[CTRL] Error meassages in Japan.

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In Japan, they have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful
Microsoft Error messages with Haiku poetry messages.

Your file was big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.
The Web site you seek
Cannot be located, but
Countless more exist.
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.
Program aborting:
Close all that you have worked on.
You ask far too much.
Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.
Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.
First snow, then silence.
This thousand dollar screen dies
So beautifully.
With searching comes loss
And the presence of absence:
My Novel not found.
The Tao that is seen
Is not the true Tao-until
You bring fresh toner.
Stay the patient course.
Of little worth is your ire.
The network is down.
A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.

Three things are certain:
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.

You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This page is not here.

Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.

Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] A Call To All Americans

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Now, THESE are great ideas!:

 Source: http://www.webforums.com/forums/f-read/msa64.214.html

 A CALL TO ALL AMERICANS! From now on, the national toilet paper should be
 the pages of the Koran!

Why? You don't really think that your religion is any better than theirs do you?

 Arm every flight crew in America down to the
 man/woman who pumps the gas and loads the luggage. Allow anyone with a
 concealed carry permit to remain armed while on any airline in the nation.

Stupid gun pusher. Do the word  pressurized cabin  mean anything to you

 Push your local representatives to MAKE THIS LAW!! Turn the entire middle
 east into a parking lot!!

Your a good Christian Edward. Jesus saves, but you prefer parking lots.

 Edward   +


 (1) The study or practice of the principles of reasoning, especially of the
 structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method
 and validity in deductive reasoning.

 (2) A means of terrifying liberals.

Logic? What logic? This is a logic free zone.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] WTC: Two Of My Relatives May Have Been Killed

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

M. F. Abernathy wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am very worried. I had two relatives who worked in Lower Manhattan in
 the vicinity of the World Trade Center, and neither of them have been
 heard from since the attack.

 My sister [ Barbara A. Abernathy -- D.O.B. 7/16/68 ] has not been heard
 from by any members of my family since the attack, and my Uncle [Harry
 L. Isom -- D.O.B. 4/21/34 ] is also unaccounted for -- he didn't come
 home last night. I can only pray, hope for the best, and prepare for the
 worst. I am *extremely* worried.

 Martin F. Abernathy  Providence,RI - 9/12/01

I am very sorry to hear this.

I know that local hospitals are centers for finding people.

Try calling St. Vincents, or Bellview and see if they can help you
find your family. Perhaps they know of places designed to help find
missing persons.

If I can help in any way please let me know.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] (fwd) Poll: Americans Willing to Go to War --WashingtonPost/ABC-News

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 And by an equally lop-sided margin, the public favors taking military
 action directly against the countries that shelter terrorist groups - a
 somber warning to Afghanistan and other nations suspected of harboring

 This proves the ignorance of the American Public.

 From Alexander the Great to the British and Russian Imperial
 Armies to the Soviet Union...Afganistan has been one of the world's
 premier killing grounds...they have even killed about 1,000,000 of each
 over the past 12 years.

 Wait till the US Army loses a few hundred thousand troops in the
 valleys and mountains of Afganistan - then we will see how anxious
 the American Public is for military action

 Either that or Bush will bomb some flea bitten hamlets and desolate
 mountaintops and declare victory.

I'm glad we can finally agree. Bring ALL of the miliary home.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [AL-AWDA-News] Arafat Donates Blood for U.S. VictimsPhotos

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Arafat Donates Blood for U.S. Victims Photos
 Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:19:51 -0700
 From: Wilderness Voice [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Arafat Donates Blood for U.S. Victims Photos

Obviously a form of biological warfare.

 GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat (news - web sites)
 donated blood Wednesday for the victims of the terror attacks in New York
 and Washington while other Palestinians held a vigil in Jerusalem in
 sympathy with the United States. ''God bless them,'' Arafat said as
 medical staff prepared to draw his blood in Gaza Shifa hospital. Palestinian
 officials said his donation would be the start of a blood drive for the
 casualties of Tuesday's attacks.


 It was unclear if arrangements had been made to transfer the blood from
 Gaza and the West Bank to the United States.

This blood will not be suitable for diabetics because of the vast amounts of
candy ingested by the Palestinians celebrating the destruction in NY and Wash.
I hope they put labels on. We know how much they care.

 Thousands of Israelis donated
 blood Wednesday, health officials said.

 Dozens of Palestinian men, women and children gathered in front of the
 U.S. Consulate in East Jerusalem, lighting candles and placing flowers along
 its walls.

 Some of the placards they carried read: ``Terror is our common enemy'' and
 ``We are victims too.''

Good one.

 Tuesday, some in the West Bank city of Nablus and Arab East Jerusalem
 rejoiced publicly after hijacked planes slammed into the World Trade
 Center and the Pentagon (news - web sites).

 Palestinian lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi told a news conference the celebrations
 were ``misguided'' and ``aberrations'' motivated by a feeling among
 Palestinians that they have been victims of U.S. backing for Israel.

What does this mean???

 At least 569 Palestinians and 165 Israelis have been killed since a
 Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation began last September after
 peace talks stalled.

 Israel has used U.S.-made weapons, including F-16 warplanes and Apache
 helicopters, in some of the fighting.


 Many Palestinians spent a sleepless night glued to television sets as they
 followed the developments in New York and Washington.

 ``I thought I was watching a Hollywood horror movie...I couldn't believe
 my eyes,'' Mohammad Khaled, 20, a student in Ramallah in the West Bank, told

 ``We the Palestinians are human beings and we don't celebrate when others
 are mourning,'' 42-year-old housewife Amal Qassem told Reuters from

That's right. The pictures on TV are phony.

 ``Although Israel hits us every day with American Apache helicopters and
 uses American weapons to kill our people, we send our condolences to the
 families of the victims,'' she said.

 Arafat condemned the attacks as a ``terrible act'' Tuesday and said he
 would help track down those responsible if asked by the Americans.

 Palestinians have slammed the United States, alleging bias toward Israel
 in the Middle East conflict. They have burned U.S. flags during the nearly
 year-old revolt.

And what did they do BEFORE the year old revolt?


 Many who spoke to Reuters Wednesday said they feared Israel would exploit
 the events in the United States to portray the Arabs and Muslims as

That's right the Arabs and Muslims who flew the planes into the 3 landmarks
are NOT terrorists. They are student pilots.

 Arafat delayed a planned visit to Syria Wednesday in the aftermath of the
 attacks. Palestinian officials said he put on hold all plans and meetings
 and his office was monitoring developments with concern.

If I were he, I'd be very concerned right now.

 For some Palestinian officials the attacks dealt a heavy blow to hopes for
 direct U.S. involvement to end the bloodshed and revive the peace process.

 ``Of course we have differences with the Americans because America
 supports Israel but we do not accept this tragedy against the Americans.
This is a terrible terrorist act,'' said Nadia Hamadan, 33, from Nablus.

Thanks Nadia for clarifying that.

 Palestinian analyst Ghassan al-Khatib said the ``human tragedy'' in the
 United States should not be exploited for political gains by making
 Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims look like the ``bad guys.''

Nah. This isn't Hollywood. This is real life. Why would anybody think that
the people who murdered tens of thousands of people in NY and Washington
are  bad guys? Bill Shannon doesn't think so. He knows who the real bad
guys are.


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Re: [CTRL] Kris and Listers. Lift all message restrictions.

2001-09-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/12/01 9:37:25 AM Central Daylight Time,

   I would like all message restrictions lifted for the duration of the crisis.
   If others agree, let's do it.

7 per day from you Zev is more than enough!!


I don't remember anyone asking your permission asshole.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 jews arent white

 if by white you refer to a certain culture. specifically european ruling

This is not true anymore. Jews were allowed to become White Guys with the
civil rights movement in the 60's. Only after that did they get into elite
positions in government and Big Biz.


 race is all bullshit anyway
 -- -- --  -- --
 Planet spins - so do I
neo-sufi wisdom

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Damian B. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 21:43:11 -0700
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit
  -Caveat Lector-
  At 11:52 PM 9/8/01 -0400, thew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Caveat Lector-
  ive' known blond jews - plenty of them
  -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
   -- - -- -
  Nonetheless, the fact remains that blond, nordic, scandanavian, etc.
  are racial code words that the left uses to impute whiteness and it's
  political attributes  (white skin privilege, white racism, white
  supremacists) to those of European origin identified as enemies of the left.
  Blond Jews are never identified as white, unless the left is seeking to
  undermine or discredit them.
  Hillary's onetime political guru, Michael Lerner, published an essay in his
  magazine, Tikkun, entitled Jews are not White.  Get it?
  He wrote that for your education.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] a core Commie belief

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Damian B. Cooper wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 06:55 PM 9/9/01 -0400, Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's different because they are the MAJORITY and enjoy the benefits thereof.
 But more importantly, it's different because THEY ARE THE ELITE POWER
 and always have been!!! Get it? This is what makes these groups ridiculous,
 unless they think in terms of class. Which they are too stupid and brainwashed
 to do.
 So to simplify it for you Amelia... when minorities struggle for more power it
 serves as an equalizer. When White Guys struggle for more power, it's a

 This idiotic proposition seems to be the foundation for a lot of the hard
 left's belief system:

 Only the majority can be racists
 Only minorities can be victims

I'm not talking about racism. I'm talking about power. And considering that the
power structure has always been white, and has always exploited non whites as
slaves and cheap labor ( yes, and poor whites too,) then my argument stands.

 I would like to know what is historical origin of this notion?

The US Constitution.

 It seems to me that it at least mirrors Lenin's dichotomizing of the
 Russian revolutionists into
 Bolsheviks (majority) and Mensheviks (minority), but in a paradoxically
 reversed way.

I don't know nor care about what Lenin says. Majorities always have at least
the potential of mass power.


 I doubt that Lenin thought it up himself.  Whose idea was he spouting?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Damian B. Cooper wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 06:29 PM 9/9/01 -0400, Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-
 thew wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  ive' known blond jews - plenty of them
 In case you haven't noticed, Cooper is racist.

 No. I haven't noticed that Cooper is a racist.  I have noticed that
 Nurev Ind. is a libeler, a name-caller, and a defamer.

Ouch! That hurts coming from a racist.

 Hence the notion that
 insulting blonds is equal to insulting white christians. I am a blond
 Jew. I wasn't insulted by the reference to blond-ism,
 but that isn't really the same.

 You weren't insulted because you're not white.
 Jews are not white.

Of course Jews are White. They are as  caucasian  as any other White group.
Only Christian bigots considered them non-white.

 I didn't say that.  Adolf Hitler didn't say that.  David Duke didn't say that.

 Hillary's guru and Jewish supremacist Michael Lerner said that in his
 publication Tikkun.

So? Who the hell is Lerner?

 Poor White Guys. The erosion of their power is scary. Life is sure
 tough these days.

 True. True. True.
 And us Poor White Guys know that our disempowerment is premeditated and

Perpetrated by Rich White Guys.

 And we know that people like you rejoice in our disempowerment.

Oh the joy.

 And we know that you rejoice in our disempowerment because you are a bigot.

You poor white guys don't have any power. Never did. You're just afraid to
lose your illusions of power.

 Next thing you know someone will try to give blond
 blue eyed Aryans a bad name.

 You are suggesting that blond blue eyed people have a bad name?
 How long have you harbored this negative racist stereotype of blond blue
 eyed people?

Some of my best friends are blond blue eyed people. Including my kid, and

 Have you sought counseling to overcome this inexplicable and ignorant bigotry.




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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Jerusalem Arabs celebrate attacks in USA]

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Jerusalem Arabs celebrate attacks in USA
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:27:54 -0400

Jerusalem Arabs celebrate attacks in USA
Aaron Lerner  Date: 11 September 2001

Israel Radio reported this afternoon that the Arabs of eastern Jerusalem are
celebrating the attacks against America.  They are handing out candy to the
children on Sultan Suleiman Street and celebrating.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director
IMRA (Independent Media Review  Analysis)
(mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-5480092
pager  03-610666 subscriber 4811

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis
Website: www.imra.org.il

For free regular subscription:
Subscribe at no charge: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For free daily digest subscription:
Subscribe at no charge: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For a copy of all reports distributed for a given day please send a
message to:


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Bombings -- Start Taking Notes

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] The Bombings -- Start Taking Notes
 Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:49:33 -0700
 From: Mike Ruppert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Now is the time that all of us need to be the best investigators that we can
 possibly be. I suggest that, in the earliest moments, some of us take
 responsibility for monitoring CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and MS-NBC to log
 reports as they come in. As with previous stories of lesser magnitude our
 strengths lay in keeping side by side evaluations and watching for
 discrepancies and alterations.

Nurev is on it.

 Effective response and evaluation will be based upon fact and careful
 analysis. These first minutes and hours are critical and we will never have
 them again. Please try to avoid speculation as you what will happen or who
 did what. We only waste the precious minutes that we have that will never be
 here again.

 Whatever is going to happen is now beyond our control. It is already too
 late to change these immediate events. I have the same fears as all of you.
 I strongly suspect that martial law will be imposed fairly quickly.

 Avoid speculation, please and become information vampires.

 Prayers and peace to all.

 Mike Ruppert

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Good source for news

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] information and tenant data for the World Trade Center Towers to help officials and media

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


   CoStar Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: CSGP), the Internet based,
leading provider of information services to the U.S.
   commercial real estate industry, is releasing building
specific information and tenant data for the World Trade
   Center Towers to help officials and media to adequately
assess and identify the tenants leasing space on the
   affected floors.

   At full occupancy, the two towers combined have approximately
45,000 people occupying space based on the
   typical ratio of employees per square foot. Each tower is a
total of 4.7 million square feet.

   North Tower Building Information
   North Tower Tenants
   North Tower Typical Floor Plate
   South Tower Building Information
   South Tower Tenants
   South Tower Typical Floor Plan

   For more information contact:

   Richard Ellis
   Phone: 301-280-7692

   Pamela Silberman
   Phone: 301-280-3808

   Craig Beckjord
   Phone: 301-280-7679

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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] - U.S. Troops have just left from Puerto Rico to the Panama Canal.

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

From: Alberto M. Giordano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: U.S. Troops Head to Panama Canal

September 11, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

In the wake of today's multiple attacks on the Pentagon, the State
Department, the World Trade Towers and possibly other targets, the Narco
Newsroom has been scouring the Latin American press for information that has
not appeared in English.

We report the following information:

- U.S. Troops have just left from Puerto Rico to the Panama Canal. (This, on
the heels of our report about U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's secret
visit to Panama and to the Howard Air Base near the canal last week).

- Powell was in Lima, Peru, this morning, and was evacuated from the
National Palace there.

- One press report places U.S. president George Bush at a military base in
Louisiana, on the Gulf of Mexico.

Of course, we do not know the significance or relation of these reports to
the global events in process.

We have published this information in more detail on Narco News:


We will continue monitoring the situation within
Our América and report it to our readers.

From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

Subscribe for free alerts of new reports:


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[CTRL] Who is the DFLP?

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:37 PM
Subject: STRATFOR Real-Time Analysis: Who is the DFLP?




11 September 2001

Who is the DFLP?

1515 GMT, 010911

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) has
reportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks on the World
Trade Center. This report, fromm a television station in Abu
Dhabi, in unconfirmed.

The DFLP was formed in 1969 with an estimated membership of 500.
It was originally based in Syria, but the location of its current
headquarters are unknown. The DFLP receives financial and
military aid from Syria and Libya. It operates in Syria, Lebanon,
Israel and the occupied territories. Its leader is Naif Hawatmeh,
according to Israeli-based Interdisciplinary Center.

The group was largely dormant from 1988 until this summer, when
it claimed responsibility for an Aug. 25 attack against an
Israeli military post in the Gaza Strip that left three Israeli
soldiers dead. This attack was the first instance of Palestinians
successfully using conventional military-style tactics.

Before this year, DFLP operations have always taken place either
inside Israel or the West Bank and Gaza. Typical acts include
minor bombings and grenade attacks, as well as operations to
seize hostages and attempts to negotiate the return of Israeli-
held Palestinian prisoners.

The group split from the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (PFLP) years ago, but reconciled with the PFLP - and
with Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat - in August 1999.

The attacks differ significantly from the DFLP's previous methods
of operation. Likewise, the resources and infrastructure
necessary for such attacks are far beyond the group's traditional
means. Either the DFLP's claims are spurious, or it has joined
forces with other groups.


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[CTRL] How it works: Arab Group Advises Talking points on the catastrophe

2001-09-11 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Arab Group Advises Talking points on the catastrophe
- Original Message -
From: Mazin Qumsiyeh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 5:38 PM
Subject: [*** LLP ***] Talking points on the catastrophe

Talking points on the catastrophe

Many have already been contacted by the media for commentary on the
attacks in NYC and Washington.  Here are possible talking points:

1)  This is an awful catstrophe

2) Our first thoughts must be with the victims.

3)  We condemn acts of terror in the strongest possible ways.

4) It is important not to jump to conclusions about who or how this was
caused and to wait for the situation to be clear.

No need to say anything else.

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Chair, Al-Awda Media Committee
(with input from Ali Abunimah)


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Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during football

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Yes, J2, I know lots about Damn Yankees, thank you for asking.
 This State produces a huge number of very gifted athletes,

How many gifted scientists does the state produce?

 majority of whom are Black by far.  Although sometimes exploited,
 the majority go on the success that they would not have access to

You've got to be kidding.

 It is their only ticket to financial opportunities on
 that scale.

It's not their ONLY ticket. They could actually get an education and
go into some productive line of work instead of stupid entertainment.

 While I do enjoy football, it is not an obsession and
 I mostly am proud and happy to see these kids doing well.  I hope
 some day you will develop a heart.

What does that have to do with football?


 ~Amelia~not holding her breath

 - Original Message -
 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 5:04 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during football

 -Caveat Lector-

 Amelia wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Ah, thank you for yet another lesson in how tolerance works.
  me used to think it went both ways but I have come to understand
  differently from my encounter with you folks.  Both topics are
  addressed in the New Testament, sort of updated if you will.  We
  are even allowed to eat shrimp.  There is also an admonition
  calling that which is clean, unclean and that which is good, evil
  but you wouldn't like that part either.
  And, J2, I happen to know that God loves football, especially
  college and I even know which one is his favorite team.  Hint:
  else could a school with only 7,000 enrollment win the National
  Champ six times? Sort of a David and Goliath thing.

 Didn't you see Damn Yankees???


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Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well, J2, I pretty well know what you will say in response to my
 question but I was hoping the person who made the claim would
 respond.  So you really think the Rockefellers and Rothschilds (I
 told this family is Jewish by many who know everything)

They are Baptists and Episcopalians. Not Jewish sects as far as I know.

 and power
 elite hang out on these lists? How many international bankers do
 you think participate? These people are as oppressed as anybody
 else by TPTB.  I live in Appalachia and see oppression all the time
 and they have been completely by-passed by every social program
 that has come down the pike because of thinking like yours and
 because they are white.

Bullshit. Many of the original poverty programs were set up with
these people in mind.

And what is the cause for their oppression? It's not their color. It's
not their religion. What could it be?

 There has been no outcry allowed for their
 injustices just because they are white.  No special programs for
 them, nothing.  The poorest of the poor that I have ever personally
 encountered are white, usually very white.  They live in houses
 with some rooms with dirt floors NOW and I do not know any blacks
 or Hispanics who do this.

Well I do. I worked in Harlen and the South Bronx. Anyhow, this isn't a
suffering contest. No one should live like this.

 Their children are malnourished and they
 do not qualify for welfare because to get that, they would have to
 give up their home and it is all they have and has been in their
 family forever.  Go a bit farther South and you hit Cajun country,
 a veritable nest of power and wealth??  Well, they are white,
 aren't they?  I guess they just want to live like that.

 I do not think that the powerful have made any difference in their

Then you understand nothing.

 It is about poverty and oppression and
 socio-economics and not about skin color.  They are equal
 opportunity oppressors.  Attempting to render middle-class whites
 powerless when they do not have any more power than anybody else is
 really alienating them.  Because there are more of them does not
 make their difficulties any less valid.  Because they do not riot
 and complain and whine does not mean they have life any easier than
 any other group.

 I just don't buy your 'justification' at all and if it is not only
 OK but commendable for one ethnic group to promote and defend
 themselves, it is for ALL to do so.

Poor whites can't defend themselves as an ethnic group since the White
ethnic group is in control. But they can defend themselves as a social
or economic class together with other ethnic groups who suffer poverty
for the same reason. Capitalism.

No one can take seriously a group who whines about the horrors of being
White in America.

 Whites have just as much right
 to their own culture as any other ethnic group.


 discrimination is as morally wrong as direct discrimination and
 that is all this is and that is what you condoning.

I don't condon this.

 I also think
 this race-baiting by minorities has gone too far.  As for these
 people being so stupid, please point out to me the more enlightened
 ethnic organizations.  Let me guess.  Could the initials be ADL,
 based on your prior claims to more education and sophistication.
 These poor whites lack all of that so who has the real advantage?
 Being in the majority does NOT make any group automatically racist.

Not automatically. They have to work at it.



 - Original Message -
 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 5:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

 -Caveat Lector-

 Amelia wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  - Original Message -
  From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 1:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit
  -Caveat Lector-
  ...someone who is looking for a pseudo-
  scientific term will sometimes use the term 'Euro-American'...
 Like these racists? http://www.eaif.org/
  Michael Pugliese
  How is this racist?  How is it different from the NAACP, the ADL
  any other organization established for the promotion of an ethnic

 It's different because they are the MAJORITY and enjoy the benefits
 But more importantly, it's different because THEY ARE THE ELITE
 and always have been!!! Get it? This is what makes these groups
 unless they think in terms of class. Which they are too stupid and
 to do.

 So to simplify it for you Amelia... when minorities struggle for
 more power it
 serves as an equalizer. When White Guys struggle for more power,
 it's a

 That's the difference Amelia.


  See their statement of purpose below.  Is is solely because
  they are 'white' for what other difference is there?  Are you

Re: [CTRL] Deepening Rifts Between Jews and PalestiniansInsideIsrael

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 09/06/2001 5:44:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Nobody is making them stay are they? They can leave anytime.
  Just like my ancestors did. Just like your ancestors did.
  Just like all Americans' ancestors did whaen they didn't
  like where they were.


 Well that depends.  My ancestors left England and Italy voluntarily.  They
 may have suffered from poverty, but no one was shooting at them or slapping
 them around just for standing there.  Do tell me about your ancestors.

My ancestors were slapped around and shot at and knifed by your ancestors.
Those who weren't killed were forcibly expelled.

My immediate ancestors were simply exterminated. They didn't really have the
option to leave because no country would take them in. As long as there is a
Jewish state of Israel, that won't happen again.

 ancestors were accepted into the United States of course.  Perhaps we should
 invite any Palestinians who wish to leave the hallowed land of Israel to come

Great idea. They could move in with you.

