Re: LI Colo. Closes Youth Prison

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

I didn't even know that they had "private prisons" until that deal came
up in Texas where the prisoners were being beaten.

I don't think that private prisons are a good idea because there isn't
anyone to really watch over how they are run, I don't think.  Actually
the whole prison system should be revamped.  There was a story on
Nightline that ran three nights about the prison system.  One prison
that they went into seemed to be alright.  The prisoners said that they
were treated as human beings rather than animals, and that made all the
difference in the world.

 Hi Sue
 This wonderful cost-benefit solution doesn't seem to work so well.  This
 article appears to support the contention of some that there are some
 areas that for-profit organizations will cause more problems than they
 solve in the short-term.  The issues of possible abuse have been raised
 since this solution was first proposed, but saving a buck (or so it
 appeared) became the criteria for deciding the private prision was the
 way to go.  Of course, they are only inmates, so that's ok TIC

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Parental responsibility was Re: LI DP for 11 year olds

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue :)

I more than understand your position, and I think in a utopian world we
would all like this, but in the real world things are much different. 

My main point is quite simply this, there are parent's that have done
everything in their power to raise good children, or what society
considers good children, but no matter what it's still the child's
choice on what they do, if you threaten to put their parent's in jail,
they really don't care. And that is my problem with this type of
enforcement, you are punishing the wrong person. The child is doing the
wrong, the child should go to jail.

I realize there are people who are parent's that in reality shouldn't
be, but I also realize the majority of people do care about their kids
and what happens to them, yet we only seem to hear about the bad kids,
mainly due to the fact that's the one every once notices. It's not that
simple to have a child declared incorrigible in all states, it's a
rather complicated and sometimes lengthy process. 

I don't see a solution in threatening a parent when it's the child who
needs the discipline not the parent. If the parent can't control the
child as happens in a lot of cases there could be other means, yes. Not
all of them good. But, in the cases your looking at what do you do if a
parent has done all they can, and raised three excellent children but
one bad one? Do you seriously punish that parent for the bad child and
not reward them due to the good children? Maybe instead of looking at
the parent as the problem, they should look at the real problem the
child who is causing all the disarray and misconduct.

To sum it up I see this type of enforcement kind of like someone who
kills another and they blame their killing on their parents for supposed
abuse or neglect they felt when they were kids. I don't buy that defense
at all, many people are abused and don't kill when they get older. Just
as many kids have a damn hard life, but they can still make it if they
want to. Put the blame where it belongs and quit trying to reflect it
off of everyone except for the one who should be blamed.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
 Hi Kathy:
 I'm certainly glad that you are back.  BG
 I couldn't agree with you more about the laws taking a lot of the
 authority out of the parents hands.  Other than protecting children from
 abuse, which definitely should be done, I think the authority to punish,
 reward, etc should be completely in the parents hands.  Unfortunately it
 isn't any more.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Supreme Court, Angel Francisco Breard

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

I dunno.  That is a question for Dr. L. or Ed.  Where are you guys. :)  
 Hi Sue
 That that could be used as a precedent, couldn't it for insisting on a unanimous

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Re: LI Child death sentence

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

I have to admit that you are probably right about that.  However that
doesn't explain why every child born in poverty doesn't turn to crime
though.  There are a lot, probably most, who don't.

 Hi Sue,
 Maybe as long as you are wondering who to blame for the problems maybe you
 and I have some part in this.  There is a reason that children make up the
 major portion of the poor in this country.  The last report I saw said that
 1 out of 5 children live in poverty.  The country has decided that children
 aren't worth as much as others.  The main problem is the long decline in
 wages in this country.

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Child death sentence

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

I have to admit that you are probably right about that.  However that
doesn't explain why every child born in poverty doesn't turn to crime
though.  There are a lot, probably most, who don't.

Hi Sue,

Children with rotten parents often turn out good and monsters can have ideal
parents.  In the end there is often no one to scapegoat though it is human
to want to blame somebody.  Blame God. :-}
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Child death sentence

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

You may have been kidding, but I have been watching 48 Hours tonight and
it is about kids who kill, and why.  It looks to me that you may just be
right.  :(

 Hi Sue,
 Children with rotten parents often turn out good and monsters can have ideal
 parents.  In the end there is often no one to scapegoat though it is human
 to want to blame somebody.  Blame God. :-}
 Best, Terry

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Graham: Pretrial Hearings Update

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The first day in the latest string of pretrial hearings for David Graham
found prosecutors attempting to subpoena between 2,000 and 3,000 pages
of letters that Graham wrote to his former fiancee Diane Zamora -- and
Zamora's attorneys refusing on the basis of attorney-client privilege. 

These letters were not offered or admitted as evidence at Zamora's
trial. Only excerpts of these letters were read in court. Among other
things, in these letters (some of which were written after the couple's
arrest), Graham reportedly tells Zamora to trust only him and not tell
prosecutors, or her attorneys anything about Adrianne Jones' murder.
Prosecutors would like to use these letters as damaging evidence against
Graham during his trial in July. 

However, Zamora's lawyers claimed they would not have the letters at all
if Zamora had not turned them over in the context of an attorney-client
relationship. Zamora's lawyers also argued the letters contain markings
from their defense that may unveil future legal strategy for Zamora.
Prosecutors countered these arguments by saying that any attorney-client
privilege was waived when the Zamora's defense showed them to a third
party, a psychiatrist who testified on Zamora's behalf. In addition, the
state said, the letters would be subject to subpoena if they were in
Zamora's possession, and that her turning them over to her attorneys
does not put them in the sacred world of attorney-client privilege. 

The main argument focused whether the state can subpoena the documents,
not on whether they are admissible at Graham's trial. In addition, this
battle was between Zamora's trial team (John Linebarger and Don Gandy,
represented by new addition Mark Daniels) and the prosecution, but did
not involve Zamora's new appellate attorney, Bob Ford. Ford had no
comment on the letters. Neither David Graham nor his attorneys were
present at the hearing on the letters. 

Judge Don Leonard did not make a ruling on the letters but ordered
Linebarger to turn the papers over to him by noon on Wednesday so he can
examine them. During Tuesday's hearings, prosecutors and Graham's
defense team are expected to address the admissibility of Graham's
confession at his trial. Graham's defense claims investigators obtained
Graham's confession illegally and refused to let him speak to a lawyer.
David Graham could take the stand and tell the court how his confession
was obtained at this hearing. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Child death sentence

1998-04-22 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry

And the sad part of this is that the welfare reform, according to some, are going
to hit children the hardest.  So it is likely we will see more problem children.
It seems like we do mind putting a large number of children at risk to ensure that
the smaller percent of welfare recipients are not on the rolls for long periods of




 Hi Sue,

 Maybe as long as you are wondering who to blame for the problems maybe you
 and I have some part in this.  There is a reason that children make up the
 major portion of the poor in this country.  The last report I saw said that
 1 out of 5 children live in poverty.  The country has decided that children
 aren't worth as much as others.  The main problem is the long decline in
 wages in this country.

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Terry:
 I have to agree here.  The government in getting into the family too
 much and then leaving the mess that they make for the parents to clean
 up.  I do agree with that.
 But it still is your family, and knowing where your kids are, as well
 as  well as making them go to school (which can be next to impossible in
 some situations) is still up to the parent.  No matter what the
 government says.
 But it has to start in infancy, you can't start when they reach high
 school age (or even younger) and expect to have results.
 What is strange here is that no one wants to blame the kid for what he
 does.  Yet no one wants to blame anyone else either.
  Even beyond that, Doc, is the increasing willingness of the government to
  assume a position of authority but leaving all the responsibility with the
  parents.  The government is willing to even kill kids but it is the parents'
  Best, Terry
 Two rules in life:
 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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 Best, Terry

 "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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Re: LI Colo. Closes Youth Prison

1998-04-22 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Like everything there are pro and con for making prisons, and other human
service organizations a profit making organization.  And many are well run,
but there is always the risk of some putting profit ahead of the goal just as
in any other organization.  One thing that often happens is what you found in
this incidence.  The staff are not always paid well and you sometimes get what
you pay for as some would not be hired in state and federal run prisons
because they are not well-trained, etc.  The other problem that has occurred
is that it is not solving our overcrowding problem as the  private prisons are
accepting prisoners from other countries because the fee paid by the other
country is more than the state they are in will pay.  I would imagine it is
just like nursing homes were before all the regulations were put into place.
Once the problems are ironed out, private prisons may evenutally help ease the
overcrowding without these types of incidents.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 I didn't even know that they had "private prisons" until that deal came
 up in Texas where the prisoners were being beaten.

