Re: [Fedora-directory-users] integrating samba and FDS/RHDS (draft 1)

2005-08-01 Thread Nathan Kinder

Darren Fulton wrote:

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 10:07 +0300, Vesko wrote:
 Adam Stokes wrote:
  There is no need for the /etc/group file to have those entries in it
  because Samba will map the entires from the ldap server.
  So remove the entries in /etc/group, import the ldif
  from /tmp/sambaGroups and map the appropriate entries (instead of
  ntgroup='Admins' use ntgroup='Domain Admins' unixgroup='Domain 

  Remeber you are mapping from an ldap server so the entries have to 


 The same errors:

 [root dt ~]# net groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup=’Domain Admins’
 unixgroup=’Domain Admins’
 Bad option: Admins’

 [root dt ~]# net groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup='Domain Admins'
 unixgroup='Domain Admins'
 Can't lookup UNIX group Domain Admins

 Is this a samba bug or ...?
 it is just not working as expected :( I did everything right up till
 this mommenet. I use samba-3.0.10-1.4E on CentOS release 4.1 (Final) 

 fedora-ds-7.1-2.RHEL4 (rpm install)


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In this how-to, down in the code block for with the net groupmap add 
commands, there are some invalid characters. I see these things ’ 
instead of regular single quotes like this '. If you paste those into 
a terminal it results in lots of errors. I tried to sign up for Wiki 
access so that I could fix it, but it wouldn't let me sign up.

I fixed this in the wiki.  Thanks for tracking it down!


I think this may be what is causing the errors described above.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] FC3 - DS Source Build Prb

2005-09-29 Thread Nathan Kinder

You need to install the krb5-devel package.

Jason Kullo Sam wrote:

Ok, got through all that, now onto building the DS source(again...but 
RIGHT this time).

I get the feeling

I input this

cd ldapserver/ ; gmake USE_PERL_FROM_PATH=1 

the make dies this...

-L../../../../mozilla/dist/Linux2.6_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/lib -lplc4 
-lplds4 -lnspr4  
-L../../../../mozilla/dist/Linux2.6_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/lib -ldbm 
-lavl -lldif -llitekey  -ldl  
-lsvrcore -L../../../../cyrus-sasl-2.1.20/lib -lsasl2 
-L/usr/kerberos/lib -lgssapi_krb5 -lcrypt -lpthread  
-L../../../../db-4.2.52.NC/built/.libs -ldb-4.2

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgssapi_krb5
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake[3]: *** 
Error 1
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

gmake[2]: *** [_slapd] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

gmake[1]: *** [ldapprogs] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 

gmake: *** [buildDirectory] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ldapserver]#  

Searched for this wrong?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# updatedb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# locate libgssapi_krb5.a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# locate libgssapi_krb5

Any ideas?

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] howto Step by Step install Directory Server, help me!

2005-11-09 Thread Nathan Kinder
This sounds like a known issue with the JVM that Admin Server uses 
crashing with JIT enabled.

Re-run your installation, but set the environment variable 
JAVA_COMPILER=none first.  That will diable JIT and should get you 
through the install.  When the install is complete, edit the FDS 
install path/admin-serv/config/jvm12.conf file, and add 
-Djava.compiler=none to the jvm.options config parameter.  This will 
allow the Admin Server to startup without needed an environment variable 


adirek sanyakhuan wrote:

i config by guide but not work.

Message error:
Server group ID to use (default: nobody)
[slapd-ldap]: starting up server ...
[slapd-ldap]:   Fedora-Directory/7.1 B2005.146.2010
[slapd-ldap]: (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-ldap)
[slapd-ldap]: [10/Nov/2005:08:52:00 +0700] - Fedora-Directory/7.1
B2005.146.2010 starting up
[slapd-ldap]: [10/Nov/2005:08:52:01 +0700] - slapd started.  Listening
on All Interfaces port 389 for LDAP requests
Your new directory server has been started.
Created new Directory Server
Start Slapd Starting Slapd server configuration.
Success Slapd Added Directory Server information to Configuration Server.
Configuring Administration Server...
Setting up Administration Server Instance...
Configuring Administration Tasks in Directory Server...
Configuring Global Parameters in Directory Server...
Can't start Admin server [/opt/fedora-ds/start-admin  /tmp/fileErA2P6
21] (error: No such file or directory)INFO Finished with setup,
logfile is setup/setup.log

2005/11/10, Mike Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

adirek sanyakhuan wrote:

i new user for fedora and i interest OpenLDAP or Directory Server.
i try install but not work!
any body suggest stepbystep install Directory Server

 I just wrote that type of guide on the wiki a few days ago:


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Winsync - passwords?

2005-11-17 Thread Nathan Kinder

Dean Jones wrote:

Hey everyone,

I have setup winsync between FDS and AD and just want to clarify a few 
points that i can't find in the docs or older posts..

1. Passwords. They do not appear to be syncing either direction but i 
don't have SSL enabled.  my guess is that this is normal?

No.  They should be syncing from FDS - AD without SSL, but not the 
other way.  This is related to your issue 2 below.

2. Accounts. They are only syncing from AD - FDS but i'm assuming 
this is also due to lack of SSL?

Nope.  Accounts can sync fine without SSL.  SSL is only required for 
passwords to sync from AD - FDS.  You should take a look at the 
errors log on the FDS side.  You may want to enable replication level 
logging through the Console application to get some useful info.


3. Existing users. If i have identical users setup on both my FDS and 
AD servers and then do a sync, what will happen? just a password 
sync?  Has anyone done this before?


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] LDAP subagent questions

2005-11-30 Thread Nathan Kinder

Kevin M. Myer wrote:


I'm not sure if it matters what directory the agent is invoked from 
but the results are the same, if invoked with a full path, or if 
already in the bin/slapd/server directory:

# cat /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance/config/ldap-agent.conf
server /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance/logs
# ./ldap-agent /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance/config/ldap-agent.conf
ldap-agent: Error opening server config file: 

Doh!  I didn't notice this before, but the docs are incorrect.  The 
server parameter should point to the instance directory, not the logs 
directory.  In your case, it should be set to 

# cat /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance/config/ldap-agent.conf
server /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance
# ./ldap-agent /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-instance/config/ldap-agent.conf
ldap-agent: Started as pid 25012

And a minor nit, the documentation talks about ldapagent and the 
binary is actually ldap-agent.

I'll get documentation bugs filed for these issues.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] FDS 1.0 and Friends

2005-12-01 Thread Nathan Kinder

Aly Dharshi wrote:

Hello All,

I hope that you are well. Please forgive me if this is an out 
there question, with some of the changes that I read below in 
Richard's annoucement, how well will FDS 1.0 play with Sun's DS 5.x ? 
Anybody with any thoughts on this ? I am referring to replication to 
and from for instance.

The replication code has not had any significant changes in FDS 1.0, so 
replication to Sun's DS 5.x should still work.  The main architectural 
changes to FDS 1.0 are in the Administration Server, which does not 
affect replication.




Richard Megginson wrote:

 We are proud to announce the release of Fedora Directory Server 1.0.

 This release marks a significant milestone for the open source 
community, who now have access to the code for the console and 
administration engine as well as the previously open sourced LDAP 
engine. This release uses the Apache httpd engine as its 
administration server, and includes mod_nss - a rewrite of mod_ssl 
which uses the Mozilla NSS crypto engine. The 1.0 release, in addition 
to its many other features such as LDAPv3, Multi-Master Replication, 
and Windows Synchronization, includes support for MD5, SHA-256, 
SHA-384, and SHA-512 password hashing, as well as many bug fixes. 
Fedora Directory Server 1.0 furthers the evolution and democratization 
of open source software in making this powerful, enterprise proven 
technology available to all. It is a boon for developers who are now 
able to port the full package - LDAP engine, console, and admin engine 
- to many different platforms.

 If you have used the previous version of Fedora Directory Server, we 
invite you to try our new version. If you are using another LDAP 
server, we invite you to try ours and let us know how it compares - 
we're always looking for ways to improve. Our community is already 
active and growing, and you are welcome and encouraged to join. There 
are many ways: joining the mailing lists, reporting bugs, editing 
documentation, writing scripts/patches/plug-ins, and many more.

 Try it out! -
 Our home page -
 Join our community! -

 mod_nss -
 Drop us a line! - and


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Winsync Problem with NT4

2005-12-01 Thread Nathan Kinder

Hartmut Wöhrle wrote:

Hell Elliot,

Am Dienstag, 29. November 2005 21:27 schrieb Elliot Schlegelmilch:

I'm a bit confused now. Which password, or which actual?  You can
ldapsearch using the uid=admin,ou=system account and correct password.

correct password thats exactly my problem. I think when setting up the 
system I did something wrong, because the answer is Invalid Credentials 
(49) which means wrong password. Therefore I can not connect, not search, 
and not modify anything so what to do? Uninstall and start from scratch?


ldapsearch works, but (as you can see below) my bind password is wrong
(or I can't remember :) )

I would suggest opening up your c:\program files\fedora directory
synchronization\conf\usersync.conf in your favorite editor, and see what
password is in it. Try binding as that user. While looking inside that
file look for the 'server.db.partition.suffix.usersync field.


While trying to install I changed this password and now it doesn't fit - or 
maybe I am too stupid because I can not remember. 


Then, with this password and base, try another search.

ldapsearch -v -h -D  uid=admin,ou=system -w pw -b
dc=home,dc=org (objectclass=*)

I'm just guessing the base, but I assume it's something very similar.

You should see something similar to this:
# Guest, users,
dn: sAMAccountName=Guest,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
memberOf: sAMAccountName=Domain Guests,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com
lastLogon: 0
objectGUID: 0105000515003D725165EB1AB15BC9504D49F501
countryCode: 0


Ok, so now I know what should com out - good.


Once you can access your PDC from LDAP, there's a lot better chance that
your Fedora Directory Server will be able to for replication.


Exactly thats why I switched to the ldapsearch, because it tells me much more 
at the output as the logfile from Replication Log.


Btw... It would be nice to find a schema (written or drawn) which tells
me (or everyone) how winsync and passwordsync works. The Pictures in the
manuals tell me the way which way the servers exchange informations, but
within the PDC (or AD) I don't know anything - it is a black box.
And  I didn't find the sources to check by myself - is it closed

It's not closed source.

The Directory Server yes.
But I don't see (maybe I'm blind) the sources for the ApacheDS at the PDC 
(Java based) and the sources for winsync software, which comes as a .msi 
(Microsoft Installer) File.

So is this opensource? And where to find it?

The ApacheDS source is available at

The source for the winsync software is in the same source tree as the 
Directory Server.  The PassSync.msi source is in the 
ldapserver/ldap/synctools directory.  The ntds.msi source is in the 
ldapserver/ldap/servers/ntds directory.

And I think the manual is a little bit too small for the NT Winsync.
With AD it is OK, because you use the LDAP Funktion of the AD and synchronise 
like a replica - more or less.

But what exactly happens at the NT PDC???
I learned from this forum that winsync installs an ApacheDS as LDAP Server to 
connect with. OK what next. How does the ApacheDS connect to the PDC. Which 
user is used for the login - if any?

Does it work like this:
FDS -- ApacheDS (uid=admin,ou=system) -- NT PDC (user=?)
FDS -- ApacheDS (uid=admin,ou=system) -- NT PDC (user=admin)

My understanding is that the ApacheDS just serves up an LDAP 
representation of NTs SAM database.  It can access this since it is 
running as Administrator.

And you need the replication manager (with the acl's to add, modify and delete 
a user) at the FDS side for the synchronization? 
So this works like this (push)
NT PDC (user=?) -- ApacheDS (uid=admin,ou=system) -- FDS 

And how does he know which user at hte FDS to use
Or like this (Pull)
FDS -- ApacheDS (uid=admin,ou=system) -- NT PDC (user=?)

FDS pulls the data from ApacheDS.

And how does it work, when I use the Password sync? Is there a layer inbetween 
windows admintool and PDC that reads the input and sends it to the FDS before 
handing it to the PDC Directory - but for this it needs an account with 
administrative rights, which one?

The Windows LSA (local security authority) hands password changes off to 
PassSync.  The PassSync service then attempts to push this password 
change to FDS.  You need to setup a user on the FDS side that has 
permission to update the userPassword attribute for your user entries.  
It doesn't matter which user as long as they have the proper rights.


You see there are many questions with this challenging tool.

See U


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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] JAVA_HOME problems after upgrade

2005-12-01 Thread Nathan Kinder
FDS 7.1 included the IBM JVM.  FDS 1.0 does not include a JVM.  To use 
Console you need either the 14.2 Sun or IBM JVM on your system with 
JAVA_HOME set appropriately.


Brian Zuromski wrote:

After upgrading I keep getting this when starting the console...

./startconsole -u admin -a http://hostname.domain:10204/

./startconsole: Unable to find libjava and libjvm in JAVA_HOME. Please
ensure that JAVA_HOME is set correctly.

It worked in the previous version (7.1) just fine.  Are there any
dependencies I should be installing?

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] another issue starting the console

2005-12-06 Thread Nathan Kinder

Craig White wrote:

I can start the console and I get a window asking me to log in but the
login window is never presented.

# cat /etc/profile.d/
export JAVA_HOME


# echo $PATH

# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/fedora-ds/shared/lib

# ./startconsole -u admin -a 

nothing in /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-srv1/logs/ that suggests where the
problem might be

Is this a jre1.5.0_06 issue because on my own server, I am running

Run startconsole with the -xnologo option.  The login window is being 
hidden behind the splash window that you are seeing.

