RE: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

1998-08-20 Thread Burning Ice
Que tal meu:

Una solucion parcial  :(  para tu problema es que instales las XFree86
3.3.2, pues estas ofrecen soporte para el puerto AGP, así como para algunas
tarjetas Leadtek (aunque me parece que no la Winfast 3D S900).

Otra opcion sería un driver comercial (Xi Graphics, Metro-X) que si
tienen soporte para el i740 de intel. Lo malo de esta segunda opción es que
atenta contra tu bolsillo :O

KA, Burning Ice
-Mensaje original-
De: Pedro F. Pareja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: lista de Correo Debian Linux
Fecha: jueves, 20 de agosto de 1998 0:35
Asunto: Problemas en X-Window con tarjeta AGP

Saludos a los miembros de la lista:

Mi ordenador dispone de una tarjeta gráfica Leadtek Winfast 3D S900 con
4 Mb de memoria video. Está equipada con el chip i740 de Intel y es del
tipo AGP. Mi problema es que supongo que no existe soporte aún en Linux
para hacerla funcionar en Debian 1.3.1 (Linux Actual 1) y ni siquiera a

mano puedo configurar las X para que se comporte como una simple VGA a
16 colores y 640x480 pues sistemáticamente me genera un macro-escritorio

a una resolución de 300x200 más o menos y en monocolor.

¿Podría alguien indicarme cómo solucionar este problema?

Gracias de antemano.

Pedro F. Pareja

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-20 Thread M.G.
  Cuanto estarias dispuesto a pagar por una revista (Linux Actual) con

  - 1500?
  - 1995 ?
  - 2250 ?
  - otra cifra?

En principio, por una revista que es bimensual (y por tanto no hay
un desembolso semanal o mensual), que trae cuatro CDs, no creo
que 2500 pelas sea exagerado.  Pero claro, yo quiero Debian 2.0,
y eso en principio corre a mi favor.  Sin embargo, ya lo he pedido a, o sea, que lo tendría repe.  También hay que pensar
que mucha gente usa otras distribuciones, y es probable que no
estén demasiado felices pagando esa cifra por lo que les interesa,
o sea, la revista y el CD que viene con ella.

Mira, no sé cómo funciona exactamente lo de las distribuciones y
lo de los resellers (¿en castellano?), pero puestos a hacer los
CDs, ¿no podrías montarlo como los de (u otros) con
los de LA?  Así evitamos tener que pedirlo fuera de España, y lo
podemos hacer en Pesetas.


Configuracion de smail.

1998-08-20 Thread Ugo E. Albarello
Hola, como andan...

Tengo un pequeno problemita con mi correo en Debian 2.0

Mi direccion de correo real es [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Puedo hacer que el correo que salga, cambie el nombre de mi servidor
( por el servidor de mi universidad
( Hasta aqui todo va bien.

La cuenta en mi equipo donde recibo el correo de 'ugo_albarello' es
'ugo' (hago el login como 'ugo' por si no quedo claro).

El cuento es que cuando envio correo, lo envia como
[EMAIL PROTECTED] y, por supuesto, esa no es mi cuenta real, y
me rebota un mensaje de que no pudo enviar el correo por

En fin, lo que quiero es que el correo que envio el usuario 'ugo' de mi
maquina, salga a nombre de 'ugo_albarello'.

Alguien sabe como logro hacer esto?

P.D.1. Ya lei la documentacion y, en resumen, no entendi nada. Y no, no
quiero usar netscape para componer mail.

P.D.2. A Dios gracias existe el OpenSoundSystem para Linux, y funciona
de mil maravillas sobre Debian 2.0. Digo que a Dios gracias por que la
instalacion de Debian la hice sobre FTP y me ahorre el tener que bajar
el gcc (y companeros) y las fuentes del kernel. (bueno... por ahora ;^)

P.D.3. Sabe alguien donde puedo conseguir los CDs de Debian 2.0 en
Colombia? Es que me da como vaina hacer la marranada que alguien dijo
por ahi a los de datom (o como se llame)

Perdon por la longitud del mail, y muchas gracias por anticipado.

Ugo Enrico Albarello Lopez de Mesa

RE: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 puedes explicarme mejor eso del unix/:? Sintaxis, uso, etc.

Pues la verdad es que yo tampoco lo tengo muy claro, tengo entendido que es una 
notacion para inidicar un puerto de escucha de un servicio inet, pero no debe 
ser eso exactamente, porque en mi /etc/sevices, no figura ningun servicio que 
utilice ese puerto.

Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informática
Tfno.   +34-1-6070-311
Fax +34-1-6070-331

RE: Inclusión de Debian 2.0 en Linux Actual 9/98

1998-08-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 Otra opcion es sacar dos versiones de LA como hacen los ingleses
 con sus versiones CD y FD

Pues tambien es cierto, cuando Solo Programadores saco la Debian 1.3.1, lo hizo 
com una edicion aparte de la revista.

Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informática
Tfno.   +34-1-6070-311
Fax +34-1-6070-331

Re: Dotfiles

1998-08-20 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 05:34:15PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:
 ¿Para qué sirven exactamente las utilidades Dotfile que vienen en la nueva
 Debian 2.0?
 Según dice es una herramienta de configuración, con la cual configurar cosas
 básicas y características exóticas de nuestros programas favoritos
 (según dice la explicación + ó - del paquete).
 ¿Alguien podría proporcionarnos alguna explicación más... cómo diría...

Dotfile se refiere a los ficheros de configuración de la mayoría de
los prgs en linux. Yo tengo instalados el dotfile generator para Bash, emacs,
y idfwadm. Concretamente con el de bash puedes seleccionar que tipo de 
prompt deseas, si quieres que se muestren los acentos, ... en fin todas
esas cosas cada una de las cuales tiene un comando asociado que tendrias
que introducir en el fichero de configuracion (dotfile). El dotfile
generator te ahorra el tener que editar tu directamente el fichero y te
lo genera el mismo.



 Gracias por todo.
 Have a nice day ;-)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

jed y mutt

1998-08-20 Thread TooManySecrets

Por más que he mirado (a lo mejor lo he tenido delante mismo), no encuentro
la manera de hacer que el mutt, cuando hago un reply, me pregunte si quiero
hacerlo a todos, o usar el CC.

¿Cómo puedo ponerlo para que me ordene los mensajes por llegada, en vez de
fecha? Es que si no, cuando voy leyendo, tengo que ir pasando los que están
por en medio ya leídos.

En cuanto al Jed:
¿Cómo puedo hacer para que borre líneas enteras? Osea, que sea algo parecido
al Ctrl+K del Pico (editor del Pine), por ejemplo.

¿Por qué no me funciona la tecla tabuladora? En otros editores sí lo hace, y
para el correo, y sobretodo edición de ficheros del sistema me iría muy bien

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)

sigo Mutt

1998-08-20 Thread TooManySecrets
Por cierto, se me olvidaba...
¿Tiene el Mutt alguna utilidad/combinación_teclas, para poder usar una
agenda de direcciones, al igual que el Pine?

Have a nice day ;-)

Re: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 08:39:30AM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
  puedes explicarme mejor eso del unix/:? Sintaxis, uso, etc.
 Pues la verdad es que yo tampoco lo tengo muy claro, tengo entendido que es 
 notacion para inidicar un puerto de escucha de un servicio inet, pero no debe 
 ser eso exactamente, porque en mi /etc/sevices, no figura ningun servicio que 
 utilice ese puerto.

Es para decirle que se conecte usando un puerto de unix (el que se indique).
En ese puerto hay un servidor de fuentes escuchando...



1998-08-20 Thread Emilio Tejedor

Buenas:Tengo un problema con el kppp (estoy con 
hamm)Slo lo puedo utilizar como root. Al intentar utilizarlo como 
otro usuariome dice que tengo que darle permisos suid a kppp. Creo que lo he 
hecho perosigue sin funcionar. Los permisos que traa por defecto 
eran: _rwsr_xr_x. Yocrea que al hacer suid la s se pona a la 
izquierda del todo, pero veo queno es as. He probado con chmod +s 
kppp y no funciona. Lo nico que hace essustituir la x del grupo por 
una s.He mirado la ayuda y pone algo de crear un grupo modem y meter 
ah losusuarios, y meter en l todos los 
usuarios.Personalmente creo que eso es coj... pero preferira probar 
primero lasolucin fcil (estoy bastante liado como para 
experimentar).Otra cosa: alguien sabe porqu han 
desaparecido algunas aplicaciones en ladistribucin de kde? en 
particular kuser y el gestor de inicio System V (queno recuerdo como se 
llama)Otro problema es que no consigo imprimir bien (no imprime acentos 
ni ).Tengo un hp deskjet 600, el lprng y magicfilter. Alguna 
idea de cmoconfigurarlo bien. El filtro elegido es dj500 creo 
(perdn pero estoy enwindows)Gracias por 

LaTex con papel A4

1998-08-20 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

He compilado el sample2e.tex con el LaTex y al imprimirlo
me han salido unos margenes supergrandes. Creo que el LaTex
sigue formateando la pagina como si fuera formato letter y
no A4. Alguno/a sabe que comando/paquete usar para tener unos
margenes mas razonablemente europeos?


Re: LaTex con papel A4

1998-08-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 He compilado el sample2e.tex con el LaTex y al imprimirlo
 me han salido unos margenes supergrandes. Creo que el LaTex
 sigue formateando la pagina como si fuera formato letter y
 no A4. Alguno/a sabe que comando/paquete usar para tener unos
 margenes mas razonablemente europeos?

¿Tal vez a4wide.sty?

