CS: Pol-.50

2001-02-10 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh how reasonable a reply.  But I have seen very similar ones from those
defending their "self-actions" on the previous bans ie the NRA , and the
Deer Society, and the many other self-interest groups who junked someone
else's sport to help them keep their own.


You have taken up Gallery Rifle, oh that new sport with not so many
shooters, using what the ACPO would love to see set aside, those high
capacity lever actions,  h.


There are over 40 shooters of 50/55 cal rifles in private ownership, and
use, here in the UK



PS  the ACPO really doesn't have to do anything, they can leave it to the
shooters to sell each other out.


Tom's hit this one squarely on the head, those of us who like the bigger 
calibres (my personal fave. is .6 of an inch all bar 4 thou. "true bore") 
along with gallery rifles (esp. in PISTOL calibres, mines a .38/.357 MAGNUM 
BTW) have become an expendable resource to various of the shooting 
organizations, infighting promoted by them and the state of mind they 
require of their members can also be a real problem.

This week I met two shooters I didn't know here at work, one has converted 
to bow sports only and finds it much nicer than the carpet humping (.22 
indoor prone) league shooting he'd given up to take-up full bore pistol, 
which when that was banned meant going back or changing directions, the lack 
of aggro., at the moment, means bow sports suit him very well. The other who 
shares the same office still shoots, full bore mil. (he's pissed at loosing 
his ar15, then his pistols) rifle (bolt action) and gallery rifle, also 
having given up carpet humping. Both agreed the selling out by the 
appeasers, along with the emotional bias they lend the press from within the 
shooting world is probably one of the most damaging things to our "minority" 
sports. If you look carefully at every slightly different shooting activity 
they can all be considered minorities, and look what happened when the 
ethnic minorities got their act together, yes they do still fight amongst 
themselves, but its rarely seen by the public, if you can't loose your 
contempt, at least keep it private!

Niel, still an occasional carpet humper, and I've got a gold somewhere to 
prove it!

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CS: Pol-Tabloid press report

2001-01-31 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And he also claimed that they sold a number
 of Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition to a group of Scots businessmen he 
 at the 'Shot Show' in New Orleans, the world's biggest hunting and 


I'm I mistaken, or is this an attempt to tie HUNTING and shooting together 
in the minds of the general populace to promote further restrictions on 
Personally I think it's untrue, regardless.


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CS: Crime-Nail bomb sent to farm

2001-01-31 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh, I forgot Labour loves (snip here *the Animal Rights*) Terrorists!


Anyone else see the (fake) bomb on slime watch last week, the originals very 
advanced electronically apparently... it would seem that the terrorists are 
getting trained engineers to make them now!

I also note that the police fed. are upset at the thames valley force for 
wanting to bulldoze 12 3 bed semi's at the sulhampstead  site to make way 
for a new range complex, by the looks of it the range site will be quite 
big...The main focus of the complaint is that they need affordable housing, 
WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF US?, oh and they want the housing allowance 
re-instated too!


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-01-31 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Woods said: "Cats wearing bells and those that were kept in at night 
fewer mammals. Bells give a warning and wild mammals are mainly nocturnal,
so keeping cats in cuts down on mousing time."

Most cat "owners" (the people owned by the cats as one vet I know discribes 
them) won't even put a collar on a cat "incase it stranges itself", still 
without a collar it "could" be considered feral and "could" be delt with in 
summary fashion


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CS: Field-Leading in FAC air rifles

2001-01-12 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure if this was a "problem looking for a solution" or a bit of 
quick marketing BUT

Prometheus Pellets 020 8340 3039 www.airgunpellets.com

Came up with their "sabot" style pellet, i.e. a plastic skirt around the 
steel?? core. They made differing ones for standard airguns and others for 
20 to 80ftlb rifles.

I tried their originals 7-8 years ago and found them very good, with better 
penetration than all lead

Tom C

Tried both types, and the heavier ones for fac rated will put a borderline 
legal 11.5 ft/lb rifle over the limit by several ft/lbs due to the reduced 
friction with greater mass, the lighter ones just travel faster but with 
less mass than a "normal" pellet so *SHOULD* remain under the limit. Anyone 
remember them being shown to be especially  dangerous on some news program 
in the late 80's, shattered a clothes dummies head IIRC for dramatic effect.

One pellet I liked was the "ballistic", they had a steel ball in the centre 
~1.5 mm dia, that carried on when the lead jacket stopped, very effective on 
vermin, but bounce backs were a risk from tree's if you missed.

