g_b Wednesday's Wonder

2014-10-05 Thread asfan asfa...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]

A blonde city girl named Amy marries a Saskatchewan rancher.

morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Amy,  'The
Veterinarian is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today, so I drove a 

nail into the 2 by 4 just above where the cow's stall is in the barn.  Please
show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK?'

The rancher leaves for
the fields.   After a while, the artificial insemination man arrives and knocks
on the front door.

Amy takes him down to the barn. They walk along the
row of  cows and when Amy sees the nail, she tells him,  'This is the one right

The man, assuming he is dealing with an air head blonde asks,
'Tell me lady, 'cause I'm dying to know; how would YOU know that this is the
right cow to be bred?'
'That's simple, she said. By the nail that's over
its stall,'  she explains very confidently.

Laughing rudely at her, the
man says,  'And what, pray tell, is the nail for?'

The blonde turns
to walk away and says sweetly over her shoulder,  'I guess it's to hang your
pants on.'

(It's nice to see a blonde winning once in awhile)!

g_b We belong to each other

2014-10-05 Thread dunn...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters. - Nathaniel 
Emmons (Choice http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#choice @ OM)

Habit can make or break you and the choice is ours. Quoting Aristotle 
 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

(Click above for the bigger image)

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and 
more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It 
can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision 
for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie (Gratitude 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#gratitude @ OM)

More quotes by Melody Beattie http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/GjAEk

(Click above for the bigger image)

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each 
other. - Mother Teresa (Be the change 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/be-the-change @ OM)

Gisella Klein insightful words, Walking alone together. Indeed, we are all 
individuals in bodies, walking our individual journeys and yet we are one human 
race walking together in this world. Never underestimate the good you can bring 
to the world; you can make a difference!

More quotes by Mother Teresa http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/0l8l2

(Click above for the bigger image)
Book Now, Pay When You Stay! http://journey.symphonyoflove.net/booking-comWith 
FREE cancellation on most rooms 

g_b Bread Roses

2014-10-05 Thread vg...@yahoo.co.uk [gay_bombay]

One last post on Pride (at least for now!). The film seems to have made some 
wonderful music choices. Obviously '80s disco hits that most of us are familiar 
with - note Karma Chameleon playing in the dance clip, before giving way to 
Shame Shame Shame where the gay guy teaches the miners how to dance.

But the lessons go both ways, and at another moment the miners and their wives 
show that they know the meaning of solidarity too when they sing - starting 
with one woman, then all the other women and finally the men joining in - the 
old Labour rights song 'Bread  Roses'.

Its a great choice because 'Bread  Roses' is the one Labour movement song that 
specifically brings in gender, since it is a song about women's activism and 
how it is part of the larger struggle. And its message is important for all 
kinds of activism - the fight is not just for survival (bread) but for respect 
and happiness (roses) and a life beyond just surviving.

It is an important message for us in the lgbt rights movement because so often 
we are asked, even by well meaning people, why we are bothering with issues 
like sexuality when so many people are starving in India. Personal identity, 
they seem to say, is a luxury that we can't bother with in the face of so many 
basic problems.

But this is a false and deeply patronising division. No one argues that basic 
rights of hunger and health are vital, but people aren't insensate beings with 
just those needs (and anyway, even animals need more than just being fed). Even 
the poorest and most suffering person needs respect and a chance for more than 
just survival and this is what the songs says: Hearts starve as well as 
bodies; give us bread, but give us roses!

Here's a link to the song as it is sung in the film and also Joan Baez's 
version and the full lyrics:



Bread  Roses

As we come marching, marching in the beauty of the day,
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray,
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,
For the people hear us singing: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!
As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men,
For they are women's children, and we mother them again.
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses!

As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient cry for bread.
Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew.
Yes, it is bread we fight for -- but we fight for roses, too!

As we come marching, marching, we bring the greater days.
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.
No more the drudge and idler -- ten that toil where one reposes,
But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!

g_b Re: Pride the film, and the documentary on the story behind it

2014-10-05 Thread vg...@yahoo.co.uk [gay_bombay]

The British film Pride, which I had posted about earlier, is now in commercial 
release in the UK and USA and is getting rave reviews. Its showing all the 
signs of transforming from a niche film to a big Brit film hit, on the lines of 
The Full Monty and Billy Elliott.

It doesn't hurt I guess that the setting is superficially similar, but many 
reviewers have particularly praised it for showing the benefits that can come 
when very different groups - lgbt activists and striking miners in this case - 
come together and support each other.

