Re: Figure numbers and the figure captions overlap in list of figures

2011-02-28 Thread Shivaramaiah, Nagaraj

I found the solution...

tocloft doesn't work properly with some of the classes...

I used titletoc instead.. .




it worked fine..


Re: Figure numbers and the figure captions overlap in list of figures

2011-02-28 Thread Shivaramaiah, Nagaraj

I found the solution...

tocloft doesn't work properly with some of the classes...

I used titletoc instead.. .




it worked fine..


Figure numbers and the figure captions overlap in list of figures

2011-02-27 Thread Shivaramaiah, Nagaraj
Dear all,

In my report, figures and tables are numbered in chapter.x format and I have
a problem with list of figures and list of tables that I include using

The problem is that for all the figures/tables that have more than one digit
after the decimal place (means from 10th figure or table), the captions and
the figure numbers overlap in list of figures and list of tables. The
figures and tables that have single digit after the decimal place, are
perfectly fine. Also within the chapters at the place where figures/tables
appear, there is no problem.

Can anyone help to solve this please?


Figure numbers and the figure captions overlap in list of figures

2011-02-27 Thread Shivaramaiah, Nagaraj
Dear all,

In my report, figures and tables are numbered in chapter.x format and I have
a problem with list of figures and list of tables that I include using

The problem is that for all the figures/tables that have more than one digit
after the decimal place (means from 10th figure or table), the captions and
the figure numbers overlap in list of figures and list of tables. The
figures and tables that have single digit after the decimal place, are
perfectly fine. Also within the chapters at the place where figures/tables
appear, there is no problem.

Can anyone help to solve this please?


Figure numbers and the figure captions overlap in list of figures

2011-02-27 Thread Shivaramaiah, Nagaraj
Dear all,

In my report, figures and tables are numbered in chapter.x format and I have
a problem with "list of figures" and "list of tables" that I include using

The problem is that for all the figures/tables that have more than one digit
after the decimal place (means from 10th figure or table), the captions and
the figure numbers overlap in "list of figures" and "list of tables". The
figures and tables that have single digit after the decimal place, are
perfectly fine. Also within the chapters at the place where figures/tables
appear, there is no problem.

Can anyone help to solve this please?


Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

Hi Morgan, 

how do you add the word Figure before the figure number?

Thanks Katja
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Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

I found the solution, in case anyone else needs it:

Add the following to the LaTex Preamble:


## adds the word Figure
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }

## adds white space

##same for tables
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

Hi Morgan, 

how do you add the word Figure before the figure number?

Thanks Katja
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

I found the solution, in case anyone else needs it:

Add the following to the LaTex Preamble:


## adds the word Figure
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }

## adds white space

##same for tables
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

Hi Morgan, 

how do you add the word "Figure" before the figure number?

Thanks Katja
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: list of figures

2010-11-24 Thread katbeasty

I found the solution, in case anyone else needs it:

Add the following to the LaTex Preamble:


## adds the word Figure
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }

## adds white space

##same for tables
\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi all,
 I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

 What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on


 The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on

I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll 
need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


  The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi rh,
  Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

BTW, sorry by the slight off-topic of this thread (latex on a lyx list). I'm
writing my thesis with LyX, but after finding this problem I've started to
reduce code and go back to latex to try to isolate the problem.



2009/10/1 rgheck

 On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

 Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
 but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
 List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

 You can find the pdf file generated on
 and the log file on

 I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll
 need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


   The tex file I'm compiling is:



 \title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
 \author{Lorem ipsum}



 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
 odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
 porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
 faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
 Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
 vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
 suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
 dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
 Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
 nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
 dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
 non hendrerit felis.

 In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
 molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
 porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
 natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
 mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
 volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
 porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
 pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
 scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
 Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
 Curabitur nec magna justo.

 Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
 Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
 viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
 ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
 massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
 elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
 hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
 tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
 Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
 sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
 convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
 lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

 Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
 id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
 velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
 fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
 nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
 Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
 non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
 consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
 sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
 quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
 euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
 commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
 interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

 Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
 rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
 sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
 himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
 per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
 Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special 
package. But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you 

Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use: 
\chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as 
the case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Sorry, I wrote package instead of page style.

Anyway, you're right. I've tried using markboth straightaway, and it works!
I'll also take a look at chaptermark

Thanks a lot!


2009/10/1 rgheck

 On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

 Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of
 myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't
 any other solution?

 It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special package.
 But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you like.

 Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use:
 \chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as the
 case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi all,
 I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

 What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on


 The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on

I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll 
need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


  The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi rh,
  Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

BTW, sorry by the slight off-topic of this thread (latex on a lyx list). I'm
writing my thesis with LyX, but after finding this problem I've started to
reduce code and go back to latex to try to isolate the problem.



2009/10/1 rgheck

 On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

 Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
 but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
 List of figures, when it should be showing Preface.

 You can find the pdf file generated on
 and the log file on

 I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll
 need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


   The tex file I'm compiling is:



 \title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
 \author{Lorem ipsum}



 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
 odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
 porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
 faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
 Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
 vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
 suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
 dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
 Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
 nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
 dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
 non hendrerit felis.

 In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
 molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
 porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
 natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
 mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
 volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
 porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
 pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
 scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
 Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
 Curabitur nec magna justo.

 Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
 Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
 viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
 ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
 massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
 elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
 hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
 tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
 Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
 sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
 convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
 lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

 Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
 id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
 velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
 fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
 nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
 Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
 non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
 consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
 sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
 quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
 euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
 commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
 interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

 Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
 rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
 sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
 himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
 Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
 per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
 Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special 
package. But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you 

Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use: 
\chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as 
the case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing List of figures ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Sorry, I wrote package instead of page style.

Anyway, you're right. I've tried using markboth straightaway, and it works!
I'll also take a look at chaptermark

Thanks a lot!


2009/10/1 rgheck

 On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

 Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of
 myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't
 any other solution?

 It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special package.
 But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you like.

 Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use:
 \chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as the
 case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi all,
 I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

 What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
"List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on


 The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi all,
  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
but I don't manage to find where the problem is.

  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
"List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".

You can find the pdf file generated on
and the log file on

I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll 
need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.


  The tex file I'm compiling is:



\title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
\author{Lorem ipsum}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
non hendrerit felis.

In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
Curabitur nec magna justo.

Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.

Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed leo
quis enim convallis iaculis vel ut lacus. Nulla porta interdum
euismod. Vivamus elementum, metus ac eleifend luctus, velit orci
commodo ipsum, eget faucibus arcu velit sed augue. Cras diam neque,
interdum porta eleifend at, dignissim eget augue.

Duis quis turpis mauris, nec viverra orci. Nam vitae lectus odio,
rutrum consequat lacus. Mauris sit amet mauris mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Vestibulum scelerisque enim vel metus posuere dapibus.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra,
per inceptos himenaeos. Nam rutrum interdum lectus vitae rhoncus.
Fusce ut velit nulla. Nullam porta sem eu est pulvinar a tincidunt
odio ultrices. Aliquam ut ipsum sem.

\part{State of the art}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
vel, cursus non magna. 

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Hi rh,
  Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

BTW, sorry by the slight off-topic of this thread (latex on a lyx list). I'm
writing my thesis with LyX, but after finding this problem I've started to
reduce code and go back to latex to try to isolate the problem.



