[FairfieldLife] Lurk, Miscommunication Re: Angela's take on the pompous shit

2007-10-14 Thread Bronte Baxter
From Angela of the Wednesday night satsang again: Note: forwarded to 
Bronte and Posted

  Angela wrote about the Wednesday satsang group, on their forum: 
Though I have seen some wisdom in this group, I have also seen too 
much pompous shit, and with that, I am outa here.
Lurk wrote, misunderstanding what group Angela was referring to:
This is like a drive by shooting. Like this lady ever posted, and 
now she leaving in a huff. Not passing the smell test, IMO.
  Bronte writes:
thinking the comment Angela made about the group was directed at FFL, which 
it was not! Angela is a person from the Wednesday night satsang. I had 
forwarded to that website today's FFL discussion about the satsang's anonymous 
holy woman. Angela was pretty disgusted and wrote that group to say she was 
sick of the pompous shit she often found there, and was going to leave and 
join FFL instead. She's outa there, into here. Part of her desire to join us 
was Turq's post on Challenging Assumptions which I also had forwarded to the 
Wed. satsang chatroom, and which she admired. So please, take it easy, Lurk, 
ole' buddy. You'll like her. She's an independent thinker who very much belongs 
here. Reread her posts that I've transferred over from the other website, and 
you'll see what I mean. WELCOME, ANGELA! We're a little rough and tumble here, 
but you'll find we're very real! Love, Bronte

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Judy and everyone / Trying to Find Fair

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
  Bronte, who started the talk that led to the damn new 
  rule, gives herself permission to rip into people. 
  Where's the justice in the universe, right? 
 I say no flame ocurred.  For the record, I enjoy seeing 
 sacred oxes gored, or at least challenged. It is in-your-
 face, toe to toe confrontation, and it is awesome. But I 
 say there has been no foul, and no harm. This is sport, 
 not a brawl. Let's keep it this way.  

The damn new rule was bullshit.

And most of us knew it at the time, and just
ignored the posturing whiners who climbed on
board and used it as a vehicle for *their*
flaming of others who didn't abide by their
idea of how others should live and conduct
their onscreen communications.

We all saw how long *that* lasted. We saw what
happened the moment that one of the prime
posturers, who took up the flag of no flaming
and waved it like it was his right to be hall
monitor here at FFL got *HIS* buttons pushed.
Then it became non-stop-flaming on his part,
calling anyone who disagreed with him perverts
and predators.

We saw the same thing with Bronte. All sweet
and nice and offended at the improper tone
of Fairfield Life, and especially its treat-
ment of the few delicate tender feeling level
women in its midst, until a new woman comes 
around and starts expressing tender feelings.
Then she suddenly has the right to flame away.

Bullshit, pure and simple.

That's the way it ALWAYS is with Puritan move-
ments to clean up our town or clean up our
newsgroup. The people who sign up for the new
cleanup campaign don't have their buttons pushed
at the moment, and thus are easily swayed by 
someone who does -- *by* the issue they're trying
to get everyone to rally behind. 

But then the moment their buttons *do* get pushed,
they're first in line to do the very thing they
railed against earlier.

It's just human nature, and I for one think that
people should just lighten up about it. As long
as they have egos to *get* offended by something
that someone says, egos are going to get offended.
And at that point they are going to do whatever
they think is required to express their offended-
ness and try to infect others with it.

It's just what happens. Rules aren't going to
change this, and posturing crusaders aren't going
to change it. 

And the rule *itself* was a joke. If *anyone*
should have been banned for a week for flaming,
it should have been Saint Edg the Anti-Flamer
himself, the posturing pissant who, mere days
after pretending he was really interested in
cleaning up the environment of FFL, did every-
thing he possibly could to drag it down into
a gutter of his own making.

It's just SILLY, people. Lighten the fuck UP.

This is a cyberbar full of people with EGOs. And
egos are *always* going to get their buttons 
pushed, and in that button-pushed state of atten-
tion feel that they have the right to say the
very things that the day before they were denying
someone else the right to say.

If you want to clean up Fairfield Life, monitor
your *own* thoughts and words, and leave off try-
ing to do it with the thoughts and words of others.

Fwd: [wednesdaynightsatsang] Re: Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Challenging Assumptions

2007-10-14 Thread Bronte Baxter
This is an email posted on the wednesday night satsang site in response to 
Turq's post on Challenging Assumptions, which I forwarded over there. I'll 
write the poster now and let him know he needs to join FFL if he wants to get 
into these discussions. It's getting confusing playing mailman! - Bronte
  Note: forwarded message attached.

Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel. ---BeginMessage---
Hey, that's awesome that you challenge assumptions. Challenging
assumptions is what keeps us from doing things that keep hurting or
don't work, as I'm sure you know. I'd like to take a moment to
consider what you've said:

Enlightenment is a worthy thing to spend one's
 life pursuing; in fact, it is the *most* worthy
 thing you could spend your life pursuing.

This begs the questions, what is Enlightenment? From my understanding,
Enlightenment is understanding what we really are and have always
been, leading to constant experience that cannot be overshadowed that:

1. the individual is cosmic and not different from the rest of the


2. this connection IS that which fulfills all of our desires.

If that is true that the experience of the Self fully established IS
the fulfillment of all desires, then how would Enlightenment NOT be 
the highest? 

So you want to help people. Cool. Why? Why is helping people
important? Why is preventing the suffering of others important?

I do what makes me happy and am not condescending enough to say that
others cannot take care of themselves, even if they are suffering.
Some people fall upon extremely difficult circumstances and still seem
to be doing quite well despite that. Others go through hard or even
not so hard circumstances and suffer SO much. This suggests that there
is some degree of choice over our suffering (even if it's not easy or
clear how to make that choice), and finding the path the enlightenment
is the ability to choose non-suffering, even if it's difficult. No
matter what. 

It does make me happy to see other people do well, grow, and/or become
happier. But that makes helping others just as selfish as taking care
of myself, and I'm not going to get all self righteous about how
important it is to help people, because helping others is every ounce
as selfish as just going for your own Enlightenment. You seem to think
helping others is important to try to ease your own fear, guilt, sense
of justice (which does seem a but condescending to me suggesting that
people need you or others to come to their rescue but you don't need
that), or possibly just to make yourself happy. Either way, it's
completely selfish. You are certainly entitled to your opinion and I'm
not making a personal attack on you, but it seems that the idea that
helping others is important is just another assumption. 

I would be very interested to discuss that you if feel that is wrong.
Either way, I hope that it's okay to make these points as I'm not
looking to deeply offend or start a war (I know our beliefs are held
to be sacred :) ) but if you're willing to look at this point, I would
enjoy continuing to discuss it with you and anyone else who wants to.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bronte Baxter

 Note: forwarded message attached.

  Check out  the hottest 2008 models today at Yahoo! Autos.
 [ Interestingly, I wrote this Friday afternoon, 
 several hours before Ron's reply to my email to 
 him, on a similar subject. I'm posting it this
 morning in lieu of a direct reply to his post. ]
 The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions. 
 ~ The I Ching
 That's what it says on the main page of Fairfield Life. 
 And that's what a number of the folks who chat here do,
 on a fairly regular basis. That's why I like the place.
 But I've noticed that there are a few assumptions that
 no one (or almost no one) ever challenges. These assump-
 tions have *been* assumptions for so many of us, and for
 so long, that they are just given a free ride, and 
 almost everyone accepts them as a given. No one even
 *thinks* about challenging them.
 The one I'm going to challenge tonight, just for the fun
 of it, is a Big One, possibly the biggest, never-challenged
 assumption in the whole enlightenment game. Briefly stated,
 it is:
 Enlightenment is a worthy thing to spend one's
 life pursuing; in fact, it is the *most* worthy
 thing you could spend your life pursuing.
 You find this assumption underlying all but a few traditions
 that have a notion of enlightenment, as part of their dogma.
 It manifests as respect for (or even reverence for) those
 who are one-pointed in their desire for enlightenment. It
 manifests in the time that seekers spend searching for the
 supposedly-enlightened, and then listening to what they have
 to say. It manifests in the monks (in TM-ese, Purusha types)
 and nuns (in TM-ese, Mother Divine ladies) who give up 

Fwd: [wednesdaynightsatsang] Re: Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Challenging Assumptions

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB

While I understand that you like to get into topics
and discuss or debate them ad infinitum with others, 
I don't. I just say things that interest me at the 
time and then allow others to bounce off of them 
if they feel like it. If some of their bouncing 
interests me, I might join in. If it doesn't, well 
discussing or debating the ideas I put forth is
*their* business, not mine. 

I have no need to defend or debate the ideas I 
sail forth on Fairfield Life, and certainly don't 
have any need to do so when you forward them to 
people I don't even know. The response this person 
seems to be looking for was right in the post he 
is responding to:

 And I've met monks who ... have what I think is 
 a cool attitude about enlightenment. ...they 
 focus on Here And Now, and on doing the things 
 that they feel will have the most benefit for 
 other sentient beings.

 Their assumptions about how to live and where 
 to put their focus in life may be *just* as 
 flawed and *just* as challengeable as the 
 assumption that one should be one-pointed
 about enlightenment. I have no problem with 
 anyone who wants to challenge them. What I am 
 expressing is mere preference, not any kind of 
 rule or cosmic law or truth. But at the 
 same time I can't help but think that these 
 monks who consider the objective well-being 
 of others more important than their own 
 subjective well-being are onto something.

 But this is all Just My Opinion. You guys talk 
 it out for yourselves...

I don't see how I could have been any clearer. If *you*
want to talk it out yourselves, feel free. I feel no
need to participate.

If the poster in question feels so strongly about his
stance that he wants to join FFL to debate it, I *still*
have nothing to say to him on this topic. Debate is just 
not my idea of fun. As I said about how and why I write 
here in another post yesterday:

 I like posting to Internet talk forums because it's ephemeral
 and in the moment, like stream of consciousness, but structured,
 *not* like stream of consciousness. An idea flows through me and
 I give it my best shot, trying to express it as well as I can.
 But then, the instant I press Send, I let it go.
 With the click of the Send button the idea is no longer mine,
 in that I don't have to feel ownership of it or allegiance to
 it. It was just an idea, passing through. If others like it
 and want to talk about it, cool. If others *don't* like it,
 and want to talk about it even more, cool.

'Nuff said. Talk amongst yourselves...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter

 This is an email posted on the wednesday night satsang 
 site in response to Turq's post on Challenging Assumptions, 
 which I forwarded over there. I'll write the poster now 
 and let him know he needs to join FFL if he wants to get 
 into these discussions. It's getting confusing playing 
 mailman! - Bronte

   Note: forwarded message attached.

 Hey, that's awesome that you challenge assumptions. Challenging
 assumptions is what keeps us from doing things that keep hurting or
 don't work, as I'm sure you know. I'd like to take a moment to
 consider what you've said:
 Enlightenment is a worthy thing to spend one's
  life pursuing; in fact, it is the *most* worthy
  thing you could spend your life pursuing.
 This begs the questions, what is Enlightenment? From my understanding,
 Enlightenment is understanding what we really are and have always
 been, leading to constant experience that cannot be overshadowed that:
 1. the individual is cosmic and not different from the rest of the
 2. this connection IS that which fulfills all of our desires.
 If that is true that the experience of the Self fully established IS
 the fulfillment of all desires, then how would Enlightenment NOT be 
 the highest? 
 So you want to help people. Cool. Why? Why is helping people
 important? Why is preventing the suffering of others important?
 I do what makes me happy and am not condescending enough to say that
 others cannot take care of themselves, even if they are suffering.
 Some people fall upon extremely difficult circumstances and still seem
 to be doing quite well despite that. Others go through hard or even
 not so hard circumstances and suffer SO much. This suggests that there
 is some degree of choice over our suffering (even if it's not easy or
 clear how to make that choice), and finding the path the enlightenment
 is the ability to choose non-suffering, even if it's difficult. No
 matter what. 
 It does make me happy to see other people do well, grow, and/or become
 happier. But that makes helping others just as selfish as taking care
 of myself, and I'm not going to get all self righteous about how
 important it is to help people, because helping others is every ounce
 as selfish as just going for your own Enlightenment. You seem to think
 helping others is important to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting translation of III 38

2007-10-14 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I like the Maniprabha's comment on this sutra:
 These siddhis [that is] the Vividness of the subtle senses and 
 like in the case of one
 devoted to samadhi, (the fruit of which is final bliss), are  
 obstacles, [that is,] impediments. Accordingly he who desires  
 liberation overlooks them. For his task is not accomplished, even 
 he have ten thousand perfections, unless he have a complete  
 enlightenment of self.

Seems like he haven't been reading the fourth paada. The first
suutra sez:

...samaadhi-jaaH siddhayaH.

... which could be translated to 'siddhis are born of (or: the 
result of) samaadhi'.

[FairfieldLife] Hysteria, the UCLA Study, and other memes about women

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Now don't you worry your pretty little head about this 
 man talk.  You will just get overwrought trying to keep 
 up with the conversation and it'll give ya the vapors!  
 Or even worse, hysteria!  

In the same vein, I pass along one of the few
things I've read recently that made me spit my
drink out onto the screen with laughter. It did
the same for everyone I've shared it with, both
men and women. So if anyone here gets offended
or hysterical about it, you're atypical.

UCLA Study

A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry
has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds
attractive on a man can differ depending on where she
is in her menstrual cycle.

For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to
men with rugged and masculine features. However, if
she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be
more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth
and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.

No further studies are expected. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Imagine

2007-10-14 Thread Cliff Rees

At Rick's encouragement, I rejoined Fairfield Life a few days ago.  Reading the
last few days of posts I can see I made a mistake.  I trust this e-group serves
your evolution, although I confess that I am at a total loss to understand how
that might be.  Frankly, why do you all bother with the complete and utter
waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?

Spend time with a child...  Play with your cat if you don't have a child...  Go
out dancing...  Make love for a few hours...  Enjoy the stars without imagining
anything about jyotish or celestial beings or Maitreya or some other bullshit
someone else has convinced you to believe...  The stars are pretty awesome just
as they are - no embellishment needed.  So are you.

Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,


--- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But just for a moment, try to imagine what it
  *feels* like to have someone just *explode* with
  his own simmering hatred of self, and aim it at
  you, and put it into the most carefully-crafted
  attempts to *hurt* he possibly can.
 Gosh, I don't have to imagine it, Barry. I've
 been dealing with it from you for a very long time.
  That's what it's been like for me to post to 
  the Internet FOR THIRTEEN YEARS.
  Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
  else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
  on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
  in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
 The projection in this remark is just astounding.
 If he actually believes it, it's frightening.
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since,
 No, she has done no such thing. That isn't a
 delusion, it's a quite deliberate untruth.
  with rarely even a one-week break in the invective
  and criticism she aims at me. Richard Williams,
  the troll from Texas, picked up the same mindset
  from her and has been doing the same thing, for
  almost as long. A couple of other people here
  seem to have also logged on to this particular
  notion of fun, and consider me their personal
  punching bag. 
 Barry indeed has many critics.  But for the record,
 and from my perspective, the only unfair criticism
 of Barry I've ever seen, on both alt.m.t and FFL,
 has been the recent spate of rants from Edg
 concerning his fantasies about Barry's behavior in
 his private life.
 (Well, with the exception of some of Willytex's
 posts, but fairness doesn't really apply in
 his case.)
 Edg's posts were so outlandishly unfair that even
 I had to jump in to defend Barry.
 From the early days on alt.m.t right down to the
 present, Barry has spent *most* of his time
 putting down other people, without the slightest
 regard for fairness or accuracy or intellectual
 honesty. That's why he's come in for so much
  The more that these people rag on me and spew
  their bile at me, the more I try to channel
  that hatred and use it to inspire me to write
  more, and to write well. If I can read one of
  their hate-filled posts and, immediately after-
  wards, sit down and write about something that
  inspires me and makes me happy, and might also
  inspire someone else, then I have practiced the
  dharma of Living well is the best revenge.
  And I have managed to do so without being sucked
  into a head-to-head confrontation with them, and
  giving them what they want, which is my attention.
 Oh, yes, we've noticed how assiduously Barry has
 avoided head-to-head confrontation.
 When he's feeling particularly self-righteous, he
 actually *does* manage to avoid it for a while,
 instead putting his vicious insults and dishonest
 characterizations in posts purportedly addressed
 to the group, like this one, utterly oblivious
 to the gross hypocrisy involved.
 Sorry, but writing a few happy-happy posts doesn't
 make up for the rest; and the rest call into
 serious question just how genuine the happy ones


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting translation of III 38

2007-10-14 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  I like the Maniprabha's comment on this sutra:
  These siddhis [that is] the Vividness of the subtle senses 
  like in the case of one
  devoted to samadhi, (the fruit of which is final bliss), are  
  obstacles, [that is,] impediments. Accordingly he who desires  
  liberation overlooks them. For his task is not accomplished, 
  he have ten thousand perfections, unless he have a complete  
  enlightenment of self.
 Seems like he haven't

Ei toi niin paha virhe taida olla, että
sitä viitsisi ryhtyä editoimaan, vaikka olinkin
hetki sitten ryhtymäisilläni tuohon puuhaan... 

Ye be glad that ye don't have to speak 
a depressing Uralic language! :D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Diksha Initiation vs. regular Initiation.

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ater all these years of doing tm and if regular and sincere with it, 
I would submit there is a 
 good chance that one would move rapidly by taking diksha under the 
terms specified 
 my experience dictates that it is different to have the initiation by 
the diciple compared 
 with the sat guru. 
  human teacher

Keep fishing among TM'ers Ron, if you think this is an positive 
activity for you. I think you are a disgrace to yourself and your guru. 
If she has not attraction by herself and needs you to try to drum up 
followers from other groups then it stinks. And that is exactly what 
you do Ron; you are a pathetic fool and you stink !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting translation of III 38

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:41 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:37 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
Don't do this, be careful about this, watch how this and that
warning against this...Absent common sense, why be so 
about this practice and that? Such thinking reeks of dogma to 
   LOL, no it's not dogma Jim, it's the collected wisdom of sages
   across the ages--and my own personal experience as well.
  I'd like to hear more about your personal experience, then, 
  you are always quoting others or mentioning the experiences of
  others, but not correlating such experiences with your own. I 
  recall you ever speaking about your experiences in this way here 
 No, I don't typically talk about my own experiences.

Vaj has for years been happy to try to put the experiences of others 
down and trying to create doubts. No wonder he does not want to 
describe his own (lack of) experiences.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, amarnath [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Died Thursday at the age of 72 of a heart attack.
 my highest respects to a beautiful God-Realized being.
 I attended a few of his peace concerts and always felt
 His Deep Peace and Love in my heart
 a friend of mine, and his wife and daughter, 
 were his disciples
 and the personal guidance that they received, 
 even while meditating at home,
 was very impressive.
 Sri Chinmoy was a wonderful personal guru,
 if one resonated with Him.
 I read just a few of his books that resonated with me;
 they were extremely helpful.
 A unique God-Realized life well lived
 only to be admired, respected and loved
 as a beautiful expression of the Self.
 Om Shanti,

I met this Saint only a few times but the strength of his darshan is 
paralelled by that of Maharishi only - in my experience.

