Re: A comment on GNU/Linux

2003-01-11 Thread Ira Abramov
Quoting Oleg Goldshmidt, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:
 Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Oleg, I sort of scanned your E-mail. 
 Why don't you read it, then? You'll see that I mention original
 authors other than RMS, and my real point is that Linux should *not*
 be called GNU/Linux, even though to me it sure looks like GNU is a big
 part of it. Oh, and RMS does not argue for RMS/Linux, does he?

No. As I said, it's not an issue of ego, it's an issue of his ideology
that you claim you respect (tough you don't agree with). Linus has no
respect towards it either, and RMS was annoyed to discover many
associate Linux with Open Source and forget about freedom.

Apart from that, I don't agree with many of you conclusions. I know that
every time I had to admin a SunOS box (older versions or Solaris) I'd
first download a few useful packages to make it GNU/SunOS. so I can
work in a shell I like and all the environment responds to the syntax
I'm familiar with. What I use IS afterall GNU, as you agree and not the
kernel itself, unless I'm fighting it to recognize a new sound card.

As for windows being called simply windows, it's not tue either. The
kernel has a lot to say about the way drivers are installed. Every
support center you call will ask which windows very politely, because
the support for windows 98, 2000 and XP is quite different (and not only
because of GUI issues, also the way it handles PPTP, L2TP and the tools
is has to debug, if any, etc).

Now you can SAY I have XP installed, but a microsoft person will rush
to correct you you have Microsft Windows XP installed (this is clearly
hypothetical :) and the point is that he who wrote the software can
insist on its full name. XP means nothing by itself, windows is a
generic word that cannot by trademakred and so you need to mention the
full string to be specific AND keep it legally binding, so in official
papers, MS will always say MS Word and not Word, because there is
also Lotus Word in the market.

So following my idea that he who wrote the software can insist on the
name, GNU/Linux in official amuta papers should be the right thing to
use, whereas discussing it here among professionals, Linux is quite
enough.  Why? If for no other reason, it's because RMS asked and you
agree his project deserves the credit, technically, even if you ignore
ideology. One can run a linux machine without an X server and lots of
other parts, but the basic shells and scripting tools are still born out
of the GNU project mostly.

I say should be but I won't stress it. I know I'm in the minority
opinion. it bother me, but not enough to make it into a spectacle. I do
however suggest you rethink your membership if Freedom issues bother you
that much.

Kodak moment
Ira Abramov This post is encrypted twice with ROT-13.
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Re: A comment on GNU/Linux

2003-01-11 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Ira Abramov wrote:

 Quoting Oleg Goldshmidt, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:
  Shlomi Fish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Oleg, I sort of scanned your E-mail.
  Why don't you read it, then? You'll see that I mention original
  authors other than RMS, and my real point is that Linux should *not*
  be called GNU/Linux, even though to me it sure looks like GNU is a big
  part of it. Oh, and RMS does not argue for RMS/Linux, does he?

 No. As I said, it's not an issue of ego, it's an issue of his ideology
 that you claim you respect (tough you don't agree with).

I agree with some parts of this ideology. Namely, that it is beneficial to
work on free software, that it is generally creates better software, and
that everybody become happier because of that (re: ESR's CatB series)

As far as I'm concerned economical advantages that are stressed by ESR are
the same think as moral advantages. Whatever saves or earns you money is
good and moral. (for that matter anything that helps feel human biological
needs is good and moral). Now, freedom of expression, actions, etc. is
good and moral because it helps feel human biological needs. (I won't
start to prove it now - read if you
are interested).

Now if you ask me it is a basic freedom to take a software and
commercialize it. Yet, I'm not going to start using a custom definition of
free software and claim the GPL is not free. I'll use such terms as a
Public Domain license or a free-for-linkage license instead. RMS coined
the term free software and it was his right to decide what constitutes
of free or not. If I coin the term foo software I'll decide what's foo
and not.

 Linus has no
 respect towards it either, and RMS was annoyed to discover many
 associate Linux with Open Source and forget about freedom.

Linus, IMO, has a lot of respect towards software freedom. However, he
acknowledges the fact that being stubborn and not using proprietary
software at all (even if it is very good and its vendor is happy to help
you, fix bugs, add features you want, etc) is useless. He has a nice Do
and let do attitude. I'll do what I want with the Linux kernel and use
the tools as I see fit. You do what you want (you can fork if you want).
Just don't start preaching me about ideals.

I have used some proprietary software in my time. I am writing this E-mail
with pine which is not perfectly free on a Solaris box (sshed through on a
Linux though). I use what is good and convenient. I used Microsoft
products and still do if I need to. I think Linus acknowledges the fact
that free software generally creates better software in the long run. But
he does not mind using proprietary software if that is what gets his job

Idealism is about objective universal ideals: honesty, objectivity,
integrity, freedom, passion, pride. It's not about Israel, or GNU, or
Communism, or even Objectivism. It's about being a rational moral person
anywhere, anytime. So far Linus has been fully moral and extremely
productive, and has never denied the freedom of anyone else. I call him an

 Apart from that, I don't agree with many of you conclusions. I know that
 every time I had to admin a SunOS box (older versions or Solaris) I'd
 first download a few useful packages to make it GNU/SunOS. so I can
 work in a shell I like and all the environment responds to the syntax
 I'm familiar with. What I use IS afterall GNU, as you agree and not the
 kernel itself, unless I'm fighting it to recognize a new sound card.

True. I often use the term a GNU system to refer to something that has
bash, gcc and everything GNUish around. I once GNUified a SunOS 4.1.3
system. Usually, it means only a GNU/Linux system, but if you wish to
GNUify your Darwin or BSD machine - be my guest. Otherwise, what I'm
writing may not work.

If you wish the term GNU system to stick around you have to call it Gnu.
People dislike initials, and prefer words and Gnu is a nice word. I used
my GnuOS/Gnu to play Frozen Bubble. My problem is that the term Linux is
already in wide spread use. If I say Gnu Linux people will say: What
kind of Linux is that? If I say Debian Gnu Linux people will be more
confused. I usually only use Mandrake or RedHat or Debian to designate
distributions. Am I doing injustice to Linus Torvlads, Alan Cox and the
rest of the kernel hackers?

I'm afraid I cannot name the name of one person who hacked on Microsoft
Windows 2000. You can find all their names in the about box. I know a few
Microsoft employess or former ones. But they call their operating system
Windows because it's snappy, it's sexy and everybody knows what it is.
Likewise for Linux: the name is sexy is short and sounds cool. Behind
hides tons of individuals, many projects and a lot of effort, and a whole
culture. But it's just a name. It does not has to convey everything that
is free software and idealistic in this world.

 As for windows being called simply windows, it's not tue either. 

Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

As a side note, stressing only the technical issues means that
issues such as DRM, Trusted Computing and the DMCA are left out

These are technical issues. One should not restrict generic
technologies because they can be used for wrong purposes. I certainly
didn't mean that.

After hitting the send button, I realized that this paragraph was not 
very well phrased. I'll try and explain what I tried to say.

All of the above technologies and laws are bad on technical reasons. 
That much is true. However, if your view of them is purely technical, 
you will notice that they are only bad for you IF YOU ARE USING OPEN 
SOURCE SOFTWARE. If you are not (such as most law makers), they don't 
seem to be so bad.

On the other hand, the principles and freedoms that are taken away from 
you if these laws and technologies are put in effect affect everyone. 
Everyone knows why monopolies are bad, what anti-competitive behaviour 
means and why it's illegal, what free market means and the word 
choice. Not everyone accepts that if a given technology kills you 
ability to run Linux, that's a bad thing.

What I meant to say is that the idealistic approach has to be taken to 
combat these things, as we don't have automatic supporters where the 
decisions are being made.


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Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Oleg Goldshmidt
Ira Abramov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quoting Nadav Har'El, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:
  I don't know what your basic disagreements are (I guess I'll have to buy
  you a beer to find out :))
 I think Oleg has put it very clearly in a post here, he's against the
 basic ideals of freedom, and therefore the fact that they are
 objectively important and global. 

This sounds suspiciously like I am against freedom and want to send
everybody to Gulag, which is just a tiny bit unfair, Ira. What I am
against is taking one's ideas of freedom, or any other social or
individual value for that matter, and try to present it as universal.

Given this, I am in trouble of presenting a comprehensive, concise
written formulation of what I think of freedom, because, contrary to
Stallman, I don't start from a premise that some particular
interpretation of freedom is universal, so I'll get boggled in
qualifications trying to be intellectually honest with myself (please
don't interpret this as sayign RMS is not intellectually honest - he
is, I believe, with himself).

Maybe it will suffice for now if I give a couple of examples that I
was thinking of while listening to Stallman's talk on Thursday. He
made a big deal of arguing that the current state of affairs somehow
goes against the basic value of sharing (pardon the quotes, Ira,
this is the only word here that is directly lifted from his speech),
that society should teach its members, especially children, to share,
etc.  I disagree. I think that a much more basic value (and virtue)
that my future kids should learn is the ability to distinguish whom to
share with and whom not to share with. And I am not willing to discuss
in advance any criterion that may be applied. Under particular
circumstances, I can imagine asking myself, is this person an
Israeli?, or is she Jewish?, or does he work at IBM?, or has she
paid his membership dues to Hamakor?. I think this is more basic than
the general idea of sharing as an ideal, and does explicitly involve
the notion of not sharing. Were I to adopt the idea of sharing as
basic, essential, and universal, I would not have the freedom to
consider not sharing, let alone the freedom not to share. I reserve
that freedom to myself.

