Re: [Biofuel] Sermon on the mount from the UB

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

It's one thing to look at or analyze the calling of 
environmental/social/spiritual stewardship from any religion's written 
dogma, using one's own brain and conviction of heart/spirit. It's all 
together another to cut and paste lengthy pages from an Understanding the 
Bible (UB) course syllabus or Abingdon Strong's Exaustive Concordance or 
some other such interpretations.

While you and many may agree with these texts, why not "Dare to think for 

"Thinkers Wanted. Sheeple need not apply."

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Sermon on the mount from the UB

P.1572 - ¤1 The so-called "Sermon on the Mount" is not the gospel of Jesus. 
It does contain much helpful instruction, but it was Jesus' ordination 
charge to the twelve apostles. It was the Master's personal commission to 
those who were to go on preaching the gospel and aspiring to represent him 
in the world of men even as he was so eloquently and perfectly 
representative of his Father.

P.1572 - ¤2 "You are the salt of the earth, salt with a saving savor. But if 
this salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth 
good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."
P.1572 - ¤3 In Jesus' time salt was precious. It was even used for money. 
The modern word "salary" is derived from salt. Salt not only flavors food, 
but it is also a preservative. It makes other things more tasty, and thus it 
serves by being spent.

P.1572 - ¤4 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be 
hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a 
candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light 
so shine before men that they may see your good works and be led to glorify 
your Father who is in heaven."
P.1572 - ¤5 While light dispels darkness, it can also be so "blinding" as to 
confuse and frustrate. We are admonished to let our light so shine that our 
fellows will be guided into new and godly paths of enhanced living. Our 
light should so shine as not to attract attention to self. Even one's 
vocation can be utilized as an effective "reflector" for the dissemination 
of this light of life.
P.1572 - ¤6 Strong characters are not derived from not doing wrong but 
rather from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the badge of human 
greatness. The highest levels of self-realization are attained by worship 
and service. The happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of 
wrongdoing, but by love of right doing.

P.1572 - ¤7 "By their fruits you shall know them." Personality is basically 
changeless; that which changes--grows--is the moral character. The major 
error of modern religions is negativism. The tree which bears no fruit is 
"hewn down and cast into the fire." Moral worth cannot be derived from mere 
repression--obeying the injunction "Thou shalt not." Fear and shame are 
unworthy motivations for religious living. Religion is valid only when it 
reveals the fatherhood of God and enhances the brotherhood of men.

P.1572 - ¤8 An effective philosophy of living is formed by a combination of 
cosmic insight and the total of one's emotional reactions to the social and 
economic environment. Remember: While inherited urges cannot be 
fundamentally modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; 
therefore the moral nature can be modified, character can be improved. In 
the strong character emotional responses are integrated and co-ordinated, 
and thus is produced a unified personality. Deficient unification weakens 
the moral nature and engenders unhappiness.
P.1572 - ¤9 Without a worthy goal, life becomes aimless and unprofitable, 
and much unhappiness results. Jesus' discourse at the ordination of the 
twelve constitutes a master philosophy of life. Jesus exhorted his followers 
to exercise experiential faith. He admonished them not to depend on mere 
intellectual assent, credulity, and established authority.
P.1573 - ¤1 Education should be a technique of learning (discovering) the 
better methods of gratifying our natural and inherited urges, and happiness 
is the resulting total of these enhanced techniques of emotional 
satisfactions. Happiness is little dependent on environment, though pleasing 
surroundings may greatly contribute thereto.

P.1573 - ¤2 Every mortal really craves to be a complete person, to be 
perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect, and such attainment is 
possible because in the last analysis the "universe is truly fatherly."

P.1573 - ¤3 From the Sermon on the Mount to the discourse of the Last 
Supper, Jesus taught his followers to manifest fatherly love rather than 
brotherly love. Brotherly love would love your neighbor as you love 
yourself, and that would be adequate fulfillment of the "golden rule." But 

Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

"The Great Work" is a perfect place to start.
"Dream of the Earth" is a bit heady, but a great read on environmental 

- Original Message - 
From: "Phillip Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Here are weblinks to environmental stewardship and
spiritual living in Christian terms; and then weblinks
for other major world religions...there are many many

Here are weblinks and other religions and
environmental stewardship:

--- Legal Eagle

:-) :-)
- Original Message - 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel]
Titration problems

> Okay,
> Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa
2004, the question still
> remains.
> If you're born again, do you have two belly
> Todd Swearingen
> "Born okay the first time."
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
>> Ah yes, But the bible also states that your
righteousness is as filthy
>> rags. This passage is in the new testament and
I'll have to
>> look up the exact reference later. Righteousness
and Religion don't count
>> for anything. But before I further this thought
you must
>> first be a believer in God (by whatever name you
call him). If you don't
>> believe then what's the point. But if you do
believe then
>> you must certainly recall some scriptures.
>> I read some post that stated that God did not
intend for religion to be
>> "organized". But he most certainly did. In the
old testament
>> there is scripture reference stating "forsake not
the gathering together
>> of yourselves as the manner of some is..."
meaning that
>> people of faith should assemble together. And why
should we gather
>> together? As is stated in the new testament
"Faith is built from
>> faith to faith.." which is to say that we
increase in both knowledge and
>> understanding by gathering together, much as we
do here in
>> the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain
understanding, and
>> encourage one another. The apostle Paul also
stated that things
>> should be done in "order" regarding the gathering
>> Much of those gathering together events were not
however held in Temples
>> but rather in homes of individuals and other
places.  The
>> Church is not a building but rather it refers to
the Faithful followers.
>> The Temples are no less sacred but still only a
place to
>> gather together.
>> No one can argue that much of the so called
Christian community today is
>> filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many
>> seeking to put forward a good face to mask their
evil deeds. The
>> scripture also states "..that where good is, evil
is also
>> present..". I agree that most of what exist of
religious organizations
>> today is either a cult or cult like but not all.
I will
>> always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because
I believe that there is
>> always some good to be found within the bad
(speaking of
>> people).
>> Our challenge today is to find someone in which
we can gather together
>> with who is indeed seeking after God and his will
in our
>> lives that we can increase our faith through
association with their
>> faith.
>> And what if you don't believe as I believe? It
doesn't matter to me. I
>> can't save you anyway. Save you (the
non-believer) from what?
>> It doesn't don't believe. I will
still pray to my God that
>> he bless you and your house and that we may all
live in
>> peace and that we can learn to live as equals on
this planet. And I can
>> share my efforts with my neighbors (of various
faiths) to
>> bring equity to the world starting with my
neighbors. None of my
>> neighbors share the same faith but we do share
this planet and I
>> hope that we can learn together how to reap,
replenish and restore what
>> this earth has for us.
>> May God bless you all,
>> Best wishes,

Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Anti-Fossil

LOL,  another outstanding "Toddism"!

I grew up in Houston, Texas.  For those not familiar with American
geography, Houston is a port city along the coast of Texas, and considered
to be part of the "deep south".

We used to have routine "visits" (patrols) by the local "church" (division)
of southern Baptists who would send small groups of dedicated parishioners
(platoons) to my parents doorstep with smiling, but always different, faces,
and always the same question.  Have you been saved?

My fathers answer, which used to make me laugh as a kid and now really makes
me bust a gut, was short and sweet.  He would just smile and say, "Yes I
have been, until now that is, from a$$s like ya'll!"

Somehow I think my father and you, Todd, would have gotten along just fine.

Minnesota  USA
"If you think you are too small to make a
difference try sleeping with a mosquito."
Dalai Lama
"The difference between truth and fiction
is that fiction must make sense or nobody
will believe it."   Mark Twain
- Original Message - 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> Okay,
> Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa 2004, the question still
> remains.
> If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?
> Todd Swearingen
> "Born okay the first time."
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
> > Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy
> > rags. This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to
> > look up the exact reference later. Righteousness and Religion don't
> > for anything. But before I further this thought you must
> > first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't
> > believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then
> > you must certainly recall some scriptures.
> >
> > I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be
> > "organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
> > there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together
> > of yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that
> > people of faith should assemble together. And why should we gather
> > together? As is stated in the new testament "Faith is built from
> > faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and
> > understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in
> > the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and
> > one another. The apostle Paul also stated that things
> > should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.
> >
> > Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples
> > but rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The
> > Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers.
> > The Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to
> > gather together.
> >
> > No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is
> > filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people
> > seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds. The
> > also states "..that where good is, evil is also
> > present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations
> > today is either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
> > always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is
> > always some good to be found within the bad (speaking of
> > people).
> >
> > Our challenge today is to find someone in which we can gather together
> > with who is indeed seeking after God and his will in our
> > lives that we can increase our faith through association with their
> >
> > And what if you don't believe as I believe? It doesn't matter to me. I
> > can't save you anyway. Save you (the non-believer) from what?
> > It doesn't don't believe. I will still pray to my God that
> > bless you and your house and that we may all live in
> > peace and that we can learn to live as equals on this planet. And I can
> > share my efforts with my neighbors (of various faiths) to
> > bring equity to the world starting with my neighbors. None of my
> > share the same faith but we do share this planet and I
> > hope that we can learn together how to reap, replenish and restore what
> > this earth has for us.
> >
> > May God bless you all,
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Tim
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Romans 2:14-15
> > Luc
> > - Original Message -
> >
> > Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
> > Subject: RE: [Biofuel

RE: [Biofuel] was Titration problems, Now the ID Card and how lost Modern Christianity really is.

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

P.2086 - ¤6 Christianity suffers under a great handicap because it has become 
identified in the minds of all the world as a part of the social system, the 
industrial life, and the moral standards of Western civilization; and thus has 
Christianity unwittingly seemed to sponsor a society which staggers under the 
guilt of tolerating science without idealism, politics without principles, 
wealth without work, pleasure without restraint, knowledge without character, 
power without conscience, and industry without morality. 

 "Your Papers Please" 

Tyranny takes another giant step forward. The Gestapo is gaining power. This 
isn't about defending Americans against terrorism, it's about total control and 
tyranny over the American people. It is apparent, to those Americans that 
actually give a damn, that the enemy of the Federal Government is not Islamic 
terrorists, but the American people. The war on terror is a war on the American 
people. It's not Osama that wants to take your freedom (he couldn't in a 
million years), it's Washington DC. And the supposed "conservative" Republicans 
(AKA Communists in sheep's clothing) are leading the way. Meanwhile, they are 
shipping our military out of the country as they bring in an invasion of 
illegal foreigners. 

This is 1930's Germany folks. And the only power that could stand in the way of 
this tyranny, the CHRISTIANS, are too busy licking the boots of their real god, 

 December 9, 2004 

"Your Papers Please" 

US adopts National ID: Homeland Security Now In charge of Regulations for all 
US States Drivers Licenses and Birth Certificates 

By: Jonathan Wheeler 

In a chilling act more reminiscent of the now defunct Soviet Union or the Nazi 
regime of Adolph Hitler, the United States Congress passed legislation 
yesterday that requires the States to surrender their regulatory rights over 
driver's licenses and birth certificates to The Department of Homeland 

The massive US Intelligence Reform Bill weighed in at over 3,000 pages and 
though unread by individual Members of either the House or Senate nevertheless 
passed all of the legislative hurdles needed in order to become law. 

President Bush lobbied hard for these provisions, only objecting when Senator 
Sensenbrenner attempted to require these same provisions for illegal aliens but 
which the President opposed. This provision was dropped from the final bill. 

Beginning in 2005, the Department of Homeland Security will issue new 
uniformity regulations to the States requiring that all Drivers Licenses and 
Birth Certificates meet minimal Federal Standards with regard to US citizen 
information, including biometric security provisions. 

Added to currently existing Federal Laws and Supreme Court rulings American 
citizens when born will be issued a Social Security Number that will be 
included on their Birth Certificates, along with DNA biometric markers. All 
birth certificates will also be registered in a Federal Government database 
maintained by the Department of Homeland Security. No child will be allowed 
enrollment to schools or be entitled to either State of Federal Government 
benefits programs without first presenting a certified Homeland Security 
registered Birth Certificate. 

Drivers Licenses will also contain DNA biometric markers and include the 
holders Social Security Number and be required for receiving and applying for 
all State and Federal benefits programs. Previous Supreme Court rulings have 
also upheld State and Federal Law Enforcement authorities right to request 
Identification from any American citizen, for any reason and at any time as not 
being violations of their, the citizens, constitutionally protected rights. 

Major Banks and credit card companies have applauded the adoption of a National 
ID system as being important to counter fraud and increasing instances of 
identity theft. National ID cards with biometric markers will eliminate them 
from having to issue Credit and Debit cards, which for the first time in US 
history have surpassed the usage of checks and cash. Utilizing The Department 
of Homeland Securities centralized federal database, Banks and credit card 
companies will only require the presentation of a citizens Driver's License to 
make purchases as all of the persons financial information, including credit 
and cash balances, will already be known in 'real time'. (The combining of 
Homeland Security and Banking databases on citizen's balances and purchases, 
along with their past and present purchasing information, has been allowed 
under previous Federal Laws including the Patriot Act.) 

Also included in this bill is a law to require The Department of Homeland 
Security to establish a separate ID system for citizens to use prior to 
boarding airplanes, and which is eerily reminiscent of the Soviet and Nazi 
regimes dreaded Internal Passport. 

Never before in our history have the words of Be

RE: [Biofuel] was Titration problems, now loony Mooney.

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

Just goes to show you in this wacked out country EVERYTHING is for sale.

Even the messiahship.


Is it now phunny Money? Mooney looney?

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] Sermon on the mount from the UB

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

P.1572 - ¤1 The so-called "Sermon on the Mount" is not the gospel of Jesus. It 
does contain much helpful instruction, but it was Jesus' ordination charge to 
the twelve apostles. It was the Master's personal commission to those who were 
to go on preaching the gospel and aspiring to represent him in the world of men 
even as he was so eloquently and perfectly representative of his Father.

P.1572 - ¤2 "You are the salt of the earth, salt with a saving savor. But if 
this salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth 
good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."
P.1572 - ¤3 In Jesus' time salt was precious. It was even used for money. The 
modern word "salary" is derived from salt. Salt not only flavors food, but it 
is also a preservative. It makes other things more tasty, and thus it serves by 
being spent.

P.1572 - ¤4 "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be 
hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a 
candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so 
shine before men that they may see your good works and be led to glorify your 
Father who is in heaven."
P.1572 - ¤5 While light dispels darkness, it can also be so "blinding" as to 
confuse and frustrate. We are admonished to let our light so shine that our 
fellows will be guided into new and godly paths of enhanced living. Our light 
should so shine as not to attract attention to self. Even one's vocation can be 
utilized as an effective "reflector" for the dissemination of this light of 
P.1572 - ¤6 Strong characters are not derived from not doing wrong but rather 
from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the badge of human greatness. The 
highest levels of self-realization are attained by worship and service. The 
happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love 
of right doing.

P.1572 - ¤7 "By their fruits you shall know them." Personality is basically 
changeless; that which changes--grows--is the moral character. The major error 
of modern religions is negativism. The tree which bears no fruit is "hewn down 
and cast into the fire." Moral worth cannot be derived from mere 
repression--obeying the injunction "Thou shalt not." Fear and shame are 
unworthy motivations for religious living. Religion is valid only when it 
reveals the fatherhood of God and enhances the brotherhood of men.

P.1572 - ¤8 An effective philosophy of living is formed by a combination of 
cosmic insight and the total of one's emotional reactions to the social and 
economic environment. Remember: While inherited urges cannot be fundamentally 
modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; therefore the moral 
nature can be modified, character can be improved. In the strong character 
emotional responses are integrated and co-ordinated, and thus is produced a 
unified personality. Deficient unification weakens the moral nature and 
engenders unhappiness.
P.1572 - ¤9 Without a worthy goal, life becomes aimless and unprofitable, and 
much unhappiness results. Jesus' discourse at the ordination of the twelve 
constitutes a master philosophy of life. Jesus exhorted his followers to 
exercise experiential faith. He admonished them not to depend on mere 
intellectual assent, credulity, and established authority.
P.1573 - ¤1 Education should be a technique of learning (discovering) the 
better methods of gratifying our natural and inherited urges, and happiness is 
the resulting total of these enhanced techniques of emotional satisfactions. 
Happiness is little dependent on environment, though pleasing surroundings may 
greatly contribute thereto.

P.1573 - ¤2 Every mortal really craves to be a complete person, to be perfect 
even as the Father in heaven is perfect, and such attainment is possible 
because in the last analysis the "universe is truly fatherly."
P.1573 - ¤3 From the Sermon on the Mount to the discourse of the Last Supper, 
Jesus taught his followers to manifest fatherly love rather than brotherly 
love. Brotherly love would love your neighbor as you love yourself, and that 
would be adequate fulfillment of the "golden rule." But fatherly affection 
would require that you should love your fellow mortals as Jesus loves you.
P.1573 - ¤4 Jesus loves mankind with a dual affection. He lived on earth as a 
twofold personality--human and divine. As the Son of God he loves man with a 
fatherly love--he is man's Creator, his universe Father. As the Son of Man, 
Jesus loves mortals as a brother--he was truly a man among men.
P.1573 - ¤5 Jesus did not expect his followers to achieve an impossible 
manifestation of brotherly love, but he did expect them to so strive to be like 
God--to be perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect--that they could 
begin to look upon man as God looks upon his creatures and therefore could 
begin to love men as God loves the

Re: [Biofuel] was Titration problems, now loony Mooney.

2004-12-28 Thread bmolloy

Hi All,
   Really can't help myself. Must add this one. The world keeps
getting stranger and yes I agree that successful titration will eventually
lead to god (small g). Read on:

 Lunies are running the Usylum


The news of a very strange event that occurred at the end of March, but was
swept under the carpet by the mainstream media, is just now beginning to
leak out.
Expect to hear more about it in the coming days. Hereâs a preview on what
must be one of the most bizarre happenings in the long history of

It occurred on March 23, 2004 when Reverend Sun Myung Moon, cultist leader
the Unification Church (currently known as The Family Federation for World
and Unification), was crowned ãKing of Peaceä in a coronation ceremony. In
coronation speech, Moon told the audience that it was now time to officially
recognize him as the returned Messiah.

Ha-ha funny? Not really. Moon is not just an odd duck÷he is an influential,
politically well-connected, and extremely dangerous odd duck.

Case in point: the event÷the ãAmbassadors for Peaceä awards÷was held at the
Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington DC, and reportedly attended by
members of Congress.

It gets stranger. According to the Washington Post, Moon was crowned by Rep.
Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) who ãwore white gloves and carried a pillow holding
ornate crown that was placed on Moonâs head.ä The ãTrue Fatherä was wearing
floor-length, scarlet-and-gold velvet robe for the occasion. If you donât
believe it,
click here for photos and more information.

During his speech Moon proclaimed: ãThe time has come for you as well to
your hearts and receive the secrets that Heaven is disclosing in this age
me. In one sense, I am a human being living with a physical body like each
of you.
But in the context of Heaven's providence, I am God's ambassador, sent to
with His full authority. I am sent to accomplish His command to save the
world's six
billion people, restoring them to Heaven with the original goodness in which
were created.ä

Deceased saints, spiritual leaders, kings and presidents, even a transformed
and Stalin, he said, ãhave declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend
Myung Moon is none other than humanityâs Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and
True Parent. This resolution has been announced on every corner of the

Not in America. In spite of the magnitude of the eventâs lunacy, it was
largely kept
under wraps.

Since last week, when the story eventually leaked into the mainstream media,
of the congressmen involved have busily distanced themselves from Moon.
G. Bartlett, a Maryland Republican, said he didnât expect to attend what
church calls the crowning of ãthe King and Queen of the Second and Third
Sen. Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) told the Washington Post that he had come solely
the peace awards, not knowing the reverend would even be there.

An invitation mailed out on March 6, however, clearly names as main sponsor
ãInterreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP),
founded by
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, who will also be recognized that evening
their lifelong work to promote interfaith cooperation and reconciliation.ä
Other Moon
affiliates like the Washington Times Foundation are listed as co-sponsors.

It is very likely that the wacky coronation ceremony caught most of the
congressmen by surprise. But there are some politicians who passionately
Moonâs dubious cause, for example Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) who officially
recognized Mr. and Mrs. Moon as "True Parents" and "King of Peace." (Click
here to
read the original document.)

Sun Myung Moon, who is richer than billionaire George Soros, owns the
Washington Times and the United Press International Foundation. He controls
and/or is associated with at least 50 committees and non-profit
organizations around
the United States. He has been hobnobbing with key players from both
parties and is a long-time supporter of the Bush family.

The most striking example of Moonâs influence is related by Rick Ross, a
based cult expert and consultant.

Parentsâ Day (the 4th Sunday in July), he claims, does in fact
celebrate÷unbeknownst to most Americans÷Rev. Moon and his wife, the self-
proclaimed ãTrue Parents of mankindä.