If the quality of someones devotees means something, and I think it 
does,; those I met were superb, soft and wonderful people.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I met this Saint only a few times but the strength of his 
 darshan is paralelled by that of Maharishi only - in my 

Uh, Nabby...not to rain on your parade or anything,
but the next time you berate someone here for being
off the TM program and tell them to get a checking, 
you might want to remember that the very fact *that* 
you met this saint a few times means that you would 
never be allowed in the TM flying dome in Fairfield 
or in many other places in the world.

Unless you lied about having done it, of course. 

If that's the kind of spiritual movement you think
is spiritual, I wish you well with it.

[FairfieldLife] Lurk, Miscommunication Re: Angela's take on the pompous shit

2007-10-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Bronte writes:
Lurk is thinking the comment Angela made about the group was 
directed at FFL, which it was not!
 Angela is a person from the Wednesday night satsang. WELCOME, ANGELA! 
We're a little rough and tumble here, but you'll find we're very real! 


Sorry, I was going through 400 posts in a hurry.  Bound to mess up. 
makes a lot more sense now.  Welcome Angela.



 Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
 Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at 
Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 his music is a joke!
 We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this crap!  Thank you
 for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument was my favorite. 
 not sure which it was but he was such a douche for making people
 listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe musical geniuses 
 Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy.  This guy had an ego

Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Died Thursday at the age of 72 of a heart attack.
  Piece in the New York Times about devotees
  gathering in Briarwood, Queens, to pay their
  respects, and about the devotee community
  Followers — several hundred of them — have built a utopian 
  in the middle of a bustling New York City neighborhood. Guided by 
  devotion and strict adherence to their guru's teachings, they 
  his message on T-shirts and store signs and go by flowery, peace-
  oriented Bengali names he bestowed upon them.
  Mr. Chinmoy kept himself in meticulously good health, so his 
  was unexpected and has thrown his followers into upheaval. As 
  followers embarked upon a weeklong vigil of meditation, song and 
  poetry, grief was mixed with a feeling of distress. Many 
  are wondering what the future will hold. It is as if the group 
  suddenly become a family of orphans.
 I remember seeing this guy in the 80's I guess, I left distinctly
 feeling he was a fraud! He plays instruments like a child with
 non-nonsensical melodies. I don't know what all the commotion was
 about surrounding him, at least his music is a joke! See for 

Shri Chimnoys darshan was, for me, of the highest caliber. A 
wonderful Saint.

Surely now people like Rick et al will soon start the rumourmill 
denouncing him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Creationism, Evangelicals, and SCI

2007-10-14 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 10/12/07 8:31:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Scientific Creationism and the Science of Creative  Intelligence
Robert M. Price
As is well known, proponents of creationism  loudly contend that their 
doctrine is surely scientific, not religious,  and therefore nothing 
should stand in the way of its being included in  public school 
science curricula. This claim naturally presents us with a  tangle of 
several legal issues, not the least of which is the danger of  
mandating by law that any specific view be taught. One thinks  
immediately of the canonization of Lysenko in the Soviet Union, and  
one can well imagine what would happen if racist fanatics succeeded 
in  having the views of Shockley or Jenson forcibly included in 
genetics  courses. Creationists, it seems, are oblivious to such 
dangers--or at  least we may be charitable enough to suppose so.

But an issue that is  in some ways more interesting is that of church-
state separation. Would  the mandated teaching of creationism 
constitute the promotion of a  religious doctrine by the government, 
something forbidden by the U.S.  constitution? 

This is the only thing  that the Constitution says about Church and  state.  
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or  
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or 
the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition 
the  government for a redress of grievances. Notice, the Congress shall make 
*no  law* either *establishing* or *prohibiting*, the free exercise thereof.   
Also, that there will be no religious test for the office of the  Presidency. 
In other words, the government can not mandate that a president  *must* or 
*can not be* of any specific religion. The people get to make that  choice, if 
they make it an issue, by the democratic process of majority  rules. Therefor, 
there can be no law mandating that any specific theory of  creation be taught 
or prevented from being taught. It should be left up to the  individual 
states and school boards to decide what they want to teach. If  the majority in 
community want to teach only evolution in their schools, so be  it. But if the 
majority want only creationism taught, so be it also. A community  also has 
the right to teach all or any combinations of ideas as they see fit. By  virtue 
of the first amendment, the Government needs to butt out and let the  people 
decide for themselves.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Imagine

2007-10-14 Thread Peter
Hey Cliff, how are you? Glad to see your name attached
to a post.

--- Cliff Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At Rick's encouragement, I rejoined Fairfield Life a
 few days ago.  Reading the
 last few days of posts I can see I made a mistake. 
 I trust this e-group serves
 your evolution, although I confess that I am at a
 total loss to understand how
 that might be.  Frankly, why do you all bother with
 the complete and utter
 waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?
 Spend time with a child...  Play with your cat if
 you don't have a child...  Go
 out dancing...  Make love for a few hours...  Enjoy
 the stars without imagining
 anything about jyotish or celestial beings or
 Maitreya or some other bullshit
 someone else has convinced you to believe...  The
 stars are pretty awesome just
 as they are - no embellishment needed.  So are you.
 Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,
 --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
   But just for a moment, try to imagine what it
   *feels* like to have someone just *explode* with
   his own simmering hatred of self, and aim it at
   you, and put it into the most carefully-crafted
   attempts to *hurt* he possibly can.
  Gosh, I don't have to imagine it, Barry. I've
  been dealing with it from you for a very long
   That's what it's been like for me to post to 
   the Internet FOR THIRTEEN YEARS.
   Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
   else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
   on me, confusing me with all the things she
   in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
  The projection in this remark is just astounding.
  If he actually believes it, it's frightening.
   She has stalked me from forum to forum ever
  No, she has done no such thing. That isn't a
  delusion, it's a quite deliberate untruth.
   with rarely even a one-week break in the
   and criticism she aims at me. Richard Williams,
   the troll from Texas, picked up the same mindset
   from her and has been doing the same thing, for
   almost as long. A couple of other people here
   seem to have also logged on to this particular
   notion of fun, and consider me their personal
   punching bag. 
  Barry indeed has many critics.  But for the
  and from my perspective, the only unfair criticism
  of Barry I've ever seen, on both alt.m.t and FFL,
  has been the recent spate of rants from Edg
  concerning his fantasies about Barry's behavior in
  his private life.
  (Well, with the exception of some of Willytex's
  posts, but fairness doesn't really apply in
  his case.)
  Edg's posts were so outlandishly unfair that even
  I had to jump in to defend Barry.
  From the early days on alt.m.t right down to the
  present, Barry has spent *most* of his time
  putting down other people, without the slightest
  regard for fairness or accuracy or intellectual
  honesty. That's why he's come in for so much
   The more that these people rag on me and spew
   their bile at me, the more I try to channel
   that hatred and use it to inspire me to write
   more, and to write well. If I can read one of
   their hate-filled posts and, immediately after-
   wards, sit down and write about something that
   inspires me and makes me happy, and might also
   inspire someone else, then I have practiced the
   dharma of Living well is the best revenge.
   And I have managed to do so without being sucked
   into a head-to-head confrontation with them, and
   giving them what they want, which is my
  Oh, yes, we've noticed how assiduously Barry has
  avoided head-to-head confrontation.
  When he's feeling particularly self-righteous, he
  actually *does* manage to avoid it for a while,
  instead putting his vicious insults and dishonest
  characterizations in posts purportedly addressed
  to the group, like this one, utterly oblivious
  to the gross hypocrisy involved.
  Sorry, but writing a few happy-happy posts doesn't
  make up for the rest; and the rest call into
  serious question just how genuine the happy ones

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 Business gives you all the tools to get online.
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[FairfieldLife] Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:

Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.

Notorious guru as well:

Sri Chinmoy also finds other ways for his disciples to please him.

I lived a celibate life for ten years and barely even looked into a  
man's eyes, other than Chinmoy. But then in the fall of 1991, when I  
was getting in shape and exercising a lot, out of the blue, Chinmoy  
invited me to join a group trip out of New York for a peace concert  
near San Francisco. He even offered to pay for me when I said I  
didn't have the money. I was very honored by this gesture. After the  
concert a woman I knew as the leader of the San Francisco Center  
approached me and said that Chinmoy wanted me to go to his room. She  
gave me a piece of paper with the room number on it.

After going to my room to tidy up, I nervously went to his room. I  
thought I had been invited to a special private party or function and  
never dreamed that it was for sex. After a short interview about my  
previous sexual experiences Chinmoy said, You should surrender your  
vital (sexual) energy to me. I folded my hands, looked him in the  
eyes and offered him my energy, but he indicated that this wasn't  
enough. So then I said, Supreme I bow to thee, a few times. He had  
me embrace him, I hugged him, feeling very warm and loving, but not  
aroused. Then Chinmoy told me to take my clothes off. I was shocked!  
However, prior to being in the Center, I had been very open minded,  
so I was happy and not angry. I took off my clothes, he then removed  
his and we proceeded to have sex. Afterward, he told me that I must  
never tell anyone. He said that I was specially chosen and that this  
was not rally sex, but his life breath, which he was giving me. He  
also mentioned that if anything happened, such as a.pregnancy, I  
should not even tell him, but instead go immediately to a clinic for  
an abortion.

Having spent the last 10 years worshiping Chinmoy as a God, I didn't  
question this. I accepted what was happening, even though after this  
experience, I had nagging doubts about him. I started looking around  
and noticing through the behavior of other women, that they were  
probably sexually involved with him too. I came to realize that I was  
probably not the only woman with whom Chinmoy was involved, but I  
don't think I ever imagined the scope of his sexual activities.

Over the next few months, there were several late-night trysts, but  
then the calls suddenly stopped. After several months elapsed without  
a call from Chinmoy I became very depressed. I felt that if I got  
involved with another man I would come out of my depression. So with  
the help of a friend and confidant, I made contact with one of the  
men in the Center. This worked out very well and we saw each other  
secretly for several months. We ended up deeply involved, but then  
were discovered. Chinmoy didn't make us leave the Center at that  
time, but circumstances eventually led to our leaving on our own  
about a year later.

After being out of the Center for a few years I still hadn't moved on  
in my beliefs. I blamed myself and thought that my departure from the  
group was because I had become weak and succumbed to my emotions. My  
partner also hadn't moved on and wanted to return. During this period  
I told my partner about my secret activities with Chinmoy. He didn't  
act surprised and later hinted that he too was involved, not only  
with Chinmoy, but that Chinmoy had directed him to be involved with  
other people. My partner eventually begged to come back to the  
Center. He was accepted, but only conditionally. We must separate and  
I would also return. Initially I had misgivings, but I went back.

Over the next several years I became more and more aware about the  
many women sexually involved with Chinmoy. There were also signs that  
he was having sexual relations with men. The first time that I was  
called for sex again after my return, I was asked by Chinmoy to first  
write him a letter. I wrote something spiritually devotional, but  
that wasn't what he wanted. He told me put details in my letter about  
my desire for him and specifically to tell all about the sexual  
things done together with my partner, while were outside the Center.  
After complying with that request, Chinmoy called me for sex once or  
twice a year.

A few years ago I got a special call from Chinmoy, he said that he  
wanted to introduce me to a new way of having sex--with women. The  
first time, he had me come over to his house with another woman. We  
were together downstairs, while he waited in another room upstairs.  
Then the other woman went upstairs. Later, Chinmoy came down and had  
relations with me. He told me that I must never talk to anyone about  
these trysts and must instead act as if I had never been intimate  
with him.

Another time, a woman and I had relations, while he sat on a chair  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Peter
Lies! Lies! All lies! Any man who can play so many
instruments, and so very, well could never possibly do
the bling-bam with disciples!
--- Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at
 Notorious guru as well:
 Sri Chinmoy also finds other ways for his disciples
 to please him.
 I lived a celibate life for ten years and barely
 even looked into a  
 man's eyes, other than Chinmoy. But then in the fall
 of 1991, when I  
 was getting in shape and exercising a lot, out of
 the blue, Chinmoy  
 invited me to join a group trip out of New York for
 a peace concert  
 near San Francisco. He even offered to pay for me
 when I said I  
 didn't have the money. I was very honored by this
 gesture. After the  
 concert a woman I knew as the leader of the San
 Francisco Center  
 approached me and said that Chinmoy wanted me to go
 to his room. She  
 gave me a piece of paper with the room number on it.
 After going to my room to tidy up, I nervously went
 to his room. I  
 thought I had been invited to a special private
 party or function and  
 never dreamed that it was for sex. After a short
 interview about my  
 previous sexual experiences Chinmoy said, You
 should surrender your  
 vital (sexual) energy to me. I folded my hands,
 looked him in the  
 eyes and offered him my energy, but he indicated
 that this wasn't  
 enough. So then I said, Supreme I bow to thee, a
 few times. He had  
 me embrace him, I hugged him, feeling very warm and
 loving, but not  
 aroused. Then Chinmoy told me to take my clothes
 off. I was shocked!  
 However, prior to being in the Center, I had been
 very open minded,  
 so I was happy and not angry. I took off my clothes,
 he then removed  
 his and we proceeded to have sex. Afterward, he told
 me that I must  
 never tell anyone. He said that I was specially
 chosen and that this  
 was not rally sex, but his life breath, which he was
 giving me. He  
 also mentioned that if anything happened, such as
 a.pregnancy, I  
 should not even tell him, but instead go immediately
 to a clinic for  
 an abortion.
 Having spent the last 10 years worshiping Chinmoy as
 a God, I didn't  
 question this. I accepted what was happening, even
 though after this  
 experience, I had nagging doubts about him. I
 started looking around  
 and noticing through the behavior of other women,
 that they were  
 probably sexually involved with him too. I came to
 realize that I was  
 probably not the only woman with whom Chinmoy was
 involved, but I  
 don't think I ever imagined the scope of his sexual
 Over the next few months, there were several
 late-night trysts, but  
 then the calls suddenly stopped. After several
 months elapsed without  
 a call from Chinmoy I became very depressed. I felt
 that if I got  
 involved with another man I would come out of my
 depression. So with  
 the help of a friend and confidant, I made contact
 with one of the  
 men in the Center. This worked out very well and we
 saw each other  
 secretly for several months. We ended up deeply
 involved, but then  
 were discovered. Chinmoy didn't make us leave the
 Center at that  
 time, but circumstances eventually led to our
 leaving on our own  
 about a year later.
 After being out of the Center for a few years I
 still hadn't moved on  
 in my beliefs. I blamed myself and thought that my
 departure from the  
 group was because I had become weak and succumbed to
 my emotions. My  
 partner also hadn't moved on and wanted to return.
 During this period  
 I told my partner about my secret activities with
 Chinmoy. He didn't  
 act surprised and later hinted that he too was
 involved, not only  
 with Chinmoy, but that Chinmoy had directed him to
 be involved with  
 other people. My partner eventually begged to come
 back to the  
 Center. He was accepted, but only conditionally. We
 must separate and  
 I would also return. Initially I had misgivings, but
 I went back.
 Over the next several years I became more and more
 aware about the  
 many women sexually involved with Chinmoy. There
 were also signs that  
 he was having sexual relations with men. The first
 time that I was  
 called for sex again after my return, I was asked by
 Chinmoy to first  
 write him a letter. I wrote something spiritually
 devotional, but  
 that wasn't what he wanted. He told me put details
 in my letter about  
 my desire for him and specifically to tell all about
 the sexual  
 things done together with my partner, while were
 outside the Center.  
 After complying with that request, Chinmoy called me
 for sex once or  
 twice a year.
 A few years ago I got a special call from Chinmoy,
 he said that he  
 wanted to introduce me to a new way of having
 sex--with women. The  
 first time, he had me come over to his house with
 another woman. We  
 were together downstairs, while he waited in another

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
I've been staying out of this, but before someone
jumps on Vaj and accuses him of either making up
stuff about a great saint or something even more
nefarious, what he posts below is fairly common

The Rama guy (Frederic Lenz) I studied with had 
previously himself studied with Sri Chinmoy. (I
know, I know...duh...where did Fred get his ideas
about how appropriate it was to sleep with his
students, eh?). Chinmoy used to announce Fred as
his best student, before Fred caught a clue and
split, setting up shop as a teacher himself instead
of being a recruiter for Chinmoy.

Anyway, given the fact that Fred walked away from
Sri Chinmoy, I tended not to place much credence 
in his occasional negative comments about the guy.
But I also knew 5 or 6 people who used to study
with Sri Chinmoy, and they pretty much confirm 
everything said in the article below.

The guy may have had a lot going for him; I don't
know. But please don't try to make him into a 
saint in the traditional sense of the word saint.
The man had a serious ego on him, whether it man-
ifested itself in believing he had the right to
bed his students or in the faked superhuman
strength bodybuilding stunts he used to stage.

From what I can tell from those students who
worked with him, he had an ability to flash 
people out with some cheap shakti, which many
of them mistook for enlightenment. His musical
abilities have already been commented on suffic-
iently. For me, never having met him but having
met a few who worked with him...uh...intimately,
he strikes me as Just Another Indian Teacher
Who Made A Living Out Of Westerners' Ignorance
Of Indian Spiritual Teaching. 

As for Resting In Peace, that's out of our hands.
He'll rest as he lived, dealing with his karmas.
If he did more good in the world than he did harm,
he may rest peacefully; if not, not. 