In another example, I think DMCA and DRM and treacherous computing are
evil. Why? For instance, I happen to own the latest Diana Krall CD. If
you ask me to burn a copy for you, I will refuse, and I hope we can
remain friends after that. I will, without any reservation, rip tracks
out of the six or seven Diana Krall CDs that I own and burn a CD of
favourites to listen to in my car, as a matter of fair use. The reason
for my refusal to do the same for you is that I recognize the freedom
of Diana Krall and the recording studio to impose restrictions on
distribution of the CD and to earn profit from such distribution. What
I object to in the legislation in question is what is tantamount to
outlawing CD burners because they will let me to make a copy for
you. That *is* evil. However, I suspect that Stallman
ideologically goes futher than me in his objections. Maybe he
doesn't. I suspect he does though, because he comes from the culture
or totally unrestricted sharing of information (I am reading Hackers
now, and Levy describes that well), and he applies that ethics as
widely as he can.

Levy describes the Incompatible Time-Sharing System developed and
deployed at MIT's AI Lab, that had no passwords. During his previous
visit to Israel RMS said that even when there had been passwords everybody
at MIT had known his username was rms and his password was rms. He had
since been forced to use a real password, and he was still bitter about
it. At Stanford's SAIL the time-sharing system provided the users with
the ability to have private files (at John McCarthy's insistence), and
the hackers around tended to think that whoever uses private files
must be doing something, eh, interesting, and one should have a peek.
I value my privacy enough to consider this notion of sharing unacceptable.
I insist on my freedom to keep some of the stuff I do private. I also
insist on my freedom to keep some of the stuff that I produce
restricted, without being branded a traitor to the basic ideals of
freedom. Besides, the context of computer usage has changed since
then, and however strictly you may adhere to the hackers' ethics, I
suspect you will have a mostly closed firewall and insist on your
users to have good passwords nowadays.

On the technology versus ideology level, I have always thought that by
simply doing my job as well as I can I am making the society I live in
better in some intangible way. What I would like to avoid is doing my
job differently because of some preconception I might have regarding
what is good for society. For me, it is a matter of intellectual
honesty in a technical field.

I am used to the idea that the society, or some of its members, might
disagree with me. I grew up with this idea. I was fortunate 

Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Oleg Goldshmidt
Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 All of the above technologies and laws are bad on technical
 reasons. That much is true. However, if your view of them is purely
 technical, you will notice that they are only bad for you IF YOU ARE
 USING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. If you are not (such as most law makers),
 they don't seem to be so bad.

Why? they are bad if I use anything that is deems illegal or
unauthorized, depending on the context. It has nothing at all to do
with Open Software (except that maybe part of the motivation of the
initiators of these legistations was to make OSS less usable).

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is nothing more practical than idealism.
[Richard M. Stallman, quoted with permission]

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Re: A comment on GNU/Linux

2003-01-11 Thread Oleg Goldshmidt
Ira Abramov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No. As I said, it's not an issue of ego, it's an issue of his

I was hoping I was clear that I did not regard this an issue of his
personal ego. And I clearly think he has a point about credit.

 So following my idea that he who wrote the software can insist on the
 name, GNU/Linux in official amuta papers should be the right thing to

And I am *not sure* I agree. RMS has a point, and this point cannot be
clearer to me because it so happens that most of the software I use
most often originates from GNU. [This is the case for me on Windows as
well, since the first thing I do is install cygnus there]. And I hope
that I have made it quite clear that I am interested in and respectful
to the origins and history of the software I use.

But I recognize again that it may no longer be the case for your
average Linux user, who may be using Linux without encountering GNU
ever, or very little indeed. I can easily imagine that the typical
modern Linux user never uses any of the 10 things I listed, apart from
the kernel itself. For such a user, there is no sense to call Linux

The reason why there still may be a point in calling Linux GNU/Linux
is to emphasize that the GNU tools are hidden there. Whatever software
you use, including Linux itself, was likely created with GNU tools,
compiled with gcc, linked to glibc, etc. 

Oleg Goldshmidt | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is nothing more practical than idealism.
[Richard M. Stallman, quoted with permission]

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Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

All of the above technologies and laws are bad on technical
reasons. That much is true. However, if your view of them is purely
technical, you will notice that they are only bad for you IF YOU ARE
USING OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. If you are not (such as most law makers),
they don't seem to be so bad.

Why? they are bad if I use anything that is deems illegal or
unauthorized, depending on the context. It has nothing at all to do
with Open Software (except that maybe part of the motivation of the
initiators of these legistations was to make OSS less usable).

It seems to me that you are bringing ideoligy into the discussion, even 
as you are claiming to reject the notion. Why is it bad that you cannot 
rip your bought CD and pick and choose tracks for your car? You are not, 
as you claim, working without an ideoligy. You are just drawing the line 
somewhere else.

Hamakor was founded to give all of these opinions a voice. I can see 
myself assiging money from the society's resources to sponsoring a talk 
by Ira about why the four freedoms Stallman defined are important and 
everyone should be getting them, just as I can see myself assiging those 
same funds to a talk by you as to why Linux is a great and inviting 
platform for commercial companies to base their proprietary products on. 
I don't see any contradition here, as I am only doing what I was elected 
to do as a board member of Hamakor - giving a stage for the opinions and 
forces that pushed and are pushing free/open source software forward.

Now, if you, as you claimed, do not want to be a part of any 
organization that pushes forward ideoligy, even if I agree with it, 
then I am very sorry to say that you will probably not want to be a 
member of Hamakor. As saddening as it is to me, on a personal level, I 
cannot change the society's goals because of that.

That last statement gets more emphesis by the fact that there is no 
organization, and defenitely no society, that are not powered by 
ideoligy. Even when you say you want Hamakor to promote open source 
software based on technical merits - that's ideoligy. The thing that 
makes it so is the fact that you don't stop believing it just because 
people prove you wrong. Linux does not have SMP support as good as SCO, 
hspell is no competition to Word's Hebrew speller.

The problem is even more acute when products such as OpenOffice are 
discussed. These products are developed purely according to the 
commercial development model. OpenOffice can offer just two advantages 
over StarOffice:

  1. 1. It is cheaper.
  2. If Sun goes down, change license, want to charge more or
 discontinue the product altogether, you are not left out in the rain.

I think we all agree 1 is a technicality, and noone is honestly trying 
to use that as the major selling point. 2 is a 100% Stallmanistic 
argument. There is nothing technological about it. I can claim practical 
reasons for going for 2 as a choosing factors (cheaper support, no 
threat of extortion, etc.), these are all just the reasons ANY free 
software is preferable over non-free software.


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X Getting Stuck on Mandrake - Solution (?)

2003-01-11 Thread Shlomi Fish

As you may well know for a long time X got stuck occasionally for me on my
Mandrake system (starting at about 8.1 and progressing through 8.2 and
9.0). A couple of weeks ago, I cancelled the OpenGL hardware Accelaration
(I used the proprietary nVidia drivers) and since then things have been
working flawlessly. Not a single time it got stuck. With KDE 3.0.x or 3.1
RC 5, IceWM, GNOME or whatever.

I encountered a similar situation in my Technion station which has an ATI
Mach 128 card. I think it has a kernel driver accelartor that is not
proprietary. The machines itself are still alive. I can still here the
last mp3 I played and at the Technion was able to login into the machine
using ssh. Maybe the kernel frame buffer accelaration code is buggy.

Of course now TuxRacer and other 3-D intensetive games are much slower.
Unusable even. But at least Frozen Bubble works nicely.


Shlomi Fish

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Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Alon Altman
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Nadav Har'El wrote:
 And excuse me for being pessimistic, but I have a hunch that if the current
 trends continues, book libraries will also be a thing of the past in 20 years.
 How long do you think the book publishers will agree to stay out of the pay-
 per-use or pay-per-eyeball party? Why should they agree to have their books
 lent out, when the CD and DVD publishers don't let you do that (unless the
 rental place pays them percentages?).

See for a story about this.

  But charging money has nothing to do with freedom.

 The fact that Stallman repeats this over and over, doesn't necessarily
 make that true.

 Charging money does have something to do with freedom, at least the specific
 sense we're discussing now (being free from corporate control). If a person
 has a billion dollars, he doesn't care that he's not free to move his DVD
 collection from the US to Israel - he just leaves them in the US and has his
 servants get the same ones for him in Israel. Or he pays a million dollars
 to the studio to have a special all-zone DVD made just for him.
 A person without money is obviously not free to use that option.

  A FREE movie, software, book, whatever will allow you to produce a copy at
zero cost. So, the billionare could go and buy additional copies, but the
average Joe will be able to copy from his/her friends. This is similar to
the law in Canada that allows you to copy CDs you took from a library.


This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
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Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Oleg Goldshmidt
Shachar Shemesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It seems to me that you are bringing ideoligy into the discussion,
 even as you are claiming to reject the notion. 

I don't  see how.

 Why is it bad that you cannot rip your bought CD and pick and choose
 tracks for your car? You are not, as you claim, working without an
 ideoligy. You are just drawing the line somewhere else.

I wholeheartedly agree with that - it's a line-drawing game, and it
only emphasizes the idea that right and wrong are not universal. I
choose to draw the line beyond fair use because fair use is an
established legal principle that would be a real pity to
abolish. Abolishing the technology that allows me to do that because
it may be used (by someone else) to copy CDs illegally is evil. This
is a far cry however from saying CDs should be freely shared, which is
something I would object to as well.

 Hamakor was founded to give all of these opinions a voice. I can see
 myself assiging money from the society's resources to sponsoring a
 talk by Ira about why the four freedoms Stallman defined are important
 and everyone should be getting them, just as I can see myself assiging
 those same funds to a talk by you as to why Linux is a great and
 inviting platform for commercial companies to base their proprietary
 products on. I don't see any contradition here, as I am only doing
 what I was elected to do as a board member of Hamakor - giving a stage
 for the opinions and forces that pushed and are pushing free/open
 source software forward.