In the summer of 1993, reports Ross, Hak Ja Moon laid the groundwork for the
holiday with the cross-country ãTrue Parentsâ Tour Americaä that ended in
Washington DC. On July 27, Sen. Trent Lott (R.-Miss.) urged his fellow
Senators to
support a ãTrue Parentsâ Dayä, to be celebrated the next day by the Womenâs
Federation for World Peace, one of Moonâs affiliate groups. Around the same
one year later, Rep. Dan Burton (R.-Ind.) and Rep. Floyd Flake (D.-N.Y.)
asked the
Senate for approval of House Resolution 236 that recognized July 28, 1994 as
Parentsâ Day. Since they skipped the od

Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Here are weblinks to environmental stewardship and
spiritual living in Christian terms; and then weblinks
for other major world religions...there are many many

Here are weblinks and other religions and
environmental stewardship:

--- Legal Eagle 
> :-) :-)
> Luc
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
> Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel]
> Titration problems
> > Okay,
> >
> > Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa
> 2004, the question still 
> > remains.
> >
> > If you're born again, do you have two belly
> buttons?
> >
> > Todd Swearingen
> >
> > "Born okay the first time."
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
> >
> >
> >> Ah yes, But the bible also states that your
> righteousness is as filthy 
> >> rags. This passage is in the new testament and
> I'll have to
> >> look up the exact reference later. Righteousness
> and Religion don't count 
> >> for anything. But before I further this thought
> you must
> >> first be a believer in God (by whatever name you
> call him). If you don't 
> >> believe then what's the point. But if you do
> believe then
> >> you must certainly recall some scriptures.
> >>
> >> I read some post that stated that God did not
> intend for religion to be 
> >> "organized". But he most certainly did. In the
> old testament
> >> there is scripture reference stating "forsake not
> the gathering together 
> >> of yourselves as the manner of some is..."
> meaning that
> >> people of faith should assemble together. And why
> should we gather 
> >> together? As is stated in the new testament
> "Faith is built from
> >> faith to faith.." which is to say that we
> increase in both knowledge and 
> >> understanding by gathering together, much as we
> do here in
> >> the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain
> understanding, and 
> >> encourage one another. The apostle Paul also
> stated that things
> >> should be done in "order" regarding the gathering
> together.
> >>
> >> Much of those gathering together events were not
> however held in Temples 
> >> but rather in homes of individuals and other
> places.  The
> >> Church is not a building but rather it refers to
> the Faithful followers. 
> >> The Temples are no less sacred but still only a
> place to
> >> gather together.
> >>
> >> No one can argue that much of the so called
> Christian community today is 
> >> filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many
> people
> >> seeking to put forward a good face to mask their
> evil deeds. The 
> >> scripture also states "..that where good is, evil
> is also
> >> present..". I agree that most of what exist of
> religious organizations 
> >> today is either a cult or cult like but not all.
> I will
> >> always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because
> I believe that there is 
> >> always some good to be found within the bad
> (speaking of
> >> people).
> >>
> >> Our challenge today is to find someone in which
> we can gather together 
> >> with who is indeed seeking after God and his will
> in our
> >> lives that we can increase our faith through
> association with their 
> >> faith.
> >>
> >> And what if you don't believe as I believe? It
> doesn't matter to me. I 
> >> can't save you anyway. Save you (the
> non-believer) from what?
> >> It doesn't don't believe. I will
> still pray to my God that 
> >> he bless you and your house and that we may all
> live in
> >> peace and that we can learn to live as equals on
> this planet. And I can 
> >> share my efforts with my neighbors (of various
> faiths) to
> >> bring equity to the world starting with my
> neighbors. None of my 
> >> neighbors share the same faith but we do share
> this planet and I
> >> hope that we can learn together how to reap,
> replenish and restore what 
> >> this earth has for us.
> >>
> >> May God bless you all,
> >>
> >> Best wishes,
> >> Tim
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Romans 2:14-15
> >> Luc
> >> - Original Message -
> >>
> >> To: <[EMAIL PR

Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Here are weblinks to environmental stewardship and
spiritual living in Christian terms; and then weblinks
for other major world religions...there are many many

Here are weblinks and other religions and
environmental stewardship:

--- Legal Eagle 
> :-) :-)
> Luc
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
> Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel]
> Titration problems
> > Okay,
> >
> > Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa
> 2004, the question still 
> > remains.
> >
> > If you're born again, do you have two belly
> buttons?
> >
> > Todd Swearingen
> >
> > "Born okay the first time."
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
> >
> >
> >> Ah yes, But the bible also states that your
> righteousness is as filthy 
> >> rags. This passage is in the new testament and
> I'll have to
> >> look up the exact reference later. Righteousness
> and Religion don't count 
> >> for anything. But before I further this thought
> you must
> >> first be a believer in God (by whatever name you
> call him). If you don't 
> >> believe then what's the point. But if you do
> believe then
> >> you must certainly recall some scriptures.
> >>
> >> I read some post that stated that God did not
> intend for religion to be 
> >> "organized". But he most certainly did. In the
> old testament
> >> there is scripture reference stating "forsake not
> the gathering together 
> >> of yourselves as the manner of some is..."
> meaning that
> >> people of faith should assemble together. And why
> should we gather 
> >> together? As is stated in the new testament
> "Faith is built from
> >> faith to faith.." which is to say that we
> increase in both knowledge and 
> >> understanding by gathering together, much as we
> do here in
> >> the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain
> understanding, and 
> >> encourage one another. The apostle Paul also
> stated that things
> >> should be done in "order" regarding the gathering
> together.
> >>
> >> Much of those gathering together events were not
> however held in Temples 
> >> but rather in homes of individuals and other
> places.  The
> >> Church is not a building but rather it refers to
> the Faithful followers. 
> >> The Temples are no less sacred but still only a
> place to
> >> gather together.
> >>
> >> No one can argue that much of the so called
> Christian community today is 
> >> filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many
> people
> >> seeking to put forward a good face to mask their
> evil deeds. The 
> >> scripture also states "..that where good is, evil
> is also
> >> present..". I agree that most of what exist of
> religious organizations 
> >> today is either a cult or cult like but not all.
> I will
> >> always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because
> I believe that there is 
> >> always some good to be found within the bad
> (speaking of
> >> people).
> >>
> >> Our challenge today is to find someone in which
> we can gather together 
> >> with who is indeed seeking after God and his will
> in our
> >> lives that we can increase our faith through
> association with their 
> >> faith.
> >>
> >> And what if you don't believe as I believe? It
> doesn't matter to me. I 
> >> can't save you anyway. Save you (the
> non-believer) from what?
> >> It doesn't don't believe. I will
> still pray to my God that 
> >> he bless you and your house and that we may all
> live in
> >> peace and that we can learn to live as equals on
> this planet. And I can 
> >> share my efforts with my neighbors (of various
> faiths) to
> >> bring equity to the world starting with my
> neighbors. None of my 
> >> neighbors share the same faith but we do share
> this planet and I
> >> hope that we can learn together how to reap,
> replenish and restore what 
> >> this earth has for us.
> >>
> >> May God bless you all,
> >>
> >> Best wishes,
> >> Tim
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Romans 2:14-15
> >> Luc
> >> - Original Message -
> >>
> >> To: <[EMAIL PRO

[Biofuel] Biolubes Update

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Here is summary of article on Biolubes in U.S. :

--The market for vegetable based lubricants continues
to grow as an alternative to petrochemical based

--Factors in favor: Government support, emerging
technology, ongoing uncertainty over crude oil supply,
response to environmental concerns.

--Factors: oil leaking to ground, into fresh water, 

--Ester based hydraulic oils, gear oils and greases
are recommended for use in environmentally sensitive

--Forestry applications, water management, utility
transformers, food processing applications, human
joint lubricants replacements, are all areas in need
of biolubes and the precursors to wider applications

--Based on synthetic or natural esters

--Cost issue a barrier to widespread use for the
average consumer. Biolubes still at a premium price
and mainly fill niche markets and customers

What should we expect in the future?

--Initial push was to solve and reduce impact of
potential lubricant spills.

--IE: The recently soy-based transformer fluids.

--Challenge: ironically, the US-EPA considers all
spills, either vegetable based oils/lubes or
traditional oil, as requiring identical levels of
reporting and cleanup even though biolubes are

--Unless this status changes within US-EPA then
benefits of using vegetable based biolubes and "bio
whatever" will not be realized.

--Other drivers: Green Chemistry initiatives by the US

--the 2002 Farm Bill promoting homegrown versus

--Markets: ester based polymers, adhesives, personal
care products, coatings, and of course biofuels,

--Challenges - pour point needs to be addressed due to
hydrogenation. Other: even biobased lubes may have
additives and not all additives are environmentally
non-toxic. Need oxidative stability. Ability to work
in low temperatures. Define what really is a biolube.
What percentages, etc.

Lubes N Grease Journal, Nov. 2004,Dr. Ray Bergstra

Have a safe day,
Phillip Wolfe

Do You Yahoo!?
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Michael Redler

Hey, since we are on the subject, I was wondering -- If you get a second belly 
button, Does it do anything? If so, do we get to choose what it does? Because, 
I keep loosing my garage door opener.

Tim Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Todd,

"Born of the water or of the spirit" is the question? So then do I have two 
natural belly buttons or only one natural belly button
and one spiritual belly button? I think maybe the later.

Best wishes Todd,

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Appal Energy
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems


Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa 2004, the question still

If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?

Todd Swearingen

"Born okay the first time."

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] was Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

It is actually not in the NT but the Old, Isaiah 64:6 and is primarily in 
reference to our own SELF righteousness as being like "filthy rags" which 
reference is politically correct for what women use monthly.

Filthy rags were abundant from all genders and social sectors of the day, as 
Maytags and Speed Queens were still on the event horizon for everyone, as 
was PC.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Legal Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] was Titration problems

G'day Tim;

Didn't ya just know I was going to chime in here? :-)
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy 
rags. This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to

look up the exact reference later.

It is actually not in the NT but the Old, Isaiah 64:6 and is primarily in 
reference to our own SELF righteousness as being like "filthy rags" which 
reference is politically correct for what women use monthly. Yuk, eh?

Righteousness and Religion don't count for anything. But before I further 
this thought you must
first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't 
believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then

you must certainly recall some scriptures.

I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be 
"organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together 
of yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that

people of faith should assemble together.

Hehe. Not Old but New.Hebrews 10:25. But then "assembling" does not 
require a church building to accomplish. "Assembling" is what we do here 
every day on this list. Nor it is distinct in the level of that 
"assembling" to represent large or small numbers. When Jesus sent out His 
disciples He did so two by two. They were "assembled" no?
" Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their 
labour.For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him 
that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him 
up."(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) And here we have the reason for it, to be a help 
and encouragement in the face of adversity.

And why should we gather together? As is stated in the new testament 
"Faith is built from
faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and 
understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in

the befoul list.

Faith is primarily built by reading and studying the Word.
(Romans 10:17) Further discusiin about it can only come to either clarify 
or relate experiences surrounding this.

We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and encourage one another. The 
apostle Paul also stated that things

should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.

"Let all things be done decently and in order" (1Corinthians 14;40)
Refering to everything we do, not only assembling. We should have decency 
and order in our lives. How can we be of any earthly good if our lives are 
in debauchery and chaos ? Of course, "decency" leaves a plethora of 
definitions open to subjected thought. It is not limited to the so-called 
christian right's interpretation of it. I personally think the sight of a 
woman's nude body as completely decent, while they would class it 
indecent. So there you have it.

> Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples
but rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The

Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers.

On this we agree 100%

The Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to gather together.

Well, they are places where some chose to gather. Sacred ? Sounds a little 
too close to place worship for my tastes.

No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is 
filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people

seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds.

Same can be said of any large organised religious group, not only those 
professing to be Christian. Fractions abound, and as long as people seek 
to justify a pre-determined agenda with religious faith-based ideas this 
will continue, however, as in all identifiable religious groups there are 
also those who are sincere and those who will apply the teachings of the 
seers and prophets to the betterment of their lives and the lives of those 
around them, which. in fact, is the point.

The scripture also states "..that where good is, evil is also
present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations 
today is either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is 

RE: [Biofuel] was Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Tim Ferguson

Hello Luc,

It would be a terrible thing if you didn't sound in. And thanks for taking the 
time to locate the actual scriptural references. I'm
working and won't have the opportunity until later today. There is mention of 
the gathering together in the old testament as well, I
will find it later.

As you say, we agree on more than we disagree and thats not bad. You bring out 
some very good points and have peaked my mind to
research the scripture text some more. It's good to have sounding boards in 
this life, provided we listen to the sounds that come
back to us.

Best wishes,

G'day Tim;

Didn't ya just know I was going to chime in here? :-)

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Tim Ferguson

Hello Todd,

"Born of the water or of the spirit" is the question? So then do I have two 
natural belly buttons or only one natural belly button
and one spiritual belly button? I think maybe the later.

Best wishes Todd,

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Appal Energy
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems


Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa 2004, the question still

If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?

Todd Swearingen

"Born okay the first time."

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems


Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa 2004, the question still 

If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?

Todd Swearingen

"Born okay the first time."

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy 
rags. This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to
look up the exact reference later. Righteousness and Religion don't count 
for anything. But before I further this thought you must
first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't 
believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then

you must certainly recall some scriptures.

I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be 
"organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together 
of yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that
people of faith should assemble together. And why should we gather 
together? As is stated in the new testament "Faith is built from
faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and 
understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in
the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and 
encourage one another. The apostle Paul also stated that things

should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.

Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples 
but rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The
Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers. 
The Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to

gather together.

No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is 
filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people
seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds. The 
scripture also states "..that where good is, evil is also
present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations 
today is either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is 
always some good to be found within the bad (speaking of


Our challenge today is to find someone in which we can gather together 
with who is indeed seeking after God and his will in our
lives that we can increase our faith through association with their 

And what if you don't believe as I believe? It doesn't matter to me. I 
can't save you anyway. Save you (the non-believer) from what?
It doesn't don't believe. I will still pray to my God that 
he bless you and your house and that we may all live in
peace and that we can learn to live as equals on this planet. And I can 
share my efforts with my neighbors (of various faiths) to
bring equity to the world starting with my neighbors. None of my 
neighbors share the same faith but we do share this planet and I
hope that we can learn together how to reap, replenish and restore what 
this earth has for us.

May God bless you all,

Best wishes,

Romans 2:14-15
- Original Message -

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

God is not as illogical as religion would put Him. According to the
even persons who never knew of God but do the right(good)thing ARE


I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible, but am unsure of where 

is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference?  Thanks.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] quality test

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

You might ask yourself where you gained the extra 25 ml in the water layer.

Impossible that the gain would be from excess methanol, as there can't be 
that much in a 150 ml sample.

Impossible that the gain would be from soap washed out of the fuel, as you 
let it set overnight and all but trace amounts would have settled out.

You mention that the "fuel" was darker than you expected. Chances are that 
if you had reprocessed what you believed to be fuel you would have seen more 
glyc drop out.

Fairly safe bet that you had an incomplete reaction and the gain in volume 
of your wash layer was from mono- and di-glycerides that failed to convert. 
The settling time alone should clue you in on this.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Breen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:46 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] quality test

new guy here again,
So I made my first test batch in a blender from wvo.  It separated 
within 3 hours but I gave it overnight anyway. It was darker in color than I 
expected. Anyway, I scooped 150 ml off the top of the container and put into 
a jar with 150 ml of water. I shook violently for 10 sec. and set it aside. 
It looked like milk. I had read that it should completely separate in 30 
min. to be quality fuel. It has been an hour and the mixture is 100 ml of 
fuel on top and 200 ml of milky water on bottom.  Update! now its been 2 
hours and I have 125 ml of fuel on top and 175 ml of milky water on bottom. 
So, since this didn't separate in 30 min. is this poor fuel I measured out 
all my mixtures very accurately, I believe. Any words of advice. 
Thanks Dan

- Original Message -
From: Legal Eagle
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

G'day Brian;

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

I think that we have Keith to thank for this, as well as others who >put
effort into keeping this board a reasonably sane place to hang >out.

It is most definetly a collective effort, and all parts of that effort makes
this list so stimulating.

I know that I have been drawn in to political discussions that I have
allowed to go too far in the past.  Thankfully, I was gently guided back
to the fold.

I truly do appreciate all of the discussions on this board.  For biofuel
information, the JTF website has all of the information that I need at
this stage in my development.

Without the JtF site (and this list)  I never could have done anything that
remotely resembles what I have been able to accomplish, so yes, it is a
treasure house well worth investigating.

I do get a lot from being able to watch the

success of others, and do look forward to further success in my own quest
once I get settled somewhere.

Feeding off each others' success and failures as well drives things forward.
Need somethng mobile until you get "settled" ? There are ideas that can be
"played" with on the processors page at JtF. You got a small trailer you can
pull with a vehicle ? Sounds like a mobile BD lab to me :-)

However, what really keeps me coming back

is the chance to interact with thinking, logical, rational people on a
regular basis.  Even when I disagree, which is actually a lot more often
than I post disagreement, I do learn something.  That's what this is all
about, IMHO.

A wise person learns from his mistakes, a wiser person still learns from the
mistakes of others. The point is, to learn something, and here you have no
problem doing that.IMHO too:)


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Sermon on the mount...Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

Now that we've had the sermon on the mount, circa 2004, the question still 

If you're born again, do you have two belly buttons?

Todd Swearingen

"Born okay the first time."

- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy 
rags. This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to
look up the exact reference later. Righteousness and Religion don't count 
for anything. But before I further this thought you must
first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't 
believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then

you must certainly recall some scriptures.

I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be 
"organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together 
of yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that
people of faith should assemble together. And why should we gather 
together? As is stated in the new testament "Faith is built from
faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and 
understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in
the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and encourage 
one another. The apostle Paul also stated that things

should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.

Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples 
but rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The
Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers. 
The Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to

gather together.

No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is 
filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people
seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds. The scripture 
also states "..that where good is, evil is also
present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations 
today is either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is 
always some good to be found within the bad (speaking of


Our challenge today is to find someone in which we can gather together 
with who is indeed seeking after God and his will in our

lives that we can increase our faith through association with their faith.

And what if you don't believe as I believe? It doesn't matter to me. I 
can't save you anyway. Save you (the non-believer) from what?
It doesn't don't believe. I will still pray to my God that he 
bless you and your house and that we may all live in
peace and that we can learn to live as equals on this planet. And I can 
share my efforts with my neighbors (of various faiths) to
bring equity to the world starting with my neighbors. None of my neighbors 
share the same faith but we do share this planet and I
hope that we can learn together how to reap, replenish and restore what 
this earth has for us.

May God bless you all,

Best wishes,

Romans 2:14-15
- Original Message -

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

God is not as illogical as religion would put Him. According to the
even persons who never knew of God but do the right(good)thing ARE


I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible, but am unsure of where it
is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference?  Thanks.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] was Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

Didn't ya just know I was going to chime in here? :-)
- Original Message - 
From: "Tim Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 1:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy 
rags. This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to

look up the exact reference later.

It is actually not in the NT but the Old, Isaiah 64:6 and is primarily in 
reference to our own SELF righteousness as being like "filthy rags" which 
reference is politically correct for what women use monthly. Yuk, eh?

Righteousness and Religion don't count for anything. But before I further 
this thought you must
first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't 
believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then

you must certainly recall some scriptures.

I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be 
"organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together 
of yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that

people of faith should assemble together.

Hehe. Not Old but New.Hebrews 10:25. But then "assembling" does not require 
a church building to accomplish. "Assembling" is what we do here every day 
on this list. Nor it is distinct in the level of that "assembling" to 
represent large or small numbers. When Jesus sent out His disciples He did 
so two by two. They were "assembled" no?
" Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their 
labour.For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him 
that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him 
up."(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) And here we have the reason for it, to be a help 
and encouragement in the face of adversity.

And why should we gather together? As is stated in the new testament "Faith 
is built from
faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and 
understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in

the befoul list.

Faith is primarily built by reading and studying the Word.
(Romans 10:17) Further discusiin about it can only come to either clarify or 
relate experiences surrounding this.

We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and encourage one another. The 
apostle Paul also stated that things

should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.

"Let all things be done decently and in order" (1Corinthians 14;40)
Refering to everything we do, not only assembling. We should have decency 
and order in our lives. How can we be of any earthly good if our lives are 
in debauchery and chaos ? Of course, "decency" leaves a plethora of 
definitions open to subjected thought. It is not limited to the so-called 
christian right's interpretation of it. I personally think the sight of a 
woman's nude body as completely decent, while they would class it indecent. 
So there you have it.

> Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples 
but rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The

Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers.

On this we agree 100%

The Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to gather together.

Well, they are places where some chose to gather. Sacred ? Sounds a little 
too close to place worship for my tastes.

No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is 
filled with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people

seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds.

Same can be said of any large organised religious group, not only those 
professing to be Christian. Fractions abound, and as long as people seek to 
justify a pre-determined agenda with religious faith-based ideas this will 
continue, however, as in all identifiable religious groups there are also 
those who are sincere and those who will apply the teachings of the seers 
and prophets to the betterment of their lives and the lives of those around 
them, which. in fact, is the point.

The scripture also states "..that where good is, evil is also
present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations 
today is either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is 
always some good to be found within the bad (speaking of


"...But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:" (Romans 5:20) I 
have always read "sin" as "lack of love", and when applied to the lovely 
situation we find ourselves in on the world stage it is not difficult to see 
"the lack of love" abounding, but it is our hope that we shall offer a 
glimmer of light and positive to offset if but a portion of it.