 I don't think that private prisons are a good idea because there isn't
 anyone to really watch over how they are run, I don't think.  Actually
 the whole prison system should be revamped.  There was a story on
 Nightline that ran three nights about the prison system.  One prison
 that they went into seemed to be alright.  The prisoners said that they
 were treated as human beings rather than animals, and that made all the
 difference in the world.

  Hi Sue
  This wonderful cost-benefit solution doesn't seem to work so well.  This
  article appears to support the contention of some that there are some
  areas that for-profit organizations will cause more problems than they
  solve in the short-term.  The issues of possible abuse have been raised
  since this solution was first proposed, but saving a buck (or so it
  appeared) became the criteria for deciding the private prision was the
  way to go.  Of course, they are only inmates, so that's ok TIC

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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LI For a laugh

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey all this is funny! Read the whole thing you'll get a good laugh from
it :)
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Mary Kay (not cosmetics)

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NEW YORK (April 21, 1998 1:37 p.m. EDT -- The 
jailed Seattle schoolteacher who says she is pregnant with the second 
child of her 14-year-old former pupil believes she and the boy had at 
least 10 children together in a past life.
"That's one of the ways he proposed to me," Mary Kay Letourneau told 
Mirabella magazine in the May-June issue. "He said, 'I know we were 
together before this life and we had about 10 children.' And I felt that 
too -- we had at least that many."
Letourneau, 36, is serving 7 1/2 years in prison for raping the boy, 
then 13. The two have an 11-month-old daughter, Audrey, who is being 
raised by the boy's mother in Seattle.
Letourneau's original sentence had been suspended, but she was 
imprisoned in February after she was caught with the boy in a car, a 
violation of the judge's order.
The boy said he and the woman had sex before she went to jail. Both have 
said they are in love and that he does not consider himself a victim.
Letourneau predicted she would be reunited with the four children she 
had with her husband, who has filed for divorce and moved the family to 
"They will be just fine when they are released back to their mother. I 
am their sanctuary, their lifeline, their only mother," she told the 
She also said that she was aware that the boy is now in therapy and 
could find a new girlfriend and eventually "move on."

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI Colo. Closes Youth Prison

1998-04-22 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-04-22 00:41:20 EDT, you write:

 I didn't even know that they had "private prisons" until that deal came
 up in Texas where the prisoners were being beaten.
 I don't think that private prisons are a good idea because there isn't
 anyone to really watch over how they are run, I don't think. 

One could say the same thing about private schools and/or private hospitals.
In all cases there are oversight bodies supposedly responsible for seeing that
certain minimum standards are met.  I'm not all that impressed with public
prisons either, so I don't really see the "private" aspect as the total

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Re: LI Another One Bites the Dust

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


Hi Ron,

We disagree about the death penalty but that is beside the point.  Maybe the
lives of American citizens abroad matter little.  But is the rule of law of
so little concern to you?

What "clemency people" are there BTW?

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sure glad that these clemency people are ignoring the Pope, the UN, the
Dept. of Justice, Pat Robertson, and carrying out these hard earned
executions.  Ron

Arizona executed a Honduran citizen early Wednesday despite pleas from his
country that he was denied rights assured him under an international treaty.
Jose Roberto Villafuerte, 45, was convicted of killing Amelia Schoville in
1983. She suffocated after he left her bound and gagged in his Phoenix
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his last appeal Tuesday. The Board of
Clemency voted 4-1 against commuting his sentence despite requests from the
Vatican and the Honduran president.

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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1998-04-22 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

I find it amazing how some people have become so two faced about this. 
People who have spoken out quite strongly about the rights of defendants
and the overbearing power of the authorities now sing a different tune
when it comes to McDougal.  Again, their blatant prejudices and biases
come through and render their arguments meaningless.  Instead of
wondering if McDougal was taking a fall for Clinton, these bigoted
hypocrites should retain some semblance of consistency and question why
the system was allowed to abuse McDougal by giving her worse treatment
than a non-political defendant would get for the same charge.

It seems the Mr. Starr is not above asking people to lie for him or face
the consequences of his unfettered powers.  Monica Lewinsky is now going
through the same hell that McDougal has gone through.  Again, it's the
case of staring at a tree too long and then leaving a pile of crap next
to it expecting others to believe it.  But I know that YOU aren't fooled
one bit here. :)


On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 15:18:18 -0700 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

That is one of the reasons that I believe her.  If she got on the 
and said whatever it is that is the truth, and they threw her in jail
for perjury it would be easier.  But she just went through hell, 
than to get on the stand and (as she puts it) lie. 

As I said before though, you certainly know a whole lot more about 
woman and the situation than I do.  But it looks like we both agree 
Susan McDougal is someones scape goat.  I just wonder who's. 

 Hi Sue,
 Susan McDougal has gone through grotesquely barbaric conditions and
 suffering imposed by Kenneth Starr to force her testimony before a 
 jury.  In prison she wore the uniform of snitches and child killers. 
 stayed in isolation.  She says she cannot testify because if she 
tells the
 truth she will then be charged with perjury.  This is ludicrous.  If 
she was
 somehow convicted of perjury for telling the truth, her punishment 
would be
 nowhere as great as the punishment she has suffered for contempt of 
 already.  And she is willing to accept more.
 Obviously there are some considerations that she is not telling us 
 Susan is taking the fall for Clinton.  What is not fully clear is 

Two rules in life:

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1998-04-22 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Only the clever ones.  I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.  VBG


On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 13:12:52 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue,

Think they will ever track down all 100 million of us secret 

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Claims Husband was Paid to Talk to Jeff Gerth in '92

Monday night (4/20) on the Charles Grodin Show, proponents of the 
Right Wing
Conspiracy" theory finally overplayed their hand - bigtime. In a 
interview with a Grodin
staffer, Whitewater convict Susan McDougal alleged that her husband, 
McDougal, was paid -
and possibly promised a job - for an interview with New York Times
reporter Jeff Gerth, who
broke the Whitewater story in March 1992 largely based on Mr. 

She leveled the bribery charge as her lawyer, Mark Geragos, along 
fellow Grodin guests Gene
Lyons, John Fund and Gil Davis, explored the allegations that another
key Whitewater witness,
David Hale, was also paid to tell prosecutors what he knew about
Whitewater. Mrs. McDougal
and Geragos hope those allegations taint Hale enough to win her a new
trial. And the parallel
charges implicating Jim McDougal and The New York Times appear to be 
attempt to illustrate
just how "vast" the conspiracy to destroy Bill Clinton really was. 
McDougal debuted her
explosive and bizarre allegations early in the Grodin program, when
asked about the origins of the
Whitewater scandal. She explained:

"I first knew that there was an issue when I was visiting my 
(Jim McDougal) and he told
me that he was going to meet with Jeff Gerth of The New York Times. 
he was very ebullient
that day and excited about it. And he made me understand that there 
something in it for him. He
was getting something out of this interview; money and the 
of a job or something. And he
said 'I might need you to come in and back me up but I'm going to try 
keep you out of it if I

Well, from that interview with The New York Times - that Jim was 
motivated to say certain
things - grew Whitewater. And from my perspective Whitewater just 
existed. I knew about
that business deal; the small land deal in Northern Arkansas. I'd 
there. I'd talked to the
Clintons about it. I'd talked to Jim about it. And I never knew 
that was remotely illegal
about that. So, to tell you the truth - I am as puzzled about how 
decided to go after
Whitewater as anybody else. Except I know that the very first story,
from the very beginning, was
not true. And I know that when Jim told that story, he was being paid 
or motivated in some way
to tell it." Of the allegations that David Hale's Whitewater story 
paid for, The New York Times
has said the charge is serious enough to merit a thorough official
investigation, even though the
supporting evidence is "scant". Susan McDougal's allegation that the
Times was a party to a
scheme to bribe the very man whose tale launched the Whitewater 
Jim McDougal, would
seem to be far more serious than the allegations against Mr. Hale,
especially since it taints the
Times' own reportage. And though Susan McDougal may be a proven liar 
convicted felon
awaiting trial on seperate embezzlement charges, she does seem to 
established herself as a
credible source in the eyes of the mainstream press, given the fact 
they never tire of interviewing

Will the New York Times call for Janet Reno or Ken Starr to 
this time?
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I don't know who is using, or why, Susan McDougal is being used, but I
believed her in that interview.  She has stuck to her story since day
one, despite the fact that she could have saved herself from hell, like
others have done, by doing whatever it was that Starr wanted her to do. 
Now that it is over, she has nothing to gain or lose and she is still
sticking to her story.

And you are right, Monica is being threatened with the same "hell" that
Susan McDougal just went through.  Although I don't think that she will
end up facing the same thing simply because, how would that look to the
public.  Locking up a young girl simply because she may or may not have
had sex with Clinton, and doesn't want to talk about it.  I don't think
the public would stand for that for one minute.