 86342f8066e5f8eb054ac38f8240a32b (a truly random sig)

Nuevo pie

1998-08-20 Thread Santiago Vila
Buenas tardes.

Como os habréis dado cuenta, el pie de todos los mensajes (ese que antes 
decía To UNSUBSCRIBE...) ha cambiado.

Detrás de la nueva dirección, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
hay actualmente tres personas al menos: Los que se encargan del resto de
las listas de Debian (Martin Schulze y Hanno Wagner), y yo (que solamente
voy a encargarme de esta).

Bueno, pues a lo que iba: Si alguno tiene algún problema para suscribirse
o borrarse prefiero que contacte conmigo directamente antes de escribir a
la susodicha dirección, así no les damos la paliza que bastante tienen con
las otras 62 listas.

Muchas gracias.

 82101cfa0f5cd18a619554bcd5b5d686 (a truly random sig)

Re: LaTex con papel A4

1998-08-20 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 08:03:37PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
  He compilado el sample2e.tex con el LaTex y al imprimirlo
  me han salido unos margenes supergrandes. Creo que el LaTex
  sigue formateando la pagina como si fuera formato letter y
  no A4. Alguno/a sabe que comando/paquete usar para tener unos
  margenes mas razonablemente europeos?
 ¿Tal vez a4wide.sty?

pongo \usepackage{a4wide} pero al compilar me da error
de que no encuentra el paquete a4.sty.


  86342f8066e5f8eb054ac38f8240a32b (a truly random sig)

(lista fantasma?) Re: Más sobre: En el NS Communicator 4.05 an dejado de funcionarme los acentos!!!

1998-08-20 Thread Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
Buenas, no voy a contestar tu mensaje Josep, entre otras cosas porque no se la
respuesta, sin embargo voy a plantear otra pregunta:

Yo no me suscribí a esta lista, no es que me moleste mucho estar suscrito pero
vamos, me sorprende un poco. Por otra parte, me llegan muy pocos mensajes y 
las respuestas que yo mismo envio :-?

En fin, no se... Si no os importa desuscribirme os lo agradecería bastante ya 
ni siquiera utilizo debian y para linux ya estoy suscrito a la lista de SLUG.

Un saludo y perdón por el tráfico extra.

Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
SIstemas y REdes telemáticas
91 804 35 80
Parque Tecnológico de Madrid
Tres Cantos - Madrid
Asociación de Usuarios de Linux de
Tres Cantos.

Re: jed y mutt

1998-08-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 11:47:29AM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:

 Por más que he mirado (a lo mejor lo he tenido delante mismo), no encuentro
 la manera de hacer que el mutt, cuando hago un reply, me pregunte si quiero
 hacerlo a todos, o usar el CC.

yo tengo:

bind index R group-reply
bind pager R group-reply

y r es nada mas reply. Asi, r contesta, y R le contesta a todos.

 ¿Cómo puedo ponerlo para que me ordene los mensajes por llegada, en vez de
 fecha? Es que si no, cuando voy leyendo, tengo que ir pasando los que están
 por en medio ya leídos.

set sort=threads
set sort_aux=date-received

y esto hace lo que quieres.

 ¿Cómo puedo hacer para que borre líneas enteras?

pico... yucks...

C-a C-k C-k hace lo que creo que quieres.

 ¿Por qué no me funciona la tecla tabuladora? En otros editores sí lo hace,
 y para el correo, y sobretodo edición de ficheros del sistema me iría muy
 bien tenerla.

Si funciona. Diferente, pero funciona. Dependiendo del modo en que estes
trabajando (text probablemente), TAB es indent-relative,
c-indent-command, indent-relative-maybe, u otras cosas. Que quieres


Re: sigo Mutt

1998-08-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 11:50:30AM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote:

 ¿Tiene el Mutt alguna utilidad/combinación_teclas, para poder usar una
 agenda de direcciones, al igual que el Pine?

Dices como esto:

alias debian-user-spanish Usuarios de Debian

Se hace con esto:

set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases 
bind index T create-alias
bind pager T create-alias
source ~/.mail_aliases


Re: LaTex con papel A4

1998-08-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 09:52:32PM +0200, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 pongo \usepackage{a4wide} pero al compilar me da error
 de que no encuentra el paquete a4.sty.

Pues efectivamente no esta... :-(

En CTAN (, creo que el directorio se llama tex-archive) busca:


si no tienes mucha prisa, estos URL's sirven:

y luego

$ latex a4.ins
$ cp a4.sty /usr/local/lib/texmf/
$ texhash


Re: Más sobre: En el NS Communicator 4.05 an dejado de funcionarme los acentos!!!

1998-08-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 11:59:43PM +0200, J.Parera wrote:

 De todas maneras, hay alguna forma de verificar que no haya sido dañado
 ningún archivo? Mediante el dpkg o lo que sea. Debo reinstalar algún
 paquete? Entiendan que volver a reinstalar la Debian 2.0 no es
 precisamente sencillo. (algo bueno tenía el W95, al menos se
 reinstalaba rápido :-D)

Reinstalar? Que es eso?

A alguien en la lista le habia indicado una forma de hacer algo parecido.
Revisa los archivos de la lista (mira en


Re: LaTex con papel A4

1998-08-20 Thread jgb

Es posible que el paquete geometry sirva para lo que quieres 
tambi'en. Con 'el puedes poner cosas del estilo 

S'olo con el usepackage ya te deja unos m'argenes muy
razonables, para mi gusto...


Marcelo E. Magallon writes:
  On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 09:52:32PM +0200, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
   pongo \usepackage{a4wide} pero al compilar me da error
   de que no encuentra el paquete a4.sty.
  Pues efectivamente no esta... :-(
  En CTAN (, creo que el directorio se llama tex-archive) busca:
  si no tienes mucha prisa, estos URL's sirven:
  y luego
  $ latex a4.ins
  $ cp a4.sty /usr/local/lib/texmf/
  $ texhash
  Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

Más sobre: En el NS Communicator 4.05 an dejado de funcionarme los acentos!!!

1998-08-20 Thread J . Parera
 el /etc/X11/Xmodmap lo tengo vacio, sin ninguna linea (solo alguna de
descripción comentada).

En /lib/libc5-compat no hay ningún archivo.

Puede alguna de las dos anteriores descripciones (no se como llamarlo)
ser la causante del problema de los acentos? Anunque el resto de aplicaciones
para Xs funcionan perfectamente.

Recordar que el resto de teclas me funciona correctamente (Inicio y Fin) excepto
la tecla Insert.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Uso leafnode como servidor de news y no consigo conectarme a el.

1998-08-20 Thread J . Parera
 no consigo conectarme al server de news (localhost) desde ningún cliente, si lo
intento mediante telnet me hecha al cabo de unos dos segundos.

Observando el /var/log/news/news.err (y el news.notice) leo lo siguiente:

Can't stat /var/lib/leafnode/groupinfo no such file or directory

Y asi lo tengo yo:

[/var/lib/leafnode]$ ls -l
total 1718
-rw-rw-r--   1 news news  1750781 ago 18 22:13 groupinfo
[/var/lib/leafnode]$ ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x   2 news news 1024 ago 18 22:13 ./
[/var/lib/leafnode]$ cd ..
[/var/lib]$ ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  18 root root 1024 ago 18 17:14 ./
[/var/lib]$ cd ..
[/var]$ ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  12 root root 1024 ago 12 01:45 ./
[/var]$ cd ..
[/]$ ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x  20 root root 1024 ago 20 16:14 ./

Dicho mensaje tiene algo que ver con que no pueda conectarme al server

En el /etc/inetd.conf tengo:

[/]$ grep nntp /etc/inetd.conf 
nntpstream  tcp nowait  news/usr/sbin/tcpd  

Y ahora los /etc/host*

[/]$ cat /etc/host.conf 
order hosts,bind
multi on

[/]$ cat /etc/hostname  
[/]$ cat /etc/hosts   Estruch localhost

[/]$ cat /etc/hosts.deny
#-- leafnode begin
leafnode: ALL
#-- leafnode end

[/]$ cat /etc/hosts.allow
#-- leafnode begin
leafnode: localhost
#-- leafnode end

Que puede ser el fallo?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

SANE y un Mustek Paragon 800 II SP

1998-08-20 Thread J . Parera
 he instalado el paquete SANE (proveniente de la Debian 2.0) y tengo un scanner
Mustek Paragon 800 II SP (model: MFC-800S), en la documentación de SANE 
se comenta un programa que te detecta donde tienes el (/dev/sg*, creo recordar) 
scanner, el problema es que al correr dicho programa no me lo detecta por lo que
pienso que la tarjeta SCSI (la que te dan con el scanner) debe ser PnP.

Suponiendo que dicha tarjeta sea PnP, como la configuro (irq, lo que sea)?

He leido que mi tarjeta es el modelo (no sé cual de los tres):

DTC - 318 A
DTC - 3181 E

No sé cual de las 3 tarjetas tengo pero en las páginas de Mustek dicen que tine
que ser una de ellas.

En fin, no sé nada más ni sobre mi scanner ni sobre SANE. Agradecería cualquier
ayudita :-)

Un saludo,
   J. Parera

Re: Uso de fuentes TrueType con xfstt e impresión con Ghost script

1998-08-20 Thread J . Parera
  puedes explicarme mejor eso del unix/:? Sintaxis, uso, etc.
 Pues la verdad es que yo tampoco lo tengo muy claro, tengo entendido que es 
 notacion para inidicar un puerto de escucha de un servicio inet, pero no 
 ser eso exactamente, porque en mi /etc/sevices, no figura ningun servicio 
 utilice ese puerto.