Fave air rifle, HW80 with a 10 inch barrel and two sided tyrolien stock, 
shot well off of both shoulders, had a parker hale silencer so the v-short 
barrel was needed in the fruit fields/convent grounds I had to shoot over. 
The sisters always appriciated the fruits of my labours, and their brassicas 
benifited from not being attacked too.


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CS: Misc-Home-made explosives

2000-12-27 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My dad has an ancient GE microwave he bought in the 60s that merely
has a wire mesh grill door.


Thats all it needs, its all to do with the frequency/wavelength, as long as 
the holes are less that a quarter wavelength then nothing will pass though.

Niel, radio pro (and ham), former cooker engineer as well.

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CS: Misc-Naval Guns, a small aside

2000-12-21 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The command to discharge one of these is not FIRE! as most movie makers 
think, simply Shoot, thus avoiding confusion in the heat of battle.

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CS: Pol-self defence

2000-11-30 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


OK, I'll take up that challenge, as you might expect 
Why should someone who had 24 hr police protection need a gun
for self defence

Following your argument then, we the tax payers, are having
vast sums of OUR money wasted by those in power who "need"
their armed protection, even though its a complete waste of
time,money and effort?
Anyone else remember the vastly increased number of openly
armed police arround tony blair when he first came to power
compared with john major (or even maggie)? A bit like the US
president having lots of police attend rallies with him when
calling for the regulation of this and that, the subliminal
message is "we have the armed men, and don't you forget it"
the threat is clearly there, along with the additional message
"we support what he (the president) wants" even if they don't.

Having watched the Secret Service practice, I think I'd prefer
to carry a gun myself and let them act as sandbags if I was
the President.


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CS: Pol-Queen and phesants

2000-11-20 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If fox hunting is banned, the raising of pheasants for
shooting may then follow with an inevitaly devastating
impact on the countryside economy.

If anyone was listening to radio 2 at lunch time today the angry reponse to 
the shooting rep. by the anti over HM the Queen (god bless her cotton socks) 
wringing the neck of that phesant would realise that the writing is very 
much on the wall for all shooting sports.

The best comment phoned in was from a rescue centre (possibly former) 
manager, "she (HM) did exactly the right thing and prevented any suffering 
continuing", and no comment about the rights or wrongs of sporting shooting.

I did notice everyone was saying the queen doesn't shoot, but I remember 
seeing HM shooting and assisting with the dressing out of a deer a few years 
back on the beeb?


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CS: Misc-Cops Shooters tarred w. same brush?

2000-11-20 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, I tend to agree with most of what you say. I can see that the
police service is heading down the wrong road. It is headed by far too many
politically sensitive types, who are more interested in their career and
promotion prospects than in the actual rights and wrongs of what policies
they pursue.

Anyone in Southampton on the 30th Nov. might find the invited speaker, sir 
John Stevens, commissioner of the metropolitan police, speaking on THE 
FRONTIERS OF POLICING, of interest, 5.45 pm Murray lecture theater, Murrey 
building, University of Southampton.

Not sure of my commitments, but I will try to make it.


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CS: Crime-Homeopath's killer may have psychic grudge

2000-11-20 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   There is some debate about how
  many shots were fired, but ... the man bent over him and
  another shot was discharged. There may have been three shots
  discharged in total.

The Teletext article I read said it could have been up to 12

Jonathan Laws.

CS: Pol-statutory right of entry

2000-11-10 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone got a copy of Richard Stillgo on thats life singing the "they have a 
statutory right of entry to your home" song?

Just a passing thought.

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CS: Crime-cameras and others

2000-11-10 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some believe that cameras stop crime, personally I don't.
At most it "moves crime on".It will not stop the thug
smacking that old man or woman for their pension.

It may have helped the police id Hamilton by his clothes,
depending on the condition of his head,


Just clearing out my stored mail log and found this interesting,
As some know I work in an educational establishment, the incidence of 
violent crimes against persons and property here has been growing at a most 
alarming rate recently, talking to the chief security officers staff 
yesterday was most enlightening.