Starr may have nothing to lose, but those Congress people have elections
to win, and from what I read and hear on TV, the majority are sick and
tired of the whole thing, and just want the government to get back to
work.  All the opinion polls on the different sites, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN,
ABC, etc show that.

 Hi Sue,
 I find it amazing how some people have become so two faced about this.
 People who have spoken out quite strongly about the rights of defendants
 and the overbearing power of the authorities now sing a different tune
 when it comes to McDougal.  Again, their blatant prejudices and biases
 come through and render their arguments meaningless.  Instead of
 wondering if McDougal was taking a fall for Clinton, these bigoted
 hypocrites should retain some semblance of consistency and question why
 the system was allowed to abuse McDougal by giving her worse treatment
 than a non-political defendant would get for the same charge.
 It seems the Mr. Starr is not above asking people to lie for him or face
 the consequences of his unfettered powers.  Monica Lewinsky is now going
 through the same hell that McDougal has gone through.  Again, it's the
 case of staring at a tree too long and then leaving a pile of crap next
 to it expecting others to believe it.  But I know that YOU aren't fooled
 one bit here. :)

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Another One Bites the Dust

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

Dr. L. brought up something, and Jackie and I wonder too, there was not
a 100% vote by the Supremes on this.  And from reading their decision it
looked to me like one of the reasons was that they didn't really have
time to look into the "international" problem before he was executed. 
They did state that they hoped that the state would hold off.  But
obviously the state didn't listen. :(  

So my question is why couldn't they have held off executing him, until
all these questions could be answered.  And shouldn't there be a 100%
decision with the Supremes before they decide that a person should be
executed as there is with a jury?

Hope you can help us with this?

 Hi Ron,
 We disagree about the death penalty but that is beside the point.  Maybe the
 lives of American citizens abroad matter little.  But is the rule of law of
 so little concern to you?
 What "clemency people" are there BTW?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Another One Bites the Dust

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


Hi Sue,

A single Supreme Court Justice can issue a stay awaiting a decision by the
Supreme Court but there is no requirement ever for a unanimous Supreme Court
in any decision.  The vote was 6-3 to let the execution proceed despite the
violation of our treaty obligations.

Dissenting opinions pointed out the rush to execute without full
consideration of the law was - ummm - injudicious.

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

Dr. L. brought up something, and Jackie and I wonder too, there was not
a 100% vote by the Supremes on this.  And from reading their decision it
looked to me like one of the reasons was that they didn't really have
time to look into the "international" problem before he was executed. 
They did state that they hoped that the state would hold off.  But
obviously the state didn't listen. :(  

So my question is why couldn't they have held off executing him, until
all these questions could be answered.  And shouldn't there be a 100%
decision with the Supremes before they decide that a person should be
executed as there is with a jury?

Hope you can help us with this?

 Hi Ron,
 We disagree about the death penalty but that is beside the point.  Maybe the
 lives of American citizens abroad matter little.  But is the rule of law of
 so little concern to you?
 What "clemency people" are there BTW?

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Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Mary Kay (not cosmetics)

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Ron:

I certainly hope that the father keeps those kids in Alaska, and away
from this woman.  She is nuts, IMO, and needs psychiatric help.  I hope
that she is getting it.

 Letourneau predicted she would be reunited with the four children she
 had with her husband, who has filed for divorce and moved the family to
 "They will be just fine when they are released back to their mother. I
 am their sanctuary, their lifeline, their only mother," she told the
 She also said that she was aware that the boy is now in therapy and
 could find a new girlfriend and eventually "move on."

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Re: LI Another One Bites the Dust

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Ron,

We disagree about the death penalty but that is beside the point.  Maybe
the lives of American citizens abroad matter little.  But is the rule of
law of so little concern to you?

Terry:  I believe it is a two-way street.  If a US citizen commits a capital
crime in a foreign country, then he should be subject to that country's

Actually most of us do not have much concern with that.  It is of some more
concern when an American couple is of a crime of which they are innocent
because they are Americans.  You may recall the recent case of the couple
who were accused of murder in one of the wonderful tropical paradises so
that the government might reap financial rewards.  Our southern neighbor
Mexico is famous for detaining and arresting Americans for the financial

I also don't think that a US citizen, like Pang, whose arson
caused fire killed three firemen, should be allowed to escape the death
penalty, just because he fled to Argentina which would not extradite him,
unless he would not be subject to the death penalty.

Canada does the same as do many other countries.  Should we invade them?

I was somewhat more concerned with this country obeying its own laws.  It
might help make an argument when other countries imprison Americans and
ignore international law.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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LI NOW Will Not Back Paula Jones

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It was just announced on the noon news, CBS, that NOW is not going to
back Paula Jones.  Partricia Ireland said that they don't feel that her
case should be held up as an example of sexual harassment in the work
place.  And they didn't like the idea of the R Wing backing that she is

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LI Susan McDougal To Face Grand Jury

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Susan McDougal To Face Grand Jury

   LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Federal marshals plucked
   Susan McDougal from a Los Angeles prison this morning
   for a trip to Little Rock and an appearance before the
   same special grand jury she previously thumbed her nose
   Mrs. McDougal, who served 18 months in prison on a
   contempt citation rather than talk to the Whitewater
   grand jury in September 1996, is due to meet the panel
   again Thursday. Her lawyer says he'll fight the
   appearance and she won't cooperate if forced to appear.
   The lawyer, Mark Geragos, claims Whitewater prosecutor
   Kenneth W. Starr has no right to put Mrs. McDougal, a
   former business partner of President Clinton, before
   the panel because of questions about Starr's links to
   right-wing groups with axes to grind against the
   If the court turns aside Geragos' effort and Mrs.
   McDougal indeed refuses to testify, she could be
   prosecuted for criminal contempt. She had already
   served 1 1/2 years for civil contempt.
   At her Sept. 4, 1996, appearance before the panel, Mrs.
   McDougal refused to answer when asked whether Clinton
   knew about a fraudulent $300,000 loan she had received
   and whether the president testified truthfully at her
   The government offered her immunity from prosecution,
   as long as she told the truth. Later, Starr said that
   by asking for full immunity -- even from perjury --
   Mrs. McDougal wanted a ``license to lie.'' She counters
   that Starr isn't interested in the truth, only in
   getting Clinton.
   The president, Mrs. McDougal and their spouses were
   partners in the Whitewater land development that Starr
   initially was assigned to investigate four years ago.
   Mrs. McDougal was convicted of fraud at a Whitewater
   trial two years ago.
   At a morning news conference, Geragos said federal
   marshals picked up Mrs. McDougal in Los Angeles early
   this morning and she would arrive in Little Rock at
   Geragos also said he was stepping up a drive for
   donations for Mrs. McDougal's legal defense fund --
   gearing it toward attacks on Starr's credibility,
   including an investigation of the special prosecutor.
   Tuesday, former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker spent an afternoon
   with the grand jury and said the appearance, his
   second, would likely be the last.
   Tucker spent more than three hours under questioning
   Tuesday about a matters he characterized as ranging
   widely across ``history and things which may seem
   important to some people, (but) don't seem important to
   The panel is looking into the activities of Hillary
   Rodham Clinton; former Justice Department figure Webb
   Hubbell, her former Rose Law Firm partner; and
   Hubbell's father-in-law, prominent Little Rock
   businessman Seth Ward.
   The probe has to do with five adjoining parcels of
   property in Little Rock controlled by James McDougal,
   according to recent grand jury witnesses and lawyers
   familiar with the investigation.
   McDougal ran the failed Madison Guaranty Savings and
   Loan that is at the center of the Whitewater
   investigation. He was convicted in the same trial that
   ended in convictions for Tucker and Mrs. McDougal, his
   ex-wife. McDougal died in prison last month, after
   cooperation with prosecutors win him a reduced term.
   After completing her 18-month term for contempt, Mrs.
   McDougal began a two-year prison term for her
   Whitewater crimes. She is being held in California,
   where she was awaiting trial on unrelated charges that
   she embezzled $150,000 while working for conductor
   Zubin Mehta and his wife.

