Re: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear/PLIB/CVS: Enabling 3D Clouds results in Floating point interrupt (SIGFPE)

2007-05-31 Thread Steve Hosgood

syd  sandy wrote:

View-Render Options-Enable 3D Clouds

I'm getting a repeated printout saying:  Floating point interrupt (SIGFPE), 
and FlightGear freezes. 

I've installed Simgear-plib (CVS as of yesterday), and FlightGear-Plib source, 
CVS as of yesterday. System is Linux, Suse 10.2, gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 


Hi Durk ,
make sure the cloud cache and resolution aren't zero before enabling them


Please (before 0.9.11-pre2), could someone slip in some code to the effect:

if (cloud_cache == 0 || resolution == 0)
   grey_out_menu_item(View-Render Options-Enable3DClouds);


This is basic, basic GUI design stuff.
We don't want FlightGear to appear on the interface hall of shame page 
now, do we?

GUI design rule 1: If it doesn't work or is temporarily unavailable, 
grey it out.

If rule 1 turns out to be confusing (not obvious to the user how to 
enable the greyed-out item, try the following:

GUI design rule 1A: If it doesn't work and you can't or won't grey out 
the button, have the button pop up an explanation-dialog.

I recall a similar situation months ago with the autopilot menu for 
the c172 that used to pop up a dialog but didn't do anything because 
that 'plane has its own autopilot controlled via the 3D cockpit. The 
latest c172 (and quite a few other 'planes) grey out the 'autopilot' 
menu with a bit of Nasal as I recall. Much better.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] youtube video

2007-05-22 Thread Steve Hosgood

Stefan Seifert wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Curtis Olson wrote:

I've discovered that I really love the AN-2 and the new fly-by view mode!
I've posted a youtube video of the FlightGear AN-2 landing at Ranger Creek,
WA (taken with a cheesy digital camera pointed at my computer screen ...):

But the jiggling and motion blur somehow adds to the realism of the
video. Maybe we should integrate them in FG ;)


Actually, I agree with that! I noticed the same thing and thought how 
much it added to the realism! Especially the last shot as the plane 
comes to a halt.

Curtis, you really ought to pump the tires on that AN-2. They looked 
totally flat to me :-)

Something I do notice though - if you do what Curtis did there and 
compose a video out of fly-by shots and nothing else, it gets *really* 
repetitive. Had a movie director shot that sequence with a real plane, 
he/she'd have intercut the fly-by shots with a few out of the pilot's 
window shots, a couple of closeups of the pilot's fact (OK, so we can't 
reasonably do that), and maybe some chase-plane shots.

It's too late to go fiddling with it in time for 0.9.11, but maybe an 
idea for the future might be to rework fly-by as an option to a 
sort-of movie director playback mode which would allow a much more 
convincing (and less repetitive) move to be made. The current system 
certainly shows the possibilities of such a thing, and we've got out of 
the window and chase plane options already. It's just putting them 
together that's missing.

Nice work by the fly-by author though.
BTW - What happens if you fly a plane directly over the fly-by camera?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] announcing star trek runabout shuttle and

2007-02-16 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Spott wrote:

Hi Stewart,

Stewart Andreason wrote:

I thought I was done, but you know how it goes. I thought of several ideas for 
improvements, and managed to write the code to do it.

How would you define non-profit commercial use. Does your intention
meet the demands of the GPLv2 ?


Ignoring GPL issues for a moment (important though they may be), the 
entire concept of the Star Trek® Danube-Class® Landing Craft® is 
copyright© by Paramount Pictures® until about the year 2845 (assuming 
the US government manage to keep extending the terms as they have for 
the last 50 or so years).

Is it safe for FG to include such a likely target for Paramount 
Pictures'® Copyright© Lawyers® (*)?
It looks like a great model (from the screenshots) and probably would be 
nice eye candy and publicity for the FG project, but it could be a 
ticking bomb for us. I'm rather uneasy about it all


(*) Yes, I'm overdoing the ®'s and ©'s for effect :-)
Have you ever read the blurb on offical ST merchandise? It's plastered 
with them - and tm too (which I don't seem to have a symbol for, 
otherwise I'd have abused that too!).

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] [OT]: Range of radios

2007-02-13 Thread Steve Hosgood

Just a resend of a failed posting from earlier:
I (Steve Hosgood) wrote:

Anders Gidenstam wrote:

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Holger Wirtz wrote:


I know that exact
range answers are depending from more parameters than only the output
power... What I need is a simple number which should describe the
maximum range og a COM1. For example 5 km? oder 20 km???


I think VHF transmissions are mostly limited to 
line of sight unless something unusual is going on..


You're right, Anders though the tricky bit is modeling the 
interactions between radios fitted in different classes of 'plane. 
Which is what I believe Holger is trying to do here.

I'm not an expert either - expect at least three more people to pounce 
on my maths below :-)

Here goes anyway

It might be easiest to use an analog of real world parameters to get 
this sort of thing working right. Transmitters are typically rated in 
watts, receiver sensitivity is typically given in uV. The power 
received by a receiver is proportional to the power of the transmitter 
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The 
*voltage* received (which is what you want to know) is proportional to 
the square-root of that, i.e proportional to the square root of the 
transmitter power and inversely proportional to the distance itself. I 

So, Holger, if you arrange that all radio transmission packets in 
FG/MP carry the transmitter's wattage and the location of the source, 
you can work out the straight-line distance from yourself (call it 
'd'), and then do something like:

pkt = get_packet();
d = sqrt(sqr(my_x - pkt-x) + sqr(my_y - pkt-y) + sqr(my_alt - 

if (sqrt(pkt-transmitter_power)/d  my_receiver_sensitivity)
  /* I can't hear this guy */

This sort of thing would maybe allow ATC (who might have more 
sensitive radios) to hear people that the local Cessna pilots can't 
hear. And that might be quite realistic.

