 
later claimed it was the Amnesty dead baby report that finally convinced them to use
vicious force against the Iraqis.

Minor glitch. It was soon revealed that the Amnesty report was a complete sham - 
propaganda put together by the PR firm Hill  Knowlton. The Summer 2002 edition of
Covert Action Quarterly describes how political infighting at AI had pitted a board 
(who said the report was too sloppy and inaccurate to release) against a high-level
official at Amnesty UK, now suspected of having been an undercover British intelligence
agent, who released the sham report anyway.

Regardless, the attack on Iraq had already begun and television viewers worldwide were
absorbing endless footage of laser-guided bombs, pinpoint missiles and other precision
warfare that miraculously seemed to destroy machinery without harming civilians. Back
home, flag-waving hysteria followed Operation Desert Storm to its climax, and returning
conquerors, including then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell, were 
feted as
national heroes.

Minor glitch. A few months later it was revealed that actually 100,000 to 200,000 
many of them unarmed civilians, had died during the six-week attack, including tens of
thousands mowed down in aerial assaults as they were trying to flee along what became
nicknamed The Highway of Death.

Equating civilians and combatants is integral to The Powell Doctrine which recommends
using overwhelming force on the enemy, regardless of civilian casualties. In his
autobiography, Colin Powell discusses the Vietnam War and explains the benefits of
destroying the food and homes of villagers who might sympathize with the Viet Cong: We
burned the thatched huts, starting the blaze with Ronson and Zippo lighters ... Why 
we torching houses and destroying crops? Ho Chi Minh had said people were like the sea 
which his guerillas swam. We tried to solve the problem by making the whole sea
uninhabitable. In the hard logic of war, what difference does it make if you shot your 
or starved him to death?

Unmentioned is the moral implication of targeting civilians, or why doing so would make
them want to sympathize with the US.

A few years later, Colin Powell was an up-and-coming staff officer, assigned to the
Americal headquarters at Chu Lai, Vietnam. He was put in charge of handling a young
soldier, Tom Glen, who had written a letter accusing the Americal division of routine
brutality against Vietnamese civilians; the letter was detailed, its allegations 
horrifying, and
its contents echoed complaints received from other soldiers. Rather than speaking to 
about the letter, however, Powell's response was to conduct a cursory investigation
followed by a report faulting Glen, and concluding, In direct refutation of this 
portrayal, is the fact that relations between Americal soldiers and the Vietnamese 
are excellent.

Minor glitch. Soon after, news surfaced about the Americal division's criminal 
brutality at My
Lai, in which 347 unarmed civilians were massacred; Powell's memoirs fail to mention 
Glen incident.

Fast forward to April 2002, and having risen to Secretary of State, Colin Powell 
reported to
a US congressional panel about his visit to the Jenin refugee camp, site of a recent 
attack. Powell testified, I've seen no evidence of mass graves ... no evidence that 
suggest a massacre took place ... Clearly people died in Jenin - people who were 
died in Jenin - and in the prosecution of that battle innocent lives may well have 
been lost.
In the same vein, Amnesty International issued a short release stating that while it
appeared serious breaches of international human rights and humanitarian law were
committed ... only an independent international commission of inquiry can establish 
the full
facts and the scale of these 

[CTRL] priest with aids, 9/11, ashcroft's camps

2002-08-17 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors of abuse

Abuse Lawsuit Filed Against High-Ranking Church Official - Boston - 08/16/02
A former altar boy at a Newton church has sued a high-ranking official of
the Boston Archdiocese, alleging that the official molested him repeatedly 20
years ago when he was a teenager...Cummings died of AIDS complications in
1994, according to the station, which obtained a copy of his death
certificate. The station also reported that the archdiocese had offered to
pay for HIV testing for any of Cummings' alleged victims.

Amid reports in the days after the September 11 attacks that two of the
hijackers, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi received flight training at
Florida's Pensacola Naval Air Station, a new dot has been connected which may
shed more light on past revelations that 9/11 terrorists learned to fly at
secure United States military bases.
Royal Saudi Air Force Major Ambarak S. Alghamdi had continued to remain in
his position as a Pensacola Naval Air Station flight instructor after the
9/11 attacks, notwithstanding his Saudi Government ties - and that most of
the terrorists were Saudis.

Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision
Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty.

L.A. Times Headlines

By JONATHAN TURLEY, Jonathan Turley is a professor of constitutional law at
George Washington University.

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he
deems to be enemy combatants has moved him from merely being a political
embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.  Ashcroft's plan, disclosed
last week but little publicized, would allow him  to order the indefinite
incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their
constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy
combatants. The proposed camp plan should trigger immediate congressional
hearings and reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for this important office.
Whereas Al  Qaeda is a threat to the lives of our citizens, Ashcroft has
become a clear and present threat to our liberties.

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[CTRL] Whackiness @ Waco

2002-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/17/opinion/17RICH.html

August 17, 2002

The Waco Road to Baghdad


eorge W. Bush tossed the nation's press a softball and they hit it out of the park. 
There was
not a single good review, not even from his minions at The Wall Street Journal 
page, for the White House's feel-good-about-your-401(k) jamboree at Waco. It was a
forum, the critics suggested, in the sense that the Politburo was a legislature. 
Only Mr.
Bush, who is on record as having loved Cats, pronounced the event a great show.

But it's Mr. Bush who was right. What his critics miss is that by this administration's
standards of governance, Waco was a triumph. It was expressly designed to be content-
free (rather like Cats, in fact). The goal was never to produce policy but solely to 
serve up
a video bite of Mr. Bush looking engaged by the woes of what his chief of staff, Andrew
Card, referred to on CNN as so-called real Americans. If the White House wanted 
to listen, it would not have staged eight separate panels simultaneously on a Tuesday
morning in the dog days of August, assuring that complete coverage would be available
only on C-Span.

For those few viewers who dipped in, the spectacle was not unamusing. On one panel, Mr.
Bush could be found in mutual fawning with his campaign contributor Chuck Schwab —
Charles to us — no doubt oblivious to the fact that Chuck had just placed a nose behind
Enron's Ken Lay and Global Crossing's Gary Winnick on Fortune's Greedy Bunch list of
those executives who cashed out the most stock before their companies' shares tanked by
75 percent or more. Yet even this touching tableau, on a day when Schwab was laying off
nearly 400 employees, did not stop CNN, MSNBC and Fox News from switching to such
alternative programming as a picturesque natural gas explosion in a suburban California

What makes the morning-after outrage of the nation's commentariat seem a bit over the
top is that the preordained hollowness of the Waco show is not news. This is how this
administration always governs. Mr. Bush has two inviolate, one-size-fits-all policies 
obsessions can be called policies): the tax cut (for domestic affairs) and regime 
change in
Iraq (foreign affairs). Everything else is a great show designed to provide the 
illusion of
administration activity when it has no plan.

The show takes the form not only of the Orwellian slogans emblazoned on the backdrops
(Small Investors/Retirement Security loomed above the president and Chuck in Waco) 
also of bogus announcements of muscular action. At the forum's final curtain, the 
declared that he would teach Congress a tough lesson about fiscal responsibility by 
back $5.1 billion it had appropriated for such low-priority items as equipment for 
and health monitoring at ground zero. But what about the $190 billion in wasteful farm
subsidies he has already thrown to the winds? Besides, he would have to cut spending by
$5 billion five days a week for more than a year to compensate for the red ink of his 
trillion tax cut.

Though the president's harshest critics think he's stupid, I've always maintained that 
real problem is that he thinks we are stupid. He never doubts that his show will 
distract us
from bad news. Waco was supposed to make us forget the latest round of economic
headlines: stagnant wages, slowed growth, new all-time records in personal bankruptcies
and consumer borrowing. All this is on top of a falloff in the Dow that The Economist
measures as identical in percentage to that of Herbert Hoover's first 18 months, which
included the crash of '29.