During the day there are 5 staff on the main campus, one is commited to 
watching the monitors, one in a car *supervising*, one on foot putting 
parking enforcement notices on parked cars and two keeping the odd-bods from 
parking in the wrong place outside the admin. building.
At night this drops to 2, one on the monitors one in the car. Away from the 
main campus there are more officers, 4 in one location (2 at night) because 
of the risk of bodies (human) being stolen/damaged, and another location has 
6 during the day and 4 at night as they have an MOD research contract
Some outlying areas have no security staff at all, the biggest fears of the 
women I spoke to were the risk of violent assault/rape returning to their 
cars after work in the dark, for the unaware freshers this time of year is 
VERY dangerous (male as well as female).
Why so few security staff? After putting up CCTV (without IR illuminators so 
they are useless at night) the admin. people reduced the funding as they 
were no longer needed!
The chief security officer visited another location along the coast and 
found 3 times the staff plus, CCTV with IR illumination, car-parks that were 
not just lit, but flood-lighted (he knows we have a problem), but as usual 
the money men have ruled that cameras are cheaper than staff and "more 

It seems that the money men like cameras, cheaper than people (who are an 
actual deterent in most situations) and when linked to speed sensors etc 
revenue earners, I also suspect that if Blair and Straw succeed in making 
the police a nation-wide force, rather than the more local ones we have now, 
the spread of big brothers cameras and reduced police patrolling (petrol is 
SO expensive) will mean more no-go areas

And just think your face will be known to the central computer so your 
movements can/will? be monitored realtime, will it summon an ARV just 
because I'm walking my son to school (known firearms certificate holder too 
near to children), will it cancel/down-grade a schools calls for help with 
an intruder because they are not?

Niel, just a little concerned.

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CS: Misc-TV

2000-11-07 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having been off sick I did watch some tv...

TW last week, item about new wound dressing,
P.Snow in washington dc reporting, quick throw away line about the number of 
murders commited in DC, "murders, caused by handguns", DC where they are 
banned? Satanic guns with their own agenda?  HO-HUM same old lies :-(

Super Human, sunday, prof (lord) winston letting rip with a browning 9mm, 
shooting up a rover 800 series on a british F plate, with assistance from 
the army?

Seems that IF you are in favour you can do what you like!


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CS: Pol-vote time

2000-10-31 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It seems the bbc is having regional sports personality contests this year, 
tonight they asked for nominations/votes for the bbc south area.

As you should be aware richard f is from down this way, BUT, I have a better 
nomination, the lady air-rifle shooter who won gold in the para-olympics 
from down this way, she has won several medals in different sports at 
previous para-olyimpics and due to age/infirmity has now taken up air rifle 
shooting. The reason is simple, sympathy vote and less likely to question 
why a shooter was being voted for. They made it quite clear one vote per 
person ONLY, and they would be checking that multiple votes did not occur 
(probably only if you vote for non pc sports).

The e-mail address for nominations/votes is


Niel, who actually thinks she deserves it on her own merits, as well as 
supporting "our" sporting area.

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CS: Legal-Devon

2000-10-20 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think we need to watch this development very carefully as it is an angle
that has been mooted before as a possible requirement on shooters ie that
anyone going shooting should inform the police when and where they are
going. For some it is part of a process of suggestions aimed at making
shooting unviable. It may also be interesting to know who is making
complaints and whether complaints are coming from people who are opposed to
live quarry shooting.

Well my dear old (and now dead) dad, had precisely
this happen to him whilst shooting rabbits on a
football clubs grounds. THREE arv's and boxer1 (boxer 
2, as in too late, too expensive etc) the air support
unit were sent to "check him out". One officer in full
ballistic kit and with a pistol in his hand walked up
shouting to drop the weapon, he didn't, but merely
opened the action and put it carefully on the ground
(you don't throw good shotguns around), whilst dad
was covered by two others in the stands with mp5's and 
one lying on the ground semi hidden behind the arv
with a "sniper" rifle. The one approaching told him to
lie on the ground, and got told where to get off,
which flummoxed him a bit from what dad told me.
After all the documents were checked, serial number
of the gun recorded etc, the officer demanded several
samples from the cartridge belt "just to check that
they were legal"He was then told next time to
phone both the local station and HQ to let them know
where he was going to be shooting, just so he wasn't
So he did, and every time an arv was seen stopped
observing him for at least 10 minutes.

The other problem I know of involves some wildfowlers
who inform the local station and HQ by post before the
season starts of the the active shooters list, who
their duty wardens (who work with the RSPB wardens,
and every shooter has to do his share) are for each
date in the season. The members phone the divisional
control room when they go out, and atleast once a week 
someone gets rousted and marched off the marsh, just
to check their details, because someone has reported
them shooting the bird's (one local Labour MP 
is a regular caller, so my sources tell me).