Please don't distort what I said. I said I would be glad if Hamakor
would provide an opportunity for everybody to express their views. I
would object, and I wouldn't want to be a part of organization that
would adopt a particular viewpoint as its official one.

This is tantamount to taking freedom away, which is exactly what
Stallman does. Let me repeat it again: Stallman is against freedom.
Stallman says, this is what I think the world should look like. This
is called freedom. Whoever disagrees with that point of view is
against freedom.

Well, I think that the world should look differently. I insist on my
freedom to disagree, and I consider it gross verbal abuse to appeal to
a generic, noble, universal notion of freedom, after defining it as
the same as one's particular point of view, to brand me (or Linus, or
whoever) this or that.

Yes, there are different points of view, even on freedom. If you (not
you, Shachar, and not you, Ira, an abstract you) need a mathematical
proof of that, here it goes: I have a different point of view from
Stallman's, therefore his ideas on freedom are not universal. If you
don't accept that, you are working against freedom. This may not be
your intention, in fact I have no doubts that you have the best
intentions, but a well-paved hell is the result of it. By not
accepting that, by stating or implying that I am somehow inherently
evil or morally inferior because I disagree with Stallman on what
freedom is, you are taking my freedom away. According to my definition
of freedom, that is.

This is what bothers me so much in Stallman's view of the world.

I am sorry, this should have gone into my response to Ira, but I hope
that whoever bothers to read one of the postings will read both.

 Now, if you, as you claimed, do not want to be a part of any
 organization that pushes forward ideoligy, even if I agree with it,
 then I am very sorry to say that you will probably not want to be a
 member of Hamakor. As saddening as it is to me, on a personal level,
 I cannot change the society's goals because of that.

It would be sad to me too, and if it comes to that I pledge here and
now to be as supportive of Hamakor as I can from the outside. I don't
need to be a member to do that.

 That last statement gets more emphesis by the fact that there is no
 organization, and defenitely no society, that are not powered by

I am a member of at least one organization that, to my knowledge, has
no ideological creed except that people should do their work as well
as they can, ethically, and professionally. If one chooses to call
this ideology, it is. It's a line-drawing game.

 Even when you say you want Hamakor to promote open source
 software based on technical merits - that's ideoligy.

Maybe. It's an ideology of trying to make things work better. It is,
IMHO, a very broad and inclusive ideology, as opposed to Stallman's.

 The thing that makes it so is the fact that you don't stop believing
 it just because people prove you wrong. Linux does not have SMP
 support as good as SCO, hspell is no competition to Word's Hebrew

And promoting free and open source software, in my mind, is working
towards making Linux better, not arguing that one should use it even
though it's worse because it will liberate you in some way, while
taking away your freedom to use a 16-way SMP machine that you may
really need to do the job.

 The problem is even more acute when products such as 

Re: RMS over Humous - meeting summery

2003-01-11 Thread Alon Altman
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
 In another example, I think DMCA and DRM and treacherous computing are
 evil. Why? For instance, I happen to own the latest Diana Krall CD. If
 you ask me to burn a copy for you, I will refuse, and I hope we can
 remain friends after that. I will, without any reservation, rip tracks
 out of the six or seven Diana Krall CDs that I own and burn a CD of
 favourites to listen to in my car, as a matter of fair use. The reason
 for my refusal to do the same for you is that I recognize the freedom
 of Diana Krall and the recording studio to impose restrictions on
 distribution of the CD and to earn profit from such distribution. What
 I object to in the legislation in question is what is tantamount to
 outlawing CD burners because they will let me to make a copy for
 you. That *is* evil. However, I suspect that Stallman
 ideologically goes futher than me in his objections. Maybe he
 doesn't. I suspect he does though, because he comes from the culture
 or totally unrestricted sharing of information (I am reading Hackers
 now, and Levy describes that well), and he applies that ethics as
 widely as he can.

  Well, according to RMS, Diana Krall has no basic right to impose
restrictions on you. Copyright law was designed to create more original
works by giving the author a limited right to restrict copying.


This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
The RIGHT way to contact me is by e-mail. I am otherwise nonexistent :)
 -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
The only easy way to tell a hamster from a gerbil is that the
gerbil has more dark meat.

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Re: A comment on GNU/Linux

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

 But I recognize again that it may no longer be the case for your
 average Linux user, who may be using Linux without encountering GNU
 ever, or very little indeed. I can easily imagine that the typical
 modern Linux user never uses any of the 10 things I listed, apart from
 the kernel itself. For such a user, there is no sense to call Linux

gnome? debian (used by lindows and xanadros)?

(Debian is definetly a gnu projet in spirit: the DFSG, the debian social
contract. As for gnome: this is less clear)

Both not well-hidden

BTW: Have a look at any mailman info page:

(This is the one from the main mailman site, but it is the default
This is the only place I can think of that says powered by GNU

Tzafrir Cohen

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kazza lite and wine

2003-01-11 Thread Amir Tal
$ dpkg -l |grep wine
ii  libwine0.0.20021219-1 Windows Emulator (Library)
ii  wine   0.0.20021219-1 Windows Emulator (Binary Emulator)
ii  winesetuptk0.6.0b-1.1 Windows Emulator (Configuration and Setup To

$ uname -a
Linux tal 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 unknown unknown 

when trying to install kazza, i get an ugly win98 popup message that says 
kazza requires windows ver. 4.1 or higher.
same thing happends with running wine from terminal or from CrossOver Office.

error from terminal :

$ wine kazaa_lite_202_english_kpp_v202_edition.exe
Invoking /usr/bin/wine.bin kazaa_lite_202_english_kpp_v202_edition.exe ...
X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  15 (X_QueryTree)
  Resource id in failed request:  0x3a00072
  Serial number of failed request:  223
  Current serial number in output stream:  223
Wine exited with a successful status


Tal Amir,
Founder, Owner
Whatsup, Hebrew Linux Portal.
ICQ : 15748705

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Re: A comment on GNU/Linux

2003-01-11 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Sat, Jan 11, 2003, Ira Abramov wrote about Re: A comment on GNU/Linux:
 ideology. One can run a linux machine without an X server and lots of
 other parts, but the basic shells and scripting tools are still born out
 of the GNU project mostly.

But this *cannot* be the main reason why Stallman wants the GNU name in

Why? Because it's very easy to object to your statement. Many Linux users
do not use any shell or scripting tool - so is it ok for them to call it
simply Linux? And what about me, a person who is using zsh (a shell having
nothing to do with the GNU project) and vim (an editor having nothing to
with the GNU project)? And what if Redhat decided one day to switch the
gnu fileutils (the GNU utilities people most often used) with the freebsd
alternatives, like (I think) Mac OSX did? And if the Linux C library will
be replaced (for the 3rd time) by one not from GNU, *then* we could stop
calling it GNU/Linux?

I think I told this story once - I switched to Linux only because of its
X server (which ATT System V did not have at that time). Not because of
its wonderful kernel, and not because of the GNU utilities. So maybe I
should urge people to call it X11/Linux? As you can understand, this kind
of argument cannot scale, as so-called Linux distributions include software
from more and more projects, some of them pretty big.

Nadav Har'El| Saturday, Jan 11 2003, 8 Shevat 5763
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |Bigamy: Having one wife too many.   |Monogamy: The same thing!

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Re: kazza lite and wine

2003-01-11 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Sat, Jan 11, 2003, Amir Tal wrote about kazza lite and wine:
 $ uname -a
 Linux tal 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 unknown unknown 

Sorry for completely ignoring your question, but has anybody noticed the
appearance of the string GNU/Linux in the output of the latest releases
of GNU's uname? (I'm trying the following on my Redhat 8.0 machine)

Uname -s returns just Linux, as it always did,

$ uname -s

By the phrase system name that was used to describe the -s option, has
been replaced in the uname(1) manual by kernel name. Then then went ahead
and invented a new -o option (operating system name):

$ uname -o 

This -o option did not exist in any other version of uname, as far as I
know (I think it was added in GNU sh-utils 2.0.12).

In fact, I've been, for many years, using Solaris in which everything had
been replaced by the GNU alternatives (in fact, for the one exception of
glibc, it has exactly the same GNU stuff that most Linux distributions use).
On this machine, uname -s (using GNU's uname, of course) always returned
SunOS. And they never thought about complaining why do you call it SunOS,
you should call it GNU/SunOS...

Nadav Har'El| Saturday, Jan 11 2003, 8 Shevat 5763
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed   |'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol

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Re: kazza lite and wine

2003-01-11 Thread Ilya Konstantinov
On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 03:46:56PM +0200, Amir Tal wrote:
 when trying to install kazza, i get an ugly win98 popup message that says 
 kazza requires windows ver. 4.1 or higher.
 same thing happends with running wine from terminal or from CrossOver Office.

You might try to change the WineLook option in WINE's configuration
file, but I doubt it'll help. I tried to run Kazaa Lite on WINE
once, unsucessfully. I also read a report of someone succesfully
running Kazaa Lite on WINE, with a lot of original Windows DLLs instead
of WINE ones -- but that's cheating :)

You may want to look at -- it lists
applications' compatibility with WINE, and in some cases, special
instructions required to run those applications.

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mailq.postfix hangs on Mandrake 9.0

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
Just solved another one of those irritating little problems, and thought
it might help some others.

I was setting up a Mandrake 9.0 system for someone. The command mailq
seems to have been missing, but there was mailq.postfix.
mailq.postfix simply didn't work: it hanged after a while (though it could
be killed by Ctrl-C).