 They could become U.S. citizens and visit Israel to vote in local
 elections.  Sounds good to me.  Prudy

Me too. They could move to Detroit and send suicide bombers to New York in
protest of that Zionist Entity.

Good job Prudy. Any more on this?


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Re: [CTRL] hello

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hitler went after the Masons, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Rosicrucians,
 the jews in general, but first he took the big guns away did he not and
 he failed to do one important thing - he did not go after the Zoinists,
 in fact they got along quite well.

 Zionists are murdering American Giants only the American Giants do not
 give a rats ass for they have taken their big bucks elsewhere - no
 longer do you see the big gasoline stations along the way and let us say
 Burma Shave signs?

 Well lots of whites in the country quietly unite and with their big guns
 await the Zionist at the door in disguise - it is beginning, haven't you

 Black Death is already at the door - those who will be saved will be the
 ones who do not intermingle with blacks and queers and sodomists or
 whatever you call these people Gay Priders - with Brindle Brown Rainbow
 creatures waiting to take over white man's dreams -

 Way to get rid of the garbage - cut off the welfare, vote no and watch
 the run for freedom elsewhere.

 All problems are economic and to tell the truth I am sick of reading
 about 6 million jews being killed in holocaust to the exclusion of the
 55 million others also killed primarily the American Soldier who was
 told he was fighting for the Constitution, who is now told - hey you
 died for the jews and gypsies and homosexuals and lesbians - what a pile
 of shit.

 America can be great again - no more melting pot where the scum also
 rises with the aid of the executioner's songs.


You're off your  drugs again aren't you looney bird?
Didn't your doctor warn you about this?


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Re: [CTRL] Deepening Rifts Between Jews andPalestiniansInsideIsrael

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/10/01 4:43:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

   My immediate ancestors were simply exterminated. They didn't really have the
   option to leave because no country would take them in. As long as there is a
   Jewish state of Israel, that won't happen again.

It won't happen to Jews maybe but at what expense?

 Not more than 6,000,000.

 Killing and torturing the
rightful owners of that plot of property?

Rightful owners??? You don't get to decide who the rightful owners are.

They could become U.S. citizens and visit Israel to vote in local
 elections.  Sounds good to me.  Prudy

Me too. They could move to Detroit and send suicide bombers to New York in
protest of that Zionist Entity.

The zionist entity in America is bound by the laws of a civilized land so they'd
be treated as humans here unlike the way your lot treats them, hence no need
for drastic measures I'm sure.

 Your a funny guy Bill. Why don't you ask the Jordanians, the Lebanese, and
the Kuwaitis if they think your statement is right out of your ass bearing
absolutely no resemblance to actual history.



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Re: [CTRL] Dismantle Covert Agencies

2001-09-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nakano Nakamura wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Time to do away with covert federal programs like
  the CIA and NSA. Every covert agency in our
  government must be abolished. Period. Demand it.
  Dismantle them. Now.

 Nakano comments:
  Someone once tried to do this.

 I will break the CIA into a thousand pieces
  and scatter them to the four winds.
 -President John F. Kennedy  (Nov. 1963)

I'm afraid you are both right.


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Re: [CTRL] Bush 'faith-based' plan tied to Vatican hopes for USA

2001-09-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Am I the only person who sees an immigration red flag in the so-called
 faith-based approach to social services? The Catholic Church is one of the
 biggest boosters to opening the doors entirely as the Vatican anticipates the
 U.S. becoming a Catholic country within a few decades because of immigration
 from Latin America.

 Someone should tell this babe that the U.S. already IS a 'Catholic
 country', as Roman Catholicism has been the religion of the majority of
 U.S. citizens for the majority of the 20th century...

 She obviously has forgotten about all those Irish Catholics, Italian
 Catholics, Polish Catholics, Hungarian Catholics, Puerto Rican
 Catholics, etc.


I don't think this is right. I think that the Protestant superstition still
has more adherents than the Catholic superstition does. But I'm not positive.
However, opening the borders to South America will definitely give the
Vatican even more influence than it already has in the USA.


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[CTRL] Never, ever, ever, trust your elites: PALESTINIAN ELITES FLEE TO JORDAN

2001-09-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


AMMAN  Jordan has acknowledged the influx of thousands of Palestinians
from the West Bank over the last eight months.

Jordanian officials said nearly 200,000 Palestinians entered the
Hashemite kingdom from the West Bank over the spring and summer
and never returned.  They said the Palestinians have been seeking
long-term visas to remain indefinitely in the kingdom.

The Palestinians include much of the elite in the West Bank as well
as families of Palestinian Authority officials. The officials said
they are uncertain over whether this marks policy by PA Chairman
Yasser Arafat.

So far, Jordanian leaders have not publicly complained about the
Palestinian influx. But King Abdullah is said to have raised this
issue with Arafat and has stressed that he will not allow the
Palestinians to make Jordan an alternative homeland.

For his part, Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu Ragheb has denied
that Palestinians from the West Bank have remained in the kingdom.
He said about 180,000 West Bankers entered Jordan so far this year.
All but 5,000 have since returned.

Jordan is a state founded on solid grounds with its institutions
and leadership, Abu Ghareb said. God willing, the Palestinian
state will rise on Palestinian soil while Jordan is and will remain
the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan.

At the same time, the prime minister said Jordan will not allow
the transfer of Palestinians to the kingdom. Abu Ragheb blamed
Israel for the concerns expressed in Jordan.
[MIDDLE EAST NEWSLINE - Thursday, 6 Sept 2001]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during football

2001-09-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ah, thank you for yet another lesson in how tolerance works.  Silly
 me used to think it went both ways but I have come to understand
 differently from my encounter with you folks.  Both topics are
 addressed in the New Testament, sort of updated if you will.  We
 are even allowed to eat shrimp.  There is also an admonition about
 calling that which is clean, unclean and that which is good, evil
 but you wouldn't like that part either.

 And, J2, I happen to know that God loves football, especially
 college and I even know which one is his favorite team.  Hint:  how
 else could a school with only 7,000 enrollment win the National
 Champ six times? Sort of a David and Goliath thing.

Didn't you see Damn Yankees???


 Interesting how an innocuous post about lightening becomes that
 target of religious
 hatred.  Consider the source.  ~Amelia~

This is not about religious hatred. It's about hatred of football.
I can't tell which is more offensive to you.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 1:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during football

 -Caveat Lector-

  From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: Nurev Independent Research
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2001 15:12:28 -0400
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during
 football practice
  Just an item of local interest for this was one of those
  episodes of lightening on a clear day with no rain, clouds, etc.
  So what is one to do?  Assume lightening can strike at any time?
  Could this be manufactured and weather mod or Woodpecker Redux?

 its all in Leviticus.
 the same book of the bible that condemns homosexuality also says
 that handle
 the flesh of a pig is anathema.

 interesting how some people take one line as the inviolable word of
 god, and
 the other as something unimportant to disregard


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Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 ive' known blond jews - plenty of them

In case you haven't noticed, Cooper is racist. Hence the notion that
insulting blonds is equal to insulting white christians. I am a blond
Jew. I wasn't insulted by the reference to blond-ism,
but that isn't really the same.

Poor White Guys. The erosion of their power is scary. Life is sure
tough these days. Next thing you know someone will try to give blond
blue eyed Aryans a bad name.

 -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- -
  -- - -- -

 Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

 Henrik Ibsen

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Damian B. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2001 16:58:06 -0700
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit
  The fact that Condit's family is blond, hence NOT black, NOT hispanic, NOT
  Asian, and NOT Jewish,

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

2001-09-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 1:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Hitchens On Condit

 -Caveat Lector-

 ...someone who is looking for a pseudo-
 scientific term will sometimes use the term 'Euro-American'...

Like these racists? http://www.eaif.org/
 Michael Pugliese

 How is this racist?  How is it different from the NAACP, the ADL or
 any other organization established for the promotion of an ethnic

It's different because they are the MAJORITY and enjoy the benefits thereof.
But more importantly, it's different because THEY ARE THE ELITE POWER STRUCTURE
and always have been!!! Get it? This is what makes these groups ridiculous,
unless they think in terms of class. Which they are too stupid and brainwashed
to do.

So to simplify it for you Amelia... when minorities struggle for more power it
serves as an equalizer. When White Guys struggle for more power, it's a

That's the difference Amelia.


 See their statement of purpose below.  Is is solely because
 they are 'white' for what other difference is there?  Are you
 stating that it is racist for whites to do the identical actions of
 other races or ethnic groups and that it is only racist for whites
 to do so?

 European American Issues Forum Purpose Statement

 European/American Issues Forum

 CW Kuhn, Secretary--M. Piercy, Treasurer--FP Williams, Sgt. at Arms
 Louis Calabro, President--Aida T. Cordano, Vice President

 The Principal Purposes of the European/American Issues Forum are:

 1. To offer a safe and comfortable place for European-Americans to
 discuss social, economic, cultural, political and related issues
 that particularly affect European-Americans in Northern California
 and beyond.

 2. To promote the general welfare of our members.

 3. To honor our heritage through celebration, recognition and

 4. To minimize the effects of racial, ethnic and national origin
 discrimination and defamation on its members, and to likewise
 recognize an identical privilege in behalf of all other groups.

 5. To educate European-Americans and other cultural and ethnic
 groups about the richly textured diversity, values, languages,
 cultures and contributions of European-Americans.

 6. To protest unfair and biased descriptions of European-Americans
 in educational institutions and the communications media.

 7. To encourage and support the establishment of similar forums in
 each city and county of northern California and beyond

 Adopted April 26,1997

 Louis Calabro
 President EAIF


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2001-09-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Not necessarily so Mr. Cooper for the Grand Dragon then was a friend of
 mine, named Marvin Miller...

 Always liked him - I had researched the KKK and discovered the real KKK
 used masonic rituals and were Knights of Golden Circle.

 Skin heads and these thugs you see in the streets, are not Klansmen.

 Real KKK you never see; problem today thougoh more FBI in KKK than KKK?

 I had an Uncle who was Secret Service and KKK - and in our town when
 kids our janitor was KKK with big mouth and one night let us say there
 was a stranger at midnight that beat the hell out of him.

 My father was an Irish Catholic - and remember talk of the Black Legion
 in the area

 Oh I know enough about the REAL KKK and its rituals and masonic rituals
 to know and today I guess, no longer sword to chest when sworn in but
 submachine gun?

 I do know this - at one time the KKK was comprised of literate, and
 aristocratic gentlemen - John Glenn's parents were KKK

 The KGB formed its own little KKK for the Walker spiesremember them?
 Well well that bunch got caught, 5 dragons burned their robes and went
 back to sleep.

 So do not worried about my fractured mind - worry about your obvious
 intention is questioning my letter?

 Then read Romans 12 and go Climb Stone Mountain.

 From Old Southen Family on Mother's Side who knows a Know Nothing from a

Finally. The truth about Saba bubles to the surface like a fart in the bathtub.


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Re: [CTRL] 14-year-old struck by lightning during football practice

2001-09-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Just an item of local interest for this was one of those mysterious
 episodes of lightening on a clear day with no rain, clouds, etc.
 So what is one to do?  Assume lightening can strike at any time?
 Could this be manufactured and weather mod or Woodpecker Redux?



 Several band members were also struck.  This child is in critical

14-year-old struck by lightning during football practice

 VERNON, September 7 -- A Lamar County junior varsity football
 player is in a Birmingham hospital after a bolt of lightning struck
 him Thursday afternoon on the practice field.

 Authorities say 14-year-old Ben Barrow, a ninth grader at Lamar
 County High School was hit by lightning at about 4:15 p.m.
 Vernon Fire Chief Larry DuBose said there were no clouds or rain
 and there was little warning of bad weather.

 Barrow was among several students, including football players and
 band members who were hit by lightning. He was the only student
 seriously injured. The others were sent to a hospital as a
 precautionary measure.

 Barrow was taken to Fayette Medical Center by ambulance, and then
 airlifted to Children's Hospital in Birmingham, where he's listed
 in critical condition.

 The National Weather Service said there have been at least 12
 injuries and one fatality from lightning strikes in Alabama this

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Debunking Durban]

2001-09-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Debunking Durban
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2001 05:57:34 -0500
From: Honest Reporting [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HonestReporting Communique
06 September 2001


*   *   *

Dear HonestReporting Member,

This week the international media gave HonestReporting a pleasant
surprise: They blasted the UN Conference on Racism for its unfair
treatment of Israel.

Here is a collection of 4 commentaries from around the world.
HonestReporting members can read the full articles online, and send
letters to the editor.

Thank you for your ongoing involvement in the battle against media bias.



(1) THE GUARDIAN (UK) - Hate-Hate Relationship

Even traditionally anti-Israel publications, such as the Guardian (UK),
joined in the near-universal condemnation of the Durban conference. After
dispensing with the Guardian's standard Israel-bashing, columnist Linda
Grant unleased surprising critisism at pro-Arab groups, accusing them of
undermining the Palestinian cause:

[A]dhering to the belief that Zionism is racism does not necessarily
absolve you from being virulently racist yourself. Jews who have been
active in movements such as Peace Now and Gush Shalom, engaged in what we
hoped would be constructive debate about finding a just settlement between
Israel and the Palestinians, have already come across some of the
anti-Jewish racism which has been pervading the Durban racism conference
all week...

A very simple truth has emerged out of the debacle of the Durban
conference: that you don't fight racism with more racism, and,
unfortunately, as the conference revealed, the Zionism is racism
doctrine is fostering a climate of increased racial prejudice. You have to
ask how the disgraceful treatment of Jewish (and not just Israeli)
delegates, the breaking up of meetings, or the hate literature has aided
the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank in any way -- or whether it has
tarnished and weakened their cause.


*   *   *

(2) THE IRISH TIMES - Kevin Meyers

[T]he dismal charade in Durban, where Israel alone is being singled out
for attention as a racist state... is such an absurdity, such a
contradiction of the living, breathing truth, that one is almost lost for
words, as one would be if one had to rebut the accusation that Saudi
Arabia is too tolerant of public lesbianism. Two minutes in any Israeli
street will tell you of the racial complexity of the modern Jewish state;
and any doubts about how broadly Israel defines Jewishness were rebutted
by the vast airlift of the coal-black Falashas from Ethiopia 20 years
ago... I am absolutely sure that no Israeli government has ever broadcast
anything to compare with the virulently genocidal and anti-Semitic filth
emanating from its neighbours.


*   *   *

(3) THE AGE (AUSTRALIA) - UN Reaps Its Bitter Harvest

[T]he condemnation of Israel [is] all the more repellent, since Israel is
the only Middle Eastern nation whose political and legal structures can
seriously be claimed to reflect those principles [of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights]. This is not to say that Israel is blameless
in its treatment of the Palestinians, or that the Palestinians have no
right to a state of their own. But it does mean that the equation of
Zionism and racism is unconscionable, and that the conference's main
achievement has been to dramatise the gulf between the declared ideals of
the UN and the willingness of some of its forums and many of its member
states to adhere to those ideals... UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan once
said that the General Assembly's resolution condemning Zionism as a form
of racism was a low point in the organisation's history. That resolution
has been repealed, but sadly, its destructive legacy continues.


*   *   *

(4) FINANCIAL TIMES - Deadlock in Durban

When Kofi Annan, the UN secretary-general, opened the event in Durban, he
urged the delegates not to pick on any one country or region. His words
apparently fell on deaf ears. All efforts so far to prevent Israel from
being singled out for particular censure have failed... That is not to say
that Israel's policies towards the Palestinians cannot or should not be
criticised. The Palestinians have real grievances and few forums in which
to express them. But to accuse Israel of racism without mentioning
Russia's actions in Chechnya, for example, or China's colonisation of
Tibet, or even government-supported racist acts in neighbouring Zimbabwe,
is one-sided and absurd. The trouble is that from the start the conference
was hijacked by special 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Enquirer - Peter Bronson - January 12, 1997

2001-09-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

ashley Abraham wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Holy Cripes! You just keep saying the same crap OVER and OVER and OVER
 again! The whole world does not revolve around Meyer Lanskey and Larry
 Flint. A little (heavy on the little) knowledge. And don't you think
 it is just possible that some men are pigs and will screw anything? They
 don't have to be baited by Israeli agents. My guess is that you have zero
 experience with men.

That's not what my sources tell me.
I heard she sells tickets at 14 cents a pop.


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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Deepening Rifts Between Jews and Palestinians InsideIsrael

2001-09-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 09/06/2001 2:03:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Israeli Palestinians Fight Official Discrimination 

 Ahh to be an Israeli Arab in Israel.  Prudy

Nobody is making them stay are they? They can leave anytime.
Just like my ancestors did. Just like your ancestors did.
Just like all Americans' ancestors did whaen they didn't
like where they were.



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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Remember when HMOs were going to provide affordable health care for everyone?

2001-09-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

It's time to do away with for profit health care. Costs will
always rise where the system must cover its own costs AND profits
for businessmen and corporations.

It's time for Socialized medicine. -- Nurev

Employer health-plan premiums rise; fewer jobs offering insurance

Associated Press

NEW YORK (September 6, 2001 09:42 a.m. EDT) - Premiums for
employer-sponsored health insurance plans have climbed 11
percent this year - the biggest jump in nearly a decade -
pushing companies to consider requiring workers to pay more
out of their own pockets while reversing a growing trend
of more companies offering coverage.

From the spring of 2000 to the spring of 2001, annual premiums
for employer-sponsored plans grew to $2,650 for single coverage
and $7,053 for family coverage, according to a study of 2,734
companies conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
and the Health Research  Educational Trust. The previous
year, premiums increased an average of 8.3 percent, while
premiums rose 4.8 percent in 1999.

This year's increase has employers thinking about shifting
more of the cost to employees - a prospect more palatable
since the red-hot job market has cooled, making it more difficult
for workers to jump ship should they be upset by changes
in benefits.

According to the study, being released Thursday, 44 percent
of companies were either very likely or somewhat likely
to increase employee premium costs in the next year. Workers
pay an average of $30 a month for single coverage and $150
a month for family coverage.

It is interesting to see how quickly you can see the effect
of rising premiums in a slowing economy, said Larry Levitt,
co-author of the study and vice president of the Kaiser Family
Foundation. The time of increases in health care costs being
offset by employers has come to a screeching halt.

That's unlikely to change unless the economy drastically
improves because other organizations that track health care
costs are forecasting double digit increases for 2002. For
example, management consulting firm Towers Perrin predicts
health care costs will rise nearly 11 percent next year.

Meanwhile, the rising costs are causing fewer companies to
offer health benefits. From 1998 to 2000, the percentage
of companies offering health benefits grew from 55 percent
to 67 percent, according to the Kaiser study. This year,
the percentage dropped to 65 percent.

Levitt said once companies start offering insurance, they
rarely drop it. Yet, he fears as small businesses offering
health insurance close because the economic slowdown, they
will be replaced by other small companies who simply don't
offer the option.

There are just no new ideas for controlling costs. I think
we are going to see a lot more bad news, Levitt said.

The trend of shifting the cost of health care to the worker
has already taken root in some companies.

For example, the average deductible for an employee choosing
a doctor outside the network in a Preferred Provider Organization
grew from $361 last year to $407 this year. Co-payments for
prescription drugs increased to $20 this year from $16 last

Still, from 1996 to 2001, the percentage of the premium a
single employee paid dropped to 14 percent in 2000 from 21
percent in 1996. It did increase to 15 percent this year.
However, the percentage paid for family coverage has been
constant at 27 percent or 28 percent for the last five years.

Employee costs have increased slightly even as the percentage
of the premium they pay has remained constant. This year,
single coverage rose $2 to $30 a month; family coverage rose
$12 to $150.

Employers primarily blame the premium hikes on prescription
drug costs. Sixty-four percent of employers say drug spending
contributed a lot to the overall costs. Other factors cited
as cost drivers were higher spending on hospital and physician
care, insurance company profits and better medical technology.

Employers say that even though the economy has cooled and
they don't fear losing employees, they still don't want to
pass through rising health care costs - even though many

Rochester, N.H.-based Enterasys Networks Inc. has seen its
health care premiums rise for the past three years. This
year costs for the two plans it offers workers rose an average
of 18 percent. As a result, the computer networking company
plans to increase employee premiums Jan. 1, $10 for singles
to $45 or $55, and by $20 to $25, to $155 or $185, for families.

We hate passing costs forward but we had to. We just couldn't
eat it all again this year, said Michael Newman, manager
of compensation and benefits.

Both the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research
Educational Trust are nonprofit think tanks that focus on
health care.
This article is protected by copyright and should
not be printed or distributed for anything except

Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 seeing as there are many citizens who are not jewish, and not of the
 indigenous arabic populations, (eg many christians are citizens)  i guess it
 is clear that there are non jewish immigrant citizens in israel, no?
 -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
  -- - -- -
 He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of
 freedom, truth and duty.

Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 13:23:54 -0400
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate
  That non Jewish immigrants are NOT entitled to Israel citizenship?
  Please enlighten me.

Haven't we just been through this? Think what you like, and let's just
move on to another point of contention.

This is like dealing with a severely retarded Irish Setter.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   If you don't like the label don't make national socialist arguments
   like: 1) Approving of using race / religion as a test for national
  Don't know what your talking about.
  I don't support any country that does that.

You have repeatedly defended Israeli citizenship policy.
Israel only grants citizenship to those born out of Israel to
religious Jews or those deemed to have the proper racial /
ethnic background. Israeli born Arabs are by law treated differently
then Israeli born Jews. Israeli Arabs are legally discriminated against.
You approve of this.

   2) Approving and advocating censorship;

  Approving certain types of censorship doesn't a nazi make. It just bothers

  I am embarrassed for you.

  I can advocate a socialist context if I want. That still doesn't make me
  a nazi. If you are frustrated with the failure of your politics, that's
  your problem.

  You are a neo national socialist. Do you think that you have to write in
  German, run around giving the one arm salute, in order for you to qualify
  as a national socialist? National socialists come in all ethnic, religious forms.

 I have long ago stopped being frustrated by politics. It is unfortunately the
 human condition to kill and hate. The best we can do is try to occasionally
 expose the oppressors (and wanna be oppressors). The worst kind are the
 sanctimonious statists (socialists). When you get beneath their layers of
 sanctimony, you always find a racialist police state promoter.

Enjoy your little world Fred. I live in the real world where all kinds of
things happen. And it isn't the  state  which is the ultimate bogeyman.

You don't understand anything about what is going on in the Mid East. But
you are sure that you think you do. Your world view has nothing to do with
what's going on there. You don't understand the combatants on either side,
and you don't understand what motivates either side. You think this about
race and rights and freedom. That's just propaganda. It's not about any of
those things. It's about survival and domination.

