Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 12:58:30PM -0300, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 Oi Macan,
 Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
 Nao sabia desse fato lamentavel ... :(

Pois e, foi logo depois do ExpoSalt no Rio, foi realmente lamentavel.

  Deixa eu contar algumas coisas interessantes, eu pus em dia meu
  trabalho de Debian-developer com mais dois pacotes de minha autoria, e 
 legal. Quais pacotes voce empacatou? Quanto a usar Linux na educacao acho
 muito valido.
 Eu quero virar developer, mas nao encontro nenhum programa para empacotar. 
 interessantes a Debian ja tem. :)

Que e isso! Tem muita coisa boa por ai... Como eu programo muito em
perl e faco muito CGI eu empacotei o libcgi-fasttemplate-perl , que ainda
nao entrou no Potato, deve ser incluido em uns 10 dias, por ser um pacote
novo, o primeiro upload deu pau. O outro pacote e o gifsicle, um programinha
muito simpatico para edicao e otimizacao de gifs animados em linha de 
comando. Ele reduz drasticamente o tamanho de animacoes, embora eu use o
gimp e seu optimize animation na maioria das vezes, o gifsicle sempre da
aquela maozinha na linha de comando :) Infelizmente como a compressao do
GIF e patenteada, o gifsicle entra na secao non-free do devian.

 Quanto ao RS e' legal. Mas, livro sobre a Debian? Em ingles? Ano passado,

Sim, pela McMillan, mas eles estao muito demorados na negociacao...
Seriam 600 paginas em ingles... como disse um amigo meu... 
600 paginas em ingles... Da pra tomar uma kaiser antes?

 tivemos a ideia de escrever um livro, mas nao foi para frente. Alias, 
 colocar o Livro da Debian/Linux na distribuicao da Debian em Portugues. Po, 
 ta cheio de planos e a gente pensando que voce estava descansando em louros. 
 :) E'  que voce nao fala.

Que nada! Muito trabalho, pouco dinheiro :)
Quanto a escrever livros, o mercado editorial esta fervilhando, se
voces escreverem um livro de linux podem escolher a editora, ela publicara,
qualquer que seja. Veja a lista dos dez mais vendidos do jornal Estado de
Sao Paulo, por exemplo, em media 7 dos dez falam sobre linux. De vez em
quando o meu pinta por la :)

Eu mando pouca coisa para a debian-user-portuguese porque a maquina
que concentra os e-mails das listas fica na Unicamp e muito ruim de se 
conectar, e nao tem um servidor pop para baixar os e-mails para casa. Se eu 
colocar as listas na minha conta da Core eu fico doido, eu assino umas 20 :)

 certo. :) A unica coisa que  eu discordei um pouco contigo, foi sobre 
 que a Debian era otima para servidor. Ela e' boa para desktop tambem.

Mas ate a versao 2.0 ela ainda nao era user friendly no sentido que
um usuario leigo tem por user friendly, reconhecer isso e um passo necessario
para remedia-lo. Eu disse que ela e excelente para servidores, talvez tenha me
expressado mal. Eu acho que ela da de 10 a zero na Red Hat para servidores, que
sao instalados e mantidos por pessoas com know how. A instalacao do Slink ainda
pergunta (e duas vezes) onde esta o seu cdrom, se no drive primario da
 controladora secundaria, ou no drive secundario da... ... ... esse tipo de
coisa e inconcebivel para, por exemplo, um medico. Nao quero deixar duvidas,
eu acho a Debian muito superior, mas para um usuario leigo ela ainda fica
atras da Suse, da RH, da Mandrake, da Caldera... Depois de instalada, no 
entanto, Debian e tao boa quanto, ou melhor, e o apt e um dos grandes 
responsaveis pela diferenca. 

Se voces querem minha opiniao sincera sobre a Debian, ela precisa:

1) Instalacao (cada vez) mais simples
2) Metodo de verificacao e validacao criptografica de integridade dos
3) Suporte a internacionalizacao de pacotes e do dpkg
4) Mecanismo mais dinamico de releases.

Nesta ordem de prioridade. A maioria ja foi ou esta sendo discutida
pelos developers. Os dois primeiros sao pontos pacificos, os dois ultimos sao
o que tem encrencado um pouco :)

 vou fazer isso, e dizer que voce que mandou.  :)

Hehehe :)

  O e-mail dele e [EMAIL PROTECTED] , mandem e-mails carinhosos
  sugerindo que ele pare de ficar jogando xkobo e termine a tese de mestrado 


console tools

1999-05-17 Thread Itamar Grochowski Rocha
Alguem conseguiu configurar os acentos com este novo pacote console
Ja rodei o kbdconfig e experimentei todas (acho) as opcoes em i386 e
nada :-(

Aguma sugestao?

[ ]s

Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata

   Deixa eu contar algumas coisas interessantes, eu pus em dia meu 
 trabalho de Debian-developer com mais dois pacotes de minha autoria, e resolvi
 abracar uma causa nobre, a bandeira do uso do linux na educacao. Publiquei
 um manifesto que foi o resultado de uma palestra que dei em algumas 
 universidades, estou orientando novos developers (ou aspirantes a), alias,
 o pessoal do Rio nao se manifestou mais a respeito! Estou aguardando a 
 iniciativa de voces em manifestarem seu interesse em se tornar developers para
 assinar as chaves de voces :)

Ai... sobre o linux na educacao, eu acho que podemos comemorar!!!

O Depto de Informatica da UFPR substituiu os NT que tinhamos nos
Lab. por linux... Debian para ser mais exato!

Nao sei se era isso que voce queria dizer com linux na educacao,
mas acho que ja da pra fazer uma festinha pra comemorar!!!



Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata

 legal. Quais pacotes voce empacatou? Quanto a usar Linux na educacao acho
 muito valido.
 Eu quero virar developer, mas nao encontro nenhum programa para empacotar. 
 interessantes a Debian ja tem. :)

entao eu to procurando no lugar errado! :)

eu to precisando do sndconfig para acertar uma maquina aqui e soh
encontro em rpm... se alguem ai sabe onde eu encontro um .deb dele (ou
pelo menos o tgz) ja me ajuda bastante!

E se ainda nao estiver empacotado... pode ter certeza que vai ter
muita gente agradecendo se voce fizer isso (eu inclusive! :)

Obrigado e T+


Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Nelson Novaes Neto
Bom galera,

Venho acompanhando vc's ao longo desses dias, Estou comecando a
programacao em Cshell, e gostaria de saber se algum conhece bem prog em GTK,
assim posso colocar em modo grafico meu scripts

Em relacao ao developers, estou disposto a conhecer novas
tecnologias e linguagens, sendo assim, podem contar comigo


-Mensagem original-
De: Rogerio Neves Batata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Monday, May 17, 1999 2:36 PM
Assunto: Re: Core  Debian

 Deixa eu contar algumas coisas interessantes, eu pus em dia meu
 trabalho de Debian-developer com mais dois pacotes de minha autoria, e
 abracar uma causa nobre, a bandeira do uso do linux na educacao.
 um manifesto que foi o resultado de uma palestra que dei em algumas
 universidades, estou orientando novos developers (ou aspirantes a),
 o pessoal do Rio nao se manifestou mais a respeito! Estou aguardando a
 iniciativa de voces em manifestarem seu interesse em se tornar developers
 assinar as chaves de voces :)

 Ai... sobre o linux na educacao, eu acho que podemos comemorar!!!

 O Depto de Informatica da UFPR substituiu os NT que tinhamos nos
Lab. por linux... Debian para ser mais exato!

 Nao sei se era isso que voce queria dizer com linux na educacao,
mas acho que ja da pra fazer uma festinha pra comemorar!!!



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Nelson Novaes Neto

utilize o apps chamado alien,, ele converte arquivos de rpm, tgz, gz,
 para .deb

obtenha maiores info no man alien


-Mensagem original-
De: Rogerio Neves Batata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Data: Monday, May 17, 1999 2:39 PM
Assunto: Re: Core  Debian

 legal. Quais pacotes voce empacatou? Quanto a usar Linux na educacao
 muito valido.
 Eu quero virar developer, mas nao encontro nenhum programa para
empacotar. Todos
 interessantes a Debian ja tem. :)

 entao eu to procurando no lugar errado! :)

 eu to precisando do sndconfig para acertar uma maquina aqui e soh
encontro em rpm... se alguem ai sabe onde eu encontro um .deb dele (ou
pelo menos o tgz) ja me ajuda bastante!

 E se ainda nao estiver empacotado... pode ter certeza que vai ter
muita gente agradecendo se voce fizer isso (eu inclusive! :)

 Obrigado e T+


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RES: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Venho acompanhando vc's ao longo desses dias, Estou 
 comecando a
 programacao em Cshell, e gostaria de saber se algum conhece 
 bem prog em GTK,
 assim posso colocar em modo grafico meu scripts

Do alto da minha ignorância, programar em csh é fria, tem até um
artigo chamado c shell Programming Considered Harmful ou coisa parecida
pelo Tom Christiansen, de fama Perlica.