Our challenge today is to find someone in which we can gather together 
with who is indeed seeking after God and his will in our

lives that we can increase our f

[Biofuel] quality test

2004-12-28 Thread Daniel Breen

new guy here again,
 So I made my first test batch in a blender from wvo.  It separated within 
3 hours but I gave it overnight anyway. It was darker in color than I expected. 
Anyway, I scooped 150 ml off the top of the container and put into a jar with 
150 ml of water. I shook violently for 10 sec. and set it aside. It looked like 
milk. I had read that it should completely separate in 30 min. to be quality 
fuel. It has been an hour and the mixture is 100 ml of fuel on top and 200 ml 
of milky water on bottom.  Update! now its been 2 hours and I have 125 ml of 
fuel on top and 175 ml of milky water on bottom. So, since this didn't separate 
in 30 min. is this poor fuel I measured out all my mixtures very accurately, I 
believe. Any words of advice.Thanks Dan

- Original Message -
From: Legal Eagle
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

G'day Brian;

- Original Message -  
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

> I think that we have Keith to thank for this, as well as others who >put  
> effort into keeping this board a reasonably sane place to hang >out.

It is most definetly a collective effort, and all parts of that effort makes  
this list so stimulating.

> I know that I have been drawn in to political discussions that I have
> allowed to go too far in the past.  Thankfully, I was gently guided back
> to the fold.
> I truly do appreciate all of the discussions on this board.  For biofuel
> information, the JTF website has all of the information that I need at
> this stage in my development.

Without the JtF site (and this list)  I never could have done anything that  
remotely resembles what I have been able to accomplish, so yes, it is a  
treasure house well worth investigating.

I do get a lot from being able to watch the
> success of others, and do look forward to further success in my own quest
> once I get settled somewhere.

Feeding off each others' success and failures as well drives things forward.  
Need somethng mobile until you get "settled" ? There are ideas that can be  
"played" with on the processors page at JtF. You got a small trailer you can  
pull with a vehicle ? Sounds like a mobile BD lab to me :-)

However, what really keeps me coming back
> is the chance to interact with thinking, logical, rational people on a
> regular basis.  Even when I disagree, which is actually a lot more often
> than I post disagreement, I do learn something.  That's what this is all
> about, IMHO.

A wise person learns from his mistakes, a wiser person still learns from the  
mistakes of others. The point is, to learn something, and here you have no  
problem doing that.IMHO too:)

> Brian
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

Funny, this:

The US EPA fuel economy rating for the vehicle (with 5-speed 
automatic transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in the city and 
37 mpg (6.35 l/100 km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price 
(MSRP) of $29,990.

A person can rebuild/restore a near death '85 VW Golf or Jetta 
diesel (that's suspension, engine, tranny, clutch, weatherstripping 
and paint) for around $6,000 US and get 50-52 mpg - on petroleum 
diesel, biodiesel or both.

I believe I'd rather put the $24,000 savings against me mortgage 
than in an automaker's "clutches."

Yea, verily. There've been several snippets about disappointing fuel 
economy for hybrids, including one in this roundup. From another of 
the NIBs below:

This is another indication that the fuel economy of hybrid vehicles 
is extremely sensitive to the test cycle, much more so than the 
fuel economy in conventional powertrains. The fuel saving with 
hybrids is due to energy management in the powertrain, rather than 
to improved thermal efficiency of the engine, and can be realized 
only under transient driving patterns. Fuel economy predictions for 
hybrids in real life applications are indeed very difficult.

The PNGV diesel hybrid cars were hitting 80 mpg when the program was 
scrapped. I wonder if those were "real life application" figures?

PNGV is here, about halfway down:
Do diesels have a future?

... Well, there and mouldering away on various back shelves in 
Detroit. And this explains why:

Best wishes


Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - From: "Keith Addison" 

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:38 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

December 2004

More hybrid technology news

+ Honda debuts Accord Hybrid in the US market

Honda has launched its biggest hybrid car, the 2005 Accord Hybrid. 
The Accord Hybrid comes with the third generation of Honda's hybrid 
system, in combination with the new Variable Cylinder Management 
(VCM) cylinder deactivation technology, which shuts down three of 
the six cylinders while cruising. The vehicle generates 255 hp, 6% 
more than the Accord V-6 Sedan, with "a remarkably broad and flat 
torque curve," said Honda. The US EPA fuel economy rating for the 
vehicle (with 5-speed automatic transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 
km) in the city and 37 mpg (6.35 l/100 km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price 
(MSRP) of $29,990. The hybrid is similarly equipped to the 
conventional Honda Accord EX V-6, which comes with an MSRP of 
$26,700. Based on that comparison, the price premium for the hybrid 
propulsion system is about $3,290.

+ Dodge RAM hybrid enters production

DaimlerChrysler has begun limited production of the Dodge Ram 
Diesel hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which will be available to 
fleet customers.

The Dodge Ram Diesel HEV is built on the Ram Heavy Duty (2500/3500) 
chassis, features the 5.9 liter 325 hp, 600 lb-ft Cummins Turbo 
Diesel, and is equipped with diesel-electric hybrid propulsion. An 
integrated starter-alternator unit provides a start-stop 
capability, which shuts the engine off at full stop and restarts 
when the accelerator is pressed. It also assists the diesel engine 
during acceleration. A regenerative braking system helps recharge 
the batteries. The saving on fuel is up to 15%. 
A SE/0,2941,0-1-62035-1-1-text-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0,00.html

+ Hybrid buses not delivering fuel economy

According to press reports, hybrid diesel electric buses purchased 
by Seattle, WA, have not delivered their anticipated fuel economy 
improvement. The hybrids were expected to save up to 40% of fuel, 
but the fuel economy in the first months of real operation was 
comparable to that of conventional diesels.

The King County Metro has purchased 235 60-foot articulated buses 
featuring the GM's Allison hybrid drive system. At this time, the 
transit agency has the largest fleet of hybrid buses in the world. 
In September, the hybrids were getting only a disappointing 3.75 
mpg. At times, the hybrid buses had worse mileage than the 1989 
buses they were replacing.

One of the possible reasons is that the hybrids were operated on 
suburban express routes with large proportion of highway mileage, 
where little fuel economy advantage exists. The fuel efficiency of 
hybrid buses is well pronounced in stop-and-go applications, such 
as in urban driving.

This is another indication that the fuel economy of hybrid vehicles 
is extremely sensitive to the test cycle, much more so than the 
fuel economy in conventional powertrains. The fuel saving with 
hybrids is due to energy management i

Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

> Greetings,
> As a long time member of the biofuels list, [I took a break then came
> back]
> I have found this list to be different, very different.  We can discuss
> differences and not fight!  We do not divide into camps and start wars.
> We
> came to learn from each other and we do learn, not just biofuels.  It is a
> joy to have a place where different spiritualities can be discussed.  No
> one is saying you must believe as I believe.  Different people have been
> kind enough to share what they believe or live.  My thanks to all who have
> done so.
> Bright Blessings,
> Kim

I think that we have Keith to thank for this, as well as others who put
effort into keeping this board a reasonably sane place to hang out.

Thankyou! A collective thankyou... It's a lot of work all the time, 
nearly all of it out of view, which is as it should be. Like good 
design and good editing - at its best it's invisible. Judging from 
the very small number of really talented managers I've known, I think 
good management is like that too - it's hard to see quite what they 
do, until they go on holiday or something and suddenly they're not 
doing it, THEN you see it! I don't think you can learn that at 
Harvard Business School.

Anyway, yes, a lot of work, but, though the technical side has been 
more troublesome for Martin, as we were recently discussing, I must 
say that running the list itself has been much less troublesome and 
time-consuming than it was before we left Yahoo. It's much more a 
real community now, which it was always trying to be and being 
thwarted, and it's much more self-moderating, individually and 

I posted this message on "The Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists" 
shortly after we moved:

I reckon we made it to #6b, and the entire list is to be thanked for 
that, not just us.

know that I have been drawn in to political discussions that I have
allowed to go too far in the past.  Thankfully, I was gently guided back
to the fold.

I truly do appreciate all of the discussions on this board.  For biofuel
information, the JTF website has all of the information that I need at
this stage in my development.  I do get a lot from being able to watch the
success of others, and do look forward to further success in my own quest
once I get settled somewhere.  However, what really keeps me coming back
is the chance to interact with thinking, logical, rational people on a
regular basis.  Even when I disagree, which is actually a lot more often
than I post disagreement,

It's only worth doing if it adds something, right?

I do learn something.

Yes! Lots!

That's what this is all
about, IMHO.

Yes, I think so, and I also think that it goes somewhere. I think 
it's important.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
List owner


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Tim Ferguson

Ah yes, But the bible also states that your righteousness is as filthy rags. 
This passage is in the new testament and I'll have to
look up the exact reference later. Righteousness and Religion don't count for 
anything. But before I further this thought you must
first be a believer in God (by whatever name you call him). If you don't 
believe then what's the point. But if you do believe then
you must certainly recall some scriptures.

I read some post that stated that God did not intend for religion to be 
"organized". But he most certainly did. In the old testament
there is scripture reference stating "forsake not the gathering together of 
yourselves as the manner of some is..." meaning that
people of faith should assemble together. And why should we gather together? As 
is stated in the new testament "Faith is built from
faith to faith.." which is to say that we increase in both knowledge and 
understanding by gathering together, much as we do here in
the befoul list. We share our knowledge, gain understanding, and encourage one 
another. The apostle Paul also stated that things
should be done in "order" regarding the gathering together.

Much of those gathering together events were not however held in Temples but 
rather in homes of individuals and other places.  The
Church is not a building but rather it refers to the Faithful followers. The 
Temples are no less sacred but still only a place to
gather together.

No one can argue that much of the so called Christian community today is filled 
with hypocrites, socialites, etc...many people
seeking to put forward a good face to mask their evil deeds. The scripture also 
states "..that where good is, evil is also
present..". I agree that most of what exist of religious organizations today is 
either a cult or cult like but not all. I will
always be reluctant to stereotype anyone because I believe that there is always 
some good to be found within the bad (speaking of

Our challenge today is to find someone in which we can gather together with who 
is indeed seeking after God and his will in our
lives that we can increase our faith through association with their faith.

And what if you don't believe as I believe? It doesn't matter to me. I can't 
save you anyway. Save you (the non-believer) from what?
It doesn't don't believe. I will still pray to my God that he 
bless you and your house and that we may all live in
peace and that we can learn to live as equals on this planet. And I can share 
my efforts with my neighbors (of various faiths) to
bring equity to the world starting with my neighbors. None of my neighbors 
share the same faith but we do share this planet and I
hope that we can learn together how to reap, replenish and restore what this 
earth has for us.

May God bless you all,

Best wishes,

Romans 2:14-15
- Original Message -

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

>> Christopher:
>> God is not as illogical as religion would put Him. According to the
>> Bible,
>> even persons who never knew of God but do the right(good)thing ARE
>> righteous
>> regardless.
> Christopher,
> I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible, but am unsure of where it
> is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference?  Thanks.
> Brian

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

Yes this is all true.

And we pay 1/3 of what we SHOULD be paying for fuel.

And yes Halliburton... Or as I like to call it, THE Hallibushcheneyburton 
Corporation is getting rich big time.

Plus the speculation drove up crude prices so all the oil companies are getting 
rich right now as cost of production is still around 18$ per barrel and they 
are selling it at 45?

Texaco's PROFITS were up 300% last quarter. Appears all ENGINEERED to me.

But see you CAN'T run a GIANT military on solar panels. The US generals are 
complicit with this as well, as they use HUGE amounts of energy every day.

So this was a strategic military move to secure future supply and make sure NO 
ONE ELSE switched to the EURO for oil dollars.



-Original Message-
From: Legal Eagle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

G'day Mel;

If we had put that 250 billion we dumped into Iraq into buying solar panels, 
how much energy and jobs you think that would have produced?
Of course some fat assed soccer moms driving surburbans MIGHT have to pay 5 
dollars per gallon of gasoline.

Are you seriously suggesting that had not the USA bombed the crap out of a 
sovereign nation that proved to be no threat to the US at all that it would 
have resulted in higher fuel costs at home ?
In fact it is exactly the opposite. Had the US left things well enough alone 
(a first) there would still be oil flowing out of Iraq (under the rip-off 
oil-for-food thing) instead of the zero production that is happening now 
(regardless of what CNN is telling you) and world prices would not have 
taken the roller coaster ride they have since the atrocity began. That said 
however, your point about dumping the remaining vestiges of the US 
economy into war instead of responsible management has had a very negative 
effect. The bilions thrown away incuring the contempt of the world could 
have been much much better utilized insecuring alternatives at home at a 
time when it is most needed.
Ah, but then Halliburton, Carlyle et co woudln't be getting near the high 
level profits that they are, and the folks over at Diebold, the 
manufacturers of the hackable voting machines, wouldn't have gotten that big 
contract poviding machines with which to defraud the election as it wouldn't 
have been encessary to rig it, responsible management being able to "win" 
the election all on it's own with out cheating. So,after all, it was 
necessary to invade, slaughter the thousands of innocents, polute the air 
and ground for decades to come so that corporate America could ship their 
operations off-shore while continuing to reap on-shore dividends from the 
people most able to provide it, the US government and it's neo-con handlers. 
Had they stuck to slolar panels and alternative solutions they wouldn't NEED 
$5/gal gas, they would be able to run without it.
Besides, Canada supplies more crude to the US that Saudi does. Canada also 
sends over 60% of it's natural gas to the US under NAFTA. The problem is US 
consumption, not availability.
-Original Message-
From: robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

Crimson Bill wrote:

> I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?
> I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel 
> action. Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into 
> camps and the fighting begins.  Never fails.

Not in this forum.  Our discussion means too much to the people who frequent 
this group.  You will notice after being here awhile that people like Todd and 
I can completely disagree on some issue, yet remain civil and respectful toward 
one another.  We can learn about a wide range of perspectives in an 
international forum of this nature, some of it directly related to biofuels, 
some of it more tangential.

> How about some biofuel?

We've been around this block many times, Bill.  The discussion here often 
wanders into the realm of geopolitics and religion, and inevitably someone 
complains about "off topic" posting.  This may be well intended, but I'd like 
you to broaden your view a little bit and understand why this discussion is 
relevant to biofuels.

My nation, the United States, lacks a comprehensive and cohesive energy policy. 
 What drives American actions in the present administration is a pressing need 
to secure a variety of "traditional" (that is, liquid and gaseous fossil) 
energy sources so that a single problem in some distant part of the world does 
not hold the American economy hostage.  For this reason

Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

G'day Mel;

If we had put that 250 billion we dumped into Iraq into buying solar panels, 
how much energy and jobs you think that would have produced?
Of course some fat assed soccer moms driving surburbans MIGHT have to pay 5 
dollars per gallon of gasoline.


Are you seriously suggesting that had not the USA bombed the crap out of a 
sovereign nation that proved to be no threat to the US at all that it would 
have resulted in higher fuel costs at home ?
In fact it is exactly the opposite. Had the US left things well enough alone 
(a first) there would still be oil flowing out of Iraq (under the rip-off 
oil-for-food thing) instead of the zero production that is happening now 
(regardless of what CNN is telling you) and world prices would not have 
taken the roller coaster ride they have since the atrocity began.
That said however, your point about dumping the remaining vestiges of the US 
economy into war instead of responsible management has had a very negative 
effect. The bilions thrown away incuring the contempt of the world could 
have been much much better utilized insecuring alternatives at home at a 
time when it is most needed.
Ah, but then Halliburton, Carlyle et co woudln't be getting near the high 
level profits that they are, and the folks over at Diebold, the 
manufacturers of the hackable voting machines, wouldn't have gotten that big 
contract poviding machines with which to defraud the election as it wouldn't 
have been encessary to rig it, responsible management being able to "win" 
the election all on it's own with out cheating. So,after all, it was 
necessary to invade, slaughter the thousands of innocents, polute the air 
and ground for decades to come so that corporate America could ship their 
operations off-shore while continuing to reap on-shore dividends from the 
people most able to provide it, the US government and it's neo-con handlers.
Had they stuck to slolar panels and alternative solutions they wouldn't NEED 
$5/gal gas, they would be able to run without it.
Besides, Canada supplies more crude to the US that Saudi does. Canada also 
sends over 60% of it's natural gas to the US under NAFTA. The problem is US 
consumption, not availability.

-Original Message-
From: robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

Crimson Bill wrote:

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel
action. Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into
camps and the fighting begins.  Never fails.

Not in this forum.  Our discussion means too much to the people who
frequent this group.  You will notice after being here awhile that
people like Todd and I can completely disagree on some issue, yet
remain civil and respectful toward one another.  We can learn about a
wide range of perspectives in an international forum of this nature,
some of it directly related to biofuels, some of it more tangential.

How about some biofuel?

We've been around this block many times, Bill.  The discussion here
often wanders into the realm of geopolitics and religion, and
inevitably someone complains about "off topic" posting.  This may be
well intended, but I'd like you to broaden your view a little bit and
understand why this discussion is relevant to biofuels.

My nation, the United States, lacks a comprehensive and cohesive
energy policy.  What drives American actions in the present
administration is a pressing need to secure a variety of "traditional"
(that is, liquid and gaseous fossil) energy sources so that a single
problem in some distant part of the world does not hold the American
economy hostage.  For this reason, we have meddled into the affairs of
central Asian nations, Africa, South America and Iraq.  (And this is
the root of our opposition to the Kyoto Accord.)  Therefore, the
recent discussion in this forum about hyping the terror threat relates
to biofuels.  Without an "enemy" upon which to direct our angst,
Americans might wake up and realize that we need a plan that is more
sensible and responsible than the "market driven" ideas we have
pursued so relentlessly since I've been an adult.

Coupled with this, a blind following of "Christian"
dispensationalists demand absolute allegiance to their "plan" for
Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.  Using the cloak of religion,
these people have hijacked many influential churches in North America
and brainwashed nonthinking Christians (is there such a thing?) into
supporting Israel at all costs; including the use of American military
forces to subdue a certain Middle Eastern dictator whose armed forces

RE: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

I would like to put an ... Ahemm... Amen on this one

Go robert go.

If we had put that 250 billion we dumped into Iraq into buying solar panels, 
how much energy and jobs you think that would have produced?

Of course some fat assed soccer moms driving surburbans MIGHT have to pay 5 
dollars per gallon of gasoline. And MAYBE some of us huge wasters of energy MAY 
NOT be able to DRIVER everywhere.

Bet we wouldn’t have as many fat people here.

Ever watch the REALLY FAT ones at the grocery store? They will circle the 
parking lot 14 times all to get a space 20 feet closer to the door.

Where is the god in that?


-Original Message-
From: robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

Crimson Bill wrote:

> I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?
> I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel 
> action. Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into 
> camps and the fighting begins.  Never fails.

Not in this forum.  Our discussion means too much to the people who 
frequent this group.  You will notice after being here awhile that 
people like Todd and I can completely disagree on some issue, yet 
remain civil and respectful toward one another.  We can learn about a 
wide range of perspectives in an international forum of this nature, 
some of it directly related to biofuels, some of it more tangential.

> How about some biofuel?

We've been around this block many times, Bill.  The discussion here 
often wanders into the realm of geopolitics and religion, and 
inevitably someone complains about "off topic" posting.  This may be 
well intended, but I'd like you to broaden your view a little bit and 
understand why this discussion is relevant to biofuels.

My nation, the United States, lacks a comprehensive and cohesive 
energy policy.  What drives American actions in the present 
administration is a pressing need to secure a variety of "traditional" 
(that is, liquid and gaseous fossil) energy sources so that a single 
problem in some distant part of the world does not hold the American 
economy hostage.  For this reason, we have meddled into the affairs of 
central Asian nations, Africa, South America and Iraq.  (And this is 
the root of our opposition to the Kyoto Accord.)  Therefore, the 
recent discussion in this forum about hyping the terror threat relates 
to biofuels.  Without an "enemy" upon which to direct our angst, 
Americans might wake up and realize that we need a plan that is more 
sensible and responsible than the "market driven" ideas we have 
pursued so relentlessly since I've been an adult.

Coupled with this, a blind following of "Christian" 
dispensationalists demand absolute allegiance to their "plan" for 
Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.  Using the cloak of religion, 
these people have hijacked many influential churches in North America 
and brainwashed nonthinking Christians (is there such a thing?) into 
supporting Israel at all costs; including the use of American military 
forces to subdue a certain Middle Eastern dictator whose armed forces 
presented no credible threat to the United States.  The recent 
discussion concerning religion relates directly to this problem.  (And 
trust me, mine is a VERY unpopular position to hold within a 
conservative Christian congregation.)

As a devoted Christian, I am deeply troubled by the misuse of my 
faith; particularly when the actions of a supposedly Christian 
president directly contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ.  As an 
American, I am seething at the injustice we are projecting upon 
citizens in other parts of the world.  The root of my nation's problem 
is its insatiable demand for energy, yet formal discussion of this 
issue is happening NOWHERE outside of this forum.

Therefore, any topic related to reducing energy use, including 
religious discussion, is fair game in this forum.  Those have been the 
rules around here for a very long time.  I hope you come to appreciate 

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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RE: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

Wow, Elvis knows a little about god.

Bet he is into BioFuel too!

For those folk looking for some decent trucks that are diesel powered. There 
are a few nice ones on ebay right now about to go pretty cheap.  Mostly older 
chevies with 6.2's in them.