As will each of us. I wish him well on his Way.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 Notorious guru as well:
 Sri Chinmoy also finds other ways for his disciples to please him.
 I lived a celibate life for ten years and barely even looked into a  
 man's eyes, other than Chinmoy. But then in the fall of 1991, when I  
 was getting in shape and exercising a lot, out of the blue, Chinmoy  
 invited me to join a group trip out of New York for a peace concert  
 near San Francisco. He even offered to pay for me when I said I  
 didn't have the money. I was very honored by this gesture. After the  
 concert a woman I knew as the leader of the San Francisco Center  
 approached me and said that Chinmoy wanted me to go to his room. She  
 gave me a piece of paper with the room number on it.
 After going to my room to tidy up, I nervously went to his room. I  
 thought I had been invited to a special private party or function and  
 never dreamed that it was for sex. After a short interview about my  
 previous sexual experiences Chinmoy said, You should surrender your  
 vital (sexual) energy to me. I folded my hands, looked him in the  
 eyes and offered him my energy, but he indicated that this wasn't  
 enough. So then I said, Supreme I bow to thee, a few times. He had  
 me embrace him, I hugged him, feeling very warm and loving, but not  
 aroused. Then Chinmoy told me to take my clothes off. I was shocked!  
 However, prior to being in the Center, I had been very open minded,  
 so I was happy and not angry. I took off my clothes, he then removed  
 his and we proceeded to have sex. Afterward, he told me that I must  
 never tell anyone. He said that I was specially chosen and that this  
 was not rally sex, but his life breath, which he was giving me. He  
 also mentioned that if anything happened, such as a.pregnancy, I  
 should not even tell him, but instead go immediately to a clinic for  
 an abortion.
 Having spent the last 10 years worshiping Chinmoy as a God, I didn't  
 question this. I accepted what was happening, even though after this  
 experience, I had nagging doubts about him. I started looking around  
 and noticing through the behavior of other women, that they were  
 probably sexually involved with him too. I came to realize that I was  
 probably not the only woman with whom Chinmoy was involved, but I  
 don't think I ever imagined the scope of his sexual activities.
 Over the next few months, there were several late-night trysts, but  
 then the calls suddenly stopped. After several months elapsed without  
 a call from Chinmoy I became very depressed. I felt that if I got  
 involved with another man I would come out of my depression. So with  
 the help of a friend and confidant, I made contact with one of the  
 men in the Center. This worked out very well and we saw each other  
 secretly for several months. We ended up deeply involved, but then  
 were discovered. Chinmoy didn't make us leave the Center at that  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Peter wrote:

Lies! Lies! All lies! Any man who can play so many
instruments, and so very, well could never possibly do
the bling-bam with disciples!

It was the one Sri that tipped me off.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rick's lady friend's cosmic knowledge

2007-10-14 Thread Peter

--- Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 13, 2007, at 2:34 PM, authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj
   On Oct 13, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
published author. You'll know about that one
 too. AFAIK,
neither of these people are trying to position
to be a pubic guru
  You mean, a guru like you've been claiming
  Maharishi is? ;-)
of any sort. I think their motivation is as
 you said: it might
really blow some minds that valuable new
 states of mind are
being reached. And not only to blow minds,
 but I think that
reading such accounts and discussing them with
 these people
helps to enliven these states in one's own
   Now let me get this right Rick: she doesn't
 think it's special,
  She said *she* wasn't anything special, Vaj,
  not that her experiences weren't special.
 It was not so much how she felt about her
 experiences instead that  
 they would be singled out preferentially from any
 other experience.
 Personally I feel a kind, thoughtful, caring person
 coming from the  
 posts--very similar to other empaths I know.

Agreed. Bronte might want to look up the word,
projection to understand what is going on here ;-)
The audacity of anyone who writes a book about their
experiences! Who do they think they are, better than
me? How dare they!



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Peter

--- Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Peter wrote:
  Lies! Lies! All lies! Any man who can play so many
  instruments, and so very, well could never
 possibly do
  the bling-bam with disciples!
 It was the one Sri that tipped me off.

Ha! Yes, two negate the bad ju-ju from one Vaj,
are you in Maine? Has it started to snow up there?


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread Peter

--- amarnath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend
  Died Thursday at the age of 72 of a heart attack.
 my highest respects to a beautiful God-Realized
 I attended a few of his peace concerts and always
 His Deep Peace and Love in my heart
 a friend of mine, and his wife and daughter, 
 were his disciples
 and the personal guidance that they received, 
 even while meditating at home,
 was very impressive.
 Sri Chinmoy was a wonderful personal guru,
 if one resonated with Him.
 I read just a few of his books that resonated with
 they were extremely helpful.
 A unique God-Realized life well lived
 only to be admired, respected and loved
 as a beautiful expression of the Self.
 Om Shanti,

Yeah, but what about all his dick play? There's a zen
koan for ya to chew on.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Related to recent discussions

2007-10-14 Thread Peter

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To see reality is as simple as to see one's face in
 a mirror. Only the
 mirror must be clear and true. A quiet mind,
 undistorted by desires and
 fears, free from ideas and opinions, clear on all
 the levels, is needed to
 reflect the reality. Be clear and quiet, alert and
 detached, all else will
 happen by itself.
 HYPERLINK http://www.nonduality.com/nisarga.htmSri
 Nisargadatta Maharaj
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[FairfieldLife] Re: To Judy and everyone / Trying to Find Fair

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 

 I may be being inconsistent, Judy. I don't think hypocritical, 
because that implies conscious adherence to one's inconsistency. 
Where I am wrong (and I often am), I do want to change. I know 
something is wrong here, but I don't know what.

   You are clearly angry at me.

Don't know if it makes any difference to you,
but disgusted with would probably be a more
accurate characterization. That you've now
acknowledged the inconsistency, though, makes
a big difference.

 I think I get why. You didn't like my suggestions for a new rule on 
FFL but went along with it like a good sport when it was imposed. 
Probably you had to hit the backspace key a number of times in order 
to go along, when you'd have felt much better slamming someone you 
felt deserved it. Then after all your sportsmanship, Bronte, who 
started the talk that led to the damn new rule, gives herself 
permission to rip into people. Where's the justice in the universe, 
right? Well, I think I'd be pretty pissed, too.

Well, sorta. But it wasn't only you who was
agitating for the new rule, and it had come
up from time to time in the past before you
even joined us. So that wasn't really the
source of my disgust; it was just the gross
inconsistency on your part.
   I think I HAVE been inconsistent. When I wrote the let's play 
nice emails, what I wrote felt sincerely like the right thing. But 
when I lay into somebody, that also feels sincerely like the right 
thing. Probably, I'm guessing now, when anyone lays into anybody, it 
feels that way for them. So what is right, restraint or letting the 
turkeys have it? Before today I would have said restraint, no 
argument. After this new experience, I feel No way!

   Judy, you have a highly discriminating intellect. You catch stuff 
the rest of us usually miss. I really would like you to shed some 
light and opinion here. Do you still think, as you did a few weeks 
ago, that people on a forum should just be able to say any damn thing 
they please? Or have these weeks of greater civility modified your 
point of view?

I'll do my best, but I'm not sure I can catch
anything others have missed, and I certainly
don't have The Answer.

I think greater civility works only if everyone
actually abides by it. I *don't* think it's going
to work well here because there are a couple of
people who simply refuse to abide by it, and Rick
is reluctant to do any enforcement.

Also, even if we all behaved with civility, it
wouldn't be *genuine* in all cases. There are
too many animosities between members that are
already well established, some of them of very
long standing. Some of us might *behave* with
civility when we interacted with those we had
reason to dislike, but we wouldn't *feel* civil.

To my mind, fake civility is far more poisonous
than overt hostility. And those of us who are
skilled with words know how to convey our
hostility without being overtly uncivil, so it
wouldn't do anything to address the various
animosities; if anything, it would inflame

   I'm thinking about Rick's party talk yardstick for what is and 
isn't acceptable: if you wouldn't say it at a party, don't say it 

This could work to prevent overt hostility
if it were strictly enforced across the
board. But that seems unlikely; Rick doesn't
like to play policeman, and he doesn't really
have time to closely monitor what goes on even
if it were a comfortable role for him.

 That seemed to me like a simple and good yardstick at the time. 
Tonight, after my experience, it doesn't work for me anymore. Using 
the party analogy, what if someone you knew to be a child molester 
walked in the door of the party and started hobnobbing with the young 
folks? Or a person who you knew had been in jail for fraud came into 
the party and started talking up business deals to your friends? 
Would you say, I have to be civil – I don't want to spoil the 
party? Or would you say, Shit! This is horrible! and expose the 

   There are times when it doesn't matter if something's against the 
rules. You need to do it anyway. But who is to decide when those 
instances occur? Edg thought he was experiencing such an instance 
regarding Turq recently. The rest of the people listened to what he 
had to say and decided Edg was making too big a deal. They asked him 
to give it up. 

 Today, I felt something was worth making an issue over, and you 
felt I was wrong about that.

Not really. I didn't have anything remotely
like your reaction to what she wrote, but I
wouldn't have objected to your having expressed
it if it hadn't been for your initial let's
make nice posts, because you clearly weren't
practicing what you had been preaching.

You have a tendency to throw your weight around,
which isn't necessarily a bad thing; it's just
who you are. But given that tendency, you have
to be willing to deal judiciously with objections
to how you're doing it in 

[FairfieldLife] The secret behind some spiritual teachers' ability to see

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
There was one section in the female student's
account of studying with Sri Chinmoy that I
found fascinating, because I saw the same thing
going down with Frederic Lenz, Chinmoy's former

 ...I had a mammogram and it that turned out positive. There 
 was a lump in my breast that looked suspicious, so I needed 
 to have a biopsy. My female partner made a big deal out of 
 bringing this to the attention of Chinmoy. He sent one of 
 his disciples, who was a nurse, to attend the biopsy with me. 
 This was unsettling, because Chinmoy told this nurse that 
 the HMO should tell him first (through her) what the  
 outcome of my biopsy was.

I'll skip the rest of the story, the part about
Chinmoy claiming it was a miracle. What was
familiar to me from my time around Rama/Fred 
was the technique of having one woman spy on
another and report what she'd heard back to the
spiritual teacher.

I'd heard from women I was involved with that
that is exactly what Rama/Fred had had them do.
They were to listen carefully when they were
around other women students and when one of them
confided something secret to the others, they
were to report on it back to him. What *he* then
did with the information was to get alone with
the student he knew some dirt about and pretend
to have seen it psychically. And of course
the poor girl was all flashed out by his 
astounding psychic powers.

Sick shit, man.

And, at the *same* time, there were aspects of
Fred the guy and Fred the spiritual teacher that
were positive and often *really* astounding, 
like what it was like to meditate with him. That
part -- and the infinite silence of it -- was real
IMO, even if some of his claims of being psychic
were not.

Spiritual teachers are *human* above all else. 
Even if they *are* enlightened IMO they don't
suddenly rise above their own long-established
habits and samskaras. And so they occasionally do 
stupid shit and even sick shit. Just like we do.

These days I tend to cut them a break if it seems
that they managed to help even a few people find
some sense of feeling better about themselves
and the world around them. I'll leave the judging
to others who feel that they have a suitable point
of view from *which* to judge. I do not.

But at the same time, I'm with Curtis in that if
there is a simple, Occam's Razor explanation for
some teacher's supposed special powers, I've
seen enough trickery and sick subterfuge in the
spiritual game to know that it's more likely that
the Occam's Razor explanation is correct than it
is that the person really has special powers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  I met this Saint only a few times but the strength of his 
  darshan is paralelled by that of Maharishi only - in my 
 Uh, Nabby...not to rain on your parade or anything,
 but the next time you berate someone here for being
 off the TM program and tell them to get a checking, 
 you might want to remember that the very fact *that* 
 you met this saint a few times means that you would 
 never be allowed in the TM flying dome in Fairfield 
 or in many other places in the world.
 Unless you lied about having done it, of course. 
 If that's the kind of spiritual movement you think
 is spiritual, I wish you well with it.

You have no idea how Maharishi operates. You only read words my 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:48 AM, Peter wrote:

--- Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Peter wrote:

  Lies! Lies! All lies! Any man who can play so many
  instruments, and so very, well could never
 possibly do
  the bling-bam with disciples!

 It was the one Sri that tipped me off.

Ha! Yes, two negate the bad ju-ju from one Vaj,
are you in Maine? Has it started to snow up there?

Nope not yet. Global warming makes it a spotty start. More ice  
storms. Predictions are that we'll lose 75% of the snowmobiling  
weather over the next 20 years. It was 1960's style early September  
into early October. The weather's about 3-4 weeks off from what I  
grew up with in the 60's, sometimes more.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 Notorious guru as well:

Here we go, the slander from Vaj has just begun...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Imagine

2007-10-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Frankly, why do you all bother with the complete and utter
 waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?

 Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,

Who else can find the words that don't belong here?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Cliff Rees [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At Rick's encouragement, I rejoined Fairfield Life a few days ago. 
Reading the
 last few days of posts I can see I made a mistake.  I trust this
e-group serves
 your evolution, although I confess that I am at a total loss to
understand how
 that might be.  Frankly, why do you all bother with the complete and
 waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?
 Spend time with a child...  Play with your cat if you don't have a
child...  Go
 out dancing...  Make love for a few hours...  Enjoy the stars
without imagining
 anything about jyotish or celestial beings or Maitreya or some other
 someone else has convinced you to believe...  The stars are pretty
awesome just
 as they are - no embellishment needed.  So are you.
 Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,
 --- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   But just for a moment, try to imagine what it
   *feels* like to have someone just *explode* with
   his own simmering hatred of self, and aim it at
   you, and put it into the most carefully-crafted
   attempts to *hurt* he possibly can.
  Gosh, I don't have to imagine it, Barry. I've
  been dealing with it from you for a very long time.
   That's what it's been like for me to post to 
   the Internet FOR THIRTEEN YEARS.
   Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
   else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
   on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
   in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
  The projection in this remark is just astounding.
  If he actually believes it, it's frightening.
   She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since,
  No, she has done no such thing. That isn't a
  delusion, it's a quite deliberate untruth.
   with rarely even a one-week break in the invective
   and criticism she aims at me. Richard Williams,
   the troll from Texas, picked up the same mindset
   from her and has been doing the same thing, for
   almost as long. A couple of other people here
   seem to have also logged on to this particular
   notion of fun, and consider me their personal
   punching bag. 
  Barry indeed has many critics.  But for the record,
  and from my perspective, the only unfair criticism
  of Barry I've ever seen, on both alt.m.t and FFL,
  has been the recent spate of rants from Edg
  concerning his fantasies about Barry's behavior in
  his private life.
  (Well, with the exception of some of Willytex's
  posts, but fairness doesn't really apply in
  his case.)
  Edg's posts were so outlandishly unfair that even
  I had to jump in to defend Barry.
  From the early days on alt.m.t right down to the
  present, Barry has spent *most* of his time
  putting down other people, without the slightest
  regard for fairness or accuracy or intellectual
  honesty. That's why he's come in for so much
   The more that these people rag on me and spew
   their bile at me, the more I try to channel
   that hatred and use it to inspire me to write
   more, and to write well. If I can read one of
   their hate-filled posts and, immediately after-
   wards, sit down and write about something that
   inspires me and makes me happy, and might also
   inspire someone else, then I have practiced the
   dharma of Living well is the best revenge.
   And I have managed to do so without being sucked
   into a head-to-head confrontation with them, and
   giving them what they want, which is my attention.
  Oh, yes, we've noticed how assiduously Barry has
  avoided head-to-head confrontation.
  When he's feeling particularly self-righteous, he
  actually *does* manage to avoid it for a while,
  instead putting his vicious insults and dishonest
  characterizations in posts purportedly addressed
  to the group, like this one, utterly oblivious
  to the gross hypocrisy involved.
  Sorry, but writing a few happy-happy posts doesn't
  make up for the rest; and the rest call into
  serious question just how genuine the happy ones

 Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives
you all the tools to get online.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Imagine

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  Frankly, why do you all bother with the complete and utter
  waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?
  Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,
 Who else can find the words that don't belong here?
The ayurvedic dude who does meal planning for me said after reading 
Cliff's post that he should eat more Frankenberry and Count Chocula 
cereals to balance his dachas, alternating with the waxing and waning 
phases of the moon. Seemed obvious to me...

[FairfieldLife] Re: To Judy and everyone / Trying to Find Fair

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[Bronte wrote:]
   Bronte, who started the talk that led to the damn new 
   rule, gives herself permission to rip into people. 
   Where's the justice in the universe, right? 

 We saw the same thing with Bronte. All sweet
 and nice and offended at the improper tone
 of Fairfield Life, and especially its treat-
 ment of the few delicate tender feeling level
 women in its midst, until a new woman comes 
 around and starts expressing tender feelings.
 Then she suddenly has the right to flame away.

Barry obviously didn't bother to read the post
of Bronte's quoted at the top. He probably didn't
even notice that the quote was from her post.

In that post, she acknowledged the inconsistency
and did considerable soul-searching about it.

That's all too rare here. She deserves kudos for
it, not putdowns, especially not from folks who
think they're just too smart to have any need to
pay attention.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Imagine

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  Frankly, why do you all bother with the complete and utter
  waste of life the vast majority of posts here are?
  Sincere best wishes and a friendly goodbye,
 Who else can find the words that don't belong here?

This one has my vote for Post Of The Week.

No one cuts to the chase in as few words, 
and as well-crafted words, as Curtis.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The secret behind some spiritual teachers' ability to see

2007-10-14 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

But at the same time, I'm with Curtis in that if
there is a simple, Occam's Razor explanation for
some teacher's supposed special powers, I've
seen enough trickery and sick subterfuge in the
spiritual game to know that it's more likely that
the Occam's Razor explanation is correct than it
is that the person really has special powers.

I'd guess you've seen the Steve Martin movie, Leap of Faith?  He 
never was one of my favorite actors until I saw that.  Excellent expose 
of some (I'm sure not all by any means) of the many tricks  
evangelists use.  Ought to be required viewing.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting translation of III 38

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 13, 2007, at 8:41 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Oct 13, 2007, at 7:37 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:
Don't do this, be careful about this, watch how this and that
warning against this...Absent common sense, why be so 
about this practice and that? Such thinking reeks of dogma 
to me.
   LOL, no it's not dogma Jim, it's the collected wisdom of 
   across the ages--and my own personal experience as well.
  I'd like to hear more about your personal experience, then, 
  you are always quoting others or mentioning the experiences of
  others, but not correlating such experiences with your own. I 
  recall you ever speaking about your experiences in this way here 
 No, I don't typically talk about my own experiences.
  As for the wisdom of sages, its like that expression about lying
  with statistics-- some quotation can be found in the long 
history of
  spirtual literature to back up anything. Means very little when
  warning about siddhis for example. And as I have said, why 
bother to
  warn people about siddhis, repeatedly? Either they work or they
  don't, and if properly taught, no problem, in my opinion.
 But just you opinion.

I did practice them for many years-- very helpful, no issues, worked 
exactly as my teacher explained they would. Lots of fun too!
You are constantly warning people about this practice or 
guru or that, this illusion or that.
   Really? Could you quote an example?
  from your past posting. Reads like a warning to me:
  One of the most insistent warnng is from the Holy Shankaracharya
  tradition on CC. It warns at least half dozen times, quoting
  different sources. It specifically warns against yogic flying
  Without which the meditator could get lost on subtle (astral) 
  of experience...that is the value of a true Guru (sat-guru), he 
  guide the chela on the subtle levels of creation by his radiant 
 Note: I didn't write this last part.
  It's primarily about promoting obscurations for one thing, the 
  common reason is that they make one more vyutthana or outward 
  thus they tend to block the introverted samadhis (vyutthana is 
  Sanskrit word for outward stroke). Another very important 
thing is
  what it does to the subtle pysiology. People will have 
  since siddhis occur in the dalas or petals of the sahasara, but 
  will become less and less likely to culminate in full 
  since this style of cultivation tends to lead shakti up a non-
  completing path. Another common side effect is for one to develop
  various sensitivities, emotional and in terms of allergies, etc.
  You have replied that this is backed up by your personal 
  but it just reads like dogma to me. meant to frighten the reader
  about the siddhis if not done properly, i.e. according to the
  guidance of a teacher you approve of. Pure dogma, Vaj.
 LOL. As I've mentioned recently, there are exceptions. So of 
 that means it's not a dogma then.
 You haven't seen listening closely methinks!