E acho que não dá pra acessar GTK a partir de csh, mas a partir de
C, Scheme, Objective C e outras menos votadas.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

RES: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Leandro Dutra
 utilize o apps chamado alien,, ele converte arquivos de 
 rpm, tgz, gz,
  para .deb
 obtenha maiores info no man alien

A questão nem é essa, mas ter o pacote na distribuição, com toda a
segurança e consistência pela qual amamos a Debian.

E claro, contribuir.

  Eu quero virar developer, mas nao encontro nenhum programa para
 empacotar. Todos
  interessantes a Debian ja tem. :)
  entao eu to procurando no lugar errado! :)
  eu to precisando do sndconfig para acertar uma maquina aqui e soh
 encontro em rpm... se alguem ai sabe onde eu encontro um 
 .deb dele (ou
 pelo menos o tgz) ja me ajuda bastante!
  E se ainda nao estiver empacotado... pode ter certeza que vai ter
 muita gente agradecendo se voce fizer isso (eu inclusive! :)

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Nelson Novaes Neto
O devido fato de programar em shell sao as aplicacoes que necessito no
servidor, para um adm, nao existe nada melhor dq scripts para agilizar o
trabalho do dia a dia

Ja que o amigo recomendou utilizar C, podemos utilizar C, mas quem conhece
suficiente GTK para jogar isso em ambiente grafico..

Imagina meu script de criacao de dominio e dns, rodando em um gnome
maravilhoso nao

-Mensagem original-
De: Leandro Dutra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: User Portuguese Debian (Correio eletrônico)
Data: Monday, May 17, 1999 3:39 PM
Assunto: RES: Core  Debian

 Venho acompanhando vc's ao longo desses dias, Estou
 comecando a
 programacao em Cshell, e gostaria de saber se algum conhece
 bem prog em GTK,
 assim posso colocar em modo grafico meu scripts

Do alto da minha ignorância, programar em csh é fria, tem até um
artigo chamado c shell Programming Considered Harmful ou coisa parecida
pelo Tom Christiansen, de fama Perlica.

E acho que não dá pra acessar GTK a partir de csh, mas a partir de
C, Scheme, Objective C e outras menos votadas.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RES: Core Debian

1999-05-17 Thread Leandro Dutra
 O devido fato de programar em shell são as aplicações que necessito no
 servidor, para um adm, não existe nada melhor dq scripts para 
 agilizar o
 trabalho do dia a dia

Deveria ter me explicado melhor... o problema não são scripts em si,
mas o c shell em particular.  Use o bash, ou melhor ainda Perl, Python,
Gush, Tcl...

O problema é que ele parece com C mas não é C, tem muitas limitações
arbitrárias e introduz vícios de C.  Procure o artigo do Tom Christiansen e

 Já que o amigo recomendou utilizar C, podemos utilizar C, mas 
 quem conhece
 suficiente GTK para jogar isso em ambiente gráfico..

Não recomendo nada em particular, é só que de shell não dá pra
acessar GTK.

 Imagina meu script de criação de domínio e dns, rodando em um gnome
 maravilhoso não

Só se for possível desenvolver bindings de bash, por exemplo, para
GTK.  Eu diria que não é possível.

Mas deve dar pra usar Perl ou Tcl e Tk.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: We got '-dpkg-new'!

1999-05-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BB == Bob Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BB Now I notice syslogd has been stopped so I peek into /etc/init.d
BB and behold a bevy of new scripts eg 'whutever.dpkg-new'. Without
BB looking further into the matter, they mostly appear to be of
BB identical length to their 'old' forebears.

Looks like installation stopped after unpacking some of the
packages. Do a dpkg --configure --pending.

And do a apt-get upgrade again to ensure it finished.


re: qmail..

1999-05-17 Thread debian
I just installed qmail a few weeks back.. the machine then had just an eth0
and ppp0 connection.

But recently I just installed an eth1 card, and now have another network
running on it.

I straight away redid my tcpserver file that allows machines of certain ip's
to relay mail off my smtp server.

Everything still works for the old eth0 clients, but as soon as a machine on
my 192.168.1.x subnet does some mail on the eth1 network. The server
complains about the domain they are sending to not being in the rcpthosts.

This is pretty stupid, as I can't list the whole internet list of domains in
such as file, so I am thinking something else is wrong..

Anyone with any ideas???

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #877

1999-05-17 Thread Jim Price

Re: How to Start Gnome at boot

1999-05-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JF == John Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JF I seem to remember seeing somewhere (and I can't find it now) a
JF reference to starting the Gnome-session command with the xdm
JF display manager at boot up.

Check you can then
specify your window manager in the gnome control center.

I prefer (basically) this as my startup-script:


JF [2 Card for John Foster text/x-vcard; us-ascii (7bit)]

Please turn this off.


gnome applets froget setup on gnome-session exit

1999-05-17 Thread Micha Feigin
I am using gnome session ver 1.0.9 (the latest).
The problem is that for the last few release when i set up panel
applets and exit using the logout button on the gnome panel the applets
won't remember the set up.
Any solution to having to set up the applets everytime i log in?
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Xemacs won't use setup files

1999-05-17 Thread Micha Feigin

When i change the setup from within xemacs it saves the .emacs file and
.xemacs-options but it won't load them the next time around.
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Free instant messaging and more at

Re: qmail..

1999-05-17 Thread debian
Yes I have told qmail that relaying for my 192.168.1.x address range is
allowed. Recreated the cdb file and then restarted it all.

The 192.168.1.x addresses all have reverse delegations and all nslookup both
ways correctly.

Qmail is just being a right pain.. and I cannot figure out why

Any more clues?

 Everything still works for the old eth0 clients, but as soon as a machine
 my 192.168.1.x subnet does some mail on the eth1 network. The server
 complains about the domain they are sending to not being in the

 This is pretty stupid, as I can't list the whole internet list of domains
 such as file, so I am thinking something else is wrong..

 Anyone with any ideas???

You somehow need to tell qmail that it is ok to relay for or
make sure the reverse DNS is properly set up so these machines resolve in
a domain that you are set up to relay mail for.

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Re: how to install netscape

1999-05-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 p == pedrob  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

p im having troubles installing netscape. so, i would like to know if
p there is any how-to explaining the install process of netscape
p (.deb) in debian

Get intso dselect. Choose select press /. Enter
communicator-smotif-45. Press Return. Press +. 

If you get into the conflict resolution screen, just press return (you 
could also select the java suport package in there)..

Now you have selected communicator 45, static motif version, for


Re: Starting programs on local x through telnet

1999-05-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MF == Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MF Is it possible to start programs needing x to run through the net
MF (telnet, rlogin ...). How do i tell them to use my screen?

Best way is to install ssh (from non-us) and connect to the other
system with it. ssh will automatically do the right things to get the
X display right. and you will get an encripted and compressing
connection as well.

Don't do just xhost +. This is a HUGE scurity hole. Instead use
xauth if you can't use ssh (it has to run onthe other end as well).
If you can't refrain from using xhost, at least use 
xhost [EMAIL PROTECTED], start the programm and da a xhost -


Re: making linux look bad

1999-05-17 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sat, 15 May 1999, David B.Teague wrote:

 perhaps from whence you are down loading) 

Sorry about the excess bandwidth killer, but is it whence or whom?

 Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   DOS never says EXCELLENT command or filename...
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Mouse not recognized (but RedHat works fine)

1999-05-17 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: Mouse not recognized (but RedHat works fine)
Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 04:23:48PM -0400

In reply to:Stuart Ballard

Quoting Stuart Ballard([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Wayne Topa wrote:
  Subject: Mouse not recognized (but RedHat works fine)
  Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 11:24:25AM -0400
  In reply to:Stuart Ballard
  Quoting Stuart Ballard([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I have a dual-boot RedHat 5.2 / Debian Slink system. The RedHat system
   has a symlink /dev/mouse - /dev/cua1 and works fine with both gpm and
   X. However, gpmconfig and X both fail to recognize the mouse at all
   under Debian. I've tried both allowing gpmconfig to guess the device (it
   always guesses ttyS0, which is my modem) and specifying ttyS1 on the
   command line. Either way, it receives no packets at all. In X, the mouse
   doesn't move at all.
   The mouse is a logitech 3-button mouse, and I'm pretty sure the protocol
   should be mman in gpm (or MouseMan in X). I've also tried ms (and
   Microsoft in X) which is what the redhat system uses. Nothing gives me
   any mouse movement at all.
  I have a 3 button Logitech Trackball that works in every dist I have
  tried. Here is some info thet 'may' help.
  ls /dev/mouse
  lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root5 Jan 19 15:29 /dev/mouse - ttyS1
  less /etc/gpm.confless /etc/gpm.conf
  append=-a 3
  less /etc/X11/XF86Config
  Section Pointer
 Device  /dev/mouse
 Pretty much identical to my setup :(
  You don't mention which kernel you are using.  The 2.2.x series has
  changed the use of cua device names.  From the kernel Changes file
 Also, please remember that cua* devices are now obsolete.  Switch to
  the corresponding ttyS* device instead (e.g., cua0 - ttyS0, cua1 -
  ttyS1, etc.).
 I'm using 2.0.36 as installed from a slink CD. The use of cua1 is only
 on RedHat (I seem to remember trying ttyS1 on that, and having it fail
 too, but that was a long time ago and my memory of it is sketchy). 
 Could I need to add a kernel module for this? Or might I have added one
 which conflicts? (I might have added PS2-mouse by mistake, now that I
 think of it)

If I recall correctly, you only have to enable the mouse in the kernel
if it IS a ps2 mouse.  
I'll check:
VT2 root-Deb-Slink:~# grep -i mouse /usr/src/linux/.config
# CONFIG_MOUSE is not set

Thats right mouse isn't set because I use a serial mouse.