Stracing (even with -f) got me nowhere: I got an error message about
failed writing to [/var/spool/postfix/]maildrop , the following in the
warnings log:

  Jan 11 17:58:50 yarden postfix/postdrop[1688]: warning: mail_queue_enter:
  create file maildrop/173803.1688: Permission denied

And then I noticed that /usr/bin/mailq did exist, and was a dandling link
to /etc/alternatives/mta-mailq . mta-mailq seems to be a slave alternative
of mta (update-alternatives --display mta-mailq), so:

  update-alternatives --auto mta

Fixed everything

Tzafrir Cohen

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the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread shlomo solomon
I'm afraid this is going to start a **war** and that's not my intention, but I 
really feel I've got to get this off my chest.

Firstly, let me say that I've been using LINUX on and off for 6 years and that 
it's been my only OS since deleting OS/2 (zl) 3 years ago. So I'm a 
committed LINUX user. And I have no intention of using anything else - 
although my wife and kids all use Windows - and of course that makes me the 
primary sysop for their machines :-(.

My problem is that LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years) is still 
much too hard to install, set up, and use. As things stand now, it's not 
really a viable alternative for John Q. User. As opposed to other OSs (that 
will remain nameless), there's still too much tweaking required. And for a 
non-technical user, it's just impossible.

If I just consider my own setup since upgrading to Mandrake 9.0 (I've used 
Mandrake since 7.0), the solutions to most of the problems I had, were beyond 
what the average user could have handled. Sure, IGLU was very helpful, which 
is again proof that if you GOOGLE around and RTFM before asking questions, 
the list members are usually very good about helping. But, why should this 
help be needed? I won't go into the details here, but those who have read my 
posts over the past couple of months know that I had problems with USB 
printer support, iptables, file permissions, etc. And most recently, I 
haven't been able to use my FlyVideo2000 card. Although all the problems 
(except the FlyVideo2000 card) are solved, it all required too much effort. 
As someone wrote to the list recently (sorry, don't remember who - and this 
is not an exact quote): I want the computer to do useful work - tweaking is 
only a means to that end and not the purpose of having the computer. 

So how can we expect the non-technical user to even consider LINUX? I consider 
myself a technical user - but I've given up on the TV problem, so what does 
that say? I know it's **sexy** to talk about self compiled kernels, etc. And, 
in fact, on MDK 8.1 (and previously) I did compile my own for various 
reasons. But, should I really have to compile a kernel just to watch TV? And, 
more importantly, what about my next door neighbour, who doesn't even know 
what the word compile means? How does he get to watch TV? Basically, all this 
keeps LINUX as an OS for **experts**.

As  I said, I don't intend to start a war - I am a committed LINUX user - but 
it really shouldn't be so hard.

Shlomo Solomon
Sent by KMail (KDE 3.0.3) on LINUX Mandrake 9.0

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Re: mandrake and kernel

2003-01-11 Thread shlomo solomon
On Friday 10 January 2003 15:56, Ely Levy wrote:
 To whomever wanted the 2.4.20 version of mandrake's kernel
 you might want to try the rpms for the new 9.1beta1.
thankls, but nfortunately, thie following is from the Mandrake web-site

Mandrake 9.1 Beta is now being mirrored and will soon be available for 
testing. This first beta includes Linux 2.4.21pre2

BTW - they also say the beta is only 1 CD and that to decide what will be in 
the final release, they'll tally votes by **All MandrakeClub members**. 
Obviously I don't know what will removed in the end, but I personally like 
the idea of having the 3 CDs with thousands of packages so that anyone can 
choose to install whatever they want.

Shlomo Solomon
Sent by KMail (KDE 3.0.3) on LINUX Mandrake 9.0

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Omer Zak

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, shlomo solomon wrote:

 My problem is that LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years) is still 
 much too hard to install, set up, and use. As things stand now, it's not 
 really a viable alternative for John Q. User. As opposed to other OSs (that 
 will remain nameless), there's still too much tweaking required. And for a 
 non-technical user, it's just impossible.

The real problem was seriously mis-identified.  It is now actually easier
to install Linux than MS-Windows. 

When I was forced to upgrade my PC's motherboard from one hosting a 300MHz
processor to one hosting a 1.7GHz processor, Windows 95 died (there is
some obscure driver in the Hebrew version of Windows 95, which fails when
the processor's clock frequency goes beyond 1GHz; and a fix is available
only for OSR2 - unavailable for the Hebrew edition) and Windows 2000 was
in serious trouble.  Linux 2.0.36 (very old by today's standards) booted
on the new motherboard without problems.

When was the last time anyone bought PC and MS-Windows and installed and
configured by himself all the stuff?  The computer shops sell you
computers with your taste of MS-Windows preinstalled, configured and
tested.  If you run into problems, they support you under warranty.  And
they fight all the problems so that your experience is as seamless as

On the other hand, with Linux, you have to install it yourself - almost no
one sells a PC with preinstalled Linux.  You have to turn to friends and
IGLU for support, rather than rely upon warranty.  You have to fight your
own battles rather than have the shop personnel fight for you.

And... you know what?  Your Linux battles are easier than the shop's
MS-Windows wars.  But since you don't see the shop's backroom, you are
comparing your Linux battles with the experience of an MS-Windows user.

 --- Omer

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Photos of RMS dinner

2003-01-11 Thread Mark Veltzer
Hello all!

Anyone have digital photos of the event and if so where ? If you can email 
some to me I would appreciate it...:). Any free source advocating website 
that is willing to carry them ? (I'm willing to put them on my site but 3 
visitors per year is not a good idea...:)

Name: Mark Veltzer
Title: Research and Development, Meta Ltd.
Address: Habikaa 17/3, Kiriat-Sharet, Holon, Gush-Dan, Israel 58495
Phone: +972-03-5508163
Fax: +972-03-5508163
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenSource: CPAN, user: VELTZER, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], url:
Public key:,, 

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Ira Abramov
Quoting shlomo solomon, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:

 My problem is that LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years)
 is still much too hard to install, set up, and use. As things stand
 now, it's not really a viable alternative for John Q. User. As opposed
 to other OSs (that will remain nameless), there's still too much
 tweaking required. And for a non-technical user, it's just impossible.

Barging through an open door. what's your point?

We all know it's the current state, we all kvetch about it, some of us
have time to do something about it but lack the knowledge or interest.
It's your free choice to run it, it's you right to document procedures
to fix the problems you encountered, and it's your right to send fixes
and suggestions to the appropriate vendors, authors and packagers.

My own worse critic
Ira Abramov This post is encrypted twice with ROT-13.
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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
Two remarks:

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, shlomo solomon wrote:

[snip ]

 I won't go into the details here, but those who have read my
 posts over the past couple of months know that I had problems with USB
 printer support, iptables, file permissions, etc. And most recently, I
 haven't been able to use my FlyVideo2000 card. Although all the problems
 (except the FlyVideo2000 card) are solved, it all required too much effort.

Just one note: I don't remember what were your other problems, but the
iptables problem was caused by the fact that you weren't satisfied with
the built-in firewall of the distro, and wanted to use your own (and the
ipchains service got in the way). This is not a problem I expect the
mythical Joe User to have.

 As someone wrote to the list recently (sorry, don't remember who - and this
 is not an exact quote): I want the computer to do useful work - tweaking is
 only a means to that end and not the purpose of having the computer.

 So how can we expect the non-technical user to even consider LINUX? I consider
 myself a technical user - but I've given up on the TV problem, so what does
 that say? I know it's **sexy** to talk about self compiled kernels, etc. And,
 in fact, on MDK 8.1 (and previously) I did compile my own for various
 reasons. But, should I really have to compile a kernel just to watch TV?

Maybe. If that what it takes. But in that case rebuilding the kernel
should not be difficult. It should involve less magic. I see nothing wrong
with aunt tilly being forced to compile a kernel.

Heck: don't you find it weird that you have to download a 4MB or 8MB
so-called driver that installs a bunch of programs that are totally
unnecessary for the function of the real driver?

Maybe there could be a half-compiled tree that fits the binary distro and
kernel image, and you'll only need to build the kernel module itself?

 more importantly, what about my next door neighbour, who doesn't even know
 what the word compile means? How does he get to watch TV? Basically, all this
 keeps LINUX as an OS for **experts**.

If rebuilding a kernel is to become a necessaty for configuration, then it
should be wrapped with a simple interface. Debian already has something
close to that.

 As  I said, I don't intend to start a war - I am a committed LINUX user - but
 it really shouldn't be so hard.

Tzafrir Cohen

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CLAN - The Comprehensive Linux Archive Network

2003-01-11 Thread Shlomi Fish


Note that I talked about this idea with Rik-van-Riel on the IRC and he
liked it. I also posted it to the LKML, but since it is a goy mailing list
I may not get meaningful answers until Monday Midday.

Meanwhile, it is supposed to be to the Linux kernel and its kernel
modules what CPAN or Debian apt are for Perl and Debian. (and then some).
I.e: download, configure and install kernel modules from the Net (core
ones or third party); as well as re-compile the kernel from scratch if

Your suggestions, feedback and ideas are more than welcome. I'd like to
know what I'm facing before I start writing a kernel-related piece of code
that is entirely in user-land (probably even in Perl... ;-)).


Shlomi Fish

Home Page:
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Let's suppose you have a table with 2^n cups...
Wait a second - is n a natural number?

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Oron Peled
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 19:32:21 +0200
shlomo solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 although my wife and kids all use Windows - and of course that makes me the 
 primary sysop for their machines :-(.

Why? Isn't Windows so easy that anyone can handle it

You see, as someone else already pointed out, no John Doe is actually
installing and configuring their own Windows machine -- someone else
do it for them either for a fee (the computer store, the technician,
their ISP over the phone) or for other reasons (a family member,
a neighbour, a coworker who is a computer expert).