Es para decirle que se conecte usando un puerto de unix (el que se indique).
En ese puerto hay un servidor de fuentes escuchando...

como puedo saber en que puerto corre el xfstt?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Re: linux laptop resources?

1998-08-20 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Richard E. Hawkins Esq. [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| does anyone know of a mailing list or whathaveyou for linux  laptops?  
| there's some (probably) easy answers I need from folks who have
| already solved them, but i don't know where to look.
| (such as, how to get a thinkpad to charge)

There is a laptop mailing list for Linux. It's address is

To subscribe to it send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
single line in the body of the message

subscribe linux-laptop

I don't recall it being very high volume though. Worth a shot
I guess. 

For Thinkpads there's also:

Good Luck!

RE: Debian Knowledge Base ?

1998-08-20 Thread Hank Fay
Well, wish and it shall be... or about to be. has a search engine
which will search all the relevant sources of information, it would appear.
It's not up yet; and I would hope that the Debian site would be included in
their searches.


-Original Message-
From: Greg Tower Starkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 8:06 AM
To: Hank Fay
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra;
phillip Neumann; Debian User
Subject: Re: Debian Knowledge Base ?

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998, Hank Fay wrote:

 What I think would be helpful would be a Keyword search which then
 the title and link for results; on the order of the gasp! MSKB.  That
 when you searched on kernel you'd come up with 'make-kpkg' in a couple of
 locations.  I responded to RMS on his article on the need for free
 documentation as well as free software (as the maillist is testament
 it's darned hard to use the second without the first), and he suggested I
 write it (I knew this was a risk when writing him g).  Keywords of
 software would bring up titles and links.

I'll second that. These searches could also be tied into the bug tracking
system as well.

Greg Tower Starkes (
NLPA Secretary (
Player with Voodoo Reign (

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Creating debian packages

1998-08-20 Thread Kyle Amon

man deb

and read all the SEE ALSO's too.  It's pretty simple really.  Maybe disect
a few odd .deb files first to get the lay of the land.  Also, I believe 
you need to have installed the deb package building tools as well since I
don't believe they are part of the base install.

- Kyle

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Wayne Cuddy wrote:

 I have just installed Debian Hamm so I am new to this distribution.  I
 have been a long time user of RedHat.  I was quite pleased with the
 book 'Maximum RPM' describing the packing building and usage of the
 RPM system.  Is there something similar for dpkg?  I downloaded
 something called the 'dpkg programmers manual' which I don't think I
 am the target audience for.  I would like the complete procedure for
 building binary and source .deb files.  A small sample walk-through
 would be nice.  If anyone can point me to this information or send me
 anything I would greatly appreciate it.
 Wayne Cuddy
 CRB-WEB (C  H Consulting)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Kyle Amon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administratorphone: (203) 486-3290
Security Specialist   pager: 1-800-759- PIN 1616512
IBM Global Services  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KeyID 1024/26DD13D9
Fingerprint = 7D 86 D1 AE 4B E9 91 6A  4B BC B5 B4 12 F0 D3 1A

GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them. 

- Richard Stallman
  The GNU Manifesto, 1985

Re: Installion: Uncorrectable Error

1998-08-20 Thread shaul
Doesn't it simplly says that the HD has bad sectors ?
 I am trying to install debian onto a partition on my second hard drive,
 I get finished installing, and making my boot floppy, by i get a lot of
 error messages,when I reboot to continue installion. There are so many
 messages after a while the computer just sits there, and doesnt do
 anything.  I tried reinstalling probably 20+ times, and it is still
 doing this, I got further than that once, but there was another problem
 later on, in hardware, so was going to reinstall, and it is screwed up
 again, the error message that I get is:
 hdb: read_intr: status=0x59 {DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error}
 hdb: read_intr: error=0x40 {UnCorrectable Error}, CHS=40/3/25
 end_request: I/O Error, dev 03:42, sector 34548
 Any info on this message would really help, I get so many of them, they
 just fill up the whole screen. Even the time I got past them, I still
 had them, just not as many. If it matters, I have a Pentium 100mhz 24
 RAM Linux Partition=225 megs and I am installing from a CD, which I
 purchased at
   Kenneth L. Smart


1998-08-20 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
What's the plan for files in the stable-updates directory on Will these eventually be moved into the hamm
distribution? I understand they're bug fixes for stable but why are
they in a separate directoy instead of just replacing whatever's buggy 
in hamm/stable?


Re: fixing my host name!

1998-08-20 Thread Lane
Although the scenerio you paint shouldn't be causing a problem, you could
get a permanent hostname through (see  It is a for
$ service but pretty cheap last I checked.  No I do not use it (yet) but a
friend of mine does and he is very happy.  I understand they have or are at
least working on a Linux port.

Good luck.
-Original Message-
From: the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User's List
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 3:54 PM
Subject: fixing my host name!

Several of my emails are getting returned by the intended receiever's
ISP.  The emails are returned with invalid hostname -- *my*
hostname.  Since I am currently only using PPP to connect to the 'net,
I have a bogus hostname.

I believe, though, that some mailers reject my name because of spam
filters or whatever.  At any rate, what should I change my hostname to
(and how) so that it appears okay for strict mail systems?  My ISP IP
is dynamic, so I can't use that (those?).


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: fixing my host name!

1998-08-20 Thread Hank Fay
dynip does have a linux port, which I will be exploring shortly as I attempt
to put up my ipmasq + portforwarding machine.  I'm using the service on
Win95 right now, and it works as advertised.  For the domain (you
prepend your subdomain) the price is $24.95/year, with a 60-day free trial


Using  VFP: MS's OOP Production Tool

-Original Message-
From: Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 7:25 PM
To: Matt Garman; Debian User's List
Subject: Re: fixing my host name!

Although the scenerio you paint shouldn't be causing a problem, you could
get a permanent hostname through (see  It is a for
$ service but pretty cheap last I checked.  No I do not use it (yet) but a
friend of mine does and he is very happy.  I understand they have or are at
least working on a Linux port.

Good luck.

diald and ppp problems

1998-08-20 Thread Will Lowe
I'm using the hamm pppd and diald packages.  I've got ppp working fine I
can do (as root)
pppd call myisp 
and it connects.

I'm trying to set up diald to do it and it's not working.  Diald
1) doesn't seem to realize that pppd is successful in making a connection
-- it kills pppd with a connect script failed message _after_
pppd has set up the link
2) isn't manipulating my routing tables right.  route just hangs after
it prints column headings.  Is there some way to get diald
to just start pppd and let _it_ handle setting up routes?

Here's /etc/diald/diald.options:

#fifo /var/run/diald/diald.fifo
device /dev/ttyS2
mode ppp
connect /usr/sbin/pppd call myisp
include /etc/diald/standard.filter


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
| And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-20 Thread Pete Harlan
  E kernel-image package offer the option of copying the kernel to the
  E place loadlin expects it in your setup?  I would figure that

   There is no real standard place where loadlin users keep the
  images; and any hardwired solution is unlikely to satisfy more than a


Isn't there a config file in /etc?  I accept the defaults when
installing my custom-made kernel packages, but even there it would be
easier if I could specify it once in the conf file.  This should make
the loadlin people happy, and the ask-questions-all-at-once install
folks too.

Just a thought.  Bloat good.

Pete Harlan

PS: Anyone know why Meta-backspace doesn't work in an xterm in hamm/slink?
It works on the console, or when emacs has its own X window, but not
on the xterm[-debian] command-line or emacs when it's in an xterm.

ext2fs:64: et/com_err.h: No such file or directory

1998-08-20 Thread Paul Miller

I'm trying to build quota with the setquota patch and I'm missing a header
file.  Does anyone know what package contains et/com_err.h?

$ debian/rules build
test -f quota.c -a -f debian/rules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/quota-1.65/quota-1.65'
gcc -O2 -DRPC -DEXT2_DIRECT   -c quotacheck.c -o quotacheck.o
In file included from quotacheck.c:44:
/usr/include/ext2fs/ext2fs.h:64: et/com_err.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [quotacheck.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/quota-1.65/quota-1.65'
make: *** [build] Error 2


Is there a directory for calling scripts when a laptop awakens/suspends ?

1998-08-20 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
Is there a directory in which scripts in it are called when a laptop goes into
wakeup from a suspend mode ? This would be similar to the directory
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d, where scripts in it are called when the ppp connection goes

The reason for asking is that the suspend/awake mode works *very* well with
linux with everthing except for my pcmcia network card. I find that whenever I
awaken the laptop, to get the network card working I have to
'/etc/init.d/./pcmcia restart' - and then everthing is fine.

It would be nice if this could be automated - which is why I asked about a
directory in which scripts would be called when the laptop awakens.

Thanks !
Geoff Brimhall

diald not recognizing a good ppp connection via pppconfig - help !

1998-08-20 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
I have my ppp connection working wonderfully via the package pppconfig.

I assumed that I could use the '/usr/bin/pon' command with diald.

Here's what happens if I look at diald when it is initiating a connection via
looking at /var/log/ppp.log:

It starts /usr/bin/pon just fine. This succeeds in connecting.
However, when the 'connect-timeout' in diald.conf is reached, dial terminates
the script /usr/bin/pon, and then proceeds to terminate the ppp

I know that /usr/bin/pon has a good connection because I am hot to the internet
inbetween the time the connection is made and diald goes through the silly
'connect-timeout' sequence above.

Should the /usr/bin/pon script be outputting something to diald's fifo pipe
(like CONNECT) in order for it to recognize a good connection ?