That could be the problem.



APL is a write-only language.  I can write programs in APL, but I
can't read any of them.
-- Roy Keir

Re: downloads...burst, then nothing

1999-05-17 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Lev Lvovsky wrote:
 I'm having a problem with downloads from my machine (slink).  On the 
 network I have at home, I can upload at the regular high speeds, but 
 downloading form the machine (to a Win98 machine), whether it be by ftp, or 
 by http gives me a little bit of the file, and then slows down to a total 
 crawl.  Obviously if it owrks up, I'm assuming all ofthe hardware is 
 fineis there some sort of buffer for this sort of thing that might be 
 set too low?

Make sure that the network interface on both machines are set up for half
duplex operation (unless you are using a switch).  Having one or both
interface at full duplex might cause problems like these.  Also, check if
you are getting an abnormal amount of collision on the network during
download (ifconfig eth0 on the Linux box). 

   /'`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   |
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Re: Kernel 2.2.x: PPP routing problem?

1999-05-17 Thread Kris

At 19:35 16/05/1999 +, you wrote:
After I got everything installed, I
immediately downloaded, installed and ran apt-get, and promptly upgraded to
Slink, just as I had done when Slink first went stable.  And now I can't use
any of the 2.0.x kernels AND have ppp work.  I've tried everything that has
been mentioned in this thread, recompiling, moving back to the 2.2.7 kernel,
which had just been working fine on my previous Slink installation, etc all
to no avail.  This is really driving me batty, but I thought you might like
to know (Kris) that it isn't just your machine.  I've just about decided to
try a complete reformat/reinstall, as I've run out of just about all other

Nice to know I'm not alone :-)

I also thought about just using the 2.0.36 kernel, but as I have a
dual PPro system...

Git ;-) I'm on a lowly Cyrix 166 :-(

Oh yes, something else I forgot to mention.  I also put the proposed-updates
link in my sources.list file, and upgraded to the packages present at that
location.  As I had not done this previously, I suspect this is where the
problem is, so I'm thinking about reinstalling, upgrading, and then NOT
upgrading again with the proposed-updates.

I've tried it with a virgin Slink install, proposed-updates, and then did 
an apt-get update; apt-get install with libc6, netbase  so on using 
proposed-updates and the potato unstable directories. Nothing changed 
(tried at all stages).

My next guess: incorrect serial port settings (mouse ttyS1  modem ttyS2) 
them manually for my modem IRQ). I'll see what letting it set them 
automatically does. 95% chance it'll do nothing (it works in 2.0.36 as I 
said), but I can try. Otherwise, it's to the newsgroups/linux-ppp.

But I can't try it now. 02.24am. C++ assigments suck.

I'll get back to everyone tomorrow on what the serial port autodetect does.



1999-05-17 Thread debian
Qmail fixed.. I found my problem... my syntax in my tcpserver tcp.smtp file
was slightly incorrect.. how stupid am I. Shows how asleep I was when I
fixed it all lastnight.


FSCK!!! only 8 disks!!!!

1999-05-17 Thread Tod Detre

Please someone tell me that linux isn't limited to 8 scsi disks! If it isn't
tell me how the FSCK to fix this. I'm trying to set up a raid array with 10
disks after a couple crashes I read man MAKEDEV and found out that there is
indeed a limit of 8 scsi disks. 8-(

This mail sent through IMP:

Trouble with Debian kernel build

1999-05-17 Thread Bryan Scaringe
I am trying to build a kernel the Debian way and am stuck. According
to the FAQ, the first thing a need to do (from memory) is:
make-kpkg --install kernel-package_2.0.36_all.deb

However, there is no kernel-package_2.0.36.deb package.

I am in the /usr/src directory, and there are files here called,
(again, from memory) kernel_headers.2.0.36.tar.gz and
kernel_sources.2.0.36.tar.gz .  I have the following packages installed:
kernel_headers.2.0.36-3, kernel_source.2.0.36-3, kernel-package.

So what gives?  Do I have to untar/zip the files?  Why didn't the
installation do this?  I'm afraid to do anything to screw-up the
kernel packages, and I have never built a kernel under Debian.


diald problem

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog
I had to reinstall Linux, and I did not have everything I needed on my backup
floppies.  I thought I had backed up all my config files, so I believe I
accidentally deleted stuff.

Anyhow, when my ISP drops me during long downloads, I am allowed to come right
back, and diald took care of this for me until now, because I lost the
diald.options file I was using.  There is an option (I have checked the man
pages but cannot find it) that I had set to four seconds so that if I get
disconnected, I come back in 4 seconds, not 30.  Anyone know what that option
is?  I have redial-timeout, but that does not seem to be it.
I am doing lots of this stuff by trial and error.



Re: Emacs and suidunregister

1999-05-17 Thread Steve Gore
Steve Gore wrote:

 I read the man page for suidregister, and it seems to me that when I
 purged Emacs19 and Emacs20 (and all related binaries), not
 everything was cleaned-up.  It also seems to me that this might be a
 Can anyone confirm, or suggest what I did wrong?  (I don't think it
 will be any problem to correct.)

Rob Browning wrote:

 This was a bug in the way I was calling suidunregister in the emacs20
 postinst.  I *think* it's fixed in the newer packages.  If you have a
 reasonably inexpensive net connection, try installing the current
 emacs20 and then purging it.  If that doesn't fix the problem, let me


Sorry I took so long to respond, but my mail system was misconfigured
and I got tired of sending out mail with bad headers (sgore  srgore).

I installed and purged emacs20.3-7, and still have the following in

  emacs /usr/lib/emacs/19.34/i386-debian-linux/movemail root mail 2755
  emacs /usr/lib/emacs/20.3/i386-debian-linux-gnu/movemail root mail 2755

I haven't attempted to edit these lines manually, and am willing to leave
them if you need a test case for a fix.


Steve Gore

Mail issues

1999-05-17 Thread Matthew Thompson

My debian 2.1 box has two NIC's: one connected to my DSL router and one
connected to the hub for my local network.  I recently registered the
domain and had my ISP point it to my DSL IP and also point at the same IP.  I have sendmail and qpopper installed.

The issue is that I still use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my main email, not
[EMAIL PROTECTED], therefore I am still using fetchmail to get mail off of  When I do this, any mail for other users on my system (tpad
and cheryl) gets downloaded into mattyt's INBOX (/var/spool/mail/mattyt),
not into cheryl's or tpad's.  This happens when someone sends mail to or

Any suggestions?

TIA for any help :)

Matthew Thompson
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

fujitsu lifebook 280dx

1999-05-17 Thread Matt Kokidko
Does anyone have this notebook?  I'm trying to run slink and have come pretty 
far(I'm a new user).  I recently posted about the icons in wordperfect looking 
scrambled.  the general suggestion was to change video settings from 24 bit 
color to 16 or 32.  When I changed to any setting other than 24, x would not 
start.  the screen went scrambly and I had to Ctrl Alt Backspace out of there.  
would updating the kernel to the latest and updating x to the latest be the 
next logical step? I'm assuming that my video card just isn't being supported 
very well

RE: Trouble with Debian kernel build

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog

On 17-May-99 Bryan Scaringe wrote:
 I am trying to build a kernel the Debian way and am stuck. According
 to the FAQ, the first thing a need to do (from memory) is:
   make-kpkg --install kernel-package_2.0.36_all.deb

I am going back to the old way of doing it because I am still uncertain if I
have done it correctly.  Read the stuff in /usr/doc/kernel-package


Fw: tweetybird

1999-05-17 Thread Bill Rappe




 I'm SO sorry about this, but I had to
 keep it  going. The last time sent
 this exact e-mail out, I got a new job
 and now I'm superstitious. Start thinking
 of something you really really want,
 cause this is astounding... the person
 that sent this to me said their wish
 came true 10 mins after they read
 the mail so I thought what the heck.
 '$$., '
?,(   ') $$('  )$'
 ?$$$, (   ) $$(   )?
  '$.'-' $$$,'-',$$$'
  d$   $$b
?P $$?????
 You have been seen by the tweety bird.
 He will grant you one wish.
 Make your wish when the count down is over.
 Send this to 10 people within the hour
 you read this.  If you do, your wish
 will come  true.   If you don't it will
 become the opposite.


 - End forwarded message --

 secure free e-mail that you don't need Web access to use from Juno, the
 world's second largest online service. Download your free software at

 You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
 Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
 or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]


Re: Fw: tweetybird

1999-05-17 Thread Allan M. Wind
Were do I bounce this to?  {root,abuse} or ?

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor  Fax:781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: Kernel 2.2.x: PPP routing problem?

