Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-29 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

By all State / National / International comparative achievement tests
performed over the past 30 years.

Which ones? Be specific or we may justifiably assume that you are making
it up.

I am not going to reinvent the wheel. These are basic facts well known
to anyone who does even a cursory review.

Again you make no sense. For every kid no longer attending Govt School
LESS public money is spent.

That’s exactly what I said.  Each school gets its allotment of funds
based on the number of students enrolled. Every time one leaves, the
school gets less money.

Try and understand this. If there is a finite amount of public funds available for
public schools and a substantial proportion of kids leave Govt Schools to attend
private schools at less per pupil cost.then there is more money available for those
who remain in Govt Schools.

Obviously if it costs $10,000 taxpayer dollars to  pay for one kid for
one year of Govt School...

Doe it? Or did you make that figure up?

In 1998 Wash. DC spent $10,000 per pupil. The amount is similiar in
most major urban areas. NYC spends about $9000.

And what do you mean by “Govt”? Do you mean federal, local or a
combination? This is crucial, because without federal money, kids in
poor school districts are condemned to an education inferior to kids in
rich school districts. Is that what you are proposing?

"Govt Schools" are non private schools. Schools supported by taxpayer funds.
You obviously have no knowledge about the funding of Govt Schools.
 90% is State and Local funded. Most of the direct costs are based on the
 local property tax.

If the kid costing the public $10,000 per  year to attend Govt School
gets a $5000 voucher to attend a private school of  his/her choice -

And if pigs had wings, they fly. When, where and by whom has that figure
been proposed? Be specific.

The recent voucher initiative in Calif. mandated $4000 per pupil per voucher
per year. In any event, the best voucher system would allocate at least 60%
amount per pupil that Govt Schools allocate.

Then it saves the taxpayers $5000. (This is simple math - easy  to
understand - unless you attended Govt School).

Which taxes are you talking about, local, federal or a combination
thereof? Be specific.

I am not speaking to "taxes." I am speaking to costs per student.

Are you factoring in the loss of tax money incurred when even more
poorly educated citizens find themselves able to earn even less taxable
income? You should, because that’s what is going to happen if even more
money is withdrawn from “failing” schools. It makes about as much sense
as the long discredited medical practice of bleeding a sick person to
make them well, and is based on precisely the same principles, ignorance
and stupidity.

Again you make no sense. Under a voucher system, no money is "withdrawn" from
public schools on a net /net basis. Less kids with more money proportionately allocated
means more money in the aggregate.

Are you also factoring in the cost to the taxpayers of warehousing
people in prison when they turn to crime because they didn’t get a good
enough education to make a decent honest living.

More irrationality. One reason there are so many millions doing time is because
of the failure of Govt Schools - not because of some yet to be devised voucher

For someone who claims to be educated, you certainly are making a
simplistic analysis. What’s the matter, didn't anybody ever teach you
how to think things through?

I let this comment speak for itself.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-29 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

By your logic, if it is alright for government to give vouchers to buy
one commodity it should be alright to give vouchers to buy any
commodity. Where’s my Sharper Image shopping voucher? Why aren’t
you agitating for that?

I agree. But since we have institutionalized a system where Govt usurps citizens
funds to pay for so called public education... a voucher system is an improvement
over the failed system now in place.

Cost per pupil should not even be considered. Education is a right.

Education is not a "right." Every parent has a duty to educate his/her
offspring. Govt should not steal people's money to force
them to pay for other's parental responsibilities.

You obviously have no understanding of poverty, probably because
you’ve  never been poor or spent very much time around poor people

How the hell would you have any idea about my background.
Making such an assumption proves you are a shallow thinker.

Selfishness is a social disease. Its carriers should be quarantined.

  More ignorance. Selfeshness is a human survival trait that has evolved
  over millions of years of evolution. It can be a positive or negative trait
  based on the circumstances. It is no more a "disease" then anger, lust,
  hunger or sadness.

And what do you mean “supporters”? it seems to me that if anybody is
going to wind up supporting vouchers it’s we taxpayers. That means that
some of my money will effectively be taken from my by threat of force
and given to religious schools. This in intolerable.

Now you are starting to "get it." I agree that is is "intolerable" to "take"
your money "by threat of force" whether it is given to religious schools
or Govt Schools.

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities, and from rural America, have
been destroyed by poverty. Blaming it on the schools is a distraction
from the real source of the problem.

Poverty is much less a problem then "infantilization" and "victimization"
Being poor does not mean one has a license to be a dysfunctional, irresponsible
parent or person. It is gross elitism to equate low income with dysfunctionality.

Are you even aware that you are contradicting yourself when you blame
what’s wrong with education on the “Corporate State” and then propose
that we turn to corporate schools to fix it

I never suggested we turn to "corporate schools" to fix anything. Where any parent
wants to send his/her kid to school is their business. Anyone who does not
realize that our current Govt School System is a creature of the Corporate State
is either naive, ignorant or deluded.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-29 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
 cannot be taken seriously.

i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be scaled
 down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others need to
 be removed. you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

I am an Alphabetical Fundamentalist but I will defend to the death your
right to ignore the Upper Case...and my right not to take such writing


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] inri Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-29 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Very briefly, let me see if I can better explain what I
tried to say in this post.  The problem you describe is a
compound problem not a complex one. Compound is large made
up of many simple.  Complex is a problem in which the
solution to one aspect creates another problem of equal or
greater proportion.  The school issue in this country is
very complex.

My post was meant to be one person's experience.  Combine
many of those and you will have many pieces of a bigger
picture.  My experience would not be like that of others as
there is no uniformity of education.  It varies from state
to state and even school district to district.  There are a
few over-riding basics, however, making transfer from system
to system possible, etc.I do NOT want you to believe
anything specific but to gather information which you seem
to be doing and THEN decide, not before.

You are correct.  My statement that ALL the major cities
have black mayors and chiefs of police is a vast
over-generalization.  I tend to do that if the detail
involved is irrelevant to the point I am trying to make
which is that blacks have about as much self-determination
as others.  The mayors of Atlanta, Birmingham, Jackson are
usually black. But my point was also, why are non-blacks
leaving the cities for the suburbs and even beyond?  That is
how the black mayors always come to be elected--the
non-blacks have moved beyond the voting districts.  Why is
that? Also, I should have used non-black in reference to
other students as there were a large number of Asians
(Indian and Oriental) also present.  Now I wonder why
parents to not mind their kids attending with Asians if they
are just racists?  I cannot remember in 16 years of having a
child in school a disciplinary incident involving violence
and an Asian student.  Don't know what that means exactly
but that is what happened.  Caucasians would have been
second after Blacks, interestingly enough.

Also, as to the poverty issue, go to the US 2000 census
website and check out incomes.  Black families that stay
together now have 87% of the income that whites do on
average.  That is fairly close and a 12% difference should
not account for vast feelings of entitlement, abuse, etc.

So what I was getting at is that if a certain group
encounters massive avoidance or the desire to do so from all
other ethnic groups, they might want to do a little
self-examination and see if they are contributing to this
reaction.  The social engineering is at play here to
constantly divide and upset and if possible, frighten.  It
worked in the 60's so it seems they will give it a try

I attended half my lower education in segregation and half
integrated schools.  We did NOT have these problems but that
long ago when people were far more civil. The level of anger
and frustration is kept at an all time high now and the old
worn out race card is being played yet again.  All of my
life, I have tried to respect and help blacks in every way
because of the social injustices I felt they had endured.  I
have awakened to find half the basketball team (the black
ones) sleeping all over my house many Sat. mornings, allowed
my home to be used as an extended locker room during
tournaments, bought sports shoes for sports my kids did not
even play, etc. as best I was able and have gone out of my
way to be kind and certainly fair to black people.  However,
because I am blonde/blue and born in the deep South, I am
now termed a racist no matter what I may have done.  This is
the latest trend a la Ashcroft, et al.The facts do not
matter as a witch hunt is afoot.  Blacks are being baited by
Jesse and Sharpton, et al into believing they are being
mistreated and as a result, any real injustices are
exaggerated, etc. for these hucksters to make money and the
got has a nice problem to solve for us sheople.  Create the
problem then fix it.  As for a white supremacist household,
well, if I could pull that off being the only white with
three Hispanic males, one Hispanic female and now a
Vietnamese fiancée, I would indeed BE superior but alas, I
remain only as domestic slave. :) Oh, well, such is life.
- Original Message -
From: "inri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re:
[CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

 -Caveat Lector-

  Er, inri, my children are Hispanic.

 assuming you are a real person and not a name created by
the government [you
 don't think they don't moniter these places and post their
bullshit here do
 i seem to have made an unfair assumption.
 however, hispanics can still be racists...
 and i do not apologize for slandering you as such.

 They do not utter
  racial slurs nor do I nor does any member of my family.

 i just can't argue this.

  blacks where I live often make more money than the
  There are about five counties in my state with a Black

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-29 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

fair enough.
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By
School Vouchers???

 -Caveat Lector-

  Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
  cannot be taken seriously.

 i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
 completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be
  down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others
need to
  be removed. you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

 I am an Alphabetical Fundamentalist but I will defend to the death your
 right to ignore the Upper Case...and my right not to take such writing


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

This is false. Many good quality private Catholic schools charge less
then $3000 per year. Many new start up inner city private schools now
charge less then $2500. Of course most Govt Schools now charge about
$10,000  per year.

Sources, please.

This is basic information available in any public library (or basic Net Search).

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

dumber than ever

Says who? By what standards? Cite your sources.

By all State / National / International comparative achievement tests
performed over the past 30 years.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
it costs the Government School System that much less.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
the public school (s)he left gets that much less money from the

Again you make no sense. For every kid no longer attending Govt School
LESS public money is spent. Obviously if it costs $10,000 taxpayer dollars to
pay for one kid for one year of Govt saves the taxpayers $10,000 if
that kid stops attending Govt School. If the kid costing the public $10,000 per
year to attend Govt School gets a $5000 voucher to attend a private school of
his/her choice - then it saves the taxpayers $5000. (This is simple math - easy
to understand - unless you attended Govt School).