Yes, this is an issue that has been reported with users using jre 1.5.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem

2005-12-07 Thread Nathan Kinder


Hallo everyone,

so now the Winsync from NT4 PDC - FDS works fine (thanks to all)

And now the next step gives me a problem.
I do the Password sync without SSL connection (only one problem at a time).

The PassSync service requires SSL.  If you take a look at the 
passsync.log file, it should have an error about your SSL config.


The setup should be correct:

Windows Reg entry:
(Default)   (value not set)
Cert Token  
Install PathC:\Program Files\Red.
Password Field  userpassword
Port Number 389
Search Base ou=People,dc=daheim,dc=weil
User Name   uid=useradmin,ou=Special Users,dc=daheim,dc=weil
User Name Field  ntuserdomainid

the bind user has the aci's to change all values in the user tree
But I recive the following error at the PDC:

The description for event (105) in source (Password Synchronization
Service) could not be found. It contains the following insertion

So in fact nothing happens :(
At the FDS logs I don't see anything, so there seems no communication
between ADS and FDS. The same as a question from

RE: [Fedora-directory-users] AD sync
from Darjo Gregoric at Thu, 3 Nov 2005

Is there anything missing in the setup? Or is something wrong in the
Password Sync Programm. And how should the log at the FDS look like (error
log set to Replication)?


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Windows NT4 Password Sync Problem

2005-12-07 Thread Nathan Kinder

Hartmut Wöhrle wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005 15:17 schrieb Nathan Kinder:


Hallo everyone,

so now the Winsync from NT4 PDC - FDS works fine (thanks to all)

And now the next step gives me a problem.
I do the Password sync without SSL connection (only one problem at a

The PassSync service requires SSL.  If you take a look at the
passsync.log file, it should have an error about your SSL config.


Is there a difffernec between AD and NT PDC, because in the discussion of 
Winsync password from Dean Jones you write:

 citation from Thu, 17 Nov 2005 --
Nope. Accounts can sync fine without SSL. SSL is only required for passwords 
to sync from AD - FDS. You should take a look at the errors log on the FDS 
side. You may want to enable replication level logging through the Console 
application to get some useful info.

 end citation from Thu, 17 Nov 2005 --

And the followup from David Boreham says:

 citation from Thu, 17 Nov 2005 -- 
Other way around. Password sync AD - FDS works without SSL.

Password sync FDS - AD requires SSL. AD will refuse to modify
a password unless you connect via SSL.
 end citation from Thu, 17 Nov 2005 --


The PassSync service operates exactly the same on AD, or a NT4 PDC.  In 
my experience, it will not send a password across in the clear.  Set the 
Log Level registry key to 1 for Password Sync, then restart the 
service.  You will see that it complains about SSL needing to be setup 
from the passsync.log.  You can also take a look at the access log on 
the FDS side, and you won't see any connections from PassSync unless SSL 
is setup.

David noted that passwords will not sync the other way without SSL 
either.  I haven't verified this myself, but I'll take his word on it.




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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] admserv_host_ip_check

2005-12-16 Thread Nathan Kinder

Michael Montgomery wrote:

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 11:22 -0700, Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 12:02 -0600, Michael Montgomery wrote:

Ok, this is just great.  I've locked myself out of the admin server now,
and no ips can connect.  So... I'll try the admconfig tool mentioned in
the console.pdf file... oh great, that doesn't work either:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] admin]# ./admconfig --h
./admconfig: line 55: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/base/jre/bin/java: No such file or 
./admconfig: line 55: exec: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/base/jre/bin/java: cannot 
execute: No such file or directory

[EMAIL PROTECTED] admin]# ls -l /opt/fedora-ds/bin/
admin/ slapd/ user/

Can I manually edit some config files somewhere to allow this to work?

Also, I come in today to find the replication server's admin console doing this:

[Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [notice] [client] unable to bind to 
server [ldap02.inside.*.com:389] as [cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=Fedora 
Administration Server, cn=Server Group, cn=ldap02.inside.**.com, 
ou=inside.***.com, o=NetscapeRoot]
[Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [crit] populate_tasks_from_server(): Unable to 
search [cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=Fedora Administration Server, cn=Server Group, 
cn=ldap02.inside.*.com, ou=inside.***.com, o=NetscapeRoot] for 
LDAPConnection [ldap02.inside.*.com:389]
[Fri Dec 16 11:30:22 2005] [crit] [client] admserv_check_authz(): 
Task [cn=statusping, cn=operation, cn=tasks, cn=admin-serv-ldap02, cn=fedora 
administration server, cn=server group, cn=ldap02.inside.*.com, 
ou=inside.*.com, o=netscaperoot] not found for user 
[uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement, o=NetscapeRoot] - either 
the task was not registered or the user was not authorized

And the admin console server won't start with this error:

[Fri Dec 16 11:39:31 2005] [crit] mod_admserv_post_config(): unable to build 
user/group LDAP server info: unable to set User/Group baseDN

Anybody got any clues what is going on?  I seem to be having some pretty bad 
luck here.

Thanks again.

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 11:29 -0600, Michael Montgomery wrote:

You need to set hostnames to allow to NULL or empty - if there is anything 
there, it will assume you want to do access based on host/domain name, which 
must have the correct DNS /etc/nsswitch.conf or /etc/hosts configuration.

Thank you, 
Thank you.  

When it mentions that you can use wildcards, it simply causes confusion.

ls -l /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config


Thank you

Strangely, any changes made in the local.conf file, specifically the
below field, seem to get overwritten when the admin server starts again,
so this also will not allow me to connect.

local.conf:configuration.nsAdminAccessAddresses: *

That file is simply a bootstrap config file.  The real configuration 
lives in the Directory Server.  The admin server config entry is 
cn=configuration, cn=admin-serv-hostname, cn=Fedora Administration 
Server, cn=Server Group, cn=hostname, ou=domainname, 
o=NetscapeRoot.  You can modify the config with ldapmodify.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] enforce strong passwords

2006-01-19 Thread Nathan Kinder


I'm expecting to check in code for this in the next few days, so don't 
worry about it.  Thanks for offering to help with it though!

Are there any specific password complexity requirements that you could 
share with us?  I'd like to make sure I'm writing something useful to as 
many different deployments as possible.


Jo De Troy wrote:


I was wondering if anyone was looking into enforcement of strong 
I'm not a hardcore C programmer but I'm willing to help. But first 
I'll have to try in getting the current version compiled.

I'm certainly willing to do some testing.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] enforce strong passwords

2006-01-19 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jo De Troy wrote:

Hi Nathan, Richard,

I was thinking along the lines of pam_passwdqc, well part of it.
The password should contain at least 3 different character categories.
The categories being: lowercase, uppercase, special characters and numbers

Yes, I'm working on implementing this.  The minimum number of categories 
would be configurable by the administrator.

Not specifically a minumum number of uppercase/lowercase/...

I'm making this configurable too.  It'll be there, but you don't need to 
use it.

Off course there should be no user data in the password, it should not 
even contain the username as a substring. But I think that code is 
already in CVS. It's checking for cn, givenname, surname, ... attributes

We currently check is the password is equal to uid, cn, sn, givenname, 
or ou.  We do not check if it's a substring.  I'm changing this behavior 
to check if it's a substring.

A dictionarry check would be nice but I would maybe make this  optional.
I guess that if we make the rules too stringent the enduser may complain

Default rules would be a minimum password length of 8 with a minimum of 
3 character categories.  It would also check the attribute values I 
mentioned above if thos values are 3 or more characters in length (this 
length would be configurable).

It sounds like this would meet your requirements.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Searchable archive

2006-02-06 Thread Nathan Kinder

Fabio Gomes wrote:

Hi list,

Is there a searchable archive for this mailing list?

There are archives available for online browsing as well as downloading at:

There is not an online search capability.


I don't want to bother you all with redundant questions.


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Re: R: R: R: [Fedora-directory-users] HELP: Error while startstartconsole

2006-03-07 Thread Nathan Kinder

Alex wrote:


# ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-ibm-
bin  include  jre  lib

JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-ibm- ; export JAVA_HOME

Then I can run startconsole


Ok, for test...
- I've unistalled jre-1.4.2 and downloaded and installed
jre1_5_0_06-linux-i586.rpm from Sun
- after installation I check where system put the files, so

Rpm -ql jre return that jre is installed on /usr/java/java1.5.0_06/

If I do 
ls /usr/java/java1.5.0_06/

The output is:

Bin COPYRIGHT lib man README Welcome.html

..but exporting JAVA_HOME with that path doen't work for me :-(

You have IBM and IncludeI've downloaded only jre
Any suggestion?

Try running java --showversion and let us know what the output is.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] LdapSearch Field Length

2006-03-09 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jim Summers wrote:

Hello All,

I was modifying the value of an attribute, automountInformation in 
this instance.  The modify works as expected, but when I use 
ldapsearch to dump the  entry containing the new value it seems to 
truncate it at 78 characters, that is (attribute name + attribute 
value).  The remainder of the value is on the next line, which has 
caused some scripts to not work as expected.

The manpage for ldapsearch did not reveal any clues or switches to get 
around this length limit.  Could it be a server limit?

Interesting also is that db2ldif produces the same behavior.

This is part of the LDIF standard.  You can refer RFC 2849 for details 
on the LDIF syntax.

Ideas on what I could do to get the value retruned back on one line?

The -U option to db2ldif will tell it to not fold lines.  The -T 
option to ldapsearch will do the same.


automountInformation: -rw,actimeo=30,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 


automountInformation: -rw,actimeo=30,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 


The above examples may not be clear due to email wrapping, but in the 
first one ldapsearch truncates at the t and in the second there is 
not truncating.


Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Getting ready to upgrade from fds 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

2006-03-13 Thread Nathan Kinder

Bliss, Aaron wrote:

I have 1 more question; looking at the new password policy options, what
is the difference between required special characters and required alpha
characters?  Are alpha characters integers and special characters keys
such as #$% Thanks again.

Alphas are letters only.   Digits are your numeric characters.  Special 
characters are any other 7-bit characters such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]



-Original Message-
From: Bliss, Aaron 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:08 PM

To: 'General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.'
Subject: RE: [Fedora-directory-users] Getting ready to upgrade from fds
1.0.1 to 1.0.2

Ah, thanks again.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:08 PM
To: General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Getting ready to upgrade from fds
1.0.1 to 1.0.2

Bliss, Aaron wrote:


Thanks;  just so I understand, I have to run the setup script even 
though my databases have already been configured?  I did not have to do


this on my test box in order to upgrade.  Thanks.


Setup will copy in the new schema files required to use the new password
syntax checking, so if you skip that, you'll have to copy them in
manually.  Setup will also make sure the console reports the correct
version of directory server.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard


Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 1:59 PM
To: General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Getting ready to upgrade from fds
1.0.1 to 1.0.2

Bliss, Aaron wrote:


I'm planning on upgrading both my supplier and consumer fds servers 
tonight; do I need to worry about their server certificates?  I'll 



be running rpm -Uvh fedoraThanks very much.



Upgrade shouldn't touch any ssl information.

After doing the rpm -U, do cd /opt/fedora-ds ; ./setup/setup and follow


the prompts.


An Outstanding Member Experience, Preferred Care HMO Plans -- J. D. 
Power and Associates

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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

An Outstanding Member Experience, Preferred Care HMO Plans -- J. D. 
Power and Associates

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An Outstanding Member Experience, Preferred Care HMO Plans -- J. D. Power and 

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] SSL problem on replication!

2006-03-24 Thread Nathan Kinder

Susan wrote:

--- Alex aka Magobin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On gio, 2006-03-23 at 08:43 -0800, Susan wrote:

This is what I did to get ssl repl working:

1. generate a single CA certificate and use that to sign both the supplier and 
certificates. Each server doesn't need its own CA.

on the consumer:


Thank you Susan for your reply...two question 4 you if possible:

1) This procedure..similar to (Chapter 8 in Administration Guide)...but
you have to create cert db before

yes, cert db must exist, for a cert to be exported out of it :)


2) To make secure replication...I have to enable ssl on this still possible to query LDAP on port 389 ??

yes.  One way to disable it is to set the ldap port to 0, FDS will then say on 
startup that non
secure access has been disabled, proceeding.  That will break the console 
access, however.  I
haven't been able to turn off non-ssl access AND still be able to use the 

You can configure Console to talk LDAPS.  I was just able to disable the 
standard LDAP port on my FDS 1.0.2 install and still use Console.  You 
need to check the Use SSL in Fedora Console checkbox  in the 
Configuration tab of the Directory Server Console.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Odd admin console problem

2006-04-07 Thread Nathan Kinder

Brian Moyles wrote:

We're in the process of evaluating FDS, but have run into a small problem.
I'm forwarding X from the server back to my OS X box running Apple's X11.
When I run startconsole, I get a half-drawn login window.  I've tried a few
different jvms from different vendors, no luck.

Which JVM's have you tried?  I would recommend the 1.4 IBM or Sun JVM.  
1.5 should work as well.  I would also make sure that you are really 
using the Java you think you are.  In FDS 1.0.2, startconsole doesn't 
use your $JAVA_HOME setting.  It simply uses the first java binary in 
finds in $PATH.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple here... Any thoughts?

I've been able to redirect to my OS X box before, but that was with an 
earlier Directory Server version.  I don't have my OS X laptop with me 
right now, but I'll give this a try with FDS 1.0.2 later and let you 
know if it works.


Thanks for your time,
Brian Moyles
Sr. Systems Administrator
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Search optimization?

