Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-13 Thread Grant
 Should I only hire coders I can sit in the same room with?

 That will probably work best, but it will cost more.

 Have you ever managed a programming team before?

 I haven't.  Any pointers?

 Not really.  Just be prepared for the programmers to misunderstand the
 specification at every turn.  And once they've understood the spec, be
 prepared for them to just plain screw up the implementation.

 Unless you're hiring programmers who have a very good understanding of
 the problem space, they're not going to understand the spec.  They are
 going to do the wrong thing in the first several iterations before
 they finally understand what it is that you want.  Some of the wrong
 things will violate the spec. Many won't.

 It's like hiring to build a house carpenters who've never seen a
 house, never heard of a house, and have no idea what a house is for.

 The first version will look like the drawings, but they'll have
 misunderstood the dimensions and the whole thing will be 3 feet high
 an 5 feet wide.  When you ask how people are going to fit in that,
 they're going to look at you completely dumbfounded because you never
 told them people had to fit inside -- how were they supposed to know

 The second version will be the right size, but the doors and windows
 won't open -- they'll be built solidly into the structure on all four
 sides.  When you ask why, they'll say it's a lot stronger that way!
 You'll say but I told you people had to fit inside.  They'll reply
 that people _do_ fit inside.  You'll ask how are they going to _get_
 inside.  They'll say the specification doesn't say that doors and
 windows have to open, so we implemented it the strongest way, and now
 people fit inside just like you said.

 [Repeat until you're out of time and/or money.]

 The only advice I've got is to do things in increments as small as
 possible.  Don't do big bang integration.  Make sure there is a
 runnable testable program after the first week of development. Maybe
 it doesn't implement any significant features, but you must have
 something runnable and testable at all times.  Otherwise, you can get
 too far down the wrong road before you finally figure out that either
 a) what you specified isn't going to work, or b) they didn't
 understand the specification at all.

Great advice from everyone, thank you.  By hiring coders, the
intention is to save myself time and effort but it sounds like I would
only be replacing one problem with another.  I'm really not sure how
to proceed but you guys have saved me from hurling myself into
something I didn't understand.

Trying to figure it out,

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-13 Thread Grant
 Great advice from everyone, thank you.  By hiring coders, the
 intention is to save myself time and effort but it sounds like I would
 only be replacing one problem with another.

 I hope I wasn't too discouraging, but you're definitely replacing one
 problem with another.

I don't need encouragement, I need advice. :)

 The questions are:

  1) The relative sizes of the problems?

No problems really.  It's just kind of a never-ending project that
could go in many directions.  The more coders working on the project
the more directions can be explored.

  2) How much your time is worth?

Even if I spend 80 hours a week coding, the rate at which I code will
be the project's limiting factor.  I'd love to fix the bottleneck and
make the limiting factor the number of coders I can hire.

  3) Do you prefer spec-writing and project management or writing code?

If the choice is between 1 hour coding and 1 hour writing and managing
in order to accomplish 1 hour of coding, I'll code.

 For me, I'd probably rather take a week off my without pay from my day
 jobs and write the code myself rather than pay somebody else $2000 to
 do it.  [And that's assuming I could find somebody competent to work
 for $50/hour.]

 I'm really not sure how to proceed but you guys have saved me from
 hurling myself into something I didn't understand.

 I don't know what language you're using, but my only other
 recommendation might be to consider using a high level language like
 Python instead of C.  Developing a large application in Python instead
 of C can save huge amounts of time.  My guess would be that on average
 Python development takes about 25% of the time that C would take.

That's great advice but the language is already very high level.  I
guess I'm trying to take it one level higher at which point it becomes
English. :)

- Grant

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-12 Thread Peter Humphrey
On Thursday 11 November 2010 17:33:25 Grant wrote:

  Have you ever managed a programming team before?
 I haven't.  Any pointers?

Good grief! The literature is full of weighty tomes on the subject, and 
copious advice is available in multiple news groups - and no doubt e-
mail lists too by now.