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Taking even more money out of public education is not the answer. Taking
money out of the public education system can only make education more
iniquitous than it already is. This is the apparent, but hidden, agenda
of those who propose to do so. They are conspiring behind our backs to
widen the gap between the rich and the rest of us. The only reason this
conspiracy is not generally considered illegal is because they write the
laws. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a conspiracy.

Guess it depends on how you define "public education."
If you define it as continuing the taxpayer subsidized boondoggle
known as "public schools" - then it would be impossible to make
Govt Schools anymore "iniquitous" then the are today.

To claim that a voucher system supports a "class system" defies reality.

Nothing is more "classist" then the present Govt School System. The children
of the Elite attend excellent private schools. The children of the middle class
generally attend mediocre Govt Schools that are continually declining in the
quality of the eduation offered - at an increasing higher cost per pupil.

The children of the poor attend atrocious Govt Schools - at increasingly
higher per pupil costs. Many of the poor urban areas (Wash. D.C.) have
the HIGHEST per pupil cost then anywhere else in the country.

If you provide public funds to provide private alternatives to the
failing Govt Schools, (at less cost per pupil then Govt Schools)
you provide an opportunity for the poorest kids to have some
hope of escaping the life time sentence of underachievment.

Why do you suppose that the biggest supporters for vouchers
come from the Inner Cities? Generations of kids from the Inner
Cities have been destroyed by Govt Schools.

   But then again the Govt School System is a creation of the Corporate State.
   The supporters of the Corporate State will fight to the death to preserve it.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 in closing, i'd like to offer my apologies for bringing these arguments
 (which i tend to view similarly to an argument with a member of the flat
 earth society - i was not expecting this to be an issue here) to the list
 and my condolences for all of you unfortunate enough to live in a country
 that is backwards enough to continue to promote racism.


Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
cannot be taken seriously.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 This is basic information available in any public library (or basic
Net Search).

That's an extremely lame excuse for having posted something porported to
be fact, but  not proven. The burden of proof is on the person who
states an alleged fact. If you can't prove something, don't expect
people to believe it.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

By all State / National / International comparative achievement tests
performed over the past 30 years.

Which ones? Be specific or we may justifiably assume that you are making
it up.

Again you make no sense. For every kid no longer attending Govt School
LESS public money is spent.

That’s exactly what I said.  Each school gets its allotment of funds
based on the number of students enrolled. Every time one leaves, the
school gets less money. 

You don't seem to be comprehending what I'm saying. Perhaps you should
learn how to parse text better. A refresher course would apparently do
you good.

Obviously if it costs $10,000 taxpayer dollars to  pay for one kid for
one year of Govt School...

Does it? Or did you make that figure up?

And what do you mean by “Govt”? Do you mean federal, local or a
combination? This is crucial, because without federal money, kids in
poor school districts are condemned to an education inferior to kids in
rich school districts. Is that what you are proposing?

If the kid costing the public $10,000 per  year to attend Govt School
gets a $5000 voucher to attend a private school of  his/her choice - 

And if pigs had wings, they fly. When, where and by whom has that figure
been proposed? Be specific.

then it saves the taxpayers $5000. (This is simple math - easy  to
understand - unless you attended Govt School).

Which taxes are you talking about, local, federal or a combination
thereof? Be specific. 

Are you factoring in the loss of tax money incurred when even more
poorly educated citizens find themselves able to earn even less taxable
income? You should, because that’s what is going to happen if even more
money is withdrawn from “failing” schools. It makes about as much sense
as the long discredited medical practice of bleeding a sick person to
make them well, and is based on precisely the same principles, ignorance
and stupidity.

Are you also factoring in the cost to the taxpayers of warehousing
people in prison when they turn to crime because they didn’t get a good
enough education to make a decent honest living.

For someone who claims to be educated, you certainly are making a
simplistic analysis. What’s the matter, didn't anybody ever teach you
how to think things through?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Nothing is more "classist" then the present Govt School System. The
children  of the Elite attend excellent private schools. The children of
the middle class generally attend mediocre Govt Schools that are
continually declining in the  quality of the eduation offered - at an
increasing higher cost per pupil.

As you have just illustrated, America’s school system is classist, not
because it is a “Government School System,” but because it is a
combination of public and private. The classism results, not from the
public, but from the private component. The rich get better education
because they can afford to pay more.  Vouchers will not change this. The
commodification of education will not change this. If anything, it will
make it worse. Private education sells the same way any commodity sells.
Some people shop at K-Mart and some people shop at Sharper Image. This
is not a free choice on their parts. It dictated by economic reality.
Should some kids get a K-Mart education while other kids get a Sharper
Image education? That’s the issue here.

By your logic, if it is alright for government to give vouchers to buy
one commodity it should be alright to give vouchers to buy any
commodity. Where’s my Sharper Image shopping voucher? Why aren’t you
agitating for that?

Cost per pupil should not even be considered. Education is a right. It
should not matter what it costs. Whatever it costs is worth it. This is
the philosophy applied to “defense” spending. Why not apply it to
education? What’s good for America is good for America, right? Or are
you saying that quality education is not as good for America as a
bloated and redundant military?

We have the the resources to make public schools be better than even the
very best private schools. Instead we squander them on providing the
corporations, especially the oil companies, with a private army with
which to enforce their predation.

If you provide public funds to provide private alternatives to the
failing Govt Schools, (at less cost per pupil then Govt Schools)  you
provide an opportunity for the poorest kids to have some  hope of
escaping the life time sentence of underachievment.

Even with vouchers, the poorest kids would not be able to afford private
school. You obviously have no understanding of poverty, probably because
you’ve  never been poor or spent very much time around poor people. I
suggest that you educate yourself a little about the subject before you
make an even bigger fool of yourself spouting off about things you know
nothing about. Do a field study. Do some community service. Volunteer at
a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen. Get to know some of these people.
Get to know what their lives are like. Then come back here and talk
about poverty. In the meantime, quite frankly, you’re just blowing hot

Not only that, but if you have never done any community service, it is
extremely likely that you don’t really care about poor people. Yet now
you suddenly profess great concern with the education of their kids. I
strongly suspect that you don’t give a flying rat’s *ss about poor
people or their kids, except as pawns in the promotion of your own
agenda.  If you really cared so much about poor kids’ education you’d be
volunteering as an after school tutor. All you seem to really care about
is your own wallet. Anything that might save you a buck is a good thing.
Selfishness is a social disease. Its carriers should be quarantined.

Why do you suppose that the biggest supporters for vouchers  come from
the Inner Cities? 

Oh really? Do you know these people personally? Name ten of them. Tell
us how to get in touch with them so we can  contact them and find out if
they exist or if you just made them up. 

And what -exactly- do you mean by “biggest”? Do you mean loudest? Or do
you mean most widely reported by the corporate media?

And what do you mean “supporters”? it seems to me that if anybody is
going to wind up supporting vouchers it’s we taxpayers. That means that
some of my money will effectively be taken from my by threat of force
and given to religious schools. This in intolerable.

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities have been destroyed by Govt

Generations of kids from the Inner  Cities, and from rural America, have
been destroyed by poverty. Blaming it on the schools is a distraction
from the real source of the problem.

But then again the Govt School System is a creation of the Corporate
State. The supporters of the Corporate State will fight to the death to
preserve it.

Are you even aware that you are contradicting yourself when you blame
what’s wrong with education on the “Corporate State” and then propose
that we turn to corporate schools to fix it? If not, you really ought to
go back to school and take Logic 101, because your reasoning abilities
appear to be severely impaired.  If you are aware of this contradiction,
and continue to profess it, you are a hypocrite. So tell us, which is
it? Are 

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Burden of Proof Nessie?

This is a Conspiracy Theory list...the Pope still believes the sun
travels about the earth - in the circuit of othe heavens.

This is a Conspiracy Theory List.speculation, based on facts, is
still theory.

As of late Einstein's "theory" is being challenged which original idea
was credited to Newton, but nobody cares about that.and further it
is said Einstein stole his theory in part from an Italian?

I have a conspiracy theory and in fact, on my copyright when asked for
new material, I stated it was the conspiracy theory that was new and
copyrighted my bible calendar code way back in late 60 period but I
copyrighted the theory.

You ask people to prove everything they say?   My work according to
Henry Regnary, a man named Domick Abel, was extremely provocative, and
highly original.for I claimed the Mafia got JFK, RFK, and tried to
get Teddy based on a bible code used as communications which also was
linked to sabotage and KGB.

Poked a little fun at the masons - but then so did Charles Manson in

Haven't you ever figured out yet what the Masons really are other than
patriots in this country who serve one master, now two and that is why
Bnai Brith a masonic order not affiliated with American Masonic order
unless they arenot accepted, and black masons - some think are not to be
trusted, for they serve foreign masters such as Zionism and KGB?

Refer to KGB founding their own KKK while people like the Walker spies
and Pollard took money to sell out this country and the name of the game
is treason.

Want a patriot, find an American Mason - and you do find bad lower
degree Masons and moles for this order at the top you will find the

So losers who have nothing want communism or nationalism - yet all have
chance to improve themselves with or without school vouchers.

A good IQ helps, but it does not take a nucleara physicist to build a
cathedral or sewage system or lay the foundation of a takes
real men for after all, we cannot all be computer "geniuses" can we?
Have to learn to type first.


As George Washington said when he needed someone he could trust - find
me a Mason.
but watch out for those English Masons or Mossad Bnai Brith and ADl
Masons or KGB Masons who are on to the fact that KKK uses Masonic
Rituals as did King - who was a Black Mason in cahoots with communists.

