RE: [NTG-context] How to cook Garamond

2005-04-03 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From h h extern [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
as soon as

- dvipdfmx supports map file specials
- pdftex is updated around the world

i will change a few defaults in context; currently what works well for new
versions of pdftex may fail in older ones;

Is this related to why aleph complains that etex is too old? I know it's 
probably hopeless till Giuseppe comes back, but I'll ask anyway: Is there any 
way to compile a new aleph with the new eTeX and jonathan kew's bugfix for the 
extra mem_bot before Giuseppe returns?

All the best

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: btex-etex

2005-04-02 Thread Jiri Polcar
On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 08:37:01AM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
 It is quite possible that your resulting characters exceed
 some size limit in DVI mode. Try \setupoutput[pdftex]
 In this case your scaled 5cm expands into scaled 141.7:
 the word test, scaled to 141.7 times it original size.

My problem is that I have no output also without 'caled 5cm':



  picture p; p := btex TEST etex;
  draw p;



Sorry, I used too complicated example to describe my problem. I have
no ouptput of btex-etex in any case...

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] btex-etex

2005-04-01 Thread Jiri Polcar

my ConTeXt ignore btex-etex command. It works as the btex-etex command
is empty. No text on output. Simple example:


  picture p; p := btex TEST etex scaled 5cm;
  draw p; 



On output is only page number. In the '' is (if a skip some

ResetTextAreas ;
SaveTextAreas ;
ResetTextAreas ;
if unknown context_core : input ;
fi ;
verbatimtex \global \loadfontfileoncetrue  etex;
let mprunend = end ;
picture p;
p := btex TEST etex
scaled 5cm;
draw p;
let end = mprunend ;

If a extract a part with 

picture p;
p :=  btex TEST etex;
draw p;

and proccess it with mpost it works good. My ConTeXt comes from Fedora
Core 3 distribution. Any suggestion how to solve it?

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: btex-etex

2005-04-01 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Jiri,


   picture p; p := btex TEST etex scaled 5cm;
   draw p; 



The file works fine here. Except that only some part of the T is
visible (large scale factor).

Do you have write18 enabled? (

ConTeXt wiki:
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: btex-etex

2005-04-01 Thread Jiri Polcar
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 11:24:37AM +0200, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
 The file works fine here. Except that only some part of the T is
 visible (large scale factor).
 Do you have write18 enabled? (

I set 

shell_escape = t



Now I see in output of pdfeTeX:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.

Bud I do not see any TEXT in output.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] OT: looking for metapost/fun examples

2005-03-26 Thread David Arnold
I am so happy I can contribute as a way of thanking you for all the 
work that you've done for us. Thanks. Here, try this one, which uses an 
RK4 routine. I just tried it out in Texshop, so I know they both 

%This file creates two figures associated with the
%system x'=f(x,y), y'=g(x,y)
%1. Plots the graphs of x(t) and y(t)
%2. Plots the graph of (x(t),y(t)) in the phase plane.
%\input mtplain
%Generate standard eps
%Place RHS of x'=f(t,x,y) here
 def fxy(expr t, x, y)=
%Place RHS of y'=g(t,x,y) here
 def gxy(expr t, x, y)=
%Declare some variables
 path q, trajx, trajy;
 pair L, R, B, T, xt, yt;
 numeric sx[], sy[];
%Initialize clipping window
 a:=0; b:=40;   %left and right of viewing rectangle
 c:=0; d:=150;  %bottom and top of viewing rectangle
%Initialize timespan
%Initialize number of points to be plotted
%Calculate time increment dt for Euler's method
%Scaling factors for horizontal and vertical axes. Note that this 
%an image that is 2 inches by 2 inches.

%Clipping boundary
%Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (t,x(t))
%Choose initial condition
  exitif ((ttstop) or (tb) or (xc) or (xd));
%Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (t,y(t))
%Choose initial condition
  exitif ((ttstop) or (tb) or (yc) or (yd));
%Draw the paths x(t) and y(t) and clip them to bounding box
 draw trajx xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red;
 draw trajy xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red dashed evenly;
 clip currentpicture to (q xscaled ux yscaled uy);
%Label graph x(t) and initial condition
 len:= 0.65*(length trajx);
 xt:=point len of trajx;
 label.urt(btex $\scriptstyle x(t)$ etex, (xt xscaled ux yscaled uy));
%Label graph y(t) and initial condition
 len:= 0.5*(length trajy);
 yt:=point len of trajy;
 label.lrt(btex $\scriptstyle y(t)$ etex, (yt xscaled ux yscaled uy));
%Initialize left and right endpoints on time-axis
%Draw and label t-axis
 drawarrow L--R;
 label.rt(btex $\scriptstyle t$ etex,(b*ux,0));
%Initialize bottom and top endpoints on time-axis
%Draw and label vertical axis
 drawarrow B--T;
 label.lft(btex $\scriptstyle 0$ etex, B);
 label.lft(btex $\scriptstyle 150$ etex, T);
%Make some variables local
 save ux, uy;
%Place RHS of x'=f(t,x,y) here
 def fxy(expr t, x, y)=
%Place RHS of y'=g(t,x,y) here
 def gxy(expr t, x, y)=
%Declare some variables
 path q, trajxy;
 pair L, R, B, T;
%Initialize clipping window
 a:=0; b:=150;   %left and right of viewing rectangle
 c:=0; d:=100;  %bottom and top of viewing rectangle
%Initialize timespan
%Initialize number of points to be plotted
%Calculate time increment dt for Euler's method
%Scaling factors for horizontal and vertical axes. Note that this 
%an image that is 2 inches by 2 inches.

%Clipping boundary
%Use Runge-Kutta4 to create path (x(t),y(t))
%Choose initial condition
  exitif ((ttstop) or (tb) or (xa) or (xb) or (yc) or (yd));
%Draw the paths x(t) and y(t) and clip them to bounding box
 draw trajxy xscaled ux yscaled uy withcolor red;
 clip currentpicture to (q xscaled ux yscaled uy);
%Initialize left and right endpoints on x-axis

Re: [NTG-context] OT: looking for metapost/fun examples

2005-03-26 Thread David Arnold
Gerben, Again, thanks for all you do. Here's a Fourier approximation of 
a square wave. Again, I compiled this in Texshop so I know it works.

% \input mtplain
% \MTMI{8pt}{6pt}{5pt}
% \MTSY{8pt}{6pt}{5pt}
% \MTEX{8pt}
% \MathRoman{tir}{8pt}{6pt}{5pt}
% \MathBold{tib}{8pt}{6pt}{5pt}
%Input Context macros
input mp-tool
%define ytick
 vardef ytick(expr pos)=
  path p;
  draw p shifted pos;
%define xtick
 vardef xtick(expr pos)=
  path p;
  draw p shifted pos;
%define pi
%define cosine in radians
 vardef cos(expr x)=
%define sine in radians
 vardef sin(expr x)=
%hyperbolic sine
 vardef sinh(expr x)=
%enter number of terms
 numeric N;
%define L
 numeric L;
%define a_0
%define a_n
 vardef a(expr n)=
%define b_n
 vardef b(expr n)=
%initialize scale
 numeric ux, uy;
 pi*ux=2in; 1.5*uy=2in;
%draw axes
 drawarrow (0,0)--(3.5ux,0);
 drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1.5uy);
%label axes
 label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (3.5ux,0));
%tick marks
 xtick((pi*ux,0)); $\pi$ etex, (pi*ux,0));
 label.lft(btex $1$ etex, (0,1*uy));
%draw the function in black
 draw (0,1uy)--((pi/2)*ux,1uy);
%draw Fourier approximation in cyan
 path p;
 numeric x, y;
 for k=1 step 1 until N:
 for x=0 step .1 until pi:
  for k=1 step 1 until N:
 for k=1 step 1 until N:
 p:=p xyscaled(ux,uy);
 draw p withcolor cyan;
%enter number of terms
 numeric N;
%define L
 numeric L;
%define a_0
%define a_n
 vardef a(expr n)=
%define b_n
 vardef b(expr n)=
%initialize scale
 numeric ux, uy;
 6*pi*ux=2in; 1.5*uy=2in;
%draw axes
 drawdblarrow (-3.5*pi*ux,0)--(3.5*pi*ux,0);
 drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1.5uy);
%label axes
 label.rt(btex $x$ etex, (3.5*pi*ux,0));
%tick marks
 xtick((3*pi*ux,0)); $3\pi$ etex, (3*pi*ux,0));
 xtick((-3*pi*ux,0)); $-3\pi$ etex, (-3*pi*ux,0));
 label.lft(btex $1$ etex, (0,1*uy));
%draw the function in black
 path q;
 q:=q xyscaled(ux,uy);
 draw q;
 draw q shifted (2*pi*ux,0);
 draw q shifted (-2*pi*ux,0);
%draw Fourier approximation in cyan
 path p;
 numeric x, y;
 for k=1 step 1 until N:
 for x=-3*pi step .1 until 3*pi:
  for k=1 step 1 until N:
 for k=1 step 1 until N:
 p:=p xyscaled(ux,uy);
 draw p withcolor cyan;
On Mar 26, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Gerben Wierda wrote:
I am trying to learn metapost/fun, inline in ConTeXt source. Some 
basic things are clear, but now the issue is metapost itself.

For instance, I would like to plot a Fourier approximation of a block 

For instance, I would like to plot a gaussian spread.
I am looking for examples on how to do this. I need to do a bit of 
programming here and these are my initial projects.

Thanks in advance,
ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bug in latest ConTeXt (confirmed)

2005-03-23 Thread Adam Lindsay
ishamid said this at Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:30:48 -0700:

! Undefined control sequence.
\pardir #1#2#3-\global \TeXXeTstate
 \plusone \if #2L\chardef 
l.1 \pardir TLT

Oops, I think I recognize this.
This came about when Hans and I were trying to introduce some very basic
imitations of Omega's bidi support, prompted by XeTeX's Unicode
capabilities. Unfortunately, it rests on an eTeX check--not a problem
with Omega, but with Aleph, it means we clobber the \pardir primitives!
Oops, indeed.

Sounds like supp-dir needs a no-Omega check, as well. Hans?

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bug in latest ConTeXt (confirmed)

2005-03-23 Thread Hans Hagen
Adam Lindsay wrote:
ishamid said this at Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:30:48 -0700:

! Undefined control sequence.
\pardir #1#2#3-\global \TeXXeTstate
   \plusone \if #2L\chardef 
l.1 \pardir TLT

Oops, I think I recognize this.
This came about when Hans and I were trying to introduce some very basic
imitations of Omega's bidi support, prompted by XeTeX's Unicode
capabilities. Unfortunately, it rests on an eTeX check--not a problem
with Omega, but with Aleph, it means we clobber the \pardir primitives!
Oops, indeed.
Sounds like supp-dir needs a no-Omega check, as well. Hans?
attached for testing, i dunny what the pardir equivalents are for \beginL and 
\beginR -)

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] bug in latest ConTeX

2005-03-22 Thread ishamid
Dear gang,

There is a bug in the latest ConTeXt that affects aleph, particularly 
\pardir TRT. Needless to say this is an absolute showstopper...

Try this:

\pardir TLT



$aleph test

works fine, but

$texexec --tex=aleph test

gives an error:

This is Aleph, Version 3.141592-1.15-2.1-0.0-rc4 (Web2c 7.5.3)
 \write18 enabled.
Copyright (c) 2002--2004 the Aleph task force
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.03.16  fmt: 2005.3.21  int: english  mes: english

systems : eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

language: language en is active
protectionstate 0
system  : cont-new loaded
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
color   : palette rollover is available
system  : cont-old loaded
loading : Context Old Macros
system  : cont-fil loaded
loading : Context File Synonyms
system  : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont: 12pt rm is loaded
language: patterns en-ec:ec-1-2:2 uk-ec:ec-2-2:2 
nansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 fr-texnansi:texnansi-5-2:2 
 es-ec:ec-7-2:2 pt-ec:ec-8-2:2 it-texnansi:texnansi-9-2:2 
0-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-11-2:2 nl-ec:ec-12-2:2 cz-il2:il2-13-2:2 
z-ec:ec-14-2:2 sk-il2:il2-15-2:2 sk-ec:ec-16-2:2 pl-pl0:pl0-17-2:2
pl-ec:ec-18-2:2 loaded
specials: tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system  : loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
\pardir #1#2#3-\global \TeXXeTstate
 \plusone \if #2L\chardef 
l.1 \pardir TLT

Two more notes:

1. There is a complaint that

 : eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

2. There is no aleph.ini file in mswincontext so I had to import it from 
\TeXLive to make the format. Also manfnt is missing in mswincontext; should 
not the minimal context installation also support the plain format?

Thnx as always

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] imposition for a pdf file

2005-03-17 Thread luigi.scarso
Hans Hagen wrote:
in page-imp are some additional inclusion macros -)
Yes, i have seen some of them.
I have a problem about stickers and imposition;
i try to use/modify some of this macros for pagearrangement, but i 
consume all
tex memory.
Actually i have found a dirty solution using perl and sort; as soon as 
i will post some code.

Yes, syst-ext.  and others syst-.
I try to made a pdf-collection of useful module like syst-*, page-* 
core-box, supp-box, some module for fonts (open issue: turkish), etc.
(last entry: \startsetups in core-new..)

In my head, i call this collection
context-foundation: core macros for context programmers
If you have some suggestions. |)
Also, i know some books/resources for tex programmers:
(always The Book first :) )
The Advanced TEXBook (seem good; maybe i will buy it)
Again, if you have some others...
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] imposition for a pdf file

2005-03-17 Thread Hans Hagen
luigi.scarso wrote:
I have a problem about stickers and imposition;
there's a special x/y one for stickers
Yes, syst-ext.  and others syst-.
I try to made a pdf-collection of useful module like syst-*, page-* 
core-box, supp-box, some module for fonts (open issue: turkish), etc.
(last entry: \startsetups in core-new..)