-Original Message-
From: Crimson Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

I dressed as Elvis to my Uncle Harry's wedding because Uncle Harry was so damm 
cool.  The preacher threw me out.  Said I was sacreligeous.  I looked at him 
and said, "I bet you can't dance." and left.

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel action. Just 
looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into camps and the fighting 
begins.  Never fails.

You know it as well as I do.

How about some biofuel?


- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> If you don’t titrate right you can't get to heaven? See it is 
> relevant.
> It's all in the doing, not in the religion.
> All religions can get you to god, if "titrated" correctly.
> Wait...wait.. you're gonna come back with a my way or no way line 
> right?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

Hey Luc,
I think that you and I arrived here about the same time, and your progress
has certainly been much faster than mine.

Perhaps has more to do with available freetime eh? I only work at what I do 
somewhat part-time and have three day weekends every wekk and some available 
time during some of the days in between, so time is something I have.

I had been looking into the

possibility of moving to Beijing, but put this thought on hold for a
number of personal reasons.  My alternate was a move to California, which
I had expected to hapen much more quickly than it has.  We are finally in
the process of packing, and will be leaving Indiana for Northern CA 30
days from today.

You, of sourse, know that Northern Cal is evey bit as snowed in as Indiana 
eh? Tahoe is a shi resort :-) Donner pass on I-80 is a winter nightmare at 
times, so if that is the way you are going check about the pass when you get 
to Reno NV. Once over the hill (!) and down the slope some summer set in and 
you wonder where winter went. It's weird. I was once stuck in Reno for a 
couple days as the Donner was closed due to snow storms, and the 42 mile 
downhill into Sacramento afterwards was interesting.

With all of the uncertainty, I have left the processor parts that I had
collected sit until knowing where we were going to end up.  I have also
decided to scrap my original processor idea in favor of your processor in
a cabinet, once I do start building.

You don't have to go for 135 liter, you can down size it to better meet your 
camouflage needs (oops, did I say that?ha!) Once the doors on it and a 
colouful blanket tossed over it you would think it is a wardrobe of sorts. 
If done right you can slide pails under the platform as well as a small 
pre-heat tank, close the doors and voila ! What BD processor ? I can't see 
any fuel making devices ! Ha! Go get 'em ! You can do it. If I can anyone 
can, believe me.

 I am going to start out renting, and

will not have the garage space or benefits that come from owning that I
currently enjoy.  Your ideas seem to fit in perfectly with the situation
to which I am going, however.

And that was the original idea for it's design. I was at first extremely 
limited in the amount of available space and that forced some idea 
crunching, necessity being the mother of invention and all that, and "The 
Box" was born.

I am not sure if I ever thanked you for

sharing them with the rest of us.

You just did. Immitation is the sincerest form of flatery. I do hope that 
this idea with help you make something that is both compact and functional 
for your needs. Glad I was able to be a help.

Once I get moved I will keep you

informed of my progress.

Yes, please do. Not only that but now progress is expected of you (having 
made such bold statements ha!), so have at it. Don't rush though, take it 
one step at a time, and you will get there sooner that way. Enjoy your new 


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

understand this. I love this place. Keep it on-list if pertinent and only 
off if it is personal :)
Sera, para mi, un alegria comunicar con vosotros en privado pero es mejor 
escribir para la edificacion de todos aqui.

Hehe, not too too shabu eh?
- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: RES: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

Bom dia, Pannir,

Gostaria de lhe desejar um happy new year tambŽm.
Prefere se comunicar em portugus ou ingls?
Gostaria de pedir suas dicas sobre biodiesel no Brasil.  Se importa de
comunicar comigo?

Obrigado, e um abrao,
Daniel Vasconcelos em S‹o Paulo

-Mensagem original-
Pannir P.V
Enviada em: Friday, December 24, 2004 5:15 PM
Assunto: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

   Hpapy new year
Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
  Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
  Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

Practical, as always Todd. That's how I feel about my Benz. It's "old" 
(1983), it has a few nicks and nacks, some rust but the engine and frame are 
solid. It's 460,000km isn't even an issue. 4 speed, 4 cylender diesel putt 
putt car.
Altogether I have about $7,000.00 CDN in it, and it will outlive any 
40-50,000$ Ford out there coming off the assembly today. Am I ahead of the 
game ? I can still go another $10,000 and still be WAY ahead. I can have 
brand new paint, new wiring and some bells and whistles for less than that 
and will only need to wait another 300,000km or so before changing the 
sleeves and injectors so I can do the million all over again. So why was it 
I need a Hybrid ? Nice idea for those who want to spend that way, but I am 
not one of them.

- Original Message - 
From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

Funny, this:

The US EPA fuel economy rating for the vehicle (with 5-speed automatic 
transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in the city and 37 mpg (6.35 
l/100 km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 

A person can rebuild/restore a near death '85 VW Golf or Jetta diesel 
(that's suspension, engine, tranny, clutch, weatherstripping and paint) 
for around $6,000 US and get 50-52 mpg - on petroleum diesel, biodiesel or 

I believe I'd rather put the $24,000 savings against me mortgage than in 
an automaker's "clutches."

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:38 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

December 2004

More hybrid technology news

+ Honda debuts Accord Hybrid in the US market

Honda has launched its biggest hybrid car, the 2005 Accord Hybrid. The 
Accord Hybrid comes with the third generation of Honda's hybrid system, 
in combination with the new Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) cylinder 
deactivation technology, which shuts down three of the six cylinders 
while cruising. The vehicle generates 255 hp, 6% more than the Accord V-6 
Sedan, with "a remarkably broad and flat torque curve," said Honda. The 
US EPA fuel economy rating for the vehicle (with 5-speed automatic 
transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in the city and 37 mpg (6.35 
l/100 km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 
$29,990. The hybrid is similarly equipped to the conventional Honda 
Accord EX V-6, which comes with an MSRP of $26,700. Based on that 
comparison, the price premium for the hybrid propulsion system is about 

+ Dodge RAM hybrid enters production

DaimlerChrysler has begun limited production of the Dodge Ram Diesel 
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which will be available to fleet 

The Dodge Ram Diesel HEV is built on the Ram Heavy Duty (2500/3500) 
chassis, features the 5.9 liter 325 hp, 600 lb-ft Cummins Turbo Diesel, 
and is equipped with diesel-electric hybrid propulsion. An integrated 
starter-alternator unit provides a start-stop capability, which shuts the 
engine off at full stop and restarts when the accelerator is pressed. It 
also assists the diesel engine during acceleration. A regenerative 
braking system helps recharge the batteries. The saving on fuel is up to 

+ Hybrid buses not delivering fuel economy

According to press reports, hybrid diesel electric buses purchased by 
Seattle, WA, have not delivered their anticipated fuel economy 
improvement. The hybrids were expected to save up to 40% of fuel, but the 
fuel economy in the first months of real operation was comparable to that 
of conventional diesels.

The King County Metro has purchased 235 60-foot articulated buses 
featuring the GM's Allison hybrid drive system. At this time, the transit 
agency has the largest fleet of hybrid buses in the world. In September, 
the hybrids were getting only a disappointing 3.75 mpg. At times, the 
hybrid buses had worse mileage than the 1989 buses they were replacing.

One of the possible reasons is that the hybrids were operated on suburban 
express routes with large proportion of highway mileage, where little 
fuel economy advantage exists. The fuel efficiency of hybrid buses is 
well pronounced in stop-and-go applications, such as in urban driving.

This is another indication that the fuel economy of hybrid vehicles is 
extremely sensitive to the test cycle, much more so than the fuel economy 
in conventional powertrains. The fuel saving with hybrids is due to 
energy management in the powertrain, rather than to improved thermal 
efficiency of the e

RE: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to yourPre-heat tank or reactor.

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

Aquatic eco systems sell graded stainless steel screen for filters.

You can get several sizes down to 50 microns?

I think you can find the SS screen on their website, though I have a catalogue.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:26 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to 
yourPre-heat tank or reactor.

Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to your Pre-heat tank or reactor.

I found a solution to filter the WVO before adding it to my Processor.


Take two (or three) 5 Gallon round drywall buckets and cut the bottoms from 
both.  ( I used a jig saw with no problem)  If the buckets have sealed lids, 
cut the lids out as well.

Bucket A:  Wrap a 28"x 28" or so, (fiberglass) mesh window screen around the 
bottom and side leaving no gaps.  Pay attention to conforming the screening to 
the bottom and don't worry too much about the bucket sides as the screening 
will crease. 

Install Bucket A into Bucket B.  This will hold the filter (screen) in place.

Slide a 2"x4", or pipe through the handle to support the filter bucket over 
your preheat tank and pump or pour your WVO.

I imagine you can add a third bucket to the design with a smaller or larger 
micron filtration, but the window mesh was sufficient.

Thank you, 
Kevin Shea
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread btmd

Hey Luc,
> Feeding off each others' success and failures as well drives things
> forward.
> Need somethng mobile until you get "settled" ? There are ideas that can be
> "played" with on the processors page at JtF. You got a small trailer you
> can
> pull with a vehicle ? Sounds like a mobile BD lab to me :-)
I think that you and I arrived here about the same time, and your progress
has certainly been much faster than mine.  I had been looking into the
possibility of moving to Beijing, but put this thought on hold for a
number of personal reasons.  My alternate was a move to California, which
I had expected to hapen much more quickly than it has.  We are finally in
the process of packing, and will be leaving Indiana for Northern CA 30
days from today.

With all of the uncertainty, I have left the processor parts that I had
collected sit until knowing where we were going to end up.  I have also
decided to scrap my original processor idea in favor of your processor in
a cabinet, once I do start building.  I am going to start out renting, and
will not have the garage space or benefits that come from owning that I
currently enjoy.  Your ideas seem to fit in perfectly with the situation
to which I am going, however.  I am not sure if I ever thanked you for
sharing them with the rest of us.  Once I get moved I will keep you
informed of my progress.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RES: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

2004-12-28 Thread Daniel

Bom dia, Pannir,

Gostaria de lhe desejar um happy new year tambŽm.
Prefere se comunicar em portugus ou ingls?
Gostaria de pedir suas dicas sobre biodiesel no Brasil.  Se importa de
comunicar comigo?

Obrigado, e um abrao,
Daniel Vasconcelos em S‹o Paulo

-Mensagem original-
Pannir P.V
Enviada em: Friday, December 24, 2004 5:15 PM
Assunto: [Biofuel] Happy new year to all our group member

Hpapy new year
 Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Qu’mica - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de P—s Gradua‹o em Engenharia Qu’mica - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universit‡rio
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av  Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
   Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
   Capim  Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 215-3770 Ramal20

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Something strange in the last batch of FAME

2004-12-28 Thread John Guttridge

you keeping your shop warm in that -14 C Finland?

Johnsson Tomas wrote:

Hello All,

Something strange was happening with the last batch. There is probably 
something additional in the SWO. The oil never cleared after heated and the 
water was removed (+55¡C). Still there was no worry as it has been seen before. 
The titration was OK (2,5g+3,5g) and everything went smoth and the glycerine 
was removed after fallen out. The glycerine was dark but not very thick, still 
no worry. We are using approx 22-25 % metanol in the transesterification. The 
Ester was cloudy and never cleared after the 2 and 3rd wash and it seams that 
there is some water or metanol still trapped in the ester. We have been 
reheating the Ester to 60¡C and after heating passing it through our small 
separator (alfie). Moisture is dropping out when separated (the moisture is 
approx. ph 8) but the Ester is still keeping something in it as it is cloudy 
and it can be seen that there is something in the ester. The 
transesterification was current and all the glycerine removed as the separatore 
is else


 keeping the ester from the water, emulsifying and making chicken soup.

In the SWO we had a small part of a used biohydraulic oil which is based on a ester which might have affect the process, we also accidentaly had a very small part of used mineralmotoroil escaping into the SWO. 

Our next idea is to heat the Ester to over 80¡C to remove possible metanol and 
after that to over 100¡C to remove possible water.

While working on this what might the next step be in trying to solv the very 
intersting problem if the hetaing is not doing the thing.

Is there any easy way of finding out what the Ester might keep trapped and is 
there some way of purifying the ester from chemical contaminations?

Thanks in advance for all suggestions which might help solving our very interesting case.   

Best regards from a -14¡C Finland

Tomas Johnsson
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

2004-12-28 Thread Appal Energy

The US EPA fuel economy rating for the vehicle (with 5-speed automatic 
transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in the city and 37 mpg (6.35 l/100 
km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 

A person can rebuild/restore a near death '85 VW Golf or Jetta diesel 
(that's suspension, engine, tranny, clutch, weatherstripping and paint) for 
around $6,000 US and get 50-52 mpg - on petroleum diesel, biodiesel or both.

I believe I'd rather put the $24,000 savings against me mortgage than in an 
automaker's "clutches."

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:38 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

December 2004

More hybrid technology news

+ Honda debuts Accord Hybrid in the US market

Honda has launched its biggest hybrid car, the 2005 Accord Hybrid. The 
Accord Hybrid comes with the third generation of Honda's hybrid system, in 
combination with the new Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) cylinder 
deactivation technology, which shuts down three of the six cylinders while 
cruising. The vehicle generates 255 hp, 6% more than the Accord V-6 Sedan, 
with "a remarkably broad and flat torque curve," said Honda. The US EPA 
fuel economy rating for the vehicle (with 5-speed automatic transmission) 
is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in the city and 37 mpg (6.35 l/100 km) on the 

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of 
$29,990. The hybrid is similarly equipped to the conventional Honda Accord 
EX V-6, which comes with an MSRP of $26,700. Based on that comparison, the 
price premium for the hybrid propulsion system is about $3,290.

+ Dodge RAM hybrid enters production

DaimlerChrysler has begun limited production of the Dodge Ram Diesel 
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which will be available to fleet customers.

The Dodge Ram Diesel HEV is built on the Ram Heavy Duty (2500/3500) 
chassis, features the 5.9 liter 325 hp, 600 lb-ft Cummins Turbo Diesel, 
and is equipped with diesel-electric hybrid propulsion. An integrated 
starter-alternator unit provides a start-stop capability, which shuts the 
engine off at full stop and restarts when the accelerator is pressed. It 
also assists the diesel engine during acceleration. A regenerative braking 
system helps recharge the batteries. The saving on fuel is up to 15%. 

+ Hybrid buses not delivering fuel economy

According to press reports, hybrid diesel electric buses purchased by 
Seattle, WA, have not delivered their anticipated fuel economy 
improvement. The hybrids were expected to save up to 40% of fuel, but the 
fuel economy in the first months of real operation was comparable to that 
of conventional diesels.

The King County Metro has purchased 235 60-foot articulated buses 
featuring the GM's Allison hybrid drive system. At this time, the transit 
agency has the largest fleet of hybrid buses in the world. In September, 
the hybrids were getting only a disappointing 3.75 mpg. At times, the 
hybrid buses had worse mileage than the 1989 buses they were replacing.

One of the possible reasons is that the hybrids were operated on suburban 
express routes with large proportion of highway mileage, where little fuel 
economy advantage exists. The fuel efficiency of hybrid buses is well 
pronounced in stop-and-go applications, such as in urban driving.

This is another indication that the fuel economy of hybrid vehicles is 
extremely sensitive to the test cycle, much more so than the fuel economy 
in conventional powertrains. The fuel saving with hybrids is due to energy 
management in the powertrain, rather than to improved thermal efficiency 
of the engine, and can be realized only under transient driving patterns. 
Fuel economy predictions for hybrids in real life applications are indeed 
very difficult.

+ Hybrid buses coming to Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh will receive six Gillig hybrid buses, which use the GM Allison 
hybrid system. The buses are scheduled to be delivered in late 2004 or 
early 2005.

The purchase was made possible by a $6.6 million grant from the US 
Department of Transportation, which will also finance 14 additional 
conventional coaches for the Port Authority of Allegheny County's bus 
system. The operation of the new hybrids will help determine the future 
propulsion system for Port Authority's fleet. tml

+ Azure delivers hybrid electric vehicle to Purolator

Burnaby, BC-based Azure Dynamics Corporation delivered a hybrid electric 
delivery vehicle to Purolator

Re: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO toyourPre-heat tank or reactor.

2004-12-28 Thread Kevin Shea

Whatever works is right!  Finally, a solution I did not have to spent $$$
and was able to use "spare parts" lying around the house!
- Original Message - 
From: "Legal Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO
toyourPre-heat tank or reactor.

> G'day Kevin;
> I did it a bit differently but the same principle. I use only 22 liter
> for collection and storage of WVO. I came across a 20 liter paint pail
> has the same body dimensions as the 22 liter so I cut off the bottom
> about 1/2 of the pail intact, strapped the screening mesh over the top of
> the now half pint pail and secured it around the edges with grapple bar,
> allowing the mesh to droop into the center of the pail. This half pail is
> then placed inside the rim of the 22 liter pail and just sits there pretty
> as you please and I filter my heated WVO that way. Whatever works eh ?
> Luc
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Kevin Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:25 AM
> Subject: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to
> yourPre-heat tank or reactor.
> Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to your Pre-heat tank or
> reactor.
> I found a solution to filter the WVO before adding it to my Processor.

> Take two (or three) 5 Gallon round drywall buckets and cut the bottoms
> both.  ( I used a jig saw with no problem)  If the buckets have sealed
> cut the lids out as well.
> Bucket A:  Wrap a 28"x 28" or so, (fiberglass) mesh window screen around
> bottom and side leaving no gaps.  Pay attention to conforming the
> to the bottom and don't worry too much about the bucket sides as the
> screening will crease.
> Install Bucket A into Bucket B.  This will hold the filter (screen) in
> place.
> Slide a 2"x4", or pipe through the handle to support the filter bucket
> your preheat tank and pump or pour your WVO.
> I imagine you can add a third bucket to the design with a smaller or
> micron filtration, but the window mesh was sufficient.
> Thank you,
> Kevin Shea
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Something strange in the last batch of FAME

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear Tomas,

Have you read the link from Journey to Forever?

The writer gives an excellent overview of a 2-Step
process for EXPERTS only.  He talks about how
"esterification" as a first step when combine with
"transesterferication" gives you the results you are
seeking.  There is also another discussion on being
very accurate when measuring pH in the titration
process.  Finally, the discussion talks about how the
tranesterferication process is more like 99% and
always hard to reach 100%.

I don't claim to be an expert, I am trying to learn by
reading and answering questions before I make my

--- Johnsson Tomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Something strange was happening with the last batch.
> There is probably something additional in the SWO.
> The oil never cleared after heated and the water was
> removed (+55°C). Still there was no worry as it has
> been seen before. The titration was OK (2,5g+3,5g)
> and everything went smoth and the glycerine was
> removed after fallen out. The glycerine was dark but
> not very thick, still no worry. We are using approx
> 22-25 % metanol in the transesterification. The
> Ester was cloudy and never cleared after the 2 and
> 3rd wash and it seams that there is some water or
> metanol still trapped in the ester. We have been
> reheating the Ester to 60°C and after heating
> passing it through our small separator (alfie).
> Moisture is dropping out when separated (the
> moisture is approx. ph 8) but the Ester is still
> keeping something in it as it is cloudy and it can
> be seen that there is something in the ester. The
> transesterification was current and all the
> glycerine removed as the separatore is else not
> keeping the ester from the water, emulsifying and
> making chicken soup.
> In the SWO we had a small part of a used
> biohydraulic oil which is based on a ester which
> might have affect the process, we also accidentaly
> had a very small part of used mineralmotoroil
> escaping into the SWO. 
> Our next idea is to heat the Ester to over 80°C to
> remove possible metanol and after that to over 100°C
> to remove possible water.
> While working on this what might the next step be in
> trying to solv the very intersting problem if the
> hetaing is not doing the thing.
> Is there any easy way of finding out what the Ester
> might keep trapped and is there some way of
> purifying the ester from chemical contaminations?
> Thanks in advance for all suggestions which might
> help solving our very interesting case.   
> Best regards from a -14°C Finland
> Tomas Johnsson
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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RE: [Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe


Good points. I looked at the list of Commissioners and
it is there where you can find part of the story. Most
of the Comissioners are policy makers not industry
veterans.  For example, I don't see any real biofuel
refiners or refining background.  There is a guy from
ConocoPhillips but that company is a "minor" compared
to the majors.

Also, methinks the reason for little wording on
hydrogen fuel is that most of the hydrogen fuel will
be coming from the process of cracking and byproduct
of natural gas resulting from traditional petroleum

Little discussion is paid to the all important
"distribution" of the new renewable products.  More
importantly, I don't see any big incentives for the
"distribution" portion of the business.  For exampole,
Indepedent owner-operators of C-Stores and Gas
Stations are already looking at solar, biofuels,
energy efficiency and getting away from traditional
petroleums.  The problem is that these family owned
independents operate on a thin profit margins with an
average of 10-20 C-Store Gas Stations. The
cost-benefit of switching to a new renewable fuel is
easy to say by the Commisisoners but in practice a
much more difficult proposition.

I would advocate for more incentives pointed at the
marketing and distribution of new renewables and
technologies - this is called the "downstream"
activity. I would also advocate for incentives for
people such as the biofuel industry and refining or
"upstream" activities.

In many ways this is already being done with
traditional petroleum in the U.S.  Did you know that
at least 40% of the cost of a gallon of passenger
gasoline is a State and Federal Tax?  And did you know
that most of those taxes are NOT earmarked for
renewables, such as biodiesel, smart growth,
alternative transportation? 