Would prefer to be ruled by a King or Queen than have a Jessie Jackson
or a Lieberman or a Gore attemp to "rule" over me, which they could
never do for only thing I respect, is intelligence acd the higher up the
ladder you find it, well America was made great by the Giants not the
Zionists for you see what Zionism has done to this country.

Can I prove all this?   Why the hell should I for this is a conspiracy
list, but I have plenty of documentation to prove that under Clinton and
Gore, this country was being taken for a all you pore folk
out there who want a communist in office, had already had one - Clinton
= only he stole from the poor and gave to himself, like his ole buddies
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

And toss in Waco for entertainment for that is show biz.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  in closing, i'd like to offer my apologies for bringing these arguments
  (which i tend to view similarly to an argument with a member of the flat
  earth society - i was not expecting this to be an issue here) to the
  and my condolences for all of you unfortunate enough to live in a
  that is backwards enough to continue to promote racism.

 Anyone who doesn't know enough to capitalize "I"
 cannot be taken seriously.

oh.and those who promote segregation can?

a closer look at my past posts to this list will show that i also refuse to
capitalize the beginning of sentences, proper names, etc unless i happen to
have done so by accident or i am capitalizing an entire word. i apologize
for any unnecessary capitalization.

why? because i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be scaled
down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others need to
be removed.

you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

and, yes, i am a socialist.
the root of all conspiracy in the world for the last 100+ years has been
wall street.
nazism, communism, fascism are all products of capitalism - they were all
created to take over various parts of the world and funded by american
capitalist interests.
why hasn't there been major conflict since WWII?
because the major populations of the world - russia, america, europe, china,
etc - have all been under the control of the same murderering capitalist
wall street puppet- masters.

the cia would you like you to believe it's in the process of bringing
fascism to america and has been since paperclip.
the reality is that it's in the process of exporting american style
fascism/capitalism to the rest of the world and has been since at least
teddy roosevelt.

i'm working on a rather large book that will attempt to prove this.
i'll send all who are interested a free copy when i'm done.most likely
in 5-10 years or so.

np: [(deny - avoid) + expose]everything = enlightenment

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 This is a Conspiracy Theory list...the Pope still believes the sun
 travels about the earth - in the circuit of othe heavens.

the pope also believes that some dude rose from the dead. talk about

 As of late Einstein's "theory" is being challenged which original idea
 was credited to Newton, but nobody cares about that.and further it
 is said Einstein stole his theory in part from an Italian?

i seem to have missed where this came from, but for your sake, i REALLY hope
you're not talking about gallileo.

so all you pore folk
 out there who want a communist in office, had already had one -

last time i checked, clinton was heavily funded by the harriman family:

heirs to the largest investment firm in the world
buddies of the bush's, rockefellers, etc from way back when

why would the richest people in the world build clinton up into a nice
puppet if he was a closet communist and out to get them the whole time?
better yet, why would they keep paying him?
this doesn't makes any sense, man.

but let's pretend it does.
if clinton is a commie then his puppet-masters must be right?
well, if the harrimans are such commies, why would they hang around with the
bush's.who everybody knows are either fascists or true americans
[synonymous] UNLESS

you voted for a commie!

inri (who realizes that none of them are communists but would really
appreciate it if y'all thought this shit through before you posted)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 Er, inri, my children are Hispanic.

assuming you are a real person and not a name created by the government [you
don't think they don't moniter these places and post their bullshit here do
i seem to have made an unfair assumption.
however, hispanics can still be racists...
and i do not apologize for slandering you as such.

They do not utter
 racial slurs nor do I nor does any member of my family.

i just can't argue this.

 blacks where I live often make more money than the whites.
 There are about five counties in my state with a Black
 MAJORITY population.


All major cities in the south have
 black mayors and chiefs of police as do many large cities in
 this country.

ALL major cities in the south have black mayors AND chiefs of police?
now this is an interesting statistic!

and you wonder why i'm skeptical about what you say.

Your "superior" education has enabled you to
 utter simplistic solutions to a very complex problem.

a complex problem is merely the sum of many simple problems.
simple problems have simple solutions.
this is the problem solving approach taught here.
so, yes, you are correct.

 the causation of problems in the US educational system, it
 is much more complex than those  to which you attribute it.
 I assure you if it were as simple and clear-cut as you seem
 to think, we could solve it.

is it really complex?
or is faux complexity a means to prevent solutions?
is complexity a reality or an illusion?

 As I said originally, you
 cannot grasp the situation from there.

that is one point of view.
i prefer to take the one that a step back puts things in proper perspective.

however, as a slightly different answer to this earlier reveals: this
really, really is a subjective point.

As a parent, I doubt
 you would be willing to 'sacrifice' your child in the causes
 you state.


I do not care if I am called a racist any more
 because of the ignorance of the people who use that as an
 excuse and refuse to place any of the blame on those causing
 the element of criminality to flourish in public schools.

i believe that my earlier response admitted that blacks do indeed commit
some crimes.
and i do not believe i ever stated that they were not responsible for their
i did, however, attenpt to attack a larger evil - the root of the problem.
in reality, you're the one using racism as an excuse not to look at the real

could i get a yea or nay from an iimpartial observer as to whether or not
this was what came out of the first email i sent through?

 P. S. With our inferior educational system I wonder why so
 many Canadians were enrolled in my older son's University,
 Georgetown, which is by the way both private and religiously

please think about this for a second.
what do you think?
if you're ready for the answer then scroll down..

university is not funded by the public  georgetown is a very well known

many, many highly intelligent canadians emigrate to the united states in
search of larger incomes, a better economy, less social responsibility and
lower taxes.
in other words? the answer is greed.
america IS the best place in the world to live if you're filthy rich or have
the potential to become so.

several canadian agencies have done multiple studies on this phenomenon -
they dub it the 'brain drain':


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-28 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 why? because i believe in a classless alphabet; or, at the very least,
 completely classless words. those of the upper cases need to be scaled
 down - their powers to speak before and stand taller than the others need to
 be removed.

 you could call me an alphabetical egalitarianist.

WOW! First, some feminists insisted on spelling woman "womyn" to get "man" out
of it now this! The things we can do with the written word.

 i'm working on a rather large book that will attempt to prove this.
 i'll send all who are interested a free copy when i'm done.most likely
 in 5-10 years or so.

Your publisher may insist on some capitalization. In any event, put me on the
free book list.


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

Gee, most good private schools charge upward of $10-15,000 a
year per student. What good is a $1,500 voucher going to do to get
kids into "good" private schools?

And where will the country be when its children know their Bible
but can't study science because it contradicts their belief in

All basic education is about 1.) teaching basic skills such as the
three Rs and b.) teaching "facts."

Except for certain established areas of science and math, "facts"
are open to interpretation. You can call this propaganda if you wish.
Then you get down to which propaganda you prefer: church or state.
Even within church and state groups there are areas of violent
disagreement when it comes to the "facts." There have been wars
and massacres around interpreting religious "fact."

Will either group teach young people how to think critically and
draw their own conclusions? That educational focus is exceedingly
rare, even at highest levels of education.

$1,500 vouchers has to be a bogus argument.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Why do people equate "[educating] every single member to the greatest
extent of their ability" with maintaining the current public school
fiasco in many cities?

I don't. I do, however, recognize that taking money away from an already
cash strapped system will only make it worse.

This is Government School propaganda and makes no sense.
Money is not the basic problem. Wash DC spends about $10,000 per
kid and they are dumber then ever.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school, it costs
the Government School System that much less. The amount of the vouchers
is less then the per kid Government School subsidy.

An alternative to Government Schools scares the hell out of the NEA
and the huge gaggle of high paid Govt School Bureacrats.

The fact that EVERY Senator and Congresscritter sends his little darling
to private school says it all. The fact that PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS
send their kids to private school at a higher proportion then the general
population says it even louder. They use the Govt School System to earn
a living off the taxpayer but would never send their kids there.

The Govt School System is the greatest boondoggle ever devised by man.
EDD U KA SHUN has replaced the phony Cold War as the new taxpayer
rip off.

Why should I be happy about my tax dollars supporting such an

What you should be unhappy about is that the tax money that could fix
the schools is being spent by the Pentagon on weapons for a war that
ended ten years ago.

I'm sure the government does many things with your tax money that you
consider criminal or immoral; I find the perpetuation and protection of
failing tax-funded schools to be one of these things. We're depriving
many, many people of the basic level of literacy needed to function.

What, and spending even less money on their education will make it
better!?! Gimme a break.

So when you have an idea on how the public schools can educate people
to the fullest extent of their ability in Detroit, and Philly, and
Oakland, and
  Atlanta, and Baltimore, and Newark, and many other places, you let us

Hire more, better teachers. Buy better books and equipment. Build new
school buildings. Stop wasting the money on weapons for a war that's
been over ten years.

 We've tried showering them with money and that does not work.

No, we have not. The buildings are crumbling, the books out of date and
the classes are crowded. Meanwhile, we spend money on weapons for a war
that's been over for ten years. The pentagon sucks on this country's
neck. Spend half the Pentagon budget on education and we'll see an end
to the education crisis. Spend the other half on infrastructure. We
don't NEED and army. We ARE an army. There are eighty million armed
Americans. If anybody invades, we can kill them ourselves. The military
we have now is not for defense of the American people or of American
soil; it's for advancing the overseas interests of the corporations. To
make the corporations even richer, we are robbing our children of their

I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
where I greu up.

The ones who taught you to spell?

I don't think I'm selfish, shortsighted, or brainwashed (well how would
I know  if I was brainwashed?)

That's the real problem. Selfishness is not a natural part of the human
condition. It's an aberration that has been nurtured, fostered and
promoted by our rulers, in part through their control of the educational
process. You went to a private school. Of course they taught you to look
down on public schools. That’s how they make their living.

I'm simply observing a disaster, expressing how I think it's robbing
and cheating so many people, and also voicing my opposition to  funding
such a thing.