In my head, i call this collection
context-foundation: core macros for context programmers
this is what taco/patrick call the api (so ... how about joining the 
If you have some suggestions. |)
Also, i know some books/resources for tex programmers:
(always The Book first :) )
indeed, the more you tex, the more you find in it
those are the ones that i use (although i haven't touched them for a long time 
now which may be a bad sign)

that's indeed a nice one
The Advanced TEXBook (seem good; maybe i will buy it)
this is a g ood book as well; (david gave a nice few days course for the ntg 
long ago so i also have the preprint somewhere)

Again, if you have some others...
Beginner's Book of TEX
Seroul, Raymond, Levy, Silvio
1st ed. 1991. Corr. 3rd printing, 1995, XII, 284 pp., Softcover
ISBN: 0-387-97562-4
is a nice one (looking at the cover on the springer page it looks like i have an 
old copy);

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Palatino? - bitmap fonts???

2005-03-16 Thread Matthias Weber
 Untitled-2 at line 11
Warning: pdfetex (file cannot open font map file

Warning: pdfetex (file cannot open font map file
Warning: pdfetex (file cannot open font map file
Warning: pdfetex (file cannot open font map file
systems : end file Untitled-2 at line 20
Output written on Untitled-2.pdf (1 page, 41662 bytes).
Transcript written on Untitled-2.log.

   return code : 0
  run time : 5 seconds
  sorting and checking : running texutil
 TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004
action : processing commands, lists and registers
option : sorting IJ under Y
option : converting high ASCII values
input file :
   output file : Untitled-2.tuo
   passed commands : 10
 remapped keys : 0
  register entries : 0 - 0 entries 0 references
   synonym entries : 0 - 0 entries
embedded files : 1
total run time : 5 seconds

Or try \setupencoding[default=ec]. But this shouldn't make any
ConTeXt wiki:
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ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] consequences of recent update

2005-02-01 Thread mickle
I recently upgraded my ConTeXt, which is  calling for an updated pdftex
as well:

% texexec test-4.tex
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/people/pm/bin/texexec
line 344.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/people/pm/bin/texexec
line 348.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/people/pm/bin/texexec
line 348.

 TeXExec 5.2.4 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : test-4
output : pdftex
 interface : en
  current mode : none
   TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2005.01.26  fmt: 2005.1.30  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 110 - please update

systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

I downloaded pdftex 1.20b and tried to build from source, but no matter
what syntax I try, whether as root or as an ordinary user, I fail to get
pdftex to recognize the main texmf tree:

I'm doing 

% ./Build --datadir=/usr/freeware/share 

and I get

configure: warning: The main texmf tree was not found at 
  * Error: The main texmf tree was not found. *
  * Use the --datadir option to specify its parent directory. *
  * If you do not have the files, you should be able to them from *
  * the same place you got these sources from, or from one of the *
  * CTAN hosts.   *
  Winging it by pretending /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf is correct.

so pdftex is configured --without-[pretty much everything]

I posted to the pdftex ml a few days ago, but, I guess, not being a
subscriber, messages are not posted to the list, so I thought to ask
here. My ConTeXt is in my ~/texmf tree, and if it's possible not to
install an entirely new tex system, that would be preferable.

Also, the are the Use of unitialized string value... messages related
to this problem?. I had difficulties when trying to update ConTeXt about
a month ago because of the old perl that was on my system, so I've
recently updated to 5.8.

Thanks very much for any suggestions,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] cz support

2005-01-26 Thread h h extern
Vit Zyka wrote:
Hallo Hans and other ConTeXters,
I have started to collect and clean up Czech ConTeXt localization. And I 
have discovered that Tomas Hudec includeded Czech (non-trivial) sorting 
rules into (calling from Jan Pazdziora). 
Unfortunately it was not incorporated into official ConTeXt disribution.

Hans, what is your prefereble solution in case of local sorting rules? I 
know, there is \definesortkey, but this mechanism is insufficient for 
Czech. I think that calling external Perl sorting routine is a suitable 
solution. If so, it can be incorporated into current version? Files are 
in order to do that:
- the pm code should move into texutil
- we should find a way to hook the switch into texexec
now, apart from such an effort, i think we should rethink sorting;
- no funny encodings which demands the sorter to be encoding aware
- no locale dependencies
- readable sorting code -)
- write named glyphs to the output:
- no longer use direct code in definecommand and defineaccent, i.e.
- define the fallbacks as 'definecharacter ones'
the last two steps actually come first (since adam l. is quite fluent in the 
character names and such, i guess that the both of us need to look into that and 
do that in 'one move'); after that i can rewrite the sort/index code to become
aware of named glyphs and languages, and we can then plug in language specific 
sorting rules [taking care of xml at teh same time]

[it's worth considering to drop the non etex code]
named glyphs are not so much a problem, but we need to clean up the
fallback encoding defs a bit in order to prevent funny expansion
  {% \let\dohandleaccent   \keephandleaccent
   % \let\dohandlecommand  \keephandlecommand
\def\convertmeaning#1\to % watch the double expansion !
%\dontexpandencoding % new
 \literateencodedtokens % newer
\enableencoding[texnansi] \setupregister[index][keyexpansion=yes]
\defineactivecharacter * {\eacute} test \index{test \eacute * \'e test}

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] cz support

2005-01-26 Thread Vit Zyka
h h extern wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Hallo Hans and other ConTeXters,
I have started to collect and clean up Czech ConTeXt localization. And 
I have discovered that Tomas Hudec includeded Czech (non-trivial) 
sorting rules into (calling from Jan Pazdziora). 
Unfortunately it was not incorporated into official ConTeXt disribution.

Hans, what is your prefereble solution in case of local sorting rules? 
I know, there is \definesortkey, but this mechanism is insufficient 
for Czech. I think that calling external Perl sorting routine is a 
suitable solution. If so, it can be incorporated into current version? 
Files are attached.
Hallo Hans,
thank you for your positive responce. Since I am still a bit confused in 
the ConTeXt low and high level encoding macros (but a bit less after 
solving the last week UTF-8 - IL2 problem - despite of the reason was 
in my old ConTeXt distr.) I need a bit more details about how to contribute.

in order to do that:
- the pm code should move into texutil
- we should find a way to hook the switch into texexec
now, apart from such an effort, i think we should rethink sorting;
- no funny encodings which demands the sorter to be encoding aware
- no locale dependencies
- readable sorting code -)
OK. So, each sorting rules will be represented by cmp($a,$b) function? 
And $a and $b should be glyps, shouldn't they?

- write named glyphs to the output:
- no longer use direct code in definecommand and defineaccent, i.e.
- define the fallbacks as 'definecharacter ones'
Sorry, output of what? Where are the commands? ???
the last two steps actually come first (since adam l. is quite fluent in 
the character names and such, i guess that the both of us need to look 
into that and do that in 'one move'); after that i can rewrite the 
sort/index code to become
aware of named glyphs and languages, and we can then plug in language 
specific sorting rules [taking care of xml at teh same time]
[it's worth considering to drop the non etex code]
All right. etex can be everywhere now.
named glyphs are not so much a problem, but we need to clean up the
fallback encoding defs a bit in order to prevent funny expansion
I totaly do not known what the code bellow illustrates.
So, what to do?
Vit Zyka
  {% \let\dohandleaccent   \keephandleaccent
   % \let\dohandlecommand  \keephandlecommand
\def\convertmeaning#1\to % watch the double expansion !
%\dontexpandencoding % new
 \literateencodedtokens % newer
\enableencoding[texnansi] \setupregister[index][keyexpansion=yes]
\defineactivecharacter * {\eacute} test \index{test \eacute * \'e test}
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] New ConTeXt cz interface - apologize

2005-01-21 Thread h h extern
Michal Kvasnicka wrote:
BTW, can someone explain me what is the logic behind the TeXLive 
directory tree? Why isn't so simple as the old teTeX was? Why some 
configuraton files are there two or three times, sometimes with 
different content? :-( Is somewhere an explanation of these wonders? :-(
Hard to explain ... it's partly related to
- tds: formal tex directory structure
- tetex: basis for tex live, but not always following tds
- texlive: being meant for all platforms
all those trees are plagued by history,
recently there have been fundamental changes, like the move of enc / map / 
pdftex / etex / scripts and other subpath, while others were not reorganized 
due to whatever historic reason [dvips vs pdftex vs generic], or not implemented 
because it was too difficult to implement [web2c engine subpath] or because the 
author was not willing to participate (czech stuff), or because programs were 
changed (no cfg file pdftex, pdftex main engine) for etc etc;

other reason are: different platforms installers demand different structure 
(either or no symlinks, either or not uninstall, etc) and all those gpl licences 
demand source code to be present (depending on what is considered to besource 
code) which may lead to things being present multiple times; of course also 
files change place with no real reason, like some fonts, that are present now, 
absent then, present again some time, etc

[it sounds awful, but it's kind of standard and unavoidable for all things big 
and complex, installing windows, linux, or whatever, no matter how hard one 
tries, there will always be some mess, it just comes with the complexity]

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] No bonds visibel with ppchtex

2004-12-20 Thread Kai Straube

% LaTeX 2e specific macros are stored in latex/, macros that can only be
% used with 2.09 in latex209/.  In addition, we look in the directory
% latex209, useful for macros that were written for 2.09 and do not
% mention 2e at all, but can be used with 2e.
TEXINPUTS.cslatex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{cslatex,csplain,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.latex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.latex209 = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex209,generic,latex,}//

% Fontinst needs to read afm files.
TEXINPUTS.fontinst = .;$TEXMF/tex//;$TEXMF/fonts/afm//

% MLTeX.
TEXINPUTS.frlatex = .;$TEXMF/{mltex,tex}/{french,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.frtex   = .;$TEXMF/{mltex,tex}/{french,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.mllatex = .;$TEXMF/{mltex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.mltex = .;$TEXMF/{mltex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% e-TeX.  This form of the input paths is borrowed from teTeX.  A certain
% variant of TDS is assumed here, unaffected by the build variables.
TEXINPUTS.elatex   = .;$TEXMF/{etex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.etex = .;$TEXMF/{etex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% pdfTeX.  This form of the input paths is borrowed from teTeX.  A certain
% variant of TDS is assumed here, unaffected by the build variables.
TEXINPUTS.pdfcslatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{cslatex,csplain,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfcsplain = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{csplain,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfjadetex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{jadetex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdflatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfmex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{mex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdftex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdftexinfo = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfamstex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{amstex,plain,generic,}//

% pdfeTeX.
TEXINPUTS.pdfelatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfetex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% Omega.
TEXINPUTS.lambda = .;$TEXMF/{omega,tex}/{lambda,latex,generic,}// = .;$TEXMF/{omega,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% Context macros by Hans Hagen:
TEXINPUTS.context = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,etex,tex}/{context,plain,generic,}//

% odd formats  needing their own paths
TEXINPUTS.lamstex  = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lamstex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.lollipop = .;$TEXMF/tex/{lollipop,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.mex-pl = .;$TEXMF/tex/{mex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.platex-pl  = .;$TEXMF/tex/{platex,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfplatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{platex,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfmex-pl = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{mex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfemex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{mex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfemex-pl = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{mex,plain,generic,}//

% For xmltex and pdfxmltex
TEXINPUTS.xmltex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfxmltex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{xmltex,latex,generic,}//

% Earlier entries override later ones, so put this last.
TEXINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/tex/{generic,}//

% Metafont, MetaPost inputs.
MFINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/metafont//;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/source//
MPINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/metapost//

% Dump files (fmt/base/mem) for vir{tex,mf,mp} to read (see web2c/INSTALL),
% and string pools (.pool) for ini{tex,mf,mp}.  It is silly that we have six
% paths and directories here (they all resolve to a single place by default),
% but historically ...

% Device-independent font metric files.
VFFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/vf//

% The $MAKETEX_MODE below means the drivers will not use a cx font when
% the mode is ricoh.  If no mode is explicitly specified, kpse_prog_init
% sets MAKETEX_MODE to /, so all subdirectories are searched.  See the manual.
% The modeless part guarantees that bitmaps for PostScript fonts are found.
PKFONTS = .;{$TEXMF/fonts,$VARTEXFONTS}/pk/{$MAKETEX_MODE,modeless}//

% Similarly for the GF format, which only remains in existence because
% Metafont outputs it (and MF isn't going to change).

% A backup for PKFONTS and GFFONTS. Not used for anything.

% A place to puth everything that doesn't fit the other font categories.
MISCFONTS = .;$TEXMF/fonts/misc//;$TEXMF/fonts/hbf//

% For and included map files used by mktexpk.
% See

% support nonk-xdvi:
PKFONTS.XDvi= .:$TEXMF/%s:$VARTEXFONTS/pk/{%m,modeless}//
PSHEADERS.XDvi  = .:$TEXMF/%q{dvips,fonts/type1}//
TEXPICTS.XDvi   = .:$TEXMF/%q{dvips,tex}//

% BibTeX bibliographies and style files.
BIBINPUTS.jbibtex = .;$TEXMF/{jbibtex,bibtex}/bib//
BSTINPUTS.jbibtex = .;$TEXMF/{jbibtex,bibtex}/bst//

BIBINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/{bib,}//
BSTINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/bibtex/{bst,}//

% MFT style files.

% PostScript

Re: [NTG-context] Division bug in \doMPconcat (supp-pdf.tex)

2004-12-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Hi Dan,
of the scaling matrix in \doMPconcat.
ah, doMPconcat ... indeed a problematic one ...
I have written some modifications for supp-pdf that avoid all of these.
good, we needed a mathematician to do this -)
The current state of my code can be found at
Comments are welcome. I hope at least the division can be made more 
in the context distribution.
sure, but i will probably comment the old and insret the new code (i often keep 
older slower worse code in there as example); let me know when you've frozen the 
code so that i can merge it

one thing you can consider playing with is an etex variant; i attach a local 
experimental file (it build on the old code, but keeping the calculations within 
a \dimexpr may give even more accuracy because internally double precission is used

thanks for taking the time to look into that messy part of the converter -)

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] pdfetex can't find map files

2004-12-07 Thread Matt Gushee
Font problems again: after not using ConTeXt for a while, I installed 
the December 6 package today, generated formats, copied cont-sys.rme and 
texexec.rme, and so on. Since I recently upgraded my teTeX installation, 
I also edited pdftex.cfg, adding a bunch of

  map +foo
lines--though I guess that's not strictly necessary, since I have
in cont-sys.tex.
All my fonts and typescripts are in the same places they were before, 
and it seems they are being found; however, pdfetex seems to be unable 
to use regular TeX fonts (e.g. Computer Modern) because it can't find 
the map files installed by ConTeXt. There are a number error messages 
that look like this (representing all the ConTeXt map files, I think):

  Warning: pdfetex (file \
cannot open font map file
The files exist and are world-readable, so the above must mean that 
pdfetex just can't find them.