Help ?

Thanks !
Geoff Brimhall

RE: linux laptop resources?

1998-08-20 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
A very good website for linux stuff in general is:

If you then choose Hardware, you will see an entry for laptops. This
points you to just about everthing that is out there for laptops.

On 19-Aug-98 Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
 does anyone know of a mailing list or whathaveyou for linux  laptops?  
 there's some (probably) easy answers I need from folks who have already
 them, but i don't know where to look.
 (such as, how to get a thinkpad to charge)
 These opinions will not be those of ISU until it pays my retainer.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: Geoffrey L. Brimhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19-Aug-98
Time: 16:14:37

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: debian 1.2 or 1.3

1998-08-20 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 11:13:43AM -0500, Alan Maciel Salcedo. wrote:
 Anyone have the debian 1.3 base disk set or the 1.2
 or anyone knows where to get it?

If anyone is feeling really nostalgic I have 1.2 and 1.1.11
on CD-ROM and can burn copies :-)

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

really-real-root (avoiding alias loop)

1998-08-20 Thread David Stern

I've got sendmail (8.9.1) running pretty well now (woohoo!) and there 
are a couple finishing touches I'd like to ask for suggestions with.

The first item is email aliases.  I want email to root to go to a user, 
however when I send mail to real-root, I want it to go to the _really_ 
real-root, not the alias for root, which is what keeps happening.  
I've tried putting the real-root alias both before and after the root 
alias and I re-ran newaliases.  Any ideas how can I avoid the loop?

some email won't go...

1998-08-20 Thread the lone gunman

I asked earlier about having an incorrect hostname, and it affecting
emails (i.e. some email doesn't go through).

Here's a copy of a returned email (the references to sewage are my
hostname; I have my hostname setup as sewage):

From MAILER-DAEMON Wed Aug 19 19:43:05 1998
Received: from sewage by sewage
via smail with bsmtp
id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
for lgunman; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:04 -0500 (CDT) 
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:04 -0500 (CDT)
To: lgunman
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender
Status: RO
Content-Length: 587
Lines: 14

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 address_of_intended_receiver ... transport smtp: 501 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... invalid host name sewage, check your configuration.
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by sewage
via send-mail from stdin
id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
for unknown; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:02 -0500 (CDT) 
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: lgunman (the lone gunman)
To: address_of_intended_receiver
Subject: test

[body not included]

simple server?

1998-08-20 Thread Alan Su
i'm pretty confused about some weird behavior i'm seeing with the
socket routines on a couple hamm machines.  i've written a simple dumb
server to demonstrate the behavior, and i'll attach it below.

basically, it opens a socket and tries to bind it to a specific port.
the wierd thing is that bind doesn't care if i try to bind to a
privileged port (numbered less than 1024).  the same code compiled
and run on a solaris box results in an error generated by the call to
bind() -- with errno set to EACCES, i believe.

the weirdest thing is that the socket doesn't seem to be actually
bound when i run it under linux, regardless of whether or not the port
i try to use is privileged or not.  i extended the code to actually
bind to port 23, listen on it, and go into an accept loop.  the code
runs to the accept loop without errors, but telnet connections still
seem to go to the right place (i.e. telnetd).

can anyone spot what i'm doing wrong?  anyone care to try this on
their hamm box?  thanks.


#include stdio.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include netdb.h

#define USAGE Usage: %s [port]\n

main(int argc, char **argv)
  int serverSock;
  struct sockaddr_in serverSockName;
  int port;
  struct protoent *proto;

  if (argc  2) {
fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);

  if (argc == 2) {
if (sscanf(argv[1], %d, port) != 1) {
  fprintf(stderr, USAGE, argv[0]);
  else {

  fprintf(stderr, using port %d\n, port);

  /* 6 == protocol no. for tcp */
  serverSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6);
  if (serverSock == -1) {

  serverSockName.sin_family = AF_INET;
  serverSockName.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  serverSockName.sin_port = port;
  if (bind(serverSock, (struct sockaddr *)serverSockName,
   sizeof (struct sockaddr)) != 0) {

  fprintf(stderr, socket bound\n);


Re: Slab [Re: Audio Stuffffff]

1998-08-20 Thread phillip Neumann
On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 01:02:14PM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
 Michele Bini hat gesagt: // Michele Bini wrote:
  On Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:37:15 PDT , phillip Neumann  said:
 Unfortunatley SLab refuses to work with my old and dusty Mozart 
 so I can't say anything regarding its functionality.

I've installed it, but didn't really get anywhere with it.  To do what
I really want it to do, anyway, I'd need to buy the full duplex
drivers for my SoundBlaster AWE32.

My question: has anyone used the SB AWE32 with slab and had good


Hi, im wondering how did you install slab. I coulndt install it, because 
some problems with locating tcl. Maybe you can send me your file...8-)
I have been smelling ALSA, the new driver for soundcards... it sounds 
grate, and it support full duplex on AWE32. Im trying to install it in 
my PC...ahhh its free...


Thanks, Phillip Neumann

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: simple server?

1998-08-20 Thread Alexander Yukhimets
   serverSockName.sin_port = port;

And you telling me that you actually write networking software? :)
Every book would tell you that you should do

serverSockName.sin_port = htons(port);

(Yes, on Solaris it would work even without htons() since hton?() functions
do nothing, host order coinside with network order there, which is not the
case on Intel architecture).

Good luck,

Alex Y.
 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \()|  |
  / \ \   +---+

[3] Libforms?

1998-08-20 Thread phillip Neumann
On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:

 Well i know that inside libforms88 is the lib I 
 already install this package. Thats why i found it curious. The file is in my /usr/X11R6/libdirectory.
 What is happening? Why cant `DAP' find this lib?
 (DAP said: can't load library '')
Have you already tried ldconfig?


Do you mean executing ldconfig before DAP? If yes, i did it and nothing 
new happened. if not, what do you mean tring with ldconfig?
DAP is still saying bad things...

Thanks for helping,
Phillip Neumann

Get Your Private, Free Email at

binding bind

1998-08-20 Thread David Stern

I'm really happy my MTA is working well, now I just want to tweak these 
last couple details.

I'm fairly new to bind, and I notice considreable delays while sending 
local mail (30s) and remote mail (60s) when I'm not connected to the 
'net (my isp's nameservers aren't reachable) which I'd like to reduce 
to a more reasonable amount, or preferably eliminate.  Further, these 
delays cause my X-win video to not be redrawn, and I can't click 
anything while this is happening, although I can change to another VT.  
Is there anyway to deactivate bind when I'm not connected to the 'net?

My configuration, derived from bindconfig, is forward-only.  My 
syslog shows named is running, purging it's cached RR's,, and 
I'm not getting any errors.

I see the /var/named/boot.options file, and I've read the 
/usr/doc/bin/manual/options.html, but alas I'm not sure what param(s) I 
should set.  I'm really happy my MTA is working well, now I just want 
to tweak these last couple details.  Thanks for any ideas you can lend.


IP less virtual hosting FTP daemon

1998-08-20 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
Is there such a thing? I have a lot domains that I host, but only one IP.

Nether proftpd or wu-ftpd-academ can handle this... And I know of only one
web server that do (which I have runned happily for over a year), and that's
Roxen... But I need a FTPd that can handle this to...

PS. Please Cc to me, since I'm not on debian-user[s]...

 Turbo __ _ Debian GNU Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
 ^/ /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  selective about who its friends are 
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  
  _ /// / /__| | | | | |_| |Turbo Fredriksson[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \\\/  \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ Surrey/B.C./Canada  (604)572-3523
Debian Certified Linux Developer  PGP#788CD1A9
--- PGP:  B7 92 93 0E 06 94 D6 22  98 1F 0B 5B FE 33 A1 0B 
Rule Psix quiche Semtex class struggle munitions [Hello to all my fans
in domestic surveillance] AK-47 strategic Kennedy Ft. Bragg South
Africa Albanian Uzi Khaddafi supercomputer

Description: PGP signature

Re: IP less virtual hosting FTP daemon

1998-08-20 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On 19 Aug 1998, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:

 Is there such a thing? I have a lot domains that I host, but only one IP.

No. Proftpd can do IP based virtual hosting
 Nether proftpd or wu-ftpd-academ can handle this... And I know of only one
 web server that do (which I have runned happily for over a year), and that's
 Roxen... But I need a FTPd that can handle this to...

Actually apache does this too, and I think boa might as well. Works great,
that's how is run :


Re: IP less virtual hosting FTP daemon

1998-08-20 Thread Turbo Fredriksson
Jason Gunthorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 19 Aug 1998, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
  Is there such a thing? I have a lot domains that I host, but only one IP.
 No. Proftpd can do IP based virtual hosting

I know, ProFTPd is what I'm currently using, but that won't do...

 Turbo __ _ Debian GNU Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
 ^/ /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  selective about who its friends are 
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  
  _ /// / /__| | | | | |_| |Turbo Fredriksson[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \\\/  \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ Surrey/B.C./Canada  (604)572-3523
Debian Certified Linux Developer  PGP#788CD1A9
--- PGP:  B7 92 93 0E 06 94 D6 22  98 1F 0B 5B FE 33 A1 0B 
explosion Ortega cracking NSA Peking Marxist [Hello to all my fans in
domestic surveillance] ammunition Cocaine DES Delta Force Mossad
domestic disruption plutonium Panama

Description: PGP signature

Printer stops halfway through last page??

1998-08-20 Thread kaynjay
Can anyone tell me why this happens, with both a2ps and magicfilter on my HP
DJ500?  Never occurred before the 2.0 install (used apsfilter back then


Difference between a virus  windows?
  Viruses never fail.