What is changing in the Linux world is:
- Distributions are getting better at install/configure
- More and more people are available to help others with
  Linux issues (I'm sure you can now help your friends
  or neighbours with *some* of their common problems).
- Hardware vendors are (really slowly) beginning to pay
  attention as Linux becomes more widespread (e.g: you
  start to see advertisements [even in Israel] that
  refers to Linux compatibility).

Cheer up,

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

Linux:  If you're not careful, you might actually learn something.
-- Allen Wong

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Re: Photos of RMS dinner

2003-01-11 Thread Ira Abramov
Quoting Katriel Traum, from the post of Sat, 11 Jan:

I think you pasted the wrong URL. a small note - this site refers to
crackers as hackers. very dissapointing :-/

The best thing since the invention of the cat
Ira Abramov This post is encrypted twice with ROT-13.
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Re: Photos of RMS dinner

2003-01-11 Thread Katriel Traum
Hash: SHA1

bloody kde.
What I wanted to say, was that I don't have any pictures, but would be glad to 
host them if anyone have them, on the penguin.

On Saturday 11 January 2003 20:34, Katriel Traum wrote:


 On Saturday 11 January 2003 16:31, Mark Veltzer wrote:
  Hello all!
  Anyone have digital photos of the event and if so where ? If you can
  email some to me I would appreciate it...:). Any free source advocating
  website that is willing to carry them ? (I'm willing to put them on my
  site but 3 visitors per year is not a good idea...:)

- -- 
pgp key:
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Omer Zak

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

 * Migration from the current ASCII CONF format to binary format or
 database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an
 example), and none is good, because it's impossible to develop a GOOD
 GUI for an ASCII-based configuration file. I guess that everybody is
 going to laugh at the REGISTRY and other MS stuff, but handling
 ASCII CONFfiles, with VI/emacs, when you are a dummy, is impossible.
 (I know that many people don't agree with this point, but I don't
 want to start a new argument, although I have a lot of experience and
 knowledge in this field; The last line remains thesame:

Why, yes of course, if you move to binary configuration files for your
applications and make their format a trade secret and release obfuscated
source files for the modules, which deal with the configuration files,
then you in effect erect a tollgate and make it difficult for developers
to develop competing configuration tools for your applications, and then
you can make some money from configuration tools, time spent at
installation, consulting fees, ad nauseaum...

 --- Omer
I am sick of binary configuration files!

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Official Flamer/Cabal NON-Leader
Quoth shlomo solomon:

 I'm afraid this is going to start a **war** and that's not my
 intention, but I really feel I've got to get this off my chest.

War is good - drives the economy ;-). See if we shan't have one soon.

 My problem is that LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years)
 is still much too hard to install, set up, and use. As things stand
 now, it's not really a viable alternative for John Q. User. As opposed
 to other OSs (that will remain nameless), there's still too much
 tweaking required. And for a non-technical user, it's just impossible.

Good. That is the idea. Fuck JQU, (s)he is not worth the effort, anyway.
The sooner we get back to the old priesthood computing model, the better.

 all required too much effort.  As someone wrote to the list recently
 (sorry, don't remember who - and this is not an exact quote): I want the
 computer to do useful work - tweaking is only a means to that end and not
 the purpose of having the computer. 

You want to _USE_ the computer. You are not part of the priesthood - get
out of my terminal room post-haste. Computers are not the means - they are
the ends. Serve the computer, friend citizen, the computer is your friend.

 get to watch TV? Basically, all this keeps LINUX as an OS for

Yes. Experts. Us. All seventeen of us, give or take.

 As  I said, I don't intend to start a war - I am a committed LINUX user -
 but it really shouldn't be so hard.

It should not be so hard. It should be MILES harder.

Go away - you're a troll.

This is MY list. This list belongs to ME! I will flame anyone I want.
Official Flamer/Cabal NON-Leader  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Eli Marmor
Warning: the following text is long.
Request: ease don't reply without reading till the end. There may be
mistakes or things that you may want to argue with, but the whole
picture is the important thing, and not the (example:) exact number of
Linux/Windows users.

I agree with Shlomo, but also with one of its responders (was it

There is a severe friendliness problem with Linux, but it is not
RECOGNIZED correctly.

Friendliness is rhymed with marketting, so everybody went to
marketting experts, and asked them what whould be done. And those
experts, Nebechs, who have never heard about kernel drivers, answered
automatically: Don't you have a desktop environment management? Bad!.

So now we have too many KDE/GNOME/etc., and no problem has been

Then they said: Your graphics looks ugly! And you need better icons!.

So now the graphics of Linux is better than Windows, but no problem has
been resolved.

Then they said: Your best word processor is a text editor 20-years
old ?   VERY BAD!.

So now we have SEVERAL word processors, but no problem has been

And I can continue and pass a mistake after mistake, but I think the
point was understood.

IF the real experts (i.e. technical experts) were asked, I believe
their answers would be different (well, Linus had the same answers, but
only because everybody told him: Listen to the marketting experts,
they know what they say!).

Now let's go to the real problem that makes Linux non-friendly (well,
it's actually friendly, but a little selective with who its friends

Shlomo mentioned FlyVideo 2000 problems, and USB printer support.

In addition, almost any Linux installation faces hardware devices that
are not supported, or devices that are not detected.

Linux users are forced to use very specific and expensive devices (e.g.
modems) because many of the devices are not supported by Linux.

Some people are not so dummy, and can google for solutions/workarounds.
But how can you google in the middle of an installation, when you reach
a problem, you don't have a second (working) PC, and you don't want to
lose all the installation?  (i.e. to cancel it just to google in your
second partition and then reboot again and start the installation from
the beginning).

Some users receive DOC attachments, and can't view them. Or can import
them to one of the Linux word processors, but don't see them correctly
(usually they even don't know that the document was not viewed
correctly, because they don't have a clue about how it was seen by its
original author).

Some users can't use their Linux mailer/scheduler, because it doesn't
inter-operate perfectly with the organizations Exchange server (unless
they pay money and purchase the commercial add-on of Evolution).

Linux should not be blamed for these problems. For example, the
hardware compatibility problems are caused just because there are 100
Windows users per any Linux user (or 50 per 1. The exact number is not
important). Now imagine you are a hardware vendor. During the RD, you
reach the testing phase. The chance that your new hardware will work in
the first time you put it into a computer with Windows, is 0%. So you
find the problem, fix it, and try again. After 10 or 20 itterrations,
everything works correctly. Sometimes you also need to supply a device
driver, so you develop a Windows driver.

Usually, that loop of itterrations, or that device drivers, are not
done with Linux. Because there are so many Windows users and so little
Linux users, and that doesn't pay. It's like the bank site that was
discussed here recently.

Who is to blame?

The vendor should not be blamed, because it is not economical for him
to develop everything for Linux too.

The Linux developers should not be blamed, because the better support
of Windows is not thanks to the efforts of Microsoft, but an automatic
result of its wide distribution.

Only those marketting experts that claimed that better icons will
solve the problem, should be blamed. They should not express any
opinion without knowing kernel internals etc.

So what can be done now?

Focus ALL the efforts to improve the compatibility issues:

* kernel, device drivers, etc. I think that the most important events
  for the friendliness of Linux in the recent years, were the launch of
  Linux 2.2, and the launch of Linux 2.4. And hardware is not the only
  compatibility issue related to the kernel: I think that the fact that
  NTFS is still only read-supported and not write-supported is severe.
  And there are many other examples.

* Better filters, from and *TO* Windows applications (for example,
  PERFECT filters for WORD, Excel, PPT, etc.). And support for MS
  protocols and formats (e.g. better emulation of Outlook in mail apps,
  so an organizational Exchange server can be used better by Linux

* Migration from the current ASCII CONF format to binary format or
  database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an

Re: CLAN - The Comprehensive Linux Archive Network

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Shlomi Fish wrote:

 Meanwhile, it is supposed to be to the Linux kernel and its kernel
 modules what CPAN or Debian apt are for Perl and Debian. (and then some).
 I.e: download, configure and install kernel modules from the Net (core
 ones or third party); as well as re-compile the kernel from scratch if

What exactly of the kernel tree do you need in order to successfully build
a module foor your current kernel image (without building the whole tree)?

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

 * Migration from the current ASCII CONF format to binary format or
   database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an
   example), and none is good, because it's impossible to develop a GOOD
   GUI for an ASCII-based configuration file. I guess that everybody is
   going to laugh at the REGISTRY and other MS stuff, but handling
   ASCII CONF files, with VI/emacs, when you are a dummy, is impossible.
   (I know that many people don't agree with this point, but I don't
   want to start a new argument, although I have a lot of experience and
   knowledge in this field; The last line remains the same:

Some XML-based format may be a resonable comppormise between
machine-parsable and human-edible. Maybe. One big config file is
always a source of troubles.

Actually, we already have some examples of programs with relatively
complex configs (mozilla, KDE), and a very common debugging procedure is
'please {delete|rename} the ~/.{kde|mozilla} directory.

I have a feeling that one big registry will make things even worse.

What happens when those configs are lost?

(dont tell me anything about automatic backups. We all know that this is
something that is bound to fail sooner or later, as in windows 98)

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Eli Marmor
Following Omer's response:

Just to clarify, I've NEVER mentioned Proprietary format;
XML is great (though you may inherit the problems of ASCII by writing a
cheating schema).
PostgreSQL/MySQL is good too (although it depends on a specific
implementation of a database).

And I was serious when I asked not to argue on this specific point; the
last line of my entire message was clear, and if you don't agree with
the specific point of binary/XML configuration format, just ignore it,
and refer to the other points. I really don't want to start a new
argument about this issue, and it is a minor point and a small part of
my message.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020  8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314  P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338  Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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RE: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread nav ajo
Title: the problem with LINUX

Yeah, linux is a crappy piece of software. What isn't? But at least, it 

was all written by kind sirs who awed nothing to you. 