As my buddy Paul Stevens at Hewlett-Packard said, "The
poop is always in the detail, and that is where you
find the cause of the poop."

My three cents worth.

--- John Mullan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK.  So what is new here?  Seems like the panel was
> a complete waste of
> money to "recommend" things we already know
> need/should be done!
> What worries me most is that money keeps getting
> spent on "reports" instead
> of "implementing".
> OK, that was my 2cents worth.
> John
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Keith Addison
> Sent: December 28, 2004 12:39 AM
> Subject: [Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US
> energy strategy
> DieselNet
> December 2004
> Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy
> The report calls for incentives to increase global
> oil production,
> recommends to increase domestic vehicle fuel
> economy, and to increase
> investment in alternative fuels. The climate change
> plan would limit
> greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but a cost cap for
> doing so would be
> established. Incentives should be also provided for
> low- and non-
> carbon sources like natural gas, renewable energy,
> nuclear energy,
> and advanced coal technologies with carbon capture
> and sequestration.
> Among many detailed recommendations, the report
> supports domestic
> production of advanced diesel and hybrid vehicles.
> The Commission
> concluded that a combination of improved
> conventional gasoline
> technologies and advanced hybrid-electric and diesel
> technologies can
> significantly increase fuel economy without
> sacrificing size, power,
> or safety.
> Download report:
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

I think that we have Keith to thank for this, as well as others who >put 
effort into keeping this board a reasonably sane place to hang >out.

It is most definetly a collective effort, and all parts of that effort makes 
this list so stimulating.

I know that I have been drawn in to political discussions that I have
allowed to go too far in the past.  Thankfully, I was gently guided back
to the fold.

I truly do appreciate all of the discussions on this board.  For biofuel
information, the JTF website has all of the information that I need at
this stage in my development.

Without the JtF site (and this list)  I never could have done anything that 
remotely resembles what I have been able to accomplish, so yes, it is a 
treasure house well worth investigating.

I do get a lot from being able to watch the

success of others, and do look forward to further success in my own quest
once I get settled somewhere.

Feeding off each others' success and failures as well drives things forward. 
Need somethng mobile until you get "settled" ? There are ideas that can be 
"played" with on the processors page at JtF. You got a small trailer you can 
pull with a vehicle ? Sounds like a mobile BD lab to me :-)

However, what really keeps me coming back

is the chance to interact with thinking, logical, rational people on a
regular basis.  Even when I disagree, which is actually a lot more often
than I post disagreement, I do learn something.  That's what this is all
about, IMHO.

A wise person learns from his mistakes, a wiser person still learns from the 
mistakes of others. The point is, to learn something, and here you have no 
problem doing that.IMHO too:)



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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to yourPre-heat tank or reactor.

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

I did it a bit differently but the same principle. I use only 22 liter pails 
for collection and storage of WVO. I came across a 20 liter paint pail which 
has the same body dimensions as the 22 liter so I cut off the bottom leaving 
about 1/2 of the pail intact, strapped the screening mesh over the top of 
the now half pint pail and secured it around the edges with grapple bar, 
allowing the mesh to droop into the center of the pail. This half pail is 
then placed inside the rim of the 22 liter pail and just sits there pretty 
as you please and I filter my heated WVO that way. Whatever works eh ?

- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to 
yourPre-heat tank or reactor.

Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to your Pre-heat tank or 

I found a solution to filter the WVO before adding it to my Processor.


Take two (or three) 5 Gallon round drywall buckets and cut the bottoms from 
both.  ( I used a jig saw with no problem)  If the buckets have sealed lids, 
cut the lids out as well.

Bucket A:  Wrap a 28"x 28" or so, (fiberglass) mesh window screen around the 
bottom and side leaving no gaps.  Pay attention to conforming the screening 
to the bottom and don't worry too much about the bucket sides as the 
screening will crease.

Install Bucket A into Bucket B.  This will hold the filter (screen) in 

Slide a 2"x4", or pipe through the handle to support the filter bucket over 
your preheat tank and pump or pour your WVO.

I imagine you can add a third bucket to the design with a smaller or larger 
micron filtration, but the window mesh was sufficient.

Thank you,
Kevin Shea
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

2004-12-28 Thread btmd

> Isn't that special. Those wouldn't be those TDI fuel pumps that are BD
> unfriendly would they ? It weren't broke but they just had to fix it
> anyway,
> and now it is broke for sure. Dumb.
> Luc

My question is whether the "fixed" pump will be biodiesel friendly, and
whether this fix will appear on new VWs.  My Beetle TDI will be going to
my daughter in about 9 months, and I will need a new form of
transportation.  At this point, my thinking is to get one of the famous
Mercedes wagons for a daily driver.  However, with a new baby on the way
and all, my significant other wants something "modern" and "reliable" to
drive, so I was thinking of another TDI for her vehicle.  If it ain't
going to be biodiesel friendly, though, I'll have to reconsider.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread btmd

> Greetings,
> As a long time member of the biofuels list, [I took a break then came
> back]
> I have found this list to be different, very different.  We can discuss
> differences and not fight!  We do not divide into camps and start wars.
> We
> came to learn from each other and we do learn, not just biofuels.  It is a
> joy to have a place where different spiritualities can be discussed.  No
> one is saying you must believe as I believe.  Different people have been
> kind enough to share what they believe or live.  My thanks to all who have
> done so.
> Bright Blessings,
> Kim

I think that we have Keith to thank for this, as well as others who put
effort into keeping this board a reasonably sane place to hang out.  I
know that I have been drawn in to political discussions that I have
allowed to go too far in the past.  Thankfully, I was gently guided back
to the fold.

I truly do appreciate all of the discussions on this board.  For biofuel
information, the JTF website has all of the information that I need at
this stage in my development.  I do get a lot from being able to watch the
success of others, and do look forward to further success in my own quest
once I get settled somewhere.  However, what really keeps me coming back
is the chance to interact with thinking, logical, rational people on a
regular basis.  Even when I disagree, which is actually a lot more often
than I post disagreement, I do learn something.  That's what this is all
about, IMHO.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

unfriendly would they ? It weren't broke but they just had to fix it anyway, 
and now it is broke for sure. Dumb.

- Original Message - 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:38 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

December 2004

Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

Volkswagen recalled 290,000 diesel cars worldwide, due to fuel injection 
system problems that could lead to a fuel leakage, according to Reuters. 
The recall includes VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda cars equipped with 
dual-valve, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.9-liter engines, manufactured from March to 
August 2004.

In the US market, diesel fuel pumps that can potentially develop leaks 
will be replaced in an estimated 19,284 Golf, Jetta, Beetle and Passat 
vehicles. The recall is expected to begin in February 2005.

Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Kim & Garth Travis

As a long time member of the biofuels list, [I took a break then came back] 
I have found this list to be different, very different.  We can discuss 
differences and not fight!  We do not divide into camps and start wars.  We 
came to learn from each other and we do learn, not just biofuels.  It is a 
joy to have a place where different spiritualities can be discussed.  No 
one is saying you must believe as I believe.  Different people have been 
kind enough to share what they believe or live.  My thanks to all who have 
done so.

Bright Blessings,

At 11:10 PM 12/27/2004, you wrote:

I dressed as Elvis to my Uncle Harry's wedding because Uncle Harry was so
damm cool.  The preacher threw me out.  Said I was sacreligeous.  I looked
at him and said, "I bet you can't dance." and left.

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel action.
Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into camps and the
fighting begins.  Never fails.

You know it as well as I do.

How about some biofuel?


- Original Message -
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> If you don't titrate right you can't get to heaven? See it is relevant.
> It's all in the doing, not in the religion.
> All religions can get you to god, if "titrated" correctly.
> Wait...wait.. you're gonna come back with a my way or no way line right?

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to your Pre-heat tank or reactor.

2004-12-28 Thread Kevin Shea

Cheepo 5 gallon Filter Assembly to filter WVO to your Pre-heat tank or reactor.

I found a solution to filter the WVO before adding it to my Processor.


Take two (or three) 5 Gallon round drywall buckets and cut the bottoms from 
both.  ( I used a jig saw with no problem)  If the buckets have sealed lids, 
cut the lids out as well.

Bucket A:  Wrap a 28"x 28" or so, (fiberglass) mesh window screen around the 
bottom and side leaving no gaps.  Pay attention to conforming the screening to 
the bottom and don't worry too much about the bucket sides as the screening 
will crease. 

Install Bucket A into Bucket B.  This will hold the filter (screen) in place.

Slide a 2"x4", or pipe through the handle to support the filter bucket over 
your preheat tank and pump or pour your WVO.

I imagine you can add a third bucket to the design with a smaller or larger 
micron filtration, but the window mesh was sufficient.

Thank you, 
Kevin Shea
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

It's the same delete button for everyone. You wandered into a discussion, 
not the first of it's kind, on your own, and should you so chose wander out 
the same way.

Biofuels you say ?
Nothing BUT biofuels. And once you have thouroughly assimilated all the 
information there and still have pertinent question you are more than 
welcomed to ask here. Your questions will be aswered. So far though, no 
question, only a critique of what others should be doing. You walk the way 
you want, however i shall do the same and I will not be "shut up" because 
you don't like it. Use the delete button, it's a very useful tool for 
managing things you are not interested in.
The only "fighting " that ever develops is usually prompted by the "shut up 
about that subject I don't like it crowd". Like I said before, this isn't 
the first time this has come up and might not even be the last, so if 
censureship is what you want you might be disappointed.
Respect reigns here, and anything else will not be tolerated, beit rom those 
who profess a certain religious faith or from those who do not. It is a 
community, and within that community there are divergeances of personal 
opinion, al the while in the quest for alternative energy solutions. No 
automatons, no subject cops, no censureship, only a cooperative effort 
binding people from several countries around the world into this one 
community. Many facets of that global environment are represented here and 
that is, in part, what makes it so much more interesting than the 
mono-boards found elsewhere; for those able to participate that is. You can 
learn mountains here, or not, but ultim,ately that decision will be yours.


- Original Message - 
From: "Crimson Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

I dressed as Elvis to my Uncle Harry's wedding because Uncle Harry was so
damm cool.  The preacher threw me out.  Said I was sacreligeous.  I looked
at him and said, "I bet you can't dance." and left.

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel action.
Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into camps and 

fighting begins.  Never fails.

You know it as well as I do.

How about some biofuel?


- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

If you don’t titrate right you can't get to heaven? See it is relevant.

It's all in the doing, not in the religion.

All religions can get you to god, if "titrated" correctly.

Wait...wait.. you're gonna come back with a my way or no way line right?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] 3

2004-12-28 Thread Michael Redler

Biofuel mailing list

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RE: [Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

2004-12-28 Thread John Mullan

OK.  So what is new here?  Seems like the panel was a complete waste of
money to "recommend" things we already know need/should be done!

What worries me most is that money keeps getting spent on "reports" instead
of "implementing".

OK, that was my 2cents worth.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Keith Addison
Sent: December 28, 2004 12:39 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

December 2004

Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

The report calls for incentives to increase global oil production,
recommends to increase domestic vehicle fuel economy, and to increase
investment in alternative fuels. The climate change plan would limit
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but a cost cap for doing so would be
established. Incentives should be also provided for low- and non-
carbon sources like natural gas, renewable energy, nuclear energy,
and advanced coal technologies with carbon capture and sequestration.

Among many detailed recommendations, the report supports domestic
production of advanced diesel and hybrid vehicles. The Commission
concluded that a combination of improved conventional gasoline
technologies and advanced hybrid-electric and diesel technologies can
significantly increase fuel economy without sacrificing size, power,
or safety.
Download report:

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Guag Meister

Hi Robert ;

Yes very well stated indeed.  I would only add that
there exist people with interesting and unique
perspectives.  As a list participant I appreciate the
opportunity to be exposed to these perspectives and
learn and also to post.  No one knows everything.

As long as we keep the subject line relevant to the
post (shame on me too), un-interesting posts can just
be deleted by the reader.  Nothing lost.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

--- robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Crimson Bill wrote:
> > I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice
> the little g?
> > 
> > I am walking the way I walk and am just looking
> for some biofuel action.
> > Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will
> divide into camps and the
> > fighting begins.  Never fails.
>   Not in this forum.  Our discussion means too much
> to the people who 
> frequent this group.  You will notice after being
> here awhile that 
> people like Todd and I can completely disagree on
> some issue, yet 
> remain civil and respectful toward one another.  We
> can learn about a 
> wide range of perspectives in an international forum
> of this nature, 
> some of it directly related to biofuels, some of it
> more tangential.
> > How about some biofuel?
>   We've been around this block many times, Bill.  The
> discussion here 
> often wanders into the realm of geopolitics and
> religion, and 
> inevitably someone complains about "off topic"
> posting.  This may be 
> well intended, but I'd like you to broaden your view
> a little bit and 
> understand why this discussion is relevant to
> biofuels.
>   My nation, the United States, lacks a comprehensive
> and cohesive 
> energy policy.  What drives American actions in the
> present 
> administration is a pressing need to secure a
> variety of "traditional" 
> (that is, liquid and gaseous fossil) energy sources
> so that a single 
> problem in some distant part of the world does not
> hold the American 
> economy hostage.  For this reason, we have meddled
> into the affairs of 
> central Asian nations, Africa, South America and
> Iraq.  (And this is 
> the root of our opposition to the Kyoto Accord.) 
> Therefore, the 
> recent discussion in this forum about hyping the
> terror threat relates 
> to biofuels.  Without an "enemy" upon which to
> direct our angst, 
> Americans might wake up and realize that we need a
> plan that is more 
> sensible and responsible than the "market driven"
> ideas we have 
> pursued so relentlessly since I've been an adult.
>   Coupled with this, a blind following of "Christian"
> dispensationalists demand absolute allegiance to
> their "plan" for 
> Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.  Using the
> cloak of religion, 
> these people have hijacked many influential churches
> in North America 
> and brainwashed nonthinking Christians (is there
> such a thing?) into 
> supporting Israel at all costs; including the use of
> American military 
> forces to subdue a certain Middle Eastern dictator
> whose armed forces 
> presented no credible threat to the United States. 
> The recent 
> discussion concerning religion relates directly to
> this problem.  (And 
> trust me, mine is a VERY unpopular position to hold
> within a 
> conservative Christian congregation.)
>   As a devoted Christian, I am deeply troubled by the
> misuse of my 
> faith; particularly when the actions of a supposedly
> Christian 
> president directly contradict the teachings of Jesus
> Christ.  As an 
> American, I am seething at the injustice we are
> projecting upon 
> citizens in other parts of the world.  The root of
> my nation's problem 
> is its insatiable demand for energy, yet formal
> discussion of this 
> issue is happening NOWHERE outside of this forum.
>   Therefore, any topic related to reducing energy
> use, including 
> religious discussion, is fair game in this forum. 
> Those have been the 
> rules around here for a very long time.  I hope you
> come to appreciate 
> them.
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> Adventure for Your Mind
> Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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[Biofuel] Something strange in the last batch of FAME

2004-12-28 Thread Johnsson Tomas

Hello All,

Something strange was happening with the last batch. There is probably 
something additional in the SWO. The oil never cleared after heated and the 
water was removed (+55¡C). Still there was no worry as it has been seen before. 
The titration was OK (2,5g+3,5g) and everything went smoth and the glycerine 
was removed after fallen out. The glycerine was dark but not very thick, still 
no worry. We are using approx 22-25 % metanol in the transesterification. The 
Ester was cloudy and never cleared after the 2 and 3rd wash and it seams that 
there is some water or metanol still trapped in the ester. We have been 
reheating the Ester to 60¡C and after heating passing it through our small 
separator (alfie). Moisture is dropping out when separated (the moisture is 
approx. ph 8) but the Ester is still keeping something in it as it is cloudy 
and it can be seen that there is something in the ester. The 
transesterification was current and all the glycerine removed as the separatore 
is else not keeping the ester from the water, emulsifying and making chicken 

In the SWO we had a small part of a used biohydraulic oil which is based on a 
ester which might have affect the process, we also accidentaly had a very small 
part of used mineralmotoroil escaping into the SWO. 

Our next idea is to heat the Ester to over 80¡C to remove possible metanol and 
after that to over 100¡C to remove possible water.

While working on this what might the next step be in trying to solv the very 
intersting problem if the hetaing is not doing the thing.

Is there any easy way of finding out what the Ester might keep trapped and is 
there some way of purifying the ester from chemical contaminations?

Thanks in advance for all suggestions which might help solving our very 
interesting case.   

Best regards from a -14¡C Finland

Tomas Johnsson
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Doug Foskey

I beg to differ: Linux is not very prone to hacking at all. I do agree that it 
is advisable to upgrade security patches.
  Linux treats every section of the operating system as individual components. 
It is only a matter of performing an automatic update to load these changes. 
It is not even necessary to restart the computer! The majority of the 
security holes are found before they are able to be (ab)used, and often the 
holes are not really a problem for a home computer. BSD is more secure than 
Linux, due to its more conservative build. There are Linux distributions that 
are possibly better than BSD, but the average desktop system does not really 
need this level of security.
  M$ and other commercial software suppliers tend to gather all their patches 
together and offer a huge update at relatively long intervals. Until users 
upgrade all the vulnerabilities are available to hackers. Some users do not 
bother to upgrade, so remain vulnerable for considerable periods. This is 
possibly the reason why the hackers tend to attack these boxes, as with the 
quantity, and vulnerability they are easy targets.

  I have been using Mepis Linux for about 18 months. It is a really easy 
distribution to install, and as it is based on Debian, tends to be fairly 
bullet proof. Updates are automated, and are standard Debian packages. This 
computer sits behind an IPCop firewall. I doubt if I am ever likely to be 
hacked, because there are not very many holes available to enter. To my 
knowledge I have never been successfully attacked (but I have seen pages of 
entries on my firewall on some days, of attempted entry.

  I am not knocking M$ software: if you feel you are getting value for your 
hard earned money paying for overpriced software, that is good! I found that 
I was better using Linux, and adapting to the programmes rather than using 
Commercial software. (I use Open-Office, Gnucash accounting programme, QCad 
2d CAD programme, etc, etc.) I do not need M$ compatibility now, except for 
M$ Office compatibility. OO manages M$ O files with minimal effort. I find 
Linux much easier to use than Windows now, and hate having to browse the Web 
at work now, where I can only open about 10 pages without the computer 
crawling or crashing. At home I have up to about 60 pages open at the one 
time with no noticeable degradation in performance. The other advantage I 
find is that I do not need to upgrade my computer very often. I am currently 
using an IBM P3/800, with 384M memory. I doubt that the current release of M$ 
Winblows would even run adequately on this hardware.

regards Doug  

On Tuesday 28 December 2004 12:55, Mel Riser wrote:
> ALL unpatched machines are vulnerable.  Any unpatched computer can be taken
> over so easy.
> Regardless of the OS Including Lunux.  Expecially Linux.
> So it's not the OS but the person taking care of it.
> mel
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 4:15 PM
> Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning
> On Monday, December 27, 2004  3:49 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
> >Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:49:39 -0800 (PST)
> >From: Kirk McLoren
> >Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning
> >
> >The information carried enough credibility that the
> >German government abandoned Microsoft. The replacement
> >OS, Linux, also turned out to be cheaper to support.
> The German Government was wise (if this is true) not because of an
> NSA/Microsoft hoax but rather that any savy programmer can gain access to
> any given windows machine at about any given time due to many many inherant
> flaws in the operating system.  The shear quantity of exploits in the
> Mickeysoft (as you put it) enables anyone (NSA including) to pretty much
> take over any unpatched machine at will without conspiring ahead of time.
> >Doesn't sound too good for Mickeysoft.
> Hey now... I bet Disney would take offense to that... I prefer the more
> degrading term of Microsux or Microsloth!  hehe
> >I understand Bill Gates solution was to purchase more
> >than 50% of Red Hat, a major distribution of Linux.
> >
> >Kirk
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Doug Foskey

Well, I think this is a little early for April 1st. However, if true, 
another good reason to use Linux. 

regards Doug. (a Linux user for over 3 years: Long live open source!)

On Monday 27 December 2004 7:01, bmolloy wrote:
> Hi All,
>   Hmmm, didn't think I'd be posting twice in one session but this
> one could be an important issue for some, especially if you operate on
> Windows. Read on.
> Regards,
> Bob.
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Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Guag Meister

Hi Luc, Brian, Christopher ;

Luke 12:47 - "And that servant who knew his master's
will, and did not prepare himself or do according to
his will, shall be beaten with many stripes

But he who did not know, yet committed things
deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few"  -

Best Regards,

Peter G.

--- Legal Eagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Romans 2:14-15
> Luc
> - Original Message - 
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
> Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
> >
> >> Christopher:
> >> God is not as illogical as religion would put
> Him. According to the 
> >> Bible,
> >> even persons who never knew of God but do the
> right(good)thing ARE
> >> righteous
> >> regardless.
> >>
> > Christopher,
> >
> > I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible,
> but am unsure of where it
> > is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference? 
> Thanks.
> >
> > Brian
> > ___
> > Biofuel mailing list
> >
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> >
> >
> > Biofuel archives at (searchable):
> >
> > 
> ___
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Re: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Bible references

2004-12-28 Thread Guag Meister

Right on!  Gustl!