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LI Bush Backs Clinton on Starr Request

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bush Backs Clinton on Starr Request

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- Making a foray into the Monica
   Lewinsky investigation, former President George Bush is
   lending his support to the Secret Service's efforts to
   keep its agents from having to testify about what they
   observed while protecting President Clinton.
   Bush made his position known in a private letter last
   week to Secret Service director Lewis C. Merletti. On
   Tuesday, the Clinton administration made the letter
   part of its sealed court filing seeking to stop
   Whitewater prosecutors from questioning Secret Service
   agents, sources familiar with the filing said.
   Bush's spokesman said today that the letter simply
   reflects the former president's high regard for the
   Secret Service. Bush has had protection since he was a
   vice presidential candidate in 1980.
   ``President Bush always stands behind the men and women
   of the Secret Service,'' spokesman Michael Dannenhauer
   In making the move, Bush is giving a boost to the man
   who ousted him from the White House in 1992 and putting
   himself at odds with his former solicitor general,
   Kenneth Starr, who now is the Whitewater independent
   ``That may be the case, but we can't change our
   position just because our position is the same as the
   White House's,'' Dannenhauer said
   Bush's spokesman declined to release the letter, saying
   the former president considered it a private
   communication. But excerpts leaked out.
   ``If a president feels that the Secret Service agents
   can be called to testify about what they might have
   seen or heard, then it is likely that the president
   will be uncomfortable having the agents nearby,'' MSNBC
   quoted Bush's letter as saying. ``If that confidence
   evaporates, the agents denied proximity cannot properly
   protect the president.''
   Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford have not
   expressed an opinion on the Secret Service matter or
   written to the agency, said spokeswomen for Carter and
   Ford. President Reagan's spokeswoman could not be
   In the same filing containing Bush's letter, the
   Justice Department and Treasury Department lawyers
   argued that Starr could be barred from questioning
   Secret Service officers about President Clinton's
   relationship with Ms. Lewinsky without Clinton himself
   making a claim of executive privilege.
   Starr has asserted that Clinton himself must invoke it.
   The departments' argument came in a sealed court brief
   opposing Starr's sealed April 3 request that U.S.
   District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson compel members of
   the White House security detail to answer questions,
   said a senior government official who requested
   Talks between Justice, Treasury and Starr were
   continuing, said officials knowledgeable about the
   case. While no compromise appeared imminent, the court
   filing was not seen as any reason to break off
   negotiations, they said.
   White House press secretary Mike McCurry said no White
   House officials had participated in developing the
   policy -- and none had seen the sealed court documents.
   ``The president believes for his sake, and for the sake
   of future presidents, that this ought to be dealt with
   by the Treasury Department, the Secret Service, and
   argued by the Justice Department,'' McCurry told
   reporters. ``And we've taken no position whatsoever on
   the matter.''
   Justice officials have said the privilege at least
   should preclude Secret Service officers and agents from
   testifying about what they see of the president's
   movements or what they overhear of his conversations.
   Treasury officials who supervise the Secret Service and
   Justice officials have argued that unless agents can be
   barred from testifying, future presidents will not
   trust them to keep secrets and will not allow them
   close enough to provide effective protection.
   Starr is seeking grand jury testimony from uniformed
   officers responsible for the security of the White
   House complex. He apparently believes they have
   information that might shed light on whatever
   Clinton-Lewinsky relationship there was, according to a

LI NOW Won't Support Jones Appeal

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NOW Won't Support Jones Appeal
   WASHINGTON (AP) -- Declaring its national board and
   local chapters overwhelmingly against it, the National
   Organization for Women said today it will not file
   legal papers on behalf of Paula Jones in her sexual
   harassment lawsuit against President Clinton.
   NOW President Patricia Ireland told a news conference
   the women's group believes such a ``highly charged
   political'' lawsuit should not be used as a test case
   for stopping sexual harassment in the workplace.
   Ms. Ireland also said her group ``decided not to work
   with the disreputable right-wing organizations and
   individuals advancing her cause, who themselves have a
   long-standing political interest in undermining our
   movement to strengthen women's rights and weakening the
   laws that protect those rights.''
   NOW did not poll its membership, Ms. Ireland said, but
   it was clear from contacts with about 500 chapters
   around the country that the local groups opposed filing
   a friend-of-the-court brief, by margins of at least
   8-to-1 and possibly 10-to-1.
   ``Hard cases make bad law,'' Ms. Ireland said. The
   conservative Rutherford Institute, which is financing
   legal expenses for Mrs. Jones, and her spokeswoman
   Susan Carpenter McMillan ``are using this case to
   advance their own political agendas,'' she said.
   Decrying the political positions of the institute, Mrs.
   Carpenter McMillan and other ``women's rights
   opponents,'' Ms. Ireland said: ``Paula Jones has
   surrounded herself with a phalanx of politically
   motivated lawyers.''

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Re: LI NOW Will Not Back Paula Jones

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It was just announced on the noon news, CBS, that NOW is not going to
back Paula Jones.  Partricia Ireland said that they don't feel that her
case should be held up as an example of sexual harassment in the work
place.  And they didn't like the idea of the R Wing backing that she is


That is fine with Paula most likely.  It would have been alot like the
Democratic National Committee, supporting her.  The radical feminist left
would hardly want to see Clinton proven wrong.  Ron

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Re: LI Susan McDougal To Face Grand Jury

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   The lawyer, Mark Geragos, claims Whitewater prosecutor
   Kenneth W. Starr has no right to put Mrs. McDougal, a
   former business partner of President Clinton, before
   the panel because of questions about Starr's links to
   right-wing groups with axes to grind against the

Gotta give it to Susan, such loyalty, willing to spend time in prison for
testifying before another grand jury.  They are not asking her to perjure
herself, just tell the truth, and if the truth supports Clinton so be it.
Makes you wonder whether she is afraid to testify because she would have to
perjure herself to "stand by her man".


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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- The clearest evidence yet of new
   worlds forming beyond the sun has been found by
   astronomers using sensitive new heat-seeking
   instruments focused on a star some 220 light-years from

I watched that report with interest. 220 light years away, someone help me,
how many miles does light travel in a year?  They would have to have some
incredible mode of travel to visit us in California :-)   Ron

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Ron 

One light year equals 5.9 *t*rillion miles.

 I watched that report with interest. 220 light years away, someone help me,
 how many miles does light travel in a year?  They would have to have some
 incredible mode of travel to visit us in California :-)   Ron
  99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
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LI Lewinsky, Lawyer To Skip White House Dinner

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Neither Monica Lewinsky nor her attorney will
attend Saturday's
annual White House correspondent's dinner, William Ginsburg says, adding
that it would be
"tasteless" to do so. 

Paula Jones will attend the dinner as a guest of the conservative
magazine Insight, according to the
Rutherford Institute, which has arranged Jones' legal representation in
her sexual harassment suit
against President Clinton. 

Ginsburg, appearing on CNN's "Larry King Live," said Tuesday that he was
not taking a "pot shot"
at Jones and respected her decision to attend the annual event. 

But he added, "Neither Monica Lewinsky nor I are going to attend that
dinner. That's between the
White House correspondents and the president of the United States and
his staff. And it's tasteless
for us to attend." 

"Paula Jones has made her own decision with her lawyers and I respect
her decision, but we will not
be there because we don't think its appropriate for us to be there." 

Ginsburg repeated his criticism of independent counsel Kenneth Starr's
investigation of allegations
that Clinton had an affair with Lewinsky and urged her to lie about it. 

Both Clinton and Lewinsky have denied the allegations. 

He said he doubted Lewinsky would be indicted in the case anytime soon,
but declined to discuss
any details of the case. 

Lewinsky, he said, would assert her Fifth Amendment right to avoid
incriminating herself if she was
called before the grand jury. 

Ginsburg blasted Starr's office for calling Lewinsky's mother to
testify, and attempting to subpoena
the records of Washington area bookstores in an attempt to find out
which books the former White
House intern may have given the president as gifts. 

Starr's actions amounted to an assault on Americans' right to privacy,
and threatened to prevent
children from being able to confide in their parents. 

"The day the children cannot communicate with the parents is the day the
fabric of this democracy is
so badly torn that we may not be able to repair it," Ginsburg told CNN. 

He also launched another attack on the integrity of Lewinsky's friend
Linda Tripp who taped over
20 hours of conversations in which Lewinsky talked of an intimate
relationship with Clinton. 

"For 30 pieces of silver, this woman betrayed her best friend. She had a
pending book deal at the
time she began pursuing Monica Lewinsky," Ginsburg said, noting that
Tripp began tape recording
conversations with Lewinsky long before Lewinsky had been subpoenaed in
the Jones case. 

A federal judge has since thrown out Jones' case against Clinton, but
Jones has vowed to appeal. 

"Where was her friendship, her honor, her sense of responsibility and
friendship when she pushed
that button," he said. "A friend doesn't betray a friend." 
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LI Whitewater Witness Goes on Trial in Arkansas

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Key Whitewater witness David Hale goes on trial
in Arkansas today
after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas refused to block the state
from pursuing charges of
lying to insurance regulators against him. 