2006-04-10 Thread Nathan Kinder

Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko wrote:


I've noticed that FDS is significantly slower in answering queries 
than openldap. If I run 'ls -l /home' on the list of 64 home 
directories whose owners are all different, I get the list back in 1 
second if I use openldap. Version 7 of FDS took 16 seconds, and FDS 
1.0.2 takes 12 seconds.

The docs mention increasing cache sides to improve performance, but my 
cache is set to 10 M, which seems to be large enough, and the timing 
does not improve if I run 'ls -l' repeatedly. Is there anything else I 
can tune?

It sounds like the search is against an unindexed attribute.  I'd take a 
look at the search in your access log and check if it says NOTES=U.  
If so, that means that it is an unindexed search.  You would need to 
create the proper indexes for the search to improve the performance.



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[Fedora-directory-users] Fedora Directory Server 1.0.2 - Now available for FC5 (x86 and x86_64)

2006-04-21 Thread Nathan Kinder
Fedora Directory Server 1.0.2 is now available for Fedora Core 5 x86 and 

You can download the Fedora Directory Server 1.0.2 RPMs from the 
download page:

For general information on Fedora Directory Server 1.0.2, please see the 
the release notes page on our wiki:

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Need help syncing between Active Directory and FDS

2006-04-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

Espen A. Stefansen wrote:

I'm a new user to FDS, so I've got some problems getting it to work. I'm
trying to sync our Active Directory over to FDS. Unfortunately it
doesn't work, so hopefully someone can give me some pointers.

I've been looking through the wiki and the manuals, but i haven't found
that helped.

This is how I installed FDS:

1. Installed FDS on CentOS 4;

2. Ran setup with default values (including directory manager)

3. Ran 

4. Install PassSync on a Windows Domain Controller (Windows 2003);
 - Values: 
 --- Hostname:

 --- Port: 686
 --- Username: cn=directory manager,cn=config
 --- Cert Token: ?? (Should this be the password for the certificate?)

You don't need to fill the cert token in.

 --- Search: dc=example,dc=com

 And then imported the certificates from

5. Started the console, and enabled changelog and replica as
single master.

6. I then generated a windows sync agreement.
  - Values:
  --- domain:
  --- DCH:
  --- Enabled SSL
  --- Bind as: cn=directory manager,cn=config

When I try to do a full sync, it says it cant find the LDAP-server,
error 81. Does that mean the FDS-server? 

It's saying it can't connect to Active Directory.  This is probably 
because Active Directory is not running on the secure port (636).  You 
need to setup Active Directory for LDAPS.  Take a look at this page on 
our wiki for details on how to do this:

You should also make sure you can connect to Active Directory over LDAPS 
with ldapsearch before you create your sync agreement.


Does anyone have any idea on what might be wrong? And have I installed
it correctly?

Espen Stefansen

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Windows Sync agreement supplier port

2006-06-06 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Thanks for everyone's help to get my FDS server running in SSL mode.

I have another problem:

I'm trying to setup PassSync, and I have got to the point whwre I can run
ldapsearch over SSL to talk to AD.

I'm trying to setup the sync agreement but cannot change the suppliers
port from 389 to 636.

Does the admin console need to run in SSL mode in order to do this?

If I run the admin console in SSL mode, then will the suppliers port
change to 636? The suppliers field cannot be edited.

Do not be concerned with the suppliers port number.  It is just using 
that to identify the supplier instance.  All communication for the 
agreement is going in one direction (from FDS - AD), so the supplier 
isn't using the port it listens on anyway.  When you install 
PassSync.msi on your AD box, you will need to point it at port 636 of 
your supplier.




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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] admin-serv error log

2006-06-20 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Jeff Gamsby
Center for X-Ray Optics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(510) 486-7783

Richard Megginson wrote:

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Jeff Gamsby
Center for X-Ray Optics
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(510) 486-7783

Richard Megginson wrote:

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Richard Megginson wrote:

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

I am having a hard time getting the admin console to work in ssl 
mode. I get this notice error in the admin serv logs, is it a 
cause for concern? As far as I know, everything is setup correctly.

[notice] [client] admserv_host_ip_check: 
ap_get_remote_host could not resolve

This usually means reverse DNS is not working.

I have created the certificates,
Following the SSL howto at ?

Yes, but instead of creating an admin-serv-serverID- I copied 
the slapd-serverID- cert db's over.

It is true that I can use these same certs?

I think so, but I've never tried it that way.

I tried creating the admin certs db's seperately and importing the 
CA cert, but that did't work either.

I had this working a few weeks ago, I'm not sure what has changed.

What, if anything, has changed?
I blew away the server and started over. When I had password sync 
problems with AD, I reinstalled the server several times. Each time 
I reinstall, I delete the /opt/fedora-ds directory.

I don't really care about the admin console in SSL mode, I can use 
the Linux console or X, but I need the Sync agreements to run SSL in 
both directions, and so far, the only way I been able to establish 
that is when the admin console is in SSL mode. Unless there is 
another way.
Well, one thing is that if you recreate the CA cert you'll need to 
copy that CA cert to all clients who use it.

I do. Right now it's just the localhost

You can use ldapsearch to verify the LDAPS connections to the SSL 
enabled directory servers (FDS and AD).

Works (FDS).
Right now, AD is not even in the picture. I pretty sure that I can get 
that to work. The problem is on the FDS side. When you create the Sync 
agreements, you cannot change the suppliers port, unless you have a 
secure connection to the admin console, AFAIK.
I think that you are getting hung up on a display issue.  The supplier 
is just listed as a string to identify the instance.  The 
synchronization is always[*] initiated from the FDS side, so as long as 
you are trying to connect to AD via SSL, everything will be encrypted.

[*] The one exception to this is the PassSync service installed on the 
windows side.  You need to configure this to connect to FDS over the SSL 


Someone recently published steps to make windows sync work both ways 
with SSL to the fds users email list.  Check the archives.  I think 
someone was going to update the wiki with this information.
I think that was me. I did not include instructions on how to get the 
admin console in SSL mode though.

then copied the slapd-server-* files to admin-serv-*, then 
tried to enable SSL in the admin console. I have followed the 
directions from Managing SSL and SASL but I get the error 
Invalid LDAP Host/IP, could not connect to server in secure 
mode when I change to secure mode in the User DS tab.

This error is from the console?  Try using startconsole -D

Using this method I get this error:

validateLDAPParams netscape.ldap.LDAPException: 
SSL_ForceHandshake failed: (-8054) Unknown error (91); Cannot 
connect to the LDAP server

Any suggestions?


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] admin-serv error log

2006-06-20 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

I think that you are getting hung up on a display issue.  The 
supplier is just listed as a string to identify the instance.  The 
synchronization is always[*] initiated from the FDS side, so as long 
as you are trying to connect to AD via SSL, everything will be 

[*] The one exception to this is the PassSync service installed on 
the windows side.  You need to configure this to connect to FDS over 
the SSL port.


OK, but when I set it up this way and I check the replication logs, I 
see the suppliers port, and it's listed as 389. When configuring 
PassSync, I do put it in secure mode with the secure port. So it 
doesn't matter, since the PassSync config is set to SSL, and the FDS 
to AD has to be SSL, then that 389 is just an identifier?
Yes, that's just an identifier used in the synchronization agreement.  
To check if the PassSync connection  in truly using SSL, check the 
access log on the FDS side.  I'm not sure what connection logging AD 
provides, but there may be something similar.  If not, you can use 
ethereal to verify that the traffic is being encrypted.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] SNMP monitoring

2006-07-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:

My knowledge of SNMP is only fair, bear with me ...
I've set up the subagent for SNMP monitoring and can snmpwalk the rhds 
stuff, with the output below. I have a few questions though:
1. what is the .389 suffix on the variables? Looks like the port 
number of the server?

Yes, this is the port number.  It is used as an index to identify which 
server instance you are looking at.

2. If I query the DS, none of the counters change?

The dsInOps counter should be increasing, as should dsSearchOps.  I 
believe that the refresh interval for the counters is 5 seconds.

3. The dsIntTable part of the MIB has no entries (I tried with 
snmptable) - how does this get populated?

This table is not implemented at this time.

4. Do I need to do anything to enable SNMP on the servers? The 
checkbox mentioned in the docs doesn't exist but dse.ldif does have 
nsSNMPEnabled: on

No, nothing is required to enable SNMP on the server.  That checkbox was 
unnecessary, and was removed from the UI.  The documentation needs to be 
updated accordingly.


RHDS-MIB::dsAnonymousBinds.389 = Counter32: 0

RHDS-MIB::dsUnAuthBinds.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsSimpleAuthBinds.389 = Counter32: 21
RHDS-MIB::dsStrongAuthBinds.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsBindSecurityErrors.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsInOps.389 = Counter32: 306
RHDS-MIB::dsReadOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsCompareOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsAddEntryOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsRemoveEntryOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsModifyEntryOps.389 = Counter32: 53
RHDS-MIB::dsModifyRDNOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsListOps.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsSearchOps.389 = Counter32: 81
RHDS-MIB::dsOneLevelSearchOps.389 = Counter32: 6
RHDS-MIB::dsWholeSubtreeSearchOps.389 = Counter32: 7
RHDS-MIB::dsReferrals.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsChainings.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsSecurityErrors.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsErrors.389 = Counter32: 72
RHDS-MIB::dsMasterEntries.389 = Gauge32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsCopyEntries.389 = Gauge32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsCacheEntries.389 = Gauge32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsCacheHits.389 = Counter32: 0
RHDS-MIB::dsSlaveHits.389 = Counter32: 0

Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] SNMP monitoring issues

2006-07-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:

The AgentX subagent config file is supposed to take a config line

The correct configuration parameter is agent-logdir.  There is a typo 
in the documentation where it incorrectly refers to it as 
agentx-logdir.  I will get this updated in the documentation.


I have set this but the agent still logs to the same dir at the config 
file is in (which is the default location) - any ideas?

Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Replication of o=NetscapeRoot

2006-08-24 Thread Nathan Kinder

Brian Moyles wrote:

I've got 2 machines in multimaster replication across a WAN link.  I'm
replicating our root suffix (userRoot) successfully.  I'm storing
o=NetscapeRoot on box01 right now, and want to replicate that to 02 (using
2-way multimaster) and have 02 use its local copy so I have console failover
as described in the howto in the wiki.
What I'm unclear on, though, is where I should be creating the user for
replication.  Right now, I have cn=Replication Manager, cn=config, meaning
that the user is in o=NetscapeRoot.  The docs specify that the replication
user cannot exist in the database you're where should it
The cn=config suffix is not in o=Netscape Root.  It is it's own 
suffix that is really uses the dse.ldif file as it's back-end 
database.  You can use the same user that you already have for 
replicating o=Netscape Root.


Thanks in advance!

Brian Moyles
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] how to bind fedora-ds to one of IPs?

2006-08-30 Thread Nathan Kinder

Sergey Ivanov wrote:

I'd like to restrict ns-slapd to listen to LAN. It is installed at the
computer having 2 interfaces, pointing to WAN and LAN. Are there some
way to bind ns-slapd to listen for one of these 2 IPs, not to

You can use the nsslapd-listenhost configuration parameter to set a 
specific address that you want the server to listen on.  Details about 
this configuration parameter are located in the docs at


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] CoS + SASL problems?

2006-09-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

Hai Zaar wrote:

Dear list!

I'm using FDS-1.0.2 together with Heimdal Kerberos as NIS replacement.
I having rather strange problem with SASL.
I have two posixGroups. The first is
cn=peopleGroup,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com and the other is
testGroup is affected by Pointer CoS - this important!

On client I run:
# kinit foo
# ldapsearch -h  -b dc=example,dc=com -s sub
-Y GSSAPI   -I  '((objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=peopleGroup))'
Search returns sane results. However running serach for testGroup
returns the following:
# ldapsearch -h  -b dc=example,dc=com -s sub
-Y GSSAPI   -I  '((objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=testGroup))'
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL Interaction
Please enter your authorization name:
SASL installing layers
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base dc=example,dc=com with scope subtree
# filter: ((objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=testGroup))
# requesting: ALL

ldap_result: Can't contact LDAP server (-1)
If I remove CoS from ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, then It all works OK
(but of course I do not get any of 'uniquememeber' attributes that
come from CoS).

The most strange things is however that if I set
in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf, then everything works just fine (but no 

To the end, here is what FDS access log says:
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 fd=67 slot=67 connection from to
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=0 BIND dn= method=sasl
version=3 mech=GSSAPI
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=0 RESULT err=14 tag=97
nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind in progress
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=1 BIND dn= method=sasl
version=3 mech=GSSAPI
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=1 RESULT err=14 tag=97
nentries=0 etime=0, SASL bind in progress
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=2 BIND dn= method=sasl
version=3 mech=GSSAPI
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=97
nentries=0 etime=0 dn=uid=foo,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=3 SRCH
base=dc=example,dc=com scope=2
filter=((objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=testGroup)) attrs=ALL
[10/Sep/2006:17:02:51 +0300] conn=111 op=3 fd=67 closed - B4
It looks like server just drops connection. Error logs indicate nothing.

Any ideas anyone?
I'm unable to reproduce the issue.  Could you supply us with your COS 
template, COS definition, and testGroup entries?