When you say there are exceptions, to whatever it is you are warning 
against or criticizing, it comes across as someone trying to cover 
their rear, vs. keeping an open mind, and to me, that still reeks of 

I make the assumption that we
are all adults here, and respect each and every one of us to 
making the right choices for ourselves, whatever it is. 
Listen to
Maharishi, do the sidhis, do TM, do anything else, or not.
I don't think our lives are well served in the least by
  listening to
anyone say much of anything that they don't back up with 
experience, in my opinion.
   As per the above, I'd agree. I'm so sensitive to it, I can 
tell a
   deflected rising in a TM sidha and some others if I'm around 
   long enough, but I can also sometimes get it from their voice.
  I don't know what a 'deflected rising' is. In any case, I'd like 
  hear more about you and your experiences, and less about books
  you've read or teachers you are quoting.
 Not my style really. If it's appropriate, I may, but 
otherwise 'why  
 bother' I say.

Only because it lends credibility. Otherwise you just sound like any 
other critic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Lurk, Miscommunication Re: Angela's take on the pompous shit

2007-10-14 Thread Angela Mailander
Pompous shit is a somewhat condensed locution, so I'll be a little more 
discursive about it.  Anything at all can be constructed with words (and 
deconstructed), including the semblance of enlightenment.  Anyone with half a 
brain can learn the lingo pretty quickly, and this is not just about us, but 
about any group that calls itself us. After you learn the lingo, it becomes a 
game of one-upmanship among the guys and a petting zoo among the girls. And I 
didn't like the general attitude: More enlightened than thou is no 
improvement on Holier than thou. I saw too much of that in the Wednesday 
night satsang group after observing it for about a year, and had too many 
experiences of folks who didn't want ideas challenged in any way.  So I left 
somewhat precipitously. 

Another reason I left, though, was that they really were completely unwilling 
to deal with the questions I, personally, have about the whole enlightenment 
trip.  I was born in Nazi Germany, saw the tail end of the war myself, and then 
grew up in an environment in which all kinds of Nazis (including bliss-Nazis) 
tried to come to terms with the experience of the Third Reich. My physics 
teacher in  High School  had been a famous scientist and a member of the SS 
and, because early one morning he caught me meditating, we became friends as 
well.  To him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism.  A vegetarian, 
Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of the word, and he did group 
meditations with the top brass.  

So by the time I got around to taking an SCI course in my early thirties (after 
meditating since age six, but without any expectation or any intellectual 
knowledge attached to it), I already knew the whole trip because I'd heard it 
all from my physics teacher.  

Now, the current political scene in the U.S. has been predicted by European 
observers since the late fifties.  And they were able to do it because they dug 
deep to learn how and why Nazi Germany could have happened in the land of 
Goethe, how did it happen that dark theurgy and the light of reason faced one 
another---speechless---at the Nuremberg war crimes trials?  Well, after 
studying that question for a life-time, I've become convinced that it is no 
accident that a New Age scene accompanies American fascism.  

I'm interested in the uses of meditation, not to enlighten individuals, but to 
manipulate societies.  And I am not at all interested in such questions as Am 
I enlightened? or Are you enlightened? a 


Bronte Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
From Angela of the Wednesday night satsang again: Note: forwarded to 
Bronte and Posted

  Angela wrote about the Wednesday satsang group, on their forum: 
Though I have seen some wisdom in this group, I have also seen too 
much pompous shit, and with that, I am outa here.
Lurk wrote, misunderstanding what group Angela was referring to:
This is like a drive by shooting. Like this lady ever posted, and 
now she leaving in a huff. Not passing the smell test, IMO.
  Bronte writes:
thinking the comment Angela made about the group was directed at FFL, which 
it was not! Angela is a person from the Wednesday night satsang. I had 
forwarded to that website today's FFL discussion about the satsang's anonymous 
holy woman. Angela was pretty disgusted and wrote that  group to say she was 
sick of the pompous shit she often found there, and was going to leave and 
join FFL instead. She's outa there, into here. Part of her desire to join us 
was Turq's post on Challenging Assumptions which I also had forwarded to the 
Wed. satsang chatroom, and which she admired. So please, take it easy, Lurk, 
ole' buddy. You'll like her. She's an independent thinker who very much belongs 
here. Reread her posts that I've transferred over from the other website, and 
you'll see what I mean. WELCOME, ANGELA! We're a little rough and tumble here, 
but you'll find we're very real! Love, Bronte

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The secret behind some spiritual teachers' ability to see

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 9:06 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  But at the same time, I'm with Curtis in that if
  there is a simple, Occam's Razor explanation for
  some teacher's supposed special powers, I've
  seen enough trickery and sick subterfuge in the
  spiritual game to know that it's more likely that
  the Occam's Razor explanation is correct than it
  is that the person really has special powers.
 I'd guess you've seen the Steve Martin movie, Leap of 
 Faith?  He never was one of my favorite actors until 
 I saw that.  Excellent expose of some (I'm sure not 
 all by any means) of the many tricks evangelists use.  
 Ought to be required viewing.

I'd all but forgotten this movie; thanks for 
the reminder. It's been years since I've seen
it, but wasn't there some neat twist at the
end, like the appearance of a real miracle?

I'll have to try to find a copy of it and
watch it again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:
  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 Notorious guru as well:
 Sri Chinmoy also finds other ways for his disciples to please him.
 I lived a celibate life for ten years and barely even looked into 
 man's eyes, other than Chinmoy. But then in the fall of 1991, when 
 was getting in shape and exercising a lot, out of the blue, 
 invited me to join a group trip out of New York for a peace 
 near San Francisco. He even offered to pay for me when I said I  
 didn't have the money. I was very honored by this gesture. After 
 concert a woman I knew as the leader of the San Francisco Center  
 approached me and said that Chinmoy wanted me to go to his room. 
 gave me a piece of paper with the room number on it.
 After going to my room to tidy up, I nervously went to his room. 
 thought I had been invited to a special private party or function 
 never dreamed that it was for sex. After a short interview about 
 previous sexual experiences Chinmoy said, You should surrender 
 vital (sexual) energy to me. I folded my hands, looked him in 
 eyes and offered him my energy, but he indicated that this wasn't  
 enough. So then I said, Supreme I bow to thee, a few times. He 
 me embrace him, I hugged him, feeling very warm and loving, but 
 aroused. Then Chinmoy told me to take my clothes off. I was 
 However, prior to being in the Center, I had been very open 
 so I was happy and not angry. I took off my clothes, he then 
 his and we proceeded to have sex. Afterward, he told me that I 
 never tell anyone. He said that I was specially chosen and that 
 was not rally sex, but his life breath, which he was giving me. 
 also mentioned that if anything happened, such as a.pregnancy, I  
 should not even tell him, but instead go immediately to a clinic 
 an abortion.
 Having spent the last 10 years worshiping Chinmoy as a God, I 
 question this. 

Granted, Chinmoy sounds like quite the lech and scammer, but 
regarding those that fall for it, What Is Wrong With These People!??

Why not a kick in the balls for this creep instead? I am 
not blaming the victim here, as it is clear Chinmoy instigated 
this scam, but come on, why get s very lost in the teacher that 
all ability to have a life, or maintain some critical thinking 
skills, is lost?  

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  his music is a joke!
  We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this crap!  Thank 
  for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument was my favorite. 
  not sure which it was but he was such a douche for making people
  listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe musical geniuses 
  Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy.  This guy had an 
 Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.

And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. Did 
you ever see him Jim ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread Peter

--- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  his music is a joke!
  We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this
 crap!  Thank you
  for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument
 was my favorite. 
  not sure which it was but he was such a douche for
 making people
  listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe
 musical geniuses 
  Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy. 
 This guy had an ego
 Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.

What an odd display of random playing of instruments.
I do like the lazy-susan thing though!

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[FairfieldLife] Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
said that Barry is dishonest.

Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
example (from #151367):

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
 else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
 on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
 in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
 She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since

Barry is, of course, referring to me.

The first paragraph is Barry's *opinion*, even
though he states it as if it were established
fact. He's totally wrong, but he's entitled to
hold wrong opinions.

The dishonesty is in the next line:

 She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since

This is a lie in the narrowest sense of the
term, in that Barry knows it isn't true. He
has repeated it many times here and elsewhere.

Here are the facts, of which Barry is very
well aware:

Barry and I have been on exactly three of the
same groups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
FairfieldLife, and Knapp's blog, TMFree.

I encountered Barry for the first time on
alt.m.t, so obviously I couldn't have stalked
him there.

I was a member of FairfieldLife before Barry
ever joined it. I didn't read it regularly
or post to it, however, until after Barry had
joined and *invited* everyone on alt.m.t to
participate in the discussions on FFL.

Stalking can mean several different things.
One thing it does *not* mean is responding to
an invitation by the purported stalkee.

And I was posting comments on TMFree shortly
after it went live, *well before* Barry had
posted anything there himself. If anything,
he stalked *me* there.

Again, Barry is very well aware of all these
facts. His claim that I have been stalking
him from forum to forum is a deliberate lie.

This is not an isolated example; it's not some
kind of aberration. It's very far from the only
lie he's told, here and on alt.m.t and TMFree
(and goodness knows where else that I'm not
aware of), about me, and about others. But as I
say, it's an unambiguous example, and it's
something anyone can verify for themselves.

Finally, just as a bonus, note the phrasing
ever since, following Barry's claim about
what had happened 13 years ago. In fact, for
11 of those years, until 2005 when I started
posting to FFL, alt.m.t was the *only* forum
Barry and I were on together.

Ever since is therefore deliberately 
deceptive, making it sound as though the
purported stalking has been going on for
13 years. It's a lie on top of a lie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   his music is a joke!
   We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this crap!  
   for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument was my 
   not sure which it was but he was such a douche for making 
   listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe musical 
   Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy.  This guy had 

  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. 
 you ever see him Jim ?

Hi, no I didn't-- I just watched the youtube clip.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
 And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. Did 
 you ever see him Jim ?

So he is sort of a silk robed punk musician like Sid Vicious? It
ain't about the music ya bloody wankers!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   his music is a joke!
   We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this crap!  Thank 
   for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument was my favorite. 
   not sure which it was but he was such a douche for making people
   listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe musical geniuses 
   Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy.  This guy had an 

  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. Did 
 you ever see him Jim ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   his music is a joke!
   We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this
  crap!  Thank you
   for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument
  was my favorite. 
   not sure which it was but he was such a douche for
  making people
   listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe
  musical geniuses 
   Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy. 
  This guy had an ego

  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
 What an odd display of random playing of instruments.
 I do like the lazy-susan thing though!
Yeah, the only thing I could surmise from his no talent performance 
was that he was demonstrating to his disciples how perfect he was at 
everything (!?). I just bought some music composing software with a 
bunch of samples that can be put together to form music, so I was 
listening to him play with an ear for any sort of structure or 
melody in what he was doing. zip.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
 said that Barry is dishonest.
 Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
 example (from #151367):
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
  else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
  on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
  in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 Barry is, of course, referring to me.
 The first paragraph is Barry's *opinion*, even
 though he states it as if it were established
 fact. He's totally wrong, but he's entitled to
 hold wrong opinions.
 The dishonesty is in the next line:
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 This is a lie in the narrowest sense of the
 term, in that Barry knows it isn't true. He
 has repeated it many times here and elsewhere.
 Here are the facts, of which Barry is very
 well aware:
 Barry and I have been on exactly three of the
 same groups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
 FairfieldLife, and Knapp's blog, TMFree.
 I encountered Barry for the first time on
 alt.m.t, so obviously I couldn't have stalked
 him there.
 I was a member of FairfieldLife before Barry
 ever joined it. I didn't read it regularly
 or post to it, however, until after Barry had
 joined and *invited* everyone on alt.m.t to
 participate in the discussions on FFL.
 Stalking can mean several different things.
 One thing it does *not* mean is responding to
 an invitation by the purported stalkee.
 And I was posting comments on TMFree shortly
 after it went live, *well before* Barry had
 posted anything there himself. If anything,
 he stalked *me* there.
 Again, Barry is very well aware of all these
 facts. His claim that I have been stalking
 him from forum to forum is a deliberate lie.
 This is not an isolated example; it's not some
 kind of aberration. It's very far from the only
 lie he's told, here and on alt.m.t and TMFree
 (and goodness knows where else that I'm not
 aware of), about me, and about others. But as I
 say, it's an unambiguous example, and it's
 something anyone can verify for themselves.
 Finally, just as a bonus, note the phrasing
 ever since, following Barry's claim about
 what had happened 13 years ago. In fact, for
 11 of those years, until 2005 when I started
 posting to FFL, alt.m.t was the *only* forum
 Barry and I were on together.
 Ever since is therefore deliberately 
 deceptive, making it sound as though the
 purported stalking has been going on for
 13 years. It's a lie on top of a lie.

I think anyone who reads Barry's posts regularly is aware as he said 
that he writes to unwind, for fun, on the spur of the moment, not to 
debate his writings. More like a blog than items for further 
discussion, and that is the spirit in which to read them. Try to 
call him on his stuff and it'll just drive you nuts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. 
  you ever see him Jim ?
 So he is sort of a silk robed punk musician like Sid Vicious? It
 ain't about the music ya bloody wankers!
Perfect quote! A lot of truth in that-- just like Sid, much more 
performance art than musicianship.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
  Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
  said that Barry is dishonest.
  Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
  example (from #151367):
 I think anyone who reads Barry's posts regularly is
 aware as he said that he writes to unwind, for fun,
 on the spur of the moment, not to debate his writings.
 More like a blog than items for further discussion,
 and that is the spirit in which to read them. Try to 
 call him on his stuff and it'll just drive you nuts.

Sorry, but I don't believe deliberately slandering
people--telling lies about them--falls into the
category of for fun.

And I didn't post this for discussion or debate,
but just to make a point and for future reference.

We certainly know that Barry does not want to be
held accountable for what he says; but that isn't
something he gets to decide.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
   said that Barry is dishonest.
   Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
   example (from #151367):
  I think anyone who reads Barry's posts regularly is
  aware as he said that he writes to unwind, for fun,
  on the spur of the moment, not to debate his writings.
  More like a blog than items for further discussion,
  and that is the spirit in which to read them. Try to 
  call him on his stuff and it'll just drive you nuts.
 Sorry, but I don't believe deliberately slandering
 people--telling lies about them--falls into the
 category of for fun.

I agree.

 And I didn't post this for discussion or debate,
 but just to make a point and for future reference.

Same here.
 We certainly know that Barry does not want to be
 held accountable for what he says; but that isn't
 something he gets to decide.

So true.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread John
Judy, I think he's just pushing your buttons for entertainment.  
Nonetheless, for some mysterious reasons, there appears to be a 
mutual synergy between the two of you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
 said that Barry is dishonest.
 Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
 example (from #151367):
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
  else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
  on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
  in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 Barry is, of course, referring to me.
 The first paragraph is Barry's *opinion*, even
 though he states it as if it were established
 fact. He's totally wrong, but he's entitled to
 hold wrong opinions.
 The dishonesty is in the next line:
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 This is a lie in the narrowest sense of the
 term, in that Barry knows it isn't true. He
 has repeated it many times here and elsewhere.
 Here are the facts, of which Barry is very
 well aware:
 Barry and I have been on exactly three of the
 same groups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
 FairfieldLife, and Knapp's blog, TMFree.
 I encountered Barry for the first time on
 alt.m.t, so obviously I couldn't have stalked
 him there.
 I was a member of FairfieldLife before Barry
 ever joined it. I didn't read it regularly
 or post to it, however, until after Barry had
 joined and *invited* everyone on alt.m.t to
 participate in the discussions on FFL.
 Stalking can mean several different things.
 One thing it does *not* mean is responding to
 an invitation by the purported stalkee.
 And I was posting comments on TMFree shortly
 after it went live, *well before* Barry had
 posted anything there himself. If anything,
 he stalked *me* there.
 Again, Barry is very well aware of all these
 facts. His claim that I have been stalking
 him from forum to forum is a deliberate lie.
 This is not an isolated example; it's not some
 kind of aberration. It's very far from the only
 lie he's told, here and on alt.m.t and TMFree
 (and goodness knows where else that I'm not
 aware of), about me, and about others. But as I
 say, it's an unambiguous example, and it's
 something anyone can verify for themselves.
 Finally, just as a bonus, note the phrasing
 ever since, following Barry's claim about
 what had happened 13 years ago. In fact, for
 11 of those years, until 2005 when I started
 posting to FFL, alt.m.t was the *only* forum
 Barry and I were on together.
 Ever since is therefore deliberately 
 deceptive, making it sound as though the
 purported stalking has been going on for
 13 years. It's a lie on top of a lie.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, the only thing I could surmise from his no talent 
 performance was that he was demonstrating to his disciples 
 how perfect he was at everything (!?). 

Exactly. And that's another trait that I saw in
Frederic Lenz/Rama that I think he picked up
from Sri Chinmoy. And occasionally with the same
less-than-desired results.

Fred wanted all his students to study the martial
arts. For fitness, because he believed they taught 
things that were applicable to the spiritual path 
I happen to agree with him on this. But when a lot 
of his students started getting black belts, well 
he felt compelled to get up on stage with them 
wearing a karate gi himself, wearing a black belt 
that I'm pretty sure he never earned, showing off 
a few of his moves.

O... and Ah... went the adoring crowds.
And I'm sitting there thinking, This guy has the
worst form I have ever *seen* in someone performing
a karate move. No balance, no control, no focus, 
nada. He makes the guy in 'The Karate Kid' look good.

Or when he went on a TV interview show during the 
latter days of his teaching, when his focus had
shifted away from traditional spiritual teaching
and onto business and succeeded at it. He was
describing himself as a CEO type, talking about
all of the successful computer businesses he was
running. And the interviewer asked him, So name
a few of your clients. And he couldn't. There
*were* clients for some of these companies -- big
clients -- and a few of the companies were actually 
making money. But the fact that the CEO didn't 
know the name of a single one of them was pretty 
telling in my opinion. 

It's a phenomenon I've seen in a lot of spiritual
trips. The teachers, after a few years, find themselves
surrounded by bhaktied-out students to whom they can
tell pretty much *anything* and they'll believe it. 
And so they start believing that they can get away 
*with* saying anything. And so they start trying to 
do stuff that they really can't do, or claim that
they can do it.

My bet is that if you did a poll among Sri Chinmoy's
students, 95% of them would tell you that he was a
*tremendous* musician, very avant-garde and misunder-
stood...near genius. Only about 5% of them would say,
Yeah...he couldn't play worth a damn. 