1999-05-17 Thread Sean
A quick kludge that might fix your problem (it fixed it on my machine under
hamm, and after I get done upgrading to slink, I'm going to try it there) is
to kill inetd.  I think the problem revolves around the netbase script in
the /etc/init.d folder trying to use ifwadm(or something like that) instead
of ifchains(or something like that).  I still don't understand why this
works or why the problem has never happened to me before now with the 2.2
kernels under both hamm and slink, but thought this info might be of use to


My next guess: incorrect serial port settings (mouse ttyS1  modem ttyS2)
them manually for my modem IRQ). I'll see what letting it set them
automatically does. 95% chance it'll do nothing (it works in 2.0.36 as I
said), but I can try. Otherwise, it's to the newsgroups/linux-ppp.

But I can't try it now. 02.24am. C++ assigments suck.

I'll get back to everyone tomorrow on what the serial port autodetect does.


RE: Where is gnulibc2.1?

1999-05-17 Thread Eric Bass
I have libc6, ver


-Original Message-
From:   Bob Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Saturday, May 15, 1999 2:31 PM
To: Eric Bass
Subject:Re: Where is gnulibc2.1?

On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 02:00:29PM -0400, Eric Bass wrote:
 Stupid question of the day. :)

 Is gnulibc2.1 available as a debian package somewhere?  If so, then where?
 The [EMAIL PROTECTED] client requires it now.  Any help would be appreciated.

Get the libc6 package(s) in unstable.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: having trouble with kernel 2.2.5 and ppp

1999-05-17 Thread Sean
This sounds like the problem described in the Kernel 2.2.x: PPP routing
problem? thread.  I don't know why this happens or why this kludge works,
but am actively trying to find out.  Until then, if you want you can try to
kill inetd, and see if that helps.


-Original Message-
From: Seth Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999 3:10 PM
Subject: having trouble with kernel 2.2.5 and ppp


I have recently installed slink from CD on my computer.  With kernel
I can use ppp and get connected to the internet (pon ourtown), however when
I upgrade my kernel to 2.2.5, I loose ppp.  It complains that LCP times out
configuration requests.  I will appologize in advance for the length of
message, I felt it might help to see what is actually happening.  I am not
currently subscribed to debian-user, so if anyone could help, would you
reply offlist to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   thanks.


In the past I have had ppp and kernel 2.2.5 working properly, howver since
new installation, it doesn't work.

I have looked at the pages on in requards to kernel version
Nothing about ppp is mentioned there, that I was able to find.

In compiling the kernel (2.2.5) it mentions that one might need to upgrade
in order for ppp to work properly.  I am using ppp_2.3.5-2 and also have
ppp-pam_2.3.5-2 installed (not completely sure what ppp-pam is for).

I have gone through pppconfig again since recompiling the kernel and it did

Modem init is currently ATZ, have also tried ATF.  Neither seem to make a

Where the email will get long (again appologies):

Here is what happens in kernel 2.0.36 taken directly from dmesg and

PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered.

May 16 12:54:36 Mahdi pppd[4320]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: abort on (BUSY)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: abort on (VOICE)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: send (ATZ^M)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: expect (OK)
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: ATZ^M^M
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: OK
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]:  -- got it
May 16 12:54:37 Mahdi chat[4321]: send (ATDT6645522^M)
May 16 12:54:38 Mahdi chat[4321]: expect (CONNECT)
May 16 12:54:38 Mahdi chat[4321]: ^M
May 16 12:55:03 Mahdi chat[4321]: ATDT6645522^M^M
May 16 12:55:03 Mahdi chat[4321]: CONNECT
May 16 12:55:03 Mahdi chat[4321]:  -- got it
May 16 12:55:03 Mahdi chat[4321]: send (\d)
May 16 12:55:04 Mahdi pppd[4320]: Serial connection established.
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: Using interface ppp0
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x6e5e78fd pcomp accomp]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  00 04 00 00
mru 1524 asyncmap 0xa auth pap pcomp accomp  11 04 05 f4 
13 09 03 00 c0 7b 80 31 44]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x1  00 04 00 00 
11 04 05 f4  13 09 03 00 c0 7b 80 31 44]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x6e5e78fd pcomp accomp]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1524
0xa auth pap pcomp accomp]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 mru 1524
0xa auth pap pcomp accomp]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=*

 Note: the asterix in the file were added to hide username and

May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x0]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [PAP AuthAck id=0x1 ]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: Remote message:
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr
compress VJ 0f 01]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 compress VJ 0f
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 compress VJ 0f
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [CCP ConfReq id=0x1  11 06 00 01 01
03]May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1]
May 16 12:55:05 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [CCP ConfRej id=0x1  11 06 00 01 01
03]May 16 12:55:06 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 addr]
May 16 12:55:06 Mahdi pppd[4320]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
May 16 12:55:06 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [CCP ConfRej id=0x1]
May 16 12:55:06 Mahdi pppd[4320]: rcvd [IPCP 

Re: font

1999-05-17 Thread Alexey G. Khramkov
Hello Johan,

Sunday, May 16, 1999, 9:26:33 PM, you wrote:

JP Hi!

JP When I run in non X-mode I think my font is too big!
JP How do I change it ?

JP --
JP //thx Johan

JP --
JP Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Are you talk about text mode console font? Try to change lilo.cong
VGA=normal to VGA=ask. When you boot your box you get menu of
available text modes for your video card. Regular font for text mode
is 8x16 pixels charsize. I was run my old box with Trident 9000 and
had used 132x60 (1056x960 is not too complex for std VGA monitor)
with regular unchanged font size. :)
Check your documentation about text video modes for your video card.

Best regards,
 Alexeymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

$make decadence^M make: *** No rule to make target `decadence'. Stop.

Re: making linux look bad

1999-05-17 Thread David B.Teague

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Michael Beattie wrote:

 On Sat, 15 May 1999, David B.Teague wrote:
  perhaps from whence you are down loading) 
 Sorry about the excess bandwidth killer, but is it whence or whom?

Hi Michael

Never say bandwidth killer about an English language issue.  It is
from whence or from where, as whom refers to a person.  I
think from whence may be a little stilted, but I tend to that


Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
(Thanks guys!)

Re: having trouble with kernel 2.2.5 and ppp

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog

In the past I have had ppp and kernel 2.2.5 working properly, howver since
new installation, it doesn't work.

I have looked at the pages on in requards to kernel version
Nothing about ppp is mentioned there, that I was able to find.

In compiling the kernel (2.2.5) it mentions that one might need to upgrade
in order for ppp to work properly.  I am using ppp_2.3.5-2 and also have
ppp-pam_2.3.5-2 installed (not completely sure what ppp-pam is for).

I have gone through pppconfig again since recompiling the kernel and it did

Modem init is currently ATZ, have also tried ATF.
If you have a Supra modem, try ATF2

I just upgraded to kernel 2.2.5 and I had trouble with diald.  It worked
sometimes and not others.


RE: Where is gnulibc2.1?

1999-05-17 Thread Eric Bass
Well, now I see glibc1 versions.  I'm using i386-pc-linux-gnulibc1 now.
The i686 version is still only in gnulibc2.1, though.  What's so special
About 2.1 that they're so suck on itesp if it's not very stable.

Thanks, I'll check TkSETI out, I'm running setiview currently.


-Original Message-
From:   Rick Macdonald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Saturday, May 15, 1999 2:40 PM
To: Eric Bass
Subject:Re: Where is gnulibc2.1?

On Sat, 15 May 1999, Eric Bass wrote:

 Is gnulibc2.1 available as a debian package somewhere?  If so, then where?
 The [EMAIL PROTECTED] client requires it now.  Any help would be appreciated.

Have they said that they aren't putting out a glibc2 version like they did
for all the betas? I sent this question to them just this morning.

BTW, you might be interested in TkSETI:


RE: Trouble with Debian kernel build

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog

On 17-May-99 George Bonser wrote:
 On Mon, 17 May 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 On 17-May-99 Bryan Scaringe wrote:
  I am trying to build a kernel the Debian way and am stuck. According
  to the FAQ, the first thing a need to do (from memory) is:
make-kpkg --install kernel-package_2.0.36_all.deb
 I am going back to the old way of doing it because I am still uncertain if I
 have done it correctly.  Read the stuff in /usr/doc/kernel-package
 The way I do it is:
 1. make menuconfig 
 2. make-kpkg --bzimage --revision L1 kernel-image
 (the revision is L for Local and then whatever number I want)
 If simply upgrading from an older kernel and you want to use your old
 config file, make oldconfig instead of make menuconfig usually works.
 Once it is done, you will have a kernel .deb package in the parent
 directory of your kernel tree.
 I just install it with dpkg -i

I followed the instructions in /usr/doc/kernel-package  but I had doubtts about
whether I had put the kernel source in the correct place, mostly because of the
errors about modules, which I kept seeing in my logs.

I did it the old way today, and if I don't see the same errors, I probably did
something wrong *after* installing the kernel image debs.   



Re: Kernel 2.2.x: PPP routing problem?

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog

On 17-May-99 Sean wrote:
 A quick kludge that might fix your problem (it fixed it on my machine under
 hamm, and after I get done upgrading to slink, I'm going to try it there) is
 to kill inetd.  I think the problem revolves around the netbase script in
 the /etc/init.d folder trying to use ifwadm(or something like that) instead
 of ifchains(or something like that).  I still don't understand why this
 works or why the problem has never happened to me before now with the 2.2
 kernels under both hamm and slink, but thought this info might be of use to

Interesting, because when it happened to me, I thought I had set up ipchains
incorrectly, until diald started to work even with the same ipchains rules.