Best Regards,

Peter G.

--- Gustl Steiner-Zehender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hallo Alan,
> Monday, 27 December, 2004, 19:52:04, you wrote:
> A> Since we all have various and differing beliefs,
> Why don't we put this
> A> religius banter to rest on this list and get back
> on topic!
> A> Peace,
> A> Alan
> Ah,  but  Alan, all things work together to bring
> understanding.  What
> shuts  a  door for you may open it for another. 
> Everything is related
> in one way or another.  It is just a matter of
> connecting the dots but
> first  the  dots  have  to  be  seen.  If these
> things bother you then
> please  consider them as aids to further your
> patience.  No one has to
> believe  anything  or convert to anything but it is
> better to put what
> we are given to good use.
> That  being said friend please re-read your
> introductory mail from the
> list  administrators.   No  topic  cops brother. 
> That is also part of
> peace.
> Happy Happy,
> Gustl
> -- 
> Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
> Mitglied-Team AMIGA
> ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
> The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the
> gentle slope, 
> soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without
> milestones, 
> without signposts.  
> C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
> Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße
> liegen, 
> daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt
> nicht 
> gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
> Those who dance are considered insane by those who
> can't
> hear the music.  
> George Carlin
> The best portion of a good man's life -
> His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness
> and of love.
> William Wordsworth
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Religion/ was Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Guag Meister

Hi Marylynn ;

> and no, I'm not a "feminist".
> I just believe in what is evident .. and that's what
> is called "BALANCE" .. 
> duh!!

What is "evident"  to you was not obvious to anyone
for thousands of years (not evident to me either, by
the way).  Do you think there were no scholars who
considered and rejected this?  There was no such thing
as women's lib until 100 years ago.  I wonder why?

Does a corporation have two CEO's?  Does an army have
two commanding officers?  Why not?

Let Jesus tell you whyy.  "A house divided against
itself cannot stand" . - Jesus.

The world is being turned upside down, and not for the
better, as much as you may like to think otherwise.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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Re: [Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear BioFuel Readers,

Regarding the recent US Energy Strategy, I read the
"executive summary" which is as follows:


As it relates to US activity in
biofuels/ethanol/non-petroleum fuels, it appears the
bipartisan panel strategy provides much opportunity
for entrepreneurs and biofuel advocates.  I wish there
was more wording and attention by the commissioners on
the actual ream activities of the distribution of new
fuels, the refineries themselves and the pipeline
distribution of non-petroleum fuels (soy, canola,
rapeseed, WVO, SVO, ethanol, CNG) and more wording on
the conversion of existing refineries into biodiesel

Thanks Keith for the notification.

--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> DieselNet
> December 2004
> Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy
> The National Commission on Energy Policy--a
> bipartisan group of 
> energy experts from industry, government, labor,
> academia, and 
> environmental and consumer groups--released a
> consensus strategy to 
> address major long-term US energy challenges. The
> report, "Ending the 
> Energy Stalemate: A Bipartisan Strategy to Meet
> America's Energy 
> Challenges", contains policy recommendations for
> addressing oil 
> security, climate change, natural gas supply, the
> future of nuclear 
> energy, and other long-term challenges.
> The report calls for incentives to increase global
> oil production, 
> recommends to increase domestic vehicle fuel
> economy, and to increase 
> investment in alternative fuels. The climate change
> plan would limit 
> greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but a cost cap for
> doing so would be 
> established. Incentives should be also provided for
> low- and non- 
> carbon sources like natural gas, renewable energy,
> nuclear energy, 
> and advanced coal technologies with carbon capture
> and sequestration.
> Among many detailed recommendations, the report
> supports domestic 
> production of advanced diesel and hybrid vehicles.
> The Commission 
> concluded that a combination of improved
> conventional gasoline 
> technologies and advanced hybrid-electric and diesel
> technologies can 
> significantly increase fuel economy without
> sacrificing size, power, 
> or safety.
> The report gives little prominence to fuel cells and
> hydrogen 
> technologies. Hydrogen was not deemed as potentially
> competitive with 
> gasoline by 2020. "The Commission supports continued
> research and 
> development into hydrogen as a long-term (2050)
> solution. The 
> Commission also concludes, however, that hydrogen
> offers little to no 
> potential to improve oil security and reduce climate
> change risks in 
> the next twenty years," said the report.
> To enhance US oil security, the Commission
> recommends increasing and 
> diversifying world oil production, strengthening
> federal fuel economy 
> standards for cars and light trucks beginning no
> later than 2010 and 
> reforming the 30-year-old Corporate Average Fuel
> Economy (CAFE) 
> program. Furthermore, production of hybrid and
> advanced diesel 
> vehicles would be encouraged by $3 billion over ten
> years in 
> manufacturer and consumer incentives. Incentives
> would be also 
> provided for the development of non-petroleum
> transportation fuel 
> alternatives, particularly ethanol and biodiesel
> from waste products 
> and biomass. These steps could reduce US oil
> consumption in 2025 by 
> an estimated 10-15% or 3-5 million barrels per day.
> To reduce risks from climate change, the report
> suggests (1) 
> mandatory GHG emission reductions, and (2)
> international cooperation 
> in GHG reduction programs--both approaches
> traditionally opposed by 
> the US administration. The Commission recommends
> implementing in 2010 
> a mandatory, economy-wide tradable-permits system
> designed to curb 
> future growth in the emissions of greenhouse gases.
> The initial costs 
> to the US economy, however, would be capped at $7
> per metric ton of 
> carbon dioxide-equivalent. In the next step, the
> action to reduce US 
> emissions would be linked with efforts by other
> developed and 
> developing nations to achieve comparable emissions
> reductions via a 
> review of program efficacy and international
> progress in 2015.
> The report further recommends a number of actions to
> increase US 
> energy supply through better utilization of natural
> gas and coal 
> resources, nuclear power, and renewable energy, as
> well as to 
> strengthen the energy supply infrastructure.
> Download report:
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> [EMA

Re: [Biofuel] US EPA issues PM2.5 nonattainment designations

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear Keith,  Thank you for the excellent report. 
Readers, you will notice the weblink map provided in 
lists a big giant area in California called the San
joaquin Valley, California. You will observe the wide
swath of geographical area in comparison to other
parts of the United States.  The wide swath
exemplifies the large air basin in which air is
entrapped and inversion layer occurs along with ground
level ozone, NOx and particulate matter - all non

The San Joaquin Valley is irresitible for land
developers because there is ample agricultural land
that cannot make money for family farms, thus there is
tremendous market pressure for land developement and
satisfy the housing market and population inflow.
Housing prices have appreciated 70% in ten years which
pushes more development because of opportunity cost. 

My observation is that growth will be unstoppable.  So
therefore, smarth growth is the only possible actionm
-biofuels, clean fuels, urban city centers, such as
you see in SF and large European cities (Madrid,
Dublin, Paris, London, Prague, etc)

I guess I am telling you call because maybe one of you
can offer some ideas.  Many articles have already been
published.  Maye we can write a grant to the Bill
Gates Foundation because my idea is to convince
developers and locals that there are other ways to
grow. It requires capital and someone like a Frank
Lloyd Wright (although he designed cities for the
car!) to change and demonstrate better city design.

Maybe we can have e a contest and offer a million
dollar prize to someone who can build a model city. 
Maybe that has already been completed.

So much for my diatribe.


Phillip Wolfe

--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> DieselNet
> December 2004
> US EPA issues PM2.5 nonattainment designations
> The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
> issued designations 
> for the Fine Particle National Ambient Air Quality
> Standards. The EPA 
> designated 224 counties (some of them partial) in 20
> states, as well 
> as the District of Columbia, as PM2.5 nonattainment
> (i.e., out of 
> compliance) areas. This action marks the beginning
> of the enforcement 
> of the new air quality standards for fine particles
> (PM2.5), defined 
> as particles with a diameter below 2.5 microns.
> Most of the non-compliant counties are in the
> Midwest, Northeast, in 
> Southern California, and near Atlanta, GA. The main
> PM2.5 source in 
> the Midwest and in some of the Northeast areas is
> coal-fired power 
> generation. Transportation, including diesels, is an
> important source 
> in several of the remaining areas.
> Under the US Clean Air Act, states with PM2.5
> nonattainment areas 
> will have to prepare State Implementation Plans
> (SIP) by early 2008 
> outlining what actions will be taken to reduce
> pollution. This will 
> likely trigger a number of new diesel
> retrofit/replacement programs 
> in those of the affected areas where diesels are
> important 
> contributors to the ambient PM2.5 levels.
> However, many of the nonattainment areas are
> expected to achieve 
> compliance due to emission regulations from power
> plants and from 
> diesel engines that have been adopted in the recent
> years. According 
> to the recently published EPA 2003 Particle
> Pollution Report, PM2.5 
> levels have been steadily decreasing since
> nationwide monitoring 
> began in 1999.
> EPA issued the fine particle standards in 1997, but
> implementation 
> was delayed due to litigation. The annual PM2.5
> standard is 15 
> micrograms/m3, based on the 3-year average of annual
> mean PM2.5 
> concentrations. The 24-hour standard is 65
> micrograms/m3, determined 
> by the 3-year average of the annual 98th percentile
> concentrations.
> To develop the final designations, EPA requested
> recommendations from 
> state governors and tribal leaders, who have
> identified a total of 
> only 142 counties as PM2.5 nonattainment areas. EPA
> revised the state 
> recommendations by adding more than 100 counties. In
> July 2004, the 
> EPA sent letters to states identifying 244 counties
> as PM2.5 
> nonattainment areas, and giving the states an
> opportunity to respond.
> The existing standards for particulates below 10
> microns (PM10) have 
> been enforced for many years. However, there are
> only 59 PM10 
> nonattainment areas (8 severe and 51 moderate),
> almost all of which-- 
> quite opposite to the PM2.5 map--are located in the
> western states. 
> In some areas, most of the PM10 pollution is due to
> natural sources, 
> including wildland fires and dust carried by high
> winds.
> EPA press release: 
> c686/bc63cfdda235542585256f6d005e6738!OpenDocument
> Map of nonattainment areas: 
> EPA PM2.5 designations

Re: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

that was a smart move by Bill. The Redhat distro is OK but the SUSE distro has 
passed them.

I haven't used either in a long time though I would like to try SuSe again.

If you are wanting security, the BSD varients are the most secure.

I just installed FreeBSD on an old HD on my desktop machine so I can 
stay current with it. I agree that FreeBSD is more secure than Linux. 
(OpenBSD probably being the best?)

but who wants to surf and do word processing on a server platform?

I run Slackware 95% of the time on my desktop machine, though I must 
admit I don't do a lot of "word processing"

the real problem is OS freaks want to turn their OS into a religion.

Use the right tool for the job, as you say.

when the techno nerds quit hatin' the devil and lovin' god, they started 
worshippin' linus and hating Bill.


You lost me, Mel :)
Martin Klingensmith
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Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread robert luis rabello

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel action.
Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into camps and the
fighting begins.  Never fails.

	Not in this forum.  Our discussion means too much to the people who 
frequent this group.  You will notice after being here awhile that 
people like Todd and I can completely disagree on some issue, yet 
remain civil and respectful toward one another.  We can learn about a 
wide range of perspectives in an international forum of this nature, 
some of it directly related to biofuels, some of it more tangential.

How about some biofuel?

	We've been around this block many times, Bill.  The discussion here 
often wanders into the realm of geopolitics and religion, and 
inevitably someone complains about "off topic" posting.  This may be 
well intended, but I'd like you to broaden your view a little bit and 
understand why this discussion is relevant to biofuels.

	My nation, the United States, lacks a comprehensive and cohesive 
energy policy.  What drives American actions in the present 
administration is a pressing need to secure a variety of "traditional" 
(that is, liquid and gaseous fossil) energy sources so that a single 
problem in some distant part of the world does not hold the American 
economy hostage.  For this reason, we have meddled into the affairs of 
central Asian nations, Africa, South America and Iraq.  (And this is 
the root of our opposition to the Kyoto Accord.)  Therefore, the 
recent discussion in this forum about hyping the terror threat relates 
to biofuels.  Without an "enemy" upon which to direct our angst, 
Americans might wake up and realize that we need a plan that is more 
sensible and responsible than the "market driven" ideas we have 
pursued so relentlessly since I've been an adult.

	Coupled with this, a blind following of "Christian" 
dispensationalists demand absolute allegiance to their "plan" for 
Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.  Using the cloak of religion, 
these people have hijacked many influential churches in North America 
and brainwashed nonthinking Christians (is there such a thing?) into 
supporting Israel at all costs; including the use of American military 
forces to subdue a certain Middle Eastern dictator whose armed forces 
presented no credible threat to the United States.  The recent 
discussion concerning religion relates directly to this problem.  (And 
trust me, mine is a VERY unpopular position to hold within a 
conservative Christian congregation.)

	As a devoted Christian, I am deeply troubled by the misuse of my 
faith; particularly when the actions of a supposedly Christian 
president directly contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ.  As an 
American, I am seething at the injustice we are projecting upon 
citizens in other parts of the world.  The root of my nation's problem 
is its insatiable demand for energy, yet formal discussion of this 
issue is happening NOWHERE outside of this forum.

	Therefore, any topic related to reducing energy use, including 
religious discussion, is fair game in this forum.  Those have been the 
rules around here for a very long time.  I hope you come to appreciate 

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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[Biofuel] DieselNet - On The Web

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

On The Web

+ US EPA: Particle Pollution Report 2003. The document concludes that 
ambient PM2.5 levels are now the lowest since nationwide monitoring 
began in 1999. Since 1999, monitored concentrations of PM2.5 have 
decreased 10% and are about 30% lower than EPA estimates of levels 25 
years ago. But millions of people still live in areas of high 
particle pollution, said the EPA, thus justifying the need for 
further emission regulations. 	Press release: 

+ US DOE's Energy Information Administration (EIA) issues two new reports:

- "Annual Energy Outlook 2005"--by 2025, 68% of the US petroleum 
demand would depend on imported oil, up from 56% in 2003.

- "Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States, 2003"--US 
greenhouse gas emissions increased by 0.7% in 2003. On the positive 
side, the 2003 increase was below the rate of economic growth of 3.0% 
and below the average annual growth rate of 1.0% in greenhouse gas 
emissions since 1990.

+ American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): In a revised policy 
statement, "Ambient Air Pollution: Health Hazards to Children" the 
AAP advises that children are at higher risk from exposure to air 
pollution than adults. According to the policy statement, exposure to 
traffic- related pollution, such as exhaust emissions from cars and 
diesel exhaust from trucks and even school buses, increases a child's 
risk of respiratory complications as well as lifetime risk of cancer.


+ Health Effects Institute (HEI) publishes three new research reports:

- Report 123, "Time-Series Analysis of Air Pollution and Mortality: A 
Statistical Review" 	Full Report: 	Statement:

- Report 125, "Uptake Distribution of Ozone in Human Lungs: 
Intersubject Variability in Physiologic Response" 	Full Report: 	Statement:

- Report 122, "Evaluation of a Personal and Microenvironmental 
Aerosol Speciation Sampler (PMASS)" 	Full Report: 	Statement:

+ European Commission launches public internet consultation on action 
plan to reduce air pollution. 

+ UK Department for Transport: "Transport Trends 2004". An overview 
of trends in transport and travel in GB over the past twenty years. 

+ California ARB:

- A revised draft of the proposed regulation for the "Particulate 
Matter Control Measure for On-road Heavy Duty Diesel Fleet Vehicles 
Owned/Operated by Public Agencies and Utilities" is available for 
review. The ARB is requesting comments on the revised draft by 
January 21, 2005. 
	 - ARB will be holding the second offroad diesel equipment 
measure workgroup meeting on Wednesday, February 16.

+ Presentations from the Swedish Automotive Environment Symposium at 
38th Tokyo Motor Show 2004. 

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[Biofuel] Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

Volkswagen recalls 290,000 diesel cars

Volkswagen recalled 290,000 diesel cars worldwide, due to fuel 
injection system problems that could lead to a fuel leakage, 
according to Reuters. The recall includes VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda 
cars equipped with dual-valve, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.9-liter engines, 
manufactured from March to August 2004.

In the US market, diesel fuel pumps that can potentially develop 
leaks will be replaced in an estimated 19,284 Golf, Jetta, Beetle and 
Passat vehicles. The recall is expected to begin in February 2005.

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[Biofuel] More hybrid technology news

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

More hybrid technology news

+ Honda debuts Accord Hybrid in the US market

Honda has launched its biggest hybrid car, the 2005 Accord Hybrid. 
The Accord Hybrid comes with the third generation of Honda's hybrid 
system, in combination with the new Variable Cylinder Management 
(VCM) cylinder deactivation technology, which shuts down three of the 
six cylinders while cruising. The vehicle generates 255 hp, 6% more 
than the Accord V-6 Sedan, with "a remarkably broad and flat torque 
curve," said Honda. The US EPA fuel economy rating for the vehicle 
(with 5-speed automatic transmission) is 29 mpg (8.11 l/100 km) in 
the city and 37 mpg (6.35 l/100 km) on the highway.

The Accord Hybrid has a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) 
of $29,990. The hybrid is similarly equipped to the conventional 
Honda Accord EX V-6, which comes with an MSRP of $26,700. Based on 
that comparison, the price premium for the hybrid propulsion system 
is about $3,290.

+ Dodge RAM hybrid enters production

DaimlerChrysler has begun limited production of the Dodge Ram Diesel 
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which will be available to fleet 

The Dodge Ram Diesel HEV is built on the Ram Heavy Duty (2500/3500) 
chassis, features the 5.9 liter 325 hp, 600 lb-ft Cummins Turbo 
Diesel, and is equipped with diesel-electric hybrid propulsion. An 
integrated starter-alternator unit provides a start-stop capability, 
which shuts the engine off at full stop and restarts when the 
accelerator is pressed. It also assists the diesel engine during 
acceleration. A regenerative braking system helps recharge the 
batteries. The saving on fuel is up to 15%. 

+ Hybrid buses not delivering fuel economy

According to press reports, hybrid diesel electric buses purchased by 
Seattle, WA, have not delivered their anticipated fuel economy 
improvement. The hybrids were expected to save up to 40% of fuel, but 
the fuel economy in the first months of real operation was comparable 
to that of conventional diesels.

The King County Metro has purchased 235 60-foot articulated buses 
featuring the GM's Allison hybrid drive system. At this time, the 
transit agency has the largest fleet of hybrid buses in the world. In 
September, the hybrids were getting only a disappointing 3.75 mpg. At 
times, the hybrid buses had worse mileage than the 1989 buses they 
were replacing.

One of the possible reasons is that the hybrids were operated on 
suburban express routes with large proportion of highway mileage, 
where little fuel economy advantage exists. The fuel efficiency of 
hybrid buses is well pronounced in stop-and-go applications, such as 
in urban driving.

This is another indication that the fuel economy of hybrid vehicles 
is extremely sensitive to the test cycle, much more so than the fuel 
economy in conventional powertrains. The fuel saving with hybrids is 
due to energy management in the powertrain, rather than to improved 
thermal efficiency of the engine, and can be realized only under 
transient driving patterns. Fuel economy predictions for hybrids in 
real life applications are indeed very difficult.

+ Hybrid buses coming to Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh will receive six Gillig hybrid buses, which use the GM 
Allison hybrid system. The buses are scheduled to be delivered in 
late 2004 or early 2005.

The purchase was made possible by a $6.6 million grant from the US 
Department of Transportation, which will also finance 14 additional 
conventional coaches for the Port Authority of Allegheny County's bus 
system. The operation of the new hybrids will help determine the 
future propulsion system for Port Authority's fleet. 

+ Azure delivers hybrid electric vehicle to Purolator

Burnaby, BC-based Azure Dynamics Corporation delivered a hybrid 
electric delivery vehicle to Purolator, Canada's largest overnight 
courier company. It is the first vehicle delivered under a five-year 
supply contract with Purolator.

The hybrids for Purolator are equipped with a series hybrid system, 
where all motive power is transferred electrically to one or more 
electric traction motors that drive the wheels. After field testing 
of hybrid vehicles, Purolator saw a fuel consumption reduction of an 
impressive 50%, according to Azure.
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[Biofuel] DaimlerChrysler and GM to jointly develop hybrid vehicles

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

DaimlerChrysler and General Motors Corporation (GM) announced their 
intention to work together to develop a "two-mode" full hybrid 
propulsion architecture for applications in GM, Chrysler Group and 
Mercedes Car Group vehicles. Variants planned include rear- and 
front- wheel-drive versions for cars, trucks and other vehicles. GM 
and DaimlerChrysler have signed a memorandum of understanding, and 
intend to enter into a definitive agreement in early 2005.

While no technical details were given, the "two-mode" hybrid 
technology represents a more advanced design compared to today's 
hybrids, according to the companies. The two-mode hybrid utilizes two 
electric motors that are smaller than those in today's single-mode 
designs, and can provide performance and fuel economy improvements at 
highway speeds. Packaging was said to be more efficient as the motors 
are incorporated within an electrically variable transmission.

The system is likely related to the hybrid drive powertrain for urban 
buses, developed by GM's Allison Transmission--both systems are 
referred to as "two-mode" hybrid systems. In the Allison system, the 
electric motors are used to help accelerate from a stop. At high 
speeds, the vehicle is propelled by the diesel engine, without using 
the electric motors.