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Trying to run FDS on Core 5

2006-10-05 Thread Nathan Kinder

Dick Steflik wrote:

I'm trying to run FDS for a class I teach, I have previously used the 
Netscape Directory Server on NT but the hard drive on that machine 
went belly up this last summer. I decided that Linux would be the way 
to go for a replacement machine. Anyway, I downloaded the 
fedora-ds-1.0.2-1FC5.i386.opt.rpm and proceded with the install. 
Install seemed to go OK; I started slapd and tried a test query and it 
worked. I want to load a doctored up version of the old Airius.ldif 
file so I started looking for the admin-server. Anyway it seems like 
there are supposed to be start/stop scripts on /opt/fedora-ds but 
there aren'tany ideas what might have happened to them? or where I 
get them from.
As Rich said, it sounds like the install did not complete successfully.  
Most times this is due to incorrect DNS / hostname resolution configuration.
Also, I'm running a 512Mb machine which should be OK; but when I try 
to start up the Java based console I get an out of memory message. I 
would like  to think that since only about 30 people are ever going to 
be doing  ldap queries against it that 512Mb of RAM should be OK (it 
was for the old Netscape Directory Server). I could live without the 
Java based console if I could get the admin server running as that is 
the way I always administerd the old machine.
The memory errors you are seeing are likely caused by the JVM you are 
using.  It sounds like you are using gcj, which is not supported.  You 
need to download either the IBM or the Sun JRE.


Dick Steflik
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Issue with fine-grained password policy

2006-10-25 Thread Nathan Kinder

Howard Chu wrote:

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 14:40:45 -0700
From: George Holbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Last time I looked at this, I vaguely recall finding that pam_ldap 
doesn't pay too much attention to FDS password metadata for 
expiration warnings or strength restrictions.  So what you're seeing 
may be the norm.

Hopefully someone else out there will have better news for you on this.

Actually PADL's pam_ldap has had support for Netscape password policy 
for many years - you just have to enable it and tell it the DN of the 
policy object. Recently support has also been added for the IETF draft 
LDAP password policy specification too, and it works well with the 
OpenLDAP implementation of this spec. The OpenLDAP implementation has 
also been tested successfully with CA eTrust, so there are at least a 
couple implementations out there supporting the IETF spec.
Are you referring to the request and response controls defined in 
draft-behera-ldap-password-policy-09?  Fedora Directory Server also 
supports the above mentioned controls.


Ian Meyer wrote:

 Hello all,

 I set up FDS 1.0.2 on a server and got everything configured and
 imported etc etc.. things
 work great, I can authenticate against it, make updates.. but I can
 not get our linux
 clients to warn me about changing my password, expiration, length,
 etc.. I followed the instructions on 

 to set up a global config, and a user config. Is there anything on 

 client side for PAM that needs to be configured? I've been pouring
 over this for a couple of days now so I may just be blind to a small
 detail I may have missed. Any help/insight would be appreciated.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] WindowsSync password not synced when changed via ldapmodify

2006-10-25 Thread Nathan Kinder

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

Jeff Gamsby wrote:

I came across this problem today.

When changing passwords from the Fedora console, it works and syncs
across to AD.
When changing passwords using 'passwd', it does not sync until
pam_password is changed to ssha in ldap.conf. Then it syncs fine.
When changing passwords via ldapmodify in SSHA form, passwords do not

FDS needs the clear text password in order to sync it to AD.  The
solution is to let FDS hash the password instead of doing it on the
client side.


 OK, Thanks it works now. I wasn't meeting the password complexity
If you turn on password syntax checking on the FDS side, the default 
settings match that of AD's password complexity requirements.




Has anyone experienced this behavior?

Does anyone have a solution?

I'd like to change passwords via a PHP web interface.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Question on enabling ssl passync between windows and fds

2006-10-30 Thread Nathan Kinder

Bliss, Aaron wrote:

Hi everyone,
I'm attempting to get password synchronization to work between fds and 
active directory; per the following document 
, I now have my AD box listening on port 636 as outlined in the 
section With TinyCA2; I have also installed a certificate for the 
fds box as prescribed here 
including the section marked Trust the Cerficate Authority; my 
question is, since both the AD box and FDS box trust my certificate 
authority setup with tinyCA, I believe then each box would inherently 
trust each other's certificates?  If so, have I already achieved the 
steps listed below the section marked Enabling SSl for PASSSync in 
the first document above, or do I still need to proceed with that 
section even though the AD box and FDS box have certificates signed 
from the same root CA?  Thanks very much for your help with this.

You still need to enable SSL for the PassSync service.  PassSync uses 
it's own certificate database, which is not the one that AD uses.  This 
is why you need to set up SSL for PassSync separately from setting SSL 
up for AD.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Trouble getting windows to talk to fds

2006-10-31 Thread Nathan Kinder

Bliss, Aaron wrote:

I'm a little confused here; what is the purpose of the passsync service
(I've successfully created a replication agreement over ssl via fds and
ad).  Thanks again.
The PassSync service is only responsible for sending password changes 
initiated on the AD side to FDS.  Any password that is changed on the 
FDS side will be sent to AD over the synchronization agreement along 
with other user  group changes.  The synchronization agreement will 
also pull changes that happened on the AD side over to FDS.

The problem is that AD hashes the password differently than FDS does, so 
FDS needs access to the clear-text password.  The only way for this to 
happen when a password change is initiated on the AD side is to have a 
password plug-in installed on the domain controller to get a copy of the 
clear-text password.  This is exactly what the PassSync service does.  
It installs a plugin (passhook.dll) that receives the clear-text 
password which passsync.exe sends across to FDS over LDAPS.

Hopefully that clears things up.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Trouble getting windows to talk to fds

2006-10-31 Thread Nathan Kinder

Bliss, Aaron wrote:

That makes perfect sense, as I noticed that the replication agreement I
created was a supplier/consumer agreement between fds and ad; now I have
another question, if a new user is created in ad, since the fds box is
the supplier, how will that uid be replicated to fds?
When FDS connects to AD, it will send the dirsync control.  This control 
contains a cookie of sorts.  This basically tells AD to give us all 
modifications since the last time we sent the dirsync control (which it 
knows from the cookie we are sending).  Ad then gives us the 
modifications along with a new cookie to use next time.  You can think 
of this as pull-style replication in the AD-FDS direction.  FDS pushes 
it's changes to AD while pulling changes from AD to itself.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nathan
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:44 PM
To: General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Trouble getting windows to talk to

Bliss, Aaron wrote:

I'm a little confused here; what is the purpose of the passsync


(I've successfully created a replication agreement over ssl via fds


ad).  Thanks again.

The PassSync service is only responsible for sending password changes 
initiated on the AD side to FDS.  Any password that is changed on the 
FDS side will be sent to AD over the synchronization agreement along 
with other user  group changes.  The synchronization agreement will 
also pull changes that happened on the AD side over to FDS.

The problem is that AD hashes the password differently than FDS does, so

FDS needs access to the clear-text password.  The only way for this to 
happen when a password change is initiated on the AD side is to have a 
password plug-in installed on the domain controller to get a copy of the

clear-text password.  This is exactly what the PassSync service does.  
It installs a plugin (passhook.dll) that receives the clear-text 
password which passsync.exe sends across to FDS over LDAPS.

Hopefully that clears things up.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Re: Re: password policy on FDS 1.0.2 - doesn't seem to work?

2006-11-12 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:

Hmm - If I enable password syntax checking globally, it works -
ldappasswd applies the policy and so does PAM via pam_ldap. If it's a
local policy on a subtree or user, it doesn't? I have checked and the
cn=config nsslapd-pwpolicy-local is set to on so it should be
applying local password policies. Do I have to enable the password
syntax checking at a global level (possibly with no actual restrictions)
and then overide it at the local level?
Yes.  The global setting must be enabled to use any sort of password 
syntax checking.  You can then override it at the subtree or user level.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Re: password policy on FDS 1.0.2 - doesn't seem to work?

2006-11-13 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:

Yes.  The global setting must be enabled to use any sort of password

syntax checking.   You can then override it at the subtree or user

Hmm, doesn't seem to make any difference - I enabled password syntax
checking at the global level and it works, if I try to override it with
different checking at the subtree/user level, it's ignored, although the
global settings are enforced.
On the same panel where the global option is, there is a checkbox for 
enabling file-grained policies.  The server will not enforce 
fine-grained policies unless this box is checked.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Re: password policy on FDS 1.0.2 - doesn't seem to work?

2006-11-14 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:

On the same panel where the global option is, there is a checkbox for

enabling file-

grained policies.  The server will not enforce fine-grained policies

unless this box is  checked.

Yes, this is turned on. We are talking about the same place I hope - the
Config tab and the properties of the Data node?
Yes, I'm referring to the Configuration-Data-Passwords tab.  On this 
panel, you should have both the Enable fine-grained password policy 
and Check password syntax options checked.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Console SSL Problem

2006-11-28 Thread Nathan Kinder

Richard Megginson wrote:

Nicholas Byrne wrote:

Firstly, thanks for your help. Responding inline below -

Richard Megginson wrote:

Nicholas Byrne wrote:


With FDS 1.0.2, I've followed the configuration howto guide lines 
to setup the Directory Server to use SSL (as per my post a few days 
ago) however after configuring the Administration Server and 
Console to use SSL as well i've run into trouble. The directory 
server alone works fine with SSL.

The reason i'm trying to get Admin and console working in SSL is so 
i can setup a secure windows sync agreement, without this all i can 
do is setup a insecure sync agreement.
But you don't have to get Admin and console working with SSL in 
order to set up a windows sync agreement with SSL.  Do the docs say 
you have to do this?  If so, where?
No the docs don't say that explicitly but when setting up a windows 
sync agreement it doesn't give you the option of changing the 
supplier - it is set to

That's just the label it uses for that particular server in the 
console.  It really uses ldaps if you configure it to, even though it 
shows the non-secure port for the label in the console.  This is 
merely used to identify the server.  This is a well known source of 

The Windows side of the connection is fine as i can specify the 
connection details. I was following the guide at 
and the image under step 6 indicates the supplier should be 
configured as port 636.

I am new to this, so i may have got confused but i thought passwords 
won't be syncronised unless the FDS supplier and the Windows AD 
Server are set to use SSL/636. I also realise password changes won't 
be synced unless passsync is installed and configured on the AD side, 
but right now thats not necessary as i just want to get basics working.

You can use passsync without SSL for testing purposes, but do not do 
this in production.
This is incorrect.  PassSync requires SSL to work.  If SSL is not 
configured, PassSync will report errors in it's log file stating that 
SSL is required.


The console will not display anything (absolutely no screen or 
anything) after entering password and clicking OK in the 
authentication dialog. There are no messages in the console i 
started it on.
startconsole -D will give you debug information, and startconsole -D 
9 will give you everything.

Before i configured the SSL on the admin server and console it was 
working correctly and displayed the normal Admin server/Directory 
Server screens.

The console which i'm running using (i also tried admin user):

startconsole -u cn=Directory Manager -a 
-x nologo

I turned loglevel to debug in the admin server and this is what i see:

[Tue Nov 28 14:22:46 2006] [info] Connection to child 30 
established (server, client
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [notice] [client] 
admserv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [info] Initial (No.1) HTTPS request 
received for child 30 (server
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [debug] mod_admserv.c(2518): [client] checking user cache for: cn=Directory Manager
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [debug] mod_admserv.c(2525): [client] not in cache, trying DS
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [debug] mod_admserv.c(1480): [client] admserv_check_authz: request for uri 
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [notice] [client] 
admserv_check_authz(): passing [/admin-serv/authenticate] to the 
userauth handler
[Tue Nov 28 14:22:47 2006] [info] Connection to child 30 closed 
(server, client
This looks ok, except for the log shows port 443 and you are using 
port 59910.
Is there a way to fix this? If i'm using https that implies 443 but 
specifying the port 59910, which has precedence - i assume the the 
port. If i use http and port 59910 the console with debug shows the 
server fails to respond:
Right.  https tells it to use HTTP over SSL, and the port specifies 
which port the server is listening on.  When you configure the Admin 
Server to use SSL, you can no longer use HTTP - you must use HTTPS.  
The admin server doesn't listen to both a non-secure port and a secure 
port, as does the directory server.

CommManager New CommRecord 
([0:0] open Ready[0:0] accept[0:0] send GET  \[0:0] send /admin-serv/authenticate \[0:0] send  HTTP/1.0[0:0] send Host:[0:0] send Connection: Keep-Alive[0:0] send User-Agent: 
Fedora-Management-Console/1.0[0:0] send 

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Password Policy Question

2006-12-15 Thread Nathan Kinder

Stephen C. Rigler wrote:

Is it possible to specify different types of password encryption on a
subtree level from the that which is specified in the global policy?
Using 1.0.4, it seems that if I specify crypt on the global level,
specifying sha on a subtree level has no affect on the hashing
algorithm used on that subtree.
There is a bug open on this issue.  We plan to address it in the next 


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] error when restarting FDS

2007-02-07 Thread Nathan Kinder

Mikael Kermorgant wrote:


This night, FDS (1.0.2) refused to start after backup. I found this in
the logs :

[06/Feb/2007:22:04:39 +0100] - slapd stopped.
   Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1951
   host:389 (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-supann)

[06/Feb/2007:22:04:51 +0100] dse - The entry cn=config in file
/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-supann/config/dse.ldif is invalid, error code 53
(DSA is unwilling to perform) - nsslapd-maxdescriptors: invalid value
65536, maximum file descriptors must range from 1 to 1024 (the
current process limit)
[06/Feb/2007:22:04:51 +0100] dse - Could not load config file [dse.ldif]
[06/Feb/2007:22:04:51 +0100] dse - Please edit the file to correct the
reported problems and then restart the server.
   Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1951
   host:636 (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-supann)

[07/Feb/2007:08:50:20 +0100] - Fedora-Directory/1.0.2 B2006.060.1951 
starting up

Indeed, I checked my system and found :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] logs]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

Try checking the limit by running ulimit -n.