This link has some preview clips that don't seem to have come anywhere else - 
perhaps the filmmakers released it to this South Wales paper since much of the 
film is set there. The clips include the official trailer and one of Dominic 
West - officer McNulty for fans of The Wire and in a very different role here - 
showing how disco dancing can break the ice.

Another clip shows how some miners were dubious about the support and were 
firmly put in place by the women. And the last clip shows a gay pride march and 
how one young man is unexpectedly swept up in it - something many of us who 
went nervously for our first Pride March will have felt!

VIDEO: Exclusive clips from Pride - new film on the unlikely alliance between 
gay activists and striking miners 
 VIDEO: Exclusive clips from Pride - new film on the unli... 
 AHEAD of the September release of new movie 'Pride', we have two fantastic 
clips ready for your viewing pleasure. Starring Imelda Staunton and Bill Nighy, 
 View on www.southwales-eve... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

g_b Call for application to Dhaka ICAAP IAC (Int'l Advisory Comt'ee)

2014-10-05 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail.com [gay_bombay]
Forwarded Msg:

*From:* Secretary General ICAAP2015 [mailto:s...@icaap2015.org]
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 23, 2014 4:59 AM
*To:* Various!
*Subject:* 12th ICAAP, Dhaka; Calls for expression of interest and
nominations to the conference International Advisory Committee (IAC)

12th ICAAP, Dhaka; Calls for expression of interest and nominations to the
conference International Advisory Committee (IAC)

12th ICAAP; Visit us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icaap12

Through and international bidding process, Dhaka, the capital city of
Bangladesh is selected as the venue for the 12th 2th International Congress
on AIDS in Asia Pacific (12th ICAAP) in November 2015.

The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 12th International Congress on
AIDS in Asia Pacific (12th ICAAP) Dhaka, Bangladesh is seeking nominations
and expression of interest from concerned parties to the International
Advisory Committee (IAC) of the 12th ICAAP.

The overall aim of the IAC is to ensure that the Local Organizing Committee
(LOC) of ICAAP receives the advice and guidance it requires from an
independent body of persons, with skills in HIV/AIDS issues and congress
organization. The specific role of the IAC is to support the Local
Organizing Committee of ICAAP, with advice and technical expertise.

Dhaka, ICAAP,  LOC is seeking to build a stronger thematic, academic and
community accessible congress, building upon and utilising the regional
capacity developed from former ICAAP experiences, by  facilitating the
sharing of institutional knowledge is a central factor in the Dhaka ICAAP
activities. An informed and experienced International Advisory Committee is
integral to this effort.

This call is in response to the regional community's call for greater
involvement in the ICAAP institutional preparations.  The LOC of 12th ICAAP
is committed to bring the elements of experience and successes of
preparations of earlier ICAAP by bringing on board the institutional
expertise gained by earlier LOCs of ICAAP.

The Dhaka,  LOC is committed to facilitate the sharing of institutional
knowledge gained from previous ICAAP experiential learning processes and to
facilitate  regional engagement throughout the pre-ICAAP preparations.

Nominations and or expression of interest from  qualified and experienced
persons to serve on the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the 12th
International AIDS congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (12th ICAAP)
is invited. The terms and reference of the International Advisory Committee
(IAC) of the 12th International AIDS congress on AIDS in Asia and the
Pacific (12th ICAAP) follows; for reference.

Nominations and EOI should be submitted by COB,  30th September, 2014, by
e-mail  to Secretary General ICAAP2015 s...@icaap2015.org  Due to the
resource constrains, further correspondences will be made, only with the
candidates are of interest to the LOC


The terms and reference of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of
the 12th International AIDS congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (12th

1. The Aim of the International Advisory Committee

The aim of the IAC is to ensure that the Local Organizing Committee of
ICAAP receives the advice and guidance it requires from an independent body
of persons, with skills in HIV/AIDS issues and congress organization.