Now, I did one important thing differently from before: I installed 
ConTeXt under $TEXMFLOCAL, which on my system is /usr/local/share/texmf. 
So the map files in question are in

And I *think* my texmf.cnf is set up correctly:
  TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/share/texmf
  TEXFONTMAPS = .;$TEXMF/fontname;$TEXMF/fonts/map//
% also TEXFONTMAPS.pdftex and TEXFONTMAPS.pdfetex w/ same values
  TEXINPUTS.pdftex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{plain,generic,context,}//
  TEXINPUTS.pdfetex   = \
  TEXINPUTS.context = \
... and so on.
So, anyone have an idea what I might have missed?
Matt Gushee
Englewood, CO, USA
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] error messages after installation

2004-11-20 Thread Ciro A. Soto
I thinkTEXEXEC 3.1 is still the latest version. what are neware the context macros.
ciroWilli Egger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,The delivered TeX distributions with Linux are mostly way too old. If you look at the messages given by your texexec run you can see it already.TEXEXEC is way too old. The current version is above 5!After updating your context it appears that it uses still a very outdated version of texexec. I advise you to update your tex-system from CTAN ( --pdf novel.tex   TeXExec 3.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002  executable : pdfetex format : cont-en inputfile : novel output : pdftex interface : en current mode : none TeX run : 1  This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) \write18 enabled. (/usr/share/texmf/web2c/natural.tcx) entering extended
 mode (./novel.tex{/usr/share/texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg}  ConTeXt ver: 2004.11.06 fmt: 2004.11.19 int: english mes: english  systems : pdfTeX version 110 - please update  systems : eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)  ! Undefined control sequence. \c!gebied ={/home/ciro/} \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,] ,[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ \dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1] \setuprandomize [\@@svrandom... l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/home/ciro/}]  ? ! Emergency stop. \c!gebied ={/home/ciro/}==Ciro A. Soto"All problems are at the interface. Each one of them has a solution."___
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \mathstrut in \underbrace and nath

2004-11-19 Thread Christopher Creutzig
Hans Hagen wrote:
first of all, \protected is not what you think it is; i had a \protected 
before etex was around; the context name is \unexpanded
 Ok, then what's \protected?  Is it performing an \unprotect/\protect 
pair around the definition?  But then, why did it work?

 Yes, I'd though of that, I justwanted to know if there is some higher 
level version already existing.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \mathstrut in \underbrace and nath

2004-11-19 Thread Hans Hagen
Christopher Creutzig wrote:
Hans Hagen wrote:
first of all, \protected is not what you think it is; i had a 
\protected before etex was around; the context name is \unexpanded

 Ok, then what's \protected?  Is it performing an \unprotect/\protect 
pair around the definition?  But then, why did it work?

ah, i though that you wanted the etex \protected -)
in context protext/unprotect is to be used when ! @ ? are used inmacro names 
which was not the case here

 Yes, I'd though of that, I justwanted to know if there is some higher 
level version already existing.
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] error messages after installation

2004-11-19 Thread ciro
This is what I get after I followed the installation manual and the wiki.
I did generated all formats.

I'd appreciate any suggestion. thanks
 texexec --pdf novel.tex

 TeXExec 3.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002

executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : novel
output : pdftex
 interface : en
  current mode : none
   TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.11.06  fmt: 2004.11.19  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 110 - please update

systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 1026]
system (E-TEX) : [line 1081]
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
system : cont-sys.rme loaded
fonts  : [berry] [ec] []
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en-default:default-1-2:2 uk-default:default-2-2
:2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 fr-texnansi:texnansi-5-2:
2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2 it-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 i
t-ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file tpd
specials   : loading definition file fdf
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex unprotect 3 unprotect 4
system (E-TEX) : [line 2255] \ifcsname
protect 4 protect 3)
specials   : fdf loaded
unprotect 3 protect 3)
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
\setuprandomize [\@@svrandom...
l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/home/ciro/}]

! Emergency stop.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
\setuprandomize [\@@svrandom...
l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/home/ciro/}]

No pages of output.
Transcript written on novel.log.

  run time : 2 seconds

total run time : 2 seconds
make: *** [novel.pdf] Error 1

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] error messages after installation

2004-11-19 Thread Willi Egger
The delivered TeX distributions with Linux are mostly way too old. If 
you look at the messages given by your texexec run you can see it already.
TEXEXEC is way too old. The current version is above 5!
After updating your context it appears that it uses still a very 
outdated version of texexec. I advise you to update your tex-system from 

texexec --pdf novel.tex

 TeXExec 3.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002
executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
 inputfile : novel
output : pdftex
 interface : en
  current mode : none
   TeX run : 1
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.11.06  fmt: 2004.11.19  int: english  mes: english
systems: pdfTeX version 110 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else 
\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
\setuprandomize [\@@svrandom...
l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/home/ciro/}]
! Emergency stop.
argument \c!gebied
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Tex or Context Editors.

2004-11-08 Thread Dirar BOUGATEF
Am using eclipse as my editor (eTex) but it is really too heavy, anyone 
knows of an editor that works fine within tex and windows.

What about TexWork.
Many thanks.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Tex or Context Editors.

2004-11-08 Thread Patrick Gundlach


 Am using eclipse as my editor (eTex) but it is really too heavy,
 anyone knows of an editor that works fine within tex and windows.


especially emacs...

Please share your experience on the wiki :-)

ConTeXt wiki:
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Tex or Context Editors.

2004-11-08 Thread Hans Hagen
Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:
Am using eclipse as my editor (eTex) but it is really too heavy, anyone 
knows of an editor that works fine within tex and windows.
i use scite
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] m-bib problem

2004-11-08 Thread Bernd Militzer
Hi Taco,

after installing the new version of ConTeXt and your bib-module

\placepublications resp. \completepublications do not work any more.

Please give me a hint what I have to do.

Thanks for help



This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=cont-en
2004.11.6)  7 NOV 2004 11:29
entering extended mode
**cont-en buch.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.28  fmt: 2004.11.6  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 110 - please update

systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

--- snip ---

system : macros of module bib loaded
system : macros of module list loaded
publications   : loading formatting style from bibl-apa
\openout0 = `buch.aux'.

publications   : wrote a new auxiliary file buch.aux
publications   : loading formatting style from bibl-apa
(/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/context/bib/bibl-apa.tex) buch-buf-0.tmp
\openout4 = `buch-buf-0.tmp'.

--- snip ---

chapter: (-) Literatur
system : pubs not found/processed
[309.299] [310.300]
chapter: (-) Ortsverzeichnis
(./mt_Ortsliste_de.tex (./buch.tuo [311.301] [312.302] [313.303])
columns: balanced in 9 step(s)
) [314.304]
chapter: (-) Register -- Stichwortverzeichnis
(./buch.tuo [315.305] [316.306] [317.307] [318.308] [319.309] [320.310]
[321.311] [322.312] [323.313] [324.314] [325.315] [326.316] [327.317]
[329.319] [330.320] [331.321] [332.322] [333.323] [334.324] [335.325]
[337.327] [338.328] [339.329] [340.330])
columns: balanced in 7 step(s)
systems: end file buch at line 217
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 4316 strings out of 65413
 64791 string characters out of 707167
 4531110 words of memory out of 5611755
 36222 multiletter control sequences out of 1+5
 50221 words of font info for 167 fonts, out of 50 for 1000
 102 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 53i,23n,85p,1441b,1429s stack positions out of
 0 PDF objects out of 30
 0 named destinations out of 131072
 0 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536

Output written on buch.dvi (341 pages, 1059888 bytes).

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Tex or Context Editors.

2004-11-08 Thread Willi Egger
Hi Dirar,
I would suggest that you try Scite. This editor integrates very nicely 
with Context and Hans has done a great job providing this integration.

Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:
Am using eclipse as my editor (eTex) but it is really too heavy, anyone 
knows of an editor that works fine within tex and windows.

What about TexWork.
Many thanks.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Tex or Context Editors.

2004-11-08 Thread David Arnold

One of my favorite things about Auctex+Emacs is C-M-\ which will format
marked region, buffer, etc. The source coes is ually nicely aligned after
application of this macro.

Now, I've seen your source code over the years and it is quite beautiful,
easy to read.

Are you telling us that Scite will do alignment of tables and other nice
automatic formatting?

At 03:20 PM 11/8/04 +0100, you wrote:
Dirar BOUGATEF wrote:

 Am using eclipse as my editor (eTex) but it is really too heavy, anyone 
 knows of an editor that works fine within tex and windows.

i use scite


   Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
   Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
  tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] FunnyText

2004-11-07 Thread Peter Mnster
On Sat, 6 Nov 2004, David Arnold wrote:

 But I am wondering how to use it to set up a big Copyright in the

Not really an answer to your question, but I know about this possibility:

  draw btex \bf COPYRIGHT etex rotated 60 withcolor .8white;
  currentpicture := currentpicture ysized (\overlaywidth-0.5cm);


\input tufte

Thanks to Tobias Burnus for this code!

Cheers, Peter

FilmSearch engine:
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Compiling questions

2004-11-06 Thread David Arnold

This test file:

colorcircle(10cm,red,green,blue) ;

If I follow this procedure:

f:/context/texutil --purgeall
f:/context/texexec --pdf test

Then I get a nice document when opened in Acrobat Reader.

However, with the document below, this same procedure doesn't produce the
Concept background. Indeed, I need to do this to get the Concept

f:/context/texutil --purgeall
f:/context/texexec --pdf junk2
f:/context/mpost mpgraph
f:/context/texexec --pdf junk2

Then, I get a nice document with the Concept background. Suggestions?

The file junk2.tex:



draw btex \bf CONCEPT etex rotated 60 withcolor .8white;
currentpicture:=currentpicture ysized (\overlayheight-0.5cm);




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Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Compiling questions

2004-11-06 Thread David Arnold

This worked but it opened another problem:

This is TeX, Version 3.141592 (MiKTeX 2.3)
! Undefined control sequence.
l.1 \global \loadfontfileoncetrue
! You can't use a prefix with `\shipout'.
to be read again
l.2 \shipout
\hbox{\smash{\hbox{\hbox{% line 122 F:\ConTeXt\
[1] )
(see the transcript file for additional information)

At 09:59 PM 11/6/04 +0100, you wrote:
Hi David,

here your code from the second example runs without problem as well 
started from Scite as also from the

I thought that may be you should check your cont-sys.tex file, there
should exist two lines as follows:



David Arnold wrote:
 This test file:
 colorcircle(10cm,red,green,blue) ;
 If I follow this procedure:
 f:/context/texutil --purgeall
 f:/context/texexec --pdf test
 Then I get a nice document when opened in Acrobat Reader.
 However, with the document below, this same procedure doesn't produce the
 Concept background. Indeed, I need to do this to get the Concept
 f:/context/texutil --purgeall
 f:/context/texexec --pdf junk2
 f:/context/mpost mpgraph
 f:/context/texexec --pdf junk2
 Then, I get a nice document with the Concept background. Suggestions?
 The file junk2.tex:
 draw btex \bf CONCEPT etex rotated 60 withcolor .8white;
 currentpicture:=currentpicture ysized (\overlayheight-0.5cm);
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 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
 Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
 ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Failing on Mac OS X

2004-11-02 Thread Shivkumar Chandrasekaran

On Nov 1, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Patrick Gundlach [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please post the complete output of a simple texexec run. And perhaps
you might want to have a look at the macosxtex mailinglist.

ConTeXt wiki:

Below is the output when I compile a file with the following 3 lines:

Hello world

I am using the latest TeX and ConTeXt from Gerben Wierda's i-Installer. I am looking into the MacOSX TeX mailing list archives for any hints too. Thanks for any help and the pointer.


## Typesetting contextBug
# this line is commented out
texexec --pdf contextBug

TeXExec 3.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002

executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
inputfile : contextBug
output : pdftex
interface : en
current mode : none
TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2)
%-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.10.25  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 111 -> please update

systems: eTeX version 201 -> too old (bugs)

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0>
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 966] 
system (E-TEX) : [line 1021] 
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en->default:default->1->2:2 uk->default:default->2->2
:2 de->texnansi:texnansi->3->2:2 de->ec:ec->4->2:2 fr->texnansi:texnansi->5->2:
2 fr->ec:ec->6->2:2 es->default:default->7->2:2 it->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:2 i
t->ec:ec->9->2:2 nl->texnansi:texnansi->10->2:2 nl->ec:ec->11->2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file tpd
specials   : loading definition file fdf
unprotect 3> unprotect 4>
system (E-TEX) : [line 2256] \ifcsname 
protect 4> protect 3>)
specials   : fdf loaded
unprotect 3> protect 3>)
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
argument> \c!gebied 
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if ,#1
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]->\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
\setuprandomize [\@@svrandom...
l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/shiv/}]
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Failing on Mac OS X

2004-11-02 Thread Matthias Weber
I had the same problem. Here is my (possibly incorrect) interpretation, and how to fix it:

You have updated to the most recent context without updating texexec (and pssoibly related packages). To do so,
uninstall your entire TeX tree (grin) by either doing this in i-Installerm or by removing the i-Packages directory
from your home directory. Otherwise, i-Installer will always default to your older installation setup.
You might also want to erase /usr/local/teTeX.

Then start again i-installer (get the most recent), and set it up to expert mode, which lets you select the
most recent TeX installation. Follow the instructions at
to select the packages, and don't forget to install ConTeXt.

I suggest keeping an old installation on another boot partition or backup drive, I can't guarantee
that certain things will not look different.