Which seems correct if I follow this page :

However, fds started without any problem some time later.

Any Idea about what I should do about this pb ?
Thanks in advance,

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Forgive the misunderstandings of a newb

2007-02-08 Thread Nathan Kinder


I thought I was smart until I dove into LDAP. I am the sole part-time IT
Manager for a charter school (240 students, 20 staff, 60 computers) and
am migrating away from a Windows server environment to Linux. The only
services that are being provided by a Windows server now are AD, file
and print sharing services. Since we are turning about 15 of our student
computers into Linux stations, I decided on a simpler method of
managing authentication, login etc. and chose Fedora Directory Server
(after having beat my head against the wall with strictly OpenLDAP for a
month). I have successfully set up FDS and entered all students and
staff. I have decided not to sync against our AD server because we are
changing the student login method, the old format was locker number for
user name and then a password. I have decided to use the first.last name
for user name and then a password.

I am trying to set up posix authentication and Samba and am having
difficulties with both, technical on the former and understanding on the
latter. First posix, I have followed the how to on the FDS Wiki, but
there seems to be some steps missing. I have gotten an authenticated
student logon, but only after having created an account on the local
machine with the same UID. I made sure that the password was different
in FDS than when I created the user on the local machine and I am able
to login to using either password which would indicate to me that I am
successfully authenticating to FDS. However I don't particularly care to
have to add 240 students on all 15 computers to make this work, not to
mention all of the home directories that will be mounted from the NFS
server. So the questions is, what steps am I missing here?
It sounds like you need to configure nss_ldap.  Assuming you have 
nss_ldap installed on your client systems, you should be able to add 
ldap as a service for looking up users and groups in your 
/etc/nsswitch.conf file.


Samba. As I understand it, Windows will only authenticate against an NT
or NT like (aka. Samba) server, which means as far as I can tell that
either I have Samba sync against FDS or I use pGina on the Windows side
to authenticate directly against LDAP or scrap LDAP all together and
just use an NIS server (don't think this is a good idea, but it is a
possiblity). Of course trying to assess the pros and cons of either has
been somewhat difficult at best. Also the FDS Samba how-to doesn't cover
computer management which Samba is going to have to deal with as well.

Before someone replies with a RTFM, I have read the Install Guide as
well as the Red Hat Directory Server documentation and I am currently
half-way through the book Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory
Services, so I have a reasonable understanding of how to get into
trouble. Of course none of these provide in-depth (nor should they)
information as to how to integrate with other services. I have spent a
month reading, tinkering etc., and I am not asking anyone else to do my
work for me, but I have seem to hit a wall and need a couple of
breadcrumbs to get me back on the trail. Thank you for your patience
and understanding.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Forgive the misunderstandings of a newb

2007-02-09 Thread Nathan Kinder

Scott Ackerman wrote:

Thanks Nathan, but where did I miss that in the how-to?
It appears to be missing from the how-to (some of the how-to's do make 
reference to nss_ldap being required though).

Nathan Kinder wrote:


I thought I was smart until I dove into LDAP. I am the sole part-time IT
Manager for a charter school (240 students, 20 staff, 60 computers) and
am migrating away from a Windows server environment to Linux. The only
services that are being provided by a Windows server now are AD, file
and print sharing services. Since we are turning about 15 of our student
computers into Linux stations, I decided on a simpler method of
managing authentication, login etc. and chose Fedora Directory Server
(after having beat my head against the wall with strictly OpenLDAP for a
month). I have successfully set up FDS and entered all students and
staff. I have decided not to sync against our AD server because we are
changing the student login method, the old format was locker number for
user name and then a password. I have decided to use the first.last name
for user name and then a password.

I am trying to set up posix authentication and Samba and am having
difficulties with both, technical on the former and understanding on the
latter. First posix, I have followed the how to on the FDS Wiki, but
there seems to be some steps missing. I have gotten an authenticated
student logon, but only after having created an account on the local
machine with the same UID. I made sure that the password was different
in FDS than when I created the user on the local machine and I am able
to login to using either password which would indicate to me that I am
successfully authenticating to FDS. However I don't particularly care to
have to add 240 students on all 15 computers to make this work, not to
mention all of the home directories that will be mounted from the NFS
server. So the questions is, what steps am I missing here?

It sounds like you need to configure nss_ldap.  Assuming you have
nss_ldap installed on your client systems, you should be able to add
ldap as a service for looking up users and groups in your
/etc/nsswitch.conf file.


Samba. As I understand it, Windows will only authenticate against an NT
or NT like (aka. Samba) server, which means as far as I can tell that
either I have Samba sync against FDS or I use pGina on the Windows side
to authenticate directly against LDAP or scrap LDAP all together and
just use an NIS server (don't think this is a good idea, but it is a
possiblity). Of course trying to assess the pros and cons of either has
been somewhat difficult at best. Also the FDS Samba how-to doesn't cover
computer management which Samba is going to have to deal with as well.

Before someone replies with a RTFM, I have read the Install Guide as
well as the Red Hat Directory Server documentation and I am currently
half-way through the book Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory
Services, so I have a reasonable understanding of how to get into
trouble. Of course none of these provide in-depth (nor should they)
information as to how to integrate with other services. I have spent a
month reading, tinkering etc., and I am not asking anyone else to do my
work for me, but I have seem to hit a wall and need a couple of
breadcrumbs to get me back on the trail. Thank you for your patience
and understanding.


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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Suddenly, all our LDAP servers segfaulted today?

2007-02-15 Thread Nathan Kinder

Philip Kime wrote:
FDS 1.0.2 and suddenly today three out of four servers segfaulted (at 
different times) with this identical dump message:

Feb 14 19:40:17 hqldap01 kernel: ns-slapd[2432]: segfault at 
0008 rip 00411b6f rsp 404520c8 error 4

syslog also had a lot of  this:
Feb 13 03:15:26 hqldap02 ns-slapd: sql_select option missing
Feb 13 03:15:26 hqldap02 ns-slapd: auxpropfunc error no mechanism 

Feb 14 02:00:01 hqldap02 ns-slapd: sql_select option missing
Feb 14 02:00:01 hqldap02 ns-slapd: auxpropfunc error no mechanism 

Feb 14 02:00:04 hqldap02 ns-slapd: sql_select option missing
Feb 14 02:00:04 hqldap02 ns-slapd: auxpropfunc error no mechanism 

Feb 14 03:15:25 hqldap02 ns-slapd: sql_select option missing
Feb 14 03:15:25 hqldap02 ns-slapd: auxpropfunc error no mechanism 

This is really strange - any ideas?
Those messages are from cyrus-sasl.  Did you make any changes around 
saslauthd recently?  Perhaps you started running that daemon on your 

Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Connect Active Directory to my LDAP

2007-03-30 Thread Nathan Kinder

Alexandre Augusto da Rocha wrote:
This is not true.  You don't need SSL if AD will be a true slave.  SLL 
is only required if you want to allow users to change their passwords 
on AD and have that propagated to FDS.
Not exactly.  You need SSL to allow passwords to be synchronized in 
either direction.  AD will not accept an update to the password over 
LDAP without SSL.



Paulo Estrela - Suporte LabInfo UNIFACS wrote:

Did you enable SSL on FDS and AD? It must be enabled for sync works. 
Information is avaiable on FDS documentation page.
Paulo Estrela

- Original Message -
*From:* Michiel van Heukelom - Van Boxtel Software BV
*Sent:* Friday, March 30, 2007 5:17 AM
*Subject:* [Fedora-directory-users] Connect Active Directory to 

I've got the Fedora LDAP service running, connecting from other
Linux server is no problem.
the next step is to sunchronize the database to Active Directory.
Is there a way to keep my Fedora LDAP as a master database and the
AD server (W2003) as a member.
So that i should only configure my users on my LDAP server and not
on my AD server

Met vriendelijke groet,

Michiel van Heukelom

*Van Boxtel Software B.V.*

Telefoon: +31 (0) 492 - 327 357

Fax:  +31 (0) 492 - 324 326

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] PassSync and SSL

2007-04-05 Thread Nathan Kinder

Dennis Crissman wrote:
I am experimenting with Fedora Directory Server and trying to hook up 
PassSync to synchronize with Active Directory. I have found a walk 
through on how to set this up 
but it seems to require using SSL. Is there a way to set this up 
without SSL for quick testing.

Nope.  It absolutely requires SSL.  AD will not accept a password 
modification over LDAP without SSL.  The PassSync service will also not 
send a password over an unencrypted channel.



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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Previous password still works?

2007-04-26 Thread Nathan Kinder

Chris Halstead wrote:

userPassword has no value at all.

Are you searching as cn=Directory Manager when you check for userPassword?


Richard Megginson wrote:

Do you have two values for the userPassword attribute in your entry?

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Previous password still works?

2007-04-26 Thread Nathan Kinder

Chris Halstead wrote:
OK, It took me a while to get there (had to figure out what our 
equivalent of 'cn=Directory Manager' was), but there are indeed two 
entries for userPassword after I change the password logged in as 
myself to the console.
How are you changing the password through the console?  A second value 
for userPassword is getting added instead of doing a replace of the 
existing password for some reason.


When I reset the password using PAM-enabled passwd there is only one.


Nathan Kinder wrote:

Chris Halstead wrote:

userPassword has no value at all.
Are you searching as cn=Directory Manager when you check for 


Richard Megginson wrote:

Do you have two values for the userPassword attribute in your entry?

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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Glue Entry Thread

2008-03-25 Thread Nathan Kinder

James wrote:

Hi All,

I have a set of directory servers with multi-master replicaiton.  On one of 
the two master servers, I see this log:

[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6 
 Can't created glue entry 
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid

=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d398, error 68
[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6 
 Can't created glue entry 
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid

=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d398, error 68

The logs is repeated once per second (there are two in this copy/paste).  I 
have a high-level understanding of what a glue entry is, and why one would be 
created, but why can't this server create one in this instance?  And, is 
there anything I can do to fix this repeated log?
It can't create it because it already exists (error 68).  Please file a 
bug on this issue (

You can try to delete the existing glue entry to allow the replication 
plug-in to re-create it and proceed.




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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Glue Entry Thread

2008-03-25 Thread Nathan Kinder

James wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion.  I have tried searching for the glue entry in the 
database, and I cant find it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ldapsearch -MMxw x -D cn=Directory 
Manager -b ou=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com -s 
one -h

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base ou=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com with scope one
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL
# with manageDSAit critical control

# search result
search: 2
result: 32 No such object
matchedDN: ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com

# numResponses: 1

When I first noticed these logs, I did find the original entry present on this 
server (and on the other master) so I deleted this entry from both servers 
(and restarted ns-slapd), but that didnt get rid of the log.

Also, Ive noticed that after a while of having this error printed out, the 
server stops allowing me to bind in.

Am I doing something wrong in my search?  Or, is there something else I can 
Your search is searching for 
ou=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com, but the glue 
entry the server is trying to create is 
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com.  Try doing 
this search instead:

 ldapsearch -b ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com -s one 




On Tuesday 25 March 2008 14:46:56 Nathan Kinder wrote:

James wrote:

Hi All,

I have a set of directory servers with multi-master replicaiton.  On one
of the two master servers, I see this log:

[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6
 Can't created glue entry
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid
=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d398, error 68
[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6
 Can't created glue entry
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid
=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d398, error 68

The logs is repeated once per second (there are two in this copy/paste). 
I have a high-level understanding of what a glue entry is, and why one
would be created, but why can't this server create one in this instance? 
And, is there anything I can do to fix this repeated log?

It can't create it because it already exists (error 68).  Please file a
bug on this issue (

You can try to delete the existing glue entry to allow the replication
plug-in to re-create it and proceed.




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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] windows sync and password clear

2008-03-28 Thread Nathan Kinder

Luigi Santangelo wrote:

Hi everybody, this is my problem:
I configured my Fedora DS and now I can sync the LDAP's users with 
Windows 2003 Active Directory. Then, I created a new user with this 
code ldif

dn: uid=red,ou=Other,ou=Students,ou=People,dc=x,dc=xx
givenName: red
sn: red
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: ntuser
uid: red
ntUserCreateNewAccount: true
ntUserDeleteAccount: true
cn: red
ntUserDomainId: red
userPassword: redpwd
creatorsName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,
modifiersName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,
createTimestamp: 20080318153555Z
modifyTimestamp: 20080318153555Z
nsUniqueId: f8f6c801-f50011dc-80ebbfe2-cc3ccdae

Note that I wrote the user's password in clear. Now, I can logon the 
Windows AD with the username red and the password redpwd.

Then I added another user (yellow) with this code ldif

dn: uid=yellow,ou=Other,ou=Students,ou=People,dc=x,dc=xx
givenName: yellow
sn: yellow
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: ntuser
uid: yellow
ntUserCreateNewAccount: true
ntUserDeleteAccount: true
cn: yellow
ntUserDomainId: yellow
userPassword: {MD5}8cb32079718c657b02176b97d030
creatorsName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,
modifiersName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,
createTimestamp: 20080318153555Z
modifyTimestamp: 20080318153555Z
nsUniqueId: f8f6c801-f50011dc-80ebbfe2-cc3ccdae

Note the MD5(yellowpwd) = 8cb32079718c657b02176b97d030
Then If I try logon the Windows AD (from Windows) with the username 
yellow and the password yellowred, I cannot log in. Instead, if I try 
logon the Windows AD with the username yellow and the

password {MD5}8cb32079718c657b02176b97d030 I can log in.
Do you think that this is a problem strictly related to Windows' 
problem? How can I get over it?
You can't pre-hash the password on the client side if you want it to be 
properly sync'd to AD.  The client needs to provide it's password to FDS 
in the clear, preferably over LDAPS or using a SASL mechanism that 
provides confidentiality.  FDS will then hash it according to the 
default password hash storage scheme config setting.  The clear password 
will be provided to AD over LDAPS so AD can hash it using the hashing 
scheme it needs.