Well, the economy is only money. It's when the same governance technique is applied to
life- and-death matters like war and domestic security that the farce curdles. Here, 
there are new headlines the administration wants us to forget. At the F.B.I., a Los 
Times investigation revealed, the prehistoric computer system remains in disarray even 
the agency's top executives are either pushed out or flee for private employment (as 
counterterrorism chief abruptly did on Thursday). The Wall Street Journal discovered 
when the federal government issued a terrorist warning to shopping centers four months
ago, the Mall of America learned about it only by watching CNN. Not only are our 
collapsing but, according to Thursday's USA Today, so is the undercover air marshal
program that was supposed to be strengthened after Sept. 11. One marshal called it a

And what does the administration propose as a solution? Last week John Ashcroft went on
TV to announce what he calls the first ever White House conference on missing and
exploited children. It takes an exploiter to know one. F.B.I. figures show a decline 
in the
kidnapping of children — except on cable TV. But if you can't crack the anthrax case, 
not create some distracting 

[CTRL] La Nouvelle Vague

2002-08-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,775742,00.html

Paris dispatch

La nouvelle vague

In the absence of any better stories, a mini-tsunami is making major waves in the 
press, writes Jon Henley

Jon Henley
Friday August 16, 2002
The Guardian

According to Nice-Matin, the regional rag of the Côte-d'Azur, it's the event of the 
That may be something of a silly-season overstatement, but the 4ft maxi-vague (big
wave) that has begun rolling out of the otherwise millpond-like Med at precisely 4pm 
afternoon has certainly stumped the scientists - and regularly startles the tourists.

The sea is very calm, and then you begin to see a few ripples, said Olivier, 34, a
fisherman at Cagnes-sur- Mer, at the far end of the mile-long stretch of beach west of 
where the maxi-vague strikes.

It's kind of like a trembling in the water. Then suddenly the big wave arrives, from
nowhere. The first time, it catches you completely unawares. After that, you're more on
your guard. Now people come especially to see it.

Others are less fortunate. Mobile phones have been lost, towels soaked, paperbacks
drenched. Every afternoon, parents and lifeguards dash into the surf to retrieve dazed 
bedraggled toddlers knocked off their feet and all but swept away by the phenomenon.

The maxi-vague of the Baie des Anges was first observed two years ago, but seems to
have attained a new ferocity this summer. (Or maybe it's just that the French media 
absolutely nothing else to report.)

In any case, the pint-sized tsunami has featured large on the TV news and made 
from the tabloid Parisien (Terror on the Côte d'Azur) to the staid and respectable Le
Monde (The mystery of the maxi-vague).

The daily cries of surprised sunbathers who planted their parasols rather too close to 
water's edge have fuelled popular speculation of a raging underwater storm beneath the
placid surface of la grande bleue, or some hitherto unthought-of by-product of global

Some have only just stopped short of imagining the arrival hotfoot from Scotland of 
Loch Ness monster, said Le Monde rather caustically.

Scientists and experts, if convinced there is an altogether more mundane explanation 
the rogue wave, are nonetheless at a loss to put their finger on it.

A phenomenon that occurs every day at the same hour cannot be natural, said Maurice
Aubert, professor of oceoanography at the marine university of Cagnes-sur-Mer. By
definition, a natural phenomenon is irregular and unpredictable.

Coastguards and the government's maritime affairs department have ruled out the most
obvious culprits, the fast ferries that travel between Nice and the Mediterranean 
island of
Corsica - although they may have ulterior motives.

It is clearly a complex phenomenon, insisted Gabriel Nakhleh, a maritime official in 
It seems it could have something to do with the weather, but there could be other, as 
undiscovered, causes. We are taking this whole phenomenon very seriously.

Environmentalists say that is so much hogwash, and claim the authorities are simply 
to play down the undoubted ecological impact of the 40mph fast ferries (known as NGVs, 
nàvires a grande vitesse) because of the service's commercial importance.

You just have to look at the timetable, said Marc Lecadre from the Riviera 
association. Every day a fast ferry leaves Nice at 3.30pm and passes about five miles 
the coast. Half and hour would be just about the time it takes for the wake to wash

The NGV ferries are not supposed to crank up to full throttle close to the coast, and 
maritime affairs affairs department is now under considerable pressure to ask them to 
off for a few more miles, to see if the maxi- vague disappears.

But in the meantime, fortunately for a nation deprived of anything remotely resembling 
serious French news story, the mystery remains. And if you're planning on dipping your 
in the Med anywhere near Nice over the next few weeks, you've been warned: stay out of
the sea at teatime.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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[CTRL] Article from the Chicago Sun-Times

2002-08-17 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-
The following article from the Chicago Sun-Times has been forwarded to you
by [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you wish to stop receiving
these articles, please contact the sender.

Comments from the sender: 

Israelis wonder: Was Elvis Jewish? 

JERUSALEM--On the highway into this holy, hilltop city, a curious sign directs motorists to what's become a modern place of pilgrimage. It reads simply, ''Elvis.''

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Re: [CTRL] NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airports

2002-08-17 Thread smilicoyoti

-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], smilicoyoti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NASA is where the nazi research and experimentation on humans (as in
mengele) was used - applied to an understanding of how humans adapt,
or not, to space travel...and a drive to dominate, analyze, take

remember the masked pics of those guantanamo detainees

were they hiding the first prototypes of cyberman, a technology
crafted in pakistan with chinese, U.S. and british support and the
technical expertise of microsoft...


Pakistan, China, and Heroin

as you read the info at the above url, you will see that it claims
that the cell stem research is what the incubators (detailed at the
above url) are used for and that it is used to harvest certain
steroids to make a less wasting-away kind of heroin...you decide

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], ulrich stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 copied from http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020817-704732.htm

 NASA plans to read terrorist's minds at airports
 By Frank J. Murray

  Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of
travelers to identify terrorists. Top Stories• Bush to 'consult' Hill
on Iraq
 • Ziglar to quit INS after a year at post
 • Air Force General taken off 'friendly fire' case
 • China gets tougher on embassy defenses
 • Baseball players set to walk
 • Mugabe jails whites staying on farms

  Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
have told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is
developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial
firm, which it did not identify.
  Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-
wave and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized
programs to detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat,
according to briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times.
  NASA wants to use noninvasive neuro-electric sensors,
imbedded in gates, to collect tiny electric signals that all brains
and hearts transmit. Computers would apply statistical algorithms to
correlate physiologic patterns with computerized data on travel
routines, criminal background and credit information from hundreds
to thousands of data sources, NASA documents say.
  The notion has raised privacy concerns. Mihir Kshirsagar of
the Electronic Privacy Information Center says such technology would
only add to airport-security chaos. A lot of people's fear of flying
would send those meters off the chart. Are they going to pull all
those people aside?
  The organization obtained documents July 31, the product of a
Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Transportation
Security Administration, and offered the documents to this newspaper.
  Mr. Kshirsagar's organization is concerned about enhancements
already being added to the Computer-Aided Passenger Pre-Screening
(CAPPS) system. Data from sensing machines are intended to be added
to that mix.
  NASA aerospace research manager Herb Schlickenmaier told The
Times the test proposal to Northwest Airlines is one of four airline-
security projects the agency is developing. It's too soon to know
whether any of it is working, he says.
  There are baby steps for us to walk through before we can
make any pronouncements, says Mr. Schlickenmaier, the Washington
official overseeing scientists who briefed Northwest Airlines on the
plan. He likened the proposal to a super lie detector that would also
measure pulse rate, body temperature, eye-flicker rate and other
biometric aspects sensed remotely.
  Though adding mind reading to screening remains theoretical,
Mr. Schlickenmaier says, he confirms that NASA has a goal of
measuring brain waves and heartbeat rates of airline passengers as
they pass screening machines.
  This has raised concerns that using noninvasive procedures is
merely a first step. Private researchers say reliable EEG brain waves
are usually measurable only by machines whose sensors touch the head,
sometimes in a thinking cap device. To say I can take that cap off
and put sensors in a doorjamb, and as the passenger starts walking
through [to allow me to say] that they are a threat or not, is at
this point a future application, Mr. Schlickenmaier said in an
  Can I build a sensor that can move off of the head and still
detect the EEG? asks Mr. Schlickenmaier, who led NASA's development
of airborne wind-shear detectors 20 years ago. If I can do that, and
I don't know that right now, can I package it and [then] say we can
do this, or no we can't? We are going to look at this question. Can
this be done? Is the physics possible?
  Two physics professors familiar with brain-wave research, but
not associated with NASA, questioned how such testing could be
feasible or reliable for mass screening. What they're saying they
would do has not been done, even wired in, says

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Army accused of using human shields

2002-08-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 What I thought was most interesting was the fact that the human shield
 shot in the back while walking towards the house.  This was according to
 several reports I read yesterday.  It seems that Palestinian terrorists
 rifles that shoot around corners.  Fascinating.  Well you know how it is,
 it's all in how you choose to defend Israel.  Prudy

Clearly the Palestinian was walking backwards. The alternative
is beyond belief - that the Righteous Israelis would shoot
a teenager in the back is of course inconceivable.