2. The guiding principles

The guiding principles which should guide the formation and work of the IAC
are as follows:

2.1 The IAC should be independent,

2.2 The members of the IAC should be competent and has variety of
experience on HIV/AIDS and related issues,

2.3 The IAC should be innovative on thematic and programmatic issues
related to the region and ICAAP,

2.4 Ensure a wide representation of persons on the IAC including civil
society representatives,

3. The specific role of the IAC

The specific role of the IAC is to support the Local Organizing Committee
of ICAAP, with advice and technical expertise. Whilst the IAC offers advice
and guidance on programmatic and thematic issues in general, and  more
specifically in the following  areas:

3.1. To advice on Congress themes and related issues;

3.2. To advice on Organization of the Congress Programme;

3.3. To advice on Opening and closing ceremonies;

3.4. To advice on plenary speakers;

3.5. To advice on special events or innovations attached to the Congress;

3.6. To advice on Political outcomes of the Congress and

3.6. To advice on the risk and risk management of the congress.

4. The independence of the IAC

To ensure the quality of output of the IAC it is of paramount importance
that this body is perceived to be independent vis a vis the LOC and ASAP
and with no other vested interests than those that benefit the Congress.
Members of the IAC should ideally be selected based on the needs of the
congress and on their expertise, and function in 

g_b Have you chosen the right path?

2014-10-05 Thread dunn...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]

 The ultimate source of comfort and peace is within ourselves. - Dalai Lama 
(Inner Peace http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#inner-peace @ OM)

From a quote attributed to Buddha 
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. For the comfort and peace we 
see in the world, it must come from within.

More quotes by Dalai Lama http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/ekSeD

(Click above for the bigger image)

Dare to believe something amazing is going to happen in your life. When you 
believe, all things are possible. - Joel Osteen (Faith 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#faith @ OM)

More quotes by Joel Osteen http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/oDCxP

(Click above for the bigger image)

A peaceful soul creates a peaceful earth. Be the peace. - Harold W. Becker (Be 
the change http://om.symphonyoflove.net/gallery/be-the-change @ OM)

Quoting Byron Katie http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/DvlBr, Peace doesn't 
require two people; it requires only one. It has to be you. The problem begins 
and ends there.

(Click above for the bigger image)

The only way to find out if you have chosen the right path is to get out there 
and try it. - Richard Branson (Take action 
http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#take-action @ OM)

Quoting Richard Branson from Entrepreneur 
http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/237368, If it works, you will find you are 
enjoying your job and loving your life, every day. If not? Try, try again.

More quotes by Richard Branson http://lovequotes.symphonyoflove.net/jbXgI

(Click above for the bigger image)

Planning a trip with your family or friends?

 Please consider using the flight and hotel booking services by Symphony of 
Love at JOURNEY http://journey.symphonyoflove.net/.

With Gratitude and Thanks,
Symphony of Love

g_b India's shame

2014-10-05 Thread Richard A Ammon mic...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
Regarding yesterday's UN vote approving non-discrimination policy among 
members, the 'world's largest democracy' (by population) refused to vote yea or 
nay on that resolution: India abstained from voting. This is shameful behavior. 
In a country that has known the terror and war of discrimination (Hindu vs 
Muslim) and knows its lethal effects it is unconscionable that India would not 
gladly do all it can to reduce discrimination of any kind. Indian 
decision-makers appear oblivious to the effects of their ignorance regarding 
human sexual diversity. Shame. Shame.

UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting
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| UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains ...India abstained 
from voting on a resolution at UN condemning discrimination based on sexual 
orientation and gender identity. The resolution was passed... |
|  |
| View on www.gaylaxymag.com | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


  On Saturday, September 27, 2014 3:18 AM, gaybom...@yahoogroups.com 
gaybom...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 !--#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv2352728162 
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0;}#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-mkp #yiv2352728162ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-mkp .yiv2352728162ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-mkp .yiv2352728162ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-mkp .yiv2352728162ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv2352728162 #yiv2352728162ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv2352728162ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv2352728162 
#yiv2352728162ygrp-sponsor #yiv2352728162ygrp-lc #yiv2352728162hd {margin:10px 
#yiv2352728162ygrp-sponsor #yiv2352728162ygrp-lc .yiv2352728162ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}-- GayBombay   GayBombay   Group
 1 Message
  Digest #54531UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India 
abstains from voting.   by Jayesh Desai de_joy


   UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting.

 Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:

   Jayesh Desai de_joy
 “Acche din for the community now seem more farfetched”
UN adopts resolution on LGBT Rights, but India abstains from voting

India abstained from voting on a resolution at UN condemning discrimination 
based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The resolution was passed by 
25 votes in favour, with 14 against it and 7 absentions. In June this year, 
India had voted in favour of a resolution that excluded LGBT families. 

The Human Rights Council resolution—led by Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and 
Uruguay, simply asks the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights to 
gather and publish information on how best to overcome discrimination and 
violence. The resolution is a watered down version of the original resolution, 
which asked for such report to be presented every two years.