On Nov 2, 2004, at 11:01 AM, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran wrote:

On Nov 1, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Patrick Gundlach [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please post the complete output of a simple texexec run. And perhaps
you might want to have a look at the macosxtex mailinglist.

ConTeXt wiki:

Below is the output when I compile a file with the following 3 lines:

Hello world

I am using the latest TeX and ConTeXt from Gerben Wierda's i-Installer. I am looking into the MacOSX TeX mailing list archives for any hints too. Thanks for any help and the pointer.


## Typesetting contextBug
# this line is commented out
texexec --pdf contextBug

TeXExec 3.1 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2002

executable : pdfetex
format : cont-en
inputfile : contextBug
output : pdftex
interface : en
current mode : none
TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2)
%-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.10.25  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 111 -> please update

systems: eTeX version 201 -> too old (bugs)

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0>
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 966] 
system (E-TEX) : [line 1021] 
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en->default:default->1->2:2 uk->default:default->2->2
:2 de->texnansi:texnansi->3->2:2 de->ec:ec->4->2:2 fr->texnansi:texnansi->5->2:
2 fr->ec:ec->6->2:2 es->default:default->7->2:2 it->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:2 i
t->ec:ec->9->2:2 nl->texnansi:texnansi->10->2:2 nl->ec:ec->11->2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file tpd
specials   : loading definition file fdf
unprotect 3> unprotect 4>
system (E-TEX) : [line 2256] \ifcsname 
protect 4> protect 3>)
specials   : fdf loaded
unprotect 3> protect 3>)
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
argument> \c!gebied 
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if ,#1
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]->\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
\setuprandomize [\@@svrandom...
l.3 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/shiv/}]
ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Failing on Mac OS X

2004-11-01 Thread Shivkumar Chandrasekaran
I updated my tetex installation from G. Wierda's i-Installer (to the 
latest version) and ever since my context files refuse to compile. The 
earliest error indication I get is:

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.11.1  int: english  mes: english
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
But I do seem to have the latest pdfTeX and eTeX versions:
gimli:~ shiv$ pdftex -v
pdfTeX (Web2C 7.5.2) 3.141592-1.11a
kpathsea version 3.5.2
gimli:~ shiv$ etex -v
e-TeX (Web2C 7.5.2) 3.141592-2.1
kpathsea version 3.5.2
Any idea where my problem could be? Thanks,
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Failing on Mac OS X

2004-11-01 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Shivkumar Chandrasekaran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.11.1  int: english  mes: english

 systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update

current pdftex is something around 

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc7.1-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.3) 

 systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

This is not critical (for most stuff?)

 Any idea where my problem could be? Thanks,

Please post the complete output of a simple texexec run. And perhaps
you might want to have a look at the macosxtex mailinglist.

ConTeXt wiki:
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Installing a new font.

2004-10-27 Thread Dirar BOUGATEF
Hi Hans,
I took off the reference to Type-buy and corrected the other problem. I have 
also checked case sensitivity. Now i get less errors but still can't see my 
font !!

What does the following mean ?
systems: possible problem with 8 bit output
When i rename my typescript to something else so texexec can't find it, this 
line changes to something like cann't find font ..

Many thanks.
This is my log file now:
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 
2004.10.24)  27 OCT 2004 13:27
entering extended mode
%-line parsing enabled.
**cont-en TypescriptTest.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.19  fmt: 2004.10.24  int: english  mes: english
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 1012]
system (E-TEX) : [line 1067]
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
system : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en-default:default-1-2:2 
:2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 
2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2 
it-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 i
t-ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout2 = `'.

system : loaded
\openout0 = `'.
\openout0 = `'.
fonts  : [Karat] [] []
fonts  : [Karat] [rm] [sans] [karat] / texnansi
fonts  : [map] [texnansi] []
fonts  : [sans,map] [karat] [name,default,texnansi,special]
fonts  : [sans] [fallback] []
fonts  : [sans] [default] [size]
(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.tex)) (./TypescriptTest.tuo
systems: possible problem with 8 bit output
) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)
(./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)
(./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)
(./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)
fonts  : using map file:
fonts  : using map file:
fonts  : using map file:
fonts  : using map file:
systems: begin file TypescriptTest at line 5
systems: end file TypescriptTest at line 11
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:

RE: [NTG-context] Re: Installing a new font.

2004-10-27 Thread Dirar BOUGATEF
Hi Patrick,
I don't see any pdf log file. What's it's it extension ?
The only filei can think about is the log file:

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2004.10.24) 27 OCT 2004 16:13entering extended mode%-line parsing enabled.(c:/TeXLive/texmf/web2c/cp8bit.tcx)**cont-en TypescriptTest.tex(./TypescriptTest.tex{c:/TeXLive/texmf-var/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg}
ConTeXt ver: 2004.10.19 fmt: 2004.10.24 int: english mes: english
systems : pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems : eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
language : language en is activeprotectionstate 0system : cont-new loaded(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-new.texsystems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!color : palette rollover is availablesystem (E-TEX) : [line 1012] system (E-TEX) : [line 1067] )system : cont-old loaded(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-old.texloading : Context Old Macros)system : cont-fil loaded(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/cont-fil.texloading : Context File Synonyms)system : cont-sys loaded
 (c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/cont-sys.tex)bodyfont : 12pt rm is loadedlanguage : patterns en-default:default-1-2:2 uk-default:default-2-2:2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 fr-texnansi:texnansi-5-2:2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2 it-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 it-ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2 loadedspecials : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded\openout2 = `'.
system : loaded(./TypescriptTest.topspecials : loading definition file tpd(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-tpd.texspecials : loading definition file fdf(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex unprotect 3 unprotect 4system (E-TEX) : [line 2257] \ifcsname protect 4 protect 3)specials : fdf loadedunprotect 3 protect 3)specials : fdf,tpd loaded)\openout0 = `'.
\openout0 = `'.
fonts : [Karat] [] [](c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-akb.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.texfonts : [Karat] [rm] [sans] [karat] / texnansifonts : [map] [texnansi] [](c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa
 .tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-akb.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.tex)fonts : [sans,map] [karat] [name,default,texnansi,special](c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-akb.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.texfonts : [sans] [fallback] [](c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex)(c:/T
 eXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-akb.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.tex))fonts : [sans] [default] [size](c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-syn.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-enc.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-siz.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-map.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-spe.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-exa.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/type-akb.tex)(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/user/Karat.tex)) (./TypescriptTest.tuosystems : possible problem with 8 bit output) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)(./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)(./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)(./Type
 scriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo) (./TypescriptTest.tuo)fonts : using map file: texnansi-base.mapfonts : using map file: texnansi-rubicon-karatmedium.mapfonts : using map file: ec-public-lm.mapfonts : using map file: original-base.mapsystems : begin file TypescriptTest at line 5[1.1{c:/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}{c:/TeXLive/texmf/dvips/config/context.mapWarning: pdfetex.exe (file c:/TeXLive/texmf/dvips/config/ entry for `contnav' already exists, duplicates ignored}{c:/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/context/}{c:/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/context/}{c:/TeXLive/texmf/fonts/map

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-26 Thread Maurice Diamantini
Le 24 oct. 04, à 20:30, Denis Roegel a écrit :
A new problem is that the label sep is to big from thes arcs, and
I'm not able to ajust it. The labshift option doesn't seem
to work with ncarc, althought it works for the nodes.
this was possibly corrected in an unreleased version of metaobj:
Thank very much!!
1 - firstly, T've know solved my initial problem, and I've been able
to build my first non-pstrick figure (thank to this mailing help).
So the next points are not criticals for me. See them just as
remarks or suggestions (but any help is still welcomme :-)
2 - about the off topic:
As denis is on this list, what is the best mailing for talking
about metaObj Denis?
3 - about the metaObj prerelease:
I suggest that the last package ( and its pdf doc) are
not hidden, but accessible (and refered from Metapost page) from
a public directory;
The MetaObj package could be as important as Metapost itself for
the ex-pstricks users; so it should be easy to get the last version
4 - about ConTeXt and Metapost:
What should I put in the  verbatimtex ... etex header
to be able to use ConTexT in btex..etex instead of LaTex?
(I don't want use (for now ) the inside ConTeXt document method
for the sake of environnement robustness, and for reusability)
5 - about metapost:
How can I build the string to give to TeX as in
string str; str = x^2
btex \large F = str etex
or perhaps somthing like :
string str;
str = btex \large F =   str é  etex
6 - about Metaobj user class
I'd have build two macros (see the end of this mail):
- buildActivity(xxx)
  % buildActivity:
  % name: the name of the new node
  % inFig; figuure to put in the circle
  % botFig; figuure to put under the circle
  % topFig; figuure to put above the circle
  % coord : position of the center of the circle
  % Example :
  %  buildActivity(n0, btex\large 0 etex, btex b0 etex, btex u0 
etex, z0);

  from which I think I will be able to build a new more or less
  generic Node class with some options and default behavior,
- buildArc(xxx)
  % buildArc(nodeSrc, nodeDst, labshift, labangle, labelFig)
  which was more difficult to tune (for me, as a Metapost beginner)
  Also I hadn't use it for my application because of the lack
  of genericity.
  In fact, Id'like to build a new class (newArc) which could be 
  as an object by itself, with its own set of options.
  (in particular default connector should be ncline, but easy to
  change to support all the metaObj connector)

I think these two macros could serve as a good exemple of the power of
metaObj, and would be much more readable than psTricks (i.e. TeX 
langage) !

Thank you very much for these tools and for any other help,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-26 Thread Hans Hagen
Maurice Diamantini wrote:
4 - about ConTeXt and Metapost:
What should I put in the  verbatimtex ... etex header
to be able to use ConTexT in btex..etex instead of LaTex?
(I don't want use (for now ) the inside ConTeXt document method
for the sake of environnement robustness, and for reusability)
normally nothing has to go in there
you can make stand alond graphics with context doing:
\setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \startMPpage
  your mp code
\stopMPpage \stoptext
That gives you a stand alone pdf graphic that you can embed later
5 - about metapost:
How can I build the string to give to TeX as in
string str; str = x^2
btex \large F = str etex
or perhaps somthing like :
string str;
str = btex \large F =   str é  etex
no, btex etex is parsed and handles in special ways; this is why metafun 
has the textext macro

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-26 Thread Maurice Diamantini
Le 26 oct. 04, à 13:53, Hans Hagen a écrit :
Maurice Diamantini wrote:
4 - about ConTeXt and Metapost:
What should I put in the  verbatimtex ... etex header
to be able to use ConTexT in btex..etex instead of LaTex?
(I don't want use (for now ) the inside ConTeXt document method
for the sake of environnement robustness, and for reusability)
normally nothing has to go in there
you can make stand alond graphics with context doing:
\setupcolors[state=start] \starttext \startMPpage
  your mp code
\stopMPpage \stoptext
That gives you a stand alone pdf graphic that you can embed later
The problem is probably due to my installation (texlive 2003 installed
in a non standard directory)
Everything works well but the previous code give me a write page.
(should I put mp code between beginfig..endfig ?)
If I do the magic (from
texexec --make --alone --all en nl uk metafun mptopdf
After some time it give me:
`' not found.
In fact, I've never been able to make the basic exemples
about Metafun working.

no, btex etex is parsed and handles in special ways; this is why 
metafun has the textext macro
That is a good raison for using context with Metafun... as soon
as installation works!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Installing a new font.

2004-10-26 Thread Dirar BOUGATEF
I have just finished from installing a new font. It works in the Tex way as 

\Karat something to type ..
but when i try to use typescripts, it does not work(I have used Bill McClain 

Any help would be of great help ..
This is my typescript file:
\starttypescript [sans] [karat] [texiinansi]
 \definefontsynonym [Karat-Roman]  [texnansi-raw-KAMN]  

\starttypescript [sans] [karat] [name]
 \definefontsynonym [Sans]   [Karat-Roman]
\starttypescript [Karat]
 \definetypeface [Karat] [rm] [sans] [karat] [default] [encoding=texnansi]
This is my example file:
This is Karat roman, {\it italic,} {\bf bold,} and {\bi bold-italic.}
{\em \bf This is also bold-italic.}
We have {\sc small caps} and old-style figures: {\os 0123456789}.
And this is the output of texexec:
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 
2004.10.24)  27 OCT 2004 02:13
entering extended mode
%-line parsing enabled.
**cont-en TypescriptTest.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.19  fmt: 2004.10.24  int: english  mes: english
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 1012]
system (E-TEX) : [line 1067]
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
system : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en-default:default-1-2:2 
:2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2 
2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2 
it-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 i
t-ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout2 = `'.

system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file tpd
specials   : loading definition file fdf
(c:/TeXLive/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.tex unprotect 3 unprotect 4
system (E-TEX) : [line 2257] \ifcsname
protect 4 protect 3)
specials   : fdf loaded
unprotect 3 protect 3)
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
\openout0 = `'.
\openout0 = `'.
fonts  : [Karat] [] []
fonts  : [Karat] [rm] [sans] [karat] / texnansi
fonts  : [map] [texnansi] []
fonts  : [sans,map] [karat] [name,default,texnansi,special]
fonts  : [sans] [fallback] []