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[CTRL] Fwd: PEPIS #43 - 17Aug02 - Death cult at the heart of the US Establishment?

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

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URL: http://www.bilderberg.org

The Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University:
President George W. Bush, past president Bush senior and his father are all three 
proven initiates of this occult lodge based at a windowless mausoleum - I kid you not 
- The Tomb on the Yale campus.
New York Observer investigation http://www.observer.com/pages/story.asp?ID=2511
A death cult at the heart of the United States establishment? Impossible surely? But 
look a little closer and you'll see that seems to be exactly what George W Bush's 
family club, the order of Skull and Bones, is. Known variously as 'Bonesmen', 'The 
Order' and 'The Russell Trust Association', George W.Bush's father and grandfather 
were both initiated into this 'society' who's badge is a skull and cross bones with 
the lodge number 322 below it.
Lodge 322 is believed to have been founded on June 28th 1832. And the Skull and Bones 
are believed to have a commemoration ceremony on 28th June every year. This year 
(2002) on this date George W. Bush was relieved of his presidency for several hours, 
Dick Cheyne took over running the world's only superpower while Bush was 'undergoing 
hospital tests'.
If the Nazis' occult Thule Society had been exposed in the twenties millions might not 
have died - I would like to see the 'Bonesmen' and any other secret groups hungry for 
power fully exposed as unfit to hold positions of public responsibility.
Author and researcher Antony Sutton died earlier this year on June 17th 2002. He was a 
British born émigré to the USA and spent much of his academic time researching links 
from the US establishment and business world to fascism and communism. Particularly 
enlightening is his research on the financing of the Nazi party which he attributed to 
Wall street bankers - see his book 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler'. Sutton was a 
research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, from 1968 to 1973. He 
was a former economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles. He was 
born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and 
In September 1977 an article appeared in the US magazine Esquire. Sutton explains it 
detailed much of the mumbo-jumbo associated with the Bonesmen. When a new member is 
initiated into the order Tonight, he is told, he will die to the world and be born 
again into The Order as he will thenceforth refer to it. The Order is a world unto 
itself in which he will have a new name and fourteen new blood brothers, also with new 
When Rosenbaum starts to enquire about The Order he is told: They don't like people 
tampering and prying. The power of Bones is incredible. They've got their hands on 
every lever of power in the country. You'll see - it's like trying to look into the 
Mafia. Remember, they're  secret society too.
The Washington Post broached the subject on 25th February 2000 - 'Shred This After 
Reading!' Lloyd Grove called the article:
Before George W. Bush was a good ol' boy, he was a member of Skull and Bones. Author 
Ron Rosenbaum calls this club the most powerful of all secret societies in the 
strange Yale secret-society system. Its roster includes Averell Harriman, Henry 
Stimson, Henry Luce, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Dubya's dad, former president 
George Bush. They all engaged in certain occult rituals of the ruling class, as 
Rosenbaum writes, in a windowless mausoleum on Yale's New Haven, Conn., campus.
Although the club 


2002-08-17 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


  URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/news/no-sale.htm
  Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive
  articles from Emperor's Clothes Website
  www.tenc.net * [Emperor's Clothes]
  By Steve Friess
  (c) Reuters * Posted for Fair Use Only
  [Posted 16 August 2002]
  NOTE: At this spot in the text as posted at www.tenc.net there is a
  picture, shjowing George W. Bush at the World Trade Center disaster
  site. Bush has his arm around a firefighter and is looking at him a
  bit too earnestly.
  The caption reads:
  In Greek tragedy, actors (who wore masks) were known as `hypocrites'
  and so came to mean people who were not what they pretended to be. In
  Gal. 2: 13 the Greek `hypocrisy' is translated `dissimulation' (AV),
  `lack of principle' (REB), `insincerity' ... (From Oxford Reference
  The president has merely been using firefighters and their families
  for one big photo opportunity, Mohler said. We will work actively
  to not grant him another photo op with us.* (From news article
  In the text below, the empahsis is mine.
  --Illarion Bykov
  By Steve Friess
  LAS VEGAS (Aug. 14) - *The International Association of Fire Fighters
  voted unanimously on Wednesday to boycott a national tribute to
  firefighters who died on Sept. 11, in an angry response to President
  Bush's rejection of a bill that included $340 million to fund fire
  Bush is expected to speak at the Oct. 6 ceremony in Washington D.C.,
  where the National Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation is hosting its
  annual tribute to those who died in the line of duty during the prior
  The ceremony will honor 343 firefighters who died responding to the
  Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, as well as about 100
  others who also died in the year.
  The IAFF, the umbrella organization for the nation's professional
  firefighter unions, is enraged by the president's rejection of a $5.1
  billion appropriations bill that included $150 million for equipment
  and training grants requested by some of the nation's 18,000 fire
  It also include $100 million to improve the communications systems
  for firefighters, police officers and other emergency personnel as
  well as $90 million for long-term health monitoring of emergency
  workers at the Ground Zero site where New York's World Trade Center
  towers once stood.
  Firefighters and survivors will be urged to skip the Oct. 6 event in
  protest, said R. Michael Mohler of the Virginia Professional Fire
  Fighters Local 774.
  Mohler made the boycott motion before about 2,000 union leaders
  convening in Las Vegas for the IAFF's first national conference since
  Sept. 11.
  *The president has merely been using firefighters and their families
  for one big photo opportunity, Mohler said. We will work actively
  to not grant him another photo op with us.*
  Bush said Tuesday the bill was bloated by less important projects and
  a White House spokeswoman said Bush remained committed to
  firefighters and other emergency groups.
  The president is committed to our nation's first responders, White
  House spokeswoman Claire Buchan, traveling with Bush in Des Moines,
  Iowa, said.
  The firefighters' boycott vote followed anti-Bush speeches by Senate
  Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and IAFF general president Harold
  Schaitberger in which accused the president of neglecting the heroes
  of Sept. 11.
  [Note from Emperor's Clothes: Daschle was one of the recipients of
  the anthrax letters.]
  Schaitberger ridiculed as insincere Bush's videotaped remarks shown
  Monday at the conference, in which Bush expressed sympathy and
  admiration for the firefighters who responded to the Sept. 11
  *Don't lionize our fallen brothers in one breath, and then stab us in
  the back by eliminating funding for our members to fight terrorism
  and stay safe, Schaitberger said. President Bush, you are either
  with us or against us. You can't have it both ways.*
  Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat, told the firefighters: I strongly
  urge the President to reconsider. If he refuses to do so, however, I
  am prepared to do everything I can as majority leader to see that you
  get the resources you need to do your jobs safely and effectively.

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 HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs

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 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 

[CTRL] Robert Fisk: Be very afraid - Bush Productions is preparing to go into action

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: Be very afraid - Bush Productions is preparing to go into action

They are setting up the Arab world. We are being prepared for an epic supported by Hollywood and a plot of lies

17 August 2002

I have always been a sucker for wide-screen epics. Ever since my Dad took me to see Quo Vadis – which ends with centurion Robert Taylor heading off to his execution with his bride on his arm – I've been on the movie roller-coaster. My dad didn't make a great distinction between the big pictures and B-movies; he managed to squeeze Hercules Unchained in between Ben Hur and Spartacus. But the extraordinary suspension of disbelief provided by the cinema carried me right through to Titanic, Pearl Harbor and Gladiator. Awful they may be. Spectacular they are.

But the important thing, as my dad used to tell me, was to remember that the cinema did not really imitate reality. Newly converted Christian centurions did not go so blithely to their deaths nor did love reign supreme on the Titanic. The fighter pilots of Pearl Harbor did not perform so heroically, nor did wicked Roman emperors die so young. From John Wayne's The Green Berets, war films have lied to us about life and death. After the crimes against humanity in New York and Washington last September, I suppose it was inevitable that the Pentagon and the CIA would call on Hollywood for ideas – yes, the movie boys actually did go to Washington to do a little synergy with the local princes of darkness. But when Vice-President Cheney and Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld turned up together for the premier of Black Hawk Down, I began to get worried.