Thank you in advance.

Adotta un bambino a distanza. Avrà vestiti, cibo, scuola?e avrà te!

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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Password Syntax Checking

2008-05-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

Eric Brown wrote:

I have been trying to get the Password Syntax Checking working with
FDS 1.0.4 and am having some trouble with the passwords that it is
allowing and the ones that are returning invalid syntax.

I started by setting the password policy the way I thought I wanted to
use for my environment, but then no passwords would work, so I changed
everything down to the minimums that I could find, but I am still
getting several passwords rejected due to a syntax error. I am not
using the console and I need to be able to set this through an LDIF

Currently I have these settings for the password policy configuration:

passwordInHistory: 2
passwordUnlock: on
passwordGraceLimit: 0
passwordMustChange: off
passwordWarning: 86400
passwordLockout: on
passwordMinLength: 4
passwordMinDigits: 0
passwordMinAlphas: 0
passwordMinUppers: 0
passwordMinLowers: 0
passwordMinSpecials: 0
passwordMin8bit: 0
passwordMaxRepeats: 0
passwordMinCategories: 1
passwordMinTokenLength: 1
You should use a larger value for passwordMinTokenLength, such as 3.  
This setting checks if portions of the attribute values in the users 
entry are in their password such as a password with your name in it.  A 
setting of 1 is going to be very strict, meaning that any character that 
is in your name can not be present in your password.  See this page for 
more detail:


passwordMaxFailure: 3
passwordMaxAge: 3888000
passwordResetFailureCount: 120
passwordisglobalpolicy: off
passwordChange: on
passwordExp: on
passwordLockoutDuration: 300
passwordCheckSyntax: on
passwordMinAge: 0
passwordStorageScheme: SSHA256

I am getting syntax errors on passwords like the following:


but things like testpass works just fine.

I figure that I have something not configured properly, but I don't
know what needs to be changed. And some of the values that I am using
were in the User Account Management section of the Administrator's
Guide two weeks ago, but they are missing now.

Thanks in advance,
Eric Brown

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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] Remote console fails for access to Fedora-DS 1.1

2008-06-10 Thread Nathan Kinder

Wolf Siedler wrote:

So let me describe the setup:
I have a server (RHEL 5.1) running Fedora Directory Server and Fedora 
Admin Server. It used to be Fedora-DS 1.0.4 (installed from rpm). A 
few days ago, I upgraded Fedora-DS to 1.1. For the upgrade procedure, 
I followed the instructions on the website regarding prerequisites and 
repo configuration. Afterwards, I ran the migration script It stated that migration was done successfully 
(as per the logfile in /tmp/), only failed to start the admin server. 
Which I then did manually. The directory server was started 

Now I would like to use my workstation (running Fedora 7) for 
configuration. Java is JDK 1.5.0_14 from Sun.
In the past, it worked after installing Fedora-DS 1.0.4 rpm and 
starting the console by ./startconsole.
After the upgrade, I tried to duplicate the earlier approach and 
upgraded everything Fedora-DS-related on my workstation to version 
1.1... Then I tried to start the console via fedora-idm-console.

It didn't work 100%: I was able to open the configuration window for 
Fedora Administration Server from the main console window. However, I 
was unable to open the Fedora Directory Server configuration window 
from the main console. There were always error messages about a 
missing/incomplete fedora-ds-1.0.jar and clicking button Download in 
the main console didn't chnage anything.

In order to see whether it might be a Java-related problem, I used a 
virtual machine with Windows 2000, fedora IDM console (.msi) and 
Sun-JRE 1.5.0_15 for crosschecking. Same failure in the main console 
window when trying to access the Fedora Directory Server (the one on 
the RHEL server) configuration window .
Then I changed the JRE to Sun-JRE 1.6.0_06. Still, the same error when 
trying to access the Fedora Directory Server configuration window.

So I removed everything Fedora-DS-related on my workstation, including 

Next step was to install package fedora-idm-console only through yum.

Afterwards, I started the console on my workstation by
fedora-idm-console -D 9 -f fds_console.log

From studying fds_console.log, I learned that the console apparently 
could not find fedora-ds-1.0.jar and fedora-ds-1.0_en.jar on the 
server (error 404). Fedora-ds-1.1(...).jar were found.
So I went over the file structure at the server and found the 
fedora-ds-1.1(...).jar files in directory  /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/.
However, copying fedora-ds-1.0.jar and fedora-ds-1.0_en.jar to 
/usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/ brought no change, fds_console.log still 
showed the error 404.
Only after manually creating (sub)directory 
/usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/jars/ and copying fedora-ds-1.0.jar + 
fedora-ds-1.0_en.jar in there (only those two), the error 404 
disappeared from fds_console.log.

The current status is: On my (Fedora 7) workstation, I can open Fedora 
IDM console. Problems begin once I expand (in the main console window) 
the subtree below Server Group.
I still can access Fedora Administration Server and open its 
configuration window. The (workstation/console) logfile 
fds_console.log shows that fedora-admin-1.1.jar gets downloaded from 
server to workstation.
When attempting to open entry Fedora Directory Server, the console 
downloads fedora-ds-1.0.jar and fedora-ds-1.0_en.jar. But I can't open 
the corresponding configuration window from the console. 
Fds_console.log shows plenty of class not found messages and ends up 
in a Java exception error (attached below).

At least as far as I am aware, there should be no more Fedora-DS 
components at level 1.0.4, neither on the server nor on the 
workstation/console side.
However, while writing this down, I just double checked with JXplorer 
and found in cn=Fedora Direcory Server, ... , o=NetscapeRoot the 
attribute nsProductVersion as 1.0.4.

Is this maybe the reason for all my troubles? Is there a way to find 
out whether my directory server is really still left at version 1.0.4? 
As mentioned above, based on the feedback of the migration script, I 
was honestly convinced it was successfully migrated.
If is just a matter of an inaccurate version string, I could easily 
correct that through JXplorer. But to what value?
I believe the migration did upgrade you to Fedora Directory Server 1.1, 
which you can verify in the ns-slapd errors log.  The problem is that 
not all of the entries used by the Administration Server were properly 
updated.  You should be able to look through the o=NetscapeRoot 
portion of your tree to see where 1.0.4 is still referenced and change 
them.  The incorrect jar file name should be listed in an attribute 
there as well.


I regret to cause that much trouble. Nevertheless, I appreciate your 
ongoing and fast advice.




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Re: [Fedora-directory-users] LDAP Load Tools

2008-06-18 Thread Nathan Kinder

Michael Brown wrote:

Hello All

Can anyone point me to load generation tools specific to LDAP?  Do 
they even exist?  I'm working with an RHDS customer (currently RHDS 
7.1sp3,  hopefully moving to sp6 soon, or RHDS 8) with large attribute 
requirements (some attributes 25-30 Mbytes) who wants to do some 
modeling of performance in the lab so that memory sizing and 
configuration is less of a issue in production.  Ideally the tool(s) 
would incorporate multiple threads, and configurable simultaneous 
writes and reads/searches of multiple nodes.  However, I will settle 
for anything less than ideal at this point.
There's the ldclt tool that's included with the fedora-ds-base package.  
It uses multiple threads and is fairly flexible in the operations that 
you can perform with it.  Another popular tool is SLAMD, which is more 
advanced than ldclt.



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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] newbie question - roles AND groups?

2008-06-19 Thread Nathan Kinder

Edward Capriolo wrote:

 If you take a look at openldap it has dyamic 'overlays' .

The main jist of it is that an LDAP Query can be saved in an object.
This is similar in my mind to an SQL View.

So nss_ldap would referece a dynamic_overlay like object and that
would re-search for the actual content to be returned to the user
Having the object work in this read-only sense would make it less
complicated then and still fit
the need nicely.
The overlay approach is less complicated, but it doesn't appear to deal 
with nested groups.

The complexity of the memberOf plug-in is due to this support for nested 
groups.  The approach of having to do multiple searches to resolve a 
user's nested memberships every time you just want to find out what 
groups you belong to would have a negative performance impact for reads 
over generating the memberOf attribute values when an actual membership 
modification is made.  The assumption is that membership checks occur 
more often than membership changes, so performing all of the work up 
front when the modify takes place is best.

It would me more generic then memberOf and I can see a lot of uses for
it. Maybe another such plug in exists that I am not aware of.
The plans for the memberOf plug-in is to make it more generic.  The 
current code in CVS allows the attributes it acts on to be 
configurable.  Other changes would need to be made to the plug-in allow 
it to truly be a general purpose linked attribute plug-in.  In 
particular, the ability to turn off the nesting capability, configure 
multiple linked attributes, and define which suffix(es) to operate on 
would be very useful.

2008/6/19 Richard Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Grzegorz Marszałek wrote:


I'm newbie to Fedora Directory, but is has two significant features - acl
and nested roles.

But I could find a way to use roles as groups. That is - I'd like to
define role, and then use this to define posix group, which I can use via
nss_ldap on my servers. At first glance it seems that dynamic groups will do
what I want - I just defined filter to include all users with particular
role in group. But unfortunately dynamic groups aren't resolved by server,
you need client aplication to do that :(

So the question is: is there any way to do this without writing my own
slapi plugin?

No, not currently.  But several other users have expressed an interest in a
feature like this.  There is another new feature related to this concept
that is currently in Fedora DS and being improved for the next version -

Would you be able to create a wiki page to explain your requirements for
such a feature?  That would be a very good place to start designing this

Grzegorz Marszałek

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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] ObjectClass PosixGroup + UID/GID auto-generation

2008-08-13 Thread Nathan Kinder

Kashif Ali wrote:

Hello All,

After spending a long weekend, configuring Fedora-DS to have central 
autentication + Central home dirs, I now have two issues which I would 
like to know if anyone can help me with.

1) Currently when adding a new user, I have to manually goto advanced 
options and add a value called posixgroup to the object class, this is 
so that groupID have a name and you dont see the error GroupID name 
not found when logging onto a box. Is there anyway to update the 
default user template, so that, when you enable posixaccount, 
posixgroup objectclass is automatically added? thus removing the 
manual process?

2) Is there anyway to get the directory server generate UNIQUE UID/GID 
based on last uid created. Ideally I would like the range to start 
from 5000 and finish at 8000. The automatic procedure would just use 
the next available uid/gid in the list, again removing the need for 
the user to check and make sure the id is unique.
There is a first version of a Distributed Numeric Assignment plug-in 
in the current Fedora Directory Server code that deals with this 
problem.  It is designed to manage a range of unique numeric values 
across multiple master FDS instances.

You can read more about the current implementation at

I am currently doing some re-design and improvement to this plug-in to 
address some shortcomings of the current implementation.  These areas 
are pointed out at the bottom of the above page.


any help with either of these issues would be much appreciated.



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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [Fedora-directory-users] DNA MultiMaster

2009-05-06 Thread Nathan Kinder

Edward Konetzko wrote:
Sorry if this already posted, I seem to be having trouble with email 

I have read the following pages and cannot exactly figure out how to 
do what I want.

I have 2 companies I want to set ranges for company 1gets range 
uidNumber and gidNumber 1Million - (2Million -1) and Company 2 gets 
Range uidNumber and gidNumber 2 Million - (3Million -1).  DIT layout 
is {ou=people,ou=groups,ou=ranges}, ou= Company{1,2}, dc=example, dc=com.

I Setup company 1 on master1 with the following ldifs.

dn: ou=Ranges,ou=Company1 dc=example, dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Ranges

dn: cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-pluginEnabled
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on

dn: cn=Company1 Account UIDs,cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment 

objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: Company1 Account UIDs
dnatype: uidNumber
dnafilter: (objectclass=posixAccount)
dnascope: ou=Company1 , dc=example,dc=com
dnanextvalue: 100
dnaMaxValue: 1000500
dnasharedcfgdn: cn=Company1 Account UIDs,ou=Ranges,dc=example,dc=com
dnathreshold: 100
dnaRangeRequestTimeout: 60
dnaMagicRegen: magic
dnaNextRange: 1000501 - 199

I then repeat this on master2 but then when I add users to both 
servers Master1 hands out uidNumber = 1 and Master2 hands out 
uidNumber = 1 for their first adds and keep adding numbers 
incrementing by one thus overlapping numbers.  For gidNumber I 
basically use the same Ldifs except I substitue Group UID for Account 
UID and gidNumber for uidNumber.

User add ldif looks as the following
dn: uid=test,ou=people,ou=Region1, dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: test
gecos: test
gidNumber: magic
givenName: test
homeDirectory: /home/test
loginShell: /bin/bash
o: test
shadowLastChange: 14098
shadowMax: 9
shadowWarning: 7
sn: test
uid: test
uidNumber: magic
userPassword:: password

Question is what I am doing wrong?
Server is Redhat DS 8.1 on rhel 5 64bit.
If you configure both masters to use the same range, then they will both 
assign the same values.  You need to split the range for company1 in 
half and assign half to each of your two masters (1,000,000-1,499,999 
for master1 and 1,500,000-1,999,999 for master2).  You need to use 
dnaNextValue and dnaMaxValue to set these upper and lower boundries.  
You should not be setting dnaNextRange at all for what you are trying to do.


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Fedora-directory-users mailing list

Re: [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?