My next guess: incorrect serial port settings (mouse ttyS1  modem ttyS2)
them manually for my modem IRQ). I'll see what letting it set them
automatically does. 95% chance it'll do nothing (it works in 2.0.36 as I
said), but I can try. Otherwise, it's to the newsgroups/linux-ppp.

But I can't try it now. 02.24am. C++ assigments suck.

I'll get back to everyone tomorrow on what the serial port autodetect does.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


1999-05-17 Thread Shaleh

On 16-May-99 Jor-el wrote:
 The source code for fvwm95 has the following code in fvwm/misc.h :
#define ReapChildren()  while ((waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG))  0);
#define ReapChildren()  while ((wait3(NULL, WNOHANG, NULL))  0);

Not being a fvwm user and having never compiled it, let me guess here and say
that more than likely a configure script detects waitpid and sets this macro.

Re: Fw: tweetybird

1999-05-17 Thread Andrei Ivanov

Oh my but he really wanted that wish to come true. *G*. Look at the
number of people he forwarded it to..

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

RE: fujitsu lifebook 280dx

1999-05-17 Thread Shaleh
FYI, there is a debian laptop specific list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subscribe just like you did for debian-user.

Also, have you checked the Linux on Laptop web site for your laptop?

Nescape problem

1999-05-17 Thread Christian Dysthe


recently I have experienced problems with multiple instances of Netscape
running (both 4.51 and now 4.6). What happens is that if I close down
one, the others closes also. Very annoying.

Is there anything I can do?

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

Re: Trouble with Debian kernel build

1999-05-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 10:55:31PM -0400, Bryan Scaringe wrote:
 I am trying to build a kernel the Debian way and am stuck. According
 to the FAQ, the first thing a need to do (from memory) is:
   make-kpkg --install kernel-package_2.0.36_all.deb
 However, there is no kernel-package_2.0.36.deb package.
 I am in the /usr/src directory, and there are files here called,
 (again, from memory) kernel_headers.2.0.36.tar.gz and
 kernel_sources.2.0.36.tar.gz .  I have the following packages installed:
 kernel_headers.2.0.36-3, kernel_source.2.0.36-3, kernel-package.

You should read /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz before proceeding.

Short version of what it says:
Untar/unzip the kernel source, run 'make menuconfig' (or make
config or make xconfig), then run 'make-kpkg clean' and
'make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image'.  This will compile the
source and create a debian kernel-image package which you can then

 So what gives?  Do I have to untar/zip the files?  Why didn't the
 installation do this?  I'm afraid to do anything to screw-up the
 kernel packages, and I have never built a kernel under Debian.

Hmmm, I thought that the installation did that, but I haven't an
installed kernel-source package to check. If you have kernel-source, you
don't need the kernel-headers (with hamm you did). 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Nescape problem

1999-05-17 Thread Shaleh

On 17-May-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 recently I have experienced problems with multiple instances of Netscape
 running (both 4.51 and now 4.6). What happens is that if I close down
 one, the others closes also. Very annoying.
 Is there anything I can do?

Nope, Netscape is dying with a severe signal error (look on a console showing
the X messages and you will see them.  NS needs to be recompiled and maybe even
bug fixed with glibc 2.1.

Re: StarOffice 5 and Glibc 2.1 (potato) mini-HOWTO

1999-05-17 Thread Oz Dror
I am unable to access this site


RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread Eber de Castro Diniz
Hi guys...

Hope you could help me... I've downloaded some RPM files and I'd like to
install it...
I've heard that's pretty possible to convert .rpm files to .deb... but

Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?


RE: Nescape problem

1999-05-17 Thread Christian Dysthe

On 17 May, Shaleh wrote:

 Is there anything I can do?
 Nope, Netscape is dying with a severe signal error (look on a console showing
 the X messages and you will see them.  NS needs to be recompiled and maybe 
 bug fixed with glibc 2.1.
So this means Netscape has to do a version based on glibc 2.1? (Come to
think of it, this did start when I upgraded to potato and glibc 2.1.)
Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Things are more like they used to be than they are now.

RE: Nescape problem

1999-05-17 Thread Shaleh

On 17-May-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 On 17 May, Shaleh wrote:
 Is there anything I can do?
 Nope, Netscape is dying with a severe signal error (look on a console
 the X messages and you will see them.  NS needs to be recompiled and maybe
 bug fixed with glibc 2.1.
 So this means Netscape has to do a version based on glibc 2.1? (Come to
 think of it, this did start when I upgraded to potato and glibc 2.1.)

Seems to be the case.  Or at least place some code to catch whatever is causing
the sigbus.

Re: RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread Alec Smith
Take a look at the 'alien' package to do this. Its listed in dselect.

I just used the RedHat 6.0 SRPMs for Pine 4.10 on my Debian 2.1 systems
without difficulty. Note these are source RPMs and not the binaries.

On Sun, 16 May 1999, Eber de Castro Diniz wrote:

 Hi guys...
 Hope you could help me... I've downloaded some RPM files and I'd like to
 install it...
 I've heard that's pretty possible to convert .rpm files to .deb... but
 Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Trouble with Debian kernel build

1999-05-17 Thread Pollywog

On 17-May-99 Bob Nielsen wrote:
 Hmmm, I thought that the installation did that, but I haven't an
 installed kernel-source package to check. If you have kernel-source, you
 don't need the kernel-headers (with hamm you did). 

That is what I was confused about, the headers.



Problem with booting

1999-05-17 Thread mozafar bag
Dear sir
I am adminsterator of an E-mail server which is based on linux
operating system recently the system can not boot successfully.Dureing
the booting the station stoped  at following point:

starting named:named
starting lpd:lpd

and system do nothing after this point.

Tank You
Do You Yahoo!?
Free instant messaging and more at

Inetd: smtp/tcp server failing (looping), service terminated

1999-05-17 Thread John Pearson

I receive my mail via uucp and send it to am internal machine
via smtp; that means that each time I poll, there are many (30-200)
brief smtp connections to my mail spool.

I noticed today that some incoming messages were queued on my uucp
host, and saw the following in /var/log/syslog on my mail server:
  inetd[164]: smtp/tcp server failing (looping), service terminated
although there was no sign of trouble in /var/log/exim/*.

I'm guessing that exim was forking to perform the local delivery
and was returning so quickly that inetd assumed something was

For the moment I'm running exim as a stand-alone daemon rather 
than from inetd, but I'd like to be able to use inetd because it
allows me to use TCP wrappers.  I also want exim to return quickly
rather than delivering in the foreground.

How can I get inetd to work nicely with exim?

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: having trouble with kernel 2.2.5 and ppp

1999-05-17 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Seth Turner wrote
 I have recently installed slink from CD on my computer.  With kernel 2.0.36,
 I can use ppp and get connected to the internet (pon ourtown), however when
 I upgrade my kernel to 2.2.5, I loose ppp.  It complains that LCP times out on
 configuration requests.  I will appologize in advance for the length of this 
 message, I felt it might help to see what is actually happening.  I am not 
 currently subscribed to debian-user, so if anyone could help, would you 
 reply offlist to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   thanks.
 In the past I have had ppp and kernel 2.2.5 working properly, howver since 
 new installation, it doesn't work.
 I have looked at the pages on in requards to kernel version 
 Nothing about ppp is mentioned there, that I was able to find.  
 In compiling the kernel (2.2.5) it mentions that one might need to upgrade 
 in order for ppp to work properly.  I am using ppp_2.3.5-2 and also have 
 ppp-pam_2.3.5-2 installed (not completely sure what ppp-pam is for).
 I have gone through pppconfig again since recompiling the kernel and it did 
 Modem init is currently ATZ, have also tried ATF.  Neither seem to make a 
 Where the email will get long (again appologies):

I've used ppp_2.3.5-2 and kernel 2.2.{6,7,8,9} with no problems, so it
should be possible.

Your log files contain LCP request and reject messages from your end but
only LCP requests from the other end, so it looks as if the other end
is not seeing your machine's LCP requests; in fact the other end seems to
be repeating the same request over and over, ignoring the LCP reject message
that your machine returns each time.  That makes me think that wherever the
immediate problem is, it isn't in your ppp configuration or chatscripts.

I notice that kernel 2.2.7 and 2.2.8 both include patches to the kernel's
ppp driver; I'd suggest that you upgrade to 2.2.9 (works for me) and see
how that works.

Good luck,

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: We got '-dpkg-new'!

1999-05-17 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Bob Bernstein wrote
 Having bulled my way through the extermination of emacs20, I went ahead with a
 massive apt-get update/upgrade, 129 meg all tolled. The cable modem is doing
 its thing with valor.
 Now I notice syslogd has been stopped so I peek into /etc/init.d and behold a
 bevy of new scripts eg 'whutever.dpkg-new'. Without looking further into the
 matter, they mostly appear to be of identical length to their 'old' forebears.
 What is the prescribed course of action with these? Copy them over into their
 working names and restart the respective process? Or has that been done?