To understand the real world, you need to understand that life is more
important than ideology. Every creature with instinct seems to know that.
Why don't you?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-04 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Don't call me a National Socialist mother fucker.
  That's over the line.

 If you don't like the label don't make national socialist arguments
 like: 1) Approving of using race / religion as a test for national
 citizenship; 2) Approving and advocating censorship; 3) Calling for
 ethnic cleansing or removal of ethnic populations from territory coveted
 by another country you approve of; 4) threatening violence against posters
 who you disapprove of; 5) pontificating all the above in a socialist context.

 By my definitionthat is a National Socialist.

Your definitions are your business. They don't apply to me.
When did I ever threaten you with violence eh? Do you just
make up shit for the hell of it? Or is this your typical
emotional masturbatory outlet?


 Perhaps you prefer the term Frenetic Fascist?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-04 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  Don't call me a National Socialist mother fucker.
  That's over the line.

 If you don't like the label don't make national socialist arguments
 like: 1) Approving of using race / religion as a test for national

Don't know what your talking about.
I don't support any country that does that.

 2) Approving and advocating censorship;

Approving certain types of censorship doesn't a nazi make. It just bothers

 3) Calling for
 ethnic cleansing or removal of ethnic populations from territory coveted
 by another country you approve of;

Why don't you show me where I called for this? Your just a damn liar.

 4) threatening violence against posters
 who you disapprove of;

Don't play games asshole. I never threatened you.

 5) pontificating all the above in a socialist context.

I can advocate a socialist context if I want. That still doesn't make me
a nazi. If you are frustrated with the failure of your politics, that's
your problem.

I don't need to conform to your idiotic political philosophy in any way
whatsoever. And that too, doesn't make me a nazi.

You could have called me a socialist, a statist, an anti capitalist, and
you would not have been a lying shit. But instead you chose to go over the
line buddy boy.


 By my definitionthat is a National Socialist.

 Perhaps you prefer the term Frenetic Fascist?

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Re: [CTRL] Christians Practicing Pagan Customs

2001-09-04 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Richer wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 Christians Practicing Pagan Customs
 By Chuck Baldwin
 August 28, 2001

 Some have suggested that we have entered the post-Christian era of
  America. They are right. Despite the fact that millions of Americans
 regularly attend thousands of churches on any given Sunday, our culture has
 become decidedly pagan.

 Only a pagan culture would tolerate the legalized killing of unborn
 children. Only a pagan culture would give sexual deviancy political
 protection. Only a pagan culture would grant depraved people superstar
 status. Only a pagan culture would elect and re-elect known adulterers and
 homosexuals to high public office. Only a pagan culture would indoctrinate
 school children in secular humanism and atheistic evolution.

But most importantly, ONLY pagan cultures worship humans as a deity.


 Regrettably, the fact that well over one-third of the adults in the United
 States claim to be born-again Christians has done little to impact an
 ever-deteriorating culture. Instead, it seems that culture is having an
 impact on the church. Sometimes it is even difficult to tell where the one
 begins and the other ends. A recent news article reminded me of this
 reality. It said that in just a few short years, there would be as many
 cremations as burials in the United States. Once again, a Christian
 tradition has succumbed to a pagan one.

 Hebrews in the Old Testament distinguished themselves from their pagan
 neighbors by both their birth and their death. Shortly after birth, little
 Jewish boys were circumcised. This was in stark contrast to the myriad pagan
 nations that never circumcised their male children. At death, Jews were
 buried. This, too, was in stark contrast to the pagans who burned their

 The New Testament carries forward this Hebrew custom. Nowhere is a Christian
 seen burning his dead. Imagine an urn replacing a tomb in the resurrection
 story! That is not to say that God cannot resurrect a body from ashes as
 easily as He can from dust. It is only to say that the Judeo-Christian
 custom for disposing of the dead is burial, not burning. The fact that so
 many Christians have adopted the pagan method for disposing of their dead
 (burning) is further evidence that America has lost its Christian heritage.

 Furthermore, the reason usually given for cremation is that it is
 substantially less expensive than burial is. Once again, Christians are
 opting for pragmatism over principle. It seems that virtually every decision
 we make today is predicated upon the premise that personal comfort or
 personal prosperity trumps every other consideration, even the consideration
 of how we dispose of the very people we should love and respect the most.

 As with so many issues, people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If
 only we could awaken America's pulpits; then, perhaps more people would come
 to see the light.

 *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
 any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
 without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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[CTRL] Who's in charge here? Good puppet. Bad puppet.

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Washington Warns Arafat against Anti-US Offensive

DEBKAfile's Riyadh and Gulf sources discount the general explanation for the
Palestinian leader's visit today to Jeddah, as being for an update on the
efforts made by Saudi King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah to arrange for him
to meet US President George W. Bush.

Rather, Arafat, whom the Crown Prince summoned urgently from Durban, was
discountenanced by being handed instead of an American invitation, an
angry American warning. He was also taken aback by the number of
high-ranking Saudi princes waiting for him with grave faces: the Crown
Prince, foreign minister Saud el-Faisal, General Intelligence chief
Nawaf Bin Abdulaziz, ambassador to Washington Prince Bandar Bin Sultan,
who is the son of the defense minister, and Abdullah's two most senior
advisers, Emir Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah and Emir Dr. Bandar Ben Salman.
DEBKAfile's sources report that the Saudis confronted Arafat with a pile
of intelligence data handed over by the Americans to demonstrate that
his intelligence and terrorist organs had set up a series of hits
against US targets and interests n the Persian Gulf and Middle East, and
were only waiting for Arafat's final signal to go. The Americans, said
the princes, had a long list of complaints and wanted explanations, as
too did the Saudis.

They found the increasingly violent anti-American tone of the
pronouncements issuing from Arafat and his top lieutenants intolerable.
Washington was moreover deeply suspicious of the motive behind killing
Saturday, September 1, of Taiseer Khatab, director of the office of the
Palestinian General Intelligence Chief, Amin el-Hindi, in a car
explosion in Gaza City.

Khatab had close American connections going back some years. They are
therefore far from sure that Khatab fell victim to Israel's targeted
campaign against terrorists, and are trying to find out if he was not
eliminated by one of Arafat's close henchmen, possibly even Tawfiq
Tirawi, West Bank General Intelligence chief.

If that is what happened, then the murder would look like an initial
step in Arafat's anti-American offensive as a test for US responses.
On the night after the killing, an urgent consultation took place among
top officials of the Bush administration. It was decided that just in
case Arafat was behind the murder, it was time to warn him off any
further acts injurious to US interests. Ambassador Bandar was asked to
recruit Crown Prince Abdullah to the task.

More than one corner of the Middle East is suddenly astir in relation to
Arafat's plans. Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak visits Damascus Monday,
September 3, while Arafat is invited to Amman.

Mubarak wants to talk President Bashar Assad out of inviting Arafat on
September 12. According to DEBKAfile's Egyptian sources, Mubarak called
Assad to set up his trip while King Abdullah of Jordan was sitting
across from him in the presidential palace in Alexandria on Saturday,
September 1.  The Egyptian ruler assured Assad that the deepening
Egyptian-Jordanian tie was not directed against Syria but at isolating
Arafat; he invited the Syrian leader to join them. Assad did not reply
but invited Mubarak to come over and discuss it.

Arafat's visit to Amman for talks with King Abdullah arose out of the
request from foreign minister Shimon Peres for a meeting.

With the European Union foreign affair executive Javier Solana due in
the region, the Europeans are leaning heavily on the Palestinian leader
to meet Peres. Arafat complained he could not meet the Israeli foreign
minister while himself under boycott from Arab rulers like Mubarak and
Abdullah. The Jordanian king was therefore prevailed upon from Brussels
to receive Arafat in Amman.

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Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  The ACLU said: It is particularly troublesome that an organisation
  like the Wiesenthal Center that is dedicated to promoting tolerance
  would seek to erode the liberty most necessary for a free and
  tolerant society - free speech.

 The most dispicable hate speech is speech that
 advocates censorship.

Not even close. The most despicable hate speech drives people to murder.

Your choice doesn't even make the top five.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] How it works: Kyoto-License to Pollute?

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

License to Pollute?

Despite broad public, scientific and political consensus about
the need for urgent action to combat climate
change, greenhouse gas emissions continue to be spewed into the
atmosphere at an ever-increasing rate. Years of
negotiations have resulted in a mere 39 industrialised countries
agreeing to a pitifully low collective reduction
of 5.2 % by 2008-2012. [2] In fact, a global reduction of at least
60 - 70% percent is needed in the first half of
the 21st century in order to avoid cataclysmic climate change
due to global warming.

The 1997 Kyoto Protocol was celebrated by the nations of
the world as the first legally-binding treaty to set limits to
greenhouse gas emissions. The climate debate entered
quieter waters after Kyoto, and the negotiations have since circled
around the three market-based 'solutions' enshrined in the
Protocol- emissions trading, joint implementation (JI) and the
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Emissions trading allows
the 39 governments committed to collective
reductions under the Protocol to trade the right to pollute
among themselves. Under this scheme, due to start in 2008, a
country might choose to buy emission credits from another
country that managed to reduce its emissions below its
Kyoto targets. Joint implementation and the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) grant Northern governments and corporations
emission credits through special projects aimed at reducing
greenhouse gas emissions in the host country. These projects can be
carried out among industrialised countries and corporations (JI)
or between one industrialised government or company and one
Southern country (CDM). Although the rules and procedures have
not yet been agreed upon, hundreds of projects are already
planned and many are even being implemented. Typical JI and CDM
projects could be respectively the Dutch government financing
a factory producing energy-efficient light bulbs in Russia, or
BP Amoco installing solar panels in Zimbabwe. The logic behind the
market-based mechanisms is that it is less expensive for Northern
countries to invest in reduction projects abroad than it is for them
to reduce emissions domestically.

A disturbing reality lurks behind these benign-sounding mechanisms-
they enable industrialised countries and their corporations to
buy the right to pollute and to escape even the meagre commitments
laid down in the Kyoto Protocol. It has been argued that similar
trading schemes, such as the US programme to reduce sulphur dioxide
emissions to combat acid rain, have worked successfully.
However, this argument does not take into account the negative
health and economic impacts suffered by poor and disadvantaged
communities in the US through these schemes- a phenomenon referred
to as 'environmental racism'. [3]. The hypothesis that such
schemes will be efficient on the international level is also flawed.
One must not forget the absolute impossibility of monitoring
emissions from millions of sources spread all over the world,
not to mention the lack of a binding regulatory system to enforce
emissions limits. [4]

Not only will the market-based mechanisms fail to achieve the
agreed reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions, they could
catalyse serious environmental and social catastrophe on a
scale unimaginable. These mechanisms effectively turn greenhouse gases
into commodities, locking-in existing North-South inequities
in the use of the atmosphere and natural resources and opening-up many
new and harmful profit-making opportunities for transnational
corporations- essentially creating a new market out of thin air.

Through these schemes, TNCs and their Northern governments
will be entitled to buy countless cheap emission credits from the
South, through projects of an often exploitative nature,
thereby imposing on the South what the India-based Centre for Science and
Environment refers to as 'carbon colonialism'. [5] Furthermore,
all of the `low-hanging fruit´, or cheap credits, will have been
harvested by the North when it comes time for Southern countries
to reduce their own emissions, saddling them with only the most
expensive options for any future reduction commitments they might make.

Since the introduction of these market-based solutions in 1997,
subsequent international climate negotiations have been deadlocked
around technical discussions about their scope and implementation,
essentially paralysing the process. The political pressure to open
the floodgates for these commercial escape mechanisms continues
to intensify, further weakening an already anaemic Protocol and

Re: [CTRL] [PalestineDiary] SUPPORT ROBERT FISK! (fwd)

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 The Independent has been receiving strong complaints about the articles
 Robert Fisk. He might be pressured to stop writing if we do not support
 He has complained that if the Arabs and Muslims want him to keep writing,
 they have at least to say so to the paper's editor, and thank him.

 Please direct your letters to

 Editor - The Independent
 1 Canada Square
 London E14 5DL  UK
 E-Mail:  Letters to the Editor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks Yard. I'm glad you calrified Fisk's  objectivity 
when writing about the Middle East.


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[CTRL] [Fwd: U$ working week too long !! (fwd)]

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: U$ working week too long !! (fwd)
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 00:26:54 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

The Guardian (London) Monday September 3, 2001
Michael Ellison in New York

US workers suffer labour pains

The United States is closed today for all but the most important business
- such as shopping - while it marks the official end of summer with a day
of rest for the men and women who work the longest hours in the
industrialised world.

Average Americans now spend so much time at work that they are putting in
another week a year compared with 10 years ago, says a new study published
to coincide with the Labour Day holiday weekend.

In 1990 Mr and Ms America worked 1,942 hours a year each; now they toil
for 1,978 hours, says the report by the International Labour Organisation.

The increase in the number of hours worked within the US runs counter to
the trend in other industrialised nations where we are seeing declining
hours worked, said Lawrence Jeff Johnson, the economist who headed the
team that drew up Key Indicators of the Labour Market 2001-2002.

Each Australian, Canadian, Japanese and Mexican worker devotes about 100
hours a year - or 2.5 weeks - fewer to their job, it says. Britons and
Brazilians work 250 fewer hours (roughly six weeks) and Germans do 500
fewer hours, or about 12 weeks.

Of countries categorised as developing or in transition, only South
Koreans (500 more hours) and Czechs (an extra 100 hours) put in more time
than Americans.

I think it's a lot to do with the American psyche, said Mr Johnson, who
lives in Switzerland. Americans define themselves by their work. When you
meet the average European it takes a while for them to tell you what they
do for a living. They talk more about their families. Americans tell you
immediately what they do.

Part of the apparent appetite for toil is explained by the increasingly
blurred line between work and free time.

I played golf recently for the first time in a year, said Mr Johnson,
who describes himself as a workaholic. My friend's phone rang three times
with work calls. The line between time at work and time not at work is
blurred. Years ago we used to clock on and clock off but we don't do that
any more.

But mobile phones and computers are not unique to the US. Nor is ambition,
though it might find its strongest expression there.

America has labour flexibility and Americans have a tendency to move
quickly from job to job, said Mr Johnson. We want to progress, to move
on to the next level. To do that they're putting in more hours.

Americans typically get vacations of only two or three weeks a year,
though there are 10 public holidays. Many fall on Mondays, allowing for
long weekends.

But long working weeks do not equate with wealth. A job should keep you
out of poverty, not keep you in it, said Holly Sklar, author of Raise the
Floor: Wages and Policies that Work for all of us. But as we celebrate
Labour Day, hardworking Americans paid the minimum wage have to choose
between eating or heating, healthcare or childcare.

At $5.15 an hour [the minimum wage], they earn just $10,712
 a year. That's a third less than in 1968, when the minimum wage
was about $8, adjusting for inflation.

A couple with two kids would have to work a combined 3.3 full-time
minimum-wage jobs to make ends meet.

Mr Johnson suggested that the US could learn much from Ireland, where the
productivity of people with jobs had increased even though each employee
now spent 1,520 hours a year working, down from 1,728 hours in 1990.

The education and training is something to look at. Labour Day is a time
for reflection for Americans, to see we're doing some things very well but
we can learn from others.

We're all striving for balance, we want to do it at a cost that's not too
great to society. Nobody on their deathbed has ever said 'I wish I'd spent
one more hour on that job'.

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Let us please 

Re: [CTRL] Battling online hate

2001-09-03 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   The most dispicable hate speech is speech that
   advocates censorship.
  Not even close. The most despicable hate speech drives people to murder.
  Your choice doesn't even make the top five.

 Typical response by a freedom hating National Socialist.

Don't call me a National Socialist mother fucker.
That's over the line.


 Anyone who
 blames other's wrongful actions on hate speech obviously has an agenda to
 quash free speech. The Nazis had a whole list of illegal hate speech
 punishable by prison...as did Stalin...as did Maoas did Mussolinias
 did Franco...as did McCarthy...

 J2 is in good company.

 Speech doesn't cause violenceSUPPRESSION of free speech causes

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Radical Islam-'ism' = Racism

2001-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights
Press Release  August 29, 2001

Radical Islam-'ism' = Racism Explosive Campaign Hits Durban UN Parley

Radical Islamism, a form of religio-racism, should be condemned at UN
Racism Conference, Rights Group says.

The Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR), an umbrella coalition
representing minority religious and ethnic communities from around the
today called on the World Conference Against Racism (WCAR) in Durban, South
Africa, to condemn Radical Islamism as form of religio-racism.

In a letter to Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, and UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights, Mary Robinson, the Coalition asked that the voices and plights
of those oppressed, enslaved and murdered by adherents of the ideology of
Radical Islamism -- a deviation from Islam - be heard at the Conference.

Coalition spokesperson, Mary Elizabeth Hansen said, Radical Islamism is not
the religion of Islam, founded by Mohammed 13 centuries ago. It is a 20th
Century movement based on a totalitarian ideology, which promotes violence
and militancy in the form of Jihad. Its segregationist view of society -
based on the concept of dhimmitude - is racist, intolerant, xenophobic,
supremacist, discriminatory, anti-democratic, and has become genocidal.

CDHR, which represents Hindus, Buddhists, Bahais, Humanist Muslims, Copts,
Assyrians, Syriacs, Southern Sudanese, Maronites, Southern Phillipinos,
West Africans, Ibos, Slavic Christians, Armenians, Arab Christians, Nubians,
secular intellectuals, and women_s groups, published today on its website,
(www.dhimmi.com) a Declaration entitled Radical Islamism = Racism =
Genocide: Jihad-Islamism (not Islam) abuses human rights worldwide.

The Declaration argues that Radical Islamists persecute the Copts in Egypt;
in Sudan, they massacre and enslave the Dinkas, in Lebanon, they terrorize
the Christians; in Nigeria, they butchered Biafran Ibos and oppress the
Christians. In Iraq and Syria, secular radical regimes - penetrated by
Jihadic norms suppress native Christian cultures. In Iran, they persecute
Christians and Bahais; in Kashmir, they wage a terrorist war against the
Hindu minority; in the southern Philippines, they terrorize Catholics and
kidnap foreigners; in East Timor, they endorse ethnic cleansing against
Christians; in Indonesia, they routinely assault the native Christians,
particularly in the Moluccas.

Radical Islamism is a world ideology, fielding a world terror-army, and now
oppresses millions with its racist ideology. This threat to world peace and
racial, ethnic and religious harmony needs to be urgently addressed at the
UN Conference, said Hansen.

Contact: Mary Elizabeth Hansen
Phone: 1-703-234-3954 x 7542
Website: http://www.dhimmi.com

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[CTRL] annual survey of CEO pay

2001-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy just
released their annual survey of CEO pay. The full report, Executive
Excess, is available in PDF on the web at:

Greg LeRoy Good Jobs First - www.goodjobsfirst.org - - - - - - -

New CEO/Worker Pay Gap Study Labor Day Report Reveals Layoff Leaders
Cushioned from Downturn

As the stock market slides and U.S. workers face the biggest wave
of job cuts in a decade, top executives continue to enjoy exorbitant
pay hikes, according to a new report, Executive Excess 2001:
Layoffs, Tax Rebates and the Gender Gap.  The report is the eighth
annual study on the CEO-worker pay gap by the Institute for Policy
Studies and United for a Fair Economy.

Key findings from the study include:

The 1990s:  A Decade of Greed

 Executive pay jumped 571 percent between 1990 and 2000. CEO pay
 rose even in 2000, a year in which the SP 500 suffered a 10
percent loss. The explosion in CEO pay over the decade dwarfed the
37 percent growth in worker pay.

 If the average annual pay for production workers had grown at the
 same rate since 1990 as it has for CEOs, their 2000 annual earnings
would have been $120,491 instead of $24,668.  Likewise, if the
minimum wage, which stood at $3.80 an hour in 1990, had grown at
the same rate as CEO pay over the decade, it would now be $25.50
an hour, rather than the current $5.15 an hour.

Layoff Leaders

 CEOs of firms that announced layoffs of 1,000 or more workers this
 year earned about 80 percent more, on average, than executives at
365 top firms surveyed by Business Week.  The layoff leaders earned
an average of $23.7 million in total compensation in 2000, compared
with a $13.1 million average for executives as a whole.

 The top job-cutters received an increase in salary and bonus of
 nearly 20 percent in 2000, compared to average raises in that year
for U.S. wage workers of about 3 percent and for salaried employees
of 4 percent.

Tax Rebates

 Between 1996 and 1998, 41 large, profitable corporations used
 special tax breaks and credits to reduce their corporate tax bill
to less than zero.  Instead of paying taxes, they received outright
tax rebate checks from the U.S. Treasury. As a group, the CEOs of
these tax rebate firms averaged pay hikes of 69 percent, far above
the typical CEO raise of 38 percent. Those pay hikes, made possible
in part by tax rebates, totaled $194 million. In six cases, the
CEOs raise entirely consumed his companys tax rebate for the year.

 CEOs at the tax rebate companies earned 12 percent more on average
 than executives in the Business Week surveys for the years 1996-98.
Executive pay at the tax rebate companies totaled $495 million
during those years, equivalent to 15 percent of the $3.2 billion
in total tax refunds paid to those companies over the period.

Gender Gap

 Heather Killen, a senior vice president of Yahoo, was the highest-paid
woman in America in 2000, with a total compensation package of
$32.7 million, a mere 11 percent of the highest-paid male (John
Reed of Citigroup:  $293 million).

 The 30 highest-paid women in the corporate world earned average
 total compensation of $8.7 million, as compared with $112.9 million
for the 30 highest-paid men, a ratio of 1 to 13.

The report concludes with a survey of efforts by grassroots
organizations, activist shareholders, and legislators to challenge
the growing divide.

The Institute for Policy Studies is an independent center for
progressive research and education in Washington, DC.  United for
a Fair Economy is a national organization based in Boston that
provides educational resources and supports grassroots and legislative
action to reduce economic inequality.

To order a hard copy, contact:  Betsy Leondar-Wright, 617/423-2148
x 13, or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The CIA's Secret Files on Greece

2001-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The CIA's Secret Files on Greece

History of U.S.-Greek Ties Blocked
CIA Opposes Disclosure of Proposed Covert Actions in '60s

The CIA claims to have changed
So why is it suppressing a book about its activities in Greece?

Poster's note:  Anything below in square brackets [ ] are my own additions.

Greek dictatorships of 1967-1974
and their relations with the United States

Below is a (joined) extract from an obituary article which appeared in
the 'Economist' on July 3, 1999. (George Papadopoulos died on
June 27, 1999.)