2009/10/1 rgheck <>

> On 10/01/2009 03:42 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>  I've tried to isolate this problem I've found on a large tex file,
>> but I don't manage to find where the problem is.
>>  What happens is the heading of the second page of the Preface shows
>> "List of figures", when it should be showing "Preface".
>> You can find the pdf file generated on
>> and the log file on
> I think the reason is that \chapter* does not reset the headings. You'll
> need to do that manually, using something like \markboth.
> rh
>   The tex file I'm compiling is:
>> \documentclass[b5paper,english]{book}
>> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
>> \begin{document}
>> \title{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit}
>> \author{Lorem ipsum}
>> \maketitle
>> \frontmatter
>> \listoffigures
>> \chapter*{Preface}
>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida
>> odio magna. Maecenas vestibulum sodales hendrerit. Maecenas est eros,
>> porttitor sed bibendum ut, hendrerit et purus. Etiam in tellus id ante
>> faucibus malesuada vulputate ac eros. Suspendisse a adipiscing nulla.
>> Suspendisse potenti. Cras nulla lectus, accumsan placerat ultrices
>> vel, cursus non magna. Fusce id dictum diam. Donec pulvinar accumsan
>> suscipit. Nunc at tellus a neque vulputate imperdiet. In non quam
>> dolor, sed malesuada leo. Nunc vitae augue sem. Suspendisse potenti.
>> Fusce vel magna lorem. Vivamus ut orci ac nisi aliquet aliquet et ac
>> nisi. Mauris non dui turpis, ac tincidunt tellus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc
>> dapibus enim eget turpis dapibus molestie nec at dolor. Suspendisse
>> non hendrerit felis.
>> In ac massa ligula, eu volutpat nisi. Donec a orci ante. Vivamus ut
>> molestie ligula. Cras a nisl elit. Sed at neque non massa congue
>> porta. Cras sed neque venenatis lorem condimentum euismod. Cum sociis
>> natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
>> mus. Curabitur quis turpis ac diam fringilla sagittis. Aliquam
>> volutpat luctus odio, in pellentesque orci pellentesque nec. Quisque
>> porttitor, justo eget mattis tristique, urna nibh fringilla dolor, at
>> pretium elit purus semper risus. Morbi vehicula convallis mauris vel
>> scelerisque. Morbi vitae lacus elit, hendrerit tristique dui.
>> Curabitur imperdiet interdum quam, ac laoreet libero imperdiet eget.
>> Curabitur nec magna justo.
>> Sed pharetra viverra est, vitae fermentum nisl aliquam imperdiet.
>> Etiam ut mauris risus. Aliquam laoreet interdum tellus, in tempor nunc
>> viverra sit amet. Etiam semper quam sit amet justo imperdiet bibendum
>> ac a arcu. Quisque condimentum risus vel arcu hendrerit et bibendum
>> massa egestas. Sed sit amet nulla non erat viverra mattis. Nulla
>> elementum porta sodales. Nulla lobortis adipiscing tellus, vitae
>> hendrerit neque pellentesque quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi
>> tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
>> Curabitur lobortis venenatis laoreet. Quisque augue ante, condimentum
>> sit amet cursus imperdiet, iaculis in mauris. In ornare lacinia
>> convallis. Nulla tempor, quam quis semper laoreet, ipsum tortor mattis
>> lacus, non convallis felis augue quis turpis.
>> Aliquam ante nulla, sagittis quis porta vel, sodales ut turpis. Duis
>> id magna sit amet velit tempor adipiscing ut egestas risus. Ut semper
>> velit a quam mattis eget rhoncus arcu cursus. Ut auctor, sapien
>> fringilla consectetur aliquet, libero ipsum luctus nibh, nec euismod
>> nulla sapien eget tortor. In dignissim placerat eros et lobortis.
>> Fusce blandit rhoncus pretium. Praesent venenatis malesuada mauris,
>> non dapibus libero pharetra condimentum. Etiam quis lacus at mi
>> consectetur mattis vel id diam. Duis ut mauris sed libero condimentum
>> sagittis. Mauris blandit nibh at neque rutrum varius. Fusce sed

Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread rgheck

On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:

Hi rh,
   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of package
myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't there
any other solution?

It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special 
package. But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you 

Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use: 
\chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as 
the case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.


Re: Why is the heading of the Preface showing "List of figures" ?

2009-10-01 Thread Miguel Rubio-Roy
Sorry, I wrote "package" instead of "page style".

Anyway, you're right. I've tried using markboth straightaway, and it works!
I'll also take a look at chaptermark

Thanks a lot!


2009/10/1 rgheck 

> On 10/01/2009 04:51 PM, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:
>> Hi rh,
>>   Thanks for you answer. I've read that markboth requires the use of
>> package
>> myheadings. I would rather prefer not to use any more packages. Isn't
>> there
>> any other solution?
> It's normally used with the myheadings page style, not any special package.
> But it's a standard LaTeX command and can be used any time you like.
> Actually, assuming your class provides it, you should probably just use:
> \chaptermark{Your Title}. This calls \markboth or \markright, etc, as the
> case may be, and does whatever formatting is necessary.
> rh

list of figures off the page

2009-09-09 Thread Evan Mason

I am using book koma-script.  When I compile my document with pdflatex
everything is fine, but with dvipdfm or ps2pdf the list of figures and
tables are not correct.  They don't wrap, so that each caption just goes off
the page.

I can't be the only one this happens to, but haven't found any other post on

Any help much appreciated,


list of figures off the page

2009-09-09 Thread Evan Mason

I am using book koma-script.  When I compile my document with pdflatex
everything is fine, but with dvipdfm or ps2pdf the list of figures and
tables are not correct.  They don't wrap, so that each caption just goes off
the page.

I can't be the only one this happens to, but haven't found any other post on

Any help much appreciated,


list of figures off the page

2009-09-09 Thread Evan Mason

I am using book koma-script.  When I compile my document with pdflatex
everything is fine, but with dvipdfm or ps2pdf the list of figures and
tables are not correct.  They don't wrap, so that each caption just goes off
the page.