That 5% would be the ones you'd want to hang out with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread Duveyoung

You say Barry's a liar of significant degree.  You're accusing him of
 mindfully trying to besmirch you, and that this agenda of his is
undeserved by you.

Even though this personality has waged a ten year 'war' on you, you
 choose to support and defend and assume that his other intents in
life are not equally tainted by this dynamic.  I think the concept of
infinite self-reference applies here.  Barry can't be so cruel towards
you without it leaking out into his other actions.

If he can so coldly stalk you hoping for the least chink to slam a
wedge into, why can't he stalk a girl in a bar with an equally
offensive intent?

After he utters hit that, you do not think that it is logical to
call for a concern that he'll pursue a manipulative intent in a bar
while talking to a 25 year old.


He's burned you not once, but hundreds of times, yet you'd trust his
words here to be a correct description of his modus operandi in bars?
Hit that tells any man in the real world that the speaker is out for
objectified sex, yet you say Barry's not revealed any predatory intent
and is, well, I guess, trustable, and that we should take him at his
word about his true motivations?

You've taken the stance that girls of the world are too savvy to be
tricked by him, and that I am off base thinking women are so easily
targeted, and that I am being offensive to women to assert that they
are at any risk.  I do think women are as easily manipulated by
loving gestures, as men are by tits and ass.  A balanced equation if
you ask me, and I'm not so much saying women are weak as I am saying
that all folks are weak in some way and that predators know how to
exploit these things.

If anything, I think women are vastly superior to men in ways that I
really envy.  OTOH, men have their niche advantages.  Men and women,
thus, go together like peanuts and chocolate.

And I reserve the right to be as wildly corrosive in my descriptions
of anyone here as I want to be -- call them projection if you like,
but I'm trying to encapsulate emotions, and the emotions just need big
words and phrases.

Miss not my point, I am disgusted with Barry's glib disregard for
society when he of all people here has had the life experiences to
know the value of core morals.  To express this, I've reached into my
magic word basket and pulled out phrases that are as offensive as his
hit that are to me.

If he were in a bar next to me and said hit that, I'm a man, and in
a man's world, men get to say that to each other, so I wouldn't start
a fist fight about it, but if he said it to me in church while looking
at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.

That's my sexist double standard, and I'm trying to fix that by
calling Barry -- AND ALL MEN -- to task about their marauding,
outlander, manipulative, conniving and denying ways.

PS -- The Judy boy toy thing was due to your words that suggested
that you would take a lover 20 years your junior.  I don't see you as
a predator on a regular basis though -- just willing to be one if you
got lucky.  Barry seems to work the crowd regularly.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
 said that Barry is dishonest.
 Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
 example (from #151367):
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
  else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
  on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
  in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 Barry is, of course, referring to me.
 The first paragraph is Barry's *opinion*, even
 though he states it as if it were established
 fact. He's totally wrong, but he's entitled to
 hold wrong opinions.
 The dishonesty is in the next line:
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 This is a lie in the narrowest sense of the
 term, in that Barry knows it isn't true. He
 has repeated it many times here and elsewhere.
 Here are the facts, of which Barry is very
 well aware:
 Barry and I have been on exactly three of the
 same groups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
 FairfieldLife, and Knapp's blog, TMFree.
 I encountered Barry for the first time on
 alt.m.t, so obviously I couldn't have stalked
 him there.
 I was a member of FairfieldLife before Barry
 ever joined it. I didn't read it regularly
 or post to it, however, until after Barry had
 joined and *invited* everyone on alt.m.t to
 participate in the discussions on FFL.
 Stalking can mean several different things.
 One thing it does *not* mean is responding to
 an invitation by the purported stalkee.
 And I was posting comments on TMFree shortly
 after it went live, *well before* Barry had
 posted anything there himself. If anything,
 he stalked *me* there.
 Again, Barry is very well aware of all these

[FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to chris

2007-10-14 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
   mainstream20016@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 
 mainstream20016@ wrote:
   When the court ruled against TM in public schools in NJ 
   case), that meant that TM could not be taught in the 
   there whether the parents liked it or not. If a lawsuit 
   against TM in the SF school, it's unlikely that the 
   finding would be any different than it was in the 70s in 
   would not matter whether the parents liked it or not. The 
   trying to be quiet about TM in this school, but sooner or 
   somebody (and it can be any taxpayer in the state -- or 
   taxpayer in the local school district, I'm not sure about 
   gives standing to in this case) will file suit against TM 
   school, and it will just be a ton of bad publicity that 
   avoided by only dealing with private or charter schools 
   recognition of the benefits of TM is more established.
  The Science of Creative Intelligence, a 33-lesson course 
 the nature of existence, 
  the flow of intellegence, higher states of consciousness, 
 taught in the NJ schools. 
  The SCI course is not part of the TM instruction today when 
 students learn TM. That 
  difference is signficant.
 The Malnak decision cited three factors which influenced the 
   court to 
 declare that TM in public schools was in violation of 
 A. Establishment Clause Issues
 The Establishment Clause to the First Amendment prohibits 
 practices which advance a particular religion. Although the 
 have found it difficult to define the term religion, for 
 school First Amendment issues that term has included 
   of a 
 belief in a supreme being and reading verses from the Bible. 
 v. Yogi 592 F.2d 197, 199 (3d. Cir. 1979).)
 The court in Malnak concluded that the Science of Creative 
 Intelligence- Transcendental Meditation was a religious 
 the New Jersey public high schools in violation of the First 
 Amendment. The concurring opinion in that case stated that 
 revealed nothing other than an effort to propagate TM, SCI, 
 views of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
 The concurring opinion in the Malnak case referenced three 
   factors to 
 consider in determining whether a particular belief system 
 constitutes a religion for purposes of the Establishment 
 Does the belief system address fundamental questions, or 
 areas of 
 ultimate concern [e.g., theories of man's nature or his place 
 universe]? (2) Does the belief system proffer a comprehensive 
 systematic series of answers to these fundamental questions? 
 there any practices that may be analogized to accepted 
 [e.g., formal services, ceremonial functions, existence of 
 Presumably, not talking about SCI issues would remove or 
 objections based on factors (1) and (2), but the puja would 
 a problem, right? I can't see any higher court ultimately not 
 the same as they did in the NJ case, so I would like to see 
 stick with instruction in private schools, and enjoy the 
 from that.
 Like a surgeon who scrubs for surgery outside of the surgical 
   suite, away from the 
patient, the TM teacher can prepare for teaching TM by 
   the puja privately, in 
an adjoining room.  Avoiding public schools is playing not to 
   instead of playing to 
win.  It is time to win, by offering to teach TM in all 
   instead of cowering in fear of 
   Are TM teachers in public schools actually doing this, 
   the puja out of sight of the initiate? [maybe this is how they 
 did it 
   in Pakistan and other Islamic countries] If that is the case, 
   clearly the TMO might stand a chance in court. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to chris

2007-10-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of mainstream20016
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:59 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to


Regarding the reassurance that SatYug is nigh at hand, through the
inevitability and 
necessity of India's role to bring all good to all of us - Great ! Wonderful
! I look forward to 
cathcing the rays of a global bath of beneficent light. Yet, as a
practicality, it would be a 
good thing, and wise, to have a direct hand in raising one's consciousness.
So I advocate 
for wide-spread individual TM practice in the West, yet that cannot happen
if TMO remains 
an overtly religious organization. TM has, and can again, be taught honestly
effectively as a secular technique. As the last thirty-two years has shown,
unless TM is 
taught as a secular technique, it's impact will be nill, notwithstanding the
coming glories 
of SatYug.

Seems to me Pandora’s box has been opened. Even if the TMO were to try to
scale back and present TM as a secular technique, critics would be able to
present all sorts of evidence that for decades, it has been associated with
Hindu and various wacky things. The TMO would be accused of trying to hide
all that for marketing purposes.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.488 / Virus Database: 269.14.9/1069 - Release Date: 10/13/2007
7:26 PM

[FairfieldLife] Shaktipat Diksha initiation

2007-10-14 Thread Ron
This looks good from what they write:


[FairfieldLife] quote from MMY for Nabby

2007-10-14 Thread Ron
The world is as you are. Develop unbounded consciousness and the Universe is 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread curtisdeltablues
 but if he said it to me in church while looking
 at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.

I think the addiction here is to imagining things to get angry about.
 Hypothetically stimulating your righteous anger gland alone in your
room.  What does this remind me of...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You say Barry's a liar of significant degree.  You're accusing him of
  mindfully trying to besmirch you, and that this agenda of his is
 undeserved by you.
 Even though this personality has waged a ten year 'war' on you, you
  choose to support and defend and assume that his other intents in
 life are not equally tainted by this dynamic.  I think the concept of
 infinite self-reference applies here.  Barry can't be so cruel towards
 you without it leaking out into his other actions.
 If he can so coldly stalk you hoping for the least chink to slam a
 wedge into, why can't he stalk a girl in a bar with an equally
 offensive intent?
 After he utters hit that, you do not think that it is logical to
 call for a concern that he'll pursue a manipulative intent in a bar
 while talking to a 25 year old.
 He's burned you not once, but hundreds of times, yet you'd trust his
 words here to be a correct description of his modus operandi in bars?
 Hit that tells any man in the real world that the speaker is out for
 objectified sex, yet you say Barry's not revealed any predatory intent
 and is, well, I guess, trustable, and that we should take him at his
 word about his true motivations?
 You've taken the stance that girls of the world are too savvy to be
 tricked by him, and that I am off base thinking women are so easily
 targeted, and that I am being offensive to women to assert that they
 are at any risk.  I do think women are as easily manipulated by
 loving gestures, as men are by tits and ass.  A balanced equation if
 you ask me, and I'm not so much saying women are weak as I am saying
 that all folks are weak in some way and that predators know how to
 exploit these things.
 If anything, I think women are vastly superior to men in ways that I
 really envy.  OTOH, men have their niche advantages.  Men and women,
 thus, go together like peanuts and chocolate.
 And I reserve the right to be as wildly corrosive in my descriptions
 of anyone here as I want to be -- call them projection if you like,
 but I'm trying to encapsulate emotions, and the emotions just need big
 words and phrases.
 Miss not my point, I am disgusted with Barry's glib disregard for
 society when he of all people here has had the life experiences to
 know the value of core morals.  To express this, I've reached into my
 magic word basket and pulled out phrases that are as offensive as his
 hit that are to me.
 If he were in a bar next to me and said hit that, I'm a man, and in
 a man's world, men get to say that to each other, so I wouldn't start
 a fist fight about it, but if he said it to me in church while looking
 at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.
 That's my sexist double standard, and I'm trying to fix that by
 calling Barry -- AND ALL MEN -- to task about their marauding,
 outlander, manipulative, conniving and denying ways.
 PS -- The Judy boy toy thing was due to your words that suggested
 that you would take a lover 20 years your junior.  I don't see you as
 a predator on a regular basis though -- just willing to be one if you
 got lucky.  Barry seems to work the crowd regularly.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Some here have expressed skepticism when I have
  said that Barry is dishonest.
  Following is a clear-cut, utterly unambiguous
  example (from #151367):
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Thirteen years ago, on another forum, someone
   else developed the same kind of twisted fixation
   on me, confusing me with all the things she hates
   in herself but cannot accept or recognize in 
   She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
  Barry is, of course, referring to me.
  The first paragraph is Barry's *opinion*, even
  though he states it as if it were established
  fact. He's totally wrong, but he's entitled to
  hold wrong opinions.
  The dishonesty is in the next line:
   She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
  This is a lie in the narrowest sense of the
  term, in that Barry knows it isn't true. He
  has repeated it many times here and elsewhere.
  Here are the facts, of which Barry is very
  well aware:
  Barry and I have been on exactly three of the
  same groups: alt.meditation.transcendental,
  FairfieldLife, and Knapp's blog, TMFree.
  I encountered Barry for the first time on
  alt.m.t, so obviously I couldn't have stalked
  him there.
  I was a member of FairfieldLife before Barry
  ever joined it. I didn't read it regularly
  or post to it, 

[FairfieldLife] Deckard -- replicant or not?

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack 
ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched 
C-beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhauser 
Gate. All those moments...will be lost in time...
like tears in rain. Time to die. 
- Roy Batty, replicant

One of the films premiering here at the Sitges Film
Festival is the true director's cut of Blade Runner.
Decades ago Ridley Scott lost the rights to his raw
footage, and so the so-called director's cut that
was released on DVD wasn't really. It was just what 
he could piece together from the available footage.

But I guess the legal snafus got resolved, because
he's cut what he now calls the definitive version of
the film. Sadly, I didn't get to see it. Tickets for
this one sold out the day it was announced. This is,
after all, a Fantasy-SciFi-Horror Film Festival, and
Blade Runner is one of the greatest SciFi films ever
made, arguably *the* greatest.

I hear that, like the fake director's cut, this one
isn't different enough to make you feel as if you
have missed out on an essential life experience if you
don't see it :-), but that it does resolve the issue 
of whether Deckard was a replicant or not.

Rutger Hauer was in town, and gave a master class that
I also missed. That would have been fun. He adlibbed
that famous line above -- it wasn't in the script. And
it's one of the best lines in spiritual cinema IMO.

It describes perfectly the plight of the mystic, the
person who has taken the path less traveled and seen
things. You *know* that others won't believe them,
for the most part. And if you're smart you keep your
big mouth shut about them, or you start getting men-
tioned in the same breath as that footballer whose
name came up recently. 

But sometimes you've just *gotta* talk about them, 
man. They were so *cool*, so magical, that you really
can't take the chance that they'll die with you and
be lost forever, like tears in rain. 

They will, of course, whether we talk about them or
not. But the gotta factor wins anyway :-), and you
talk about them anyway. And sure enough, most don't
believe you. 

I wish I had gotten to see the new version. I would
like to learn more about Deckard. He had a good
attitude. I always liked his last line, as he's 
soaring off into an uncertain future:

Gaff had been there, and let her live. Four years, 
he figured. He was wrong. Tyrell had told me Rachael 
was special. No termination date. I don't know how 
long we'll have together. Who does?

Who indeed? But you gotta try, because if you don't 
you won't get to see things that others won't believe.
And where's the fun in that?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  but if he said it to me in church while looking
  at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.
 I think the addiction here is to imagining things to get 
 angry about. Hypothetically stimulating your righteous 
 anger gland alone in your room. What does this remind me of...

Now *that* is an interesting insight, Curtis.

It's like righteous anger is the closest that
either of them can get to righteous, and they've
got to continually...uh...stimulate themselves 
with imagined affronts so that they can get to
that emotional state.

How sad.

[FairfieldLife] First Show at the new Civic Center

2007-10-14 Thread Rick Archer
Last Night's Show (Celebrate Sondheim!)..was a definite Hit!

Do go see it! The voices were glorious, the cast (half of which come
from Fairfield) was eminently talented, the staging was a delight, and
the music was, well, award-winning, and now I see why.
Besides being just plain entertaining, it was a great way to learn in
more depth about the EXTENSIVE work of Stephen Sondheim. Even if not
so familiar with his work, I guarantee you will recognize some of the
songs, and be entranced by many more.

I am so glad we went and would recommend it to anyone.

I have to admit I was a little worried that they were holding it in
the convention center part of the new Fairfield Arts  Convention
Center (formerly referred to as the civic center) because the
acoustics would never be what they will be in the theatre. But they
did a more than adequate job of making the lyrics understandable, and
combining the beautiful tones of the different voices.

The remaining performances are:
Today at 2 pm,
Oct. 18, 19  20 at 7:30 pm
Oct. 21 at 2 pm
Tickets $15, $12 Seniors and Students
To Buy Tickets Call (641) 472-ARTS (2787)

You know what else? That buiding is almost done and is impressively
beautiful. I cannot but feel such a fulfillment of desire for this
whole community the have that built. Hurray!


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7:26 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Even though this personality has waged a ten year 'war' on you,

Those were not my words. Please don't put
your paraphrases of something I said in quotes.
 you choose to support and defend and assume that his other intents 
 in life are not equally tainted by this dynamic.

He has reason to lie about me. He has no reason
to lie about *not* making it into bed with a
pretty young girl. If he were going to lie, it
would be the other way around, especially since
she isn't around to contradict him.

 If he can so coldly stalk you hoping for the least chink

Those weren't my words either.

 After he utters hit that,

Here's what he actually wrote:

And yeah, she is 'way cute, and I would be the luckiest
guy on earth if I were fortunate enough to be hittin'
that. But that really wasn't on my mind.

Stop claiming he said Hit that as some kind of
an imperative. Either quote what he said in
context, or quit quoting him at all.

 He's burned you not once, but hundreds of times, yet you'd trust
 his words here to be a correct description of his modus operandi
 in bars?

We don't even know if his tales about the bar
have anything to do with reality.

Your fantasy about his being a predator depends
on your taking his account of two beautiful young
things hanging on his every word in a bar as the
gospel truth. Why do you assume he got *that* far
with them if you don't trust anything he says?
Why do you assume they existed in the first place?

 And I reserve the right to be as wildly corrosive in my descriptions
 of anyone here as I want to be -- call them projection if you like,
 but I'm trying to encapsulate emotions, and the emotions just need 
 big words and phrases.

And the rest of us reserve the right to call you
out when you go ridiculously overboard. If you
can't encapsulate emotions without making shit
up, that reflects poorly on your writing skills,
as well as on your ethics.

 PS -- The Judy boy toy thing was due to your words that suggested
 that you would take a lover 20 years your junior.

I don't recall saying that. I think you made that
up too.

On the other hand, I'm 65 years old, so a man 20
years younger would be 45--hardly a boy toy.

  I don't see you as
 a predator on a regular basis though -- just willing to be one
 if you got lucky.

You're full of it, Edg.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Judy, I think he's just pushing your buttons for entertainment.

Sometimes he tries to do that. (Do you believe
it's perfectly OK to lie about people just for
the sake of entertainment?)

But this wasn't one of those times. This was an
out-and-out attack grounded in fear and rage and

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   but if he said it to me in church while looking
   at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.
  I think the addiction here is to imagining things to get 
  angry about. Hypothetically stimulating your righteous 
  anger gland alone in your room. What does this remind me of...
 Now *that* is an interesting insight, Curtis.
 It's like righteous anger is the closest that
 either of them can get to righteous, and they've
 got to continually...uh...stimulate themselves 
 with imagined affronts so that they can get to
 that emotional state.

She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
is not an imagined affront. It's a bare-faced,
vicious, knowing lie.

Edg can speak for himself.

 How sad.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
but if he said it to me in church while looking
at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.
   I think the addiction here is to imagining things to get 
   angry about. Hypothetically stimulating your righteous 
   anger gland alone in your room. What does this remind me of...
  Now *that* is an interesting insight, Curtis.
  It's like righteous anger is the closest that
  either of them can get to righteous, and they've
  got to continually...uh...stimulate themselves 
  with imagined affronts so that they can get to
  that emotional state.
 She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
 is not an imagined affront. It's a bare-faced,
 vicious, knowing lie.
 Edg can speak for himself.