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-24 Thread Maurice Diamantini
Le 22 oct. 04, à 14:24, Eckhart Guthöhrlein a écrit :
You can attach named paths to objects and then labels these. Here is my
first try, seems to work:
Thank very much Eckhart, I read the metaObj manual, but I
didn't realised showing that one can attached a labelObj
to arbitrary objects (just for Matrix and trees).
Now it works !
It is my first Metapost figure (I am switching
from pstricks).
As graph (in the sens nodes + arcs, not curve functions)
will be frequentjy used (at least by me).
I am thinking about some highlevel  class (using MetaObj)
- class Node for creating node
- class Arc for connecting nodes.
The goal is that the data (coordinate, various labels, ...)
will be as simple as possible.
Also it should be easy to pick the Node and Arc class,
and personnalide them gor its own graph.
For now, I'm trying to anderstand how the label options
A new problem is that the label sep is to big from thes arcs, and
I'm not able to ajust it. The labshift option doesn't seem
to work with ncarc, althought it works for the nodes.
is one of the Metapost lists still alive?
Here is the full exemple (with only 2 nodes)
I don use the inline context feature because it
doesnt work for me, and I have to work on several
workstation, so I still stay (for now) with the indenpendent
I'm sorry for the latex line on a context list, but
Metafun is not clean installed (texlive 2003), I wanting
for the next texlive... And I hope context will be install
by default with Metafun
Thank you very much.
-- Maurice Diamantini,
verbatimtex   % -*-latex-*-
input mp-tool ; % some initializations and auxiliary macros
input mp-spec ; % macros that support special features
input ; % suffixe non indispensable ?
beginfig(1) ;
% For now node positions will be hardcoded
numeric u; u=1cm;
% % verbatimtex \small etex;
setCurveDefaultOption(arcangle, 25);
% building nodes of the graph. Nodes are object that arc will be 
able to
% refere to.
% Later, I will have to build my own Class Activity with some 
% parameters (labels above and under the circle, ...)
newCircle.n0(btex \large 0 etex) circmargin(0.1u);
ObjLabel.n0(btex b0 etex)  labshift((0, -.5u));
ObjLabel.n0(btex u0 etex)  labshift((0, .5u));
n0.c = z0;

newCircle.n1(btex  \large 1 etex) circmargin(0.1u);
ObjLabel.n1(btex b1 etex)  labshift((0, -.5u));
ObjLabel.n1(btex u1 etex)  labshift((0, .5u));
n1.c = z1;
% build some Arcs, with various label or other parameters
% I'll have to make some vardef fonction for that.
% For now, all arcs related stuffs are in th esame place
% - Howto reduce the label separation ? (labshift doen't work)
ncarc.n0(n0)(n1)  name(n0_n1);
ObjLabel.n0(btex $\times$ etex) labpathname(n0_n1),
ObjLabel.n0(btex $0\rightarrow 1$ etex)
labshift((0, -0.5u)),
labdir(bot) ;
ncarc.n1(n1)(n0)  name(n1_n0);
ObjLabel.n1(btex $\times$ etex) labpathname(n1_n0),
ObjLabel.n1(btex $1\rightarrow 0$ etex)
labdir(top) ;
drawObj(n0, n1);
endfig ;
end .
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-22 Thread Maurice Diamantini
Bonjour à tous,
I hope I'm not too much out of topic, but I'm trying
to put a metapost figure in a context file.
I use a separate file for the figure to keep it
independant, (and to avoid cumul of problems :-)
The objectif is to build a graph by positionning some
node (for now, it is just a circle)
connecting them bu some ncarc connector (using metaObj)
and the put label onto these arc.
I know that one can do that using tree or matrix mataObj
feature, but I'd want to be flexible on the node positions,
Thank you very much for any help!
-- Maurice Diamantini
input mp-tool ; % some initializations and auxiliary macros
input mp-spec ; % macros that support special features
input ; % suffixe non indispensable ?
beginfig(1) ;
numeric u; u=1cm;
% ...
% I'll have to create my one metaObj (later)
% newCircle.a1() circmargin(0.3u);
% label(btex $x^2$ etex, z1);
newCircle.a0(btex 0 etex) circmargin(0.1u);
newCircle.a1(btex 1 etex) circmargin(0.1u);
newCircle.a2(btex 2 etex) circmargin(0.1u);
a0.c = z0;
a1.c = z1;
a2.c = z2;
% Question: how can I put a label on this arc???
ncarc(a0)(a1) name(nc01);
% The following doesn't work !
% ObjLabel.nc01(btex 0 etex)   labpos(0.75),
%  labdir(top);
endfig ;
end .
%%% END SAMPLE %%%
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost + metaObjet connector label on arcs

2004-10-22 Thread Eckhart Guthöhrlein
On Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 01:57:47PM +0200, Maurice Diamantini wrote:
 I hope I'm not too much out of topic, but I'm trying
 to put a metapost figure in a context file.
 I use a separate file for the figure to keep it
 independant, (and to avoid cumul of problems :-)
 The objectif is to build a graph by positionning some
 node (for now, it is just a circle)
 connecting them bu some ncarc connector (using metaObj)
 and the put label onto these arc.
 I know that one can do that using tree or matrix mataObj
 feature, but I'd want to be flexible on the node positions,

You can attach named paths to objects and then labels these. Here is my
first try, seems to work:

input metaobj;
newCircle.a(btex A etex);
newCircle.b(btex B etex);
ncline.b(a)(b) name(ab);
ObjLabel.b(btex $a\rightarrow b$ etex) labpathname(ab),

For more options for labels, see page 54ff of the metaobj manual.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] semicolon in \useMPgraphic btex ... etex

2004-10-16 Thread Laurent Chéno
(* Please excuse my poor english *)
Semicolon usage in btex ... etex seems weird to me. Can you help me ?
The following source don't produce the expected result :
\startuseMPgraphic{test} 2;3 etex, (0,0)) ;
But the following is ok :
%-- OK
\startuseMPgraphic{test} 2,3 etex, (0,0)) ;
I have the same problem withbtex $2;3$ etex
Thank you for any help,
best regards,
Laurent Chéno
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] semicolon in \useMPgraphic btex ... etex

2004-10-16 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hi there,

Weird, I thought this was fixed in 1999 somewhere?

Anyway, try adding 


in your preamble.

Greetings, Taco

On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 08:33:31 +0200
Laurent Chéno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (* Please excuse my poor english *)
 Semicolon usage in btex ... etex seems weird to me. Can you help me ?
ntg-context mailing list

Re:[NTG-context] Installation Problem

2004-10-16 Thread Larry Stamm
 David Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 All, Got the latest from:

 Extracted with WinZip on my Win95 machine running Miktex.

snip installation steps..

 Got this error:

 This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.10b-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.3) entering
 extended mode (junk.tex{pdftex.cfg}

 ConTeXt ver: 2004.10.07 fmt: 2004.10.15 int: english mes: english

 systems : pdfTeX version 110 - please update

 systems : eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

 language : language en is active protectionstate 0 system :
 cont-new loaded (F:\miktex\tex\context\base\cont-new.tex systems :
 beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!  color : palette
 rollover is available system (E-TEX) : [line 966] system (E-TEX) :
 [line 1021] ) system : cont-old loaded
 (F:\miktex\tex\context\base\cont-old.tex loading : Context Old
 Macros ) system : cont-fil loaded
 (F:\miktex\tex\context\base\cont-fil.tex loading : Context File
 Synonyms ) bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : patterns
uk- default:default-2-2
 :2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2
fr- texnansi:texnansi-5-2:
 2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2
it- texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 i
t- ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2
t- loaded
 specials : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded system : loaded
 (./ ! Undefined control sequence.  argument \c!gebied
 ={C:/} \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem
 \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 \xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,] ,[EMAIL PROTECTED]@
 \dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1] \setuprandomize
 [\@@svrandom...  l.3 ...ost


 Any ideas?

I got a similar error message on my linux box.  The solution was to
replace a single occurrence of the instruction \c!gebied in
with \c!directory.  I suspect this is an errant piece of Dutch
language code that escaped the recent tranlation to low-level English.

Larry Stamm

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Installation Problem

2004-10-15 Thread David Arnold

Got the latest from:

Extracted with WinZip on my Win95 machine running Miktex. 



to pdftex.cfg.

Refreshed the Filename Database.

Copied texexec.rme to texexec.ini and changed:

%set  TeXShell  to  tetex
%set TeXShell  to  fptex
set TeXShell  to  miktex
%set TeXShell  to  private

Built formats with:

texexec --make en nl

Moved formats to f:\localtexmf\miktex\fmt\

Refreshed the filename database.

Built metafun with:

texexec --make metafun 

Moved format files to f:\localtexmf\miktex\mem\

Refreshed filename database.

Saved the following in C:\temp\junk.tex

\framed {Let’s see if it works.}

Change to the C:\ drive and: 

texexec junk

Got this error:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.10b-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.3)
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.10.15  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 110 - please update

systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 966]
system (E-TEX) : [line 1021]
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en-default:default-1-2:2
:2 de-texnansi:texnansi-3-2:2 de-ec:ec-4-2:2
2 fr-ec:ec-6-2:2 es-default:default-7-2:2
it-texnansi:texnansi-8-2:2 i
t-ec:ec-9-2:2 nl-texnansi:texnansi-10-2:2 nl-ec:ec-11-2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.3 ...ost --undump=}\setupsystem[\c!gebied={C:/}]


Any ideas?

I also have the unusual behavior that I start with:

C:\temp texexec junk

and wind up at


Anyone else ever have to deal with this changing of drives at the end of a
texexec run?
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-13 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Mojca Miklavec,

 The following example works on [EMAIL PROTECTED], but on my computer
 it only writes unknown at the place of x. btex etex also doesn't
 work in ConTeXt (metaplay) on my computer, although it does without
 any problems in metapost/mptopdf.

do you have 


in cont-sys.tex?

ConTeXt wiki:
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: a crash in pdftext with protruding again...

2004-10-13 Thread Hans Hagen
Martin Kolak wrote:
Hi Hans,
I tried to isolate pdftex problem described below and the result is surprising :-) The 
code (I have it in single file prot.tex):
\expandafter\newtoks\csname Something\endcsname
  \defineprotrudefactor ! 0 .2
some time ago i ran into toks problems like that, and after some heavy 
debugging with taco, we found out that there was an etex bug; this is 
fixed now (registers  255 were not properly allocated by etex)

you run into that problem because the 'updated protruding/hz support' 
allocates registers and due to the amount of toks used these end up in 
the 255 range; here i ran into some problems with a new par attachment 

a temp solution is to make the following number in syst-etc smaller (say 

after that you need to recompile the format

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] pdftex 1.20a and map files

2004-10-12 Thread Hans Hagen
Christopher Creutzig wrote:
 I tried upgrading to pdfTeX 1.20a on my powerbook.  I built the 
binaries successfully and placed them and their pool files into some 
temporary location and I was able to build ConTeXt formats. 
Unfortunately, was not found, generated files have just lots 
of empty pages.

 I did try sudo texmfstart textools --fixtexmftrees, but that did not 
move from its place in dvips/config.  I tried to follow the 
NEWS file in the pdftex distribution, but that only lists two 
non-existant URLs at to find information.  The list archive of 
tex-live seems to have moved and to be inaccessible to non-subscribers. 
 Not wanting yet another mailing list, I just don't have access to this 
vital piece of information, which imho should be listed right in the 
NEWS file.
textools --fixtexmftrees c:\tex\texmf-local [--force]
and alike will fix the tree (map files are now under /fonts/map) and you 
need to change the texmf.cnf file accordingly


TEXCONFIG = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map,dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx,dvipdfm}//
PDFTEXCONFIG  = .;$TEXMF/pdftex/{$progname,}//
DVIPDFMINPUTS = .;$TEXMF/{fonts/map,dvips,pdftex,dvipdfmx,dvipdfm}//

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-12 Thread Mojca Miklavec
The following example works on [EMAIL PROTECTED], but on my computer it 
only writes unknown at the place of x. btex etex also doesn't work 
in ConTeXt (metaplay) on my computer, although it does without any 
problems in metapost/mptopdf.

draw textext.origin(x);
draw fullcircle scaled 2cm;
I use the latest MikTeX distribution (although ConTeXt may not be really 
up-to-date, but that shouldn't be a problem, I suppose). It's probably 
just a matter of a single setting or so (it should be corrected in 
MikTeX as well if that's the case), but I don't know where to start looking.

Thanks for help, Mojca Miklavec
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] supp-mps

2004-10-08 Thread Vit Zyka
there is an additional space in the end of the line 653 in supp-mps.tex
(latest alpha):
   \immediate\write\MPwrite{verbatimtex \MPinputtranslation etex ;}
It causes e.g. wrong left bbox border in
  draw fullsquare scaled 2cm;
Vit Zyka
(I sent it to the dev-context list in 19.9. but with no success.)
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] first element in radio field

2004-10-07 Thread Peter Rolf
First of all thanx to Hans and Willi for testing. It seems that I have to
update my (pdf)etex to a newer version. No bug: lucky Hans, unlucky me ;)
Willi Egger wrote:
Hi Peter
I tried your example wit the alpha version:
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.2  int: english  mes: english
Indentation as mentioned in your mail I can not see. -- however there 
are three things I do not really understand:

1. Though the frames are turned off for the unselected buttons, there 
are left and righthand lines along the buttonboxes.

a result of \showmakeup (struts?)
2. When pointing on the first botton it turns correctly into the gray 
area but with changing the text into InAreaX, but this text can not 
be selected in order to have it remaining.

the names are not well choosen
the prefix X in the button name means, that this button is inactive 
(X-ing off);
only one button can be active in a radio field

3 When clicking on the second button the contents of the first butten 
changes into the value NormalX ...

May be I do not get the idea of the radio-button ...
maybe this is not a good example for learning radio fields :)
Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Rolf wrote:
Hello all!
This is my first attempt with fields, so I am not sure if this is a bug
in context or my fault :)
Anyway, the first element of my radio field is indented, while the 
elements are ok. This is the case in horizontal and vertical 
I added a minimal example...