To improve things, you might like to make sure that the straight-line 
distance 'd' between yourself and the transmitter does not get close 
to ground. You'd have to factor in curvature of the earth and any 
mountains if you wanted to get it right. If the straight line gets 
within a couple of wavelengths of ground, you start getting 
attenuation and multipath distortion and all sorts of stuff(*). For a 
first cut, ignore all that and just use 'd'!

Notice also how you could arrange to degrade packets if they get 
received very close to your receiver's sensitivity (you could add 
noise, distortion etc) which again would add to realism. My code 
suggestion above just models an unrealistic sharp cutoff when the 
signal gets too weak, but IIRC aviation radio is AM deliberately 
because that's *not* how AM radio behaves as it nears the sensitivity 


(*) The BBC (amongst others) have done a load of work in this area to 
do with predicting service-areas of radio and TV transmitters. Some of 
it is on the net.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Next release. Any timetable?

2006-11-09 Thread Steve Hosgood
Heiko Schulz wrote:

I mean not to stop the work on OSG - far from it!

But if we want FlightGear and OSG to get better we
need users - and we get them only with a next release.


With OSG in the state it's in, we can't go testing it on the users. If 
we did, we won't *have* any users before too long!

The currently version is a good one with very few
There are much improvements done since april. For me
important: framerates are stable, the helicopter fdm
is more realistic than MSFS's, nice route manager
(could be the cutting edge for a FMS)- every day I'm
flying with FG I got more fun.

I would vote for a next release - a pre-OSG release!


Agreed, a release of all the things that are working, but for now at 
least, no OSG.
I don't know what Curt uses as a metric for deciding if a new release 
should happen, but the time delay between the current 'stable' and the 
previous one was about two years - too long I'm sure. People out there 
start assuming that a project is *dead* if it doesn't release new 
versions within living memory!

Having said that, getting a release together is hard work for the team. 
It shouldn't be done unless there's a good reason.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Small Bug in COM1 (Cessna C-172)?

2006-11-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
Torsten Dreyer wrote:

There seems to be a float/rounding issue somewhere in the property system. I 
noticed this too, when modeling the Seneca. I did some debugging and found 
that some values - probably 911.00 is one of these - are converted to a float 
of 910.9 so the display shows 910.99. Same with 700 
(shows 699.99) 710 (shows 709.99) etc.


Hmm - that's interesting. If the value had been stored as a float (or 
double) and printed with (say) %6.2f it should have been rounded off 
correctly. I suspect therefore that the radio display code has converted 
this value to an integer in 10Hz steps and failed to do its own rounding.

So it's doing something like intfreq = (int)real_kHz * 100; or 
intfreq = (int)(real_kHz * 100.0);

If real_kHz had been 910.99 as suggested, this would give 91099 as 
intfreq and yield the reported effect.

What *should* have been done would be more like intfreq = 
(int)(real_kHz + 0.005) * 100;

You can work around this issue by entering 911.001. But I think this is a bug 
that should be fixed. I try to look into this again in the next week.


Hopefully, there's a clue or two above! I'd look for it myself, but 
don't have a set of sources on this machine.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] terrain surface types...

2006-11-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
Martin Spott wrote:

You know, some people do it the other way round. Just a reminder, I
guess this strip has already been mentioned elsewhere:


That looks like a really expensive mistake!

Just for interest - I know nothing much about seaplanes. What did the 
pilot do wrong?

I'm guessing that the wheels should have been retracted really high (or 
inside the floats) and out of the way. Is that it?

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Small Bug in COM1 (Cessna C-172)?

2006-11-02 Thread Steve Hosgood
Steve Hosgood wrote:

So it's doing something like intfreq = (int)real_kHz * 100; or 
intfreq = (int)(real_kHz * 100.0);


Let's just catch my own bug before everyone else does :-)
It's the second of those options of course.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Sailing Ships and Submarines (was Re: Tides in FlightGear?)

2006-06-07 Thread Steve Hosgood
Oliver wrote:

Maybe we could integrate code from the submarine simulation Danger of
the Deep. They have allready very nice eye candy water effects.


If we think about this a little further perhaps they might be interested
in a merge of both projects. Because even a submarine simulation needs
airplanes in the air and nice coast lines with hills and buildings on
the land that is visible from the sea. :)

All of this applies to my earlier comments about tallships too. I'd not 
heard of Danger from the Deep before, it does indeed like a much better 
seascape simulator than FG currently offers.

I suppose from FG's (and its users') POV, you have to ask is it worth 
having a better sea simulation? The argument for tides has been done, 
and is probably valid, plus it can be done with only a small change to 
the existing flat blue parking lot sea in FG. I suspect that another 
very small change to FG would stop ordinary aircraft landing on the 
water - it just becomes an automatic crash to come within a few metres 
of any body of water unless your landing gear includes floats.

(Of course, FG currently doesn't have much of a concept of crashing...)

Would incorporating a more realistic looking ocean contribute much to 
FG's flying experience considering it surely will reduce the achievable 
display frame rate? I can certainly understand the reverse idea - that 
DftD might like to adopt FG's world scenery to make its coastline 
approaches look more realistic (assuming they have a problem with that 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sailing Ships (was Re: Tides in FlightGear?)

2006-06-01 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Doege wrote:
Hi Steve!
Naval simulations are great, but if integrating tides into the
present-day ocean in FG is such a big technical challenge as it seems
to be, I would not think that a "real" ocean with rolling waves, reefs,
bathymetry, etc. is right around the corner. I think you would want to
have something like in Virtual Sailor or Silent Hunter III and that is
simply far removed from the blue plane that is currently the sea in FG.

Hi Martin.
I'm not sure the tides issue is likely to be a "big technical
challenge" actually. In the space of about 4 postings here, a workable
scheme was proposed of colouring certain triangles "sea" or "mud"
according to their datum heights as compared with a local simplified
tideheight generator.

I can provide the maths for a tideheight generator, the only "problem"
is providing a suitable set of triangles (tagged with datum heights)
in a known tidal area. Also, on a tile-by-tile basis, a set of
(probably four) tidal vectors has to be given.