I can't be the only one this happens to, but haven't found any other post on

Any help much appreciated,


Re: Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-08 Thread Kamran SHAFQAT

Adrian Diaz wrote:

Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

I think the tocloft package will allow you to do that have a look at its 


Re: Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-08 Thread Kamran SHAFQAT

Adrian Diaz wrote:

Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

I think the tocloft package will allow you to do that have a look at its 


Re: Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-08 Thread Kamran SHAFQAT

Adrian Diaz wrote:

Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

I think the tocloft package will allow you to do that have a look at its 


Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-07 Thread Adrian Diaz
Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-07 Thread Adrian Diaz
Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

Manage Table of Contest, list of figures, list tables etc

2009-05-07 Thread Adrian Diaz
Friend of Lyx

i have lix 1.6.2 and I would like to manage others  Styles of :

Table of Contest.
list of figures.
list tables etc.

besides i would like to have the control of font, size etc.

Could you tell me how i can set others styles?

Regards  Adrián

 Regards  Adrían

Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Luca De Marini
Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Re: Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Florian Rubach

Luca De Marini schrieb:

Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Add \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listfigurename} in ERT right in 
front of your list of figures and 
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listtablename} right in front of your 
list of tables.
If you want the lists to appear like subsections in the TOC you need to 
replace both section by subsection.

Regards, Florian

Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Luca De Marini
Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Re: Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Florian Rubach

Luca De Marini schrieb:

Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Add \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listfigurename} in ERT right in 
front of your list of figures and 
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listtablename} right in front of your 
list of tables.
If you want the lists to appear like subsections in the TOC you need to 
replace both section by subsection.

Regards, Florian

Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Luca De Marini
Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Re: Inserting the List of Figures and List of Tables INTO the TOC

2009-04-25 Thread Florian Rubach

Luca De Marini schrieb:

Hallo everyone, very quick question: how do I have the List of Figures and
List of Tables appear INTO the TOC? I just need an entry in the TOC like:

Chapter x: page2
Chapter y: page10
List of Figures: page 50
List of Tables: page 54

Something like that because my teacher wants me to put the TOC on the
beginning of the document and the lists on the bottom of it, and he wants
the lists to appear in the TOC too of course. I was sure tehre was an
automatic way to do it but at the end I noticed that it was possible only to
put the bibliography page in the TOC, not the page where the lists are..
Please help me, I know this must be a simple solution but I'm not finding it
in the documentation :)

Luca D.M.

Add "\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listfigurename}" in ERT right in 
front of your list of figures and 
"\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\listtablename}" right in front of your 
list of tables.
If you want the lists to appear like subsections in the TOC you need to 
replace both "section" by "subsection".

Regards, Florian

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
ohh, i forgot, it also says LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz

 hmm. then i get this error message:


  Your command was ignored.

 Type I command return to replace it with another command,

 or return to continue without it.


 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
i added this to the pre-amble:

\renewcommand...@figure{\@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{2.5em}{}}

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Niko Schwarz

 ohh, i forgot, it also says LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz

 hmm. then i get this error message:


  Your command was ignored.

 Type I command return to replace it with another command,

 or return to continue without it.


 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
ohh, i forgot, it also says LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz

 hmm. then i get this error message:


  Your command was ignored.

 Type I command return to replace it with another command,

 or return to continue without it.


 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
i added this to the pre-amble:

\renewcommand...@figure{\@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{2.5em}{}}

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Niko Schwarz

 ohh, i forgot, it also says LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already

 On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz

 hmm. then i get this error message:


  Your command was ignored.

 Type I command return to replace it with another command,

 or return to continue without it.


 On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
ohh, i forgot, it also says "LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz

> hmm. then i get this error message:
> @figur...@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
>  Your command was ignored.
> Type I   to replace it with another command,
> or  to continue without it.
> niko
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr <> wrote:
>> Niko Schwarz schrieb:
>>  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
>>> close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?
>> Add this command to your document preamble:
>> \newcommand...@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
>> (
>> regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-14 Thread Niko Schwarz
i added this to the pre-amble:

\renewcommand...@figure{\@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{2.5em}{}}

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Niko Schwarz

> ohh, i forgot, it also says "LaTeX Error: Command \...@figure already
> defined."
> niko
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Niko Schwarz <
> > wrote:
>> hmm. then i get this error message:
>> @figur...@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
>>  Your command was ignored.
>> Type I   to replace it with another command,
>> or  to continue without it.
>> niko
>> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr <> wrote:
>>> Niko Schwarz schrieb:
>>>  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
>>>> close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?
>>> Add this command to your document preamble:
>>> \newcommand...@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
>>> (
>>> regards Uwe

list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?


Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Niko Schwarz schrieb:

in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

Add this command to your document preamble:



regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
hmm. then i get this error message:


 Your command was ignored.

Type I command return to replace it with another command,

or return to continue without it.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?


Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Niko Schwarz schrieb:

in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

Add this command to your document preamble:



regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
hmm. then i get this error message:


 Your command was ignored.

Type I command return to replace it with another command,

or return to continue without it.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

 Niko Schwarz schrieb:

  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
 close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

 Add this command to your document preamble:



 regards Uwe

list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?


Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Niko Schwarz schrieb:

in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?

Add this command to your document preamble:



regards Uwe

Re: list of figures

2009-04-13 Thread Niko Schwarz
hmm. then i get this error message:


 Your command was ignored.

Type I   to replace it with another command,

or  to continue without it.


On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Uwe Stöhr <> wrote:

> Niko Schwarz schrieb:
>  in my list of figures, the numbers of the figures are standing much too
>> close to the captions of the figures! what can i do?
> Add this command to your document preamble:
> \newcommand...@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}
> (
> regards Uwe

Thanks a lot!! it worked!! (A question regarding List of figures)

2009-02-03 Thread Carina Gaviglio
Thanks a lot to Vincent, Yago and the lyx-users list!!!

It worked to insert the following in the Preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\'Indice de tablas}}

Thanks again!!

PS: I am not in the Lyx-users list.

 -Original Message-
 From: Yago []
 Sent: dinsdag 3 februari 2009 0:37
 Subject: Re: A question regarding List of figures

 If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:

 \addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de

 That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the
 title. For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
 - Original Message -
 From: Carina Gaviglio
 Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
 Subject: A question regarding List of figures

 I have a question.

 I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
 document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

 But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
 figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

 And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
 Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

 I hope someone could advise me.


 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 signature database 3819 (20090202) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Thanks a lot!! it worked!! (A question regarding List of figures)

2009-02-03 Thread Carina Gaviglio
Thanks a lot to Vincent, Yago and the lyx-users list!!!

It worked to insert the following in the Preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\'Indice de tablas}}

Thanks again!!

PS: I am not in the Lyx-users list.

 -Original Message-
 From: Yago []
 Sent: dinsdag 3 februari 2009 0:37
 Subject: Re: A question regarding List of figures

 If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:

 \addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de

 That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the
 title. For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
 - Original Message -
 From: Carina Gaviglio
 Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
 Subject: A question regarding List of figures

 I have a question.

 I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
 document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

 But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
 figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

 And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
 Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

 I hope someone could advise me.


 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 signature database 3819 (20090202) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Thanks a lot!! it worked!! (A question regarding List of figures)

2009-02-03 Thread Carina Gaviglio
Thanks a lot to Vincent, Yago and the lyx-users list!!!

It worked to insert the following in the Preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{\'Indice de tablas}}

Thanks again!!

PS: I am not in the Lyx-users list.

> -Original Message-
> From: Yago []
> Sent: dinsdag 3 februari 2009 0:37
> To:
> Subject: Re: A question regarding List of figures
> If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:
> \addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de
> Figuras}}
> That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the
> title. For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Carina Gaviglio" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
> Subject: A question regarding List of figures
>> Hello,
>> I have a question.
>> I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
>> document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.
>> But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
>> figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right
>> translation.
>> And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
>> Indice de figuras as the right traslation.
>> I hope someone could advise me.
>> Thanks!!
>> Carina
>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature database 3819 (20090202) __
>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Carina Gaviglio
I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Carina Gaviglio schreef:

I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


You have to put \renewcommand\listfigurename{Indice de figuras} in the 

However, if you also use babel, this won't work because babel is loaded 
after the user preamble and thus the \listfigurename is reset.

To solve this, you could add an ERT right in front of the List of 
Figures, with the command I gave above.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Yago
If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de Figuras}}

That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the title. 
For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
- Original Message - 
From: Carina Gaviglio
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
Subject: A question regarding List of figures

 I have a question.
 I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
 document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.
 But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
 figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right
 And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
 Indice de figuras as the right traslation.
 I hope someone could advise me.
 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
 database 3819 (20090202) __
 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Carina Gaviglio
I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Carina Gaviglio schreef:

I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


You have to put \renewcommand\listfigurename{Indice de figuras} in the 

However, if you also use babel, this won't work because babel is loaded 
after the user preamble and thus the \listfigurename is reset.