2009-06-15 Thread Nathan Kinder

dima vasiletc wrote:

When i try start dirsrv i have error
Failed to delete old semaphore for stats file 
(/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-MY-DOMAIN-COM.stats). Error 13 (Permission 
Note that this is referring to a semaphore that coordinates access to 
the stats file, not the stats file itself.

Did you previously install and remove a DS instance with the same name 
on this system?  Did you recently change the user that this DS instance 
runs as?

but access for dirsrv user permited.

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?

2009-06-15 Thread Nathan Kinder

dima vasiletc wrote:

On 06/15/2009 08:08 PM, Nathan Kinder wrote:

dima vasiletc wrote:

When i try start dirsrv i have error
Failed to delete old semaphore for stats file 
(/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-MY-DOMAIN-COM.stats). Error 13 (Permission 
Note that this is referring to a semaphore that coordinates access to 
the stats file, not the stats file itself.

Did you previously install and remove a DS instance with the same 
name on this system?  Did you recently change the user that this DS 
instance runs as?

but access for dirsrv user permited.

389 users mailing list

After reboot  resolved.
Posix named semaphores are removed during a reboot, which is why the 
reboot fixed your problem.  A reboot is not necessary to clean up a left 
over semaphore.

You can see the current named semaphores and their ownership by doing a 
'ls -l /dev/shm'.  For DS, we create a semaphore named something similar 
to sem.slapd-localhost.stats.  I believe simply removing this would 
have fixed your problem as well.

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn

2009-06-22 Thread Nathan Kinder

Dumbo Q wrote:
Erg.I thought I had it but it's something is blocking me from 
doing this update. Can anyone help me find where my constraint is?


[r...@rhds ~]# ldapmodify -x -W -D cn=DirectoryManager
dn: cn=testy,ou=users,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
changetype: modify
newRDN: uid=testy
deleteOldRDN: 1

modifying entry cn=testy,ou=users,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
ldapmodify: Object class violation (65)
additional info: attribute newRdn not allowed
You need to perform a modrdn operation instead of a regular modify.  
Try the above, but change your changetype to modrdn.  You may also 
find that you don't want to delete the old RDN from the entry, 
particularly if that is the only cn value present in your entry.  
Doing so would cause an objectclass violation since cn is likely 
required for the objectclass you are using.

389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn

2009-06-22 Thread Nathan Kinder

Dumbo Q wrote:

Thanks.  I tried that, but now it tells me
ldapmodify: Object class violation (65)
additional info: missing attribute cn required by object 
class inetOrgPerson

Being that the entry has a 'cn', I guess this means that somewhere I 
have it setup where dn requires the cn to be in it ???  Anythoughts
Are you still specifying deleteOldRDN: 1?  As I mentioned, you 
shouldn't be doing that as it will delete the old RDN value from the 
entry, which is your cn.  Since cn is required by the 
inetOrgPerson objectclass, this is an objectclass violation.  Try 
specifying deleteOldRDN: 0.

*From:* Nathan Kinder
*To:* General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project.

*Sent:* Monday, June 22, 2009 4:30:53 PM
*Subject:* Re: [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn

Dumbo Q wrote:
 Erg.I thought I had it but it's something is blocking me from 
doing this update. Can anyone help me find where my constraint is?


 [r...@rhds ~]# ldapmodify -x -W -D cn=DirectoryManager
 dn: cn=testy,ou=users,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
 changetype: modify
 newRDN: uid=testy
 deleteOldRDN: 1

 modifying entry cn=testy,ou=users,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
 ldapmodify: Object class violation (65)
additional info: attribute newRdn not allowed
You need to perform a modrdn operation instead of a regular modify.  
Try the above, but change your changetype to modrdn.  You may also 
find that you don't want to delete the old RDN from the entry, 
particularly if that is the only cn value present in your entry.  
Doing so would cause an objectclass violation since cn is likely 
required for the objectclass you are using.


 389 users mailing list

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389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Migration from OpenLDAP and Sync with AD

2009-07-09 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 07/09/2009 07:19 AM, Prashanth Sundaram wrote:

Dear fellow Fedora DS users and experts,

I am working on this new project where there is a two step process. We are
currently using a poorly managed OpenLDAP server for over 3 years and
planning to migrate to Fedora DS.

Scenario: OPenLDAP=Migrate all users and passwords===  Fedora DS
--PassSync---Windows AD

Question1: Is it possible to migrate current users (around 300users) from
OpenLDAP to Fedora DS along with the UIDs, Security id and passwords. Like
everything looks same in users perspective.
It depends on the schema that is used, but this should be a case of 
exporting from OpenLDAP and importing to 389.

Question2: Is is possible to create a password sync between FDS and AD for
all the above users. Yes, the username is same in both the directories.
Yes, you can sync passwords.  A number of other common attributes are 
synchronized as well.  These attributes are listed in the Red Hat 
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

  Question2.1: The users are stored with different Security
IDs in windows environment than in OpenLDAP or FDS. Will that pose a
I'm not sure what LDAP attribute you are referring to as the Security 
ID, so I can't say if this will be a problem.

  Question2.2: We have several domain controllers and Active
Directory server which run in sync. Since the PassSync can only run on one
server, will it be a problem that some passwords do not get sync because the
user changed it on XP which redirected to a another server (without
You need to run the PassSync service on all domain controllers.  It's 
the synchronization agreement that you set up on the 389 side that can 
only point to one domain controller.

If any of you has gone thru these issues and anything more, please respond
to this thread or give me links.

Thanks for your help and patience.

389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Migration from OpenLDAP and PassSync with AD

2009-07-09 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 07/09/2009 09:35 AM, Prashanth Sundaram wrote:

Elaborating the Qs:

Question1:Since we have an existing LDAP server(OpenLDAP) and users were
logging in to other dev, prod and testing servers using the passwords
managed by this OpenLDAP server. I believe the way the member servers
remember the user credentials is by assigning each user with a unique
security ID. (please correct me if I am wrong) If that gets lost in
migration, then my users' permissions will have to be re-assigned from
scratch (pain for sysadmins)

So my question was, will the users be able to login to member servers after
migrating to FDS and still have same permissions and home directory folder
and everything looks the same without panicking about any missing
permissions or files.
I believe you are referring to the uidNumber and gidNumber attributes.  
File permissions use these numbers.  These will remain the same when you 
export from OpenLDAP and import to 389.

Question2.1: What will happen to the passwords that are different on the FDS
and AD before the Sync. I do not want the passwords to be reset on FDS or AD
after 1st sync but only future passwords changes to be Synced to FDS and AD
and vice versa.
A clear-text password is required to sync since different hashing 
schemes are used on each side.  Passwords will only be synchronized when 
they are changed, which is what you want.

Question2.1: I was working with windows before and noticed that the Windows
saves users with a unique id. If that is lost or recreated, the previous
permissions will no longer hold true for the user, even though the username
is same. Is it same in Unix environment? Like say I delete a user account
from FDS and a day after I re-create the ID, will the permissions stay
The uidNumber and gidNumber are used in *nix, not the actual uid.  If 
you re-create a user using the same uidNumber and gidNumber, the 
permissions will still have the same net effect as they did with the old 
user entry.



On 07/09/2009 07:19 AM, Prashanth Sundaram wrote:

Dear fellow Fedora DS users and experts,

I am working on this new project where there is a two step process. We are
currently using a poorly managed OpenLDAP server for over 3 years and
planning to migrate to Fedora DS.

Scenario: OPenLDAP=Migrate all users and passwords===   Fedora DS
--PassSync---Windows AD

Question1: Is it possible to migrate current users (around 300users) from
OpenLDAP to Fedora DS along with the UIDs, Security id and passwords. Like
everything looks same in users perspective.


It depends on the schema that is used, but this should be a case of
exporting from OpenLDAP and importing to 389.

Question2: Is is possible to create a password sync between FDS and AD for
all the above users. Yes, the username is same in both the directories.


Yes, you can sync passwords.  A number of other common attributes are
synchronized as well.  These attributes are listed in the Red Hat
Directory Server Administrator's Guide.

   Question2.1: The users are stored with different Security
IDs in windows environment than in OpenLDAP or FDS. Will that pose a


I'm not sure what LDAP attribute you are referring to as the Security
ID, so I can't say if this will be a problem.

   Question2.2: We have several domain controllers and Active
Directory server which run in sync. Since the PassSync can only run on one
server, will it be a problem that some passwords do not get sync because the
user changed it on XP which redirected to a another server (without


You need to run the PassSync service on all domain controllers.  It's
the synchronization agreement that you set up on the 389 side that can
only point to one domain controller.

If any of you has gone thru these issues and anything more, please respond
to this thread or give me links.

Thanks for your help and patience.

389 users mailing list



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End of Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 50, Issue 8

389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Password lookup to AD

2009-07-13 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 07/13/2009 10:13 AM, Prashanth Sundaram wrote:


Is it possible to have Fedora DS and have the password lookup 
redirected to Active Directory? Some kind of proxy lookup. Take the 
case of Mac OS X server and clients, they have Open Directory and the 
password manager can authenticate against the Active Directory.

Is it possible to have FDS without the password?

See the PAM Pass-through plug-in:

So I would like to know, is it possible to achieve the same for FDS 
using Samba, Winbind or NSS?? Is it possible that the FDS has all the 
user permissions  and special groups but the authentication is turned 
to AD. I know the passwords are hashed by Kerberos and hope we can 
achieve this with some effort.

A useful post by Microsoft


389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Password policy: Dictionary of unauthorized tokens

2009-07-27 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 07/27/2009 01:55 PM, Randall Wood wrote:

The RedHat/FDS documentation suggests that FDS can use a dictionary of
unauthorized tokens in a password policy, although it does not seem

Is there a dictionary that FDS uses, and is it possible to add words to
it if so desired?
That description is not really correct.  There is a check that ensures 
that values used in common attribtues of the user entry can not be 
present in the password.  This prevents things like using your uid or cn 
in your password.  The values are broken into tokens of a configurable 
length and then compared to the userPassword value.

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] no modifiable attributes specified

2009-08-05 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 08/05/2009 02:34 AM, Dharmin Mandalia wrote:


On my dir server, I am seeing lots of similar to below messages, how this
can be resolve so I don't see below error msg.. appreciate your help.

on dvfnds01 , is the supplier
# tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/slap-*/access
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt=cn=dvfnds02
(dvfnds02:636): Consumer failed to replay change (uniqueid
059b5581-0d2511dd-ae03d7e3-3dfce5fc, CSN 4a794bc80001): DSA is
unwilling to perform. Will retry later.

on dvfnds02 , is the consumer
# tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/slap-*/access
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 SSL 256-bit AES
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=0 BIND dn=cn=Replication
Manager,cn=config method=128 version=3
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
nentries=0 etime=0 dn=cn=replication manager,cn=config
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=1 SRCH base= scope=0
filter=(objectClass=*) attrs=supportedControl supportedExtension
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=1 etime=0
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=2 SRCH base= scope=0
filter=(objectClass=*) attrs=supportedControl supportedExtension
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=101
nentries=1 etime=0
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=3 EXT
oid=2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3 name=Netscape Replication Start Session
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=120
nentries=0 etime=0
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=4 SRCH
base=cn=replica,cn=\22dc=TB,dc=be\22,cn=mapping tree,cn=config scope=0
filter=(objectClass=*) attrs=nsDS5ReplicaId
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=4 RESULT err=32 tag=101
nentries=0 etime=0
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=5 MOD
dn=uid=john.elle,ou=people,ou=EB,dc=TB,dc=be, no modifiable attributes
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561655 op=5 RESULT err=53 tag=103
nentries=0 etime=0
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561656 fd=186 slot=186 SSL connection
from to
[05/Aug/2009:09:07:19 +] conn=3561656 op=-1 fd=186 closed -
Encountered end of file.

Does anyone have a list of what error code 53 is or error code 32 is..



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389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] RHDS 8.1 and SNMP

2009-08-13 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 08/13/2009 05:12 PM, Edward Koko Konetzko wrote:
I am wonder if SNMP monitoring works in RHDS 8.1 if so I need some 
help getting it working.

The docs I have been using are linked below 

The /etc/snmp/snmp.conf file

com2sec notConfigUser  default   public
group   notConfigGroup v1   notConfigUser
group   notConfigGroup v2c   notConfigUser
viewsystemviewincluded   .
viewsystemviewincluded   .
access  notConfigGroup   any   noauthexact  systemview 
none none

com2sec local localhost  ldap
group MyROGroup  anylocal
view allincluded  .1  access MyROGroup 
  any   noauth0  allnone   none

syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
syscontact Root r...@localhost (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat
master agentx

The /etc/dirsrv/config/ldap-agent.conf

# Config file for AgentX access so FDS can pass snmp variables to 

# This is the agent config file.
# Start the agent with /opt/fedora-ds/bin/slapd/server/ldap-agent 

## AgentX Master ##
# Where the agent communicates with the AgentX Master (net-snmp).
# If not specified uses the net-snmp default of a UNIX socket
# at /var/agentx/master. RTFM if you decide to use a differing 

agentx-master /var/agentx/master

## AgentX Logdir ##
# Where the agent logs its logfile...
agent-logdir /var/log/dirsrv/agent/
## Server ##
# Which FDS instance you wish to monitor.
# This should be the absolute path to the log dir of the FDS instance.
server slapd-ldap-master-n01

When I run snmpwalk -v 1 -c ldap localhost 
. I get nothing back but when I run 
snmpwalk -v 1 -c ldap localhost . the following is 

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: ldap master server
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: Red 

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: Rackspace Cloud
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: Lab
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: not made yet
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2312. = STRING: ldap-master-n01

All of that is correct with what is set in the Directory server.