Re: new user needs help

1998-08-20 Thread Ed Cogburn
Darren Benham wrote:
 On 19-Aug-98 Brian D Kellogg wrote:
  1.  I can't mount the cdrom.
i get this error--can't find /dev/hdc in /etc/mtab or /etc/fstab.
It's a standard Atapi cdrom.
 try mount /dev/hdc /cdrom
  2.  command make menuconfig doesn't work.
i get error--no rule to make target.
 where are you when you run make menuconfig?
 Oh.. and it looks like you have some remenants of SuSE in your X Config.. and
 /usr/X11R6/bin is set as a link that eventually resolves itself to *_NONE...
 I'm not sure (yet) how debian resolves the XServers.

When you install an xserver package, it will (I believe) modify the
first line of /etc/X11/Xserver to indicate the xserver to use.  So,
brian just install the xserver package you need and when it asks 'Make
this server default?' answer with 'Y'.

Ed C.

Re: [3] Libforms?

1998-08-20 Thread Ed Cogburn
phillip Neumann wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, phillip Neumann wrote:
  Well i know that inside libforms88 is the lib I
  already install this package. Thats why i found it curious. The file is in my /usr/X11R6/libdirectory.
  What is happening? Why cant `DAP' find this lib?
  (DAP said: can't load library '')
 Have you already tried ldconfig?
 Do you mean executing ldconfig before DAP? If yes, i did it and nothing
 new happened. if not, what do you mean tring with ldconfig?
 DAP is still saying bad things...
 Thanks for helping,
 Phillip Neumann

FWIW, could this be a libc5/libc6 problem?  Maybe one of libforms or
DAP is built against libc5?  Try using strace with DAP and see if it
actually is finding the lib but just can't load it.

Ed C.

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-20 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Pete == Pete Harlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Pete Isn't there a config file in /etc?  I accept the defaults when
 Pete installing my custom-made kernel packages, but even there it would be
 Pete easier if I could specify it once in the conf file.  This should make
 Pete the loadlin people happy, and the ask-questions-all-at-once install
 Pete folks too.

I see. Yes, I guess the post-inst file maybe modified on the
 fly by make-kpkg to have the location of the desired destination; and
 then the postinst may mv /boot/* to the final location. 

Hmm. I shall have to see if this can indeed be inserted into
 the postinst (which already does a number of things, and has,
 unfortunately, evolved to the current complexity)

I'll see what I can do.

 Pete Just a thought.  Bloat good.


 Ten years of experience should add up to more than one year's
 experience multiplied by ten.
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Creating debian packages

1998-08-20 Thread Manoj Srivastava

If programming by example appeals to you, please look at my
 example debian rules files at
 These are live examples from my packages (though I have been tardy
 updating them since the freeze).

I have tried to classify the packages by type and complexity.

feedback is appreciated.

 Women wish to be loved without a why or a wherefore; not because they
 are pretty, or good, or well-bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but
 because they are themselves. Amiel
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Creating debian packages

1998-08-20 Thread Joey Hess
Wayne Cuddy wrote:
 I have just installed Debian Hamm so I am new to this distribution.  I
 have been a long time user of RedHat.  I was quite pleased with the
 book 'Maximum RPM' describing the packing building and usage of the
 RPM system.  Is there something similar for dpkg?  I downloaded
 something called the 'dpkg programmers manual' which I don't think I
 am the target audience for.  I would like the complete procedure for
 building binary and source .deb files.  A small sample walk-through
 would be nice.  If anyone can point me to this information or send me
 anything I would greatly appreciate it.

Install the package named packaging-manual and look at

It gets a little complicated after section 2, but you'll understand the
basics of building a binary package by hand if you read that far. The rest
is understandable, it just takes some work. :-)

see shy jo

Qt installation problem

1998-08-20 Thread gbh
I'm trying to install Qt 1.40 on Debian 2.0 and have a
few questions. First, the Qt Install guide said to edit the 
.profile file. However my home directory has only a file
named .bash_profile, should this be used instead or 
should it be copied to .profile?

Second, I get the following error message when I enter
# make linux-g++-shared

   ./propagate configs/linux-g++-shared
   cmp /LICENSE: No such file or directory
   cmp /LICENSE: No such file or directory

   $QTDIR must be set t $PWD (/usr/local/qt)
   Please read INSTALL

   make: *** [linux-g++-shared] Error 1

What should be done to install this correctly?


Diamond Supra PCI

1998-08-20 Thread Angelo Keresztes

I recently purchased a Diamond Supra PCI 56k 
modem and would like to know if it would run under linux.

I was told that it did not have an onboard 

thank you

Which MTA?

1998-08-20 Thread Ken Chew


I am looking into setting up email accounts for some of our assosciate
companies as well as clients. They will just be using pop3 to retrive
their email, no access to the server via telnet, ftp or whatever?

I understand that there are a number of MTA, snedmail, smail, qmail etc.
Which of these is good for this task? I know different people have
different perference, but I would like to hear opinions.

Also would it be possible to create email account without actuall adding
user account on the system. Currently what we do is 'adduser' for every
user account. Is this necessary?


RE: diald and ppp problems

1998-08-20 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
I had the exact same problem and posted an email on this today. I'm having
diald use the /usr/bin/pon command, which basically issues the same
connect command as you have. Here's the reply:

 I assumed that I could use the '/usr/bin/pon' command with diald.

You can't.  You must let diald start pppd.  You can use
/etc/chatscripts/provider, but you must call it from
/etc/diald/diald.options.  Do so with a connect line like this:

connect chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

On 19-Aug-98 Will Lowe wrote:
 I'm using the hamm pppd and diald packages.  I've got ppp working fine I
 can do (as root)
 pppd call myisp 
 and it connects.
 I'm trying to set up diald to do it and it's not working.  Diald
 1) doesn't seem to realize that pppd is successful in making a connection
   -- it kills pppd with a connect script failed message _after_
   pppd has set up the link
 2) isn't manipulating my routing tables right.  route just hangs after
   it prints column headings.  Is there some way to get diald
   to just start pppd and let _it_ handle setting up routes?
 Here's /etc/diald/diald.options:
#fifo /var/run/diald/diald.fifo
 device /dev/ttyS2
 mode ppp
 connect /usr/sbin/pppd call myisp
 include /etc/diald/standard.filter
|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
| And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|   - Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: Geoffrey L. Brimhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19-Aug-98
Time: 23:18:57

This message was sent by XFMail

RE: diald and ppp problems

1998-08-20 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
So you should change the connect line to:

connect chat -v -f /the_base_path_to_myisp/myisp

On 19-Aug-98 Will Lowe wrote:
 I'm using the hamm pppd and diald packages.  I've got ppp working fine I
 can do (as root)
 pppd call myisp 
 and it connects.
 I'm trying to set up diald to do it and it's not working.  Diald
 1) doesn't seem to realize that pppd is successful in making a connection
   -- it kills pppd with a connect script failed message _after_
   pppd has set up the link
 2) isn't manipulating my routing tables right.  route just hangs after
   it prints column headings.  Is there some way to get diald
   to just start pppd and let _it_ handle setting up routes?
 Here's /etc/diald/diald.options:
#fifo /var/run/diald/diald.fifo
 device /dev/ttyS2
 mode ppp
 connect /usr/sbin/pppd call myisp
 include /etc/diald/standard.filter
|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
| And if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing   |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|   - Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: Geoffrey L. Brimhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 19-Aug-98
Time: 23:23:22

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: identd

1998-08-20 Thread fantomas
-   This mail will be forwarded to all IRC operator lists and all sites using
-   such identd will be K:-lined.
-  hey that's not very nice.  Besides, it appears that changing the ident is
-  not possible without other account names, etc.  So if the users want
-  multiple bots, they'll need to pay for it.  I, personally, don't know
-  anything about bots...
- Ridiculous is more what I'd call it.  You'll not be able to tell the
- differernce if it complies to the RFC standard anyway, so save
- your breath.

if anyone will find he's usiong fake identd ppl will k-line him...
IRC is not made for putting bots and bots abuse IRC. if someone wants to
abuse IRC he will be banned. 
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

Re: IP less virtual hosting FTP daemon

1998-08-20 Thread fantomas
-   Is there such a thing? I have a lot domains that I host, but only one IP.
-  No. Proftpd can do IP based virtual hosting
- I know, ProFTPd is what I'm currently using, but that won't do...

maybe you should set iit up or upgrade. Anyway, FTP protocol does not allow
ip-less virtual hosting as http protocol does... that's why you can't do
something like that...
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

Re: fixing my host name!

1998-08-20 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Lane wrote:

 Although the scenerio you paint shouldn't be causing a problem, you could
 get a permanent hostname through (see  It is a for
 $ service but pretty cheap last I checked.  No I do not use it (yet) but a
 friend of mine does and he is very happy.  I understand they have or are at
 least working on a Linux port.

Why dont you try They supply a dynamic IP DNS entry. something
along the lines of:

And, it's free :)  You can use a script in your ip-up.d directory, that
uses lynx, to update the IP address of your box every time you log on.

I use this service, simply so local friends can telnet in to use
more advanced route checking utilities :)

 Good luck.
 -Original Message-
 From: the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian User's List
 Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 3:54 PM
 Subject: fixing my host name!
 Several of my emails are getting returned by the intended receiever's
 ISP.  The emails are returned with invalid hostname -- *my*
 hostname.  Since I am currently only using PPP to connect to the 'net,
 I have a bogus hostname.
 I believe, though, that some mailers reject my name because of spam
 filters or whatever.  At any rate, what should I change my hostname to
 (and how) so that it appears okay for strict mail systems?  My ISP IP
 is dynamic, so I can't use that (those?).