After all, if the Bush administration is so keen on war, it better work out the difference between Hollywood and the real thing. Yet what we've been getting is a movie version of reality, a work of fiction to justify the prospect of "war without end". It started, of course, with all the drivel about "crusades" and "war against terror" and "war against evil", the now famous "they hate us because we are a democracy", the "axis of evil" and most recently – it would be outlandishly funny if this trash hadn't come from the Rand Corporation – the "kernel of evil". The latter, by the way, is supposed to be Saudi Arabia, but it might just as well have been Iran, Iraq, Syria or anywhere west of the Pecos. Along with this tosh, history is being falsified. Even a crime movie supplies a motive for the crime but after 11 September, Bush Productions would allow no motives to be discussed. The identity and religion of the perpetrators was permissible information: they were Arabs, Muslims. But the moment any of us suggested glancing towards the area from which these Arabs came – an area rich in injustice, oppression, occupation and UN-sanctioned child death – we were, as I've described before in this column, subjected to a campaign of calumny.

As Bush's regional enemies grew in number to include not just al-Qa'ida but Iraq and Iran and their allies, a fabric of stories began to be woven. Last June, for example, we had Donald Rumsfeld spinning tales about Iran. At a press conference in Qatar – these lies can be spun, please note, just as well in the Arab world as in the West – Rumsfeld told us that Iranians "are engaging in terrorist activities and transporting people down through Damascus and into the Bekaa Valley. They have harboured al-Qa'ida and served as a facilitator for the movement of al-Qa'ida out of Afghanistan down through Iran."

Now the implication of all this is that al-Qa'ida men were being funnelled into Lebanon with the help of Iran and Syria. Yet we know that Iran, far from "transporting" al-Qa'ida men to Syria, has been packing them off to Saudi Arabia for imprisonment and possible death. We know that the Syrians have locked up an important al-Qa'ida official. The Americans have since acknowledged all this. And, save for 10 Lebanese men hiding in a Palestinian camp – who may have no contact with al-Qa'ida – there isn't a single Osama bin Laden follower in Lebanon.

So Hezbollah had to be lined up for attack. The Washington Post did the trick with the following last month: "The Lebanon-based Hezbollah organisation, one of the world's most formidable terrorist groups, is increasingly teaming up with al-Qa'ida on logistics and training for terrorist operations, according to US and European intelligence officials and terrorism experts." This tomfoolery was abetted by Steven Simon, who once worked for the US National Security Council and who announced that "there's a convergence of objectives. There's something in the 'zeitgeist' that is pretty well established now." Except, of course – zeitgeist notwithstanding – it is simply untrue.

The Washington Post had already lined up the Palestinians as America's enemies – again "terrorism experts" were the source of this story – by telling its readers in May that "the sheer 

[CTRL] Video on germ warfare during Korean War found

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Video on germ warfare during Korean War found

Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 09:30 JST
TOKYO — Japanese researchers announced Wednesday that they made a video copy of film footage in Pyongyang indicating the United States conducted germ warfare against China and North Korea during the Korean War.

The researchers, who recently returned from Pyongyang with the video, said the footage includes germ weapons believed to have been dropped by U.S. forces, as well as a confession by a captured pilot admitting to U.S. involvement in germ warfare.

It also records that flies and spiders were dropped from U.S. airplanes to spread epidemics and that epidemic prevention measures were taken by North Korea, they said.

Washington has continued to deny any involvement in biological warfare, but Masataka Mori, the group's leader and part-time lecturer at Shizuoka University, said the video confirms it.

During their visit to Pyongyang and northeastern China from July 26 to Aug 5, Mori and the other researchers were able to see and duplicate the 20 minutes of footage that had been shot by staff of the North Korean national movie studio in 1952.

They also said they interviewed North Korean victims of the germ warfare and leaders of the epidemic prevention activities.

Keio University Professor Takao Matsumura said of the video, "This is the first time I've heard of a video about the germ warfare." He said he thinks the confession of the captured U.S. pilot "is a precious record." (Kyodo News)

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[CTRL] HAARP experiments worry members of Russian Duma

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

HAARP experiments
worry members of Russian Duma 

By Rick Wiles 
August 15, 2002 
Copyright 2002 American Freedom News 

Top members of Russia’s parliament have expressed concern about the US Pentagon’s plans to conduct military experiments using HAARP. 

Members of the State Duma's international affairs and defense committees issued a statement last Thursday in Moscow. The legislators claim the United States HAARP program is developing “a qualitatively new type of weapon.” 

"Under the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves," the State Duma said in an appeal circulated on Thursday. "The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to fire arms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.

The committees reported that the U.S. is planning to test three facilities of this kind. 

The Alaska site of HAARP is scheduled to conduct full-scale tests beginning in early 2003. The second testing site is in Greenland and the third site is in Norway.

"When these facilities are launched into space from Norway, Alaska and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integral potential for influencing the near-Earth medium,” the State Duma said. 

The Russian legislators say US scientific experiments, under the HAARP program, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks, oil and gas pipelines, and have a negative effect on the mental health of people populating entire regions of the planet. 

The Duma deputies are demanding that an international ban be put on such large-scale geophysical experiments. 

The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, has been sent to President Vladimir Putin, the United Nations and other international organizations, to the parliaments and leaders of the UN member countries, to the scientific public and to mass media outlets.

Among those who signed the appeal are Tatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolai Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergei Reshulsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev and Alexei Mitrofanov. 


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [Fwd: PFIAB: The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board]

2002-08-17 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 




[burning_bush] PFIAB: The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory



Who's on Piffiab? It's a question anyone concerned
with spying, clandestine actions, and the war on terrorism should be asking.
But the Bush Administration, in a break with the past, is keeping this
important information secret.
The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board--usually
referred to by its acronym--is a group of prominent citizens who offer
advice to the President on sensitive intelligence matters. It was established
in 1956 by President Eisenhower, and past chairmen have included former
Senator Warren Rudman, former House Speaker Thomas Foley, and former Defense
Secretary Les Aspin. In recent years, PFIAB has conducted investigations
(often through its Intelligence Oversight Board) of spy- community controversies.
It examined lax security at Department of Energy nuclear weapons facilities,
CIA involvement with Guatemalan military officials who committed human
rights abuses, US intelligence failures in Somalia, and the CIA's cover-its-ass
investigation of CIA director John Deutch, who compromised classified information.
PFIAB challenged the charge--popular in rightwing circles--that China had
stolen nuclear weapons secrets from the United States. ("Possible damage
has been minted as probable disaster; workaday delay and bureaucratic confusion
has been cast as diabolical conspiracies," a PFIAB report concluded. "Enough
is enough.")
Last year--prior to September 11--President George
W. Bush selected Brent Scowcroft to lead PFIAB. Scowcroft, who was national
security adviser to President Bush I, possessed appropriate credentials
for the post. But the choice posed problems. Scowcroft, a onetime consultant
for the oil industry, a board member of Qualcomm, and a past director of
Global and Power Pipelines (an Enron subsidiary involved in projects in
China, Guatemala, the Philippines, Argentina and Colombia), runs his own
business, the Scowcroft Group, which sells intelligence and other services
to globe-trotting corporations in the telecom, aerospace, insurance, energy,
financial, electronics and food industries. As head of PFIAB, Scowcroft
has access to secret information that could be useful to his clients and
his own business endeavors. Can the public be certain that Scowcroft's
business links do not unduly influence his actions as PFIAB chairman or
that he does not exploit his PFIAB position to help his clients and his
own company? And his close personal relationship to the Bush family could
undermine his ability to appear as an independent reviewer of intelligence
activities mounted by the Bush administration. Scowcroft, though, recently
proved he could take issue with the President by questioning the need to
go to war against Iraq.
But Scowcroft does share a dominant trait of the Bush
crowd: secrecy. On August 13, I called the PFIAB office and asked for a
list of current board members. "That information is provided only on a
need-to-know basis," said Roosevelt Roy, PFIAB's administrative assistant.
I was surprised. As far as I could recall, PFIAB membership
has always been public information. In fact, the Clinton Administration
posted the names of the members on a PFIAB web page. (Clinton board members
included Zoe Baird, the failed attorney general nominee; Sidney Drell,
a renowned scientist; Ann Caracristis, former deputy director of the National
Security Agency; Robert J. Hermann, a United Technologies executive; and
Maurice Sonnenberg, an international businessman, prominent Democrat, and

[CTRL] Take These Genes and Call Me in the Morning

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Take These Genes and Call Me in the Morning
By Amanda Griscom

In a concrete bunker at Fort Detrick Army Base in Frederick, Maryland, Jenny Riemenschneider is standing over 10 rabbits splayed out on stainless steel operating tables. Dressed in a white Tyvek jumpsuit, a surgical mask, a shower cap, and plastic booties, she calmly loads 12 gold bullets into a revolver. Each rabbit lies motionless, tranquilized, paws spread-eagle with an exposed patch of shaved skin on its lower abdomen. Riemenschneider grips the pistol with both hands and presses its 8-inch barrel into a pink belly. Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof! Boof! She fires eight shots into the first rabbit, flinching slightly as the blasts echo through the room. 