Anyway, Windows is no better. Even Windows needs the touch of 
a techman for it to run smoothly and not crappily. 

Things, all things, should be made idiot-proof. Technicals oughta be
as simple as possible, without compromising on workness.

One thing that should not be compromised is lazyness. We ought not
encourage people to needlessly and inefficiently work.

Entries in mailing-lists should also be simple. Constructedof 
and short sentences, structured simply, carrying a simple message.

  -äåãòä î÷åøéú- îàú: shlomo solomon 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ðùìç: ù 1/11/2003 19:32 
  àì: IGLU IGLU òåú÷ ìéãéòä: ðåùà: the problem 
  with LINUX
  I'm afraid this is going to start a **war** and that's not my 
  intention, but Ireally feel I've got to get this off my 
  chest.Firstly, let me say that I've been using LINUX on and off for 6 
  years and thatit's been my only OS since deleting OS/2 (z"l) 3 years ago. 
  So I'm acommitted LINUX user. And I have no intention of using anything 
  else -although my wife and kids all use Windows - and of course that makes 
  me theprimary sysop for their machines :-(.My problem is that 
  LINUX (as much as it's progressed over the years) is stillmuch too hard to 
  install, set up, and use. As things stand now, it's notreally a viable 
  alternative for John Q. User. As opposed to other OSs (thatwill remain 
  nameless), there's still too much tweaking required. And for 
  anon-technical user, it's just impossible.If I just consider my 
  own setup since upgrading to Mandrake 9.0 (I've usedMandrake since 7.0), 
  the solutions to most of the problems I had, were beyondwhat the average 
  user could have handled. Sure, IGLU was very helpful, whichis again proof 
  that if you GOOGLE around and RTFM before asking questions,the list 
  members are usually very good about helping. But, why should thishelp be 
  needed? I won't go into the details here, but those who have read myposts 
  over the past couple of months know that I had problems with USBprinter 
  support, iptables, file permissions, etc. And most recently, Ihaven't been 
  able to use my FlyVideo2000 card. Although all the problems(except the 
  FlyVideo2000 card) are solved, it all required too much effort.As someone 
  wrote to the list recently (sorry, don't remember who - and thisis not an 
  exact quote): I want the computer to do useful work - tweaking isonly a 
  means to that end and not the purpose of having the computer.So how 
  can we expect the non-technical user to even consider LINUX? I 
  considermyself a technical user - but I've given up on the TV problem, so 
  what doesthat say? I know it's **sexy** to talk about self compiled 
  kernels, etc. And,in fact, on MDK 8.1 (and previously) I did compile my 
  own for variousreasons. But, should I really have to compile a kernel just 
  to watch TV? And,more importantly, what about my next door neighbour, who 
  doesn't even knowwhat the word compile means? How does he get to watch TV? 
  Basically, all thiskeeps LINUX as an OS for **experts**.As I 
  said, I don't intend to start a war - I am a committed LINUX user - butit 
  really shouldn't be so hard.--Shlomo Solomon 
  by KMail (KDE 3.0.3) on LINUX Mandrake 
  9.0==To unsubscribe, send mail to 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] withthe word "unsubscribe" in the message 
  body, e.g., run the commandecho unsubscribe | mail 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Powered by IBM eServer

Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Alex Chudnovsky
On Saturday 11 January 2003 21:28, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

 And re-install all of your programs. And hopefully you have your config
Talking about re-installation of Windows here, not Linux.

 What you mention is mystrious behaviours, not hardware installations.
 Proper usage of packages mean that you have less problems with packages.
In this particular case, I suspect hardware problems.

 A journaling file system reduces the chance of file corruption and thus
 gives you a more stable system.

 But anyway, if you get in a habit of re-installations (bad!) make sure to
 create a kick-start configuration o shorten its time (Mandrake, and
 probably other distros as well, offer to do this in the end of the
Once more, this particular problem was with Windows.

   Basically, all this keeps LINUX as an OS for **experts**.
  IMHO, what is required to bring Linux out of the expert OS niche, is :
  - Vendor-supplied hardware drivers , no matter if binary or not, or at
  the very least open specifications. And please stop telling me all this
  nonsense about And what if vendor decides to stop supporting those
  drivers? And what if the hardware is rare and those who have it, can't
  write code? And why should we the users wait several years till the
  drivers are there? I personally prefer working hardware and then all
  these freedom principles, but YMMV.

 Anybody here with ADSL modems that are not supported under win98?
At least if you happen to have recent Windows, you haven't to wait several 
years for Linux community to reverse-engineer the driver. 

 What about the (pctel?) binary-only winmodem drivers that required you to
 move back to a sepecific, obsolete, and insecure kernel just to be
 connected to the internet? (I usually want to make sure I have a fixed
 kernel when I connect to the internet)
Vote with your purse - don't purchase such modem, if the vendor doesn't have a 
driver for your particular distribution ( or for your particular version of 
Windows). Or purchase it and wait several years for the driver to be 
reverse-engineered ( this may never happen ).

 Do you know how many people had to compile their kernel just because of
 those binary-only drivers?
Blame kernel developers for that - the kernel has NO INTERFACE to accept 
binary third-party drivers. In my book, it's a serious obstacle.
IMHO, hardware vendor support for Linux is necessary for Linux to become 
mainstream desktop system.
There are three ways for a hardware vendor to provide such support- either the 
vendor publishes the specs or it writes a binary driver or it writes an 
open-source driver.
In the first case, the hardware would be supported in any Linux kernel, but 
you as a user have to face a good bit of delay till the driver be actually 
written. But - a lot of hardware vendors just wouldn't accept this way due to 
trade secret / legal /etc issues. And but - if the hardware is rare, there 
may be as well that noone in the Linux community have any interest in writing 
the driver, even with the specs there in the open.
The second way would me much more acceptable to hardware vendors, but it is 
not so acceptable for the users. There may be a midway - part of the driver 
is binary, and part is provided in source and may be easily recompiled to 
match any kernel. NVidia comes to mind as an example.
The third way may face the same obstacle as the first way - trade secrets / 
legal issues.

  - Sensible defaults. You shouldn't dig around a ton of configuration
  files just to get something simple to work. You may tweak it later, but
  it should work out of the box. This is getting better, but it isn't there

 IMHO it's quite there. Care to give an example?
XFree86 configuration. Change a monitor from 17 to some old 14 ( say your 
monitor is broken) and risk just damaging the 14 one or X failing to start. 
Or change a mouse from PS\2 one to USB one. The values are hardcoded into the 
configuration file leaving no way for autodetection. Stupidity at its best, 
pure and simple.

  - There should be BOTH GUI configuration tools AND CLI configuration

 Right. There should be a way to automate everything. This is very
 important, and something many people forget. If the only proper way for
 me to add a user is through the vendor's users management interface
 (because this interface does some bookeeping and other things besides
 adduser) then the vendor should provide a command-line tool with
 equivalent power to the GUI tool.
Or a GUI tool with equivalent power to the CLI tool. I've tried to stress 

  I use Mandrake too. While overall it is a very good distro, part of their
  Drak* tools are actually exactly what I've described - half-baked
  underdeveloped POS,

 Example, please?

  sorry for being brutal. It's actually a lot easier to
  comprehend and tune configuration files by hand then to use these tools.
  Let's formulate it like the following : for anything 

Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Shoshannah Forbes wrote:

 * Dependency hell. Nothing like running a RPM (when you are not
 connected to any network) to get dependency errors about missing files.
 Or when you are using another machine (with a fast internet connection)
 to download RPM's and burn them on a CD- many times you have no way to
 know what dependent RPM's you need to download, so you can actually
 install the application on the other machine.


 I know tools like apt
 that help, but they are no good for computers with no internet
 connection, and are horrible over dial up.

apt-get --recon --download-only install package

Will print what you need to download the files required to install
package. This gives you a nice list of URLs to go and fetch.

 I hope they improve. (ROX
 desktop  addresses this issue with
 application packages  similar to what can be found in mac OSX)

Nice, but totally misses the point. Dependencies are here to solve a
problem (I've just installed the program foo and it dosn't work can you
run it from the terminal? terminal? yuck. well, OK. double-click on
terminal icon, p-r-o-g-r-a-m-enter. I see something about failing to load
a library).

But RPM does not attempt to resolve dependencies. This is a GoodThing: rpm
should not be aware of the extra complexity in the existance of a
repository (more than one? an up2date server?) of packages and how exactly
to decide which of them to install.

That is what apt, urpmi and up2date are for.

 * Unless you work with the CLI (and even then sometimes) the file
 system is really cryptic.

The file system is always very cryptic. On every system.

 Where did that RPM install the application?

rpmq ?

Any information that is available in a command line program can be made
avilable to some GUI. In this case such GUIs exist.

 Where are my drivers? Where is the application I see an alias to in the
 kicker/ launcher/ whatever? The answer is not obvious and takes a lot
 of digging to find out.

drivers are not programs, and need not have menu items.

Debian has had a good menuing system for quite a while. This system was
later adopted by Mandrake. If a package wants to add itself to the menus,
it only needs to create one file and run the menu-updating procedures.
This will add it to any programs menu in the system.

However it seems that this system is not going to take over: gnome and kde
folks decided to have a standard of their own, and it has currently been
adopted by (at least) RedHat:

Those files are in an XML format. So you can't easily rem-out lines there
with your favorite text editor.

 * Not good enough defaults in many applications, combined with too many
 configuration options. I have seen how this happens: the developers
 can't agree about some design issue, so they end up saying let's just
 make this a pref.