If apt-get is still running, this is normal.

These have been unpacked from the packages that are downloaded, and should
be moved into place as appropriate at a later stage.  

If they're still there after apt-get finishes, try
  dpkg --pending --configure

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Help! Tar won't work!

1999-05-17 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, Dan Smith wrote
 The first few archives I opened with tar worked fine,
 but then it stopped working.  I installed cpio and the
 first few tars I opened with it worked fine too, but
 then it stopped functioning as well.  I tried
 reinstalling both, to no avail.  What happens is, I
 type the command to untar an archive, and it scrolls
 up a line and the next line is just blank, and the
 whole thing freezes until I hit CTRL-C, at which point
 I'm back at the prompt again.  I can tell it isn't
 doing anything during this time because the HDrive
 light isn't on and it isn't making any drive noises. 

The actual command that you are running to produce this 
would help identify the problem.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread Jake Bishop
Eber de Castro Diniz wrote:

 Hi guys...

 Hope you could help me... I've downloaded some RPM files and I'd like to
 install it...
 I've heard that's pretty possible to convert .rpm files to .deb... but

 Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Get Alien, I used it today for the latest Red Hat version of Irssi.It works 
am running potato
with glibc2.1.

Re: Inetd: smtp/tcp server failing (looping), service terminated

1999-05-17 Thread Corey Ralph
Try using tcpserver, I have installed it on my qmail server with no problems.

The package is ucspi-tcp-src on slink, no binary package is allowed so you have
to build it.

On Mon, 17 May 1999, John Pearson wrote:
 I receive my mail via uucp and send it to am internal machine
 via smtp; that means that each time I poll, there are many (30-200)
 brief smtp connections to my mail spool.
 I noticed today that some incoming messages were queued on my uucp
 host, and saw the following in /var/log/syslog on my mail server:
   inetd[164]: smtp/tcp server failing (looping), service terminated
 although there was no sign of trouble in /var/log/exim/*.
 I'm guessing that exim was forking to perform the local delivery
 and was returning so quickly that inetd assumed something was
 For the moment I'm running exim as a stand-alone daemon rather 
 than from inetd, but I'd like to be able to use inetd because it
 allows me to use TCP wrappers.  I also want exim to return quickly
 rather than delivering in the foreground.
 How can I get inetd to work nicely with exim?
 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Corey Ralph Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Manager   Phone:  (03) 5133 0115
Network Technology  Fax:(03) 5133 0805

Help with setting up a mirror

1999-05-17 Thread ferret


I'm looking at setting up several machines running under vmware with slink
and/or potato. I'm currently running my network over a single 28.8 dial-up
connection, so I'd like to mirror the distribution trees (main, contrib,
non-free and non-US) and not have to download the same packages multiple
times. What would the best way to set this up be?

I can mirror the entire distribution tree for i386 (complete but slow) or
if someone knows a way to set up a caching proxy with a large cache
(preferable, especially if I could move the cache into a local
distribution mirror) I'd rather go that way to save bandwidth. Disk space
is not the issue here. I have about 10G or more free on my server, and I
can pop in an extra 4G into my vmware box if I need. But until Ricochet
upgrades or I can afford DSL I'm stuck at 28.8



Re: RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread with a gun for a lover and a shot for the pain
yes you can do that, with a tool called alien and perhaps some other things as 

Re: VIM questions

1999-05-17 Thread Frank Barknecht
Steve Lamb hat gesagt: // Steve Lamb wrote:

 On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 03:15:05PM +0100, Dave Swegen wrote:
  1) For some reason vim inists on showing file stats at the bottom of the
  screen whenever I edit a file. It isn't too bad normally, but when I
  invoked from mutt it waits for me to press a key. Very annoying. How do I
  get rid of that behaviour?
 I'd love to know how to shut that thing off as well.  Completely unneeded
 and annoying as all hell.  

One solution is hidden in the VIM-docs. See options.txt.

*'shortmess'* *'shm'*
'shortmess' 'shm'   string  (default )
{not in Vi}
This option helps to avoid all the |hit-return| prompts caused by file
messages, for example  with CTRL-G, and to avoid some other messages.
It is a list of flags:
 flag   meaning when present~
  f use (3 of 5) instead of (file 3 of 5)

 [plus more flags...]

This gives you the opportunity to avoid that a change between buffers
requires you to hit return, but still gives as useful a message as
possible for the space available.  To get the whole message that you
would have got with 'shm' empty, use :file!
Useful values:
shm=No abbreviation of message.
shm=a   Abbreviation, but no loss of information.
shm=at  Abbreviation, and truncate message when necessary.

Plus you will want to read message.txt's explanation of |hit-retrun|

  Press RETURN or enter command to continue
This message is given when there is something on the screen for you to read,
and the screen is about to be redrawn:
- After executing an external command (e.g., :!ls and =).
- Something is displayed on the status line that is longer than the width of
  the window, or runs into the 'showcmd' or 'ruler' output.

To reduce the number of hit-return prompts:
- Set 'cmdheight' to 2 or higher.
- Add flags to 'shortmess'.
- Reset 'showcmd' and/or 'ruler'.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

dh_link: Command not found

1999-05-17 Thread Frank Barknecht

When compiling debs from potato for my slink debian system (to avoid 
the libc-upgrade for now) I sometimes get this message in dpkg-buildpackage:

dh_link: Command not found

So a newer debhelper has a new helper app, am I right? Is it possible to
build debs that use dh_link on a slink system. What is required for this? 
Upgrading debhelper?

many thanks
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Xemacs won't use setup files

1999-05-17 Thread Arcady Genkin
Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When i change the setup from within xemacs it saves the .emacs file and
 .xemacs-options but it won't load them the next time around.

Can you post your .emacs file?

Re: making linux look bad

1999-05-17 Thread John Pearson
On %M 0, David B.Teague wrote
 On Mon, 17 May 1999, Michael Beattie wrote:
  On Sat, 15 May 1999, David B.Teague wrote:
   perhaps from whence you are down loading) 
  Sorry about the excess bandwidth killer, but is it whence or whom?
 Hi Michael
 Never say bandwidth killer about an English language issue.  It is

With an invite like that, and as you posted to debian-user, how
could I resist butting in...

 from whence or from where, as whom refers to a person.  I
 think from whence may be a little stilted, but I tend to that

from whence is indeed stilted, and needlessly and unnecessarily
redundant.  Whence alone is to be preferred.


You're welcome!

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: FSCK!!! only 8 disks!!!!

1999-05-17 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Please someone tell me that linux isn't limited to 8 scsi disks! If it isn't
 tell me how the FSCK to fix this. I'm trying to set up a raid array with 10
 disks after a couple crashes I read man MAKEDEV and found out that there is
 indeed a limit of 8 scsi disks. 8-(

$ zless /usr/doc/HOWTO/SCSI-HOWTO.gz

... read read ...

./MAKEDEV sd\*

  should create entries for all SCSI disk devices (doing this should
  create /dev/sda through /dev/sdp, with fifteen partition entries for

... read read some more ...

  I say should because this is the standard unix behavior - the
  MAKEDEV script in your installation may not conform to this behavior,
  or may have restricted the number of devices it will create.

  If MAKEDEV won't do the right magic for you, you'll have to create the
 device entries by hand with the mknod command.

  The block/character type, major, and minor numbers are specified for
  the various SCSI devices in section ``Device Files'' in the
  appropriate section.

  Take those numbers, and use (as root)

   mknod /dev/device b|c major minor

... yup, that seems to be it.

Boy, ain't that /usr/doc directory great :)


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: dh_link: Command not found

1999-05-17 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, May 17, 1999 at 10:41:39AM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:

 When compiling debs from potato for my slink debian system (to avoid
 the libc-upgrade for now) I sometimes get this message in dpkg-buildpackage:

 dh_link: Command not found

 So a newer debhelper has a new helper app, am I right? Is it possible to
 build debs that use dh_link on a slink system. What is required for this?
 Upgrading debhelper?

 many thanks

Just install the newer debhelper, it does not require a newer libc
since it isn't a binary package (perl and bash, iirc).

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux
OpenLDAP Dev - [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Choice of the GNU Generation
-- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

Boot warning: SIOCSIFADDR

1999-05-17 Thread Johannes Heinecke


when booting my debian 2.1. (kernel 2.0.36) I always get
a warning about SIOCSFADDR and similarly. Also, the system is
complaining about `ppp unknown'.

How can I switch off these messages? My kernel as an included ppp,
which I do not need for booting. I deactivated `ppp' in /etc/init.d
with `update-rc.d remove', but the warning still appears.
I also have got an Zip-drive (SCSI, since the whole box ist SCSI),
which is switched on during boot, but does not have a disk.
My former Linux did not complain on `SIOSFADDR' but only
noticed, that there is no disk.

Any help?

Thanks a lot

Johannes Heinecke   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computerlinguistik   or:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin   Tel: (030) 20192-553
10099 Berlin  Fax: (030) 20196-729

Re: MP3 encoder

1999-05-17 Thread Remco van 't Veer
Another great MP3 encoder can be found at:

Got this location from the debian-devel list a couple of months ago.
Somebody wanted to package it but I have not seen a .deb yet.