If I run strings /var/run/dirsrv/slapd-ldap-master-n01.stats  I get 
the following back and I am wondering if there is supposed to be 
something where it says Not Available?

Red Hat-Directory/8.1.0
ldap master server
Rackspace Cloud
not made yet
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
The Not Available strings are from the unimplemented interactions 
table.  This table is supposed to list the last 10 clients that the 
server has interacted with IIRC, but it's not implemented, so we just 
report Not Available.  The bulk of the stats are not strings, so what 
you see is everything I would expect.

/usr/bin/ldap-agent-bin -D /etc/dirsrv/config/ldap-agent.conf just 
outputs the following over and over again in its log file.

2009-08-13 18:51:57 Reloading stats.
2009-08-13 18:51:57 Opening stats file 
(/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-ldap-master-n01.stats) for server: 389

Thanks in advance.

389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Problems with password syntax checking: invalid password syntax

2009-09-18 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 09/18/2009 08:10 AM, Kenneth Holter wrote:

Hi all.
I'm running Red Hat Directory Server 8.1.0, and are having some 
problems with password syntax checking. When I don't enable the syntax 
checking, everything works fine. But when I enable it it seems to 
discard even pretty strong passwords. In the example belov I've 
configured password syntax checking like this:

* Password minimum length: 8
* Minimum required character categories: 1
* Minimum token length: 3  (btw, don't know why I need to set this)

This is the token length to use for a trivial words check.  This 
prevents someone from using portions of their cn, uid, etc. values in 
their password.  The values are broken into tokens of this length and 
the password is then checked to see if any of the tokens exist.
The new password I try to change to has two digits, four lower case 
letters, one uppercase letter, and one special character. So it should 
be far more complicated that the above settings call for. This is the 

 Output start
[r...@server ~]# ssh kenn...@localhost
kenn...@localhost's password:
You are required to change your LDAP password immediately.
Last login: Fri Sep 18 16:37:26 2009 from localhost.localdomain

Welcome to the server!

WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for user kenneth.
Enter login(LDAP) password:
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
LDAP password information update failed: Constraint violation
invalid password syntax - passwords with storage scheme are not allowed
passwd: Permission denied
Connection to localhost closed.

# Output end
So basically what I'm wondering about is exactly which constraint I'm 
violating. In other words, what does the password with storage scheme 
are not allowed tell me?
Your password is being hashed by your client system before it is sent to 
the Directory Server.  This is not allowed since the server would have 
no way to enforce it's password policy against a pre-hashed password.  
You need to configure /etc/ldap.conf to send the clear text password to 
the LDAP server.  You should use SSL/TLS to protect the password in transit.

Best regards,
Kenneth Holter

389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] memberof entries not appearing in replica with memberof plugin

2009-11-11 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 11/10/2009 08:35 PM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:

Hello, all.  I'm running CentOS Directory Server 8.1 on CentOS 5.4.  For
some reason, the memberof plugin does not seem to be working on the
replica.  My first suspicion is we have done something wrong but I
wonder if there is an error in the documentation.  Here are the details.

We are single master setup with a single replica.  We noticed some of
our LDAP queries were not correctly detecting group membership.  We
double checked the memberofplugin configuration and, for some reason, it
seem to have reverted to looking at member instead of uniquemember.  We
changed this on the master and our problem went away.

However, in the process of double-checking our steps, we read that the
memberof attribute should NOT be replicated.  We had not excluded it.
So, we destroyed the replication agreement, created a new fractional
replication enabled one, and reinitialized the replica.  All of the
memberof information was missing from all users on the replica.  We then
tried to rebuild it by running the script.  That
didn't work.  We then simply tried deleting users from groups and adding
them to see if that would work. It worked fine on the master but not on
the replica.

Is the documentation in error and replication of memberof should be
excluded only in multimaster but should be propagated to consumers or
have we done something wrong? I compared the memberofplugin definitions
in dse.ldif on both and they look identical including being enabled.
Nothing is jumping out in the error or audit logs.

The only reason for using fractional replication to exclude the memberOf
attribute is to avoid any sort of dangling membership issue when using
multi-master replication.  In your single-master replication setup, you
only need to configure the memberOf plug-in on your master, not the
replica.  You can then safely replicate the memberOf attribute since a
single-master replication scenario has no chance for conflicting changes
from separate masters.

Please open a documentation bug on this so we can get things cleared up
in the manuals.

We eventually added memberof to the replication agreement and
resynchronized just to get the data across.  We've pulled it back out
and, as expected, any changes are not replicating.  What are we doing
wrong? Where do we look next to troubleshoot it? Thanks - John

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Unindexed ?

2009-11-18 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 11/18/2009 06:31 AM, Emmanuel BILLOT wrote:


I used the utility to check our config, and it found a lot 
of unindexed search.

In the access log file i found lines ::

[18/Nov/2009:15:27:28 +0100] conn=1565 op=10246 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
nentries=132 etime=1 notes=U
[18/Nov/2009:15:27:28 +0100] conn=1565 op=10247 SRCH 
base=dc=ouaga,dc=ird,dc=fr scope=2 filter=((objectClass=*)) 
attrs=* aci

Does the notes=U means it is an unindex search ? I must index a 
attribut but which one ?
Yes, notes=U means the search was unindexed.  You need to provide the 
SRCH line from your access log for conn=1565 op=10246 so we can see 
what attributes need to be indexed.


389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] SNMP trouble

2009-12-01 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/01/2009 07:21 AM, Mitja Mihelic( wrote:


I have set up SNMP on our server.

What platform are you on and what version of 389 are you using?

What does your configuration file look like for the ldap-agent 
subagent?  Did you configure it to communicate with snmpd via agentx?  
Do the ldap-agent logs show anything?

While it responds to my queries it reports only data from the OID
. (dsEntityEntry)

All other variables seem to be empty.

For instance, a query for . (dsURL) :
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost .
Variables found: 0

The same happens if I do it a bit further up the tree:
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost .
Only the values from dsEntityEntry are returned.

I am lost here...


389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Is there Linked Attributes configuration and usage documentation available?

2009-12-02 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/02/2009 05:47 AM, Sean Brady wrote:

OK, I see some helpful errors in the logs here:

linkedattrs-plugin - linked_attrs_parse_config_entry: The linkType 
config setting is required for linked attribute pair cn=manager 
link,cn=linked attributes,cn=plugins,cn=config.

[02/Dec/2009:06:19:24 -0700] linkedattrs-plugin - 
linked_attrs_parse_config_entry: Invalid config entry [cn=manager 
link,cn=linked attributes,cn=plugins,cn=config] skipped

So... I am assuming that there is a configuration entry that I need 
called linkType, which isn't listed in the link per se, although 
there is a reference to it in passing.  Can someone help me with the 
expected type of value, ie is this an attribute type, etc?  What do I 
need here?

The feature design page you referenced had the configuration attributes 
named incorrectly (the attribute names changed between the design and 
implementation of the feature).  I have updated the configuration 
section of that page to be correct.  Please look here for details:

In short, you need to use linkType and managedType instead of 
linkAttribute and managedAttribute in your config entry that you 
have referenced below.


The following was added to my dse.ldif:

dn: cn=Manager Link, cn=Linked Attributes,cn=plugins,cn=config

objectClass: extensibleObject

objectClass: top

cn: Manager Link

linkattribute: directReport

managedattribute: linkmanager

Both the linkattribute directReport and managedattribute 
linkmanager are custom attributes added as MAY to a custom 
employee objectclass, to which 3 test users have as an attribute 
value.  I didn't want to conflict with any existing attributes, and I 
noticed that the directreport attribute did not exist.

Any help is appreciated.



[] *On Behalf Of *Sean 

*Sent:* Tuesday, December 01, 2009 8:05 PM
*Subject:* [389-users] Is there Linked Attributes configuration and 
usage documentation available?

Hello All,

I have 389 up and running, and had some questions on Linked 
Attributes.  I found this but 
that is the extent of the documentation that I have found.  Does 
anyone know of any additional documentation that you can point me to?

I am unclear on exactly how to configure Linked Attributes properly, 
and how to use them.  Specifically, which ldif file would I need to 
modify to create a linked attribute?  Would that be dse.ldif, or one 
of the ldif's in the schema sub-folder 
(/etc/dirsrv/slapd-instance_name/schema)?  What else would I need to 
know to configure a linked attribute?  What do I need to know about 
it's usage?

Once I have the details I can post some documentation back to the 
community- there is nothing in the RedHat Directory Server on this 
plugin as of yet that I have seen.  I don't think that this can be 
done through the GUI at this time...

Thanks in advance for the community's help.


389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] setting up multi master replication

2009-12-03 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/03/2009 01:41 PM, Alan McKay wrote:

Hey folks,

The HOWTO refers to a script that is at the end of a dead link

And the Red Hat docs tell me to do something that causes an error.

  The final entry should resemble Example 8.1, “Example Supplier Bind DN Entry”.

dn: cn=replication manager,cn=config
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: replication manager
sn: RM
userPassword: password
passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z

[r...@sandbox2 ~]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv start
Starting dirsrv:
 sandbox2...[03/Dec/2009:16:31:30 -0500] - Entry cn=replication
manager,cn=config  has unknown object class inetorgperson  (remove
the trailing space)
[03/Dec/2009:16:31:30 -0500] - Entry cn=replication manager,cn=config
 has unknown object class person  (remove the trailing space)
[03/Dec/2009:16:31:30 -0500] - Entry cn=replication manager,cn=config
 has unknown object class top  (remove the trailing space)
[  OK  ]

And clearly I do not know enough about LDAP at this point to know what
the heck I'm doing here :-)

Both of my servers are set up with custom install but mostly defaults.

Help me Obi-Wan, you are my only hope :-)

As the error message states, you have trailing spaces at the end of the
top, person, and inetorgperson objectclass lines.  Remove the trailing

BTW, I did order the O'Reilly LDAP book that everyone recommends - it
shipped today.


389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Re: setting up multi master replication

2009-12-03 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/03/2009 02:41 PM, Alan McKay wrote:

Well, I blew something.

When I got to this point I did not see at the bottom the subtree
dc=example,dc=com I saw NetscapeRoot

Which means when I asked the other question about whether to choose
NetscapeRoot or userRoot, the answer must have been neither.
But those were the only two choices I had.

You need to choose userRoot.  The default database name is userRoot, which
maps to whatever suffix you defined at install time.  The NetscapeRoot 
is used by the Administration Server for things like letting the Console 

what servers it has to manage and what it can do.

My replication failed with error 6.  No such replica.

I'll go back and retrace my steps tomorrow - getting too late for this
right now.


389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] SNMP trouble

2009-12-07 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/07/2009 03:41 AM, Mitja Mihelic( wrote:

Has anyone managed to get SNMP working ?
Yes, it does work.  The problem areas for most during setup seem to be 
communication between the master agent and the subagent (the subagent 
logs should indicate if this is a problem when you start it), and access 
control configuration of the master agent.  Perhaps your community does 
not have rights to see everything?

Mitja Mihelic wrote:

Nathan Kinder wrote:


On 12/01/2009 07:21 AM, Mitja Mihelic( wrote:



I have set up SNMP on our server.


What platform are you on and what version of 389 are you using?


It's not the 389 server exactly. It's centos-ds-8.1.0-1.el5.centos.2 run
on the current CentOS 5.4


What does your configuration file look like for the ldap-agent
subagent?  Did you configure it to communicate with snmpd via agentx?
Do the ldap-agent logs show anything?


The first two lines in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
   master agentx
   mibdirs +/usr/share/dirsrv/mibs

Contents of the etc/dirsrv/snmp-agent/ldap-agent.conf
   agentx-master /var/agentx/master
   agent-logdir /var/log/dirsrv/snmp-agent/
   server slapd-SERVER-users

The ldap-agent logs shows the following, repeated every 15s or so:
   2009-12-02 10:10:09 Reloading stats.
   2009-12-02 10:10:09 Opening stats file
(/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-SERVER-users.stats) for server: 389

The ldap-agent was run like so (in debug mode just in case):
   ldap-agent -D /etc/dirsrv/snmp-agent/ldap-agent.conf


While it responds to my queries it reports only data from the OID
. (dsEntityEntry)

All other variables seem to be empty.

For instance, a query for . (dsURL) :
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost
Variables found: 0

The same happens if I do it a bit further up the tree:
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost .
Only the values from dsEntityEntry are returned.

I am lost here...


389 users mailing list


389 users mailing list


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389 users mailing list

389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] Re: [389-announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server 1.2.5 Release Candidate 2

2009-12-08 Thread Nathan Kinder

On 12/08/2009 09:09 AM, Rich Megginson wrote:

Andrey Ivanov wrote:


2009/12/8 Rich Megginson

The 389 team is pleased to announce the availability of Release
Candidate 2 of version 1.2.5.

Well, this time the installation (compiled from sources) was ok. I've
also imported my ldif export from 1.1 server.

Excellent - good to know.

The only catch was the
syntax check (nsslapd-syntaxcheck: on)  -  had to disable it because
of some expiration dates of Generalized Time syntax that were rather
approximative (something like X-expirationDate: 201012). The
telephoneNumber, on the other hand, is not validated, as far as i
You have attribute values that use telephoneNumber syntax, that are 
not correct syntax, that the server accepts?
I think Andrey is just referring to the fact that the Telephone Number 
syntax is loose.  It is simply defined as a PrintableString in RFC 
4517.  We do validate that it meets this criteria, however it's unlikely 
that one would have something in there that violates the syntax.  The 
Generalized Time syntax is highly structured on the other hand.

389 users mailing list

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