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   DOS never says EXCELLENT command or filename...
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Samba and win98

1998-08-20 Thread Michael Beattie
On 19 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have just stumbled across an annoying little problem. A friend and I
  have a network between our PC's, and when I mount his smbfs shares, I get
  really screwy file listings. when there is 700 files or something (windows
  dir.. :) ) it comes out showing me 64, 128 etc... it changes
  intermitently. Anyone got an idea as to wtf is going on?
 Oh, the problem is with smbfs and NOT with Samba. I got confused by
 the subject line...
 Yup, what kernel version are you using? There's something wrong with
 smbfs in 2.1.x kernels when smbmount'ing a share from Windows 95 (and
 probably Windows 98 as well, as you report) servers.

I've only got 2.0.34, so I seem to have found a new problem :)

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 Drop your carrier ... we have you surrounded!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: big file problem

1998-08-20 Thread Eugene Sevinian
On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Robert Wilderspin wrote:

 On 19 Aug 98 16:51:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All, 
 today I have changed the harddisk on my PC from 1.1G to ~4G WD
 Caviar 24300.  I was quite happy when I have got running system by simply
 'cp from_old_disk to_new_disk'. Everything was fine until I tried to work
 with big files (~400M). First I used 'dd' to make copy but system hungs at
 some point. Then I decided to use 'cp' and I got a lot of horrible
 messages about disk errors. As I remember, during 'mkfs.ext2 -c /dev/hdx'
 there was only read only testing. Is there any way to do read/write
 test? Or, may there are other idea about this problem?
 The best way I know to perform a direct copy of one disk to another is
 the following:
 cd /
 find . -xdev -print | cpio -padm /mnt
 Where you're copying everything from the root filesystem downwards,
 including mount points (but not their contents), onto a filesystem
 mounted at /mnt.

It seems that system is working fine. Bad things occur when I copy
big file on separate partition (/home).
Thats why my main at this point concern is to perform readwrite testing
of harddisk. Unfortunatly I don't know which utilites I should use for
this propose.   

Tthanks for any advice,

Eugene Sevinian

CRD, YerPhI, 375036, Armenia
Phone: 374-2-344873

Re: Qt installation problem

1998-08-20 Thread Marlon Urias
use the deb package. I did it yesterday and it set's all
that annoying stuff for you. It did it all in one command:
dpkg -i qtstuff.deb   
recommending a shortcut,marlon

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to install Qt 1.40 on Debian 2.0 and have a
 few questions. First, the Qt Install guide said to edit the 
 .profile file. However my home directory has only a file
 named .bash_profile, should this be used instead or 
 should it be copied to .profile?
 Second, I get the following error message when I enter
 # make linux-g++-shared
./propagate configs/linux-g++-shared
cmp /LICENSE: No such file or directory
cmp /LICENSE: No such file or directory
$QTDIR must be set t $PWD (/usr/local/qt)
Please read INSTALL
make: *** [linux-g++-shared] Error 1
 What should be done to install this correctly?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[ Help with debian]

1998-08-20 Thread Martin Schulze
Could you guys take care of him?



We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
- Linus Torvalds
I'm new to debian and need to know more about it
to start with :
Can anyone tell me how to get intoXWindows???
Can anyone tell me how to change drives???
Can anyone tell me how to run any of the games???
Does anyone have a Debian or Linux Tutorial or help guide in book or
software for
PLease E-Mail Reply to :
---End Message---

Re: Apt how, why, where

1998-08-20 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 E == E L Meijer \(Eric\) E.L. writes:
  E Being lazy myself, I have a feature request on behalf of all the (lazy)
  E loadlin users.  Would it be possible to have the newly created
  E kernel-image package offer the option of copying the kernel to the
  E place loadlin expects it in your setup?  I would figure that
  E kernel-package_...deb could ask if there is a standard
  E `loadlin-kernel-directory', and store that in its configuration files.
  E Of course it should rename old kernels using some intelligent renaming
  E scheme (vmlinuz.1, vmlinuz.2, ...).
   Is it really that bad doing a 
  # cp /vmlinuz /place/to/keep/images
  ? The reason I have not done so is that some people keep the images
  on dos partitions (which may or may not be mounted, and others keep
  it on a floppy. 

No, that's not hard at all.  The very nice thing about make-kpkg is that
it combines a lot of steps none of which is particularly hard (I did use
slackware once), but it's easy to forget one, or do them in a wrong
order.   For exactly that reason it would be nice to add this copying of
the kernel to the automated process.  But if it complicates things
too much, I won't be nagging you about it.  I wouldn't want to be the
cause of some freshly introduced bugs in this great package!


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Which MTA?

1998-08-20 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 02:08:01PM +0800, Ken Chew wrote:
 I am looking into setting up email accounts for some of our assosciate
 companies as well as clients. They will just be using pop3 to retrive
 their email, no access to the server via telnet, ftp or whatever?
 I understand that there are a number of MTA, snedmail, smail, qmail etc.
 Which of these is good for this task? I know different people have
 different perference, but I would like to hear opinions.
 I would choose qmail (i use it now and am happy). It is small, fast, secure
and considerably easier to configure than sendmail (no more cryptic cf
directives! and i really know what i'm talking about; i've been dealing with
sendmail for last couple of years). Togheter with qmail You have pop3d (works
only with Maildir)
 Also would it be possible to create email account without actuall adding
 user account on the system. Currently what we do is 'adduser' for every
 user account. Is this necessary?
hmm... I thnik this can be made with QMail (look at for
pointers on how to do that)

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source

CD-RW experiences?

1998-08-20 Thread Dan Hugo
I am thinking about getting a CD-RW drive to archive things, and maybe
even to maintain an up-to-date Debian CD set.

Does anyone have any experience with these drives?

Since I happen to work at Philips, I would most likely be getting one of
those models (the 3610, I believe, but I don't work in the optical
storage group, so I don't know much about them) if they work.  BUT, if
someone has found a particular CD-RW drive to work well with their
Debian system, I would like to know what would be the best way to go.

Or, I could get a CD-R drive, about which there is much more info (I
read through the CD-ROM/CD-writing HOWTOs, and a list of compatible
drives, but it was mostly CD-R biased).

Any info much appreciated.

Dan Hugo

Re: Runaway X

1998-08-20 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 10:40:18AM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
  Once I can stop the looping, I can start figuring out why the server
  only comes up in 340x200 mode and why /dev/psaux doesn't work as a
  Microsoft mouse port.
  Harry Hersh

I don't know if this might be your problem but when I installed Deb2.0
I couldn't start the Xserver (SVGA). And finally spotted the problem
in the file /etc/X11/Xserver which had not been updated by the
configuration script and still had the VGA16 server on the first line.
See also /usr/doc/X11/README.Debian


Memory problem with a Compaq

1998-08-20 Thread Peter Iannarelli

I have a 90 MHz Compaq with 32 megs of memory.
Its running 1.3.1. For some reason Linux only sees
16 megs of memory. Does anyone know why and
how I can fix this ?


FN:Peter Iannarelli
ORG:GenX Internet Laboratories
TEL;WORK;VOICE:1+ 416-929-1885
ADR;WORK:;Madison;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;Ontario;;Canada
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Madison=0D=0A20 Madison Ave.=0D=0AToronto, Ontario=0D=0ACanada

Re: Help with debian

1998-08-20 Thread Martin Schulze
Please stop asking the listmasters but ask on the user mailing list.
That is 

Debian User

I've set a Cc so they can answer your mail



Adrian Collings wrote:
 Can u please to tell me how i can install X???
 where do i get it from???
 I have the 3 debian CD's

We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
- Linus Torvalds

Help with debian

1998-08-20 Thread Adrian Collings
Can u please to tell me how i can install X???
 where do i get it from???
 I have the 3 debian CD's

meta key in emacs

1998-08-20 Thread Michael Symalla
Dear Debian users,

can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the ALT

Thanks a lot.

Re: Memory problem with a Compaq

1998-08-20 Thread Andrius Sabanas
Peter Iannarelli wrote:
 I have a 90 MHz Compaq with 32 megs of memory.
 Its running 1.3.1. For some reason Linux only sees
 16 megs of memory. Does anyone know why and
 how I can fix this ?

Check your BIOS settings. I once had the same problem with HP Vectra
486/66XM - there was a setting named Enable memory above 16Mb, or

Andrius Sabanas

Installing (and using) LiLo on 2nd HD?

1998-08-20 Thread Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler

 the BIOS of my PC is able to boot from the second HD which is called
 D by the BIOS and /dev/hdc by Linux. I'd like to use /dev/hdc2 as my
 root partition and I want to install LiLo on this second HD, booting
 from it. I don't want to install LiLo on the first HD.
 Reading LiLo's documentation, I can't find a reason why this shouldn't
 work (because of the particular BIOS support), but in fact it doesn't.
 Booting hangs after displaying 'LI'. I already tried to enter the correct
 disk geometries but it makes no difference. I tried to install LiLo to
 /dev/hdc and /dev/hdc2, but this doesn't make a difference either.

 System is installed from the official hamm disks.
 What can I do to successfully set up LiLo as described above? Or is it
 really impossible?

 Thank you,


Keyboard dies when using xdm

1998-08-20 Thread Peter Makholm
I have a problem booting directly into X with xdm. I told the
instalation script to boot into xdm. By hand I removed runlevel 2
from xdms entry in runlevel.conf.