It is my honest, considered opinion.

And you can prove that opinion wrong. 
You have a marvelous opportunity to
do so. You have one more post and, as 
it turns out, *only* one more post 
this week in which to show what
you're really about. 

Will you spend it writing about some-
thing positive, something to do with
enlightenment or meditation or spirit-
ual practice or even something that
inspired the heck out of you today, 
or will you spend it attacking me?

I think the answer kinda settles things.

[FairfieldLife] My take on Judy and Turq

2007-10-14 Thread Bronte Baxter
  There are all kinds of misunderstandings that can slip into real-life 
relationships, just as in cyber ones, if they aren't talked out at the time. 
When this happens in real life, people build resentments, and in marriages, an 
accumulation of enough of these leads to a divorce. It's hard on a divorced 
couple, though, if they work in the same place or in some other way have to 
keep seeing each other.
  Judy and Turq are kind of like that couple who have to keep seeing each 
other. They keep getting triggered by each other, because there's so much past 
between them that never got resolved. It's hard on the co-workers who hate to 
see the fighting all the time, but the fighting is understandable. It's a tough 
  I see you two guys as polar opposites, with Turq being broad, freewheeling 
and expansive, never liking to nail things down because of his primary value 
for complete freedom. I see Judy as careful, exact, precise and astute -- 
accuracy as in truth for her is a primary value. 
  These tendencies are both beautiful but they're polar opposites. Precision 
curtails expansion. Expansiveness breaks the bounds of precision. Both 
complement and qualify each other, keeping one another in harmony with all that 
is. People with primary values like Turq's and Judy's usually wind up being 
bitter enemies or passionate lovers, often both. 
  I like the both of you, because I adore both sets of qualities. We all have 
them, but you two demonstrate them to the max, which is what makes you so 
appealing and colorful. You'll probably never be able to de-personalize the 
conflict and take it philosophically, on the level of polar opposites in the 
universe, but maybe thinking about it from that perspective can ease the pain a 
little that you sometimes feel from each other.
  You guys rock. Both of you! 
  - Bronte

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 1:40 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest


And you can prove that opinion wrong. 
You have a marvelous opportunity to
do so. You have one more post and, as 
it turns out, *only* one more post 
this week in which to show what
you're really about. 

Will you spend it writing about some-
thing positive, something to do with
enlightenment or meditation or spirit-
ual practice or even something that
inspired the heck out of you today, 
or will you spend it attacking me?

I think the answer kinda settles things.

My count matches yours. She writes good stuff when she applies herself to
it. It’s a pity she wastes so many posts trying to prove you’re a liar.
You’d think most people would have reached some sort of conclusion by now
and wouldn’t need further convincing. Most of us have learned to skip the
Barry-Judy fight posts, so those posts are literally being thrown away.
Maybe Judy should start a chat group for those who really care to follow
this feud. Then she could dedicate one post a week here to reminding people
that that group exists and providing a link for people to visit it to read
her latest thoughts about you, and yours about her, if you care to express

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7:26 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 10:17 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:

  Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.

 Notorious guru as well:

Here we go, the slander from Vaj has just begun...

Actually that was from Rick Ross's site. I liked some of the guy's  
writings years ago and I always loved Carlos Santana's and John  
McLaughlin's Love, Devotion and Surrender album (great Coltrane cover  
on it too). So I was surprised as anyone years later when I found out  
he was doing the Perv-O-Rishi thang too. It's a bizarre twist that  
the guy was a total health nut and emphasized meditation on the heart  
and then he dies of friggin' heart attack! How's that for irony? ;-) 

[FairfieldLife] Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Bronte Baxter
Our newest member, Angela, who just joined FFL yesterday when she left the 
Wednesday night satsang group in disgust, posted this cool and profoundly 
thoughtful email that I'll bet everyone missed because the title was 
misleading. Take a look! She hails from Nazii Germany and is observing some 
interesting stuff in the Fairfield community.
  (Note:Pompous shit is a reference to something posted yesterday about an 
alleged attitude manifested by some members of her previous group.)
  Angela writes:
 YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = true; YAHOO.Shortcuts.sensitivityType = 
[sensitive_news_terms, adult]; YAHOO.Shortcuts.doUlt = false; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.location = us; YAHOO.Shortcuts.lang = us; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_id = 0; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_type = ; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_title = ; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_publish_date = 
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YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_tags = ; YAHOO.Shortcuts.annotationSet = { 
lw_1192388050_0: { text: Goethe, extended: 0, startchar: 2495, 
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endchar: 7222, start: 7218, end: 7222, extendedFrom: , 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why I say Barry is dishonest

2007-10-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 but if he said it to me in church while looking
 at a choirgirl, my anger would be instantly full blown.

I think the addiction here is to imagining things to get 
angry about. Hypothetically stimulating your righteous 
anger gland alone in your room. What does this remind me of...
   Now *that* is an interesting insight, Curtis.
   It's like righteous anger is the closest that
   either of them can get to righteous, and they've
   got to continually...uh...stimulate themselves 
   with imagined affronts so that they can get to
   that emotional state.
  She has stalked me from forum to forum ever since
  is not an imagined affront. It's a bare-faced,
  vicious, knowing lie.
  Edg can speak for himself.
 It is my honest, considered opinion.

And that is also a bare-faced, vicious, knowing lie.

 And you can prove that opinion wrong. 

I've already proved your lie was a lie, thanks.

 You have a marvelous opportunity to
 do so. You have one more post and, as 
 it turns out, *only* one more post 
 this week in which to show what
 you're really about.

Actually I have one more besides this one.
I'm going to be away this coming week, so
I didn't have to worry about how many posts
I made this weekend, sorry to burst your
pathetic bubble.

 Will you spend it writing about some-
 thing positive, something to do with
 enlightenment or meditation or spirit-
 ual practice or even something that
 inspired the heck out of you today, 
 or will you spend it attacking me?

You mean, attacking you the way you've been
attacking me?

I don't get my jollies pretending to be oh-so-
much-more-spiritual than everybody else, then
turning around and telling vicious lies about
other people.

I do think one of the contributions I make here
is exposing spiritual phonies like you.

 I think the answer kinda settles things.

You've already done that, just not quite in
the way you planned.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Diksha Initiation vs. regular Initiation.

2007-10-14 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 In Diksha Initiation a Sat-Guru (true god-man) gives you some of his
 God Consciousness, in regular Initiation any human teacher can give
 you a meditation technique.

 The difference is in Diksha Initiation the initiate must *qualify* for
 the experience by his past spiritual sadhana (practice), and be able
 to sustain the tremendous spiritual power brought on by the Guru,
 obviously only a true realized Master can do this and an advanced
That would only be true if the person is being initiated into a 
tradition such as a tantric tradition.  However diksha (shaktipat) can 
also be used to teach yogic meditation for people who just want learn 
to meditate.  That, in most cases, can be given to anyone.  Shaktipat 
can be used as a jump start so the mind is oriented towards the goal 
of the meditation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to chris

2007-10-14 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of mainstream20016
 Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:59 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to
 Regarding the reassurance that SatYug is nigh at hand, through the
 inevitability and 
 necessity of India's role to bring all good to all of us - Great ! Wonderful
 ! I look forward to 
 cathcing the rays of a global bath of beneficent light. Yet, as a
 practicality, it would be a 
 good thing, and wise, to have a direct hand in raising one's consciousness.
 So I advocate 
 for wide-spread individual TM practice in the West, yet that cannot happen
 if TMO remains 
 an overtly religious organization. TM has, and can again, be taught honestly
 effectively as a secular technique. As the last thirty-two years has shown,
 unless TM is 
 taught as a secular technique, it's impact will be nill, notwithstanding the
 coming glories 
 of SatYug.
 Seems to me Pandora's box has been opened. Even if the TMO were to try to
 scale back and present TM as a secular technique, critics would be able to
 present all sorts of evidence that for decades, it has been associated with
 Hindu and various wacky things. The TMO would be accused of trying to hide
 all that for marketing purposes.

Since it is unlikely that the TMO will return to its roots,  I'm advocating 
that a totally 
separate organization re-establish the secular teaching of the TM technique. 
For the next 
decade or so, the opportunity to quickly establish a new separate secular TM 
formed from the legion of un-recertifide teachers currently out-of-the-mix of 
the current 
TMO, and of retirement age, can quickly and broadly re-establish the secular 
teaching of 
the TM technique. Establishment of the new secular organization need not 
diminish the 
current TMO, which can continue along its path of providing products and 
services for the 
extremely discerning among us who have the desire for exclusivity and means of 
for it. Perhaps a licensing agreement between the current TMO and the future 
organization can smooth things over.  I see tons of goodwill flowing to the new 
secularized organization, and media support for the return to roots, for the 
greater good 
of the common man, etc., etc.   It can be done, and done well.

Re: [FairfieldLife] But Then It Was Too Late

2007-10-14 Thread Bhairitu
This starts out with a little of that history and then veers off into 
eugenics.  I believe there was a better documentary on this but I don't 
have it and don't recall it's title.  My favorite book on the subject is 
The Occult and the Third Reich by Jean Michel-Angebert which is well 
researched and detailed.  The author even claims that Hitler had a 
Tibetan Buddhist guru who was flown out of Germany just before it 

Vaj wrote:
 Did you ever see the documentary The Occult History of the Third 
 Reich that aired on PBS years ago? This may be the same one:


 It was amazing how similar the era leading up to the Third Reich was 
 to our own time: interest in meditation, paganism, nudism, 
 vegetarianism--essentially a New Age movement starting after the first 
 WW in Germany. A large part was a nationalistic interest in 
 traditional, German forms of paganism as part of their cultural and 
 spiritual heritage.

 Most of the documentary consists of vintage B/W archival footage. A 
 real eye-opener.

 On Oct 10, 2007, at 10:27 AM, do.rflex wrote:

 But Then It Was Too Late

 ~~ In his book, They Thought They Were Free, Milton Mayer interviewed
 Germans who discussed how their society changed right before their
 eyes, and how, despite Hitler's rhetoric, God was nowhere to be found.

 As one interviewee put it:

 And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of
 them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self deception has grown
 too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly
 more than a baby, saying Jew swine, collapses it all at once, and
 you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed
 completely under your nose.

 The world you live in – your nation, your people – is not the world
 you were in at all.

 The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses,
 the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the
 cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because
 you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is

 Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and
 fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no
 one is transformed.

 Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to
 God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning,
 but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way...

 More here: http://www.thirdreich.net/Thought_They_Were_Free.html

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Bhairitu
Bronte Baxter wrote:
 Another reason I left, though, was that they really were completely unwilling 
 to deal with the questions I, personally, have about the whole enlightenment 
 trip.  I was born in Nazi Germany, saw the tail end of the war myself, and 
 then grew up in an environment in which all kinds of Nazis (including 
 bliss-Nazis) tried to come to terms with the experience of the Third Reich. 
 My physics teacher in  High School  had been a famous scientist and a member 
 of the SS and, because early one morning he caught me meditating, we became 
 friends as well.  To him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism.  A 
 vegetarian, Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of the word, and he did 
 group meditations with the top brass.  
I would say the Nazi's hijacked the New Age (which is really the old 
age) for their purposes.  And yes when we have the NeoCons saying they 
are creating reality then we really do have some nut cases using some 
new age type philosophy.   But we know that meditation does not equal 
fascism and is in fact totally the opposite as it's goal is liberation.  
Meditation organizations can equal fascism though, especially if they 
are more of a cult and members very judgmental.

[FairfieldLife] Righeous Anger As A Form Of Jacking Off

2007-10-14 Thread TurquoiseB

Curtis posted an insight today, in his wonderful
Hemingwayesque do-it-in-as-few-words-as-possible
style, that still has me reeling from its

It just explains so MUCH, man.

Think Rush Limbaugh. Think Bill McNeil. Think
Ann Coulter. Think any number of equally angry
leftist shock pundits. Their whole *schtick*
is righteous anger. That's what pumps their 
ratings up and keeps them on top. Because 
that's what the audience wants to hear.

So *think* about that. A TV audience whose lives
are so empty that they get off on righteous anger.
Is that sad, or what?

I really think I might have been onto something
with my quipped-without-thinking-it-through
righteous anger is the closest they can get
to feeling righteous one-liner. That may really
be the issue, both for the TV pundits who feed
the need for righteous anger, and for the TV
audiences who feed on it.

It's real Old Testament stuff, man. That book
was just *full* of righteous anger. And it's
still a Best Seller today. So is the Gita, if
you are flexible enough to look at it that way.
I mean, Krishna is up there trying to convince
Arjuna to go out and waste his relatives by
inspiring his sense of righteous anger. Or his
sense of duty, which in my book is about the
same thing when it comes to war. :-)

Righteous anger is a RUSH. It gets yer heart
pumpin' and yer blood rushin' around in yer
veins and yer adrenaline pumpin' and it gets
you HIGH, man. Be HONEST, people! The last
time you lost it to a fit of righteous anger,
didn't it feel GOOD, at the time? Wasn't it

Almost as good as the other kinds of rushes
you've experienced in life. Almost. If the 
other kind -- like samadhi, or the smile on
someone's face after you help them when you
didn't have to, or just the joy of watching
a sunset -- aren't really happening for you.

And, like the other kind of rushes, the rush
of righteous anger is addicting. It *shifts
your assemblage point*. It *alters your state
of consciousness*. It *changes your state of

One moment you are bored shitless with your
life, and then you read something or see some-
thing on the News and wham! -- it provokes 
that awesome sense of righteous anger in you.
How could anyone DO this? How could anyone
SAY this? And about ME, or people like me? 
I've got to strike back, or everyone will 
think I'm a wuss.

If you strike back, you're a wuss.

In Buddhist thought, that is. 

In Hindu thought, as expressed so eloquently
by Krishna, you should go out and waste the
people whose words or actions affronted you.
Shoot them full of arrows and leave them to
die in a pool of their own blood. Yeah...
that's the ticket. *That* will sure prove 
that we Pandavas have the market on morality
and righteousness and knowing what's what,
won't it?

Well, will it?

Or will it just prove that the righteous
who go to war out of righteous anger are
just puny-assed little egos who are so out
of touch with their feelings that they mistake
righteous anger for righteousness?

This person *deserves* to be flamed, because
he's a liar. 

This nation *deserves* to be invaded, because
they're saying that they aren't developing nukes,
and they're liars.

As above, so below. Fairfield Life is a micro-
cosm of the world, working out the angst of the
world. And just as nations declare war on each
other for no better reason than righteous anger,
so do individuals here at Fairfield Life.

And it goes on and on, no matter who mentions
it and no matter what approach they take to trying
to change things. The recent push to make flaming
a Bad Thing, and punishable by the worst fate that
some of the righteously angry can imagine -- a 
week without being able to be righteously angry
in public -- a dismal failure. Nothing has changed,
despite all the well-intentioned wishes and less
well-intentioned posturing. All of them were like
pouring lighter fluid on a fire to put it out.

The problem, as I see it, is to somehow convey
to the folks who get off on righteous anger that
there are other ways of getting off. You really
don't *have* to sit there at your computer, jerk-
ing your mouse furiously and pounding, pounding,
pounding away at that keyboard to attain a sense
of...uh...release, and fulfillment.

You could do the same thing by just writing
something positive and uplifting for a change.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Bronte Baxter
Bharitu, I didn't write that piece about growing up in Nazi Germany. Angela 
did. You attributed it to me. 
  Regarding your comment, But we know that meditation does not equal 
fascism and is in fact totally the opposite as it's goal is liberation, I 
would say you're dismissing Angela's probe too casually. Of course the stated 
goal of meditation, according to to those who promote it, is liberation. But is 
that what it delivers? The stated goal of Naziism was to make Germany strong 
and good. Is that what it delivered? 
  Angela, I wish you'd elaborate on the connections you see between New Age and 
Naziism, so we could discuss them. - Bronte

Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bronte Baxter wrote:
 Another reason I left, though, was that they really were completely unwilling 
 to deal with the questions I, personally, have about the whole enlightenment 
 trip. I was born in Nazi Germany, saw the tail end of the war myself, and 
 then grew up in an environment in which all kinds of Nazis (including 
 bliss-Nazis) tried to come to terms with the experience of the Third Reich. 
 My physics teacher in High School had been a famous scientist and a member of 
 the SS and, because early one morning he caught me meditating, we became 
 friends as well. To him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism. A 
 vegetarian, Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of the word, and he did 
 group meditations with the top brass. 
I would say the Nazi's hijacked the New Age (which is really the old 
age) for their purposes. And yes when we have the NeoCons saying they 
are creating reality then we really do have some nut cases using some 
new age type philosophy. But we know that meditation does not equal 
fascism and is in fact totally the opposite as it's goal is liberation. 
Meditation organizations can equal fascism though, especially if they 
are more of a cult and members very judgmental.


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 

 Our newest member, Angela, who just joined FFL yesterday when she 
left the Wednesday night satsang group in disgust, posted this cool 
and profoundly thoughtful email that I'll bet everyone missed 
because the title was misleading. Take a look! She hails from Nazii 
Germany and is observing some interesting stuff in the Fairfield 

   (Note:Pompous shit is a reference to something posted 
yesterday about an alleged attitude manifested by some members of 
her previous group.)

   Angela writes:
Pompous shit is a somewhat condensed locution, so I'll be a little 
more discursive about it.  Anything at all can be constructed with 
words (and deconstructed) , including the semblance of 
enlightenment.  Anyone with half a brain can learn the lingo pretty 
quickly, and this is not just about us, but about any group that 
calls itself us.
  After you learn the lingo, it becomes a game of one-upmanship 
among the guys and a petting zoo among the girls. And I didn't like 
the general attitude: More enlightened than thou is no improvement 
on Holier than thou. I saw too much of that in the Wednesday night 
satsang group after observing it for about a year, and had too many 
experiences of folks who didn't want ideas challenged in any way.  
So I left somewhat precipitously. 
 Another reason I left, though, was that they really were 
completely unwilling to deal with the questions I, personally, have 
about the whole enlightenment trip.  I was born in Nazi Germany, saw 
the tail end of the war myself, and then grew up in an environment 
in which all kinds of Nazis (including bliss-Nazis) tried to come to 
terms with the experience of the Third Reich. My physics teacher in  
High School  had been a famous scientist and a member of the SS and, 
because early one morning he caught me meditating, we became friends 
as well.  To him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism.  A 
vegetarian, Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of the word, 
and he did group meditations with the top brass.

imo Hitler was insane, and a real asshole to boot.  