 * In general, too many things *have* to be configured, and configuring
 takes a lot of time. Yes, it is fun to tweak here and there, but I use
 my machine to get other things done, not to tweak all day.

Then configure debconf not to ask you that many questions.

 * Too much of the UI is legacy UI, which was originally used in
 another system to overcome a system limitation, and copied as is into
 linux, although linux does not have the original limitation at all, and
 could have used much better UI. This also leads to cluttered, confusing
 and unusable UI's. (see$374

Just a comment: I read the article, and don't consider those examples good
ones. The worst one is the  suggestion to have recently-used lists contain
inodes instead of files-names (inode numbers wil be invalidated after the
next save ;-) ).

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Amit Margalit

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Omer Zak wrote:

 Why, yes of course, if you move to binary configuration files for your
 applications and make their format a trade secret and release obfuscated
 source files for the modules, which deal with the configuration files,
 then you in effect erect a tollgate and make it difficult for developers
 to develop competing configuration tools for your applications, and then
 you can make some money from configuration tools, time spent at
 installation, consulting fees, ad nauseaum...

So true, but we also have to beware of some types of text files... For
example, I am a big proponent of XML files as a very small scale
replacement for a database. It has all you need for a small scale DB.

But the problem with XML files is that they exhibit the same parsing
problems that text files have, along with shoddy readability, like binary

That said, I probably should state that I personally prefer text files.
And the author of the software should work a little on making the text
file ordered reasonably.


Amit Margalit
Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Shoshannah Forbes

On Sunday, Jan 12, 2003, at 01:03 Asia/Jerusalem, Alex Chudnovsky wrote:

And but - if the hardware is rare, there
may be as well that noone in the Linux community have any interest in  
the driver, even with the specs there in the open.

Tell me about it :-( That is exactly the case with the DVD Decoder card  
on my 4 tear old laptop.
The best I got was a post by a developer back in 1991 saying that since  
there aren't enough people with this card for them to write the driver: 


Mandrake 9 actually identified what it is (LuxSonor LS242), but I don't  
have anything who knows how to run or use it.

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Alex Chudnovsky wrote:

 On Saturday 11 January 2003 21:28, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
  And re-install all of your programs. And hopefully you have your config

 Talking about re-installation of Windows here, not Linux.

Me too. What about all of your configuration there? Or do you give it up
in advance?

If so: an equivalent (and faster) linux solution would be a kick-start

Basically, all this keeps LINUX as an OS for **experts**.
   IMHO, what is required to bring Linux out of the expert OS niche, is :
   - Vendor-supplied hardware drivers , no matter if binary or not, or at
   the very least open specifications. And please stop telling me all this
   nonsense about And what if vendor decides to stop supporting those
   drivers? And what if the hardware is rare and those who have it, can't
   write code? And why should we the users wait several years till the
   drivers are there? I personally prefer working hardware and then all
   these freedom principles, but YMMV.
  Anybody here with ADSL modems that are not supported under win98?

 At least if you happen to have recent Windows, you haven't to wait several
 years for Linux community to reverse-engineer the driver.

What is the market share of those unsupported OSs?

FYI, linux 2.0 is still maintained.

  What about the (pctel?) binary-only winmodem drivers that required you to
  move back to a sepecific, obsolete, and insecure kernel just to be
  connected to the internet? (I usually want to make sure I have a fixed
  kernel when I connect to the internet)

 Vote with your purse - don't purchase such modem, if the vendor doesn't have a
 driver for your particular distribution ( or for your particular version of
 Windows). Or purchase it and wait several years for the driver to be
 reverse-engineered ( this may never happen ).

The particilar cas I'm talking about is one in which the original vendor
no longer existed.

  Do you know how many people had to compile their kernel just because of
  those binary-only drivers?

 Blame kernel developers for that - the kernel has NO INTERFACE to accept
 binary third-party drivers.

I don't want to blame them for producing a better kernel. I don't want to
blame them for breaking unnecessary legacy cruft to remove some of the
existing bloat.

 In my book, it's a serious obstacle.
 IMHO, hardware vendor support for Linux is necessary for Linux to become
 mainstream desktop system.
 There are three ways for a hardware vendor to provide such support- either the
 vendor publishes the specs or it writes a binary driver or it writes an
 open-source driver.
 In the first case, the hardware would be supported in any Linux kernel, but
 you as a user have to face a good bit of delay till the driver be actually

Unless the venor actually writes the driver. Recall that it is the vendor
interested in selling hardware, just as much  (or even more than) you
interested in buying it.

This mean also that this vendor is the only one wit the full source to
your kernel (and thus the only one in a good position to give you support)

   - Sensible defaults. You shouldn't dig around a ton of configuration
   files just to get something simple to work. You may tweak it later, but
   it should work out of the box. This is getting better, but it isn't there
  IMHO it's quite there. Care to give an example?

 XFree86 configuration. Change a monitor from 17 to some old 14 ( say your
 monitor is broken) and risk just damaging the 14 one or X failing to start.
 Or change a mouse from PS\2 one to USB one. The values are hardcoded into the
 configuration file leaving no way for autodetection. Stupidity at its best,
 pure and simple.

What about your distro's X config tools? Last time I tried, Mandrake's
DrakeX was useful enough. It is also run at install time.

   I use Mandrake too. While overall it is a very good distro, part of their
   Drak* tools are actually exactly what I've described - half-baked
   underdeveloped POS,
  Example, please?
   sorry for being brutal. It's actually a lot easier to
   comprehend and tune configuration files by hand then to use these tools.
   Let's formulate it like the following : for anything that goes inside a
   distro, if it includes a configuration file, there must be some GUI tool
   to configure it. And this GUI tool should be INTEGRATED with another
   configuration tools.
  Mandrake's tools (almost all) run both in X and in full-screen terminal
  mode. All of them are availble from the main control panel and from the

 And you still have KDE control center, GNOME control center and Mandrake
 control center, with overlapping functions. OK, there are tools in the Cooker
 enabling embedding drak* tools into the KDE control center.

The lapping functionalities are (IMHO) because the kde and gnome
control-centers should have nothing to do with system-administration.

  A GUI tool should not be 

Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Tzafrir Cohen

On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Shoshannah Forbes wrote:

 On Sunday, Jan 12, 2003, at 01:19 Asia/Jerusalem, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

  I know tools like apt
  that help, but they are no good for computers with no internet
  connection, and are horrible over dial up.
  apt-get --recon --download-only install package
  Will print what you need to download the files required to install
  package. This gives you a nice list of URLs to go and fetch.

 Ah, but the other computer is not running linux (it is not my machine).

On the computer that needs to download

  I hope they improve. (ROX
  desktop  addresses this issue with
  application packages  similar to what can be found in mac OSX)
  Nice, but totally misses the point. Dependencies are here to solve a
  problem (I've just installed the program foo and it dosn't work can
  run it from the terminal? terminal? yuck. well, OK. double-click on
  terminal icon, p-r-o-g-r-a-m-enter. I see something about failing to
  a library).

 How do they solve that problem? Application bundles have are the needed
 resources with them- in what looks like the user like a single file.
 You won't have that problem in the first place. I know- I have used
 this system myself (on osx). And it makes install and uninstall a snap-
 to install: just copy the file to wherever you want it to be.
 Want to run the application? Double click that single file .
 Want to uninstall? delete it, and if you want you can also delete it's
 preferences file from ~/Library/Prefrences

 This way, things are easy to understand: you always manipulate one
 object, what is going on stays clear, even for the humblest user. This
 is one of the things that makes Mac OS so friendly. Why not copy?

Easy to understand, but messy.

The whole point of the linux FSH (File System Hirarchy) standard is that
the packaging system is good enough to keep track of files. Therefore
there is no problem with cluttering /usr/bin and /usr/lib : you can
easily tell to which package a file from there belongs.

This is very useful what you think of backups:

On a proper system you need not backup /usr . You only need to backup /var
and /etc . With packages you'll also need to backup $packs_root/pack1/var,
$packs_root/pack2/data and $packs_root/pack3/user\ config

  But RPM does not attempt to resolve dependencies. This is a GoodThing:
  should not be aware of the extra complexity in the existance of a
  repository (more than one? an up2date server?) of packages and how
  to decide which of them to install.

 In theory- you are correct. in practice, this doesn't work, especially
 for the novice user- RPMs just fail due to dependency problems way to

 Think again about my Grandmother- she does download applications from
 the internet. Do you really thing she would be able to download and
 install a program on linux? Without someone holding her hand?

Again: this problem is caused because people use rpm directly.

  Where did that RPM install the application?
  rpmq ?
  Any information that is available in a command line program can be made
  avilable to some GUI. In this case such GUIs exist.

 And how is my Grandmother (who uses a computer) supposed to know this?
 And why do I need yet _another_ tool to find this out, and not from the
 WM/OS itself?

The above was information about RPM packages. Your grandmother naturally
need not bother about rpms, so the question should be how do I run this

why ir 'rpm -ql package | grep bin/' important here?

answered in the next item.

  Debian has had a good menuing system for quite a while. This system was
  later adopted by Mandrake. If a package wants to add itself to the
  it only needs to create one file and run the menu-updating procedures.
  This will add it to any programs menu in the system.

 But how I, as a user, can tell from the menu where the application
 really is on my hard disk?

a. Why is that important?
b. look at the KDE shortcut? /usr/lib/menu/whatever ? KDE has a menu
editor, IIRC

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Shoshannah Forbes
Hi :-)

On Sunday, Jan 12, 2003, at 02:10 Asia/Jerusalem, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Shoshannah Forbes wrote:

On Sunday, Jan 12, 2003, at 01:19 Asia/Jerusalem, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

I know tools like apt
that help, but they are no good for computers with no internet
connection, and are horrible over dial up.

apt-get --recon --download-only install package

Will print what you need to download the files required to install
package. This gives you a nice list of URLs to go and fetch.