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.3  int: english  mes: german
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

it looks ok here, do others have the same problem?
(\showmakeup may not be that handy in such cases)
may better be:
\noindent \vbox{\forgetall }


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Nightmare after upgrading

2004-10-07 Thread Sun Minchao

Hello Hans,

run intotrouble again... yesterday I've upgraded MikTeX to 2.4, 
by the way I've upgraded ConTeXt to the newest version too, but after that I can 
texexecnothing more. I first tried some chinese texts, but texexec always 

TeXExec 5.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 

current path readonly : 
E:/Temp changing to path : 
executable : 
format : cont-en 
source path : 
dummy file : 
inputfile : 
output : 
interface : en current 
mode : 
TeX run : 1

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc4-2.1 (MiKTeX 
2.4)output format initialized to DVIentering extended 

ConTeXt ver: 2004.10.07 fmt: 2004.10.7 int: 
english mes: english

systems : eTeX 
version 201 - too old (bugs)

language : language en is 
0system : cont-new 
: beware: some patches loaded from 
cont-new.tex!color : 
palette rollover is availablesystem (E-TEX) : [line 966] system (E-TEX) 
: [line 1021] )system : 
: Context Old 
Macros)system : cont-fil 
: Context File 
Synonyms)system : 
: 12pt rm is loadedlanguage : patterns 
en-default:default-1-2:2 de-default:default-3-2:2 
fr-default:default-4-2:2 es-default:default-5-2:2 
it-default:default-6-2:2 nl-default:default-7-2:2 
loadedspecials : tex,postscript,rokicki 
loadedsystem : 
loaded(./test.topspecials : loading 
definition file 
: loading definition file fdf(D:\CTeX\texmf\tex\context\base\spec-fdf.tex 
unprotect 3 unprotect 4system (E-TEX) : [line 2256] 
\ifcsname protect 4 protect 
3)specials : fdf 
loadedunprotect 3 protect 
3)specials : fdf,tpd 
loaded)fonts : 
needs map file: 
: needs map file: 
original-base.mapsystems : begin 
file test at line 
: macros of module chinese 
: variant chi is 
: Context Font Macros / Chineseencoding 
: coding chi is 
: coding big5encoding : coding 
gbk)! Undefined control sequence.argument \c!richting 
=\v!links \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if 
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]argument \c!richting 
=\v!links , \c!balanceren 
=\v!nee , \c!n =\v!passend ...

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem 
,],[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ l.418 
? ! Emergency stop.argument \c!richting 
=\v!links \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if 
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED]argument \c!richting 
=\v!links , \c!balanceren 
=\v!nee , \c!n =\v!passend ...

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem 
,],[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ l.418 
No pages of output.

then I tried some english texts, they can be compiled, but in fact 
nothing has been written to the disk. 
before upgrading I've backup-ed the configurations ( texexec.ini, 
font-chi.tex, cont-system.tex, cont-usr.tex ) and just after extracting new 
files I'veput them back, succeeded with "initexmf -u" and a new "texexec 
--make", but context just didn't work, though it worked fine before ( with same 
test files ). I've never thought it could be such abig problem. after 
several unsuccessful tries I decided to restored theold version, but I 
even couldn't go back! it seems that context has kept "memory" somewhere 
to trace the version changes. after 3 hours tired struggle I've lost all the 
patience and all the hope... I've also heared similar stories from 
otherpeople, but I just wonder how it could be a trouble to upgrade a 
package like context?

Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: website

2004-10-06 Thread Thomas A . Schmitz
OK, this is not a real error, but the latest version keeps nagging for 

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.06.10  fmt: 2004.10.6  int: english  mes: english
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
This looks more serious:
unprotect 3 unprotect 4
system (E-TEX) : [line 2256] \ifcsname
protect 4 protect 3)
specials   : fdf loaded
unprotect 3 protect 3)
specials   : fdf,tpd loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2-\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if 

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.5 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/tas/}]

! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\xprocesscommaitem ...ocesscommaitem \else \if ]#1

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.5 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/tas/}]

! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\dosetvalue ...!internal!n \ifcsname \k!prefix! #2
  \endcsname \let 

\p!doassign ... \xshowassignerror \fi \fi {#2}{#3}
\xprocesscommaitem [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ #1==\empty [EMAIL PROTECTED]@

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.5 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/tas/}]

! Undefined control sequence.
argument \c!gebied
\dosetvalue ...c!internal!y [EMAIL PROTECTED] \def \csname #1#2
  \fi \endcsname
\p!doassign ... \xshowassignerror \fi \fi {#2}{#3}
\xprocesscommaitem [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ #1==\empty [EMAIL PROTECTED]@

\xdogetparameters #1]-\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]-\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.5 \setupsystem[\c!gebied={/Users/tas/}]

Guess I'll have to either upgrade to the beta or downgrade to the last 
version; I hope I remembered to backup!

On Oct 6, 2004, at 8:46 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:
Very tasteful new look, I like the colors (except for  the links 
page, the mauve doesn't go very well with the rest). One has to get 
used to the idea that a website is presented like a pdf document in 
sequential order, but the clean look is quite beautiful. Of course, I 
was impatient and downloaded the latest version, and now I get a 
couple errors when processing, but I hope can straighten that out. 
Congratulations, Hans, wonderful work!
what errors? i need to freeze the new version for tex live -)
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] first element in radio field

2004-10-05 Thread Peter Rolf
Hello all!
This is my first attempt with fields, so I am not sure if this is a bug
in context or my fault :)
Anyway, the first element of my radio field is indented, while the following
elements are ok. This is the case in horizontal and vertical arrangment.
I added a minimal example...
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.3  int: english  mes: german
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
% interface=en output=pdftex





\definesymbol[TbuttonA] [{\ButtonUnselected{Normal}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonB] [{\ButtonSelected{InArea}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonC] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbutton}}]

\definesymbol[TbuttonX] [{\ButtonUnselected{NormalX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonY] [{\ButtonSelected{InAreaX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonZ] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbuttonX}}]


\setupfield[radiofield][vertical] % same for horizontal+\hbox


\definesubfield[Button1] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button2] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button3] [button] 


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] first element in radio field

2004-10-05 Thread Hans Hagen
Peter Rolf wrote:
Hello all!
This is my first attempt with fields, so I am not sure if this is a bug
in context or my fault :)
Anyway, the first element of my radio field is indented, while the 
elements are ok. This is the case in horizontal and vertical arrangment.
I added a minimal example...

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.3  int: english  mes: german
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)
it looks ok here, do others have the same problem?
(\showmakeup may not be that handy in such cases)
may better be:
\noindent \vbox{\forgetall }


% interface=en output=pdftex
\definesymbol[TbuttonA] [{\ButtonUnselected{Normal}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonB] [{\ButtonSelected{InArea}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonC] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbutton}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonX] [{\ButtonUnselected{NormalX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonY] [{\ButtonSelected{InAreaX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonZ] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbuttonX}}]
\setupfield[radiofield][vertical] % same for horizontal+\hbox
\definesubfield[Button1] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button2] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button3] [button] 

ntg-context mailing list

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

Description: Adobe PDF document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] first element in radio field

2004-10-05 Thread Willi Egger
Hi Peter
I tried your example wit the alpha version:
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.2  int: english  mes: english
Indentation as mentioned in your mail I can not see. -- however there 
are three things I do not really understand:

1. Though the frames are turned off for the unselected buttons, there 
are left and righthand lines along the buttonboxes.
2. When pointing on the first botton it turns correctly into the gray 
area but with changing the text into InAreaX, but this text can not be 
selected in order to have it remaining.
3 When clicking on the second button the contents of the first butten 
changes into the value NormalX ...

May be I do not get the idea of the radio-button ...
Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Rolf wrote:
Hello all!
This is my first attempt with fields, so I am not sure if this is a bug
in context or my fault :)
Anyway, the first element of my radio field is indented, while the 
elements are ok. This is the case in horizontal and vertical arrangment.
I added a minimal example...

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.3  int: english  mes: german
systems: pdfTeX version 111 - please update
systems: eTeX version 201 - too old (bugs)

it looks ok here, do others have the same problem?
(\showmakeup may not be that handy in such cases)
may better be:
\noindent \vbox{\forgetall }


% interface=en output=pdftex


\definesymbol[TbuttonA] [{\ButtonUnselected{Normal}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonB] [{\ButtonSelected{InArea}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonC] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbutton}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonX] [{\ButtonUnselected{NormalX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonY] [{\ButtonSelected{InAreaX}}]
\definesymbol[TbuttonZ] [{\ButtonSelected{LMbuttonX}}]
\setupfield[radiofield][vertical] % same for horizontal+\hbox
\definesubfield[Button1] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button2] [button] 
\definesubfield[Button3] [button] 


ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

AW: [NTG-context] PPCHTeX Bug?

2004-09-25 Thread Thomas Meyer
Hi to all,

One week is gone and I got no answer, no comment to my problems!
What's going wrong!


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Thomas Meyer
Gesendet: Samstag, 18. September 2004 12:05
An: 'mailing list for ConTeXt users'
Betreff: AW: [NTG-context] PPCHTeX Bug?


I am new here in this list and I am the one who has the problems with
At first I have to thank Hraban and Tobias for their committed help!
Under LaTeX I tried the downloaded version of ppchtex.tex from I got only the lines for the bonds between the atoms, no
letters for the atomic symbols. And I got the error message Tobias and
Hraban reported.
Tobias' version of ppchtex.tex works fine!
The downloaded version works fine only under ConTeXt not under LaTeX.
Is there a bug? Or am I to stupid?

Another question:
Is it possible to create seven-membered ring-systems with ppchtex? I never
found something in the manual about it.



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Tobias Hilbricht
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. September 2004 11:42
An: mailing list for ConTeXt users
Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] PPCHTeX Bug?

Am Di, den 14.09.2004 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm um 14:44:
 some PPCHTeX code wouldn't work

Dear readers,
the code in question was the following:


% C3-Aldose, Bindungen der Aldehydgruppe rot \startchemical
% C3-Aldose, Atome der Aldehydgruppe rot \startchemical


 , the error message
 ppchtex.tex:3390: undefined control sequence
 He uses an actual MikTeX (again, only problems with this, we should 
 mark it red in the wiki...) His file ppchtex.tex ends like:
 \protect \endinput
 Tobias Hilbricht answered, the code would work with his ppchtex.tex 
 version from TeX Live 2003, there line 3390 (second line from the end) 
 had only a lonely \fi, but the file is 3kB bigger,
 With Tobias' file it worked at Thomas.
 Thomas downloaded the file from, and it doesn't work 
 I told him to ask at the PPCHTeX list, see above.
 Further Thomas wanted to draw seven-rings, and that seems not 
 supported by PPCHTeX.

Perhaps this helps to solve this problem with PPCHTeX.

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

AW: [NTG-context] PPCHTeX Bug?

2004-09-18 Thread Thomas Meyer

I am new here in this list and I am the one who has the problems with
At first I have to thank Hraban and Tobias for their committed help!
Under LaTeX I tried the downloaded version of ppchtex.tex from I got only the lines for the bonds between the atoms, no
letters for the atomic symbols. And I got the error message Tobias and
Hraban reported.
Tobias' version of ppchtex.tex works fine!
The downloaded version works fine only under ConTeXt not under LaTeX.
Is there a bug? Or am I to stupid?

Another question:
Is it possible to create seven-membered ring-systems with ppchtex? I never
found something in the manual about it.



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Tobias Hilbricht
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. September 2004 11:42
An: mailing list for ConTeXt users
Betreff: Re: [NTG-context] PPCHTeX Bug?

Am Di, den 14.09.2004 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm um 14:44:
 some PPCHTeX code wouldn't work

Dear readers,
the code in question was the following:


% C3-Aldose, Bindungen der Aldehydgruppe rot \startchemical
% C3-Aldose, Atome der Aldehydgruppe rot \startchemical


 , the error message
 ppchtex.tex:3390: undefined control sequence
 He uses an actual MikTeX (again, only problems with this, we should 
 mark it red in the wiki...) His file ppchtex.tex ends like:
 \protect \endinput
 Tobias Hilbricht answered, the code would work with his ppchtex.tex 
 version from TeX Live 2003, there line 3390 (second line from the end) 
 had only a lonely \fi, but the file is 3kB bigger,
 With Tobias' file it worked at Thomas.
 Thomas downloaded the file from, and it doesn't work 
 I told him to ask at the PPCHTeX list, see above.
 Further Thomas wanted to draw seven-rings, and that seems not 
 supported by PPCHTeX.

Perhaps this helps to solve this problem with PPCHTeX.

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: ConTeXt and Aleph

2004-09-17 Thread Hans Hagen
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Aleph does not automatically switch to extended mode (it will
before the final release, though). But IIRC texexec
automatically triggers extended mode for Aleph ... Hans? Is
'aleph' among the engines for which extended mode is chosen?

   if ( $TeXExecutable =~ 
/etex|eetex|pdfetex|pdfeetex|pdfxtex|xpdfetex|eomega|aleph/io ) {
   $TeXPrefix = *;
 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: ConTeXt and Aleph

2004-09-17 Thread Adam Lindsay
Hans Hagen said this at Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:33:19 +0200:

if ( $TeXExecutable =~ /etex|
eetex|pdfetex|pdfeetex|pdfxtex|xpdfetex|eomega|aleph/io ) {
$TeXPrefix = *;

Mind adding xetex to that list on your next release? :)
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-27 Thread Taco Hoekwater
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:07:23 +0200, Nikolai wrote:

 I remember reading somewhere that you can't use btex ... etex in input
 .mp files, as there is no possibility for them to be processed at that

That is somewhat incorrect information. You can not use btex ... etex in
a normal way in places where expansion is prohibited (i.e. definitions),
but whether or not this is inside an inputted file is irrelevant. If you need 
run-time TeX labels, you can use the textext() macro from metafun, or 
John Hobby's TEX() macro (available after input tex;)

Greetings, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-27 Thread Nikolai Weibull
* Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Aug 27, 2004 11:28]:
  I remember reading somewhere that you can't use btex ... etex in
  input .mp files, as there is no possibility for them to be
  processed at that time.

 That is somewhat incorrect information. You can not use btex ... etex
 in a normal way in places where expansion is prohibited (i.e.
 definitions), but whether or not this is inside an inputted file is

Ah, yes, that's what I read.  Sorry for misunderstanding. 

 If you need run-time TeX labels, you can use the textext() macro from
 metafun, or John Hobby's TEX() macro (available after input tex;)

Hm, I tried textext().  Can it be used in vardef's?  I get

! Isolated expression.
to be read again
l.217 endfig

from some of my pictures.  I can't make sense of it.  Anyway, the
affected pictures aren't coming out right.  Am I doing something
terribly wronge here?