The opponent’s of the resolution were primarily a coalition of Islamic Nations, 
called the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and led by Egypt, that attacked 
the resolution by calling it as imposing cultural imperialism and an attack on 
Islam. They had presented a total of 7 amendments to eliminate all reference to 
sexual orientation and gender identity from the text, and make it applicable 
only to countries who proactively declare support for sexual diversity and 
rights. The countries expressed displeasure on the passage of the resolution.

Buzzfeed reported a Saudi Arabia representative as saying, “In my opinion, this 
[resolution] is a human rights violation.” While a Pakistani representative 
called it destructive for the youth and Muslims. “The wider connotation of the 
words ‘sexual orientation’ can be destructive and inimical to our Muslim 
[faith] …and to our youth as a whole,” he said. Kazakhstan, a member of the 
Organization for Islamic Cooperation abstained from the voting.

“The Human Rights Council has taken a fundamental step forward by reaffirming 
one of the United Nations’ key principles—that everyone is equal in dignity and 
rights,” said Jessica Stern, executive director of IGLHRC. “This resolution 
puts the UN on a trajectory to address the discrimination and violence LGBT 
persons suffer daily across the world.” Reply to sender . 
Reply to group . Reply via Web Post . All Messages (1) .
Top ^ 

g_b health and safe sex

2014-10-05 Thread tonylop...@yahoo.es [gay_bombay]

 Eradicated in less than 5 day wart

 The oral or anal sex is normal if your partner is voluntary but without any 
prejudice, but if something happened and you acquired the wart immediately and 
delete treat is good for that I recommend you read more in: This Genital Warts 
Treatment Saved My Sex Life http://tinyurl.com/pt2r65s

 This Genital Warts Treatment Saved My Sex Life http://tinyurl.com/pt2r65s 
Genital Warts Treatment | How to Permanently Clear Your Genital Warts In 5 Days 
or Less From The Privacy Of Your Own Home.
 View on tinyurl.com http://tinyurl.com/pt2r65s 
 Preview by Yahoo 

g_b isumasuqputit

2014-10-05 Thread Vikram D vg...@yahoo.co.uk [gay_bombay]
When queer Indian kids come out to their parents they sometimes say that one of 
the problems they had is they didn't have the words to explain the concept of 
being queer to their parents in the language they speak. What words they could 
think of often had negative connotations which they felt would complicate the 
coming out.

But in the end they manage, and here's a fascinating story of a community very 
far from here (though note the presence of a queer girl of south asian origin 
even there!) which is also dealing with this and managing. Its well worth 
reading, not least for finding out what isumasuqputit mean:


g_b For it is in giving that we receive

2014-10-05 Thread dunn...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. 
- Elizabeth Bibesco (Giving http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#giving @ OM)

Quoting Saint Francis of Assisi 
 For it is in giving that we receive. Even when we do not receive, is it not 
a blessing to have the ability to give?

(Click above for the bigger image)

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, 
spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand 
other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would 
ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all 
you'd need. - Abraham Hicks (Gratitude http://om.symphonyoflove.net/#gratitude 
@ OM)

(Click above for the bigger image)
Planning a trip with your family or friends?

 Please consider using the flight and hotel booking services by Symphony of 
Love at JOURNEY http://journey.symphonyoflove.net/.

g_b Negotiating Multiple Marginalizations: Experiences of South Asian LGBQ Individuals [1 Attachment]

2014-10-05 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail.com [gay_bombay]
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority


Negotiating Multiple Marginalizations: Experiences of South Asian LGBQ
Riddhi Sandil, Matthew Robinson, Melanie E. Brewster, Stephanie Wong, and
Elizabeth Geiger


g_b OpEd- The Hindu: The right to medicines in a world of stock-outs

2014-10-05 Thread Aditya Bondyopadhyay adit.b...@gmail.com [gay_bombay]
*The right to medicines in a world of stock-outs*


[image: DEPLORABLE: A stock-out of essential HIV drugs is nothing short of
a crisis. File photo]
The HinduDEPLORABLE: A stock-out of essential HIV drugs is nothing short of
a crisis. File photo
Access to essential medicines in the public health system cannot be a
service that the state voluntarily undertakes; it must be considered an
undeniable right of every Indian

India is widely recognised as the pharmacy of the developing world thanks
to its generic drugs manufacturing sector. Yet, ironically, it often fails
to provide necessary drugs to its own population. Several States across
India have been reporting that essential HIV drugs, especially nevirapine,
have gone out of stock. This is deplorable considering we supply affordable
HIV drugs globally and save millions of lives but have somehow managed a
stock-out at home.