A smile rises from behind her mask. 

"Looks good," she says. "See those clouds — those faint blushes just beneath the skin? Those are the bullets. It's a perfectly painless procedure."

Riemenschneider is part of a team of military scientists experimenting with so-called gene vaccines as a weapon against the growing threat of bioterror. Her revolver? A medical device known as a gene gun, which fires capsules containing thousands of DNA-coated gold pellets designed to inoculate the bunnies against anthrax. Propelled into the rabbit's skin cells by a blast of compressed helium, the DNA fragments are supposed to train the animal's immune system to recognize and combat the actual disease. Six months later, when Riemenschneider exposes the rabbits to what should be a deadly dose of anthrax, she's ready to declare success: Nine out of 10 remain healthy. 

Gene vaccines may be relatively new, but they're the logical outgrowth of two familiar strands of medical science. First is the 200-year-old practice of vaccination, in which the body is infected with a weakened form of a disease that prepares the immune system for a future encounter with the real thing. Traditional vaccines are highly effective at conferring long-term immunity against diseases like measles, mumps, and polio, but because they involve growing and injecting a live pathogen, they're costly, cumbersome to produce and transport, and too dangerous to use against super-virulent viruses like HIV. What's more, traditional vaccines are effective only against infectious diseases — afflictions like cancer and Alzheimer's are left to more radical treatments, such as chemotherapy and surgery.

While immunologists grappled with such limitations in the 1970s, an explosion of knowledge in the field of genetics led to a new approach to tackling disease: gene therapy. Gene therapy aims to conquer genetic diseases by replacing targeted genes. The concept was promising, but the medical record has been unsuccessful because the body's immune system rejects therapeutic DNA as foreign — just as it would reject a common bug. 

Gene vaccines borrow from both traditional vaccinology and gene therapy. By isolating a harmless snippet of a pathogen's DNA and injecting it into the body, researchers believe they can fool the immune system into developing an attack plan against a particular disease even though the body was never exposed to it. Whereas gene therapy tries to work in spite of the immune system, gene vaccines harness the immune system's instinct to search out and destroy alien proteins. "I still can't believe it actually works," says Riemenschneider, who has spent seven years investigating killer viruses such as Ebola. "DNA vaccines are incredibly easy to make. You can produce them in days or weeks, whereas the traditional methods often take years."

Gene vaccines hold special promise as weapons against diseases too complex or dangerous for traditional immunology. Already, they've proven successful in hundreds of animal trials against bioweapons like anthrax and the plague, as well as against pandemics like malaria and TB, which claim millions of lives each year. In July, Oxford scientist Adrian Hill began testing a gene-based malaria vaccine on hundreds of at-risk people in Gambia.

Closer to home, a gene vaccine against melanoma has completed three rounds of clinical trials on humans and appears ready to be submitted to the FDA for final approval. When injected directly into cancerous tumors, the vaccine, called Allovectin-7, causes proteins to grow on the tumor's surface — which in turn stimulates the immune system. The drug's manufacturer, Vical, is reviewing data from the experiments in hopes of presenting them to the FDA. If the drug gets a thumbs-up, Allovectin-7 may be on the market as soon as next year — and may unleash a torrent of new research. "When the flagship product makes it through the process, it will be a landmark proof of principle," says Vijay Samant, Vical's president. "Investment dollars will pour into both the vaccine and gene therapy industries." 

The same principle that allows gene vaccines to destroy melanoma is being 

[CTRL] Top 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Top 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence 

Frank Levi (16 Aug 02)

Just when you thought it was all doom and gloom, our good old chums at the agencies brought us some of the most hilariously unbelievable crap as proof "the Arabs did it." A lot of this is old hat to 9-11 investigators, some may be new. 

1-Mohamed Atta's Luggage 
2-Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend 
3-The Letter from the Ringleader 
4-The Magic Passport 
5-Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo 
6-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars 
7-DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere 
8-Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits 
9-Copies of the Koran left in Strip Clubs 
10-Ziad Jarrah builds a replica of a Boeing cockpit in his apartment 

1. Mohamed Atta's Luggage

Mohamed Atta , we are told, brought not one but two suitcases with him on his final suicide trip. Some might say it was a little convenient for the FBI investigators that these two suitcases did not make it from his connecting flight onto his suicide flight. Here is a rarely reported letter from his mother:

Dearest Mohamed,

 Don't forget to bring your toothbrush and lots of clean underpants on your final suicide trip. You must change your underwear, you might be in an accident and have to go to hospital. It would be very embarrassing to be caught with dirty underpants, wouldn't it dear?

 Love, Mama

Ok, joking aside, what was really in the bags: Numerous documents including a letter of recommendation and education related documents. (In other words, stuff you would bring to a job interview, not a suicide attack). A handheld flight computer, flight simulator manuals, two videotapes about Boeing aircraft, a slide rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, his will and presumably a lot of socks and underpants. All this stuff would have been in the luggage hold, so why bring it? If he was really committing an act of suicidal Jihad he would have brought his Koran on board. 


The link above has a scanned copy of the FBI affidavit detailing the contents of Atta's car and his luggage. It doesn't mention the letter he apparently wrote to the other hijackers.

2. Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend


Jarrah apparently wrote a farewell letter to his girlfriend - but in spite of having been with her for several years, he managed to send it to the wrong address. So the letter ended up in the hands of the FBI. How lucky is that !

Relatives think that the letter to the girlfriend is a fake.

I think perhaps, maybe it might be a fake too.

3. The Letter From the Ringleader

This is the letter apparently from Atta giving last minute encouragement to his pals before going to Allah. Conveniently Mohamed left a copy in his suitcase , someone else left a copy in their apartment for the FBI to find, and miraculously, a third copy was found amongst the tiny pieces of debris at the Flight 93 crash site.

Robert Fisk wrote an article in the Independent last September which effectively ridicules this particular piece of "evidence"

http://www.eionews.addr.com/psyops/news/atta_lastletter_questions.htm - this is a copy of the original article. Read it.

4. The Magic Passport

Many people have pointed this one out since last September. How is it that the FBI found an intact passport belonging to one of the hijackers "several blocks away" from the World Trade centre when all the indestructible black boxes in the aeroplanes were destroyed or lost?

What's really scary is that people actually believe this

5. Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo

A fragment of a hijackers passport photo was found at the flight 93 crash site. Just as a side issue - why did they insist on bringing passports when they were on internal flights - AND on suicide missions???

CNN reported it was Jarrah's passport: http://europe.cnn.com/2002/US/08/01/cia.hijacker/

6. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars

Another car (not Atta's rental car) was found at Logan airport containing Arabic-language flight training manuals. If Atta was the pilot, why did anyone else need to bring flight manuals with them? A bit of last minute revision?

7. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere


Boeing 757 manuals, three illustrated martial arts books and an 8-inch stack of East Coast flight maps

Al-Shehhi checked out last Sunday without taking a three-ring binder full of handwritten notes, an English-German dictionary, an airplane fuel tester, a protractor, tote bag, aircraft manuals, maps and books, Surma said. 

This is a real "When I grow up I want to be a hijacker" set.

8. Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits


The above link mentions this story - anonymous person leads FBI to car were he 

[CTRL] The Unconventional Warrior, by LTC ‘Dangerous’ Dan Marvin Part Three - Orders to Kill

2002-08-17 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-


The Unconventional Warrior, by LTC ‘Dangerous’ Dan Marvin

© 2002 Daniel Marvin

Part Three - Orders to Kill

 August 16, 2002

I was behind my desk at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, when we received word
that President Kennedy had been shot. Yuma was where we busied ourselves
testing parachutes and airdrop equipment of US and foreign origin. The news
of his assassination hit us, as it did the entire nation, like a shock-wave
and got me thinking about the Army’s Special Forces, remembering what they
had meant to JFK.

The very next day I volunteered for Counterinsurgency and Guerrilla Warfare
training. By mid-January of 1964 I was a student at the Special Warfare
Center in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and on my way to earning the right to
wear the Green Beret. I recalled how the Commander-in-Chief had described
that special headgear as “the symbol of excellence, the mark of distinction,
the badge of courage” and I wanted, more than anything, to be a part of that
elite group of unconventional warriors he had admired.