Hale goes on trial in Pulaski County Circuit Court in Arkansas on
charges of filing a false or
misleading statement about an insurance company the state said he owned. 

Hale argued a plea agreement and immunity granted to him by Whitewater
prosecutors in 1994
should protect him in the state case. He also claimed the case was
political payback by his
opponents for his cooperation with independent counsel Kenneth Starr's

Thomas refused Tuesday to intervene to block the state action. A federal
appeals court last week
also refused to block Hale's trial. 

Hale provided key testimony that resulted in the conviction of James and
Susan McDougal, the
partners with President Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, and Hillary
Rodham Clinton in the failed
Whitewater real estate development. Also convicted was then-Arkansas
Gov. Jim Guy Tucker. 

Starr last week asked Attorney General Janet Reno to work out an
arrangement with his office to
investigate allegations that Hale while cooperating with the
investigation had taken cash and other
benefits from conservative groups seeking to discredit Clinton. 

Starr told Reno he has developed several proposed alternatives so a
"complete, thorough and
unbiased investigation" can be conducted, but he did not elaborate on
the proposals. 
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LI Clinton Successor at Arkansas Grand Jury

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) - Former Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker
Tuesday made his
second appearance before the Whitewater grand jury but declined to
discuss the substance of his
testimony or to say if it involved either President or Mrs. Clinton. 

"It was a lot of history. It may seem important to some people but not
to me," Tucker said after his

Tucker was an investor in a real estate development for which Mrs.
Clinton performed legal work
during the 1980s. Federal regulators have attacked the project as a
sham. Mrs. Clinton has said she
has little memory of the work she did. 

Another principal in the transactions was the father-in-law of Webster
Hubbell, who resigned from
the Justice Department in 1994 and later pleaded guilty to stealing from
the law firm where he and
Mrs. Clinton were once partners. 

Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr has been trying to determine whether
legal fees paid Hubbell
following his resignation by political allies of President Clinton were
intended to buy Hubbell's
silence about the first family's past business affairs. 

Speaking with reporters following his testimony Tuesday, Tucker paused
when asked if the grand
jury inquired about Hubbell. 

"I don't want to get into the details," Tucker said, then added:
"Nothing that would stir your interest."

Tucker, who succeeded Clinton as governor of Arkansas, resigned in 1996
following his conviction
for fraud and conspiracy in the first Whitewater case brought to trial.
Convicted in the same case
were Clinton's former partners in the Whitewater real estate project in
Arkansas, James B.
McDougal and his former wife, Susan H. McDougal. 

Susan McDougal is scheduled to testify before the Arkansas grand jury on
Thursday, but her
attorney, Mark Geragos of Los Angeles, has asked a judge to block her

Susan McDougal recently ended an 18-month jail sentence for refusing to
cooperate with the grand
jury and has said she is prepared to return to jail rather than testify,
claiming the Whitewater
investigation is a "political witchhunt." 

Earlier this year Tucker reached an agreement with Whitewater
prosecutors on a separate
indictment involving bankruptcy fraud and pledged to cooperate with the
investigation in return for
avoiding a prison sentence.
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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-22 Thread Steve Wright

Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, but not  in a straight line as
gravity can twist the fabric of space and light will curve.  The fastest
time someone could travel from there to here is no time at all.  Take a
piece of paper and put a point with a marker at one end.Start position
Now but a point at the other end of the paperdestination fold the paper
over and push it through.
Welcome to the world of time and space travel.

Steve W

-Original Message-
From: Ronald Helm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 8:41 PM
Subject: Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- The clearest evidence yet of new
   worlds forming beyond the sun has been found by
   astronomers using sensitive new heat-seeking
   instruments focused on a star some 220 light-years from

I watched that report with interest. 220 light years away, someone help me,
how many miles does light travel in a year?  They would have to have some
incredible mode of travel to visit us in California :-)   Ron

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI Whitewater Witness Goes on Trial in Arkansas

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hale argued a plea agreement and immunity granted to him by Whitewater
prosecutors in 1994 should protect him in the state case. He also claimed
the case was political payback by his opponents for his cooperation with
independent counsel Kenneth Starr's investigation. 

Hi Sue,

Does the last give you any hint why Susan McDougal might not want to testify
before the grand jury besides her fantastic claim she will prosecuted for
telling the truth?

Susan is awaiting trial on an embezzlement charge.

I agree with you she has been caught between big boys playing mean and
dirty.  It is illegal but common to torture recalcitrant witnesses who may
even fear for their lives or that of family if they testify.  The law says
they must be released when it becomes obvious they will not submit to
pressure.  Obviously Susan has shown she never will (read can).  But it is
Clinton who holds the aces rather than Starr.

Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The fastest
time someone could travel from there to here is no time at all.

Do you propose to know something about the gravitational fields acting on
those light waves 220 light years away?  Eventually that light has to travel
billions of miles, whether it is bent occasionally or not.  Very poor
analogy with the piece of paper.  Ron

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Re: LI Evidence of New Planets Is Cited--Steve

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Ron

One light year equals 5.9 *t*rillion miles.


220 X 5.9 = 1298 trillion miles ( not exactly from adjacent points on a
piece of paper)

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Re: LI Digs Fail To Verify Iraq Warheads

1998-04-22 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:20:16 -0700 "Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And such selective faith!  Clinton denies Paula Jones's allegations 
denies that he had sex with Monica Lewinsky and that he asked her to 
for him.  I say we should stop sending our money to the Starrs and 
out. :)


Bill, you are wrong yet again.  Starr is attempting to prove a 
that Clinton and company suborned perjury.  The onus is on Clinton to 
try to
prove that he did not suborn perjury, and that negative can never be 
I have no faith in Saddam, but I have less than no faith in Clinton. 
you are comparing apples to is costing millions per day 
in the
Gulf, millions per year for Starr to wade through all the evasiveness 
lies to get to the truth.Ron

HI Ron, made my point for me.  The onus should NOT be on Clinton to
prove he did not commit these alleged acts because it's impossible to
prove a negative.  The onus is on Starr to prove he DID do them.  And he
has failed miserably. (Assuming that if he had the goods on Clinton he
would have leaked this information like he leaked the other stuff).

As for spending money, if I had to choose I think I'd spend it keeping
Saddam neutralized rather than chasing after Clinton.


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Re: LI Starr Wars With Secret Service

1998-04-22 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Sue,

I read that former President George Bush sides with the administration on
this one and does not think that the witch hunter should be allowed to
question the secret service personnel.  I bet the right wingers were
ticked off about that one!  First he resigns from the NRA and now this!


On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 20:58:34 -0700 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CBS News has seen
sealed court documents in
   which the Clinton
   administration claims that
   Secret Service officers cannot
   testify before the Ken Starr
   grand jury even if they want
   to, CBS News Chief White
   House correspondent Scott
   Pelley reports. 

In letters to Starr's prosecutors, the Justice Department 
claiming a sweeping ban on what officers see and hear
around the president. 

Excerpts from the letters are
contained in a sealed court filing. The
Justice Department claims the White
House security detail cannot talk
about any "observations of conduct [or] overhearing of

Justice says the right to refuse is "owned and controlled 
the United States and cannot be waived by individual
officers or agents." 

So far, only one former member of the White House detail
has testified. Louis Fox is a retired officer who says he
Monica Lewinsky into the Oval Office. 

CBS News has learned that Fox told the grand jury that Mr.
Clinton indicated that Lewinsky would be in the office for 

In a sealed motion, prosecutors are asking a federal judge
compel Secret Service personnel to testify, arguing that
"obstruction of justice and intimidation of
witnesses...are criminal activities that fall well outside
the scope of the president's official duties." 

Starr is investigating whether Mr. Clinton had an affair
Lewinsky and then obstructed justice by attempting to 
up the alleged sexual liaison with the former white House
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Re: LI Feminism to Support Jones ?

1998-04-22 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 13:24:07 -0700 "Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There are women who are
REALLY abused in the work place and the Paula Jones of the world 
make it that much more difficult for the real victims.


Bill:  This is not about the degree of abuse that Paula Jones 
suffered, but about the fact that "Clinton's behavior" would or would 
not be
considered outrageous for any other employer/employee interaction.   

HI Ron,

Apparently with respect to Arkansas law, the alleged behavior, if it
indeed happened, would not meet the threshold of being "outrageous". 
But, as I understand it, even if it DID meet the threshold of being
outrageous, there still needs to be evidence of harm, damage or some
retribution by the employer towards the employee who rebuffed the

It will be interesting to see how the Supreme Court rules on the similar
case that they are currently reviewing.

The biggest problem for Paula Jones is her own lack of credibility and
the people she has become associated with who are calling all the shots.