This is not an enterprise to be embarked on lightly. People spend their 
entire working lives at it and are still learning at the end of it 
(counting project management as part of the subject).

Peter.  Linux Counter 5290, 1994-04-23.

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-11 Thread Grant
 Grant, you need to stop being paranoid. ?I am surprised you even
 worked up the courage to let slip on here, in public, that you even
 have a sooper dooper sekrit project.

 This seems to be the general consensus.  You see, I don't have a
 computer science degree and about 75% of what I know about Linux I
 learned on this list.  Apparently this idea of mine is not a good

 The sekrit isn't really a secret, it's just a mature piece of
 ordinary software.  Most if not all of you wouldn't be interested in
 receiving it for free, but people in the right industry would like to
 have it and I'd like to keep it for myself.  Surely there is room for
 private software even in an open source world.

 So it's either trust your coders or do it yourself?

 Yup, pretty much.

 My budget is small and the coders I can afford are outside of the US.
 I'd be working with them via chat, email, or phone.  Should I feel OK
 about turning my source over to them?

 Yes, if you deal with reputable companies or individuals who's
 references you can verify.  If you're dealing with random individuals,
 then maybe.

 Should I only hire coders I can sit in the same room with?

 That will probably work best, but it will cost more.

 Have you ever managed a programming team before?

I haven't.  Any pointers?

- Grant

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-10 Thread Florian Philipp
Am 10.11.2010 06:56, schrieb Grant Edwards:
 On 2010-11-09, Florian Philipp wrote:
 Well, there are two ways to go here:
 1. Modularize what you have. Give every developer only the source he
is supposed to work on and binary interfaces (libs + header files
for C/C++) and documentation for everything else.

Then the devs will be able to run the software but no one will
have all the source code.

 2. Do not give working code to anyone. Define specs, test cases,
prototypes and mock-ups. Then tell your devs to develop against these.

When they have finished their modules (classes, units, whatever),
it is your job to integrate these modules and see whether they
work together as expected. If they don't, improve your specs and
tests and give the code back to the devs for another iteration.

 I favor the second approach, especially as there are tools available
 to help you and it is safer against reverse-engineering.
 Both of these approaches are going to involve a lot of overhead (the
 second more so that the first).  I would _guess_ than approach 2 will
 add at least 50-100% overhead.  IOW, there's a pretty good chance that
 writing the whole thing yourself would take less of your time than
 designing, specifying, coordinating, integrating, testing and managing
 approach 2.

Sure. But it will be fun! ;)
... Just kidding. Unless specifications, inline interface documentation
(doxygen, javadoc) and unit tests were already planned or even done
(kudos if you actually do this while developing), you are probably right
concerning the overhead.

Of course it all depends on your development environment. When you get
into the embedded, real-time, high-performance, high-security or
high-redundancy realm, specifications etc. tend to become less overhead
in comparison to actual coding and algorithmic effort. There are reasons
why in some environments it is even affordable to create two independent
implementations and then choose the better one.

I highly doubt that we are actually talking about such software here,

Florian Philipp

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Grant
 Read the OP again.  He wants to obsfuscate the code to make it
 unreadable for the people he's hiring to work on it.

 It would be simpler and cheaper to hire developers who don't
 understand programming language in question, computers, programming in
 general, or even english.

 Then don't let them access any computers that have the source code.

 You'll get better results that way -- far fewer bugs will be

The idea isn't to make the code unreadable.  Obviously anyone working
on it needs to be able to read and understand it.

This idea was brought on while reading a Wikipedia page about modular

Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
focus just on the assigned smaller task.

I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?

- Grant

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 9 November 2010 09:14, Grant wrote:
 Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
 assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
 system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
 focus just on the assigned smaller task.

 I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
 any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
 described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
 the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?

Okay, so this has nothing to do with obfuscation, not trusting people,
or protecting IP. This is normal software development.