The training was accomplished by highly motivated instructors, all of whom,
with exception of the few CIA “advisors,” had seen at least one year of
combat as a Green Beret. CIA personnel were involved in instruction related
to terrorism and assassination techniques, to the extent of going into detail
on how the JFK “hit” was perpetrated, including film footage and photographs
taken in Dealey Plaza that fateful day. This Top Secret instruction was given
on “Smoke Bomb Hill” in an old cantonment area at Fort Bragg. One
classroom-type wooden building with raised stage, surrounded by barbed-wire
topped fences and patrolled by MPs or guard dogs, was the training facility
used for such highly classified subjects.

I shared a “gut feeling” with a few others in my class that our CIA
instructors had first-hand knowledge of what happened in Dallas. A sobering
thought, particularly so in view of my motives for joining Special Forces.
During a coffee break one day, an instructor casually remarked on the
“success of the conspiracy in Dallas,” tending to confirm my suspicions that
the President’s murder was conceived, executed and covered up by high-level
echelons within our government. I attempted to rationalize this by believing
there had to have been compelling reasons, with no malicious intent as such
on the part of loyal Americans who deemed it necessary, at significant risk
to themselves, to wrest the White House from one considered ill-equipped to
lead our nation in those troubled times.

Experience gained during the next 18 months left no doubt in my mind that
certain agencies within our government had engineered and executed the
conspiracy that left President Kennedy dead, a victim of evil factions within
our government. The face-to-face verbal acknowledgment to me by the Don of a
Boston area Mafia family that he had refused a “Company” (CIA) request for
use of his people in the “hit” on JFK will be covered in detail in Part 7: An
Offer From the Don. This fact, coupled with similar information that fellow
Green Beret Captain John McCarthy told me of a failed CIA/Miami Mafia “Hit”
on JFK in Florida during the President’s visit there prior to his fatal trip
to Dallas, confirmed the conspiracy in my mind.

As I sat riveted to my TV set in November 1993, viewing a lengthy 30th
anniversary documentary on the assassination in Dallas, I was hit between the
eyes with a fact that shook me to the core, took me back in time to August,
1965 and reinforced my belief in the reality of CIA directed political
assassinations. At the documentary’s conclusion I was stunned to see the name
of William Bruce Pitzer flash across the screen in a list of violent deaths
putatively linked to the cover-up of a conspiracy to kill JFK.

It was early in August, 1965 that I was asked by the CIA to kill US Navy
Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer.

Next week: Smoking Gun — The Pitzer File
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] Fwd: G.W. Bush, George Soros and Other Malefactors of Great Wealth

2002-08-17 Thread RoadsEnd

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-Caveat Lector-

G.W. Bush, George Soros and Other Malefactors of Great Wealth

August 17, 2002 | 10:13 AM

George W. Bush cannot raise his hand against the Œmalefactors of great
wealth,¹ because they¹re his backers, his friends. Bush¹s Tangled Past Is
Relevant Today 

by Joe Conason 

People who never wondered about the relevance of the Whitewater story now
claim to be puzzled by journalistic interest in Arbusto Oil, Spectrum 7,
Harken Energy, the Texas Rangers and other curious artifacts of George W.
Bush¹s business career. These same people, who once obsessed over the
details of an obscure Arkansas land development from the 1970¹s, ask why
anyone should care today how the President made money 10 or 15 years ago.
(Actually, the sale of the Rangers to a powerful Texas investor‹which made
Mr. Bush a multimillionaire‹occurred just four years ago.)

Let¹s assume, perhaps naïvely, that these peevish questions are sincere. And
let¹s try to answer them by starting with a few general observations.

This country has not one but two economic systems: free enterprise for the
many, and crony capitalism for the few. This is hardly a new discovery;
crooked and connected insiders have always fattened their wallets at public
expense, as Kevin Phillips illustrates in great detail in Wealth and

But the decay of the crony system is suddenly strangling free enterprise and
endangering the nation¹s future. The sanctions that were expected to
discourage excessive indebtedness, management self-dealing and fraudulent
accounting have failed; the insiders sidestepped the risks and assigned them
to the rest of us. That¹s what ordinary investors are learning every day
when they glance up from their horrifying mutual-fund statements to read how
much the white-collar looters took when they absconded.

For those burned small investors, and for their fellow citizens whose jobs
are at risk and whose wages are again declining, the salient issue is how
government can regain a measure of authority to reform this forked economy.
The authority needed is not only legal and administrative, but also moral.
In these critical circumstances, the President must not only act to restore
credibility and growth. He must also believe in what he is doing and be
believed when he explains why.

Unfortunately, Mr. Bush and his insider-infested administration meet none of
these criteria. He is a lifelong beneficiary of crony capitalism, as were
his father and grandfather before him. He has no quarrel with that system
and is blind to its defects. He cannot raise his hand against what Teddy
Roosevelt called the malefactors of great wealth, because they¹re his
backers, his colleagues, his friends and his family.

Two years ago, I wrote approximately 10,000 words about Mr. Bush¹s charmed
life in Harper¹s Magazine, and have since learned how much more still
remains to be revealed.

Briefly, it is a tale that opens with a series of tax-sheltered
limited-partnership investments in Arbusto by political friends and family
members from Park Avenue and Greenwich to K Street and Houston, all eager to
help young Dubya make his way in the Texas oil fields. It concludes almost
two decades later when Governor George W. Bush and his partners sell their
baseball team to a man who had been awarded control over billions of public
dollars by the governor¹s appointees.

The Harken affair occurs midway through this financial epic. Having twice
unloaded his dry-hole enterprises on his father¹s friends and would-be
friends, Mr. Bush shows up as a director of Harken Energy, a peculiar Dallas
operation that counts Harvard 

[CTRL] Fw: JORDAN - Thousands of US Forces on the way

2002-08-17 Thread ab

-Caveat Lector-

The BATF was in a battle for congressional funding; the raid on the Branch
Davidian compound was not staged to enforce the law, it was staged for
public relations purposes - and it was bungled. There was no evidence that
the Davidians had violated any law.  The BATF used fabricated information to
obtain a warrant from a careless magistrate.  Some of the allegations made
on the affidavit were fraudulent.

- Original Message -
From: Mid-East Realities [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: JORDAN - Thousands of US Forces on the way

  ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 8/13/2002:
The duplicity and collaboration of Hashemite Jordan over the years is
considerable, going way back to the very origins of the regime at the time
of World War I.   Now, even as King Abdullah II pretends otherwise, the U.S.
and CIA have already been dispatched to his Kingdom to protect the Royal
Hashemites and large numbers of American forces are beginning to arrive in
Jordan for major exercises.  For additional background information see:


AMMAN - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 - Middle East Newsline  - Jordan is
preparing for the arrival of thousands of U.S. troops for a large-scale
military exercise later this month.

Jordanian officials said the 4,000 U.S. soldiers are sailing through the Red
 Sea toward the Hashemite kingdom. They said the first U.S. soldiers arrived
on Monday, Middle East Newsline reported.

The officials said the exercises would not take place in the eastern areas
of Jordan near the Iraqi border.
Western diplomatic sources said Jordan has imposed additional restrictions
on the media on the eve of the arrival of the U.S. soldiers. They said the
closure of Doha-based A-Jazeera television last week was meant to halt
unauthorized reports on the U.S. military exercise.

Jordanian Information Minister Mohammed Adwan said Jordanian and U.S. troops
would conduct a two-week exercise in a training area in southern Jordan.
Adwan termed the exercise as routine and said the U.S. troops would leave
the kingdom after the exercise.

Adwan said Jordan is one of several Arab countries that conduct regular
military exercises with the United States. He cited Bahrain, Egypt, Oman,
the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

Jordanian officials said the U.S.-Jordan maneuvers will focus on improving
the combat skills of the Hashemite kingdom as well as interoperability
between the two militaries. The exercise will include special operations
forces from both countries. They said the exercise will not simulate a U.S.
military attack on Baghdad nor will U.S. soldiers operate along the Iraqi

The sources said the Amman government decided to preempt the arrival of the
U.S. troops and release details of the exercise. The sources said Jordan and
the United States have agreed to hold two ground and air exercises per year
and that all U.S. soldiers will leave by Sept. 8, days after the completion
of the exercise.

MiD-EasT RealitieS  - http://www.MiddleEast.Org
  Phone:   (202) 362-5266
  Fax:   (815) 366-0800

To subscribe free to MER email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject

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[CTRL] Flash Animation: Liberty's Light

2002-08-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Flash Animation:
Keep Liberty's Light Shining

Are the New World Order Terrorists winning?

For Liberty's Sake:
What have YOU done today to instill FEAR into your government?