Niel. p.s. Chichester harbour is now in serious
decline following the harassment of the shooting
members (and voluntary wardens) to the point they 
disbanded, the complainers now whinging that the bird
life in the area is in a rapid declineThe RSPB
know the BASC people are the best at doing the 
work, but they are not the ones causing the problem

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CS: Legal-teletext

2000-10-18 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CS: Legal-RFDs and gun testing

2000-10-17 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bit about section 5 reminded me of when the police
raided the gunsmiths in Fareham high street many years
ago. They held a section 5 for development of the
silenced stirling. The day after it ran out the local
police arrived mob handed and demanded all the section
5 guns. The smith doing the work was locked in the gun
room at the time and refused to open the cage type door, 
made a phone call and told the inspector leading the
team that he should keep quiet and listen to his radio.
2 Min's later the radio sprang into life and they were
told to back-off, but remain on the premises. 15-20 min's 
later the MP's from Chichester arrived and locked all
those on the premises inside. Within  two hours a new
section 5 permit, issued on behalf of the MOD arrived
by escorted ministry courier, then and only then were
the civilian police allowed to leave by the MOD
representitives and the MP's.

Still make's me chuckle, MP's locking up civi coppers...

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CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-09 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Absolutley not, because they are wrong and if it gets to
court you will be convicted of illegal possession.

The other problem that has been missed is what happens
if for some reason they refuse your renewal. If your cert is
not in force they are perfectly entitled to come round your
house, confiscate your guns and arrest you.

Jonathan Laws

My father (who recently passed away) had this happen
to him, his cert was in for renewal, day after expiry
the uniform local inspector and another uniform turn
up and demand to inspect his guns, after comments about
how clean and well looked after they were etc from the
other uniform, she (the inspector) stated that she could
see no reason why someone would want all those guns and
they would be taking them with them as no cert was in
Dad produced the letter which stated that if the paperwork
was in then there was no need to lodge the guns with an
RFD and told them to leave and come back with a warrant!
Next morning they arrived mob handed, warrant in hand at
10:00, he'd been with his usual RFD at 8:30 and was
waiting for them, they tried to snatch the RFD's receipt
(unsuccessfully) and had to send a car to check all the 
guns were lodged.

The firearms inspector called at dad's place (after his
death and having had dad's cert's handed to him several
months before) recently to remind dad that he needed to
get his application in for renewal before the due date, 
seems they can't even keep track of who actually alive,
let alone who's got a certificate

Niel (I found the visit quite funny, though I wasn't
there my brother is a real wind-up artist and had them
going round in circle's...even the 3, YES THREE, uniforms
sent as back-up with the inspector thought it was funny!).

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CS: Pol-Big Brother is watching you

2000-10-02 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As an industry watcher, not from the usual view-point
though, it has been noted that BT/NTL etc are slowly
killing off the smaller isp's so that control of the
internet and the profits remain theirs, no doubt the
security services will aid them as it means less
equipment to maintain etc.

Of course if they were to snatch (with warrants) our
machines, who's to say what they will "apparently" find
on our hard drives? They would have a problem with ours
as I only use this (web) account for cybershooters and 
don't cache it either, and there is rather a lot of
machines where I work that I could use for access
15-20k at last count plus cybercafe's, still I'll
continue to send in the clear, as encryption is being
seen as having something to hide these days.

We use UUNET at work, although they have endless problems
with their DNS.  However they are a huge service provider.

I have built a server running IPv6 but I haven't had a
chance to try doing another one yet so I don't know if
it works!


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CS: Pol-neighbours protest Olympic medal winners range

2000-09-22 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The area round Andover is pretty rural and there must be farms well away
from habitation that would have given him permission to practice. Bisley is 
well within reach too.

Just imagine that you just spent half a million on a house in that
village only to find that your neighbour is planning to open a
commercial clay pigeon range, which would make your house practically


Pretty and rural, with lots of houses and cottages owned by people who are 
not country sports supporters. A colleague moving from the Oxford area two 
years ago went to one falling down 2u2d cottage that needed a ground-up 
rebuild, the seller wanted 125K plus for it, it went for over 175K in the 
end to someone from "the city" he ended up in Newbury as anything out of 
town was way out of reachSee my previous e-mail for the antics of others 
in the area QC's seem to be in abundance, senile "retired" (except when they 
need a quote in support) judges too.