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Re: LI NOW Will Not Back Paula Jones

1998-04-22 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ronald Helm wrote: Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 That is fine with Paula most likely.  It would have been alot like the
 Democratic National Committee, supporting her.  The radical feminist left
 would hardly want to see Clinton proven wrong.  Ron


Why is NOW membership all radical feminists?  That seems to be quite the
stereotype.  Of course, I really don't know of any right wing feminist
groups--now that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.  I guess women just
don't like the right wing agenda--broke, barefoot and living on the edge of
town.  Now that is a great stereotype of the the right wingers, I think


  99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

An investigation has been launched into the death of Linda McCartney,
By the Santa Barbara Sheriffs.

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LI Pope, Head Clemency Man

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pope appeals to Texas Gov. Bush to stop execution

Pope John Paul has written to Texas Gov. George Bush Jr., asking him to
spare the life of condemned murderer Joseph Cannon, Vatican sources said
Wednesday. The sources said the pope sent a letter on Cannon's behalf
through the Vatican's ambassador to the U.S., asking Bush to commute the
death sentence. The 77-year-old Polish pontiff made the appeal to Bush at
the request of lawyers and family members of the convicted criminal, due to
die by lethal injection later Wednesday, the sources said. The pontiff's
appeal did not enter into questions of innocence or guilt but was based on
humanitarian grounds, they added.

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI NOW Will Not Back Paula Jones

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why is NOW membership all radical feminists?  Jackie

You answered your own question..."Of course, I really don't know of any
right wing feminist
groups--now that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one."

Take a look at who NOW endorsed in the last election ( nary a  right wing
candidate)  BTW, I am not demeaning NOW as I support virtually their entire

1996 NOW/PAC Endorsed Candidates
(Updated 10/30/96)
Candidates endorsed by NOW/PAC support reproductive freedom including
Medicaid funding for abortions, minors' access to services, and family
planning funding; civil rights for all, including lesbian and gay rights, an
Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution, affirmative action
and equal opportunity programs; programs and funding to fight domestic
violence; promoting economic equity for women, including legislation to move
women out of poverty, preserving the social safety net and protecting
children at risk.

State   Candidate   District/   Party
CA  Michela Alioto  CA 01   D
Katie Hirning   CA 04   D
Lynn WoolseyCA 06   D
Nancy PelosiCA 08   D
Ellen Taucher   CA 10   D
Anna Eshoo  CA 14   D
Zoe Lofgren CA 16   D
Walter CappsCA 11   D
Diane Trautman  CA 25   D
Lucille Roybal-Allard   CA 33   D
Maxine Waters   CA 35   D
Rick Zbur   CA 38   D
Anita Rufus CA 44   D
Bob Filner  CA 50   D
Eq/PAC  Geri Schipske   St. Ass.D
CO  Ramona Martinez US Sen  D
Diana DeGette   CO 01   D
CT  Barbara KennellyCT 01   D
Sam Gejdenson   CT 02   D
Rosa De Lauro   CT 03   D
Jim Maloney CT 05   D
Charlotte Koskoff   CT 06   D
FL  Corrine Brown   FL 03   D
Henry Green FL 10   D
John Bryon  FL 15   D
Carrie Meek FL 17   D
Peter Deutsch   FL 20   D
Alcee Hastings  FL 23   D
GA  Cynthia McKinneyGA 04   D
IL  Bobby Rush  IL 01   D
Luis Gutierrez  IL 04   D
Rod Blagojevich IL 06   D
Stephen de la Rosa  IL 06   D
Danny Davis IL 07   D
Betty Hull  IL 08   D
Sidney YatesIL 09   D
Clem Balanoff   IL 11   D
Susan Hynes IL 13   D
Laurel Prussing IL 15   D
Catherine Lee   IL 16   D
Lane Evans  IL 17   D
IN  Marc Carmicheal IN 02   D
Julia CarsonIN 10   D
Sue Errington   IN Sen  D
KS  Sally Thompson  US Sen  D
Judy HancockKS 03   D
KY  Steve Beshear   US Sen  D
Mike Ward   KY 03   D
ME  Joseph Brennan  US Sen  D
Tom Allen   ME 01   D
Eq/PAC  Mary Cathcart   St. Sen D
MD  Connie DeJulius MD 02   D
MA  John Olver  MA 01   D
James McGovern  MA 03   D
Barney FrankMA 04   D
John TierneyMA 06   D
Phillip JohnstonMA 10   D
MI  Debbie Stabenow MI 08   D
Lynn Rivers MI 13   D
MN  Paul Wellstone  US Sen  D
Martin Sabo MN 05   D
MO  Joan Kelly Horn MO 02   D
Ruth Bamberger  MO 07   D
Emily Firebaugh MO 08   D
NH  Jeanne Shaheen  Gov D
Arnie Arnesen   NH 02   D
NJ  Ruth Katz   NJ 02
John Leonardi   NJ 03
Larry LernerNJ 07   D
Chris Evangel   NJ 11   D
NM  Shirley BacaNM 02   D
NY  Nora Bredes NY 01   D
Carolyn McCarthyNY 04   D
Gary Ackerman   NY 05   D
Jerry NadlerNY 08   D
Nydia Velazquez NY 12   D
Carolyn Maloney NY 14   D

Re: LI NOW Will Not Back Paula Jones

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ronald Helm wrote:
 "Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Why is NOW membership all radical feminists?  Jackie
 You answered your own question..."Of course, I really don't know of any
 right wing feminist
 groups--now that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one."
 Take a look at who NOW endorsed in the last election ( nary a  right wing
 candidate)  BTW, I am not demeaning NOW as I support virtually their entire
 1996 NOW/PAC Endorsed Candidates
 (Updated 10/30/96)
 Candidates endorsed by NOW/PAC support reproductive freedom including
 Medicaid funding for abortions, minors' access to services, and family
 planning funding; civil rights for all, including lesbian and gay rights, an
 Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution, affirmative action
 and equal opportunity programs; programs and funding to fight domestic
 violence; promoting economic equity for women, including legislation to move
 women out of poverty, preserving the social safety net and protecting
 children at risk.
Hi Ron:

I like their agenda.  But I did noticed that everyone but two that they
supported were democrats.


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Re: LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

An investigation has been launched into the death of Linda McCartney,
By the Santa Barbara Sheriffs.


Probably another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that caused her metastatic
breast cancersheesh!Ron

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

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Re: LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Sue,

They, including Starr, are all on the "payroll" in one way or another
The GOP will do whatever it takes to try to pull down a democratic 
President. And they never have sense enough to know when to quit when
public opinion runs against them (which it usually does).


You wrote:

. . .what is this Susan Carpenter McMillan getting
out of this anyway.  You have to know she isn't doing all this out the
the kindness of her heart.  I know I wouldn't.  

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Re: Paula's Legal Fees was LI Presidential Scandals in U.S. History

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Jackie,

No new Mercedez for Paula?  Tsk, tsk!  Even the Republican Party must be
on a budget these days!  :)

You wrote:

Hi Vi--heard her Mercedes isn't new--of course, Mercedes do not lose
value usually if kept up.  But, I guess she needs to drive a Mercedes to
gym--what would people say if she drove a "common" car?  (I know,

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Re: LI DP for 11 year olds

1998-04-22 Thread Viola Provenzano

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:

Hi Kathy,

You remove their privileges and wow, do they ever shape up quickly!
Think of "grounding" them, no televisiion, no telephone calls to or from
their buddies, no desserts with their meals, meals in their room,  no new
clothes, abed by eight pm, no spending money.  And one can think of so
many more. If these sound trivial, in actual day-in, day-out practice
they are devastating to the recipient and very effective IMO.


You wrote:

. . .So my question is what do you suggest these parent's do? What if
they have done all they could and the child just won't listen? What do
you do then?

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Re: LI Feminism to Support Jones ?

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The biggest problem for Paula Jones is her own lack of credibility and
the people she has become associated with who are calling all the shots.


Pssst, Bill, just between you and me I think Paula Jones is another
Pinocchio and that is why her nose gets bigger every time I see her in
profile :-)

Ron ( I love arguing with Bill) Helm

 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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Re: LI DP for 11 year olds

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Vi:

I agree with everything you said here except sending them to their
rooms.  With the tv's, vcr's, video games, computers, etc.  Most kids
love an live in their rooms.  :)

I heard one woman say that she sends hers to the bathroom.  Kinda a good
idea IMO.  They can't even use the excuse that they have to go to the
bathroom then.  LOL

 Hi Kathy,
 You remove their privileges and wow, do they ever shape up quickly!
 Think of "grounding" them, no televisiion, no telephone calls to or from
 their buddies, no desserts with their meals, meals in their room,  no new
 clothes, abed by eight pm, no spending money.  And one can think of so
 many more. If these sound trivial, in actual day-in, day-out practice
 they are devastating to the recipient and very effective IMO.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-22 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-04-22 19:19:32 EDT, you write:

 Probably another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that caused her metastatic
 breast cancersheesh!Ron 

Something about there not being a death certificate, isn't it?  I suppose
there's the possibility she was helped along,  given that she was apparently
active enough to ride her horse 2 days earlier.  IMO, so what?  But I guess
they have to go through the motions.