[Nixon] sent his vice-president, Spiro Agnew, who was of Greek
descent, to Athens to say that America supported Mr Papadopoulos
and his junta [...] It is unclear whether America's intelligence service,
the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], had a hand in the [April 1967]
coup that installed Mr Papadopoulos and his military friends:
historians are divided on the matter. He had been attached to
a Greek army intelligence unit that had links with the CIA. So there
is material for a conspiracy theory. And, as Mr Nixon later
demonstrated when he sent a note to the junta expressing
warm love, he did not find the coup too upsetting.

And according to an article which appeared in the 'New York Times',
on August 2, 1974, at the time of the coup, Papadopoulos had
already been on the CIA payroll for some 15 years.

The following extract is from the book: Hostage to History: Cyprus
from the Ottomans to Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens,
Verso, 1997, p.64 (ISBN 1859841899):

Colonel George Papadopoulos, who led the coup, had been on the
payroll of the CIA since 1952 and acted as the chief liaison officer
between the Greek KYP [Greek subsidiary of the CIA] and its senior
partner in Langley, Virginia. Moreover, he had used a NATO
contigency plan [code-named Prometheus], designed to
counter unrest in the event of a 'hot' war in the Balkans, to
activate his putsch.
   In his book, Prescriptions for Prosperity (1983), Lyndon Johnson's
former friend and confidant Eliot Janeway describes a visit to Athens
with Senator Vance Hartke in the autumn of 1966: To our surprise,
our visit coincided with the preliminaries for the Greek military
putsch, sponsored by the CIA and the DIA (the undercover Defense
Intelligence Agency, an arm of the Department of Defense). Janeway
recounts Johnson's rage at his disclosure of this in a confidential
bulletin. The elephant's trunk was getting ready to strike.

Below is an extract from the book:
A Short History of Modern Greece by Richard Clogg,
Cambridge University Press, 1984, p.193. (ISBN 0521295173)

The regime's main external prop was undoubtedly the United States.
Although many Greeks of all political persuasions believed that the
American CIA had somehow been directly involved in the 1967 coup,
there was little evidence to substantiate this. But if the American
administration was not involved in the actual establishment of the
dictatorship it nonetheless did afford the regime a very considerable
degree of aid and comfort. Although in theory shipments of heavy
weapons were cut off between 1967 and 1970, America remained
the major supplier of military equipment to the junta. The Pentagon
was particularly anxious to maintain good relations with Greece so
as to continue to enjoy base facilities in a country whose strategic
importance to the Western alliance had increased following the
Arab/Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973 and the rapid build-up of a
Soviet naval presence in the Mediterranean. This last development
prompted the negotiation in 1972 of the 'Home Port' agreement,
which provided permanent port facilities for the Sixth Fleet in Greece.
When the United States congress voted to cut off military aid to
Greece, President Nixon was quick to take advantage of the
provision that such aid could be resumed if he considered this to
be essential to United States defence interests. In January 1972
he declared that the defence of Israel, a primary objective of
American policy in the eastern Mediterranean, was predicated
on friendly relations with Greece. As a further mark of American
consideration for the regime, vice-president Spiro Agnew
(born Anagnostopoulos), himself of Greek origin, visited Greece
in 1971. Other influential American visitors included General
Andrew Goodpaster, the commander of NATO forces in Europe,
who smilingly posed alongside Papadopoulos in the summer of
1967, the secretaries of defence, Melvin Laird, and of commerce,
Maurice Stans. During a visit to Athens in 1971, Stans spoke of his
having been asked to convey his warm love to the Greek government.
This remark was subsequently clarified by the American
Embasssy to warmth and confidence.

And from the same book, page 197:

Re: [CTRL] American Almanach de Gotha

2001-09-02 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

This is the best.

Thanks Kris,


 -Caveat Lector-


 Click Here: A

 rary/030304lundberg/030304ch1.htmlLundberg: Chapter I/A
 much more at site.

The Constitution of the United States bars the bestowal of titles of
 nobility. But in many ways it would clear up much that is now obscure if
 titles were allowed. Not only would they show, automatically, to whom
 deference was due as a right but they would publicly distinguish those who
 held continuing hereditary power from people who are merely temporarily voted
 in or appointed for limited terms. The chroniclers of High Society-that is,
 the circles of wealth--recognize this need and, in order to show hereditary
 status and family position, they allude to males in the line of descent by
 number, as in the case of royal dynasties. Thus in the English branch of the
 Astor family there is a John Jacob Astor VII.45 But there are also George F.
 Baker III, August Belmont IV, William Bird III, Joseph H. Choate III, Irénée
 and Pierre du Pont III, Marshall Field V, Potter Palmer III, John D.
 Rockefeller IV, Cornelius Vanderbilt V and so on.46
It is names such as these that would properly be found in an American
 Almanach de Gotha.

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Re: [CTRL] More On Canadian Border Fascism

2001-09-01 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Mark McHugh wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 iggy wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  they ask the mommies too. i've seen it. i've also seen the turn the mommie back
  because she didn't have a letter.
  its socialism not facism

 Not much difference between fascism and socialism.  Maybe they're
 socialistic fascists?  Is this the US's future?

You really don't see a difference between these 2 definitions?

Maybe you need a better dictionary.


 fascism \fa-'shi-zem also fa-'si-\ noun (1921)

 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the
 Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and
 that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a
 dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and
 forcible suppression of opposition.

 socialism \so-she-'li-zem\ noun (1837)

 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating
 collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
 of production and distribution of goods

 Mark McHugh

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Leader's killing 'means open war'

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   Leader's killing 'means open war'

 Israel steps up its assassination policy with a missile attack on
 the most senior Palestinian leader to die during the intifada

 Suzanne Goldenberg in Ramallah, and agencies
 Tuesday August 28, 2001
 The Guardian

 Israel yesterday claimed the highest ranking victim of its
 assassination policy since the Palestinian uprising began, killing
 the leader of the Popular Front for the Libertion of Israel with
 two missiles sent through the window of his office in a Ramallah
 apartment block.
 Mustafa Zibri, universally known as Abu Ali Mustafa, died working
 alone at his desk.

 The office is on the first floor of a block of flats in a
 well-do-do residential area.

 Shortly after his death at 11.15am the PFLP's military wing said
 that as an initial response one of its groups had shot and
 wounded an Israeli settler near the settlement of Itamar.

 A settlers' spokesman said the motorist was critically wounded.

 To many Palestinians Mustafa had iconic status. The Marxist faction
 he led was once second only to Yasser Arafat's Fatah organisation.
 Thousands took to the streets in protest and there were calls for
 revenge from across the political spectrum.

 The explosions shattered windows and mirrors in adjoining rooms,
 but otherwise, apart from scorch marks above the north and east
 facing windows of his corner office, the building was eerily

 Mustafa was by far the highest ranking of the 40 Palestinians
 assassinated by Israel since the intifada began.

 Arguably he was the most significant since 1988, when Israeli
 commandos killed Mr Arafat's lieutenant Abu Jihad in Tunis.

 His assassination was a departure from Israel's strategy, which has
 so far focused on eliminating activists of Mr Arafat's Fatah and
 the Islamist group Hamas rather than members of leftwing factions.

 His wake at a town hall a few blocks away reflected his senior
 status. Leaders of Palestinian groups from Hamas to the leftwing
 Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine paid their

 At first there was a sense of shock, but now there is a sense of
 vengeance, the DFLP leader, Qais Abu Laylah, said.

 When people in the top Palestinian leadership are targeted by
 Israel I don't think there is any place or range for what you may
 call moderation. This is an open war.

 Palestinians regarded Mustafa as a strictly political figure. Born
 to a humble family near the West Bank town of Jenin, he was for
 years the right hand of the veteran leader George Habash.

 An opponent of the peace accords with Israel, he returned from
 exile, with Israel's permission, in 1999, and succeeded to the
 leadership of the PFLP 16 months ago.

 Once the second largest faction in the PLO, the PFLP has been on
 the sidelines in recent years as Hamas and other Islamist groups
 strengthen their hold. But it has been an emerging military force
 in the uprising, and carried out a string of car bombings in
 Israel. None caused Israeli fatalities.

 The Israeli army said Mustafa was directly responsible for the car
 bombings. Its statement said he invested most of his energy in
 establishing covert underground military cells of the PFLP. But it
 offered no proof that he was dir- ectly involved.

 Mustafa was killed only hours after the prime minister, Ariel
 Sharon, convened his closest cabinet ministers, including the
 foreign minister, Shimon Peres, to order an increase in the
 assassination of Palestinian activists.

 A potential successor to the PFLP leadership, Abdul Rahim Maluah,
 said the strategy would backfire.

 The Israelis have gone through all the red lines when they
 assassinate a person like Abu Ali Mustafa, he said. This has
 reached the highest levels of the Palestinian leadership and they
 must know beyond a doubt that their decision will have

 In addition to the prominence of the target, yesterday's attack
 stood out for its sheer audacity. Three of the eight flats in the
 building attacked are occupied by Palestinian families holding US

 I was sitting at my desk drawing a rose, and then went out to get
 a banana from the kitchen for Haneen, said Leila Daas, 10.

 We were just at the door when the blast happened, and then we all
 started running and screaming.

 Mustafa's neighbours said they had little to do with him, and had
 assumed his presence in the building did not compromise their
 safety because he was a political leader.

 But his bodyguard, Fadi Abu Salah, said he had been acting like a
 hunted man for months: staggering his arrival at the office and
 changing vehicles.

 The Israelis possess high technology. They have satellites and
 their collaborators and spies. It is obvious that a well known
 leader will always be followed by Israel, and by collaborators, he

 Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

Hey this was a bullseye! Took way to long to nail these 

Re: [CTRL] Kuwait: Mixing Oil and Politics

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 If parliament permits foreign companies to pump Kuwaiti oil, it would reverse
 more than two decades of policy.

 A few years ago I ran across an old issue of National Geographic from the
 mid 1970s...

 What first caught my eye was a Bicentennial article on Women of the
 American Revolution

 ...but what prompted me to save the magazine from the trash it was headed
 for was an article about the 'emerging Middle East'...

 This issue was from late 1975 or early 1976, and the article on the
 Middle East was comprised of smaller articles on each country of the

 And I found the write up on Kuwait extremely interesting, 20 years down
 the road...

 The article indeed mentioned how the Kuwaiti royal family ended up
 controlling the oil fields in their country...

 Except, according to this article, it was accomplished because the ruling
 oil conglomerate in the country recognized 'the writing on the wall' --
 other middle eastern countries were nationalizing oil production and
 throwing out the western oil companies that had dominated the region --
 so this company that had dominated Kuwaiti oil production (indeed, had
 initiated test drilling after WWII) worked out a deal with the Kuwaiti

 Namely, that this company would turn over the production and sale of
 crude oil to the Kuwaiti royal family, in exchange for the sole rights to
 SHIP the oil out of Kuwait on this company's own ships...

 Look at a map of the region, specifically of Kuwait, and you will realize
 that this is not a minor matter

 And the Kuwaiti royal family agreed...it was a win-win situation for both
 sides...the Kuwaiti royals now got to enjoy the profits from selling oil
 to the company that had turned over the wells, and the company in turn
 continued to make huge profits by acting as the middle man...

 And apparently the right to ship the oil out of Kuwait is a right granted
 in perpetuity -- in other words, the company that turned over the wells
 has the sole right to ship oil out of Kuwait -- and reap the profits of
 being the middle man -- forever...

 And what is the name of this company?  It was clearly spelled out in this
 20-something-year-old article -- in 1975 the name meant little, if
 anything, to the general public, and indeed probably means little to
 nothing to the majority of the public today...

 But the name 'Zapata Oil Company' IS quite meaningful to anyone who knows
 the history of the Bush family   ;-)


Good one


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Re: [CTRL] Same Name - Roman Numerals

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Colleen Jones wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Changed my name using Roman Numerals; today Web TV went under MSTV - all
 is changed.

 My old mail from CTRL was probably returned unopened.addressee
 unknown?   Hey Joshua, I am still here - what you think I was on Noah's
 Ark or the Titanic.


a dipshit by any other name would smell as sweet.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Are Farts Sterile?

2001-08-28 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Edward Britton wrote:
 Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for
 But Aleshia, how are we supposed to destroy ourselves without assholes?  We
 need assholes like Joshua2, as well as all those other barbaric warlords
 in the middle east and beyond, if we ever hope to rid the earth of all
 future assholes. It's a paradox, ain't it :-)

 Reminds me of a joke that was quite popular back when I was in junior

 One day all the different body parts started arguing amongst themselves
 about which of them was the greatest/strongest/most important part of the

 I am said the brain

 No, I am said the eyes

 You're both wrong, *I* am the most important, said the ears...

 No, it's me, said the heart...

 The stomach, lungs, and knees also joined the argument, each arguing why
 it was the most important body part...

 The argument grew quite raucous, as not one body part was willing to
 concede its importance to another...

 Finally the anus, who hadn't joined the argument and growing weary of the
 racket, decided to stop working...

 Soon the brain started aching, the eyes grew blurry, the ears started
 ringing, the heart started racing, the lungs grew weak, the stomach grew
 queasy, and the knees gave way...

 So they finally all agreed -- the asshole was the greatest/strongest/most
 important part of the body... ;-)


Hey June,

Is this some kind of ' left handed ' defense?

Thanks, I think...


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] You Have Made Me Your Human Bomb

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 You Have Made Me Your Human Bomb


OK. Where do I sign up.


 I am the product of your tyranny. You have dissected the leftovers of my
 country into bits and pieces of shantytowns, ghettoes and concentrations
 camps. You have cut off my water supply and left me thirsty while you the
 Israelis bathe in cooled pools not far from where I live. You have
 uprooted my trees and desecrated my fields making sure I have no way to
 sustain myself or those who depend on me. You have cut off medical
 supplies that treat the wounded and at your checkpoints, you detain and
 humiliate Palestinians and prevent those who are in dire need of medical
 assistance to pass through causing my people who are your victims to die
 at your impromptu borders.

 You assassinate my freedom fighters while explaining to the world that you
 are merely defending your own squatters. You shoot to kill little children
 who in defiance and courage wield small stones in the name of liberty
 against you the fiercely armed enemy.

 You torture the children and resistance fighters you incarcerate and try
 to bribe or coerce my people into collaborating against one another. You
 bulldoze homes and you prevent me from earning a living. You kill me by
 remote control from your US made Apache helicopters and your settlers who
 squat on what you have left me of my land throw firebombs into my
 dwellings and on my passageways, attack my children and womenfolk with
 guns and clubs and hate.

 You occupy my land and on my bloodstained hills station your tanks and
 armored jeeps in order to shoot off one by one little children playing in
 the streets.

 You take over the Orient House, my one symbol of freedom that was donated
 by a man worth all Israelis, while at the same time you starve the orphans
 just across the street.

 You shoot out my water tanks and you kill off Palestinian servicemen even
 though at the time of your brutal massacres, these servicemen were
 patrolling their land or simply eating their last supper. You cut off my
 electricity so you can assassinate me more easily in the dank shadows of
 your dark treachery.

 You are cowards and you are afraid of little Palestinian children with
 stones. You never kill them single handedly. You roam in groups like packs
 of wild dogs and you are just as vicious if not more so.

 You leave me and my people without hope and when you have driven me into a
 corner and deprived me of all that is human, I react with anger and
 bitterness. I strap explosives onto my body and search for a place to
 detonate myself. Yes, I kill your civilians, but this is the price you
 have to pay for taking away my inalienable rights, the rights that all men
 are entitled to for your demoniacal oppression of my people.

 It is really very simple. God created all men equal and no man better than
 any other. Yet, somehow you have made it your protocol that Jews are
 better than all others and that you have the right to come to my land
 committing rape and plunder yet expect me to thank you for doing so.

 Just the other day, a young boy was eating lunch. One of your settlers who
 came from America threw a firebomb into this boys house. His two brothers
 were killed immediately. But the one boy survived horribly disfigured. His
 name is Amar Emeera. His scars have turned a once beautiful child into a
 grotesque being that does not even look human. What did this child do to
 go through life so horribly disfigured?

 You shoot babies point blank while swaddled in their parents arms in
 Palestinian cars going to weddings. You slay Palestinian children going to
 and from school and you slaughter Palestinian children when they fight
 your armies with their bare hands. One such child, Mohammed Abu Arrar was
 shot down and killed when he protested your occupation of his land.
 Palestinian relatives of the boy kissed his body laid out in his coffin
 before he was taken away to be buried in the Gaza Strip.

 You kill unarmed Palestinian fathers on their way to buy school supplies
 and books for their children. You have even run out of excuses for the
 atrocities you continue to perpetrate. You shell the homes of Palestinian
 families, instantly killing the occupants and then claim that the action
 was friendly fire from the Palestinians even though the homes were far
 removed from the scene of the battle and even though remnants of your
 American made shells are scattered about the demolished homes of the

 You collectively punish 3 million Palestinians half of whom are children
 who reside on what is left of their own land though you know full well
 that their only desire is to free themselves from your barbaric cruelty.

 You tell the world that you want peace yet at every corner, at every
 instance, you are as far from peace as the earth is from a different
 universe speeding in an opposite direction.


Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am fully aware that the revisionists have now decided that Pius
 collaborated with the Nazis, etc. This is an article of what was
 said at the time by those in a position to know that just came out
 today.  I personally think the new found guilt of the Vatican

There's nothing new about it. The Vatican simply can't cover it up
any longer because this is the information age, and non-Catholics
don't care what the Vatican wants.

 much to do with wanting even more reparations and the extortion of
 huge sums of money.

The Jews involved in this want their rightful property back which was
stolen from them by the Nazis and hidden by their accomplices in the
Vatican. Let's be clear about this. The Vatican is hiding the stolen
property of the Nazi victims. Nice.

  Maybe the Poles should do the same to the Jews
 who collaborated with the Soviets resulting in even more deaths to
 the Polish people.

I know that you are desperate to keep your church in some kind of esteem,
but you are going a little whacky here. The Jews did not control the Soviets.
If the Poles didn't like Soviet control they should have had the balls to
have a revolution. Like the colonists did with English domination.

 I certainly hope they do so for 3 million
 Polish Roman Catholics went to the death camps and this started
 long before any Jews there  met that same fate.  Why didn't the
 Jews save the Poles from both the Germans and the Soviets?

The Jews were an opressed minority who had no arms, no military and
no influece in politics. Besides that, the Poles were vicious murderous
anti-semites who turned over tens of thousands of Jews gleefully to the Nazis,
and then stole their property. You've got it ass backwards Amelia.

You're getting silly now.

 I do
 not think it was possible for anyone to do that for if a Pope had
 such power, JPII could stop the 40 million abortions.

Popes don't have any power any more. Except over gullible Catholics.
No one else care what they do or don't do. But some people are determined
to show what they DID do.

 For the Record
 by Joseph Sobran
 Nothing, it seems, can dispel the notion that Pope Pius XII
 maintained a shameful silence about the persecution of Jews
 during World War II. But Ralph McInerny, in his book The Defamation
 of Pius XII, quotes what Jews, prominent and otherwise, were saying
 at the time.

 Only the Catholic Church protested against the Hitlerian onslaught
 on liberty, said Albert Einstein in 1940.

 In 1942 London's Jewish Chronicle remarked: A word of sincere and
 earnest appreciation is due from Jews to the Vatican for its
 intervention in Berlin and Vichy on behalf of their tortured
 co-religionists in France It was a step urged, to their honor,
 by a number of Catholics, but for which we may be sure the Holy
 Father himself, with his intense humanity and his clear sighted
 understanding of the true and deadly implications of the assaults
 on the Jewish people, needed no prompting.

 Dr. Alexander Shafran, chief rabbi of Romania, wrote in 1944: In
 these hard times our thoughts turn more than ever with respectful
 gratitude to the Sovereign Pontiff, who has done so much for Jews
 in general In our worst hours of trial, the generous aid and
 noble support of the Holy See ... has been decisive. It is not easy
 to find the proper words to express the relief and solace which the
 magnanimous gesture of the Supreme Pontiff has given us, in
 offering a large subsidy in order to alleviate the sufferings of
 the deported Jews. Roumanian Jewry will never forget these facts of
 historical importance.

 After the Allies liberated Rome in 1944, a Jewish Brigade Group
 said in its Bulletin: To the everlasting glory of the people of
 Rome and the Roman Catholic Church we can state that the fate of
 the Jews was alleviated by their truly Christian offers of
 assistance and shelter. Even now, many still remain in the
 religious homes and houses which opened their doors to protect them
 from deportation to certain death.

 One survivor, quoted in a Hebrew daily in Israel, said: If we have
 been rescued, if Jews are still alive in Rome, come with us and
 thank the Pope in the Vatican.

 A committee of the American Jewish Welfare Board, wrote to Pius
 himself: We have received reports from our military chaplains in
 Italy of the aid and protection to Italian Jews by the Vatican,
 priests, and church institutions during the Nazi occupation of the
 country. We are deeply moved by this extraordinary display of
 Christian love - the more so as we know the risk incurred by those
 who afforded shelter to Jews From the bottom of our hearts we
 send you the assurances of undying gratitude.

 The elders of one liberated camp went to Rome and presented Pius
 with a letter: Now that the victorious Allied troops have broken
 our chains and liberated us from captivity and danger, may we, the
 Jewish internees of Ferramonti, be 

[CTRL] How it's done: This is how you handle greedy corporations.

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Patents: Brazil okays copies of Aids drug
 Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:55:18 -0500 (CDT)
 Sanjoy Mahajan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good news from Brazil, though it annoys me how the Guardian frames the
issue: Should Brazil be allowed to `violate the patent'?  So I sent
them this letter:

  To the Editor:

  You claim that Brazil will be `the first country to violate the patent
  of an anti-Aids drug' (Defiant Brazil gives go-ahead for copies of
  anti-Aids drug, 24 August).  Whatever Roche might believe, patents
  are not an inalienable human right; they are valid only in particular
  circumstances.  Just because Western governments rob their population
  to enrich drug companies, there is no reason that Brazil must follow
  suit.  As your article says, the Brazilian constitution permits
  compulsory licensing.  Roche may be unhappy, but their supposed rights
  are not being violated.

  Yours sincerely, etc.



Defiant Brazil gives go-ahead for copies of anti-Aids drug

Alex Bellos in Rio de Janeiro and James Meikle
Friday August 24, 2001
The Guardian (London)

Brazil has declared that it will allow generic copies of a brand-name
anti-Aids drug to be made without the permission of the patent-holder
- because the company, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, refused to
cut its prices.

Brazil's decision will make it the first country to violate the patent
of an anti-Aids drug and represents an aggressive move in the
developing world's battle for cheaper prices.

Jose Serra, the health minister, said he had begun the process of
issuing a licence to produce nelfinavir, which is sold by Roche under
the name Viracept.

Nelfinavir is one of the 12 drugs used in the anti-Aids cocktail that
Brazil distributes free to almost 100,000 patients.