The problem is that when I boot into runlevel 3, the keyboard dies.

It works when I first boot into runlevel 2 and then as root writes
init 3. It also works when I change xdms priority to 90 in
runlevel.conf. (Not very nice)

The only other difference that I can see is taht it writes: Couldn't
locate module char-major-6 in the xconsole.

I belive that char-major-6 is /dev/lprX. I have not any printers on
this box.

Makholm d.y.

Re: Linux and Security

1998-08-20 Thread Lane
Who was it that said, if you turn the sausage grinder backwards - you dont
get a pig out.?  I always thought this was a very descriptive way to
explain the unix encryption routine.

-Original Message-
To: Debian User List
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Linux and Security


On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Joey Hess wrote:

 George Bonser wrote:
  On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
   Okay, true, but it was more of a feasability question, if you can
get the
   string, is it possible to use the following method to decrypt it??
  Sure ... the login program has to decrypt it, doesn't it? You can
  cut/paste passwd entries between linux systems ... the encrypted
  is not system-specific.

 No, it's not reversable. There is no way to get the original password
 the data in the shadow password file.

 Login simply takes the password the user enters, encrypts it using
 and compares it with that's in the password file. No decryption is done.

Actually a one way hash is used, not encryption.  This is why it is not
possible to decrypt it -- it quite simply is not encrypted in the first

- - Kyle

Kyle Amon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administratorphone: (203) 486-3290
Security Specialist   pager: 1-800-759- PIN 1616512
IBM Global Services  or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KeyID 1024/26DD13D9
Fingerprint = 7D 86 D1 AE 4B E9 91 6A  4B BC B5 B4 12 F0 D3 1A

GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them.

- Richard Stallman
  The GNU Manifesto, 1985

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: some email won't go...

1998-08-20 Thread Lane
Does it fail using the fully qualified domain name?  I am not very familier
with other sendmail programs and could not tell if your config is using
sendmail...  If so, check your file and make sure you have an
alias for the receiving machine as 'sewage' without any domain.

-Original Message-
From: the lone gunman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User's List
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 7:50 PM
Subject: some email won't go...

I asked earlier about having an incorrect hostname, and it affecting
emails (i.e. some email doesn't go through).

Here's a copy of a returned email (the references to sewage are my
hostname; I have my hostname setup as sewage):

From MAILER-DAEMON Wed Aug 19 19:43:05 1998
Received: from sewage by sewage
 via smail with bsmtp
 id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
 for lgunman; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:04 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:04 -0500 (CDT)
To: lgunman
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender
Status: RO
Content-Length: 587
Lines: 14

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 address_of_intended_receiver ... transport smtp: 501
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... invalid host name sewage, check your configuration.
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by sewage
 via send-mail from stdin
 id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
 for unknown; Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:02 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:43:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: lgunman (the lone gunman)
To: address_of_intended_receiver
Subject: test

[body not included]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Off subject :-)

1998-08-20 Thread Hersh, Harry
Why we love Linux:

  A helicopter was flying around above Seattle yesterday when an
  electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic
  navigation and communications equipment.  Due to the clouds and
  the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course
  steer to the airport.
  The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a
  handwritten sign, and held it in the helicopter's window.  The
  sign said  WHERE AM I? in large letters.
  People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew
  large sign, and held it in a building window.  Their sign said YOU
  The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to
  steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.  After they were on the
  ground, the co-pilot asked the pilot how the  YOU ARE IN A
  HELICOPTER sign helped determine their position.
  The pilot responded I knew that had to be the MICROSOFT building
  because, similar to their help-lines, they gave me a technically
  correct but completely useless answer.

Need some software advice.

1998-08-20 Thread Damon Muller
Hi Debianizers,

I have a friend who has shown some interst in Linux, so I think I might
possibly have another convert from the windoze world. Actually, I think
the thing that might have sold her on it is the possibility of burning
CDs and still being able to use the computer - unlike the windoze world
where you have to tip-toe around the computer when it's burning a CD
lest you make a coaster!

The only question is the one of applications. The idea is that she
should still be able to do her homework while CDs are copying.

Wordprocessor should be no problem, either KLyx or StarOffice should be
more than up to the task (I'll put on KDE, which should make Linux a
little easier to use for a first-timer). 

Does anyone know of a good IDE, something that will have a shallow
learning curve from M$ Visual C++, Preferably X based (please don't say
'emacs', I don't want to scare her off too soon!)?

Also a spreadsheet-type thing would also be handy. Ability to export to
Excel would be a plus, but I guess comma- or tab-delimited would do.

Also some CD burning software. I've seen a bit of stuff about, but as I
don't have a burning myself, I've never used them personally. It's for a
SCSI 4x/6x, with an adaptec PCI SCSI card, so I'm sure the Kernel will
have no problem with it. Any recomendations about easy to use (or at
least learn) CD Burning programs?



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

APT keeps deb in /var/cache/apt/archives

1998-08-20 Thread Robert Ramiega
 Yesterday i swiched to apt method of dselect and am quite impressed with
that. Today i noticed that apt didn't delete installed debs
 dpkg-ftp after installation asked if it should delet installed packages can
apt do that also?
 Is it safe to delete this debs (will it not make apt go crazy)?
 also whats deity ? (it's on Conflicts: in apt yet i was unable to find this
package ;  i recall hearing that this will be next incarnation of dselect is
ther any way to have lok at it?)

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source

Re: Connection Refused

1998-08-20 Thread tko
Kennedy Mutio writes:
 I have just installed debian linux onto a machine and added it to my
 network but I cannot telnet frm any other machine on the network to this
 new machine. I have checked the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files in /etc
 and changed them. I might have done this wrong but does anyone know what
 else I should change/configure?

Ken, Debian distribution is packaged as the most secure distribution for
Linux. What you can expect with Debian is very paranoid settings for
networking as compared with other distributions. You most likely will have to
turn on the required services.

Some basics:

1) Eye-ball the /etc/inetd.conf file and make sure the appropriate services are

2) Do a 'ps -ax' and make sure '/usr/sbin/inetd' is running. You may have a 
problem and your system might not start up inetd.

3) As suggested by other members of this list, make sure that you have
installed/configured the 'server' version of the service. When you telnet from
the new machine, you are using the client version of a service (like ftp or
telnet). When you come into the new machine from a remote machine, you are
using the server version of the service (on the new machine).

4) You might want to eye-ball the '/etc/hosts' files of the machines for
consistancy. The older machines may not know about the new machine. In the
case of a name server (DNS) on your network, you might want to check it's

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

Apache user execution of Perl/CGI scripts

1998-08-20 Thread Paul Miller

I'm having lots of trouble getting the CGI to work for users.  The current
Debian-Apache release (1.3.1-3) is never happy with my suexec binary..
From the Debian sources, apache appears to be compiled with suexec
support..  I even tried compiling it myself w/ Debian's sources, and it
still didn't work...  What am I doing wrong?  Can anyone help?

Here is a script to build suexec (since I've built it so many times):
--- build-suexec ---


echo -n Building SUEXEC...
cd /usr/doc/apache
gzip -dc suexec.c.gz  suexec.c
gcc -O2 suexec.c -o suexec -I /usr/include/apache-1.3
mv suexec $SUEXEC
chown root.root $SUEXEC
chmod 4711 $SUEXEC
echo  done.

echo -n Checking SUID Manager...
test -e /etc/suid.conf.tmp  rm /etc/suid.conf.tmp
grep -v $SUEXEC /etc/suid.conf  /etc/suid.conf.tmp
echo apache $SUEXEC root root 4711  /etc/suid.conf.tmp
chown root.root /etc/suid.conf.tmp
chmod 644 /etc/suid.conf.tmp
mv /etc/suid.conf.tmp /etc/suid.conf
echo  done.

/etc/init.d/apache restart
--- eof ---

I've also tried getting libapache-mod-perl to work... I'm not sure if
that module allows users to execute perl or not (?).  It doesn't seem to
be working either.  I double checked the configuration file for the
module, and it is there.

Can anyone help?


Re: OFF-TOPIC (How do you guys sort your mail?)

1998-08-20 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On 19 Aug 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

   Yes, no, and not unless you want to. Even without enabling the
  generic command server and the @SH processing, the rules file for
  mailagent is a full fledged state machines, and one can apply the
  rules recursively, and the actio is idfferent depending on what state
  on is in.

I wish to obtain the example setup =8).  Is the sample setup on the deb
file sufficient for my needs?  Or is it sufficient for yours or us all
subscribed to debian-user?  This is the only thing I need, separate
debian-user from my $INBOX.

   I can send the mailagent man pages and example setup (included
  in the mailagent.deb), if anyone wishes. Also, mailagent shall not
  interfere with anything, and affect nothing (including your MTA)
  unless you actively edit files and configure it; so you can safely
  try installing it on your system.

I'll try anything.

Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood --The Jargon File V4.0.0

Re: old 1.3 directories

1998-08-20 Thread Martin Schulze
Allen Hoffman wrote:
 Where are the old debian 1.3 installation directories now?


 what path should I use for the 2.0 release install, when I use
 main contrib non-free
 I get files not found all over the place an nothing installed using ftp
 method from dselect.

Main directory: /pub/debian

Distribution directories: dists/stable/main dists/stable/contrib 

I guess...



We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.
- Linus Torvalds

Re: Need some software advice.