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Re: LI Pope, Head Clemency Man

1998-04-22 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-04-22 19:24:28 EDT, you write:

 Hi Ron:
 I don't think anyone pays that much attention to this.  After all it is
 kind of his job to say something, and he is Catholic after all.  BG
  The pontiff's
  appeal did not enter into questions of innocence or guilt but was based on

So am I.  So???

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Re: LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

Now Paul MaCartney is saying that she didn't die in Santa Barbara, that
they were at a secret place so that the family could come home without
being disturbed.

When I heard about her dying I told my husband then, that I thought it
was a Dr. Kevorkian type of thing.  I just can't see a person with end
stage ca horseback riding in the morning and suddenly dying that

But as you say, it really doesn't matter anyway. 

 Something about there not being a death certificate, isn't it?  I suppose
 there's the possibility she was helped along,  given that she was apparently
 active enough to ride her horse 2 days earlier.  IMO, so what?  But I guess
 they have to go through the motions.

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Pope, Head Clemency Man

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DocCec wrote:
 DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 In a message dated 98-04-22 19:24:28 EDT, you write:
  Hi Ron:
  I don't think anyone pays that much attention to this.  After all it is
  kind of his job to say something, and he is Catholic after all.  BG
   The pontiff's
   appeal did not enter into questions of innocence or guilt but was based on
 So am I.  So???

Hi Doc:

I'm Catholic too. :)  What I ment is that being Pope and Catholic it is
expected that he would ask that these people be spared death.  That's
all.  And with it being expected, no one would really pay that much


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Re: LI Pope, Head Clemency Man

1998-04-22 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-04-22 21:37:41 EDT, you write:

 I'm Catholic too. :)  What I ment is that being Pope and Catholic it is
 expected that he would ask that these people be spared death.  That's
 all.  And with it being expected, no one would really pay that much

Not all Catholics are against the death penalty.  And few other Catholic
leaders give "advice" to other countries about what to do with their own
citizens.  I am, as you know, against the death penalty -- don't think I'm a
good enough Catholic for that to be the reason, though.  IMO, John Paul means
well but is poking  his nose in where it doesn't belong in this instance.

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LI Grossberg: Plea agreement Text

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Delaware v. Amy Grossberg 
 Plea agreement 

Amy Grossberg, 19, accused of murdering her newborn son and leaving his
body in the dumpster of a Delaware motel, plead guilty to manslaughter
April 22, 1998. Manslaughter charges can carry up to 10 years in prison,
but it is likely that Grossberg will receive a 2-1/2 year sentence when
she is sentenced on July 9. Her former boyfriend and co-defendant, Brian
Peterson, plead guilty to manslaughter on March 9 and as part of the
agreement was set to testify against Grossberg during her criminal
trial. The following is Grossberg's agreement. 

   Superior Court of the State of Delaware, New Castle County 

   Plea Agreement

   State of Delaware v. Amy S. Grossberg

   Case No.(s): 9611007818
   Cr.A#s: IN96-12-0127 and IN96-12-0128

   This Defendant is not Boot Camp Eligible.
   This plea is not made pursuant to Superior Court Criminal Rule   

   Defendant will plead guilty to: 

   The included offense of Manslaughter which is Cr.A.#IN96-12-0127   
found in Count I of
   Indictment No. 9611007818.

   Upon the sentencing of the defendant, a nolle prosequi is entered
onthe following charge(s) on this indictment:

   Murder by Abuse or Neglect in the First Degree which is   
Cr.A.#IN96-12-0128 found in Count
   II of Indictment No. 9611007818. 

   State's Sentencing Recommendation:

The State recommends Level V incarceration for a period to be determined
by the Court upon completion of a Pre-Sentence Investigation. While the
State makes no recommendation regarding the length of the Level V
sentence, the State will advocate that incarceration is appropriate.
Furthermore, at the time of sentencing the State will advise the Court
of those factors it considers relevant in mitigation to sustain the
entry of this plea. The State will argue any mitigating or aggravating
factors it considers relevant at the time of sentencing.

   State and Defendant agree to the following:

   1) The defendant shall pay as restitution certain costs which are the
subject of a Confession of Judgement. This provision shall be deemed
severable. In the event this provision is determined to be unenforceable
or invalid, it shall nonetheless be enforced to the extent permitted by
applicable law, and such determination shall not affect the validity and
enforceability of any or all other remaining provisions.

   2) The State and defendant shall not object to the submission by the
opposing party of any and all materials that party wishes the Court to
consider in additon to the Pre-Sentence Investigation.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Grossberg: Plea reached

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Amy Grossberg, one of the two New Jersey teens accused of killing her
newborn in a Delaware motel and throwing him in a dumpster, pled guilty
to reduced charges of manslaughter today. Grossberg, who was scheduled
to go on trial May 5 for second-degree murder in the death of the
infant, reportedly agreed to the plea after her attorneys learned in
detail what her former high school sweetheart, Brian Peterson, would say
against her at her trial next month. Last month Peterson also pleaded
guilty to manslaughter and agreed to testify against Grossberg. 

Grossberg reportedly entered the courtroom sobbing, clutching her
parents and her lawyer. In court, she acknowledged tearfully that the
she unintentionally caused the death of her baby when she gave birth
quietly in a Delaware motel in November 1996. Grossberg described the
moments that led to the infant's death as events that "spun out of
control." As part of plea agreement, Grossberg will be sentenced to
two-and-half years in prison. 

Grossberg's plea bargain is the final chapter in an emotionally-charged
case that saw angry protesters nearly charge Grossberg and Peterson when
they were first indicted for their baby's murder in December 1996. The
teen-agers first claimed the baby was stillborn, but an autopsy showed
that he suffered various fatal head fractures. At first, it seemed like
Grossberg and Peterson would remain united in their defense against the
murder charges. But then they began to blame each other for the infant's
death. Grossberg acknowledged giving birth to the baby, but said that
she did not participate in disposing the infant. She said that Peterson
acted alone in throwing the child in the dumpster. However, Grossberg
denied that she and Peterson had ever planned to kill their baby. 

During last month's plea agreement, Peterson admitted disposing of the
baby. Peterson's lawyers said that he and Grossberg panicked when she
gave birth and experienced complications. Peterson claimed that he
thought the infant was born dead and insisted that his girlfriend begged
him to "Get rid of it!" Peterson's lawyers said that he regretted not
seeking medical help for the baby and not getting medical confirmation
that he was stillborn. 

Early in the case, prosecutors considered charging Grossberg and
Peterson with first-degree murder and seeking the death penalty. But
after Peterson's plea bargain, prosecutors then decided to seek lesser
charges of second-degree murder and murder by abuse or neglect against
Grossberg. They believed that it would be easier to convict Grossberg on
those charges because Peterson's statements did not show that Grossberg
planned to kill the baby. In Delaware, the maximum punishment for
second-degree murder is 20 years in prison, while the penalty for murder
by neglect or abuse ranges from 15 years to life imprisonment. 

Brian Peterson has yet to be formally sentenced for his manslaughter
plea. Amy Grossberg's sentencing will take place in July. Although the
maximum sentence for manslaughter in Delaware is 10 years in prison, it
seems unlikely that Peterson will receive the maximum punishment. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Peterson: Plea Agreement Text

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Delaware v. Brian Peterson 
   Plea agreement 

Brian Peterson, 19, captured national headlines after being accused with
his girlfriend Amy Grossberg of murdering their newborn son and dumping
his body in a Delaware motel dumpster. With the prospect of an impending
May 4th trial, Peterson plead guilty to manslaughter on March 9, 1998.
As part of the agreement, he now faces a maximum of 10 years in prison
instead of life in prison or the death sentence that he would have faced
if convicted of murder. His co-defendant, Amy Grossberg, plead guilty to
manslaughter a month later on April 22. The following is Peterson's plea

   Superior Court of the State of Delaware, New Castle County 

   Plea Agreement

   State of Delaware v. Brian C. Peterson, Jr.

   Case No.(s): 9611007811
   Cr.A#s: IN96-12-0129 and IN96-12-0130

   This Defendant is not Boot Camp Eligible.
   This plea is not made pursuant to Superior Court Criminal Rule   

   Defendant will plead guilty to: 

   The included offense of Manslaughter which is Cr.A.#IN96-12-0129   
found in Count I of
   Indictment No. 9611007811.