The graphics engine needs to know how to do the colouring on-the-fly,
but compared with the magic that the 3D experts on this project have
already acheived, that'll be done in an evening as soon as someone sets
out to do it!

But in general naval simulations don't always need flashy
to be fun, so finding a good graphics engine is probably not so
important at this point.
I ws intimating that I don't have to find one - I've found it! Right
here. :-)
 As with all simulations, what really makes
them absorbing is the feeling of "being there", and while good graphics
don't hurt, good gameplay matters more. For example, the submarine sim Red Storm Rising mostly had only tactical
displays to look at that look about as boring as it gets, and yet
it was an engaging game and the suspension of disbelief worked well. 

That's about what the current "surprise" program (windoze or linux)
has. It's really just a wrapper around the "FDM" to let the "FDM" be
used for something.

So instead of hoping for great seascapes from FG/SimGear
in the
near (or not so near) future, I would first improve your existing
"FDM", add the ocean, include navigation aids, etc.
Stars, sun and a stopwatch. That's all you get!
Ok. Ok, I'm joking of course. That's all you get in the 18th century,
but if sailing ships worm their way into the FG world, they'll be
usable in any timeframe. After all, tall ships are still with us in the
21st century.

 Cannons and a
damage model should also be added since you are mentioning Hornblower.
As in Sid Meier's
the crew should also be simulated, [giant snip]
Funny, you've just written almost exactly what I wrote to "The Admiral"
(Peter Davis) last year. His comments were that he never planned to
make a game of the sim - his sentiments in fact matched closely to
those we hear all the time here on the FlightGear discussions group.
It's to be an accurate sim first and foremost, but if people want to
add guns/missiles etc then that's up to them.

I talked about crew, crew morale etc. (I've been a penpaper RPG-er
for a long time.) Same sort of response - basically, he (Davis) is only
really interested in getting the sim to work well and would be
disappointed to see the project "degenerate" into "just a game".

Of course, done well then there's no reason why any of the additions
you mention would degenerate the project - they should be seen as

Graphics could initially be fairly minimal, perhaps
view or 2D.
Dovetailing into FG would allow 3D models from the start. I really
don't want to have to build a custom isometric or 2D graphics engine
just for "surprise". 

 This would also give you time to develop a good interface.
All your points are very valid - especially this one. Unlike aircraft,
saling ships don't have a single "point of control". The nearest (in
18th century parlance) is "the quarterdeck" where the master or captain
issues the orders, which then have to be relayed through several layers
of middlemen to the grunts who pull the ropes. There is of course a
"ship's wheel" but it's not a single point of control to compare with
(say) an aircraft control column.

Try it with "suprise". The ship's wheel does precious little unless the
ship is moving at quite a lick. It's the set of the sails (especially
the spanker) that really steers the thing.

I would also use a higher-level language for faster
development and
improved flexibility. Python comes to mind and has the advantage that
the existing BASIC code should be easily converted to it and that there
is Libglade and pyGlade. It is also nicely modular and its sane
implementation of object orientation as well as its use of generators
are definite boons for simulations. At a later point, 3D graphics could
be added if desired, e.g. via PyOpenGL or using code in C/C++.

The existing code isn't BASIC, it's 'C' that looks like BASIC :-)
As I stated before - Davis wrote the original in BASIC and ported it to
'C' many years 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sailing Ships (was Re: Tides in FlightGear?)

2006-05-31 Thread Steve Hosgood
Jim A wrote:

All very good, and a great technical challenge.  But, maybe a branch called 
FloatGear would be in order?   ;-)


I love it! Thanks - that made me smile first thing in the morning.

then there are land vehicles  -- for transportation, sport, and 


Or TopGear (or IntoGear) :-)

It would be cool to have the Nimitz (and others) respond to sea state, and the 
visual eye candy of the water to look appropriate to the sea state condition.

These thoughts all seem daunting, but seeing what this community has 
accomplished thus far, it could very well happen.

Indeed - however my suggestion would be that should the world-system of 
FG get used for things other than flight simulation, that it doesn't get 
branched. Branching just makes maintainance more difficult and breeds 

It is probably best that people wanting to use FlightGear as a world 
engine for other things (like ship sims) just get on with it using the 
code as is, but keep talking on this list so that mainline code 
developers can try and avoid doing things that deliberately break those 

Should something like a ship-sim become popular (and people have asked 
about ship sims on here before) then maybe its code might enter FG's CVS 
repository, just like a new flight-sim engine might. (There are at least 
three flight-sim engines in there already.)

It might even happen that FlightGear code becomes three or more 
conceptual lumps, rather than the two is is now (SimGear  FlightGear). 
SimGear is already starting to look like a great load of astronomy stuff 
could be broken out into - er - EphemGear? :-)

I shall keep an interested eye on whatever improvements are suggested 
(and made) to the oceans in FG. The development people will probably 
already want to allow for things like aircraft carriers to behave more 
naturally - if they keep that in mind, hooking in a sailing ship later 
should be straightforward.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Tides in FlightGear?

2006-05-30 Thread Steve Hosgood
Durk Talsma wrote:

 Curtis L. Olson wrote:

 Martin Spott wrote:

 The triangles don't have to be changed at all because in our Scenery
 the tidal area is part of the ocean. The idea was about changing
 nothing but the colour,

 Ok, so you are only talking about areas that are marked explicitly as 
 tidal areas in our land use/land cover data base, and then they would 
 be either at full tide or no tide ... that's probably simpler to manage.


 I like the idea. Having some real-life experience flying over the 
 wadden area that Martin (Doege) referred to, I can tell that the low 
 tide areas can be very scenic. A change in texture would indeed 
 suffice, because the elevation differences are almost negligable.

Basically, you could model a tidal area as a triangle mesh (as 
detailed as you like) where the triangle type is tidal and each 
triangle also carries a parameter X which is the local tide-height at 
which that triangle is covered by water. A tide-calculator finds local 
tide-height in a slow-running background loop, and every iteration of 
that loop, all triangles where X  tide-height are textured as water, 
otherwise as sand (or mud).