I'm using and have a couple of

def_nonterminal(CONS, textext($\mathstrut\circ$));

type lines I want to reuse placed in a file i input. can be
found at


::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-27 Thread Taco Hoekwater
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 12:32:31 +0200, Nikolai wrote:

 * Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Aug 27, 2004 11:28]:
  If you need run-time TeX labels, you can use the textext() macro from
  metafun, or John Hobby's TEX() macro (available after input tex;)
 Hm, I tried textext().  Can it be used in vardef's?  I get
   ! Isolated expression.
   to be read again
 from some of my pictures.  I can't make sense of it.  Anyway, the
 affected pictures aren't coming out right.  Am I doing something
 terribly wronge here?

Don't know. Metapost seems to be complaining about something
that is part of extra_endfig, but neither nor
do anything with that, so it may be completely unrelated ?

If you can create a minimal file that shows the same problem and 
post/e-mail that, I may be able to help further.


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Re: btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-27 Thread Nikolai Weibull
* Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Aug 27, 2004 15:40]:
 Don't know. Metapost seems to be complaining about something
 that is part of extra_endfig, but neither nor
 do anything with that, so it may be completely unrelated ?

Actually, it was's fault.  I was inputing boxes from two
places, and it was not multiple-inclusion-protected, so line 122 of
metapost/base/ was being executed twice, adding
clearboxesclearboxes instead of only clearboxes.  The line is buggy
though, as it should read 

extra_endfig := extra_endfig  clearboxes;;

My error report should have been

! Isolated expression.

which I didn't realize until now.

Who should one contact about fixing that?

Anyway, the real problem was that texexec doesn't run with --mptex when
it actually needs to.  If there are textext() stuff or other generated
btex ... etex stuff, but no btex ... etex in the picture itself, the
extra run for the labels is not performed.  This needs fixing and should
probably not be impossible to fix, but I guess it's yet another one of
my pushing the limits of ConTeXt/MetaPost-problems.  I cannot quite
figure out how texexec determines whether to run an extra run of the
files, but it won't.  I can provide an example of this off-list (as
there are quite a few files necessary for even a small example) if
anyone is interested.

The temporary solution is thus to include at least one btex ... etex
sequence in the graphic:
label(textext(), origin);

which of course is crap, but it's the best I could come up with.

::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Re: btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-27 Thread Taco Hoekwater
On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 18:48:19 +0200
Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Who should one contact about fixing that?

As of about a day ago, I guess that could be me ;)

A guard against double loading of is now added to the todo list.
Perhaps some other 'standard' files have to be done as well, will check.
 Anyway, the real problem was that texexec doesn't run with --mptex when
 it actually needs to.  If there are textext() stuff or other generated
 btex ... etex stuff, but no btex ... etex in the picture itself, the
 extra run for the labels is not performed. 

Perhaps this is the same problem as the sometimes missing final run for
flowcharts. I've noticed that sometimes the flowcharts don't update
correctly after edits, but couldn't fathom why (up to now).

Greetings, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] btex ... etex in .mp

2004-08-26 Thread Nikolai Weibull

I remember reading somewhere that you can't use btex ... etex in input
.mp files, as there is no possibility for them to be processed at that
time.  I've hit a snag, though, and this would really be a good thing
for me to have.  Is there any way to get similar behavior?  Basically, I
want to define some stuff that I want to reuse in several pictures.

::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost and TeX [OT]

2004-08-24 Thread Brooks Moses
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 10:48:42PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't have any experience in metapost.  I would appreciate if someone would
 please answer this question without me having to do thru tutorials and
 metapost source code.
 I was wondering how does metapost talk to TeX?  Quicky glancing through the
 metafun book, I found out that you can super-impose text typeset by
 TeX on top of a diagram.  I imagine you could do the same with
 mathematical equations too.

The following is as I understand it; others can I'm sure correct any

Metapost dumps out a TeX file, consisting of any header commands
specified in the Metapost file, and whatever is between btex and etex
tags.  It also puts in stuff so that what's between each pair of tags
gets put on its own page.  (This is actually done with the mpto command,
rather than in Metapost itself; if you just run that, you can examine
the output to see what TeX commands it uses.)

TeX is then run on this file, creating a .dvi file.

Metapost then reads in the .dvi file, using that to create the typeset
text that appears in the output Postscript file.

- Brooks

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost and TeX [OT]

2004-08-24 Thread Taco Hoekwater


 So how does it happen in reality?

Matthias' reply is better for your situation, but for curiosity's
sake, here is what actually happens:

- MetaPost is happily reading MetaPost commands when suddenly it sees
  a btex command.

- Now it will throw away everything upto the next etex, and it will
  run the external command makempx with the current filename as argument.
* makempx's goal is to create a file with the same name as it's argument, but
  with the extension replaced with .mpx. That file will contain a series of
  low-level MetaPost commands for each label in the source file, and 
  those lists of commands are separated by the MetaPost command mpxbreak.

* nothing is done by makempx if the mpx file exists and is newer than the  
  source file.

** otherwise, the source file is scanned for verbatimtex ... etex and btex ... etex
   blocks. These are wrapped in very simple TeX macros and written to a TeX input

** TeX is run, to produce a DVI file from these commands (each dvi page representing 
   a label)

** The entire DVI file is then converted into the .mpx file in a single action.

- MetaPost will now open the .mpx file as a concurrent source of commands
  linked to the current source file, and read commands from it up to the
  first mpxbreak.

- The location pointer in the .mpx file is saved for subsequent labels.

Greetings, Taco

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost and TeX [OT]

2004-08-24 Thread Hans Hagen
Brooks Moses wrote:
On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 10:48:42PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't have any experience in metapost.  I would appreciate if someone would
please answer this question without me having to do thru tutorials and
metapost source code.
I was wondering how does metapost talk to TeX?  Quicky glancing through the
metafun book, I found out that you can super-impose text typeset by
TeX on top of a diagram.  I imagine you could do the same with
mathematical equations too.

The following is as I understand it; others can I'm sure correct any
Metapost dumps out a TeX file, consisting of any header commands
specified in the Metapost file, and whatever is between btex and etex
tags.  It also puts in stuff so that what's between each pair of tags
gets put on its own page.  (This is actually done with the mpto command,
rather than in Metapost itself; if you just run that, you can examine
the output to see what TeX commands it uses.)
TeX is then run on this file, creating a .dvi file.
Metapost then reads in the .dvi file, using that to create the typeset
text that appears in the output Postscript file.

you miss a step: a mpx file is created from the dvi file; an mpx file is a bunch of metapost pictures that will replace the btex..etex's in the mp file 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Metapost and TeX [OT]

2004-08-24 Thread Hans Hagen
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
- The location pointer in the .mpx file is saved for subsequent labels.

a small addition: 

- since we are dealing with parsing, btex .. etex cannot be changed dynamically, which is one of the reasons why metafun has the textext macro which provides an alternative for btex .. etex 


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Ancient Greek

2004-08-22 Thread Steffen Wolfrum
Adam Lindsay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Steffen Wolfrum said this at Fri, 20 Aug 2004 20:57:05 +0200:
 Well, I'd love to use aleph - no doubt! But, as I work with MacOS(X) 
 I fear I have to find a solution that will work for pdfetex.
 Could someone help me?
 Hmm. What's your timeframe?
 I'm working on XeTeX drivers for ConTeXt that should get to a 90%
 solution soonish... the question will then be what weird ConTeXt
 features will you need?
 For those not aware, XeTeX is a very interesting eTeX variant that hooks
 into MacOSX's advanced typography. It's Unicode-native, and uses native
 Mac fonts without any TeXFont-y conversion necessary. It supports Apple's
 AAT features as well as OTF features.

As far as I understood I order to typeset text in xetex you have to use basically 
plain TeX-commands.

So, when you say you're working on XeTeX drivers for ConTeXt does that mean that I can 
write normal context code but typeset with XeTeX instead of pdfeTeX?

That would be great. Because my aim is to include polytonic greek quotes in my context 
document, and I setup an ideal context environment for my publications already and 
don't want to start with plain TeX again.

So if my understanding is right, when do you think XeTeX will be available for us 
ConTeXt users?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Ancient Greek

2004-08-21 Thread Adam Lindsay
Steffen Wolfrum said this at Fri, 20 Aug 2004 20:57:05 +0200:

Well, I'd love to use aleph - no doubt! But, as I work with MacOS(X) 
I fear I have to find a solution that will work for pdfetex.

Could someone help me?

Hmm. What's your timeframe?
I'm working on XeTeX drivers for ConTeXt that should get to a 90%
solution soonish... the question will then be what weird ConTeXt
features will you need?

For those not aware, XeTeX is a very interesting eTeX variant that hooks
into MacOSX's advanced typography. It's Unicode-native, and uses native
Mac fonts without any TeXFont-y conversion necessary. It supports Apple's
AAT features as well as OTF features.
 Adam T. Lindsay  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] XeTEX (was: Ancient Greek)

2004-08-21 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am 21.08.2004 um 20:04 schrieb Adam Lindsay:
For those not aware, XeTeX is a very interesting eTeX variant that 
into MacOSX's advanced typography. It's Unicode-native, and uses native
Mac fonts without any TeXFont-y conversion necessary. It supports 
AAT features as well as OTF features.
Sounds very cool. Where's its homepage?

Grüßlis vom Hraban!
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] XeTEX (was: Ancient Greek)

2004-08-21 Thread Adam Lindsay
Henning Hraban Ramm said this at Sat, 21 Aug 2004 20:37:18 +0200:

Am 21.08.2004 um 20:04 schrieb Adam Lindsay:
 For those not aware, XeTeX is a very interesting eTeX variant that 
 into MacOSX's advanced typography. It's Unicode-native, and uses native
 Mac fonts without any TeXFont-y conversion necessary. It supports 
 AAT features as well as OTF features.

Sounds very cool. Where's its homepage?

Oops! I meant to link:
Mailing list at:
 Adam T. Lindsay  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] metafun question

2004-08-16 Thread Floris van Manen
it seems that metafun has difficulty understanding the example using
thevardef [EMAIL PROTECTED] expr p =   construct.

! Illegal parameter number in definition of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@dummy2.
to be read again 

argument ... p of p enddef; \par vardef [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  expr p = cuta(@##,@##) @##...

\dostartuseMPgraphic ...leuseMPgraphic {#1}{#2}{#3
l.41 \stopuseMPgraphic


i copied the sample of the mp manual:

% interface=english output=pdftex



vardef cuta(suffix a,b) expr p =
drawarrow p cutbefore bpath.a cutafter bpath.b;
point .5*length p of p

vardef [EMAIL PROTECTED] expr p =
cuta(@#,@#) @[EMAIL PROTECTED]@#.c 

verbatimtex \def\stk#1#2{$\displaystyle{\matrix{#1\cr#2\cr}}$} etex
circleit.aa(btex\strut Start etex); aa.dx=aa.dy; \stk B{(a|b)^*a} etex); \stk C{b^*} etex);
circleit.dd(btex \stk D{(a|b)^*ab} etex);\strut Stop etex); ee.dx=ee.dy;
numeric hsep;
bb.c-aa.c = dd.c-bb.c = ee.c-dd.c = (hsep,0);
cc.c-bb.c = (0,.8hsep);
xpart(ee.e - aa.w) = 3.8in;
label.ulft(btex$b$etex, cuta(aa,cc) aa.c{dir50};$b$etex,,30pt));
label.rt(btex$a$etex, cuta(cc,bb);$a$etex, cuta(aa,bb);
label.llft(btex$a$etex,,-35pt));$b$etex, cuta(bb,dd) bb.c..dd.c);$b$etex, cuta(dd,ee);
label.lrt(btex$a$etex, cuta(dd,bb) dd.c..{dir140}bb.c);$a$etex, cuta(ee,bb) ee.c..tension1.3 ..{dir115}bb.c);
label.urt(btex$b$etex, cuta(ee,cc) ee.c{(cc.c-ee.c)rotated-15};





ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metaobj and transparent colors with \MPcolor

2004-08-02 Thread Eckhart Guthöhrlein
On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 12:08:33PM +0200, Vit Zyka wrote:
 Here is my current file, which just gives a white background in the box.
  input metaobj;
  color t; t:=\MPcolor{Transparent};
  newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) filled(true);
 Sorry I still do not see your white box. Perhaps something is corrupted 
 in my context installation.
 I had a quick look into mpobj source and I tried to remove default white 
 background, but I was not successful.

Me either.

 Vit Zyka
 P.S. I played with raw MP code:
 input metaobj;
   fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor red;
   color t; t:=(1,1,0);

Your color is not transparent, so it will work as expected: no white

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] metaobj and transparent colors with \MPcolor

2004-07-23 Thread Eckhart Guthöhrlein

I try to achieve transparently filled objects using the metaobj package.
However, transparency is ignored completely in the output, I just get a
normal white. Here is my test file:



input metaobj;
newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) filled(true);


If I use the fillcolor as an argument to the object

newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) filled(true)

I get error messages from the mpost run. So it seems that metaobj and
\MPcolor don't like each other.
Any ideas how to circumvent this problem?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metaobj and transparent colors with \MPcolor

2004-07-23 Thread Vit Zyka
Sorry, I can not reproduce your example. I get only red page with black 
page number in header. No white box. And I do not known metaobj macro.

But I have a question. It is really needed to surround \definecolor by 
\startMPenvironment? Since \definecolor has to result to \pdfobj and 
\pdfliteral (pdftex primitives) and propagation to mpost (which is EPS 
not PDF generator) has no sence. Only reference to color is needed and 
it is done via \MPcolor. Am I right?

Vit Zyka
I try to achieve transparently filled objects using the metaobj package.
However, transparency is ignored completely in the output, I just get a
normal white. Here is my test file:
input metaobj;
newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) filled(true);
If I use the fillcolor as an argument to the object
newBox.test(btex Transparent? etex) filled(true)
I get error messages from the mpost run. So it seems that metaobj and
\MPcolor don't like each other.
Any ideas how to circumvent this problem?
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: listings.sty

2004-06-28 Thread Hans Hagen
Peter Münster wrote:
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Hans Hagen wrote:

what is listings.sty providing? 