Mr Serra said that the government bought 82m units of nelfinavir a
year at a cost of $88m (#60m) - about 28% of the total anti-Aids

It's ridiculous that one of the 12 drugs in the cocktail would
account for more than 25% of the cost, Mr Serra said.

We spend more on that one drug than on all of the transplants
performed in Brazil each year.

He added that domestic production of the drug would save the
government 40%, about $35m a year.

Roche had offered this year to cut the price of nelfinavir by 13%, but
Brazil rejected that as too low, and the two sides had been
negotiating. Mr Serra said talks broke off about two weeks ago.

He said the government invoked an article in the constitution that
allowed for the breaking of a patent in cases of a national emergency
or when companies employed abusive pricing policies.

In June, the US dropped its attempt to have Brazil disciplined by the
World Trade Organisation because of the patent law.

Brazil has been one of the strongest voices in the developing world in
the fight for cheaper prices and has threatened the pharmaceutical
multinationals that it would break their patents.

The pressure worked with Merck Sharp  Dohme, which agreed in March to
reduce the price of efavirenz, another drug in the anti-Aids cocktail,
by 64%.

Mr Serra said: We tried to get a price cut [for nelfinavir] but we
didn't get what we thought was fair so we're going to grant a
compulsory licence so that it can be produced more cheaply in Brazil.

Our idea is to have the medication available in February of 2002, he

Although Brazil has a high Aids incidence in absolute numbers it has
managed to keep infection to less than 1% of the 170m population with
an aggressive prevention campaign. It has succeeded in cutting the
Aids death rate by half in five years and reduced the number confined
to hospital by 80%.

Thanks largely to the drug handout, which costs the state about
$15,000 per patient, since 1996 the mortality rate in Brazil from
HIV/Aids has fallen by half and there has been an 80% fall in number
of patients hospitalised, according to Oxfam. The programme has been
hailed by doctors as a model for other developing countries, where few
can afford expensive treatment.

In Switzerland, Roche spokesman Daniel Piller said the company was
surprised by the news and denied that negotiations had broken down.

He said: In our negotiations with the ministry of health we had
already given them discounts very close to what they wanted. The
company had also made some of the drug available free of charge.

The South African government won a significant victory last April when
it defeated multinational drugs manufacturers who were attempting to
block the import of cheap drugs. But Pretoria intends not to use that
to fight Aids, on the grounds that the costs are too high and the
country lacks the infrastructure to distribute the drugs safely.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. 


2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Now Kissinger was a KGB Agent, Code Name Bor - was alleged to be Counter
 Intelligence in WWII - now see here, this man was excommunicated and now
 I had never heard this story for it most certainly is nothing of which
 to be proud.   Might add this jewish Mafia Doctor involved in all the
 murder in our area was kicked out of his synagogue and his little friend
 used to tell me they were sending the Brown Shirts to get me and at the
 time, I didn't even know who the hell they were.

 Henry Kissinger ah so - has Three Faces...KGB and what else - Mossad -
 but I can see this - America wanted to get the missiles into the right
 hands..von Braun took us to the moon, he could have gone to the KGB
 Communists - he had once said he wanted to go to the moon more than win
 the war, and he did make a choice.

 Henry Kissinger - and this was not his real
 name - I forget what his real name was - Avraham ben something..

 Masters of Deceit?   Kissinger was a Nazi and a Communist - it is as
 simple as that - he double Eagle?  But this man, has three faces - will
 the real Dr. Kissinger please stand up?

 Also Hugh Hefner is a Zionistbut then Larry Flynt was your typical
 front man for Mafia - and born again Christian for that bunch of
 thieves,  like Jimmy Swaggart  really believe they are Christians - and
 do not forget Billy Graham once took $25,000 from Mickey Cohen, the
 Jewish Mobster to save his soul - and got caught. When it comes to
 drugs and pornography - well, one can draw own conclusions as to why our
 children are being destroyed and exposed to filth and garbage and sodomy
 committed by Clinton and Barney Frank is suddenly overlooked as
 something natural?

 interesting item here - note, the Rockefeller family was not Jewish; and
 Japeth, is mentioned a long forgotten biblical figure - my family tree
 descends from this man Japeth, whoever he was - a son of Noah?

Japeth was the pet monkey of Noah's sons. He was found swimming upside down in
the flood waters. They saved him anyway. I can see that you are decended from
his line. You must be so proud.

 Gues Gomer and Gog were his kin.

And you,right?


 This item I reproduce but for easier reading - well pull up under
 subject matter.


 Subject: Jewish Hate and the Global Conspiracy
 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 01:10:28 -0400 (EDT)
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

2001-08-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Amelia wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well, J2, I think you are the one with it ass-backwards.  On the
 one hand you claim the Jews were this poor, oppressed minority with
 no military yet the Vatican with no military should have done what
 the armies of Europe could not do.  I have conceded some
 collaboration but it is on the part of ALL parties and not peculiar
 to the Vatican.  The Poles could not have fought off the Soviet
 army any more than the 'poor oppressed Jews' could have done so.
 You speak of the Poles lack of having the balls to fight back, but
 isn't that the real problem with the Jews?  Why should the Poles
 have fought back but everyone else should have done that for the
 Jews? I think you are unrealistic in claiming that Jews were
 totally without blame in the collaboration game and that the
 Vatican could have prevented anything at all.  I think the Vatican
 would have saved their own if they could have done so. Do you think
 the Pope should have immediately sided with the anti-Catholic
 British and Protestant Americans?  Put him in a very bad position,
 I would say. The number of priest in Europe that went to the death
 camps is staggering.  You only have concern for Jews and Jews only.
 You speak as though no other group's suffering counts.  I find that
 very telling. And also that you think others lacking for not
 fighting back but they should have also fought back FOR the Jews
 who were selling them out to the Soviets?

 If we are going to take back property stolen in war, I want my
 great-grandparent's property burned and stolen by the U.S. govt
 returned.  You are not their accomplice in keeping it from me, are

 So I guess I will just do as you do, ignore all facts and continue
 to hold my church in esteem (your phrase) for the good that it did
 do and does currently.  It is easy to take things out of their
 historical context and make judgments.  The Vatican could have
 destroyed any and all documentation that would cast them in a bad
 light.  If they have not done so, I think that speaks well of those
 in charge.  You are well aware of the insurance claims paid to on
 behalf of all the 'poor, oppressed Jews' in Europe and it is never
 enough for they continue to sue for even greater amounts.  I think
 this is a money-grubbing scheme and Jews are salivating at the
 thought of getting their mitts on the Vatican, nothing more.  And
 there is little you can say that will change my mind.



 - Original Message -
 From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 7:48 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] For the Record Pope Pius XII

 -Caveat Lector-

 Amelia wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  I am fully aware that the revisionists have now decided that Pius
  collaborated with the Nazis, etc. This is an article of what was
  said at the time by those in a position to know that just came
  today.  I personally think the new found guilt of the Vatican

 There's nothing new about it. The Vatican simply can't cover it up
 any longer because this is the information age, and non-Catholics
 don't care what the Vatican wants.

  much to do with wanting even more reparations and the extortion
  huge sums of money.

 The Jews involved in this want their rightful property back which
 stolen from them by the Nazis and hidden by their accomplices in
 Vatican. Let's be clear about this. The Vatican is hiding the
 property of the Nazi victims. Nice.

   Maybe the Poles should do the same to the Jews
  who collaborated with the Soviets resulting in even more deaths
  the Polish people.

 I know that you are desperate to keep your church in some kind of
 but you are going a little whacky here. The Jews did not control
 the Soviets.
 If the Poles didn't like Soviet control they should have had the
 balls to
 have a revolution. Like the colonists did with English domination.

  I certainly hope they do so for 3 million
  Polish Roman Catholics went to the death camps and this started
  long before any Jews there  met that same fate.  Why didn't the
  Jews save the Poles from both the Germans and the Soviets?

 The Jews were an opressed minority who had no arms, no military and
 no influece in politics. Besides that, the Poles were vicious
 anti-semites who turned over tens of thousands of Jews gleefully to
 the Nazis,
 and then stole their property. You've got it ass backwards Amelia.

 You're getting silly now.

  I do
  not think it was possible for anyone to do that for if a Pope had
  such power, JPII could stop the 40 million abortions.

 Popes don't have any power any more. Except over gullible
 No one else care what they do or don't do. But some people are
 to show what they DID do.

  For the Record
  by Joseph Sobran
  Nothing, it seems, can dispel the notion that Pope Pius XII
  maintained a shameful silence about the persecution

[CTRL] Strange bedfellows. Russia

2001-08-23 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/23/2001 6:25:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ISWoR

 from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ISWoR web-site - http://members.aol.com/ISWoR/english/index.html


 Important - please sign the short petition following the letter below
  in solidarity with anti-racists and internationalists in Russia.

 Forward this letter and petition as widely as you can.


 Dear activists of the anti-globalisation, labor, antiracist and

 In July the Genoa protests saw the first ever participation of an
Russian delegation in the international protest movement. Now, despite the
offer of the Putin government to use massive police brutality, live
etc to make the country the safest place for future assemblies of the
WTO, IMF, etc, there is a growing determination to build the movement in
Russia and the Ukraine.

 But there is a great danger! As many of you know, Russia and other
of the ex-USSR have suffered the collapse of their industry and the
near-total impoverishment of their people since the market economy was
re-introduced. Diseases such as TB are now epidemic in Russia, and the
average male life expectancy is down to 56. Russians have every reason to
angry at the world's capitalist leaders, the neo-liberal monsters, coming
Moscow as Putin requests.

 But into all this misery have stepped the venomous forces of racism,
fascism, bigotry -  who try to divert the just anger of  Russian people
from those responsible and onto traditional scapegoats - Chechens, Muslims,
Black people, Jews, the gay community, etc..

 In July the international association ATTAC (via its French and Belgian
sections) largely financed the trip of the joint Russian-Ukrainian
to Genoa. Alexander Gelenin, a Russian left activist known for his
uncompromising stand against racism, nationalism and collaboration with
neo-liberals, has exposed the participation in the delegation of racists
so-called red-browns) as well as a former Yeltsin money-launderer (see
to The Gelenin Letter, below). In Genoa, and then back in Russia, these
right-wingers succeeded in taking almost all the credit for the delegation
the mass media.

 Two participants of the delegation, Nicolaev and Vedernikova, are leading
members of the RKRP, an extremely racist and homophobic party whose members
worship the murderous dictator Stalin. Many of the youth closest to the
are admirers of the butcher Pol Pot. The party recently published material
urging Russians to struggle against rap music (!), on the grounds that
Russians and Black people can never agree. In 1997 the party approved an
official statement blaming the economic crisis in Russia on Jews, and they
have also published material urging that gay men be locked up in prison.

 On their return from the trip, Nicolaev appeared prominently in the
mass-media, where he was quoted by Interfax urging indiscriminate smashing
windows, property, etc., reminiscent of the provocateurs who infiltrated
Black Bloc in Genoa.

 Another delegation participant, Sergey Khramov, head of the union
was in 1996 involved in the laundering of millions of dollars for the
election campaign. In Genoa he made statements in favour of Putin on
TV. (N.B., Khramov, it seems, had alternative funding for his journey,
nevertheless he was a leading voice of the delegation in Genoa).

 Additionally, Evgeny Kozlov was present. This man is responsible for
bringing the nazi National-Bolshevik Party, who call for imprisonment of
Black people in labour camps, into the leadership of the Leningrad branch
the mass Labour Code campaign. In the outcry afterwards, he publicly
his actions.

 During the trip these named individuals were able to gain effective
leadership of the contingent. On their return home, the delegation held a
press conference in which plans to build an anti-globalisation movement in
Russia were revealed. The racists were allowed to appear in the mass media
 spokespersons for the newly-forming movement.

 In the anti-globalisation movement internationally, people are becoming
and more aware of the threat from nationalists who advocate protectionism
racism as the antidote to globalisation. As a result people are now using
slogans such as globalise resistance in order to demonstrate the need for
unity of all peoples in the fight against the corporate giants, not for

 We urge you to sign the e-mail petition below to help our Russian friends
kick racists, bigots, and pro-Putin forces out of the emerging
anti-globalisation movement in Russia. The events which soured the Russian
delegation to Genoa must not happen again!

 From the  Executive Committee
 International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - ISWoR

 - - - 

Re: [CTRL] Rabbi Yosef

2001-08-21 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Sorry but Rabbi Yosef wasn't being quoted as someone representative of all
 Jews but as a member, possibly a very influential member, of the Knesset.
 The other quite legitimate point being made is that his comments are
 conveniently ignored in the Western media whilst statements by rabid
 Muslims and anti-Jews are widely reported. Why are Israelis, extremists or
 otherwise, never called to account by the press like their Palestinian

They are. It just doesn't happen as often. The majority of Jews don't see
it as a religious war while the Arabs do.

See CTRL archives for the times Jewish religious fanatics have made similar


 On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, thew wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  shas is a fringe group
  they are disturbing fanatics, and evil motherfuckers to boot
  quoting shas is like quoting Islamic jihad, and pretending that is the
  opinion of all Muslims
  it's specious at best
  fuck shas
  fuck fanatics
  fuck people who only view things in a one sided manner
  there are evil violent racist fuckers on both sides of this issue
  the sooner we admit to that the sooner we can stop the killing
  If the people here who posted on only anti - Israeli stuff ever posted
  anything pro Israeli or anti Palestinian, or visa versa, maybe I could take
  them seriously
  if its one sided, its not comprehensive, its propaganda at best
  fuck religion
  fuck race
  fuck separatism
  fuck shas
  fuck genocidal Israelis and genocidal Arabs
  fuck people who actually think there are good guys in this situation
 Doubt thyself.
 Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
 Doubt all.
 Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
 It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
   there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
 The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
 Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
   until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
   Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
 Then, wind the Mort!
 Uncle Al. the kiddies pal
  NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew
   From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 13:07:30 -0300
   Subject: [CTRL] Rabbi Yosef
   -Caveat Lector-
   Media Monitors Network
   .where truth prevails
   Posted: August 20, 2001
   Toll-free: 1 866 MediaNet
   Not a Word
   by Stanley Heller
   When the President of Syria made anti-Jewish statements what was the
   response? There was wide media coverage, angry editorials and
   denunciations by public figures. Excellent, but what happens when the
   shoe is on the other foot? An important Jewish politician makes
   repeated racist comments and calls for the murder of Arabs. The
   response? Total silence.
   The politician is Ovidah Yosef of the Shas Party, which is a powerful
   part of the Israeli governing coalition. The French News Service AFP
   reports that on July 27 Yosef, a rabbi, gave a sermon on Israeli radio
   in which he said, In the old city of Jerusalem they're swarming like
   ants. They should go to hell -- and the Messiah will speed them on
   their way. The sermon was broadcast by Israeli Army Radio, giving it
   semi-official government standing. Earlier this year Yosef denounced
   Arabs as snakes and vipers.
   He has actually gone far beyond these disgusting references. He's
   twice called for the mass murder of Arabs. In a pre-Passover sermon in
   April Ha'aretz news service reported that he said Arabs were an enemy
   of the Jewish people and that, It is forbidden to be merciful to
   them, you must give them missiles, with relish - annihilate them. Evil
   ones, damnable ones. The news service stated that Rabbi Yosef, who
   has also attacked Israeli leftists and others in graphic terms, also
   was quoted as saying 'May the Holy Name visit retribution on the
   Arabs' heads, and cause their seed to be lost, and annihilate them,
   and cause them to be vanquished and cause them to be cast from the
   Back in 1989 the Shas Party issued a campaign booklet that included a
   prayer calling for a shoah (holocaust) of Arabs. Yosef wrote the
   preface to the booklet.
   A person who has talked this poison year after year obviously should
   be driven from public life. The major media should be campaigning.
   Political leaders in Israel and the U.S. and clergymen from every
   political persuasion should be condemning his views. Yosef should be
   kicked out of any elected, appointed or spiritual position he has with
   Yet none of this has happened. In the U.S. there is scarcely a
   newspaper or TV 

[CTRL] U.S. Post Office puts...

2001-08-21 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Some years ago, the US Post Office put out a series of stamps
honoring a fat redneck drug addict who killed himself by over
eating, and over dosing.

Return to Sender.
Address unknown.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jewish Terrorists Kill 130 SHEEP!!! What's Next???

2001-08-20 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Jewish Terrorists Exterminate 130 Sheep Belonging to a Palestinian

This is an OUTRAGEOUS misuse of language. It should read  Jewish Terrorists
ASSASSINATE 130 sheep belonging to a Palestinian.

You guys need to be consistant with propaganda otherwise it becomes confusing
to the general public. Remember. Every time there's some kind of death, it
shuld be called an Isreali assassination.


 20 August 01

 Occupied Jerusalem - Jewish terrorists on Monday exterminated more than 130
 sheep belonging to a Palestinian peasant at the village of Akraba near

 According to eyewitnesses, the heavily-armed settlers riddled the herd with
 bullets from their automatic rifles and threatened to murder the shepherd.

 Earlier, the same settlers spread fields and grazing land in the area with
 poisonous substances, causing the death of many cows, sheep and goats.

 The Israeli occupation army uses the often-rabid settlers to terrorize and
 harass Palestinian farmers and peasants throughout the Palestinian
 countryside as part of its overall campaign of terror against the Palestinian

 Since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada more than tent months ago, the
 settlers murdered over 50 Palestinian civilians, many of them simple peasants
 tilling their fields.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-08-20 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 Zionism Removed From
 UN Racism Communique

I know your disappointed sweetie. Maybe we can call Zionism something else
it isn't just to please you and Saba and the Neo-Nazis and the Arabs.

I'll talk to my uncle Hymie who is one of the original elders of Zion or
Sion as Saba likes to call it. He is omnipotent you know. He can get the UN
to equate Zionism with anything you make up.

Pick a good one eh?

Poor baby. I feel your pain.



 GENEVA - Diplomats say they've removed anti-Israeli remarks in a statement
 being prepared for a United Nations conference on racism at the end of the

 The United States and Israel had both threatened to boycott the meeting, set
 to begin in Durban, South Africa on Aug. 31, unless the text was changed.

 Arab states wanted the document to single out Israel as a racist occupying
 power, but the UN doesn't equate Zionism with racism so the final communique
 was changed.

 Not all hurdles have been removed, however. Officials are still wrangling
 over how to address recent bloodshed in the Middle East without offending
 either side.

 Last week in Geneva, negotiations over the exact wording of the conference's
 final document collapsed. More negotiations are scheduled.

 Even if the sensitive issue of language is dealt with, a boycott may still go
 ahead.   The United States is also upset over a plan to include colonial
 slavery and victims' reparations on the conference's agenda.

 It's not the first time Washington has bickered with UN officials over topics
 for a meeting on racism. The U.S. boycotted two previous conferences for
 similar reasons.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Capitalism at work: US boom bypassed middle class

2001-08-20 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The Hindustan Times
August 20, 2001

US boom bypassed middle class
New York, August 19

THE ECONOMIC boom of the last decades mostly benefited
the richest of the American population, bypassing the
middle class, a new survey has revealed.

The fruits from economic growth in the last few
decades were enjoyed by a surprisingly small part of
the population, the top 20 per cent, and particularly
the richest one per cent, the results of the survey,
published in the Milken Institute Review, said.

Edward Wolff, who conducted the survey, debunked the
theory that the rising economic tide helped everyone
from the richest to the poorest.

Living conditions of the middle class stagnated in the
1990s and household debt rose in the last two decades,
mostly due to a rise in mortgage debt, Wolff found.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] NM: War with China

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 Chinese missile data


 War with China

 by Charles R. Smith

 On the first day of World War III, the United States lost two thirds of its
 military and nearly one-half its population, yielding superiority to
 communist China. U.S. orders of the day were of high alert; and there is
 simply no evading the fact that we were not ready.

 The Chinese rain of missiles on U.S. installations and homeland cities was
 a military masterpiece. The People's Liberation Army Second Artillery Corp
 achieved complete surprise, armed only with a small force of over 300
 tactical and 10 strategic missiles.

 Defenseless against the attack, U.S. forces in Hawaii, Alaska, South Korea,
 and Japan were quickly over-whelmed by the guided warheads of the Chinese
 missiles. The bombs plunged out of the inky blackness of space, striking
 within seconds of each other. The rain of death fell swiftly upon a
 sleeping America with precise and devastating accuracy.

 In a span of little more than 30 minutes, China wiped out Los Angeles, San
 Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Washington, Boston, New York,
 Hawaii, Manila, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo.

 China sank five U.S. carriers, seven Ohio class submarines, vaporized over
 two hundred MX and Minuteman missiles and destroyed over 800 combat
 aircraft including fifteen B-2 strategic bombers. The strikes also killed
 more than one hundred million people without the loss of a single PLA

 The Second Artillery succeeded by striking key U.S. bases, warships and air
 fields with a swift and bold attack. The attack left China with 10
 remaining strategic missiles and nearly 300 tactical missiles, holding the
 devastated U.S. homeland hostage to another strike.

 Despite the calls to retaliate, sending the scattered remains of U.S.
 nuclear forces against China would not stop another attack on America, nor
 would it stop the PLA Generals who ordered the first.

 There is no question that the U.S. strategic missiles could devastate the
 Chinese homeland. However, killing hundreds of millions of innocent Chinese
 citizens would do little to deter the warlords in Beijing from launching
 the second wave of ten missiles while remaining hidden inside bombproof

 China's sudden and brutal attack forced America to surrender on Beijing's
 terms. In little more than forty-eight hours, China won the Third World


 Fiction? Then consider this fact: The United States has no defense against
 a missile attack. The U.S. has NO missile defense and is only testing a
 limited system that might stop one or two missiles.

 Those who minimize the Chinese strategic forces frequently state that China
 has only 20 missiles. These people are fools playing games with the lives
 of millions of innocent humans. They fail to mention that each Chinese
 strategic missile is tipped with a multi-megaton H-bomb that can vaporize a

 In the previous scenario, Chinese forces used only half their current
 strategic and tactical missiles in a single attack, turning ten of the top
 U.S. cities and most of free Asia into charred, radioactive wastelands.

 China apologists also question whether Beijing is willing to wage war
 against America. However, the Chinese military makes it very clear they
 want nuclear combat with the U.S.A.

 According to an August 1999 policy document published by the People's
 Liberation Army Office of The Central Military Command, unlike Iraq and
 Yugoslavia, China is not only a big country, but also possesses a nuclear
 arsenal that has long since been incorporated into state warfare system and
 play a real role in our national defense.