1998-08-20 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 10:57:41PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
 Hi Debianizers,
 I have a friend who has shown some interst in Linux, so I think I might
 possibly have another convert from the windoze world. Actually, I think
 Good! =o)
 Also a spreadsheet-type thing would also be handy. Ability to export to
 Excel would be a plus, but I guess comma- or tab-delimited would do.
 StarOffice includes some spreadsheet and it certainly can import/export
XLSes. I use StarOffice 4.0 (installed by hand in /usr/local/) and work
 Also some CD burning software. I've seen a bit of stuff about, but as I
 Check on i think i saw some of this lately there.

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source

apt dists/stable-upgrades

1998-08-20 Thread Ruud Janssen
Short question:

Is it possible to point apt to dists/stable-upgrades
to update the system with the latest bugfix releases
of all installed packages?



Off-topic:non-scsi tape backup?

1998-08-20 Thread Edward J Young

Sorry if this is off-topic, it's just that this list has proven to be so
helpful in many areas. Please suggest any alternate news groups that may
be better for this question. 

I've not been receiving the debian-users
digest list lately
and am reposting this in part to test if this bounces, and to reissue the

I'd like to get my tape backup working under Linux. 

I have a connor QIC-3020 Travan tape system. This drive has a separate
controler which is connected to an ISA slot. It uses the same IRQ (6)
as the floppy and the same DMA channel (2). I believe this is a tape
drive which could connect directly to the floppy controler, but I
never could get it working that way. 

My questions are: 
Is anyone familiar with this type of tape backup system, and has
gotten it working under Linux? 

DoI need the interface card or is it better to run it directly
from the floppy controler? I'm not interested in performance (speed)
since I'll do backups lat at night. 

Is this an ftape issue and if so, how do I proceed to configure? 

Thanx in advance for any help. 


Ed Young

Is down?

1998-08-20 Thread Edward J Young

I've not been getting the debian-users digest list lately, and I can't hit
the site. 

Is there a problem on my end or debians's.

If this is making it to the list, someone please respond and let me know. 

Thank you, 

Ed Young

Re: meta key in emacs

1998-08-20 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Michael Symalla wrote:

 Dear Debian users,
 can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
 using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the ALT

Install xkeycaps and edit the keyboard layout to your liking.  If you have
an M$ Natural keyboard or similar you can bind the winkey to Meta if you
wish, like me, that's what I did.

Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Re: Help with debian

1998-08-20 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Adrian Collings wrote:

 Can u please to tell me how i can install X???
  where do i get it from???
  I have the 3 debian CD's

You can install X by determining what kind of video card you have and
installing the x*, etc. packages on the x11 directory of your CD's.

Whatever the version of your CD's are

Admiral Charah
Tech Support, Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

Re: Is down?

1998-08-20 Thread M.C. Vernon
 I've not been getting the debian-users digest list lately, and I can't hit
 the site. 
 Is there a problem on my end or debians's.
 If this is making it to the list, someone please respond and let me know. 

Yep - it did, and is up, if a tad slow:

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=43 time=221.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=43 time=219.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=43 time=218.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=43 time=223.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=43 time=222.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=43 time=216.7 ms

--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 14% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 216.7/220.1/223.0 ms



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Which MTA?

1998-08-20 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 12:24:00AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Ken Chew wrote:
  Also would it be possible to create email account without actuall adding
  user account on the system. Currently what we do is 'adduser' for every
  user account. Is this necessary?
 Personally, I used Exim but I support customers that use sendmail and I
 have used smail extensively in the past. The problem with pop3 is the
 username/password login that must happen to collect mail. You pretty much
 have to have a passwd entry but you do not need a home directory or a
 shell. You can set the home dir to /dev/null and the shell to /bin/false.

sounds like the way to go

 Exim is the sweetest emailer ever to grace the surface of my disks. See for more details.  Sendmail is very versatile in many
 ways but is very stupid in others. A lot of mail queued to a site that is
 off the air can really bog queue processing. qmail is OK but exim's
 filter spec can make such things as procmail obsolete. Virtual domains are
 trivial with exim too.

Well I will agree that exim is GREAT and easy to ocnfigure...
I have had exim working for a while and decided that I no longer
wanted | procmail  in my .forwardI wanted to set exim up
to use procmail as its MDAdidn't take long at all...
(Yes I still use procmail...because I LIKE procmail...and if I switch 
MTAs chances are I can still use my same rules)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Re: apt dists/stable-upgrades

1998-08-20 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 03:19:03PM +0200, Ruud Janssen wrote:
 Short question:
 Is it possible to point apt to dists/stable-upgrades
 to update the system with the latest bugfix releases
 of all installed packages?
deb stable-updates/
 i use something similar to access non-US stuff

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
 IT Manager @ PDi || the power of Source

Re: Need some software advice.

1998-08-20 Thread Alexey Vyskubov
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 10:57:41PM +1000, Damon Muller wrote:
 Does anyone know of a good IDE, something that will have a shallow
 learning curve from M$ Visual C++, Preferably X based (please don't say
 'emacs', I don't want to scare her off too soon!)?

Try to look at xwpe. It's IDE, you can use X version (xwpe) as well as
tty-based version (wpe).

Alexey Vyskubov

Re: identd

1998-08-20 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 09:10:20AM +0200, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
 -   This mail will be forwarded to all IRC operator lists and all sites 
 -   such identd will be K:-lined.
 -  hey that's not very nice.  Besides, it appears that changing the ident is
 -  not possible without other account names, etc.  So if the users want
 -  multiple bots, they'll need to pay for it.  I, personally, don't know
 -  anything about bots...
 - Ridiculous is more what I'd call it.  You'll not be able to tell the
 - differernce if it complies to the RFC standard anyway, so save
 - your breath.
 if anyone will find he's usiong fake identd ppl will k-line him...
 IRC is not made for putting bots and bots abuse IRC. if someone wants to
 abuse IRC he will be banned. 

Well I have to agree...
I personally almost never use IRC but...if a server admin doesn't want somone
logging on and setting up multiple bots then that is their right. It is
generally a free service afterall...
if someone thinks it is sooo important that they have multiple bots
they could always shell out a few bux a month for a T-1 and start their
own IRC server.

of course...I have mixed feelings on spoofed identd itself...
I had actually thought of playing with that...cuz I know some
sites expect to find identd but... I dunno how much I like hte
idea someone can so easily get my local username
I was thinking of something like just having it return back a random
string of charicters every time it is querried...
is there any real reason NOT to do this?

just as server admins have the right to bann or require anything they
want...but...who says I have to allow people to identd me?
and who says when you ask MY server for something it has to respond
with the right answer :)

No I wouldn't use this to subvert IRC servers...cuz I don't like 
IRC (I am too used to delphi conference system) 


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Re: CD-RW experiences?

1998-08-20 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 02:04:41AM -0700, Dan Hugo wrote:
 I am thinking about getting a CD-RW drive to archive things, and maybe
 even to maintain an up-to-date Debian CD set.
 Does anyone have any experience with these drives?

 Since I happen to work at Philips, I would most likely be getting one of
 those models (the 3610, I believe, but I don't work in the optical
 storage group, so I don't know much about them) if they work.  BUT, if
 someone has found a particular CD-RW drive to work well with their
 Debian system, I would like to know what would be the best way to go.
 Or, I could get a CD-R drive, about which there is much more info (I
 read through the CD-ROM/CD-writing HOWTOs, and a list of compatible
 drives, but it was mostly CD-R biased).

I would recommend CD-R for a few reasons:
a) price
a CD-R disk costs about $1.40 each for me...and thats not even buying
in bulk. I have never had a problem with them

I hear the CD-RW are more expensive

b) Universally Usefull
I read about CD-RW correct me if I am wrong but, while the finished
disk is the same as a normal CD in how it works...the reflective layer isn't
reflective enough to be read by MOST normal CD drives...and thus can
really only be used in other CD_RW drives

c) I like permamnat storage

I like writting data onto a CD and knowing it i sthere...
so what if I need a new CD to make a new copy.. thats ok...
now I have an old version too...

Can never have too much data archived :)

besides if worst comes to worst old CDs make nice wall ornaments...and
good coasters...they make poor frisbees tho...

/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Re: identd

1998-08-20 Thread fantomas
-  if anyone will find he's usiong fake identd ppl will k-line him...
-  IRC is not made for putting bots and bots abuse IRC. if someone wants to
-  abuse IRC he will be banned. 
- Well I have to agree...
- I personally almost never use IRC but...if a server admin doesn't want somone
- logging on and setting up multiple bots then that is their right. It is
- generally a free service afterall...
- if someone thinks it is sooo important that they have multiple bots
- they could always shell out a few bux a month for a T-1 and start their
- own IRC server.

They usually can't connect server to IRC network then, nobody will connect
IRC server just because someone want to have many bots...
bots abuse the irc NETWORK, not just server (and users)

- of course...I have mixed feelings on spoofed identd itself...
- I had actually thought of playing with that...cuz I know some
- sites expect to find identd but... I dunno how much I like hte
- idea someone can so easily get my local username
- I was thinking of something like just having it return back a random
- string of charicters every time it is querried...
- is there any real reason NOT to do this?

hmmm there should be possibility to detect who is being queried and disable
him access to IRC server; so for one user should be thew string always the
same, even if it's not its username. Otherwise, the same will happen as if
no ident would be on that machine - ppl would disable connecting to
server/channels from the machine, not just form that user.

There's so much abuse on IRC, ppl need to have way how to prevent someone
from connecting IRC; of course user can move to another provider but that;s
still better then nothing.
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

*.au files ?

1998-08-20 Thread fantomas
i didn't find (maybe I should look more carefully) which audio player
supports SUN's au files. can anybody point me to right place ?
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of

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