What's nice about that approach is that you can model tidal reaches with 
whatever detail you want. It could just be tide in/tide out as 
suggested by Curt (above) or vastly complex, handling the water flows of 
mudflats like the wadden area or Mont St. Michel.

I've been interested in tides for years, and although 'Xtide' has now 
appeared (which outdoes my efforts), I've been offering a tide 
calculator program on my website for years: see

The underlying maths is very much simplified compared with Xtide, but 
would be fine for Flightgear. Help yourselves if you want it!

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Sailing Ships (was Re: Tides in FlightGear?)

2006-05-30 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Doege wrote:

  By having the water as a separated mesh, we
could finally

simulate the plane-water interaction properly. I feel that this method

move us into the right direction.

And since one of the major selling points of "Flight Simulator X" will
be, at least according to the screenshots and trailers, the more
realistic depiction of water in all its pixel shader-rendered glory,
it would be great if the water in FG would also be a little more than
just the big blue parking lot it is right now. :-)
Martin D.

If there's an interest in improving FG's handling of water, might it be
good to take in the idea that maybe one day the FG engine could be used
for sailing ship simulation too? After all, FG's already got the 3D
graphics engine, world scenery and a weather engine. Add in a sailing
ship simulator "FDM", and a proper concept of water (tides, currents,
depths, waves, 50-ft sea monsters etc) and you'd have it.

Last year, I discovered Peter Davis's Tallship simulator "surprise.exe"
and made a partial port to linux.

Davis's website (for the original windoze program) is:
My RPMs of the linux port are here:

My port is nowhere near complete in terms of options and eye-candy, but
it does run. Mine only simulates the three-masted frigate (the original
does that plus a two-masted brig). Mine doesn't have the "map" display
nor any concept of land. The original modelled some "islands" to
provide some entertainment trying to navigate. Mine doesn't yet show
the "thrusts" diagram which tells you what forces are being provided by
which sails. Mine doesn't yet have configurable weather, the original

Porting it required me to tease out the "FDM" for Davis's ship
simulator - it had been somewhat intertwined with the calls to the
windoze API needed for his GUI. My version uses his "FDM" but with the
GUI implemented with "Glade", the GTK+ GUI writer.

I was actually using the project to teach myself Glade. Funnily enough,
Peter Davis taught himself Visual Basic (and later Visual C) in order
to write his ship-sim in the first place. His inexperience with
computer programming does show in the code (along with its rather
BASIC-like layout due to its heritage), but it does at least work.

I've seen various people post queries about ship simulators on this
list before, all to no avail.

See here for a (commercial) 3D model of an 18th century frigate:

FG can't use this (obviously) but the FG project's got quite a few
excellent 3D modeller experts in need of a challenge :-)
If you get the "The Making of Hornblower" book that went with the UK's
"Carlton TV" dramatisation of Forrester's books, then on the inner
cover flysheets and the centre-spread there's a reproduction of a set
of technical drawings for the "Grand Turk" (the ship used in the TV
series, and used in the BBC's "Longitude" TV programme). 

To answer one obvious comment before it happens: yes, Peter Davis's
source code (and my existing work on a linux port) are all GPL! I asked
Davis last year if he would consider some sort of formal licence for
his work, and he GPL-ed it last August.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Tides in FlightGear?

2006-05-26 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Doege wrote:

Of course the tide calculations would not be required to be extremely 
accurate à la xtide -- the hour angle of the Moon would probably be 
quite sufficient as a broad indication of tide.

It would have to be slightly more than just that. At the very least, 
you'd need a delay-factor for the local hour-angle of the moon. Also an 

Even then, you'd sometimes get the tide happening about an hour 
displaced from reality due to the loss of the solar tide. If you added a 
simple solar tide (i.e a delay factor for the local solar hour-angle and 
a solar-tide amplitude-factor) then you'd probably be getting a pretty 
good rough approximation for a given area. Good enough for a flight-sim, 

It would also better model those areas of the world where the solar tide 
dominates and there's only one significant tide per day.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Frames of Reference in jsbsim

2006-05-17 Thread Steve Hosgood

Dave Culp wrote:

But it doesn't. Seems like an oversight to me. I'm trying to model a
'plane with almost no dihedral AFAICS and I'm not sure what to twiddle
in the .xml file to get that effect.

My advice is don't worry about it.  Is there something about the way the 
Colditz Glider is flying that doesn't seem right?


Yeah - it flies too well!

It's got almost no dihedral, so I'd expect it to be pretty unstable in

Having said that, and though I've never flown anything other than a
hang-glider for real, I find the c172 to be rather *too* unstable in
roll for my liking. It's not obvious to me (yet) how the effects of
dihedral are handled in jsbsim, so it's not easy to experiment with
changes in those values.


Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGLive 0.1 alpha available for testing

2006-05-16 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Spott wrote:

  Stefan Seifert wrote:
That may be a problem, that could affect FGLive, too:

Well, you never know which intention sits behind the mentioned EMail,
you don't even know the author.

Bear in mind that Bill Gates or Steve Ballmer would be credible
candidates for authorship of something like this. Look what it's done
already - closed down a potential competitor to M$...

  Maybe it's just a 'symptom', a
side-effect of the fight about the Right Way (TM) on how to use OpenGL
for desktop eye candy, probably driven by jealousy  ?!?


There's been a Slashdot thread covering this at:

I suggest you read at +2 or better to filter out the worst of the
loonies, but opinions on Slashdot are clearly divided between the
"linux must never be distributed on the same medium as any non-GPL
code" camp versus the "nothing wrong - binary drivers aren't part of
the kernel itself, they just use it" camp.

My opinion sides with the latter.

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Frames of Reference in jsbsim

2006-05-16 Thread Steve Hosgood

Dave Culp wrote:

  On Thursday 11 May 2006 11:08 am, Steve Hosgood wrote:
Deriving the parameters like "yaw
moment due to beta" and other such magic numbers from physical
parameters is going to be pretty non-trivial.