It is not funding, but lack of funding, that is at the root of the

Let me give but a single example. My son graduated in 1986 from one of
the better public high schools in the Bay Area. My SO taught biology at
the same school that year, so I spent a lot of time at the place and got
to know it pretty well. I read my son’s text books. The geography books
were from 1961, before the era of decolonization. Dozens of countries
weren’t even listed. His American history book was from 1976. It
contained two (count ‘em, TWO) sentences on Viet Nam. They were both
lies. My SO regularly spent from her own meager salary to buy necessary
supplies for her class. I personally bought supplies for her class. The
ceiling tiles were hanging loose and you could see the asbestos
particles floating in the air when the sun came through the window at
the right angle. Half of the science department had active cases of
cancer that year.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, those tax-and-spend Democrats were
sitting on their hands while the borrow-and-spend Republicans were
putting my as yet unborn great grand children into debt to buy 

Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Gee, most good private schools charge upward of $10-15,000 a
 year per student. What good is a $1,500 voucher going to do to get
 kids into "good" private schools?

This is false. Many good quality private Catholic schools charge less then
$3000 per year. Many new start up inner city private schools now charge
less then $2500. Of course most Govt Schools now charge about $10,000
per year.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

This is false. Many good quality private Catholic schools charge less
then $3000 per year. Many new start up inner city private schools now
charge less then $2500. Of course most Govt Schools now charge about
$10,000  per year.

Sources, please.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

dumber than ever

Says who? By what standards? Cite your sources.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
it costs the Government School System that much less.

For every kid that leaves Government School to attend private school,
the public school (s)he left gets that much less money from the

The amount of the vouchers  is less then the per kid Government School

Then how can they possibly buy better education?

An alternative to Government Schools scares the hell out of the NEA
and the huge gaggle of high paid Govt School Bureacrats.

(1.) That’s a separate issue.

(2.) A guy who can’t even spell “bureaucrats” has a lot of nerve
criticizing how they do their job, or for that matter, pontificating on

The fact that EVERY Senator and Congresscritter sends his little
darling  to private school says it all. 

Assuming that’s even true (you haven’t cited a source), all that says is
that they are rich. Rich kids get a better education. This is not
because the government runs public schools. This is intrinsic to a
classist society. The rich get better everything. 

The fact that PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS send their kids to private school
at a higher proportion then the general population says it even louder.
They use the Govt School System to earn  a living off the taxpayer but
would never send their kids there.

Source, please. How many teachers are we talking about here? How many
kids? What are the actual numbers and actual percentages? Be  precise.

The Govt School System is the greatest boondoggle ever devised by man.

Compared to the so-called “defense” budget!?!  Gimme a break.

  EDD U KA SHUN has replaced the phony Cold War as the new taxpayer
rip off.

OK, let’s compare them. State the exact figures, please, so we know
exactly what we’re talking about. So far, you've only given us your
opinions. Let's hear some facts.

And let’s look at the real problem, classism. Some kids get better
education than others because their parents have more money. Switching
to a system of private only education will only make this worse.
Vouchers are the first step in what appears to be a long planned
privatization of the education system.

Religious schools are not a viable alternative because, as bad as public
schools are religious schools are worse. No religious school can ever
teach logical reasoning because logical reasoning and religion are
antithetical. You can’t teach kids to believe what they are told and
simultaneously teach them to think for themselves in a rational, logical
manner. It can’t be done. It’s like simultaneously telling them to run
and to stand still. The closest they can come is running in place, which
is neither running nor standing still.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

 The fact that PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS send their kids to private school
 at a higher proportion then the general population says it even louder.
 They use the Govt School System to earn  a living off the taxpayer but
 would never send their kids there.

 Source, please. How many teachers are we talking about here? How many
 kids? What are the actual numbers and actual percentages? Be  precise.

While I commonly hear that 30% of public school teachers send their kids to
private school (as compared to 10% of the population as a whole) the numbers
are a bit more complex than that.

The two links below contain statistics on these questions.

Noting the bias of the two organizations above, I can only repeat the official
mantra of this list: "Caveat Lector"


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

the numbers are a bit more complex than that

Indeed they are. For one thing, as you astutely pointed out, bias makes
the real figures difficult to ascertain. More important though, is that
the wrong thing is being measured. Comparing the rate at which public
teachers send their kids to private school with the rate Americans as a
whole send their kids to private schools tell us very little because it
fails to factor in income. Comparing how many teachers send their kids
to private school with how many Americans in their income bracket send
their kids to private school would tell us more about how teachers'
assessment of public schools effect their decision. However, it tells us
very little, if anything, about what is wrong with public schools, over
most of which teachers have no control whatsoever. 

Public education does not exist in a vacuum. Equity in education cannot
take place in an iniquitous society. More money will not, in and of
itself, perfect public education. But more money is definitely needed, a
lot more. We need to make public education as good as, if not better
than, the very best private education that money can buy. We have the
money, but we’re spending it to support the Pentagon, i.e., we’re
spending it on what is essentially a private army for the corporations,
especially for the oil companies. We’re doing it at the expense of
education.  This is as stupid as it is immoral. It will come home to
roost. It’s only a matter of time.

Taking even more money out of public education is not the answer. Taking
money out of the public education system can only make education more
iniquitous than it already is. This is the apparent, but hidden, agenda
of those who propose to do so. They are conspiring behind our backs to
widen the gap between the rich and the rest of us. The only reason this
conspiracy is not generally considered illegal is because they write the
laws. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a conspiracy.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

inri, I don't think from your position in Canada you can
possibly have a very clear picture of the school system
here.  All I know is what I read but more importantly, my
own personal experience with having children in this system
for 16 years and being a PTA officer and school volunteer.My
children are older now so I want the parents who currently
have children in school to have a voice in what is done to
their children.  I wish I had been able to have more input
into the education of my own.

Much of the problem is racial in nature in the fact of
crime, gangs and teachers being unable to maintain order
long enough to teach.  I do not think vouchers will result
in racial segregation as schools will probably have some
sort of racial quota requirement.  If it should result in
segregation, who is to blame?  The schools have been fully
integrated for thirty years so why did this not work?  Whose
fault is it?  Do black children miraculously learn
more/better if in immediate proximity of white ones?

Consider my younger child's experience in school:  He was
all of 11 and in the sixth grade when one day the teacher
left the room and within five minutes two students
(Black)were engaged in an act of sodomy. It made CNN for a
couple of rounds until someone with enough clout had the
story pulled.  The kid who "told' was beaten senseless by
several black students before the day was out but it was
their word against his and he was labeled a racists and
charged with starting a fight.  My son's life was not
threatened until he reached the ninth grade, however, as he
was one of the lucky ones with an older brother to act as
body guard.  It was then that he entered high school, a
veritable crime zone.  I remember buying four or five
scientific calculators that year as he was relieved of his,
and anything else black students wanted daily as they set up
at the three entrances to the school and helped themselves
to anything the white kids had daily.  Fights are a daily
occurrence, knives are pulled, lives are threatened, one
white girl was raped by three black students when she
accepted a ride home from working on floats with one of
them.  I could go on with things that happened to my
children of a racial nature endlessly.  The school board
installed a black principal thinking the black parents would
accept discipline for their children from another black but
no matter what the situation, she ruled the black the victim
of racism, racists, bigotry, etc.  When legal charges are
brought, because of their ages and being juvenile, very
little was ever done.

When individual teachers would try to instill some manner of
order and discipline, parents of black children would say
their children were being targeted, discriminated against,
etc. meanwhile the black students would daily start fires in
the waste cans, break the lavatories off the walls in the
restrooms, and anyone who tried to stop them would be
threatened and called a racist, etc.  Black parents would
bring in civil rights activists from all over the place.
Remember when Jesse Jackson even got involved in getting off
those black kids who beat up many people at a football game,
rioting through the bleachers, etc.

There was a time when I would have thought segregations was
wrong but couple my kid's experiences with the hate being
generated in this society today by those who fear their
socialist agenda off track and I am not so sure.  One of my
kids attended a private school for two years of high school
and it was NOT a religious school.  Many are not.
Darlington Academy of Rome, Georgia.  My oldest sister has
worked for the Hamilton County Board of Education for well
over thirty years and her only child NEVER set foot in a
public school. She said she would gladly work two or even
three jobs if she had to to keep him out of the public
school system. Wish I had known how to go about home
schooling when mine were enrolled in this hellish system.
But, yes, I am definitely for anything to keep children out
of these mini war zones and from the brainwashing being
administered there.

- Original Message -
From: "inri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT
By School Vouchers???

 -Caveat Lector-

  You might want to do a bit more research on vouchers
  getting so upset.  That is not the way they work and
  WILL have the money to use to educate their children in
  school of their choice. It will not require anybody to
  wealthy to educate their children as the vouchers are
  based on the child, not income with a set amount per
  This amount will fully cover the cost of the education
  that child and will be sufficient for that at a number

 until the schools start raising prices as the market
dictates, of course.
 surely the tuition will not be REQUIRED to be the amount
handed ou

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 inri, I don't think from your position in Canada you can
 possibly have a very clear picture of the school system

no, i must admit, that i probably don't. but if the average portrayed
intelligence by the americans i speak to online is any indication then you
guys really, really need to do SOMETHING and QUICK. the problem isn't that
you don't know how to read or write or figure out change from a 10. it's
that you seem to be, in many cases, stuck in the nineteenth century when it
comes to social values, race relations, religion, etc..
collectively, you have an appalling lack of understanding of the history of
even your OWN COUNTRY and you seem unable to grasp that you make up a tiny
fraction of the world population. [a generalization, i apologize for those
of you who are educated.]
americans aren't the laughing stock of the internet [another generalization,
i apologize again.] without good reason.
to me, this high level of ignorance seems to merely show a lack of quality
education where it really matters.
perhaps this is intentional.

but when people like david duke get significant amounts of the vote when
they run for office, i blame a lack of quality education.
when people blame high crime in cities on racial minorities instead of much
more logical and obvious factors [poverty that was created by the ruling
whites; drugs that were forced down their throats by the ruling whites;
gangs that were created as protection from corrupt, primarily white, police
officers, etc] then i blame a lack of quality education.
when people like rudolph giuliani spray toxic chemicals on your cities to
combat harmless viruses and barely a murmur is raised, i blame a lack of
quality education.
when your election is rigged and nobody gives a fuck, i blame a lack of
quality education.

we don't have problems like this in canada.
i give the credit to a surplus of quality PUBLIC education.