When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the 
government, there is tyranny.
-Thomas Jefferson

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Imagine the Fourth Reich, on a global scale. Sadistic, racist, jackbooted thugs with 
a license for roadside executions. Slave labour camps, torture, heinous experiments, systematic ritual killings and a World Leader on parade, like Ariel Sharon, who makes the Devil look cute, worshipped by all, out of fear. Welcome to the New World Order. 

It may not appear to be so dramatic or traumatic as yet, but the machinery is in place to install this militaristic system, when the timing is right, and while life may still seem easy for you, there is an unseen, unspoken, unreported, unbelievable, UN agenda in action, making life a living hell for millions, which is unacceptable to anyone with a vestige of humanity left in them.

Phil Schneider was murdered in January 1996, soon after lecturing on covert, shadow government operations, including underground bases, concentration camps and the hundreds of Gunderson prisoner box-cars at Portland, Oregon, which were confirmed by a satellite photo in 1998. He spoke of Martial Law through man-made viruses and geophysical warfare (earthquakes, floods, drought, cyclones etc.) and UN involvement. Schneider who sacrificed his life to inform the public that the enemy was within the gates, or below ground, was telling the truth. "Then said He unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake." (Luke 21: 10-12)

The 'motto' derived from WWII is, "Never Again" in relation to the Holocaust, but a crowd in Detroit were told by Bush representative, Peter Kirsanow, that America could "forget about civil rights" if there is a further terrorist attack on the United States by "the same ethnic group that attacked the World Trade Center." He insinuated that the patriots in the Homeland would rise up and demand that the Regime detained every Arab-American in a concentration camp and this reaction would be almost impossible for the Administration to ignore, which is blatantly advocating another Holocaust against a specific nation, Islam, but by a Superpower far superior to the Nazi's. 

President Bush portrayed Al-Qaeda factions like vermin whom he would “smoke out 
of their holes” and when one powerful group begins to describe another people as apes, pigs, rats, roaches, beasts or “heathens” a disaster is always in the making. The dominant party usually stands to gain economically and racial stereotyping simply masks the harsh reality of exploitation and colonization. Therefore, it is very much in the interests of Bush, fighting the "axis of evil" for such an attack to occur and the temptation to incite or arrange the outrage himself to blame Muslim extremists, as a pretext to obtain absolute power, must be overwhelming. The weapon of choice which the public are being primed for is apparently a virus or 'dirty bomb.'

In any national emergency situation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, based underground at Mount Weather, takes over and they are presently preparing for nuclear, biological and chemical attacks against U.S. cities, including the possibility of multiple attacks with weapons of mass destruction. The deadline for their contingency plans is early in 2003. Saddam Hussein has been singled out again as the next big 'threat to civilization' and his picture has been dug out of the archives for media consumption, supplanting the elusive Bin Laden. 

However Scott Ritter, a UN weapons inspector in Iraq for seven years contradicts 
these accusations, saying, "Saddam Hussein's capability to produce weapons has been significantly downgraded" and he added, "George Bush is coercing the American people into a war based on speculation.” There is no evidence Iraq has weapons of mass destruction in contravention of UN resolutions. The only countries currently engaged in illegal wars with massively destructive weapons are the US, UK and Israel. They condemn half the world as their enemies, but it is this coalition who are in enmity with the whole human race.

It would be better for one and all, if Bush exercised some old fashioned diplomacy to settle his differences with Islamic leaders, rather than goading opponents into more terror attacks on US or Israeli citizens. The consequences of a major assault with a 'suitcase nuke' or deadly virus on a US city would be utter chaos and FEMA would be the LAW, enforcing evacuations, relocations, quarantine, mass detention, road blocks, checkpoints and Executive Orders. These orders give the president the powers of a despot and the right to practice total tyranny over the population of the United States, he would also have 


2002-08-17 Thread Joe Gillaspie
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

Imagine the Fourth Reich, on a global scale.
Sadistic, racist, jackbooted thugs with
a license for roadside executions. Slave
labour camps, torture, heinous experiments, systematic ritual killings
and a World Leader on parade, like Ariel Sharon, who makes the Devil look
cute, worshipped by all, out of fear. Welcome to the New World Order.
It may not appear to be so dramatic or
traumatic as yet, but the machinery is in place to install this militaristic
system, when the timing is right, and while life may still seem easy for
you, there is an unseen, unspoken, unreported, unbelievable, UN agenda
in action, making life a living hell for millions, which is unacceptable
to anyone with a vestige of humanity left in them.
Phil Schneider was murdered in January
1996, soon after lecturing on covert, shadow government operations, including
underground bases, concentration camps and the hundreds of Gunderson prisoner
box-cars at Portland, Oregon, which were confirmed by a satellite photo
in 1998. He spoke of Martial Law through man-made viruses and geophysical
warfare (earthquakes, floods, drought, cyclones etc.) and UN involvement.
Schneider who sacrificed his life to inform the public that the enemy was
within the gates, or below ground, was telling the truth. "Then said He
unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences;
and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. But before
all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you,
delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought
before kings and rulers for my name's sake." (Luke 21: 10-12)
The 'motto' derived from WWII is, "Never
Again" in relation to the Holocaust, but a crowd in Detroit were told by
Bush representative, Peter Kirsanow, that America could "forget about civil
rights" if there is a further terrorist attack on the United States by
"the same ethnic group that attacked the World Trade Center." He insinuated
that the patriots in the Homeland would rise up and demand that
the Regime detained every Arab-American in a concentration camp and this
reaction would be almost impossible for the Administration to ignore, which
is blatantly advocating another Holocaust against a specific nation, Islam,
but by a Superpower far superior to the Nazi's.
President Bush portrayed Al-Qaeda factions
like vermin whom he would œsmoke out
of their holes and when
one powerful group begins to describe another people as apes, pigs, rats,
roaches, beasts or œheathens a disaster is always
in the making. The dominant party usually stands to gain economically and
racial stereotyping simply masks the harsh reality of exploitation and
colonization. Therefore, it is very much in the interests of Bush, fighting
the "axis of evil" for such an attack to occur and the temptation to incite
or arrange the outrage himself to blame Muslim extremists, as a pretext
to obtain absolute power, must be overwhelming. The weapon of choice which
the public are being primed for is apparently a virus or 'dirty bomb.'
In any national emergency situation, the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, based underground at Mount Weather,
takes over and they are presently preparing for nuclear, biological and
chemical attacks against U.S. cities, including the possibility of multiple
attacks with weapons of mass destruction. The deadline for their contingency
plans is early in 2003. Saddam Hussein has been singled out again
as the next big 'threat to civilization' and his picture has been dug out
of the archives for media consumption, supplanting the elusive Bin Laden.
However Scott Ritter, a UN weapons inspector
in Iraq for seven years contradicts
these accusations, saying, "Saddam Hussein's
capability to produce weapons has been significantly downgraded" and he
added, "George Bush is coercing the American people into a war based on
speculation. There is no evidence Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction in contravention of UN resolutions. The only countries currently
engaged in illegal wars with massively destructive weapons are the US,
UK and Israel. They condemn half the world as their enemies, but it is
this coalition who are in enmity with the whole human race.
It would be better for one and all, if
Bush exercised some old fashioned diplomacy to settle his differences with
Islamic leaders, rather than goading opponents into more terror attacks
on US or Israeli citizens. The consequences of a major assault with a 'suitcase
nuke' or deadly virus on a US city would be utter chaos and FEMA would
be the LAW, enforcing evacuations, relocations, quarantine, mass detention,
road blocks, checkpoints and Executive Orders. These orders give the president
the powers of a despot and the right to practice total tyranny over the
population of the United States, he would also have 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Mad Messiah - thanks for the heads up Brian

2002-08-17 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], starpowernow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mamtoshe departs from the swill that is pumped out by the CORPORATE
 MASS MEDIA in these important respects:

 4)  It is well known in the Middle East that bin Laden has already
 given half of his wealth to help poor and disadvantaqged.

 5)  One million died in her country becaue of CIA instigation which

You may be interested in reading My Jihad by Aukai Collins. He is an American who 
converted to Islam in the late eighties and fought as a mujihadeen in Chechyna, after 
training in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

Concerned by the amount of dirty operations going on, he decided to volunteer his 
services to the CIA circa 1995. Although invited, his handlers would not allow him to 
visit Bin Laden. He is also ratted on by the CIA when staying in Albania. Working out 
of Pheonix (ala Coleen Rowley) his frustration with the CIA reverberates with the 
blocking of investigation that her memo describes.