You can use "common numbers" from some hard to find sources.  To get fancy you 
can use DATCOM+ to calculate them.
Hence the existance of Aeromatic I presume.

Yes, that takes the pain out of getting a good first cut at a config file.  
You can tweak stuff afterwards.


Tell you what: a "tweaker's guide" would be a useful document! For
instance, how do you tweak the output of Aeromatic to model the fact
that your aircraft (Colditz Glider in my case) has almost no dihedral
on the main wing.

  Look at it this way.  The process of getting an FDM to model a particular 
aircraft can be broken down into  3 steps:

1)  define the airplane parts
2)  define the effects of the airplane parts
3)  render the airplane state during simulation

Using YASim you do step 1, and YASim does steps 2 and 3.  Using JSBSim you do 
steps 1 and 2, and JSBSim does step 3.  The two methods each have their own 


Now that you've pointed it out, I can see the relative merits of both
routes. I have no argument with jsbsim's methodology, just a slight
misunderstanding to do with just how much the physical model is
"missing" from jsbsim's .xml files! 

However, it doesn't seem possible to specify 
the things I was griping about to Aeromatic (wing incidence, dihedral,
vertical dispacement of rudder w.r.t centerline etc).

You don't specify the measurements, you specify the effects.  (Except wing 

What I meant was, regardless that most of the physical measurements are
missing from jsbsim's .xml files, **Aeromatic** should have a way of
specifying them so that it can produce the right "magic" coefficients.

Yet it doesn't. Aeromatic is good at what it does, but would be nice it
it handled some of the other possible physical parameters of a basic
aircraft. Dihedral and wing incidence would seem obvious ones.



Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGLive 0.1 alpha available for testing

2006-05-16 Thread Steve Hosgood

Arnt Karlsen wrote:

..we do have the right to distribute the GPL ati and radeon drivers
under the GPL. 

Yeah, but they suck in comparison with the binary drivers. There's no 3D 

This is a very strong reason Nvidea would consider
honoring our question to distribute their proprietary binary drivers
favorably, or watch ATI get all the FGLive business on GPL drivers.

..we need only ask them, and then ATI, and in that sequence.  ;o)


I don't think the problem was ever with Nvidia or ATI. Specifically 
asking their permission might be polite but other people package those 
binary drivers in convenient ways (like in RPMs) and don't run into trouble.

The trouble is that some random troller emailed Kororaa  (who  also do a 
LiveCD thing) claiming that GPL prohibits distributing proprietary 
binary drivers with a linux kernel. Opinions are (to say the least) 
divided. Kororaa has, temporarily, withdrawn their LiveCD.

The scare is that FGLive would run into the same problem with the GPL.

Reading slashdot, you get the impression that the you can't distribute 
camp are arguing from a purely idealistic point of view in which they 
claim that all software should be free and that free software cannot 
co-exist with proprietary software on the same planet.
The other camp is actually reading the words of the GPL which don't seem 
to prohibit anything being proprietary, just that it can't be *linked 
in* to GPL software. Drivers aren't linked in, they're dynamically 
loaded when needed, and in the case of the 3D drivers, the shim that 
interfaces to the kernel calls to let that happen *is* GPL and 
sourcecode is distributed for it.

Seems like a no-brainer to me, but IANAL.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] FGLive 0.1 alpha available for testing

2006-05-16 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Spott wrote:

  Steve Hosgood wrote:
Martin Spott wrote:


  Maybe it's just a 'symptom', a
side-effect of the fight about the Right Way (TM) on how to use OpenGL
for desktop eye candy, probably driven by jealousy  ?!?



There's been a Slashdot thread covering this at:

Well, I didn't find anything new in this thread...

Sorry - I didn't say it contained anything new, just that it existed.

   actually it consists
of statements that are being repeated for months or years now 

Yeah - it isn't like this hasn't happened before, but I must admit I'd
thought the situation had been resolved ages ago. I.e. it is OK to have
a proprietary plug-in to GPL-ed software as long as it is indeed a
plug-in, not compiled in. Loadable device drivers would count as a
"plug-in". Obviously.

Look at things like Xine and Mplayer, the DVD and media players. They
use plugins all the time (many of them intended to work on M$ Windows),
and there's never been a fuss about distributing Xine or Mplayer. There
has been a fuss about acquiring some of the plugins that were intended
for use with M$ Windows, but that was down to copyright and licencing
issues from the authors of the plugins.

The FGLive CD doesn't have that problem because the copyright holders
of the 3D drivers are OK about redistribution.

  - and
finally the thread doesn't give any insight into the motivation behind
this EMail that has been cited.


Ah yes, trouble is you'll probably never know that bit. It could be M$
themselves spreading FUD (wouldn't be the first time) and it could just
be some loser 15 yr old idealist doing some trolling.


Re: [Flightgear-devel] Frames of Reference in jsbsim

2006-05-11 Thread Steve Hosgood

Jon S. Berndt wrote:

I just *know* I'm going to get totally flamed for this, but can someone
please tell me how the CG, Eyepoint, AERORP and VRP are interconnected?
Yeah, I know - RTFM.

I'd say that, but there really isn't much of one, yet! :-(

You won't get flamed. It's not the easiest concept to figure out.


Before I say anything, I'd like to commend you Jon, along with Dave
Culp and Erik Hofman for your three replies to my original question.
*None* of you flamed me or anyone else, and answered pretty much all my
questions really neatly.

As you say, Jon, there isn't much of a manual (yet) and discussions
like this in the archives are often the next best thing. Maybe you (as
prime author of jsbsim) and the other guys could clear up one or two
associated questions for me please?

Issue 1, Vol1 of the Quarterly Newsletter states that the sim tracks an
aircraft by its CG.

>From the replies I've read so far then it would appear that Issue 1,
Vol 1 meant to say "jsbsim tracks the stated CG of the empty airframe".
That makes a lot more sense as the article then goes on to say that the
actual flying CG of a plane isn't a useful reference because it moves.