 Much of the problem is racial in nature in the fact of
 crime, gangs and teachers being unable to maintain order
 long enough to teach.

i don't want to play your game.

the problem here is not racial in nature, it's due to differences in
monetary income. blacks, latinos, whites or martians all resort to crime
when they have no other option to maintain a stable income. when one has no
chance at a quality education [something vouchers will not alleviate. don't
go back to that.] one generally has no marketable skills. when one has no
marketable skills what is one to do? you can't even get a job at mcdonalds
without a high school diploma, and it's difficult to obtain a high school
diploma when your schools are falling apart, your government is pumping you
full of opiates and you're surrounded with carcinogens; when one grows up
surrounded by crime to the extent that it has become normal, to the extent
that crack-cocaine is a normal past-time, to the extent that a well paying
job is merely a pipedreamwhat do you expect to happen? huh?

and where does this all come from? eh? who runs eli lilly? of what race are
the drug-running politicians? of what race are the arms-running politicians?
who dragged these poor people, kicking and screaming i might add, from their
homeenslaved them...brainwashed them through religion and then kicked
them out on the street empty handed when they finally had enough of it all
and fought back for basic human rights? eh?

who's fault is this REALLY?

i see i have played your game. i do not blame ALL whites. i blame SOME
whites. i would be foolish not to blame some minorities.

i repeat: the problem is NOT racial.

I do not think vouchers will result
 in racial segregation as schools will probably have some
 sort of racial quota requirement.

the bush administration is vehemently against quotas.

If it should result in
 segregation, who is to blame?

the people who orchestrated it.

The schools have been fully
 integrated for thirty years so why did this not work?

because it was designed not to.

 fault is it?

those who orchestrated it.

 Do black children miraculously learn
 more/better if in immediate proximity of white ones?

racial prejudice is a learned trait. when carried out effectively,
desegregation in schools helps prevent it from becoming learned.
racism is virtually dead in canada - an idea held in regard only by the
uneducated and the perpetually ridiculed, completely powerless christian

we recently held our first gay marriages here.
virtually all support it.
i give credit to a superior PUBLIC education system that teaches inclusion,
acceptance, equal rights to all

what do you think of this?


there seem to be two sides to the story that you just told: your
over-represented white supremecist side and an under-represented black side,
most likely with a paranoid "everybody-is-out-to-get-me" view of the world.

i therefore do not plan on commenting on this story as i am unaware of the
facts, no doubt both sides would be guilty of sensationalism and

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Er, inri, my children are Hispanic.  They do not utter
racial slurs nor do I nor does any member of my family.  The
blacks where I live often make more money than the whites.
There are about five counties in my state with a Black
MAJORITY population.  All major cities in the south have
black mayors and chiefs of police as do many large cities in
this country.  Your "superior" education has enabled you to
utter simplistic solutions to a very complex problem.  You
do not have a clue about which you are blathering.  Whatever
the causation of problems in the US educational system, it
is much more complex than those  to which you attribute it.
I assure you if it were as simple and clear-cut as you seem
to think, we could solve it.  As I said originally, you
cannot grasp the situation from there.  As a parent, I doubt
you would be willing to 'sacrifice' your child in the causes
you state.  I do not care if I am called a racist any more
because of the ignorance of the people who use that as an
excuse and refuse to place any of the blame on those causing
the element of criminality to flourish in public schools.
P. S. With our inferior educational system I wonder why so
many Canadians were enrolled in my older son's University,
Georgetown, which is by the way both private and religiously

- Original Message -
From: "inri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will
MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

 -Caveat Lector-

  inri, I don't think from your position in Canada you can
  possibly have a very clear picture of the school system

 no, i must admit, that i probably don't. but if the
average portrayed
 intelligence by the americans i speak to online is any
indication then you
 guys really, really need to do SOMETHING and QUICK. the
problem isn't that
 you don't know how to read or write or figure out change
from a 10. it's
 that you seem to be, in many cases, stuck in the
nineteenth century when it
 comes to social values, race relations, religion, etc..
 collectively, you have an appalling lack of understanding
of the history of
 even your OWN COUNTRY and you seem unable to grasp that
you make up a tiny
 fraction of the world population. [a generalization, i
apologize for those
 of you who are educated.]
 americans aren't the laughing stock of the internet
[another generalization,
 i apologize again.] without good reason.
 to me, this high level of ignorance seems to merely show a
lack of quality
 education where it really matters.
 perhaps this is intentional.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

You might want to do a bit more research on vouchers before
getting so upset.  That is not the way they work and they
WILL have the money to use to educate their children in the
school of their choice. It will not require anybody to be
wealthy to educate their children as the vouchers are issued
based on the child, not income with a set amount per child.
This amount will fully cover the cost of the education of
that child and will be sufficient for that at a number of
schools.  Most blacks are for the idea as they can then send
their children to schools outside the black neighborhoods.
It will give parents a choice and they will not be forced to
use a particular school that  is now assigned to them.  The
schools will then compete to become more what the parents
instead of the almighty government want.  Hopefully, less
indoctrination and more education.
- Original Message -
From: "inri" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 8:27 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School

 -Caveat Lector-

 because, otherwise, those who can't afford to pay for
their education won't
 get one. you can afford to pay for multiple educations
while not
 jeopordizing your high standard of living. therefore, it
is your
 responsibility. do you want to live in a society where the
vast majority of
 people cannot afford to educate themselves? well, george
bush DOES - and if
 you do not voice the other opinion (my opinion) and
continue to contribute
 to public education, this WILL be the outcome. forget
about yourself for a
 moment and think of the welfare of others less fortunate
than yourself - and
 fortunate is it, man - you're where you are by chance and
if you deny that
 you're daft.

  once again, this is their responsibility as it does not
jeopordize their
 high standard of living. even the poorest in america have
more than the
 lower classes in india.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 would you care to describe to me the high standard of living I had as a
 Did you know me?

i don't need to. you were regularly fed and you recieved an education.
therefore, you had a much higher standard of living than most people on the
planet. you may take those two things for granted, and all people SHOULD
have the right to them, but the reality is that most don't.
the fact that you are able to wear clean underpants every day gives you an
extremely high standard of living.

 We do have people in this country that can not afford to educate
 Currently, we take money sometimes $1+ per student per year
 send them to a place where there is strong possiblity that at the end of
 years we'll have, as a result of the $4 spent, a person that cannot
read a
 job application or a childrens's novel and can't figure out change on a
 dollar bill if a transaction costs $8.25. Would you care to cite for me
 private schools where this is the case?

i disagree with the 'strong possibility' designation and if you want me to
take you seriously you're going to have to cite me statistics from a
reliable source. yes, there are some people that have problems with this. in
canada, anyways, they have programs for these people - they are put into
special classes [put may be a strong word; we have seperate academic levels
that students follow within the same school. in order to stay in, for
example, the 'advanced' program one would need to maintain a certain
average. otherwise, they are refused entry and put in a general program. if
they don't meet the general program requirements, which is where the kids
you are speaking of would fall in, they are put in the 'basic' program. this
is what i am speaking of in the next few lines. some schools, like the one i
was at, also have 'enriched' programs for the really bright kids.] where
they are taught essential life skills instead of academics. the same
curriculum, with very subtle changes, is retaught over again throughout the
5 years - this way the kids get it straight. instead of doing book reports
in senior english, they take spelling courses. some even make it to college.
others drop out, but that's their choice - a choice that is usually based on
outside influences. if a kid can't cut it in the special programs, they are
put into the 'alternate' program - where they are taught almost one-on-one
the VERY basics that they need in order to get by. some kids can't, or
choose not to, excel even in these programs - there's not much else you can
do for them, but their numbers are extraordinarily low.

remember that most of the western world shares literacy rates of higher than
95%, most are at 97, 98, 99 and some even boast of being at 100!

students in private schools just get booted out if they can't follow the
material. that way the statistics are more favourable. by getting money
involved, yes, SOME people will benefit but the vast majority will suffer.
competition will skyrocket, and so will prices.

but let me get this straight: i don't doubt that your school system needs an
overhaul, most americans i speak to online are uneducated gun-crazy
lunatics, but privatizing schools is a completely ass-backwards way to go
about it.