On Sun, May 16, 1999 at 17:52, Frankie wrote:

 M.C. Vernon wrote:
  please Cc to Me
  Hi all,
  Things like cdgrip say and your favourite mp3 encoder, or default
  to lamer - but I can find to evidence of a mp3 encoder in the archive.
  Can anyone help me out?
 theres always l3enc... cant remember where I got it from, but the
 archive name is dist10.tar.gz, and you want to apply the patch
 dist10patch-2.1f.gz. You should be able to find it with ftpsearch -
 thats how I found it.
 It compiled first time no probs. I suppose someone ought to package up
 an mp3 encoder at some point...

AK-47 thrust Uzi SDI CD Ft. Bragg CIA KKK aanslag genetic
counter-intelligence van Balen abuse radar Marxist assassination inkijk

mount drive through internet?

1999-05-17 Thread Micha Feigin
Is it posible, and how to mount a remote drive through the net?

gui progs as root in x under normal user?

1999-05-17 Thread Micha Feigin
How do i start graphical programs under X as root while I'm logged in as a
normal user?
The message i get when i try is:
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

Re: gui progs as root in x under normal user?

1999-05-17 Thread Allen B. Riddell

Easy way to do this...

put xhost localhost in your .xinitrc
or, you could type it each time before you go into root.

At 02:32 PM 5/13/99 +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:

How do i start graphical programs under X as root while I'm logged in as a
normal user?
The message i get when i try is:
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

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Re: font

1999-05-17 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: font
Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 06:26:33PM +0200

In reply to:Johan Pettersson

Quoting Johan Pettersson([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 When I run in non X-mode I think my font is too big!
 How do I change it ? 
 //thx Johan

Have a look at SVGATextmode.

The Softwære said Windows 95 or better, so I dumped Win95  loaded LINUX.
I have not looked back since.


1999-05-17 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI

is glade-- work with potato+kernel2.2.5 ?
I get a segmentation fault each time using :
glade-- my_prj
glade with c++ option

A file's permission controler

1999-05-17 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
Do someone know if there is a programme that is able to controle :
- the permision right of all or part file installed in a debian
machin including the directory's right.
- the presence of the more importante or used file, directorys
(/dev/audio, /dev/cdrom, )
- and create them if root says to do it

if not, I am interesting to create one, with your help of course.

Re: Temporaly disable program

1999-05-17 Thread David Wright
Quoting Urban Gabor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've installed a program (gpm to more precise) and I want to
 disable/enable it for the next booting. Remove/install every time I want
 to experiment would be weird. Any ideas are wellcome

Changing the executable flag is the best way and it disturbs
things the least.

But I hope you're not rebooting *just* to get gpm stopped or started.
If you are, then note that as root, you can type
/etc/init.d/gpm stop
/etc/init.d/gpm start
to stop and start it at any time. That way, you can leave the default
behaviour, which is to start on booting, alone.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: telepath modem with x2 (making me crazy)

1999-05-17 Thread David B.Teague

On Sun, 16 May 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 I've tried everything to make this modem work.
 I have two modems to use one is a Boca logic 33.6, it uses a 
 Rockwell chip.  The other is a USR Sportster clone with x2.
 I also have a NE2000 clone NIC card.  I'm trying to make the modem work first.
 When the kernel boots is reports two devices
 1.  tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
 2.  tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16450
 I've tried configuring /etc/isapnp.conf for the modem to be irq 3, 5, 9.
 With varying degrees of success in making isapnp to recognize the cards,
 wvdialconf nor pppconfig ever sees the modem.
 I'm told I must 'jumper' the modem; I don't know how to do this
 nor do I have documentation as to how.  What can I do?


If you need board documentation, try the manufacturers' web sites.
That has provided me with significant information on several
boards.  (motherboard, sound card, video boards, etc)

RE: NE2000 clones: We have had little luck getting NE2000 clones
to work here with Linux and recent machines. I don't understand
it. Our solution was to buy 3Com cards. 

Sorry about the negativity: I trust others will provide more
specific, _positive_ help. The best of luck to you!

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Hope this qualifies.)

Re: Problem with booting

1999-05-17 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
if you boot with lilo
try to type, if the_name is the word you type to boot linux :
the_name single

this will make your machine to boot in single mode

after what rename :
--- /etc/init.d/lpd_old

try to reboot and see if all works

after what if the answer is yes

this indicate that your lpd is broken so reinstall it
else move lpd_old to lpd

[DEBIAN] Dell Latitude CPi A366XT

1999-05-17 Thread Nico De Ranter


is there anybody who has experience with the
Dell Latitude CPi A366XT portable.
Is the Neomagic 2200 graphics board supported?

Thanks in advance,



How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?

Nico De Ranter
Sony Service Center (SUPC-E/DNSE-B)
Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 (Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne)
1130 Brussel (Bruxelles), Belgium, Europe, Earth
Telephone: +32 2 724 86 41 Telefax: +32 2 726 26 86

Re: RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread David B.Teague

On Sun, 16 May 1999, Eber de Castro Diniz wrote:

 Hi guys...
 Hope you could help me... I've downloaded some RPM files and I'd like to
 install it...
 I've heard that's pretty possible to convert .rpm files to .deb... but
 Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?

Hi Eber

Indeed this is possible, just install the 'alien' package. Then
man alien will answer your questions.

Here are a few line from that man page:

alien(1L)   alien(1L)

   alien - Convert or install an alien binary package

   alien [--to-deb] [--patch=file] [options] file [...]
   alien --to-rpm [options] file [...]
   alien --to-tgz [options] file [...]
   alien --to-slp [options] file [...]

   To  build  Debian  packages, alien is simply called with a
   parameter giving the name of the alien package to be  con-
   verted.  [snip]

Caveat: I have been warned that .rpm packages are not reviewed as
carefully as .deb packages, so you run a risk to your system by
installing them. Apparently the risk, though real, is not great. 

Would someone else please respond to this issue?

The Best of Luck to you!


Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Hope this qualifies.)

Re: A file's permission controler

1999-05-17 Thread David B.Teague

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
 Do someone know if there is a programme that is able to controle :
 - the permision right of all or part file installed in a debian
 machin including the directory's right.
 - the presence of the more importante or used file, directorys
 (/dev/audio, /dev/cdrom, )
 - and create them if root says to do it
 if not, I am interesting to create one, with your help of course.


Could you be asking about chmod? That file utility sets
permissions for the file owner, file group, and others, and
devices as well.  An extract from the man page is:


   chmod - change the access permissions of files

   chmod   [-Rcfv]   [--recursive]   [--changes]   [--silent]
   [--quiet] [--verbose] [--help] [--version] mode file...


   The format of a symbolic mode  is  `[ugoa...][[+-=][rwxXs-
   tugo...]...][,...]'.   Multiple symbolic operations can be
   given, separated by commas.

   A combination of the letters `ugoa' controls which  users'
   access  to  the file will be changed: the user who owns it
   (u), other users in the file's group (g), other users  not
   in  the  file's  group  (o), or all users (a).  If none of
   these are given, the effect is as if `a' were  given,  but
   bits that are set in the umask are not affected.

   The  operator  `+'  causes  the permissions selected to be
   added to the existing permissions of each file; `-' causes
   them  to  be  removed;  and `=' causes them to be the only
   permissions that the file has.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Hope this qualifies.)

Re: mount drive through internet?

1999-05-17 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Is it posible, and how to mount a remote drive through the net?

Telnet into the box, and mount the drive on with 
mount device mount_point.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: [DEBIAN] Dell Latitude CPi A366XT

1999-05-17 Thread John
I am running slink on a Dell Inpiron 3200 just fine.  It looks
like it uses the NM2160 chipset but there does not seem to be
any sign of the NM2200 chipset in my startx output.  I dont know
if this means it is unsupported.

Here is a bit of my startx output

XBF_NeoMagic Version 1.1.0 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.34 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NM2070, NM2090, NM2093, NM2097, NM2160, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: xfree86(us) (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/psaux, buttons: 3
(**) Mouse: 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: NeoMagic
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Generic Multisync
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
  Entry deleted from font path.
  (Run 'mkfontdir' on /usr/share/fonts/truetype/).
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
  Entry deleted from font path.
  (Run 'mkfontdir' on
(**) FontPath set to
(--) SVGA: PCI: NeoMagic NM2160 rev 1, Memory @ 0xfd00,
(--) SVGA: chipset:  NM2160
(--) SVGA: videoram: 2048k
(**) SVGA: Using 16 bpp, Depth 16, Color weight: 565
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 90.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode 1024x768: mode clock =  65.000
(**) SVGA: Mode 800x600: mode clock =  40.000
(**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  25.175
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 1024x768
(--) SVGA: NeoMagic MagicGraph 128XD (NM2160) chip
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Panel is a 1024x768 color TFT display
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Internal LCD only display mode
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Video modes are display in the upper-left
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Low resolution video modes are stretched
(--) SVGA: NM2160: MMIO registers at 0xFEA0
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Linear framebuffer at 0xFD00
(--) SVGA: NM2160: Using hardware cursor
(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
(--) SVGA: XAA: Solid filled rectangles
(--) SVGA: XAA: Screen-to-screen copy
(--) SVGA: XAA: 8x8 color expand pattern fill
(--) SVGA: XAA: CPU to screen color expansion (TE imagetext, TE
(--) SVGA: XAA: Using 8 128x128 areas for pixmap caching
(--) SVGA: XAA: Caching tiles and stipples
(--) SVGA: XAA: Horizontal and vertical lines and segments

Nico De Ranter wrote:
 is there anybody who has experience with the
 Dell Latitude CPi A366XT portable.
 Is the Neomagic 2200 graphics board supported?
tel;fax:+31 20 34 22 820
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Linux and FreeBSD file system mounting.