Do you confirm that the "AERORP" is the point from which the "tail arm"
and "rudder arm" are referenced? Since it doesn't seem possible to
specify a "wing arm", do I assume that the "AERORP" must be sited at
the 0.25 chord point of the main wing?

Since it is largely the relative positions of various points on the aircraft
which matter most, it's somewhat arbitrary how the "base" coordinate system
is defined. The XYZ points in the JSBSim config file are specified relative
to a coordinate system that has its X axis pointing backwards, the Y axis
pointing out the right side of the aircraft, and the Z axis pointing
upwards. The origin of the coordinate frame could be anywhere, but it is
usually out ahead of the aircraft, and often the X axis is coincident with
the aircraft centerline. This is the "structural frame" as defined by some
aircraft manufacturers. It is fixed in the aircraft for all time.


OK. One thing I've noticed about the aircraft.xml file (both the new
version and the old) is that the "metrics" section (describing the
physical layout of the plane) is rather "lightweight" compared with the
vast other parts of the file that can provide lift and drag and stall
characteristics of the airfoil.

However (and you're probably going to prove me wrong pretty quick here)
it seems that the metrics section merely lists the span and width (or
area) of the main wing and the same things for the horizontal
stabilizer on the tail, along with the "tail arm" length. Also the
rudder dimensions and "rudder arm".

There doesn't seem to be any way to specify dihedral (of the wing or of
the horizontal stabilizer), or that the horizontal stabilizer airfoil
isn't necessarily the same as the main wing airfoil.

There doesn't seem to be any way to specify the angle of the wing chord
w.r.t the aircraft centerline, or the angle of the horizontal
stabilizer chord w.r.t the aircraft centerline. This comes back to my
original question about orientation of the X axis. I know it runs "nose
to tail" but without a way so specify the wing chord you could end up
with a plane that flies rather nose up or nose down.

Similarly, there doesn't seem to be a way to specify where the centre
of lift of the rudder is placed vertically off the aircraft centerline.
Most planes have the rudder above the centerline, and surely that
generates a rolling moment on the plane when the rudder is moved? You'd
seem to need some concept of "rudder vertical arm" to deal with that,
but if there is one then I (for one) don't know about it.


Don't feel bad about "interrogating". If you have questions, please feel
free to ask either here or in the JSBSim list. Let us know if the above does
not answer your question.

Best regards,



Jsbsim is a fine bit of work, Jon. 
Just trying to make up for a slight lack of definitive manuals, that's


[Flightgear-devel] Frames of Reference in jsbsim

2006-05-10 Thread Steve Hosgood
I just *know* I'm going to get totally flamed for this, but can someone 
please tell me how the CG, Eyepoint, AERORP and VRP are interconnected? 
Yeah, I know - RTFM.

Trouble is, I think I did R the FM (there was an article by Jon S. 
Berndt himself in Issue 1, Vol1 of the Quarterly Newsletter) but it 
didn't seem to answer the following questions. For that matter ISTR that 
this same issue came up here a while back, but I can't find it in the 
mailiing-list archives.

Here goes.

Issue 1, Vol1 of the Quarterly Newsletter states that the sim tracks an 
aircraft by its CG. However, it then goes on to state that CG isn't a 
useful datum for a frame of reference because it can move (as, for 
instance, when fuel is used up). Indeed, CG gets specified in the 
aircraft .xml file as having an [X,Y,Z] location, and evidently this 
[X,Y,Z] is using some other point on the aircraft as datum.

Where is this other point? Just some arbitrary convenient point? 
Presumably not the aerodynamic reference point, since it looks like that 
also gets specified with an [X,Y,Z] coordinate in the setting of 
AERORP. Is the AERORP the point about which the tail arm is 
referenced? Where should the AERORP be placed w.r.t the wing? Is there a 
concept of wing arm to match the concept of tail arm?

I think I know what the eyepoint is :-). It is specified with an 
[X,Y,Z] too, but in what coordinate frame?

Likewise the VRP. This is the location of the reference point of the 3D 
model isn't it? Again, from what point is the VRP's  [X,Y,Z] measured from?

Then there's the semi-unrelated question of the X axis. Increasing 
aftwards it says, but along what axis of aftwards are we speaking? Is 
it parallel (say) to the chord of the main wing or what?

Finally, back to CG again. Do I assume the the CG that is specified 
with an [X,Y,Z] coordinate refers just to the CG of the airframe itself? 
Issue 1, Vol1 of the Quarterly Newsletter states (quite rightly) that 
the actual CG of a plane moves during flight duration as the fuel is 
used up, but I assume that this is why you can specify tank locations 
and fuel weights and rates of fuel usage. So the actual flying CG of a 
plane isn't where you set CG?

Sorry about the interrogation, but I've realised that I seriously don't 
know what I'm doing in the .xml file department here!

Thanks in advance for any insights.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] flightgear/FlightGearSDL-0.9.10-0.FC.i386.rpm failing on FC5

2006-05-09 Thread Steve Hosgood

Some time back, andy wrote:


I posted earlier today a msg on the user list about issues with running
fgfs on FC5 (c enclosed copy) . After a little more research I found the
development list thread about FC5 and the freeglut 2.4.

So I tried the following rpm



This FlightGearSDL RPM *still* hasn't managed to get on the mirrors. If 
there's no worry about it working (apparently it does) could someone 
copy the above link off my rather slow machine onto the mirrors for 
everyone's benefit please?

Thanks in advance.

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[Flightgear-devel] Colditz Glider woes

2006-05-09 Thread Steve Hosgood
I've just been reworking the FDM of my Colditz Escape Glider to get it 
to work with 0.9.10 and the new JSBSim .xml format.

So far so good, but

1) How do I get the 'autopilot' menu item to grey out and go away 
please? I've tried studying the c172p and conclude that it does it by 
specifying its own autopilot which automagically greys out the default 
one. I don't want one at all. How to do that please?

2) If I dive the colditz glider vertically down it manages to hold this 
vertical flight until it hits the ground. Two problems ...