He later encounters an influx of muslims learning to fly - one of those is Hani 
Hanjoor (an alleged 9-11 guy). He sees them as just party people with little or no 
interest in either the Koran or Allah  in his postcript (written post 9-11) he can't 
believe that they planned to do this themselves.

He also talks about how all the mosques (cited as 'breeding grounds for terrorists') 
in the US never ever helped him fight Jihad (the network seemed to compose of 
Chechnyan mafia  false humanitarian fronts (financed by ?)) and he talks of his 
belief that the Islam which teaches against Jihad (not terrorism but fighting for 
beliefs to save the lives of Muslims) was created by the British who wanted to 
maintain a passive empire.

When I get the chance, I'll copy out the relevant sections. The Introduction to the 
book is available online here:


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[CTRL] America First Party Holds First National Convention

2002-08-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

America First Party Holds First National Convention
The growing America First Party had a rousing founding convention.

Exclusive to American Free Press
By Jack Ross

Orlando, Fla.— At its founding convention Aug. 9-10 in Orlando, Fla., the America First Party came out forcefully in opposition to a planned war on Iraq and called for the impeachment of President Bush if he uses U.S. troops to depose Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein without a declaration from Congress.

The convention was addressed from prison by former Rep. Jim Traficant, who was expelled by the House on trumped up charges and is now being held as a political prisoner in Allenwood, Pa.

The party pledged to support Traficant’s independent campaign for re-election.

The America First Party’s platform was overwhelmingly passed in its entirety by voting members. 

According to attendees, there was no animosity during debate of the specifics.

“This is a 100 percent populist party,” said Warren Baldwin, one of the members of the board of directors of the America First Party. “We passed an America-first, pro-faith, pro-Constitution platform that will strike fear in the hearts of the Democrats and Republicans.”

The new party also reported rapid growth and already has seven candidates for public office in the field.

At adjournment, the party had 19 state affiliates: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missis sip pi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. 

The party expects to be affiliated in all 50 states by next year’s convention.

According to party leaders, the prospects for two of America First’s seven candidates look extremely promising for this November’s elections.

The first is Cameron Bates, running for the City Council in Port St. Lucie, Fla. 

Bates, a police officer who has long sought to run for public office, has finally decided to do so in an open challenge to a state law prohibiting police from running. 

Bates, who is in a two way race against a Democrat, has been endorsed by the AFL-CIO.

The second is James Edwards, running for the Tennessee State Legislature in District 97 (Bartlett). 

Edwards, who at the age of 22 represents the America First Party’s future focus, is the only candidate against Tre Hargett, who was the deciding vote in raising Tennessee’s sales tax after efforts to introduce an income tax were thwarted only by mass protests last year. 

Hargett is the embodiment of “liberal” statist Republican tendencies in Tennessee.

Attending as observers were Sherree Lowe, head of the Florida chapter of JAIL For Judges, a judicial reform group, who is running for lieutenant governor of Florida along with Nancy Grant for governor. 

Also present was Linda Kennedy, a radio talk-show host who is affiliated with JAIL For Judges.

Most notable were George Stryker and Sam Cross, leaders of the Pennsylvania Populist Party, the last remnants of the Populist Party, which was sabotaged from within and purposefully destroyed.

Stryker and Cross, along with Ms. Lowe, told AFP that they hoped to see the America First Party grow and become truly revolutionary.

The two said they would recommend that the Pennsylvania Populist Party vote to affiliate with the America First Party.

Stryker, Cross and Baldwin expressed their pleasure that, in contrast to all other news media, American Free Press was covering the convention.


The convention declared its disdain for the so-called “conservative establishment” by overwhelmingly adopting a resolution initiated by John Hey of Mississippi to oppose any U.S. military action against Iraq. If a surprise attack on Iraq were to take place without a declaration of war by Congress, the party agreed that it would call for President Bush’s impeachment.

America First Party national chairman Dan Charles told AFP that he expects his party to take the lead on this issue, citing that many followed the party’s lead after it was the first to take the bold step of calling for the impeachment of the federal judges who struck down the pledge of allegiance.

The highlight of the convention came when it was treated to a video address by Traficant, who was to speak in person at the convention were it not for his political imprisonment. 

Traficant praised the America First Party for taking a stand when no one else will and urged the party to reach out far beyond its base.

The America First Party, particularly through John Francis, chairman of its Ohio affiliate, is playing an instrumental role in Traficant’s re-election campaign. 

Polls show Traficant between 50-54 percent in a field of four, making him easily poised to become the first man elected to Congress from prison.

Members of the party’s national committee told AFP that they 

[CTRL] Blacks take over farms as whites flee police

2002-08-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ

-Caveat Lector-

Now here is a REAL reason for US Intervention.  Where is Bush on this?

Blacks take over farms as whites flee police
By Peta Thornycroft in Harare (Filed: 17/08/2002)

At least 20 white farmers were rounded up and flung into police cells across Zimbabwe 
yesterday as hundreds of new black farmers, the beneficiaries of recently-appropriated 
white-owned land, celebrated their new opportunities.

Police fanned out across the country and farming officials issued a radio alert to 
white farmers, advising those who had yet to obey President Robert Mugabe's eviction 
order that they should flee their homesteads to avoid detention.

The Commercial Farmers' Union said last night that hundreds of farmers had heeded the 
warning and left their homes.

Those already in police custody - including 75-year-old Robin Grieves, who is blind - 
were expected to spend the weekend in jail before being brought before the courts.

Six farmers, including Mac Crawford, a provincial leader of the CFU, who were 
detained on Thursday, appeared yesterday in a rural magistrate's court where they were 
bailed for 5,000 Zimbabwean dollars - about £5.

They will appear again on September 6 when they will be charged with defying the 
government's order to vacate their land by midnight on August 8.

A further 20 farmers were cautioned yesterday and made to sign statements, and could 
yet face arrest.

Jenni Williams, a spokesman for the Justice for Agriculture campaign, said: We are 
made to believe that a police signal has been sent out . . . that all farmers 
violating Section 8 (eviction order notices) will be arrested.

Ignatius Chombo, the local government minister, appeared to confirm that Mr Mugabe had 
decided to increase the pressure on those among the 2,900 farmers ordered off their 
land who have so far defied him.

We have lost our patience with defiant farmers and the time has come for us to act, 
he said. We cannot allow them to hold the whole nation to ransom at a time when the 
beneficiaries of the land reforms are supposed to be preparing for the next 
agricultural season.

German Musundi, 46, was celebrating his good fortune alongside fellow new farmers at 
the annual congress of the Zimbabwe Farmers' Union, which represents the interests of 
more than 100,000 black peasant farmers.

I was a teacher and I always wanted to be a farmer, but until now I never had a 
chance, said Mr Musundi.

The numbers at the congress, in Matabeleland, were swelled this year by new farmers 
who were awarded plots on white-owned land of up to 40 acres each.

I do not know which white farmer owned my land. I applied to be resettled and I was 
successful and resettled in June. Now I am going to grow food, said Mr Musundi, who 
was resettled in the southern part of Manicaland province.

• Zimbabwe has deported a Libyan it accuses of spying for Britain, the state-owned 
Herald newspaper said.

Yousef Murgham, an intelligence officer at the Libyan embassy until 1993, was also 
accused of assisting the opposition Movement for Democratic Change and attempting to 
scupper oil deals between Libya and Zimbabwe.

The 2nd Amendment:
America's REAL Homeland Security

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Re: [CTRL] CogLib - Scientist's Death

2002-08-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

Actually, that's something I've always considered a possibility with this
case. There were several agents who underwent that particular type of
experience in the days of MKULTRA, as it was expected that agents should
take it, too, to be prepared for the possibility of getting dosed, and to
better understand how to control others who are on it. Some of the agents
got a big ol' karma-slap trip.

- jt

- Original Message -

 Dick and rummy are notorious defenders of govt. secrecy - when they were
 the Ford admin. They tried to cancel the FOIA, and the presidential
 disclosure act... They are doing a far better job this time around

 Rereading this Olson thing it occurs to me that another plausible
 explanation is that, contrary to the usual Implication, that the LSD
 him, that it was a rich opening experience, and he took a good honest look
 at himself, and his relationship to life on the planet (a action taken by
 many on LSD) and found his actions wanting. Maybe it opened his eyes, and
 could no longer live with developing biological weapons, tc.

 Just a thought.

 on 8/12/02 1:54 PM, Joshua Tinnin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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