One would want to break a large application into manageable pieces.
Usually, those pieces would be libraries (where the meaning of
library depends on your programming language of choice: SOs, DLLs,
JARs, etcetera). If your application is monolithic right now then you
(and/or your developers) will have to spend some time modularizing it.

So is your question really how do I modularize my code?

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Grant
 Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
 assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
 system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
 focus just on the assigned smaller task.

 I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
 any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
 described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
 the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?

 Okay, so this has nothing to do with obfuscation, not trusting people,
 or protecting IP. This is normal software development.

 One would want to break a large application into manageable pieces.
 Usually, those pieces would be libraries (where the meaning of
 library depends on your programming language of choice: SOs, DLLs,
 JARs, etcetera). If your application is monolithic right now then you
 (and/or your developers) will have to spend some time modularizing it.

 So is your question really how do I modularize my code?

I'm most interested in the part about developers not knowing about the
system as a whole.  I'd like developers to work on my code, but
prevent them from selling the code or using it themselves.  I thought
a good way to accomplish this might be to modularize heavily and
change variable names.

It sounds like I'm really going against the grain here.  Is it
standard practice to hire a developer on the internet from any given
country, never meet him or her, have them fax a signed NDA, and turn
over your biggest asset to them?

- Grant

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Mark Knecht
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Grant wrote:
 Read the OP again.  He wants to obsfuscate the code to make it
 unreadable for the people he's hiring to work on it.

 It would be simpler and cheaper to hire developers who don't
 understand programming language in question, computers, programming in
 general, or even english.

 Then don't let them access any computers that have the source code.

 You'll get better results that way -- far fewer bugs will be

 The idea isn't to make the code unreadable.  Obviously anyone working
 on it needs to be able to read and understand it.

 This idea was brought on while reading a Wikipedia page about modular

 Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
 assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
 system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
 focus just on the assigned smaller task.

 I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
 any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
 described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
 the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?

 - Grant

Get ready to pay a lot more for the documentation and testing portions
of your costs.

If you write a clear spec for the modular block that the programmer is
developing or maintaining then they can follow that during
implementation. However, how do they test their code if they don't
understand the environment that it's being used in?

1) Write test programs that call the block they developed or
maintained. Ensure those test programs exercise _ALL_ the functions of
the block in all possible permutations with all possible initial
states that the module will see during it's life in the larger
product. That's a very difficult problem to _prove_ you've done. I
have worked on chip designs with hundreds of millions of transistors.
In a sense every transistor is a line of code somewhere and it's
simply very difficult to prove you've ever tested everything. I
promise you that the processor in your computer has bugs in the
hardware. They are there. Once in awhile you'll hit on and your PC
will crash. No processor is 'perfect'.

2) Pay the developer to 'Instrument' your module so that every time
it's called it saves some info that can be used to backtrace what has
been happening. When a problem arises have a way to read and
understand the implementation. This can slow down the performance of
the system terribly.

Keeping the software developers completely in the mushroom barn is
(possibly) a pretty expensive thing to try and do.

Hope this helps,

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Jacob Todd
Only expose the teams to what they need, give them prototypes and
discriptions to the other parts. Like a man page.
On Nov 9, 2010 12:16 PM, Grant wrote:
 Read the OP again.  He wants to obsfuscate the code to make it
 unreadable for the people he's hiring to work on it.

 It would be simpler and cheaper to hire developers who don't
 understand programming language in question, computers, programming in
 general, or even english.

 Then don't let them access any computers that have the source code.

 You'll get better results that way -- far fewer bugs will be

 The idea isn't to make the code unreadable. Obviously anyone working
 on it needs to be able to read and understand it.

 This idea was brought on while reading a Wikipedia page about modular

 Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
 assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
 system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
 focus just on the assigned smaller task.

 I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
 any more. I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
 described above. They would each work on modules and not know about
 the system as a whole. How can something like this be implemented?