 In comparison with the U.S. nuclear arsenal, our disadvantage is mainly
 numeric, which in real wars the qualitative gap will be reflected only as
 different requirement of strategic theory, states the PLA military

 In terms of deterrence, there is not any difference in practical value. So
 far we have built up the capability for the second and third nuclear
 strikes and are fairly confident in fighting a nuclear war. The PCC
 (communist Party Central Committee) has decided to pass though formal
 channels this message to the top leaders in the U.S.

 China also has recently tested a new long-range missile capable of reaching
 America, the DF-31. The DF-31 is capable of delivering a single
 multi-megaton H-bomb or up to three 90 Kiloton nuclear bombs. The most
 recent DF-31 test took place earlier this year and some Pentagon analysts
 expect the PLA Second Artillery will begin active deployment of DF-31 units
 early next year.


 Clearly, China apologists must seriously consider the growing capability of
 Beijing's nuclear missile forces, including the tremendous build up of
 short-range tactical missiles. China continues to deploy short-range Dong
 Feng or East Wind 

[CTRL] Yale and the Price of Slavery

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

August 18, 2001

Yale and the Price of Slavery

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.--In 1852 a wealthy Mississippi cotton planter, Robert
Hairston, suddenly fell ill. With death overtaking him, he frantically
dictated a will in which he revealed that he had a child, his only one, a
5-year-old girl who was a slave. With his last breath he commanded his
family to have the girl set free and bequeathed to her his entire estate
land, cash and slaves worth over $1 million.

Hairston's white relatives, all quite wealthy, could not bear to see that
much money pass to a black. They decided to make her disappear and divided
up her property among themselves. To cover their tracks, they called the
father a lunatic and stuck to that story for generations. They told a judge
the girl was dead and sent her off to a distant plantation. One hundred and
sixty years later, while researching a book, I discovered through court
records and oral history in the area what had really happened.

This tale of theft on a massive scale has a deeper significance; it reveals
some of the psyche of the masters. The white family could never claim they
did not know what they were doing, that through some defect in their
perception they did not comprehend that this slave was a human being. She
was one of them. She probably looked like them. But cash trumped blood.

I was reminded of that story this week when three researchers released a
report on Yale University's deep entanglement in slavery. In response to
the report, John H. McWhorter, a linguist at the University of California
at Berkeley, defended Yale's reputation, saying, Slavery when those people
lived was largely an unquestioned part of existence. It's downright
inappropriate to render a moral judgment . . . based on moral standards
which didn't exist at that time. Yale's administration, in a defensive
feint, noted in responding to the report's publication that few, if any,
institutions or individuals from the period before Emancipation remained
untainted by slavery.

This is the presentism defense, which can be useful for almost any era
and almost any misdeed. But it is most commonly deployed when the morality
of slavery comes up: We must forgive them because they did not know what
they were doing.

Presentism is very often advanced in defense of America's founders. It is
comforting to think that their generation, so distant in time from us,
lived in a condition of moral ignorance, and thus innocence, regarding
slavery. But that is not the case. Even Thomas Jefferson, some of whose
statements exhibit an almost demented racism, could see clearly that
slavery utterly compromised the nation: I tremble for my country when I
reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever, Jefferson
wrote. The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us.

George Washington was an enthusiastic slaveholder in his early decades,
buying slaves to build himself a plantation empire; but by the end of his
life he found slavery repugnant. In his will Washington freed his slaves
and specified that the children be educated, believing that with education
and training the freed children of slaves could take a more fruitful and
productive place in Virginia society. If we accept the statement that it's
downright inappropriate to render a moral judgment on slavery, we are more
willing to accept slavery than George Washington was.

If the founders had such misgivings over slavery, how is it that they
allowed slavery to continue? The answer is not that they didn't know any
better, but that they kept slavery so the Southern states would join the
union. It was a transaction, a deal, just like the deal that put the
national capital on the Potomac in exchange for the federal assumption of
states' debts  and not unlike the deal the Hairstons made in causing their
kin to disappear. With their eyes open, the founders traded away the rights
of African-Americans, many of whom had fought bravely in the Revolution, so
that the national enterprise could go forward.

This country was founded upon a bargain for which we continue to pay the
price. We compound the mistake by draping a veil of innocence over the
transaction. The true beneficiary of the presentism defense is not the past
but the present  it guards and preserves our fervent wish to have sprung
from innocent origins.

Henry Wiencek, Yale 1974, won the National Book Critics' Circle Award for
The Hairstons: An American Family in Black and White. He is writing a
book about George Washington and slavery.

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

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major and minor 

[CTRL] How it's done: Revolving doors.

2001-08-19 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

No this isn't do it yourself instructions for the home carpenter.
-  Nurev

Bailout Watch -- Keeping an eye on the energy industry and
the politicians

FTCR is publishing a newsletter on developments in
the California energy crisis.  Back issues are available at
Bailout Watch #67  Friday, August 17, 2001

 From Regulator to Regulated in two easy steps.

First, use your high-power government job to allow corporations
to make billions more than they should.  Then, resign.  Curt
Hebert's seat at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) was still warm when the energy regulator-in-chief
announced his move to the ranks of the regulated as an
executive at Entergy Corporation -- a private power producer
under the FERC's regulatory purview.  As chair of FERC, Hebert's
anti-enforcement policies made the commission look like an
industry front group.   Hebert stubbornly resisted rate relief for
California, and tirelessly championed the very policies that laid
waste to the state's economy while enriching private companies.
By stepping through the revolving door between government and
industry, Hebert makes public service look like a pre-corporate
incubation period.  The public trust is violated when officials like
Hebert treat government jobs as stepping stones to more
profitable, consumer-gouging enterprises.

Why do they call it a REVOLVING door?

Because they get us coming and going.  While Hebert is
enjoying the corporate digs, the energy industry is sending new
troops into the regulatory agency.  Pat Wood, FERC's
chairman-to-be, plans to enlist energy company employees to
be his regulatory watchdogs.  The best kind of hire would be
someone who has done this on the other side, Wood told the
SF Chronicle.  As Californians worry about the impact of energy
company shareholders signing power contracts in Sacramento,
it's worth worrying about what happens in DC when energy
industry employees are entrusted with the responsibility of
regulating their former (and future?) employers.

Edison customer newsletter: History Blackout.

The August edition of Southern California Edison's Customer
Connection newsletter features a Did You Know section that
the movement to deregulate California's electric industry was
started in the mid-1990s by state regulators in response to large
energy users, who believed competition would result in lower
retail rates...SCE and other utilities strongly opposed the idea.

But wait a minute--in 1995, before the deregulation law had even
been drafted, Edison CEO John Bryson was quoted in the Los
Angeles Times as saying that the deregulation plan proposed by
state regulators was the best, soundest way to move to a
desirable competitive market that will benefit all customers.  He
also praised the actual dereg law in 1996.  If Edison wanted to
give its customers an accurate representation of California's
jaunt over the cliff of deregulation, it might read like this:
Did you know that... California's three private utilities, including
Edison, joined big energy users to ramrod deregulation through
the state legislature and succeeded in getting the legislature to
freeze customer's rates at 50% above the national average,
despite plummeting wholesale energy prices, in order to collect
$20 billion in surcharges as of June, 2000? And did you know
that SCE's parent company pocketed this overcharge revenue
and invested in lucrative global operations benefiting Edison
International's shareholders?

Leave us alone already.

First, Wall Street joined in the chorus calling on California to
deregulate.  Next, Wall Street told California to bail the utilities
out of the mess created by deregulation.  And on Tuesday, a Wall
Street analyst told Bloomberg News that state utility regulators
should have very little oversight regarding rate increases.
Thanks for the advice. . .but no thanks.

If you are interested in joining the FTCR Blackout Brigades go to:

Judgment Day: 445 Days Until November 5, 2002.

FTCR is a non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization. For
in-depth information on the utility deregulation disaster, to
DONATE and join the campaign to fight the bailout, or to
comment, visit our web site at www.ratepayerrevolt.org.
310-392-0522 xt.309. ) 2001 FTCR
1750 Ocean Park Bl., Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90405

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

Re: [CTRL] suffer the little children

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 08/14/2001 12:27:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  The blood of these innocents stains all our hands but the hands that
  it stains the most are Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, American
  President George Bush, and all the Arab leaders who are either drunk or
  might as well be because they seem to be completely oblivious to the
  Palestinian Holocaust that is going on right under their upturned noses. 

 One can deplore this situation, but nothing will change except it will become
 easier to kill children.  I believe one gets used to it.  In Rio de Janairo
 they hunt them down in the streets like stray dogs.  It's a kind of sport.
 Obviously the Israeli enjoy the same sport.  Prudy

I just want to clarify that you are saying that Israelis kill children
for sport. Is that right Prudy?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Capitalism at work: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED. Owning life and health.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Human Stem Cells ALREADY PATENTED -- US Officials in Bind
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:15:26 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)
Tel: 212-595-8974  FAX: 212-595-9086

It may come as a shock to most folks, but the University of Wisconsin has
cornered the market, it owns the sole patent rights to primate and human
stem cells, patent # 6,200,806. The dynamic of the stem cell research debate
now moves to its inevitable commercial arena--where neither science nor
philosophy or religion have any influence.

The commercialization of human life is now taking center stage as patent
rights--intellectual property rights and contracts, not human values,
determine who and what research goes forth, be it government or
privately-funded research. The Times reports that the University's research
foundation is already suing the very biotech company that it had contracted

Does patent law override all other laws as well as our natural birthright?
Where are the ethicists ?




AUG 17, 2001
Patent Laws May Determine Shape of Stem Cell Research

ASHINGTON, Aug. 16 - As they carry out President Bush's plan for government
financing of embryonic stem cell studies, federal health officials confront
a daunting challenge: United States patent 6,200,806, a claim to the human
embryonic stem cell.

The patent, held by a foundation at the University of Wisconsin, is
apparently the only one of its kind in the world, leaving the university in
such a powerful position that next week the health officials will begin
negotiations in hopes of reaching an agreement to allow federally financed
scientists broad access to the cells.

The patent, which covers both the method of isolating the cells and the
cells themselves, gives the Wisconsin foundation control over who may work
in the United States with stem cells, and for what purpose. In turn, the
foundation has granted important rights to a biotechnology company, the
Geron Corporation of Menlo Park, Calif., giving that company considerable
say over who ultimately profits from stem cell therapies.

This complex tangle of intellectual-property rights and contracts is now a
pressing concern at the National Institutes of Health, the agency charged
with putting President Bush's plan into effect. Next week, representatives
from the foundation, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, or WARF, are
to meet with officials at the institutes to take the first steps toward
negotiating access to stem cells.

I don't want people to see us as an 800-pound gorilla, Carl Gulbrandsen,
the foundation's managing director, said. We will work very hard with the
government to make sure that there is access to this technology and that our
patents are not an impediment to researchers.

But many scientists fear that the foundation's restrictions might hinder
research on cells that hold promise for treating and curing some of
mankind's most devastating diseases. And though legal experts say it could
be challenged in court, the Wisconsin patent could help push stem cell
science overseas.

Mr. Bush said that 60 lines, or self- sustaining colonies, of stem cells
exist in laboratories around the world, and said that under his program,
government scientists would be free to work with any of them.

But the government does not have control over whether those cell lines get
to researchers, according to Mr. Gulbrandsen, federal health officials and
patent law experts. If the cell lines match the description in the broadly
worded Wisconsin patent, these experts say, their owners must obtain
approval from the foundation before distributing them.

That has scientists worried.

The whole point of this, surely, is to get good cells into the hands of
researchers, said Dr. Ron D. McKay, who has conducted promising research on
mouse embryonic stem cells at the National Institutes of Health and is eager
to work with the human cells. I think that it is unclear, in practice, how
easy it will be to get these cells.

As far as experts know, the United States is the only nation to have issued
a patent on human embryonic stem cells. The patent is valid only in this
country; the foundation has also applied for patents in Europe. And at least
two foreign biotechnology companies say their cell lines may fall outside
Wisconsin's claim and have applied for patents of their own in the United
States and elsewhere.

A patent gives its owner the right to exclude other people from making,
using, selling or importing their invention. So researchers in other
countries have a double advantage, said Rebecca S. Eisenberg, an expert in
biotechnology and patent law at the University of Michigan. Other nations,

[CTRL] It's time to kill off these persons.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


Corporate Irresponsibility? Predatory Behavior? Blame the Charter -- and
Rewrite it

Jonathan Rowe is a fellow at the Tamales Bay Institute and a contributing
editor of the Washington Monthly.

Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared in the Washington Monthly. It
is reprinted with permission.

It is a sign of immersion that the thing immersed doesn't notice. The fish,
famously, is not aware of water. Dick Cheney and George W. Bush cannot see
past their allegiance to the oil industry because it's all they know --
their water.

So it is with the corporation. Over the last century and a half, the
corporation has become the dominant institution of American life, the
envelope of existence, as one writer put it. It defines work,
entertainment, politics, transportation, the way people think about their
bodies and the world. Increasingly it dominates the cognitive environment
daily life. For all the kvetching about government, the corporation
permeates our lives in much more basic ways.

Yet the more pervasive the corporation becomes, the less we seem to notice.
It's just the way things are, the new normal, and rapidly it is becoming
norm for the entire world. This has been the subtext of recent trade
agreements, and the implicit agenda that has inspired the opposition to the
World Trade Organization. Protestors in Seattle and elsewhere have not been
opposing trade per se. One might as well oppose the morning. The issue
rather is who controls this trade, under what terms and to what ends.

As it has evolved over the last 150 years, the American corporation is more
than just a mode of business. It is an agenda, the organizing principle for
an entire society -- the embedding in the institutional matrix of the
single-minded quest for monetary gain. Apologists may protest to larger
aims, or at least effects. But the soul of the corporation is the charter,
and corporate charters speak for themselves. They say that the company
exists to make money and for no other reason. The question today is whether
that governing concern is large enough to serve as organizing principle for
the entire world.

The question may seem eccentric, even naove, in these economically
triumphant times. Yet back in the days when the corporation was still new
and its impact clear, the question was of obsessive concern. President
Lincoln expressed this in a 19th-century version of Eisenhower's
military-industrial complex speech. Corporations have been enthroned,
Lincoln said. An era of corruption in high places will follow ... until
wealth is aggregated in a few hands ... and the Republic is destroyed.

Lincoln knew a thing or two about threats to the Republic. The question
continued as farmer-populists and Progressives led the drive for
and restraints. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson all called
for federal chartering of large corporations, as Madison, with unusual
foresight, had urged at the Constitutional Convention. Roosevelt even
created a Federal Bureau of Corporations because of these concerns.

But soon enough the corporate economy became simply the economy in the
majestic singular. It was helped greatly by a fledgling advertising
industry, which cast it in friendly and even patriotic terms, and by an
economics profession that served as apologist and booster. Most important
all, prosperity had a quieting effect -- the sedation of Huxley's Brave New
World as opposed to the statist oppression of Orwell's 1984. The 1990s were
such a time, of course. But as regularly happens, the wheel is turning once
again. The stock market is no longer a money machine for the masses, and
jazzy new technology -- the microchip -- is becoming a bit old hat.

The energy situation, moreover, has brought dirty old industries such as
and coal back to center stage. After Clinton's off-and-on embraces, the
administration has seized the role of Monica to the suits. At the same
corporations are showing a degree of raw aggression that is unsettling to
say the least. They are claiming new territory in virtually every dimension
of existence, from the personal space that is assaulted by huckstering and
cell phones to the Star Wars initiative, which will stake a commercial
to the farthest reaches of outer space. They are taking control of the
for knowledge at universities, and are moving even to claim the gene pool
and the processes of life itself.

Perhaps this helps explain why the looming invasion of oil companies into
the nation's parks and wilderness areas has become so symbolically charged.
It captures in a single image what is happening already in American life.
Put all this together, and it is not surprising that there are efforts to
revive the debate that was aborted a century ago and to inquire into the
nature of the institution that the United States is seeking to launch into
global role. The 

Re: [CTRL] US And Other Activists Back Palestinians

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 AUGUST 17, 06:17 EDT
 Foreign Activists Back Palestinians

Didn't see YOUR name there buddy. Didn't see Prudy's or Colleen's

Don't disappoint us now guys. Put you ass where your mouth is and head
on down to the Holyland. Show those Israeli Nazis what you can do.

My cousin Moshe-the-Masher is REALLY looking forward to seeing you Colleen.
He's been dulling his blunt instrument in anticipation and reciting the
Jewish prayer for god to send under medicated psychopaths from the trailers
of the heartland.

Oooh baby.


 Associated Press Writer

 AL KHADER, West Bank (AP) - As a 13-year-old Palestinian boy bulldozed
 an Israeli roadblock in the center of his town, three dozen foreign sympathizers
 stood guard.

 Israeli soldiers watched from a hilltop Thursday as Sultan Khaled
 Mousasbiah jerked the gears of the rusting yellow bulldozer and pushed
 down an unmanned barrier, made of a hollowed out city bus and heaps
 of dirt, rock and cement.

 For the Palestinians of this town south of Bethlehem, it was a small
 victory. For the international group of demonstrators, it was mostly a
 symbolic one. Like the last time they helped demolish the roadblock,
 they understood that Israeli soldiers were likely to put it back up.

 Among them was Heidi Arraf, a 25-year-old Palestinian-American
 who moved to Jerusalem a year ago and has helped put together
 an umbrella group of activists called the International Solidarity
 Movement. The group supports Palestinians in their struggle for statehood
 and hopes to help end nearly 11 months of violence.

 ``Our governments are calling for the same thing - you must take
 action to end the violence. But no one is taking action. We are,'' Arraf
 said, using her hand to shield her eyes from the setting sun as she
 watched Israeli soldiers on the hillside.

 About 80 activists from the United States, Germany, Italy, France,
 England and other European countries responded to mass e-mail calls to
 come to the region this month to join local activists for two weeks of
 semi-spontaneous demonstrations.

 For the last two weeks they have scuffled with Israeli police who took
 over the unofficial Palestinian headquarters in east Jerusalem after a
 bloody suicide bombing attack in the Jewish section of the city, spent
 the night with Palestinian families in nearby Beit Jalla during firefights
 with Israelis and held demonstrations.

 As the demonstrators marched through Al Khader, a small Palestinian boy,
 a blue T-shirt wrapped around his head showing only eyes, ran into the
 street, holding a toy machine gun he made out of black tape and cardboard.

 Irene Siegel, 36, a student at the University of California at Berkley,
 expressed concern.

 ``Who are their role models? What do they aspire to be? Where are
 they going to go to get their education?'' she said.

 Siegel, one of 20 Americans in the group, is a Jew who came from Cairo,
 where she is participating in an Islamic studies program.

 Standing next to her was Linda Bevis, 40, a history teacher at Renton
 High School in Seattle. She and her husband spent a night with a
 Palestinian family in the divided West Bank city of Hebron, where
 there are almost daily exchanges of fire as Palestinians shoot at
 Jewish enclaves and soldiers fire back.

 ``At a certain point, when people are being shot and killed on a regular
 basis the only way to nonviolently stop it is to put your bodies in between
 the shooters and the people who are being shot,'' she said.

 After members of the group tried to act as human shields in front of
 Palestinians during an exchange of fire, an Israeli official wondered why
 they weren't protecting the Israelis.

 Fighting broke out last September after peace talks broke down. Israel
 charges that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is using the violence to try
 to wring further concessions out of Israel. The Palestinians counter that
 Israel is using excessive force. Their main argument is that Israel's 34-year
 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is the primary cause of the violence.

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Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/16/01 10:39:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

   You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you?

Are you suggesting that this possibility is absurd?

Why exactly are you on this list if not only to parrot the ADL/Zionist line?


I was on this list long before you started doodling here cowboy. I have
done more in defining and developing the REAL conspiracy of our era than
just about anyone else. And not just here either. I don't deal with Jewish
subjects unless they are racist crap like yours.

I don't care if you support the Palestinians or not. But if you do, and
post drivel I'll call you on it.

I'll say it again so that even a clown like you can understand. I am not
a Zionist and never was. I don't even like the ADL because I hate establishment
elites. What you in your pathetic Saba like ignorance call the ADL/Zionist line
is simply what we all have in common. It makes no difference if you like that
or not.

And yes the Lewinsky thing is absurd.(Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
And so are you and your looney reptilians.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-16 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   And in that dual identity lies the key to his anger--and to the rage of
   thousands of Israeli Arabs who have joined the street protests here
   in recent days.
  Life is tough when you're an enemy isn't it?

 BUT BUT BUT! J2, aren't these enemies one of your treasured
 non Jewish Israeli citizens!!! Aren't these enemies merely unholding
 the honored, world renowned reputation of Israel as a multicultural
 secular society where everyone has a voice??

No they are not. But there are those which are. They are Druze Arabs, and
even Israeli Arabs who are afraid to speak up for fear of getting called a
collaborator and their throats cut. There are Asians too. But the
Palestinians who want an end to Israel, whether through terror, political
means, demographics, or war, are enemies. And the people who determine that
are the Israelis.

Not outsiders. Not the US, or the Danes, or the French, or the Belgians, or
the Russians, or the Saudis.

It's called self determination. If the Palestinians would like some, they
should overthrow that stupid monarchy on the other side of the river and
establish an independent state in the Arab half of Palestine. Then they could
show their stuff. They could build a modern state with a modern infrastructure
and a modern military. Then they could go to war with Israel if they like, and
instead of killing civilians in pizza shops, they could fight with real war
toys like the Israelis do.

Now isn't that a more realistic scenario? They will NEVER get Israel back.
They need to make new plans. They don't have many options available to them.

The hard, hard fact is that they are not important enough a group for the
world's powers to risk Middle East oil for. This is realpolitik.


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Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-16 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Nude female soldiers new 'Zionist' weapon

 This IS a Monty Python sketch, isn't it?  Or perhaps an old Benny Hill


No. No. I'm afraid it's true. You know those damn Jews will do anything
to hurt poor clean living Palestinians.

You DO know that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent don't you?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Vatican Slander Allegation Unwarranted

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Vatican Slander Allegation Unwarranted

For Immediate Release

August 9, 2001
Jonathan Levy and Tom Easton, Attorneys
Tel. 513-528-0586

Vatican spokesman Rev. Peter Gumpel has accused Jewish historians on a
special Holocaust commission of ``clearly incorrect behavior,''
charging that they have helped mount a ``slanderous campaign'' against
the Catholic Church. Gumpel said several of the Jewish members of the
commission had ``publicly spread the suspicion'' that the Holy See was
trying to hide documents ``that in their judgment could be

However, World War II era documents in possession of attorneys suing
the Vatican Bank for laundering Nazi gold tell a different story.
According to Jonathan Levy, co-counsel for plaintiffs in the class
action lawsuit, Alperin v. Vatican Bank, plenty of evidence already
exists to tarnish the reputations of both Pope Pius XII and his
successor Paul VI. I don#8217;t understand the Vatican position,
said Levy, Army counterintelligence documents from 1945-1947 period
document Nazi war criminals from the Balkans being sheltered at the
Vatican. The then Vatican Secretary of State Montini, later Paul VI,
met regularly with Ante Pavelic, known as the Butcher of the

The lawsuit against the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order is based in
part on a 1998 US State Department report that implicates the Vatican
in the laundering of Nazi gold. The Vatican is widely believed to have
destroyed incriminating documents. Pius XII and Paul VI were in bed
with the Nazis acting as their landlord, travel agent, and banker,
said Levy, referring to the Vatican sheltering of Nazi war criminals
in safe houses, Vatican provided escape routes or ratlines to South
America, and use of the Vatican Bank to launder Nazi funds.