Upon the sentencing of the defendant, a nolle prosequi is entered on the
following charge(s) on this indictment:

   Murder by Abuse or Neglect in the First Degree which is   
Cr.A.#IN96-12-0130 found in Count
   II of Indictment No. 9611007811. 

   State's Sentencing Recommendation:

The State recommends Level V incarceration for a period to be determined
by the Court upon completion of a Pre-Sentence Investigation and after
resolution of the co-defendant's charges. While the State makes no
recommendation regarding the length of the Level V sentence the State
advocate that incarceration is appropriate. Furthermore, at the time of
sentencing the State will advise the Court of those factors it considers
relevant in mitigation to sustain the entry of this plea. The State will
argue any mitigating or aggravating factors it considers relevant at the
time of sentencing.

   State and Defendant agree to the following:

1) The defendant and counsel agree that the defendant will provide a
full and truthful statement to State investigators regarding his
involvement and that of the co-defendant in the charges pending this
Indictment. The defendant shall provide all relevant physical items of 
evidence or other suitable verification available to or in the
possession of the defendant or his counsel; and,

2) The defendant shall testify truthfully in any proceedings relating to
the pending charges in this Indictment. The defendant and his counsel
agree to make defendant available to testify in any and all proceedings
relating to the charges pending in this Indictment upon reasonable  
notice and with or without process of the Court having been served.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Texas To Execute Teen Murderer

1998-04-22 Thread hallinan


"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

the Pope and Terry think he should not be executed!  TICRon

The Pope might tell God what He thinks but the Pope doesn't have a vote.  I
do. Hehehehe.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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LI A Web Site :)

1998-04-22 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Wanna see something trippy?  Go to
You can even donate money to her defense fund if you want.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Linda McCartney's death

1998-04-22 Thread Ronald Helm

"Ronald Helm" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Has anyone mentioned the possibility that this was an assisted suicide, or
suicide on Linda's part.  I guess either scenario is illegal, except in
Oregon presently, so that is why the sheriff is calling for an investigation


 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

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LI COTD: Boost, Werner

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A child of post-war Germany, Werner Boost began stealing at age six,   
spending several years in a home for delinquents near Magdeburg.
Released for military service near the end of World War II, he had a
fleeting taste of action prior to being captured by the British
Cease-fire brought no change in Werner's attitude, and during 1951 he
was incarcerated for stealing scrap metal from cemetery vaults.

Behind the larcenous exterior lurked darker passions. Boost acquired a 
friend, Franz Lohrbach, who would later tell police that Werner
"hypnotized" him and compelled him to participate in heinous crimes
against his will. In the beginning, they were merely chums who went out
target shooting, graduating to the robbery of couples found in isolated
trysting spots. Boost managed to concoct a drug, with which he rendered
victims senseless, stealing from the men and raping their companions,
"forcing" Lohrbach to participate.

One night, in early 1956, Boost and Lohrbach encountered one Dr. Serve,
a Dusseldorf businessman, parked on the banks of the Rhine with a young
male companion. Werner drew a gun and killed the doctor, ordering his
sidekick to eliminate the boy, but Lohrbach panicked, merely knocking
out the witness.

Police had a description of their suspects by the time Boost struck
again, shooting a young man to death and injecting his date with
cyanide. Their bodies were discovered in the ashes of a straw pile,
torched in an attempt to wipe out evidence . Boost chose another
courting couple for his third attack, clubbing both unconscious in their
car before he sank it in a nearby pond and watched them drown.

On June 6, 1956, a forester near Dusseldorf observed an armed man spying
on a couple from the trees. He tackled the voyeur and held him for
police, who soon identified the prisoner as Werner Boost. In custody,
Boost stubbornly denied the lover's lane attacks and said he merely
hoped to frighten off the latest couple, since public displays of
affection made him "see red." Self-righteously, the killer rapist told
his jailers, "These sex horrors are the curse of Germany."

When news of Boost's arrest was published, Lohrbach voluntarily
surrendered to authorities and launched into a marathon confession . On
the night of Dr. Serve's murder, he explained, Boost was experimenting
with a plan to gas his victims, using toy balloons and cyanide.
Ballistics tests revealed that Werner's pistol killed Serve, and old
investigations were reopened in a series of murders around Helmstedt, in
Lower Saxony, during 1945. Boost had been living in the area when
several refugees were shot and killed, attempting to cross the border
between Russian and British zones of occupation.

The case of Werner Boost dragged on for years, producing one of the
longest indictments in German history. Upon conviction, Boost was
sentenced to a term of life imprisonment, the maximum allowable in
postwar German law.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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LI Lunatic Fringe of Psychotherapy according to Lawyer

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A psychotherapist being sued for $10 million for allegedly causing a
Katy woman to believe she had helped kill more than 100 babies practiced
in the "lunatic fringe of psychotherapy," the woman's attorney told
jurors Tuesday. 

Attorney John Osborne said in his opening statement that Dr. Dorothy
Lurie did not practice "mainline psychotherapy," but a professionally
marginal regimen "that put patients under hypnosis and drugs to bring
things out." 

Osborne is representing Kristi Jones, 35, in her lawsuit against Lurie,
who treated her between 1989 and 1994. 

But Lurie's attorney, Bill Daw, told state district court jurors that
his client followed accepted professional techniques in treating Jones
for multiple-personality disorder. 

He said Lurie has never used hypnosis. 

"If my client was in the lunatic fringe, then the American Psychiatry
Association must now be considered the lunatic fringe because it has a
manual for multiple-personality disorder and how to treat it," Daw said. 

The trial, which visiting state District Judge Pete Andrews said may
take up to two weeks, will center on the extent that therapists should
be held liable for following practices they believed to be acceptable. 

Jones, who said she came to believe she had as many as 800 personalities
and ate the hearts of her own fetuses after being impregnated six times
by her father, sued her therapists in 1995 after dropping a lawsuit
charging her parents had subjected her to satanic rituals. 

Jones initially sued some 20 therapists and doctors, Daw said, but all
the other cases have either been settled confidentially or dropped. 

Osborne said a doctor who witnessed Lurie give Jones sodium amytal -- a
barbiturate that produces a hypnotic effect -- to "get to the bottom of
(Jones') Nazi programming" wrote a memo that the patient and therapist
had a "shared insanity." 

The doctor threatened to quit the case unless Lurie stopped "this wild
abnormal method of therapy," Osborne said. 

He also said Jones had no major psychological problems before she saw
Lurie, but the therapist helped turn Jones into "a basket case" after
Jones said she had been sexually abused at age 4 by a stepgrandfather. 

"Dr. Lurie wrote," Osborne said, "that `The primary goal of my therapy
is for (Jones) to believe her memories are true, i.e., she was a
murderer and cannibal.' " 

Because of her mental anguish, Osborne said, Jones has tried to kill
herself several times. 

Daw said he would bring in "some of the finest psychiatrists in town" to
show Lurie followed accepted treatment procedure. 

He said Lurie did not lead Jones to believe anything and that it was not
his client's job to confront Jones about her beliefs. 

"My client did believe some horrible abuse was going on, but did she
ever believe the specifics? Did they ever discuss it in detail? No," Daw
said. "The kids (Jones' personalities) said they wanted (Jones) to
believe there was satanic activity, or we're gonna hurt her until she
believes us. To stop this, all Dorothy said is we should believe ... in
the abstract." 

Lurie, 51, is principal of Hope Center Alternative School, a school in
the Montrose area for wayward youths. Her husband, Jean-Claude Lurie, is
vice president of operations for Whole Foods Markets. 

She said she came to the Houston area in 1987 because her husband was
offered his present job. She completed a doctorate in school psychology
from New York University in 1986. She said she may have been a licensed
psychotherapist for one day before she first saw Jones. 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI DP for 11 year olds

1998-04-22 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Vi, 

And then what do you do when you do all of this and the child looks at
you and tells you to Fu** off, and walks out the door to do what they
please. That is what happens now days. 

You can tell them their not allowed to do the privileges anymore but it
doesn't matter, if they don't listen to you. If they don't listen to the
rules in the house in the first place what makes you think they are
going to obey the restrictions?

Viola Provenzano wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viola Provenzano) writes:
 Hi Kathy,
 You remove their privileges and wow, do they ever shape up quickly!
 Think of "grounding" them, no televisiion, no telephone calls to or from
 their buddies, no desserts with their meals, meals in their room,  no new
 clothes, abed by eight pm, no spending money.  And one can think of so
 many more. If these sound trivial, in actual day-in, day-out practice
 they are devastating to the recipient and very effective IMO.
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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