To solve this, you could add an ERT right in front of the List of 
Figures, with the command I gave above.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Yago
If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de Figuras}}

That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the title. 
For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
- Original Message - 
From: Carina Gaviglio
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
Subject: A question regarding List of figures

 I have a question.
 I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
 document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.
 But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
 figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right
 And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
 Indice de figuras as the right traslation.
 I hope someone could advise me.
 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
 database 3819 (20090202) __
 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Carina Gaviglio
I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Carina Gaviglio schreef:

I have a question.

I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.

But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right

And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
Indice de figuras as the right traslation.

I hope someone could advise me.


You have to put "\renewcommand\listfigurename{Indice de figuras}" in the 

However, if you also use babel, this won't work because babel is loaded 
after the user preamble and thus the \listfigurename is reset.

To solve this, you could add an ERT right in front of the "List of 
Figures", with the command I gave above.


Re: A question regarding List of figures

2009-02-02 Thread Yago
If you are using the package babel, insert this in the preamble:

\addto\captionsspanish{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{\'Indice de Figuras}}

That works for spanish babel option. You can change the aspect of the title. 
For example: {\bfseries\rm\Huge{\'Indice de Figuras}}. And so on.
- Original Message - 
From: "Carina Gaviglio" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:36 PM
Subject: A question regarding List of figures

> Hello,
> I have a question.
> I am writting a thesis in spanish (Argentinien spanish) in Lyx, the
> document class is BOOK. And I have inserted a List of figures.
> But I have a problem with the translation into spanish of: List of
> figures, Lyx translates as Indice de cuadros, but is not the right
> translation.
> And I do not  know what I shoul write in the Preamble in order to get
> Indice de figuras as the right traslation.
> I hope someone could advise me.
> Thanks!!
> Carina
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
> database 3819 (20090202) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Re: BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Mehrdad wrote:
 Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
 in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas?

Use InsertShort Title in the figure captions to insert a caption for the LOF 
without the citation references.


Re: BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Mehrdad wrote:
 Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
 in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas?

Use InsertShort Title in the figure captions to insert a caption for the LOF 
without the citation references.


Re: BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Mehrdad wrote:
> Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
> in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas?

Use Insert>Short Title in the figure captions to insert a caption for the LOF 
without the citation references.


BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-21 Thread Mehrdad

 Hallo to all


 I am currently writing my thesis with lyx and am running in tones of
formatting problems.before I get started with all the other stuff, my first
urgent question is following: 


I have the list of figures after the Table of content, and since there are
figures which are taken out of publication, bibtex starts indexing them with
[1],[2] etc. 


Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas? 






BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-21 Thread Mehrdad

 Hallo to all


 I am currently writing my thesis with lyx and am running in tones of
formatting problems.before I get started with all the other stuff, my first
urgent question is following: 


I have the list of figures after the Table of content, and since there are
figures which are taken out of publication, bibtex starts indexing them with
[1],[2] etc. 


Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas? 






BibTex Numbering of List of Figures

2009-01-21 Thread Mehrdad

 Hallo to all


 I am currently writing my thesis with lyx and am running in tones of
formatting problems.before I get started with all the other stuff, my first
urgent question is following: 


I have the list of figures after the Table of content, and since there are
figures which are taken out of publication, bibtex starts indexing them with
[1],[2] etc. 


Now I want the Reference numbering to start in the actual text body and not
in my List of figures, which comes prior.any ideas? 






bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones that 
they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I don't know 
if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Mmmm... I auto-reply to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Richard Heck

Sophie Vandenbussche wrote:

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem 
(maybe not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me?

Mmmm... I auto-reply to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

I think this probably has to do with how many LaTeX runs you've done. 
Hard to be sure.

Anyway, I think all you need to do is to use the misnamed InsertShort 
Title at the beginning of your caption. Then enter the same thing, but 
without the reference. Or you can enter something different. What you 
enter is what will appear in the TOC.


bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones that 
they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I don't know 
if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Mmmm... I auto-reply to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Richard Heck

Sophie Vandenbussche wrote:

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem 
(maybe not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me?

Mmmm... I auto-reply to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

I think this probably has to do with how many LaTeX runs you've done. 
Hard to be sure.