Levy says he will make available on his firm#8217;s web site copies
of the most damning documents including one authored by Special Agent
William Gowen, one of the few remaining witnesses to Vatican
complicity with former Nazis.




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Re: [CTRL] Vatican Slander Allegation Unwarranted

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Hey you want to know about Nazi gold?

 Contact Mel Fischer at Key West with his notorious gold ships - that
 cost the life of his son and daughter...

 Now I wonder how Mel knew where the gold was?  And how some of he
 treasures ended up being sold on Home Shopping Network?

 You see there were two ships, they were partnersthe one sank day of
 the big haul.

 What is Mel Fischer - or was he, Irish?

 Friend of mine had a coin from his ship which had been given to her
 personally - the ship went down in 1600 period - yet this coin was dated
 1711 which was a luckey number perhaps?

 Better check out Mel Fischer's gold that guess what - it is said some
 was tested, and it was dental gold - maybe taken from the 55 million?


You're an idiot.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  If you only knew SOMETHING about the subject, this would be fun. But you
  argue out of complete ignorance.
  Israel has non Jewish citizens. Many. Of different varieties.

 Yes I understand. See the following:

 Restive Israeli Arabs Complain Of Having 'No Rights, No Dignity'

 By Lee Hockstader
 Washington Post Foreign Service
 Tuesday , October 3, 2000 ; Page A19

 UMM EL FAHM, Israel, Oct. 2 -- There is no immediate reason
 to assume that Ghassan Abbas would be a bitter man. A successful
 Israeli actor, Abbas has played a range of television and stage roles
 that have earned him a degree of fame, a respectable income and an
 array of imported creature comforts.

 But while Abbas is an Israeli citizen, he is also an Arab and a Muslim.

 And in that dual identity lies the key to his anger--and to the rage of
 thousands of Israeli Arabs who have joined the street protests here
 in recent days.

 We're finished with apartheid in South Africa, but now it's come
 over here to Palestine, said Abbas, 43, who pulled his Volkswagen
 behind a warehouse on the outskirts of this north Israeli town to talk
 as rioting raged a couple of hundred yards up the street.

 When Jews in Israel hit a soldier or throw stones at a soldier or
 push a soldier, the police chief says, 'We can't do anything because
 we don't want to hurt people's feelings.' But it seems the Arabs
 don't have feelings, or aren't allowed to express them.

Life is tough when you're an enemy isn't it?

 In an extraordinary explosion of fury, Arab citizens of Nazareth,
 Umm el Fahm and other towns in northern Israel have swarmed
 onto the streets since Friday, joining violent protests against
 Jewish rule by their Palestinian brethren in the West Bank
 and Gaza Strip.

Let me tell you about Umn el Fahm. I happen to know that town because
they were my neighbor. The name means Mother of (Char-)Coal. In the old old
days they produced charcoal for Arab food cookers. It happens that in
1948 half the town was on Israeli land, and half the town was on the
other side which belonged to Jordan. It straddled the border.

Now I want you to understand what I'm about to tell you. The half on the
Israeli side had sewers and running water. People I know went to the town
to deliver babies and teach the mothers how to take care of them. They
weren't paid for this. They did it because they were neighbors. Needless
to say, the quality of life for these people was much better than the
quality of life for their relatives across the street. They had access to
Israel's socialized health care system in the same hospitals as the Jews.
They had electricity.

The people across the main road in middle of town who lived in Jordan, LIVED
LIKE DOGS. And they died like dogs.

Arabs will never have power in the Jewish State. They will be second class
citizens. No doubt about it. Now here comes the big question flw... ready?
If they don't like being second class citizens, why don't they leave? This
isn't meant to be snide. It's a serious question. If you want to know the
answer, here it is...

 UMM EL FAHM, Israel, Oct. 2 -- There is no immediate reason
 to assume that Ghassan Abbas would be a bitter man. A successful
 Israeli actor, Abbas has played a range of television and stage roles
 that have earned him a degree of fame, a respectable income and an
 array of imported creature comforts.

With all the problems they have, Israeli Arabs would not even move 10 miles
to live exclusively among their own on the West Bank much less to an Arab
country where they would STILL be second class, or worse.

No group is FORCED to stay in Israel. Do you understand?

When the Jews couldn't stand it anymore they moved from Russia, Poland,
Germany, Ukraine, etc. The same with the Huguenots. The same with almost every
ethnic group who ever ran from their oppressors.

The Israeli Arabs have something going in Israel.

 The Israeli Arabs, who generally have no firearms, have attacked
 Israeli forces with stones, slingshots and molotov cocktails. Today,
 in a sharp escalation of violence, Israeli troops fired on Israeli Arabs
 in Umm el Fahm and elsewhere, killing six. A seventh, who was
 injured Sunday, died of his wounds today.

Now they have become the enemy. Being an ' enemy ' is considerably worse than
being a second class citizen. As a second class citizen you can have a fairly
decent life. As an enemy you can have no life.

 It was the bloodiest instance of Israeli troops firing on the country's
 Arab population since 1976, when riots broke out in protest of
 government land expropriations.


[CTRL] Worse than the cure. Argentina is dying.

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Who Shot Argentina? 
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:54:55 -0500 (CDT)
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Observer (London) Sunday, August 12, 2001
by Greg Palast

Who Shot Argentina? The Finger Prints On the Smoking Gun Read I.M.F.'

And news this week in South America is that Argentina died, or at least
its economy. One in six workers were unemployed even before the beginning
of this grim austral winter. Millions more have lost work as industrial
production, already down 25% for the year, fell into a coma induced by
interest rates which, by one measure, have jumped to over 90% on
dollar-denominated borrowings.

This is an easy case to crack. Next to the still warm corpse of
Argentina's economy, the killer had left a smoking gun with his
fingerprints all over it.

The murder weapon is called, Technical Memorandum of Understanding,
dated September 5, 2000. It signed by Pedro Pou, President of the Central
Bank of Argentina for transmission to Horst Kohler, Managing Director of
the International Monetary Fund.

'Inside Corporate America' received a complete copy of the 'Understanding'
along with attachments and a companion letter from the Argentine Economics
Ministry to the IMF from ... well, let's just say the envelope had no
return address.

Close inspection leaves no doubt that this 'Understanding' fired fatal
bullets into Argentina's defenseless body.

To begin with, the Understanding requires Argentina cut the government
budget deficit from US$5.3 billion in 2000 to $4.1 billion in 2001. Think
about that. Last September, Argentina was already on the cliff-edge of a
deep recession. Even the half-baked economists at the IMF should know that
holding back government spending in a contracting economy is like turning
off the engines on an airplane in stall. Cut the deficit? As my 4-year old
daughter would say, That's stooopid.

The IMF is never wrong without being cruel as well. And so we read, under
the boldface heading, improving the conditions of the poor, agreement to
drop salaries under the government's emergency employment program by 20%,
from $200 a month to $160.

But you can't save much by taking $40 a month from the poor. For further
savings, the Understanding also promised, a 12-15 percent cut in
salaries of civil servants and rationalization of certain privileged
pension benefits.

In case you haven't a clue what the IMF means by rationalization - it
means cutting payments to the aged by 13% under both public and private
plans. Cut, cut, cut in the midst of a recession. Stooopid. Salted in with
the IMF's bone head recommendations and mean-spirited plans for pensioners
and the poor are economic forecasts which border on the delusional. In the
Understanding, the globalization geniuses project that, if Argentina
carries out their plans to snuff consumer spending power, somehow the
nation's economic production will leap by 3.7% and unemployment decline.
In fact, by the end of March, the nation's GDP had already dropped 2.1%
below the year earlier mark, and nosedived since.

What on Earth would induce Argentina to embrace the IMF's goofy program?
The payoff, if Argentina does as it's told, is that this week the IMF lend
$1.2 billion in aid. This is part of an emergency loan package of $26
billion for 2001 put together by the IMF, World Bank and private lenders
announced at the end of last year.

But there is less to this generosity than meets the eye. The Understanding
also assumes Argentina will peg its currency, the peso, to the dollar at
an exchange rate of one to one. The currency peg doesn't come cheap.
American banks and speculators are charging a whopping 16% risk premium
above normal in return for the dollars needed to back this currency

Now do the arithmetic. On Argentina's $128 billion in debt, normal
interest plus the 16% surcharge by lenders comes to about $27 billion a
year. In other words, Argentina's people don't net one penny from the $26
million loan package. Little of the bail-out money escapes New York where
it lingers to pay interest to US creditors holding the debt, big fish like
Citibank and little biters like Steve Hanke. Hanke is President of Toronto
Trust Argentina, an 'emerging market fund' which loaded up 100% on
Argentine bonds during the last currency panic, in 1995. Cry not for
Steve, Argentina. His annual return that year of 79.25% put the
speculator's trust at the top of the speculation league table. This year
he'll do it again.

Hanke profits by betting on the failure of the IMF's policies. But
'vulture' investing is merely Hanke's avocation. In his day job as
professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, he freely
offers straightforward advice to end Argentina's woe, advice which would
put him out of the speculation game: Abolish the IMF. To begin with,
Hanke would do away with the 'peg' - that 

[CTRL] All in the family.

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

A father's pride and glory

by Daniel Pipes
The Jerusalem Post
August 15, 2001


Hours after the killing of 15 Israelis in a Jerusalem restaurant last week, the
brother of the
23-year-old suicide bomber delightedly announced that this is a unique
operation for its quality and
success... Palestinians everywhere can now hold up their heads.

Likewise, after a 22-year-old suicide bomber two months earlier killed 21
Israelis at a Tel Aviv
discotheque, his father announced: I am very happy and proud of what my son did
and, frankly, am
a bit jealous... I wish I had done it myself.

And so it has been with nearly all suicide operations - family members rejoicing
at the martyrdom
of their brothers and children.

Some fathers even publicly announce a hope that their children will kill
Israelis in suicide operations.

Puzzled by this apparent denial of the primal human urge to protect one's young,
President George
W. Bush has commented, I just can't understand this. He is hardly alone.

Two main factors account for this bizarre behavior. The first concerns the
Palestinian Authority
drumming into impressionable youth the glory of suicidal death while killing

PA television harps constantly on this message. On the Children's Club (a Sesame
children's program), a young boy sings: When I wander into Jerusalem, I will
become a suicide
bomber. A repeatedly shown television clip calls on children to Drop your
toys. Pick up rocks. In
another, the words to a children's song go: How pleasant is the smell of
martyrs, how pleasant the
smell of land, the land enriched by the blood, the blood pouring out of a fresh

Ikrima Sabri, the PA's ranking religious leader, says, The younger the martyr,
the greater and the
more I respect him, while praising mothers who willingly sacrifice their
offspring for the sake of
freedom. PA schools indoctrinate pupils on the virtues and joys of martyrdom,
then honor and
celebrate suicide killers. Four summer camps are currently training eight- to
12-year-olds for suicide
bombings. Organizations like Hamas promise to look after the killers' families'
financial needs.

In all, notes Meyrav Wurmser, a Hudson Institute specialist on the
indoctrination of pupils, the PA
has developed a state-run ideology that pushes [children] to their death. Why
does this
indoctrination work and why do Palestinian families enthusiastically send their
children to die? What
pressure could overcome the human instinct to protect one's beloved?

That pressure is not hard to locate, for it pervades Middle Eastern life. It is
an unrelenting,
compulsive preoccupation with family honor. The power of this obligation goes
far beyond anything
Westerners encounter.

The fixation on family honor takes two main forms. The negative one, called ird
in Arabic, concerns
the sexual purity of women and it accounts for the Middle Eastern custom of
murdering female
relatives for perceived offenses to the family. Such honor killings are intended
to purify the family
from its shame; thus do brothers kill sisters, cousins kill cousins, fathers
kill daughters, and even sons
kill mothers.

These men do so not because they want to - almost nothing could be more
horrifying in the context
of the tight-knit Middle Eastern family - but because they feel obliged to.
Allowing a dishonored
woman to remain alive brings ridicule and disdain on the entire family. In such
circumstances, mere
love for a daughter or sister dwindles into insignificance; she must be killed.

Thus, after an Egyptian father strangled his unmarried but pregnant daughter,
cut her corpse into
eight parts, and threw those down the toilet, he explained his reasons: Shame
kept following me
[before the murder] wherever I went. The village's people had no mercy on me.
They were making
jokes and mocking me. I couldn't bear it and decided to put an end to this.

The positive form of honor (sharaf in Arabic) involves efforts to enhance the
family's status by taking
steps to win it praise and renown; and nothing can win a family as much glory as
its willing sacrifice
of a family member for a noble cause.

Thanks to PA propaganda, suicide bombing has become a highly honored act. Thus,
the Tel Aviv
bomber's father crowed about his son, He has become a hero! Tell me, what more
could a father

Combined, the monstrous social environment created by the PA and the families'
preoccupation with
social status goes far to explain why Palestinians glory in the destruction of
their youth.

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[CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nude female soldiers new 'Zionist' weapon

By Arieh O'Sullivan (Jerusalem Post)

A Palestinian newspaper is accusing the IDF of mounting
strip-teasing female soldiers on tanks to lure Palestinians
and then shoot them dead.

The occupation is using naked women to hunt down
intifada youth, said a front page headline in Al Hayat Al
Jadida, a daily connected with the Palestinian Authority.

The publication reported on a recent alleged Gaza Strip
clash in which a semi-nude female soldier lured
Palestinian demonstrators to their deaths.

She started to strip her clothes off in front of the
demonstrators until she was [nearly] naked. Some of the
protesters said they were disgusted by it while others said
the Zionist soldier made rude gestures at them, the
Palestinian paper reported.

When the protestors approached to throw stones at the
nearly nude female soldier, she reportedly whipped a pistol
out of her underwear and shot dead two Palestinians and
wounded nine.

The IDF Spokesperson initially refused to even comment
on the report, but later said it was completely ridiculous.

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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-15 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  while we are the topic... any Arab democracies in the region?

 Guess it depends on how you define democracy.
 According to my understanding of the term, there are none.

 OTOH, that is not relevant to the point of this thread.

 Israel claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East,
 yet makes a religious / ethnic test necessary for citizenship
 and treats non Jews as second class citizens - not the hallmark
 of a democracy.

 Or perhaps the point is that in the Middle East, all countries are
 authoritarian, militaristic, theocracies and we should not have
 a special relationship with any of them.

See if you can convince the Big Oil boys. I think you have a great idea.


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Re: [CTRL] The truth about the environment

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Yardbird wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The truth about the environment
 by Bjorn Lomborg
Environmentalists tend to believe that, ecologically
speaking, things are getting worse and worse. Bjorn
Lomborg, once deep green himself, argues that they are
wrong in almost every particular. (08/02/01)

Isn't it interesting that all those who claim there isn't a problem
seem to have a stake in the very economic system that is the source
of environmental destruction?

I wonder why that is?


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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Police And Routine,Organized Cruelty

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Edward Britton wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 please - the united states did it with the indians, and it didnt take 75

 Not exactly. The United States did not relegate Indians or their culture
 to oblivion.  The fact that we, as a culture, still wrestle with the
 ramifications of the atrocities perpetrated upon them indicates that
 Indians and Indian culture still a force with which we must recon. American
 Indians remain culturally distinct/unique.

 The same may not be true of the Palestinians inasmuch as the Palestinians
 seem to have adopted the culture and ways of the Arab community at large.
 In this regard, Palestinians themselves have done more to eradicate their
 cultural uniqueness than anything the Israelis could ever have done.

 Edward   +

That's an interesting point Edward. And it would be a quite common occurrence
if it did play out that way. But you are assuming that  Palestinians  are
some kind of distinct indigenous group like American Indians. They are not.
They are Arabs linguistically and ethnically who migrated to the region from
all over the Arab empire.

They were even called Palestinian Arabs because of where they lived. The
European Jews who migrated there before WWII were called Palestinian Jews.
They are called this because of where they lived. That area was called Palestine
at the time, so the residents there were Palestinians.

No Middle Eastern Group alive today are indigenous to the region. The current
 Palestinians  became Palestinians after the Six Day War. This was to identify
themselves with the territory. Otherwise they had no distinction from other


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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  this isn't true. I'm not going to pretend everything is rosy, and the
  Palestinians are treated equally, but there are plenty of non-Jewish
  citizens. What there is is a guarantee of citizenship for Jews, but that's
  not the same thing now, is it?

 What would you call an America that only guaranteed citizenship
 to white, christian, anglo saxons? A Klu Klux Klanation?

No, I'd call it America. Check your early history there cowboy.
And you left out rich.

 Any country that categorizes citizenship based on a religious or
 ethnic test is NOT a democracy. Such a place is a Theocratic
 Racialist country.

You- don't- know- what- you- are- talking- about.

 Frankly, I don't care if a country wants to practice religious bigotry
 and racialism...as long as I am not a citizen of such a place.

Good! Then stay the hell out. No one invited you anyway right?

 I also
 believe in truth in labeling. If Israel wants to be such a place for
 exclusion minded Jews that is fine with mejust don't claim to be a
 beacon of democracy. I also don't care if Iranians, Talibanists,
 Sudanese want to run a theocratic despotic society.

Then what are you complaining about. Improve things in THIS country. Help
the whole world at once by defunding it's economic empire.

 This is my last post on this thread. Religious racialists cannot
 be reasoned with.

Yeah right. I'll bet it's not.


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Re: [CTRL] The Greening: Real story behind Klamath Falls (fwd)

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Bacon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
 My ICQ# is 79071904
 for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 02:17:39 -0500
 From: Gregory Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: The Greening: Real story behind Klamath Falls

 This article, called The Greening, appeared on the ACT list about
 eight years ago.  I have reprinted it on The Lawful Path, at

 The last I knew the author, Larry Abraham (author of Call it
 Conspiracy) had moved to Chile.  I don't know how to contact him, so
 I hope he doesn't get unhappy about copyrights and such.  If he asks
 me to, I'll pull it.

 Larry wrote The Greening in 1990.  It quotes many sources,
 including the Report from Iron Mountain (circa +/- 1960), which
 outlines a plan for using a fake, manufactured environmental crisis
 for justifying the existence of government in a world without war.
 He then goes on to show that the international bankers are using this
 plan to seize ownership and control of huge chunks of the planet
 through organizations such as the World Conservancy, and the Sierra

 I would post the article here, but it's rather long.  Besides, if you
 visit TLP, you'll get the nicely formatted HTML version ;-).


This is a silly paranoid premise, and Report From Iron Mountain
was written as a satire. A joke.

No wonder he left for Chile.


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[CTRL] Attention Prudy and FLW - Read this and get a clue. J2

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-14 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   A theocratic state is incompatible with a democratic state.
  This is true, and proof positive that it is not a theocratic state as are
  a good number of the Arab states the US sends money to also. Israel is
  and was designed to be a democracy for Jews.

 Do you realize how illogical the above is? If Israel is designed to be
 a democracy for Jews then it by design it has a religious / ethnic
 test for citizenship...which is the antithesis of a so called democracy.

If you only knew SOMETHING about the subject, this would be fun. But you
argue out of complete ignorance.

Israel has non Jewish citizens. Many. Of different varieties.

Israel's political system is secular. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THESE WORDS???

It is a democracy because Jewish ( majority ) and non Jewish ( minority )
citizens elect political parties to govern. DO YOU UNDERSTAND???

 Apparently Zionism doesn't just equal racism...it also equals self delusion.

What happened to you, You never used to be this stupid.
Racism has ruined you brain.

Too bad.


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Re: [CTRL] Something Rotten In The State Of Israel j2

2001-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 08/08/2001 10:57:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Main Entry:Ar·ab
  Pronunciation:'ar-b, 'er-; dial also 'A-rab
  Etymology:Middle English, from Latin Arabus, Arabs, from Greek Arab-,
  Date:14th century
  1 a : a member of the Semitic people of the Arabian peninsula b : a member
  of an Arabic-speaking people 

 Oh goody, now tell me which country you want to discuss.  Prudy

this what we've been talking about all this time?

What's with you? Are getting senile like Colleen?


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: JTF.ORG: How Communists Became Zionists

2001-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 One thing I do not forget, Prince Faisal (Turki, now heading up Arab
 Intelligence in USA) told us,  there were 4 of us at the table, that the
 domestic jews and moslems and christians could live in peace but the
 Zionists would not let themhis father had aa that time said He Hated
 Zionists - and Rockefeller cancelled his New York Dinner and in
 Columbus, Ohio the Mayor there chickened out but we had our dinner and a
 wonderful day.

 He was a handsome young gentleman and would have been the King had not a
 black from Berkley later murdered his father..

 The fact remains there is something rotten in Israel and they sent in a
 butcher like Jack the Ripper and a slaughterman, to finish up the

 What is that in the bible - Barber get your razor and slaughterman get
 your weapon..keep thinking of the Zionists Psalm and rase it, rase
 it, and rase it and happy they will be when they dash the heads of
 little babies against the stones.

 Now if that is religion - and someone does follow this bible code taking
 names from the bible and timing their murders to same - well it is about
 time the Americans realized that had it not been for the Arabs we would
 be living in darkness and riding in horse and buggies.

 Somehow the things you say do not ring truestrange most jews I know
 keep very careful family records and as myself, can trace their family
 trees right back to the bible  when you are in the royal lines.

 55 Million People died in that war - and hey, what about the Irish - you
 want real heros the Fitzgeralds were legendary but they were also
 slaughtered and their names blotted out of the book.yet John
 FITZGERALD Kennedy got a chunk of Runymead..and one of OUR ancestors
 signed the great Magna Carta and you ought to read that sometime.

 Religion is to me the biggest line of crap and murder in the world, when
 in the wrong handsand I think in the hands of the Zionists, it is
 used for genocide and mass murder

 55 million people died...as did my father and many friends in WWII and I
 am so sick of this crap where kids are being taught of just the 6
 million, like the 600?