Ah, but the other computer is not running linux (it is not my 

On the computer that needs to download

You lost me here. The linux machine has no internet connection. The 
non-linux machine will do all the downloading and burn a CD to be used 
on the linux.
How can one know which files to download?

Easy to understand, but messy.

Isn't scattering files all over the place messy? Dunno. Sounds like 
trouble to me.

The whole point of the linux FSH (File System Hirarchy) standard is 
the packaging system is good enough to keep track of files.

Notice- the file system. Not the end user.

there is no problem with cluttering /usr/bin and /usr/lib : you can
easily tell to which package a file from there belongs

How? (for the middle ground user, not the super power user).

In theory- you are correct. in practice, this doesn't work, especially
for the novice user- RPMs just fail due to dependency problems way to

Again: this problem is caused because people use rpm directly.

* I guess I missed some basic stuff. Then what are RPMs for?
* I don't think that my Grandmother would be able to use graphical 
wrappers for APT- they are still too complex. No to mention that many 
applications do not appear in a repository.

The above was information about RPM packages. Your grandmother 
need not bother about rpms, so the question should be how do I run 

I know my mother wants to know where the application she installed is. 
She has asked me to show her how to find out (in Windows).

But how I, as a user, can tell from the menu where the application
really is on my hard disk?

a. Why is that important?

Why not? Maybe it makes me feel better?

b. look at the KDE shortcut? /usr/lib/menu/whatever ?

* I am not using KDE (and who says she will?)
* Why the user needs to go to a completely different place to find 
information about the object?
BTW, I admit that I still don't understand the logic that decides what 
to put in the user home directory and what to put in /usr/lib
* Again, linux has no middle ground between know nothing, don't care 
and super power user.

The News, Uncensored

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Re: CLAN - The Comprehensive Linux Archive Network

2003-01-11 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

 On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Shlomi Fish wrote:

  Meanwhile, it is supposed to be to the Linux kernel and its kernel
  modules what CPAN or Debian apt are for Perl and Debian. (and then some).
  I.e: download, configure and install kernel modules from the Net (core
  ones or third party); as well as re-compile the kernel from scratch if

 What exactly of the kernel tree do you need in order to successfully build
 a module foor your current kernel image (without building the whole tree)?

First of all CLAN will check if the currently installed kernel is capable
enough of supporting such module. For instance, if it has Ethernet support
compiled in and this is an Ethernet driver. If not, it will re-compile the
kernel with the Ethernet support added.


Shlomi Fish

 Tzafrir Cohen

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Let's suppose you have a table with 2^n cups...
Wait a second - is n a natural number?

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Re: the problem with LINUX

2003-01-11 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

 Focus ALL the efforts to improve the compatibility issues:

 * kernel, device drivers, etc. I thinkthat the most important events
 for the friendliness of Linux in the recent years, were the launch of
 Linux 2.2, and the launch of Linux 2.4. And hardware is not the only
 compatibility issue related to the kernel: I think that the fact that
 NTFS is still only read-supported and not write-supported is severe.
 And there are many other examples.

I think Mandrake - latest versions is much better than what I previously
encounters. It detects and configures correctly all the hardware available
on the machine on several installation I head or experienced.

Furthermore, this is the i386 we are talking about. Like Moshe Zadka said
it is a collection of incompatible hardware components from different
vendors. Expecting it to work 100% of the time.

 * Better filters, from and *TO* Windows applications (for example,
 PERFECT filters for WORD, Excel, PPT, etc.). And support for MS
 protocols and formats (e.g. better emulation of Outlook in mail apps,
 so an organizational Exchange server can be used better by Linux

Agreed. Let me switch back. This is always a good idea.

 * Migration from the current ASCII CONF format to binary format or
 database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an
 example), and none is good, because it's impossible to develop a GOOD
 GUI for an ASCII-based configuration file. I guess that everybody is
 going to laugh at the REGISTRY and other MS stuff, but handling
 ASCII CONF files, with VI/emacs, when you are a dummy, is impossible.
 (I know that many people don't agree with this point, but I don't
 want to start a new argument, although I have a lot of experience and
 knowledge in this field; The last line remains the same:

Over my dead body! Config files stay ASCII, so they can be edited by hand.

If you want to write an abstraction layer above Apache's configuration
that will be less capabale than what Apache provides - fine - do that.
Most users who'll use it won't edit the Apache configuration by hand
anyways. Those who do will soon be told that it will be hard for them to
switch back.

I want to keep the configuration files as ASCII because that way the
terminal is the computer and I can ssh into it and do everything I can do
with the most sophisticated X/KDE environment. This is the UNIX way of
doing things and regardless of how much new power users (Aunt Tillie will
never play with the configuration or install anything) are frustrated by
it, we must keep it this way.

 Zillions of development hours were wasted on wrong issues, such as
 KDE/GNOME (although we all enjoy them); Now is the time to start
 working on the real problems, before it's too late!

Relax, Eli - it's never going to be too late. Linus has so many bigot
users who use it because it is a superior system technically and won't
trade it for anything else. I encountered someone who used Linux to test
Infiniband (network devices of 2-3 GBits) cards and used g++/gcc, Emacs,
CVS and other tools and did not know a thing about ./configure;make;make
install or RPMs.

Whether we conquer the home computer market now, later or never makes
little difference, as Linux is already widely used and NT sucks in
comparison to it in much more ways that Linux does relative to it.
Children will have little problem using Linux instead of Windows. And they
will find editing obscure ascii files fascinating.

Microsoft spreads a lot of FUD regarding the supposed superiority of
Windows. But this FUD is becoming less effective on the general public who
see even not-too-intelligent users use Linux for quite some time. It all
depends what are you doing with Linux. I once upgraded half of my Mandrake
system by compiling the SRPMs. I'll doubt someone else who is not a
hard-core developer like me will need a newer package.

And I believe Microsoft wishes to switch to Linux where they have a well
defined POSIX, LSB, X and KDE or GNOME standard that has been around for
users, and they can build nice user-land applications over it, and get rid
of the over-engineered, over-complicated, under-understood, 50 million
LOCs and growing and pretty much dysfunctional operating system known as
NT. They can translate everything (consultants, certification programs,
services) to Linux, contribute about 5 developers in each one of its
layers for good measure (who'll develop open-source GPL/LGPL/BSD code) and
then have a nice stable interface that they can use for years, and compile
on every other UNIX or Linux version as well.

I'm not saying Windows is not superior to Linux in some respects. But as
a general rule programming for Linux is much less frustrating that with
the Win32 API, MFC, VB, COM or all the other Microsoft APIs, some of which
Microsoft can distribute for Linux as well. Once the Linux market is large
enough, we are going to see MS products for Linux, and 

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Eli Marmor
I didn't want to detail too much in the point of CONF files, because it
was not my main point. But it caused some balagan, so please let me
give an example of a format that is not proprietary, and on the other
hand is not XML, and still is great for developing GUI's for:

X Resources.

Does it threat anybody?
No?  OK; Let's go on:

There are several requirements that are critical for creating a good

One of them is the ability to work against a working program, and not
just a file. Because you can't just open the file, guess all the values
of ifdefs, the default path (for includes), the directory that the
opedning program is in during the open, etc. When you are working
against a working program, you know its current run-time values of
these resources.

In addition, it allows you to affect its CURRENT behavior immediately,
resulting in a WYSIWYG that is so important for GUI (think editres;
don't think UIM/X).

Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
configuration files.

You need clear definitions; Not definitions that may start anywhere in
the line, with any number of leading/trailing spaces/tabs/etc. that you
never know which are part of the value and which are not, with leveling
that is based on semi-XML directives (/directory /), with ambiguous
comments, with ifdefs that you never know if the leveling that is
hidden by them is really hidden - or only the rules inside those
levels, with too many ways to say yes (e.g. tRuE, oN, falling
back to the default, etc.) and so on.

There are many other formatting issues that ease or harden the ability
to develop a good GUI.

X Resources, contrary to ASCII CONF files (like Apache's or NAMED),
meets all these demands. Of course, it is not so friendly, but when you
have a great GUI - who cares?  It is still friendly enough for hackers
like us.

Will this migration happen?

No way;
People develop Open Source for their own fun. Or for their own use (for
example, most of the core developers of Apache need it for their own

When there is a company (please don't force me to spell the name of
Redmond's companies) behind the product, they have balls (sorry for
the word...) and don't give a sh*t (sorry again) on their users, so
they can replace formats whenever it is important for the evolution of
their product. Of course, there are also negative cases, so please
don't give examples that Microsoft (sorry) abused this process and
replaced a good format by a bad format or broke the compatibility of a
program that was used by 100 million users.

But when the users develop the program, there are some things that they
would never do. Some of these things are bad, but improving the format
is sometimes good and needed.

Many years ago, I developed a great GUI for X.
You could take even a binary program, and change its screens, widgets,
add more dialogs/forms/screens, etc. Fully WYSIWYG, of course.
I used it (among other uses) for localizing Netscape 3/4 (although
there were no sources), which involved not only translation, but also
new screens and forms (for example - to choose the default direction,
the default user interface language, help of the Hebrew support, etc.).
I used it also for developing callbacks (without writing one C line!)
and applying BiDi values to specific widgets (e.g. Visual/Logical).

I tried to do it for other CONF formats (e.g. Apache), but there was
no chance.

I don't care if the format is X Resources, or database-based, or
(sorry!) registry, or even XML (though XML doesn't meet all the
demands); I just want a format that its designers/definers thought
about a front-end when they designed it, and not only on the
flexibility of users who use VI to edit it by-hand or on backward
compatibility issues.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020  8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314  P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338  Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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