 - Grant

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Hilco Wijbenga
On 9 November 2010 10:08, Grant wrote:
 It sounds like I'm really going against the grain here.  Is it
 standard practice to hire a developer on the internet from any given
 country, never meet him or her, have them fax a signed NDA, and turn
 over your biggest asset to them?

:-) No way. :-) That is a recipe for disaster.

Firstly, in general, when it comes to code: you get what you pay for.
And bad code will cost you much more in the long run than simply
paying more for good code.

Now that doesn't mean that by definition all cheap(er) developers are
bad (or that all expensive ones are good) but the odds are not in your
favour. So if you still want to pay less then go with a reputable
company that provides that service. (I don't mean IBM, I mean some
company in India or Russia.) You'll not only get your developers but
you'll also be guaranteed that they'll be automatically replaced
should they leave the company.

You still have to insist on talking to the developers. Make sure they
can code and know what they're talking about. I think you'll find that
it takes a *lot* of time and effort (and a teaspoon of luck) to create
a good team.

And handling a distributed team in different timezones is hard work
too. You'll need a lot more documentation which then will still be
interpreted incorrectly. Yes, I'm talking for experience. :-)

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Alan McKinnon
Apparently, though unproven, at 20:08 on Tuesday 09 November 2010, Grant did 
opine thusly:

 It sounds like I'm really going against the grain here.  Is it
 standard practice to hire a developer on the internet from any given
 country, never meet him or her, have them fax a signed NDA, and turn
 over your biggest asset to them?

You are posting to a list dedicated to a Free and Open Source distro.

Folks here won't even bother with an NDA, they'll mostly just give away the 
entire code base for free.

Come on Grant, you know the ropes. What kind of response did you expect?

I'll repeat my earlier question, which you didn't answer as yet. You want to 
keep your code away from your own staff. Obviously, you do not trust your 
staff completely (for whatever reason). Why did you hire them if you can't 
trust them?

You are also abusing code modularity for a purpose it was not intended. It 
improves code quality and reduces cohesion. It does not increase obfuscation.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: {OT} Deliberately obfuscating my code

2010-11-09 Thread Florian Philipp
Am 09.11.2010 19:08, schrieb Grant:
 Theoretically, a modularized software project will be more easily
 assembled by large teams, since no team members are creating the whole
 system, or even need to know about the system as a whole. They can
 focus just on the assigned smaller task.

 I don't mind system administration but I don't want to be a programmer
 any more.  I'd like to hire programmers to work in the manner
 described above.  They would each work on modules and not know about
 the system as a whole.  How can something like this be implemented?

 Okay, so this has nothing to do with obfuscation, not trusting people,
 or protecting IP. This is normal software development.

 One would want to break a large application into manageable pieces.
 Usually, those pieces would be libraries (where the meaning of
 library depends on your programming language of choice: SOs, DLLs,
 JARs, etcetera). If your application is monolithic right now then you
 (and/or your developers) will have to spend some time modularizing it.

 So is your question really how do I modularize my code?
 I'm most interested in the part about developers not knowing about the
 system as a whole.  I'd like developers to work on my code, but
 prevent them from selling the code or using it themselves.  I thought
 a good way to accomplish this might be to modularize heavily and
 change variable names.

Well, there are two ways to go here:
1. Modularize what you have. Give every developer only the source he is
supposed to work on and binary interfaces (libs + header files for
C/C++) and documentation for everything else.

Then the devs will be able to run the software but no one will have all
the source code.

2. Do not give working code to anyone. Define specs, test cases,
prototypes and mock-ups. Then tell your devs to develop against these.

When they have finished their modules (classes, units, whatever), it is
your job to integrate these modules and see whether they work together
as expected. If they don't, improve your specs and tests and give the
code back to the devs for another iteration.

I favor the second approach, especially as there are tools available to
help you and it is safer against reverse-engineering.

I repeat myself but: It would help a lot to know more about the project.
What programming language? What basic structure? Object-oriented,
procedural, distributed (sockets, web services, RPC, ...)?

Hope this helps,
Florian Philipp

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