Hello Hans,
here some features of listings.sty:
- support for a lot of languages (for example C)
- easy to add further languages
- line breaking (see my email from 19. June mentioning \lstinline)
- line numbering
- different options for column alignment
- escaping to TeX
- layout elements (frames, spacing, background, captions, etc)
- indexing
- floating listings
- special treatment of comments
- a lot more...
I don't know about all the \definetyping features (only those, that are
documented), perhaps the capabilities of ConTeXt are already sufficient. On
the other side, listings.sty is a very great package and mostly written in
Plain TeX. So perhaps it's worth the effort. I don't know...

A verbatim environment is tricky because one has to play with catcodes and the endcondition. There are also some spacing issues when used in combination with other macro package features. Another complication is that active characters are used for other features as well. I had put it on my todo list to reimplement some of the context verbatim features using etex (more robust and faster). 

When cooking up a new environment, it's best to separate functionality and use built in support when possible. For instance, line numbering, layout elements, floating listings are kind of independent of such a mechanisms.  

If some features are missing in the current verbatim environment (one of the older parts of context) i can add them if needed. On the other hand,  it does not hurt to have multiple alternatives. 

One potential problem with third party modules is that they set tex variables without context knowing about it. Also, redefining low level context macros is asking for problems, so if some special kind of support is needed for a user module, better ask me so that i can provide that low level feature in the kernel. Third party modules start with t-*


 Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
 Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Installation problem

2004-06-22 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Hans and Matt,

here is my solution:

in texexec.ini change

set  TeXFormatFlag  to  


set  TeXFormatFlag  to  


and run texexec like:

texexec --tex=pdfetex file.tex

this is because texexec checks 

if ( $TeXFormatFlag eq  ) {
if ($TeXProgram =~ /(etex|pdfetex)/) {
$TeXFormatFlag = -efmt= ; # =2004 -fmt=
} elsif ($TeXProgram =~ /(eomega)/) {
$TeXFormatFlag = -eoft= ; # =2004 obsolete
} elsif ($TeXProgram =~ /(aleph)/) {
$TeXFormatFlag = -fmt= ;
} else {
$TeXFormatFlag = -fmt= ;

and $TeXProgram is not set to $TeXExecutable (why the two different vars?)

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] MPOST: How to pass variables from mpost to TeX

2004-06-11 Thread vinuth madinur
Hello all, Please see the following code: 
GbLabelName="Gubbi";. . . $GbLabelName$ etex, (0,0) ); .Here I get "GbLabelName" itself in the output instead of "Gubbi". 
I tried using "\GbLabelName" and also "\scantokens\GbLabelName" instead of just "GbLabelName" , but they give errors.I guess this is not the way to do it.
Nowplease tell me how to do it .
Thanks in advance,
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[NTG-context] draft stamp

2004-05-19 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Dear gang,
What is the simplest way to add a grey watermark to a draft document that 
says DRAFT on each and every page. I will be using eomega so I will have 
etex but not pdftex (in case that makes a difference. The DRAFT should 
be enlarged (bigger than \tfd perhaps) and run diagonal across the 
textblock (say, lower left to upper right corner).

(There is actually an example of this in the LaTeX Graphics Companion 
using some dvips trick but I'd rather not go that route...)

More funky: Maybe we can have a series of \tfd Draft's across and down 
the textblock, say, 3 x 6 matrix.

I've been away 4 a long time, finally getting back into circulation. I'm 
sure I have a lot of catching up 2 do...

Best greetings 2 all
Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: Another Metafun issue

2004-05-16 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Sebastian (sorry for sending twice; this time to the list),

 draw textext($\frac{a}{b}$);
 draw textext($\root a \of b$);

any reason you use textext here? Do you need changing labels? If not,
you should use

draw btex $\frac{a}{b}$ etex;
draw btex $\root a \of b$ etex shifted (10,10)


as a workaround. But this still looks like an unwanted behaviour to

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: Another Metafun issue

2004-05-16 Thread Sebastian Sturm
any reason you use textext here? Do you need changing labels? If not,
you should use [...] draw btex $\frac{a}{b}$ etex; [...]
I thought textext was just a faster version of btex ... etex and 
supposed that this would be the 'way to go', since it is a part of 
MetaFun. But I checked out the btex ... etex version and that worked 
out like a charm. As you can tell from my previous posts, I'm a TeX 
newbie, so I don't know what's wrong here (if at all), but since it's 
working now and there is no noticeable speed difference, I'm happy with 
So, thanks for your help and best regards,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Strange MP problem

2004-05-14 Thread Nigel King
I put in my ordinary mp files:-
input metafun ;
..any required preliminary ConTeXt statements \setupbodyfont etc.
.. normal metapost

The assembly script needs a line like
export TEX=texexec
in it
Then the remnants of latex are removed and the btex .. etex bits are 
typeset using ConTeXt.

I hope this helps

On 14 May 2004, at 13:06, Tobias Burnus wrote:


Tobias Burnus wrote:

\shipout\hbox{\smash{\hbox{\hbox{% line 402
xtls ($1+2885.878040):($3/1.6637149187); $\Gamma_{\rm L}=1.5$, 
$\Gamma_{\rm G}=0
.2$}\vrule width1sp}}}
If one looks carefully, one sees that a $ is missing. (I didn't looked 
carefully, but added a verbatimtex \bye etex TeX gave the right hint.) 
After inserting the $, it worked without a problem. But I'm still 
puzzled that there was a \end{document}, where did it come from?

ntg-context mailing list
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texexec and TEX

2004-04-28 Thread Hans Hagen
At 18:16 20/04/2004, Michal Kvasnicka wrote:
Good evening.
Is there some restriction to Metapost macros when compiled by texexec 
--mptex? I'd like to compile a file like this:
i can't see what goes wrong there (this tex in mp stuff is such a mess)
from within context the following works ok:
z1=(0,1cm); z2=(3cm,1cm); $z_1$ etex,z1); $z_2$ etex,z2);
draw textext($\string\underbrace{\hbox to 
decimal(xpart(z2)-xpart(z1))pt{\hss}}$) shifted .5[z1,z2];

\unexpanded\def\underbrace{\normalunderbrace} % hm, i need to make these 

z1=(0,1cm); z2=(3cm,1cm); $z_1$ etex,z1); $z_2$ etex,z2);
draw textext($\underbrace{\hbox to 
decimal(xpart(z2)-xpart(z1))pt{\hss}}$) shifted .5[z1,z2];


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Possible bug in texexec

2004-04-20 Thread Morten Hgholm
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 09:31:04 +0200, Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the reason for adding newlines after ;'s is that there have been 
problems with the metapost buffer length

i didn't test itm, but maybe

 s/(btex.*?)\;(.*?etex)/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]/gmois;
 s/(\.*?)\;(.*?\)/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]/gmois; # add this 
 s/(btex.*?)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\@(.*?etex)/$1\;$2/gmois;
 s/(\.*?)[EMAIL PROTECTED]@\@(.*?\)/$1\;$2/gmois; # and this 

somewhere around line 2260 in will help
This fixes Dan's problems -- he says thank you very much.
Morten Høgholm
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] mpost called from context

2004-04-04 Thread Laurent Chéno
(* please excuse my poor english *)

Abstract : after a fresh reinstall of TeTeX via Gerben Wierda's  
i-packages, I cannot obtain a Metapost figure in my pdf-output via  

Who can help me ? Thank in advance !

Best regards,

Laurent Chéno

*** The story ***
1. I just reinstalled teTeX via Gerben Wierda's i-packages. I'm running  
on Macintosh, MacOS X 10.3.3.

	ConTeXt version : ver: 2003.1.31 fmt: 2004.4.4 int: english mes:  
	pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2)

	In my private texmf-tree, is NO file named *.cnf or *.ini or *.sys

2. I wish to typeset this simple source (test.tex) :

draw (0,0)--(2cm,2cm) ;
label.ulft(btex $x^2+1$ etex, (1cm,1cm)) ;

This is my figure.
\placefigure[here][fig-example]{My figure}{\useMPgraphic{fig-mpost}}
3. I typed :
texexec --verbose --pdf test.tex  texexec.log
4. The test.pdf file exhibit an empty rectangle with the word  
undefined instead of my figure.

5. There is the various *.log files produced :

*** mpgraph.log ***
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.5.2) (mem=metafun 2004.4.4)  4  
APR 2004 11:13
**metafun mpgraph
( )

*** tmpgraph.log ***

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2)  
(format=cont-en 2004.4.4)  4 APR 2004 11:12
entering extended mode
 %-line parsing enabled.
**cont-en tmpgraph.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.1.31  fmt: 2004.4.4  int: english  mes: english

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system (E-TEX) : [line 726] \ifcsname
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns 2:2-en-2 3:2-uk-2 4:2-de-2 5:2-fr-2 6:2-es-2  
 8:2-nl-2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout2 = `'.

system : loaded
specials   : loading definition file dvi
unprotect 3 protect 3)
specials   : tex loaded
specials   : loading definition file ps
specials   : tex,postscript loaded
specials   : loading definition file tr
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
\openout0 = `'.
\openout0 = `'.

\openout0 = `'.

\openout0 = `'.

pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
pdftex : needs map file:
systems: end file tmpgraph at line 4
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 268 strings out of 68083
 4209 string characters out of 745890
 4386777 words of memory out of 5502664
 30038 multiletter control sequences out of 1+5
 10284 words of font info for 34 fonts, out of 100 for 2000
 62 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 24i,4n,19p,182b,53s stack positions out of  
 0 PDF objects out of 30
 0 named destinations out of 131072
 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 65536

Output written on tmpgraph.dvi (1 page, 300 bytes).

*** test.log ***

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11b-2.1 (Web2C 7.5.2)  
(format=cont-en 2004.4.4)  4 APR 2004 11:13
entering extended mode
 %-line parsing enabled.
**cont-en test.tex

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.1.31  fmt: 2004.4.4  int: english  mes: english

language   : language en is active
protectionstate 0
system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system (E-TEX) : [line 726] \ifcsname
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded

Re: Re: [NTG-context] Installing 3rd-party metapost macros

2004-03-13 Thread SebastianSturm
 maybe adding

No, unfortunately this doesn't work.
It still displays
! Unable to make mpx file.
l.39 def Eplus_ = btex
  $+$etex enddef;.

Anyway, thanks for your help.

Best regards,


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Installing 3rd-party metapost macros

2004-03-05 Thread SebastianSturm
Hello all,

I'm still new to ConTeXt, so this might seem trivial to you...

As I would like to create circuit diagrams without leaving TeXShop, I
downloaded and installed the mpcirc Metapost macro package. When trying
to compile, however (using \startMPinclusions input mpcirc;
\stopMPinclusions), ConTeXt fails with an error message saying
 TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003

  metapost : mpgraph
format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.5.2)
( ( ( (
! Unable to make mpx file.
l.39 def Eplus_ = btex
  $+$etex enddef;
Transcript written on mpgraph.log.
 error in metapost run :

Enabling \write18 and changing the MPXcommand to texexec --mptex didn't
I would be very grateful if someone could tell me how to get mpcirc (and
maybe even featpost) up and running. I'd also like to know how to enable
margin kerning (I tried \setupalign[hanging], didn't work).

BTW, I'm running the latest i-installer version of teTeX (including the
ConTeXt updater, stable version) on OS X 10.3.2.

Best regards,


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \doifnextcharelse problem

2004-02-26 Thread Hans Hagen
At 17:38 26/02/2004, you wrote:

which case the first character in the body of the command is checked
\doifnextcharelse[... which thus fails but in some manner eats it (even
tricky indeed (will think about it)

go the etex way:


beware, use


to avoid future nameclashes; also, no % are needed after a \cs:

I assume that you know that \setcatcodes is an internal command


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] \doifnextcharelse problem

2004-02-26 Thread Nikolai Weibull
* Hans Hagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Feb 26, 2004 19:10]:
 go the etex way:

great!  thanks, that worked.

 no % are needed after a \cs:

hm, OK.  This is a good reason why it would be good to have a tex
programming reference, so that one'd know when it's necessary and when
it's not.

 I assume that you know that \setcatcodes is an internal command

yeah, I saw it somewhere.  I figured that it was a good name though and
that I'd use it too.  I figured that the \unprotect deal with the
nameclash.  Am I, in fact, overruling the internal one now?  If so, how
should one avoid cases like this?  Should I have all my module's
commands CamelCased?

Also, is there some repository of CONTEXT modules out there?  I can't
find a reference on nor, but maybe I've missed it.
Anyway, thanks Hans for such a quick and thorough response, and also for
a great typesetting environment; TeX has never been easier,

::: name: Nikolai Weibull:: aliases: pcp / lone-star / aka :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA:: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden:::
::: page:  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,lisp,war3 :::
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] numexpr in etex / bug ?

2004-02-14 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, February 12, 2004 Hans Hagen wrote:


 A numexpr either ends with a \relax or is delimited by ()

 So, the following works as expected:

\number\numexpr(1) test

 but ... the following gives an error message:

\number\numexpr(1) /test

 so, the expr parser looks beyond the ) which is rather strange; bug or

It's WAD (Working As Desgined). I.e., it's a feature. The
manual clearly states that an expression is initiated by one
of the commands \numexpr, \dimexpr, \glueexpr, or \muexpr and
optionally terminated by one \relax (that will be absorbed by
the scanning mechanism).

() are only used to limit *sub*expression.

Observe that this is congruent with the TeX way of scanning for

So always put a \relax after an expression :)

 (those expr are behaving a bit strange anyway)

What other problems are you having? Keep in mind the limited
precision TeX works with.

Giuseppe Oblomov Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] numexpr in etex / bug ?

2004-02-14 Thread Hans Hagen
At 12:59 14/02/2004, you wrote:

Observe that this is congruent with the TeX way of scanning for
not entirely since the space is not seen as a delimiter

\count0=123 4
\count0=\numexpr(123) 4
So always put a \relax after an expression :)
yes, but i'm occasionally surpised when a \relax is pushed back in the list 
(and for instance acrobat does not like /Whatever 12\relax

What other problems are you having? Keep in mind the limited
precision TeX works with.
Many ... we can get depressed on that at the dante meeting ... but then get 
cheered up by a few new nice things that tex can do with pdf (more later)


  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: +31 (0)38 477 53 69 | fax: +31 (0)38 477 53 74 |
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