For possibly a second point of view, I worked and lived very closely 
with a fellow, Egon, who was an archeologist and spent a year at the 
Kansas City Capitals Project. He too had been born in Nazi Germany-- 
his dad was a soldier in the regular army and after his city was 
bombed to dust, ate the equivalent of roadkill to stay alive. He was 
no fan of the Nazis, to say the least. Now this wasn't Fairfield, 
but we were working directly for the TMO, so many of the same 
dynamics were possibly at play. There was something of a defacto 
class system between the Governors as they were known, and us, the 
worker bees earning our Siddhis course. Whatever. 

Egon expressed dislike for one of the Guvs especially but I didn't 
hear him ever say that the TMO were Nazis, or anything else 
comparing the Nazi regime to the surroundings, or what we were 
learning, or the attitudes of those on the Project.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:58 PM, Bronte Baxter wrote:

Angela, I wish you'd elaborate on the connections you see between  
New Age and Naziism, so we could discuss them. - Bronte

Did you ever check out the video I mentioned the documentary I  
mentioned the other day, The Occult History of the Third Reich?

You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan according to  
some movement insiders. I believe he even had people dress up at one  

Rick had at one time posted this (I don't know if he ever got a  

A Jewish friend who used to be on Purusha told me some interesting  
stories about
German Purusha celebrating Hitler's birthday, wearing swastikas under  
ties, etc. I can't find it on my computers, but I'll email him to see  
if he

still has what he sent me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sexy Brahmachari Chinmoy, was RIP...

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 10:17 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   On Oct 14, 2007, at 3:47 AM, jim_flanegin wrote:
Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
   Notorious guru as well:
  Here we go, the slander from Vaj has just begun...
 Actually that was from Rick Ross's site. I liked some of the guy's  
 writings years ago and I always loved Carlos Santana's and John  
 McLaughlin's Love, Devotion and Surrender album (great Coltrane 
 on it too). So I was surprised as anyone years later when I found 
 he was doing the Perv-O-Rishi thang too. It's a bizarre twist that  
 the guy was a total health nut and emphasized meditation on the 
 and then he dies of friggin' heart attack! How's that for irony? ;-)

Yes, this post pretty much sums up the depth of your understanding on 
this and related topics. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan according to  
 some movement insiders. 

I challenge you to verify these claims. You are a f. lier !

I believe he even had people dress up at one  
 Rick had at one time posted this (I don't know if he ever got a  

Of course Rick had some rumours posted, thats his nature, he can't help 
it though he seems to need help. Perhaps Suptken could take him on 
since they are more or less on the same level. That's why he created 
FFL, for nitwits like yourself to post sick garbage.

The dress you refer to, and in your deeply troubeled mind connects to 
nazism was suits with differnt colours for different states of 
consciousness. It was just an idea and one that was quickly dropped.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Bhairitu
I know Angela wrote it.  That the quote section came out to you is 
irrelevant but sorry anyway.  I could have left the whole thing in which 
would have clarified it but the snip police would have been all over 
me. :)

But I am not causally dismissing the probe at all.  She is stating that 
to him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism and is therefore 
inferring it does not mean that to her.  An anti-fascist, 
anti-authoritarian like myself who has even been criticized on this 
forum for comparing Bush to Hitler obviously does not in any way dismiss 

And if you read again you will notice I say it is cults (and Nazism 
was designed to be a cult) that are the problem not meditation.  Now 
maybe your only experience with meditation is TM and therefore might be 
a rather narrow cultish perspective though since even as a teacher I 
found it easy to walk away from the movement whereas real cults tend to 
come after you.

OTOH, political groups and their controllers can use things like 
meditation and vegetarianism to create a weak and submissive populace 
which for them would be a dream to rule and turn into slaves.

It's always interesting to hear from people who grew up under 
totalitarians regimes especially when they note that this country seems 
to be headed right down that same road.  I recently heard that from 
someone who grew up in Argentina as well as another friend who had to 
live under fascism in Portugal.  The American nightmare is not over by a 
long shot.

Bronte Baxter wrote:
 Bharitu, I didn't write that piece about growing up in Nazi Germany. Angela 
 did. You attributed it to me. 
   Regarding your comment, But we know that meditation does not equal 
 fascism and is in fact totally the opposite as it's goal is liberation, I 
 would say you're dismissing Angela's probe too casually. Of course the stated 
 goal of meditation, according to to those who promote it, is liberation. But 
 is that what it delivers? The stated goal of Naziism was to make Germany 
 strong and good. Is that what it delivered? 
   Angela, I wish you'd elaborate on the connections you see between New Age 
 and Naziism, so we could discuss them. - Bronte


 Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Bronte Baxter wrote:
 Another reason I left, though, was that they really were completely 
 unwilling to deal with the questions I, personally, have about the whole 
 enlightenment trip. I was born in Nazi Germany, saw the tail end of the war 
 myself, and then grew up in an environment in which all kinds of Nazis 
 (including bliss-Nazis) tried to come to terms with the experience of the 
 Third Reich. My physics teacher in High School had been a famous scientist 
 and a member of the SS and, because early one morning he caught me 
 meditating, we became friends as well. To him, and to my mother, meditation 
 meant fascism. A vegetarian, Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of 
 the word, and he did group meditations with the top brass. 

 I would say the Nazi's hijacked the New Age (which is really the old 
 age) for their purposes. And yes when we have the NeoCons saying they 
 are creating reality then we really do have some nut cases using some 
 new age type philosophy. But we know that meditation does not equal 
 fascism and is in fact totally the opposite as it's goal is liberation. 
 Meditation organizations can equal fascism though, especially if they 
 are more of a cult and members very judgmental.


 Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
  Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
his music is a joke!

We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this crap!  
for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument was my 
not sure which it was but he was such a douche for making 
listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe musical 
Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy.  This guy had 


   Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
  And ? The music is obviously not the point in his performances. 
  you ever see him Jim ?
 Hi, no I didn't-- I just watched the youtube clip.

Exactly, so you missed the whole point of these performances. I've 
seen two of them live with lots of people simply leaving not getting 
that it was a wonderful darshan of an obviously highly enlightenened 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 4:55 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan according to
 some movement insiders.

I challenge you to verify these claims. You are a f. lier !

I'll post what I can find. Here's the first one:

Maharishi said, on a radio show in Scandinavia, that Hitler was highly

Msg. #51983

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hysteria, the UCLA Study, and other memes about women

2007-10-14 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Now don't you worry your pretty little head about this 
  man talk.  You will just get overwrought trying to keep 
  up with the conversation and it'll give ya the vapors!  
  Or even worse, hysteria!  

 In the same vein, I pass along one of the few
 things I've read recently that made me spit my
 drink out onto the screen with laughter. It did
 the same for everyone I've shared it with, both
 men and women. So if anyone here gets offended
 or hysterical about it, you're atypical.
 UCLA Study
 A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry
 has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds
 attractive on a man can differ depending on where she
 is in her menstrual cycle.
 For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to
 men with rugged and masculine features. However, if
 she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be
 more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth
 and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.
 No further studies are expected.


Y'all know that hysteria is not exactly politically correct:

Hippocrates taught that the cause of what came to be called hysteria 
was irregular movement of blood from the uterus to the brain.

...remember the Victorian British of only a century ago who, before 
Freud, termed hysteria an attack of the vapours. According to 
Victorian and Edwardian physicians, just what were the vapours? 
Uterine emanations seeping up from the vagina into milady's brain 
where they overwhelmed the female body!

[FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my apology to chris

2007-10-14 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of mainstream20016
 Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:59 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: more meditating school info with my 
apology to
 Regarding the reassurance that SatYug is nigh at hand, through the
 inevitability and 
 necessity of India's role to bring all good to all of us - Great ! 
 ! I look forward to 
 cathcing the rays of a global bath of beneficent light. Yet, as a
 practicality, it would be a 
 good thing, and wise, to have a direct hand in raising one's 
 So I advocate 
 for wide-spread individual TM practice in the West, yet that cannot 
 if TMO remains 
 an overtly religious organization. TM has, and can again, be taught 
 effectively as a secular technique. As the last thirty-two years 
has shown,
 unless TM is 
 taught as a secular technique, it's impact will be nill, 
notwithstanding the
 coming glories 
 of SatYug.

 Seems to me Pandora's box has been opened. Even if the TMO were to 
try to
 scale back and present TM as a secular technique, critics would be 
able to
 present all sorts of evidence that for decades, it has been 
associated with
 Hindu and various wacky things. The TMO would be accused of trying 
to hide
 all that for marketing purposes.


You are, naturally, missing the point of what's happening completely. 
It does not matter how people in the West perceive TM -- it's enough 
that a few people, aided by the presence of pundits, are doing TM in 
the West -- it's only necessary that a few candles have been lit 
throughout the world, and that has been accomplished. India alone can 
be responsible for the transition to a Vedic culture, Sat Yuga, and 
in India semantics about TM as religion are meaningless.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Righeous Anger As A Form Of Jacking Off

2007-10-14 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Curtis posted an insight today, in his wonderful
 Hemingwayesque do-it-in-as-few-words-as-possible
 style, that still has me reeling from its
 It just explains so MUCH, man.
 Think Rush Limbaugh. Think Bill McNeil. Think
 Ann Coulter. Think any number of equally angry
 leftist shock pundits. Their whole *schtick*
 is righteous anger. That's what pumps their 
 ratings up and keeps them on top. Because 
 that's what the audience wants to hear.
 So *think* about that. A TV audience whose lives
 are so empty that they get off on righteous anger.
 Is that sad, or what?
 I really think I might have been onto something
 with my quipped-without-thinking-it-through
 righteous anger is the closest they can get
 to feeling righteous one-liner. That may really
 be the issue, both for the TV pundits who feed
 the need for righteous anger, and for the TV
 audiences who feed on it.
 It's real Old Testament stuff, man. That book
 was just *full* of righteous anger. And it's
 still a Best Seller today. So is the Gita, if
 you are flexible enough to look at it that way.
 I mean, Krishna is up there trying to convince
 Arjuna to go out and waste his relatives by
 inspiring his sense of righteous anger. Or his
 sense of duty, which in my book is about the
 same thing when it comes to war. :-)
 Righteous anger is a RUSH. It gets yer heart
 pumpin' and yer blood rushin' around in yer
 veins and yer adrenaline pumpin' and it gets
 you HIGH, man. Be HONEST, people! The last
 time you lost it to a fit of righteous anger,
 didn't it feel GOOD, at the time? Wasn't it
 a RUSH?
 Almost as good as the other kinds of rushes
 you've experienced in life. Almost. If the 
 other kind -- like samadhi, or the smile on
 someone's face after you help them when you
 didn't have to, or just the joy of watching
 a sunset -- aren't really happening for you.
 And, like the other kind of rushes, the rush
 of righteous anger is addicting. It *shifts
 your assemblage point*. It *alters your state
 of consciousness*. It *changes your state of
 One moment you are bored shitless with your
 life, and then you read something or see some-
 thing on the News and wham! -- it provokes 
 that awesome sense of righteous anger in you.
 How could anyone DO this? How could anyone
 SAY this? And about ME, or people like me? 
 I've got to strike back, or everyone will 
 think I'm a wuss.
 If you strike back, you're a wuss.
 In Buddhist thought, that is. 
 In Hindu thought, as expressed so eloquently
 by Krishna, you should go out and waste the
 people whose words or actions affronted you.
 Shoot them full of arrows and leave them to
 die in a pool of their own blood. Yeah...
 that's the ticket. *That* will sure prove 
 that we Pandavas have the market on morality
 and righteousness and knowing what's what,
 won't it?
 Well, will it?
 Or will it just prove that the righteous
 who go to war out of righteous anger are
 just puny-assed little egos who are so out
 of touch with their feelings that they mistake
 righteous anger for righteousness?
 This person *deserves* to be flamed, because
 he's a liar. 
 This nation *deserves* to be invaded, because
 they're saying that they aren't developing nukes,
 and they're liars.
 As above, so below. Fairfield Life is a micro-
 cosm of the world, working out the angst of the
 world. And just as nations declare war on each
 other for no better reason than righteous anger,
 so do individuals here at Fairfield Life.
 And it goes on and on, no matter who mentions
 it and no matter what approach they take to trying
 to change things. The recent push to make flaming
 a Bad Thing, and punishable by the worst fate that
 some of the righteously angry can imagine -- a 
 week without being able to be righteously angry
 in public -- a dismal failure. Nothing has changed,
 despite all the well-intentioned wishes and less
 well-intentioned posturing. All of them were like
 pouring lighter fluid on a fire to put it out.
 The problem, as I see it, is to somehow convey
 to the folks who get off on righteous anger that
 there are other ways of getting off. You really
 don't *have* to sit there at your computer, jerk-
 ing your mouse furiously and pounding, pounding,
 pounding away at that keyboard to attain a sense
 of...uh...release, and fulfillment.
 You could do the same thing by just writing
 something positive and uplifting for a change.

Let the new world begin with Thee, 
and then we'll see, 
the depth of your sincerity.

[FairfieldLife] Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

Dedicated to Nablososs

Jai Guru Dev


Sri Sri Vaj
Illuminati Headquarters
Brocken Mountain, Germany

from Msg.# 16079

Maharishi on Hitler

This is from a Jewish friend who was full-time in the TMO for many  
years, including Purusha and International Staff in Vlodrop and  
elsewhere. He’s now with a different teacher. We had a private  
discussion about this a couple of months ago and I asked if I could  
post this. He said I could but asked that I not mention his name.

Some time after being on Purusha, I discovered, to my great  
amazement, that some German Purusha were wearing swastikas under  
their ties, celebrating Hitler's birthday, and generally feeling very  
bully about the whole thing. I remembered what Frank Pappentine told  
me a few years back during our 6-month course in Arosa (we were good  
friends during that course): that Maharishi had met with the Germans  
in Seelisberg and told them that the Allies presented Hitler as a  
great demon to suppress the German morale, that the facts were  
different and that Hitler was, in fact, a good strong leader.

I heard that from Maharishi myself, in Washington DC in 1983, when a  
reporter asked him what he thought of Hitler. He said, that Hitler  
was actually a good strong leader who unified Germany, it's just too  
bad that he did so much indiscriminate killing.

All these caused me quite a shock at the time, and finally I decided  
to confront a question that had bothered me from childhood: how could  
intelligent, sophisticated Germans (and some of the leaders of his  
party and the SS were indeed sophisticated and intelligent) follow  
him? Some of them were reputed to be lovers of classical music,  
devoted husbands, doting fathers, fond of animals and loved to tend  
their rose gardens -- but had no problem going to work in the  
morning, work being the extermination of yet another transport of  
thousands of Jews.

I asked one of my German friends to get me some Nazi literature  
about Hitler, that I was interested in learning more about how THEY  
viewed him. One of them got me a few magazines which were published  
on high-quality paper, with no ads (so a lot of money was involved).  
The magazines were all in German. I struggled through the articles,  
and was particularly struck by two of them: one about Hitler's love  
affairs, and another an account by his driver, who was the last  
person to see Hitler alive.

The one about the love affairs was interesting: it turned out, that  
although he was partially impotent -- some of his aids were  
constantly on the lookout for any medical doctor who could provide  
him with a preparation to increase his potency -- once he had an  
affair with a woman, that woman was so enamored with him, that when  
he left her she committed suicide. This has happened a number of  
times. It even happened in the case of a British woman, who was in  
England when Churchill declared war, so she could not return to  
Germany and committed suicide from agony. Such was his charisma and  
power over people.

But what was much more revealing to me was the account of his driver.  
As he was describing Hitler's last hours, he was speaking about the  
terrible loss and bereavement that he experienced -- and there was  
something heartbreaking about his devotion to Hitler. I'm serious: I  
completely identified with his intense emotions. I was only familiar  
with such powerful emotions in relationship to God or to one's Guru  
-- but here was a person who was relating to Hitler in this way, and  
was still lamenting his death so many years later, knowing all that  
he had done!

I later on saw a BBC 6-hr documentary program on the rise of Nazism.  
They interviewed a person who worked with him closely at one point.  
And that person spoke about Hitler with the same passion that one  
speaks of one's Guru. He described his experience of interacting with  
Hitler -- there's no other way to describe it, except a spiritual  
experience -- and said, in this regard: I saw this side of Hitler,  
Hitler's most beautiful side; and no one can take it away from me.  
That is the Hitler I know and cherish.

Why am I saying all this? Because that was the first time I  
understood how Hitler could have done what he had done. People who  
came in contact with him had a spiritual experience, and you know how  
such a profound experience often makes you surrender your  
discriminating ability. And you can even do atrocities.

It was also the first time I realized that the power of spiritual  
people to give experience is potentially dangerous. It made me  
realize, that had I been a non-Jewish German at the time of Hitler, I  
could have potentially joined to Nazi party -- if that was the  
transmission that came out of Hitler.

My response to this was:

This is interesting stuff. As you know, the Vedas depict many great  
demons, such as Ravana, as being extremely charismatic, learned, and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 4:55 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan 
according to
   some movement insiders.
  I challenge you to verify these claims. You are a f. lier !
 I'll post what I can find. Here's the first one:
 Maharishi said, on a radio show in Scandinavia, that Hitler was 
 Msg. #51983

Of course he was-- how else could he have ammassed all of his power; 
conquering many countries, implementing his unspeakable atrocities, 
if it wasn't a manifestation of his own personal power? Those 
mechanics don't change whether a person is good or evil.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:44 PM, jim_flanegin wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2007, at 4:55 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan
according to
   some movement insiders.
  I challenge you to verify these claims. You are a f. lier !

 I'll post what I can find. Here's the first one:

 Maharishi said, on a radio show in Scandinavia, that Hitler was

 Msg. #51983

Of course he was-- how else could he have ammassed all of his power;
conquering many countries, implementing his unspeakable atrocities,
if it wasn't a manifestation of his own personal power? Those
mechanics don't change whether a person is good or evil.

I don't think that's the question. The question is 'why was Mahesh so  
darn fascinated by the guy'? Could it be he is an Asuriac guru just  
lookin' for some tips?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
 Dedicated to Nablososs

 Jai Guru Dev


 Sri Sri Vaj
 Illuminati Headquarters
 Brocken Mountain, Germany

 from Msg.# 16079

 Maharishi on Hitler

 This is from a Jewish friend who was full-time in the TMO for many 
 years, including Purusha and International Staff in Vlodrop and 
 elsewhere. He’s now with a different teacher. We had a private 
 discussion about this a couple of months ago and I asked if I could 
 post this. He said I could but asked that I not mention his name.


 Some time after being on Purusha, I discovered, to my great amazement, 
 that some German Purusha were wearing swastikas under their ties, 
 celebrating Hitler's birthday, and generally feeling very bully about 
 the whole thing. I remembered what Frank Pappentine told me a few 
 years back during our 6-month course in Arosa (we were good friends 
 during that course): that Maharishi had met with the Germans in 
 Seelisberg and told them that the Allies presented Hitler as a great 
 demon to suppress the German morale, that the facts were different and 
 that Hitler was, in fact, a good strong leader.