2a) I reckon it ought to try and pull out of the dive as the lift over 
the wings increases. I assume that the JSBsim applies a torque due to 
wing lift about the claimed CG of the 'plane, and if so then I need to 
have my CG behind the wing root somewhere. Presumably I've not got it 
far enough behind. Does this sound like a likely cause of excessively 
easy vertical dive? Needless to say, without a real Colditz Glider to 
measure, I'm having to estimate the position of CG.

2b) The Colditz Glider in vertical dive mode (see above) manages to 
achieve about mach 6 (:-)). I tried fiddling with drag due to mach in 
the .xml file to try and limit the terminal velocity, but it doesn't 
seem to do much. A human being in freefall manages about 120mph 
(190km/h) apparently, and I'm not sure I'd expect a crude wood and 
fabric airplane to do much more than that. What's the right way to model 
drag due to velocity?

Thanks in advance for any clues.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] flightgear/FlightGearSDL-0.9.10-0.FC.i386.rpm failing on FC5

2006-05-09 Thread Steve Hosgood

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

It should start propogating now.  Sorry for the delay.  I've had zero 
spare time to devote to FG in the last couple weeks due to my job 
situation.  Hopefully this will begin to return to normal by the end 
of May.


Thanks, Curt.

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Re: FlightGear RPMs (was Re: [Flightgear-devel] FC2 .rpm)

2006-04-26 Thread Steve Hosgood

Steve Hosgood wrote:

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

My vote is to build it with sdl.  For 99.9% of the people out there, 
sdl will work just fine and they won't be able to tell the 
difference, and for the other 0.1%, freeglut won't work anyways 
because they never actually implimented glut's game mode.


SDL is indeed shipped with FC5, but punters would have to load their 
own from if they want to run FlightGear with 
SDL on a Fedora Core earlier than that.

I have now got a Fedora Core 4 RPM of FlightGear compiled with SDL 
rather than freeglut. It will run on FC5 too (I think). I'd appreciate 
if anyone out there with FC5 would load it and give it a test.

It's called FlightGearSDL and is on the same FTP site as my other 
0.9.10 offerings:

Please would all the mirror-site operators grab a copy?

It would be useful if the FlightGear website download page points out that:
FC2 people have to run the freeglut version.
FC3 people have to run the freeglut version.
FC4 people can run either (but will have to get a copy of the SDL RPM 
from the FC4 updates site if they want to run the SDL version).

FC5 people can only run the SDL version due to trouble with freeglut 2.4

SRPMs coming soon.
Thanks in Advance.

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FlightGear RPMs (was Re: [Flightgear-devel] FC2 .rpm)

2006-04-25 Thread Steve Hosgood

There is a 0.9.10 version of FlightGear and SimGear in RPM form
suitable for Fedora Core 2,3,4 on:

Would the main FlightGear site maintainers (and mirror-site managers)
please grab these and throw them in the existing "RPMs for Fedora Core"
directory ASAP? You could replace the 0.9.9 versions or keep them "just
in case". These RPMs require the openal-* and plib-* RPMs that are
already on the download site. Please hand-delete "simgear-0.3.7-1grk.i386.rpm"
that is *still* lying around and probably confusing everyone!

Please also flag the fact that we've still got an issue with Fedora
Core 5. This is because FC5 ships with freeglut 2.4 and there's a bug
in that version that kills FlightGear. I'm working on it, but I'm
either going to have to compile with the SDL option to replace freeglut
for FC5 or make the RPM specifically require freeglut version 2.2, and
ship a special "freeglut22" RPM to provide such a thing on FC5.

Trouble is, I'm not running FC5 (yet).

Decisions, decisions.
I'm just snowed under right at the moment.


Re: FlightGear RPMs (was Re: [Flightgear-devel] FC2 .rpm)

2006-04-25 Thread Steve Hosgood

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

My vote is to build it with sdl.  For 99.9% of the people out there, 
sdl will work just fine and they won't be able to tell the difference, 
and for the other 0.1%, freeglut won't work anyways because they never 
actually implimented glut's game mode.


SDL is indeed shipped with FC5, but punters would have to load their own 
from if they want to run FlightGear with SDL on a 
Fedora Core earlier than that.

Currently I'm working on the idea of having the RPM as you see it for 
FC2,3,4 and a different one for FC5. I'll have to compile on FC4 though, 
so I suppose that will leave FC4 people able to load and run either.

Please mirror the existing compiled-with-freeglut RPMs for now, and I'll 
attack the SDL variant as soon as I can.

BTW, I guess you'll be wanting the source RPMs for 0.9.10 on the website 
too - I'll stick them on my FTP server probably about the same time I 
announce the SDL binary RPM.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Me262

2006-04-25 Thread Steve Hosgood

Martin Spott wrote:

I just recieved these photographs from a collague at Eurocopter.
Subject of his EMail was: today the First Flight in Manching / Germany


Amazing isn't it? You forget just how good Agfacolor was, even in the 
1940's. I take it the photos must have been color corrected or something 
because there's no scratches or fading or anything.

Those photos could have been taken yesterday if it wasn't for the fact 
that there - are --- no --- ME262's -- still -- flying.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of old maps

2006-04-18 Thread Steve Hosgood

David Luff wrote:

  Steve Hosgood writes:

My only comment is just that 1937 maps will certainly be before the 
National Grid was adopted, and will be based on the "old triangulation" 
done between the late 1700's to mid 1800's. I don't know the details, 
but it wasn't metric (possibly surveyed in "survey chains" or thousands 
of yards or royal Babylonian cubits).

The first OS maps based on the "new triangulation" (which was metric), 
and with the now-familiar National Grid didn't appear to the public 
until after WWII.

Whether or not you can get an "old survey" map to line up with a "new 
survey" map (or even with reality!) is not obvious. I'm not even sure if 
the mapping projection of the pre WWII maps is the same as today's (i.e 
Transverse Mercator based on the "Airy 1830" spheroid). It certainly 
isn't WGS84 which IIRC is what FG's terrain is based on.