Drug shortages are common in India and rarely make news. A stock-out of
essential HIV drugs, however, is nothing short of a crisis; it is one that
has parallels in previous stock-outs and raises many questions. What causes
drug stock-outs? Who is responsible and accountable for them? Where do the
poor go when they need these drugs? Finally, what are the implications of
these stock-outs on the control of infectious diseases such as HIV and TB?
*A culture of neglect*

Let’s consider how stock-outs happen. Contrary to popular perception, the
government is designed to be a competent machinery with detailed systems in
place to avoid such crisis. Drug stocks in the public health system are
meant to be regularly monitored and the suppliers should be kept in the
loop about future requirements. Hence all drug stock-outs are created —
either out of neglect or out of self-interest. No drug stock-out is ever an
unanticipated one. Who then is responsible for these stock-outs? It’s
rarely an individual but usually a result of actions (or inactions) by a
group or the entire system. A drug stock-out requires some negligence,
compliance and efforts by all actors. For one, it requires the purposeful
ignoring of well-structured systems of reporting on drug stocks. It also
demands continued delays in forecasting and planning. Finally, there must
be extensive procrastination or delay in procurements.

This points to several systemic weaknesses that are difficult but essential
to address. There is a culture of neglect where the health establishment is
geared for minimal action to disturb the status quo. There is also a deeply
ingrained mindset of mutual protection. Despite a looming crisis, people
within the system rarely raise an alarm. The matter only reaches a head
when word gets out to the media or someone senior calls for explanations.
Until then the system protects itself while poor patients wait for the
health system to deliver.

Where then do the poor go when they do not receive drugs? They have two
options — they can wait and suffer or they go to the private sector.
Truthfully, this is not really a choice. It’s well-known that a large
number of patients seek care in the private sector only due to the
overburdened and patient-unfriendly nature of the public sector. So, those
who seek care in the public sector either cannot afford to go to the
private sector or have already been exploited by it.

This raises the critical question of the government’s role as the primary
provider of drugs and services to the poorest. This extensive power seems
to come with little accountability. The issue also has legal and ethical
implications: how can the state put lives of patients with HIV at risk by
not making essential drugs available? Patients suffering from TB and HIV
also suffer extensive physical, psychological, social and economic
consequences of these diseases. These diseases impact income, raise
expenses and often push families into debt. By not providing appropriate
and timely treatment, the government is further acerbating their suffering
and also limiting their ability to build constructive lives.
*Implications for disease control*

A stock-out also has significant implications for disease control.
Unplanned HIV treatment interruptions lead to increased risk resistance to
HIV drugs, failure of treatment, and death. Similarly, a TB patient without
drugs can become drug-resistant and infectious. Imagine a TB patient in a
crowded slum — coughing and transmitting the disease. Stock-outs also
significantly reduce the patient’s trust in the system and makes retention
of patients more difficult. Undoubtedly, these stock-outs represent a lack
of appropriate governance and accountability within the health system. With
new leadership in the Health Ministry, addressing stock-outs should be a
top priority. This should be followed by immediate remedial action to
ensure that these crises do not recur in any form in the future.

At the 

g_b 'Advait'-Pune Queer Festival (2014)

2014-10-05 Thread Bindumadhav Khire boyzworld2...@yahoo.com [gay_bombay]
This year Samapathik Trust, Pune is organizing 'Advait'-Pune Queer Festival 
(2014). The details are as follows-
Queer Theatre Festival  Felicitation of Gay Activist Ashok Row KaviOn 10th 
October 2014 (Friday) From 6 pm to 10 pm.Venue: Jyotsna Bhole Hall, Near 
Hirabaug, Tilak Road, Pune.
Queer Film Festival     On 11th October 2014 (Saturday) From 10 am to 5 pm.
Venue: NFAI (National Film Archives of India), Law College Road, Pune.
Schedule is available on Facebook Page: Samapathik-Trust-Pune
For Registration check our website Samapathik Trust , Pune
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| Samapathik Trust , PuneA Men's Sexual Health Organization || (Reg. No - 
E.3662) |
|  |
| View on www.samapathiktrus... | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

RegardsBindumadhav KhirePresidentSamapathik Trust, Pune