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CS: Legal-ECHR

2000-09-02 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As I said in an earlier message, which was not published:-
Photos taken by the type of speed camera used in this country
could not be used in evidence in Germany, for instance: the
photo would have to show the driver. However, cameras capable
of doing this, i.e. photographing the car number plate and the
driver from the front, and not the rear, are more expensive
than those used in this country.
Does anyone know whether the new digital speed cameras that
are now being installed will be able to identify the driver,
if not, then they would also be a waste of money?

Yes the one's on trial down here are, 5 front zones and 3 rear on the gantry 
jobbies (plate, tyres, driver, tax disc. tyres, plate) so I am told.

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CS: Pol-police positions

2000-08-18 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


If we can influence the copper on the ground, especially
the young ones, we will lay the foundations for the future
as these youngsters move up the ranks. Just as we all
believe in training the young shots of today to become
the experts of tomorrow, so we can apply the same to the


Slight problem here, most of the upper ranks are now graduate recruits, and 
as several old hands have pointed out only those who will do what the 
whitehall mob want get on, most constables can only ever aspire (with any 
real chance of success) to inspector at most these days unfortunately


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CS: Legal-S.54 etc.

2000-08-17 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JHP should also be used, where applicable, but we
cant have it 'cos the Hague convention says so.
Comments on this would be gratefully received.
(Article 29 of the Hague convention on Warfare on
Land, 1899 refers I think!). We use JSP instead.

I'm not sure that the Hague convention applies to civilian police officers 
in peace time the and to be honest the jhp would be safer for bystanders in 
some circumstances, the MOD police are different again though IIRC. One bit 
that does apply is that civilian police officers cannot use full auto 
firearms, self loaders ok, but not full auto. IIRC the DEA got caught out 
and they now train their "men in black" they must not pick-up and use any 
criminals gun during an operation incase its a full auto.

As a small aside, hants use a logo with the words "enforcing the peace" on 
vehicles, post franks, posters etc, this is part of the organisations 
problem perhaps? The courts enforce,  don't they?


p.s. you are right about vehicles killing more, or is that the drivers 
fault? And when the cameras went up around here they were on major roads 
without easy access on foot, not local access roads with children running 
around or having to cross to get to school, guess where most of the speeding 
takes place
According to some ancient Home Office policy the police will
respect the Hague Convention, don't ask me why, apparently
softpoints don't violate the convention, hardly surprising given
the ballistic performance!


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CS: Legal-anonymity

2000-08-16 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My view is that the police should ditch the MP5s and assault rifles
which scare the crap out of the public (with rare exceptions)


But thats what they are meant to do, isn't it?

I think too many police officers have watched the SAS
during the Iranian Embassy siege.

I saw some tape of a SWAT team in Washington State, I think
it was Tacoma, can't remember exactly.  They were all
armed with Glocks.  The pointman had a Glock 18 with the
33-round mag.  Flashlights mounted on the pistols.

I watched that and I thought to myself, "hmm, why is it
that so many police are armed with MP5s" - there
is no real logical reason, a pistol or an MP5 is just
as lethal inside a building, and if anything a pistol
is easier to move with.  Someone said once that the
MP5 was on a sling so you had both hands free if
you wanted - anyone heard of holsters and lanyards?

Pistols make more sense because it is possible to carry
two, so your backup is the same as your primary weapon.

Plus all the magazines are interchangeable between

The use of the MP5 is to a large extent a triumph
of marketing.


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CS: Pol-paedophile register

2000-08-16 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hamilton was first and foremost a paedophile, he murdered those poor
kids and their teacher for no other reason than "If he could not have
his perverted way with them, nobody would". In the current atmosphere of
"paedophile bashing" we will be missing a golden opportunity to remind
the media and Jackass Straw that we were used as a scapegoat for
paedophiles! Why was the witchhunt against shooters and not paedophiles?

I see a danger in shooters getting in on this, we may be
clean living people but some of the things I hear locally
are getting a little worrying
The register the baying mob in Portsmouth want access to
involves those who pose a risk to children, it won't take
much for them to demand shooters to be added to the list
(we must be perverted, we like "playing" with guns).


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CS: Legal-anonymity

2000-08-14 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can suggest a time as to when all this changed- after the
Brixton riots in 1981-

Try after the violent suppression of the miners at around the same time, a 
family member was a senior officer in the field back then and from what he 
told me the biggest problem was the control of the uniformed mob. The first 
units had removed their ID numbers (don't know who I am so I can do what I 
like) and from then on no-one trusted them to use restraint, he had to force 
officers to replace their ID numbers on several occasionsThe problems 
started before then in the minds of those who saw the police as a private 
army, for maggie or anyone else, but that capped it for a lot of people.