 There is not to question why - there is but to do or die - like hell.
 I have a lot of unanswered questions and I know now why J Edgar Hoover
 took on the communists rather than the Mafia for all the time, he knew
 the Mafia, was not Italian


 No right to return without pedigree - right?   Is this why so many names
 now are taken from the bible?   Strange, the name Lazaras is in the New
 Testament - yet, the Lazaras family are CFR Zionists (Fred at least of
 Federated Chain).

 Tell me were any Zionists genocided by Hitler?
 But then they are just a handful of people while Moslems represent one
 fifth of the population in the world.


I hope that you do understand THEW that this person is psychotic, and how
rationally she comes across depends on whether she has taken her meds.


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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 the so called settlers are basically fanatics, who are trying to bring about
 WW3 and have no sense of compromise, or sanity.

 The religious parties hold way too much power in Israel, considering the
 size of the community they actually represent. this is one of the big
 problems of parliamentary democracy, small groups gain large power in
 coalition governments, and can press an unpopular agenda. Its a flawed
 democracy indeed, but its not supposed to be a theocratic one. Much like the
 way the Christian right hijacked politics in America, these ultra religious
 have hijacked the politics of Israel. no question about it.

 while we are the topic... any Arab democracies in the region?

It depends what you mean by  Arab. Apparently there are no known definitions
for  Arab  when you try to link that word with  democracy  according to


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Re: [CTRL] You can't always get what you wan't.

2001-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  I agree that the theocratic state is archaic anathema
  can you name a Arab state , other than pre gulf war Iraq,  that doesn't
  define itself as an Islamic state? that doesn't give stronger rights to
  Muslims, than Muslims?
  as I stated last time I asked this unanswered question, I dont know any
  Israelis, who dont want a multicultural state.

Israel IS a multicultural state. There are Jews and non Jews from many
cultures. All this within the framework of being a Jewish state. This does
not necessarily mean a theocracy because the vast majority of Israelis are
secular Jews.

 I think you miss the basic point. Israel holds itself out as the sole democratic
 state in the Middle East. That is often the justification provided why the US
 has a special obligation to Israel...why it sends Israel the bulk of its foreign
 aid, etc.

 A theocratic state is incompatible with a democratic state.

This is true, and proof positive that it is not a theocratic state as are
a good number of the Arab states the US sends money to also. Israel is
and was designed to be a democracy for Jews.

 You may not personally know any Israelis who don't want a multicultural
 state, but you are clueless if you are not aware that a significant segment of
 Israeli society is opposed to a multicultural state and insist on a theocratically
 pure state.

You don't know what the fuck your talking about do you? How did you come to this
conclusion pray tell? Do you just make up shit like Cooper's stats?

 If you poll most of the so called settlers on that issue you will
 quickly learn that they are absolutely opposed to a multicultural state and if
 they had their way would deport all non Jews from Israel - or at the very least
 would deny them citizenship (after all, they still need cheap labor).

This is probably true. But the settlers are not the same as the general Israeli
population. They are a VERY distinct minority as well as a source of
disapproval for many Israelis.

The settlers are a pawn in the game. If the Palestinians keep this shit up,
the settlers will win because they will get to stay on their newly stolen
lands. If the Palestinians finally get smart, the settlers will be forced out
of the homes they risked their lives for by Israel.

Not very complicated really.


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Re: [CTRL] Isaeli's Poisoned Water? Now A shortage and water asweapon?

2001-08-13 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 i love aliehas confusion here

 shes confounded by the fact that jews are not a monolithic block who all
 think alike controlled from some central mastermind.

 i cant erase any of her stuff

 its the most fascinating look into the twisted mind i have ever seen in such
 It is not the function of our government to keep the
 citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
 to keep the government from falling into error. Justice
 Robert H. Jackson--

 NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

  From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 00:30:15 -0400
  Subject: [CTRL] Isaeli's Poisoned Water?   Now A shortage and water as weapon?

This is a racist anti-semitc web site which uses Jewsnot to make some points.
I have informed this group before, that Jewsnot has about the same standing
in the Jewish community, as Jews for Jesus has in the Christian community.


German Nazi SS were shocked at the ferocious behavior of the Ukrainians under
their command. The Germans were not easily impressed with bestial behavior.
The Ukrainians and the Croats made that kind of impression on the Germans.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Vatican Offiial Accuse Jews Of Slander :SayGroupsLikethe ADL Are Eng...

2001-08-12 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Damian B. Cooper wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 12:12 PM 8/12/01 -0400, Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

  OK, Mr. Smarty Pants, the floor is yours.
  We are all breathlessly awaiting YOUR authoritative exegesis of the New
  Testament and Libertarian Socialism.
  Dazzle us with you mediocrity.
 There are actually more important things to do right now than to dazzle
 you. But if you want a real education about the NT, go into CTRL's archives.
 We've covered that ground several times.

 Just as I thought, Mr. Shallow-Dipweed:  you didn't have an answer.

 There are a lot of things about which you don't have an answer.  Naturally,
 YOU don't know that you don't have an anwer.  It's the nature of ignorance.


OK. You win. I'm to dumb to take you on.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Why we can't all just get along.

2001-08-10 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 What follows are selections of Friday's sermon (August 3, 2001) on
 Palestinian Authority TV.  The selections are provided by Palestinian

 Allah shall make the Moslem rule over the Jew, we will blow them up in
 Hadera, we will blow them up in Tel-Aviv and in Netanya in the
 righteousness of Allah against this riff-raff, we will fight against them
 and rule over them until the Jew will hide behind the trees and stones
 the tree and stone will say: 'Moslem! Servant of Allah, there is a Jew
 behind me, kill him!'

 We will enter Jerusalem as conquerors, and Jaffa as conquerors, and
 as conquerors and Ashkelon as conquerors, we are certain that the victory
 is quickly coming, as we bless anyone who rises against a soldier, we
 all those who educate their children to Jihad and to Martyrdom, blessings
 to he who shot a bullet into the head of a Jew...

 I heard a youth say, 'Oh, Sheikh, I am now 14 years old.  I have 4 more
 years and then I will go to blow myself up among Allah's enemies, I will
 blow myself up among the Jews.'  I said to him, 'Allah should let you
 merit Martyrdom and let me merit Martyrdom'...

 All weapons must be aimed at the Jews, at the enemies of Allah, the
 nation in the Koran, whom the Koran describes as monkeys and pigs,
 worshippers of the calf and idol worshippers.


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[CTRL] Druze and Christians in Lebanon

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

When Druze and Christians get friendly, Syria gets worried
By Zvi Barel Ha'aretz 9 August 2001

The arrest of some 200 Christians in Lebanon Tuesday made the editor of a
Nahar, Jubrein Tuwani, publish an unprecedentedly harsh editorial against
the Lebanese government and its masters in Damascus. Have we gone from a
government to military rule? Is this a military junta? If the government
claims there was a revolutionary conspiracy, then we are all
and all conspirators.

Tuwani's anger, and that of the Maronite and Druze communities is the
of a lightning operation by the Lebanese army two days after the historic
reconciliation between the Druze and Christian leaderships, whose conflict
two decades ago was a key reason for the Lebanese civil war.

Over the weekend, Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir visited Druze leader
Walid Jumblatt at Jumblatt's headquarters in the Chouf mountains. The
with its conciliatory speeches, in effect made pubic a renewed alliance
between the two groups, which share a common interest - the departure of
Syrians. The only difference between the two are in nuances. Sfeir wants
Syrians out without any preconditions, while Jumblatt is prepared to be a
little more flexible.

Such a meeting between two leaders of separate groups in the country is
always going to raise suspicions in Damascus, which fears the revival of a
large Christian-Druze bloc that won't make do with Syrian army
but will demand a full Syrian departure from Lebanon.

We won't allow any harm to public order or good relations with any sister
country, said Adnan Adoum, the Lebanese general prosecutor, explaining the
arrests of the Christians. But his own words were enough to understand
the orders for the arrests came from. Many of those arrested (and most, as
expected, have now been released) are loyalists of General Michel Aoun, the
leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, which has been fighting the Syrian
presence in Lebanon since the end of the civil war, and of Samir Geagea,
head of the Lebanese Forces, in jail serving four life sentences for
political assassinations during the civil war.

According to Lebanese sources, the order for the arrests came from the
Syrian intelligence chief in Lebanon, Razi Cana'an, who wanted to impress
upon the Lebanese Syria's red lines concerning Lebanese opposition to the
Syrian occupation. Those sources say that Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik
al-Hariri was also opposed to the arrests and told Syrian officials that
arrests could serve to consolidate an anti-Syrian protest movement, turning
the Druze-Christian reconciliation into a political union.

And it's not only the Syrians who fear such an alliance. Lebanese Muslims
might regard such an alliance as a threat, and that could yet turn into a
confrontation between the Muslims on one side and the Christian-Druze
alliance on the other.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust panel's'slanderouscampaign'

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Damian B. Cooper wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 11:13 PM 8/7/01 -0400, Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Pius was a Nazi and an admirer of Hitler. He helped finance the party
 early on.

 Four fifths of the New York Times editorialists and ninety-seven percent
 of the Hollywood establishment were admirers of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.

 So, what's your point?


My point is that 93.4857% of you statistics are bullshit, and that The Times
and Hollywood are not moral representatives of the religion of love.

Is that a good enough point for you?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Vatican charges of `slander campaign'

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Jews angered by Vatican charges of `slander campaign'

By Shlomo Shamir Ha'aretz 8 August 2001

Jewish leaders and a Vatican official yesterday traded accusations, with
Vatican official - Rev. Peter Gumpel - accusing the Jewish members of a
Jewish-Catholic historical commission investigating Pius XII's activities
during the Holocaust of clearly incorrect behavior. Gumpel charged that
they have helped mount a slanderous campaign against the Catholic church.

Seymour Reich, who heads the International Jewish Committee for
Inter-religious Relations, which worked with the Vatican to appoint the
commission, reacted angrily to Gumpel's letter.

These are very serious accusations, said Reich. We are astonished and
frustrated by the fact that Father Gumpel chose to attack the historians
particularly to single out the Jewish scholars on the team.

Gumpel, in charge of providing answers to a bi-religious commission of
historians investigating Vatican actions during the Holocaust, is working
plans to beatify Pius XII. The commission members, Jewish and Catholic
alike, suspended their work three weeks ago because the Vatican has not
released all of its World War II-era archives.

Gumpel defended Pius' action in the letter, saying material made available
to the historians showed that Pius made every possible effort to save as
many lives as possible, without any distinction.

We hope and assume that Father Gumpel does not express the official views
of the Vatican, said Reich.

The historians, who were appointed by the Vatican and Reich's group in 1999
to examine Pius' actions, released a preliminary report in October. They
described a pope bent on fruitless diplomacy as reports of atrocities
into the Vatican. The historians said at the time that questions still
needed to be answered before they could issue a final report. They
hope that the Vatican would open up the archives of the Holy See's
correspondences to fill in the gaps in the 12 volumes of wartime documents
provided by the Vatican.

Gumpel said, however, he had met with the group and answered some of their
questions and offered to answer the rest at another session, but that this
was ignored.

It was therefore disconcerting, he said, that in the following months some
Jewish members in the group had systematically affirmed that they never
received answers to their questions.

Reich accused Gumpel yesterday of prevarication, saying that he had met
with the commission only once, gave it limited time, and refused a second

Gumpel said it was false that the Vatican does not intend to open up its
archives, saying this will be done as soon as they are ready.
J2 The Vatican pulled this one before. They refused to release the
Dead Sea Scrolls for study by all schollars. They kept those locked up
for half a century.
Gumpel said several, though not all, of the Jewish members of the
had publicly spread the suspicion that the Holy See was trying to hide
documents that in their judgment could be compromising. He did not give
their names. Gumpel said the panel's work had failed as a result of
irresponsible actions by some of its members.

A New York Jewish leader was working behind the scenes last night to get
historical commission back to work, using contacts with Archbishop Walter
Casper, Gumpel's superior, to settle the affair.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Capitalism at work: America the Beautiful and it's 8 trillion economy.

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

America's Torrent of Need

Nearly 30% of the nation's families with children simply can't make ends
meet. So why are the government's poverty numbers so rosy?

Barbara Ehrenreich is the author, most recently, of Nickel and Dimed: On
(Not) Getting By In America.

August 5 2001

WASHINGTON -- The view from the White House, not to mention much of Capitol
Hill, is idyllic. True, there are a few blotches on the landscape--a queasy
stock market and what conservatives see as a long-running deterioration of
America's core moral values. But other than that, what's to complain?
Americans are gratefully cashing in their tax rebates to redo the kitchen
counters or pay off some credit card bills. Welfare reform has been
declared a universal success, with over 60% of former recipients making
their own way in the job market. Unemployment is yesterday's problem, and
the official poverty rate has reached a comfortingly low 12%. But look more
closely and the scenery appears a whole lot less pleasant. On July 24, the
Washington D.C.-based Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released a report
showing that 29% of American families with young children--precisely the
sort of families that policymakers say they are most concerned about--do
not earn enough to live at any acceptable level of comfort and security.
The EPI researchers got to this appallingly high number by calculating the
basic--make that very basic--budget a family needs to live on. They figured
in essentials like housing, food, clothing, health insurance,
transportation, childcare and utilities, but no meals out, vacations,
movies, cigarettes, beer or other routine middle-class indulgences. And
even then, they found that nearly a third of American families can't make
ends meet. Things the more affluent take for granted--like Internet access,
video rentals and saving for retirement--are almost impossible luxuries.

But they get by, don't they? Not exactly. EPI researchers looked carefully
at data on families who earn less than the basic budget, which amounts to
$33,511 for a family of four. More than 70% of these families worry about
food, sometimes miss rent payments or have to rely on an emergency room for
their medical care. Nearly 30% report facing far more dire hardships:
having to miss meals, foregoing needed medical care, being evicted from
their housing.

In a purely selfish way, I'm relieved by all this statistical bad news: At
least it wasn't just me. While researching my recent book, Nickel and
Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, I spent a total of three months, in
three different cities, attempting to support myself on the wages I could
earn as an entry-level worker--as a waitress, a hotel housekeeper, a maid
with a housecleaning service, a nursing home aide and a Wal-Mart floor
clerk. I found that I could not make ends meet, not with one job anyway. I
averaged $7 an hour, an amount which fell tragically short of my bare-bone
expenses--gas, food and, above all, rent.

My coworkers had various strategies for coping. Many of them, of course,
shared expenses with another breadwinner--a husband, boyfriend or grown
child. A surprisingly high number worked more than one job--typically an
8-hour shift followed by a 6-hour one--an arrangement that is utterly
destructive to family life as well as health and stamina. Most passed on
company health insurance, simply because they couldn't afford to pay the
employee contribution, which was often well over $100 a month. Possibly
some of them received help from the government in the form of food stamps
or the earned income tax credit, although I never once heard these programs

Some of my co-workers were clearly not coping. I worked alongside people
who turned out to be homeless, although in the peculiar hierarchy of
poverty, they didn't consider themselves homeless as long as they had a van
or a car to sleep in. Others were not getting enough to eat, and not, as I
first imagined, because they were dieting. Lunch, in low-wage America, can
mean a small-size bag of Doritos or a few hot dog rolls.

What my experience shows anecdotally, and the EPI's Hardships in America
report shows far more systematically, is that we've been fooling ourselves
with the official poverty level, now pegged at $17,463 for a family of
four. That number is still calculated by the archaic method of taking the
bare-bones cost of food for a family of a given size and multiplying this
number by three. Yet food is relatively inflation-proof, at least compared
to medical care and housing costs. Rents especially have gone through the
roof: I found a half-size trailer renting in Florida for $625 a month, a
room in a genuinely creepy Minneapolis residential motel for $250 a week.

There's another reason for our leaders' inability to see the true extent of
economic misery in America. They're used to thinking of poverty as a
consequence of unemployment. Hence, for example, 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Mex. Farmers March Against Free Trade]

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Mex. Farmers March Against Free Trade
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:11:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Eisenscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

August 8, 2001
Mexican Farmers Demand Subsidies
Filed at 4:38 p.m. ET

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Thousands of farmers marched through the Mexican
capital Wednesday demanding subsidies and a halt to free trade -- posing
the most direct challenge yet to President Vicente Fox's 8-month-old

The march, on Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata's birthday, was a show
of force for the ``old Mexico,'' opposed to the new, entrepreneurial nation
that the businessman Fox has promised.

The protesters' rhetoric harkened back to Zapata's 1910-1917 Revolution,
which created the communal farms that served as the political backbone of
the former ruling party, whose 71-year reign Fox ended in last year's

Young and old marched in a sea of straw hats and baseball caps, cowboy
boots and dusty tennis shoes. Families with small children armed with toy
noisemakers joined men and women waving banners reading ``United States
out'' and ``Fox means misery.''

``Fox sees the values of the revolution as history, the past,'' said
Constantino Canstaneda, a 36-year-old tomato farmer who took a 10-hour bus
ride from central Zacatecas state to participate in the protest.

``But I see the revolution in the land I work every day and in the faces of
my children who will grow up to be farmers and have even less than I have

Streams of farmers chanted ``Zapata Lives! The struggle continues!'' as
they fanned out across the world's second-largest city to blockade
government offices and shut down a half-dozen major boulevards.

``Rural Mexico could explode,'' said protest organizer Alvaro Lopez Rios,
leader of the Agrarian Congress farm group. ``This could take us to the
edge of anarchy.''

While march organizers said more than 5,000 farmers participated,
Wednesday's turnout was lower than the tens of thousands promised by labor
unions. A number of separate marches cut slow, disorganized paces through
the city and, as the day wore on, some protesters used their banners to
shield themselves from the unrelenting afternoon sun.

The farmers are suffering from a prolonged drought that has withered crops
in northern Mexico and low prices for coffee, basic grains, sugar and
tropical cash crops like bananas.

They complained that Fox has abandoned any pretense at making Mexico
self-sufficient in food production, something to which the former ruling
party at least paid lip service -- largely to ensure farmers' political

``With the trade opening and in the framework of globalization, the
government took the easy way out, saying, 'It's easier to buy cheap imports
than to support expensive domestic production,''' Lopez Rios said.

Fox drew the battle lines sharply Tuesday, when he encouraged farmers to
modernize, adopt new crops and rely less on government. He said he wanted
to end ``corruption, paternalism, political favoritism and bureaucracy'' in
farm policy.

But he showed no sign of stepping away from the two things that angered
protesters most: his commitment to free-trade agreements that have let in
cheap foreign grain and his close relationship with the United States.

``The United States and Canada protect their farmers with tariffs and
subsidies,'' Martin Altorre, a 51-year-old banana and sugarcane farmer from
southern Morelos state, said at a protest at Mexico City's Revolution monument.

``In Mexico, the farmers are getting hit hard, and Fox likes that.''

Fox said Mexico doesn't have the money to compete in a subsidy race with
developed countries, and that farmers should leave behind corn and change
to crops where they have an advantage -- like the winter-vegetable exports
that made Fox's family wealthy.

Fox's administration says past policies encouraged farmers to waste scarce
irrigation water on marginal land and to cut down the nation's forests. He
has offered to clear up Mexico's historic land-title problems so farmers
can qualify for loans to modernize. But such measures may also tend to
break up communal farms, whose owners were only recently allowed individual
titles to their lots.

Such policies may prove difficult to implement in a country where corn is
king and small farms are viewed as the prized legacy of the revolution,
where ``socialist agricultural schools'' dot the countryside and the
19th-century agrarian movement still holds fast.

``This is not old Mexico against modern Mexico. This is Mexico's brain
telling Mexico's heart it's no longer needed,'' said Juan Sanchez, a
38-year-old wheat farmer from northern Durango state.

``Farming got this country where it is, and it will take Mexico into the

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

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Re: [CTRL] Vatican speaks out against Holocaust

2001-08-09 Thread Nurev Ind.
.  But then no one
  except the Jews who were killed, at least not for much to some.
  And that may be YOUR 'real' question but it does not address what
  is being done right NOW concerning this DEMAND for records and
  CURRENT smear campaign.  Are you stating that this is justified
  some sort of vengeance?  Then why was this undertaken with the
  Vatican in the first place?
  I have read everything that you have stated many times before but
  not even YOUR stating it makes me 'know' it.


 I can prove everything I stated. But I don't want to deal with this
 right now
 because there are more important things happening.

  I do think there is
  some truth in what you say happened but as for your wild
  accusations that Hitler was a Catholic, etc. that is your opinion
  only and really not possible.  He may have been reared a Catholic
  but that does not mean me was one until his death for there are
  conditions involved which you choose to ignore.

 He often bragged about his Catholic upbringing and how much it
 his greatness.

  I believe mass
  killings would be sufficient to get one excommunicated.

 But he WASN'T excommunicated was he? Ever. How come?

  That means
  one is no longer a Catholic, doesn't it? I also do not think
  was under the control of the Pope at the time, either.

 Hitler was never under the control of the Pope. No one said he was.

  Are you
  suggesting that he was? Or that the Pope had powers grater than
  the Allied forces?

 The Pope contributed Vatican moneys to Hitler and the Nazi Party.
 are the records the Vatican doesn't want anyone to see. Among

  That he could have some how stopped it all but
  refused because he was 'in on it' and approved?   As for your
  'revenge' philosophy, remember not all religions are centered
  around that principle. It is well known that the Vatican was
  involved in various people escaping Germany after WWII.  What is

 It is NOT well known. I don't know any Catholics who are aware of

  Is this information the REAL reason for the Jewish
  participation in this project?  To find out any details on what
  have been done to any Jews and Jews only?

 I don't know. But even if that's true, so what?

  Your comments demonstrate perfectly the one-sided perception of
  problem.  It was to have been a JOINT effort directed at the
  committed against BOTH Catholics and Jews and others.  Nothing
  being 'hidden' and I think, unlike you, that the deaths of
  Catholics and many others were just as much a crime as the deaths
  of Jews.

 Of course it is. No one says differently. Jews are interested in
 Jewish part of this history. Gypsies are interested in the Gypsy
 of this history. Serbs are interested in the Serbian parts of this
 This doesn't mean that the rest don't count.

  The Vatican does not have to share anything and I
  certainly hope that they will not until all life lost in the
  Holocaust is shown equal respect.

 It doesn't matter what excuse you make for them not releasing the
 They'll never do it. They can't.

  It is the current Pope and not
  Pius under attack.  One Pope is as good as another to blame, eh?

 Do you think that anyone who suffered at the hands of the Nazis is
 to let the Vatican get away with beatifying Pius12?

 What a stupid thing to do. His actions are still in the living
 memory of
 millions of people. There are documentary records all over the
 place. There
 are living witnesses who worked in the Vatican at the time and have

 This wouldn't be so important if the Vatican was just trying to
 cover up

 This is one of the dumbest moves they ever made. They should have
 waited for
 a few more hundred years like they did for Joan of Arc.

  - Original Message -
  From: Nurev Ind. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:13 PM

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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