1999-05-17 Thread Person, Roderick
Hey all,

I've been playing with FreeBSD and Linux. I was trying to mount a FreeBSD
partition from linux and got a nice little message. And being at work right
now i can remember the error, but I remember the second line of the error
said  Sun Fing Sucks me. AH, although I love the error message it
doesn't quite help me. 

I'm using Debian 2.1 with kernel 2.2.5 trying to mount a FreeBSD 3.1
partition. I have used:
  mount -t ufs /dev/hdb1 /Freebsd
and placed a reference in my fstab, but nothing is working, I'm starting to
believe that there is some incompatiblity in the nfs modules of the two.

sidenote: Has anyone had this problem or know if this is true. I created a
Linux partition. I noticed that if I use kernel 2.2.5 everything is fine
(that the kernel that was running when the part was created). But, I had to
boot with a 2.0.36 kernel ( I use loadlin and my 2.2.5 image was erased -
damn kids) and it would not read the partition is this possible? 


Re: outb(9)

1999-05-17 Thread David Wright
Quoting Rob ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Anyone know where I might find this manpage?

No idea, but you might look at p164 of Rubini,
Linux Device Drivers, O'Reilly, 1-56592-292-1.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Help! Tar won't work!

1999-05-17 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Dan Smith wrote:
 The first few archives I opened with tar worked fine,
 but then it stopped working.  I installed cpio and the
 first few tars I opened with it worked fine too, but
 then it stopped functioning as well.  I tried
 reinstalling both, to no avail.  What happens is, I
 type the command to untar an archive, and it scrolls
 up a line and the next line is just blank, and the
 whole thing freezes until I hit CTRL-C, at which point
 I'm back at the prompt again.  I can tell it isn't
 doing anything during this time because the HDrive
 light isn't on and it isn't making any drive noises.
Well, if you're doing a tar extraction, and you don't specify an input
file with the 'f' option, and you don't use ' filename' to tell the
shell you're input's coming from filename, then tar will try to get
it's input from the keyboard, and I would bet that that's what's
happening to you.  Maybe you're doing something like:

tar xfv filename

instead of 

tar xvf filename?

(Next time, at least tell us what you're typing.  Why keep us in the
dark if you want help?)


1999-05-17 Thread James Scott


has anyone got nas (network audio) to work in a useful way? I trying it with
two machines. On one machine, the daemon could not bind to port 8000 (does
something else use this?) so I used a different port. I tried running
auphone and when you answer the phone it just crashes.



Re: font

1999-05-17 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: font
Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 10:46:28PM -0400

In reply to:Wayne Topa

Quoting Wayne Topa([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Subject: font
   Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 06:26:33PM +0200
 In reply to:Johan Pettersson
 Quoting Johan Pettersson([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  When I run in non X-mode I think my font is too big!
  How do I change it ? 
  //thx Johan
 Have a look at SVGATextmode.

CORRECTION - to make it easier to find!

Package: svgatextmode

Turnaucka's Law:
  The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord.

Re: How do I load CDRom driver?

1999-05-17 Thread Michelle Coelho
No, I bought this CDRom after indtalling linux

Michelle Maria Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science

Phone: 1-317-278-2948  
Fax  : 1-317-274-9742
On Sun, 16 May 1999, Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:

 do you have an over OS (Win95,WinNT, BeOS) that found your cdrom ?

Re: Partitioning hard disk

1999-05-17 Thread Michelle Coelho
Yes, thanks..Someone suggested using the md driver. I guess either 
alternative will work, huh?


Michelle Maria Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science

Phone: 1-317-278-2948  
Fax  : 1-317-274-9742
On Sun, 16 May 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:

 ~ This is how I plan to partitiion the disks:
 ~ /hda1 40MB
 ~ swap   hda2 8MB
 ~ /usr  hda3  68MB
 ~ swap   hdb1  8MB
 ~ /usr  hdb2  250MB
 ~ where hda is the 116MB disk and hdb is the 258MB disk.
 ~ Will the above configuration work..and can I split /usr across 2
 ~ partitions or will X complain?
 I think you could split /usr across two different partitions by making
 the second a symlink to the first, eg. name hdb2 partition something
 like /usr2 and make it a symlink to /usr.

Re: Partitioning hard disk

1999-05-17 Thread Michelle Coelho then using the md driver is the only choice if I split /usr?

Michelle Maria Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science

Phone: 1-317-278-2948  
Fax  : 1-317-274-9742
On Sun, 16 May 1999, Rob wrote:

  ~ This is how I plan to partitiion the disks:
  ~ /hda1 40MB
  ~ swap   hda2 8MB
  ~ /usr  hda3  68MB
  ~ swap   hdb1  8MB
  ~ /usr  hdb2  250MB
  ~ where hda is the 116MB disk and hdb is the 258MB disk.
  ~ Will the above configuration work..and can I split /usr across 2
  ~ partitions or will X complain?
  I think you could split /usr across two different partitions by making
  the second a symlink to the first, eg. name hdb2 partition something
  like /usr2 and make it a symlink to /usr.
 Not quite, because then what would you call the *real* /usr (since the name
 /usr is already taken by a symlink ;)

Re: making linux look bad

1999-05-17 Thread Clyde Wilson

You might want to get a copy of Red Hat from
Less than $10 and almost everything works without a lot of configuration.

On Sat, 15 May 1999, tf wrote:

 Hey everybody
 I make linux look bad.  I've been messing with it for almost 2 years and have 
 never had it running well enough to use.  So.  can 
 someone give me a strategy to follow?  I'm obviously going about this  the 
 wrong way.  I think it would help if I got ppp 
 working-both pon and wvdail dial out, but leave the line open and not 
 connected to anything.  right now, my only internet 
 connection is via windows.
 RTFM would be warrented, probably, but I already know that one!
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Re: International characters don't work in console mode

1999-05-17 Thread Andreas Persenius
 I'm using Debian Linux 2.1 and have tried to get international characters
 to work in console mode. But, it will not work! The characters that I
 especially want to display are from the swedish alphabet: the a character
 with a ring above the a, and the a character with two dots above the
 a and finally the character o with two dots above the o.


 I have also been using the loadkeys se-latin1 command after I have edited
 the keymaps in

Use kbdconfig (as root) and choose n - i386 - qwerty - fi-latin1

I'm having trouble with se-latin1 (can't use ']'), but fi-latin1 works

 It seems that all characters above 127 is impossible to get/put in the
 console mode! Why?

You must tell bash to accept 8-bit character input and output. Add the
following to /etc/inputrc (or ~/.inputrc):

set convert-meta off
set input-meta on
set output-meta on


Andreas Persenius

[no subject]

1999-05-17 Thread Kisvári Attila


Re: RPM packages

1999-05-17 Thread Kenneth Scharf

On Sun, 16 May 1999, Eber de Castro Diniz wrote:

 Hi guys...
 Hope you could help me... I've downloaded some RPM files and I'd like
 install it...
 I've heard that's pretty possible to convert .rpm files to .deb...
 Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?
Alien can be used to install binary packages, but it does so outside of
the dpkg database.  (Actually if you run deselect these packages appear
in the installed list of packages, but AFAIK dpkg will not be able to
do anything with them, and reports them as unknown).  So you should NOT
use alien to install ANY package that contains static libraries
required by the rest of the system.  HOWEVER it should be safe to
install application binaries that NOTHING else depends on.  As an
example I have installed the netscape communicator that came with
Redhat on my hamm (upgraded to slink) system by using alien.
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: netscape

1999-05-17 Thread Michele Bini
On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 03:44:58PM +0200, Andrea Merello wrote:
Hi Andrea,
 Hello World!
 When, in X Windows, I try to start netscape 3.04
 it says :Can't open display !!
 What can I do ? Please Help me

Where are you typing it?

Try running
export DISPLAY=:0; netscape

I also remind you of the existence of the
debian-italian mailing list.



Re: netscape, navigator, communicator...

1999-05-17 Thread Kent West
Pere Camps wrote:
 Can somebody explain me what's in each package and what are their
 What's the bare minimum if I want to have just a 'lightweith'
 netscape 4.5 browser?
 -- p.

I believe Netscape is the company; Navigator is the browser;
Communicator is the suite that contains the browser
(Navigator), mail client (Messenger), and maybe another few
odds  ends.

Even lighter-weight than Navigator, you might take a look at
Chimera, Opera, Mozilla, and Lynx.

Re: mount drive through internet?

1999-05-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
You will need to set it up on the remote computer for NFS.

On Thu, May 13, 1999 at 02:28:22PM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
 Is it posible, and how to mount a remote drive through the net?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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