Anyway, I think all you need to do is to use the misnamed InsertShort 
Title at the beginning of your caption. Then enter the same thing, but 
without the reference. Or you can enter something different. What you 
enter is what will appear in the TOC.


bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones that 
they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I don't know 
if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Sophie Vandenbussche

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem (maybe 
not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me? Thanks :D


Mmmm... I "auto-reply" to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

Re: bibliography numbering and list of figures (containing references)

2008-11-21 Thread Richard Heck

Sophie Vandenbussche wrote:

Sophie Vandenbussche a écrit :

Hello again,

I have a second question...

For my bibliography, I use the following options: 
I obtain exactly what I look for, but I have one little problem 
(maybe not linked to this choice...):

When I insert a list of figures at the beginning of my document, the 
numbering of the references starts in the legends of the figure... I 
would like that this numbering starts in the text, and that in the 
legends of the figures, the numbers for the references are the ones 
that they would have at the place where the figure is inserted. I 
don't know if this explanation is understandable...

Could you help me?

Mmmm... I "auto-reply" to myself... Actually this does not allways 
happen:!!! Sometimes it is like I want it and sometimes not... and I 
don't understand what I do for obtaining the two situations... Anyway, 
as long as sometimes I obtain what I want (with the hope that on the 
last day I will not only obtain what I don't want :D)

I think this probably has to do with how many LaTeX runs you've done. 
Hard to be sure.

Anyway, I think all you need to do is to use the misnamed "Insert>Short 
Title" at the beginning of your caption. Then enter the same thing, but 
without the reference. Or you can enter something different. What you 
enter is what will appear in the TOC.


Re: Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Daniel Joshua Stark wrote:

In the List of Figures for a thesis I am writing, it displays the 
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use 
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of 
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there a 
way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT code?

Put the cursor in the caption box and click Insert - Short Title, then 
fill in the short form.


Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Daniel Joshua Stark

Dear All,

In the List of Figures for a thesis I am writing, it displays the  
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use  
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of  
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there  
a way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT  

Thank you,

Daniel Stark
Graduate Student
Rice University, MS-61
Physics and Astronomy
Dell Butcher Hall 100
1900 Rice Blvd., Ent. 20
Houston TX 77005

Ph: +1-713-348-3126
Fx:  +1-713-348-2603

In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself -  
nature does it for you. - Frank Wilczek
I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never  
grow up and they keep their curiosity. - Isidor Isaac Rabi

Re: Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Daniel Joshua Stark wrote:

In the List of Figures for a thesis I am writing, it displays the 
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use 
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of 
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there a 
way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT code?

Put the cursor in the caption box and click Insert - Short Title, then 
fill in the short form.


Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Daniel Joshua Stark

Dear All,

In the List of Figures for a thesis I am writing, it displays the  
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use  
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of  
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there  
a way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT  

Thank you,

Daniel Stark
Graduate Student
Rice University, MS-61
Physics and Astronomy
Dell Butcher Hall 100
1900 Rice Blvd., Ent. 20
Houston TX 77005

Ph: +1-713-348-3126
Fx:  +1-713-348-2603

In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself -  
nature does it for you. - Frank Wilczek
I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never  
grow up and they keep their curiosity. - Isidor Isaac Rabi

Re: Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Daniel Joshua Stark wrote:

In the "List of Figures" for a thesis I am writing, it displays the 
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use 
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of 
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there a 
way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT code?

Put the cursor in the caption box and click Insert -> Short Title, then 
fill in the short form.


Short description for List of Figures

2008-11-10 Thread Daniel Joshua Stark

Dear All,

In the "List of Figures" for a thesis I am writing, it displays the  
entire caption for each figure.  I know in LaTeX, one can use  
\caption[short]{long} where short will be displayed in the List of  
Figures while long will be the actual caption at the figure.  Is there  
a way to do this with Lyx 1.5.6 on Mac OS X besides resorting to ERT  

Thank you,

Daniel Stark
Graduate Student
Rice University, MS-61
Physics and Astronomy
Dell Butcher Hall 100
1900 Rice Blvd., Ent. 20
Houston TX 77005

Ph: +1-713-348-3126
Fx:  +1-713-348-2603

In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself -  
nature does it for you. - Frank Wilczek
I think physicists are the Peter Pans of the human race. They never  
grow up and they keep their curiosity. - Isidor Isaac Rabi

list of figures/table

2008-10-23 Thread Davide Cappetti
Hello everybody!

I'm answering myself if in Lyx is possible to modify the list of
figures/table as follow. Normally you have

List of Figures

1 bla bla
2 bla bla

instead I would to have

List of Figures

Figure 1 bla bla bla
Figure 2 bla bla bla

and the same for the list of tables. I know that it is worst but I've to
respect a specific format to write down my reports...