"The two-mode design is the optimal merging of full hybrid and state- 
of-the-art automatic transmission technologies," said Tom Stephens, 
group vice president of GM Powertrain. "Together we will jointly 
develop what is essentially an electrically variable transmission 
with two hybrid drive modes. This system will reduce fuel consumption 
at highway speeds much more effectively than available single mode 
systems and achieve at least a 25% improvement in composite fuel 
economy in full-size truck applications."

Each company will integrate the two-mode full hybrid into its own 
vehicles. GM plans to have the system in the Chevrolet Tahoe and GMC 
Yukon by late 2007. DaimlerChrysler will put it in the Dodge Durango 
by 2008.

This cooperation is a response to the projected increase in the 
hybrid vehicle sales in North America. In 2004, Americans will buy an 
estimated 80,000 hybrids—out of the 16 million total vehicle 
market—but the number may grow to a few millions within the decade. 
The major players have been Toyota, with its Prius sedan, and Honda, 
with the Civic hybrid and the new Accord hybrid. More recently, the 
Japanese suppliers have been joined by Ford, who launched a hybrid 
version of its Escape SUV. DaimlerChrysler has been favoring diesels 
as a solution for better fuel economy, and has been building advanced 
diesel cars in Europe, while GM has been pushing for the development 
of hydrogen fuel cells.,,0-5-7145-1-442663-1-0-0-0-0-0- 

Allison's system (a Flash-based, difficult to navigate site):

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[Biofuel] V6 engine with "maintenance-free" filter for Peugeot HDi 607

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

V6 engine with "maintenance-free" filter for Peugeot HDi 607

The French PSA Group introduced for the first time a six cylinder 
diesel engine to its Peugeot HDi 607 automobile. The 2.7 liter V6 
engine has been developed under the cooperative program between PSA 
Peugeot Citroën and Ford in the Jaguar development center in Whitley, 
UK. The same engine was earlier introduced in the Jaguar S-Type model 
(see DieselNet Update - June 2003).

The V6, Euro 4 engine has a capacity of 2,720 cm3 and produces 150 kW 
at 4,000 rpm. The maximum torque of 440 Nm is produced at 1,900 rpm. 
According to PSA and Ford, it is the industry-first engine using 
compacted graphite iron (CGI) technology instead of the conventional 
cast iron block.

The engine features a piezoelectric common rail injection system 
operating at pressures up to 1,650 bar. Six injection events are 
possible: two pre-injections to control noise, two main injections, 
and two post-injections for the regeneration of the diesel 
particulate filter. The engine is equipped with two variable geometry 
turbochargers. The engine's electronic control module receives input 
from 23 sensors and sends instructions to 20 actuators to manage the 
engine operation.

The engine is equipped with the newest "maintenance-free" version of 
the Peugeot diesel particulate filter, which can be operated without 
maintenance for a period of 200,000 km. The filter utilizes the 
Ibiden "octosquare" substrates, where the octagonal inlet channels 
are larger than the outlet channels, to provide increased ash storage 
capacity. The filter utilizes the Eolys cerium/iron additive by 
Rhodia for regeneration.

Peugeot 607--launched in May 2000, with a 2.2 liter 4-cylinder 
engine- -was the fist modern diesel car to be equipped with a 
particulate filter. Since that time, about 900,000 filter systems 
have been sold in various models of Peugeot diesel engines. The first 
version of the system required maintenance (washing from ash) every 
80,000 km.;lng=de/do=show/alloc=34/id=658

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[Biofuel] London adopts Taxi Emissions Strategy

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

London adopts Taxi Emissions Strategy

The Mayor of London, England, has adopted a "Taxi Emissions 
Strategy", which requires that all taxi cabs in use in London meet 
the current Euro 3 emission standards by 2007. Taxis, which are 
predominantly diesel powered, are responsible for 24% of fine 
particle and 12% of NOx emissions from road transport in central 

A special flat fare increase of 20 pence per trip will be effective 
from April 2005 to cover the cost of upgrading to the new standards.

There are three major options for taxi owners who operate pre-Euro 3 
vehicles: (1) to buy a new cab, (2) to retrofit old cabs with an 
ammonia or urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system with a 
particulate filter, and (3) to convert the vehicle to run on 
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

The time scale to comply with the Taxi Emissions Strategy is July 1 
2006 for pre-Euro 1 taxis; January 1 2007 for Euro 1 taxis; and 
January 1 2008 for Euro 2 taxis. There are approximately 2,400 pre- 
Euro 1 cabs in London; 8,700 Euro 1 cabs; 5,400 Euro 2 and 3,600 Euro 
3 cabs.

The Taxi Emissions Strategy is part of the Mayor's plan to make 
London a Low Emission Zone, which will come into force by 2007. The 
"Low Emission Zone" rules will remove the most polluting trucks, 
buses and coaches from the streets of London. Emissions in London 
have been already reduced by an estimated 12% through the central 
London congestion charge program.

The maker of London's black cabs, Manganese Bronze Holdings, 
introduced the world's first hybrid diesel electric taxis in June (in 
cooperation with Azure Dynamics). Irvine, CA-based KleenAir Systems 
announced it intends to supply retrofit emission control systems for 
the affected London cabs. 

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[Biofuel] Automakers challenge California greenhouse gas rule

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

Automakers challenge California greenhouse gas rule

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and a group of automobile 
dealers in California's Central Valley have sued the California ARB 
over its greenhouse gas rule which was adopted in September 2004.

The rule mandates reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) 
emissions from automobiles sold in California. The standards would 
phase in from 2009 to 2016, with an average GHG emission reduction of 
22% in 2012 and 30% in 2016, compared to today's vehicles.

Car manufacturers have been opposing the rule on the grounds that it 
is a veiled form of fuel economy regulation, rather than an emission 
standard. California has the right to establish her own emission 
standards, but fuel economy remains under federal authority. US fuel 
economy regulations are developed by the National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers said that consumers would 
suffer higher prices and severely restricted choice of vehicles if 
each state were deciding for itself which new vehicles ought to be 
produced and sold. The Alliance also said consumer tax incentives, 
rather than regulations, should be used to promote advanced vehicle 

The law suit was criticized by environmental organizations. "It is 
disappointing--though not surprising--that the same automakers buying 
ads touting their environmental commitments are suing to prevent 
California from protecting its citizens from the effects of global 
warming," said Dan Becker, Washington Director of the Sierra Club's 
Global Warming Program. "If these automakers are so committed to 
reducing global warming emissions, why are they suing to prevent 
California from doing just that?" continued Becker. Some 
environmental organizations also praised Honda for not taking part in 
the law suit.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers is a trade association of 9 
car and light truck manufacturers including BMW Group, 
DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Mazda, 
Mitsubishi Motors, Porsche, Toyota and Volkswagen.

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[Biofuel] California ARB adopts mandatory chip reflash program

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

California ARB adopts mandatory chip reflash program

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved a mandatory 
software upgrade (so-called "chip reflash") program for affected 
heavy-duty diesel engines. Owners and operators of heavy-duty trucks 
and other vehicles that use model year 1993-1999 heavy-duty diesel 
engines will be required to have an upgraded version of software in 
their engine's electronic control module (ECM). The mandatory program 
replaces the former voluntary effort (see DieselNet Update - March 

The regulation affects an estimated 58,000 engines in California, 
only 14,000 of which (24%) have been reflashed. The rule also applies 
to some 300,000 to 400,000 out-of-state vehicles that drive through 
California. Under the mandatory program, all heavy-duty engines have 
to be reflashed by the end of 2005, and medium-duty engines by the 
end of 2006. The cost of the reflash is to be covered by the engine 

Enforcement of the program would occur through the ARB's Heavy-Duty 
Vehicle Smoke Inspection Program, where engines would be checked for 
the usage of the right software.

In March 2004, the ARB adopted a voluntary chip reflash plan which 
was supported by engine manufacturers, who agreed to cover the costs. 
However, the voluntary plan target of 35% reflashed engines by 
November 2004 has not been reached, thus prompting the adoption of 
mandatory requirements. Only one manufacturer, Detroit Diesel, has 
met its voluntary quota and was allowed to continue the voluntary 
program. The mandatory requirements apply to Caterpillar, Volvo, 
Cummins, and Navistar engines.

The mandatory program has been opposed by manufacturers who refuse to 
cover the cost of the reflash. The Engine Manufacturers Association 
(EMA) will likely sue the ARB on behalf of its members, who--under 
the 1998 EPA consent decrees--are not required to pay for the reflash 
under the accelerated mandatory schedule.

Most of 1993-1999 MY heavy-duty engines (about 1.3 million engines in 
the US market) used software that switched to a more fuel efficient 
but higher NOx engine calibration during steady-state highway 
cruising. This dual engine mapping strategy was deemed by the EPA and 
the ARB to be an illegal "emissions defeat device". In 1998, under 
consent decrees signed with the EPA/DOJ, manufacturers agreed to 
develop a low NOx software upgrade. However, the consent decrees 
require software upgrade only when the affected engines undergo major 
overhauls. Furthermore, vehicle operators have no economic incentive 
to do the chip reflash, as doing so results in deterioration of fuel 
economy. As a result, the progress of the software upgrade has been 
slower than anticipated by the regulators.

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[Biofuel] Japan switching to ultra low sulfur diesel

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

Japan switching to ultra low sulfur diesel

Following a voluntary commitment of the Petroleum Association of 
Japan (PAJ), Japanese refiners will start supplying ultra low sulfur 
diesel (ULSD) of max. 10 ppm sulfur content from January 1, 2005, two 
years before the mandatory deadline. The ULSD will be supplied 
nationwide (with small exceptions), replacing the current 50 ppm S 
diesel. Sulfur content will be also lowered to 10 ppm in gasoline.

The refiners have spent 300 billion yen ($2.92 billion) to upgrade 
facilities for the desulfurization process. It is expected that the 
move will result in increased fuel prices and may cause reduced fuel 

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[Biofuel] Diesel share of new passenger cars in Western Europe at 51.9%

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

Diesel share of new passenger cars in Western Europe at 51.9%

The share of diesels in the new passenger car market in Western 
Europe has reached an all-time high, according to the market data 
published by Robert Bosch GmbH. In October 2004, 51.9% of all newly 
registered passenger cars were equipped with a diesel engine.

The share of diesels has been growing in all classes of vehicles. 
According to the Bosch statistics, diesels account for 62.5% of 
vehicles in the upper middle-class, and for 61.4% in the 
middle-class. The highest growth rates were registered for high-end 
cars, where the diesel share increased by 9 percent to 44.4%, and in 
the compact class with a 7.1 percent increase to 33.2%.

The diesel share in Germany has also reached a new record at 47.9% in 
October 2004, up from 41.5% in October 2003. The highest diesel share 
for newly registered cars of more than 70% were recorded in Austria, 
Belgium and France. The share of diesels increased by 7.5% in the UK 
and Italy. In the UK, the numbers came to 37.1%, up from 29.6% in 
October 2003. In Italy, the numbers increased from 52.9% to 60.4%.

The continuous increase of the diesel share has been driven by their 
superior fuel economy--some 30% less fuel consumption in comparison 
to gasoline vehicles--and the corresponding reductions in greenhouse 
gas emissions, as well as by the good performance of advanced diesel 

However, increased usage of diesels has resulted in particulate 
matter (PM) emissions, which have been identified as a public heath 
concern by the European Commission, by the German Environment 
Ministry, and by authorities in several other countries. It is 
expected that the Euro 5 emission standards, to be proposed in 2005, 
will make it necessary to fit all new diesel cars with particulate 
filters. In the meantime, car manufacturers increasingly introduce 
particulate filters on a voluntary basis. First Peugeot cars were 
fitted with filters in 2000. German manufacturers introduced filters 
this year on a number of Euro 4 vehicles, and intend to use them in 
all new car models by 2009. Advanced particulate filter systems in 
passenger cars lower PM emissions below typical urban background 
levels, i.e., the exhaust gas contains less PM than the intake air 
supplied to the engine. 

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[Biofuel] Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

Bipartisan panel recommends US energy strategy

The National Commission on Energy Policy--a bipartisan group of 
energy experts from industry, government, labor, academia, and 
environmental and consumer groups--released a consensus strategy to 
address major long-term US energy challenges. The report, "Ending the 
Energy Stalemate: A Bipartisan Strategy to Meet America's Energy 
Challenges", contains policy recommendations for addressing oil 
security, climate change, natural gas supply, the future of nuclear 
energy, and other long-term challenges.

The report calls for incentives to increase global oil production, 
recommends to increase domestic vehicle fuel economy, and to increase 
investment in alternative fuels. The climate change plan would limit 
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but a cost cap for doing so would be 
established. Incentives should be also provided for low- and non- 
carbon sources like natural gas, renewable energy, nuclear energy, 
and advanced coal technologies with carbon capture and sequestration.

Among many detailed recommendations, the report supports domestic 
production of advanced diesel and hybrid vehicles. The Commission 
concluded that a combination of improved conventional gasoline 
technologies and advanced hybrid-electric and diesel technologies can 
significantly increase fuel economy without sacrificing size, power, 
or safety.

The report gives little prominence to fuel cells and hydrogen 
technologies. Hydrogen was not deemed as potentially competitive with 
gasoline by 2020. "The Commission supports continued research and 
development into hydrogen as a long-term (2050) solution. The 
Commission also concludes, however, that hydrogen offers little to no 
potential to improve oil security and reduce climate change risks in 
the next twenty years," said the report.

To enhance US oil security, the Commission recommends increasing and 
diversifying world oil production, strengthening federal fuel economy 
standards for cars and light trucks beginning no later than 2010 and 
reforming the 30-year-old Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) 
program. Furthermore, production of hybrid and advanced diesel 
vehicles would be encouraged by $3 billion over ten years in 
manufacturer and consumer incentives. Incentives would be also 
provided for the development of non-petroleum transportation fuel 
alternatives, particularly ethanol and biodiesel from waste products 
and biomass. These steps could reduce US oil consumption in 2025 by 
an estimated 10-15% or 3-5 million barrels per day.

To reduce risks from climate change, the report suggests (1) 
mandatory GHG emission reductions, and (2) international cooperation 
in GHG reduction programs--both approaches traditionally opposed by 
the US administration. The Commission recommends implementing in 2010 
a mandatory, economy-wide tradable-permits system designed to curb 
future growth in the emissions of greenhouse gases. The initial costs 
to the US economy, however, would be capped at $7 per metric ton of 
carbon dioxide-equivalent. In the next step, the action to reduce US 
emissions would be linked with efforts by other developed and 
developing nations to achieve comparable emissions reductions via a 
review of program efficacy and international progress in 2015.

The report further recommends a number of actions to increase US 
energy supply through better utilization of natural gas and coal 
resources, nuclear power, and renewable energy, as well as to 
strengthen the energy supply infrastructure.
Download report:

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[Biofuel] US EPA issues PM2.5 nonattainment designations

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

December 2004

US EPA issues PM2.5 nonattainment designations

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued designations 
for the Fine Particle National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The EPA 
designated 224 counties (some of them partial) in 20 states, as well 
as the District of Columbia, as PM2.5 nonattainment (i.e., out of 
compliance) areas. This action marks the beginning of the enforcement 
of the new air quality standards for fine particles (PM2.5), defined 
as particles with a diameter below 2.5 microns.

Most of the non-compliant counties are in the Midwest, Northeast, in 
Southern California, and near Atlanta, GA. The main PM2.5 source in 
the Midwest and in some of the Northeast areas is coal-fired power 
generation. Transportation, including diesels, is an important source 
in several of the remaining areas.

Under the US Clean Air Act, states with PM2.5 nonattainment areas 
will have to prepare State Implementation Plans (SIP) by early 2008 
outlining what actions will be taken to reduce pollution. This will 
likely trigger a number of new diesel retrofit/replacement programs 
in those of the affected areas where diesels are important 
contributors to the ambient PM2.5 levels.

However, many of the nonattainment areas are expected to achieve 
compliance due to emission regulations from power plants and from 
diesel engines that have been adopted in the recent years. According 
to the recently published EPA 2003 Particle Pollution Report, PM2.5 
levels have been steadily decreasing since nationwide monitoring 
began in 1999.

EPA issued the fine particle standards in 1997, but implementation 
was delayed due to litigation. The annual PM2.5 standard is 15 
micrograms/m3, based on the 3-year average of annual mean PM2.5 
concentrations. The 24-hour standard is 65 micrograms/m3, determined 
by the 3-year average of the annual 98th percentile concentrations.

To develop the final designations, EPA requested recommendations from 
state governors and tribal leaders, who have identified a total of 
only 142 counties as PM2.5 nonattainment areas. EPA revised the state 
recommendations by adding more than 100 counties. In July 2004, the 
EPA sent letters to states identifying 244 counties as PM2.5 
nonattainment areas, and giving the states an opportunity to respond.

The existing standards for particulates below 10 microns (PM10) have 
been enforced for many years. However, there are only 59 PM10 
nonattainment areas (8 severe and 51 moderate), almost all of which-- 
quite opposite to the PM2.5 map--are located in the western states. 
In some areas, most of the PM10 pollution is due to natural sources, 
including wildland fires and dust carried by high winds.

EPA press release: 
Map of nonattainment areas:

EPA PM2.5 designations page:
EPA Particle Pollution Report:
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Re: [Biofuel] Kyoto kayoed - again......

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear BMolloy,

Where George Monbiot said, "...The US is now the only
member of the UN Security Council whose word is

My comments:  The recent Indonesian 9.0 earthquake and
resulting tsunami demonstrated who has the last word
and who is the law.  It is not a human, country or
state; but rather Mother Nature; who in one swipe
affected 10 nations and grabbed the world's attention.

Good luck to all and to all a good night.


--- bmolloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  The US has again rejected the Kyoto
> Protocol, this time in at the
> Bueno Aires conference. George Monbiot is a media
> commentator. His views on
> the outcome are sobering.
> Regards,
> Bob.
> By George Monbiot, AlterNet
> Posted on December 21, 2004, Printed on December 23,
> 2004
> I have a persistant mental image of US foreign
> policy, which haunts me even
> in my
> sleep. The vanguard of a vast army is marching
> around the globe, looking for
> its
> enemy. It sees a mass of troops in the distance,
> retreating from it. It
> opens fire,
> unaware that it is shooting its own rear.
> Is this too fanciful a picture? Both Osama bin Laden
> and Saddam Hussein were
> groomed and armed by the United States. Until the
> invasion of Iraq, there
> were no
> links between the Baathists and Al Qaeda: now Bush's
> government has created
> the
> monster it claimed to be slaying.
> The US army developed high-grade weaponized anthrax
> in order, it said, to
> work
> out what would happen if someone else did the same.
> No one else was capable
> of
> producing it: the terrorist who posted envelopes of
> anthrax in 2001 took it
> from one
> of the army's laboratories. Now US researchers are
> preparing genetically
> modified
> strains of smallpox on the same pretext, and with
> the same likely
> consequences.
> The Pentagon's space-based weapons program is being
> developed in response to
> a
> threat that doesn't yet exist, but which it is
> likely to conjure up. The US
> government
> is engaged in a global war with itself. It is like a
> robin attacking its
> reflection in a
> window.
> Nowhere is this more obvious than in its assaults on
> the multilateral
> institutions and
> their treaties. Listening to some of the bunkum
> about the United Nations
> venting
> from Capitol Hill at the moment, you could be
> forgiven for believing that
> the UN was
> a foreign conspiracy against the United States. It
> was, of course, proposed
> by a US
> president, launched in San Francisco and housed in
> New York, where its
> headquarters remain. Its Universal Declaration of
> Human Rights,
> characterized by
> Republicans as a dangerous restraint upon American
> freedoms, was drafted by
> Franklin D. Roosevelt's widow. The US is now the
> only member of the UN
> Security
> Council whose word is law, with the result that the
> UN is one of the world's
> most
> effective instruments for the projection of American
> power.
> The secret deals in Iraq for which the United
> Nations is currently being
> attacked by
> US senators were in fact overseen by the US
> government. It ensured that
> Saddam
> Hussein could evade sanctions by continuing to sell
> oil to its allies in
> Jordan and
> Turkey. Republican congressmen are calling on Kofi
> Annan to resign for
> letting this
> happen, apparently unaware that it was approved in
> Washington to support
> American strategic objectives. The United States
> finds the monsters it
> seeks, as it
> pecks and flutters at its own image.
> So we could interpret the activities of Bush's
> government in Buenos Aires
> last week
> as another vigorous attempt to destroy its own
> interests. US economic growth
> depends on the rest of the world's prosperity. The
> greatest long-term threat
> to global
> prosperity is climate change, which threatens to
> wreck many of America's key
> markets in the developing world. Coastal cities in
> the United States -
> including New
> York - are threatened by rising sea levels. Florida
> could be hit by stronger
> and more
> frequent hurricanes. Both farms and cities are
> likely to be affected by
> droughts.
> In February, a leaked report from the Pentagon
> revealed that it sees global
> warming
> as far more dangerous to US interests than
> terrorism. As a result of abrupt
> climate
> change, it claimed, "warfare may again come to
> define human life. ... As the
> planet's carrying capacity shrinks, an ancient
> pattern reemerges: the
> eruption of
> desperate, all-out wars over food, water, and energy
> supplies." The nuclear
> powers,
> it suggested, are likely to invade each other's
> territories as they scramble
> for
> diminishing resources.
> So how does Bush respond to this? "Bring it on." The
> meeting in Buenos Aires
> was
> supposed to work out what the world should do about
> climate change when the
> Kyoto protocol expires in 2012. Most of the world's
> governments want the
> prot

Re: [Biofuel] god problems (see, got rid of titration)

2004-12-28 Thread Crimson Bill

I dressed as Elvis to my Uncle Harry's wedding because Uncle Harry was so
damm cool.  The preacher threw me out.  Said I was sacreligeous.  I looked
at him and said, "I bet you can't dance." and left.