 We provide various forms of assistance to poor people in this country. We
 provide food stamps, yet you don't have to spend them at a government food
 store. We provide some medical coverage, which many private doctors will
 In some cases, we send a check which can be cashed and spent on whatever
 hell the recipient would like to buy. Why not give poor people another
 and say "here, find yourself a good school for your child. One that
provides as
 much or as little academic rigor, structure, and moral training as you

because, as i said earlier, this will lead to segregation in schools. do you
think that middle class kids are going to get to go to schools as  good as
extremely wealthy kids? do you think that poor kids will get to go to
schools as good as the middle class kids? what 'class' do most minorities
fall into? supply and demand will set in, schools will raise
prices...universities will cut deals with high schools.HIGH SCHOOLS WILL
elementary schools will become corporate brainwashing centers.
god, could you imagine what would happen if aol or microsoft or exxon or
dupont got into the business of running elementary schools?
the rockefellars and the harriman's will have the minorities EXACTLY where
they want them - subject to everything from vaccine testing to just plain
out purposely bad schooling with awful teachers. propaganda through films
will skyrocket. guess what will happen to the heroin usage rate/distribution
and if they don't fall into the bell curve that george w. bush speaks so
highly of?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Freeman,

i'm sorry but your son Johnny, (13), has 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 You might want to do a bit more research on vouchers before
 getting so upset.  That is not the way they work and they
 WILL have the money to use to educate their children in the
 school of their choice. It will not require anybody to be
 wealthy to educate their children as the vouchers are issued
 based on the child, not income with a set amount per child.
 This amount will fully cover the cost of the education of
 that child and will be sufficient for that at a number of

until the schools start raising prices as the market dictates, of course.
surely the tuition will not be REQUIRED to be the amount handed out as a
voucher - otherwise, what would the purpose of privatizing be? do you
suggest that the government should regulate the prices? in that case, why
bother with the whole thing at all? surely not to make the insignificant
portion of the population that goes to private schools nowadays more happy.
if the issue is getting out of the ghetto, i have a story for you: i
attended a school outside of my district simply because i applied to and
because my marks in jr. high were good enough to justify it. if this
loophole is not available in the US perhaps this is something you should
look into as it would save a lot of time, effort and dangerous circumstances
for the future of your country.

this is definately an attempt at segregation.

now, of course, certain schools will be set up as 'voucher schools'.
but i wouldn't want to send my kids to one of those.
as they will simply replace the inner city schools of today.

Most blacks are for the idea as they can then send
 their children to schools outside the black neighborhoods.

assuming they get accepted [remember - these are private schools. acceptance
is not guaranteed].
once these schools start getting run by people with bad race
recordswhich is, of course, inevitable as they're the ones with all of
the capital..

i'm sorry amelia, but you've gotta look deeper than what they're telling you
on the surface.
you're regurgitating *exactly* what they're trying to cram down your throat.
please read my other reply for a better argument..


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

In other words, most whites fled from the cities to get away from these
people.and we had a right to so do.   I believe in segregation by
choice, but if it would be done by law or any other way, I would be in
complete approval.

We were warned not to buy a house in Columbus, Ohio because blacks
carried knives and little guns, and I got a good example of black life
in Columbus in particular when I remember a beautiful little blonde girl
who worked for a living in a covenient store - three ugly blacks came
into the store, and for no reason the 14 year old black girl with sawed
off shotgun, shot her in the face and tore half her face off.

You think I would want any of my family to be around such garbage?
Shootings and shoot bys for no reason..ever look into the face of
some of these animals?   Working in a Court I saw them and what I saw I
did not like.

Generalization of a race - well maybe,  but in the suburbs such animals
should tread softlyand if it takes vouchers to segregae the animals
from our kids, I am all for it.

So if any whites out there want to send their kids to these black
schools I do not care.if they want to intermarry with blacks, I do
not care.

But a 100 years from now, my grandchildren will still be blonde haired
and blue or gray eyes - and above all not want any Al
Sharptons or Whoopie Goldbergs in my family.

So more power to you George Bush.separating wheat from chaff?   Did
you get a load of those two animals who murdered five white people -
sodomized the women, raped and tortured them?   Did they get the idea to
so do when Jesse Jackson told them to take to the streets?

Do I want to live around these people?   Well to each his
own...guess AIDS has been chosen as the final solution - so do not
get caught in this trap.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I live in a state (New Jersey) where schools are funded by PROPERTY
taxes, not income or sales taxes, so those who own homes are
subsidizing renters (businesses, which include apartment buildings, are
taxed differently than residential properties, and businesses pay very
little school tax). Our property taxes are the highest in the nation.

The biggest cry for vouchers in this state is in the primarily black
districts of Newark and Elizabeth. I'd have to dig up the source, it's
been a while, but it's interesting that the number 1 parental
occupation of PRIVATE school students in New Jersey is.. PUBLIC
SCHOOL TEACHERS! If the teachers, who are in the middle of the action,
have no confidence in the public schools, why should I trust my
precious children to them? Oh, I forgot, I'm not one of the elites.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 Why do people equate "[educating] every single member to the greatest
extent of their ability" with maintaining the current public school
fiasco in many cities?

I don't. I do, however, recognize that taking money away from an already
cash strapped system will only make it worse.

Why should I be happy about my tax dollars supporting such an

What you should be unhappy about is that the tax money that could fix
the schools is being spent by the Pentagon on weapons for a war that
ended ten years ago.

I'm sure the government does many things with your tax money that you
consider criminal or immoral; I find the perpetuation and protection of
failing tax-funded schools to be one of these things. We're depriving
many, many people of the basic level of literacy needed to function.

What, and spending even less money on their education will make it
better!?! Gimme a break.

So when you have an idea on how the public schools can educate people
to the fullest extent of their ability in Detroit, and Philly, and
Oakland, and
  Atlanta, and Baltimore, and Newark, and many other places, you let us

Hire more, better teachers. Buy better books and equipment. Build new
school buildings. Stop wasting the money on weapons for a war that's
been over ten years.

 We've tried showering them with money and that does not work. 

No, we have not. The buildings are crumbling, the books out of date and
the classes are crowded. Meanwhile, we spend money on weapons for a war
that's been over for ten years. The pentagon sucks on this country's
neck. Spend half the Pentagon budget on education and we'll see an end
to the education crisis. Spend the other half on infrastructure. We
don't NEED and army. We ARE an army. There are eighty million armed
Americans. If anybody invades, we can kill them ourselves. The military
we have now is not for defense of the American people or of American
soil; it's for advancing the overseas interests of the corporations. To
make the corporations even richer, we are robbing our children of their

I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
where I greu up. 

The ones who taught you to spell?

I don't think I'm selfish, shortsighted, or brainwashed (well how would
I know  if I was brainwashed?) 

That's the real problem. Selfishness is not a natural part of the human
condition. It's an aberration that has been nurtured, fostered and
promoted by our rulers, in part through their control of the educational
process. You went to a private school. Of course they taught you to look
down on public schools. That’s how they make their living.

I'm simply observing a disaster, expressing how I think it's robbing
and cheating so many people, and also voicing my opposition to  funding
such a thing.

It is not funding, but lack of funding, that is at the root of the

Let me give but a single example. My son graduated in 1986 from one of
the better public high schools in the Bay Area. My SO taught biology at
the same school that year, so I spent a lot of time at the place and got
to know it pretty well. I read my son’s text books. The geography books
were from 1961, before the era of decolonization. Dozens of countries
weren’t even listed. His American history book was from 1976. It
contained two (count ‘em, TWO) sentences on Viet Nam. They were both
lies. My SO regularly spent from her own meager salary to buy necessary
supplies for her class. I personally bought supplies for her class. The
ceiling tiles were hanging loose and you could see the asbestos
particles floating in the air when the sun came through the window at
the right angle. Half of the science department had active cases of
cancer that year.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, those tax-and-spend Democrats were
sitting on their hands while the borrow-and-spend Republicans were
putting my as yet unborn great grand children into debt to buy Cruise
missiles. For the cost of a single B-2 they could have rebuilt every
school building in the Bay Area.

and what does this have to do with consipiracy

Our rulers want us to be uneducated because an uneducated people are
easier to manipulate.  When I was a kid, Sputnik went up and the
American establishment got scared. All of a sudden there was a ton of
money for education. Anybody who wanted to could go to college. What did
they get for their money? A whole generation of over-educated,
under-employed kids out in the street throwing rocks at them, that’s
what they got. They’ll never make that mistake again, rest assured. But
they can’t tell us that to our faces because if they did, we'd be right
back out there in the street with the rocks again. So they dumb us down
behind our backs. That's a conspiracy.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

 Why should I be happy about my tax dollars supporting such an

 What you should be unhappy about is that the tax money that could fix
 the schools is being spent by the Pentagon on weapons for a war that
 ended ten years ago.

I'm as unhappy about the Pentagon spending as you are. Actually, we could also
ask some Serbians if they think we stopped fighting ten years ago. We could ask
some Iraqis if we suspended hostilities ten years ago. Our friends at the
Pentagon will always find somewhere to drop their load.

  We've tried showering them with money and that does not work.

 No, we have not. The buildings are crumbling, the books out of date and
 the classes are crowded. Meanwhile, we spend money on weapons for a war
 that's been over for ten years.

My Catholic grade school (which has since closed) and many others in the
country (especially in cities) have poor facilities and books that you could
carbon date. Yet people voluntarily use their own money to send their kids

I have personally witnessed one public school district, and I know there are
others, where money sent for books and buildings has a spectacular way of
simply disappearing without a trace.

 I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
 where I greu up.

 The ones who taught you to spell?

Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy to
make a mistake.

 and what does this have to do with consipiracy

 Our rulers want us to be uneducated because an uneducated people are
 easier to manipulate.  When I was a kid, Sputnik went up and the
 American establishment got scared. All of a sudden there was a ton of
 money for education. Anybody who wanted to could go to college. What did
 they get for their money? A whole generation of over-educated,
 under-employed kids out in the street throwing rocks at them, that’s
 what they got. They’ll never make that mistake again, rest assured. But
 they can’t tell us that to our faces because if they did, we'd be right
 back out there in the street with the rocks again. So they dumb us down
 behind our backs. That's a conspiracy.

I agree. It's also why I don't want to hear any of their current "solutions."
If you believe the above paragraph, if you believe the gov't wants an
uneducated people, then you shouldn't have the government in control of
education. They will take the money, get rid of the old crumbling building
where they dumb down the kids, and buy a shiny new building in which to dumb
down the kids.

But it's not just the kids, the rest of us are getting our own dumbing down via
CNN, Dan Rather, etc..

And dammit, I ran spell check on this email. "Dumbing" is not an approved word
(perhaps a conspiracy in and of itself.) You missed my misspelling of
"conspiracy" above. And I apologize if I ended any sentences with prepositions
or dangled any participles.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

   What I see out there are scores and hundreds of committed teachers and
 administrators doing the best they can with what they have.  I also see
 truckloads of propaganda attempting to undermine the very fine work these
 people do day after day and year after year.