 I heard that from Maharishi myself, in Washington DC in 1983, when a 
 reporter asked him what he thought of Hitler. He said, that Hitler was 
 actually a good strong leader who unified Germany, it's just too bad 
 that he did so much indiscriminate killing.

 All these caused me quite a shock at the time, and finally I decided 
 to confront a question that had bothered me from childhood: how could 
 intelligent, sophisticated Germans (and some of the leaders of his 
 party and the SS were indeed sophisticated and intelligent) follow 
 him? Some of them were reputed to be lovers of classical music, 
 devoted husbands, doting fathers, fond of animals and loved to tend 
 their rose gardens -- but had no problem going to work in the morning, 
 work being the extermination of yet another transport of thousands of 



 My friend’s response was that that attitude was a cop-out which 
 allowed people to rationalize all sorts of mischief by gurus and other 

One has to look beyond Hitler and follow the money.  He was trained and 
used by those who wanted to control the world and still want to today.  
Nazism was designed to appeal to the country folk (I've heard Hitler was 
not so popular in the cities) who usually wind up in the armies anyway.  
It was a failed first attempt at a New World Order or Global 
Society.  Exterminating the Jews was just a start as they wanted to get 
rid of everyone who didn't fit their ideal society.   I've read Mein 
Kampf and saw why the first 50 pages would have hooked people but then 
it fell into an disgusting badly written rant.  As long as they got 
people to read the first few pages they hooked their supporters.  
Likewise Bush's speeches are designed to evoke emotional control in all 
but the brightest in this country who see right through them.  
Fortunately they seem to have underestimated the intelligence of the 
majority though.  :)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still want to establish the 
New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those exact terms, New World Order, 
that he would be instrumental in establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd 
only be a  step along the way, though.  He believed he was to be the big 
enchilada---the thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was 
not real in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of today are 
not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the people's attention on.  
There is even some evidence that Jews supplied him with the notion that they 
could be that single enemy.  It's not conclusive evidence, but certainly the 
Warburgs were involved in it, in spite of the fact that Paul Warburg lost two 
close relatives in the death camps.  a  

Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Vaj wrote:
 Dedicated to Nablososs

 Jai Guru Dev


 Sri Sri Vaj
 Illuminati Headquarters
 Brocken Mountain, Germany

 from Msg.# 16079

 Maharishi on Hitler

 This is from a Jewish friend who was full-time in the TMO for many 
 years, including Purusha and International Staff in Vlodrop and 
 elsewhere. He’s now with a different teacher. We had a private 
 discussion about this a couple of months ago and I asked if I could 
 post this. He said I could but asked that I not mention his name.


 Some time after being on Purusha, I discovered, to my great amazement, 
 that some German Purusha were wearing swastikas under their ties, 
 celebrating Hitler's birthday, and generally feeling very bully about 
 the whole thing. I remembered what Frank Pappentine told me a few 
 years back during our 6-month course in Arosa (we were good friends 
 during that course): that Maharishi had met with the Germans in 
 Seelisberg and told them that the Allies presented Hitler as a great 
 demon to suppress the German morale, that the facts were different and 
 that Hitler was, in fact, a good strong leader.

 I heard that from Maharishi myself, in Washington DC in 1983, when a 
 reporter asked him what he thought of Hitler. He said, that Hitler was 
 actually a good strong leader who unified Germany, it's just too bad 
 that he did so much indiscriminate killing.

 All these caused me quite a shock at the time, and finally I decided 
 to confront a question that had bothered me from childhood: how could 
 intelligent, sophisticated Germans (and some of the leaders of his 
 party and the SS were indeed sophisticated and intelligent) follow 
 him? Some of them were reputed to be lovers of classical music, 
 devoted husbands, doting fathers, fond of animals and loved to tend 
 their rose gardens -- but had no problem going to work in the morning, 
 work being the extermination of yet another transport of thousands of 


 My friend’s response was that that attitude was a cop-out which 
 allowed people to rationalize all sorts of mischief by gurus and other 

One has to look beyond Hitler and follow the money.  He was trained and 
used by those who wanted to control the world and still want to today.  
Nazism was designed to appeal to the country folk (I've heard Hitler was 
not so popular in the cities) who usually wind up in the armies anyway.  
It was a failed first attempt at a New World Order or Global 
Society.  Exterminating the Jews was just a start as they wanted to get 
rid of everyone who didn't fit their ideal society.   I've read Mein 
Kampf and saw why the first 50 pages would have hooked people but then 
it fell into an disgusting badly written rant.  As long as they got 
people to read the first few pages they hooked their supporters.  
Likewise Bush's speeches are designed to evoke emotional control in all 
but the brightest in this country who see right through them.  
Fortunately they seem to have underestimated the intelligence of the 
majority though.  :)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:56 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

One has to look beyond Hitler and follow the money.  He was trained  

used by those who wanted to control the world and still want to today.
Nazism was designed to appeal to the country folk (I've heard  
Hitler was
not so popular in the cities) who usually wind up in the armies  

It was a failed first attempt at a New World Order or Global
Society.  Exterminating the Jews was just a start as they wanted  
to get
rid of everyone who didn't fit their ideal society.   I've read  
Kampf and saw why the first 50 pages would have hooked people but  

it fell into an disgusting badly written rant.  As long as they got
people to read the first few pages they hooked their supporters.
Likewise Bush's speeches are designed to evoke emotional control in  

but the brightest in this country who see right through them.
Fortunately they seem to have underestimated the intelligence of the
majority though.  :)

The BBC documentary (available free on Google Video) The Occult  
History of the Third Reich really does a good job overall of  
summarizing the religious and nationalistic tendencies that were  
happening back then. Most shocking to me when I first saw it, was how  
it was all proceeded by a New Age movement not unlike what started in  
1960's USA. Perhaps it will disabuse you from Alex Jones conspiracy  
ideas :-). Honestly I was waiting for you to tie this all into war  
industrialists stemming from Dubya's grandfather!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As you know, the Vedas depict many great  
 demons, such as Ravana, as being extremely charismatic, learned, 
 highly evolved. In some cases the story is told that the demon 
 the choice of being born into a series of righteous lives or one  
 demonic life in which they would be killed by the Lord and thus  
 liberated. They chose the demonic life. I don't presume to know 
 karmic mechanics behind the holocaust. The perpetrators of it, 
 especially Hitler, certainly seemed evil by all normal standards, 
 the universe is a strange place. Who can say with certainty where  
 Hitler's soul is now? Is he suffering in hell or was he really 
 great soul that chose to play a role very distasteful by 
 standards? I would like to think he's suffering in hell, but who  
 really knows? It seems the light and dark forces are always 
 each other out. There need to be great souls on both sides. In 
 ultimate analysis, is one side really good and the other bad, 
 is it all just a big Lila? I'd say yes, in the relative, good and 
 both exist and I'd rather be on the good side. But is that God's  
 perspective, or just my limited relative viewpoint? Ultimately, 
 it all just God playing all the roles to entertain Himself? 
 I have more questions than answers.
 My friend's response was that that attitude was a cop-out which  
 allowed people to rationalize all sorts of mischief by gurus and  
 other leaders.

Thanks for sharing this-- Its a great piece of writing! I'd agree 
that good and evil, light and dark, balance each other out in a 
universal Dharma. 

All I think we can do is live as simply as possible, with our wits 
about us, being ourselves. and the more we are simply ourselves, 
surrendering to our universal nature, with our wits about us, the 
more easily we can sustain a universal point of perfect personal 
balance, regardless of what occurs in time and space. Fewer problems 
both short and long term. See the job, do the job. 

I agree that it *is* God playing all the roles to entertain Himself, 
in the lap of Mother Divine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Angela Wrote: 
I was born in Nazi Germany, saw the tail end of the war myself, and 
then grew up in an environment in which all kinds of Nazis 
(including bliss-Nazis) tried to come to terms with the experience 
of the Third Reich. 

Neat,if that's the right word.  When I graduated MIU back in '81, 
and entered our family business, one of my first customers was a 
German immigrant, Steve Esslinger-chief engineer at a local hotel. 
Somehow we hit it off, and became friends.  Ocassionaly he would 
open up about wartime Germany, and how he would go down to the river 
a seek refuge under a bridge.  A few years after we met, he died of 
a heart attack. There were other interesting facts about him,(won a 
scholorship to study in US), but most probably not of interest 
here.  We also had an accountant in our business - Milton Shearer, 
holocaust survivor.  He still had his tatoo.  Totally gentle 
person.  Don't know if he was a pacifist.  Never went into those 
issues with him. Just some thoughts triggered by you introduction.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Angela Mailander
There is a misunderstanding that I'd like to clear up right from the start. 
Hitler was not responsible for fascism.  Hitler was a tool that was used.  They 
did a talent search for a dictator, very openly.  Then, when they found their 
man, they groomed him and educated him, gave him new clothes, new 
pronunciation, new ways to think, groovy yogic techniques, etc.  They 
manufactured Hitler in their ashram, quite literally.  a

nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan according to  
  some movement insiders. 
 I challenge you to verify these claims. You are a f. lier !
 I believe he even had people dress up at one  
  Rick had at one time posted this (I don't know if he ever got a  
 Of course Rick had some rumours posted, thats his nature, he can't help 
 it though he seems to need help. Perhaps Suptken could take him on 
 since they are more or less on the same level. That's why he created 
 FFL, for nitwits like yourself to post sick garbage.
 The dress you refer to, and in your deeply troubeled mind connects to 
 nazism was suits with differnt colours for different states of 
 consciousness. It was just an idea and one that was quickly dropped.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you ever check out the video I mentioned the documentary I  
 mentioned the other day, The Occult History of the Third Reich?

 You also may not be aware, Mahesh was a real Hitler fan according to  
 some movement insiders. I believe he even had people dress up at one 

Don't know about that. I would be pretty careful about making such a 
statement without SOMETHING to back it up, BUT, was anyone else in the 
fieldhouse when Walter Koch was adressing the student body and 
said, German youth, instead of student youth, which I believe he 
meant to say?  That was a funny moment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: RIP Sri Chinmoy

2007-10-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
  --- jim_flanegin jflanegi@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
his music is a joke!

We are s lucky MMY didn't torture us with this
   crap!  Thank you
for posting this.  The Sitar or Bean instrument
   was my favorite. 
not sure which it was but he was such a douche for
   making people
listen to him play that badly.   I can't believe
   musical geniuses 
Santana and John McLaughlin followed this guy. 
   This guy had an ego


   Embarrassingly bad music-- no musical talent at all.
  What an odd display of random playing of instruments.
  I do like the lazy-susan thing though!
 Yeah, the only thing I could surmise from his no talent performance 
 was that he was demonstrating to his disciples how perfect he was 
 everything (!?). I just bought some music composing software with a 
 bunch of samples that can be put together to form music, so I was 
 listening to him play with an ear for any sort of structure or 
 melody in what he was doing. zip.

Many do not hear the structure and beauty in the music of Stockhausen 
either. He is a genius but not appreciated by the masses. Perhaps you 
just have the musical ear then Jim. I know contemporary composers 
that have been totally blown away by the work of Sri Chimnoy, hearing 
structure all the way.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Angela Mailander
I might not have time to elaborate too much this week since I've got a house 
guest from China staying with me.  But I'll do what I can.  Also, it's a big 
subject that can't be dealt with in a few emails. It definitely can't be 
dismissed with a facile phrase like the Nazis highjacked the New Age. I've 
done long and serious scholarship and research on the topic.  The New Age (for 
lack of a better term) aspect of German fascism was swept under the rug 
beginning with the Nuremberg war crimes trials, so this Egon guy probably never 
heard of it. I would never have heard of it either if I hadn't been meditating 
by some real fluke.  Nazi Germany was crawling with all kinds of gurus--not 
just Indian, but also Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese.  But as soon as the war 
was over in 45, they all vanished over night.  I mean totally vanished in one 
swell foop so radical that it must have been orchestrated through a single 
source. The guy who taught me when I was six was a left over who was
 hiding out under a shepherd's cloak.  

Whatever else meditation may be, it certainly is also a fabulous social 
engineering tool.  Consider: Maharishi took a bunch of freedom and democracy 
loving hippies, and, in the space of twenty years, turned them into firm 
believers in the divine right of kings, appointed by a superior priest caste, 
naturally--one with the power, no doubt, to off unruly rulers.

There isn't a single article of faith that's current in the meditating 
community in Fairfield that wasn't also current among the initiated in Germany 
under Hitler. All the phrases we use here were familiar to me beginning with 
Established in Being, perform action.  In that state, you do not incur bad 
karma, even when the action involves medical experiments, painful and often 
lethal, on other human beings.  After all, they had chosen that life; moreover, 
they were performing a service to help bring heaven on earth for a thousand 
years.   a

jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter 
  Our newest member, Angela, who just joined FFL yesterday when she 
 left the Wednesday night satsang group in disgust, posted this cool 
 and profoundly thoughtful email that I'll bet everyone missed 
 because the title was misleading. Take a look! She hails from Nazii 
 Germany and is observing some interesting stuff in the Fairfield 
(Note:Pompous shit is a reference to something posted 
 yesterday about an alleged attitude manifested by some members of 
 her previous group.)
Angela writes:
 Pompous shit is a somewhat condensed locution, so I'll be a little 
 more discursive about it.  Anything at all can be constructed with 
 words (and deconstructed) , including the semblance of 
 enlightenment.  Anyone with half a brain can learn the lingo pretty 
 quickly, and this is not just about us, but about any group that 
 calls itself us.
   After you learn the lingo, it becomes a game of one-upmanship 
 among the guys and a petting zoo among the girls. And I didn't like 
 the general attitude: More enlightened than thou is no improvement 
 on Holier than thou. I saw too much of that in the Wednesday night 
 satsang group after observing it for about a year, and had too many 
 experiences of folks who didn't want ideas challenged in any way.  
 So I left somewhat precipitously. 
  Another reason I left, though, was that they really were 
 completely unwilling to deal with the questions I, personally, have 
 about the whole enlightenment trip.  I was born in Nazi Germany, saw 
 the tail end of the war myself, and then grew up in an environment 
 in which all kinds of Nazis (including bliss-Nazis) tried to come to 
 terms with the experience of the Third Reich. My physics teacher in  
 High School  had been a famous scientist and a member of the SS and, 
 because early one morning he caught me meditating, we became friends 
 as well.  To him, and to my mother, meditation meant fascism.  A 
 vegetarian, Hitler was guru to the SS, in every sense of the word, 
 and he did group meditations with the top brass.
 imo Hitler was insane, and a real asshole to boot.  
 For possibly a second point of view, I worked and lived very closely 
 with a fellow, Egon, who was an archeologist and spent a year at the 
 Kansas City Capitals Project. He too had been born in Nazi Germany-- 
 his dad was a soldier in the regular army and after his city was 
 bombed to dust, ate the equivalent of roadkill to stay alive. He was 
 no fan of the Nazis, to say the least. Now this wasn't Fairfield, 
 but we were working directly for the TMO, so many of the same 
 dynamics were possibly at play. There was something of a defacto 
 class system between the Governors as they were known, and us, the 
 worker bees earning our Siddhis course. Whatever. 
 Egon expressed dislike for one of the Guvs especially but I didn't 
 hear him 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahesh and Hitler

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 6:06 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still want to  
establish the New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those exact  
terms, New World Order, that he would be instrumental in  
establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd only be a  step along  
the way, though.  He believed he was to be the big enchilada---the  
thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was not  
real in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of  
today are not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the  
people's attention on.  There is even some evidence that Jews  
supplied him with the notion that they could be that single enemy.   
It's not conclusive evidence, but certainly the Warburgs were  
involved in it, in spite of the fact that Paul Warburg lost two  
close relatives in the death camps.  a

Are there really significant parallels between the Third Reich and  
Mahesh yogis spiritual movement though? And are these same ideas  
being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?

Rick posted a very interesting link to a video which purported to be  
by an ex-KGB agent which claimed groups like the KGB were observing  
the TMO for ideas in undermining nations.

[FairfieldLife] The year of Lynch

2007-10-14 Thread michael florescu
The year of Lynch
by Yvonne Puig

Anthem magazine
  14 October 2007

On 14 October 2007 Anthem magazine reported: The famously elusive movie 
director David Lynch has been more high-profile this year with the success of 
his best-selling book on Transcendental Meditation titled 'Catching the Big 
Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity', and his sold-out benefits 
across the US promoting the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness- Based 
Education and World Peace. Soon his admirers will get to view more of his life 
as a new reality show, currently in production, follows the director as he 
tours the country speaking about TM. It is a joy for Global Good News service 
to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting 
programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of culture. 

The article stated, 'This year alone, his foundation, the David Lynch 
Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, now in its second 
year, hosted sold-out benefits at Lincoln Center in New York City and Kennedy 
Center in Washington and a concert with Donovan at the Kodak Theatre in 
Hollywood. Sixty-five schools now boast Transcendental Meditation programs 
because of the foundation's work. Catching the Big Fish spent twelve weeks on 
the best-seller list and will soon be out in paperback; one-hundred percent of 
the book's proceeds go to the foundation.' 

Lynch was quoted as saying, 'Transcendental Meditation is not a religion. It's 
a mental technique that unfolds the human being's full potential. We have a 
full potential, and it's so gloriously huge. And when the penny drops and 
people realize that, then they say, 'We want it, we gotta have it.'' 

Currently in production is a new reality show that features the director 
crisscrossing the United States speaking about Transcendental Meditation. 

Filming for the show first started in May of this year during the David Lynch 
Weekend, which is an annual event at Maharishi University of Management in 
Fairfield, Iowa. 

The article stated, 'Lynch is also executive-producing a feature-length 
documentary about the science and benefits of TM entitled The Square Root of 
One Percent, tentatively set to be complete in the fall of 2008.' 

The documentary will feature a two-month study that showed when a large group 
practises Transcendental Meditation together, crime rates go down 
significantly. It will also feature an advanced meditation practice known as 
Yogic Flying. 

The article stated, 'The impact meditation has had on Lynch's creative life 
cannot be underestimated, but beyond the personal effects, he sees it as a 
force for positive change in the larger world. And he's nothing if not 

The article concluded with a quote by Lynch, 'It's so unbelievable what's going 
on, but that's going to end. It's a new thing coming. A beautiful, beautiful, 
beautiful world is coming.' 

Global Good News comment: 

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  Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Links between New Age and Naziism -- in Fairfield?

2007-10-14 Thread Vaj

On Oct 14, 2007, at 5:29 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:

There is a misunderstanding that I'd like to clear up right from  
the start. Hitler was not responsible for fascism.  Hitler was a  
tool that was used.  They did a talent search for a dictator, very  
openly.  Then, when they found their man, they groomed him and  
educated him, gave him new clothes, new pronunciation, new ways to  
think, groovy yogic techniques, etc.  They manufactured Hitler in  
their ashram, quite literally.  a

Who's they Angela? The Thule society? The Theosophical Society?

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