Thanks a lot!

list of figures/table

2008-10-23 Thread Davide Cappetti
Hello everybody!

I'm answering myself if in Lyx is possible to modify the list of
figures/table as follow. Normally you have

List of Figures

1 bla bla
2 bla bla

instead I would to have

List of Figures

Figure 1 bla bla bla
Figure 2 bla bla bla

and the same for the list of tables. I know that it is worst but I've to
respect a specific format to write down my reports...

Thanks a lot!

list of figures/table

2008-10-23 Thread Davide Cappetti
Hello everybody!

I'm answering myself if in Lyx is possible to modify the list of
figures/table as follow. Normally you have

List of Figures

1 bla bla
2 bla bla

instead I would to have

List of Figures

Figure 1 bla bla bla
Figure 2 bla bla bla

and the same for the list of tables. I know that it is worst but I've to
respect a specific format to write down my reports...

Thanks a lot!

Issue about list of figures

2008-10-10 Thread newnoise

Hello everybody!

I'm answering myself if in Lyx is possible to modify the list of
figures/table as follow. Normally you have

List of Figures

1 bla bla
2 bla bla

instead I would to have

List of Figures

Figure 1 bla bla bla
Figure 2 bla bla bla

and the same for the list of tables. I know that it is worst but I've to
respect a specific format to write down my reports...

Thanks a lot!
View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: Issue about list of figures

2008-10-10 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
newnoise wrote:
> instead I would to have
> List of Figures
> Figure 1 bla bla bla
> Figure 2 bla bla bla
> and the same for the list of tables. I know that it is worst but I've to
> respect a specific format to write down my reports...

\renewcommand{\cfttabpresnum}{Table }
\renewcommand{\cfttabaftersnum}{ }
\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure }
\renewcommand{\cftfigaftersnum}{ }


List of figures with child documents

2008-09-05 Thread Nicolás


I have a document with several child documents included. The list of figures generated by the \listoffigues command does not include 
the figures inside the child documents. Is there any way to make those figures be included? Thanks!


List of figures with child documents

2008-09-05 Thread Nicolás


I have a document with several child documents included. The list of figures generated by the \listoffigues command does not include 
the figures inside the child documents. Is there any way to make those figures be included? Thanks!


List of figures with child documents

2008-09-05 Thread Nicolás


I have a document with several child documents included. The list of figures generated by the \listoffigues command does not include 
the figures inside the child documents. Is there any way to make those figures be included? Thanks!


Customizing List of Figures

2008-07-01 Thread Waluyo Adi Siswanto
I am preparing a report using book(KOMA script) class.
After the Title page, I write 
   TOC  (insert - list/TOC - Table of Contents)
   List of Figures (insert -list/TOC - List of Figures)
also I put another list (List of Examples), by writing ERT
   \renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Examples}

In the chapter text, I write Example 1.1... Example 1.2...etc
by writing ERT

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

But the result,..Example #.# always under List of Figures. Actually what
I want, Example #.# under the List of Examples.

I am just stuck, hoping LyX people suggest ideas.


Customizing List of Figures

2008-07-01 Thread Waluyo Adi Siswanto
I am preparing a report using book(KOMA script) class.
After the Title page, I write 
   TOC  (insert - list/TOC - Table of Contents)
   List of Figures (insert -list/TOC - List of Figures)
also I put another list (List of Examples), by writing ERT
   \renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Examples}

In the chapter text, I write Example 1.1... Example 1.2...etc
by writing ERT

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

But the result,..Example #.# always under List of Figures. Actually what
I want, Example #.# under the List of Examples.

I am just stuck, hoping LyX people suggest ideas.


Customizing List of Figures

2008-07-01 Thread Waluyo Adi Siswanto
I am preparing a report using book(KOMA script) class.
After the Title page, I write 
   TOC  (insert - list/TOC - Table of Contents)
   List of Figures (insert -list/TOC - List of Figures)
also I put another list (List of Examples), by writing ERT
   \renewcommand\listfigurename{List of Examples}

In the chapter text, I write Example 1.1... Example 1.2...etc
by writing ERT

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

\subsection*{Example \arabic{chapter}.\arabic{example}}

But the result,..Example #.# always under List of Figures. Actually what
I want, Example #.# under the List of Examples.

I am just stuck, hoping LyX people suggest ideas.


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