Hmm, I've got a feeling that the 36 in OSGB36 might refer to 1936, in which case you are probably right - post-war maps should be OK - I've got no problem converting to and from WGS84 == OSGB36.  It seems that 1" maps from the 7th series in the mid fifties to early sixties are fairly widely available - I guess that these are probably the best to go for at the moment.  I will look out for one to a hilly area to try as a proof-of-concept.

Check out:

You are right: the "36" refers to 1936, the date that they created the
"OSGB36" datum, but the underlying spheroid is still the 1830 Airy
Spheroid, used by the earlier survey. However, the 1936 resurvey was
done with technology 100 years advanced from the original survey, and
was way more accurate. They brought in the trig points, still familiar
to hill walkers today, and introduced the National Grid and had the
foresight to do it all in metric - still regarded as rather an alien
concept back then.

  Regarding the rest of the thread - yes, the OS jealously guards copyright in the UK.  Other agencies are just as bad - it was very difficult to find online tide tables for dates in the future last time I looked.

Try "xtide". There is (allegedly) a port called "wxtide32" for windoze

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Use of old maps

2006-04-12 Thread Steve Hosgood

David Luff wrote:

Hi folks,

I happened to come across the following ebay item whilst looking for a map 
which caught my eye:

It's a 1937 OS map to a reasonably hilly area of the UK, and appears to have 
quite detailed contours.  All the information I can find suggests that Crown 
Copyright persists in OS products for 50 years from the date of publication, 
suggesting that it might be possible to extract freely usable elevation data 
from such maps, admittedly not up-to-date but likely to be much denser than the 
3-arcsec SRTM.

Does anyone see any major flaws in this line of thought?

Cheers - Dave

My only comment is just that 1937 maps will certainly be before the 
National Grid was adopted, and will be based on the old triangulation 
done between the late 1700's to mid 1800's. I don't know the details, 
but it wasn't metric (possibly surveyed in survey chains or thousands 
of yards or royal Babylonian cubits).

The first OS maps based on the new triangulation (which was metric), 
and with the now-familiar National Grid didn't appear to the public 
until after WWII.

Whether or not you can get an old survey map to line up with a new 
survey map (or even with reality!) is not obvious. I'm not even sure if 
the mapping projection of the pre WWII maps is the same as today's (i.e 
Transverse Mercator based on the Airy 1830 spheroid). It certainly 
isn't WGS84 which IIRC is what FG's terrain is based on.


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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FC2 .rpm on FlightGear website being distributed with freeglut 2.4!

2006-04-10 Thread Steve Hosgood

Chris Metzler wrote:

Hi.  We had a Fedora Core user come into the IRC channel tonight, unable
to get FG to run without crashing.  He'd downloaded the 0.9.9 rpm from
the links provided on the FlightGear website.  It turns out that that
.rpm is built against, and distributes, freeglut 2.4; so it crashes
with the usual 

freeglut (fgfs) : Failed to create cursor
freeglut ERROR: Function glutSetCursor called without first calling 'glutinit'


If we're imminently releasing 0.9.10, it'd be good to avoid the same
issue with the new release.



Thanks for the comment Chris. I wrote the RPMs for the 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 
linux releases on the main server (and am therefore the de facto 
maintainer of them :-( ).

I was planning on doing 0.9.10 as soon as I can. I hadn't been aware of 
any troubles with the existing 0.9.9 though. I tested 0.9.9 on FC2 and 
FC4 before releasing and it all seemed OK then. I tend to run FG at home 
on my FC2 machine - my work machine doesn't currently have the Nvidia 
drivers installed for its antique Quadra card.

Freeglut is not distributed by the Flightgear RPMs, though Flightgear 
RPMs obviously requires it. I've got bog standard FC4 and freeglut 
2.2.0-16 on my work machine for instance, no sign of freeglut 2.4... 
Flightgear RPM doesn't insist on any particular version of freeglut BTW, 
just whatever is available.

What's the fix? Insist on only a certain version of Freeglut?

Thanks in advance.
Steve Hosgood.

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FC2 .rpm on FlightGear website being distributed with freeglut 2.4!

2006-04-10 Thread Steve Hosgood

Chris Metzler wrote:

I've got bog standard FC4 and freeglut 
2.2.0-16 on my work machine for instance, no sign of freeglut 2.4... 

He was on FC5; maybe they're distributing freeglut 2.4 at this point.


Quite right, they are. Annoyingly, they don't seem to be distributing
"freeglut22" which would be the specific version 2.2 freeglut. Some
other RPMs are done this sort of way, just to allow certain programs
to continue using an old version of a library.

Flightgear RPM doesn't insist on any particular version of freeglut
BTW, just whatever is available.

What's the fix? Insist on only a certain version of Freeglut?

Yeah.  Or go the SDL route.

I take it we can't just fix FG to call freeglut's 'init()' routine as

   The problem is that when people try it
and it crashes in this fashion, the majority aren't going to react
with "oh wow, freeglut must be buggy."  They're going to think the
problem is with FG.  It sucks, but that's reality. 


   The advantage
of the SDL route, I guess, is that if you demand freeglut  2.4,
there's a chance of a conflict if they have something else
installed which requires freeglut = 2.4.


As I indicated earlier, the "right way" to do this sort of thing on
RPM-ed machines is usually to have a special package called (say)
'freeglut22' providing such a thing. Then it doesn't conflict with
'freeglut' which may also be installed.

Such a thing doesn't seem to be available on FC5 currently. We could
provide one I suppose, or like you say, use SDL instead.


Re: [Flightgear-devel] Version 9.9 improvements

2006-01-09 Thread Steve Hosgood
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 19:53, Drew wrote:
 Also, what are the major differences between the scenery of 0.9.8 and
 0.9.9?  Will the 0.9.9 scenery work with version 0.9.8 of FlightGear?

I asked this same question before Christmas and got no answer. So I
tried it to see what happened.

It works just fine. Curt is working on some proper 0.9.9 scenery, but
evidently 0.9.8 is still compatible.


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