Yes they are supposed to be civilians, but as Nick points out they think 
they are something else

I thought the Met still didn't have collar numbers?


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CS: Pol-South Today 7-8-2000

2000-08-08 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Following the excellent, if rather short, coverage of the
world clay-pigeon shooting championship at the weekend on
last nights South Today (7-8-2000).  I found the
inappropriate use of an image, a shot-gun being loaded,
during a item on Wimborne's perpetrations for Britain in
Bloom, with a voice over about litter-bugs bring unacceptable,
rather disturbing.

Is there a "joker" in the editing suite, or is this some
form of subliminal message that violence with firearm's
is acceptable ?

I await your reply with interest.

Niel Fagan, concerned viewer.
12 gauge seems a bit much for litter bugs, maybe it was
a .410 thoughG.


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CS: Misc-Stolen Firearms

2000-08-07 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just checked the Uni of Sotons web-newspaper page,

Aug 2

(Though not seen until today, and I check daily).

4x .22 rifles stolen from the boatyard, removed from
security cabinets along with some ammo. Bolts stored
elseware so not fireable.

Any info, soton CID would like to know on 0845 045
4545, anyone at the uni has to dial that number from
home as the uni's phone system won't allow 0845 
numbers to be dialled BTW.


IIRC they (or the ones they replaced)were stolen
several years ago, and found proped against the
boatyard workshop door or somewhere similar one 
morning, again no bolts so of no use!

The uni's "club" range is in the boatyard compound,
I can't comment on the security as its membership by
invite only and I havn't seen inside the range 
buildings, however the yard is only secured by a 6
foot fence and gates and is open to the water, as you
would expect.. Though with their record for 
security I don't think I'd join them even if I was


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CS: Misc-Hampshire Police go .40

2000-08-05 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Had an interesting chat with an arv crew today (arv=traffic volvo,
not tactical firearms support unit).

It seems that sensibly that all armed vehicles in hampshire
are now datatracked, so if they lose one it can't get lost
for too longAlso the 9mm MP5's are to be replaced with
some sort of compact glock-with-a-stock in .40 cal, I also
wonder if the gsp's will be replaced with .40 glock pistols
for ammo compatability?

And yes fac renewal is running at around 5 months down here

That's quite interesting as it is the first I have heard of
UK police using .40 calibre.  I assume they're talking about
the HK UMP40 in semi-auto as the Glock carbine never came
to fruition.

I wonder what load they will use in .40, I can't think of
any .40 SPs off the top of my head and I assume JHPs are
still a no-no.


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CS: Pol-Dunblane

2000-07-27 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pardon me if I had the wrong information, but I was
led to believe that the Chief Constable and the murderer
were both Masons.  I was also informed that the chief
Constable said he HAD to issue the licence which statement,
having read your firearms law is a load of crap!
There is no evidence that Hamilton was a mason, or
McMurdo as I recall.  Frankly using the masons as
an excuse always strikes me as a waste of time,
because it makes it look as though ACC McMurdo
knew what he was doing but was bent, when in fact
he didn't know what he was doing which is far worse

The lodge number quoted for Hamilton does not exist in this country 
(somewhere in the far east IIRC), and grand lodge (England) said so, the 
grand lodge of scotland however said nothing as far as I could tell from 
down here...

Various labour militants/trades unionists etc saw an opertunity and 
attempted to use it to attack the masons, indeed several union commitee 
members here tried to make an issue of it (they were also shooters), however 
further information put in their hands stopped them making fools of 

Niel, former mason, trade union safety rep, SHOOTER.

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CS: Pol-ITV tonight

2000-07-07 Thread niel fagan

From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There I was minding my own looking at the teletext about Liars lying son and 
I hear shooting from the box, switch back to picture and there's a FULL BORE 
pistol "match" being shot, with a super-tv-cop doing very well and then 
throwing the match. So I kept watching, drivel about bent gunsmiths, 
re-ac-de-ac, finishing with (after getting it and a full mag from a locked 
gun cab.) a "child" and big mac (mac10) spraying his tormentors (bullies 
getting shot by victim?).
One of the main thrusts was he (the bent gunsmith) a LATHE, ok who on the 
lists into model engineering or similar? Do I need a licence for my 
toolmakers lathe at work

The second parts next week at 9, I may watch for further ammo (Written words 
NOT bullets) to throw at the ITC

What was the name of the programme?


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