   I got a helluva lot more brainwashing in private religious school than I
 did in public school.  But I guess that's what all this propaganda crap is
 about.  The goal is to fry kids' brains and make them better worker drones.
 Public education avoids most of that baloney, and MUST BE STOPPED!

The above sets reality and history on its head.

Today's Government School Model was developed 100 years ago.
At the turn of the century, many of the Government School Advocates traveled
to Prussia to study the Prussian Government School model. That system was
designed to produce obedient workers who were subservient to the State.
The Prussian Model has long served as the model for US Government Schools.

That is what we now have in the US. The purpose of Government Schools is
to further the Interests of the Corporate / State Establishment. So called 
educators" were originally funded by the leading Corporate Foundations... need
I say anymore?

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

  I know that not from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools
  where I greu up.
  The ones who taught you to spell?

 Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy
 make a mistake.

they are? my keyboard says:

q W e r t y U i o p

not that i'm trying to pick on spelling (that's just silly).
i just don't like getting lied to, 'sall.

np: sonic youth - daydream nation

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

  Well, a typo. The U and W are so close together on the keyboard it's easy
  make a mistake.

 they are? my keyboard says:

 q W e r t y U i o p

 not that i'm trying to pick on spelling (that's just silly).
 i just don't like getting lied to, 'sall.

You've seen through my deception!


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
 here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
 but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

snip pathetic racist garbage

i don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to hope that you get hit by a
i do know, however, that this is proof that the american education system
really does need an overhaul.

np: sonic youth - daydream nation

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-26 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  I live in a primarily white suburb;  most of the people I know moved
  here and paid for good schools, highe taxes than most suburban cities,
  but it was to escape this black plague in the schools.

 snip pathetic racist garbage

 i don't know whether to feel sorry for you or to hope that you get hit by a
 i do know, however, that this is proof that the american education system
 really does need an overhaul.

The train situation in the US is similar to the education situation. I wouldn't
count on a train here for anything, including hitting an enemy.


Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:19:56 EST, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 A-The Catholic church, as well as other Xian denominations.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Jeff Russo wrote:

 The education reform we need is something that will benefit ME: a total
 elimination of public primary and secondary education. Then people like me...
 childless people... would not be paying taxes to support schools that our
 nonexistent children are not attending.

Well, childless people paid taxes to help build the schools you went to
too.  Society is not just for the here and now and some of the
infrastructure you rely on was paid for by people a generation ago, and
people in another generation will be relying on some of what we put in
place now.  And yes, I am childless but I believe I have a
responsibility to help provide children with a good education, good
health care, a clean environment - I might be childless but I am part of
humanity, too.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Jeff, I agree with you. I home school 2 children. I'd much rather pay
user fees for the library, field trips and the recreation center than
the $2800 in school taxes I paid last year.


--- Jeff Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 The education reform we need is something that will benefit ME: a
 elimination of public primary and secondary education.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

childless people... would not be paying taxes to support schools that
our  nonexistent children are not attending.

It is difficult to tell, without knowing you personally, whether you are
a supremely selfish person or merely shortsighted. I'll give you the
benefit of the doubt and assume that you are merely shortsighted because
selfish people deserve nothing but the universal and continuing contempt
and derision of all their fellow humans. That is, unless they attempt to
use the armed might of the state to enforce their sick and evil
philosophy on the rest of us. Then they should be rounded up and herded
off a cliff, and good riddance to bad rubbish. 

So let's assume that you are merely shortsighted. Two explanations are
possible. Perhaps you suffer from a congenital cognitive  deficit. It
that case it is our duty to pity you, and help you when you need it, to
dress yourself, tie your shoes, wipe your butt and make you a sandwich
now and then and other stuff that is beyond the capacity of some one
whose cognition is so impaired that they cannot even perceive the self
evident benefits of living in a society of educated people..

But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that, too. Maybe
you are neither supremely evil nor terminally stupid. Maybe you've been
brainwashed. Hey, it happens sometimes. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Lots of people have been brainwashed. Not to worry. There's a cure. Turn
off your TV, burn your Ayn Rand books and think for yourself for a
change. Thank about this:

In a society which does not educate every single member to the greatest
extent of their ability, what happens? When you figure it out, let us
know. You should be able to do this be cause you, yourself, are
educated. You were educated, at least in part, through the efforts and
extent of childless people. keep that in mind whilst you cogitate. 

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

As I went to private school for 13 years, no one's taxes went to my education.
My parents, who certainly did not qualify as even middle class, paid for my
education twice ~$1500 a year for the private schools, and their taxes
while the public schools were sucking up $8K+ per student per year.

And, beside the benefit to childless people of not paying these insane taxes,
eliminating the current public school situation would be the best way to
achieve your goal of "providing children with a good education." Anyone that
observes an intractable public school situation such as I observed for
years in the school system where I grew up realizes that they are far
beyond repair. The $1+ they now receive per child is essentially fraud and


 Well, childless people paid taxes to help build the schools you went to
 too.  Society is not just for the here and now and some of the
 infrastructure you rely on was paid for by people a generation ago, and
 people in another generation will be relying on some of what we put in
 place now.  And yes, I am childless but I believe I have a
 responsibility to help provide children with a good education, good
 health care, a clean environment - I might be childless but I am part of
 humanity, too.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Jeff Russo wrote:

 As I went to private school for 13 years, no one's taxes went to my education.

I find that hard to believe.  How and where were your teachers educated?
What text books did you use?  What curriculum did you follow?  What
technology was used in your school?  Where was that technology
developed?  What roads did you use to get to school?  Did you have
electricity?  Plumbing?  Pardon me if you were educated on a
self-sustaining commune that produced its own paper and ink.

 My parents, who certainly did not qualify as even middle class, paid for my
 education twice ~$1500 a year for the private schools, and their taxes
 while the public schools were sucking up $8K+ per student per year.

That was your parents choice.  However, I find it hard to believe that
your tuition was $1,500 per year for a private school.  And, actually,
without knowing what country you live in, there is no point talking the
nuts and bolts of numbers.  I'm from Canada where education is primarily
a provincial matter.

But I think that, in a sense, you are talking about deregulating
education, much the same as electricity was deregulated in California?

 And, beside the benefit to childless people of not paying these insane taxes,
 eliminating the current public school situation would be the best way to
 achieve your goal of "providing children with a good education."

The children here do receive a good education.  I can see nothing to be
gained whatsoever by 'eliminating' the school system - it might make an
interesting science fiction story though.

 observes an intractable public school situation such as I observed for
 years in the school system where I grew up realizes that they are far
 beyond repair. The $1+ they now receive per child is essentially fraud and

Well, that's sad.  I'm happy to report that my 15 nieces and nephews
under the age of 10 are receiving excellent educations in our school
system.  It's a community thang, you know?


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

  As I went to private school for 13 years, no one's taxes went to my

 I find that hard to believe.  How and where were your teachers educated?
 What text books did you use?  What curriculum did you follow?  What
 technology was used in your school?  Where was that technology
 developed?  What roads did you use to get to school?  Did you have
 electricity?  Plumbing?  Pardon me if you were educated on a
 self-sustaining commune that produced its own paper and ink.

I suspect my private school tuition paid for technology, electricity,
curriculum, plumbing, books. Very generally, road constrution has been financed
in this country by gas and other transportaion taxes.

I should count a teacher of mine attending public school 30 years ago as a tax
contribution to my education?

The fact of the matter is that my parents, and everyone that home-schools or
sends kids to private school, is paying for TWO educations. I've yet to hear a
reason why this is fair, moral, or just.

  My parents, who certainly did not qualify as even middle class, paid for my
  education twice ~$1500 a year for the private schools, and their taxes
  while the public schools were sucking up $8K+ per student per year.

 That was your parents choice.  However, I find it hard to believe that
 your tuition was $1,500 per year for a private school.  And, actually,
 without knowing what country you live in, there is no point talking the
 nuts and bolts of numbers.  I'm from Canada where education is primarily
 a provincial matter.

Catholic grade school was $800 a year in the 1980's, and high school was under
$2K a year. Sure, there were some low-paid nuns teaching, but it was more than
50% lay teachers. This was in New Jersey.

 But I think that, in a sense, you are talking about deregulating
 education, much the same as electricity was deregulated in California?

  And, beside the benefit to childless people of not paying these insane
  eliminating the current public school situation would be the best way to
  achieve your goal of "providing children with a good education."

 The children here do receive a good education.  I can see nothing to be
 gained whatsoever by 'eliminating' the school system - it might make an
 interesting science fiction story though.

Well apparently the National Education Association does not have the juice in
Canada that it has in the United States. Especially in big cities... where many
residents are poor minorities and their kids are essentially hostages to the
school system they simply will not allow the necessary reforms.

This is a charming topic, but I think we have wandered away from "Conspiracy,"
and I hate when people do that. :)


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 childless people... would not be paying taxes to support schools that
 our  nonexistent children are not attending.

 It is difficult to tell, without knowing you personally, whether you are
 a supremely selfish person or merely shortsighted. I'll give you the
 benefit of the doubt and assume that you are merely shortsighted because
 selfish people deserve nothing but the universal and continuing contempt
 and derision of all their fellow humans. That is, unless they attempt to
 use the armed might of the state to enforce their sick and evil
 philosophy on the rest of us. Then they should be rounded up and herded
 off a cliff, and good riddance to bad rubbish.

 So let's assume that you are merely shortsighted. Two explanations are
 possible. Perhaps you suffer from a congenital cognitive  deficit. It
 that case it is our duty to pity you, and help you when you need it, to
 dress yourself, tie your shoes, wipe your butt and make you a sandwich
 now and then and other stuff that is beyond the capacity of some one
 whose cognition is so impaired that they cannot even perceive the self
 evident benefits of living in a society of educated people..