I came looking for biofuels and found god?  Notice the little g?

I am walking the way I walk and am just looking for some biofuel action.
Just looking for biofuels.  Pretty soon this will divide into camps and the
fighting begins.  Never fails.

You know it as well as I do.

How about some biofuel?


- Original Message - 
From: "Mel Riser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> If you don’t titrate right you can't get to heaven? See it is relevant.
> It's all in the doing, not in the religion.
> All religions can get you to god, if "titrated" correctly.
> Wait...wait.. you're gonna come back with a my way or no way line right?

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RE: [Biofuel] Bible references

2004-12-28 Thread Keith Addison

religius banter to rest on this list and get back on topic!

Which is, in your view, Alan?

Best wishes



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Bible references

Thanks for the info.  It is appreciated.


- Original Message -
From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> Romans 2:13 is also applicable. It reads: "For not the hearers of the law

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel "Gas Stations/CStore" Update and C-Store Facts

2004-12-28 Thread Phillip Wolfe

Dear Biofuel Readers, 

In a previous message, I discussed the idea of
biofuel/clean fuel gas stations.  The plan is to seek
"orphan" gas stations throughout the United States and
determine the feasibility of converting those to
biofuel/alternative fuel gas stations. The plan is to
focus on the most "air polluted areas" first.   

Here is an update DOE, facts on C-Store gas statons,
and a list of the "most air polluted Air Basins":

--I emailed DOE and they responded with information
pertaining to available incentives to encourage clean
fuel distribution facilities/fueling stations. See
previous email.

C-Stores/gas statoins that successfully market
their own locally brewed and refined unbranded
gasoline usually have developed brand-loyalty on their
own, said Jim Fisher, founder and CEO of IMST Corp., a
Houston-based retail location analysis firm. Commonly,
these chains offer "fresher foods" (organic?) and a
number of large, clean stores.

--"The major point is that the consumers have
confidence in the local brands",Fisher said. (just how
I feel when exchanging email on this biofuel list,
sorta like a local!)

--The U.S. convenience store industry, has over
130,600 stores across the U.S, $220 billion in motor
fuel sales. (that is a lot of fuel!, I wonder what the
numbers look like like in Europe, Asia, Latin America,
Africa, Russia, elsewhere. I will snoop around)

--A total of 22,165 people attended the National
Assocation of C-Stores (gas stations) NACS Show 2003,
which took place Oct. 11-14 at McCormick Place in
Chicago. Of that total, 6,931 were considered “buyers”
– retailers, petroleum marketers, wholesalers and
distributors. (I attended several of these shows over
the past five years..and ate a lot of Mrs. Fields

--C-store experts note about 78% of all U.S. C-stores
-- and 96% of new stores -- have gas pumps.  C-stores
offering pay-at-the-pump increased dramatically over
last five years (chart).  At year-end 2000, 69% of
C-stores offered pay-at-the-pump vs just 17% in 1995.

--Gas stations face increasing pressure to compete
with grocery stores and discount chains, which
increasingly offer cheaper gas, said Jeff Lenard,
spokesman for the National Association of Convenience
Stores, an Alexandria-based trade group. As a result,
a growing number of chain convenience stores are
cutting ties with branded gasoline to go their own way
(!!), he said. Fewer than half of all chains offer
unbranded gas - which the chains sell under their own
names - but Lenard said he expects that percentage to

--"The major point is that the consumers have
confidence in the local brands",Fisher said. 

--Below is a list of Non-Attainment areas in the
United States:

--Here is the U.S. Nonattainment Area Map Listing
(including my beloved San Joaquin Valley, California)
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ
Altoona, PA
Atlanta, GA
Atlantic City, NJ
Baltimore, MD
Baton Rouge, LA
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX
Boston-Lawrence-Worcester (E. MA), MA-NH
Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY
Chicago-Gary-Lake County, IL-IN
Chico, CA
Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY (OH Portion)
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
El Paso, TX
Erie, PA
Essex Co, NY
Greater Connecticut, CT
Harrisburg-Lebanon-Carlisle, PA
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX
Imperial Co, CA
Jefferson Co, NY
Johnstown, PA
Knox & Lincoln Co.s, ME
Lancaster, PA
Lewiston-Auburn, ME
Los Angeles South Coast Air Basin, CA
Manchester, NH
Milwaukee-Racine, WI
New York-N. New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT
Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton, PA-NJ-DE-MD
Phoenix, AZ
Portland, ME
Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester, NH
Poughkeepsie, NY
Providence (All RI), RI
Reno, NV
Sacramento Metro, CA
Salem, OR
San Francisco Bay Area, CA
San Joaquin Valley, CA
Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, PA
Smyth Co, VA (White Top Mtn)
Southeast Desert Modified AQMA, CA
Springfield (Western MA), MA
Sunland Park, NM (New Area 1995)
Sussex Co, DE
Ventura Co, CA
Washington, DC-MD-VA
York, PA
Youngstown-Warren-Sharon, PA portion
Yuba City, CA

-- Here are the Classifications of 1-Hour Ozone
Nonattainment Areas As of November 29, 2004 
EXTREME (2010)
Los Angeles South Coast Air Basin 
San Joaquin Valley, CA
SEVERE (2007) 
Chicago-Gary-Lake County, IL-IN   
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX
Milwaukee-Racine, WI  

Re[2]: [Biofuel] Bible references

2004-12-28 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

Hallo Alan,

Monday, 27 December, 2004, 19:52:04, you wrote:

A> Since we all have various and differing beliefs, Why don't we put this
A> religius banter to rest on this list and get back on topic!
A> Peace,
A> Alan

Ah,  but  Alan, all things work together to bring understanding.  What
shuts  a  door for you may open it for another.  Everything is related
in one way or another.  It is just a matter of connecting the dots but
first  the  dots  have  to  be  seen.  If these things bother you then
please  consider them as aids to further your patience.  No one has to
believe  anything  or convert to anything but it is better to put what
we are given to good use.

That  being said friend please re-read your introductory mail from the
list  administrators.   No  topic  cops brother.  That is also part of

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

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RE: [Biofuel] Bible references

2004-12-28 Thread Al

Since we all have various and differing beliefs, Why don't we put this
religius banter to rest on this list and get back on topic!

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Bible references

Thanks for the info.  It is appreciated.


- Original Message -
From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

> Romans 2:13 is also applicable. It reads: "For not the hearers of the law
> are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified". In
> other
> words it isn't those who pay lip service to the law (i.e basic human
> morality) but those who practise it who are seen as just in the eyes of
> God.
> That means that even if you have no belief in God in terms of Christian
> ideology, whether from ignorance or choice, it is your actions and not
> your
> beliefs that justify you.
> Bob.
> --- Original Message -
> From: "Legal Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems
>> Romans 2:14-15
>> Luc
>> - Original Message -
>> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
>> Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems
>> >
>> >> Christopher:
>> >> God is not as illogical as religion would put Him. According to the
>> >> Bible,
>> >> even persons who never knew of God but do the right(good)thing ARE
>> >> righteous
>> >> regardless.
>> >>
>> > Christopher,
>> >
>> > I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible, but am unsure of where
> it
>> > is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference?  Thanks.
>> >
>> > Brian
>> > ___
>> > Biofuel mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>> >
>> >
>> > Biofuel archives at (searchable):
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Biofuel mailing list
>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>> Biofuel archives at (searchable):
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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[Biofuel] Religion/ was Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Marylynn Schmidt

.. but being a "practicing NOTHING" in the organized "religious" area .. and 
having been "raised-up" in a "literalist" type biblical household (southern 
baptist), I now feel I'm "spiritual" .. having RUN away (fast as I can) from 
the "organized" churches, I'm now tying to follow my own path .. which .. if 
you are terribly interested is a kind of mixture of .. whatever I'm feeling 
that day.

.. historically, Mary Magdalene wrote (quite a bit it would seem) .. and was 
an important part of the life of Jesus .. but there are doubts about the 
(historical) existence of a man called Jesus during that period.

They were all a part of a sect called Essenes (sp?) .. check that out for 

.. Jesus, on the cross .. gave Mary into the care of John ..

Peter .. the church .. waged war against those that followed John .. some 
would suggest that this was the war against the "feminine" .. but wait .. 
there's more.

For those who may be interested .. the "christian sect" that was the 
forerunner of the Spanish "inquisition" is alive and well.. and still 

The country is now Columbia .. the only county that has practicing 

The reason for the 6 pointed Star is FATHER, SON, HOLY GHOST .. MOTHER, 

and no, I'm not a "feminist".

I just believe in what is evident .. and that's what is called "BALANCE" .. 

You guys can not be .. we gals .. it's both of us together .. and it isn't a 
superior/inferior relationship .. it is still called "balance" ..

and neither one of us is capable of "making the universe" .. much less 
anything else .. it's together or nothing .. it's called honor and respect 
.. anything less is less than balance.

I've watched parts of the .. made for tv .. Roots .. back in the ?? whenever 
year ?? ..

The part that stands out in my mind was when the author was sitting in this 
village listening to the "History Keeper" .

That "personage of value", that individual in each and every 
tribe/society/group of people .. who was the keep of the "History of the 
People" was the standard prior to the "written word" ..

They were in every society and they were there for eons of time .. try to 
take another look at what is called "mythology" .. a very close look.

Back to" Personage of value"  .. in most cases .. because Jesus "walked 
about" .. would have been where it was all recorded.

and once it was written .. if it was written .. it would have been in the 
language of the people .. and that language .. a percentage of that 
"recorded" history before it was written would have been in Arabic and/or 
some sub-dialect .. perhaps many other languages and/or sub-dialects of that 
language in that area.

So much of history was lost in "peoples" killing/war/assimilating .. oh well 
.. so our history goes .. and of course we are still doing that.

Interestingly .. most of our knowledge of the Druids was written by the 
Romans .. most of our knowledge of the Aztecs was written by the Spaniards.

.. and of course the history of that period concerning Jesus was written in 
large part, by the Romans and the "educated" Hebrews .. those that the Jesus 
of that day called "Pharisees".

Interestingly .. Israel is now populated by Russian Jews .. these were those 
people converted by Catherine the Great and have nothing to do with the 12 
tribes of Israel ..

Oh well!!

Hebrew came much later because Hebrew was the language of the elite and/or 
educated class .. not the language of the people.

Most of what I read in the published "Christian Bible" appears to be letters 
concerning political concerns and/or attempts to gain some sort of 
"emotional" control .. neither which is a real "draw" for me.

But .. at this point, I don't believe any other religious group to be much 
different ..

If anyone has a Christian Bible with the words of Jesus in "red" .. the only 
conclusion would be that the man was a "mute" ..

It appears to me that we have based this organized religion on what were 
actually letters about different political issues.

While I have a "total belief" in what is "working in my life" .. I would 
like to thing that my "belief" isn't based upon "what someone else has told 

I like to read .. and I question what I'm hearing .. especially "what I am 
hearing" in one of those "organized" revival type settings .. and this will 
apply to both religious and/or political "gatherings".

I'm leary of both.

were the words of a lot of "others" .. most who appear to be struggling to 
gain some sort of political and/or financial control.

..and no, I'm not open for dialogue .. I would just like information about 
biofuel .. thanks.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel

The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Philip S. Okey

hmm...the. real question is do you have, or might have or might possibly 
conspire anytime in the future anything on your system that a group like the 
might even find remotely interesting?
that is where I find my solice... there is just so much data that can be 
processedand more importantly acted on in anyway by any government 
agency...they just dont have the man power... they are building archives of 
flagged text that would take every employee in the government a hundred 
years to look over and make a determination if it was a lead worth following 
(that of course is assuming that every employee had the skills of even a mid 
grade intelligence analyst)
for christs sakes they cant even find osama bin laden and hes got a high hit 
count website with tons of middle eastern ip addy's
don't worry about it .. you are drowning in anonymity even if you tell them who 
you are... 
I can only imagine that it would be a maddening job as well  with all of 
the geopolitical commentary floating around the internet...
well how many key phrases  from this reply are being parsed and flagged right it will be a hundred years before anyone looks...:^)
and I will be long gone...worry about living .. doing good ...being creative... 
oh...and if agent smith from the nsa shows up on your doorstep asking about 
me... tell them not to bug you any more and give them my email address...that 
should keep them busy for a while.. there must be at least 100 messages 
from redflapper29 in my inbox... (oh wrong era...cold war is over damn I am 
getting old..:^_)

hehehehe..was not quite a rant.. not quite a blog ..and not my usual 
professional self but it was fun...


On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:37:01 -0600, Mel Riser wrote:

*Just because it has a key doesnt mean they can connect to your computer.
*What port do the connect on?
*Maybe they could decrypt something if they can get access to your box. But if 
the NSA takes physical possession of your computer, it's a LITTLE TOO 
LATE to wonder whether they can decrypt or read your files.
*As for accessing you machine over the net, it depends on what type of firewall 
you use and how you connect to the internet.
*I personally now run FireFox as I think its a better browser and not as eat 
up with security issues like Internet Exploder.
*I WAS the Chief Security and Technology Officer for a very large Internet Bank 
for 3 years and dealt with the OCC and the FDIC and the Secret Service 
all the time on security issues related to banking.
*So I know a LOT about operating systems and keys and encryption.
*-Original Message-
*From: bmolloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 2:02 AM
*Subject: [Biofuel] Windows warning
*Hi All,
*  Hmmm, didn't think I'd be posting twice in one session but this one 
could be an important issue for some, especially if you operate on Windows. 
Read on. Regards, Bob.
*Subject: How NSA access was built into Windows
*Date: Sunday, 26 December 2004 5:34 pm
*  11/18/2002 Entry: "NSA BACKDOOR IN EVERY
*How NSA access was built into Windows
*Duncan Campbell
*A careless mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access 
codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly 
built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the 
Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of Windows 95 
(and its predecessors). The discovery comes close on the heels of the 
revelations earlier this year that another US software giant, Lotus, had built 
NSA "help information" trapdoor into its Notes system, and that security 
functions on other software systems had been deliberately crippled.
*The first discovery of the new NSA access system was made two years ago by 
British researcher Dr Nicko van Someren. But it was only a few weeks 
ago when a second researcher rediscovered the access system. With it, he found 
the evidence linking it to NSA. Computer security specialists have 
been aware for two years that unusual features are contained inside a standard 
Windows software "driver" used for security and encryption functions. 
The driver, called ADVAPI.DLL, enables and controls a range of security 
functions. If you use Windows, you will find it in the C:\Windows\system 
directory of your computer.
*ADVAPI.DLL works closely with Microsoft Internet Explorer, but will only run 
crypographic functions that the US governments allows Microsoft to export. 
That information is bad enough news, from a European point of view. Now, it 
turns out that ADVAPI will run special programmes inserted and controlled 
by NSA. As yet, no-one knows what these programmes are, or what they do.
*Dr Nicko van So

Re: [Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbitXX

2004-12-28 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: "Buck Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 9:41 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbitXX

geoarge washinaton carver bvecame fast freindss with henry fordd

Now that is an interesting bit of info right there. Hmmm.

and ford
gave himm 30 or 40 acre3s osf land in detroait in late 30s for research 
lab where carver developeddd peanut aabutter,, plasticc from soybeans, 
plasticc from peanut hulls, kingsford charcoal, to find a disposal for 
alll the woooden framses the car parts came in, same name today, 
remembe the tan coloredd plastic dashes in thirtyies and 40s fords and 
mercurys, and later licensed to chryselsr and others, thats ford,carver 
plastic from soybeans,

Amazing what one can learn hanging around here :-) Ta.


Subject: [Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbit
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:30:42 -0800

   I watched "It's A W= onderful Life" for the first time in many years
   this season.

   Try to recall, if y= ou've seen it, when George (J. Stewart) and Mary
   (D. Reed) were on one phon= e talking to Sam in New York. Sam was
   pitching an investmen= t to George - do you remember -
   "plastics,... from soybea= ns..!"

   It just got my atte= ntion this time.  Do you think there was research
   into this in the mid= '40's, or was the scriptwriter spoofing and hit
   it on the head, or what?

   Anyway - Happy New = Year, folks.Keep yer chins up.



   Msg sent via Mail v4 -
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RE: [Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbitXX

2004-12-28 Thread Buck Williams

gave himm 30 or 40 acre3s osf land in detroait in late 30s for research lab 
where carver developeddd peanut aabutter,, plasticc from soybeans, plasticc 
from peanut hulls, kingsford charcoal, to find a disposal for alll 
the woooden framses the car parts came in, same name today, remembe the 
tan coloredd plastic dashes in thirtyies and 40s fords and mercurys, and 
later licensed to chryselsr and others, thats ford,carver plastic from 
soybeans, buck,

Subject: [Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbit
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:30:42 -0800

   I watched "It's A W= onderful Life" for the first time in many years
   this season.

   Try to recall, if y= ou've seen it, when George (J. Stewart) and Mary
   (D. Reed) were on one phon= e talking to Sam in New York. Sam was
   pitching an investmen= t to George - do you remember -
   "plastics,... from soybea= ns..!"

   It just got my atte= ntion this time.  Do you think there was research
   into this in the mid= '40's, or was the scriptwriter spoofing and hit
   it on the head, or what?

   Anyway - Happy New = Year, folks.Keep yer chins up.



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RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

If you don’t titrate right you can't get to heaven? See it is relevant.

It's all in the doing, not in the religion.

All religions can get you to god, if "titrated" correctly.

Wait...wait.. you're gonna come back with a my way or no way line right?

-Original Message-
From: Ken Provost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

on 12/27/04 3:47 PM, bmolloy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Romans 2:13 is also applicable. etc etc

Please update the Subject line when you change the
Subject. I consider GOD to be ineffable, i.e.,
unable to be talked about. Titration, OTOH, is quite
effable, and a subject of some interest to me.


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RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning

2004-12-28 Thread Mel Riser

ALL unpatched machines are vulnerable.  Any unpatched computer can be taken 
over so easy.

Regardless of the OS Including Lunux.  Expecially Linux.

So it's not the OS but the person taking care of it.


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 4:15 PM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning

On Monday, December 27, 2004  3:49 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
>Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:49:39 -0800 (PST)
>From: Kirk McLoren
>Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Windows warning
>The information carried enough credibility that the
>German government abandoned Microsoft. The replacement
>OS, Linux, also turned out to be cheaper to support.

The German Government was wise (if this is true) not because of an 
NSA/Microsoft hoax but rather that any savy programmer can gain access to any 
given windows machine at about any given time due to many many inherant flaws 
in the operating system.  The shear quantity of exploits in the Mickeysoft (as 
you put it) enables anyone (NSA including) to pretty much take over any 
unpatched machine at will without conspiring ahead of time.

>Doesn't sound too good for Mickeysoft.
Hey now... I bet Disney would take offense to that... I prefer the more 
degrading term of Microsux or Microsloth!  hehe

>I understand Bill Gates solution was to purchase more
>than 50% of Red Hat, a major distribution of Linux.

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[Biofuel] "Wonderful Life" tidbit

2004-12-28 Thread randal


   I watched "It's A Wnderful Life" for the first time in many years
   this season.

   Try to recall, if yu've seen it, when George (J. Stewart) and Mary
   (D. Reed) were on one phon talking to Sam in New York. Sam was
   pitching an investmen to George - do you remember -
   "plastics,... from soybeas..!"

   It just got my attetion this time.  Do you think there was research
   into this in the mid40's, or was the scriptwriter spoofing and hit
   it on the head, or what?

   Anyway - Happy New ear, folks.Keep yer chins up.




   Msg sent via Mail v4 -
Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] Bible references

2004-12-28 Thread Brian


- Original Message - 
From: "bmolloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Romans 2:13 is also applicable. It reads: "For not the hearers of the law
are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified". In 

words it isn't those who pay lip service to the law (i.e basic human
morality) but those who practise it who are seen as just in the eyes of 

That means that even if you have no belief in God in terms of Christian
ideology, whether from ignorance or choice, it is your actions and not 

beliefs that justify you.

--- Original Message - 
From: "Legal Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Romans 2:14-15
- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Titration problems

>> Christopher:
>> God is not as illogical as religion would put Him. According to the
>> Bible,
>> even persons who never knew of God but do the right(good)thing ARE
>> righteous
>> regardless.
> Christopher,
> I know of some suggestion of this in the Bible, but am unsure of where


> is explicitly stated.  Do you have a reference?  Thanks.
> Brian
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

2004-12-28 Thread Ken Provost

on 12/27/04 3:47 PM, bmolloy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Romans 2:13 is also applicable. etc etc

Please update the Subject line when you change the
Subject. I consider GOD to be ineffable, i.e.,
unable to be talked about. Titration, OTOH, is quite
effable, and a subject of some interest to me.


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