 But I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that, too. Maybe
 you are neither supremely evil nor terminally stupid. Maybe you've been
 brainwashed. Hey, it happens sometimes. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
 Lots of people have been brainwashed. Not to worry. There's a cure. Turn
 off your TV, burn your Ayn Rand books and think for yourself for a
 change. Thank about this:

 In a society which does not educate every single member to the greatest
 extent of their ability, what happens? When you figure it out, let us
 know. You should be able to do this be cause you, yourself, are
 educated. You were educated, at least in part, through the efforts and
 extent of childless people. keep that in mind whilst you cogitate.

To answer your question about society, simply look at the crime statistics from
any big city. That's what happens when we don't educate people. While problems
in these cities have several causes, education is certainly one of them.

Not only did I receive some education from childless people, I served some time
as a college instructor, and any of my students that interacted closely with me
would certainly testify that I cared a great deal about their education.

Why do people equate "[educating] every single member to the greatest extent of
their ability" with maintaining the current public school fiasco in many
cities? Would you look at the drop-out rates or reading  writing aptitude of
the students in many school systems and say that we are "educating every single
member to the greatest extent of their ability." If you think we are, you must
assume we have an incredible number of stupid folks in high school that are
simply incapable of learning. I don't think that at all.

When I come across people in college that can't put a coherent sentence on
paper, I feel that they have been robbed. It's criminal. Why should I be happy
about my tax dollars supporting such an enterprise? I'm sure the government
does many things with your tax money that you consider criminal or immoral; I
find the perpetuation and protection of failing tax-funded schools to be one of
these things. We're depriving many, many people of the basic level of literacy
needed to function.

I don't mind paying taxes for roads, for example, because I more or less pay
for roads when I use them and they more or less work as advertised. No sane
person would say that these troubled school systems are delivering on their

So when you have an idea on how the public schools can educate people to the
fullest extent of their ability in Detroit, and Philly, and Oakland, and
Atlanta, and Baltimore, and Newark, and many other places, you let us know.
We've tried showering them with money and that does not work. I know that not
from reading Ayn Rand but from looking at the schools where I greu up. I really
do hope you think of something. I certainly don't expect a reasonable answer
from the NEA or from politicians.

I don't think I'm selfish, shortsighted, or brainwashed (well how would I know
if I was brainwashed?) and I watch very little TV and have never read a single
paragraph of Ayn Rand. I'm simply observing a disaster, expressing how I think
it's robbing and cheating so many people, and also voicing my opposition to
funding such a thing.

and what does this have to do with consipiracy


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Jeff Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 and what does this have to do with consipiracy

Dumbing-down education is part of the conspiracy. The purpose is to
turn our children into little sheeple who don't question what the "big
guys" are doing. As an added bonus, Mr.  Mrs. Joe Sixpack have to work
even harder to pay the school taxes, therefore they don't have TIME to
question what the "big guys" are doing.


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

I agree with this angle.

I think "and what does this have to do with conspiracy?" should be appended to
all the CTRL emails as a reminder to stay topical. But there's already enough
crap appended to each email.


--- Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Jeff Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and what does this have to do with consipiracy

 Dumbing-down education is part of the conspiracy. The purpose is to
 turn our children into little sheeple who don't question what the "big
 guys" are doing. As an added bonus, Mr.  Mrs. Joe Sixpack have to work
 even harder to pay the school taxes, therefore they don't have TIME to
 question what the "big guys" are doing.


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Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread inri

-Caveat Lector-

 The fact of the matter is that my parents, and everyone that home-schools
 sends kids to private school, is paying for TWO educations. I've yet to
hear a
 reason why this is fair, moral, or just.

because, otherwise, those who can't afford to pay for their education won't
get one. you can afford to pay for multiple educations while not
jeopordizing your high standard of living. therefore, it is your
responsibility. do you want to live in a society where the vast majority of
people cannot afford to educate themselves? well, george bush DOES - and if
you do not voice the other opinion (my opinion) and continue to contribute
to public education, this WILL be the outcome. forget about yourself for a
moment and think of the welfare of others less fortunate than yourself - and
fortunate is it, man - you're where you are by chance and if you deny that
you're daft.

wake up people! - bush's package is designed to segregate blacks from
whites. the evidence is loud and clear. the truth is ugly but we must accept
it and fight against it - you more than me as i'm not an american citizen.
bush is a puppet of the worst kind and you must measure every move he makes
by alterior motives. otherwise, we're all in for a scary future.

   And, beside the benefit to childless people of not paying these insane

once again, this is their responsibility as it does not jeopordize their
high standard of living. even the poorest in america have more than the
lower classes in india.

   eliminating the current public school situation would be the best way
   achieve your goal of "providing children with a good education."

would you like to explain how? if my parents couldn't afford cable until i
was 12, how could they afford to pay my elementary education? i'm currently
on a university scholarship - i could not be on one if you had not paid for
my grade school. and i will eventually put far more INTO the system than i
ever recieved from it.

if others don't, then so be it. they, however, have the RIGHT to be given
the opportunity to.

this is one of the reasons why a centralized state exists.

np: john zorn - xu feng

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

 wake up people! - bush's package is designed to segregate blacks from
 whites. the evidence is loud and clear. the truth is ugly but we must accept
 it and fight against it - you more than me as i'm not an american citizen.
 bush is a puppet of the worst kind and you must measure every move he makes
 by alterior motives. otherwise, we're all in for a scary future.

While I'm not defending Bush or vouchers as they have been proposed, you should
note (and you may not know as you are not a citizen) that in cities in the US
that have attempted vouchers, minorities have been some of the strongest
supporters of voucher programs. This is because they have seen close-up the
status of the public schools that you think we should continue to bless with
increased sums of money.

Bush is a puppet of the worst kind on many issues. So was Clinton, BigBush,
Reagan, etc it is the only way to become president.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- inri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  The fact of the matter is that my parents, and everyone that home-schools
  sends kids to private school, is paying for TWO educations. I've yet to
 hear a
  reason why this is fair, moral, or just.

 because, otherwise, those who can't afford to pay for their education won't
 get one. you can afford to pay for multiple educations while not
 jeopordizing your high standard of living. therefore, it is your
 responsibility. do you want to live in a society where the vast majority of
 people cannot afford to educate themselves? well, george bush DOES - and if
 you do not voice the other opinion (my opinion) and continue to contribute
 to public education, this WILL be the outcome. forget about yourself for a
 moment and think of the welfare of others less fortunate than yourself - and
 fortunate is it, man - you're where you are by chance and if you deny that
 you're daft.

would you care to describe to me the high standard of living I had as a child?
Did you know me?

We do have people in this country that can not afford to educate themselves.
Currently, we take money sometimes $1+ per student per year and
send them to a place where there is strong possiblity that at the end of four
years we'll have, as a result of the $4 spent, a person that cannot read a
job application or a childrens's novel and can't figure out change on a ten
dollar bill if a transaction costs $8.25. Would you care to cite for me the
private schools where this is the case?

We provide various forms of assistance to poor people in this country. We
provide food stamps, yet you don't have to spend them at a government food
store. We provide some medical coverage, which many private doctors will honor.
In some cases, we send a check which can be cashed and spent on whatever the
hell the recipient would like to buy. Why not give poor people another check
and say "here, find yourself a good school for your child. One that provides as
much or as little academic rigor, structure, and moral training as you desire."

Why is the government in the school business? I would not mind so much if it
worked. For too many people, it doesn't work.

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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/25/01 2:09:50 PM Central Standard Time,

 Anyone that
  observes an intractable public school situation such as I observed for
  years in the school system where I grew up realizes that they are far
  beyond repair. T

  I was educated in private and public schools and got a good education in
both.  As a parent, I have been pleased with public education, except in one
school district, which was hell.

  What I see out there are scores and hundreds of committed teachers and
administrators doing the best they can with what they have.  I also see
truckloads of propaganda attempting to undermine the very fine work these
people do day after day and year after year.

  I got a helluva lot more brainwashing in private religious school than I
did in public school.  But I guess that's what all this propaganda crap is
about.  The goal is to fry kids' brains and make them better worker drones.
Public education avoids most of that baloney, and MUST BE STOPPED!


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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-25 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

--- "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/25/01 2:09:50 PM Central Standard Time,

  Anyone that
   observes an intractable public school situation such as I observed for
   years in the school system where I grew up realizes that they are far
   beyond repair. T

   I was educated in private and public schools and got a good education in
 both.  As a parent, I have been pleased with public education, except in one
 school district, which was hell.

I'm sure this is true. I suspect that this is a good encapsulation of the
situation nationally many schools doing a decent, or better, job but with a
small percentage that are, to use your phrase, "hell." And it seems to me the
"hell" ones are concentrated in the areas where the kids are in the greatest
need of a good education.

   I got a helluva lot more brainwashing in private religious school than I
 did in public school.  But I guess that's what all this propaganda crap is
 about.  The goal is to fry kids' brains and make them better worker drones.
 Public education avoids most of that baloney, and MUST BE STOPPED!

Both religious and public schools have MORE than their fair share of "baloney."
People should be at least choose which "baloney" to fund and which not to fund.

Jeff Russo
"Everything our parents said was good is
 bad. Sun, milk, red meat, college"
-- Woody Allen

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Q-Who will MOST BENEFIT By School Vouchers???

2001-01-24 Thread Jeff Russo

-Caveat Lector-

The education reform we need is something that will benefit ME: a total
elimination of public primary and secondary education. Then people like me...
childless people... would not be paying taxes to support schools that our
nonexistent children are not attending.

This would settle church-state issues, and brainwashing by the state issues,
and probably Ritalin issues, and sex-ed in public schools issues, and...

I doubt this solution is forthcoming from our politicians.

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A-The Catholic church, as well as other Xian denominations.


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